You can find me busting a dance move anywhere, it doesn’t matter where. Any place can turn into a dance floor, it’s just how you look at it. Aisle three in the grocery store? Dance floor. Parking lot after loading the car with groceries? Dance floor! Pumping gas and have a few minutes to kill? Dance floor! Empty elevator? Stuck in traffic? Walking home from work? All opportunities to snap your fingers, bob your head, mouth the words to your favorite song or be brave and full-on dance! And as it turns out, it’s not just us humans who like to boogie just about anywhere. Horses do, too!
When Victoria Anderson-Gardner and her friend Morningstar were driving past a grassy field, they decided to stop and have a little impromptu dance party – with a new friend!
The two women noticed a curious horse standing nearby on the opposite side of the fence. He was quiet and minding his own business when the car showed up. They wanted to share their love of music so they decided to give him little entertainment. The women rolled down the windows, cranked up Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” and started to sing along to the classic tune. Not seconds into it, their horsey friend is visibly affected by the music, in a really good way! He starts to shake his head, and move along as though he is dancing! His head goes side to side almost in sync with the song, while his long horse tail wags along, too.
I’ve always been a fan of this Fleetwood Mac classic, it’s so haunting and catchy. Definitely one of the band’s most defining songs. And now, it’s a horse’s favorite song, too! He seems so happy to have been able to hear this song and dance to it. Of course, the two friends get such a kick out of it. They’re in awe as they eventually drive away happy to have seen and been a part of such a beautiful, once in a lifetime moment!
Morningstar looks at the camera and says, “Wow!” with a big smile on her face. They both laugh, in disbelief of what just went down. I sure hope they visit him again and play him some more music! That was probably the highlight of his week.
Click below to see this happy horse sway back and forth to some good old vintage rock music!