Women In Red Dresses Baffle Audience With Clever Magic Trick

They magic is a shift in perception. That’s basically the bottom line of it. What we think we see isn’t actually what we see.

Take these brilliantly dressed ladies. In what first appears to be a song and dance, or fashion show, or mixture of all the above, it takes a few moments to grasp what’s going on. Blink and you might miss it.

This is actually a magic show put on by a troop of highly skilled women from Korea, to delight and confound viewers. I’ve probably watched them 10 times and I still can’t figure out how they are able to pull it off.

The ladies first file onto the game show-like setting, surrounded by an eager audience not quite sure what kind of spectacle they’re in for. The ladies do a moment’s worth of parading around to a song that reminds you of a circus, donning bright metallic red, ruffled dresses. No one is ready for what’s about to happen. It looks simple and straightforward but this is just the beginning. It’s almost too simple and forthcoming…

Then, they come together in perfect choreographed formation to create two rotating human wheels. When the women from the back appear at the front–gasp!–each one is wearing a completely different outfit. What was a red dress is now a yellow, floral patterned, empire waist dress.

And that’s not the only time they pull a quick one. They change three more times–each transformation radically different than the previous, each time wearing a new dress, and dancing different moves. How do they do this? We may never find out. Do you want to find out? You probably won’t. And honestly, wouldn’t that take the fun out of it? Sometimes the thrill is the best part of it! Truly, these women are onto something fun! I wonder if they can do it with pants?

This is not some sleight of hand trick. There is a serious feat of engineering involved, one that has both the crowd and the Internet flabbergasted. These ladies have got it going on. Maybe next time they’ll figure out how to change their shoes too?

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