People Share Their "White Hot" Tales Of Revenge

Yowee! Have you ever looked really closely at a flame? Ever watch how it dances and flickers? Fire is hot, but we all know that! It's when you get close to the flame you begin to notice the different colors that flash before your eyes. Orange and red might come to mind first, but if you zoom in your vision on a fire that's been burning for some time, and depending on what it is you're burning, you'll start to see light shades of green and blue and eventually white. White flames are the hottest. Plus, they're pretty cool to watch. These scorching blazes of heat range from 1,400 to 1,600 °C (2,500 to 2,900 °F)... almost as fiery as some of the following revenge stories. But you'll have to be the judge on that one! Ready to heat things up a bit and play with a bit of fire?

18. Try To Cut Down My Hours And Make Me Quit? Don't Mess With A Pregnant Woman


“I worked 50+ hours a week managing the accounts and property for movie productions. (Small productions like Ridiculous 6, mostly Netflix productions) I was hired as the directors and accounting assistant. I found out I was pregnant and notified them immediately so we could be prepared when I went on maternity leave.

I went out of my way to make sure they were set by doing a lot of my work in advance (I completed closing up the account for the production on-site and setting up the accounts for the new production arriving after my leave.

I trained my temporary replacement. I didn’t just work up until I went into labor… I went into work while in labor to work an 8 hour day tying up loose ends. I broke my back for this company often going in on days off or getting out long after my shift ended. I used my car and gas with no compensation. I took company calls outside of work and off the clock) I was beyond a team player!

They were covered, my replacement essentially just had to handle their basic request like opening a locked door, adjusting the temperatures for their office if requested, posting payments, opening mail and answering phones. I was the directors assistant but essentially I did the entire position because he always used the excuse of “working in the field” to stay home, he was on salary.

A month to the date out on maternity leave, I was contacted by my employer asking me to return from maternity leave (I still had 2 months of leave left and the company doesn’t provide insurance for the time so this time was out of my pocket).

I stated I could not as I had complications and medical procedures coming up. I was told a few days later the amount of work that came up and my declining to return two months early left them no choice but to hire for my position. I knew my rights so I wasn’t worried and took the remainder of my leave. When I returned they gave me only two four hour shifts a week, work was 15 miles outside city limits so I was essentially working for a babysitter and gas.

I complied because I was painfully aware they were trying to get me to quit so they could avoid an unemployment insurance payout. It was time to play checkmate and at this point with my rights violated, I had the upper hand. They were a small company and didn’t have an HR department, they often outsourced questions to the company lawyer in California. Because the laws were different by state and his speciality was not employment claims, the lawyers advising was very limited.

Well, they weren’t aware that by cutting my hours (by 46 hours a week), my employer just handed me the unemployment they were trying to avoid (In New Mexico, if your employer cuts you from full time to part-time hours, they are responsible for providing an insurance payout to compensate the difference in wages temporarily). I knew this wasn’t going to sit well with the arrogant director who thought him cutting my hours was going to be the shove I needed to exit the company.

I patiently waited for them to receive my paperwork for my claim. They did and boy did the director let me know he was angry, the state was considering my claim should there be no attesting by the company. The director called me into his office requesting that we discuss my job duties, he emphasized how little work we had coming in and how financially inconvenient it had to be for me.

He was so sympathetic to my situation and the anguish as a single mother it must be causing me.

When I stated I didn’t mind, I was more than happy to be there (my condition of unemployment is I had to comply to my employer’s work schedule and duties showing that I’m actively trying to be employed). This didn’t sit well with him, his manipulation wasn’t working as he planned. He then turned serious as he casually mentioned my unemployment claim and proceeds to pull out my documents requesting a response.

He tries to convince me that if I proceed with my claim and receive a payment if at any point I am terminated for my performance I would lose all source of income (unemployment and the company). He was trying to threaten me, I knew this not to be true and called his bluff by informing him I wish to proceed. He stated to me that if I resigned right then and there, he would provide me a reference in the future moving forward.

(If your terminated, you can’t use them as a reference depending on the circumstances of termination. But if he fired me, as long as I was complying, I would then receive the full amount of unemployment).

At this point, he realized his tactics to intimidate me wasn’t working and I wasn’t budging. He tried to level with me and ask what was needed to get me to leave the company and I simply stated, “fire me.” Shocked he asked me if I’m sure that’s what I want, I reassured him.

I walked out that afternoon with all my belongings and a letter of termination from my employer. I started receiving unemployment insurance the following week as he didn’t contest my payouts. I had a new baby I was able to stay home with a year on my employers tab.”

12 points - Liked by Mom_of_one8, Omdamama, sado and 9 more

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Mom_of_one8 3 years ago
That's awesome. That first year is one of the most important.
0 Reply

17. Try To Scam Me? No Way! I'll Beat You To It!


“Okay so, all of you have probably experienced the classic “Nigerian prince inheritance scam,” his is where you will usually be asked to send money (usually described as a fee) to be able to claim an even bigger sum of money.

One day I decided to have some revenge when I received one of these calls.

The scammer was giving his spiel about how a long lost relative of mine had died and I was the one to inherit the millions that were left solely to me.

Playing along I acted very excited and asked what needed to be done on my end. He said his legal firm needed a payment of £5,000 in order for the relevant paperwork to be processed. This is where I had a bright idea!

I said to him that I did not have £5000 in cash on hand, but I do, however, have a load of new electronics come in for my business that I could send to be sold.

He jumped at the opportunity.

So, I went into my shed and started wrapping up a broken washing machine I had. I had also filled the drum with multiple yellow pages to give it even more weight.

When I organized a special courier to come to pick up the massive parcel, I said that the delivery fee would be paid in full at the other end.

With the delivery fee totaling over £500, I paid a small deposit, and off the package went.

A few weeks later I got confirmation that the parcel had been picked up and the full invoice paid on collection. I WISH I could have seen the scammer’s face when he opened it!”

10 points - Liked by Mom_of_one8, like, sado and 7 more

16. Don't Want To Play Fair? The Neighborhood Remembers And Punishes


“To set the stage, I used to live in a big but not huge city, let’s call it Palmville. I lived near the corner of a dense suburb nestled between overstuffed apartment buildings, a river that smelled like diesel when at low tide, and two busy highways.

I was a minority in this neighborhood and I caught a lot of heat for it, people didn’t really like white people there, but enough of our neighbors were accepting of us that aside from a few disagreements between families and the beatings that came with them I didn’t feel like I was in danger when leaving my home. It was a rough neighborhood, but it was my home, and it protected its own.

The Community Center was like a temple, and…lets call her A.M. was the priestess. In our neighborhood she was respected like a living deity, and her calm and understanding reflected her status. I never once saw her behave without a strong moral code.

And the final piece to set this stage, our former landlord. Short Asian lady in all the stereotypical ways, kind and sweet.

Our house was above my parent’s pay grade and she knew it. She went out of her way to find house repair and maintenance jobs for tenants that were having money problems. She’d pay them by taking chunks out of their rent, often times a bit larger than how much the work they did was worth. Looking back, that was probably illegal, but that’s irrelevant because she died. The circumstances surrounding her death were suspect, but none of the suspects play a part in this story so there’s no need to go into detail on it.

Her sons, who wanted nothing to do with real-estate, took over the business. They couldn’t make heads or tails of how she managed to float books with so much red in them and began dumping properties, ours was on that list. I harbor no ill-will towards them, and still wish them the best, but the guy who bought the house…enter the sociopath and today’s victim.

This guy wasted no time in making our lives h**l. His first action was to raise the rent. Apparently when the account changed hands, he was allowed to update the rent to modern pricing. We’d been there for several years and were paying below market even from the onset, so this was a huge blow by itself. The second blow came when he said that the rent had to be ready, in full, on the first of every month, no partial payments, no work to reduce it, no extensions.

Full rent on the first of the month or an eviction notice on the second. This was hemorrhaging our savings, but we were surviving for the moment.

Meanwhile, A.M. had lobbied hard for the city to co-fund a revival project to renovate the entire aging suburb and she succeeded. One street at a time had conga lines of work trucks almost every day and people were getting old leaky pipes replaced, sinkholes in yards patched, fences repaired, paint renewed, it was an amazing thing, and an enticing thing for The Sociopath.

Being at the corner of the neighborhood, our house was on the last street on the list, and Sociopath wanted us out so he could relist the house after renovation. He never said this directly, but multiple conversations made his intent clear even for 10 year old me.

Random inspections, overhyping of minor problems with the house, even so far as trying to bring us up on completely false animal abuse charges because our cat was attacked by what we believe was a raccoon and he tried to claim we did it, yeah, because a vet can’t figure out the difference between knife wounds and a mauling.

We read the writing on the wall and began preparations to move. We decided to move in with my oldest brother in a place I’ll call banjoland. Most of us had moved except my other brother, who stayed behind because he still had a lot of social ties in Palmville and his new job meant if he cut corners, he could keep paying sociopath’s inflated bills.

Well, despite his best efforts, he came up $20 short one month and sociopath jumped on it. he had 30 days. We made the 400 mile trip from Banjoland to Palmville to get the rest of our stuff and I can’t say as I approved of my brother’s living conditions, but I guess that’s beside the point. The month passed rather uneventfully, I guess Sociopath figured he’d won so there was no need to burn the gas to drive out and gloat.

The neighborhood had learned what was going on and that was the first time I’d ever been back in that neighborhood where I didn’t get a single callout, a single glare, a single racist remark. Everybody behaved reverently, it was kind of disturbing in all honesty, I guess people in lower incomes all know what eviction means and felt like I was having a bad enough time already.

Well, 20 days later he says it’s time to leave. We still had a week left, but it didn’t matter, we didn’t have the money to try fighting it with a lawyer. A.M. descended from the heavens and bought us a couple extra days, but it was evident he really really wanted us out, possibly because the work trucks were now one street away.

The last time I ever saw the house I grew up in, workmen were throwing my childhood possessions into a large bin when we supposedly still had three days left to leave.

Everything that follows is a collection of information I got through the g*******e and phone calls with people present at the events.

Immediately, Sociopath moved into the house himself. Why you may ask? People who owned the homes they were living in were getting the full cost of renovations comped by the city. He figured that by moving in himself, he’d be able to get this house he bought at liquidation price renovated for free and flip it.

A.M. was having none of it.

She explained to him that at the time the revival project was approved, that house was a rental lot, and they can’t change the budget now. She then explained to him that the partial cost coverage that had been approved for the lot was in our name, not his, and he wasn’t eligible for partial cost comping either.

He’d have to pay every penny himself, and since the entire neighborhood was getting a facelift, he was required to at least renovate the exterior, otherwise she’d see the house condemned as an eyesore or dilapidated or whatever the legal term is. He went really cheap on the renovations, basically put in new carpets and a coat of paint, this would later come to bite him in the a*s.

He then began trying to sell the house in earnest. The neighborhood remembered what he’d done. There were vandalisms when nobody was there, and loud noises from the neighbors when people were there to look the house over, and anytime a prospective buyer asked around, they got the full stinkeye from anybody they talked to. They made sure he simply couldn’t get that house sold at market value.

After three months of this, he lowered the listing price. Then a month later he lowered it again and finally got a bite. A.M. personally made sure he had to file every. single. piece. of paperwork before it changed hands. Every single part of the house had to be inspected thoroughly.

And that’s when Karma herself caught up with him. In his hasty and cheap renovations, he’d somehow damaged the pipes.

Black. Mold.

A.M. remembered how he’d treated us and she decided to pay him back in kind. I never heard how exactly she pulled it off, but she managed to delay him getting the news about the black mold being discovered for several days, long enough that by time he did get the news he didn’t have enough time left to try getting it cleaned or make a last-ditch effort to save the house.

The house was condemned days later.

In their final act, A.M. and members of the neighborhood filed every single complaint and injunction they could and arranged for him to be compelled by the city to demolish the house immediately. A cost he had to pay out of his own pocket.

He tried to destroy a family and broke laws just to make some quick cash, and instead was left fighting a year-long legal battle and ended up losing thousands.

The neighborhood remembers. The neighborhood punishes.”

10 points - Liked by like, sado, elsw and 7 more

15. Be A Jerk To Me And Everyone On The Site? I'll Make Your "Dreams" Come True


“I work for a construction company and we do remodeling on homes. We have a rule here that we get to keep anything we find hidden behind the walls. We hired this guy (we really needed a worker badly) who was a total a****e from day one. I’ve been working for this company for 5 years and this guy has only been doing construction for 1 year after he got fired from his accounting job for getting a DUI.

Anyways..he would always make fun of my clothes and my accent and one day he went too far by telling my boss about my private Instagram account pics. He got on my phone and looked through my Instagram page and showed my boss pictures of me smoking the special green plant. Little did he know that my boss is my friend from 8 years when we used to smoke together before we both quit.  I was so mad that he violated my privacy then I made a plan to **** him over.

He was the kind of guy who would always come in late and complain that trains or traffic is why he was always late. One day, I overheard him saying that if he won the lottery he would quit this job for not getting the “respect” he deserves. (You have to earn your respect here.) One day I bought some fake gold coins online and I put them in a metal box I found at the antique store and waited for a chance to hide them in the wall.

Luckily I did not have to wait long. The day he found the coins it seemed like it was his best day ever. The first thing he did when he opened the box.. he called my boss an e****g loser and he quit imedietly on the spot. He said,

“F this place..I’m rich”… Lol.. little did he know was that that was the best day of my life.

After he quit my boss told us that he was going to fire him anyway for always showing up late… I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out the gold coins are fake. Best $40 I spent in my life.”

10 points - Liked by like, hahe, elsw and 7 more

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dam. 4 years ago
Well played my man!
3 Reply

14. "You Messed Me Over, So Now I'm Gonna Mess You Over"


“Last year I started working for a local plumbing company that seemed promising. Would pay top dollar to employees for good old fashioned labor.

So I signed my W-2 and went on my way. Seems legit, right?

I started out making an hourly wage, was given my own work van and was offered a work cellphone. However, if you used your personal cellphone, the owner of the company would pay your bill because you’re using your own phone! How neat is that?

Fast forward a month or two. I was forced to make a commission based on every job and I didn’t have a say in this.

But 20% of every job you go to? That’s a lot of money in plumbing! So I was none the wiser. Eventually I found out that my paychecks weren’t having any taxes taken out of them. So I asked my boss.

“Why am I not having taxes taken out of my check?”

To which he replied: “When we switched you to commission, you’re a subcontractor now.

You’re 1099! You’re gonna be making so much bank now, bro.”

Didn’t sign a 1099 form but ok.

As time went on, I started working 90 hour weeks with no break. If my phone was turned off and the office folk tried to reach me and couldn’t, they would take money out of my paycheck. The phone bill? Never got paid. There would be days where I wouldn’t make a single dime because the boss would mess something up in our system.

We also had no heat in our vans and when it got to -14° outside his words to us were “Go buy a ***** blanket. I can’t afford repairs like this right now” while he is in Florida on a cruise with his whole family. So like anyone else, I just up and quit. *** that.

When I left, I asked for my checks (I was owed 3 of them for the weeks I worked) but my boss wasn’t ready to give them up yet.

“You ***ed me over, and now I’m going to *** you over.” He said when I asked why he wasn’t going to pay me. I offered multiple times for him to just meet me so this wouldn’t have to go any further. He refused.

I took to r/legaladvice (bless them) and asked what I should do. The responses led me to LARA (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs) to file a wage claim to get my money.

But on top of that, I filed a report with them stating the company doesn’t pull permits (which is required to do) when replacing people’s plumbing. So they sent over an investigator to check these claims out.

I then went to the IRS to find out about this whole tax ordeal. I filed the proper paperwork to have the IRS check and see if I was misclassified as a 1099 employee when I should have been a W-2 employee since they weren’t taking taxes out.

SURE AS *** I was wrongfully not getting taxes taken out of my checks. So the IRS sent an investigator of their own.

Now at this point, I see on my phone that I still have their email address linked to my Google account. So I do some snooping. It turns out they haven’t paid city taxes in over 6 years and that the office manager (a woman who has verbally abused me time and time again) collects disability through the state but still collects a 1.5k paycheck from the company every week.

You can bet *** I sent that in with the IRS. Screenshots included in my email.

This is how it all unfolded.

I have a friend that still works (or rather worked for them at the time) and he told me about the investigators coming in. LARA fined them upwards of $50,000 for failing to produce the proper permits for work that was performed. They also paid me what the company owed me WITH INTEREST since I waited over a month for those checks.

On top of all of this, the IRS made them pay for my taxes at the end of the year, took away the office manager’s disability, audited them because they haven’t paid city taxes, and fined them for each employee they did this to. At this time as well, all of his fleet vans broke due to wear and tear. This resulted in the company closing.

When he asked me why I did all of this my response was simply:

“You ***ed me over, and now I’m going to *** you over.”

8 points - Liked by Mom_of_one8, Omdamama, sado and 5 more

13. Creeper Roomie Gets Kicked Out And Deported


“In our final year of university, a few friends and I had a shared flat in a student building, we became friends with the people in the flat next door, who were 5 friends plus an international student, who we will call Mike. They were renting a 6 bedroom flat and needed a 6th person so they spoke to the university and their spare room was allocated to Mike.

Mike was interesting, at first we played it off as cultural differences, what we find weird might be completely normal to him, so we were open-minded about things, however, things quickly became weird.

At first, it was little things, such as not washing his pots/pans after cooking, or leaving food out for multiple days after being told to throw it out, nothing massively serious but just minor annoyances.

He then started being overtly s****l to the girls in the flat, at one point straight up asking one of them for a threesome, he was also caught in this same girl’s room when she was taking a shower and on more than one occasion he was caught taking pictures of the girls in the kitchen.

The girls had had enough and did some research, and it turned out that he was on the same course as my flatmates and me, but in his second year, we were friends with some of the second years so asked them about him.

It turns out that he failed his first year and had to retake it. We then found out that he had been assigned a personal tutor for his first year to help him pass the year and get through to the second year, but she had filed a report against him for making her feel uncomfortable, asking for s*x, trying to take photos up her skirt, etc. We then found out that he had been kicked out of the university for this (and his poor grades).

In the UK, universities are able to sponsor visa applications for students, however, if the person they sponsor drops out of the university they are no longer eligible for a student visa, and therefore must leave the country, universities also have to be very careful to keep track of this since if they are shown to be granting visas to people who are not studying, they may be unable to sponsor visas in the future.

Knowing this, the girls went to the university housing office (who put Mike with them in the first place) to ask if they could re-home him, which is when the university realized that he was still in the country on an invalid visa. The university contacted the home office and within a week border control was at the door. He was taken away in a van and last we heard he had been deported back to his home country.”

8 points - Liked by sado, lare, Konnir and 5 more

12. Wanna Play Hardball, Apple? Eat This


“A few disclosures before we begin: I was an Apple Retail employee for two years and amicably resigned in favor of full-time, post-college employment several months before this unfolded. Additionally, the central issue of this post seems minor – I didn’t want to change my password – so some may find this more appropriate for r/pettyrevenge, but as it involves an extensive court battle, I think r/prorevenge is a better venue.

Although the main issue will definitely make me look petty, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back based on Apple’s pompousness throughout the issue.

About a year and a half ago, I was having issues with both my MacBook and iPhone, and went on to schedule a Genius Bar appointment. This used to be an easy task – you just went to the Support site and scheduled one – but over time, Apple has foolishly attempted to reduce the load on the Genius Bars by putting up various roadblocks to getting an appointment.

I assume Angela has just decided that this is cheaper than hiring more staff and that most of the customers are rabid enough to still buy Apple tech despite the blow this causes to decent customer service.

After finally, jumping through a number of hoops to get a Genius Bar appointment, I’m prompted to enter my Apple ID and password. I’m told that, since it’s been 3 months, I need to change it, for what is now probably the 10th time since having that Apple ID.

I can continue to use it on the App Store and iCloud and such, but if I want a service appointment, I must change it. Having gone through this for the last several times to get an appointment, I finally hit my wit’s end, decided it’s an unnecessary step to just get my products serviced, and escalate the matter through the BBB.

Apple’s initial response to the BBB is a form letter saying that I need to just change the password because it’s in my best interests for security reasons and that they won’t make any exceptions.

I respond again, indicating that this is bad customer service and incongruent with the Apple Credo (customer service principles) that all employees are trained in. Their next response was that “Apple considers this matter closed.” I hate that response. It’s corporate speak for “you’re not worth our time anymore, go away.” The BBB closed the case shortly thereafter.

I do some research and determine that, through my AppleCare+ policy that I was paying for on both devices, there was actually no catch-all clause for why Apple could refuse to service the device.

There were several exclusions, but arbitrary account security requirements were not part of them. I file suit in small claims court for the replacement value of the laptop and phone.

Here’s where things got interesting: I show up to the court date, and the case is called. I come up to my podium, and at the defendant’s podium, appears the manager from the store I used to work at.

It was in the same county as the court, but significantly farther away than an Apple Store that was actually a mile from the courthouse. I never confirmed this, but I think Apple didn’t pay attention to the details of the complaint on the form, just did a name lookup, and assumed that because I had previously worked at the store, that this was some employment dispute.

The judge asks me to explain why I am suing, and in about a minute I’m able to concisely explain that Apple was putting up an unnecessary and extra-contractual blockade to me getting a service appointment for my broken devices, so I was suing to replace the devices. The judge then turns to the store manager, who has arrived at court in a T-shirt and jeans (I’m in a full suit out of respect for the court), but before asking for Apple’s side of the story, asks if the manager is a lawyer.

The manager says he is not. The judge says that my state’s laws require that only a chief executive or registered agent can represent a company in court, or they have to hire a lawyer to remove it to a higher district court. The manager responds that he understands, but that he’s happy to set up a Genius Bar appointment right here, right now, at my convenience, to get the products repaired. The judge deems this reasonable, we agree on a time for me to come into my old store for service, and the case is continued for two weeks out on the chance that things don’t work out.

I attend my appointment and the technician is able to resolve all of my issues, and in addition, a senior Apple technician contacts me by e-mail to indicate that he’s overridden the password expiration requirement on my Apple ID, and I will never have to change it again. Cool deal. But I’m still out $60 for filing this court case to actually get things moving along.

I appear for the continued court date, and the same manager appears again, too. The docket is especially busy on this date, and we have a different judge who is slashing through cases, no-nonsense. We’re called, and I indicate that while we were able to resolve the problems with my equipment since the original trial and am no longer seeking replacement value for my products, I should not have had to sue Apple to get this type of treatment that aligned with their contractual obligations to me as an AppleCare+ customer, and believe that I should be awarded the $60 in court fees.

The judge turns to the store manager and asks if he is a lawyer. The manager says no. Judge #2 gives him the same spiel. Manager retorts that he still believes that the court fees shouldn’t be Apple’s responsibility because blah blah blah, and judge, pressed for time, turns to me and says “I assume you don’t want to have to come back here again for them to get a lawyer?” I say no, thinking that he’s going to give me the full $60, but instead, he says “okay, then you’ll just split it so that we don’t have to waste any more time on this.

$30 to the Plaintiff.”

According to my state’s laws, a prevailing party gets all of their court costs. As such, I really disagree with the way the judge handled that, splitting it because he was in a hurry. I reach out to Apple’s paralegal who had e-mailed me right after the original trial to confirm that Genius Bar appointment, cite the relevant law and say that the judge was pretty clearly in the wrong, and ask Apple to just cut me a check for the full $60.

Otherwise, I’d have to appeal, which was an extra $125, they would surely lose, and then owe me $185. I was more or less appealing to their common sense. They didn’t have any, responding that “they would follow the court’s judgment only, and cut a check for $30.” I think their pompousness continued in assuming that I was bluffing about the appeal.

So, I appealed. Since the small claims court is a subordinate of the district court, it actually got appealed to the highest court in the county, the circuit court.

This is big boy court. No ***********. I appear for my court date, and again, the same manager shows up. Judge is a bouncy guy in a bowtie, clearly had his coffee, and is pleasant to everyone. I present my case – that the lower court only awarded me partial costs and the state law required that I get the entire amount since the judgment was entered in my favor.

Judge turns to the manager: “Are you a lawyer?” He says no, but he has a letter from Apple’s chief legal counsel saying that it’s okay with them that the manager represents them. The judge does not like this and his demeanor changes instantly. “Apple does not decide what you can or cannot do in my courtroom. You need an attorney, so we’ll probably need to continue this case.”

Judge turns to me: “Do you object to a continuance for the defendant to get an attorney?” I say “Yes, I do, your honor, because they’ve actually been told three times now that they need to have a lawyer, and they keep disrespecting this court by sending the same layman to argue on their behalf.” Judge turns to the manager, and with a sarcastic grin and obviously fake “it’s out of my hands” hand gesture, says: “Sorry!” Judgment is entered in my favor for $185.

As if that wasn’t good enough, after 30 days, Apple still hasn’t paid. I reach out to the paralegal again, and they say that they are still looking into their options (as if they were going to appeal to the state supreme court – which had to have been done within those 30 days). Again, Apple thinks that they’re too good to follow court instructions or do what’s best for them.

But they seem to have forgotten that I used to work from them. I have my credit union look up one of the old ACH transactions from my payroll and I ask them what bank that was drafted from: they tell me Wachovia. I go back to court, file garnishment proceedings against Apple via Wachovia (I was able to skip the discovery portion since I already knew where they were keeping at least $185), and Wachovia of course cuts me a check within days.”

8 points - Liked by Mom_of_one8, Omdamama, sado and 5 more

11. Keep Grandma's Ashes All To Yourself? I Have An Idea


“This has taken place over the past year and a half. It’s been pretty sh*tty for my family, to say the least.

My grandmother died in November 2016. It was a really hard loss for my family, especially my cousin, who was really close to her. We had a beautiful end-of-life ceremony for her in lieu of a funeral, and she was cremated as well.

My aunt kept the urn.

Over the years, my aunt has crept from a manageable pain in the a*s to a completely self-absorbed, borderline psychotic individual. I could go on and on about the drama she has put my family through, but the important bits for this tale are that she lived closer to my grandmother throughout her life (though my mother, her sister, only lived about an hour away) and so she saw my grandmother more often, and that into adulthood, my grandmother seemed to have a preference for interacting with my mother, because she’s lower maintenance than my aunt.

One last thing is that my aunt has kicked my cousin out of the house about 4 times since he turned 18, not even a year ago. They butt heads frequently. She’s an alcoholic, he’s, well, 18 and headstrong.

After the end-of-life ceremony, my aunt stopped talking much to my mother. She never really mentioned having the urn, and my mother never laid eyes on it, despite it being her mother.

A year or so went by until one day my aunt popped up and stated that SHE was going to spread the ashes at a nearby beach that we all visited throughout our lives. She picked a date without consulting anyone (specifically my mother) and said if we could make it, great, if not, tough luck.

Needless to say, everyone was miffed, but my mother, myself, and my cousin switched our work schedules in order to be there.

This was communicated clearly.

Fast forward to the week before this event, my aunt now messages us all stating that she has an obligation the next day and will not be able to “handle” the ashes spreading on the date planned. She changed the date to one week later and, again, if you couldn’t make it, tough luck. My mother and I were irritated and stated that we did not think we could change our schedules two weeks in a row.

My mother owns a business, which makes changing dates hard. My aunt went on to say that it was my MOTHERS fault for the date switch “due to her schedule,” and when called out that she had just said that she needed the date changed, abruptly ended the conversation and didn’t respond to anything else.

My mother and I spoke at length. She was hurt and angry at her sister for never consulting with her about how to handle a ceremony with the ashes, and even more upset that her own sister would not wait to do this with her.

When asked about why this had to be done NOW, as opposed to waiting until everyone could be there, my aunt stated that my grandmother’s brother, who is in poor health, wanted the ashes spread ASAP so “he knows it was done,” and that he wanted a video of the event.

My mother eventually told my aunt that she wasn’t going and that she just wanted to see the video that my aunt took of the event.

She told me and my father that she just couldn’t deal with my aunt’s drama, and, where she was focusing on her own mental health, didn’t want to compromise her progress because my aunt causes her so much stress.

This enraged me. I was upset already, but was completely floored by the idea that my aunt would have this ceremony without anyone present but her and her boyfriend (my cousin didn’t know if he could make it either).

I was so hurt for my mother, who clearly was just avoiding conflict with her sister, and would miss this event that could bring her closure with her own mother (they had a hard relationship as she grew up). I was frustrated for myself and my cousin, who would love to have an experience of letting go of my grandmother together as a family, as well.

So I made a plan. My cousin was living back at home and he was also furious with his mother, so I tell him, “Hey, I need you to do something really weird, but it’s for my mom.” And like a trooper he says, “Anything for you guys.”

And that’s how the ashes heist began. My cousin didn’t hesitate. One afternoon while my aunt was at work, my cousin broke into the urn and stole about ½ cup of my grandmother, double bagged it, and promptly hid it in a container of hair pomade like a grandma drug stash.

Later that night, in the dark and pouring rain, we met in an abandoned parking lot where he passed me the goods. He said he stole himself some of my grandmother too. We felt vindicated. We hugged and parted ways.

Two weeks later, I gave my mother the ashes in a tiny keepsake urn while visiting her for my birthday. She cried. We hugged. And I could see the anxiety about the whole thing wash off of her, because she’s now in control of her own goodbye ceremony, independent from my aunt, who has no idea what happened.

This past Sunday my aunt spread the ashes at the beach, as planned. She didn’t take a video. She still hasn’t responded to my mother, who asked for the video the day of. My cousin says the urn is empty. No one has heard from my aunt at all.

I imagine myself being so much more furious if I hadn’t bested her. I imagine my mother being quietly devastated and never being able to do anything about it.

My aunt lives in a world where she planned this event with no regard for anyone else, and lied about taking a video of it for the family, a video that would have been our only connection to that moment. A moment she robbed my mother, my cousin, and myself of. But she has no idea what my cousin and I have done, how we had to plan in advance for her d***********y in order to ensure that we were spared her selfishness.

I can’t wait to tell her.”

8 points - Liked by sado, elsw, lare and 5 more

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camu 4 years ago
I wish my family was able to do this with my father's ashes. His wife and his sister stripped everything from his two kids. Sold my truck and my brother 72 charger. She stole my shot gun my father was fixing and customizing for me. Neither of them would let my brotherninto the safe to fetch his and his kids social security cards. The sister tossed ALL the photos he had over the years. I had a lawyer friend that helped as best he could to get me a copy of the dads kids were not mentioned AT ALL. THEN I find out she dangled money in front of my dad to save his business only if he married her. Then promptly threatened with removal of all her assets that went to help the business if he didn't write my brother and I out of the will and put her two daughters in. I found she had a record for d***s and making a plea deal to have her then husband before my dad tossed longer in jail. So this isn't the first and probably won't be the last time she does this. As for my aunt dad's sister she pulled the everything
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10. Steal Our Candy At Work? Try These Delicious Chocolates


“Like most 9-5 cubicle prisoners, most people kept Tylenol and candy in our desk drawers. The company had a policy that any medications either prescription or not had to be locked in the drawer when you were not at your desk.

Fair enough and this keeps your candy safe as well!

Well, one issue with that is the manager has a universal key for the desks for managerial reasons. Often times we had to have someone’s desk opened to get out files and whatnot, and it was never an issue until the manager started just going through the desks at random and taking what she called “Candy Taxes.” She would take her favorite things and leave the rest, now taking one or two pieces wouldn’t become an issue however she was filling the bowl on her desk every few days by pilfering everyone else’s.

Another large issue was a few people had prescription painkillers and during “Candy Taxes” some people thought some were missing. HR and legal got involved and suddenly policy was NO MEDICATION in the office, had to walk all the way to your car to take meds. Great, one manager obviously stealing meds and candy but everyone gets punished. There was a memo about asking before taking candy, but that’s it.

So everyone is p*ssed off now at the manager because some people have actual medication they need to take for various things. For 2 months we decided to pretty much do nothing in an attempt to get her fired, our productivity dropped around 70%. When we had to speak to HR about it we told them she was continuing to steal candy and that she’s making it impossible to work effectively but nothing happens.

A handful of us was tired of this and started applying to other jobs and was very obviously taking half days to interview. Then several people put in their notices at the same time, same meeting. A team of around 35 people just had 8 people put in notice, this continued for the week with 19 people total putting in two weeks notice during the same workweek.

Well, a few of the people on the way out decided it would be great to get her back for all the stealing and just being terrible.

Here comes Chocolate Laxatives, everyone involved emailed her directly and saved the emails telling her to not take any form of candy or anything out of their desks. Then we all went to a long lunch for our last day in the office since Friday became our last day for a good number of us.

Our lunch started at 1 and we didn’t show back up until 4.

She was nowhere to be found upon returning, we assumed she was going to try and get the last word in and try and harass us for taking a long lunch on our last day and refusing to finish up the things she needed to be done. We head to our desks and apparently the emails we sent to cover our own as*es was taken as a challenge.

She stole literally every piece of candy and laxative we had in our desks.

A few people that stayed and worked through lunch told us what happened, almost immediately when we left she grabbed her keys and started looting our desks and went back to her office to sit there happy with herself and eat a bunch of the candy she had just stolen.

Well about 45 minutes to an hour later she headed to the bathroom in a hurry and never came back, we finished up our last hour and headed to HR to turn in our keys and badges.

A few of the HR people knew why we were all leaving and wanted a final exit interview so they could document her. We do just that and hold nothing back, somehow nearly half of the department putting in two weeks’ notice didn’t cause issues until the day we were leaving.

Monday comes along and a few of us are at the same company starting and at about 10 AM we begin getting calls from our previous company’s HR department.

Wouldn’t you know it, little miss thief reported us to HR for having medication in our desks but here’s the kicker. She admitted to stealing the “candy” and showed HR the emails we sent her. Apparently telling her NOT to steal our stuff “set her up”.

In conclusion, the previous HR just wanted the facts, then she was fired and escorted from the building.

7 points - Liked by Mom_of_one8, lolo, sado and 4 more

9. Don't Want To Stick To Your Word? No Problem, I'll Stick To Mine


“Worked for a company doing commercial air conditioning control systems. I was issued company laptops (along with other tools) when I started.

Fast forward a couple of years into work, my laptop hard drive failed on a Friday at 3 PM. Monday I had to be back on the site at 6 AM to start up a piece of equipment. So I called my project manager and told him what had happened. He told me to call the IT manager (we’ll call him David).

After telling David what happened, the only thing he could offer is for me to come in Monday morning and get another laptop at 8AM when he arrives. Being computer savvy, I offered to go buy a new hard drive and reinstall everything so I could meet my 6AM deadline. David told me to go ahead and to save my receipts for reimbursement and to log the time spent.

So I went to the local big blue box store with the yellow tag and bought a new hard drive… a 500GB hybrid drive which was a major improvement over the 120GB 5400rpm drive before. Installed the drive and all the software. Come Monday I just had to re-license my software (luckily it had a 30-day demo mode).

The following week I turned in my receipts.

David tells me they won’t reimburse me for the drive because it wasn’t an exact replacement for the old one. I told him that they didn’t have those drives anymore and this was the cheapest I could find (it was on sale and cheaper than the 250GB drives). David still tells me no.

“Fine, if I ever leave, I’m taking the drive with me.”

“Whatever,” was David’s reply.

Fast forward to about two years ago. The company changed hands and I was getting the short end of the stick. By this time, I was now the senior field technician and technician training lead. I had my machine full of past and current projects and emails and everything else. I was pretty much on my own and wasn’t required to submit reports or paperwork until the job was completed. So they had no idea what the status of any of my projects was at.

I decided to leave the company. Interviewed with another company, accepted a job making more money and better benefits doing the same thing I was before. Made the plan to submit my resignation on that Friday, offering to stay to help bring a new hire or another tech up to speed on my projects. So I went in Friday after work and had a meeting with my operations manager (call him Rick), my project manager (call him Mike), and David.

Told them I was quitting and presented my written notice. Rick read it and handed it to David. Rick then proceeds to tell me “Thanks for the offer but we are going to go ahead and make this your final day.”

“What about my projects”?

“It’s all on your computer, right?”

“Yeah, but I’m taking the drive with me as per my agreement with David.”

“I didn’t approve of that.”


So I handed over my laptop and such and that was pretty much the end of it… or was it?

The following Monday David calls me. “Hey, what’s the password for the machine?”

“What password?”

“For the encryption?”

“Couldn’t tell you.” And hung up. The software I was running would erase the drive after 20 failed attempts.

I found out from Mike (my old project manager who quit and went to another company) that they kept trying to guess my password and wiped the drive.

I still have the contents of the drive that I backed up the night before. My drive was backed up nightly to my NAS when I was at home.”

7 points - Liked by sado, elsw, lare and 4 more

8. Mess With Employees' Money? You Probably Won't Have A Nice Christmas


“Many years ago (early 1980’s) I worked for a company that did market research surveys in a mall and were always stopping people to ask questions, etc.

The company was run by three older women who had started it in their kitchen. They were opinionated and had no care about anything but money. Part of this included paying employees not by the hour but by the survey, which was against labor rules as it never matched the basic hourly wage. This is important.

Christmas came, and we were planning our employee party when one of the owners called and told us that in order to avoid paying bonuses, we were to fire everyone at the party and then hire back the ones that we liked after the new year.

We (the other managers and I) talked about it, and then I called the Federal Bureau of Labor, who had been trying to get the information for the employee pay for several years but had always been turned away. I had them come to the back door and let them into the file room and showed them the boxes. I then said I had things to do in the front and would be back later and went to the front desk to finish the paperwork I needed. Said paperwork?

A blow-up of Santa going down the chimney with “Merry **c***g Christmas” typed across it, all of the management resignations, and the Fed-Ex envelope that would hold our keys and said paperwork.

Labor guy finished what he needed to do, we locked up, sent the package which was timed to arrive at their Christmas party, and walked away. The company ended up spending about 250k in reimbursements and fines for the labor problem.”

5 points - Liked by Omdamama, sado, lare and 2 more

7. Hire Me, Waste My Time, Then Fire Me? I'll Make You Pay


“Background: A few years ago, I worked in the wine industry and I traveled to Australia to try to broaden my experience of the industry, as well as of life, and to try out living abroad for a while. I also knew the pay there was vastly higher than what was my home at the time, in the UK.

I had quite a bit of experience, a decent CV/Resume, great qualifications in the industry, and academically and I was young and eager. At the time, I had a one-year work visa, but this could have been extended to two or longer, depending on the employer. I applied for loads of jobs; many were listed on the various employment websites, industry-specific ones, gumtree, if I liked the sound of it, I applied for it.

I also wrote to various wineries in the area that I really liked with my CV and various details. I got a lot of replies, but one of my favorites got back to me, they put me in touch with their hiring manager.

I was stoked to have an interview with one of my favorite wineries in the region, for a sales rep job. I drove to the winery, met with the hiring manager, and had the interview of my life.

I nailed it; to this day I’ve never had a better interview. I met the winery manager, got along great. At the end of the interview, the hiring manager told me I was a shoo-in, and that they’d be in touch shortly to let me know if I got the job, followed by a very reassuring wink/nod. The very next day, I got a phone call saying that they’d be delighted to have me as their regional sales rep, and we discussed a start date.

This winery was several hours out of the city, so I had to move quite a distance, rent an apartment, buy a car, and so on. This cost me the vast majority of the savings I’d accumulated back home before the move. A few days before the starting date, I give them a call to let them know I’m moved in and that I am looking forward to starting, and to ask if they wouldn’t mind if I came along a few days before just to get a better lay of the land, etc. They said the owners weren’t around so don’t bother coming in, but call again tomorrow.

I did, and again, the owners weren’t around again. I was due to start on Monday, so I figured oh well – I guess I’ll meet them then.

I showed up bright and early, 20 minutes early on the first day, ready to meet the crew and get stuck in. I walked around until I found someone, as the cellar door and main areas weren’t open yet.

They told me to hang around until someone showed up – eventually, the general winery manager appears and when I say I’m supposed to be meeting with him, the hiring manager, and the owners today, his eyes widen, he goes a little white®, and then, after some “uhhh”-ing, lets me know that they aren’t ready today and need a few more days to sort things out, but to call back in the afternoon to find out when I’m really supposed to start.

I call back, and it goes to voicemail. I leave a voicemail, saying “hey it’s no worries, let me know which day this week you’d like me to start.” I call the hiring manager I had spoken to before, that goes to voicemail, I do the same. Two more days pass, and I’m starting to get irritated. I want to start work. I call the hiring manager again, who picks up.

I am as civil as I can be, but I do ask why I haven’t been called back. She lets me know that the owners have changed their minds, and don’t want to hire me anymore. She admitted that this was pretty sh*tty, and she’d been trying to convince them to take me, but they had issues with the fact that I was a temporary worker and wouldn’t be there for more than two years.

I let her know that there were options for extending my ability to stay in the country, etc. She said she knew, but they were adamant. I was pretty p*ssed at this point, so I decided to call them directly.

Their number was easy to find, so I called them and left a voicemail asking them to call me back. And another voicemail a day later, all the time remaining as polite as I could.

Eventually, I called them from skype, with “no number”, and they actually picked up. I asked why they no longer wished to hire me and tried to explain that they could apply for an extension/sponsorship if they liked having me. Then came the line. “We just don’t want a pommy working for us, plain and simple mate.” You **c*s. This had nothing to do with the sponsorship thing, you just don’t like brits.

I’m not even a pom (this is typically slang reserved for English – I am Scottish). I terminate my lease, cancel my internet, and drive back up the coast about $2000AUD in the hole (not including the price of the car, fuel, food, time wasted, etc).

Revenge: P*ssed off, but at this point desperate for money, I stay at a hostel and begin job hunting again.

This time there’s a pretty great job as a regional manager & buyer for a decently sized chain of liquor stores. This is a little beyond my previous experience but **** it, I go for it. I get the job, and suddenly I’m responsible for 7 stores and the purchases they make. 7 big stores that buy a lot of wine. When store managers make their weekly orders, it was done through an online system where the various products and quantities were put in.

There was a short window between the order being submitted and the order actually going through to be fulfilled. I simply canceled each and every store’s orders of the wines from that winery. I did that every single week until I left. Each store was ordering between 15 and 30 cases of this producer’s wines per week; an average of about $6,000 per store in sales (closer to $4000 per order, per store).

When the store managers saw that their stocks were dwindling or gone, and asked me about it, I simply said that they’d changed their pricing and we can’t afford to sell it right now. Every time their sales rep (who did not know me) called to ask what the problem was, I just told him that their product just wasn’t moving and we don’t need any stock right now.

He didn’t think to even compare previous years’ sales records, he’d have seen that there because the wine was great, it had always sold well.

I wasn’t there long, I hated that job, the hours, and the stress of taking care of seven freaking stores and their problems, but the revenge was sweet. After four months I packed it in, and I reckon their sh*tty attitude cost them over $400,000 in sales.

I could have made that for them if they’d hired me.”

4 points - Liked by sado, lare, krph and 1 more

6. Try To Steal My Business? I'll Frame You And Get You In Trouble With The Law


“This happened back when I was in sophomore year, and was a bit of a nerd but in a weird phase where I was actually starting to get some confidence.

I spent the last 2 years thinking about launching an online business (back when Shopify wasn’t as popular and prominent) and finally started to keep on track.

So I spend several weeks going to whole-sale websites, gathering products, designing the websites, etc. Once it launches, I decide to start small and only use my school district as the target market; of course, there is mistrust with this system because no one takes a high school kid with an Amazon-esque website seriously.

But after a while and some small purchases, I had a decent customer base with around 10-25 orders per week.

This was first when the school found out about it and the AP (Assistant Principal, the person designated to watch our specific graduation class for all 4 years we are there) calls me down to his office and basically lectures me on the importance of the legality and on how I need to change the name of the website.

Basically, I named it after the school which was named after a well-known politician’s family, and they didn’t want legal issues. I did a lot of homework involving this and legally checked everything, especially since I was a minor and I didn’t wanna cause any issues for my own fam.

I didn’t care that much, I had been meaning to reboot the site and make it more lighter and modern anyway.

I changed the name and moved on.

Now EK was a highly manipulative kid; he was one of those unlikeable and bratty people who made up stories to attract girls and popularity. He always bragged he was gonna be rich because of how rich his parents were, girls would be obsessed with him, he was gonna be in movies; basically all sorts of delusional claims. I started out being uneasy “friends” with him meaning I just talked to him in class but I slowly drifted away from him because he would constantly flirt and harass these two girls, even though they told him not to and I tried to stop him.

Most of our entire grade didn’t like this kid, but then he claims he owned the websites and ran it, and if anyone knows marketing, an unsavory person with ownership is bad for business. So I confront him and he apologizes saying that he’ll retract his claims and say the truth.

The next day he did the exact opposite and spread rumors of how the situation happened in the opposite manner.

This angered me and he forced my hand, I went straight to the site and made a notification post and email to all my customers saying that (Due to several circulating rumors about our business, we would like to remind our customers that EK does not own the website nor is he connected with us in any shape or form. Thank you for your service!

Please be sure to check out our Easter Sale!)

Embarrassed, EK makes the most insane claim that I have ever heard…that I’m using the website to launder and sell ***** and weapons through school. Post-Columbine, this was taken very seriously and I was called down to the office where I found my AP and 3 police officers waiting for me. They questioned me, the website, etc., while patting me down and searching for my backpack, jacket, and belongings.

They freaked out when they saw a condom and credit card knife (yeah it’s my own **** fault for having a blade at school but I was an EDC guy who never did anything wrong). Honestly, I wasn’t as embarrassed as I was worried about the optics on this.

They considered this plausible intent and cause and I was handcuffed and put into a police cruiser (a pretty comfy Dodge Charger to be honest) as they headed over to my house and called my mom telling them the situation.

They asked to let them search my room (and only my room) and my mom obliges; with us being immigrants, she didn’t want any trouble and she probably couldn’t think straight from seeing her son in handcuffs. It angered me for a cop to hold me against the wall while I’m restrained, while two more turned my room upside down looking for something that didn’t exist while my mother cried her eyes our at all this happening.

They didn’t find anything of interest except this out of school project I was working on (JLaservideo’s fire gloves, search it up). I had three of them and parts for at least 3 more. The officers asked me what it was and how it worked, I told them the basics and it was for the science fair. They took them in as evidence and questioned the legality of the gloves while taking pictures along with the single canister of butane fuel.

I get a suspension for 3.5 days (the rest of my school day was In-School-Suspension AKA isolation) but no criminal charges since there was no evidence. WELL NO ***!

I checked the office’s sign-in sheet (whenever we talk to an AP, they keep a record of the time, name, and date of when someone comes in. As I signed out to, I see one name before my own…EKP’s.

My anger doubles as all I can think of is ways to kill him but I calm myself, saying that his time will come.

The next 3 days allow me to plan for my revenge…

1. One of my friends had a recording of how EK said he wanted to PUSH A GIRL OFF A BALCONY at a party they both were at BECAUSE SHE REJECTED HIM!

Maybe somehow that recording was emailed to the police department, teachers, and several students through a throwaway email….

2. I recorded him stalking this girl from school and all the way to her house and peeking in through her window. This didn’t happen once, twice but four times! This was edited almost like a montage and emailed as well.

3. Once every 5 weeks, the school brought in drug dogs.

I saw a K9 police car in the parking lot and quickly texted my friend who liked smoking the special green plant and told him to bring a “special” brownie and put it in EK’s bag when during 2nd period (which was at the other side of the school so he wouldn’t get caught). This went swimmingly as hallway banter was filled with EK being caught with ***** in school.

EK was expelled, had a restraining order filed on him by the girl along with two others who came forward and had a court case the next month. The second girl had a partner who was a classmate of mine and I let him know what he was doing. Somehow the guy found out where he lived and him and his friend’s keyed his car, slashed his tires, stole his shoes, and jumped him.

He was found guilty for possession of the green plant (idk the real charge but the state I live in is very strict; this resulted in several months of juvenile detention where he was beaten up even more. Where he is now, I don’t know but I doubt he succeeded like how he bragged he would.

I spent the rest of the year in a very peaceful mindset.”

4 points - Liked by Omdamama, lare, krph and 1 more

5. Wanna Be A Litte Crappy Kid? Ok, You Can Do That On Your Own


“This was when I was a wee un. Way back, elementary school.

A new kid joins the class in our small town, Christian elementary school. He’d mostly get stares and weird questions, kids being kids, so I think maybe he needs help fitting in.

I invite him to play football. (Soccer, you American nitwits).

Recently, a kid got overly boisterous and kicked a football through a window so we had to settle for a paper ball. For once it wasn’t ****** raining so it didn’t get soggy. Immediately, the new kid cheats by kicking everybody’s shins and ends it by flattening the paper “ball.” That’s fine, it’s just a game of football, who cares? Little kids, apparently. I wasn’t giving up, though.

I was determined I would have a friend by the end of the week.

At the end of the school day, his mum comes to collect him and I invite him to play at my place. I got legos, toy cars, a cat, a new PlayStation, the works! His mum declines on his behalf but seemed relieved and thankful someone asked him on a playdate.

Genuinely nice mum, to be fair, so I don’t know how he turned out to be such a piece of ***.

After a few months of him being a somewhat forgivable selfish pr*ck by ruining games, stealing toys, and bragging to everyone about how much more amazing he is than everyone else, his behaviour started to dwindle even further. The harassment became full-on physical bullying and he especially picked on me.

One time he let the air out of my bicycle tires and laughed as I inspected my bike. He mockingly wished me “Good luck getting home!” Whatever, I’ve done it all before and I don’t mind doing it again, I can give as good as I get at this point.

A few more weeks of petty squabble, spreading rumors, and minor physical confrontation it finally reaches its climax when I’m out playing with my friends in the play yard after school.

It’s now about 19:15 and at 19:30 my mum lets me play on the PlayStation so I like to be home by that point. But as fate would have it the new kid arrived looking for trouble.

My two friends, a brother and sister, were a grade or two lower than me and he luckily had no beef with them, he was there for me. He starts pushing me around and lifts me up against a wall by my neck.

As he raises his fist to punch me, I kick him in the thigh and he drops me, I begin to run and he chases me. We’re both mostly matching speed but it seems he’s catching up to me after running a full circle around the playground. (It’s a small town, it was a pretty big playground) I decide to go off the playground and towards the waste collection point where people deposit their waste glass and tins.

The containers are on these industrial metal plates and the whole area is usually littered with broken glass and sharp pieces of metal. I approach the waste deposit bins and deftly hop over the slippery metal plates, and a few seconds behind me I hear a loud crash. Followed by the sweet sound of a child crying.

He begged for help: “Please, help me, I’m hurt.” Now, I didn’t see him as he had fallen between the three bins and I was thinking it could be an ambush, what if he jumps me on my approach, it could be fake tears?

I wait and consider my options and he becomes absolutely hysterical. “Please! Please! Help me!” I walk a distance around the bins so I can see him. I look him right in the eyes, and then at his shin which is now covered in ***** with a small shard glass sticking out of it. I looked behind me to see the church clock stand at 19:25, almost time for some PlayStation time.

I look over to my friends’ home and I see their bicycles at their drive. Their home was a stone’s throw away from both church and school. All good, they’re home safe. I tell my bully “Good luck getting home.” and turn around to leave. He begins to have a massive panic attack that I could still hear when I was halfway home. (I lived slightly further away from school, but no more than 1 minute on a bicycle).

He never bullied me again, but I heard a few years later that he moved and in his new town he was making a name for himself by going around punching girls, which canceled any regret and grievances I had about what I chose to do that evening.”

3 points - Liked by Sandypants, lare, krph and 1 more

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Sandypants 4 years ago
Just so you know I am American. I find your comment about American nitwits to be super.......freaking hilarious. Thanks for the quick laugh. Unlike some people in this country I dont get offended and butt hurt over silly things. Have a great day.
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4. Don't Want To Watch For Roos? K, I'll Watch Out For The Both Of Us


“As any Australian driver knows, country roads at night can be a dangerous place. Kangaroos have a tendency to jump out in front of cars. Because of this crazy deed that kangaroos so love, drivers use their high beams.

However on my drive home from town tonight, whilst driving down a road I’ve had an expensive encounter with a kangaroo on before, I had another driver drive up behind me,  leaving their headlights in the high beam setting.

Blinded through my mirrors and scared for my safety from those dastardly roos I decided speed was no longer a risk I was willing to take so I slowed.

Nearly 20 kilometers passed on this winding double lined (no overtaking) road on which me and my haphazard companion behind traveled. Going speeds of 60kph where the posted speed limit was 90.

They skulked closer and closer behind me but this only increased my determination to slow.

It was a shame when they turned away towards the end of the road, probably never learning of their sins. But by God they got home a lot later than they could have.”

3 points - Liked by like, elsw, lare and 1 more

3. They Made You The Manager To Manage? Ok, I Won't Tell You What I Think


“In the late 1980s, my first job was working at a well-known fast-food chain. I’d been working here a couple of years at the time of this story and had worked my way to the crew leader, but had just been passed over for promotion to shift manager 3 days before.

It’s around 7:00 PM and we had just finished the dinner rush and the newly promoted manager (NPM) decided to save some labor and send the bulk of the crew home and just keep the closing crew.

We had 1 person covering drive-thru, 1 person in the grill (me), 1 person at the front counter, and NPM.

At this point, it’s important to know that this fast-food chain was running a promotion for their most famous hamburger item (2 for $2), and of course, this was very popular.

With one employee in the grill area, and the equipment and prep methods that were used at this time, it was possible to make this item 6 at a time.

We had code names for cranking out these items from the grill area at speed.

6 pull 6 – meant that you make six of this item and when you finished making these 6 times, you started the next 6. With this method, you can make about six items every 2 ½ minutes.

6 turn 6 – meant you start 6 of this item, and when you flip the meat on the grill, you start making 6 more..

With this method, you can make six items every 75 to 80 seconds.

So what happens 10 minutes after the NPM sends the bulk of the crew home? We get a large greyhound bus full of senior citizens that walks into the restaurant. About 80 people flood the lobby and start lining up to place their orders.

From the grill area, I see the flood of people, assess the situation, and decide to start making some food.

However, I choose not to make our “hot” sale item since I don’t think the bulk of these customers will order this. I decide to make fish, chicken, and smaller hamburger items, which I believe this group of people will order.

Just as I finish delivering the first “wave” of these smaller items and about to start another, the NPM pokes her head out of the office and notices the situation.

Obviously, the lone front counter person was overwhelmed, and the NPM rushes to help take orders.

On her way to the front counter, she yells to me in the grill area.

NPM – “I want you to do a 6 turn 6 until I tell you to stop.”

Me – “I don’t think these guys are going to be ordering that. Are you sure?”

NPM – “I didn’t ask you what you think.

They made me the manager, not you, and this is what needs to be done.”

Time for the Malicious Compliance.

I start to crank out the burgers, and don’t bother to wrap them up. I’m working furiously and get into a rhythm, turning out 6 of these every 75-80 seconds. About 15 minutes pass, and there are about 60 burgers made. With only me in the grill, there isn’t time for me to box the burgers and put them in the bin.

I’m stacking trays of finished burgers on any flat surface I can find in the grill area.

NPM is still taking orders at the front counter. She hasn’t noticed how many burgers are piling up in the grill area. At this point, I decided to ask her if she wants me to continue.

Me – “Do you still want me to do 6 turn 6?”

NPM – “Did I tell you to stop?”

Huh. Well, she’s taking the customer orders, so she must know what’s going on. I go back to the 6 turn 6. Another 20 minutes pass. There are now another 90 burgers and I’m putting trays of finished burgers in the sink area, straddling fryer vats, etc. and she still hasn’t told me to stop.

At this point, all the customer orders are taken and they are now trying to get orders out.

The smaller fish, chicken, and burger items are long gone by now and I’ve had no time to make any more. NMP yells back to me.

NPM – “We need chicken, fish, nuggets, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers.”

Me – “So you want me to stop the 6 turn 6?”

NPM – “What! You’re still doing that? Are you crazy?”

Me – “You didn’t tell me to stop, I’m doing exactly what you asked me to do.”

At this point, she walks back to the grill area and sees the fruits of my labor. There are burger trays everywhere, the prep table is a disaster, the grill needs to be cleaned, and I can’t even get to the fry vats to make chicken or fish since there are burgers stacked on them.

NPM – “I can’t believe you did this!

We’re never going to sell all of this! This will ruin my food waste goals!”

Me – “I specifically told you that I didn’t think a 6 turn 6 was a good idea, and you told me to do it anyway. I asked you if I should stop and you told me to continue. They made you the manager, so I assumed you knew what you were doing.”

NPM – “You did this on purpose!”

Me- “I did exactly what you told me to do, so yes, it was on purpose.”

NPM then storms back to the front counter and I start packaging burgers and making the food that was actually ordered to fill the customer orders. She didn’t speak to me the rest of the night.

The next day, the store manager asks me what happened and I told him exactly what I was instructed to do.

The front counter person was able to verify the instructions that were given and I never heard anything more about it. The NPM was transferred to another store shortly after this and I was promoted.”

3 points - Liked by lare, krph and PaksDotter

2. Yell At Me And My Mom Because I Ate 2 Cookies? I'll Stir Up Your OCD A Bit


“When I was in my teens I had a paper route, mowed lawns, that sort of thing, for extra money. I also babysat.

One of my paper route customers wanted a babysitter for a Saturday night, and I took the gig. They wanted me there at 7 pm, and I was 10 minutes early. The wife kept an immaculate home, everything in its place and very tidy.

When I arrived she gave me the run-down, including pointing out how she had graciously provided me a snack, 2 Oreo cookies and a glass of juice on the counter.

I had skipped dinner, and soon after they left, I explored the pantry, found the bag of Oreos, and helped myself to 2 more. Now this pantry was the size of a large walk-in closet and was stuffed. There were lots of canned goods, all facing forward with the labels in perfect alignment.

There were cereal boxes, set up on the shelves in descending sizes. I don’t know if she was a 1970’s version of a doomsday prepper, but there was a ton of stockpiled food in there.

All went well until they returned. The wife said she was paying me from 8 pm, even though I arrived before 7, because “they were late leaving.” She also made a point of magnanimously pointing out that the Hubby was giving me a ride home…for free.

****, it’s after midnight and I’m 15, did you expect me to WALK home? Whatever.

Then the storm hit. The next day, she shows up at our house, freaking out on my Mom, calling her a lousy parent, and me a thief. Why? Because I ate 2 ****** cookies. That’s right, she counted the Oreos and found 2 missing!! The argument was short, my Mom told her to *** off, and she roared away down the street.

Fast forward a month or two, and I am delivering the Saturday paper in the early afternoon, and Hubby asks if I am available to babysit that evening. Apparently, the sitter they had arranged backed out at the last minute. Against my better judgment, I accepted, I could use the cash.

The wife made a point of mentioning that she “didn’t want a repeat of the last time” and made me agree not to eat anything but what she had laid out for me.


I didn’t know at the time, but it’s clear the wife suffered from OCD. If I had known, I probably wouldn’t have done what I did, I have a little more knowledge about psychological conditions now. But at the time, all I knew was that this woman was a **** who had yelled at my Mom.

So as soon as they left, I got to work.

I removed every label from every can in the pantry. She had them all set up by categories, soups on one shelf, canned fruit on another, canned vegetables on a different shelf. I scattered them. I also shuffled the boxes around. I f*cked that pantry up anyway I could. I pulled the tray of Chips Ahoy cookies out and put them in the Oreos bag, then put the Oreos in the Chips Ahoy bag.

I pulled out the bag from the Rice Crispies box and swapped it with the Corn Flakes. You get the idea. Then I left a note on the floor that said, “Don’t ever call me again.”

They paid me when they got home, and I said I would walk home. I then took the money they gave me and left it in their mailbox on the way out.

The next morning I gave my parents a heads-up of what I had done, just in case psycho wife showed up again. They were disappointed but quite amused. She never showed up.

I continued the paper route for some time, but within a few days, I had received notice that they had canceled their delivery of the newspaper. Fine with me. Over the next few months, I would see them now and again, and would simply look at them and smile.

They would scramble back into the house avoiding me.

There were also some kids on my route that had some experience with this woman, and apparently, she had treated others badly as well. That was the reason that she couldn’t find a sitter, word had gotten around to avoid her. When I told one or two what I had done, they all thought it was brilliant, and wished they had thought of it.”

3 points - Liked by like, lare and krph

1. Drive A Tractor Around Inebriated And Ignore My Calls? Nuh Uh, Buddy!


“So I have this neighbor who’s name is Boo. Boo is quite a colorful character. His driver’s license was permanently suspended about 8 years ago because of the number of DUIs he has received so his only mode of transportation to work is a 1948 Farmall tractor. After work he will sometimes drive his tractor over to his girl’s house where he will stay until he gets good and plastered, then he will drive back home very intoxicated running over mailboxes and swerving all over the road

Anyway, I ended up purchasing two old pickup trucks off of his property (which was really stupid of me, but I was only paying $150 per truck it really didn’t matter if I got screwed… or so I thought) one was pretty easy to get to so I loaded it up on my trailer and figured that I could get the other one in a couple of days.

Boo started making excuses why I couldn’t come to get the other truck, one day he was working even though the store he worked at was closed, another day he was supposedly out of town even though I drove by his house an hour later and he and his dad were sitting on the porch. Stuff like that.

I got really p*ssed about it because this dragged out for a couple of months and just really wanted him to suffer for the annoyance he caused me, so I told a friend of mine who happens to be a county sheriff that he was driving a tractor on a public road without a license.

Boo ends up getting pulled over a few nights later and gets arrested for DUI and operating a motor vehicle without a license, he also had several warrants for his arrest so he’s going to be spending the next few years in the county jail. I don’t feel bad about this at all because almost everyone in my community hated Boo.

Side note: A few weeks after Boo got arrested, his house got raided by a bunch of people in black SUVs with government plates (I am assuming the DEA) and his dad was arrested for cooking and distributing hard d***s!

So I’m pretty sure Boo sold him out to get a lighter sentence.

Lastly, where I’m from, a tractor can be operated on a public road IF it is being used to conduct agricultural business (going to or returning from harvesting crops). Tractors are not allowed to be operated on a public road for personal use. Tractors are also not allowed to be operated on public roads if they do not have proper safety equipment such as hazard lights and slow-moving vehicle signs.

This varies by state and country, but these are the laws where I live.”

1 points - Liked by lare and krph

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Sandypants 4 years ago
I used to live in small town Vermont. This regular at the bar I worked at got several DWIs and lost his license. He proceeded to drive his tractor to the bar and drove home. ( not drunk but he wasnt even supposed to drink a drop and drive). He got another DWI. He then drove his lawnmower to the bar saying he was stopping by for 1 beer. I thought he walked to the bar as he live on the street across from the bar since he was doing that before he decided that the lawnmower wasnt a vehicle since he could drive it to fuel it up next door. Well he has more than one beer but we all think he is walking and he is not showing any signs of intoxication. The next day we find out they idiot was running for DWI on a lawnmower. Weeks go by and he stops in for some beer. We all know he walked this time because we saw him walking in the parking lot. So a few beers later and he leaves. The next day we heard he was arrested again for DWI on a bicycle. He apparently left his bike in the ditch and walked down our driveway to the parking lot. He thought someone was ratting on him which is why the cops caught him. No one ratted on him. The cameras from the PD we shared some grassy property with was focused in our parking lot. They knew his routine from the times on the video. Dont drive drunk dude.
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