Metaspoon User
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AITJ For Giving Away My Partner's Cat?
3 years ago
I have a problem with the girlfriend keeping a cat and not respecting clearly stated expections if the cat stayed, let alone not being concerned about OP's allergies. But getting rid of someone else's beloved furry family member isn't the right thing to do. What he should have done was MOVE HIMSELF OUT. I mean, she doesn't care about him, his feelings or, his allergies.
Make Him Soil Himself? He'll Make You Hate Cacti
3 years ago
Once I accidentally dropped two small cacti on my hands and one big toe (it was summer and I was barefoot). To this day I tell everyone that I absolutely hate cacti and to keep them away from me. Next month it'll be 53 YEARS since I dropped that cacti. So yes, I can see how landing in a whole bed of them would give someone PTSD.
Just reading this I knew "K" was altering your contribution the first time it got marked down. Why did it take you all semester to figure it out?