People Share Their Story Of Revenge That Was Totally Worth It


Most times, revenge just isn’t worth it. It can land you in some pretty hot water if you choose to play dirty. But then there are times where people just won’t learn a lesson. If you let them get away with it, you’ll be paying the price for a while. Whether that’s expensive or with your life, this behavior just can’t be accepted. So you have to play the same game. You gotta pull a stunt that’s as big and gnarly as the betrayal you received or else, how will you get your message across? You can’t take another person’s crappy actions lying down. No, sometimes you just gotta do what they did to you, and you know what? It’s totally worth it. Read on for a few stories that hit the nail on the head.

22. Stop Touching Me Or I’ll Gross You Out Entirely


“Guy at work kept “bumping” into me. A brush on the butt, on the side of my breasts. It kept happening and he played innocent always p***ing by with no eye contact. Today he one-upped himself and actually goosed my butt. Full-on pinch. Feeling defeated like no one would believe me, then something came over me.

I walked by him and turned my butt right next to his hand and just full-on farted. Loud and angry. It’s gross, I know. But if he’s going to make me feel gross and “claim my ***” I’m going to make him feel gross and “claim his hand.”

He proceeded to freak out and then I freaked out. No more will he look at my a*s as ******, but a fart box that has forever claimed his tiny hand.

Boss overheard after other people kept talking about it, brought us both in, found out I was one of five he’s done this to.

He said I intentionally farted on him (I said it was an accident) which I knew would freak him out.
When he pinched me it was “a joke.”

As soon as he said that, I was told to excuse myself and he’s currently cleaning out his desk.

**** you, Ted.” ThankCod

21. Bully Me? I’ll Take Care Of Your Landscaping


“For a bit of backstory: I am a female with Asperger’s syndrome who didn’t experience her last growth spurt until she was almost in college. I was SMALL during my Freshman and Sophomore years of high school, only weighing 65 lbs (29.5 kg) and 85 lbs (38.5 kg) in those respective years and was a very easy target for bullies due to attempting to be a ‘good girl’ and not fighting back.

That changed after my first and only explosive blow-up that ended with a particular bully sporting several broken bones and me being suspended for a few days.
Following that event, the bullying died down quite a bit for several months when several of the worst of the bullies realized that I wasn’t going to beat them on a weekly basis.

One particular bully lived in my neighborhood, practically across the street from me. He had been merciless in the past, doing everything from shoving me down and pulling off my shoes and tossing them into a pond where alligators lived to tear up several of my books.

The day he decided it was safe to start bullying me again, I was reading a Star Wars book on the bus, Shadows of the Empire. (Yes, I’m a Star Wars nerd). As our stop approached and I got ready to disembark by closing my book, he came barreling down the aisle of the bus, slapping heads as he did and snatched my book before I could stow it in my backpack.
Knowing where this was likely headed, I attempted to hold on to my book only for one of his friends to reach between us and grab the book as well.

They were able to take my book through sheer strength then and I watched as they tore out pages.

That evening, I attempted to approach the first bully’s parents with my book, determined to have them replace it. My own parents would have done that, so I was certain that I would be facing similar people who would listen and agree.

To say I was mistaken would be an understatement. The boy’s father thought of me only as ‘the disabled freak’ despite me having better grades than his son and said it served me right to have my book torn up.

The revenge.

My grandfather had taught me to never start fights, just finish them. To make the consequences for messing with me dire enough that people would think twice about hurting or bullying me. My parents had told me to not get in fights. Considering the trouble that my first and only fight had gotten me into, I realized that I could finish this fight without throwing a punch.

The family of the boy who tormented me, specifically the father and his son, were very proud of their yard. They did all of their own landscaping, mowing their lawn and were very particular about it being exactly as they liked.

Their big ‘father/son bonding activity’ so to speak.

They always made sure that their sprinklers came on at a particular time of day, which was several hours before dawn.
The bully didn’t like getting up in time for the morning bus which came at 6 am each morning, which gave me plenty of time for my revenge.

Cheap instant pudding that didn’t taste good once could be bought in bulk size bags. When you live a mere mile from a store that sells those bags, which wasn’t uncommon 18 years ago, it is easy to get your hands on several bags of this pudding.

It is also easy to spread this pudding powder across someone’s lawn at 4:30 am when no one else is up.

An hour later, my own dad thinks I’ve just gotten up and watches me head out the door to school right as the sprinklers across the street turn on and the garbage truck makes its morning run.
The bully wasn’t in school that day. I only saw him that afternoon when I returned home, standing in his ruined yard with his dad as they tried to clean up the chocolate pudding mess from their yard.

Both glared at me, knowing I did it.

I can’t say that the bullying stopped with this event, but the school finally noticed that I was being targeted in particular by this guy and several of the teachers who liked me began to stand in the halls so he didn’t dare do anything at school. Bus rides were still **** until a neighbor saw him kicking me on the walk home and began to organize a carpool, deliberately excluding him from the group.” Saria19

20. Don’t Want To Pay Me And Would Rather Make Me Wait? I Don’t Do Business Like That


“My grandfather had been retired for a bit after getting hurt on his job at the railroad.

Being a little bored at the time he offered a local Indy VW shop owner his time to run for parts and other errands in exchange for some help on his VW.

So my grandfather returns to the shop in the afternoon one day to find J the owner of the shop mingling and acting pretty pissed off and he asks him what was up.

The story went that J had just rebuilt and installed a motor to do a customer and when the guy picked up the car in the AM had paid with a check.

This was not uncommon at the time being circa 1980.

When J went to cash the check at lunch the bank informed him that payment on the check had been stopped.
He asked them when he had just received it a few hours ago. They told him just about this morning. So apparently the owner of the car paid the bill and went to the bank and immediately canceled the check.

J called the guy on the phone and asked him what the **** happened, why was the check canceled. The guy said. ” you made me wait for my car, so I’m going to make you wait for the money.”

What had happened, was one of the parts for the engine had been delayed a few days and J couldn’t finish the job when initially promised but as soon as the part came in he put the engine back together and got the guy his car back.

Needless to say, J was p*ssed. It’s Friday and he wanted to wrap things up a little early and getting paid for an engine rebuild was a nice wrap to the week.

Now the revenge. J asked my grandfather to come with him, he grabbed a few tools and he hopped in his little pickup, a VW of course, and off they went.

J drove over the guy’s house, knowing where he lived based on him being a customer and having the address on the canceled check. Pulled up to the guy’s house and proceeded to remove the engine from the car in about 10 minutes.

While this might seem unbelievable if you ever worked on an old air-cooled VW they are literally held in by 4 bolts, a couple of screws, and a few wires, and a good mechanic could have one out in no time at all.
After it was removed my Grandfather helped him put the motor in the back of the truck. While a little bulky a complete VW motor is not that heavy.

Now the Pro revenge.

After they had the motor loaded up J wrote a note and left it under the wiper. “When you decide to pay me just add in an extra $$ to pay for the removal and replacement of the engine and for the time it took me to come over here and get it….******”* and they drove off.”  jeheh

19. Try To Blow Up My Car On Halloween? I’ll Hold Your Car Hostage


“Halloween 2012. It was around 2 am and I had just arrived back home from a neighborhood party.

As I walked towards my house and the porch light came on, I couldn’t help but notice that the left side of my car was completely covered in egg.
All over the window, all over the door, all down the front windscreen and underneath the window wipers too. I was naturally infuriated, but it was Halloween after all, I had just gotten unlucky. I grabbed a kitchen roll from the house and proceeded to spend 15 minutes trying to get egg off of my car in the dark. After thinking I had finally succeeded, I decided to sit in the car with a cigarette on the driveway and call my friend.

This is where it begins. As I was sat there, I could see through the rear-view mirror a car going past my house, slowing down, turning around, and driving past again. It must have happened 4-5 times. ‘What if these were the people who had egged my car?’ I thought.
I explained to my friend I needed to go, put the phone down, and continued to watch this car acting really strangely on the road out front until finally, it stopped, 2 meters in front of my driveway.

The engine went off, and through the darkness, I could make out a tall hooded figure slowly depart from his crap-mobile and walk up to the rear of my car.

He was checking around him, and looking in the direction of the house before he crouched down behind my car and went out of sight. Was this the guy who had vandalized my car. What’s he up to now? Without hesitation, I launched myself out of the driver’s seat and charged around the side of my driveway.
He was obviously not expecting that, as he bolted away from the house (and his car) down the street in a record-beating sprint. I looked down and saw two massive rockets (fireworks) stuffed into my car’s exhaust, which he was about to light WHILST I WAS SAT IN THE CAR.

By this time he was well out of sight, so I walked up to his car. He had left the window down on the driver’s side. I put my head through and saw two sheepish chaps sitting there silently, staring at me in complete horror – and to my surprise, his car keys were still in the ignition. I quickly yanked them out and walked back into my house.

I had taken his car as a prisoner on my driveway.
Without hesitation, I was on the phone with the police. They said they were on the way and wanted to know where this guy was.

By this time he had come back to the house and began banging on the front door shouting threats and demanding his keys back. Then the flashing lights came. I stood there holding his keys whilst he was swiftly arrested for attempted arson and vandalism. Halloween was complete.

I still have no idea who he was or why he was targeting me. I did get a thank you from the police because he was ‘known’ to them though. The car was removed first thing in the morning, and I assume his friends bailed out the car before the police came.”[deleted]

18. Be Loud And Complain About US? That’s It, We’re Calling Your Wife


“My wife and I decided to go to Southern California for the holidays.

We found ourselves a nice resort and checked in. All was well until we noticed that the walls in our room were very thin. As we entered our room we could hear our next-door neighbor talking and having an argument with his partner (we shared one common wall with them). They were shouting pretty loud and we could hear everything through the wall. We’ll refer to this guy as Noisy Neighbor (NN). NN kept fighting with his partner about something she said earlier. We didn’t follow, wasn’t interested, and decided to go eat and explore around the town we were in.

We came back around 10 at night and all was quiet. We figured that NN and his partner already went to bed so we went to bed as well.
Turns out he was out.

NN and his partner come back at 12 laughing and REALLY loud. Loud to the point that we could hear them and hear their entire conversation. Looks like they made up after the fighting that morning. We hear the partner say that she is hungry and NN calls for pizza delivery. It was there that we heard NN’s name, phone number, and credit card info (not that we would do anything with it).

They kept chatting and laughing and we could hear every bit of their conversation through the thin walls. Wife and I try earplugs, radio, and everything we could think of to drown out the noise. We were hoping that they would eventually turn in for the night and there would be some peace and quiet.
Yet NN was full of energy and boyish laughter. Finally, at ~2 AM we decided to call the concierge and let the resort security deal with it.

The resort we stayed at was meant for mindfulness and mediation, so it did enforce some quiet hours.

Security called them up and told them that they were too loud and to keep their voices down. This did the trick for some time and we fell asleep…

Only to be woken up again at around 5 AM to some really LOUD s*x. Like moaning and screaming from the girl. After they were done with their business, they washed up and just kept talking. Laying there in bed I heard all about NN’s job, where he was from, where he grew up, his political views, and so on.
Finally, at 6 or so, we called up the front desk again, this time security actually came and knocked on their door to tell them to keep their voices down as it was still officially quiet hours.

NN and his partner were furious that they could be disturbed when they were just having fun and having a good time. They claimed that they weren’t loud at all, and why can’t they just have some fun. They threatened to leave poor reviews for the resort and made sure that all of their friends would hear about this. Security took that all in, gave them their warning, and left.

After security left NN and his GF started talking **** about wife and me through the wall knowing that we could hear it.

Stuff like, “Our neighbors are such ********, probably. What’s wrong with having s*x with my GF huh? Too loud for you p*ssies?” and just deliberately talked to his GF in a really loud voice, talking about how great the hooking up was and how she was going to scream and moan louder next time. I was frustrated at this time, with very little sleep. I took out my cell phone and recorded everything that we were hearing, hoping to show the front desk just how little soundproof the room was and hopefully ask for a room change.

But then something happened…

At 7 or so, we heard NN’s phone ring and suddenly NN and GF were really silent. Then I hear NN say:

“Hi how are you sweetie? I just woke up here at the conference.
Long day ahead. I miss you so much.”

It turns out NN was cheating on his wife with his mistress over Christmas! At this point, my wife and I hatched a plan. With all the information that we had on NN, his wife’s name, and where they lived, we started combing Facebook and for more information.

Lo and behold, we found what NN looked life (old man in his 50s) and his wife. All the information matched up with what he had been talking about all night and plus his zip code when he ordered pizza. A bit more digging, and we found where NN’s wife worked and her e-mail address. A simple e-mail address later I compressed the recording I had and sent it to NN’s wife.
The best part is that the recording contained NN’s wife’s phone call to NN, so she had no doubt it was definitely NN.

Exhausted with little sleep, my wife and I decided to just get up and go get some breakfast around town.

We come back a few hours later and stop by the concierge’s desk. We wanted to thank them and their security for trying to help us get some sleep and to ask for another room. Turns out we didn’t need a room switch. “They checked out this morning – a few days earlier than scheduled.” the concierge told us. She mentioned something about an “urgent family concern” that NN had to attend to.

Looks like our plan had worked much better than we had hoped for! The rest of our stay at the resort was quiet and uneventful – no one else checked into that room.
I did show the front desk parts of my recording just so they know that they need to work on soundproofing their rooms in the future.”2016ChristmasThrowaw

17. Try To Steal My Dad’s Idea? Not If He Can Help It


“This is my father’s story.

So, some context. My father had a degree in mechanical engineering. Either masters or doctorate. It had taken him years to get, and he was very proud of that.

Thanks to his training, he had found his way working for many well-known companies; working primarily with the procedures used to make various things.

Over time, he’d privately began working on an idea that would revolutionize how school and gym lockers worked. See, my father realized that there was a problem with those types of metal lockers.
Namely, it was very easy for a person to break into them. What’s more, as the lockers were designed, there were multiple moving exposed moving parts, which meant that if a student put too many books in one, or really anything got against the door, the locker could be jammed shut, making it near on impossible to open.

So, for several years, dad toyed with a number of ideas, before hitting on a new design which would solve all those problems. The inner workings of the locker’s locking mechanism would be contained within the door in such a way that one, it was impossible for someone to “shim” or break into, two, the entire mechanism would be enclosed, and three, it was relatively maintenance-free.
Now, at this point, my father was the Vice President of manufacturing, and apparently there wasn’t a clause in his contract that said that if he designed anything while working for the company; then he had to turn that over to them for profit.

Dad still approached the company, offering them the design, but they weren’t interested. Dad sat on the design for a while before eventually just taking out several patents on them, and then forgetting about them.

About six months after his first attempt at getting the company interested, the parent company’s owner/chairman of the board passed away, and the board opted to sell off some of the holdings. The company my dad worked for was part of that. The new owners were young guys who seemed to think they knew everything (as young business owners always seem to think), and they set about changing 99% of the way things were being done.

At some point, they stumbled across the plans my father had designed. Now that’s where things turned curious. They really wanted to start producing this new design, but as they didn’t have all the plans and processes laid out for them, they had to turn to my father for answers. Rather than asking him how to do it, or licensing the patents (as any reputable company would have done), they ordered him to turn over all his work; or else they would fire him. Dad stood his ground and refused. The new owners and my father went back and forth, arguing over details for several weeks before finally, the new owners fired my father for insubordination.

So, on to the revenge. Tt could border on nuclear, based on what happened some years later… though I’m not certain that what later happened had anything to do with my father’s actions.
So, after cleaning out his office, and packing things in the trunk of his car; my father headed home and made a few phone calls. He must have gone through eight or nine different calls before he got in touch with someone who was interested in what he had to say.

See, my dad was under no illusions that the company that had fired him wasn’t going to just make those patented lockers on their own.

He also knew that though the company itself was relatively small, the owners had money and there was no way he could fight them. However, a larger company could. So he contacted the major competitors and made them an offer. He eventually set up a meeting with some people, wheeled out the prototype he’d made, explained how everything worked and noted that with this system the company could revolutionize the way lockers were both designed, and improve both safety and security.
What’s more, as he was the only patent holder, for the next seven years or so, that company could be the only company to produce them.

The competitor jumped at the chance and bought all patents both for the design, and the process. They even paid my dad a substantial consultancy fee to go out to their manufacturing site and teach their crews how to make the needed tool and die sets to produce them.

Less than six months after the first company had fired him, their number one competitor was completely destroying them in the market with this new design… and there wasn’t a **** thing the first company could do about it. They did try suing my father, claiming he had stolen their intellectual property, but that case quickly evaporated when they had to admit under oath that they’d never actually signed a contract with him; and there was no requirement that he turn over anything he created to the company.

In the seven years from when the second company bought the locker design and process patents, they pretty handily moved into markets that previously they’d been unable to. The first company soldiered on, but by the time the patent had finally expired, they were a shadow of their former selves. The “new” owners had sold the company at a loss, with the competitor buying it, only to shut that production facility down due to redundancy. Put maybe 200 people out of work, though given how they’d lost so much business, I wager that it was far less than that.

So yeah, the new guys don’t want to play ball, threaten the guy that holds the patents on something they want to do, and then fire him, only to have him take everything to their competitor and effectively put them out of business.”  kibufox

16. Abuse And Violate Your Wife? Not If She Can Help It


“When finishing up my degree in criminal justice we had to learn about how the justice system works and how sometimes it doesn’t.
For about two weeks we studied a case from the early 90s of a woman that had killed her husband.

Because the case is public record and a very interesting read lookup Betty Frieberg 1993

The setting was small-town Iowa and the husband was the town drunk. Everyone in town knew him for a drunk, a brawler, a womanizer, and overall just a bad person.

His wife was the stay at home mom as she wasn’t allowed to work or leave the house aside from getting groceries.

He would go home, beat her, and violate her ********* and the cycle would go on and on and the whole town knew. Neighbors were a quarter mile down the road but still would call the police when they heard noises.

It was well documented and because he was never a threat to their daughter the police did nothing aside from taking him to jail like a revolving door. Each time he got out hed beat her up again.

Their daughter was away at college but came home for Thanksgiving. While the father was at work the daughter told the mother that her father had violated her ********* and that she had even had an abortion because of it.

This was the breaking point for the mother. She got her revenge 100fold

When the daughter went back to school after the holidays and husband came home she killed him with his gun at the kitchen table.

The table is important because it was a big farm table used for chopping up deer and other livestock.
Doing the butchering was her job and she was good at it. If I could find the case report it has pictures of the table and clear marks of chopping.

She chopped up her husband and scattered his body over neighboring farms, fed what she could to her livestock, and cleaned up.

Months went by and winter came and left. Police investigating his disappearance even questioned her while sitting at the table drinking coffee. She explained the marks on the table by explaining that she butchered her own meat and showed the officers her deep freeze.

The investigation went on for months until finally, a neighbors dog brought back a body part. They identified it as belonging to him and she was arrested on the spot.
She pleads not guilty and refused any offers. It went to trial and 12 of her peers judged her not guilty due to extenuating circumstances. She confessed to the crime, explained why she did it and how and that she had no real choice because no one was going to help her. The farm was hers and she refused to give it up as it had been her family’s home.

She was let go entirely for the murder charge.

The next week we had betty as a speaker to the class to discuss the case and she was awesome. At the time she ironically sold dismemberment insurance for Aflac.

Betty, if you ever read this, know you’re seen as a figurehead for battered women and you pulled off the best revenge I have ever been able to study.” Tilok360

15.  They Are Called By-Laws For A Reason


“So, about 4 months ago I moved into a new condo in downtown Denver.
I fully expected some added noise and got it.

The shuttles on the 16th street mall, and occasional horn from the light rail stations nearby, even the occasional homeless guy in my alley.

What I didn’t expect was garbage trucks in my alley, banging dumpsters, and blaring their backup alarms at 4 AM. I live on the 5th floor, and it wakes me up with the windows closed, so I’m not really sure how my neighbors deal with it on the lower floors. Enter my mild interest in all matters legal, and I learned that Denver Revised Municipal Code Chapter 36, Section 7 specifically states:

Waste stream equipment and activities.

No person shall operate any waste stream equipment nor conduct any waste stream activities on any premises adjoining to or across the street or alley from residential receptor premises between 10:00 p.m.
and 7:00 a.m.

(For clarification here, a Residential Receptor Premises is defined as a dwelling unit receiving noise).

So, being the nice guy I am, I fired off an e-mail to the two offending garbage companies politely asking if they could do their pickups after 7 AM since like city code required. I told them I understood that it was easier to do it early to avoid traffic, but 4AM was too early.

Company one apologized, and it got better for a week. Company two ignored me, but their drivers started backing up the alley blaring their backup alarm while yelling and slamming dumpsters.

After it picked back up, I filed noise complaints with the city. They responded and said “keep records” and file new complaints each time.
I did so, but filing new tickets and e-mailing them back got no response, so on Friday of last week, I e-mailed my city councilperson, who responded yesterday and asked if I was still having issues. I told him I was still having issues, and he assured me he’d get it taken care of.

I’m guessing some awkward phone calls were had with the dept. of Health employee who was ignoring my e-mails and tickets, because today I got a call from the head of the Denver Health Department Noise Panel. He told me that, given the ample video evidence I provided (I recorded each pickup on a YouTube channel showing the company, date, and time) they just issued a $999 citation to company two, and any further pickups from either company would result in additional $999 citations for each pickup.
These pickups are daily, so I’m hoping that it stops.

I guess if it doesn’t, it’s going to get quite expensive for them.

EDIT: 12/19/18 @ 7:12AM and no garbage trucks to be heard. The first full night of sleep I’ve had since August. Will be donating to my city councilpersons re-election campaign.”[deleted]

14. Tell A Girl Her Outfit Deserves It? What Kind Of Magazines Are You Really Reading?


“So, this happened back in my seventh-grade health class. The teacher (let’s call him Mr. Chad) and I didn’t like each other. The curriculum he was teaching was outdated by roughly two centuries, and I was always quick to correct the false information he spewed (like the time he told us that periods could be held as urination can).

Mr. Chad also liked to read home and gardening magazines during class, something that was forbidden by the school (this will be important later). Well, one day, a girl in my class comes in late with a p***. The skirt she’s wearing a little bit towards the short side, but still well within dress code. She gives him the note and goes to sit down. Mr. Chad notices her skirt length and begins rambling about how girls today were such ******, finally ending it by telling the boys, and I quote, “If you see a girl dressed like that, she deserves to be violated.”


*******. No.

By this point, the poor girl is in tears, and every student in the class is planning to report Mr.
Chad. Bell rings, a herd of over thirty kids (my class had twenty, but some kids got their friends to help) goes to the front office and report him. In my report, I mention the magazines in class, because what the ****, **** this guy, the more we can screw him over the better. He gets suspended for a week and is told that if he’s reported again he was going to be fired.

About four weeks later, one of the vice principals comes in during our class period. They start going through Mr. Chad’s desk, looking for the magazines. Pulls them out, opens them up, and, lo and behold, they’re not home and gardening magazines. They’re p*rn magazines, with the covers from home and gardening magazines glued onto them.
He is pretty much fired on the spot (the vice-principal didn’t actually have the power to fire teachers, but we all knew there was no way in **** Mr. Chad was keeping his job). Find out a while later that he lost his teaching license, and there was a possibility of him having charges filed against him.

In his place, we got a super awesome sub that taught up-to-date curriculum and wasn’t an ***.” Source

13. Try To Shift The Blame? Not If I Can Help It


“Dave (not real name) had been working for an I.T. programming company for just over 9 years, getting a good rep as a hard worker and all his colleagues knew him and can trust him to be a big help in times of trouble, like during big difficult projects for major clients.
Dave’s manager (john) was planning to retire and thought Dave would be a good replacement so put his name forward as a recommendation and started showing him the ropes of his potential new job just to give him a glimpse of what he may be asked to undertake.

A month later john puts in his notice of retirement and Dave’s department manager (Michael) starts the interview process.

Some character info. whilst John was a good manager, very people friendly, Michael was not. All Michael cared about was numbers and reports, he didn’t even know who most of his staff was nor did he have very much interaction with them.

Back to the story, Michael had started the interviews to fill john’s position, Dave being one of the interviewees and Dave thought the interview went really well.
A few nervous months later Michael announces the new manager, it’s outside employment, not an internal promotion.

Dave was disappointed but brushed it off as “there is always someone better for the job,” but in less than a week he realized just how wrong he was.

The new manager (Darren) was below useless, he didn’t know how to spell ‘computer program’ let alone write one, turns out he was old friends with Michael and Michael had helped him fabricate his resume to get him the job. The news quickly spread to all the programmers but there was nothing they could do as Michael was the person all complaints had to go through and he buried all of them.

So no one above Michael knew of Darren’s incompetency.
Darren from day one had been pushing all his work on to others and then claiming credit for the work they had done getting bonuses for completed work he didn’t deserve, Darren spent his days watching movies, napping, playing games, and occasionally pretending to be a manager when the need arose but never wrote a single line of code. After 3 months of this, the extra workload was starting to effect Dave and others but talking to Michael would do nothing so Dave devised a plan to sort it out.

Time for the pro revenge, Dave had talked with all the other programmers and agreed next time Darren pushed a major project onto them to purposely sabotage the work, not in a big way just enough to cause some bugs and glitches that will really light a fire under Michael and Darren.
It took about another month but a really big project came in, immediately Darren started pushing his work onto others and stealing credit so the plan was put into action. It was easy to accomplish, especially as Darren had no clue about coding and Michael didn’t care as long as the project was done in good time.

The project was done, saved, and sent to the client with almost all of the major work credit being stolen by Darren, it took less than 2 days for the client to call back complaining about how the new program has damaged his systems and was wreaking havoc on his company, the client wanted it fixing and a full refund. The bosses were pissed at Michael, Michael tried to shift the blame onto Darren, Darren tried to shift the blame onto the programmers, Dave and the programmers just pointed out the program wasn’t their project and denied any involvement in its development, which brought the attention back to Darren.

The fallout. with the bosses coming down on Darren for what happened he confessed he lied on his resume and he ratted out Michael about how he helped him fabricate it. Dave and the programmers denied any wrongdoing just stating Darren must have damaged the program somehow, Michael and Darren were promptly fired and replaced, Dave and the rest fixed the “errors” that “Darren” had created and the client was happy.

In the end, Dave didn’t get the promotion but left the company a year later for a better job.” Deadlock1989

12. This Is Why You Don’t Mess With A Marine


“A friend told me about a guy he knew named “Ben” and how he met out some crazy revenge:

Ben was driving himself down Johnson Rd.

Now Johnson Road was one of those uncommon roads in suburbia that were kind of narrow. As he was driving, there were these three teenagers, 16, 17 and 19, walking shoulder to shoulder along the road with their backs to him. Not trying to hit them, Ben moved to the far left side to avoid them and give them enough safe space.

Turns out it was a ruse by those three kids to get cars to pass along them just like that. When he passed by them, they took out baseball bats they were hiding and started smashing his car as he passed.

Took out his side mirror and minor damage.

Ben wasn’t too happy so he pulled over and got out of his car to address this, not too smart since it’s already 3 to 1 but you’ll understand in a minute.
The three kids see him and realize their advantage and start charging at him, bats raised.

Now here’s where it gets good.

Ben pulls out a gun and tells them all to freeze. Turns out, Ben’s a retired Marine with a concealed weapons permit. The three kids freak out and stop dead in their tracks, arms raised.

Ben directs them to get on their knees, lay facedown, and keep their arms and legs spread out. Now this was back in 2000 when cell phones weren’t as common, but Ben happened to have one. He called the cops on the kids right then and there. He said, “My name is Ben, I’m on Johnson Road and three teenagers just attacked my car and threatened to attack me.
I am carrying a gun with a permit and have them on the ground and subdued, I need an officer to come by here as I am pressing charges and I want them arrested.

When the officer arrives, I am the one with the gun and I will follow his instructions.”

The kids start begging for him to let them go, cursing each other, and probably giving sob stories but Ben’s not listening. The cop arrives, orders Ben to put down his gun, which he does, and then it gets better!

Turns out the cop is a retired Marine too! He hears Ben’s statement, sees the evidence, and then they have this exchange:

Cop: “So they came right at you?” Ben: “Yes.” Cop: “And you didn’t shoot them?” Ben: “No, they listened to my commands so I didn’t see the need.” Cop: “That what they’re teaching now?”

The cop then looks at the three kids and says, “You’re lucky you got him and not me, I’d have shot all three of you, coming at me with bats.

If this guy would have shot all three of you dead, told me what happened, I’d send him on his way.” So the three kids get arrested and the cop tells the two youngest that they’re probably going to screw up their lives if they keep this up. He tells the 19-year old that he’s over 18 and an adult so it’s too late for him, he’s going to jail for this.

Then it gets better.

They all end up in court and, as it turns out, the judge’s son is currently in the Marines.

He tells the other two that they’re going to be tried as adults too and eventually all three go to jail for the maximum sentence our state allows for this crime! “WAWDoing

11. Steal From Grandma For Years? I Will Reveal You And You Will Pay


“This happened about 5 years ago.
My Grandma was getting old, the late 80s/early 90s. She had one wish, to not die in a senior home. Easily done as my Grandpa sold some assets way back when then invested the money and let it ride for 30+ years; he never touched it and collected a pension.

Way back when my Grandpa died, (about 10 years before this), my Grandma appointed my dad, this sh*tty aunt, and my uncle as the Trustees of the trust. Basically the trusted advisors for her and her care for the foreseeable future. All was well in the beginning, then my dad (Willy) moved further away and couldn’t take care of the day to day upkeep as the Trustee and to see that my grandma was ok.
My aunt (Rebecca) told her that she and my uncle (Fred, who lived in Arizona) could take over and all would be fine.

It was fine for a while.

A few times my dad went back to visit and noticed my Grandma didn’t always have overnight care or that her mail wasn’t picked up and the driveway wasn’t plowed. She also lost her cable TV and newspaper subscription. My dad figured it just lapsed so he had the services put back on. My dad also noticed my grandma was eating moldy food at times because her truck was sold and she had no transportation (she drove up to 90 years old). She basically just chilled at the house alone and did crossword puzzles.

The craziest part of this is that my aunt only lived 2 miles from my Grandma, but my Grandma told my dad she saw aunt Rebecca once a week on Saturday for about 1 hour.

As with the elderly and age, my grandma passed away. She did get her wish and was able to die in her own home. Upon her death, things started to get real interesting. Once the probate lawyer got her children (my dad, aunt, uncle, and another estranged aunt (Becky)) around the table some shady business started to come out.

My aunt Rebecca asked that everyone just forgo any audit or paperwork and they just sell the house (for around $400K), and divide up the remaining back account balance of roughly $400K.
So just signing on the line, each sibling was to get a check for $200K, not too bad of an inheritance. My dad thought that was somewhat a little rushed. He said at the time that he wanted to wait because my Grandma’s house was easily in the $600K range based on size and location. My aunt exploded in his face, cursing at him and calling him all kinds of names because he was unwilling to sign the assets then and there.

She basically wanted a quick close while everyone looked the other way.

My dad ended up leaving the room after the screaming and the deal wasn’t signed that day. It took nearly 6 months before another appointment and they were all back at the table.
The thing is though, when you are a trustee and the person dies, the funds and access to financial accounts are all under heavy scrutiny until all beneficiaries are made aware and sign the final papers. At the next meeting, my dad went in there with no intention to sign the deal.

He got his brother (my uncle Fred) to agree that they audit the entire account(s) going back 5-years. When they demanded this again at the meeting with the lawyer, my Aunt ended up arguing that a forensic audit would cost $5K and it’s a waste, like what difference does it make? Two beneficiaries requested it, so it was what was going to happen. The audit report showed up about 3 months later.
Here is where it gets good.

My dad began looking over the audit report saw it was full of holes, like excessive monthly food costs for a 90-year-old lady.

Payments made for car services for a car my grandma no longer had. Many different things in there they just didn’t add up. My dad asked me to give the audit a second look, so I spent a Saturday night going over it, and here is some crazy stuff I found (and alerted my dad about):

Costco’s monthly food costs of $1100-$2000 for the last 4 years.
Telephone bills for 6 cell phones (grandma has a home phone only)
Gasoline for a truck my grandma didn’t have for like 4 years, and easily $400/month
House repairs paid to my aunt’s husband who owned a construction business, some of the house repairs were like $16K for a new roof, new garage doors, home security system which she didn’t have, etc, all inflated prices.

Grandma paid for my Aunt to go to Europe twice on vacation.
My grandma was paying my estranged aunt Becky a stipend of $2K a month for the last 5 years, as well as her deadbeat son for $2500. Every month they were paid.
All grandkids were to be paid a lump sum of $10K upon their 30th birthday as that is when the $50 check from Grandma stopped for all grandkids. Guess who was paid out, her kids, and my estranged aunt’s kids, but not me or my siblings.
My grandma gave loans to my aunt Rebecca for her husband’s construction business in return for equity in the company, which amounted to nothing.

These loans totaled about $200K over 3 years, right around when the housing bust happened.
They also sold her assets like jewelry and what not for cash, because some big-ticket items simply vanished from her house Armed with all this, the next probate meeting was interesting. In the time between my Grandma’s death and the 3rd probate meeting, my aunt’s construction business filed for bankruptcy so that $200K in equity grandma had simply vanished. The probate lawyer was also somewhat concerned and makes it obvious that this was fraud and breach of fiduciary duty, where my aunt could actually get real prison time.

After this, the negotiations were much more favorable. My aunt got nothing, literally zero, my other aunt only received $25K after all the stipend payments. My father and uncle shared the rest after all grandkids received the $10K payout.
The house sold to the first offer for $520K.
That was the regular revenge for any treacherous ***** that ripped off grandma and had her eating moldy food. Here is the pro.

My aunt probably felt pretty bad that she couldn’t supplement her lifestyle with Grandma’s money anymore, but that was the least of her worries.

Since she tried to personally rip me off for $10K, I took it personally. I don’t care how tough you are, the IRS is the scariest thing that can happen to a person, nobody wants to have their money forcibly removed. I did a little research and found the 3949-A I also had the audit and legal office could/would provide the full trust in requested (demanded by the IRS), I don’t know if it ever was.
So I photocopied my documents, had them notarized, and send off the info to the IRS.

I felt like it went nowhere, then maybe 18 months later I was notified and asked to come to the IRS building for an appointment in my city.

The agent went over all the details, what they found in their research and then they asked for a sworn statement. It turns out my aunt didn’t declare something like $1.2M in additional income over 5 years, and as such she owed the IRS around $420K plus penalties. There was no way she was going to pay that on a teachers’ pension and after her husband’s bankrupt his business.

Her house was sold, her vehicles sold, and they left the state.
Now, aunt and uncle live in a depressing desert town in the southwest.

The IRS paid me around $60K about 3 months after the appointment. She should have paid that $10K.” [deleted]

10. Won’t Shut Up For Us? Maybe You Will For Them


“My wife and I had a first-floor condo in what had previously been a nice complex. Unfortunately, over time the couple who lived above us (hereafter designated AA for Angry Alcoholic and AAG for Angry, Alcoholic Gir) began drinking heavily, or maybe they just got louder about their drinking.

Nearly every night became a massive screaming match between them. They’d stay up until 2 AM shouting at each other at the top of their lungs, then one of them would put on music at top volume to drown out the other.
Their taste in music wasn’t actually bad but when it’s 2 AM and my floor is vibrating, it’s a problem. Sometimes they’d even take their fight out into the parking lot, just to be sure all the neighbors were treated to a detailed explanation of who had cheated on who recently (both), and who was threatening to dump who and leave right now.

(Neither of them ever actually left, they just went out to their car and threatened to, loudly.)

Then in the mornings, he would “work on” his car in the car in the carport right outside our front door. As far as I can tell the all he did was sit there and rev the engine for (it seemed) hours on end.
I have no idea when he slept, maybe while we were at work? We and other neighbors complained to the condo board, who issued a warning, which AA and AAG ignored. Eventually, the condo board started fining them, but AA found a genius solution- just don’t pay the fine.

All the condo board could do was, eventually, put a lien on AA’s condo, but that would only become a problem for him when he sold the place. Apparently, they couldn’t actually foreclose on him, or maybe they just didn’t want to go to the trouble.

Trying to talk to him directly was useless- if we managed to catch him during a rare moment of sobriety, he’d just kind of blow us off, but if we caught him while he was drunk, he’d get pretty threatening and was then even louder for a few days.

We even tried calling the police, but they weren’t really interested unless he actually crossed the line into a felony. They gave him a few warnings, which he also ignored. Maybe if he’d actually beaten me or one of my other neighbors up, they’d have done something, but none of us felt like getting into a fight to find out. Plus there was always the risk that the cops would arrest everybody involved in the fight on general principles, and none of us wanted an arrest record.

Eventually, my wife and I decided to sell our condo and move, for multiple reasons that definitely included AA and AAG.

Because of the timing of our move, our realtor wound up actually showing the condo while we were home a couple of times, and we discovered that one of the potential buyers was a city police officer, her husband, and their 1-year old baby.
(I guess their old place was too small now that they had a kid.)

Unfortunately, their offer was $3,500 below the top offer. After talking it over, we told our realtor to accept their offer anyway, and we’d just eat the loss. So AA and AAG had a cop move in directly below them.

I’m Facebook friends with a couple of our old neighbors, and in the six months, since we moved, AA has been arrested multiple times and had his car impounded at least once. Apparently he’s now trying to be quieter, but that only lasts until he gets drunk and then he’s screaming again, and his new downstairs neighbor has long ago had enough of his ****, and does not appreciate it if he wakes up her kid.
And I guess she also doesn’t appreciate it if he shouts at her. He’s in an “obnoxious neighbor” war with a cop, and he’s losing badly.

Hopefully, soon he’ll wind up in jail for longer than a couple of days.” microgiant

9. Try To Scam Me? I’ll Get You Found Out ASAP


“I work the night shift as a receptionist at a hotel in Norway, and most nights are spent watching Netflix/playing games. Last summer was really slow and I also worked a lot extra, so I ran out of stuff to watch and games to play. One night I got a mail from “Scooter.” He wanted to book a room for almost 20 days. I just had to send him the price and confirmation that we had rooms available, and he would then send me his credit card info for me to pre-charge.

Normally we just delete these kinds of mail, but I was bored out of my mind, so I responded with an offer for around 2k$ for the entire stay. Also made sure to inform him that he could cancel for free up until the day of arrival.

This is probably the most common fraud attempt in the Hotel/travel industry. Unlike most businesses, we are able to charge credit/debit cards with only the card number and exp date. No need for a pin code, CVC or other auth methods. Our software also allows us to deposit money directly to local and international bank accounts by using the card number.

Because of this, sh*theads like Scooter will try to prepay with stolen/skimmed cards, but then cancel the booking and ask us to refund the amount to a different card.
A couple of hours after sending him the offer, he responded with a Visa number and told me to charge him as soon as possible. I checked the card with our validation software, and to my big surprise, it did not belong to Scooter. (If validation succeeds, it will return with the card owners name 90% of the time) I sent him a new mail stating that the card was declined because of insufficient funds.

He quickly replied and gave me a new card to try. Guess what, this one didn’t belong to Scooter either. Wasn’t even the same person as the first card. By checking the Bin codes, (6 first digits) I found which banks had issued the cards. Not even issued in the same country…

My plan was to just call the banks and inform them of the attempted scam, but there where still several hours before I could go home, so I decided to **** with Scooter a bit more.
Sent him a reply that the second card went through, and also the “reference number” for his stay at our hotel.

As expected, a couple of hours later Scooter sent a mail canceling the order and asked if we could refund the money to a different card, as he had lost his wallet and deactivated the card he paid with. This card was issued from a Polish bank. Not sure why, but Polish bank accounts are often used by people who want to launder money from bitcoins and *****. You can buy a legit card for around 500$ that is registered to some guy/girl in Poland from the darknet.

At this point, Scooter was probably pretty happy about the 2k$ he soon would receive… I replied that it was no problem for me to transfer the $$ to a different card, as long as it was valid.

How fun would it be to also cancel his “own” card, so that he had to spend 500$ for a new one? Not. Fun. Enough. In the last mail, I wrote that he could send me the card number, but that our e-mail server would go down for maintenance in a few minutes, so my boss would do it on Monday. (It was now Saturday morning, so enough time for the “charged” bank to call us and reverse the transfer) If he needed the money right away, I told him to call the Hotel before I ended my shift @ 07:00.

He called almost immediately, and I wrote down the card number and his phone number… Told him I transferred the money, and that it would be in his account by 12:00.
My shift ended, and I went home with all the info Scooter had provided. Wanted to see if I could find out who he was, and ofc this idiot had an open Facebook profile that I found using his phone number… He even listed his address and employer. Looked a bit like the artist Scooter, but with even more ****ed up face and spiky hair full of gel.

He lived somewhere outside of London, in an area I would describe as a British trailer park. Houses that were nice at some point, but where the owners had spent 0£ on maintenance since it was built. Thrash everywhere, and broken windows that were boarded up or “fixed” by sealing holes with garbage.
Now to the fun part. According to his FB profile, Scooter worked at a hotel! This meant that he would have access to card information from guests that booked through sites like I called the manager of the hotel and told him there was reason to believe that one of his employees was trying to commit credit card fraud and that the card numbers could belong to their guests.

Gave him the name of the people who owned the cards Scooter tried to pay with, and to no surprise, both had stayed at the hotel. Told him it was Scooter, and the manager just exploded in anger. Not 100% sure what he said because he was screaming so loud, but I think Scooter wasn’t a normal employee.
He worked there through some kind of government training program or something.

After talking to the manager, I called both Visa and MasterCard international and told them about Scooters’ little business venture. Apparently, it’s pretty easy to check if there are more cards that have been involved in fraud, where the cards also have been used at Hotel Scooter.

With his Polish deposit account info, they would also be able to pin it on Scooter if he had been successful in scamming anyone and sue him for the amount stolen.

The police also called me later to get a statement regarding the whole situation, so I know that the manager reported it to the police. Not sure what happened to Scooter, but according to his Facebook profile, he no longer works at the hotel.
(Or anywhere else as far as I can see).” BoredHotelWorker

8. Don’t Try To Take Advantage Of The Painter Guy Because I’ll Get In The Last Word


“A little bit of backstory, I’m running a painting business over the summer as a Junior in college to pay for school.

My prices are pretty fair as I hire college students and have a deal with Sherwin Williams as a contractor to get cheaper paint and materials.

Anyways, a potential client, we’ll call her PC for pretentious ****, scheduled an estimate with me about a month and a half ago for an interior bathroom job and a deck stain. I tell her the times I’m available, but she absolutely pushes for a time where I would have to rush over from a job site, do a hurried estimate, then run home to grab a bite of dinner before going to previously scheduled estimates.

I’m a bit m*****iffe*d *but I* said* *** it. Sales is hard, I should learn how to bend over backward for clients. So I show up to do the estimate, and the whole time I’m getting my numbers together, she is talking me down, telling me how if she ran a business as I did, she would be fired from her big-shot marketing job immediately, and how I should be dressed better to respect the client. What I did to offend Her Majesty was I moved her plants to the side to be able the measure the deck better, and I came to the estimate in paint-stained clothes since I had run over directly from the job site.

So I present the price of about $800 with a 10% day of estimate discount to book up the season and she says she needs a few days to consider it.
Okay, fair enough right? I’ll extend the discount a few days for her. So I come back a few days later expecting a yes or no answer and she sits me down and starts to haggle with me. At this point, I’m tired enough already from working in the sun all day and just want some food to stop the rumbles.

After I give her another 5% discount just to close the job, she continues to haggle with me saying, “The highest we can go is $600.” When I finally tell her I can’t go any lower on the job or I would actually lose money on it, she tells me that she got an estimate from another local company for $500 and that she wouldn’t want me to match it because she wants to support the local community.
At this point, I’m exhausted and my brain is barely keeping me breathing but that price point doesn’t sound right to me.

I calculated my price based on a small profit, labor, and materials. Now I pay my painters $13 an hour and I hire college students. So if the other company is charging way less, they either pay their career painters even less (minimum wage where I am is $11) or the quality of paint is much lower. So I ask PC if they remember what paint the other company said they would use and she says she doesn’t recall Fair enough, paint names are hard to remember if you don’t see them that often.

Then I ask if I could see their estimate contract to try to figure out why they were so much cheaper than I was.
PC says that they didn’t have an estimate sheet. Now, this is a big no-no in any contracting business because you have to keep track of numbers, budgeted hours, etc. Now alarm bells are ringing in my head so I set a firm amount on the price of the previous estimate with the additional 5% discount which means that I make a measly $5 per hour I personally work on the job.

PC finally agrees on the price saying “It’s just $50 dollars, I can’t see why you can’t just give us more discount. At [my big-shot marketing job] I would give the customer a discount without hesitation” forgetting that A. The discount would be coming out of my broke college student pockets, not a big corporation and B.
I already told her that I would only be getting about $5 per hour on the job even though she wants to “support the local community”

She asks if we take credit, but there is a 5% credit card fee that would come out of my already tiny slice of profit so I ask for a check (which I told her we prefer during the original estimate).

She tells me that she uses Chase which doesn’t have a branch near us and that the nearest one is in New York (we are about half an hour from Boston). What?? Therefore, she cannot use a check because she would have to order the checkbook from New York. I think, alright fine. I guess some people these days don’t have a checkbook.
I reiterate that I will lose money on the job at that price point with the 5% fee tacked on and that I can wait until the checkbook arrives.

So I tell her that she can message or call me when the checkbook arrives and I can drive back to collect the deposit and have her sign the contract. On the way out, she tells me that the job needs to be finished before a certain date because she was having guests over. I explain to her that when I receive the deposit, I’ll lock her in for a power wash of the deck which will need about a week to dry we can stain it in one day. She mutters “… [something something] I can find the checkbook by tomorrow..” Come on now.. she just admitted to lying to me about having to order a checkbook from NY.

So I say that’s fine, let me know tomorrow afternoon so I can come by and finalize the contract.

When I get home, I decide to search up ‘Chase branches near me’ on Google because I found it really strange that there wasn’t one closer that New York especially since we were pretty close to Boston. I kid you not, there was a Chase branch 14 minutes from her house. Now I’m pissed. I don’t know what else she lied to me about so I call up my friend whose dad owns the company she talked about.

He calls me later that day and says that he never did an estimate with her name or address.

I send her a message over Facebook Messenger (I do a lot of posts in local yard sale groups for exposure for my company so I set up estimates through Messenger) and called her out about the Chase branch, the check, and the “estimate” from the other painting company.
She. Goes. Off. Here are a few memorable quotes from her rant – “You don’t have the right to insult me like that, this is just your first year running a business and I’ve been working at [big-shot marketing job] for years now”,”it doesn’t matter what I pay you because you’re a young and money doesn’t matter to you right now” (my Facebook post literally says that I am running this business to pay for college) and my personal favorite “you people should be grateful that I even pay you $5 an hour for your work” (I’m Chinese).

At this point, I’m ready to just block her and go to bed angry but I have an epiphany and just hear “[big-shot marketing job]” echo through my head. I take screenshots of the messages she sent me and slapped them along with a lengthy description of what happened in an email and sent copies to whatever email addresses I could find associated with the “big shot marketing company.” I get an email back a couple of days later from a different address than the ones I wrote to previously basically saying thank you for reaching out to us, this type of behavior is unacceptable and we will be conducting an internal investigation into PC.  I think to myself, that’ll be the last of it I guess.

Just today, I was messaging another old client and came across PC’s conversation with me. I go to her profile and in the intro, for her profile it now says “Works at Self-Employed.””RicePaddyFarmer

7. Want To Be Racist? Not Around Me


“So I have this supervisor we will call RD (Racist ******). RD has little man syndrome and is constantly belittling me, and micromanaging me even for the simplest tasks.

RD also has a thing against Muslims.

One day he was running his mouth about how much better the world would be if someone shot them all… now I have a few Muslim friends and didn’t like that one bit… but instead of telling him off, I had an idea.

I said to him “shouldn’t talk like that man, big brothers always listening through your phone and stuff, you’ll get put on a watch list for the FBI or something.” He laughed and told me to *** off… but the seed had been planted.
Across from us is an auto body shop where I had made a friend one day a year or two back and I knew they had an old white cargo van sitting in the back behind the shop. So I walked over and hatched this plan with him to wash up the van and park it on the street.

Now, the little shack we work out of requires RD to use a wireless connection to connect to the internet so he can send reports and stuff to the big boss, but the connection is spotty as **** so he frequently has to reconnect to the wifi.

Once I saw my bud had the big white unmarked van parked on the street I hooked up an old wifi router I had laying around at home I had rigged up to broadcast a wifi signal named “FBIsurvVan1” and hid it in the back storage area of our shack and waited.

A day or 2 goes by and then while we’re sitting in the shack doing our end of week reports he goes pale and says “Oh ***.”

Doing my best not to smile I look over at him and ask “what’s up?”

“Are you kidding me? Look at this ***!” and he pointed out the wifi signal to me. *** yeah, reel that ****** in!

“Yeah man I told you to watch that ***, you better cool it cause chances are they gonna be listening in.. if they’re not already, too see if you’re a threat”

“*** that’s so ***ed, I’m not a *********! Why don’t they go watch some towel headed monkey” Yep? This guy’s a real peach.

It’s been 3 months and he’s been the nicest supervisor you’ve ever met, I’ve kept this going by having a few of my friends “deliver” some fast food (garbage from McDonald’s) and empty coffee cups through the back doors of the van and had my bud move the van around to different spots.
I am gonna roll with this as long as I can. *** you RD, you deserve every second of this.” anonymous

6. Eat Up Everyone’s Time? We Will Do It To You


“So I was in the quick check out line at the supermarket, that one for people with 10 items or less.

Keep in mind it’s a downtown store around lunchtime, which meant this line was mostly people who worked nearby buying two or three things to eat there, including me. Except for the lady right in front of me who had over 30 items. Let’s call her Becky just for fun.

Now I was tired, full of work to do back in the office, holding a couple of brownies I had all intention to eat over my desk.
Clock ticking. The line of people behind me looking as annoyed as I was. Becky’s getting a whole lot of death glares but didn’t seem to care.

At all.

I noticed Becky had a pack of frozen chicken breasts among her stuff and while she was putting everything on the lane, I discreetly put it near me. Becky didn’t realize, the cashier thought it was mine and didn’t scan it. Becky paid and while she was packing her stuff (which took a while) I passed the cashier my brownies. She scanned it and reached for the chicken, when I played dumb and said “oh, sorry, this isn’t mine”.

That’s when Becky realized she forgot the chicken breasts and tried to make the cashier scan it for her right there.

The people still in line complained about it, I backed them up and Becky had to go to the end of the line all over again. Petty? Yea. Worth it? Totally.

Revenge tastes great. Even when it’s just brownies and you’re eating over your desk.”Anonymous

5. I Told You To Not Eat My Cookies, Over And Over And Over Again


“In 2005, I was working for a tech company that provided a broad spectrum of services. Unfortunately, they thought they were larger than they actually were.

This leads to a multitude of problems over the time I was working there, but today we’re going to focus on one story.

The story of a geek and his afternoon snack.

I’m a cheap *******, always have been. I prefer to bring my lunch and snacks to work, rather than eat at roach coaches or local restaurants.
Normally at work, my lunch is a sandwich, with fruit. Also included in my lunch bag would be a dessert type snack (usually homemade cookies or brownies). The snack is reserved for the last hour of the workday. (low ***** sugar makes me a bad commuter)

This story starts roughly three months after I started working there. I went to the employee fridge, pulled my lunch bag out, and there are no cookies.

At the time, I assumed that I had forgotten them at home, and suffered through a hungry commute.

then a few days later, it happened again; I pull my lunch out of the fridge, and no brownie. I was unhappy, to say the least.

I took a quick look around the office, and there’s no evidence of brownie anywhere.
Resigned, I go talk to the HR manager. HR is a great guy, very friendly, easy to talk to, actually knows his job.

HR asks me to document the issue via email so that if it continues, he has a history to work with.

He then sends a company-wide email reminding people to not eat food that isn’t theirs.

The pilfering happens once or twice a week, meticulously documented each time. After the third time, I started packing pithy notes with the snacks, but no culprit is identified.

And then it starts happening EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I had noticed, early on, that it seemed to happen more often when my snack included chocolate. Entering fall, when we had more chocolate baked goods around the house, it was natural to pack them to munch on.
Every time it happens, I send an email to HR, telling him what was missing from today’s lunch.

I even got his approval on some of the notes expressing my growing frustration with the lack of lunch bag sanctity. All this time an evil plan is percolating in my head. (I KNOW it’s not HR doing it, because the first complete week of no cookies, he was out of the country at a wedding.)

This continued for another three weeks, bringing us to six months of employment here. (I’m nothing if not stubborn) I tell HR that I’m going to do something if he can’t get the problem stopped.

Two emails and a Thursday all-hands meeting later, somebody eats all my chocolate-chip oatmeal cookies.

The last straw, leading into a holiday weekend.

That weekend, while I was browsing the medicine aisle of the local store for cold medicine, I noticed that a popular laxative brand was introducing a new extra-strength dark chocolate flavor, and right there on the hook in front of them are BOGO coupons. I left the store with 4 boxes.

I proceeded to make brownies that were so decadent that they would tempt an archangel, and so evil that Satan was afraid for my soul. All four boxes ended up in a single 9×13 pan of brownies, which produced 12 brownies.

For the math-challenged, each brownie contained FOUR extra-strength doses of bowel-purging power. I then proceeded to lovingly package them two to a container, with a note that read ‘Science Experiment: NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION’.
I was ready for Monday.

Monday comes, and I pack my lunch bag into the fridge at the office after showing HR my latest passive-aggressive note before heading to my desk. (trying my damndest to not giggle like a ***********)

Morning break comes, and I swing by the fridge, and lo, there are no decadent-looking brownies to be found within the lunch bag.

I proceed to inform HR that my science experiment has been stolen. again. He sighs and expresses his sympathy, even hinting that it might be time to give up the fight.

‘No worries’ I reply, ‘the culprit will make themselves known today, because those brownies science experiments were not for human consumption.’ I ended up spending almost thirty minutes convincing him that no one would die from the brownies.
At this point, HR is looking pretty worried, but what’s done is done, and I needed to get back to work.

Lunchtime: I’m enjoying my ham sandwich when HR walks by my desk and casually mentions that T, the customer service manager, had gone homesick.

K the executive secretary (also T’s sister-in-law, another long story) had also gone home sick with a stomach bug. He also mentioned that he had noticed the remnants of a brownie on K’s desk when he went looking for a document.

A brief journey down the hall to T’s desk finds a suspicious napkin in an otherwise empty trash can. (brownie crumbs are distinct) I’m still trying to not giggle.

Tuesday passes with no sign of T or K, as does Wednesday, and per company policy, they’ve both lost the holiday pay by not completing a full workday on Monday.

Thursday, they both arrive at the office a bit late, and HR is at an all-day meeting somewhere else. By ten AM, two more brownies science experiments are missing from my lunch bag. Come noon, T and K are both out sick again. Neither reappear until next Tuesday and are immediately called into HR’s office for an unscheduled meeting. Tuesday’s science experiment was untouched at lunchtime.

Three PM sees me summoned to HR’s office. He tells me that by his calculations, approximately $350 worth of home-made snacks and desserts were stolen over the prior three months.

I would see repayment on my next paycheck as an untaxed reimbursement of expenses. T and K will have their pay docked to match. My vengeance is almost complete.
Wednesday morning, T and K arrive to find on their desks, a perfectly packed brownie. Said brownie lovingly labeled as “Obliterous’ Decadent Colon Blow Brownie ‘Losing your *** never tasted so good'”

I heard Ts scream from the other side of the building. I later learned that she was sent home with another day’s lost pay. T had lost her temper and thrown the brownie at the wall from her cubicle.

The resulting explosion of toxic chocolate left bits of brown goo on the face of the company president.

(K apologized to me later that day, claiming that she’d known nothing about where T was getting the treats that she’d been sharing with K)

Vengeance complete.” Obliterous

4. Ream Me Out For No Reason? How Do You Like This?


“I work as an electrician, I had done so for over a year before leaving the state for a few months to sort out some family things, once I returned home I got my old job back.

By the time I had returned to the company they had grown quite a bit. Lots of new faces and lots of new ******* to avoid.

So the first day came and I arrived on time (also note I spoke to the owner of the company. Good friend and asked him what I should bring for the days work, no reply, my own fault I came unprepared, and underdressed because I wasn’t given a uniform yet, but anyway) as I pull up to the job I realize I’m the first one there, so I wait in my car listening to some music while eating my breakfast.

Now the jobs normally start at 7 am sharp. 8 o’clock finally rolls around and I see someone with the company attire, I go up to him and introduce myself.
He turns out to be a friendly guy named Hector.

Me: “Hey I’m [my name] I’ll be starting work with you guys today, nice to meet you.”

Hector: “Hey! Yeah, we were told you were coming, do you have any tools with you?”

Me: “A few hand tools, I want given a tool list by boss I tried to ask but got no reply, my bad.”

Hector: “No problem! Do you know how to wire up fluorescent lights?”

Me: “Sure do!”

Hector: “Perfect let’s get you started on that!”

So I was going about my business wiring up all the florescent lights that have been put up, minding my own headphones in, nose to the grindstone.

Enter Jesse, the self-righteous supervisor.

So there I am doing my job, and quite efficiently to I might add when Jesse seemingly sneaks over to me, jumps on the side of the lift I’m currently working on (which breaks the oasis codes btw) And pulls the headphones out of my ears, which obviously hurt and was quite surprising.
He begins to talk and things go like this


I was shocked and told him it was my first day back with the company, I hadn’t gotten my uniform yet so I had to come in simple clothes, I explained that I wasn’t told what tools I would need so I that’s why I was unprepared.

He proceeds to tell me to get down off the lift, I do. At the same time, the GC (general contractor) for the whole job walks in (nice guy)

As I’m getting my *** chewed out for being unprepared he sees the GC and gestures him to come over, he does.
As he arrives the SRS starts to insult me I front of him saying how unprofessional I looked and how stupid I must have been for coming in like this.

At this point the GC looks quite uncomfortable, the GC makes an excuse to leave the conversation but not before Jesse gets off one more thing.

Jesse: “Anyway I’ll fix this issue right now” Hr turns to me and says Jesse: “get the f*** off my job site and come back when you’re an actual worker”

So I did, I called up my boss and he then chewed SRS out. I rolled back up to the job a few minutes later, happy to see Hector smiling to see me back. I was left alone for most of the day, but as the week progressed things would get worse and worse.
At one point he came in furious not particularly at me just because he’s an absolute f***face with 0 patience.

Anyway, he comes in with a large tool bag with lots of random things, then he stops looking at me, he then THROWS the bag at the floor, spilling everything all over a floor I just swept, turns back to me and says:

Jesse: “Clean it up.”

I was dumbfounded standing there with my jaw open, he walks away with not a single f**** given, I turn to Hector and he’s just looking at me shocked as well, that was the last straw for me, I’m a good worker and I do my job well, I work overtime constantly and do not need this kind of treatment so I decided to make myself feel better about my job situation by screwing with Jesse as much as possible.

So for the next week, I would take small tools or parts he was using while walking away and throw them into the work trailer, as this kept happening and since he had no idea where his tools were going he was buying new screwdrivers it seemed like every day. On top of that, he began to steal spools of wire off the job and put into his truck to resell, I took pictures of him doing so and saved them for later, also got a few videos of him nearly attacking other company’s workers for being “too loud with the Mexican music” (f****** pr*ck)

So Friday finally rolls along and its main feed day, now If you don’t know about how underground electric works you might not fully grasp how difficult it is to pull by yourself… it’s very hard.

The wires arrive 6 hours late, we start pulling at 2 am, (we were supposed to be off at 2 today with full 8-hour pay, we worked late that day) As everything gets put on rollers and the feeds get lead I see Jesse standing by the pulley doing nothing but waiting for me to get everything ready, I don’t say anything and just do it. Now he has an electric pulley powered by a small remote. Now I on the other end is pushing in all this 600 wire (the spools are bigger than me and over 1500 lbs each) after over 3 hours of me nearly killing myself with no breaks cuz he wouldn’t take his **** hand off the button.

Eventually, he walks over to me to complain about how slow I was at feeding it to him, I told him it would have helped me it could have gone faster. He. No. Likey.



I took a deep breath and simply took it on the chin. Sorta. Kinda. Not really. As he was going over back to his truck he was walking by the wire spools when he slipped on some wet cardboard I had been using to put my knees on causing him to slip and fall into the spool and hit the large bolts attached to the side.

I could visibly see that his shoulder was out of place. Ouch. I felt no pity. Seeing him wriggle on the floor in pain for a few seconds before helping him back up was very satisfying. Got him in his truck and he left, probably to the doctors I’m guessing.

After the week was over I drove over to the management office to speak with my boss, I told him about how Jesse has been treating me the other employees, others, and even the GC, constantly giving everyone *** about anything he could.

He was not happy and told me he would look into the matter, a few days later I found out he was trying to sue the company for his arm getting hurt on the job saying he was hurt by all the wire I pulled in like I had some impact on his lack of balance.
My boss came back at him with the evidence of him stealing from the company and nearly costing him jobs, he dropped the idea of suing and was fired the next day. I got a raise.” Sub_StandardSpace

3. Teachers Should Not Be This Cruel To Little Kids


“This happened to me in preschool, so my memory about it is rather fuzzy, but my mother has helped fill in a few gaps throughout the years.

Now, some background information. I was, and in a way still am, a very sensitive soul. I was often teased for being a “cry baby” throughout my childhood, mainly due to emotional outbursts when some other kid took a jab at my self-esteem, or I felt I was being treated unfairly.
Back in preschool, this behavior was especially prevalent. One day, I remember it was some girl’s birthday, and her parents brought cupcakes for all the kids in my class. We were just being laid down for nap time when our teacher revealed that anyone who talked during that time would not receive a cupcake.

Me, being the people-pleaser and cupcake-lover I was, did what I was told, not making a single peep. At the end of nap time, our teacher read off a list of names that did not follow directions and was disruptive, informing them that they were not allowed to have a cupcake. As the teacher went through the list, a name was called that sounded VERY similar to mine.
Without thinking, my little 5-year-old self went immediately into panic mode. I started crying saying how it was unfair, that I WAS being quiet during nap time, refusing to listen to reason when the other kids told me the teacher said somebody else’s name.

I stormed off and began to sulk in a corner (yes, I was pretty bratty, but give me a break, I was 5) when the devil herself approached me. The teacher.

She bent down in front of me and began to mock me for crying. She taunted me, calling me a cry baby, and instructing the rest of the kids in the room to “laugh at the stupid cry baby.” I don’t remember exactly if the kids did laugh or not, but knowing how influential kids that age actually are, they probably did.

This set me off even more. I was practically in hysterics at this point, my face wet with tears and face red from embarrassment.

Not as red as my own mother’s face was from behind a door not even a few feet away from the incident, though. This is where I should mention that my mom, being a poor single mother, was working in the same preschool as a teacher for the younger kids in the next room. She got paid very minimum wage, but the school was free for me, so it was a win for her.

Anyways, apparently she had overhead the ENTIRE ordeal and was FUMING that such a monster would berate a CHILD like that. She immediately called over the director of the preschool, where both of them listened through the door as the situation continued to unfold.
The director reassured her that the devil lady would be having a “talk” with her later. She was promptly fired within the next few hours, and my mother treated me to ice cream after since I never did actually get a cupcake.

To my mother, you are my hero.

To the teacher who coerced an entire room of children to laugh at another child’s tears, if you’re reading this, go to ****.” kednu

2. Flip Me The Bird? I’ll Get You Towed


“I work at a major hardware retailer in the next town over. Said workplace is about 15 minutes from my house and takes 2 roads to get there. I am on my way to work as usual and going 53 in a 50 (I would go faster but the cops in my area tend to pull you over when you go 51) When all of a sudden a jerk customer (JC) in his Piece of *** truck decides I’m not going fast enough and decides to pass me at 65 MPH and to do so he crossed a double yellow line to do so.

Not only did this guy pass me at insane speeds for that street he also gave me the bird while doing so. I’m mad but I have a pretty good idea of where he is going since one of the only businesses on that road is the place where I work. Sure enough, when I arrive to work I see his ugly, green, rusted truck in the parking lot. But not just in any space oh no he was in the front most handicapped spot. I KNEW This guy was not handicapped as there were no placards or stickers to indicate that he was allowed to park there.

I’m pretty pissed at this point because he could not bother to, wait a whole 30 extra seconds to get there.
I walk in the door not expecting to do anything or to have the issue resolved. Then I see my manager on duty (MOD) standing at the door greeting customers. BINGO.

​ME: “Hey! MOD, How are you today?”

MOD: “Doing Great how about you?”

ME: “Great thanks for asking.”

ME: “Hey! You see that green truck parked in the Handicapped spot?”

MOD: “Yeah!”

ME: “He is parked there illegally. Don’t we enforce that by towing people?”

MOD: “Yeah we do but I’m not going to worry about it.”

ME: “Well I think we should.”

MOD: “Why?”

ME: *Explains that he passed me and gave me the bird*

MOD: “Says she will deal with it and proceeded to call the towing company.”

​I don’t hear anything for a while and clock in and head to my register.

Then I hear screaming coming from the door. JC Is screaming and running toward his truck which is about 75% loaded onto the Tow Truck. He then comes back into the building where he starts cussing out MOD and saying that we had no right to do that. ( The whole time I’m sitting there with a *** eating grin on my face and enjoying the front row seats to the show.)

MOD: “I’m sorry but you did park illegally and we reserve all right to tow vehicles parked illegally on our property.”

JC: “F*** You!”

MOD: “Well Next time don’t flip off my associates.”

I don’t think he got the idea of what he did and that I was the guy he flipped off but he defiantly learned his lesson about parking illegally, I hope.

I later heard that he called the store demanding that the associate that reported him was fired immediately but they dismissed his call because it was “Not directed toward his experience” and was “A result of his own actions.” Arrowheads844

1. Bully Me Throughout High School? I’ll Set Up Your Mom With Your Ex


“First, some backstory:

So I had this bully for most of my school career, from elementary to high school graduation, though it really took around jr high. This *******, let’s call him Humphrey cuz it sounds funny, was one of the worst kids in school.

he would pick on people, steal from lockers, and go around ******** assaulting guys. Yes, guys. Humphrey was gay and used that to get out of any situation where people tried to fight back.
he would just start yelling stuff like “You can’t treat me like that just because I’m gay!” at the top of his lungs anytime anyone tried to call him out on anything. Given that this was the early 2000s, anything that w***een as gay bashing meant that the teachers instantly got onto the ***umed guilty kid.

Now, I was a quiet and artsy kind of kid in high school and liked to draw stuff.

More than once, he tried to get me to draw him gay ****, and I’m sad to say I did on a few occasions to shut him up. He would then show it off to his partner saying he drew it. The partner was almost as big an a** as Humphrey, so he would always laugh it up when he saw the bullying going down.
But the thing that made me forever HATE Humphrey was the time he stole my clothes when I was changing after the gym, tossed them up onto the school roof, then shoved me into the girl’s locker room in my underwear.

Though this didn’t turn out so bad, since most of the girls were fully clothed and they could hear Humphrey laughing his *** off.

So, after graduation, I moved out of state and thought I’d never had to deal with Humphrey again. But, the house I was renting with some friends ended up burning down after 4 years, so I had to move back in with my parents for a while. I eventually got a job as a driver for a food delivery app, which I absolutely love cuz I like driving around by myself and listening to the radio.

One of my regular customers ended up being Humphrey’s mother, and I would see her maybe 3 or 4 times a week. this meant that I got to know her pretty well, to the point I would occasionally help her with stuff around the house if my shift was almost over. (I know where you think this is going, but you’re wrong) And this is what finally lead me to

The Revenge:

One day, I was delivering to Humphrey’s mom’s house and the dough canoe himself answered the door. And he hadn’t changed at all except he was losing his hair a bit.

His mom, not noticing he was being an ***, invited me in for a bit. Since my shift was almost over, and I didn’t want to stay anywhere near Humphrey, I was going to say no.
But, she got out that she needed help setting up something on her computer, and apparently her son was useless with them.

It turned out, what she wanted help with was setting up an account to meet a potential partner online. Her husband had been dead for 10 years and she wanted to start looking for some fun.

Not a relationship, just an ongoing fling. I helped her set it up, talking a bit louder than normal about all the things she could add to attract men, which made Humphrey cringe.

But the best part was, as I was helping her, I found something that made the little devil on my shoulder starts laughing his tiny red *** off. The school bully’s old partner was on the site looking for men AND women to have discrete meetings with.
When the mother went to the bathroom, I sent him a request, including naughty photos and the promise of a sure thing.

Well, a few weeks later, as I’m delivering her usual order, I notice that there’s a strange car in the driveway. And who should I see walking around buck naked when she cracked the door to grab her food? The Ex, in all his glory. I was tempted to ask if I could come and join in, since I’m bi, but my shift had just started.

Later, I heard from her that Humphrey had come over unexpectedly later that day, claiming that she had sent him a text saying she needed help with her car.

The Ex was still there, and they had been… entangled on the living room couch when Humphrey came in, so he got one **** of an eyeful.
She said she had never sent any text, and they ended up screaming at each other before he stormed out vowing to never come there again.

I wonder who could have sent him the text? Oh yeah, it was me.

From what I’ve heard, Humphrey got arrested that same night for getting totally wasted and breaking into his Ex’s old house, which he hasn’t lived in for years.

Just a cherry on top as far as i’m concerned. rinthewolf01

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