People Fill Us In On Their Uproarious Revenge Stories

Have you noticed that as we progress in life, and more responsibilities add up, we seem to smile and laugh less? This is no surprise. Call it being stressed, tired, anxious, jaded, or what have you, but adulting is harder than it looks. Add rambunctious children, relationship problems, family drama, loss of a job, a dirty house, increasing rent, and you might just be at your wit's end, to say the least. Sure, adulthood has its pluses, but throughout it, we're all pretty much ripping our hair straight out of our scalp. (Trust me, I'm the same way at times.) But I'd like to think that one of the most important things in life is to not take it so seriously, and laugh every now and then. Hopefully, these revenge stories will have you chuckling in no time!

20. Forget To Tell Me About Your 4 Kids? I'll Ruin Your Life

“I thought I was in a slightly tumultuous but overall fun relationship for a year.

I had gotten out of a 12-year relationship when I met Slimeball.

He was so charming and handsome I thought I won the lottery! He was super pushy about saying, ‘I love you’ first and defining our relationship. He introduced me to his family. His niece started calling me Auntie. He tells me about his 3 children and their mothers and tells me about how the mother of his oldest hates him and is keeping him away from the kid.

But then things started getting weird. His ‘ex’ started calling ALL the time, multiple times a day. They had children together, but the grandmother had custody.

I was told, to make it seem normal, that both of them had jobs where they traveled a lot, so they signed legal guardianship over to the grandma to make schooling and emergency issues easier.

Then the mom moved down to the city we were living in for ‘work training.’ She was moving down permanently without the kids. When I asked why the kids weren’t coming, I was told they need to stay in the same school. Um, they are 6 and 4.

I’d say staying with parents is more important at that age than their peer group. It was weird, but I’m cool and it wasn’t my place to tell them where their daughters should live.

He worked out of town a lot. So, when he tells me he’s going to Oregon I think nothing of it.

After a week in Oregon, a lot of stories aren’t adding up, like his phone is always dead even though he carries a power bank with him. THEN one of his ‘friends’ starts posting cuddled-up selfies with him. I quickly put 2 and 2 together and dump him for two-timing me with this chick in Oregon.

After I dumped him, I made a messy social media post on his wall, when the mother of his oldest child sees it and she contacts me and lays out the truth!

He never contacts his oldest daughter, even though he has her cellphone.

No one is keeping him from her.

He owes $20k in back child support for her as he has never once made a payment. He moves around a lot and works under the table, so the mother was never able to collect garnishments or anything.

He has a huge criminal record, all these charges I knew nothing about!

His ‘ex’ who moved to our city was his of 9 years who was very much still in a relationship with him and they willingly gave up the 2 children.

There is a FOURTH child!?!?!?! He and the mother conspired to pin the paternity on another poor sap and it’s been 17 years now that this other man has been paying for a kid that is not his.

Oh, and I was this slimeball’s side chick.

His family knew and played along in the lie and included their 10 and 16-year-old children in the lie!

His chick in Oregon is actually his star-crossed lover from childhood! And every time they would try to be together, one or the other would end up in jail!

The Oregon chick ALSO has criminal record highlights.

This shocked me, so I paid for a criminal background check which is how I learned of their records.

I PROFUSELY thanked the ex for telling me the truth about the situation. I mulled on it for a bit trying to convince myself to simply consider myself lucky and just walk away with my dignity intact.

But then he’d be winning and I knew I had everything in my power to come down on him like Thor’s hammer.

I gave the ex ALL of his info  – SSN, State ID#s, current and past known addresses. With this, she contacted her state’s Child Support Services. He will now have his driver’s license revoked and can’t get one regardless of which state he moves to until he is current with his past payments. If he ever gets a real job 25% of his wages will be garnished. He now has a warrant for his arrest in the state his oldest kid lives.

He’s trying to play house with his new woman. I contacted the mother of his oldest to arrange a meeting with his kid and his partner’s child. The mother is ‘playing nice’ and pretending it’s a-go. He is planning a trip to visit the daughter.

He will not see her, at the ‘meeting,’ he will be seeing the police and they will arrest him for failure to pay, and he won’t get out of jail until he pays a sizable chunk of the $20,000 past-due PLUS bail!

I gave the ex his info THE DAY BEFORE his federal tax refund was set to go out.

She was fast enough at getting his info to CSS that they INTERCEPTED his full tax refund and now, for the first time, has to pay something for his child. His past due child support is also going on his credit report.

I know the name of the business his ex-brother-in-law owns, so I dropped a dime to the IRS.

So, he’s losing his only steady income soon and can’t get a job at Walmart due to his criminal record, and if he DOES manage to find someone that hires without criminal background checks he will lose 1/4 of his paycheck.

I told this story to two of my ‘hacker’ friends and they got into contact with hackers more talented than themselves and are now going to ‘take care of’ a few more things for me – like finding the guy who was conned into paying for a kid that’s not his!!”

34 points - Liked by Twise, FatMama, laya and 31 more

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LilacDark 3 years ago
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19. Block My Driveway? No More Vehicles For You

“Friday night here in the country can get a little crazy sometimes so I don’t mind when my neighbors cause a ruckus or loud party as long as it’s not too crazy.

Tonight I’m on call for Virginia State Police towing rotation which means I’ve got 25 minutes to get to where ever the wreck/DUI/impound/etc., is.

As luck would have it, my neighbors are having a party and guess what’s blocking my driveway?

That’s right, about 25-30 cars.

I live down a dirt road at the end of a cul-de-sac, and it’s pretty narrow. One in one out type of deal, and with this rain we’ve been having, parking in the grass/clay/mud is really not the best idea.

Even with a 4×4, it can still get tricky.

I noticed a few cars coming in early this evening and walked over to my neighbor’s and made it clear I was on call and as long as they didn’t block the road or my driveway all would be good.

No problems here. Well, I get a call from my boss asking if I can go warm up the Rotator and the light-duty flatbed (tow trucks).

It’s about 12:30 AM so I get my boots on and other gear because if I’m up, I might as well stay at the shop and clean a few things to stay busy and make the night move along.

I get in my car and as I’m backing out of the driveway, I notice I’m blocked in. I don’t mean by one truck, but by nearly 15 different vehicles. I calmly walk over to my neighbor’s about  a1/8th-mile hike and as I’m looking for them through the crowd of wild teenagers, some idiot wants to know why I’m on his property (he’s not the property owner, I’ve never seen this classy gentleman before).

Finally, I find my neighbor and ask her if she can move the cars, I’ve got to go to work she says in a normal tone (doesn’t yell over the music) into the house, ‘whoever’s blocking the driveway next door move your trucks!’ Then slams the door in my face.

I knock again and she answers with a slurred ‘Oh God, this witch again?’ (internally I’m thinking, ‘Alright then…’). I do my best to explain, I’m on call and need to get out of my driveway to go to work, she comes back sloshing a Natural Light exclaiming, ‘It’s a party, relax!!!!!” Shuts the door in my face and yells, ‘Forget that witch,’ I smile and as I’m walking away, macho man throws a can at me and cackles, ‘Yeah you best leave, go on!”

I get on the phone with dispatch and call for as many trucks as we have available tonight (about ten) and tell them to come on over, momma’s got some PPI’s (private property impounds).

I call police dispatch and ask if they’d send out an officer in case things get out of hand and as soon as he gets to my place, my rigs start rolling up and hooking vehicles up and taking them to the impound yard.

We get down to the last three vehicles. A yellow Civic, gold Silverado and an old F-150

The Civic owner bolts to his car and takes off. The Silverado girl (pretty wasted) gets stuck and starts tearing up my property. The officer walks over and she throws a fit.

Long story short, she gets arrested.

The Ford owner doesn’t even show up.

I get to work after all the impounds and with me, I brought coffees and snacks for my drivers. Tomorrow is not a business day which means if these tools want their cars back, it’s going to be the regular $289.50 plus two days of storage at $55 a day and a $100 gate fee.

I make a note on every single storage sheet (papers that the vehicle owners get) to thank the girl who had the party for getting towed. Several of the kids’ parents called wanting to know where their cars or trucks were.

I gave them the yard address and told them they can come anytime.

As soon as they started shouting about illegal tows and threatening with lawyers, I showed them pictures of their cars with no parking signs. And explained that I tried to reason with the owner of the property (me) but she was tired of being blocked in by rowdy teenagers.

There are signs on my road saying no parking, and not to block the driveway. Don’t mess with a tow truck driver, she’ll legally take ALL your vehicles.”

30 points - Liked by JediJenJo, Twise, laya and 27 more

18. Need To Know The Details Why I Took Sick Time? Here's A Picture

Since you’re so interested in my personal business, I’ll give you the best visual possible.

“I had a boss one time who was such a control freak that she demanded to know specifically why I was calling out sick (WILDLY illegal where I live) one day.

And for reference, I’m typically the guy who never gets sick, so it wasn’t an attendance issue.

I told her I think I had food poisoning and she kept pressing me to explain what my symptoms were and why I couldn’t make it in all via text. I had finally had enough and was like look, I’m not physically capable of working today and you are not allowed to ask me personal questions about illness and medical history!

She threatened me with a write-up if I couldn’t specifically explain/prove why I couldn’t make it to work.

This is where pro revenge comes in. I was about to send her something horrific, that she could not unsee……and she wouldn’t be able to do jack about it since she technically asked for it.

Being that I was living in the bathroom for more than two days (this inquiry was day one) and had aggressive diarrhea every 15-30 minutes and the worst abdominal pain I’ve ever experienced…..I lost it and took a pretty disturbing picture of me painting the bowl brown right before I flushed…..and sent it to her.

No joke it looked like I power washed the inside of the toilet with feces and built a turd island in the middle of the water.

It honestly looked like a poop volcano had erupted. I had no idea my bowels could contain so much!

‘This is happening every 15-30 minutes and I haven’t been able to leave the bathroom for the last 6 hours. Here is your proof, check the timestamp (also sent a screen of the timestamp). I’ll let you know as soon as I can if I’ll be in tomorrow.’

So after 3 days off, I show up for my shift….sleep-deprived and sore from sleeping in my bathtub or on the floor for 2.5 days, jerk not having any of it, but I was finally through the worst.

She immediately escorts me into her office where our regional HR rep is waiting for me, and we all sit down.

He has paperwork in front of him and is discussing the ‘incident’ with me and gets me to acknowledge what I did and that sending ‘unprovoked and offensive content’ to coworkers constitutes harassment and blah blah blah right before he asks me to sign a final write up (if you do something like this again, you’re fired).

Before signing I asked him, ‘Did she tell you why I sent this?’ He was dumbfounded and said this isn’t really excusable and basically handed me a screenshot printout of the text messages where this jerk deleted everything in the exchange (in her phone) BUT me saying ‘Sorry, but I need to take a sick day today,’ and the picture.

I laughed and handed him my phone and said here is the full exchange. He asked me to leave and ‘give them a few minutes.’ About 10 minutes later he calls me in, by myself, and explained what I already knew…..that she was the harasser and that she had aggressively violated privacy laws and would be dealt with, and to call him “if anything like this ever happens again.”

I found out from one of the assistant managers that she ended up getting a final written notice and was super close to being fired, and it prevented her from getting a big promotion that she was being looked at for.

So, if you ever come across a jerk boss who wants to play doctor and question your sick leave, send them diarrhea pics and they’ll either shut up or give you lawsuit material.”

23 points - Liked by Twise, laya, suburbancat2 and 20 more

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Bklynsmith 3 years ago
I had a supervisor who asked me this. I sent her a long text detailing my period cramps, heaviness of flow, and the migraines. I was actually assembling IKEA furniture, but she’s not allowed to ask, I didn’t feel obligated to tell the truth!
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17. Can't Be Honest? We'll Rack Up A Tab For $18,000

“When you work in finance you learn that some people on Wall Street are every bit as vile as they are portrayed in the movies.

We are a stock trading firm, and we were having big problems with our most important software platform. So they sent out a guy to reassure us of their commitment to us.

Let’s call him Vinny (yes, they are this stereotypical). Vinny is from Long Island. Slicked-back hair. Big league accent. Garish cufflinks. Overdoes it on the protein powder and gym time.

The meeting is unsuccessful, so he takes us out for drinks as a final push.

As if it were scripted, it’s the best-known bar in the area. Dark hardwood everywhere. The drink list was good, at least.

He tells us to order whatever we want and brags about taking people to boxes at Yankee Stadium and such as that.

Half a dozen of us or so are sitting at the table. We’re having an OK time.

Then the most reassuring event of the day occurs.

His wife and kids call to say goodnight. He’s playful and kind. Maybe he’s not so bad after all.

But it only lasts thirty seconds.

Immediately after the call ends, Vinny slams down the phone, turns to our waitress and asks her to sleep with him. Uggh.

She stumbles through a rejection, suspended by surprise.

‘Tonight is my 21st birthday so I’m going out.’

‘Sounds great. We’ll celebrate with drinks in my room.’

‘Uhh, actually, my mom is the one taking me out, it’s a great time for us to be together.’

‘There’s room at my hotel for three.’

At this point, I’m practically pinching myself, in utter disbelief that this could possibly be real.

This guy just told his wife and kids he loves them, then asks somebody else to sleep with him. In front of dissatisfied clients. This was as real as it gets.

As the weight of what I was witnessing set in, my mind became more alive than it has ever been since.

I hatched a plot.

At that moment Vinny and I became good buddies.

We joked, told stories, and most of all we drank. A lot.

Then we started taking shots. Well, really, once he had the idea Vinny took a bunch of shots on his own to impress us.

That’s when I ordered more drinks. The most expensive glass on the menu was $450. I ordered doubles. For the entire table.

And then I ordered another round.

By the time the check came, Vinny was incredibly wasted.

It was $12,000. ‘Whatever we want,’ he had insisted, looking earnestly into my eyes.

‘Yo John, I’m so trashed man, can you do the tip for me? Make it real nice, this was fun, right?’

‘Sure. Nothing would make me happier.’

With hidden glee I did, indeed, ‘make it real nice.’ $12,000 tab, $6,000 tip. 50%. Vinny signed with a smile on his face.

On the way out I gave the waitress my sincerest apology and told her happy birthday.

The next week we get a call from Vinny’s boss.

‘Mr. Roberson, I hate to bother you, but I noticed that only a handful of people managed to spend $18,000 on drinks.

Could you confirm that this is correct? I just want to make sure Vinny wasn’t taking advantage.’

So I tell him the entire story.

‘…and if he can’t be trusted to be faithful to his wife for 30 seconds, how can we trust any promise that he makes?

We’re happy to reimburse you for that evening if you like. Or you can fix your software within four weeks, as promised — as well as a list of upgrades I’m sending you — and we’ll be your customers moving forward. Which do you prefer?’ They’ve not missed a deadline since.”

20 points - Liked by Twise, shka, laya and 17 more

16. Sure, We'll Dress Our Best

“I was working in a small accountant’s office, there’s only 7 of us. We were part of a larger ‘chain’ so occasionally, the owner/managing director would visit. Now, our office was located on the outskirts of an industrial estate and the attire was smart casual.

Very relaxed atmosphere and we had a reputation for being the ‘fun’ branch. We had a new manager start with the company, and on his first day (Thursday), we can see he’s going to be difficult. He turns up in a gleaming BMW, full suit and tie.

Full-on professional look. Attitude to match.

At the end of his second day (Friday), he sent a branch-wide memo that he expected us to dress more appropriately.

That all staff was to wear full business suits, men with ties, women with ascots. He also complained that the staff cars were ‘too grubby,’ our desks were untidy and did not reflect our profession.

He also insisted that when referring to each other in phone calls or e-mails, we called each other, ‘Mr. Smith,’ or ‘Miss Jones,’ instead of ‘Larry’ or ‘Susan.’

Now, as I mentioned – we’re located on an industrial estate and the vast majority of our clients were small self-owned businesses – they already thought we were dressed well because they’d turn up in messy jeans and t-shirts driving beat-up old vans.

After work, we all went to the pub (without the new manager), moaned a bit but thought, ‘he’s just flexing his managerial muscles, humor him and he’ll start to relax.’ The following week, we turn up as requested and had our cars washed, desks somewhat tidier.

Everything seems to be going fairly well, until the next Friday when we receive another e-mail:

“To all,

Whilst I recognize that there has been some improvement in the staff’s and office appearance, I feel there is still significant room for further improvement.

As you may know, [Owner] is visiting at 10:30 am on Monday.

I expect all staff to wear their best clothing, for desks to be tidy and vehicles to be washed. (etc)

(New Manager)”

Again, we went to the pub. This time, we schemed. He wanted a good impression, he’ll b****y get one. I’m sure a lot of you are thinking, ‘Oh, you just turned up in really nice suits, better than his, and showed him up.” We did, but we did much more too.

We contacted the cleaner, who cleaned our office on Saturdays. Ask her if she’s okay going overboard on the cleaning. She agrees. Extra work for her means more money for her.

One of our clients happens to be in the classic car business, mainly weddings.

He’s been a client for years and we get on really well. We ask if we can borrow a couple of cars (as all who needed to drive could all carpool in two).

He agrees as business was quiet, so long as we pay for the petrol – which split 7-ways was totally worth it.

Roll on to Monday morning: A Rolls Royce Phantom III & a Lagonda 14/60, meticulously polished are sitting in our car park, sunlight glinting off the bodywork. Inside, the desks are completely clear, the metal bins polished, door handles polished, even our filing cabinet handles and our pencil sharpeners had been polished.

It looked better than new. The men are all wearing black-tie dinner suits with waistcoats (US: Tuxedo), with a fresh rose in the button-hole. Sterling silver cuff links. Beards are trimmed or totally shaven, two of us even waxed our mustaches. Women are in stunning evening dresses, sparkly jewelry, fancy hair (self-styled, didn’t waste money on hairdressers).

Even brought in a hat stand, and placed bowlers and top hats on it for extra fanciness.

Essentially, we looked like we were expecting to see the Queen walk in.

New Manager (NM) pulls up with the Owner as a passenger. You can see them both look briefly puzzled, but they must have assumed that the classic car client must be visiting, so they walk in chatting.

NM’s face drops, he stops mid-sentence. He is the worst dressed (barring the owner, who was smart-casual), had the scruffiest car and his desk was the messiest.

We get eyes that say, ‘If I could kill you all right now, I would.’ The owner and NM go into NM’s office to discuss something.

Eventually, the owner comes out, NM remains in his office to deal with something. The owner catches one of my colleagues to ask what the heck we’re doing. Colleague just pulls up the e-mail and says, ‘He insisted we wore our absolute best for you, so we did.’ The owner stifles a laugh.

He can see exactly what we’ve done. Fortunately, we all knew him and his relaxed attitude so we knew we’d probably get away with it. He half-heartedly ‘chides’ us for being petty when NM is coming out of the office. Once the owner has gone, and NM returns, he writes us a blazing e-mail saying something along the lines of, ‘You might think you’re funny, I don’t.

If you all want to turn up to work scruffy, go ahead. Look unprofessional.’

We return to our usual casualness the day after, clearly to his disfavor, and after a few weeks, NM transfers to a different branch. Our new-new Manager was one of us lower-ranks promoted, so the casual atmosphere continued to reign.

NM snubbed us whenever we saw him, which was fortunately rare.”

19 points - Liked by Twise, Nema15, shka and 16 more

15. Cut Me Off And Expect ME To Pump YOUR Gas? Talk To The Police

“I was on my way home after a very long day working at the hospital. As much as I would have rather just kept driving, the gaslight blazing away on my dash told me to stop being lazy and just fill the tank.

After hopping off the highway, I head for the small station I frequently use. It only has two pumps (both sides, so 4 spots). Even though it has great prices, I rarely have to wait more than a car or two for an open spot. Other than the station, the road is pretty much empty nearby.

The station was on my side of the road, so I turned on my right-hand directional. As I begin to turn the wheel into the station, this lunatic in a Mercedes, coming from the other direction, sliced through the out-lane and inches across my front bumper to beat me into the parking lot.

I slammed on my breaks, sending my gym bag and a stack of folders shooting off the passenger seat into a jumbled mess on the floor. I am not a big swearer, but that had me cussing like a sailor.

As I pulled in, I noticed a police car in a parking spot outside the building that houses the cashier and the tiny convenience store.

My hopes rose as I prayed the officer saw the crazy lady’s stunt and I was about to witness instant karma. No such luck. Sigh.

She pulled to one side of the pumps. I pulled to the other. I got out, swiped my card, and started the gas flowing.

Then clear as a bell, I hear the snottiest sounding voice issuing from the Mercedes.

“This is unbelievable. I was clearly here first, but this idiot is filling up the other car first. No! He hasn’t even started me yet. I swear these people are stupid as smack out here.

Hold on, Sie. I have to deal with this moron, or I will be here all day.” Now the dreaded, “Excuse ME!” is aimed right at me. “You know you don’t need to wait for the tank to be full before you start another car?

Now come here and take this,” she said waggling a credit card at me. “If I am late because of you, I will be calling your boss. And just so you know, it is very rude to service customers out of order. I was here ahead of that guy.”

I looked down, and sure enough, she has a New Jersey license plate. In NJ, you don’t pump your own gas; an attendant does it for you. My state may have a few full-service stations left, but honestly, I haven’t seen one in ages.

Here, you pump for yourself. If she had gotten out of her car, she would have seen I WAS “that guy,” but the pump blocked her line of sight. I considered an ‘I don’t work here lady’ style response, but the primped-up entitled expression on this self-absorbed B required more from me.

She stared harder at me, raising her brows, and waggled the card even more emphatically before I knew what to do. I let go of my pump, stepped closer, and took the card from her manicured fingers. As she sneered at me, I looked her right in the eyes and snapped my hand downward, flinging her card straight into the trash barrel beside the pump.

Someone must have thrown a slushy or milkshake in there because the card made an awesome splat sound when it hit the bottom.

The harpy-shrill screech that ensued made the thought of sorting out all the files on the floor of my car almost worth it.

It could have stopped there, and I would have happily driven away with my half-full tank, but it was not over yet.

She was screaming obscenities at me as I turned away, broiling out the Mercedes in her designer outfit, completely losing her mind. That was when the officer came dashing out of the store.

“Excuse me, miss. Are you alright? What is going on?”

“This man assaulted me and stole my card. He threw it in there.” She says stabbing a three-inch-long nail at the barrel.

“Is that correct, sir?”

“Barely. She insisted, and I mean INSISTED, I take her card.

Since I am under no obligation to provide her service with the card, nor did I want it, I disposed of it in the most expedient manner available to me,” I replied, gesturing at the wonderful trash receptacle myself.

“That was a pretty petty thing to do.

I think you should get it for her,” the officer decreed. The NJ B was beaming with smug malice at that.

“I will under one condition. You detain us both then go look at the store’s parking lot camera. Once you see how we entered the lot, you can decide who goes dumpster-diving.”

He raised a brow at me, but says, “Fine.” He takes our licenses and tells us both to wait there.

She is a bit perplexed at first, but her natural entitlement must have convinced her she HAS TO BE in the right. It is not long before she began to hiss a handful of pretty vile threats at me.

I ignored her and finished filling my tank. My passive smiling confidence must have unnerved her eventually. She crept back into the driver’s seat and began talking about lawyers with Sie. About 20 minutes later, the officer returned. He handed me back my license and told me I’m free to go.

Before New Jersey can get a word out, he very sternly rounds on her and said, “Registration, ma’am.”

That made cleaning up her mess totally worth it!”

18 points - Liked by Twise, shka, laya and 15 more

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elsc 3 years ago
Da*n straight. I get so sick of people driving like psychos and claiming THEY DID NOTHING WRONG! She got EXACTLY what she deserved!
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14. Steal My Package? I'll Blast You On Social Media

“So I live in a duplex in a nice neighborhood, but the people who live upstairs have some sketchy friends.

So naturally, I installed a doorbell cam as I like to order online frequently.

Well the other day, I received an early package that I was not expecting to get for another day or so. It was a really busy day in the house too, so I wasn’t checking my phone for a couple of hours, and I wasn’t waiting on a delivery.

Anyway, I checked my phone eventually and saw that I had a few doorbell cam notifications. I checked the footage, and it showed the delivery guy dropping off a package, taking photo proof of delivery, and walking away. He didn’t knock or ring the doorbell.

I saw that happened 2 hours before this point. I ran outside, and the package wasn’t there. I then checked the footage again, and it shows that one of the upstairs neighbor’s “friends” (dealer) took the package and drove off with it. His car was parked in front of my door.

So I have evidence of this happening.

My partner was angry about this, so he went upstairs to confront the neighbors and find out who he was. We reported it to the police with picture evidence since I couldn’t send the video because they didn’t accept video files on their website.

I also pointed out who it was exactly. They called back the next morning to tell us that they couldn’t read the license plate number, so this wasn’t enough “evidence” to do anything about it. They offered to call him and ask, but for what?

For him to just deny it? So that went nowhere. I also told them that I have actual video footage, but they brushed it off and made it sound like it was just a waste of their time. They didn’t care. (This is why people don’t report packages getting stolen to police.

It doesn’t help anything, even if you have the evidence.)

So what did I do? I made a short video on how this guy stole my package, showed the evidence of my package being delivered, the email saying it was delivered at the time stamped on the doorbell cam, and then the guy stealing the package.

I posted his face at the end of the video and posted the video in a couple of groups based on my city with over 11k people in them.

It got a huge reaction, of course. People were angry that the police were useless in this situation and the fact that this guy is a porch pirate.

Then I got a PM from a woman who knew him. She was upset, angry, and shocked. She said that she reached out to him and showed him the post and gave him trouble. I’m not sure who she was to him, sounded like family.

She was sad that he wasn’t doing “so good” again. She made him bring it back right away.

So I got my package back within 2 hours of posting that video. I did take it down after I got it and thanked the woman. It’s pretty sad that you gotta resort to social media instead of the police to get any help like this – quicker too.

I had all of the evidence to back it up.

When the guy showed up, he looked shook. He really didn’t wanna be blasted like that, and it sounds like he got in trouble with people around him. The neighbors upstairs probably did too. They had to hear it from my angry partner.

He’s a big dude. The thief said he felt like a fool and was apologizing and all that. Probably going home to get yelled at more. He has children too. It sounds like he is dealing with some stuff in his life, but it still doesn’t give him the right to take other people’s things.

He got lucky with the police. I’m glad I got my package back though. Never thought I would see it again.

After I deleted the post, I was thinking maybe blasting him on social media like that and having his family and friends see his face like that would have been worse than the police because you can always deal with the police behind closed doors and not tell any family and friends who actually care about you as you would feel like garbage for disappointing them or having to deal with them “lecturing” you.

Especially if you’re in a position where you hit rock bottom at one point, get help and support from people around you, and they are watching you get better and then slipping again right in front of them. That’s gotta be at least a little heavy.

But then again with the police, that petty theft would be on your record, which will cause trouble later down the road…

Either way, I got my package back, and I hope he gets some help or something.”

Another User Comments:

“This reminds me of when my old cat, who was the neighborhood attention, disappeared. Everyone loved him and gave him love.

So, when I started asking around, people said they knew that an early 20’s guy had him, the guy was “helping” his sick father. More like, mooching off him. Neighbors would not tell me exactly who it was, because they were afraid I’d mess with the guy.

I ended up putting up lost pet posters, but I put, “$500 reward for any information leading to the ARREST of the pet napper.”

He tore down all my signs, but my cat was back the next morning. I had to rush him to the vet.

Cat lived to be 19 years old and passed of natural causes. He never stopped loving people.” indigowulf

17 points - Liked by suburbancat2, tipa1, sceri1234 and 14 more

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biha 3 years ago
It's legal to post stuff like that online showing his face? If this story means yes, that makes me happy 🙂 a good thing to remember.
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13. Cut In Front Of Dozens Of People? We'll Keep You Waiting

I bet he sure felt like an idiot after all that.

“A few years back, I worked as the lead at a gas station attached to a big box store.

All the classic retail nonsense, including we weren’t allowed to confront customers unless they were doing something dangerous or ignoring posted signs. Which happened ALL the time.

This was the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, and we were packed. Every gas pump had a car on it and a line about four cars long before they all condensed into a single line going through the parking lot to the street.

Middle of the day, we’re constantly helping customers with various issues, selling bags of charcoal, and so forth.

At one point, I’m on the register in our Kiosk where I have a view of the entire line when I see a guy roar around the line, pass maybe a dozen people, and then cut everyone off to squeeze into a pump just when someone else left. Customers are angry, leaning out their window, cursing the guy out.

He gets out of his car, flips the double bird to the line, and heads for the kiosk.

My coworker and I in the kiosk are mad because we can’t actually confront this jerk directly. We can talk to him, but we aren’t allowed to actually do anything about it.

So I decided to just mess with this guy and if I got in trouble. Whatever.

Here’s the thing about gas stations. If you’re not being stupid, we ignore you. But if we want to, we can see and hear every individual thing you do.

There are cameras, speakers, and mics, and we are literally paid to watch everyone like a hawk. And we control your gas pump. We have multiple ways to shut it off, and we have to shut off pumps dozens of times a day because people are being stupid.

So he pays, and I let him get back to his car, put the nozzle in, start pumping, and I stop the pump. I had the option to do this with no errors, so as far as he could tell, it just wasn’t pumping. He comes up and complains, and I look innocent and say I’m getting no errors and offer to come out and check.

I turn his pump on, walk out, and note that it is pumping fine. Go back into the kiosk and shut it off again. He frowns, fiddles with it, then starts towards the kiosk, at which point I turn it back on. He notices, heads back to his car, and I shut it off.

And lather, rinse, repeat. He has no pattern recognition.

And so begins the dance. At this point, both of my coworkers are hiding in the back of the Kiosk because I’m torturing this guy who is getting angrier and angrier with the “defective” pump. Meanwhile, people are pulling in, getting gas, cursing him out, and driving off.

I kept him busy for almost fifteen minutes, at which point he couldn’t leave because there was a guy filling his houseboat in front of him and the aforementioned line behind. I managed to keep him busy until every person he had passed in line had gotten gas and left already.

When he did leave, he peeled out and sped off. And left about $2 change on his pump. I never got in trouble even though my coworkers shared the tale with just about everyone.”

17 points - Liked by Twise, Nema15, shka and 14 more

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amhi 3 years ago
I once worked at a gas station, some people are the worst.
Then, one time, I was pulling up and there was a car, just sitting in the middle of the lot, so I go around and pull up to a pump and wait. Car leaves, I pull up and this guy comes up to me and says, "I was here first," I informed him that he has to line up at ONE pump, not sit in the lot until one of the 8 pumps are available. He was getting rude and close, so I told him, "Sir, 6 feet back please." and then promptly ignored him
3 Reply

12. Refuse To Give Me Overtime? Here's Some Laxatives

“This story is from about 15 years ago when I was first an English teacher at a school in China.

I would go to corporate locations and teach the employees how to give reports and Powerpoints in English. My manager was an overweight, extremely pale, bald Australian guy called Patrick.

Patrick wasn’t bald because his hair was falling out but rather because when he’d get stressed out or nervous, he’d sit at his desk and start pulling out his hair one strand at a time and pile it up on his desk.

This was made worse by his absolute caffeine addiction. In the office was his espresso machine, where you open the lid, pour in the ground coffee, and a minute or so later, a steaming espresso would emerge. The more he drank, the more stressed he’d get, the more he’d pull out his hair… vicious cycle.

Patrick was also one of those guys who’ll get totally wasted with the clients. He thought this was great, but the clients all called him The Great White Whale because a) he was fat, b) he was very white, and c) he couldn’t balance on the squat toilets in China, and once had pooped all over a karaoke lounge toilet.

(Thar she blows!)

To top this, Patrick was an utter jerk. He’d always try to boost his bonuses by shortchanging his teachers on overtime. Okay, so Patrick calls me into the office, “Weeeeeelllll, I need yoooou to dooooo overtime for two weeks at Nokiiiia, and I’ll pay you $700 extra…” You can’t imagine this guy’s voice.

It was like a squealing pig. Anyway, I agreed and busted my butt over the next couple of weeks at Nokia. I did such a good job that the regional manager of Nokia wanted me for all future training sessions. So I get called into the office.

“Goooood job at Nokiiia, buuut… We don’t have the budget for the overtime. Here are some Starbucks coupons. Go get yourself some coffeeeeee.” Now I know I should’ve been raging, but I’d been saving up some revenge for a rainy day, and there was a poop storm heading Patrick’s way.

After work, I headed to the Chinese pharmacy and told them I had bad constipation. The pharmacist offered me western medicine which he said was more gentle or Chinese traditional medicine which would clean me right out. I chose the Chinese medicine, which he went out back to grind from special roots.

He brings it back in a paperback and tells me to put a pinch in hot water and drink it in the morning. I open the back, and to my delight, it’s black and looks exactly like ground coffee, and even sniffing at it makes me want to poop.

I think you can see where this is going.

The next morning, I get to work super early. I lift the lid on the espresso machine, scoop out about half of the ground coffee and replace it with Chinese herbal laxatives, then give it a good stir.

Just as I replace the lid, Patrick comes in and makes a beeline straight for the espresso machine. Later sitting at my desk, which unfortunately faced the whale, I could see Patrick sipping on his coffee, gently pulling out his hair as he checked the weekly reports.

Then I noticed his face start to get paler than usual, then his face scrunches up…

“Ooooh, I think I mighta eaten something rotten.” You can see the deliberation going on in his head, hold on, or go to the squat toilet. He’s sweating bullets, pulling out his hair, and the whole time still guzzling on that espresso.

Finally, he makes a bolt for the toilets, and the great white whale explodes, again, and again, and again.

He comes back to the office, looking terrible, new espresso in his hand, sits down, pulls out hair, sips coffee, runs to the toilet… REPEAT. REPEAT.

REPEAT. Three days, this went on until, presumably, the coffee laxative cleared the machine. The whole time he thought he had food poisoning, but it was easily the best revenge I ever did.”

15 points - Liked by laya, suburbancat2, lebe and 12 more

11. It's Gonna Cost You Your GPA

“Thanksgiving 2015. My family gets together in a rural-ish cabin. I had agreed to give my younger sister a ride to the airport on Sunday, since she was on a short break from college, and had important classes and tests to get back to after Thanksgiving.

I’d also agreed to lock up the cabin for my parents since they had to leave on Saturday to get back to pressing work matters.

During the post-dinner hanging around on Thanksgiving, my sister decided to give me trouble about the bad couple months I’d had.

A long-term partner of mine and I had broken up and the company I worked for folded. This went beyond normal sibling mud-flinging, including her saying something to the effect of, ‘Who’d date or hire a worthless failure loser like you anyway, witch? You were probably sleeping with your boss and she dumped you both when she learned you were both failures.’

She was called out on her crude remarks by several family members but refused to apologize.

I seemingly let it slide. I had plenty of emergency funds, had a few job prospects lined up (was hired shortly after and got a nice salary bump, actually) and was okay with being single.

Her vehemence was out of left field though, and uncalled for.

Sunday morning, I waited for her in the kitchen.

‘Hey, Heather,’ I said when she entered the kitchen. ‘Wanna apologize for your awful comments the other night?’

She laughed. ‘About your being a complete failure?

Nope. Now let’s get going I have a flight to catch.’

‘Fair enough!’ I responded, and poured myself some booze.

‘What are you doing?’ she screamed. ‘I have a plane to catch!’

‘You sure do!’ I responded, cheerfully. I paused and repeated the pour-and-slam.

‘Well, it looks like I’ve had too much to drink to drive! I guess we’ll have to wait until you’re civil, won’t we?’

She pulled out her phone and messed with it for a few seconds before I said: ‘There aren’t any cab companies or Ubers around here.

I’m your only ride. So you can apologize for being a witch, or you can miss your flight.’

‘Screw you!’

I grinned and took another shot.

In short: I got absolutely wasted. She missed her flight, missed some tests, and her GPA plummeted.

It was hilarious.

As to why she didn’t drive herself to the airport and/or why someone else didn’t give her a ride. For one, the car was registered and insured in my name only. I’d locked the keys in the little keypad safe in our parent’s room and changed the combination.

As for other ride options, it was established early on that I would be giving her a ride, so we were the last two there. I was her only option.”

14 points - Liked by Twise, suburbancat2, lebe and 11 more

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biha 3 years ago
Bet she still never apologized 🙂 some people like to make themselves the biggest loser in a situation they possibly can.
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10. Try To Stop A Carport From Being Built? Say Bye To Your Townhouse

“This played out some 3-4 years ago when my parents-in-law bought a new car.

Because my father-in-law (FIL) wanted to protect his investment a little better and have it protected against the elements just a bit better, he decided he wanted a carport built over on his driveway. Added bonus, he was always able to get in dry. It rains quite a lot where we’re from.

As one does when wanting to build an addition to your house/property, he applied for a permit. I don’t know if this is how it goes everywhere, but here they request lands in the local paper and in the city office for neighbors to look into and are able to object to this if they have a valid reason.

You guessed it, one neighbor did object to this. The reason? It’s blocking sunlight to his house. Worth mentioning that the only sunlight it could possibly block was that of the teeny tiny window in his front door. Through that window was his hallway of about 3 square meters, and it is where they hang their coats, and their staircase to the 2nd floor is there.

Then there’s a door to his living room that is always, obviously closed. Petty as can be.

Thankfully, the city council found this to be petty too and granted the permit to my FIL, so not long after we start to build, and in 2-3 day’s time, a very nice carport was built.

For the sake of the neighbors, FIL even had this sort of skylight inserted, so some sun came through. He tried to do the neighborly thing, so he still had his sunlight. Everybody is happy. Well, not so much.

The first thing that happens is when a friend of FIL is installing a gutter pipe to it, and he puts in 2 screws to fasten it against a wall.

This is the neighbor’s wall, you see, that is a brick wall of his garage. He goes berserk to my FIL’s friend how he could do this and that it is a crime committed to his property, and he will get the proper authority alerted to this, yada, yada, yada.

The offer to take them out and fill them up again with some plaster or whatever is too little too late. The guy does it anyway and finds another way to fix the gutter in place.

Second thing, a day later, my kids were playing there with a few friends, and they come in a bit frightened because Mr. Neighbor is on his side of the driveway looking angry with a measuring tape and a large poster (property plans).

They brush it off as just another crazy act of him (he was known for some crazy antics in the street anyway) and think nothing of it. That is until a week or 2 later, a letter arrives from some city authority that an audit is taking place in a few days because the carport we built exceeded a whopping 2.5 cm onto the neighbor’s property/ground.

Yes, he actually objected to this and fronted the money to have this audited. The audit takes place, and turns out, the jerk was right, and as petty as the auditor found it, there was nothing he could do but order my FIL to take the thing down and start again.

(Simply putting the pillars a little more back onto their own ground wouldn’t do it because the roof of it fell a little over the pillars to the outside making it 1 cm extra exceeding property lines).

Now I have never seen my FIL angry, ever, and I know the man for a good 16 years now.

So he called around to my brothers-in-law to tell them what happened and if they could help take it down; it had to be within an X amount of time too or else he had to pay Y amount of money for every day it was up after.

One BIL came over right away to check it all out and starts searching for the property plans online and has my FIL search for all the paperwork he has that came with the house which as it so happens included enlarged property plans because when they bought the house, we had also extended a piece of the house to have a larger kitchen.

(Now I have to note here that my BIL is an engineer in infrastructure as his job, but he knows a lot in other areas as well and also has a very keen eye.)

He starts measuring for himself with some special equipment he uses in his job too.

I don’t know what it is all called or what it does exactly, but at first, it must conclude the jerk next door, and the auditor was right. No real surprise. But then he notices something when he opened up the gates adjacent to the carport which is the entrance to their backyard and starts laughing.

He then asks me to go all the way to the back of the yard and hold some yellow block thingy (that catches a laser beam) as far as I could to the very right through the bushes. I push it through some thick bushes/plants (my FIL will kill me for not knowing, but I don’t know what all that green was), but then it reached bricks, the townhouse of mean neighbor.

He calibrates the thing, and it beeps and again started laughing. “Well, (FIL’s name), we’re not taking anything down.”

Turns out, the townhouse of lovely Mr. Neighbor, his very beloved townhouse I might add, exceeded property lines into my FIL’s side. Not by 2,5cm, no, a whopping +18cm to be exact.

You wouldn’t see it because there are all these bushes/plants/trees in front of it, but it is definitely exceeding it big time.

Now, it wasn’t a simple case as in telling neighbor it did and trade keeping the carport for keeping the townhouse because, first, they had to check if they had grounds to do so.

Don’t know how it works exactly, but first, they had to find out if there had been a prior written/notarized agreement between former owners of both houses that the townhouse was built on that ground with permission, and when that wasn’t the case, they had to find out if somehow over the years it had become perfectly legal for it being there.

(The law here can be weird about that.) But they did ask the auditor if the carport could stay up for at least as long as it took to find that all out and he agreed. Of course, it ended up that it wasn’t in any way legal or a prior agreement, nothing.

So then it became the standoff we hoped for. I’ve never seen anyone so bitter by agreeing to something, but the carport still stands and so does the townhouse.

For unrelated very sad reasons (which I won’t disclose, but we ended up feeling very sorry for them), they moved 3 years later and now have the nicest of neighbors with a kid mine plays with to this day.

While talking to BIL about this, he told me that the neighbor after all of this had tried to claim a certain amount from the friend/contractor that had placed the gutters and drilled two holes in the wall of his garage. The ones he had plastered after the screaming match of it being illegal. He claimed that water was now seeping through them effectively being a leakage.

The contractor friend even tried to be friendly, still, offering he’d take a look and if true repair it immediately. Neighbor refused. Shocker!

Also learned they (neighbors) had moved to an apartment complex. I feel for his current neighbors.”

13 points - Liked by suburbancat2, lebe, tipa1 and 10 more

9. Devil Boss Lady Ends Up Flipping Burgers

Oh, the irony!

“Back in the 2010s, I was living in Louisiana and going to school.

I got a job at a daycare with the understanding I was training to be the assistant manager, then later the manager. They had a really high rate of turnover for a daycare; they just couldn’t keep employees and didn’t know why. I have a lot of experience and training in childcare and have done a lot of managerial work within the field, like maintaining supplies, creating lesson plans and activities, checking timesheets, processing payments, etc. The owner was looking to hand over a lot of the day-to-day business, so that’s where I was supposed to come in.

The daycare that hired me was situated between the campus and my apartment, so it was also a convenient location. I could go to and from school to work, and vice versa. It seemed like it was going to be a decent place to work.

I had the one-year-olds, and I loved them to bits. It was easy to slip into the routine with the other teachers, and the kids had taken to me very quickly.

About a week in, I ask about the training, and my boss tells me I need to hit sixty days first. Okay, no biggie.

They want to make sure I’ll stick around and not just use them for training/certs. So, I make it through the probationary period, and there’s still no mention of training. The room with the older kids always smelled like pee, but when I brought it up, they just dismissed it as a kid who had problems wetting himself.

All the time, apparently. The two-year-old teacher was always on her phone playing games, and the kids would run wild the entire time while she sat with her head down, not watching them. I brought that up, as well, and was told it wasn’t my business.

The infant teacher was the only one that actually seemed to care and be invested in the kids, at all.

As much as that bothered me, it was also stuff I knew I could fix because I had done it before at other places. If we could ever get to the actual training, that is.

I get only vague answers when I ask my boss about it, and it’s really starting to bug me. I was also getting REALLY gosh darn tired of listening to my boss talk about the kids or their parents, insulting one mom over the way she dressed, or saying how weird this little boy in my room was.

My room also shared a half wall with the kitchen, so when my boss was back there prepping breakfast or lunch, I could hear everything she said. She was a newly single 55-year-old divorcee who’d just started to go out to clubs and drink again and pick up men.

There’s nothing wrong with that. I mean get it, girl! More power to ya, but please stop talking about it around my kids. She did this ALL THE TIME, on the phone, to other teachers, even parents, like they wanted to hear about the club she found last night.

I stuck it out thinking, “Okay, I can do this. She’ll be gone most of the time anyway when I take over, and I can implement some changes, so she’s not running people off with her attitude.” So, one day, I have a little boy (the same one she often tried to say was weird) who starts running a fever and has to go home.

I call his parents, and they tell me his grandparents are heading over to pick him up. He’s a very quiet little boy, never makes any waves or anything. His parents are absolutely precious. His grandparents come in and are just as sweet. So, they come into my classroom while my boss is preparing lunch.

She’s talking to another teacher while I talk to the grandparents about his symptoms. All of a sudden, we hear her talking about the little boy, how he stunk. I am stuck somewhere between absolutely mortified and thoroughly gosh darn enraged, but I also have a bunch of little kids volleying for my attention and don’t want to scare them.

I clear my throat as loudly as humanly freaking possible, but… She. Keeps. Going. She’s talking about the parents and how she was glad she didn’t have to deal with them right now because somebody else was picking him up. I’m apologizing profusely to the grandparents at this point.

I peek my head around the corner and tell her to shut up, then watch the couple leave with their grandson.

She comes out of the kitchen and says nothing at all, just walks straight by without a word. I get the kids to sleep, then go on my lunch break.

Just as I return, I hear her on the phone in the office as soon as I walk in. She is telling the boy’s parents that I was the one in the kitchen talking about him, blaming every disgusting thing she said on me.

Of all the nerve, the outright unmitigated gall, WHO the does that?! I was heated.

I waited until the end of the day, walked into her office, and quit on the spot. I then reported a lot of the infractions and stuff I had seen that she never corrected, even though she was fully aware of the issues.

Didn’t think about her again, until six months later.

I’m pulling through the Jack In the Box drive-thru, and I hear a familiar voice on the speaker. Nah, I think, can’t be. I pull around, and there my former boss is standing in the window wearing a drive-thru headset.

This was funny for two reasons: 1) when I left, she wished me luck flipping burgers (in return I wished her luck keeping the place afloat), and 2) she treated service people like absolute garbage. Not enough ice in her drink? She’d call and complain. They forgot extra ketchup?

Well, then she deserved free food. Just an absolute Karen any time she had the chance.

I stop at the window and stare for a second. She looks straight through me at first. I gave her the money and said, “Fancy meeting you here.”

She never acknowledges me, so I actually wondered if she recognized me.

I asked, “You don’t remember me?” She put her hand on her hip and looked over the top of her glasses at me the way I had seen her do countless times, and said, “No. SHOULD I?”

Dang, I figured, she really doesn’t know me?

Buuuuuuut nope, she definitely remembered, because she then threw my change, coins included, at me in my truck, and asked, “Will that be all?”

Yep, honey, I’m going to feast on this moment for years.”

Another User Comments:

“My niece works in a daycare.

I’m proud to say that she is a lot like you: caring, respectful, GOOD, and wants better for the children and the business. I don’t think this society understands the absolute treasure you are.” FlagrantSoybean

13 points - Liked by Twise, suburbancat2, tipa1 and 10 more

8. Your Mom's Gonna Learn About Your Hissy Fit

“So I drive an 18 wheeler. Not only that, but I own my truck and my business.

One day, while coming into Laredo, Texas, I was in the turning lane for my exit and this car whips out in front of me.

Not really having enough room to stop, I turned onto the shoulder, threw on the air horn (which is extremely loud when you’re next to the truck), and stopped right beside the guy.

He proceeds to get out of his car with his phone and starts taking pictures of my truck and plate. By this time, the light had turned green so I gave him a few shorthorn honks to basically tell him to get going.

He then beats on my door, so I roll my window down and he starts screaming about his ears hurting and how I’m damaging his ability to hear.

He then demands that I give him my boss’s number and my Driver’s License Number, so he can call it in and report me and, “have my job for this.” And he proceeded to move his car to the shoulder and backs so close to my bumper, I couldn’t get around him.

I kind of smirked at him and told him he didn’t want to speak to my boss because he is a short-tempered man and that he wouldn’t like what my boss would have to say about this issue, but he insisted that he speak to my boss.

I also told him if he wanted to call me in, all he’d need was the numbers on the side of my truck since it’s assigned to me (considering I only own one truck, you can imagine what I would assign my truck number to be).

I gave him my cell phone number and watched as he laughed while speaking each number as he dialed. I see his number pop up on my phone mounted to the windshield (he couldn’t see it from his angle) and tried to hold in my laughter.

I let it ring for a minute and he’s getting impatient, the whole time traffic is going around us. I finally picked up the phone and answered it.

“(Insert Company Name Here) Transport. How can I help you?” His face turns beet red.

He proceeds to yell at me some more and tells me it isn’t over because now he has my number (yeah dude, so do about 100,000 other people.

So what?)

A week later I get a phone call from a number I didn’t have saved in my phone. I had forgotten about the incident but thought it might be a broker or a customer.

I answer the phone and this lady chirps up.

Turns out it was the guy’s mother and she wanted monetary compensation for her son’s troubles.

I asked if she knew what had even happened and she tells me some story about how his bumper was damaged by my truck and that he was scared to talk to me because me driving an 18 wheeler was intimidating to him.

Being a smart owner, I have a camera in my truck, and I dump all my truck’s footage onto my hard drive, so I asked her if she could receive videos over email. She said sure but wasn’t sure what I was about to send her.

I spend a minute or two looking through the hard drive on my laptop and find the video of the incident and send it to her.

While still on the phone, I can hear the audio playing as she watched it. Her tone changed in an instant and I heard her put the phone down, and all broke loose in that house.

There was Spanish screaming, things being thrown, and lord knows what else going on. It reminded me of that movie “A Christmas Story” when Ralphie’s mom calls that lady about the curse word and hears the apocalypse on the phone.

Yeah, it was kind of like that, but in Spanish.

She then comes back to me and very kindly asks for two things. 1. She asks that I forget she called and act as if this never happened because she was embarrassed to no end, and 2. If I could delete the video of her son’s idiocy.

I told her that number 1 was fine, I could do that.

But as far as number 2, I would not delete the footage, but the only way anyone other than me or her would see it is if it was needed for a court case. She bid me a good day and hung up the phone.”

12 points - Liked by Twise, suburbancat2, lebe and 9 more

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nila 3 years ago
My dad always used to tell me, DON'T PISS OF A TRUCK DRIVER! LOL
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7. Write Me Up Over A Spill? I'll Make Sure To Guard It Next TIme

“I used to work at Walmart and the store I worked in had a rule that if you see a spill, you are to guard the area to keep customers from slipping and falling. You were not to leave the spill for any reason while you flagged down another employee so that they could fetch cleaning supplies (only managers and the cleaning crew had radios).

I understand the logic here as a lawsuit would certainly cost much more than an hourly employee’s time standing next to a spill until it was cleaned up.

However, there are a few issues with this in practice.

I worked the evening shift in the Meat Department and most days I was the only person in my department.

I was situated between Frozen Foods and Produce, which more often than not only had 1 person shifts as well but they also closed much earlier than my department. This meant that I was the only person in my corner of the store for about half of my shift. If I came across a spill there was no telling how long I would have to wait around for another employee to come by because there was literally nobody else working in or around my area.

Also, being in the Meat Department, we had multiple cleaning stations all around. One was always a few steps away.

One day, while working alone I noticed a small spill. So I stood next to it per procedure for about 10 minutes. At this time nobody, customer nor coworker, had even entered my view.

I couldn’t help but think how dumb this was as I could see a cleaning station just on the other side of a bunker. I decided to throw in the flag and just go get the cleaning supplies and take care of it myself because even if a customer did come around I could still see the spill and easily call out to them to watch their step.

Unsurprisingly, I was able to make the round trip without any incidents. As I was cleaning it a manager came walking up and took notice of me.

Manager, ‘What happened here?’

Me, ‘Just a spill. I’ve got it all sorted.’

Manager, ‘Did you just happen to have cleaning supplies on you?’

Me, ‘No, but they were just right there. I was able to fetch them without losing sight of the spill.’

Manager, ‘That’s not how we do things! Someone could have gotten hurt!’

Me, ‘No, as I could have called to anyone that came near it.

I was never more than a few steps away.’

Manager, ‘Doesn’t matter. You should have stood next to the spill and waited for someone else to come by.’

This went on for a few minutes but the manager was not budging so I conceded. That was not good enough for him as he then proceeded to write me up for ‘Negligence and unsafe work practices.’ I was livid, but I was also a college student and needed the job so I just kept quiet and returned to my shift.

A week or two later as I was once again the only person working in my corner of the store, I happened upon another spill. This time I shrugged and decided to guard it as if my job depended on it.

I checked my watch and noticed that I had about 3 hours left on my shift and had a small laugh at the thought that I might be standing in that spot guarding a puddle instead of closing my department.

10 minutes passed. 30 minutes passed. 1 hour passed.

Around this time I was bored out of my mind, but then I heard a call over the intercom system that made it so much more worth it. ‘We need an associate from the Meat Department to the back for a truck.’ This was followed by a few other calls for other departments for their trucks arriving as well.

I started laughing out loud at this because I knew that this meant that the very few people that were likely to come by my department were now at the loading dock unloading trucks while I stood guard over my puddle.

A few minutes passed before I heard the second call, ‘We need an associate from the Meat Department to the back for a truck.’ I just stood there counting the lights on the ceiling.

1 hour left of my shift and there still had not been a single fellow employee walk by. I assumed everyone was starting to finish up their own trucks by this point and would likely soon have to start unloading my truck as well.

I was watching the minutes go by in anticipation trying to decide if someone would come to find me before my shift ended or not.

I got my answer 15 minutes before the end of my shift as the very same manager from before came storming through the Meat Department furious. We made eye contact and he stormed over to me and started yelling about how they have been calling for me to unload the truck and how they are now behind schedule and so on.

Once he took a breath long enough for me to speak I asked simply, ‘Can you go to a spill station and grab something to clean this up? I’ve been here a while now.’ He glanced down at the puddle next to me and I thought he was going to explode.

Manager, ‘You mean to tell me that you didn’t unload the truck because you were watching a spill?’

Me, ‘Yes.’

Manager, ‘Why didn’t you just clean it up?’

Me, ‘But leaving the spill would be unsafe for any customers. Besides, you wrote me up for doing that very thing recently, right?’

The manager tossed his hands up in defeat and walked the 15 steps away to the nearest spill station and returned with supplies, that he promptly gave me to clean the spill myself.

Manager, ‘Once you are done go back to the loading dock and start on your truck.’

Me, ‘Sorry, I have only about 10 minutes left on my shift and as I’ve been standing here guarding the spill I never got my second break. So I’m going to the break room for a bit before clocking out. You’ll need to find someone to close down my department as well.’

The manager just stomped off in a rage. I cleaned up the spill, played on my phone in the breakroom for a bit, and clocked out with a smile on my face. I know that the manager just made someone else do all the work and wasn’t personally affected by this, but knowing that I could be a thorn in his side was enough for me.”

11 points - Liked by suburbancat2, tipa1, sceri1234 and 8 more

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lehu 3 years ago
Lol good for you... I can't stand jobs that has ridiculous standards like that, all it does is set people up for failure, rather you're doing something by the books or what would be more productive to have everything done, can't win for losing
2 Reply

6. Dock Our Pay And Almost Fire Us? Get Shut Down

“This happened almost four years ago at my last job before going solo. I was already planning on leaving, but this incident quickened my exit (and the severance package didn’t hurt either).

Back in 2014, I got a job as a customer support agent for a telecommunications company.

I have worked in a call center before, and I went for this job for two reasons: 1) it was customer support, not sales (important for later) and 2) had a flexible working schedule, which I needed at the time (8-hours shifts in a day).

In the beginning, everything was fine.

The pay was a bit more than the average. Overtime and holidays were paid, and the working environment was good. Then, a year in, everything changed.

The telecommunications company decided (for cost-cutting reasons) to outsource both customer support and sales and sold our contracts to a call center company.

That brought a tsunami of changes.

First, we were moved to another building in the city, much bigger, which hosted only call centers. Second, the two departments were merged in one. That meant that a lot of people lost their jobs (between 140 to 160). The merger also meant that the people that were left had two jobs to do: customer support and sales.

They went for a 3-2 rotation; one week, you did 3 days of customer support and 2 days of sales, the next, 3 days of sales and 2 days of customer support. The only shift exempted was the night shift (thank God for nights). The third was the pay cuts.

That wasn’t evident at first, but it was there. They cut our hours from 8 to 6, but because we worked 8 hours, we had 2 hours of overtime. The commissions from sales also helped at the beginning. And finally, it brought a change of culture in the workplace.

Before the merger, we were relaxed and didn’t have goals or cutoff times. (Customer support can take a lot of time, especially for changing providers). Now we had monthly sales goals and a minimum and maximum call time (minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 10.)

For a year, things were kind of ok.

Then the real problems started. First was the delaying of overtime and bonus payments. Then, almost all of our managers quit and the new ones (brought over from other call centers) that were more tin tyrants than managers. Raising the targets for daily calls and sales to unrealistic targets didn’t help either.

We started to become a meat grinder; people were leaving, and new employees didn’t last long (4 months on average). New policies were implemented that made no sense, like if you’re 10 minutes or more late, you had an hour of your pay docked.

During that time, I and some other experienced employees were writing everything down, just in case.

A couple of major incidents happened, but the worst was about to happen.

It is important to note that I live in a country that has earthquakes, usually two major ones in a year. There are certain procedures that you have to follow during an earthquake.

You kind of see where this is going.

It was around 2 p.m. on a Friday of August when an earthquake happened. It was a good, long one. Most of us were on the phones at that hour. Most of us took immediate precautions. After it passed, most of us tried to follow the evaluation procedures.

But the managers stopped us. They said that the phones were still working and we had to do our jobs. Most people got scared and went back to work, but I and a few others (about 10 in total) walked out. Ten minutes later, we all got a call from HR that because we walked out, our pay for the day was docked and if we didn’t return, we would be fired. Fifteen minutes after that, the first aftershock hit, bringing down the power, forcing them to evacuate the building.

Their response time was atrocious (2 hours and 3 aftershocks).

The same afternoon, we had contacted our union and filed complaints. We spilled the beans about everything, especially the last day.

On Monday, the union opens an investigation on the incident. HR and the managers tried to stonewall them, BUT… their atrocious evacuation time during a major earthquake had caught the eye of the government agency responsible for work safety (thanks to some helpful cops directing traffic who saw it was the last building evacuated).

Along with the Union being watchful already (from a previous incident), the investigation was thorough.

The investigation brought to light all the bad practices of the company. The biggest fine was by the government due to the evacuation failure. Adding to that was a two months shutdown to check the building for structural damage (which found six emergency exits locked!).

All the employees (for all the call centers) got three months of extra pay as compensation for being denied evacuation.

Then came the labor laws violations. Everybody was paid in full for the day, plus overtime (heavily inflated because it was late). The ten of us that walked out got severance pay on the low five-digit scale.

The Call Center company, having to pay the fines while having about 40% of their call centers shut down for two months lost some very lucrative contracts. It managed to barely survive, until it was bought out by another call center company in 2019.”

10 points - Liked by suburbancat2, lebe, tipa1 and 7 more

5. Want An Employee With The "Most Experience?" Got You

“A few years ago I worked for Company X as the manager of some key administrative staff. At the time, I had 4 employees;

– Generic Employee

– Rock Star Employee

– New Guy Employee

– Total Idiot Employee (could not be fired as he was related to some very senior managers – nepotism at its best)

We worked closely with the Operations Team where one of our responsibilities was to perform certain tasks – without which the entire operation would grind to a halt.

At the time, there had been some expansion and a second shift was introduced (thus New Guy was hired).

Like anytime something new happened, there were a lot of teething issues. At the time, Total Idiot and Generic were covering the new afternoon shift (rotating weekly) while I had New Guy learning the ropes in the morning (where the workload was a lot heavier) with Rockstar and Generic Employee/Total Idiot on their week of mornings.

As mentioned, there were some problems with introducing a new shift and the Operations Manager (who I had worked with in the past and we didn’t really get along) did as most managers do when something isn’t going right – passed the blame over to our end.

One thing I really didn’t like about Ops Manager was that she was the type to go behind your back and be nothing but smiles to your face.

At the time, Operations Manager wanted Rock Star on her shift – because he was the type of person who would constantly go above and beyond to make things happen (read: fix her problems).

Instead of asking me if it was possible, Ops Manager went to our boss’s boss to complain that everything that was going wrong was due to my department and how she needed my most experienced employee on her shift.

The next day I got an email from The Boss with Operations Manager, My Boss and Her Boss copied in;

‘…… please ensure your most experienced employee is on the afternoon shift to help Operations Manager.’

I was a little annoyed. I must have spent about 10 minutes just looking at that email – my temper consistently rising the entire time. Until it finally dawned on me – Ops Manager wanted Rock Star but the request was for my most experienced employee.

What Ops Manager didn’t realize was that Total Idiot had started about 2 months before Rock Star – and a few years before Generic Employee.

Suddenly, I was in a great mood and must have had the biggest grin on my face as I typed my reply.

‘Hi The Boss,

We are of course happy to help Ops Manager with the multitude of issues happening within her shift.

As such, Total Idiot, being my most experienced employee will spend the next 8 weeks working only on Ops Managers shift.’

My boss and I had a great laugh over it – as it was essentially the end of your career to complain about Total Idiot –  there was nothing Ops Manager could do but grin and bear it.”

Another User Comments:

“I love it when the veteran of the workplace is a lousy worker.

When I started working at a certain pizza joint we had someone who was employed for far longer than the others. His incompetence was noted, though, and he got to watch basically every new employee get promoted past him.” killerletz

10 points - Liked by suburbancat2, tipa1, sceri1234 and 7 more

4. Since You Wanna Know Everything On My Screen, I'll Tell You Everything

“I received an unsolicited call earlier this morning from a gentleman named Dan. Dan worked for Microsoft Security and was calling to let me know that my computer had been downloading malicious software, and because I was such a loyal customer he would be walking me through the steps to remove the software and fix my computer.

In case you didn’t guess, Dan did not work for Microsoft, my computer was not infected, and he was not going to help me.

Our conversation began:

Dan: ‘Are you near your computer right now?’

Me: ‘Yes, why?’

Dan: ‘I’d like to help you check it for issues.’

Me: ‘Okay, give me a minute.’

At this point, I spend a couple of minutes ‘finding’ my laptop and get it booted up. Really, it only took about 20 seconds, but Dan didn’t need to know this.

Once I was at my laptop, Dan continued…

Dan: ‘What do you see on your screen right now?’

Me: ‘What was that? (I wanted to make sure I heard his question correctly)’

Dan: ‘What do you see on your screen right now?’

Me: ‘Well, I see my desktop…’

At this point, Dan tried to continue with his script, but I had not told Dan everything that was on my screen, so I continued.

Me: ‘There’s a clock in the bottom left corner, the time says 10:30 AM, the date is December 3rd, 2017, there’s a WiFi signal with full bars, there’s a volume meter but I have it muted right now, there’s a battery indicator showing my laptop is 27% charged.’

Dan tried in vain to interrupt me, but there were still more things to tell him.

Me: ‘There’s an icon called My Computer, an icon called Recycle Bin, an icon called Google Chrome…’

You can see where this is going – I proceeded to read off to Dan each and every icon, shortcut, folder, and file that was currently displayed on my screen.

Dan never got a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Finally, after about 4 or 5 minutes of meticulously letting Dan know exactly what was on my screen, he asked me a question:

Dan: ‘Can you right-click on My Computer?’

Me: ‘Sure, no problem. Do you know where that would be located?’

Dan: ‘It should be on your Desktop.’

Me:’ I know, but I can’t find it. Do you remember what it was next to when I described everything to you?’

Dan: ‘It should be next to Recycle Bin.’

Me: ‘No, Google Chrome is next to the Recycle Bin.’

After a few more minutes, Dan successfully navigated me into the Start Menu to open up a Run box.

Dan: ‘Okay, there should be a field in the Run box. Is it empty?’

Me: ‘No, it has something written already.’

Dan: ‘What does it say?’

Me: ‘The first one says msinfo32, the second one says cmd, the third one says Regedit…’

After going through all the items in my Run box history (11-12), Dan let me know that he would need to call me back in a few minutes.

Despite my pleas for help, Dan hung up.

Apparently, I wasn’t supposed to follow his directions so well?”

10 points - Liked by suburbancat2, tipa1, sceri1234 and 7 more

3. Get Angry About Our New Policy? I'll Change It Immediately

“I used to work as an administrator in a secondary school in the US (Grades 9-12) around 10 years ago. We were a school that didn’t have a specific ‘zone’ or neighborhood, so to speak.

Some of our students lived 30 or 45 minutes from the school, which made it necessary for us to sometimes conduct business with parents or guardians over the phone as opposed to in person.

One day, I met with a Senior (Grade 12) who was in a class that he and his father had deemed too hard for him, and since they didn’t want it impacting his ability to attend college, asked for him to be changed out of the class.

It was early in the semester, and there was plenty of space available in other courses, so I had no problem doing it after a conversation over the phone with his father.

The student was a good guy, and he was totally grateful to me for helping him out.

He would now get to enjoy his last year a little more, with one less difficult class to worry about.

The next day, I get a phone call in my office from mom, who is irate. She spends approximately five minutes berating me about changing his schedule.

I indicated to her that dad was on the contact list for her son, and he was allowed to make these decisions if he chose to do so.

She is the person who put dad on there several years before.

Evidently, mom put dad on the list before their divorce.

She had raised the child over the last several years by herself (according to her), and she should make all of the decisions. I didn’t know this, and the records didn’t reflect it. Since she knew this argument wasn’t going to work, the next objection was against our policy of making decisions over the phone.

The conversation went something like this:

Mom: ‘How do you know for sure it was his dad on the phone? There’s no way you can be sure. I can’t believe you would ever make a decision like this without a parent present. By doing business over the phone, you could be speaking to anyone.’

She continued on and I tried to explain that it is necessary at times to use the phone since parents work in another town and may have to travel an hour or more to get to the school.

Well, she wasn’t buying it.

So finally, I relented. ‘Ma’am, you are right.

I will no longer make decisions like this over the phone. I am going to insist parents come in and meet with me in person.’

Mom: ‘Good. Now I need my son to be put back into the class he was in originally.’

Me: ‘Ma’am, I’m sorry.

You are going to have to come in and meet with me. I’m no longer changing schedules over the phone. How do I know you are this student’s mother?’

Mom: ‘I can’t do that. I live 45 minutes from the school, and I work every day.’ It was at this point she dropped all of her objections.”

10 points - Liked by suburbancat2, lebe, tipa1 and 7 more

2. Lying Again? Out The House You Go, Like The Dog You Are

He got way too many second chances.

“I found out around the end of April 2015 that this ex was two-timing once again. Found out by looking through his phone (which he agreed to random checks to after the last incident).

I hadn’t checked in a while so he apparently got too comfortable.

For some reason, I felt the urge that night to check his phone.

We had gotten an apartment together a few months prior that both of our names were on. That night, I looked through his phone and found that he was deceiving, yet again, with some random girl he’d met.

He was bragging to one of his friends and said, “She knows our relationship is over. We’re basically just roommates at this point.” As far as I knew, our relationship was going great. I’d even spent hours that same night cooking him dinner and putting a brand new kitchen table together by myself because he was too much of a lazy butt to do it himself and I wanted him to have a nice place to eat for once.

After reading these texts, I woke him up and immediately told him to get out as we were done. He started putting on his pants and I said HECK NO no, GET OUT right now with what you have. What did he have on? TIGHTY WHITIES.

His phone was in my name. All of our cars (3 total) were in my name. And I bought him the majority of his clothing throughout the years. We lived basically on a college campus that had only one gas station which was a mile away.

I was also the only one working, so all of our income was mine.

I kicked him out, no shoes, no phone, no wallet, no money, no clothes, no car keys. He walked a mile like that to the gas station to call his mom to come get him at 4 am.

I let him pick all his stuff up, a MONTH later, from the landlord’s all boxed up neatly. Immediately turned off the phone that same day and canceled his cards to my account.

He tried with all his might to get me back, stating that he knew I was the right one and he wanted to marry me.

I said heck no. I even got him to come clean the entire apartment a few weeks later while I napped after an extremely long day and he groveled.

I woke up to tell him to get out again. Not to mention I threatened to take his past issues against me to the police (had documentation) if he didn’t pay half of the rest of our rent up front since his name was also on the lease, to the tune of 3,000$ USD.

We live in a state famous for horse racing and he worked 12 hours a day for multiple days at the track (during May, the busiest time in the year for horse racing on the planet) to pay it while I was also there, dressed fabulously, drinking mint juleps.

It felt wonderful and I got together with my now-husband (who treats me great) the same week that I kicked him out. Best thing I’ve ever done. Just picturing him walking into a gas station at 4 am to ask to use the phone and call his mommy still makes me giggle like a little girl close to 4 years later.

Don’t go behind my back, especially not the 5th time around or I’ll screw you over, BIG TIME.”

9 points - Liked by suburbancat2, lebe, tipa1 and 7 more

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lehu 3 years ago
"fool me once shame on you
Twice shame on me
Third time shame on the both of us"... I have been the latter but once i started to realize all the signs it made me realize what this quote meant... Glad you got out of it, hopefully you'll recognize the signs sooner
2 Reply
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1. Take My Best Friend? Your Woman Will Learn About Your Affair

I mean, she needed to know eventually, right?

“So a few years ago, I worked at a Fortune 100 company.

I was there on a contract. Everything was great. Really liked the team, the boss (Paul) was great. He and I could talk about anything honestly as two guys.

He’s been to my house. I’ve been to his. His wife is funny and a stay-at-home mom. If it wasn’t for the boss/contractor thing, we could be bros outside of work. At some point, there is a new woman contractor (Mary) that starts on the team.

She sits in the cube next to me. She’s married, pretty hot, a little bit flirty, just generally great to talk to. She and I hit it off right away.

We become pretty close. We become friends, texting each other at night about work and family and just general stuff.

Every now and then she throws some random comments out there about me coming over to her place. Which, from a self-esteem point of view, was just a big plus in my book. Never took her up on it, but could have. We have our normal disagreements about how to run stuff, complete tasks, etc. and while those got heated, it was just two strong-willed people having different opinions.

No big deal. She becomes a family friend. Our kids play together, families go to events together, etc.

Fast forward to about 4 months later, I am chatting with my boss late at night (project cutover), he mentions that he is jealous of how Mary and I can ‘fight and clear the air and just move on.’ I thank him for the compliment and didn’t think anything of it.

Well, within a couple of weeks boss-man and Mary are doing lunch together constantly. I ask him if I should ‘move out of the way’ as it is obvious that he likes her (Remember, I am there on a contract, so my boss can fire me without a reason – that’s why I treated him with deference).

He says no.

Life goes on for another couple of weeks this way. Then he puts her on his pet project. All of her time is now allocated to his stuff. He doesn’t have time for the rest of the team as ‘all of his attention is focused on his project.’ I am sure you can see where this is heading.

It was quite obvious to the entire group that they were having an affair. The entire group was up in arms about this because this ‘new’ girl is getting all of the boss’s attention, getting perks, etc. The same old story that you have heard about before.

Needless to say, I too am upset. I am losing Mary, my BFF. I figured we were friends enough to keep being friends even through her affair. Obviously not.

What bugged me about the entire thing is that I told my boss (who was also a friend) that his affair with her was ruining my work relationship and my personal relationship with Mary.

He denied to my face that they were having an affair, which was such nonsense because I overheard him talking to her on the phone saying how he wanted to come over to her place for one of their ‘status meetings’ and make out with her (Side note: There were also a couple of photos of them that were taken by people on the team – One was taken in the office at a group celebration for someone’s birthday.

In the background, you can see them in his office, and another one where the team was out to a concert where everyone was drinking. People finally noticed that they disappeared. One of the women in the group took a pic of them kissing in his car).

Of course, I didn’t tell them about these pictures during our talk. Screw him and her.

Less than a month later, we do a shuffling of cube locations, ‘to better align the people who work on projects together.’ I am moved to a ‘deserted island’ – no one around me.

Handwriting is on the wall. One month after that I am cc’d on an email to my contracting firm informing them that my last day will be 2 weeks from that email.

So through this whole thing, my ‘friend’ just quit hanging out (and I get why) and stopped caring.

Mary pretty much just dumped me as a friend. I didn’t like it. I tried to ask her why to see if she would say anything at all– no dice. Her allegiance was to Paul now. I told her that I was upset. She told me she didn’t care and didn’t have time for me.

If you want to have an affair go for it.

The whole affair part didn’t bother me (too much). I will admit to some envy there, but I am not going to sacrifice everything I have for some tail. Just not worth it to me.

What bothered me was the lack of respect that they both showed me. I was pretty honest with both of them about what the team was saying, how everyone was feeling, etc. What they did was take my honesty and use it so that they could cover up their affair better.

For example, when I said people were noticing that she would leave and then Paul would get his coat on and leave within 5 min, he started leaving his coat in the office and leaving about 15 min after her.

When I said that people noticed he was giving gifts to her and not to the group then all of a sudden the group started getting stuff too.

Stuff like that.

What was funny (in a messed up way) is that about 4 months after I was gone, she started being friendly again, random, ‘How are you?’, ‘My day sucked’ texts. Anyway, I moved on work-wise. Still texted her every few days after she started texting me.

Again, nothing major. Just pleasantries. But that anger was still inside me because of how vulnerable I made myself to her and how I felt I was used.

So I resolved to get even. I waited a full year (and heard that she had accepted a full-time position with my former boss).

I then sent an anonymous email to his wife letting her know about the affair and giving her details and the proof (the pictures) too.

Mary, of course, called me, so did my former boss. He was angry! I told both of them that I did not do anything (‘How could I, I have been gone for more than a year.

I don’t know anything about your life anymore!’)

I heard that both of them got tossed out of their homes and are getting divorced.

They deserve each other.

Moral of the story, if you are going to have an affair be discreet and keep your friends close.

Or have the nerve to say, ‘I don’t want to be friends anymore,’ and not be a passive-aggressive jerk. Because if not, they may become your enemy and might be even more passive-aggressive and look for revenge. Did it make me feel better that I did it?


9 points - Liked by suburbancat2, lebe, tipa1 and 8 more

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elsc 3 years ago
Good. Two-faced ****** **like that deserve the huge dose of karma... I'm talking to you Kyle!!
2 Reply

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