People Disclose How They Took Down Their Biggest Tormentor

16. Won't Stop Pushing Me? It's On
“I was going through a rough patch in school cause my dad just left, so I was missing homework, my classwork was half-done, things were just bad for me, and it sucked.
And Craig took it as an opportunity to be more of a bully than he usually was, spouting nonsense about it being hilarious that my Dad left and that it was probably because he was ashamed to have me as a son, and so on.
But one day, I was not in the mood for anyone’s stuff, and Craig pushed me, literally pushed me. I swiveled on my feet and told him ‘Don’t touch me’ and he pushed again. ‘Push me again and I’ll knock you out, Craig!’ I yelled – little did I know that this alerted one of the teachers, who knew what happened with my dad and knew that Craig was a bully – and Craig pushed again, tripping me up.
Like a flash of lightning, I got back up and threw my fist, hard as I could at Craig’s face. Craig stumbled to the floor – at which stage his little posse ran off to the teacher to bring her over – and when she arrived, she asked ‘Boys what happened here?’, of course, Craig spouted out ‘Benbo94 attacked me! He hit me for no reason!!’ I stood quiet, my fist by my side.
To my surprise, the teacher said ‘Now Craig, I know that’s a lie. I’ve been watching what’s happened these past few minutes after I heard Benbo94 yell. He told you not to touch him and warned that he would hit you, but you didn’t listen Craig.’
Craig got a 3-day suspension after seeing the school nurse, I got detention and a 1-day suspension, and that was the day I stopped getting bullied in that school.”
15. Take Advantage And Become A Bully Out Of Nowhere? Roommates No More
“This happened between my ex-partner and her old roommate (both late 20s at the time).
I’ll refer to them as my ex and the roommate to make things easier.
My ex was a single mother with one kid. And had recently broken up with her live-in partner (not the child’s father) and decided to down-size to a one-bedroom apartment to save money. While looking around at apartments, she mentioned her plans of moving to one of the neighborhood moms that her daughter was friends with.
It turns out, the neighbor was in a similar situation and wanted to move to a new place as well. They both decided it might be a good idea to move in together and help each other out with the kids and save some money on the apartment and even babysit.
So the two of them found a place with 2 decent-sized rooms and an ok sized kitchen/living room.
They discussed some ground rules about having overnight guests (kids/family or even dates). Both kids were gone to the dad’s most weekends, for your information. Everything roommates should before moving in was discussed, and since my ex had great credit, she decided to put only names on the lease and only my ex on the utilities. I honestly don’t know why.
On to the story, they moved in together, and everything was fine for the first 4 or 5 months.
They had little squabbles now and then but nothing major. Then suddenly the roommate changed. She started taking advantage of my ex’s kindness in a lot of ways. The roommate would leave her daughter at home with my ex at night and come home completely intoxicated stumbling around at 3 am on a school night and wake up the whole house. She would bring people over to drink and be loud when the girls had school.
I had just become romantically involved with my ex at this point, so I witnessed some of this.
My ex finally had enough and told her this wasn’t ok and warned her they couldn’t live together if she kept up this behavior. The roommate basically brushed her off and said that it’s her house to do whatever she wants. After that, the partying slowed down, but then the roommate started taking over the apartment.
For instance, she’d have family over to sleep in the living room for a week or more at a time, both male and female. My ex was not ok with this. She would get yelled at to shut off the light and stop making noise while making coffee or feeding her kid before school. She snapped and told the roommate she was going to be putting in her 30 days soon, and she should start looking for a new place.
The roommate laughed and told her that she doesn’t have the guts and said, ‘Where you gonna go. You won’t leave. And you can’t kick me out. I pay half the bills.’ It got so bad that they couldn’t have a conversation without yelling, so they would communicate by leaving notes.
Then my ex contacted the landlord to tell him she was leaving on X date giving the roommate 6 weeks time to look for a new place.
She even tried to tell the roommate she was leaving, but the roommate said she was bluffing.
Now the revenge. The day after, the roommate’s daughter left for a 2-month trip with her dad. (My ex called the roommate’s baby daddy and filled him in on what she was doing. He laughed and said, ‘Don’t worry; the kid will be taken care of.’) My ex waited for the roommate to leave for work, then 4 guys and a moving truck showed up, and cleared out the house.
She took everything that belonged to her: the sofa/fridge/plates. She cleaned out her room, then shut off the electricity/cable and internet. All that was left was a TV, lamp, microwave, and a dining room table. And an envelope that said eviction notice paperwork.
On the way out, my ex crossed paths with the roommate in the parking as she walking towards the apartment with some co-workers, so my ex waited and watched to see the roommate’s reaction..
She screamed, tried to turn on the lights, and had a full-on meltdown. My ex smiled then drove away to live happily ever after. The daughter ended up living with her dad and having a great life.”
14. I Proved How Weak The Bully Really Was
It turns out that he’s not so tough after all. Who would have thought?
“I was a freshman in high school. I was an average build, not a physically imposing guy by any means. I always seemed to fit in with most people. I never had any problems making friends or fitting in. Up to this point in my life, I’ve never had anyone really bully me.
During our lunch period, I always sat at the same table with the same group of guys.
At first, there were no problems; lunch was always enjoyable. But then for some reason, I caught somebody’s eye. I’m not sure why he picked me, but I became his victim of choice.
I’ll call him Nate. Nate was a junior, a football player, and much bigger than me.
Every day at lunch, Nate started calling me names and tormenting me in front of everyone. Everyone would always laugh at me, and I would be so embarrassed.
I remember being so incredibly angry at him that I wanted to attack him in the middle of the cafeteria. It took everything I had to keep my cool. The comments and the laughter that followed were so infuriating to me.
I didn’t know what to do, so I just let it go and kept going about my business. This pattern lasted for about a month or so.
One day I was walking down the hallway in between classes.
I was about to walk up the stairs to my class when Nate walked around the corner. He punched me in the gut. I told him to go screw himself.
He punched me again. I got very stern and told him to go away. He just wouldn’t stop.
I was pushed past my limits. It’s time to fight.
I immediately got in his face and went wild on his butt. “LET’S GO, YOU ABSOLUTE JERK! RIGHT NOW, LET’S FREAKIN’ GO!” I’ve never been more willing to hurt someone in my life.
To my surprise, he backed down like a little kid. He had both of his hands up and out in front of him and was saying, “Whoa whoa, man. I was just kidding. I’m sorry, man.” I told him to go screw himself and to get away from me.
Nate never messed with me again after that. I truly never had another altercation with him.
At the end of the day, bullies are scared. They are weak-minded, scared individuals who need to put other people down in order to feel better about themselves. The worst part is they don’t realize that. They may never realize it. They torment people in order to feel validated by others. It’s disgusting.
I don’t necessarily recommend doing what I did. It was a bold move that could’ve ended up being very bad for me.
However, I feel it’s important to stand up for yourself in these kinds of situations. You need to have some grit about you, so you don’t become an easy target for bullies.”
13. Pull My Hair When I Have A Scar? Just Wait Until The Principal Chews You Out
“Tell me I’m faking an injury and pull on my hair? Get immediately suspended and threatened with assault charges.
Some background info: I was in high school in my sophomore year (2019). In that horrible year, I had a brain aneurysm and needed immediate surgery.
The first surgery didn’t work, so they had to go in again. I ended up having two strokes during those surgeries. I was paralyzed on the right side of my body for a good 2 weeks. I needed a cane to get around. (I went into physical therapy, and I was so young that I recovered pretty well.) The surgery was a success, though I did lose a good part of my memory and lost my filter (the tolerance I had for rude people), not only that, but I sometimes forgot where I was, and it was very stressful for me.
I had good relationships with all my teachers as I was a hard-working student and managed to get along with everyone. What everyone knew was that after the surgery my head was very sensitive and to never touch my hair. But there were a couple of class clowns in my class, but they knew where the boundaries were. Except for one of them. He was always overstepping his boundaries and making people cry.
To the point where other class clowns said to stop. He wasn’t very smart when it came to reading the room or people’s emotions. Now on to the story.
It was a normal day in class. Everyone was being loud and refusing to do their work. Mr. Oven just let it slide until it was time to move on to the next subject. Due to the loud noise, I was constantly wearing earplugs, so I wouldn’t get so much sensory overload.
I was doing my work when someone pulled out one of my earplugs. I was kind of stunned at the moment since there was a sudden loud burst of noise for me. After my ears stopped ringing, I looked over to see Jake with one of my earbuds in my hand. I was as confused as ever, thinking I missed something. “Um, Why did you do that?” I asked. “You don’t need it,” said Jake.
“I’m sorry?!” I said. I was already angry at this point. I don’t know why this kid touched me, and I don’t wanna know. I just wanted him to go away. He starred at me angrily and loudly stated, “You don’t need this! Quit faking it! You don’t need help, and you surely don’t need these! You’re making me uncomfortable!” I was confused as heck as to why he was uncomfortable with me.
We literally sit on opposite sides of a classroom. We don’t even talk to each other!
At this point, the teacher noticed and immediately got in between us. “What is going on here?” asked Mr. Oven. “Athena needs to stop faking an injury! She’s not actually hurt and shouldn’t get special treatment!” yelled Jake. “Can you not see the giant freaking scar on my head?!” I questioned with an angry voice.
“IT’S FAKE!” he shouted at me. I had to cover my ears since my ears were starting to ring again. By this time, the whole room was staring at us. Mr. Oven sighed and said, “Go back to your seat, Jake.” Jake fought him on it but reluctantly went on his way but not before quietly whispering to himself, “-I’ll prove it.” I didn’t hear all of it, but it scared me a little since I didn’t know what he would do.
I didn’t want him to hurt me because he refused to believe that I’m injured, then I remembered one thing. I remember that my school had an almost equivalent to a zero-tolerance policy. I figured that if he was going to touch me, then he was going to get in trouble for it.
After about 15 minutes of the class, I saw him quietly get up from his desk and walk towards me.
I just knew at that moment that whatever he was going to do I had to scream. When he finally came close enough to me, Jake immediately grabbed my hair and pulled it. I. Screamed. B****y. Murder. I scream so loud that the surrounding buildings came into our room to check on us. At that point, I didn’t need to fake it. My head was already throbbing.
I don’t remember much since I had my head down and I was bawling my eyes out. I held my head down for a good 15 minutes. I’m going off of what my classmates told me since I wasn’t paying attention at the time. From what they told me, some of the other (nice) class clowns and students immediately pulled him off and restrained him to the ground.
They immediately had the school officer in the room and handcuff him. As he was being pulled out of the class, my classmates kept quiet until I recovered from Jake pulling on my hair. While Jake was being pulled out, some of the others who saw the commotion were yelling nasty things at him. He started to cry and said it was only a joke.
That got my class riled up more shouted even nastier comments at him.
As I recovered from the hair-pulling I decided that I had enough for that day and told Mr. Oven that I was going home and to e-mail me the work. He tried to get me to stay, but I was done. I told him I was not going to stay and if I could go to the office.
Mr. Oven finally agreed and gave me a slip to get out of school. I did have a classmate offer to carry my backpack to the office, so that was nice.
When my classmate and I finally got to the office, I heard Jake getting screamed at by the principal. She was threatening him with expulsion and how he was going to get assault charges on his record.
How he was never going to get a job and was going to be treated like a worthless criminal. To be honest, Jake’s sobs were music to my ears.
I went home and decided to rest for the day. I later received an email from his mother apologizing for his actions and begging me and my family not to sue them for damages. We decided not to sue them, but we did ask them to make sure their son would be respectful from now on.
He was suspended for a month, and my class finally had peace from his shenanigans.
The next time I saw him in class, Jake’s personality had completely changed. The once overbearing class clown that he usually was changed into the quiet, non-engaging, polite, and respectful classmate. I got my apology from him, and that’s all I ever wanted. And hey! The class finally became quiet.”
12. A Well-Deserved Punch Years Down The Line
“I have hated bullies my whole life and I hold grudges. I was tough enough for a little guy but always outmatched by much bigger guys. When I was in 6-7th grade I tore a ligament (partial) in my knee and spent 6 months in a cast. It was horrible getting around the school on crutches.
One day, I was waiting in line to speak with my teacher, and the boy behind me, also waiting, knocked the books out of my hand.
While I picked them up hopping around he spoke with the teacher and laughed at me as he walked out of the room.
I told him that one day he would regret doing that. I spent the next 5 years with this guy and he would always make smart remarks.
I guess he felt free to do this because he was bigger and older.
I went through high school with him and he was just such a jerk.
A few of my friends knew the story and would tell me to let it go but that’s not in my nature. And this guy was pushing other kids around. Well, a year after graduating I saw him in a bar and he was berating a waitress for what I have no idea (maybe out of his sense of entitlement, he {his parents} was wealthy).
The waitress was crying in the back corner and it made me see red.
As I was leaving the bar, I noticed him across the street heading to another bar.
We were heading in the same direction. I tell my buddies how much I hated this guy. Finally, I made my move across the street, I told my friends to stay away in case he thought a large group of guys was coming for him.
It is a very busy street but cars don’t move fast because of all the people.
He was getting to his car when I caught him and asked him if he remembered me.
He says no but he knew. So I pulled my arm back and punched him straight in the face. I said to him ‘that’s for knocking the books out of my hands in 7th grade!’ As I turned around there was a huge bus stopped and everyone was looking out the window.
I hadn’t noticed it but they saw and heard the whole thing and they were laughing and cheering. I know it was an immature thing to do but I was an immature guy. I felt a sense of imbalance and this was what I needed to do.
I walked back across the street to my buddies and went on with my night. This is a story all of my friends told for at least 10 years.
I never felt bad about it and haven’t seen the guy since. It was liberating.
What I have learned is that people get away with a lot of things like berating a waitress or picking on smaller kids. And they do it because there have been no repercussions so why stop.
If you know the feeling of being punched or beaten up it reminds you to act appropriately or it can happen again.
I understand if you feel like I was in the wrong but I do not regret it today. The guy was a jerk and now maybe will think twice about treating someone terribly.”
Another User Comments:
“I think you did great for doing what you did. I just feel bad you weren’t able to something a lot earlier, like while still in school.
Bullying is rampant, and schools have no idea how to handle it.
Almost everyone who reports it says, ‘My teacher did nothing,’ or ‘The school didn’t do anything to stop it.’
Thanks for the share.
I’m sorry you were bullied and had to suffer through it.” Ed Lisbe
11. Make Him Soil Himself? He'll Make You Hate Cacti
“Let’s call my friend Chris.
This happened years ago when both of us were still kids, maybe around 10 years old. Chris was notorious for being bullied by a single bully; let’s name him Kyle. Why? I have no idea. As for me, I was a victim too, but not as bad; most things done to me I can just brush off.
Kyle and Chris are about the same age, but Kyle is much bigger and tougher.
For some reason, Kyle is always extra rough on Chris. Apparently, wedgie and locker shoving is too mild for Kyle to dish it on Chris. The things he does is far too rough, such as tearing Chris’ homework, sharp pencil throwing, and one time, Kyle even cut a hole on Chris’ backpack that when he lifted it up to carry, stuff would fall everywhere.
Chris tried to fight Kyle once in a while, but Kyle is just a weight level above.
Think welterweight trying to fight heavyweight; the level of unfairness is huge. He brought it up to the teacher and even the guidance counselor numerous times, but for some reason, they always see it as “boys will be boys” and brush it off as mild roughhousing. Chris’ parents are timid folks and have zero backbone to show. For some reason, they can’t bring it upon themselves to muster the courage to defend their own son, no matter how much Chris begged and pleaded.
One day, during class, Chris had the urge to do #2, got permission to leave, and in the hallway, he happened to meet Kyle. Usual bullying happens, and when Kyle realizes why Chris is in the hallway, Kyle bullied Chris even more, stalling him, until Chris actually peed and soiled himself. Kyle ran to the end of the hallway, then pretended to just walk into the same hallway where Chris had the accident.
Pretended to just realize what happened, he pointed and laughed, bringing attention to a bunch of teachers and students nearby. Lots of other students were laughing as well, calling Chris a bunch of names, causing him to have a breakdown in the middle of the hallway. That was the last straw that broke Chris’ back.
A couple of weeks after the soil incident, we went on our school trip to a ranch.
I forgot the name, but it was located somewhere in a dry and hot area. Surrounding the ranch were random bushes of cacti with various shapes of needles too. There are warning signs everywhere to stay at distance from the cacti.
The thing that Kyle did not know about Chris, he loved watching WWE. His parents, for some reason, allowed him to watch it (not pay per view) at such a young age.
Chris and I played wrestle a couple of times before, so I already know how much the show had influenced him. He did a couple of moves from WWE that left me surprised, yet amused.
Kyle, being an obnoxious bully, tried to scare a bunch of students by bringing them close to the cacti when the teachers weren’t looking. One of the students actually got pricked on the shin, and Kyle just laughed. Chris has had enough, ran towards Kyle Usain Bolt speed, and just dropkicked him straight on the chest. Chris knew pushing Kyle won’t do a thing because of the difference in weight.
Dropkick, however, not only surprised Kyle, but if performed correctly, will knock back anyone that lowers their guard. WWE taught Chris well.
The moment Chris’ feet made a connection to Kyle’s chest, Kyle staggered, tripped, and fell straight into a bunch of cacti. Various needles, hair-thin, short, long, thick, barbed, you name it, are now all over Kyle’s body. What’s worse is, since it’s hot, Kyle was wearing only a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops.
Absolutely zero defense against the cacti.
Kyle screamed in agony while crying b****y murder. Chris, once realized what he had just done, quietly but swiftly marched himself to blend with the crowd, pretending to act surprised with what just happened. One of the teachers saw Kyle’s situation and called for backup right away. A bunch of teachers came, and they all had the same look of horror because they don’t know what to do.
They couldn’t just release him until knowing the next step.
The faculty decided to pull the needles from his feet first while Kyle is still resting on the bed of cacti, still crying incoherently, and screamed once in a while when needles are pulled. It takes around 10 minutes while muttering, “How did this happen” over and over. Surprisingly, no one ratted Chris out. Instead, they quietly talked over themselves and thanked Chris for his odd brand of revenge.
After his feet are clean of needles, they pulled Kyle to stand on his feet. Another scream, another cry. One of the teachers went to us and proceed to guide us himself while the rest of the faculty worked on Kyle’s body. Sadly, we missed the 2 hours of screaming content from Kyle.
After the tour had ended, we went back to our starting point, and at last, we have met with Kyle and the rest of the faculty.
They asked for Chris because Kyle told them that Chris did this to him. However, the students, including me, bonded together and defended Chris tooth and nail. We all told the faculty that Chris had been with us the whole time, and Kyle just tripped on his own because he wore flip-flops. Surprisingly, the faculty believed us and instead reprimanded Kyle for wearing flip-flops to the ranch.
Kyle left flabbergasted but still sobbing from the pain.
After that day, Chris brought a tiny, hand-sized cactus plant to the school every single day. He said that his parents wanted him to learn about responsibility by taking care of the tiny plant. The faculty bought his story, but that’s not the real reason why. He brought the cactus plant to warn Kyle that Chris was done with his bullying and not afraid to stand up to him again.
Every time Kyle saw Chris with the cactus, he ran away. I guess Kyle now has developed some sort of fear against cacti.”
10. Creepy, Bully Soccer Coach Gets Forced To Resign
“I’ve never really been what you’d call a “people person.” So, I’m a realist. If I was the only student who had a conflict with this teacher. I’m willing to admit I’m probably the weak link in the chain.
Back in school, I use to draw and doodle on my assignments.
It started as a distraction for me. I got bored doing my work, so I’d doodle something in the margin to make things less boring. But it continued because a lot of teachers got a bizarre kick out of my pathetic art.
Disclaimer: I have no art skills whatsoever. But perhaps in my ineptitude, I stumbled onto something that teachers found amusing? It’s hard to say.
But I won a lot of goodwill from a lot of teachers in school with my bad art. They thought my little cartoon characters were funny.
That lasted up through my junior year. I had a soccer coach as my history teacher. I shall call him “Coach Jerkhead.” And Coach Jerkhead didn’t take kindly to my art.
And fair enough, it was bad art.
But he took it way too far.
He said it was “graffiti” and tried to get me suspended from school. The assistant principal was a stand-up guy. He wadded up Coach Jerkhead’s report, threw it in the wastebasket, and told me to forget about it. He also told me to knock it off with the “art.” And fair enough, I’d already gotten a lot of mileage out of it. Time to give it a rest?
The problems didn’t stop there, though. Nope. That incident put me on his radar. I wasn’t suspended like Coach Jerkhead wanted, so he decided it was time to bully me in class. He made fun of me and called me names in front of the other students. I got along with most of them, so it’s really not as bad as it sounds. It didn’t make my social standing in high school any better or worse.
But it was still inappropriate for a teacher to behave that way.
Remember I said that I’d roll with it if I was the only one who didn’t get along with Coach Jerkhead? Well, I wasn’t the only one. There were others.
Some of what follows are stuff I personally witnessed. So, it may sound like too much to believe. But I saw most of this myself, except for some obvious stuff that obviously I wouldn’t have been privy to.
Coach Jerkhead liked showing off to win approval from the boy students in the room. We’re talking about a pushing-50-year-old man. And here he was trying to win approval from teenage boys! He bragged about being close to an entire female Filipino soccer team and other dumb stuff. Literally nobody believed him.
Another time, he claimed he got into bar fights and went rly over the top with it.
To hear him tell it, he was Neo or something. Obnoxiously unbelievable.
One day after class, a girl pulled me aside and said she, I, and a few other students she’d corralled should go to the head principal’s office and complain about Coach Doorknob’s antics. I didn’t see what that would accomplish. But what the heck, why not?
As I expected, it came to nothing.
We got totally blown off. Nobody believed us. Another day, another dollar.
Things went on that way for a few more weeks. Coach Jerkhead continued being his obnoxious self. I guess he found out about the girl, me, and our friends dropping a dime on him to the principal because he made a point of calling us out in class, either individually or as a group.
More bullying, more harassment, etc.
Things went from bad to worse.
One day, I guess he had too many drinks one night or something and didn’t have a lesson plan for us. So, instead of doing actual work, he took us to the library to do a crossword puzzle. I didn’t take that seriously, picked a book off the shelf, and started reading it.
Coach Jerkhead didn’t like that.
He snatched my crossword puzzle away from me. I’m a jerk, I admit it. So, I picked an argument with Coach Jerkhead. A shouting match ensued. Eventually, I lost my temper and said “Whatever, just take the puzzle, you freaking jerkhead.”
Hence, his present moniker of “Coach Jerkhead.”
Obviously, I got hauled into the assistant principal’s office again. Coach Jerkhead wanted me expelled. But I knew he was dreaming; that was never going to happen.
The AP gave me in-school suspension. And fair enough; I did cuss at a teacher. You’ve got to expect something from that.
As the AP assigned me my suspension, he said that I shouldn’t have called Coach Jerkhead a jerkhead. He emphasized that I wasn’t necessarily wrong. I just shouldn’t have said that.
A snowball had started rolling. Apparently, that incident was one too many disciplinary problems for Coach Jerkhead.
I was told that the jerkhead/library incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was explained to me that Coach Jerkhead regularly hauled people into the AP’s office. I later heard he had other teachers outnumbered something like 3:1 with “unruly students” who never seemed to have problems in any other class, only with him.
Why is only Coach Jerkhead experiencing these problems, the administrators all wondered. So, an investigation began.
Understandably, they got tired of his antics, so independently of me and my friends, they complained to the head principal. And this was one complaint even the head principal couldn’t ignore.
Unfortunately for Coach Jerkhead, the other inquiry into his behavior and methods was already in full swing by this point.
When everybody put their heads together, they reached one obvious conclusion: Coach Jerkhead has to go.
But rather than fire him outright, they gave him a choice: resign or face termination. If he resigns, he can probably find a job someplace else. But if he gets fired… Well, it won’t look so good.
Coach Jerkhead chose to resign at the end of the year.
He was gone. And all this started because I lost my temper and called him a jerkhead in front of dozens of students in the library.
So, that’s the revenge part of the story. Anyway, I never saw him again after the end of my junior year.”
9. Getting My Martial Arts On A Bully
“I grew up studying martial arts in my pre-teens and all through every teen year. This occurred sophomore year of HS. I moved to Texas and some other guy ended up moving to the same area I did, from the same area I came from.
We ended up in the same school and a couple of classes together. We didn’t know each other before Texas. I had been here a few weeks before he came and was pretty chill.
Some people were kinda like ‘Oh, California, Cool!’ but I never tried to use it as any kind of manipulative angle.
This guy shows up from the same SUBURBAN area in California and immediately starts acting like he was all tough.
I never really cared, until he made so many issues and just wouldn’t shut up about it. He was always trying to play the tough guy and intimidate everyone, even me, oblivious to the fact that I came from the same area and know nothing he’s claiming about being so tough is true.
I called him out on the stuff after those few weeks and he wanted to fight me for it.
I can’t really say I was bullied at this point because this guy was really no threat to me. He acted tough but had less than zero chance of doing anything to me. He came around the corner once and tried to throw his shoulder into me, bounced off, and then bounced off the locker and fell on his butt.
I just kinda giggled and walked on and a lot of people laughed at him.
Apparently, he set up some kind of audience to the event thinking he would knock me over and it backfired. He ended up on the football team after I had already landed my starting position and kept trying to hit me from behind and from the sides when I wasn’t looking.
He did this a lot and actually screwed up my back and I had to drop sports because of it.
In a later semester, we ended up with 2 classes together. In the first class, he was always making fun of me. One day in that class I had enough of it, so I provoked him.
He reacted as expected, walked over when the teacher wasn’t looking, and hauled his fist back to take a swing at me.
So I swung back. The teacher turned around as he was getting up.
Everyone was stunned and he claimed he just fell. He was on the warpath after that. He attempted to provoke me into a fight in the boys’ room during lunch a few weeks later.
Finally, another few weeks later, he wanted to throw down in our art class which was the last class of the day.
He hauled back to throw a punch at me to which I grabbed his fist and pushed him just a little off-balance backward where he couldn’t do anything but listen.
I’d had enough since he wasn’t getting the hint.
So, I told him to meet me at the gas station across the street after school (about 20 minutes from that point) and we would go out into the field behind the gas station and have at it.
He was all sorts of talkative about me coming alone and not being ‘too scared to show up’.
I was there waiting for him for like 45 minutes and he finally came… with 4 other people… who were actually my friends from the football team… who he thought were his friends there to all jump me. He was a complete piece of trash all the way around and they were planning to side with me.
I told them to just enforce the terms, so he didn’t get too hurt.
He had walked ahead thinking they were forcing me to come with them and didn’t hear the conversation. When we got to the middle of the street, I had passed him to walk into the field. I turned around to set my bag down with my back to the sun and he took the bait.
He tried to sucker punch me from behind. I side-stepped and stuck him with 2 quick jabs.
I thought he could at least fight somewhat as I had given him every chance over the year leading up to this since he came to Tx and somehow he hadn’t gotten his butt kicked by anyone else. So I figured he must have had some grit.
I was completely wrong and he had absolutely no physical skill.
After the jabs I saw his lack of skill and went strictly defensive as the goal was to teach a lesson, not to hurt the guy.
We were both 16 at the time. He just didn’t learn.
I’d had enough of him at that point and ended the fight.
I stepped back as I didn’t need to be restrained, my point was made.
He wanted to keep fighting and I must admit he had heart, sadly it was a black heart.
I still feel kind of bad for the guy though.
This is how I learned how effective certain martial arts can be and exactly how dangerous fighting is. Never got into another fight again.”
8. Wanna Make Me Fail The Class? I'll Take You Down First
“In the recent school year, for grade 8, (my school went from pre-k to 8th grade), I was in a class called “Family Living,” and it was teaching you about basic home life.
The highlight of the class was the flour baby project, where you took a bag of flour, made it look like a baby, and had to carry it around all day, every day, for a week.
It was also near the end of the year, in May or something. It was the only big assignment for the class, and your grade for this project determined the grade on your report card.
On the last two days of the project, you are allowed to take other people’s babies when they are unattended but not rip them out of their hands. During class, there are safe spaces called nurseries where you can’t take them, but if your baby does get taken, and you can’t find them, then you kinda fail the class.
Remember this.
Anyways, the main trick of this story is a girl I’ll call…Patricia.
She was not liked by many, due to her incessant trash-talking and gossip. She had outed one of the girls in the grade as being a lesbian, causing the girl to be mocked for her crush on a very sweet, yet straight girl in our grade. Nobody ever had the “right” opinion when talking to her, causing her to take low blows and insult them instead of being a sane person.
She also taunted me to chase her down the hallway while I had a sprained ankle (lol, no; my pain tolerance ain’t that high.)
Point is, I was fed up with her, and the first flour-napping day was the breaking point. It was during lunch, and I and my friend were packing up our things to leave. My baby was on the table, and I had a hand on it.
But suddenly, it comes out of my grasp. Yep, this cow, Patricia, had pulled it out of my grasp. I chased her, as she was running to the main office (you’re supposed to leave taken babies there for our class teacher to find), but she beat me there, only to be handing my baby to our teacher. I was livid and told the teacher what happened.
The conversation went like this.
Me: Excuse me, Mrs. Teacher/ Patricia stole my baby from my hands. This isn’t fair.
Patricia: No, you were on the other side of the lunchroom, leaving your poor baby alone. This is fair!
Now, Mrs. Teacher is confused and thinking about whose side to take. She takes us back to the lunchroom, holding my baby, and asks random students about what happened.
Their story lines up with mine, so I was free to go. But so was Patricia. I got my baby back, and that’s how it should have ended. Right? Wrong.
The Revenge:
The bus ride home is where I craft a sinister plot with a friend of mine in the 5th grade, who I’ll call Link. During the fifth period the next day, I have gym and he has English, and our classrooms are right across the hall from each other.
Gym is the only class where the nursery is outside of the room, so you can’t really see the babies from inside the gym.
Cue Link. He was going to “go to the bathroom” during English and leave the room. He’d take Patricia’s baby and hide it inside of an empty locker that was not used or opened. All while I didn’t leave the gym, having a rock-solid alibi.
He was down for it because he was always a troublemaker and because I promised him $10 in advance. And it went off perfectly. He hid the baby and went back to class as normal.
When gym was over, and everyone collecting babies, Patricia freaked out. Her precious baby was missing, and she started wailing. I and some other friends were giggling at this, and she raged at us to give her baby back or she’d report us to the principal, but we reminded her that we didn’t leave the room.
She got huffy and looked all over.
When Family Living came that day, she broke down in front of Mrs. Teacher, saying that her baby was gone. They looked all over, but nothing. The weekend was me telling my best friend about this and us laughing like hyenas.
Fast forward to the last week of the school year, all the lockers are being cleared out and opened, even the empty ones.
One of the teachers finds the flour baby in one of the lockers. It’s recognized as the missing baby from late May and is given to Patricia.
At this point, it’s too late to change report card grades; I have no idea why. So Patricia has a nice shiny F on her report card. What a nice way to start high school next year.
She moped about it and yelled at everyone else for its disappearance. Safe to say, she wasn’t invited to the private farewell party our grade had.”
7. Kick Me Out Of Your Salon Because You're Jealous And Insecure? Things Are About To Stink
“This happened about 10 years ago, and I still feel pure glory and gold when re-living it and telling my tale of revenge.
I am a career hairstylist and worked primarily in the big city. I was in the middle of a nasty divorce and opted to move back home to cool off at my parents’ place in rural middle of nowhere farmland.
I was adamantly against doing hair in town because I wanted to keep a low profile and just heal quietly.
Well, long story short, an opportunity fell in my lap that looking back had red flags all over it, but I was getting restless and bored, so I chose to take it.
This salon owner was about ready to pop having like her 5th kid with the 5th dude. She had no one else working in her shop. My mom’s best friend went to her and was like, ‘Oh, I know this girl, blah blah.
She grew up here. She is good at hair and moved home from the city,’ so on and so forth. So I meet her, and she asks me to run her shop and keep the doors open while she is having the baby.
So I do just that. I already know the entire town. She disappeared for almost 6 months with very little communication about when she may return.
I just do my thang and keep the lights and water on slayin’ hair.
So one day, she shows up. She demands that every appointment in the schedule is now hers and says that I can pack my things and go.
I don’t budge. I explain gently that I’m not going anywhere. I had a signed contract stating specifics, and it was legally binding. And I go about my business.
It was a few months later things seemed to have a flow although she was super intense and insanely jealous of me. What can I say? I had experience and education and lived and breathed my trade. But we did seem to coexist at least.
One day, I get there, and my key doesn’t work. She won’t answer the phone. I had no access to my appointment book or my tools.
She tried to have me trespassed from the property but was unsuccessful.
She left town with all my belongings locked in the shop for an entire week.
During this time, I talked to the attorney my mom worked for who did employment law. He told me to take his leash off, and he would shut her down. I told him that wasn’t necessary. I just needed my tools and my appointment book; I already had another salon lined up.
He did call her and freak her out though. And I had other plans of my own.
What my friends and I ended up doing was planting spoiled meat all around her shop in the bushes. Collectively between us all for at least a month, there was a daily deposit of some kind of meat item in the landscaping.
We hooded up like total night creepers, and by the light of the moon hid steaks, ground beef, roasts, chicken thighs… Anything we didn’t need or want or was already going bad or freezer burnt.
It all ended up surrounding her shop hidden deep in the bushes.
It’s hot and humid, and it’s summertime. Stuff is getting absolutely FOUL around there. People in town are talking. Walking past the odor was overwhelming.
People stopped going for a variety of reasons… I’m sure that may have contributed!
I felt that signified her rancid spirit and rotten personality just fine.”
Another User Comments:
“Did you ever get your property back? I’d have let the lawyer handle it.” Zoreb1
“Yes. I was able to get all my implements picked up and secured my appointment book. I derived much more pleasure in messing with her than legally ruining her. Her kids were innocent if not victims themselves.” nectarlovesagape
6. Throw Me In The Lake? I'll Do It To You Over 40 Years Later
“Growing up, we never had swim lessons, and while I could manage to swim across a pool, I was not a strong swimmer and was especially scared of being in moving water that was over my head (rivers, large creeks, etc).
For the first ~10 years of my life, my dad lived on a large farm that had a big but beautiful mountain creek along the edge of one field.
My parents divorced when I was 2ish, but they got along well, and my brother (full-sib) and I would spend the summers with our dad and his other two kids (he remarried his first partner after he and my mom separated, and they had two older children).
Wayne was my half-brother and 7 years older than me. So one summer when I was 7, he was 14 and so much larger than me.
It was common knowledge that I was scared of swimming in the deep parts of the creek, but Wayne insisted everybody instinctively knows how to swim. There was a massive rock the size of a small house that we used to fish from, and my other siblings would jump in the creek from there (only ~10 feet above the water, but it was a very deep hole).
When you jumped in, you had to swim away downstream in order to find a place to climb out and back up on the rock.
It was a hot day (as summers tended to be in Arkansas), and we were done fishing, then Wayne said everyone should jump in (knowing that I had zero intention of doing that). So he started teasing me and eventually picked me up.
I was scared but thought surely he wasn’t actually going to throw me in. Well, I was wrong. He walked over to the edge and tossed me off the rock. I was as terrified as I’d ever been before or since. I did manage to make it back to shore but was screaming so loud that our stepmom heard me from the house ~100 yards away, and she came running out.
I don’t even remember if he got in any trouble, but he felt justified because I did in fact get myself back to shore without dying. But I developed a deeper phobia of swimming from then until I went away to college and decided to take swimming lessons. Now I’m a biologist, have traveled all over the US working in streams and lakes including AK and HI.
I have logged over 9,000 hours underwater (SCUBA) which is an insane amount of time and could only be done because I worked full-time literally underwater (though not very deep, so I could log a lot of hours in a day) for 20 years (revenge #1).
I think I only saw Wayne 2-3 more times in my life after I left for college. He passed away last year after a 2+ year battle with cancer.
We were not close at all (I didn’t even like him), but it was sad, and my other siblings mourned for him. His daughter, grandson, and mother are all still alive, and so out of respect for them, I went back for the funeral and had nothing bad to say about him. I was just there to be supportive and see a lot of family I hadn’t seen in years.
He was cremated, and we buried (most of) his ashes in a small cemetery in the Ozark Mountains near our childhood homes. But before the funeral, I took a small amount of ashes. The day after the funeral, I asked my other brother if he’d like to go visit our dad’s old place on the creek. We made an afternoon of it with his three sons.
The driveway was a mile long and gated, so we hiked in, brought food to sit on the rock above the creek, and have lunch and tell my nephews stories about growing up there. After lunch and while nobody was watching, I took out Wayne’s ashes and threw his butt off that same rock 42 years after he had done the same to me. I made it to shore and climbed out back then, but part of Wayne will forever be in that creek now.
And it was very cathartic (if not mean). I didn’t tell anyone in the family what I was doing and don’t plan to because I didn’t want to cause any damage or future problems. What happened was just between Wayne and me and now all of you (revenge #2).”
5. Make School Miserable For Me? I'll Sabotage Your Exam
“This story was from my time at sixth form when I was 17. For those of you who do not know, sixth form was essentially what you would do after secondary school (similar to a college), but the sixth form is attached to a secondary school.
Throughout my time at secondary school, I was picked on and bullied for my autism.
There was the classic stuff like beatings and name-calling, but one guy always took it way too far. For ease, we shall call him Blondie.
I can remember everything he ever did to me and how he made my entire secondary school time awful. In year seven, he beat me and then threw my bag into a bush that was right next to a tree with a wasps nest. In year eight, he tormented me so bad I couldn’t attend school.
In year nine, he lied and told all of the year elevens that I had called them bad words which got me beaten by a group of kids about 2 years older than me. In year ten, he pinned me to the wall and punched me in the gut, and in year eleven, he found out my sister went to my school and said if I told anyone about his beatings, he’d beat her too.
This is just one example from every year, and he did so much more than that on a daily basis.
Then comes sixth form. I was put in his class, and it didn’t go any better for me.
He said many hurtful things and goaded another kid (we’ll call him Abra) into his teasing. This included throwing insults all day, insulting my mom and my family, regular beatings, stealing my stuff which would mysteriously end up in the toilet, stealing my phone, and saving my mom’s number onto his, in which he RANG my mom continuously telling her how much of a failure I am, and it’s all her fault and making my mom cry.
I was too scared to tell anyone about the incidents, and the only one he got into trouble for was ringing my mom. The rest of it, I would be threatened with extra beatings and threats towards my sister if I told anyone.
It was the last straw when Blondie followed me home, beat me up, and said that I was a pure disappointment to my family for being autistic.
This was a week before our final exams.
Engineering, I couldn’t do much for as it wouldn’t affect Blondie. He didn’t like it, but we both had to do a 10-hour art exam. And my God, did I have a plan.
The insults continued during the first half of the art exam. And the next day when we had to do the second half, I made sure I brought in a can of soda.
The insults kept coming calling me names saying I’m worthless. Until I asked the teacher, “How long do we have left of the exam?”
“Half an hour, Peppa. Why do you ask?”
To which I stood up, cracked open my can of diet soda, and looked Blondie straight in the eyes as I poured the entire can over the art piece he had spent nine and a half hours on.
Completely ruining it in the process.
Did he give me a beating, yes, yes, he did. But it was in front of the teacher. And he had half an hour to quickly make a 10-hour art piece, or he would have if he wasn’t escorted off school grounds and told he wasn’t to come back unless he was getting his exam results.
He failed both his art and engineering exams and had to repeat the year, while I passed both with flying colors and got to move on to college.
I still see him from time to time, and I am always sure to give him a massive middle finger.”
4. Just So You Know, Nobody Likes You
Finally someone stands up to her.
“Back in fifth grade, there was this girl, Kelsey. She was always picking on me with her two other friends (literally out of a scene from a movie).
It was just constant, and she always sought me out in order to torment me. I was a new student, and I think this played a part in why she chose to bully me.
One day at lunch, I was just casually eating with my friends when, of course, she chooses to sit directly across from me with her two other friends.
She then proceeds to mock everything I do.
Tip over my juice and just do every little thing to get on my nerves. A little back story, Kelsey’s only friends are the two that follow her around. Everyone else avoids her because she’s so mean to anyone that tries to be friendly. So as she’s picking on me, something inside me snaps. I stood up from the table and told her to knock it off.
She laughed and asked, ‘what are you going to do about it!?’ And I went on this rant about how no one likes her because she’s so mean and how she’s going to be alone forever because she’s just so mean to everyone all the time! The people within earshot were staring at that point, which I noticed, and quickly sat down. I remember my heart racing faster than I’ve ever felt it race at the time.
I went back to eating and avoided eye contact.
I remember tearing up. Not from the anxiety of it all, but because I felt bad. I felt so bad for the words that had come out of my mouth. I kept thinking, you’re just like her.
The next thing I know, Kelsey is crying. She runs up to the principal (who, at our school, always stands in during lunch at the front of the cafeteria).
I have no idea what she said to her, but she proceeds to walk over to me and ask me to follow her to the office. At this point, I’m in panic mode. I don’t know what to do or say. The principal sits me down and explains that Kelsey told her that I’ve been bullying her for weeks and that I just screamed at her in front of everyone!
I tried to explain that no, SHE is the bully, and I was just trying to stand up for myself…
But I’m sorry for what I said and I shouldn’t have said it. The principal asks, if that’s true, why didn’t you say something? Kelsey seemed very upset by your words. She’s a sweet girl, and I don’t see her doing these things you said she was.
(Remind you, I am in a new school. I’m the new kid. So this principal doesn’t quite ‘have a feel’ for the type of person I am. It’s a small school where she knows everyone and their parents. I’m the outsider).
So I said nothing. I apologized. She sent me back to the lunchroom, but she told me I had to sit at a different table.
Instead, I went into the bathroom and cried for the rest of the period… My friend realized I was in there and held me and told me I ‘did the right thing,’ but d**n it doesn’t feel like I did.
From that day on, every time the principal saw me in the hallway, she glared at me. And the worst part was, Kelsey’s bullying got worse, and I think it’s because she knew she had won… I never spoke up for myself again.
And I blame this incident for it.
In sixth grade I also learned that her parents were very close with the principal, so I’m wondering if that played a role too. Who knows. It’s still upsetting when I think about it.”
3. Turn On Me And My Family? I'll Let Your Man's Main Chick Know What's Up
I just wonder what made this woman turn into such an ugly soul, especially after having years of being on good terms with the people she later ended up bullying.
“I ( F, 33 at the time) once had a run-in with a blatant bully. My family owns a business. We come from a lower-middle-class neighborhood and kept close contact after we moved.
Jane (F, 93, was in her 70s at the time) was our old neighborhood friend. She was an office worker all her life. She was one of the ‘forever’ dwellers in our neighborhood. I had a specially close bond with her.
Not anymore.
Jane worked 40 years at a factory, then got a job at another manufacturing company (after retirement). She got laid off, so she found a job at a dentist’s office. Dr. Jake owned three dental offices, so he depended on his employees to keep things running while he wasn’t around. Jane worked for him for about 5 years.
Jane and the other workers (all females) formed some sort of a clique.
They loved her because she was their elderly pal. I would visit Jane on some Saturday afternoons, bring pizza or lasagna, and enjoy how the day ended in my old stomping grounds just like in the good old days. I left my old neighborhood when I was 16, but I still cherish it. She always talked about her work friends, and sometimes they picked her up for an outing, or they would carpool to the supermarket.
There was this friend in particular, Nancy (F60s). She was the one who seemed most friendly with Jane. I’d like to add that I NEVER, EVER had a conversation with this woman, much less any type of a fight.
As their relationship progressed, Jane learned a lot of info about Nancy’s life. She was more or less a lonely female who loved to gossip and was involved in a relationship with a married man (Ed, M, now maybe 43) whose wife worked as a receptionist about 3 minutes away from the dental practice.
Jane said Nancy was ‘crazy’ because she liked to stalk her lover’s woman and gave him money often (help with a loan monthly payment, help pay for his car, buy him food so that he would come visit, give him one hundred here, 80 bucks there, etc.).
Their friend group was tight, so much that Jane would call them to clock her in. They would do this for each other all the time.
My friend who also knew Jane kept telling me the office always seemed empty, except for the days when the doctor showed up.
Jane suddenly lost her job. My mom took her in when our secretary got sick. My mom kept Jane in even after our secretary came back, and for years, it was all good. Jane maintained the friendship with Nancy and ‘the girls.’ Because we worked closely, I heard Jane tells lots of gossip about Nancy’s private life.
This seemed odd. Also, she had fits whenever Nancy called her. She would say: ‘Omg, again?,’ ‘So needy.’ This usually took place (Nancy’s insistent calling on lunch breaks) whenever she heard something about Ed’s married life. She was devastated to learn his woman was pregnant again or that he bought his partner a new car, etc. For those wondering, I grew up with Jane having a place in my life, just like an aunt.
Jane would usually wait on the sidewalk because Nancy would come to pick her up after work so that they could eat dinner together after work. So, basically, I was very loyal and very die-hard. Nancy would sometimes wave goodbye at us but nothing more.
There were rumors that the dental office may close down. No kidding. Patients must have been switching doctors because office hours were erratic.
The remaining days when the doctor was not, it was supposed to be used for scheduling, which wasn’t happening. Jane said, ‘She never indulged in this, just saw them do it.’
Jane’s job was simple. Never had anything to do with money. She was with us most of the time on the computer. Simple as that.
Beatrice, our secretary, came to me one day and said she had something to share.
She was very worried because of Jane’s closeness to our family. Beatrice said she had caught Jane persistently going to our cash box and counting the money. When Jane saw her, she said she had permission to guard the petty cash. Until then, we never had any reason to distrust Jane. Beatrice said she was coming forward because she was scared something might happen and wanted to make sure her name was clear.
We were shocked and baffled. It seemed ridiculous, but we still changed the box location. Again, it happened. We set up cameras and caught her ‘counting the money’ about twice a day. She was caught taking bills, crushing them in her fist, and stashing them in her chest on three occasions during the same week. We never paid attention because our business is based mostly on electronic transactions, so the cash is left for buying stuff and other small purchases.
So, in a week, she took about $350.00. This is the price you pay for not having control over each dime. We just left our petty cash lie in a box. We will never know how much she took.
We confronted her with the video. She got mad at us and left the job. Obviously, she told everyone else her own version. My mother and I were so astonished that it took us months to assimilate.
I’m talking about a woman who was invited to 500% of family events and was handsomely paid at work.
We moved on as usual. Some old neighbors would occasionally tell us that Jane complained she was fired for no reason. Beatrice was yelled at the mall by one of Jane’s friends because ‘she was the thief but had Jane scapegoated.’
About 3 years later, my mom went to eat at a seafood restaurant.
She’s very hardworking and never takes ‘me time.’ She went to eat but told me she ran into Nancy who was sitting nearby with some other women. Jane wasn’t there. So Nancy bullied my mom, who was sitting by herself. She cracked jokes, wouldn’t stop walking by her table and saying things under her breath. Nancy clicked ‘mean girl’ mode and cracked jokes.
Then, they stood up kind of surrounding her. My mom was intimidated, so she just paid and left. Mom said Nacy yelled something like, ‘Hey, can’t take the heat?’ Mom tried to conceal her feelings, but I know she was hurt. Nobody should have to go through this. I was livid, but my mom begged me to leave it at that. Okay.
I was paying for my stuff at a local mom-and-pop’s pharmacy I visit quite often.
The pharmacy is on the same street as Nancy’s job. Our business is pretty close to everything. For this reason, it’s like the first choice to buy anything. So I was there on a Sunday morning, which I really like because the street is empty. I was talking to a friend on my earphones. I’m first in line, already paying, but I heard strange sounds from the line.
Because this isn’t a Walgreen or big-box retailer, the pay line is kind of less organized. I keep hearing laughter and a loud voice from the line, and the cashier begins to look uncomfortable. Because I’m on my headphones, I’m not 100% aware of what whoever is talking is saying. The cashier keeps looking at someone in the line, and the lady two spaces away from me says, ‘We don’t need that.’ I saw Nancy pointing at me.
Honestly, I was confused at first. So I tell my friend on the phone to hold on.
Nancy is laughing at me, pointing at me. She’s telling everyone, ‘Look, she’s crazy, talking to herself.’ She knows darn right about the existence of earphones. She tries to rally the people on the line by cracking jokes and calling me a ‘dumb witch.’ I took off my earphones.
I was so angry my arm was tingling.
I told Nancy I wasn’t gonna do anything inside the pharmacy because I respect that place, but I know who she is, and I’ll wait for her outside. Her face changed. I gave her the option to repeat and tell me to my face the whole thing she said/did to my mom since she feels so unstoppable that she’s messing with me.
Nancy got quiet immediately. I got my stuff and told her I would be outside. I waited outside, and the witch never came out. So I hop in my car. Five minutes later, she comes out. I think she thought I left. So I drove my car really slow next to her and told her to tell me what the flip she said. She kept walking.
I yelled at her from my car that she better open her mouth and talk. She didn’t.
Nancy went into a bakery nearby. She took a street (on foot) that had no entrance for me. No problem. I took the next entrance and parked at the bakery. I stood next to her and told her off. Then I ordered some food for takeout. I warned her that if she ever saw my mom or anyone in my family, she better cross the street.
Oh, and to please call your friend in my old neighborhood who put you up to this to see if she can come to help you now.
Nancy just kept her head tilted to the side. I left. I called Nancy’s man’s partner and told her. I gave her all of Nancy’s details and how to get to her house based on Jane’s constant gossip.
Basically, Nancy lived about three blocks away from her job in front of an Adventist church. I told her Nancy’s car information. I didn’t call as a snitch, I called saying I was Nancy who suffered from rightful indignation. The woman hung up on me but took my next call again.
I called the dentist at his other office. I said I was an inspector to get him to come personally on the phone.
Once he did, I told him everything I knew but never gave my name. I called him lazy and incompetent to keep an office and hung up.
I do know for a fact that the dentist fired everyone because he closed the office down. My friend who worked nearby said Nancy would stop by every now and then, but he avoided her because she was needy, and he didn’t want her to latch on to him.
She told him her man dumped her for ‘calling his partner’ and said she was obsessive and irrational. I don’t know much else. I never disclosed my involvement.
I saw Nancy at the same pharmacy somewhere around 2015 (more or less 10 years later). She’s extremely thin and bent over. She didn’t even see me, and I just kept walking. I do see Jane maybe every now and then at the farmer’s market, but I don’t talk to her.
We just act like we don’t know each other.”
2. Make Fun Of My Knock-Off Purse? Enjoy This Little Gift
“This was back in 2008.
Really big Chanel bags were popular with their logo plastered all over it for some reason.
I had just gone to New York City and proudly bought a cheap knock-off of these types of purses. We always buy a fake bag, and this one was pink, and I actually really liked it. I couldn’t care less that it wasn’t an original or what the brand was.
I came back home to my apartment in an incredibly large college town. Our neighbors were a few college-aged girls (I was maybe a year or two older having just graduated college) who partied A LOT.
On several occasions, they would wake us up by yelling into our windows for my roommate who lived upstairs. Somehow they knew them, but I’m talking like 2 to 4 am most nights. And they were extremely intoxicated.
Antics like that persued throughout the summer. I was getting livid.
Then it happened.
They made fun of my purse.
‘Your bag is ugly and obviously a fake!’ Cue group of girls laughing from their porch like a pack of hyenas.
This triggered something deep within me. I had flashbacks of the fake Adidas snap gym pants my mom tried to pass off on me and getting called out for it. Memories of Tommy Hilfiger jeans that kids would check your tags to make sure were authentic. That sort of petty mid-90s to early 2000s teenager bull.
So I waited a few days.
It was July.
It was hot. I had gotten my period.
A few days later I took a tampon, extremely used, and set it out on their incredibly sunny porch.
Right in the middle outside of their door.
And waited.
Since they partied constantly, they didn’t wake up until 12 or 1 pm.
I sat with my windows open enjoying the beautifully hot, muggy, summer day.
Then I hear shrieking.
‘Ewwww, omg, omg, ew! Oh, ew! What the heck? There’s a used tampon out here! Sick! Oh, gross. There are flies everywhere! Oh my God. Who did this?! Ew!’
Satisfied, I put my headphones on and logged into World of Warcraft with a huge smile on my face.
Don’t make fun of my awesomely fake purse, witches.”
1. Damaging What's Left Of A Bully's Reputation
“For some context, this all started some few months ago. I was eavesdropping on this infamously toxic kid in my classroom saying he was extremely good at Fortnite. I challenge him to a duel since I was a Season 2 player, and I wanted to humble him.
He beats me 1-2, in which it would have been 3-2 had we gone up to the scheduled round setting of 5.
He milked this for a while, and no matter how much I explain myself, my former excuse of a friend just listens to his point of view. For the sake of shortening this, this toxic kid will be called TK, and a former friend will be called SK.
More things like this happened. For example, whenever I’d beat him, he’d just say he wasn’t trying, and whenever he beat me, he’d give some excuse saying I’m a bot.
He overused bot, might as well be running on, “If humanoid = function;encountered, emit ‘BOT’.” I don’t script, so sorry if that made you cringe.
Anyways, it hadn’t been getting hot until this one moment where my microphone wasn’t working, so I could speak.
We had a party of 4 with TK, SK, and another guy in my grade. TK would keep coming up from behind me and third partying, saying that I was doing all of it.
He gained a higher kill score than me (not surprisingly) for his tactics. He excessively said, “Where is (my name) at? Is he hiding? He’s probably scared.” Even though I’m already clearly fighting someone or building up.
At this point, I’ve had it. It was Friday, and I emailed the student counselor about how I was enraged and felt like harming him. We talked it over on Monday morning; yet after lunch, TK was also called in with me.
We had our little debate while the student counselor had listened. He just spat out a bunch of lies, and it had been weeks since our first fight.
He even had gone back to the first fight to refute my points. Student counselor just told us to not interact with each other on Fortnite, and both of us agreed.
Until this invertebrate decided to invite me to a party, and because I was bored out of my mind, I obliged.
We regained a relationship after messing around in creative, and he wanted to 1v1 again.
This time, he excessively got beat but would just refute it by saying he wasn’t trying.
The spiciness comes back when we’re playing with someone who used to live in our town who was in 4th grade. We were on a moving zones map in creative, and we weren’t supposed to use anything but our special (the item that spawns in front of us).
TK and little kid had died, and I was about to fight TK’s sister with low materials. I basically couldn’t build. This rascal pulls up a blue pump which wasn’t a special and killed me with it when I had an SMG and was on 34 HP. Of course, TK and the little kid go wild as she was infamously bad and said I was such a bot for dying to her.
We go to a different map, and they just go on about 90’s and stuff like that, how I couldn’t do them as fast as they do.
(Keep in mind, some days before this fight, he said I improved since I managed to “clap” him, but with an audience, he must put on a show.) He exaggerates how bad I am and takes my rage as vulnerability, teaming up with little kid and acting as if they weren’t double-teaming.
Fortunately, TK had left, and I just played some obbies with little kid. Now surprisingly, his PVP wasn’t as good as his parkour skills, and I laughed in the background, questioning how I’m the bot when he’s screeching at his fails.
Cue the revenge.
I made sure I wouldn’t take any of his bargains or requests and had turned everyone in the homeroom except my friend against him.
I made him lose his fame and even got one of my friends in that homeroom to try his best to contradict everything he said. I exploited his insults and could literally just reflect anything back at him in a somewhat good comeback while his would be the equivalent of, “no u.” I even overused one of the greatest things to ever happen.
Now, I don’t use Grammarly anymore, but when I did, I logged into his narrative doc since the teacher asked me to review it, and Grammarly actually froze on me.
I had to wait a solid 45 seconds before the doc loaded, and I saw words underlined with red. This just downgraded how my peers viewed his intelligence, seeing it as an amateur.
It didn’t get better out of the homeroom, too. In physical education, literally, any team captain would choose me over him. Soon enough, his failures in that class outweighed mine, and he was demoted to the bottom of the social hierarchy in our grade.
I wish I could add more, but as of right now, he’s in a period of dormancy in his stupidity.”