89-Year-Old Woman Rocks Out To The Beatles While Sewing Hundreds Of Masks

At a time where face masks are becoming more difficult to find, anyone who can sew is a true hero. Not only are people making cloth masks for themselves but also for their family and friends, local hospital workers, and even random strangers. Whether they plan to sell the masks online or give them away for free, it’s incredible that so many people are pitching in to help with the fight against the C*********s by making cloth masks more readily available.

89-year-old Teresa “Terry” Provo from Chicago, Illinois is one of those people. With a vast majority of her time now spent at home, Provo decided that the best way to keep busy was to put her sewing skills to good use by spending her time handmaking masks for her family members and friends. In her eyes, it was the least she could do during a time like this to keep the people she loves safe.

Grandma Provo ended up making the masks to send to loved ones in numerous states including California, Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Each mask featured fun fabrics personalized to each person she’d send them to, such as their favorite sports teams. Along with the mailed masks, the grandma also sent sweet letters.

Not only did Provo make enough masks for one for each of her family members; she ended up constructing 600+ masks in her spare time for local nursing home residents. But it couldn’t have been done without the helping hands of her “Red Hat Club,” which includes seniors like her who love to attend local events and performances.

But even with help on board, the long-time sewer found herself spending hours on end constructing the much-needed masks. So, what helped keep her focused during the long hours of mask-making was blaring songs from the Beatles. She’s one cool granny!

“She just likes the Beatles, cause who doesn’t!” said Amy Szabo, Provo’s granddaughter.

The Beatles, a favorite band of Provo, surely helped keep her motivated. In fact, she recently announced that she’s still working on making more masks.

“It took us two weeks, but we get ’em done,” she said. “I’m still working on some.”

Below is a short video of the grandma in the middle of sewing her masks while the Beatle’s song, “Help!” plays in the background. I think that’s a perfectly appropriate song considering how many masks the poor woman has committed herself to make!

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