People Speak About How They Dealt With A Rude Person

43. Any Seat Stealers Better Watch Out Cause I'm The Ultimate Seat Saver
“I was sitting in a movie theater when I was asked to save two seats in the middle of my row (I was sitting on the end). The people asking were elderly and needed to go to the bathroom, so I thought it was of some kind of importance. The whole row was filled up too, so I figured it’d be easy to save.
I sat there for a while when a busty lady made her way up the row and stopped right next to me, at which point she looks at me and says ‘Can you move.’
I smile with some awkward tension and say ‘Sorry, I believe those are being saved.’
Then the lady does something unbelievable, she sort of tries to jam her way past my legs in a mad attempt to get to the seat. Her partner was just standing there.
I look at her, flabbergasted, and simply say ‘those seats are saved.’
And then I kid you not.
She snapped her fingers in my face, and said: ‘WATCH ME WALK.’
At that point, everyone in the theatre was watching, and I was having none of this. My face went from an awkward smile to a solid ‘try me jerk’ face. I could tell she was getting ready for another assault, so I slumped down in my chair and put my hands towards the seat in front of me (making a desperate attempt to block her) and she was forced to sort of run into my legs a few times.
I looked at her partner, and he rolled his eyes and said ‘come on, let’s go.’
So off went Busty St.Claire, in all her vivacious rage, roaring and raving all the way to the front of the theater.
The best part was after the whole episode was over and the elderly couple had returned, the people behind me asked me to save their seats because they thought ‘if anyone could handle it, it would be me.'”
42. Try To Commit Fraud? Well I Caught You Red-Handed
“I was sitting in my car making some photos with my new smartphone while using different settings. Then there was this woman who just stopped at a one-way street with only 1 lane. So she stands there for like 10 seconds doing nothing. And I thought this is very unusual…so I started to make a video.
Another driver comes and honks. She then proceeds to reverse and hit the car of the other guy with her big BMW. 4 guys jumped out of the BMW and start yelling at the guy.
You have to know that in Germany the one who hits another car from behind will always be blamed if he can’t prove that it wasn’t his fault.
So we have a classic insurance fraud.
The poor guy at the back was really worried cause he knew he couldn’t prove it. I just sit there in my car and waited for the police. Then I go outside and the police started to get the story…of course, they were 4 against one guy.
I just stood there and listened to the woman complaining about how this idiot hit her from behind and her brand-new car was now damaged.
After the police took the statements from both sides and even took my statement as a witness, they said there was no chance we could prove that he didn’t do it.
2 of the guys at the BMW said they didn’t know the girl and were pedestrians who saw it. That would increase the credibility.
So they made all false statements to the police and that’s exactly what I wanted to happen. I then told the police ‘oh wait there is just one thing’ like Colombo style and said that I got a video of what happened. I showed the video to the police and the women.
The drivers just stand there with their mouths open…you could not only see how she hits HIS car but also that the ‘Pedestrians’ were with the women in the car.
The guy then hugs me and we became good friends. Turns out he lives near me and we spend the evening drinking and gaming.”
41. Demanding Customer Discovers She's Not All That
“I’m a manager at a grocery store, so I get awesomely rude customers on a daily. Every Wednesday is senior discount day. You have to be 55-60 to qualify for the discount. Needless to say, Wednesdays are tense.
Lots of seniors, and lots of other people who don’t want to deal with the seniors. I don’t generally mind the old folks. Most of them are pretty cool and have some interesting stories and cute jokes.
This Wednesday there was one particular customer who was being a huge pain in the butt from the moment she walked in.
She was tall, blonde, wore high heels, was very made up, and dressed to the nines. She was probably in her late 30s to early 40s. She came storming up to customer service, ‘There are NO parking spots. This is ridiculous. I’m going to request to corporate that you expand your parking lot since you don’t seem to have the initiative to request that yourself.’ Off to a great start, lady.
She comes storming back up about 45 minutes later. ‘I am in a HUGE hurry, and every line has someone in it. I need to check out here.’ We had three lines open, and each one had ONE single customer. ONE. I say ‘No problem, but I’ll get you at checkout.
You have too many items to get here.’ She has a HUGE hissy fit. ‘I don’t have time for this. Let’s GO.’
As I’m checking her out, it is constant complaining. ‘You only have one brand of makeup? That is ridiculous. I only wear MAC, but I was going to settle for Revlon, but you don’t even have that.
Now I have to make a whole separate trip.’ ‘Please don’t put my bread on top of my eggs, the eggs could roll over and crush the bread.’ ‘Please bag my avocados separately; I need to use those for a face mask tonight. They need to be perfect, I have a photo session for work tomorrow.
I’m in a magazine.’ She was unbelievable. Finally, I had enough.
As she’s about to pay, I say, ‘Don’t forget today is senior discount day! You get 5% off!’ She just stared at me. ‘What?’ I smiled broadly. ‘Every Wednesday, senior citizens get 5% off their bill. I’ll go ahead and take it off.
You are 55-60, right?’ She is staring at me, debit card in hand, cheeks getting red. I lose my smile slowly and say ‘Oh, you don’t qualify? Sorry about that. Maybe next year! Thanks for your honesty.’
I haven’t seen her in the store since.”
40. Woman With Outstanding Late Fees Isn't Allowed To Rent Anymore Movies
“When I was 15/16 I worked at a local video rental place. It was privately owned and was bootleg – pretty sure the owner used it as a front for something shady, but that’s neither here nor there.
The boss was too cheap to pay more than one person per shift, so I had the slow Wed/Thurs night shifts all to myself. We were in this wicked rich, yuppy town (Concord MA) and 90% of our business consisted of local soccer moms bringing their kids in for a movie night.
Most of these women were terrible people – overlords to their spoiled flock who would throw credit cards around without thinking twice and would condescend everyone they deemed ‘beneath’ them.
We had a very basic computer system at the time, and there was a built-in function that wouldn’t allow someone to rent another movie if they had over $10 of late fees on their account.
The employees had the ability to overwrite this, at their discretion, or to lower the fees if they thought it appropriate. Anyway… One day this woman comes in with a bunch of kids, if I remember correctly it was 5-6 roughly 12-13-year-old boys. The kids were running around, pulling things off the shelves, making lots of noise, punching each other, angering other customers, and angering me as well.
The woman didn’t do anything about it, basically sat there gossiping on her cellphone not caring about the scene her kids were causing. Being a very timid person by nature I didn’t say anything, and just figured I’d clean up the mess when they left.
So the woman finally comes up to the counter with like 8 different movies, a few video games, and a bunch of candy.
She’s standing there on the phone still, shoves the stuff at me across the counter, and doesn’t even acknowledge my presence. So I look up her account… Boom. $120 worth of late fees and four titles rented for 6+ months and still not returned. So I tried getting her attention, saying something like ‘ma’am…ma’am?’ while her back is turned. She gestures me off.
So I stand there and do nothing. She finally hangs up a minute or so later, turns to me, and says something snarky like ‘well what’s taking so long??’
So I explain, ‘ma’am you have a very outstanding fee on your account and I can’t let you rent any more movies until this is paid and the missing movies are returned.’ She flips a lid.
Starts ranting that her daughter rents things in her name, never returns things, doesn’t pay fees, and that she herself has done no wrong and the fees should be cleared and she should be able to rent, etc. I nod but say, ‘this account still owes $120 and I can’t allow you to rent until it’s paid.
Company policy ma’am, I’m sorry but I don’t make the rules.’ She starts going off again, saying ridiculous things like ‘I know the owner he’ll wipe out the debt in a heartbeat you’d better let me rent or I’ll complain to him about how terrible his employees are’ etc etc. I tell her he’s out of the country (which was true) and can’t be reached, and she still owes $120.
She complains some more and finally pulls out the card.
We had this ancient machine that, for reasons unknown to me, would only read a magnetic strip correctly if you wrapped the card in a plastic grocery bag. I have no idea why but it was the only way it worked. So, as you can probably guess, I ran the card with no plastic wrap.
Denied. Tried it again just for looks… Denied. I printed out a receipt and asked if she had cash. She didn’t, and she was dead set about the card. I showed her the receipt saying ‘Card Not Accepted’ and feigned indifference. She walked across the street to the bank… came back a few minutes later with the money and practically threw it at me.
I took the payment…. and said ‘now, about those overdue movies… I don’t suppose your daughter would like to return them for you so you can rent these movies?’ I got the worst death glare I think I’ve ever received (and my mother can practically shoot lasers from her eyes) and the woman abandoned her stack of movies and stomped out.
Not sure if we ever saw her again but at the time 15 year old me was so proud of myself for staying cool under pressure and messing with this woman.
And seriously…. SCREW overprivileged soccer moms.”
39. Not Allowed To Park There? Don't Expect To Get Away With It
“Heard this from a DJ in my hometown: He’s pushing his cart of groceries out of the store and over to his car when a woman pulls into the handicapped spot in front of the store.
No placard, no handicapped plates. Jumps out of the car without so much as a limp and heads into the store. He gives her the stink-eye about taking up a handicapped spot, and she snarls ‘Deal with it’ and sashays into the store.
The guy is angry. He sees a couple of cops who were leaning against their cars talking.
They hadn’t seen it. So he goes over and tells them the story. They smile and say they’ll handle it. He puts his groceries in his car, and as he’s pushing his cart back to the store to put it in the rack (Good Guy DJ) he sees the cops have blocked the lady’s car with theirs and were leaning against their car waiting for her.
As he’s putting his cart in the rack the lady comes out of the store with her purchase, sees the cops, and almost poops herself. (The fine in CA is $250-500 for a first offense.)
Priceless: he walks over to her and says ‘I dealt with it.'”
38. Mock Me? Your Actions Will Come Back To Bite You
“I used to work for the Department of Motor Vehicles and the one I worked at had pretty limited parking, surprise! I had left for lunch, came back, and was having a hard time finding a place to park. I finally found a spot so I drove up to it and put my signal on showing that I was waiting for it.
People, in my experience, usually respect this and continue on. Not this time.
Just as the car was backing out, after I had waited a few minutes, a car came from the opposite side of the lot, made eye contact with me, and then shot right into the parking space.
I was so mad because now I would be late after looking for a new spot. As I drove past the woman that had taken the spot, I just shook my head and she responded by shrugging her shoulders, smiling, mouthing the words, ‘oh well’ to me, and then ran her finger from her eye down her cheek as if to mock me crying about it.
I continued into work, got in trouble for being late, but had actually forgotten about the incident until wouldn’t you know it, Miss Spot-Stealer herself gets called to my station! The look on her face was priceless!
Keep in mind that I’m not your average DMV worker, I understand that stuff happens and waive penalties all the time and treat my customers with respect because I believe that what goes around, comes around and I know how awful it is to wait at the DMV all day!
I’m usually so nice about getting penalties taken off of people’s accounts that I get in trouble for it at times.
So, I greet Spot-stealer as nice as I would anyone else, in fact, it may have been nicer than I normally would be. She may have thought I didn’t recognize her.
Her registration is FAR past due, with hundreds due in penalties. I let her tell me her whole sob story then finally tell her that she owes in full because she was aware of her due date. She argues it a little until, out of sight from my manager, I mouth the words, ‘oh well’ and drag my finger from my eye to my cheek, mocking her tears.
At that point, she puts her head down and proceeds to take out her card and pay the full amount because yes, we do take debit cards!
What goes around, comes around!”
37. Make People At The Gym Feel Insecure? I'll Make You Feel The Same Way
“Jerk in the gym once was making some kids of about 14 feel bad by telling them to put some man weights on the bar and to stop being weak and girls and real lame cliche stuff.
Anyway, every time they find a new workout he comes and repeats the process lifting bigger and trying to embarrass them. I was annoyed but tired and let it slide. Only it happened again, same kids came in 2 days later and he was there also. He starts doing exactly what he did before.
Well, that was it. I walked up right next to him, doubled what he was lifting, and repeated everything he had said to the kids in the last 5 minutes while staring him down. He quickly moved on and went to another exercise. But I wasn’t done, the kids were looking at me like I was batman.
I followed the guy to the next 3 exercises and did the same thing. Then he left. Never saw him at the gym again but those boys sure came back and have been making steady gains for over a year now.”
36. If You Refuse To Return The Cart, I'll Make Sure You're Forced To
“I watched a lazy shopper park their grocery cart right behind another person’s car instead of putting it in the cart return. I got out of my car, ran up and moved the cart, and put it behind her car. I then ran off and watched her have to get back out of her car since she couldn’t back out, and then finally proceed to put up her cart the right way.
I felt like a champion of the people.”
Another User Comments:
“Saw a woman with her husband toss a squash into a cooler that they apparently didn’t want anymore. As they walked away, I picked up the squash and followed them. They left their cart for a moment so I put the squash into their cart and walked away.
She had a dumbfounded look on her face when she noticed it back in her cart (I put it in a very noticeable place) and proceeded to put it on a nearby shelf and they walked away.
I of course took it off the shelf and followed them again, doing a drive-by drop-off of the squash.
At this moment my partner got fed up with my antics and made me stop. I would have done it until they gave up and bought the squash, or I was caught.
I’m very easily amused.” DigitalHubris
Another User Comments:
“I was at a Walmart and a lady got in her car, rolled down her window, and started throwing papers out.
I walked up to her car and picked up the paper and put it under her windshield wiper and walked away as I was riddled with curses.” [deleted]
35. Threaten To Fight Me? I'll Get You Kicked Out
“I was out at the local watering hole having a few beers with a group of friends.
The group became larger and larger with time. After a while, I got semi-separated from my fiance.
I was introduced to a guy, we’ll call him Bob. The introduction went like this… ‘Bob, this is Psychocentric, Psychocentric, Bob.’ To which he says, ‘Every Psychocentric I’ve ever met is known to sleep around.’
Now, I don’t get bent out of shape without good reason, so I just brush it off as intoxicated banter, or maybe a recent breakup and say ‘Ha, well… I don’t do that, but nice to meet you anyway, Bob,’ and shook his hand.
The rest of the night, he would go to the bar, walk back and give me the stink eye.
For whatever reason, he didn’t like me. The feeling was becoming mutual. I decided ignoring him would probably be best. He was certainly not in his right mindset… right?
A few hours passed and I was sitting by his female friend, having fun talking and giggling. He puts his elbows on the table in between us, staring at me like I had done him wrong somehow.
I just kept on with our conversation and ignored him. He then puts his nasty face right next to mine and said ‘So, do you sleep around?’
My temper got the best of me, I yelled ‘NO, and what is your problem exactly? I’ve been doing my best to ignore you.
Get a clue.’
He then chest bumped me and said ‘do you wanna go?!?!’
I’m all for equal rights, but this was the first time an adult male has asked me, a girl, if I wanted to throw down.
I walk over a few steps to my fiance, who is talking to a bouncer friend of ours, and say, ‘This guy says he wants to kick my butt…’ while the jerk just keeps advancing.
The bouncer looks at him, gives a hand signal, soon 5 red shirts (bouncer uniforms) surround him. He was ‘escorted’ out of the bar and went to his minivan, intoxicated.
I called work… I work for the Sheriff’s Department. They got a good tip on a sure thing DUI. I might not have thrown down, but I think I won that round.”
34. Keep Being Mean And I Won't Serve You
“Where I work, the bar is shaped like an L. I was taking a break from serving people behind the bar and was sorting out some glasses and putting them into the dishwasher which is where the small side of the L is. There were three of my co-workers to my right/behind me who were all serving on the large side of the L.
Where the glasses and dishwasher are, you can’t buy drinks because it would interfere with a fire exit. A woman and her husband came up to where I was and ordered. I told them politely that if they would like drinks, they need to go around to the bar. She got upset and started swearing at me.
I nodded, took two steps to my right as they walked around the pylon to order their drinks from one of the girls.
I smiled and told the girl who was about to serve them that I’d take it, they looked confused and ordered their drinks. I said that I was cutting them off.
The woman blew up and asked why. I said that if she couldn’t treat the people who make her drinks with respect, she didn’t deserve to get drinks to begin with and that she had 10 seconds to leave the bar before I called security and had them escorted out.
I don’t consider it my job to be pleasant to people who aren’t pleasant to me.
If you’re downright rude, you’re out and we don’t want your business.”
33. Keep Taking Advantage Of Our Services And I'll Keep Locking You Out Of Your Hotel Room
“I used to work as a front desk agent at a boutique hotel. A guy who was obviously very full of himself came in with an online reservation that he had booked at a shockingly cheap nightly rate (around $40/night, we usually book rooms for around $160/night.) He proceeded to give me a hard time about EVERYTHING.
He told me he shouldn’t have to give me his credit card info since he had prepaid his reservation (we need it for incidental purposes like if he broke the tv and just left and things like that.) He also said ‘Uhm yea, I’m pretty sure I can find the elevators, I’m not stupid.’ He was just being an all-around jerk.
About 10 minutes after checking him in, he came down and demanded that we give him a bigger room with a king bed and a view, even though he had booked a standard queen bed online. I complied, as we had extra king beds available. Ten minutes later he came down again to complain about the size of the room.
He told me, ‘I’m only giving you one more chance to make me happy,’ and asked for the general manager. After much arguing between him and my manager, we ended up giving him our nicest suite (two rooms, kitchenette, and a great view) AND free parking since we had ‘given him trouble.’ (We’re located downtown in a big city so parking is not usually free.) He got all this for $40/night!
And get this, he informed us shortly after the ordeal while on his way out to dinner that he was not even going to be in the room for the majority of his stay, as he was visiting friends and would be staying at their home. What the heck!
SO I made it my personal mission to reset his room keys every time I saw him leave the hotel (which was quite frequently, 3-4 times a day/night).
It was particularly funny when he came back tired from a night of drinking and had to come all the way down to the front desk to get his keys fixed. Needless to say, he was very frustrated by the end of his stay. I doubt he’ll be staying with us again.”
32. Keep Bullying These Kids? I'll Make Sure You Feel Miserable
“Was in a theater quite a few years back (some action flick, I think Jean Claude Van Damme) and there were two 16-year-old-or-so kids in front of me who were, in turn, behind a group of smaller kids – say 12 or so.
I was alone – the wife hates action movies. I quickly noticed that the two older kids were messing with the younger ones – kicking their seatbacks, throwing popcorn at them, flicking spit at them, the works. The theater was crowded so the little guys couldn’t move. Finally one of the jerks leans forward and (I think) flicked one kid’s ear.
When the little kid turned around to glare, the flicking jerk says, ‘You got a problem with that, jerk?’ His friend guffaws. When the f***********r sits back, I haul off and give him a decent slap upside the head, knocking his noggin into his friend’s. They both turn and half jump out of their seats … and then pause when they see me.
I am 6-2, 225 pounds. I stood up and said, ‘You got a problem with that, jerk?’ They looked at each other and then turned to sit back down. ‘Uh-uh,’ I said. ‘You sit there, and I’m gonna make you as miserable as you’ve been making those guys in front of you.’ They shuffled on out of the theater.
The younger kids all turned and said ‘Thank you, sir.'”
Another User Comments:
“Ahh, that takes me back. Years ago I was in a cinema with some friends watching a horror film, can’t remember which one. Anyway, a couple of jerks behind us thought it was really funny to yell ‘Boo!’ in the tense parts and generally ruin the movie for everyone around them.
I had a large, and by large I mean bucket, of soda, the next time jerk 1 yells ‘Boo!’ I throw up my hands in shock and dump the whole bucket of soda in his lap. I turned round to apologize and saw him sitting there stunned and soaked, soda dripping off the brim of his cap.
I nearly gave myself a hernia trying not to laugh. I swear he made squelching noises as he walked out…..(wipes a little laughter tear from eyes.)” [deleted]
Another User Comments:
“Theater justice is the best kind of justice.
I also was in a horror movie a few years back and some jerk who wasn’t even in the movie just ran in from out in the hallway and yelled ‘Boo!’ and tried to run back out.
In this particular theater, the ceiling of the hallway doesn’t start until about halfway back so as the jerk kid was running out the guy by the aisle reacted fast and lobbed his entire soda into the hallway and managed to hit the kid as he was running out. Naturally, the kid ran back into the theater in a rage to confront the guy at which time everyone within striking distance of him started throwing stuff at him, sodas, popcorn, candy, or whatever they had on them.
It was amazing.” imperfectfromnowon
Another User Comments:
“When I was a child I was alarmingly underweight and typically the smallest in my class (I’m male too so it kind of really sucked).
Bus rides home from school took about an hour because everyone lives in rural Wisconsin, so I had to deal with bullies too.
Typically the older kids sat in the back and younger ones up front. I think the drivers do this on purpose to minimize bullying. Well, the driver doesn’t always see what’s going on even though I have had good experiences with them most times.
Enter Joey. He was probably about 4 of me at the time.
1.75x taller and 2.5x thicker. Something like that. Anyway, he usually sat in the back with his friends.
Joey had a unique quality, though. Whenever he saw little guys getting picked on he would simply use his impressive shadow to intimidate the bullies and help the driver by getting them to change to another seat.
I remember one day he even sat next to someone to stop them from being picked on.
I hope Joey is living happily. We small guys (still kind of small.. oh well) need someone like him, and like you.
Thank you.” SWgeek10056
31. Be Rude To Our Staff? Good Luck Trying To Return Anything
“I work at a retail location that does returns strictly only with tags on the clothes. There was one customer who was exceptionally rude to our staff.
She called both women working dumb jerks, which angered me.
She came up to the register telling me she’ll probably return all the things she’s buying and is just trying to impress her friends. So I took all the tags off the clothes when I was bagging everything. I bettered the world that day.”
Another User Comments:
“Ha! I did this to someone at a Halloween party. I saw someone wearing a very expensive velvet gothic dress at a party and commented on how nice it looked. She thanked me, and as I was walking away noticed the ‘special occasion’ tag from the store at which I worked was still on it.
Plucked it off while she was talking to someone. Don’t wear a 100 dollar dress as a costume and expect to return it to my store, jerk.” morgueanna
30. Keep Being A Jerk And I'll Cover You In Spaghetti
“I was waiting tables in an Italian restaurant that was originally opened by a man and his wife, but after their divorce, the restaurant was bought by their daughter.
She was an ok boss; not fantastic, but not terrible. Her father, who had opened the restaurant, still worked as a cook and was a piece of trash. He called the waitresses jerks behind their backs and made a bunch of off-color comments while flirting with his favorite older ladies.
He would scream at the younger women, bully cooks on the line, and there was a story about a ‘mishap’ with some fryer oil and a fry cook a few years back.
He didn’t give me a lot of trouble because I was usually on my game; I had the times down for how long most of the food took and adjusted for the load of the kitchen so I was always present in the window when it was ready to go out.
I always heard his snide little comments, muttered some of my own at him a few times, but I always waited for the perfect time to get him and get him good for being such an insufferable jerk.
Finally, I got my chance. I had two plates up in the window when I walked into the kitchen.
I was waiting on a third, and a side of meatballs. He accosts me as soon as I walk up there and says something along the lines of ‘Why don’t you get this food out of my window?’
I calmly looked at him and replied, ‘The next time you say something like that to me, this food is not going out.
This food is going on the floor.’
This guy was easily six feet tall. I’m 5 feet 1. He just kind of smirked and said, ‘I’d like to see you try that.’
I picked up one plate, of spaghetti and meat sauce (probably takes less than a minute to plate, anyway) and just flipped it over in the window.
‘And I need my order of lasagna and the side of meatballs, too.’
The expo guy had a look of admiration on his face and shock at what I had done. He didn’t even seem angry at having to re-plate the meal. I’m not sure, though, I was filled with rage and marched out of the kitchen and out onto the floor.
We really weren’t that busy; I think they had a bus kid clean it up. I wasn’t spoken to about the incident except in passing when the daughter admitted her dad could get a little intense, and her sister (who also worked there) explained that her sister often got into it with their father, and it wasn’t that big of a deal.
He was always polite to me after that, and never hassled me again. I nearly pooped myself when I realized what I had done, though.”
29. Maybe Don't Upset The Guy Who's Fixing Your Car
“Went to go get my exhaust fixed, no big deal – pothole poked a hole in it.
When I went to go pick up the car a couple of hours later, I am treated to a woman SCREAMING at the guy behind the counter.
She’s positively foaming because she has been waiting nearly 30 minutes for her car to be fixed. She even goes so far as to call the guy an ‘INSIGNIFICANT LAZY JERK.’
The guy looks at her then looks at me. Throws me my keys and says ‘Here you go, your Magnum’s ready – no charge.’
Looks her directly in the eyes. ‘Looks like it’s going to be more expensive than we originally thought. Would you like us to call you a cab?’
I returned shortly afterward with pizza for the shop.”
28. You Think You Can Talk Behind My Back? Well I Understood Every Word
“I used to work for a major bank and while doing my stint there I came across a ton of jerks.
I was taking a deposit for a lady and her daughter and I heard them speaking a Middle Eastern language. At first, I wasn’t paying attention but when I realized they were speaking Farsi, I was all ears.
Reason: I speak Farsi.
They were talking about how much of a loser I was, how this job as a teller was the only thing I had in my life, that I probably didn’t have a significant other and didn’t attend school.
Throughout this conversation, I spoke only English to her and every time she responded to my requests she would smile and then say something nasty about me in Farsi.
At the end of the conversation, I switched up the language and said, ‘Just because I work at a bank doesn’t give you the right to say things about me behind my back.
I’m in grad school to become a Psycho Therapist and this job is for extra income. This isn’t how Persian people behave and you should be ashamed. Is there anything else I can help you with?’
Her daughter left the building and her mother was beet red, embarrassed, apologized profusely, and left. I never saw either of them again.”
27. Treat The Hotel Staff Horribly? I'll Expose Your Affair To Your Wife
“I worked at a hotel several years ago and had to deal with insufferable jerks about a dozen times a day.
(Hotel stories about a person that threw hot coffee in my face, a person that spat on me, and a crazy lady that slapped me are just a few examples.)
The best/most evil revenge I ever got was on a guy that stayed with us four days a week for the entire five years I worked at the hotel.
The big utility company in our area was having financial issues and he was the leader of the auditing team that was sent in to straighten it out. Anyway…I would interact with the guy at least a few times every day I worked, and he was ALWAYS very rude and condescending.
As an example, one of his co-workers would ask me for a local restaurant recommendation and he would chime in with ‘Yeah because minimum-wage workers are known for their taste in fine dining.’ If someone asked me something personal, he would say something like ‘Ask him what life choices he made to be here plunging toilets and writing down my preferred wake-up call time.
Maybe he can share his wisdom so we all avoid his fate.’ Stuff like that. He was just a jerk to everyone on the hotel staff and was always very demanding.
Since I saw him every day, I noticed that he had developed a relationship with one of the younger women on his auditing team.
I saw their romance blossom from flirting to full-on grinding in the hotel lobby. One day he had just finished delivering one of his delightfully awful bon mots to me, and I was fuming. Then he screamed at one of my co-workers because she had a Filipino accent and he said he only wanted his room cleaned by ‘white Americans.’ I vowed revenge.
His wife called in to speak to him later that night like she usually did, and I said ‘Oh, I think he’s sleeping in Ms. (redacted)’s room tonight. One moment, please.’ I then connected his wife to her room. His wife must not have told him what I had said, because he didn’t try to get me fired.
They got a divorce. They didn’t have kids, but according to another guy on the auditing team, his wife got the house and custody of their dog. He stopped staying with us shortly after ‘the phone call.'”
26. Be Careful What You Say Because You Never Know Who's Listening
“Just the other day I was at a Chinese buffet and the three people in the booth next to me were questioning the waitress (she appeared to be Asian-Hispanic) about voting for the President and who she planned to vote for. She had trouble understanding them and communicating that she could not vote.
They immediately began taunting her that she shouldn’t be here if she couldn’t vote, that she didn’t even know who the President of the United States is, and then took a picture and said they would post it on social media. I later found out the waitress was on a school visa and couldn’t vote but was unable to convey that to them.
After the waitress walked off, one of the girls at the table (the one who took the pic) looked up and asked me where I worked because I looked familiar. When I replied that I worked at the local university in the social work department, she commented that she had recently been in my office to apply to our program, to which I replied ‘Yes, I remember you and I’m also on the admissions committee (followed with a wink).’ The color drained from her face and she knew she was screwed. Karma’s a pain.”
25. She Made A Scene Over Something She Never Said And We Had Proof
“My friends and I were in line at a coffee place on a boardwalk after a day of surfing when the woman in front of me went crazy and started screaming at the girl making the drinks, saying something along the lines of ‘You ingrate!
I’m deathly allergic to milk you jerk. I want to speak to your manager before I rip your head off. I specifically asked for Soy milk. How could I be any blunter about S.O.Y. You could have killed me.’ She was told to stop swearing or they would call the police, and she denied her bad language and also stuck to her guns about demanding soy milk.
I then stepped in and pointed out the fact she didn’t ask for Soy and I could prove it. She then proceeded to call me a ‘big man with a small brain’ and asked me to prove it. I then pointed to my buddy’s GoPro I still had mounted on me after messing around on the boardwalk.
I had the BacPac screen so I could show them exactly what she said. Lo and behold, she was proven so very very wrong and hastily steamed away. The girl thanked me and her manager gave us free coffee!”
24. Won't Let Me Pass? I'll Box You In
“My husband Jay and I were driving just over an hour home from my in-laws’ house and for reasons I can’t remember, we were in separate vehicles.
To make the trip more tolerable, we had each other on speakerphone.
Although the highway was not particularly crowded, he was a bit further behind me, directly behind another car that was driving very slow. So, he put on his left blinker to go around the guy. As soon as he started to move left, the guy abruptly cut him off only to keep at a snail’s pace in the passing lane.
By that point, I had slowed down enough to catch sight of them right as this was happening. Jay, being much more patient than I, decided to just pass him on the right without signaling. When Jay started to move right the guy swerved right. Only, Jay hadn’t given him the benefit of a blinker warning, so they were nearly side by side by the time the other guy started to move right and the guy had to swerve back into his own lane to avoid hitting Jay.
Before the other driver had time to make it more of a nonsense match of trying to get in front of one another, I was slowed down right in front of him. Again, there really weren’t many other cars on the road at all, and since we were on the phone, we could coordinate.
I slowed down in front of him, Jay kept pace with him on the right and he had the cement wall on his left, so he was boxed in and forced to slow down to our pace, which for me, dropped from 75 mph to about 50 mph. We decided to keep it that way, for the remaining 30 – 45 minutes of our drive home.
He never signaled or honked, but he did make a ton of confused and frustrated faces. I giggled uncontrollably the whole way. Definitely worth the extended driving time.”
Another User Comments:
“Years ago, my friends and I used to go race our cars at a local racetrack (by local, I mean two hours away).
On our way home, we would usually form a convoy of up to nine cars, all following each other and sometimes having fun going for short races when the lanes opened up.
About 20 minutes away from town, a jerk driver decides to weave in and out of traffic as well as start cutting people off, some of which were drivers from my group.
We gave each other the heads up, waited for the guy to get into the middle lane on the freeway, and proceeded to box him in. Since this was a major freeway with at least three lanes, we managed to box him in with eight cars – three up front, one on each side, and three behind.
Then we all slowed down to less than 35mph and drove that speed for about 10min.
He was rightly angry. We let him go after we got bored toying with him.” HarshlyThrownAway
Another User Comments:
“The other day we were coming home from bowling and we got behind a truck in the left lane, and next to a Maserati with a jerk in it.
She gets in the turn lane and decides not to turn, so as we all slow down for a stoplight she suddenly jerks over without signaling or anything in front of this truck, missing him by a few inches and acts like it’s his fault. There is no one in the right lane so the guy in the truck gets on the middle line and peels out when the light turns green so he can cut her off just the same.
A car behind us got in the right lane and matched speed with the truck, so when she swerved over to the right lane to pass, she was blocked. We then pulled up next to her and matched speed with her. She needed to get over to turn left but we made her either go straight or turn right.
Jerk was flipping her lid the whole time screaming and cursing and generally just angry. We then found out truck guy lived in our apartment complex and high fives were given all around.” Brosef_Stalin94
23. Embarrassed Her By Calling Out Her Discriminatory Behaviour
“Waiting in line to vote today, I stood next to an Asian man and we engaged in a conversation about the excitement surrounding this presidential election.
He struck me as a very well-educated person with interesting insights about this election season. When it was his turn at the registration desk, the woman there asked him if he spoke English and if he did, would she be able to understand him. I spoke up and said that he spoke English a whole lot better than she did and wasn’t anywhere near as rude as she is.”
Another User Comments:
Reminds me of a story my grandmother told me many times. She’s from Croatia, and during her youth had to learn Italian in school. Then, when she moved to the US, she learned Spanish because she worked with a lot of Spanish-speaking people. And she speaks English too.
A telemarketer calls her up one day, and during their conversation, asks if she can ‘speak better English.’ She says, ‘I can speak 4 languages! What about you?’ and hangs up.” [deleted]
22. Disrespect Me? I'll Give You All Kinds Of Driving Tickets
“Being a cop in a small town, I would get a few large parties (150+ kids) with a lot of kids coming from outlying areas.
I’m generally pretty nice to the young adults who live in the area I police and am generally well-liked. But to the kids who come from different towns to party, well, they obviously don’t know/like me. Anyhow, this one party, I pull up and start walking around, turning a little bit of a blind eye to the underage drinking.
I talk to the homeowner’s son (parents away), and just ask him to try and get rid of some people, and move the party indoors and close the windows, as there have been too many neighbor complaints. He says he’ll do what he can do. All nice and cordial.
Anyhow, this one punk standing there with a Lucky beer in his hand, starts mouthing me off and bragging to his buddies.
Just average stuff like ‘hey pig’, ‘eat any donuts yet?’ and just generally swearing and saying how I can’t do anything about what he’s saying, and that I can’t arrest him for dipp as he’s on private property. (dipp = intoxicated in public place.)
I don’t give him any satisfaction of acknowledgment.
I have thick skin, else I wouldn’t be a cop. But I had other calls to attend to, so left. NO further complaints from the party, as the homeowner asked many people to leave.
A few hours later I’m driving back to the office (donut-free), and pull over a car for doing 15km/hr over the limit on the highway.
Usually, I give cars at least 20km/hr on the highway before pulling them over, as well, that’s what I normally do on the highway. Wouldn’t be right to give people tickets for something I do all the time.
Well, it’s the jerk driving who’d been mouthing me off. Amazing how nice he was to me at this point in time.
Complete attitude change. I didn’t let him know that I remembered him from the party. (And I now had his name and vehicle plate so I could always look out for him in the future.)
Long story short, he got tickets for speeding, only having one active headlight, failure to display an ‘N’ sign (new driver law here..
N on the rear of the vehicle lets other drivers know this person just got his license), having more than one non-family member passenger (another new driver law), and not wearing a seatbelt. As I remembered him drinking, I also demanded a roadside breathalyzer test. He wasn’t intoxicated but had some booze in his system.
So I also give him a 24hr roadside prohibition from driving and towed his vehicle.
I slept well that night. Also, 3 months later after running his license on our system, the insurance company had prohibited him from driving for 3 months.”
21. Be Careful Who You Pick Fights With...They May Run The Place
“I was working as a manager in a big nightclub about a year ago. I don’t wear a uniform, but have a radio and run the security team.
The venue has a great smoking section that looks out onto the street. One night the venue was packed so I did my usual roam making sure that there were no problems, however, it was too packed to walk through the smoking section, so I walked down the street instead, but could still very easily see into the smoking section.
One guy stares me down, then calls me over, and starts swearing at me for no reason and telling me that ‘pieces of trash like you could never even get into a venue like this.’ He obviously had no idea I was the manager, however, I didn’t want to have security get into a fight inside with him.
The guy kept telling me he would punch me out etc. and was clearly trying to look macho to impress someone. So I agreed and told him to come and meet me outside and he could even have a free swing. He puts his drink down, takes off his jacket, and storms outside.
Once he walked outside, I walked back inside and told security not to let him back in.
The look on his face when he realized I ran the place was priceless, and then the realization that he couldn’t get back into the club was amazing. It was the easiest and most fun removal I have ever done.”
Another User Comments:
“Something similar happened to me once when I worked in a bar… there was a big table that spent around $1000 in an hour and the PA of the guy whose table it was came to the bar demanding a drink for her boss when I was clearly serving someone else.
I told her to wait like everyone else and she slammed a glass down on the bar and it smashed at which point she ran away. After some time she returned and I was serving someone else. After demanding and being refused a drink she leaned over the bar and said ‘If you don’t get me that drink I’m going to smash your head across the bar.’
I’m not someone who would take this normally but on this occasion, it was much more satisfying to look her in the eyes and say ‘Well your night is over’ and laugh while watching 2 security guards eject her.
I hope she got fired, vile little woman.” queenieweenie
20. Endanger Pedestrians By Running A Red? I'll Call You Out In Front Of Your Kids
“At a pedestrian crossing on a major road in one of the wealthiest parts of town.
The little man goes green for me to cross however I see one of those 4WD vehicles that have never been off-road and I can tell the driver isn’t going to stop. Sure enough, he runs the red and all so he can turn into the 7-Eleven 50m beyond the crossing.
He would’ve happily run me down just to get to the convenience store a few seconds earlier. He gets out of his car with his wife and several kids. I walk up to him, tell him he almost killed me, how he is selfish, and a few other colorful tidbits too.
He is speechless throughout. I finish up by pointing to his kids and saying ‘Now explain to your kids why you’ve just been abused in this manner’ and head on my way.”
19. Impatient Customers Get Bumped To The Back Of The Waiting List
“My wife and I were on the receiving end of someone’s ‘justice’.
We’d gone out to a local sports bar/restaurant for dinner on a Saturday night. Unfortunately, the local football team had just started playing and the place was packed.
While we were waiting in line we heard the conversation between the folks in front of us with the hostess.
Hostess: How many?
Guest: 8.
Hostess: Alright, we have you down. We’re not quoting wait times right now as the game has just started and we have no idea how long many of the diners will be staying.
Guest: So you’re telling me you won’t seat us!?
It went back and forth for a few minutes with the guest getting more and more indignant and the hostess trying to explain that they’d seat them as soon as possible, they just didn’t know when that would be.
And with a large party, the limited number of ‘big top’ tables would make it worse. (and the group was unwilling to split up into two groups.)
The guest finally moves and it’s our turn. We say there’s just the two of us and the hostess starts in on the ‘we can’t quote times.’ My wife says ‘Don’t worry, we heard what you said to the last person, we’re not in any hurry and we know how busy you are right now.’
We get our blinky alert box and find a spot to wait. (We’re expecting a solid 45 min).
Literally, 2 minutes later our box starts buzzing. We’d been bumped to the front and were being seated.
The best part is that when we got to our table there was another empty table right next to it.
The two tables could have sat the group of 8 but the hostess and waitresses made sure to not seat them.
Oh, and the wings were delicious.”
18. Push Me One Too Many Times? I'll Make Your Briefcase Fall Into The Ocean
“Every morning on my commute to work I have to take a short boat ride. There’s always this jerk who forces his way to the front of the line to get off the boat first as he rushes to catch a train. All he’d have to do is get the boat that leaves earlier and wait 10 minutes on the other side.
Anyway, several times he has either barged into me or pushed past me as he does this. One time he cut in front of me so close that I clipped the back of his heel with my boot (I ride a motorcycle to work, so am wearing fully armored clothing).
I called him a jerk but he didn’t hear me thanks to his iPod.
Roughly 3 months ago we were getting off the boat when he pushes into my shoulder, incidentally knocking me into a small woman on my right who stumbles (I’m 6’2″ and wearing fully armored gear, wearing my backpack, and carrying my helmet, so I’m heavy) which angered me hugely.
Now once you’re through the doors of the boat there is a short gangway leading to the terminal which is obviously floating above the ocean – it’s roughly 10 feet long and has a waist-high barrier on either side. As he’s done this (he’s almost directly in front of me now thanks to barging past) I put my hand just off-center between his shoulder blades and pushed him forward as hard as I could.
He stumbled to the side, bashing into the barrier as he tries to steady himself against it, as this happens he also manages to throw his briefcase over the side, into the ocean. I carried on walking with the large rush of people as they piled off the boat with the biggest grin on my face.
I didn’t hear anything more of it until I come to the boat that same day after work when one of the terminal staff calls me over. Naturally, I thought I was in trouble, but the fella says to me ‘Saw that on the CCTV mate. Funniest thing I’ve seen in ages – guy deserved it!’
Best feeling ever.”
17. If You Wanted A Ticket To The Show, You Should've Acted Nicer
“I work in local theatre, and we have a lot of rude, awful women who are part of local ballet schools come through our venue who are the mothers of the dancers. Once this woman rang up wanting seats to an almost sold-out ballet performance that had been on sale for 4 months the day before the show, and did nothing but abuse me for 5 minutes because she left buying them too late.
She whined about how she shouldn’t have to pay for her kids, whined that we should get a bigger venue (it seats just under 500) then put me on hold while she rang 3 of her relatives to see if they wanted seats too. She was positively awful. The seats I was about to sell her were the only ones in the theatre left, and they were good seats.
While I’m on hold a grandma of one of the ballerinas comes to the desk and asks if we have any seats left, as she’d been in hospital and couldn’t buy them earlier, but said she’d understand if we were booked out. I put the phone with the on-hold music down and sold this old lady the last seats for the show, and gave her an invite to our next year’s dance season for her granddaughter and herself, so she’d know exactly when all the important dates were coming.
She thanked me over and over, and she’s now one of our regulars and brings her grandkids to our shows.
2 minutes after the old lady leaves the jerk on the other end finally takes me off hold and says she wants the remaining seats that we have left, I tell her ‘Sorry we’ve just sold out while you had me on hold I’m afraid, better luck next year, anything else I can help you with?’ She was choking with rage on the other end of the phone, it was fantastic.”
Another User Comments:
“Slightly different intent – same outcome – this is one of the ways I learned decisiveness from my Dad. We were driving around some little town in Europe for an hour or so looking for a place to stay and kept getting told they were full. We pull into the 9th hotel of the evening.
As Dad and I (9 years old) are walking in, we hear from say 80 feet away the desk clerk tell another potential guest that they have one room left. He says ‘I’ll have to check with my wife (who wasn’t nearby)’ and he turns around. My Dad yells from across the lobby ‘I’ll take it.’ The dude gets this shocked look on his face, spins around, and tells the clerk ‘I’LL take it.’ Desk clerk to other guy: ‘I’m sorry, sir but we’ve just sold out.’ I think I got the visual version of your story…” JoshuaLyman
16. Complain About Your Order? I'll Have You Leaving With Nothing
“I apparently made this jerk’s 65-cent coffee wrong at McDonald’s, and he asked me to ‘MAKE IT AGAIN’ and started to go off on me. I almost snapped at him, but I instead threw my hands up and told my manager to handle it. The manager talked to him and came back to me and said the guy’s a jerk and comes in all the time and does this, so I should just make him another coffee.
So I walked to the drive-thru window with this jerk fuming in his car next to me talking to himself about ‘How long this is taking…etc.’ I picked up the half-full pot of coffee I made no more than 4 minutes ago and dumped that stuff out. I proceeded to brew a whole new pot of coffee.
I saw this made him extremely angry so I went to the window and told him that it’s going to be another 5-6 minutes because that last pot was bad. He then peeled out of the drive-thru like a jerk without a coffee.”
Another User Comments:
“Ugh, senior coffee. I think we may have the same customer.
This guy used to come in every day and demand a new pot of coffee be made for him. Whatever. Annoying, but I can deal with it.
I then put in his cream and sugar (2 cream, 1 sugar), and he takes a sip, I kid you not, like he’s tasting some expensive wine.
You know, the puckered lips, the loud sipping, etc. He then proceeds to say that the coffee isn’t fresh enough. I tell him that I literally just brewed that pot, but he insists that I make him a new pot. So I do.
It was pretty busy by then, and I was getting sick of his attitude.
The new coffee finishes brewing, and I give him his exact specifications for cream and sugar. He does the same nonsense-tasting thing and says that it’s not fresh enough. My response?
‘You know what, sir? I made you the fresh coffee, and I put in the exact amount of cream and sugar.
I’m sorry, but I have other orders to take.’ And I leave him standing there. He then goes to my manager (who is awesome) and complains. My manager?
‘Sir, we’ve made you two fresh pots of coffee. There is no way to make your coffee any fresher. We’re not going to make you more.
Either drink the coffee or don’t. Either way, we’re too busy for this.’
Ah, and then there’s the woman who didn’t believe us when we said that all of the round eggs are cooked the same…” Shiny_Vaporeon
15. I Bought Everything They Had So Greedy Customer Got Nothing
“At the end of a long commute home, after a hard week, I went to a Millies Cookies store just before closing time.
As I walked up to the counter, not 5 feet from it, some guy ran from behind me and tried to cut in front of me – the girl working there insisted I was first (thank you). Outraged at what that guy tried to do, and noticing there were not many cookies left, I said ‘Hi, I’ll take absolutely everything you have.’ Cost me close to $60, but it was so worth it.”
Another User Comments:
“One time I went to a churro stand late at night (I live in Mexico) and behind me was a couple who in turn had a bunch of loud, obnoxious teenagers behind them. The kids wouldn’t stop complaining about how long it was taking. I decided to buy all the churros left, gave a bunch to the couple, and left. The guy clapped as my friends and I walked away.” Rob_V
Another User Comments:
“Similarly. In San Marcus, Texas I was out with friends at the bar district. After the bars closed we walked to this pizza place.
While waiting in line the guy in front of us calls his friend waiting nearby a piece of trash. Somehow, the girl behind us thinks my buddy said it to her and cussed him out, and eventually knocks his hat off his head.
He remains calm.
I bought the last three remaining pizzas (they were closing), gave 2 of them to my buddy to hold, then threw the third in the trash in front of them.
Good times, I only wanted one slice.” DREA87
14. Try To Get Away With Animal Cruelty? I'll Make Sure You're Haunted By Your Actions
“A few months ago, I had driven to my parent’s house pretty late in the day.
After leaving, I noticed a dog had been hit and was lying in the middle of the road. So I parked my car and put on the emergency lights, with my headlights clearly illuminating the dog. I put on a pair of gloves (I’m an EMT, I always have a box of gloves in my car, not only because it’s always a good idea to have a pair just in case, but because I often do this with animals that have been hit, out of respect) so I could move it to the side of the road, where it wouldn’t be hit anymore.
When I finally made it up to the dog, it had lifted its head and was breathing normally. Turns out, the car had only hit and broken the dog’s back legs. The dog was fully responsive and didn’t seem to have lost a lot of b***d. Thinking this meant that the dog had a chance of living, I went to spread out a couple of plastic bags in the back seat of my car.
As I was doing this, I noticed a car speeding down the road. I rushed to the side of the road, directing the car to move to the opposite side, to avoid hitting the obviously visible dog lying in the road. Instead, though, the driver ran right over the dog, right in front of me.
Now, as an EMT, I’ve seen some pretty intense things, but I’m always just there for the aftermath. I was pretty freaked out to have watched this dog be brutally run over by a speeding car. I just stood there motionless, staring at the dog’s remains. However, I noticed that the car pulled into a house only a couple of houses down from my parents’ place.
Being filled with a mixture of rage, shock, and disgust, I decided this dog needed a proper burial. It was about 1 in the morning by this point, so I went into my parents’ backyard and grabbed a shovel and a wheelbarrow. I lifted the dog’s body into the wheelbarrow and wheeled to the driver’s house, where I started to dig a 3-foot deep hole, and lowered the dog’s body inside, and proceeded to bury it.
I placed a large stone on top of the hole and left a note on the driver’s door. The note said ‘Hey, I’m sure you feel pretty bad about killing that dog last night, so I’m sure you won’t mind that I buried it in your front yard. It’s what she would have wanted.’ It was about three in the morning when I finally finished everything, and I left home feeling nothing but defeat afterward.”
13. Keep Being Ignorant And You'll Have To Pay What You Rightfully Owe
“I work for parking services at a decent-sized university…I don’t write tickets, I just man the front desk, answer questions, and enter permits and changes into our database…we get yelled/cussed at a lot, so it’s nothing new, but this jerk comes in raising chaos over some tickets she rightfully got.
She was being so ignorant and rude about the whole situation, but I politely look up her account to see if I can find any errors or anything that might help her…she is constantly abusing me the whole time I’m trying to see what I can do for her…Well look here, these $100’s of tickets you’re complaining about aren’t being linked to your account for some reason.
I don’t tell her this, but I do ask to see her last ticket, so I can check if everything is right. Little does she know, with the info I got from the ticket, I transferred all of those tickets she got onto her account. If she would have been nice about the whole thing, she would have probably gotten away without ever having to pay those, now she has a few hundred bucks worth of tickets.”
Another User Comments:
“I know you’re not a cop who pulls over people for speeding and stuff but this is just to show what happens when you are polite to the officer who pulls you over.
I just got my driver’s license, so I was doing what every normal teenage boy would do, I was driving fast and aggressively.
Little did I know, I sped past a cop (45 in a 35). Now it was a weekend and I was coming home from Voodoo (a music festival in New Orleans). The cop comes up to me and asks for the usual stuff, I complied, no problem. I was also wearing a shirt that had my school’s name and colors on it, so when he came back he realized it and said he had graduated from the same high school.
So we wound up having a good 10-minute conversation about how my school came back from Hurricane Katrina. After all was said and done, he said ‘I was going to give you a ticket, but you were so cooperative about it, here is a warning.’ He then asked when my high school’s football game was and blah blah blah.” DABEAST4824
12. I Pushed An Empty Cart In Front Of The Impatient Shopper
“I was next in line at the grocery store and there was a pretty long line. This woman behind me was making a huge fuss about them needing to open more registers and she was swearing and muttering under her breath. When a second clerk appeared at the next register to open another register he looks at me and says, ‘I can help the next person in line, sir.’ The mumbling jerk behind me saw the clerk coming and had backed her cart up and was rushing for the register that was opening.
Now there was a cart parked between the opening of the two registers blocking me from walking directly. I see the woman barreling towards the open register I swiftly push the cart blocking her path and move my basket into the now open register. Her face got so red and looked like she was going to explode as she nearly collided with the cart.
I just looked at her and said in the most innocent voice I have ‘Ooops, he did call for next in line,’ smiled and got checked out as she had to go all the way around.
The best part is one other person managed to sneak in behind me and she ended up having to wait longer as a result.
Best day ever.”
Another User Comments:
“This is more in line with karma than revenge but…Stopped at the grocery store to get dog food, tea, and some other little things, really had my hands full and had forgotten to grab one of those little baskets.
So, I get in line behind this guy who is looking at me taking his slow time unloading his little basket.
He stops, mid-unload, and starts staring at the gum with quick glances at me standing there about to drop everything all over the floor. Does he speed it up? Nope, keeps staring at the gum, finally picks one, and puts it on the belt. THEN he starts unloading his little basket again, still glancing at me occasionally, then back at the gum, changes his gum choice not once, but TWO MORE TIMES!
By now, I’m fighting to keep my face neutral, knowing he is just trying to get a reaction of some kind. So I just kind of stare off into space, ignoring him, trying to keep from dropping my stuff. He FINALLY gets his stuff unloaded, pays, and leaves. I am finally able to get my stuff on the belt, pay, and then I’m out of there.
The end, right? NOPE!
I get home, unbag my stuff and guess what ended up in my stuff? His gum! The bagger saw this whole little episode and I’m 100% sure this was his ‘revenge’ on this jerk.” darkestdayz
11. Won't Pay For Your Milkshake? I Guess It's Mine Now
“I used to be the manager of a Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Shoppe.
I loved that job, but every once in a while you got a terrible customer. One day, there was a customer being a huge jerk. She asked for a milkshake with whipped cream. Our shakes were usually pretty thin unless you paid extra for a thick shake. Well, she said she wanted it to be thick this time, unlike the last few times where they were watery and gross.
I told her sure, but that would be an extra dollar since we have to put in an extra scoop of ice cream. She said she wasn’t going to pay for extra thick, she just wants it thicker. I said the best I could do is put in less milk, to which she agreed. I finished blending the shake and poured it into the cup.
She didn’t like the fact that it wasn’t filled to the brim, so she decided to berate me. Of course, it wasn’t filled to the brim; I put in less milk at your request. I told her putting on the whipped cream would fill it up. She let me put on the whipped cream, which did make it seem more full (if you put the whipped cream on properly, it causes the shake to rise on the sides).
I started to hand it to her but she told me she wasn’t going to pay for that. She demanded I make a new one. I told her it’s going to come out the exact same so I won’t make her a new one unless she is willing to pay the extra dollar for an extra thick shake.
Again, she continued to yell at me. I decided it was best to ignore her at that point. I said have a nice day and thank you for the milkshake. I then took a sip and said mhmm, delicious, then walked to the back room.”
10. He Didn't Want To Hear My Advice And Then Regretted It
“I have worked as a trader for a brokerage company. We had an online trading platform, similar to etrade for example (they are all relatively similar on the consumer level).
Oftentimes, trades would be mistakenly placed by our clients, mistakes are often made, especially if you are trading frequently. Every once in a while we would system or technical issues that would pop up, if it is our fault we make it right.
I had someone call in absolutely IRATE about such a mistake.
I tried my best to lighten the mood but he wasn’t having it. He was extremely hostile, rude, and belligerent. I kept trying to explain the repercussions of reversing or changing a trade, but he wouldn’t let me finish. So I did as instructed, when I reversed the trade, he now took a sale that earned him several thousand dollars and turned it into a paper loss.
That particular position popped and then never returned to that price again. He was so upset that the trade didn’t execute when he wanted it to, that he ignored the fact that our errant trade earned him a bunch and essentially had perfect timing given the volatility of the stock.
We hung up, and then I saw under his activity he called back two minutes later, probably realizing what a stupid mistake it was, to try and reverse the whole thing. No Dice. There was a note on his account from that point forward that he called back, this time even angrier.
After we explained that we couldn’t go back and post-date a trade, I learned from a coworker that he SCREAMED into the phone for a good fifteen seconds and then hung up. What’s that old saying? ‘You collect more flies with honey than vinegar?’
9. Want Free Tickets For The Concert? Be Nicer To The Drummer Next Time
“I once had a show with my band (with 2 other bands) in a small city about 200 km away from my town. My band members went there earlier than me, so I drove alone.
After driving for 10 minutes I saw two hitchhikers (female). I stopped as it was fall and pretty cold and I thought a little chat would keep me entertained while driving and it turned out they wanted to go to the gig, too.
I didn’t say that I was the drummer because I was tired of all the same questions every time.
After about 1 hour of driving, they started talking about how they want to get in the club for free and just use someone from a band or so to let them in.
That it is too bad that I’m not in one of the bands, so I could let them in. But I wouldn’t look like a musician anyway, because I would be too boring (I didn’t say much, because it was fun to listen to them) and not attractive enough to be a musician.
That they’ll dress in a revealing manner and pretend to be attracted to one of the guys and as soon as they are inside they’ll let them pay for one or two drinks and then ditch them. And after the concert, they just have to find an idiot to drive them back (they actually asked me after saying that, if I’ll drive them back, haha.) It went on like that for the next hour until we finally arrived.
So, we got out of the car…I waited for them to dress up (red lipstick, got rid of the coats, cleavage, knee-high boots, push-ups, etc) and then we walked to the entrance. At the entrance, I showed my band-member-pass to the bouncer, told him in front of the girls to not let them in, wished them a nice concert, and went in.
Their faces were priceless.”
8. Yell At Us? We'll Hide A Security Tag In Your Cart
“I work at a supermarket, we get some really nice customers, but we also get some jerks.
A friend and I were working on the pop/booze aisles and we had a woman come and ask for some type of red wine and gave the worst description like ‘it’s called vina something something and it’s got a black top and a gold label or something like that.’
If you’ve ever seen a wine selection, that describes about 80% of the bottles so we tried to narrow it down. She was being less than useless and then telling us that we should try and be more helpful.
This went on for another 5-10 minutes as she berated us for not knowing what she wanted. We must have shown her 30-40 different reds and none of them was the one she wanted and my colleague said he was sorry and that he can’t do anything more without more information about the wine.
She was not happy.
She started yelling at him and by this point, we were both exchanging glances behind her back as we were getting pretty annoyed with the way she was treating us so I decided to play a little joke on her. I got my friend to keep her focused on him so she wasn’t watching and put a security tag on the bottom of her shopping trolley.
Cut to 15 minutes later and the front door security alarms start ringing, so we walked over there, here is queen jerk standing there looking very angry as the security guard checks her receipt against all her items, sees there’s nothing out of the ordinary, and asks her to try again.
Happens over and over so he searches her pockets next.
7 times she walked through the door with her trolley before shouting that she gave up, picked up all her bags out of it and walked out of the door, obviously the alarm didn’t go off that time and she was stood outside with no idea how it had made a difference and then she stormed off to her car, never saw her again.”
7. Don't Apply To Work Somewhere...And Then Complain About Everything
“I was working as a shift leader in a Dunkin’ Donuts (spent two years in that nightmare) and dealt with my fair share of rude jerks.
One particularly memorable day, a group of ladies came in during our busiest hour, just past noon. The line was almost out the door and we were short-staffed so it was pretty hectic. While they were ordering, one of them asked for a job application and started filling it out on the counter.
She handed it back before they were done ordering and I stashed it on a shelf under the register and started making their food. They had a huge order and we did our best to get it out quickly, but it was obvious from the looks on their faces that we just weren’t quick enough for their liking.
They sat down to eat their food, and the girl who just turned in her application got back in line. I spotted her right away; she was standing with a glaring face, crossing her arms and tapping her foot, trying her best to look obviously (almost cartoonishly) angry. So I motioned for her to come up to the counter since I knew she had a complaint and I wanted to get it fixed right away.
I assumed that in the shuffle we had messed up her sandwich or something like that; anyone who’s worked in fast food knows that these things happen when it’s chaotic. I asked her what was wrong, and she pointed to her BOTTLED Mountain Dew and barked (definitely not an ‘indoor voice’), ‘THIS IS FLAT!’ It was a bit accusing, as though it were my fault that the bottle of soda she just opened was flat.
So I took it and told her to get another one out of the cooler, then check it to make sure it was good. After all that, she asked for a refund. I said, as politely as I could, ‘Ma’am, I replaced your soda, sorry if there was an inconvenience but I don’t think a refund should be necessary.’ (Something like that, I don’t remember my exact words) So she stormed, angry, went back to her table, and started complaining loudly to her group about not getting a refund.
So, since I was having an awful day anyway and really could not see a jerk like this ever working for us, I grabbed her application from the register, walked it over to the lobby trashcan nearest to her table, crumpled it up, and threw it away as she watched. The look on her face was priceless.”
6. Angry Mother Solves My Problem For Me
“I’m driving with my partner through a residential neighborhood where I go to make a left turn at a T-shaped stop sign intersection.
The speed limit in this particular area is 15, and this guy in a fancy new two-toned Mustang comes zipping around the corner towards me from the left going at least 30. It’s curved, so you can’t see him until the absolute last moment when he’s going that fast, so he came close to T-boning me.
He honks and starts yelling at me, so I flip him off (bad idea and I accept that). He is then overcome with road rage, hangs a U-turn, and then follows me halfway down the narrow road. He then passes me on the left against traffic and very nearly runs over a couple of little kids playing in the yard right in front of their mother before pulling in front of me and stopping.
He starts getting out of his car and approaches me, yelling about how I better hope my partner can protect me because he’s going to kick my butt, etc. The mother appears out of nowhere furious wielding a brick. The guy starts telling her to call the police (why? So he can tell them that I flipped him off before he broke five laws simultaneously??)
She charges the guy yelling ‘screw you, you nearly ran over my kids you jerk, and you want me to call the police? Do you like your pretty mustang? Get out of here before I put a hole in it!’
The man clearly did like his pretty mustang, as he turned right around and drove away – car intact, but pride in shambles.”
Another User Comments:
“That is so much better than my story. Several years ago I was driving to work. My Gran was in the hospital. I normally don’t talk on the phone while driving, but we were expecting to hear whether there was any expectation of her surviving. Naturally, when I saw it was my Mom calling, I answered. In the process of hearing the bad news, I inadvertently slowed down a bit.
After a moment, I notice the guy behind me tailgating the heck out of me. The road was four-lane with a reversible lane in the middle, and I didn’t feel up to speeding back up, so I headed for the outside lane. Just as the guy behind me made a move for it.
I wildly cut him off here as I quickly corrected to remain in the inside lane, and the road was empty as far as I could see. This guy then stomps on the gas and passes me in the center turn lane!
I’m fighting tears and still in shock, so I am still amazed I managed not to hit the guy as he zoomed into the lane in front of me and slammed on the brakes.
By this time I had hung up the phone long since, and I figure he’s just delivering his brand of justice. I slow behind him and then start moving forward when he does, being careful to maintain a good distance between us. Still not another car in sight, and this idiot goes on to slam on the brakes again.
I try moving to the outside lane, but he’s having none of it and cuts me off only to slam on the brakes a third time! By this time I’m a little freaked by the fact I’m so alone on the road, so I pick up my phone and dial 911.
As I describe the car and plate, I can see him looking in the rearview mirror watching. At a certain point, I discern by the look on his face he has realized what is going on. This idea is further confirmed when he makes a sudden left turn from the outside lane across 5 lanes into a residential neighborhood full of kids playing outside!
As I continue talking to the cops, I can see him flying down the road parallel to the highway.
At about that time, the cop on the phone tells me it will be a few minutes before they can get anyone near. Yes, it was a bad idea, a very bad idea!
I decided to see if I can follow the guy.
I get in the inside lane, and at the next road, I see the guy turn left deeper into the residential neighborhood. I follow at a good distance and continue to follow as he now flies left and right on little residential streets which seem crammed with kids on bikes and skates while I continue to report his movements to the police.
As the chase goes on, the distance between us is opening up as I am nervous about his speed on these roads. Eventually, he rounds a corner to the right and comes upon a family in the middle of the road. The parents are clearly teaching their kid to ride a bike.
He’s going so fast, he sort of slides to the right as his only way to stop and winds up parked across the road. The couple stares white-faced as the guy jumps out of the car and charges at me! I report all this to the cop as I desperately throw the truck in reverse and back out onto what thankfully turns out to be the main street heading back to the highway.
Several blocks further down, the guy flies across the highway with two police cars giving chase.” Gertiel
5. Never Mess With The DJ
“I used to DJ in a nightclub in Sydney. It was always a crowded club but this night was busier than usual. I was crossing the dance floor with my hands full of sodas for the other DJs and promo girls in the booth when I tried to make my way past a group of guys who were trying to creep on some hotties.
I accidentally and unavoidably brush up against one guy to get past him and I say ‘sorry, buddy.’ He turns around and starts pushing me and then his friends start pushing their fingers in my chest and yelling at me. They were basically trying to look tough in front of the women in the club.
I absolutely hate people who look for fights. So, they are yelling and pushing me in the direction of the DJ booth. The crowd has started to part in anticipation of a fight. The security guards see this and start coming over and I give them a look letting them know to hold back.
As the jerks push me to the booth, I step up into the booth, turn the music down slowly, stare the first guy right in the eye. I let the silence hang for about 10 seconds. Their faces drop as they realize I am the DJ and I calmly say into the mic ‘security.’ The guards grab them and drag them out of the club and the crowd goes wild.
I hit play on the console and my DJ partner had lined up the perfect song, ‘Where’s Your Head At’ by Basement Jaxx.”
4. Be Rude To The Lunch Lady? I'll Steal Your Pizza
“I was standing in line at my school’s cafeteria when I overhear a jerk in front of me complaining to the lunch lady.
Apparently, the lunch lady had accidentally given her two pieces of pepperoni pizza instead of two cheese pizzas, which is what she had ordered. The little old lunch lady replaced her pizzas and apologized for her mistake, the jerk grunted and muttered ‘you don’t get paid enough to make mistakes you piece of trash,’ and stormed off.
This angered me. I ordered my pepperoni pizza and politely said thank you. As I was walking back to my table I noticed my chance for vengeance, the jerk had gone and left her pizza unattended (must have gone to get water or something). I quickly swapped my pepperoni pizza with her cheese and walked off.
It was worth it to see the look of confusion and anger as she sat down and ripped the pepperonis off of the pizza and ate the sad, mangled pizza. Yesterday I got my lunch for free from the same lunch lady.
The moral of the story is, don’t mess with lunch ladies, they work harder than you ever have, and vengeance tastes like Papa John’s.”
3. They Were All Too Polite To Call Her Out So I Did
“One time a few years ago, I was in a Tim Hortons and the lineup was long. So long, in fact, that it was out the door. The reason that the lineup was so long was because there was a 50-odd-year-old woman waiting at the deli counter to pick up her sandwich.
The store was set up so that right inside the door was the deli counter, and further down the very narrow aisle was the cash register.
Anyways, we are all kind of standing in the restaurant with a good 3 or 4 people waiting in line outside, and the only reason is because this woman isn’t moving.
So finally the guy behind her very politely (we’re Canadian) says ‘Excuse me, ma’am, do you mind moving forward a bit so we can pass?’ She responds with a VERY nasty ‘NO! Because I am HERE waiting for my SANDWICH, and I am NOT moving because I want to go out THAT door when I leave!’
Most of us give a little chuckle and can’t believe her attitude, so people just start shoving by her. All seems well, but that old jerk decides that after she gets her sandwich, she is going to address the whole line by yelling ‘See!? It wasn’t THAT hard, now was it!?’
Well, I was in an awful mood. She starts walking away from the line, so I yell:
She turns around, the whole line turns, and looks at me.
‘Go SCREW yourself!’ as loud as I could.
There was honestly an uproar of laughing, clapping, and cheering as she stared at me with a mouth-agape look and turned around scared for her life.
Proudest moment.”
2. Some People Are Just Really Passionate About Winning Carnival Prizes
“I used to hit the games of chance at my local amusement park quite often, but only played the ones where you compete against other park patrons. I got good at a handful of the games and could usually clean up on the prizes.
I was playing one of those games where you spray water into a target, which made a little mechanical horse go in a little mechanical horse race.
I had done my research, watched others play the game for about half an hour to determine which horse won most often (these games, having mechanical parts, can and often did get out of whack, making one horse faster than the others).
I waited for about another 10 minutes for the guy sitting at spray gun #12 to leave and took his place.
I started winning round after round. People would get angry and leave, and I’d wait patiently for some new competitors (who didn’t realize what would happen) to wander along. It would usually take me about an hour and a half total, but I would always win the daily limit.
After I’d been there for about an hour, a woman came up to me and loudly demanded that I move so her son could play.
A bossy, mean, obnoxious woman who insisted I play one of the other positions because ‘That one always wins.’
‘I know it always wins. That’s why I waited my turn, and so can your son.’
She turned to the guy running the game and demanded that I be forced to move to another location.
The poor guy was flummoxed. He pointed out that we were both paying customers, and that I was there first, and he couldn’t make me leave.
The jerk demanded to see the manager, who showed up about 20 minutes later. The jerk was still there, hectoring the poor employee the entire time.
The manager came up, listened to her complain for a few minutes, then patiently reiterated what his subordinate had already told her.
She went ballistic, started screaming that the park was a rip-off, the employees are jerks, etc. The poor manager just stood there patiently, taking her abuse. By this time I had won my limit at the game.
Arms loaded with stuffed animal prizes, I walked up to them and smiled at the manager.
‘Thanks for being reasonable,’ I said to him. ‘I know how much it sucks to have to stand there while bullies take advantage of the system to make your life miserable. So this is for you.’
I turned to the jerk, got right in her face, and bellowed as loud as I could ‘SCREW OFF YOU REVOLTING JERK!’ Half the park heard me. Spit literally flew out of my mouth, carried along by the torrent of wind that was my mighty roar. Ok, sure, I had three very large pink and blue stuffed dogs in my arms, but trust me, it was a sight to behold.
As I walked away I saw the manager smile and nod at me. The woman called to her kid, telling her to take my seat … but someone else was already sitting there. Ha.”
1. The Long Lines At Disney Can Bring The Worst Out Of People
“I am a very introverted person. You need to know this to understand the magnitude of my actions here.
I used to be an Intern at Walt Disney World. After my internship, I was on good terms as an employee and was invited to stay on as a seasonal cast member. At the time, this meant I only had to work one shift a year and I’d still get free entrance to the parks, discounts, etc, etc. I had family that lived in Orlando so I didn’t have a problem going down for a week every year and picking up a shift.
One very very hot day in June, I decided to visit Disney Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM Studios). This is the park that has the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular where they act out scenes from the films. As I said, it was exceptionally hot so I had been searching throughout the park for one of those Mickey-shaped ice cream bars.
I finally found a stand that sold them. This stand was directly in front of the show, and it also sold boozy beverages, so there was a bit of a line. Welcome to Disney, as they say!
While I was waiting in line, a group of 20-somethings gets in line behind me.
I ended up listening to their conversation. There were I believe 4 of them, and they intended to go see the Spectacular which was already seating people. This is a popular attraction and seats fill up very quickly. Two of the group decided to go hold seats while the other two got drinks.
They still needed to hurry though because they do not allow people to enter after the show has started.
So these two women behind me are talking. One of them is quite irritated by the length of the line. I just rolled my eyes because, dude, it’s Disney, what were you expecting?
Over the course of a few minutes, she gets nastier and nastier. She begins insulting the Intern Cast Members who are working the stand (you can tell by the name badge if a CM is regular or Intern).
She starts insulting their intelligence, calling them high school dropouts
You have to be in college to get into the, duh, Disney College Program/Internship.
She says ‘How hard can it be to pour a drink?!?’
It’s park regulation that they pour all beverages that come in glass bottles into cups for obvious safety reasons.
This goes on for like, ten minutes and I am getting more and more upset. I would normally never ever confront another person, but boy were my beans baking.
It is finally my turn to order. I turn around and say,
‘Sir, I’d like this woman to order before me, because I am pretty sure if she doesn’t get what she wants immediately, she’s going to keel over and die, from how she’s been going on.’
Her face turns red and she begins spluttering.
She gets so, so mad.
Oh no, ma’am, I insist. I wouldn’t expect you to wait in line at Disney World of all places!
So I get my Mickey bar. While I’m paying, she asks for a bottle of water.
The poor, poor CM turns paperwhite and says,
‘I’m so sorry ma’am…but we’ve just run out of cold water bottles.’
This woman starts exploding and screaming for a manager about ‘how she’s been treated.’ I, knowing the score better, noted the names of the people working the station and strolled over to Guest Relations/Customer Service and wrote out special ‘Exceptional Service’ cards for each one of them, and spoke with a manager about the event and she said she’d make sure she spoke with the manager for that stand right away and make sure he knew the whole story.”