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When I was 18, I was accepted in the Disney collage internship program for Orlando myself! I worked on the boardwalk. We had signs everywhere warning people NOT to feed the seagulls. Well this one family with a toddler just would not listen to a word I said and kept tossing bits of their food on the boardwalk for them and giving me dirty looks and telling me to mind my own business. Now anyone familiar with birds on beaches or parking lots will tell you, they can get pretty aggressive when it comes to our tastey people food. The parents decided to give their 2 or 3 year old a slice of pizza and let him just wander around. The birds saw and the birds converged. Poor kid and pizza never stood a chance. The parents were obviously angry about this brutal attack (the kid was fine, really. It just scared him) and complained about how we shouldn't let the birds on the boardwalk. I just stared at them and said "And that's why you don't feed the birds". While pointing at the sign by their table. Then I just walked away shaking my head.

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