People Talk About The Shattering Lies They Were Told To Their Face

41. Mom Acts Like A Sneaky Teenager
“So my mom had been texting and calling someone recently, leaving to the ‘store’ every time she had to take an ‘important call.’ It came to the point where my brother had to sneak around and find out what her password was. It was full of texts like ‘do you love me’ and lies saying that she worked overnight shifts when in reality she only worked in the morning at a local school.
My brother, shocked, came to her saying ‘what the heck?’ She played it off and played my father like a puppet to the point he thought my brother was mentally insane and taking him to a therapist.
A few months past and my brother and I found out about the android device manager where we can track android devices just by signing into our email addresses.
Luckily, my mom had been using my brother’s email address as her primary and forgot to change it. We tracked it every day for a week and it always led to a local elementary that was dark as heck on weekdays. We finally brought this to my dad and we drove in with his black truck turning off the headlights as we sneaked up to what looked like my mother’s car and my uncle’s truck.
Sure enough, I got off the truck and crouched up to my uncle’s truck, and saw the unspeakable. Luckily, we had a spare set of keys to my mother’s car and I drove her car away ever so sly that they didn’t notice until I deliberately shined the high beams as I drove off. I dropped it off at my friend’s house and left it there for almost a week before we told her we knew what was going on.
The day we got there, she came home sobbing and begging for forgiveness for ‘losing’ the car. I told her I’d get involved with the police when in reality I knew where it was the whole time and never called.
It was three days later after seeing her finally torn apart and a mess of a woman that we let her know that we knew the whole time.
We let the whole family know, including my uncle’s wife, and it tore the whole family apart. It may sound terrible to let everyone know but I don’t condone cheating of any and would like to be told if this ever happened to me.”
40. She Thought She Would Get Away With It
“I was in the death throes of a messy relationship when I started hooking up with what would become a rebound for a few months. Never thought I would cheat, but that relationship never healed after I caught her cheating.
It was my first relationship, and i thought things would work out… but it was just messy. (Side note: found out she cheated by finding ginger hair in the bed… she was Asian) [belated note, the night that she did this I was in the hospital from a traffic accident)
Right so relationship is in death-throes, I’m unhappy and end up cheating. On the bright side it helped me realize I was unhappy and ended it.
Fast forward six months, and I’m with rebound girl. She slowly pulls away but won’t talk. Things start tailspinning for her, she gets kicked out of her folks’ house for stealing… On top of being kicked out she loses her phone and car. She ends up staying with her grandma, and on the day that I caught her, her grandma had also given her the boot.
Anywho I get a call from her mom asking me to check up on her since she is supposedly staying with one of our mutual friends.
Called up her friend to check up on her and she isn’t there and hasn’t heard from her in weeks, it was at this point that I knew. I was a little perplexed by it, but shrugged it off.
The girl was really only good for hook up, and that had stopped when she pulled away.
I end up being designated driver for a few friends as they go out drinking, and lo and behold she shows up at the bar with another dude. Her excuses were fantastic! A monkey would have lied better than her. She says she is just showing up to see a lady friend, but has to go.
I notice this guy slink out after her, chuckling I go out to enjoy the fresh air and have a smoke. I walk outside and hear her talking with said slinky dude; saying that her crazy ex is inside so they need to go somewhere else. At this point, I clear my throat, and looking at him say ‘Well I was her man up till just now.’ Then looking to her I said ‘You really are dumb as heck’ with that I shook my head and walked back in the bar.
Its funny because I had started to become really good friends with her friends, and after this came to light they sided with me. Here’s the kicker for this one: in a weeks time she got kicked out by her family… twice, lost her car, her phone, her man, and 3 of her ‘best’ friends.
Today, I’m still friends with those 3 and still hang out with them.”
39. Had A Smoke With Her Side Piece After I Caught Them
“I caught my significant other on and off of getting very intimate with some dude on my own couch. I just stared sorta blankly like I didn’t know what was really happening. She noticed me and just sorta jumps off of him and runs to me and pushes me out the room and shuts the door. She slapped me and hit me a few times.
I still just stood there and walked to the couch in my living room and just sat down. I had a box full of blunts under the couch took one out and sparked it up. There was lots of screaming going on in the other room but I’ll be honest I don’t really know what it was about. The guy came out and started pouring out to me that he had no idea that she was in a relationship and that she picked him up at the beach.
I look at him and for some reason said it’s all good dog. Flirts gonna flirt it up and I point to the special smokes and asks if he wants one. He was surprised, to say the least, but he said for sure. And we sat there and I put on Archer and we just laughed our heads off. I really wasn’t thinking about Emma (my girl) at the time and then I said excuse me for a sec to the guy and went to the balcony.
I called a taxi and a U-Haul truck and then went to the bedroom where Emma was just sitting on the bed on her phone and she sees me and starts yelling a bunch of things like I’m sorry but I just felt impulsive and you always tell me to follow my instincts (no lie she actually said this). I just laughed and said wow you are one stupid flirt and a taxi and a Uhaul truck is coming now to move you out don’t worry I paid for it.
Bye. And she starts screaming and yelling and hitting at me and saying that I made her do this and stuff like that but I just shut the door and laughed. I’ll be honest after she left and all, I was hurt really bad she was my girl of three years and one of the first people I told about my depression. But hey man that guy became an incredibly good friend of mine.
And I haven’t talked to that girl in sooooo long and she tried to apologize a week later saying that she was just trying to be spontaneous I just get the heck out of my life you stupid. I got slapped but hey I feel amazing.”
38. Gave Her 30 Minutes To Fill Her Car Up
“We were Mormons and figured that would never happen with us. We were married in one of the Mormon temples that made it all special and I was devoted to her.
There were some instances while we were not married yet that made me question, but I always blew it off thinking it was paranoia. About four months after we were married she started spending nights with her friends, then weekends. We were living about ninety minutes from her hometown so I didn’t think too much of her taking off for a weekend. Then it was three, then four days are gone.
She dropped out of school, quit working, and started racking up charges. Months of this went by. Then a phone call from my grandparents (they lived in the same town as her, it’s how we met) saying her car had been parked outside this guy’s home an awful lot. I never caught her in the act, but that was it.
I called and told her she had thirty minutes to fill her car up with gas because I was calling her debit card in as stolen (we had a joint account).
She raced back saying how sorry she was, and how she needed to be on her own, and how much she truly loved me. She wanted to make it work, but she needed a little time. I helped her pack her car up, and gave her some money for the road. I was foolish and believed she would come back. Our one-year anniversary came around and nothing from her.
So I tossed a bunch of her clothes out, boxed up her important papers (cause I wasn’t going to be a total jerk), and told her to come to get her stuff. I filed the papers a week later.
In the end, I kept the appliances, and she got stuck paying the debts off. She wasn’t very smart and afterward started spreading rumors around the town that I had been abusive.
Considering I am family to almost everyone in that town no one believed her. Now she is stuck in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere Nevada with no real future while I’ve gone on to marry my high school sweetheart who is the greatest woman I have ever met.”
37. Surprises Don't Always Turn Out Fine
“I was a senior in high school going out with a college freshman. She was the first relationship I ever had, and we started going out halfway through her senior year before she went off to college. I had just made a huge personal transformation from a very overweight, nerdy, unpopular introvert into an active, social, outgoing, fit guy.
We both played tennis and she managed for the guy’s team and that’s how we met.
Anyway, we’ve been together for a year or so, and I’ve visited her at college a couple of times to stay in contact. So, I get it in my head that I’m going to drive there and surprise her. Well, I get to her dorm a couple of hours later, park, walk up to her floor and knock on the door.
I’m standing there with flowers and a dumb grin on my face, waiting for her. I don’t get a response, I think, ‘Ok, well she might be at the library or on campus somewhere, I’ll text her.”‘
As I turn around to go back to the stairs, her roommate walks up and asks if I’m looking for my significant other. I told her, yeah, and she said that she would let me in the room to see if she was napping or something.
She unlocks and opens the door, and I see another with my girl. I just stand there in shock. I wish I could’ve said something clever or something that might stick with her forever, but I just stood there, unable to look away. She screams, ‘Oh my GOD!’ and shoves the dude off of her, and I just drop the flowers and walk back to the stairs.
Didn’t say a thing.
On the drive home, she calls and texts me about a billion times, and I don’t answer one of them. She tried to reach out to me any way she could, but I ignored her every single time. It tore me to pieces. She was the first girl I ever trusted or had even shown any interest in me. I was absolutely devastated.
Now I’m a Sophomore in college and I’m in a very happy relationship with a great girl that’s been going on for a year and a half. So in the end, I guess I win. Hurt like heck for almost a year though.”
36. She Would Always Complain About Him
“I had been married to her for three years, together for five. I moved across the country with her so she could be near her family and we could start our own. I found a job managing a bar and she started waiting tables. Our schedules conflicted and we hardly saw each other. She constantly asked me to go to marriage counseling and I never knew why.
I felt like we got along fine and in time we would be able to talk through our differences. I never knew until I caught her why she ‘thought’ we had so many problems.
The night of her 30th birthday she comes into my bar with friends and gets . I mean I wheeled her into the office and gave her a bucket to puke in.
Her friends leave, the bar closes, and I begin my nightly duties.
So, I’ve known about her affair for a while. She always would hide her phone from me, was staying out late, super distant, and made love differently. She would lie constantly, and she was really poor at it. Everything changed. So, as she’s blacked out I punch in her code on her phone and find a conversation between her and her lover.
It’s under the name of a girl from work whom she had made up and told me numerous stories about. They used to always go out for drinks, hang out late, etc. I never minded because I’d be at work, and why be controlling? Anyhow, there are all kinds of dirty pics, her, them talking about past dirty deeds. When I realized who the current lover was, he was the current guy she always complained about.
I felt like Sherlock Holmes deducing all of this, only much more dull and half-witted for putting up with it for that long when I knew the truth.
So I call her brother, tell him I’ve caught her cheating, and he needs to come to get her before I do something rash. He shows up, I walk her out of the bag slung over my shoulder like a corpse.
Two cops are outside looking at me bewildered. He heads them off and flashes his badge (also a cop) and tells them a brief version of what is going on. I hear them audibly say, ‘then get her out of here.’ He grabs her and gives me this ‘I have no clue what to say’ look, apologizes, and leaves. I go back into the bar and break down in front of the few staff that were still there.
Sooooo, we try for a while to salvage it, marriage counseling and all. I eventually tell her I slept with a girl she hated to quell the pain. I told her because we were starting to make progress in the right direction and I wanted to be honest. Of course, it was spiteful, but it was weighing on me. She says she can’t do it and won’t forgive me.
She hands me divorce papers on my 30th birthday.
Today I am remarried to a woman who will endure heck for and with me, have awesome twin boys and a new life. She still waits tables and called my mother crying about how she just needed more time when she found out we were having twins. Turns out our ‘mutual friends’ were stalking my social media and relaying info back.
The best part is, she has an affinity for twins as her brothers are twins, and I know it destroys her every time she sees pictures of our boys.”
35. They Didn't Realize They're Getting Played
“My significant other at the time was set to move in with me as I completed my last year of university.
At the last minute, she bailed and said she didn’t want to leave her family. Fair enough. A month later the texts we had going back and forth got more and more sporadic. Once a day to once every three days to once a week. Being young, dumb and in love, I just chalked it up to her being busy… until one of her friends messaged me on Facebook to tell me she was with another dude the whole time.
A friend of mine posted one of those ‘cry for attention’ Facebook posts as a plan to get her to sympathize. She immediately responded and he went on to tell her about the flirt of a partner he had and how he just found out she was cheating on him. Funny thing is, he never had a significant other. He just used the situation I was in as material, to which she continued to play along, sympathizing, saying things like ‘you’re too good for her’, etc…
This went on for almost a month, and I even chimed in with things like ‘Yeah, she’s an idiot. I can’t believe she’s so oblivious’, and she didn’t pick up on the fact we were both talking about her.
Finally, I surprised her on a trip home. I walked in, as she never locked her doors and went upstairs where I heard them going at it.
I walked up to their open bedroom door and knocked on it loudly. They both jumped up, she screamed and said ‘What are you doing here? I thought you were in school!?’. I just laughed and says ‘You’re messed up in the head. Peace out’ and walked out. I got a barrage of angry texts, with her mad at me for catching her and blaming me.
Typical guilty antics, ending with her telling me to never text her again (I never spoke or texted her since I said she was messed up in the head) Then about a week later I get another text. ‘Oh, that Facebook conversation with you and your friend wasn’t funny. I knew the whole time and played along. You guys are d****d.”
3 months later I met a girl at university who I’ve been with for 6 years.
She and I ran into each other about 4 years ago. She didn’t say anything, tried to walk by me, and tripped over her feet into a wall and knocked a picture off, shattering it. I looked at her and said, ‘Wow, that was awkward. Smooth’. A beautiful moment of karma right there.”
34. Took The Most Expensive Cab Ride In My Life
“I was going out with this girl for a couple of months, mostly a physical relationship but we were very good friends before that started as well. We were both visiting friends in another city one weekend. But when my friend bailed pretty early she invited me to sleep at her friend’s house and come out to the club they were at. I say goodbye to my buddies and walk to the club.
When I get there she is noticeably friendly with this guy, but I didn’t mind at the time. She’s always been a bit flirty. So we dance and have a few drinks and then their group of friends says it’s time for the after-party and we start heading to the bus. But on the way a lot of people bail and all of a sudden we are only 4 people left. With me on the bus is the friend whose apartment we are going to, my friend and….
drum roll. The guy she was hanging out with at the club. We get to the party, we have a few beers. A bit of drama when the host runs out of the apartment to get some air and throws up in the parking lot. But things are winding down, I’m a bit weirded out by the whole ordeal and people are finally talking about getting some sleep.
The apartment had this big sofa that was like a bed when you removed the backrest. My friend is in the middle, the guy is to the right of her and I’m cuddled up against the armrest on the left side. We lay there pretty still for a while. I was helicopter and the world was spinning, so I couldn’t fall asleep. All of a sudden they start whispering to each other.
I can’t hear what they are saying but all of a sudden they start moving around some. I get a bit confused and honestly annoyed because they were not making the merry-go-round in my head spin any slower.
Out of nowhere, she mounts the guy, on the same sofa I’m on, not more than 2 feet away. I’m shocked and just kinda freezes. I understand they thought I was asleep but now they are not even trying to hide it.
Understandably, I’m building up to a panic attack and after the shock settles and the map in my head to where my stuff is scattered is complete, I shoot off like a rocket to grab my things and walk out the door. I was really lucky that the elevator was on the same floor and I get dressed in there on the way out of the building.
She starts to call me and says she is sorry and that I don’t have anywhere else to sleep so I must come back and we can talk about it and things like that. I hung up on her and take one of the most expensive cab rides of my life to my buddy.”
33. It Was A Wrong Move To Introduce Her To My Friends
“I was going out with ‘Carol’ for several months.
She had integrated nicely into my group of (what I thought were) friends and I didn’t see anything particularly damaging coming from it. We had made plans to spend her birthday together and we agreed to meet at a particular time. That time came and went with no Carol. (This was before the days of cell phones.) I waited for about an hour before heading home.
Called several times, nobody answered, no returned calls. I went to bed late that night and woke up early the next morning and called her. No answer.
I had known she was hanging out with my friend ‘Mike’ earlier that day (her birthday); they had a few things in common and, as I said, I didn’t see anything particularly damaging coming from it. I got into my car and drove over to Mike’s house… and found Carol’s car in his driveway covered in morning dew, engine stone cold to the touch.
I sat in my car for a while, torn over knocking on the door or not, and eventually decided that if Mike had answered the door I would soon be in the police station. So I drove home and called Mike’s house. He answered the phone. All I said was, ‘Let me talk to Carol.’ There was a moment as that sunk in with him and then a few seconds later Carol was on the phone.
In a very brief conversation, she admitted to me that she spent the night at his house and that she loved him. I said goodbye, hung up the phone, and we’ve never spoken again.
I later found out that over the next several month’s Carol slept with nearly all of my male friends at one time or another (after we had broken up) and was largely responsible for some STDs that had been passed around.”
32. Too Bad For Her I Got Off From Work Early
“My wife and I were on the rocks and were going to counseling to try and get our marriage back on track.
I was supposed to work a 12 hour day but we hired someone new and they cut me after 7 I left telling my coworker I was probably gonna catch her cheating. I get home and park out in the street seeing an extra car in the driveway and my heart sank. I snuck into the house hearing the shower going and I hear a man’s voice.
I started to look around the house for my son thinking he may have taken a nap I was just gonna grab him and leave for my mom’s house. He wasn’t there. Snuck into our bedroom and look at her phone and see this had been going on for months. My wife gets out of the shower and tries to stop me from going into the bathroom but after a moment just moved out of the way.
I peel back the curtain to see a guy she invited to our Halloween party and my first instinct was to throat punch him. He hit me back giving me a b****y nose to I started choking him he got me into a headlock that I couldn’t get out of so I grabbed him by the balls and squeezed and pulled till he yelped and let me go.
I ran back to the bedroom took her phone ran downstairs and took her keys. Took all the cash they had on hand and took their ATM cards and tossed them on the trash then went on an hour-long car drive to pick up my son from my in-laws. Filed for divorce shortly after.”
31. It Was The Worst Wrong Call In My Life
“This happened when I was in college. So this one night, I’ve been trying to reach her on SMS, and phone calls, but she wouldn’t reply nor answer the call.
I called like 10 times and still no answer. So I decided to just give up trying to reach her and just study instead.
A few minutes after, to my surprise, she called. You can imagine how happy I was. Picked up the phone and said ‘Hey’. But no one was on the other line. As I listened further, I noticed some background noise. And her voice, talking to someone.
I listened for about 10 minutes when this sentence came out:
‘Won’t your partner know about this?’ ‘It’s okay. I’ll just lie to him (chuckles).’
Boy, my heart pounded like a gorilla on rabies. I put the phone down, and text her goodnight.
The next morning, she called me. Apologizing for not answering my calls and all. She said that she left her phone in her room, and she accidentally locked the door.
What a messy story. Then I said, ‘I’m giving you a chance to tell me the truth. What really happened last night?’ She repeated the same thing. I asked her again. She repeated the same b****y thing.
At this point, my b***d was boiling out of my brain. I enacted word-by-word from the pocket dial last night. Up to the point where she said she’ll just lie to me.
She became silent. And that silence turned to sob. Just pure sobbing.
She knows she had lost my trust. There was nothing else for me to do than say profane words to her, and our relationship ended just like that.”
30. She Lost Her Mind When I Caught Her
“I came home way early from work. They must have heard me open the door because they were frantically putting their clothes back when I opened the bedroom door. It was with this druggy loser from two houses down. She starts freaking out acting as if he had broken in or something. The guy has his pants on at this point and he was reaching in his pocket for something.
I immediately think it’s a knife which it was. So I scramble across the bed after him he fumbles and drops the knife then turns to run. I pursue him and catch up with him in the hallway. That’s where the beating commenced. I beat the heck out of him. Then I decided it was probably not a good idea to kill him. So I let him go he fumbles to get to the door dripping b***d all over my carpet.
Well, he runs home and his roommates see him and call the cops.
So about 5 minutes later 4 cop cars show up. They start questioning everyone involved and call an ambulance for the neighbor. The whole block is lit up a fire truck even pulls up. The whole time my now ex is flipping out saying all kinds of ridiculous things most of which made absolutely no sense.
Then she messes up and says something about killing herself in front of the cops. So they put her in handcuffs and take her away for some sort of s*****e watch. I took the opportunity to call a friend of mine to ask for help moving. He shows up and we move everything important out of the house in about 3 hours. I never spoke to her again, that was over a year ago.
She still tries to contact me and makes FB posts about me on her wall. Strangely, she tells people we still talk and acts like we’re friends or something. I think she lost her mind.”
29. He Said He's Just Kidding When He Broke Up With Me
“I had suspicions that my man had been cheating, or at least speaking inappropriately with other girls. Just never had any proof. We had been together for almost 5 years at this point.
He was constantly getting calls and texts from his best friend’s partner, Rachel.
All hours of the night, and all day. She lived on the other side of the country from us, and her man traveled between there and here for work. He said that she was paranoid and was trying to keep tabs on her man.
One day I went to his house, and he didn’t hear me come in. He was on Skype with her, and it sounded way too flirty.
When I came into view he hurried and shut the laptop.
He went upstairs and started cooking dinner, and I sat downstairs watching TV. I knocked his phone off the couch, and when I picked it up it had his recent calls open. The entire screen called to and from Rachel, all from that day. I decided to look through his phone. I had never done so before, but I thought I had grounds to at this point.
I pull up his texts and the first thing I see is Rachel’s yoo-hooo, and it says ‘Good morning <3'. Then there were her body parts and, more yoo-hoo. He had sent a plethora of his junk. He had saved more photos of her to his phone. I just put his phone back where it was and kept watching TV. He came downstairs with a plate of food and noticed that I looked angry.
He asks why, and I said ‘Well, I saw how much Rachel has been keeping tabs on her man. So nice of you to put up with that and make her feel better.’ He stares at me for a while and finally says ‘So… you don’t want this food then?’ I laughed, and just stood up and walked off.
He yelled for me to wait, so I stopped at the door and waited for him to say something.
He just stood there, and then chunked his phone against the wall.
I have no idea what the heck that was about, or why he thought it would help anything.
Then I just walked out and got in my car and drove home, not answering his 25 calls. He left messages and texts saying that he was planning on breaking it off with her that day and that he was going to propose to me.
The next day I talked to him. He was very manipulative and knew how to pull my strings. I told him we could try to work on things, and he said that he told her he couldn’t talk to her anymore because I knew about them, and she wanted him to tell me she was sorry. Screw her.
I thought about not telling the other guy (I’ll call him D) because they hadn’t physically done anything and it was just awkward.
He was my best guy friend, and I had introduced him to my man. I decided that he should know, but I wanted one of his friends in LA to tell him in person. I called Tom, who was a mutual friend of ours and was at D’s apartment a lot. I told him the whole thing. He told D, and D texted me furious.
He had apparently loaned my man a lot of money, and he had the nerve to pull that thing on top of owing him money.
My man started saying that he was gonna kill himself and that I ruined his life. He wouldn’t even take responsibility.
I stayed with him like a moron, and about 3 months later he had left his Facebook signed in on my laptop.
He had messaged a girl on there. Here’s how sleazy he is:
My partner: Hey! I haven’t talked to you in forever! How’s life?
Her: Great! Getting my stuff together to take pictures at a wedding.
My partner: ?
Her: Excuse me?
My partner: Are you going to take pictures?
Her: Um, no. I’m taking pictures of a couple getting married.
My partner: You should take some pictures of yourself.
My partner: o?
My partner: Did I offend you?
My partner: You there?
My partner: Sorry if I made you mad, I was just trying to see how far you would go in a conversation.
My partner: o?
His email was open too. He had been emailing people off the Craigslist personals. I called him, and he didn’t answer, so I drove to his house.
He was standing in the driveway hugging a 17-year-old. He yelled at me and was telling me that I’m crazy and that we’re done. I said ‘Good’. And left. He then called me a billion times, and I finally answered. He was crying and was saying he was sorry and she was just hanging out, and he didn’t want her to be afraid to hang out so he wanted her to think that I was crazy.
He then asked me to come over, and I said heck no. We’re broken up, leave me alone. He goes ‘Wait. You’re breaking up with me?’ I said, ‘You broke up with me’. His response is ‘I was just kidding’. Get the heck out of here. He was an absolute idiot.
I decided that he was disgusting and needed to be out of my life forever.
It’s been over 2 years since we split. He still messes with me, I’ve had to call the cops on him and go to court because he slashed my tire and got caught doing it a few months back.
People can be nuts.”
28. We Were More Like Roommates Than Spouses
“Married for about 7 years and we’d grown apart, more like roommates than spouses. My wife was on the computer (at the time we only had one) and had walked away to take care of something and got sidetracked and didn’t return before leaving the house to go to the store. I sat down at the computer and discovered her email still open and a clearly erotic message to some guy.
I found other messages to each other elsewhere in her inbox. I sent a message to him on her account, telling him I knew, threatening to tell his wife (was guessing he was married, and turned out I was right), his employer and anyone else I could think of that would ruin his life.
I confronted her when she got home. She tried denying it but I told her the content of the messages made it clear what was going on.
I went through the typical emotions of shock, anger, a need to know (she wouldn’t tell me anything, other than that he was married too) followed by the worst emotional pain I’ve ever experienced. She later told me when I left the room and she found me upstairs on my knees, sobbing, she felt like absolute trash and realized what an awful, selfish thing she’d done.
I’m only sharing this because it took some time and some counseling, but we stayed together and we have a healthy marriage. That was ten years ago and I fully trust her. I can’t ever forget it, or how it felt, but I know she went through a lot of pain too, and sincerely regrets it. I seriously considered leaving, but it doesn’t always have to end that way.
I don’t judge anyone who does, just want to point out healing is possible.
Oh, she later told me the guy responded to the email I’d sent by sending his reply to me via her email account. He denied knowing she was married and begged me to not do anything to hurt him. My wife even admitted it was a very cowardly response. I’d be less than honest if I didn’t admit to getting satisfaction from that.”
27. It Was An Unusual Envelope Incident
“One day I come home from work and go to check my mail. There was a large legal-sized envelope in there.
(8.5 x 11 size for those who don’t know legal sized). Now, I get a lot of these from work explaining my ‘benefits package’ and all that good stuff… so I really didn’t think anything of it. In fact, I almost threw it away when I got back into my apartment. That is until I saw that my address was handwritten on it and there was no return address.
Corporate companies do not handwrite addresses on envelopes.
So I curiously tear it open and peek inside. I see a handwritten letter in it. As I’m skimming over the first few lines I see phrases like ‘I thought he loved me’ and ‘I’m so sorry’ and ‘I’m taking myself out of this equation’…
Then I started REALLY reading it. It was a letter from his ex to me stating that they had been sleeping together for the past 8 months of mine and his relationship.
The letter was accompanied by a large stack of printed-off text messages between the two as proof that they were still seeing each other. ‘So do you wanna spoon and sleep’ was my particular favorite.
For context here… this girl was not being nice to me. She was a psycho. It later came out that she was stalking him and using an online prank call site to call his phone and mine whenever he was with me.
And she knew when he was with me because she sneaked in some app on his phone that tracked where he was.
But I digress…
So. The whole ‘envelope’ thing happened roughly around 4:30 pm. I was immediately sick. And afterward, I was just a crumpled ball on the floor. Eventually, I called him and said ‘I just got some mail from [insert ex’s name here].
Is there anything you need to tell me?’ Jerk tries to lie right away and say ‘oh Ummm… there was this one time…’. WRONG! This girl had also provided me with a hotel receipt along with the text messages. They had met at least once a month at a hotel.
The short version is there was a huge fight, I hit him once across the face, but I was so brainwashed by that time that I tried to make it work again.
It never worked, and it was never GOING to work. (Jerk guys have a way of getting in your head. This is very embarrassing for me to admit because I consider myself a very smart and strong female. But I look back on that situation and just feels sorry for that girl I used to be.) About a month later I finally had enough of the constant anxiety and depression I was in and called it quits.
What I really wish I would have done, in retrospect, was to take that envelope and bring it to work with me (he works in the same building I do) and set it on his desk, opened. Looked at him, said absolutely nothing to him… and just walked away. Unfortunately, my emotions were far too out of control for me to think that rationally at the time.”
26. Caught Them In The Grocery Store
“I, and others, had suspected her of cheating on me. It was one of those ‘he’s just a friend’ ordeals. I confronted her about it just before this and she said there wasn’t anything. So I just decided to be a good partner and give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her.
Then that night came where she went out with her friend (a girl) and I went to work on my car with my cousin. While working on my car, we decided to grab some oil and supplies from a superstore. When I got there I thought I saw her and her friend but they happened to just be two people who looked like them from a distance.
Later on in the store though, I actually did see her and her friend, as well as the guy. I was a little peeved but not too surprised in all honesty. Still I tried to shrug it off.
They hadn’t noticed me yet so I sneaked up around and jumped out to surprise her, only to find her holding hands with the guy. So I pulled her into an aisle and calmly but angrily ripped her a new whip.
My cousin was a cop and made sure the guy didn’t try to pull anything while I talked to my girl. She also tried to say that holding hands doesn’t mean anything so I used a quote of hers against her where she specifically stated that holding hands means a lot to her in a relationship. She began to cry so I told her it was over and proudly walked out of the store.
She later married the guy and had a kid with him. He’s also a former addict who claims to have spent 10k on drift racing lessons and d***s and booze. He’d already been in jail once while she was pregnant. I’ve since gone to a university and plan to work in the hotel industry. Safe to say I dodged a bullet. I never knew how I’d handle that situation but I was pretty proud.
Catching them have intercourse though? I don’t know what would’ve happened.”
25. I Didn't Realize It Must Have Been The End When It Got Physical
“I didn’t actually see them ‘getting hot and heavy’, but I came home from work early and saw my best friend’s car in the driveway. My other friend who lived with us intercepted me before I got to our room and told me he needed to talk to me.
I already pretty much knew what was up, but he took me into his room and told me he couldn’t let me go on not knowing. She had been visiting for 2 weeks on winter vacation from college and they had been together pretty much the entire time every day while I was at work.
A couple of minutes later I was sitting in my friend’s room still, crying a little but mostly just angry.
My significant other walked in, pretending nothing had happened and told me she had forgotten her house key the night before and came back to get it (meanwhile she had snuck out the front door). He came up to give me a hug and I kind of lost it. I have never hit anybody or anything before in my life, but I punched him as hard as I could in the face.
Unfortunately, then he retaliated and grabbed me by the hair on the back of my head and started punching me in the face, threw me THROUGH a door, the lock broke and I fell down the 2 steps outside onto the grass. At this point, my friend jumped up and had grabbed him, but my partner at the time was still fighting and trying to get to me.
He got restrained and I left.
Unfortunately, I was an idiot and GOT BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM. 2 weeks later he said was going to do laundry at his grandma’s house, and she picked him up down the road and he moved to live in her dorm with her. He didn’t even have the decency to tell me he was leaving. I honestly wasn’t too heartbroken over him, I was an idiot for even getting with him in the first place, he was only ever using me for my car.
It was more disappointing that my ‘best friend’ would do that for me.
But now they’ve been on and off for years now, and both have a drug problem and he just got out of jail for manufacturing d***s, and she sells her body to pay for the d***s and he’s ok with that, so huge bullet dodged there. Meanwhile, I’m 5 months pregnant right now and I’m in love with the most amazing, kind-hearted, sweet, intelligent man I’ve ever met in my entire life.
He would never even think of cheating on me, and I could/would never do it to him. I’m so glad things turned out the way they did.”
24. She Had Feelings For Her Work Husband
“Our relationship was failing after 6 years, mainly because she didn’t have the same feelings as she once had for me.
But instead of telling me this, she wants to let me down easily. Basically tells me there is still a chance and maybe she’s just in a funk blah blah. So I make the mistake of trying to correct my past wrongs. Which only pushes her away even faster. Annoys her even more. The whole situation reeks of verbal nonsense. I always need to know the truth.
I need to know the details, I just have a desire to know how this all developed and why it developed. She wasn’t talking the truth. Just continuing with the storybook break-up. It was hurting me more knowing she couldn’t look me in the eye and tell me the truth than the actual truth itself.
So I got a hold of her phone and went through her emails.
Found a few where she was talking with her female friend about feelings she has for her ‘work husband’. She was growing frustrated because he wasn’t following through with their daily flirtations. She was putty in his hands and he knew it. He was in a serious relationship and my ex didn’t care. He could have done whatever he wanted and still have been viewed as her knight in shining armor.
And then there I was, listening to her tell me that she’s just in a funk and she’s going to a therapist to help her. There’s still a chance we stay together. Tt here’s still a chance, blah blah blah. I didn’t clean the dishes enough, I never put my sneakers away, I didn’t do this, I didn’t do that, etc, etc… That’s what hurt.
The lying. If you decide you’re not in love anymore, tell me, and I’m gone. It was nice that we were able to have shared the time during our short existence on this planet, till we meet again. Just don’t treat me like an unwanted/disliked business partner. That’s all.
Anyways, we broke up. I kept all the emails about her feelings towards the guy.
Sent everything to his significant other and told her that while I could not confirm directly, there was a high probability that something happened between them. After that, we never spoke again. And it’s weird because it was 6 years of a lifetime. Goes by quickly but it’s a fairly sizable chunk and then one day, that relationship, that investment, all those feelings, all that time together, just doesn’t mean anything.
You take away an education in relationships and, more importantly, you learn about yourself. The good, the bad, the ugly. You take all that and you make yourself better. And then you’re reminded that, as a man in his early thirties, I am happiest when I am single and going out with various women. But I say this to you while I find myself in another committed relationship.
Go figure.”
23. Loser Guy Had The Guts To Cheat On Me
“When I was about 22, I was going out with this guy. He was kind of a loser, honestly.
He didn’t have a job, his car never worked, he was about to get evicted from his house out in the middle of nowhere. But he was sweet and cute, so I gave him a shot. He was 26 at the time and had a few teenage friends, which I thought was weird, but I knew he lived in the middle of nowhere, and those were the only kinds of people that went to music shows around him, so it seemed somewhat logical that he’d befriend them, I guess… or maybe I was just rationalizing.
Anyway, I went out of town for a couple of weeks with my best friend (we drove to Michigan from North Carolina to visit her family and friends). We came back a couple of days early, and I immediately drove out to see him (he lived about 45 minutes away). I was driving an extra car that my roommate had at the time, because mine had just died, and I was contemplating buying it from him.
I walked into his house (it was always unlocked, and he always told me to just walk in). I call his name and hear a clatter coming from his bedroom. He comes out in basketball shorts and behind him, steps out this 16-year-old girl, a VERY heavy girl with scene hair (an example of scene hair for those who don’t know). I just look at them, say ‘wow, seriously?
that’s uh… okay.’ and left.
The relationship wasn’t a huge loss to me. He was fun sometimes, but I was barely in it at that point. The worst part about that night, though, is that as I was leaving his house, I ran into a cop stop, only to find out my roommate didn’t pay the insurance on that car, and I was briefly arrested for it (briefly since it wasn’t my car, so they let me go when they checked that bit out and confirmed I didn’t steal it or anything).
About a month later, that guy started emailing, texting, and messaging me asking about getting together. Of course, I laughed, said never to contact me again, and blocked him in all sources. Last I heard, he still doesn’t have a job, is couch surfing from place to place, and is still generally a loser. Meanwhile, I’m engaged to a wonderful man and am currently buying a house.
I’d say life turned around there.”
22. I Thought She Didn't Want Children
“Well, four years ago I went out with a girl who I thought was perfect for me in every way. We had the same kind of dark humor, we were both interested in the same sort of activities and music.
We could spend hours just talking about nothing and everything at the same time. The kind of person that you just want to leave everything behind and go see the world with her. Visit the highest mountains, explore the deepest valleys, everything.
We had the same philosophy about children, in that neither of us wanted children. We’d go out to eat and if there was a large group of children we’d get our food to go.
Her parents loved me, her friends loved me (I didn’t know anybody in town since I had just moved there shortly before me and her started seeing people), and she said that I was the most patient and understanding partner she ever had.
We attended college in different states, but we made it work. She spent a week at my school with me since my classes started a week earlier than hers did, and after she left we’d talk on Skype and text each other all day.
Then… things started changing a little bit. She’d talk to me less or seem less excited about talking to me. So, during a few daybreaks, I had from school I went up to visit her. We spent three days together and worked everything out again and things seemed perfectly fine.
A couple of months later it started happening again, she’d talk to me less and always be busy partying with her friends (who I all knew, a couple of her friends lived a couple of houses down from my parents).
I just shrugged it off, figured that she just needed me to be around physically more and that the long-distance was straining on her.
So, I decided I’d surprise her. Unfortunately, being a poor college student with no job and no car, I couldn’t just drive up there. I didn’t have enough money for a plane ticket, or a bus ticket or anything like that either.
I packed my backpack with some essential supplies, packed a duffle bag with about 4 days worth of clothes, and went over to the truck stop right off the interstate and asked a couple of truckers which way they were headed.
It took me 15 hours to get there (500 miles, normally 10 hours just driving) which wasn’t too bad all considering. I changed semi-trucks 4 times, and I borrowed my brother’s pickup truck when I got to the town that my parents lived in (about 400 miles from where my college was, her college was 100 miles from there).
Got there pretty late, when I got there her roommates (who I knew, from the previous time I had been up there) told me that she wasn’t there but that I could just sleep in her room while I waited for her. So, I did. The next morning when I woke up, she still hadn’t shown up so I decided to text her. I said, ‘Hey, what’s up?’
She replied, ‘Not much, just hanging out with my friend Z.’
Hmm. I was a little suspicious at this point, but I didn’t let it get to me. I asked her roommates where Z lived, and they told me which dorm he lived in.
I headed over there, leaving my clothes in her room but taking my backpack. I got to the third floor where he lived, and I looked for his name on one of the doors.
I got to the end of the hall and saw his first name ‘Z.’ I knocked on the door… no answer. Knocked again… no answer. I figured she was probably hanging out with him somewhere else on campus, so I headed back down the hallway towards the stairs.
As I started walking down the stairs, I paused at the top step and pulled out my pack of smoke so I could smoke on my way back across campus.
Then I heard it.
That sound that nobody ever wants to hear.
That heartbreaking, soul-crushing sound that takes out all the color in the world. My mind started racing, my heartbeat fast and my muscles tensed up.
I turned back around and opened up the window nearby and stuck my head out. I needed some air. I probably stood there for thirty seconds with my head out the window.
I looked at the sun. For such a cold, late fall day it sure was shining bright. I looked back at the door behind me. His name was on it, plain as day. ‘Z.’ I guess I had missed it when I first looked.
I knocked on the door, loud and hard, but I wasn’t quite sure what to say so I just said the first thing that came to mind.
‘Hey, come out here!’
The sounds stopped. ‘Room service?’ the guy said.
I chuckled to myself, I don’t know why. I knocked again, ‘I know you’re in there!’
‘Girlscout cookies? Leave them by the door!’ He said.
I realized then that she didn’t know that it was me knocking on the door. I had been getting more and more anxious as time went on and I realized that I was still holding a smoke in my hand.
I stepped outside, propping the door open with my backpack. I sent her a text again.
‘D.,’ It said.
She sent me back a text pretty quickly. ‘What?’
‘Why don’t you come outside and we’ll talk?’ I said back.
‘…. khaloc……….’
‘I’m smoking another one, please come outside.’
She hadn’t come out by the time I finished the second one, so I went back upstairs.
I knocked on the door again, this time lightly. I didn’t say anything. The sheer weight of the situation was starting to come down on me and every muscle in my body felt fatigued. After a couple of seconds, she opened the door, in the background, I saw the guy dart into the closet.
She gave a small, defeated-looking smile that said ‘hey…’ She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.
She walked out, looking like a puppy with its tail between its legs. She was on the verge of crying.
I put my hands on her shoulders. ‘I’m so upset right now, it’s taking every ounce of my existence to keep from yelling right now. Can we go outside and talk so I can smoke another one?’
In the quietest voice imaginable she said ‘okay…’
The world was crumbling around my head. I tried to be as strong as I could, but it was tough. We sat outside for about two hours, talking. She had just started sleeping with him the night before. She had met him a week before when she went to the pet store (where he worked).
It was over at that point. After we talked outside, we fought for about 12 hours in her dorm room.
And then we fought over text for two months. I saw her one more time when I went to visit my parents (she still hung out with my brother) and that went… badly. Very badly. But that’s another story.
In the end, the guy she cheated on me with got her pregnant and they both dropped out of school. She was a freshman, he was a senior with one semester left. Neither of them has gone back to school.
She moved to another city 4 hours away from where my (and her) parents lived to live with his parents.
As I said, that was four years ago, so their kid is almost 3 now. She’s depressed, has very few friends, and is ‘separated’ from the guy, but they are still ‘together.’ She doesn’t trust him, so they each moved into their own places even though they are still in a relationship.
I can tell that she probably wishes she never had a kid, she was never the kind of person to ever want children.”
21. Caught Her In The Act With OUR Ex
“Went to her apartment after school. She went to a continuation school so she had fewer school hours than I did. She was normally napping when I got to her house so she gave me a key.
I opened the door quietly and there she was on laying on the floor on her back with a boy between her legs and his hands up her shirt. Her eyes were closed and her head was bent back. The look on her face was d**n near priceless when she saw me at the door. The boy looked up and I realized it was her ex (who also happened to be my ex as well).
He looked smug and unapologetic. My reaction was to throw her keys at him as hard as I could and turned right back out the door and head down the stairs. Didn’t even wait to see if my keys made contact with his stupid smug boy’s face.
She followed me down the stairs screaming at me to wait and to let her explain. I could hardly see because tears were filling my eyes and I refused to wipe or blink them away.
She grabbed me from behind in a bear hug as I reached the sidewalk and I froze. I just let her tell me that it wasn’t what it looked like. I let her tell me that they were just goofing around and wrestling and that she was sorry and she knew playing around with him was inappropriate but I shouldn’t overreact. I said ‘Fine, make him leave.’ She did.
They screamed at each other for a few minutes and then he left in a huff and squealing tires.
I stayed with her for another 5 months before I found them getting intimate in his car. At the point, I was just done with her lies anyway and said ‘You two deserve each other.'”
20. It Was A Wild After-Concert Night
“We lived together (she had already been cheating on me before we signed the lease which she begged me to sign with her and I agreed). She had been acting distant for a while and we weren’t spending that much time together.
She went to a concert with some co-workers, one of whom was a guy. Several hours after the concert had ended she hadn’t come home so I went to the co-worker’s house thinking something was up.
His roommate answered and I found her in her co-worker’s bed. Fairly calmly told her to shut up. She wanted to try and talk things over and asked for a ride home since they had been drinking. Told her it wasn’t my problem and left.
Went home and chain-smoked half a pack of smoke and picked up a habit of smoking that would last me a year and a half.
When she got home she tried yelling at me and saying it was my fault in a way that only such a self-deluded person can and I just ignored her as you can’t reason with such a person.
Since we lived together I was still pretty annoyed for the next few weeks and when I was home I would usually loudly play music to express how I felt (my favorite was ‘Puke’ by Eminem).
Once I started to move on we were actually pretty civil about it and didn’t talk much for the remainder of our lease and she even bought me an Xbox 360 for Christmas. Since then I also found out she had slept with my best friend about 6 months before we broke up.
The aftermath is that I haven’t had any relationships beyond a handful of one-night stands and I am far less trusting of women and people in general. Looking back I can see all of the warning signs were there but I was far too trusting to believe them.
She also recently tried to add me on Facebook (which she had me blocked from while we were living together) and I promptly deleted the request. All in all, I am far happier now and can see all she did was drag me down.”
19. Learned That I Can't Turn A Flirt Into A Housewife
“So I was working overnights as a security guard 5 nights a week and couldn’t leave on my lunch which sucked, so every couple months I’d fake sick and just go home early.
Well it had been about 2 months since I had taken off early, and my significant other of 2 years had been texting me naughty pictures all night and telling me how bad she missed me and just wished I was home, well around 3 am the texts stopped so I was missing her and wanted to go home, so I called my co-worker told them I was sick and at around 4:30 I started home, well the drive is about 20 minutes and I stopped and grabbed her breakfast on the way home to surprise her.
Got home right at 5 am, and saw a strange truck parked across the street, and at the time didn’t really think too much into it. So I slowly crept into my house and the door was cracked open just slightly and the hall light was still lit, I push the door in and could see some other guy laying on my side of the bed. At first, I thought to yell, I wanted to scream so hard that it felt like an atomic bomb going off from inside, but I calmly and quietly walked into my closet and grabbed my pistol, and proceeded back into the room, thoughts rushing through my head of if I should hurt him or not, I get to the foot of the bed standing there with the ammo in hand.
I made up my mind and decided that I would pounce on top of this person and then proceeded to smash the heck out of his face with my firearm. My ex woke up from the first thump, she screams and tries to get me to stop, I shove her back into the wall and continue to swing, mess is everywhere, and then I stopped. I realized I had no right to be hurting him because it was her fault just as much as his but by this time I had dragged him from my bed to the front porch and left him there in his boxers and shirt.
I then proceeded to grab clothes and my dog and left and never looked back.”
18. He Refers To Me As The Lady Who Cleans His Apartment
“I moved to California with a guy and shortly after found some texts on his phone to a number from back home about hoping that person wasn’t mad he moved away.
I assumed it was a friend of his he talked about often. A couple of months later, he went to get his hair cut and I was just about to clean the kitchen. I went to the computer to put on yahoo music while I cleaned (this was 2005) and Yahoo was logged into an account I never saw before. There was only one sn on the friends’ list, his ex.
The idiot left the history on and I read everything about how he missed her and she should come to live with him and that new Mariah Carey song ‘We Belong Together’ reminded him of her. The only mention of me was that there was a lady who cleaned his apartment. Oh yeah, she signed on while I was reading and I told her everything, she thought I was him messing with her.
He came home and convinced me to stay with him somehow but things were never the same. He accused me of cheating on him with a guy I became friends with and I guess what they say about the person who’s doing the accusing is doing so out of guilt or to not get caught or whatever. Anyways found out he was still talking to her about 6 months later and that was the last straw.
I ended up getting revenge on him by hooking up with my friend he accused me of sleeping with in my ex’s car and he never found out. I wonder how long he drove around in that car after I left him. He couldn’t hack it in California on his own and came home soon after I did.”
17. Rushing Anything Is Always A Bad Idea
“I went out with my ex-wife in high school for a month and a half and broke up with her because we had no time together (she was a year out of high school and very busy).
We kept in touch over the next few years and later she and I reconnected through MySpace and became distant friends for about 2 years. She and I began to hit it off again 3 1/2 years ago in September but she was living in another state. She told me she was stuck in a lease with her ex until December and would be moving back to my state with her daughter, who was not biologically the ex’s but he was on the birth certificate.
She assured me repeatedly that they roomed separately and that she quit giving in to his overt advances when we started getting closer.
Over the months we became very close, texting constantly, sending emails, pictures, etc. We rushed things and she said she wanted to marry me someday and that got us excited and by the time she came to my state she had convinced me to go ahead and become engaged, but she wanted to tell her dad with me face-to-face and so not to announce it yet except to close friends of mine.
In December, she came back to my state and told me she was going to stay at her friend’s mom’s house until she could find an apartment. We decided to have her move in with me since we were engaged (which I was expecting from the start and kind of confused why she was staying anywhere else first) and she started pressuring me to elope that same month.
She said she didn’t want to wait, she loved me, etc. We got married, announced it to our families a week later, and three weeks after that I came home with a birthday cake to celebrate her daughter’s 4th birthday and all of their stuff was gone. She took my rent money to get back to Tennessee with her ‘ex’ who was very upset to find out that his partner went to another state to marry someone else.
So she was cheating on him by marrying me and cheating on me by planning to screw me over (likely the plan the whole time but she claimed to have really loved me).
The friend’s mom she stayed with turned out to be his mom and I later found out this was the 3rd time she had left him for someone else, which is how she got her daughter, and just recently I found out that her 2-year-old son was born 9 months to the day of the last time we slept together and could be mine.
Legally, there’s nothing I can do because the other guy has been on the birth certificate for 2 years, named the kid after himself, and rumor has it he can’t have kids. Because of the rent money issue, I let a friend of a friend move in if he would pay half the rent. He didn’t pay me and instead left the same way my new wife had, leaving while I was at work, and he put a hole in my living room wall.
My lease was month-to-month so I scraped the money together and also got a payday loan, paid my rent and agreed to move in with a friend and her partner. I put my notice in at the apartments and then the girls broke up, so I ended up crashing on a friend’s couch for a month and sound another couple who needed a 3rd roommate who could also watch her daughter (I’m like honorary uncle anyway).
Right before we signed… her partner lost his job and they had to back out. So I spent another month moving from couch to couch until I could find somewhere to live. At that time I had most of my stuff in storage. My storage was broken into and they stole pretty much anything worth taking (including my guitars, a freakin’ sweet sword I got in Chinatown when I was 14, and a tub full of important papers I had filed away.) Also, I got my divorce papers in the mail on Valentine’s Day.
Worst few months of my life.”
16. I Had To Undergo A DNA Test To Know If I'm The Father Of Her Child
“My ex from 3 years ago was very dependent on me for everything. By all means, a terrible quality to look for in a girl, in my opinion.
I found out that every time I went on a golf trip in college she had cheated on me, which equated to a grand total of 5 times. Initially, I learned from a mutual friend that lived with her that she heard her with another guy (she lived above her in the same house).
Being 200 miles away, I called her to find out if it was true.
She answered after the third call and said, ‘Why do you keep calling me?!?’ I replied back, ‘Melissa (her housemate), texted me that you were in your room with a guy.’ She said, ‘Yeah, we’re just watching TV, why do you care?!?’ Me – ‘She told me she heard you having intercourse with Adam.’ She responded with, ‘that’s ridiculous, why would you ever believe her!’ In a nuts, we went back and forth for about 20 minutes and all I got out of her was that they were ‘just friends.’ At the end of the conversation, I said, ‘Screw you, we’re done.’ Well it was a lot more enthusiastic than that, but you get the picture.
I found out later that night that she tried to drive off a cliff and my best friend at the time had to pull her out of the car. As soon as I got back from the trip, I drove to her house to get my stuff. As I was walking up to her door she threw all my stuff at me and said, ‘I can’t believe that you actually believe her, she’s just saying that because she wants to get with you.’ I proceeded to pick up some of my things and set some in the car and when I walked back to get the rest I saw her run and grab lighter fluid.
She doused the rest of my stuff with the fluid and while it hurt to see my precious stuff about to burn, I just calmly walked back to my car and drove away.
Luckily, I lived three hours away from her and it happened right before summer.
Fast forward 11 months and daily calls, voicemails, and Facebook messages from her. Mind you, I deleted all voicemails and Facebook messages that were sent without reading them.
I get a call from my mom and she asked me if I had talked to her (my ex) recently. I said no and she said, ‘well she just called me right after my mammogram (which came back negative) and said, ‘just to let you know, your son knows I gave birth two months ago on thanksgiving day and it looks just like him.’ I was completely taken aback and counted the months and thought for sure that it had to be mine.
It was right around 9 months. I refused to look at photos of the child because I just couldn’t handle knowing that I completely ignored the birth of my alleged son. I accepted the fact that it could be mine and knew that there was no way in heck that I would ever get back with her. But I wanted to do everything I could to do what was best for the child.
We all decided to do an official DNA test. I contemplated swabbing my dog’s mouth but knew I would never live that down. The results came back after about two weeks. It was a PDF file and my mom tried to open the file and it was corrupt, so we had to contact the lab and get a new file. We received the second file after about a half-hour and finally opened it.
The results stated, ‘the child and yourself match 0.something % of the alleles.’ Cue the Maury Povich video on YouTube where the guy finds out he is not the father and does a dance to Outkast!
I later found out that the father who was the 5th guy she cheated on me signed away all his rights (I don’t even wanna know how bad that felt for her).
But, I found out later that she made him sign off on that so that she could save face and make me look like a deadbeat dad. All of her friends and family from the area still think it is my child. So, I guess I can cross off her hometown as a place to ever set foot in.”
15. I Messed With Them Using My Car
“This was the summer after senior year of HS and my first real relationship, and we just had the ‘let’s agree to stay together even though we’re going to different colleges’ talk.
I get a call from my buddy to hang out at his house, so I drive over and see my partner’s car at the end of the cul-de-sac – but, she wasn’t at my friends’ house. When I ask my friend about it, he says ‘John’ lives down the street… a skeezy kid from another HS who has crossed paths with me in life before (middle school, sports, etc.).
At first, I took the high road – called her, texted her – no answer. Not wanting to blow up and accuse my ex without knowing the details, I wait 20 min… longest 20 min ever. Finally, I have my friend go knock on ‘John’s’ door to invite him over, while I watch from down the street. He answers, shorts and no shirt, and says no, he’s got a girl over.
My friend tries to convince him to bring the girl, he declines. Now I’m 100% positive about what’s going on and lost my mind. I call my ex repeatedly 5/6x until she finally answers. I ask her where she is: ‘busy with a friend.’ Why didn’t she answer earlier? ‘Do I have to answer right away? I’m busy.’
Here’s the good part… I had a spare key to my ex’s car.
So I say ‘well I hope you’re not too busy to save me from messing up your car,’ and hang up. I walk to her car, start it up and floor it down the street. Without taking my foot off the gas, I throw it in reverse and continue putting it in drive/reverse/drive/reverse a few times – mind you, my foot did not come off the gas – until my ex comes running out of the house and into the street (in ‘John’s’ HS-branded clothing).
If you don’t know anything about car transmissions, this is seriously not good for them. Anyway, I slam the brakes on, get out, and ask her what the heck she’s doing. Rather than sob and apologize, she gets MAD at me for messing with her car, being overprotective, etc., etc. I took her keys off the keyring, told her and the guy to go screw themselves, got in my car, and drove off.
For those struggling with with being cheated on, it takes a while. I was a total jealous jerk to my next partner because I no longer trusted girls. She turned 21 before me and I picked fights all the time with her because I was jealous she was at the bars getting hit on (she was really pretty). Even my next partner was hard to deal with – the same issues of jealousy.
BUT, it did get better with each new relationship, each new reason to trust another human being and give them your heart. Ex #2 and 3 were mutual breakups, and I’m now on partner #4… she gets hit on a LOT by guys, but she also knows my backstory and is amazing about shutting down advances, and I trust her completely. I still think about how damaging that 1st relationship was, but you just can’t shut down and go into sulking mode.
There are so many great girls who WON’T do anything to hurt you, but you’ll never find them if you don’t try.”
14. Threw The Phone I Purchased For Her
“She had been acting weird for a couple of months. We had a long conversation before I went back to school (Christmas break) about our relationship and future.
We decided to work harder on ourselves. About two weeks into the semester she went up to a friend’s birthday party for the weekend. The week following she was very strange (getting mad at me for no reason other than apologies, being very vague about why).
I came home to visit the next weekend, that night seemed great but I was still curious. She had fallen asleep and I went through her phone (not proud of myself), found a conversation with this guy about how ‘great last weekend was, I want it again, I still feel you inside me).
I went downstairs, woke her up, and said who’s … (guy’s name). She immediately broke into tears begging for me back, I left regardless.
The following week we talked it out and I asked her to tell me everything and not to lie. I was devastated but I loved this girl and decided to give it a try again. The next visit (still insecure) I went through her phone again, saw more texts from them.
Most of it was a ‘feel bad for me because he found out and then the kicker ‘I couldn’t tell him we did it sober he would have been made, are you still coming next weekend’. Since it was a phone I had purchased for her I threw it across the room, said ‘you’re a flirt’ and left.”
13. She Let Every Opportunity To Come Clean Pass
“I caught my ex through the texts she sent to him. About a month and a half previous we had a mutual friend steal money from her, so I confronted the friend about it. During our argument, she offhandedly mentioned that my ex had slept with a coworker behind my back. I brushed it off because the girl had a tendency to be manipulative and it was nothing new.
I even told my ex what the girl had said, and she got mad that her friend would ‘lie’ about such a thing. She blew her chance to come clean at that moment. A few weeks after I was using her phone to find mine while she was showering before I took her to work and she received a text from the coworker. I scrolled back through them and found a month’s worth of flirting, a night where she agreed to stay, and then a long message cursing him out for telling people.
It seemed to be a one-off thing, but that was enough.
I remember just seeing red. I’d never felt that before. I went to the bathroom door and kicked it in. She sticks her head through the shower curtain and says ‘what the heck?”
I would never physically hurt someone, especially the girl I loved, and at that moment, I felt like two warring emotions were inside of me.
One hot, angry destroy everything in sight emotion, and the other was ice cold, like just walk out and never talk to her again. I held up the phone and said, ‘You’re messed up. I found your texts. I’m out of here.’ She started babbling and crying, about how we needed to talk about this, and how if I didn’t give her a ride she’d lose her job.
To this day I kick myself for overstaying. I waited and gave her a ride to work.
The entire way she was apologizing, and crying, and flinging things that I had done in the past in my face. I had never slept with another person while we were together. The entire car ride was a mix of either that cold emotion or just laughing at the insanity of the situation.
And the more she talked, the more I thought back and noticed the things I should’ve thought were amiss. She was waiting till I was out of earshot to tell her friend about the theft and accusation by the other girl, the random phone calls she’d walk outside in the middle of the night for… We got to her work and she looked like a mess.
Running mascara, tears, disheveled hair… She choked out an ‘I love you.’ I told her to get the heck out of the car.
We got back together two weeks later and stayed together for two more months. We finally broke it off the last September. Now she spends her time sleeping with a drug dealer, and posting either lewd tweets to Twitter, or posting insults directed at me.
It’s a shame to watch because on one hand I just really want things to go back to the way they used to be, but on the other hand, I know that if we got back together, she isn’t the girl I fell in love with anymore, and she’s throwing her life away. It hurts most knowing there’s nothing I can do anymore.”
12. She Was Backed Up By Her Mom
“My significant other was with a really abusive piece of work, who later after this incident tried to p**p her out for money, after she had left, and had already started going out with me.
Anyway, he had her go somewhere with his mother (yes, he lived with his mother) and when they got back, she went to the backhouse they lived in.
He was getting intimate with her extremely overweight supposed best friend (this is after he slammed her for gaining 10 lbs and refused to sleep with her because of it) and she basically started kicking him and pushed her friend off.
His mother comes in, starts screaming at the both of them (the girl and her ex), and started kicking the heck out of him too. Then the girl, pushes her out to the front yard stark raving (in the process, blinding everyone in sight), and threw her clothes at her, and said ‘FLIRT’S DRESS OUTSIDE!’
Anyway, during this my significant other kicked the heck out of him, then his mother came back and hit him too for about 5 minutes.
As for the p**ping thing. After the divorce and all (they were married) she started getting phone calls from friends of his alluding to his naughty favors and what time can they come over, etc. I got ed and wondered what the heck was up.
One guy said, ‘Your husband said he needed money and that you’re down to hook up.’
We call him and he gets all high and mighty about how divorces don’t matter, and that she’s still his property and she can never leave as long as he lives.
I asked him if he wants that to be 20 minutes, and that I’ll be right over.
He got scared. He’s Mr. Big bad when it came to women, the second another man calls him out, he’s running. He didn’t realize that she had started seeing men again. (the funny part is that I’m not that hard to get round with as a man compared to most men, he knows who I am and what I look like too)
Haven’t heard anything from him since, or his friends.”
11. She Suspiciously Goes To A Lot Of Business Trips
“This didn’t happen to me but it happened to my fiancee’s dad. About 14 years ago he started getting a suspicion that his wife was cheating on him. This is back when AOL instant messaging was a popular thing. Well, she would stay up late at night in their ‘computer room’ with the door locked. When he would ask if she would ever come to bed, she would fuss at him and tell him to leave her alone she was working (she worked at a local courthouse doing mortgage stuff — whatever that is).
He to this day still states he always suspected something because of those incidents and her ‘business trips’ for a job that didn’t really seem to require that. But he was in denial because they had two kids together. Then one day he came home from work and she told him ‘you have an hour and a half to pack up your stuff and get out.
I want a divorce. I will take the kids out to eat and I don’t want you here when I get back.’ So he did as he was told.
He was always at a loss and has talked to many people — friends, friends of friends, family members, psychiatrists, etc. Come to find out, those business trips were her going to some camp her lover owned about 5 hours from where they lived. Her nights she stayed up working?
Spent chatting with various men. She was always vocal afterward about what she did and no one was afraid to tell her ex-husband what they had heard or saw. To this day, he has not remarried. It took him 3 years to begin going out; however, none of the relationships lasted longer than a year — with the last being over 8-9 years ago. He still has trust issues and I honestly never see him getting remarried.”
10. She Tried To Be Supportive
“We’d been in a rocky relationship for about a year – highly emotional, passive-aggressive. He was one of those skinny little punk guys who’s a bit effeminate. I thought he was super attractive and was totally addicted to the high I’d get when he’d pay me attention. Rather unrequited love really now that I look back on it – he just never had the guts to just end it.
Anyway, being how he was… he had a lot of friends that happened to be ladies. I would convince myself everything was hunky-dory even after one of these 18-year-old girls came out to stay with him for a while. As usual, I’m always trying my hardest to be super supportive and understanding and even take this chick out to show her around town (she lived a few states away).
She kept asking me a bunch of questions about our relationship and I said there were issues and things were complicated. I was still with him, but he thought otherwise apparently and told her a while back we had broken up. She took this as a green light to mess with him.
He takes off to go on some family emergency trip and leaves her at his place.
I come over to try and be nice and spend some time with her. We talk more and she finally gets the gist that yes, I think we’re still together. She’s decent and actually tells me that he lied and that she slept with him. I went blank… walked into the bathroom doorway. I gripped the keys in my jacket pocket and stare at the open bathroom door and waited for the wave.
The largest, most gripping pain just ripped through my gut and I felt like I was going to puke. I yanked the keys out of my pocket and chucked them as hard as I could at the door and I immediately broke into heaving sobs. The gal comes up behind me to put her hand on my back trying to be supportive. I tell her, ‘Get your hands off me!
Don’t touch me right now or I WILL hurt you!’ She went back to the living room as I collected myself. A mad night of trying frantically to get into contact with him and vomiting angry, emotional rants at my mother and best friend ensued.
This is sadly not a happy story of me moving on and becoming a better person right away. It took me another year of being a total masochistic doormat to figure out the situation sucked. I couldn’t yell at the guy at the time this happened because he was out of the country and couldn’t make international calls at the time.
The guy was super manipulative and I quickly fell back into my old ways. It took until I met my wonderful hubby a year later in class. We hit it off and I realized there was someone out there who could treat me with respect and I could finally find respect for myself. I’m not at all proud of this story… it shows my weakness and my unwillingness to let go of things and people.
Our relationship caused me a lot of pain that I still think back on and makes me feel sick to my stomach to this day.”
9. She Made Up Various Excuses For More Than A Year
“I found out through her friends and the guy she was with behind my back. It started with her telling me she wanted to message me on Skype, and not Facebook, where we usually talked. She was never really on much at all.
Fast forward a few months. I was talking to her friend, who didn’t know we were together. She brought up that my significant other and someone else looked adorable together. I asked my ex what this meant and she made up a story, now. This guy was apparently bugging her to ask her out, and she rejected him every time. Nonsense.
Then later, I managed to talk to this guy and he said they were together.
He said they would kiss and hug and say they loved each other back and forth. He sent me screenshots of their conversations and I knew it was over, regardless of what she would say. I showed him a screenshot of our conversations and showed her friends, now I have her stupid immature friends calling me a liar and calling it a fake screenshot.
The reason she made me go on Skype is that she didn’t want me to see what they were doing on Facebook.
She blocked me and made sure her profile was absolutely private. After seeing the screenshots from the guy, they were in a relationship since November. We started in March and it was January.
Turns out, when the guy finally talked to her and we got it all sorted out, she didn’t want to ‘hurt my feelings’. I couldn’t even talk to her because she had blocked me.
I just told him I don’t ever want to speak to her again, and that was that.
What hurt the most is that she wouldn’t speak to me face to face and she took up a year of my life. I did absolutely everything I could to make her happy. The minute he asked her out, she said yes.”
8. It Was My First Time Punching A Person
“Back when I was in high school I met my first love.
We were together for about three years. I loved the heck outta this girl. The night before it happened we were out with a group of really close friends to go to some club. We all made it in and at some point, I stepped outside to go smoke and the club reached full capacity so the bouncer would not let me back in. I tried calling my girl and no answer.
There is this big window that lets you see into the lobby of the club and I end up seeing her hanging her arm on my best buddy and she makes direct eye contact with me. I make a motion to answer her phone and she just looks away and goes back in. I just assume she was going to come out in a minute or so.
At this point, my mind goes to the worst possible place and my heart is in my throat.
I go back to my car and wait because I drove everyone that night and I didn’t want to strand anyone. I went back to check to see if I can get into the club. I do and find a friend who told me she left with my friend to go to the store.
I call, no answer. I didn’t see her the rest of the night. I called and called and no answer. I took everyone else home and finally get back to my house. She calls me at 3 am telling me how horrible I am for stranding her and my friend and this and that all while saying that her phone wasn’t getting reception. Like a sucker, I feel really bad and I buy it and go and pick them up.
The day it happened, we went over to my best buddy’s house and were watching a movie and talking. She and I start arguing, she’s still mad I ‘left’ them and keeps harping on me about it. I end up just leaving because I am so upset at this point I can’t talk sense to her. I’m driving home and start to feel bad like it’s really all my fault.
I turn around and go back to my friend’s house. I see his light on, so I just walk back in. They’re not in the living room, my stomach sinks, I see the light coming from the crack under the door. My heart is pounding and all I can hear is the b***d pounding in my ears. I open the door and find them getting very hot and steamy.
I had instant recognition of my embarrassment for being played a fool and felt the world fall out from beneath my feet.
I go to the side of the bed and just yell ‘WHAT THE HECK!?’ I just kept yelling it. My friend is and he tries to get off the bed saying ‘you caught us.’ I just lost it at that point.
I have never punched somebody in the face before this or after or even fought really. I just grabbed him by his hair and started kneeing him in the face. It knocked him out pretty quick, when he went down then I just started beating his legs and arms, hit him in the face a few times. After that, I broke a few things in the room.
She was crying and got me to stop and took me outside to talk. At this point, the police had been called from all the racket. In the time it taken to go outside and talk with her my best buddy regained consciousness called the police and ran outside and hid in a bush in his backyard. I know this because the police brought him into the kitchen where they were talking with me and her.
I am lucky he didn’t press charges, very lucky.
I know what I did was not right but I have never been so mad as I was that day. I have come a long way since then and it’s funny to think how naive I was. I saw the guy years later at a gym, we walked by each other and he said ‘sup’ haha.
What else do you say I guess.”
7. She Has Become The Queen Of Denial
“While I was in the army I was going out with this girl I had known for a long time from my home town. Late in my enlisted time, I keep getting phone calls from my friends saying she was cheating on me. (As I was over 1,000 miles away and couldn’t do anything). I left it alone and planned on handling this when I got home in a few months.
Well, I got another phone call from a guy saying that was his girl and that he was with her. I told him that he could call this number when I was back in town.
So fast forward to me getting home and of course, she denied it up and down. So life went on. So the guy that had called me and said she was his girl started calling her and texting her while he was and telling her to come ‘hang out alone’ and to tell me she was tired and leave.
I told her that guy only wants to “get with her” and to just stop talking to him, and she did.
Fast forward to the day before Thanksgiving. She wouldn’t answer her phone and said she was going out with friends. She didn’t answer her phone all night. I ended up calling her mom and she had told the same story. (She never tells her mom the truth) so I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth.
I check my MySpace and he was on her top ten. So I called and called and no answer. I stayed up all night and got a text around 7 am from her saying she couldn’t call but that she was okay and would see me later. I had a bad feeling about where she was so I asked and she said home and that she was tired and was going to bed. I knew where this guy lived so to ease my mind I drove over there and sure enough, there was her car.
The feeling of your stomach falling 100 feet and knowing that it’s all over. That all you have invested was wasted. The hurt the betrayal. I texted her to see what she would say. She just said she was sleeping and I told her to come out to her car. When she did I called her every name in the book and she still denied everything and said that they were only friends.
I would like to say it ended right there but it didn’t. Because I’m dumb. It eventually did and I am now about to marry the sweetest loving woman. I guess things happen for a reason.”
6. He Lashed Out On A Chopping Board
“My mom told me that she had a work dinner that would run late and to tell my stepdad when he got home.
So, he comes home and I relay the message. The night goes on… it gets later and later and my mom doesn’t show up and apparently, she wasn’t answering her phone either. Stepdad tells me to get in the truck, he was worried about her and wanted to go find her. We end up at this little janky restaurant where her car is parked. I offer to run inside and get her because at this point I have a bad feeling.
I couldn’t find her inside, tell my stepdad. Sigh. Here’s the part I still hate…
So, we are driving off slowly and my stepdad is dialing her cell number again when I look out my side window and see my mom jumping out of a truck buttoning up her shirt. I didn’t say a word, just jerked my head forward-thinking ‘oh God please don’t let my stepdad see this’ but it was too late.
He saw her and she saw him and then from that point, it was a race to see who could get home first. My stepdad rushed and so did my mom. He didn’t say a WORD to me the entire time. We all got home about the same time and they literally both run in screaming at each other. He ended up punching/karate-chopping an ironing board and bending it in half.
My mom and I were moved out by the end of the week. They divorced and believe it or not, she married the guy she cheated on him with.”
5. She Threatened To Call The Police On Me
“Went to catch my ex getting hot and steamy with a guy in his driveway in her dad’s car. I thought they saw me and he was getting ready to jump out and that’s why the car was shaking so much. Not so.
So I open the back door, actually expecting them to be in the front and I saw more than I bargained for. The only thing I could muster to say was ‘you piece of work’ before my primal nature kicked in. I then proceeded to scream ‘GET THE HECK OUT OF THE CAR I SAID GET THE HECK OUT’. I then walked around to the other side where he was trying to gather his clothes and said ‘WHAT DID I TELL YOU.
GO’. He made another advance for the clothes so I grabbed him from behind mid-torso and threw him into the dirt near his driveway (I’m a big dude, him not so much) and told him that if he didn’t leave immediately I’d beat the heck out of him.
I then walked around to the other side where my ex was putting on her clothes and she yelled at me for ‘invading her privacy’ and how she only cheated on me because she felt I wasn’t giving her space (she later admitted this was nonsense, I gave her tons of space… until I figured out she was “seeing” this dude).
I tried to keep my calm in spite of this and proceeded to drill her with questions about the cheating. She was rude, aggressive, and an all-around jerk. I asked her to give me her phone so I could read the text messages between the two of them. The last thing they texted about was wanting to buy a s*****n to use on him – she wrote this while we were having dinner together earlier.
I told her to call him and have him come outside, to which she said no to in fear that I would kill him. After a few minutes of going back and forth of ‘I won’t kill him, and I won’t necessarily even beat the heck out of him’. She then threatened to call the police on me (the only time someone had a BORDERLINE reasonable reason to call the cops on me) and I explained that if she even as much as lifted her phone to call anyone but the kid I would break her phone.
She threatened that she would run to the neighbor’s house and have them call 911 if I did so. I explained to her I know how dispatch works in the area (being a swole medic you know the system in an area you provide coverage for) that by the time she got to the neighbor’s house, they get to a phone to call 911 in the confusion, and our location with the normal patrol routes that I could kick in the kids front door, turn him into a vegetable, and drive away before they ever got there.
It really was in everyone’s best interest to call him and let me speak to him now that I had a moment to calm down.”
4. She Seemed To Forget That I Was Beside Her
“About a year or two ago I was talking to this girl for about 6 months on and off and being quite flirty, texting, calling, meeting up occasionally, all that kind of stuff.
She was quite shy and had a reputation amongst friends of mine for being modest and innocent.
I had a best mate who had a partner of two years, and you can probably already tell where this is going.
So I’m with both of them one night and my mate’s partner is elsewhere but at the same place. He and I were hatching a plan to finally seal the deal with this girl and actually do something properly with her.
We had all had a bit to drink but I wasn’t too sloshed. The plan was for me to go into the room and have everyone leave apart from her and after a few minutes mate would sneak in after we had (hopefully) done something and we’d all go to sleep and it’d be happy days.
Anyway, so I walk in and she’s pretending to be WAY er than she is, stumbling all over the place, etc. when I know she’s barely anything.
I tell her to stop faking and get into bed because it’s getting old etc. At this point, the plan has been abandoned and I don’t really care anymore whether she does anything with me or not. So I lie her down on the bed next to me, switch the light off, and attempt to go to sleep. We lie there for about 10 minutes before my mate walks in ‘silently’ and sits on his bed. At which point, the girl turns over, sobers up in 2 seconds flat and they begin to talk.
My mate questions as to whether we did anything or if I’m asleep etc. I couldn’t be bothered, after being pretty miffed that she’d faked being to ‘get away from me’ or whatever and pretended to be asleep. At which point, the chat starts to turn quite flirty between the two. One thing led to another and all of a sudden she’s on top of him and they did this whole awkward dirty talk thing (something along the lines of ‘you like that you retard?’) meanwhile I’m sat there pretending to be asleep, listening to these two idiots the entire night.
At about 6 AM she gets off him and goes back to the bed next to me and pretends to be asleep again after promising that it’d be their ‘little secret’. About half an hour later I became fully conscious again, realized it wasn’t a dream, and preceded to go ape crazy.
To this day I haven’t spoken to her or him. She tore two of the closest of friends apart for good.”
3. Glad I Have Enough Temper
“I was coming back home from Jamaica after burying my uncle (who I actually made plans with my ex at the time to go visit during Christmas) and normally you would expect your significant other to be there for you and comfort you and heck maybe even give you a head of sorts… but no. So it is about 10:30 and I’m trying to sleep because I can’t wrap my mind around why she isn’t answering my calls, hasn’t called me, nor responded to a text message.
So I decided to go visit her unannounced. Normally the door to her apartment complex is closed. It was open this time. So I went on up, got close to her door to see if she was home, and she was. I was about to knock until I heard her speaking. it sounded like she was on the phone! I thought, ‘Maybe she just got back from work, I’ll go home and just wait for her call’.
As I was about to walk away, I heard a man’s voice inside. So puzzled I walk away and I call my brother. I explain to him everything and he tells me ‘If you want to know what’s going on, knock on the door.’I calmly walk back to her door with my heart racing and knock. She comes to the peek hole and I hear her say ‘oh my God’.
She opens the door and slides out like some ninja saying, ‘What are you doing here, why didn’t you call’ (are you kidding me?). So I ask her how she’s been and how come I can come in. Her excuse is ‘My mother and uncle are over right now (who I haven’t met)’ I say, ‘Okay. Who’s inside?’ She repeats back the same words.
so I say, ‘Who’s inside?’ she replies ‘I have company over go home and we’ll talk about this tomorrow.’ After that my b***d pressure spiked like a wide-open full pressure fire hose. ‘WHO THE HECK IS INSIDE?!’
By this time she’s scared that a big guy is cursing at her outside her apartment as she stands there in a pink robe.
So she finally says…’we’re done, go home’. Now at this point, I’m thinking a million things at once; rage, hurt, anger, sorrow, sadness, disappointment. Honestly, I’ve never hit a woman… and don’t worry I didn’t lol but at that time, I fully understood, what would drive a man to hit a woman.
I looked her dead in the eye for what seemed like 30 minutes (but only 5 seconds) and sad… ‘okay’.
I turned to my right, walked away, punched a huge gash into the wooden wall (which I didn’t know I had the power to do), and got into my car… called my brother, raged out in my car, got out, screamed and hollered from in front of her apartment complex pacing back and forth until my brother physically came and told me to go home.
If I had stayed there, I’m sure something terrible would’ve happened. So in short… I wanted to do terrible things to her, not him. Thank God nothing happened.”
2. Even Her Best Friend Lost Respect For Her
“So back when I was 18, I was going out with this girl a year older than me. I was a senior when she went off to college, which wasn’t a big deal because she still lived at home, and stayed at her best friend’s dorm every once in a while to save the drive to college.
One time I was at her house, she was very persistent with not letting me see her phone.
She was getting texts and just not replying. This was a huge warning sign to me, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
A couple of days later, I opened up Facebook on my computer to ask a friend something (rarely ever went on it) and remembered that she had logged in on my computer a long time ago. Curious, I opened her messages.
Travis. All these messages between her and her piece of a work loverboy. Saw that he went to the same college as her, and I texted her best friend (with who I was pretty good friends). She told me everything, and that she didn’t want to be the one to break the news. She said since that started, her relationship with my ex started falling throughout of a lack of respect for her.
She gave me his dorm number and told me the next night my ex was to spend the night at ‘her place’.
I brought a pair of gloves and boots. I was fueled by anger. It didn’t even occur to me that I had no way of getting in – so it became a game of breaking. I figured before I tried anything, I’d try the door.
At this realization, I felt a sudden rush of just pure joy. The moonlight through the window gave me just enough to make out my ex, surely enough there in bed with him. I made sure no one else was in the room, checked my phone (dunno why just in the moment kinda thing), and went off. I pulled him off the bed and threw him through the closet doors.
I started kicking as hard as I could, aiming to kill. He was still in a groggy state, half-awake, getting the living heck kicked out of him. I picked him up and when I did this, my ex screamed. I threw him onto the bed and starts punching him in the face right in front of her. She was crying and he, made noises that just sounded good to me.
At this moment, I felt total control. All my life I had felt a huge lack of control – in relationships, friendships, any situation, etc. This is the one time I felt on top, and I loved it.
The cheater of three years deserved it. And before anyone says something about how he didn’t deserve it, it’s not about that. I was not looking at this as a logical matter, it was anger that drove me.
In anger: your girl is hooking up with some dude. That dude is getting messed up tenfold, it’s a fair trade. So in my opinion, he deserved it. He went to high school with us and knew we were together.
Her best friend doesn’t talk to her anymore, told me my ex has become deeply depressed, and that Travis has been out of the picture.
Good riddance.”
1. I Bathed Them With Soup
“My significant other and I used to share a car. One day, I was supposed to go pick him up and take him to work on my lunch break. He called early and said he was sick so I didn’t need to.
When my lunch break came I felt bad for him. I rushed to this soup place right near where I worked, and pick up two nice soups. I only had enough time after that to rush home, drop off the soup, tuck him in, and rush back to work.
I rushed home, opened the front door, and suddenly knew something was wrong. Whenever he was sick normally I would find him wrapped up in a blanket at his computer desk.
His chair was empty and our bedroom door was closed. In a daze, I walked over and opened the door. They had some light music on so they hadn’t heard me come in. I knew her. She worked in my building. They were both half-clothed under the covers. We all just froze staring at each other. Then suddenly, I poured the soup all over both of them.
I wasn’t angry, I was just gone. I told him if his stuff wasn’t out of my apartment by the time I got home I would call the police. Headed back to work.
He got all his stuff out by the time I got home and left a note trying to explain that they weren’t getting intimate together. She heard he was sick and was coming over to comfort him.
After a few months, he started sending flowers and letters, apologizing for everything. We got back together and were reasonably happy for a couple of years, but he was a ticking time bomb of infidelity.
I caught him a second time and we haven’t spoken since.”