People Tell The Most Atrocious Way They Got Revenge

12. Take Advantage Of My Tech Skills? I'll Make Some Unwanted Changes To "Your" Laptop
Don’t mess with someone in tech.
“I feel this a moral pro revenge.
A bit of back story/personal beliefs: I’m willing to help my friends, but we all know someone who has or has themselves a friend who is the group mooch, the kind of person who knows you’re getting together and just shows up nothing in hand and expects to be given free food/booze the entire time.
Yet, sadly, you put up with them till it gets to the breaking point of wanting to beat them senseless with a shovel. This story is about said friend with whom I finally got to the breaking point.
My moocher friend isn’t tech-savvy, like at all. He has zero respect for tech and constantly uses me as his go-to man when stuff goes sideways, almost always his doing.
This is from the olden days of Windows 8 being a fresh, hot mess that was the next big thing everyone hated because it took the standard Windows interface and completely destroyed it. (I hate windows 8 in case you didn’t pick up on that.)
He had recently bought a laptop for his daughter since she was starting to need it for school and he wanted a mobile pc to use when he felt like it, but I’m pretty sure he just wanted it for himself but needed to convince his wife to ok the expense.
Instead of asking me for input, he decided he was just going to go to Big Blue Multi-Story and buy the cheapest laptop model. It took less than a day of him fighting with it to call me to ask if I’d put Windows 7 on it because he hated Windows 8. I asked why not return it and get a Windows 7 model, to which he responded: Big Blue doesn’t have any Windows 7, only 8, and my daughter really needs this computer…
sure she does…
I agree and he drops it off within an hour. I should note that this happened just after Windows 8 dropped and there were no classic shell programs out that simply said, “Screw off new piece of trash tablet design; we’re using the old one everyone knows and can use,” so my options were limited. Did an initial look at what I was getting myself into, and lucky me, Dell had only put out drivers for Windows 8 for this model.
Yay! I do about 6 hours worth of hunting/downloading/tweaking drivers and praying/cursing the tech gods as I installed Windows 7. I had to cherry-pick working drivers for most of the hardware; the rest I got to work through sheer trial and error. I made a restore disk and backed up and labeled every driver for this system in individually numbered folders in case I needed to redo anything on this piece of trash.
My friend is notorious for messing up his computer’s operating system. I give him a ring and let him know it’s good to go and he picks it up the next day.
Less than 2 weeks later, he texts saying something’s wrong with it. It won’t do blah blah blah, or I can’t get it to do what I want.
I just restore from the disk I made and give it back the same day.
Let’s see how long this lasts…
Almost a week later, the same thing…
Again, a quick restore, and I give it back.
This time it took almost a whole 3 weeks till I got a text… Now I’m angry. What is he doing to this thing to mess up the operating system? I finally took the time to look at the system and see what was going on.
He had a bunch of cracked games downloaded and was trying to run those, a bunch of malware on it, oh, and a bunch of shady adult sites in his browser history. I’m livid. The only reason I kept fixing this thing was because it was supposed to be his daughter’s.
I got ahold of his wife to see exactly who was really using the laptop and for what, and it turns out he told her it was having issues and he was constantly trying to “fix” it at home and even took it to work to mess around with it when he had time.
He was a manager at a Hut that sells pizza. He’s one of those real hands-on managers who let everyone know what needs to be done, then screws off in the office. So I get the evil idea of fixing things my way.
My first step to fixing things my way was to make an admin account that only I had the info for and limit the other account to a limited user.
When I talked to his wife, I got a good idea of what his daughter really likes as far as shows, games, etc. I then proceed to p**p this laptop out for a 10-year-old girl. My Little Pony wallpapers (about 100 on rotate), the entire My Little Pony cartoon show stored directly on the computer, Bratz, Barbie, the works. I even redid the icons to a My Little Pony theme and tweaked the user interface to be pink/purple-colored. I made sure there was a parental lock on the browsers to prevent anything adult-related from even showing up on the laptop.
I installed Teamviewer and locked in my personal credentials so I could get on anytime I needed. And just for good measure, I installed a handy program called Deep Freeze. For those unfamiliar with it, it snapshots the drive as is and restores the drive to that exact image every time the power cycles. The only downside to this program is you lose anything you save on the computer when the power cycles.
Not a problem since I had gotten a bulk pack of thumb drives that were multi-colored and came with lanyards. I even went a step above and beyond and got a My Little Pony skin for the laptop lid in case he thought of taking it to work again.
I personally delivered the laptop this time when the wife and daughter were home. The girly high-pitched squeals of joy that nearly ruptured my eardrums made it all worth it.
She went off on a joy-induced tirade as I show her and her mom everything I did, including all the shows and games I put on just for her. I then gave her a bright pink thumb drive with a purple lanyard and explained that when she wanted to play the games or save anything, the drive needed to be plugged in. I set the save path for all the games to the thumb drive and added a shortcut to the drive itself on the desktop to make sure she wouldn’t lose any school work she was doing.
I made sure both she and her mom knew the thumb drive had to plug in; otherwise, things wouldn’t be saved. I didn’t mention the parental lock I set up or Deep Freeze; I wanted it to be a surprise for my friend later. Both she and her mom thanked me. I got a big hug from the daughter who was still flying around on cloud 9.
She was begging her mom to watch My Little Pony with her before I even left.
I knew it was only a matter of time till I got an angry text/call from my friend as soon as he got a chance to use the laptop. I was waiting with gleeful anticipation. I had dropped the laptop off on Monday and I knew he wouldn’t get a chance to use it till Friday when he got back from a trip he took.
Cut to Friday night, and I get a call around 8 pm, which I ignore and let go to voicemail. I get 3 more calls every 5-10 minutes which I also ignore. Then I get a bunch of texts which I ignored till about 11 pm when I figured he had ample time to try and mess with the laptop to only be shut down at every attempt.
I call him up with an especially snarky attitude, acting half asleep just to anger him.
Mooch: Finally… Where have you been?!? I tried calling you and texting, but you never responded.
Me: Yeah, I had a long day, so I took an evening nap. What’s up?
Mooch: What’s up?!?! This piece of trash laptop is busted, that’s what’s up! I can’t get anything to work right.
I downloaded a game and tried installing it, but it says I don’t have admin rights. I restarted it and the game files were gone completely, so I redownload it, but it still couldn’t install it. It’s not even letting me browse the web! I thought you fixed this. WHAT THE HECK!!!
Me: Calm down, I’m sure it’s something simple. Let me remote in.
Mooch: Wait you can do that?
Me: Yeah, I got sick of having to have it dropped off, so I installed remote software. Let’s see… The first thing I do is remotely restart the system.
Me: What?
Mooch: The game I downloaded is gone from the desktop!
Me: Oh yeah, I put software on the laptop that restores it to a default setting. Anything not saved on an external drive gets removed. I gave your wife and daughter a thumb drive.
Didn’t they tell you it was needed?
Mooch: No! What the heck! Why’d you do a stupid thing like that?
Me: Well, I’ve had to fix this thing 3 times already, and I got sick of it, so I made sure anything you downloaded or tried to install would be deleted and blocked. You don’t have admin rights. I do. Last time, there were over a dozen malware from your games, and the games you were trying to run would barely run on this laptop, even if you had legit versions.
Mooch: WHAT THE HECK!!! insert 15-minute rant I didn’t pay any attention to because I don’t care. Well, why won’t it let me browse the web?
Me: Are you sure? Let’s see… I bring up Google and start browsing standard sites and hit a few cartoon sites I favorited for his daughter. Everything looks fine to me. Could you be referring to the adult sites that were in the browser history on YOUR DAUGHTER’S LAPTOP!?!?
Mooch: Um…
Me: Yeah, I thought so. See, me being the upstanding guy I am, I turned on parental controls to keep web browsing safe for your 10-year-old daughter. What is wrong with you?!?
Mooch: But…
Me: No, no buts. It took a lot of work to get this thing working for your daughter’s sake and then you use it as your personal play toy which I had to fix 3 times.
I’m done with your nonsense. I made it so your daughter can use HER laptop when and how she needs. If you want to get your own laptop and mess it up beyond repair, that’s fine by me. No more freebies if you mess something up being an idiot. If you think this is unfair, I’d be more than happy to let your wife know exactly what the issue with the laptop was including screenshots of your browsing history.
I don’t mind helping, but you go above and beyond being a mooch a lot of times. Anything else you need “help” with?
Mooch: No…
Me: Have a great weekend! click
Having spent over 18 years in customer service/tech support, so I went a bit nuclear on him, but I had had enough of his nonsense. Reminded me of all too many times the problem isn’t the hardware/software; it’s the meat puppet smashing their face against the keyboard and wondering why stuff doesn’t work.
So I simply removed that part of the equation. Amazingly enough, he didn’t have any more issues with that laptop. Wonder why? The only time I was gotten ahold of was by his wife asking me to update some things and install some software the daughter needed for school, which I was more than happy to do.”
11. Bully Your Insurance Company? Lose Your Franchise
“This story comes from a friend of mine, Sarah, and has been building for almost 5 years until it all came crashing down over the last week.
A few things to note before I get into it:
• Sarah works at an insurance company, dealing with a massive nationwide delivery company (her company insures all the delivery trucks).
• Over the years, Sarah had seen her fair share of anger from callers. Mostly justified or people letting off steam at the anonymous voice on the other end of the phone. She’s learned not to take it personally.
• She absolutely despises the owner of one particular franchised depot – Richard.
Onto the story.
We start in 2016. Richard is the franchisee of a vehicle depot for Delivery Company, meaning he’s sort of an owner, but the company CEO could take away his ownership if they feel like it. I’m not sure exactly how this works, but as far as I understand, it’s a fairly standard franchise contract, so anyone who knows about these things should have a rough idea of what Richard has to do.
Richard calls in for the first time, to talk to Sarah about a claim one of his drivers is making. Something simple – reversed into a wall, minimal damage, but claiming to get the vehicle repaired.
Richard starts ranting and screaming about how dare he/his driver be expected to pay an excess (standard). Sarah has dealt with people like this all her career, so she just deals with it as she always does.
And so it continues for 2 years with Richard bullying and abusing any call handler when he calls about a claim. It’s annoying, and plenty of people have been brought to tears by it, but they can’t stop serving him because he is responsible for dealing with his franchise’s claims.
It’s now 2018, and Richard decides to get himself arrested. To give you an idea of just how stupid this man is:
One of his drivers had been in a really bad accident. Nobody was seriously hurt, but the van was badly damaged. So while it was being repaired, Sarah organized for a hire van.
Richard goes to the hiring company to collect the van, and he’s asked to make a $1.33 payment by debit/credit card to secure the vehicle. I’m pretty sure it’s so the hiring company can just charge it for any damage caused while on hire and is an industry standard in my country.
Richard doesn’t like this. He argues with the hiring company. He threatens to dump the hire vehicle once he’s finished with it. Finally, he punches the poor guy working the front desk.
As previously stated: Richard gets arrested.
Fast forward to a few months ago.
Everyone is working from home and most people understand this. Everyone except Richard.
He must be having a particularly bad day because his tantrum about how useless Sarah and her company are descends into personal insults.
Sarah, having an equally bad day, decides that now is the moment she will get revenge on this guy for everything he has put every claim handler through.
So she requests a copy of the recording of the call (all calls recorded for safety, complaints, and calling people out on their nonsense). She then sends this recording to three people.
Her manager, saying she refuses to speak to Richard due to his abusive behavior.
The rest of the team agrees, and suddenly there is not a single claims handler willing to speak to this man. The manager says he will sort something.
Richard’s boss, simply stating that his behavior is unacceptable, and the next time he tries to speak to someone at the Insurance Company that way, they will end the call.
Every listed CEO or board member of Richard’s company.
She wanted all of them to know just how vile this man was.
Then, today, she gets the call she’s been waiting for.
A representative of Delivery Company has called, wanting to apologize for everything Richard put her and her team through.
He also gives the best news – Richard has been downgraded from Franchise Owner to a lowly delivery driver. His lovely pay package, benefits, annual bonus, and company-funded car (a brand new Merc, for anyone interested) have all been taken away.
He now earns a little over minimum wage, 60 hour weeks to pay his bills, with his reputation in tatters. If he doesn’t meet the standard for delivery drivers within the next 3 months, he’ll be fired. (Sarah also learned from someone she knows in the company that his wife is divorcing him because he told her she needs to get a job, or they’ll lose the house thanks to his sudden drop in income.)
Sarah hasn’t yet met the new franchisee, but if I know her, she’ll make it clear that she’s the one who ruined Richard’s life, and she isn’t afraid to do it again if the new guy doesn’t treat her and her colleagues with respect.
Lesson: don’t be a jerk to call center employees.”
Another User Comments:
“A revenge story where the insurance company is the good guy!” TheVikingMFC
“It’s rare, but apparently it does happen!” draconian1429
10. Threaten To Hurt Me? I'll Ruin Your Life
“This particular story has just come to a head today, largely thanks to the persistently predictable actions of this story’s antagonist, who we’ll call Jerk because that’s what he is.
Around a year ago(ish), I moved into a new apartment, not in a great part of the city, but could be considered average. When I first moved in, I was assured everything would be rosy, and I’d be left to my own devices.
Enter Jerk. Jerk is, as his name suggests, a total piece of trash. He has shared custody of his son (which is frankly an oversight of the legal system, but hey) and he absolutely loves to get plastered and scream at the kid, either via phone or in person.
The kid is around 13 I think, and his name’s not totally important, mainly because the kid’s got enough grief.
This went on for about 2-3 months, so I tried befriending Jerk, mostly because I’m an idiot, but also to find out just what his issue was because having headphones in on max volume listening to heavy metal and still being able to hear Jerk screaming was becoming an issue, to say the least.
I put up with it for a bit, mentioning it in passing to who I guess is my building manager? He’s really just a guy that’s lived there for years and is mates with the landlord and he’s retired, so can’t really blame him for not wanting to get involved. He did mention that Jerk had lived here for about 5 years and had numerous complaints, including the previous tenant, who’d moved out because she’d had enough of his nonsense.
He also mentioned that Jerk had shared custody because Jerk’s ex was also a bit of a pain (like seriously, that poor kid) but as such meant an absolute load of social workers was involved (even if they clearly weren’t very good at their jobs).
Anyway one day, Jerk was screaming a the top of his lungs again, and again, and because I’m an idiot, I poked the ceiling with a broom.
Just a little tap to say, “Hey friend, just a quick polite note to tell you that THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD CAN HEAR YOU,” which was greeted by 5 thuds that sounded like Jerk was about to bunker-bust clean through the ceiling. This naturally angered me, so I knocked on his door, and he simply opened it and told me to screw off. Fair enough, I thought, as I frankly had better stuff to do, so I went for a walk.
Upon return, Jerk is putting his bins out and starts to give me grief, which I returned in kind, causing him to square up to me and threaten to hurt me. I held my ground and he started going on about respect and stuff (no, really) and told me “he held all the cards and there was nothing I could do.” Unfortunate, but I simply said, “If that’s how you wanna be, then that’s how it is” and left him to have his little fit outside.
First call was to the police, who took it surprisingly seriously. They came out within an hour and we sat in the panda car and discussed ALL of Jerk’s transgressions, a lot of which I had recorded, mainly to Whatsapp to my friends like, “Hey, Jerk is at it again.” They took a statement, said there was likely nothing they could do, but they might investigate Jerk.
I then asked them if the evidence would help, and they replied it’d save them a lot of time if I could get some but would need to be recent. Last 3 months, ok? Sure they say, but 3 months is a long time, and he might have changed.
No no no, Mr. Policemanofficer, I mean covering the last 3 months. Excited he was, to say the least. So they brought me to the station to give a statement and to copy all the evidence off my phone (at this point, big shout out to old phones and removable SD cards, as I really didn’t want to explain my meme collection).
They spent the next 2 maybe 3? months investigating Jerk, as there’s a lot of noise to be heard in the videos, which I can only assume is Jerk assuming his final Jerk form.
A few months go by and I’m seeing a lot of “OPEN IMMEDIATELY – DO NOT IGNORE” type letters arriving in Jerk’s name, which I think might be off the social workers, but not sure.
I do feel particularly bad about this bit, as being violently abusive, he’s not quite smart enough to realize it’s me that’s making his life suck because the social is on him like a skidmark on a toilet, and he’s just screaming at his kid even more because he thinks the kid has grassed him up.
Eventually, the police have everything in place and serve him with some sort of behavioral order or some stuff like that, which frankly wasn’t a whole lot, but that was more an aperitif for the meal the social was about to make.
Yesterday, armed with a bunch of evidence, a bunch of people, 2 uniformed officers, and my landlord, they arrived at his flat, partly because that’s the only time my landlord had free and probably partly because Saturday pay for cops and social workers must be fairly decent. Also partly because he has his kid on weekends. Actually probably the main reason, now that I think about it.
Since Jerk has the kind of voice that makes Brian Blessed sound like a cross between a mime and a church mouse, they can hear everything immediately. It ended with Jerk being lead away in cuffs because, of course, he fought back. The guy’s a jerk. It’s totally in his nature.
He’s since come back today, with a very defeated look on his face. Turns out the behavior order was a bit of a warning and they’d been watching the house on-and-off all week (super glad I gave up smoking at this point) and they’ve heard some of the Dolby surround phone conversations and have now charged him with a bunch of nonsense I frankly don’t understand (I’m not a cop, and I know mostly nothing about the law except the ones I don’t like), which has had and will have several knock-on effects.
Firstly, no more contact with his kid (a minor victory since his mom is a bit of a jerk, but they’re under a microscope now, so maybe that’ll help). Secondly, my landlord was especially not chill about being contacted by both me and the police regarding Jerk. So is using one of the charges or something to speed up the eviction process (this is annoyingly still going to take about 2 weeks, but I’m sure I’ll live).
Thirdly, he’s going to have to go in tomorrow and tell his boss that he’s gonna need multiple dates off in the possible near future for court dates, etc. Ooft. Tough break in this economy. That’s likely gonna cost too. Especially since I’ve seen a bunch of letters from the provident arriving for him. (For those outside the UK, the provident is kinda like the OG version of those short-term loans with insane interest rates.
If you’re in the UK, give em a wide berth).
All this could have been avoided had Jerk just not been, well, a Jerk. At least in 2 weeks or so, I might be able to have a decent night’s sleep if it’s not ruined by a 2 am ambulance sirens or that jerk with a 3-inch exhaust on his Civic. Might be time for me to move, actually.”
9. Fire Your Only Certified Forklift Operator? I'll Report You To OSHA
“I worked at a retail chain that sold pet supplies and products. When I started working there it was great, family-owned, and everyone I worked with was fantastic. The owners eventually wanted to retire and sold the small chain to an investment group. Once the investment group took over, almost all but a few employees were let go, forced out, or just quit. I hung on for a little while longer before I got promoted at my other job.
The new company brings in a new manager to my store. My store was the top-performing store in the entire chain, bringing in about $10,000-12,000/day on average. It was always more on weekends and especially around the holidays.
The new manager is a Mr. Company man. The company told him they only want employees around for 2-3 years. I and two others had been there 10+ years.
So naturally, he began ruffling feathers and giving us all a hard time.
Unfortunately, he decided on me first. Mr. Company man found out I work 2 jobs. The two jobs are not in related fields, so there was no chance of any conflicts of interest on my end. However, my second job requires me to work nights and weekends. When Mr. Company man found this out, he demanded I work nights/weekends there, so it was “fair” for everyone.
I didn’t work nights and weekends there because I was that store’s only OSHA-certified forklift operator, and deliveries didn’t come at night; they came weekday mornings, every day. Mr. Company man didn’t want to hear that and told me I either had to work nights and weekends, or that day would be my last day. I told him, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.
I suppose today is my last day then.”
I was pretty angry about that, but it’s not a big deal now, ended up being the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I went home early, didn’t finish my shift, because screw em.
But when I got home I decided to call my local OSHA inspector and report them for not having a certified operator on staff, as well as numerous other hazards.
Needless to say, they lost close to 3 weeks’ profit from all the violations the inspector found. I was surprised they even showed up.
In my state, the inspector will call you back after an inspection and tell you if your claims were founded or not. Mine were. And Mr. Company man got his butt chewed out so bad, he ended up quitting.”
8. Keep Parking In Front Of My House? I'll Steal Your Business Domain
“This happened a few years ago.
My neighbor started parking on the street behind my car (like literally inches) for no apparent reason.
My neighbor has a driveway (empty) and also lived 2 houses down the street. I don’t have a driveway, so on-street parking is a must for me.
So, after a few weeks, I asked if it was necessary to park so close when there were literally no cars on the street for over a 1/4 mile. He said “No, but there’s no law against it” with a big grin on his face.
A few weeks pass by, and my car gets hit because someone thought there was enough room to clear as his truck blocked the view of my car entirely. I see this happen but unfortunately can’t get a model or license plate number.
I find my neighbors email address (because I really didn’t feel like talking to him) and asked him again, if he could just park further down the road, closer to his house.
He replied “Nope. Suck on it.”
Okay. I had lived here for quite a long time and never had any issues with him or any other neighbor (I keep to myself, never make noise, don’t have any noisy pets or parties, etc).
His truck has his business name on it. Google it. Find out it’s his own business. Lots of yelp reviews, BBB rating, etc. All these links point to his website.
I go to check his website – it doesn’t load up. I head over to WHOIS and see that the domain isn’t registered.
I snag it.
Before I think of what to do with it, I Google the owner’s name and find out he was convicted of murder 20-ish years ago. I find a handful of links that details his story rather explicitly.
I copy/paste all those links into an email to him (a throwaway account, so he can’t just reply to me as I deleted it afterward).
Said something like, “Well, if you want to be a jerk for no reason, I just bought your business domain. Here are all the links I plan on posting on it. I don’t have to list your business name because all of your business listings across the internet have this URL pointing to it. Keep parking like a jerk. Yes, it’s legal, but you are willfully doing this just to annoy me.
I legally bought your domain and can legally link these articles. Park behind me again, and I’ll launch it.”
Within an hour, his truck was moved into his driveway.
He asked me for the domain, and I told him, “When either you move, or I move, I’ll hand it over. Until then, it’ll remain offline.””
Another User Comments:
“Nuclear revenge would be if you had posted it.
While I’d personally applaud that level of revenge, I have to say, I’m proud of your self-control and restraint. Good show, OP.” Kahmael
“I was actually considering it, but I thought that would be crossing the line. I just wanted him to back up like 25 feet, not be 3″ away from my car. (yes, literally that close).” metallicantdie2
7. Refuse To Pay Me After Making Your Website? I'll Make A Tiny Tweak
“So, I’m a “web dev” who can make basic websites and stuff to earn money for video games. The job’s pretty easy for the pay.
I get picked up by some local bakery so people could pre-order cakes and stuff online. Took a few hours to puke out a functional back end and a day to make it all pretty (thanks Bootstrap).
I had agreed for Rs 700 (basically $10) which is insanely cheap even for India, but all I need is video game money, so I’m good with that.
When I’m done with the job, they needed to purchase the domains and a server, which I explicitly told them, “You pay me 10, and use another 10 to buy a domain and 5 to rent servers. Total is $25.”
They give me $15, so I could set their stuff up.
Once the website was fully operational, I asked for my money. But apparently, they didn’t want to pay because “if I wasn’t hosting the server anyways, why do I need compensation?” Y’know, because apparently, time has no value.
The thing was, I could still access the server as I had the credentials to log into the server. So I go home, log in, and make one tiny change.
The way the website works is that there’s a customer page that shows you your order, and there’s a page for the store owners to see orders, payments, etc.
Here’s what I did:
Added a small inconspicuous “may contain pee” warning in all product details
On the page where it shows the order confirmation for the customer, some options are changed with (like “pee frosting”) at random.
The website went down in about a week, and they’re back selling on social media, lol. Guessing someone complained or something.”
6. Let Me Go For Bringing Up My Concerns? Your Company Is Going To Lose A Lot Of Money
“So I used to work at a family-run builders merchants and was a trade sales advisor. I was fired for bringing up health and safety concerns in an email sent to a manager and for the fact I was apparently “unhappy in my role.” I did nothing wrong, but they still sacked me.
Now when I worked there, I had clients that I had built good relationships with and even become friends with some of them. They would get me drinks at Christmas or have BBQs and so on outside of work.
Anyway, back to the revenge. I was fired, which in my opinion was unfair. So, I wanted revenge.
I contacted multiple clients/friends, and most of them said, “Okay, we won’t use that company if they treat the staff the way they did to you.” One client easily spends over $130,000 a year among the top 3 customers they had.
He used them because I would get him the best prices etc., etc. As soon as I’m fired, I call him and let him know what happened, and he straight away promises not to use them again. So big middle finger to the owners of that jerk head. I hope you learn to treat your employees better or go under.
Slight update: I did contact ACAS; they are investigating.
Health and safety executives did visit and told them to put a few things right but nothing else. I did have video and photo evidence of one accident actually happening and many other issues. I don’t have a copy of the email, but ACAS can find it on their internal mail system as it never truly disappears.
Also, any clients I contacted were friends. I didn’t contact a huge list of clients, just a handful letting them know I no longer worked for the company.
They ask why I got fired, and I gave them an honest answer. I did not ask them to stop using them as, at the end of the day, if they offer the best prices, they would still use them, but that’s not the case.”
5. Won't Stop Being An Abusive Homewrecker? I'll Expose You On TikTok
“My ex good friend is a despicable woman.
Since high school, she has cheated on every single guy she’s been with. She’s been through 3 husbands in 7 years. She preys on military men because she’s after the benefits/money and knows it’s really easy to cheat on them. She loves to have a husband and see multiple men behind his back. She does this while also trying to convince and manipulate her exes into getting back with her.
Some even fall for it because of the trauma bond she’s created with them. She’s also physically and mentally/emotionally abusive.
Just some examples of things she’s done: has tried multiple times to ruin her first ex-husband’s marriage and has tried to meddle her way back into his life despite knowing he has a family (despite being married herself), got pregnant by guys she’s cheating with and had abortions, used her husband’s deployment pay to buy things for the guys she’s cheating with, opened multiple credit cards and other lines of credit under husbands’ info under Power of Attorney just to not pay things back and ruin their credit, has nearly ruined men’s careers/lives, and so much more.
The thing is, she still tries to pretend like she’s some great loyal person and makes up lies to always make it look she’s the victim in her relationships/failed relationships. I’m just so tired of it. I’m tired of her hurting people and wrecking lives and getting away with it. She gets away with it and still does whatever she wants because she is well-spoken and seems to have a great personality and is so good at manipulating and hiding who she truly is.
Revenge: So I made a TikTok exposing her. I didn’t say her name but posted a bunch of pictures of her with descriptions. Basically warning people (specifically men in her area and military men) of the kind of person she is. I also made sure to mention that even though she pretends she’s single on her social media (she even tries to edit out her wedding rings in pictures she posts) and at work, she’s very much currently married.
It got a few hundred views and even a few responses, a couple of who actually either knew her or had heard of her and her slimy ways.
Anyway, here’s the funny part. Maybe kind of lame, but I know it will bother her to no end. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the video up for long, so before I deleted it, I took screenshots of a few of the slides.
I then used my excellent Photoshop skills to make it appear as though the video had over 200k likes, hundreds of comments, and thousands of shares. I then proceeded to send them to her and even fibbed a bit telling her that the person had posted proof of things she’d done and that the video had even gotten several duets from people she’d screwed over in the past. I covered up the username as well.
Now she has no way of finding the video but thinks that there is this exposing video of her out there that hundreds of thousands of people have now seen. It’s going to drive her crazy and she’ll never be able to find the video or do anything about it. She has since disabled her Instagram and Snapchat.”
4. Think You Can Steal? You're About To Lose A Lot Of Friends
“This was a 3 to 4 day-long event with a lot of developments in between.
So this all occurred when I was 18 years old, I was a pretty immature person at that time in my life, and I’m writing this from my perspective at this age. At this point, I would have handled the situation differently. But had I done that, it wouldn’t have ended so satisfactorily.
This is a story about a pipe I had stolen from me. At the time, I didn’t have a lot of money and I had spent close to $300 on it.
I lived with my grandparents and they didn’t mind me smoking but did not want me to do it in the house. The house was very old and had an attached decaying barn where I stored said paraphernalia in a hidden room (the house and barn were absolutely massive and there were a lot of hidden rooms and areas that you really had to look for to find.)
I frequently had my cousin, we’ll call him Corey, and a mutual friend, Ray over to hang out in the barn, smoke, do whatever. Ray has a reputation as a kleptomaniac and was 3 years younger than me. I had known him for a few years at this point, and any trust I had for him was stupid and misplaced because I knew what kind of kid he was.
One night, around midnight, I was with Corey in the barn when he had to leave and go home. We said our goodbyes and I remained in the barn until maybe 2 am before going inside. As I left the barn and was on my way to the front door, it suddenly started torrentially downpouring out of nowhere, no longer than maybe 30 seconds. (This is important to remember.)
I get up the next morning to find my pipe had been stolen. Now the only 3 people who knew of the location of it were me, Corey, and Ray. Corey had an alibi as he went home with his family and was there the whole night after he left the barn. Between that and Ray’s history, it was obvious who had done it, but that didn’t help me as he was a minor and I knew he would deny it if confronted. So I call Corey, explain, and he comes over to help me come up with a plan.
We knew a few locations where Ray used to stash his stolen items, so after thoroughly checking his safe spots, we opted to go talk to him. Now I’m trying to play it smart, because I want my things back, along with the pipe was my first ever piece. It was a piece of junk, but I didn’t have much, and it was given to me by a close friend.
We entered the house, started talking as we normally would, and I casually mentioned that my paraphernalia had gone missing, to which Ray replied, “Aw man, that really sucks. Well, I have something that might cheer you up!” and proceeded to bring us to a trail where he presented 3 plants to us. We knew he hadn’t been growing these, so I asked him where he got them.
“I stole them last night!” he promptly replied, proud of what he had accomplished. As the discussion went on, he said he and a friend had walked 3 miles up the road to take them, walking them all the way through town right on the main road, somehow not being caught. He also mentioned a brief rainstorm that absolutely soaked them while they were transporting these plants.
So now I know he’s out stealing that night, and I had a timeframe as to when he was out doing this, indicated by the rainstorm. But this still wasn’t enough and I still had no chance of convincing him to return it. So Corey and I took matters into our own hands.
The next night, Corey and I went out and stole the 3 plants.
I’m not as brazen a person as Ray, so it took some coordination in order to move them to where we needed them without being right on the main road a mile from the police station. But we managed it and hid them in yet another hidden room in the barn that Ray was unaware of. My plan was to call him on stealing my paraphernalia and use the plants as leverage, knowing he would value them far more than the pipe.
The next morning, however, opportunity struck.
I woke up and walked outside to find a cop parked at the end of the trail where the plants had been hidden. Now I knew the cop was there to watch speeders, as this was a well-known area people got caught speeding, but Ray didn’t need to know that. I called Ray and Corey to meet at Ray’s house, telling Ray to stay away from the trail as the cops had found the plants.
At Ray’s house, we spent a good couple of hours discussing the situation, Ray still not knowing I was on to him or that I had actually taken possession of the plants. A new guy came running into the house, we’ll call him Ed. Ed approached Ray and tells him “Johnny’s outside waiting in the car. He knows you took his plants and he’s ANGRY.”
Ray is visibly disturbed by this and immediately leaves, telling us he’ll be right back. Corey tells me he knows this new guy, Johnny, I guess he was a local dealer and had quite a reputation around town. After waiting a while and looking around, unable to find the paraphernalia, I decide I’m not sitting here and I leave. On my walk home, a car pulls up next to me.
Johnny’s in the driver’s seat, Ed in the passenger seat, and Ray in the back. Start talking to Johnny, and he asks if I know where his plants are. Opting to try and get more info, I tell him, no, but ask if I could catch a ride.
During the tense ride back, I mentioned my pipe had been stolen a few days ago too.
Johnny immediately replies, without hesitation, “Yeah, that was this kid,” pointing at Ray. “He was bragging about it to me the other day.”
Well, now the cat’s out of the bag, and it seems I’ve lost my opportunity to get more information discreetly. After a quick argument, I get dropped off at my house, and the other three go their own way.
Now I didn’t hold my tongue about the plants because I wanted to keep them.
To me, they were a hassle and I only wanted my belongings back. So after waiting a few hours to ensure Ray was not with them anymore, I got Johnny’s number from Corey and gave him a call, telling him I had his plants and was going to give them to him. All I needed was to know what he knew about my stuff.
10 minutes later, Johnny and Ed arrived with Corey, and I gave Johnny his plants.
After loading up the plants into his car, Johnny said to me, “Since you got my stuff back to me, let me make a call, and see what I can do for you.” We all watched as Johnny called Ray, who was unaware that he had his plants back, chewing him out over stealing his plants once again. “We both know you took my plants, and we both know you took that guy’s pipe, and I’ve got nothing in my hands now because you lost them to the cops, so now I want that paraphernalia.”
15 minutes later, Johnny arrived with my pipe, we shook hands, and never saw each other again.
Months later, while out working, I got a call from Ray. Things hadn’t been going well for him, as he had lost all his friends over this event. He told me he was sorry for stealing my pipe, and he was working and wanted to make it right by giving me the $300 I spent on it since he didn’t know I had it back.
I didn’t end up taking the money, as that phone call was satisfaction enough.”
3. Can't Pay $60 To Fix My Roof? Say Bye To Your Building Site And A Loss Of 6 Figures
“This story involves my friend (who I will call Brian), bullying demolition man we will call Keith, greedy property developer we will call Karen, and the insurance assessor.
Brian’s neighbor is a typical, greedy career landlord that left their rental house in disrepair.
The poor tenant was living in the cold house, raw sewerage leaking onto the lawn and holes in the house that you could see light coming out of the house.
After multiple requests from Brian, Karen refused to get any repairs done. When the state government introduced new laws about ensuring landlords are insulating their rental properties, instead of doing this to the house, Karen kicked their tenant out and left the house vacant for five years.
The old house deteriorated so much more during this time, with rats infesting the house and invading other houses nearby.
Brian and his wife with their limited funds were able to get sufficient lending from the bank and offered to buy the house and do it up themselves to improve the neighborhood or rent it out as there is a massive shortage of rental properties in our local county. Greedy Karen did not want to sell, nor did she want to spend a cent on the house to remedy the rodent problem.
She also did not care about the effect the house was having on the aesthetics of the street.
(It is important to know that Karen and her wealthy family have over a hundred rental properties and due to lax tax laws in this region, they do not pay a cent and can get tax write-offs when their properties deteriorate then can claim this as a loss- Long story short, some of them appear to be leeches on our society and are one of the reasons property prices are so high and rent prices are skyrocketing in our area.
Her husband is also the chairman of the state’s landlords association. An association that he often fronts the media for defending landlords and putting a good media spin on them when there is negative press).
Fast forward five years and Brian finds out the house is going to be demolished to make way for some new houses to go in on the small section. That’s good news at least, though Brian and his wife were anxious about how smoothly the demolition would go due to the fact the houses are quite close to each other.
This is important for later: Prior to demolition, the company doing it had to get samples from all sides of the house to check for asbestos. Either Karen made it difficult for the company to get down the side bordering Brian’s house or they simply were too lazy, but only samples from three sides, not four were taken.
Demolition day came around and Brian was concerned that no safety barriers had been put up to protect his house from falling bricks of the chimney nor was there anything from stopping dust and debris going all over his new deck and porch area.
Later that day, Brian had the pleasure of meeting Keith. Keith is the demolition company manager who is well known around the district for only caring about money and has little regard for people or property. Keith was doing the demolition himself today simply with a digger.
Brian returned home during his break at work to check the progress of the demolition and found the demolition was already complete after only an hour or so, the demolished house was in a pile.
He climbed up on his roof and to his disbelief found hundreds of bricks had fallen onto his roof causing damage though he was lucky none had fallen through into the house.
Brian phoned up demolition man Keith to ask about what went wrong. Keith initially played down the damage… despite there being 200 bricks laying on Brian’s roof. Even with the damage done, no apology, and the rude attitude of Keith, Brian kept his cool.
“Since I did a little bit of roofing when I was younger, I can fix up the roof if you just get me four new sheets of roofing iron and we will call it even. Don’t worry about paying for paint; I can sort that out when I paint the whole roof after the fall.”
Brians’s roof was not in the best of shape, but it was in much worse shape after having bricks dumped on it leaving massive dents and chipping the paint.
This is the moment that a simple decision on Keith’s part would screw him and the landlord big time.
“Not happening pal, your roof is messed up anyway, I’ll get you a sheet of second-hand roofing iron from my yard to repair the damage on the roof and I can come and hose off the dust off your deck and dog kennel.”
Cue the nuclear revenge.
The revenge was not intentionally nuclear, but Brian had a dilemma that his roof was damaged and he needed it repaired. There was rain and snow forecast later in the week and he shouldn’t be out of pocket having to buy new materials to fix his own roof up to a good standard. Brian is normally a calm and relaxed man, but this situation and the way he and his property were treated sparked anger that I have never seen before.
Brian got in contact with his insurance company and due to the issue involving a roof, a building assessor arrived that day to assess the claim. The assessor would then be able to seek damages from the landlord or demolition company if he found them to be at fault. Brian also reported the demolition company to the local health and safety authorities due to their lack of safety precautions used when doing the demolition.
The assessor got on to the roof with Brian and was mortified to hear how Keith had acted in such disregard for the damage done to the roof and his lack of an apology for any wrongdoing got the assessor mad. He then looked more concerned and bent down and picked up some grey fibrous material.
“Brian, this here looks like it is asbestos……. I don’t know how they got the sign-off to get this house knocked down in this manner.
You don’t know at the time of being exposed to this stuff but if you breathe in these fibers, it can cause serious diseases later on in life including lung cancer. I’ll get this sent off to the lab for testing and will be in touch.”
Fast forward a few days later. Brian was contacted by his insurance company. It turns out the side of the house that wasn’t tested was clad in asbestos.
Not just any bad asbestos, the worst possible type you can get.
Insurance will be seeking damages to replace Brians’s whole roof, not just the damaged part. The cost of replacement is likely to be around $20,000 USD. This is the cheap part.
The demolition site got shut down by local authorities and massive decontamination of the area was required immediately. This would involve having to remove at least half a meter of topsoil on surrounding properties, test the soil, and remove more if there is asbestos still found.
Areas with decks need to potentially have these removed so the soil can be evacuated out underneath.
The cost for this clean-up will likely be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars but who will pay for this is unknown at this stage. Whether it is Keith or Karen’s insurance or them personally, time will tell.
In regards to Brian, his family, and their dog potentially being exposed to the asbestos, that is another battle for them to fight.
Update 1
Brian’s workplace was very sympathetic and paid for him to have two days off trying to sort things out. This is in complete contrast to Karen and Keith who are yet to apologize and have made life difficult for Brian and his family.
Due to the neighboring property being closed off for entry because of the health and safety investigation going on, it means Brian cannot even get scaffolding on his roof yet to fix the roof.
Brian is worried now that the landlord is going to try to make his life a nightmare. She is also a lawyer apparently.
Karen was the person that offered the old roofing iron apparently not Keith. She spoke to her husband who said that because the bricks dinted the roof it means it must have been rusty and old so doesn’t need new iron put on.
Keith did however go nuts at Brian for getting insurance involved and also the health and safety investigation unit who are currently doing the investigation.
In regards to Brian and his family still living in the house:
According to the investigator, the risk is negligible and the problems will arise when the debris is removed from the section. This will require a large tent, etc.; however, the wind has been strong the last few days and I feel the risk is still high living next door to the uncovered broken asbestos cladding that is not being kept damp.
Brian asked the investigation office person by phone about what to do about his dog and if they needed a vet checkup, etc. They were 1m away from the fence which is about a foot from the asbestos when it was broken up. They responded by saying, “Do you think your dog will live more than 20 years? If not, I probably wouldn’t worry.”
Brian is also thinking the landlord is probably scheming revenge of her own.
Brian paid for a new fence himself a few years back to border Karen’s rental as when he moved in the old fence was half falling down, she refused to pay half despite this being law. He reckons because the fence is approximately 10cm too high, she will ask him to cut the height down at his own cost, so it is in the perfect position for her new houses that are to be built.
Brian’s plan is that he will pull the nice expensive fence down entirely and put 600mm high chicken wire mesh up as this is all that is required by law and there is nothing she can do about it legally as he paid for and built the fence.
Also, since I know the local newspaper editor I have offered to go with Brian to discuss this story with them once the investigation is completed if Karen tries to make life difficult and also expose Keith for his dirty practices.
Keith’s company has just been awarded a multi-million dollar contract for the demolition of an old car factory and this would raise some eyebrows.
Update 2 A very small update but not great news.
I feel this story as many have suggested will not conclude in a warm fuzzy feeling of ultimate revenge as things progress.
Firstly, Brian informed me a fence has gone up around the exposed parts of the neighboring property….
This is only to stop people from the public from going over to debris piles and scavenging, etc, then exposing themselves to the broken asbestos cladding.
Brian also needed to take two full days off work when this happened to try to sort out all the situation and reduce stress on his wife. Talking with all parties involved. So he was down two days’ wages coming up to Xmas, but his kind boss has paid him special leave for taking them off.
The insurance company after further clarification will be only paying out for one quarter of the roof and flashings. Brian will have to find funds to pay for the rest. This section of the roof is however the most expensive as it encompasses a large complex p*****t gutter, roofing iron, and flashings. Cost? $8,000 USD/ 120k ZAR.”
2. Refuse To Listen To A Fireplace Expert? Get Your House Filled With Smoke
“A friend of mine used to install wood stoves and sell firewood. He still sells firewood but stopped bothering with fireplaces.
This 1 guy bought a fireplace and wanted it installed. My friend did this but told him he would need a higher chimney for better air drawing.
The guy refused it (I’m assuming maybe he didn’t want a higher chimney for the look) and my friend kept insisting. The owner said no, and when the fireplace was done, he complained it was hard to get a fire going (due to the chimney being too short, leading to poor drawing of air). My friend came with a chimney extension and it worked fine, but he decided he didn’t want to pay still, even though the job was done and done well.
So a few weeks later, my friend was passing through the area and saw nobody was home, but there was a fire going to keep the house warm (the owner must have been at work). So my friend climbed up onto the roof and got his chimney extension back. It was a plus but not enough to cover everything that was installed and the time put in.
Where things get funny is that once he took the extension off the chimney, due to poor drawing of air, the house started to fill up with smoke as the fire burned. The owner must have come home to a thick smoke-filled home. Try getting that smell out of stuff. Lol. Probably a layer of soot on everything. To my recollection, the owner did not have any pets, so no lives were harmed, but when everything you own is black and reeks like smoke, and your home is freezing in the middle of winter, I bet you would have rather have paid someone for their products and services.
I hate people like that. When they know from the point they hire you, no matter how good of a job you do, they will try to find some reason not to pay you.”
Another User Comments:
“If there’s a lesson to be learned here, when you’re doing work for someone, have a contract in place so that, if you get stiffed, you don’t have to climb roofs, pull your equipment, and risk getting people killed with CO poisoning or whatever.” Your_average_Russian
“I feel like some things got to make things easier today. This happened almost 30 years ago, but with a contract and photo evidence of the work done, mixed with the customer’s approval over text, it does have to be easier now. I don’t know what a lot of customers would think though for signing a contract for small contracting jobs. I would assume most would be ok with it as things do go the other way and contractors sometimes screw over customers.” Beeker93
1. Cheat On Me 4 Times? I'll Get Revenge 4 Times Over
“So this is one of those revenge stories where it was only half planned. I knew I wanted to get revenge on Lisa for hurting me so much. But I kind of just improvised as opportunities came up.
My original kind spirit had died on my birthday on that chair. All my morals went out the window.
I never cheated in relationships; therefore, I believed I would never get cheated on. I realize now how dumb that is but that’s what I thought at the time.
I didn’t care what collateral damage I caused as long as my mission to hurt Lisa as much as possible was accomplished. So continued every day of my life with this new selfish mindset.
I was sitting at my computer later that next week skimming social media when I saw the profile of one of her track teammates on my feed. That’s when I had my first vengeful idea.
I decided I was going to attempt to get her teammates to bite the bait that I was about to cast out into the water. Though I didn’t have proof she hooked up with my teammates, she was clearly trying to hide conversations between them. So I was going to see how many people who are close to her I could “passionately hug.” Luckily, I had more options than she had when cheating on me.
A women’s track team is much larger than a men’s basketball team. Also much better looking.
Lisa’s teammate I originally spotted on my social media had a partner but I thought: “Clearly, everyone cheats; let’s see if it’s true”. I proceed to do the little flirty social media dance with her. You know, the one where I like a couple of her photos, she likes a couple of mine back.
I shoot her a message and BAM! She’s at my house in my bed about a week later. I proceed to do something similar to other teammates of hers. All on her 4×4 relay team coincidentally.
2 of the 3 girls I “passionately hugged” had partners and subsequently cheated on them with me which gave me some real mixed emotions. It stroked my broken ego and also made me bitter and sad.
Giving me one of those, “Women ain’t anything! None of them are loyal” attitudes.
This is such a typical story of while fighting monsters, I became a monster.
This actually became my go-to strategy because it accomplished two things in my messed-up mind. It exposed a cheater, but more importantly, if they were willing to cheat on their partners, they would:
A) be more secretive about it which meant the drama that would ensue when it came out would be elevated and
B) it made me feel better about Lisa cheating because it proved it wasn’t me who was the problem. It was women who were the problem. (I know it’s messed up, but that’s what I thought back then.)
I started to collect something from every girl that I hooked up with, like a bra, a pair of panties, or some jewelry, etc.. (not for some creepy reason, but this is important later and was a part of my plan).
Sometimes I didn’t even have to try. One girl left a pair of very distinguishable shoes. I knew Lisa would know whose shoes they were. They belonged to the girl that Lisa’s ex-partner rebounded with after Lisa and he broke up which highly upset her because it was her friend. Now it would upset her more because that same girl slept with both of her ex-partners.
I especially tried to collect items if it was something that I knew Lisa could distinguish like a sweater from the women’s track team with her teammate’s name on it. After some time, I had collected a boatload of stuff.
After a couple of months or so, one of Lisa’s teammate’s partners found out about me and his partner and it started a big beautiful dramatic explosion of series of events with her and her teammates.
This led to all of them finding out about one another’s promiscuity. The drama was MASSIVE. Even their coaches had to get involved it got so bad.
This made me feel so powerful in such an evil yet satisfying way. I fell in love with the destruction I was causing. (The most awesome part about all of it was that same week, the Athletics PR team had put massive posters of me all over campus promoting the next game.
They were EVERYWHERE. Some of the posters took up the entire side of buildings) So Lisa and her friends had to see me all over campus every day while this drama was erupting all around them. I felt like a triumphant dictator. It was glorious and pathetic at the same time.
Their coach even proceeded to have a “serious” meeting with the compliance department and my team’s coaches.
My coaches literally laughed at her saying “this seems like an internal issue, but OP hasn’t done anything illegal or broken any school policy so there is nothing we can do.” This infuriated the women’s track coach. Their team had fallen apart. Their national ranking began to plummet. Then Lisa’s coach even got in trouble for being caught tearing down some of the smaller posters of me on campus in a raging temper tantrum.
I loved all of it.
I continued to add fuel to the fire. Posting photos of myself with girls, smiling, being happy every chance I could on social media. But under it all, I was bitter. I was so deep into my new mindset I had already forgotten the kind-hearted naïve kid I used to be. I hated my old self because I let some girl emasculate me.
I was so full of self-pity looking back, it’s depressing. No one really knew though because I played the cool guy attitude in front of people.
There was even a girl on campus on one of the sports teams who claimed that she was pregnant with my kid after I pretended to like her the same way I did with all of the other girls on Lisa’s team and soon as we “passionately hugged” I moved on.
It’s a long story, but it turned out she wasn’t pregnant but the news or “press” that came from that further dug the knife deeper into Lisa’s side. I left a trail of women I deceived and relationships I destroyed. I feel bad now, but at the time, I didn’t care because they were equally at fault in my eyes since they were cheating on their partners or sleeping with their friend’s ex.
Quickly, girls became weary of me. Plus I was running out of “potential targets” (I was an awful human being) and I was going after girls that weren’t even friends or on the track team with Lisa but were just around her in daily life. For example, her classmates and as well as her own family. I even flirted with her sister who was married with a kid and I almost succeeded. She was down, but she and Lisa’s dad found out about it and stepped in and put a stop to it all before we could do anything.
Her sister was ostracized as the news spread within the family.
I wanted Lisa to know I was everywhere and constantly remind her how she messed up. In my eyes, this was all her fault and she unleashed this fury of chaos upon herself. She should never have messed with me like that.
Lisa had to take an extended medical leave because of her depression and mental health issues she was experiencing from the whole situation.
She even had to go on medication and lost TONS of weight. She began to look extremely unhealthy. The whole mess was torturing her and the more she hurt, the better I felt. At this point, I had already inflicted more damage than she did to me, but I had become addicted to the feeling of power… I spent time processing my own emotions or moving on from what happened. All I wanted was more revenge and I couldn’t stop.
After weeks of ignoring Lisa’s texts and calls, she finally gets ahold of me by showing up at my apartment unannounced late at night. She was there to pick up some stuff she left from when she lived there to take home. She was actually a local and her parents lived close by. (She was still on her medical leave and no longer staying on campus but rather with her parents.) I told her I would bring her stuff to her parents’ house that weekend, but I couldn’t let her in because I had “company,” which I did, but it wasn’t one of her teammates or friends, unfortunately.
I then took all the items I had collected from all the girls over the weeks. There were probably like 8 or 9 things from different girls including her teammates’ and threw their belongings in along with Lisa’s stuff into big black trash bags. I took the bags to her house and then called Lisa’s dad. I told him I left her stuff on his porch and to inform his demon daughter.
Lisa’s dad and I actually really got along, and he even took my side after Lisa and I broke up. But after all these events transpired, he obviously had a negative opinion of me.
15 minutes after I get off the phone with Lisa’s dad, I get a call from Lisa. I answer because I want to hear her reaction to having all these other girls’ stuff mixed in with hers.
She was sobbing uncontrollably. It sounded like that half crying half mumbling thing people do when they are hysterical. She wasn’t even angry, just desperately begging me to point-blank stop my tyranny.
I just smiled and basked in the glory of hearing her hurt. I responded, “Why were there other guys in our relationship? You mixed them into our relationship like I mixed other girls’ stuff into your stuff.
It’s a perfect, little, ironic metaphor.” I thought it sounded cool at the time and was real proud of myself. (facepalm.)
I later found out from one of Lisa’s friends (who knew she was cheating on me during our relationship) that Lisa was convinced I WAS THE ONE cheating on her because “I was always out of town.” This doesn’t make sense since I was out of town because of basketball, a very legit excuse.
Not just randomly of my own accord. You could literally see my schedule on the school’s website. I kept in contact with her constantly when I was gone, but obviously, when I had practice or team meetings, I couldn’t be on my phone. But she didn’t have the logic in her brain to figure this out I guess. I assume it’s just an excuse she made to protect her insecurities about the whole fiasco or to keep face with people who knew she was cheating.
(months go by)
Lisa comes back to school from her medical leave and we bump into each other at the physical therapy center in our athlete facility building. I see this as yet another opportunity. It had been a while since I did something that hurt her and I was still hungry for more vengeance. I proceed to pretend like I want to rekindle things with her.
She is cautious at first but eventually bites after about a week. We start to mend our “relationship.” We proceed for about a month, but I wouldn’t call this a relationship. I forbid her to have any male friends nor is she allowed to go out and party with her friends. I also need full access to all her accounts and her location at all times.
It was more like a hostage situation. It gave me a sense of control.
Meanwhile, I’m not being faithful at all. This was my plan all along. Finally, she finds out about me sleeping with a girl in one of her classes and we have a nasty “breakup.” I told her that she literally knows what it felt like to be me when we last dated. Yet again, I felt triumphant.
It was just another chance to hurt her and I did.
(After this we don’t speak for YEARS.)
I graduate from university and move to Central America. She messages me while I’m there about a year after I moved and about 2 years after we last spoke. At this point, my life has become that of a real degenerate. About 75% of my life was involved in some sort of illegal or nefarious activities.
But I still blame her for me becoming the dark soul that I was and taking no responsibility for my bitter, immoral nature. I hadn’t had another relationship since her and always had trouble because I couldn’t trust a woman in any capacity anymore. Even after years had passed, I saw this instance of her messaging me as yet another opportunity to hurt her.
We begin to talk as friends and even getting flirty with each other over messenger.
Mind you, there are literally many countries, states, and oceans between us at this point. I was planning a trip back to my old university to visit some friends. However, I told her I was different: I explained to her I was moving back to the city for a new job I was just offered. We decide to meet up when I get back and see if there is anything worth saving between us.
I had put on my best acting hat and try to seem like I’ve put our past behind us. However, I’m just as vengeful now as I was years ago. She’s finishing up her last year at University and I make the trip back to the USA.
I meet Lisa at a coffee shop when I arrive. We spend the entire night together. From her point of view, it really looks like we had moved past our differences and what happened. We could actually work things out.
However, I’m not moving back obviously like I told her. I am only staying 2 nights. She doesn’t know this. After hooking up a few times and spending 2 days together, without mentioning anything to her about me leaving, I pack my things and get back on a plane back to Central America.
I blocked her on all my social media and communication outlets. This time I could only fantasize about what happened to her when I disappeared after she thought I had moved back and supposedly was ready to give our relationship another try.
This time however it wasn’t as satisfying as my previous plots of revenge.
My habit and lifestyle only got worse every year. I was never sober a full 24 hours after that day.
(Looking back)
As much pain as I might have caused her with my vengeful life, my new identity that consumed my old one was so tainted with a dark spirit at heart. I think I honestly did more harm to myself with my actions and led me down the road where I had no morals anymore.
Though I spent the entirety of this story telling everyone how I kept getting revenge on my ex for cheating on me, as satisfying as it was, I wish I would have spent an equal amount of energy healing myself from the incident. If anyone reading this is experiencing the pain that comes with cheating, a good revenge story can bring you some satisfaction, but I hope you don’t make the same mistake I did.
Rather, spend MORE time healing yourself from the hurt and moving past it. The revenge won’t heal you. It will be a separate journey but could distract you from putting yourself back together.
Luckily, I got sober and am sober now 4+ years. I even had another partner of 2 years cheated on me before I got sober, but this time, I didn’t take revenge. I spent my time healing.
I changed and only focused on myself and that was way more satisfying than the revenge I got on Lisa for cheating on me.
Now I’m married almost 2 years to a woman who is sober, and man, do I have a good life. I have a dream job and a dream marriage. Mostly what I hope to get from this is to share my experiences doing horrible things but feeling an immense satisfying feel from it where it’s almost addictive.
And morphing from generally a good person to a relatively dark evil one. Obviously, people have dark moments, but I feel like my personality and psyche have never been the same since that experience.”