People Share The Warranted Revenge They Got On Their Bully

54. Made My Bully Pick Up My Lunch Box From The Garbage
“Throughout elementary school, while living in beautiful suburban Canada I had a mortal enemy, Tibor. Yes. That’s his real name. No, this is not a long-winded Simpsons joke. He made coming to school perpetual ****. Constant teasing. Constant ‘competition’ where I was made to feel stupid and lesser.
I really thought I was dumb and there was something inherently wrong with me. There was probably some component to race to all of this as I was the only non-white kid (I’m white/Asian) but besides the point. His name was ****** Tibor. Like seriously? What made this all worse was I really didn’t understand what he was doing at the time. It really warped my idea of what “‘friendship’ was.
I just assumed for a long time people were mean and didn’t know any better.
During middle school, my mom was transferred out to California and I started school in South Central Los Angeles. I learned a lot. Fast. I learned to talk my way out of situations. But I also learned that physicality and violence can and are sometimes the only solution to a problem.
I also learned after intake testing that I was considered ‘gifted’ and moved into advanced classes. I was surprised to know that I was not dumb but actually quite intelligent. I also grew. I had a growth spurt and was no longer slightly shorter than Tibor, a fact he lorded over me previously. Lastly, my mom had the great idea to stick me in martial arts as an after school activity.
Eventually, we move back to my home city in Canada and I then begin high school. My old elementary school ‘friends’ are all mostly in attendance. This includes…Tibor. I approach everyone and re-introduce myself. I do my best to make new friends and reconnect with old friends. I really didn’t suspect anything although thinking back I do remember hearing the beginning of grumblings coming from people.
People didn’t like the fact I started going by my first name now instead of my middle name like I had done in elementary (My dad and I share the same name so this house tradition passed on to other aspects of life). What dumb things kids dwell on. Things began to slide downhill here although I was oblivious to it.
This culminated with an awful high school lunch experience during my first week.
I always thought it felt like it was out of a movie. I sat down with the new crew I had wanted to be a part of. Of course, Tibor was in attendance. As I unpacked my lunch bag and took my sandwich out of its Tupperware Tibor said, ‘We don’t want you to sit with us.’ I responded, ‘Haha, sure.’ But he stuck with it, ‘No. We don’t want you to sit with us.’ I looked around and no one would make eye contact with me.
I asked the table, ‘Does anyone else feel this way?’ No one would say anything nor look at me. Then I said, ‘I think it’s just you who has a problem with me man. I’m just going to sit here and eat my lunch.’ Then Tibor rose from his seat grabbed my lunch and threw it in the trash. I was more surprised than anything.
He really underestimated me here. I just spent 5 years in the hood. Dealing with gang members, knife threats, and well…real problems. I wouldn’t say I snapped on him but I just reverted to everything I’d learned. Someone has challenged me and disrespected me. I have to put him in his place and now. I got up and I told Tibor, ‘Get my lunch out of the trash.’ I wasn’t at all concerned with Tibor and these little **** at the table letting his ****lide.
I knew my mother would kill me if I didn’t get the Tupperware back and honestly, I didn’t want to reach in the lunchroom trash. Tibor of course protested. However, that settled down when I put his little neck in a little headlock. He couldn’t for the life of him get out. He squirmed around like a rodent under a foot. I walked him, still head locked, to the garbage and after more futile protesting he retrieved my lunch bag and my Tupperware.
I organized my things and then walked out of the lunchroom feeling a little lost. So I did the only thing I knew, I went around meeting everyone and shaking hands. I met teachers, staff, and students. I even met the friends that I would carry on with for life. There are many more stories that follow this but even now this moment in high school holds a lot of value in my life.
That little **** Tibor forced me out of my comfort zone and let me thrive. I didn’t want to be subjected anymore. I became popular. I played sports. I was in **** play for god’s sake. I went to parties. I signed up for an international baccalaureate and completed it. I got a full-ride scholarship to attend undergrad in the US. I recently finished medical school. If you’ve read this far the take-away here is, don’t let anyone put you down.
Standup for yourself. Don’t be afraid to leave an awful situation for something better. Lastly, don’t let anyone underestimate you.”
53. Stopped My Sibling From Yelling At Me Using My Tennis Racket
“Well, I spent the bulk of my childhood getting beat up or screamed at for the slightest wrong moves. My parent was a yeller. My sibling would yell and beat me. It started when I was really young. Pre-kindergarten.
Eventually, puberty hit, and I wasn’t so small anymore, but I was small in my mind. I just took whatever abuse was thrown at me.
One day, the stress of it all caused an explosion that made it all stop. Right in that one instant, I protected myself for well… I got yelled at again, but nobody has laid a finger on me since.
I was a competitive tennis player.
This was actually a big source of tension. I’d get yelled at for losing. I’d get yelled at for not winning right. I’d get yelled at for practicing too long. I’d get yelled at for not practicing enough. I honestly don’t remember the cause of this particular incident, but I was a freshman in high school returning from practice. My older sibling was lying to me about something.
Just screaming and I sat in the passenger seat and took it. I had this thing in my mind ‘I can’t take any more of this’ just eating away at me, but I sat there frozen gripping my tennis racket like it was some sort of security blanket. We parked. My sibling turned off the car and turned and was now pointing a finger in my face while screaming.
The hand pulled back. I was about to get hit.
What came next surprised the **** out of me. Full power forehand. I swung my racket as hard as I could – and believe me that was pretty d*mn hard. My sibling’s head got nailed. A dead center like hitting a volleyball. I didn’t pull back. ‘I don’t care if your arm is falling out of its socket, follow through with everything you have!’ had been drilled into me over and over and over.
There wasn’t enough room or space for what just happened, but that head went from the driver seat to the back seat and it didn’t want to.
‘What the **** did I just do?!?’ I was about to get the beating of my life. Every instinct in my body told me to run. Every muscle was suddenly frozen. I couldn’t even manage a word. I sat there bug-eyed waiting for the beating.
My sibling sat back staring forward. Didn’t even look at me. She started to, but then thought better and exited the car. I got out of the car too, realizing at that moment that not only did I just ‘win’, that I was big enough to never lose again. For the past several years, the beatings had only continued because I was afraid to fight back.
That line had finally been crossed. I slammed my door. ‘Don’t even think about hitting me ever again. I’ll tear your **c***g head off!’ My balls had dropped.
And that lady’s and gentlemen is how I got my revenge and ended a lifetime of abuse.
I suppose the real revenge is that I’m now functional (almost normal), whereas the people who tortured me during most of my childhood are decidedly not.”
52. Kids Stopped Bullying Me After I Fought Back
“Elementary school. This little d*uche used to punch me in the arm randomly. Waited until we were on the playground where I stepped on his fingers as he climbed to the top of the monkey bars. When we landed he made that sound you make where you’ve had the wind knocked out of you. He cried hard.
I got down and stared at him to make sure he knew that was on purpose. Never messed with me again.
Separate incident. Another little d*uche used to make fun of my race calling me all sorts of stupid names. That escalated to a shove in the hall at school on occasion. I beaned him in the face during dodgeball at recess. The ball made that metallic sound it makes when it hits something hard.
He cried hard and all the other kids knew what was up. He stopped. We were also in Little League together. I was a pitcher. I used to throw at his head to remind him who wore the pants in this relationship.
Ignoring bullies only encourages them. Some people only understand the stick.”
51. Bully Man Neighbor Pestered Our Family For More Than Ten Years
“Growing up, our next-door neighbor was a huge pain. Now that I’m older I can see how he might have had either a drinking problem or a drug problem (or both). He would yell at us for all sorts of reasons… For example, one day I was warming up my car before heading to school when I was a senior in high school, and because it was a cold morning the exhaust looked more cloudy and voluptuous than usual. It was a ’78 Honda and on its last leg, but it was MY first car and it had passed the smog test so I wasn’t giving it much thought… but Bully Man Neighbor was not having it and yelled at me that my car belongs in a dump, etc.
Also, another instance was when my dad was out of town on a work trip, Bully Man Neighbor decided it would be a good idea to let his pit bull in our backyard to ‘play’ with our dog. Our dog was a 5-pound chihuahua. My mom almost called the cops on him… instead she called my dad and he called AMN and settled it somehow.
I don’t really know how the conversation went. But it never happened again… until the next time my dad was out of town and Bully Man Neighbor decided he didn’t want our trash cans hanging out in OUR driveway, where they had been hanging out for over 10 years, and took it upon himself to move them into our backyard. My mom was home alone and heard a commotion and when she went out back and saw what was happening he got upset when she objected to what was basically trespassing and he shoved the trash can into her, pinning her against the wall.
Anywho… 10 years go by and he gets diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease does its slow work on him and the years continue to pass… and my dad starts going over to read the Bible to him and pray with him because no matter how you act my Dad is a firm believer that everyone deserves a chance to hear about God. The Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis gets worse, and Bully Man Neighbor starts calling my dad at all hours of the day, and no matter what time it was if my dad was home he’d go over to pray with Bully Man Neighbor.
Bully Man Neighbor ended up taking his own life a few years ago, and it really shook up my dad because they had gotten really close and Bully Man Neighbor had transformed into a completely different human due to my dad’s patience and kindness… So that’s the story of how my dad took revenge on the worst neighbor we’ve ever had.”
50. Grandmother Teaches Me What To Do When My Cousin Bullies Me Again
“My cousin is a few years older than me and she would constantly pick on me. I told my grandmother and she said, ‘the next time she touches you just deck her.’ I was so stoked that I could fight back and my grandmother would totally have my back. We were in my grandmother’s kitchen and her mom was standing there so I didn’t wanna do it in front of the mom.
Well little girl starts pulling my hair and my grandmother just makes a fist and a small hand movement so I decked her and she passed out. Her mom was annoyed and my grandmother totally had my back. I didn’t get in trouble and she never touched me again. It’s been 15 years and she still doesn’t want to be in the same room as me.
I love my grandmother.”
49. Showed My Elder Brother Some Of My Jiu-Jitsu Moves
“I snapped one day.
I remember it vividly; I was 15.
After years of bullying by my much taller elder brother – he was about a head taller than me – and not being able to do anything about it, one day he threw a pair of sneakers at the back of my head at point-blank range, which I’d had the audacity to leave in the living-room rather than somewhere else.
It was the last ****** straw.
I’d been taking on-and-off-again Jiu-Jitsu lessons in the preceding months, and ended up doing exactly what I’d been practicing on thin air to that point – clenched and leveled my fist, turned on the soles of my feet, swung the punch from the hip, pulled the other hand smartly down to my waist, and snapped my wrist round at the last instant.
The impact of the punch made a satisfying smacking sound, snapped my brother’s head round, the unaccustomed shock of it traveled up my arm and into my chest, and if there hadn’t been a music system behind him I’m sure he’d have fallen flat on his a*s.
I backed away, in a short-range fighting stance, convinced a fight was about to start and I was about to get my a*s kicked – after all, after years of him beating me for basically nothing, what would he do after punching him right in the face?
The answer is – he did nothing. He mumbled something inconclusive, shambled into the kitchen, and completely disengaged.
The amount of physical bull *** he gave me beyond that point fell to nearly zero. He would lash out once in a while, but now he would lock himself in the bathroom until it all blew over, or even run out of the house altogether – yes, a tall 17-year-old fleeing from a slightly-built 15-year-old.
Beyond that point he concentrated more on verbal abuse; that was fine with me at the time. I could live with negativity, although it took me years to get over that environment, I couldn’t live with someone storming into the room to kick me in the ribs, or waiting behind doors to crack me over the head with something.
I hear people say that violence doesn’t solve anything; bull ***, violence in self-defense is the only language some people understand.
I wish I’d had the strength to stoutly punch his face years before. It did both of us good.”
48. Dad Broke The Bully's Nose With A Lunch Tray
“My dad wasn’t really into the whole school thing in the late 70s/early 80s. He received zero credits and skipped more days than he attended. But when he did decide to show up because the truant officers were getting on his case, he pretty much just spent his day hanging out in the lunchroom.
Well, one day some jocks see him with long hair and ‘freak’ clothes and decide to give him a hard time.
They throw some stuff at him while he’s in line for food, call him some names. He doesn’t really care. But as he’s finding a seat, one of them trips him. He goes sprawling forward, a fully loaded tray exploding with food and beverage (a decent amount of which, I’m sure you can imagine, ended up all over him).
As the guy who did it is laughing hysterically with his buddies, my dad calmly gets up, brushes himself off, picks up the aluminum lunch tray, and smashes the guy across the face with it.
Based on the amount of b***d, he says he’s pretty sure he broke the guy’s nose.
Of course, once he got the sucker punch in he bolted for the exit and his car because he wasn’t THAT dumb and wasn’t about to catch a beating from the guy’s friends.
Dad said he didn’t go back to school for a month. But he loves telling that story ”
47. Got Back At My Annoying Neighbor In Some Passive-Aggressive Ways
“Some clown who lives a few houses down from me is completely insane. He has called the police on us several times because there were leaves on his lawn. He’d tell the police that the wind blew them there. He also tried to shoot me with bug spray when I was a toddler walking on the front lawn. He still threatens my mom with this oversized dog which looks like it was bred with a rhinoceros.
So I recently took some passive-aggressive action with a series of tactics. First, I made countless appointments from various Jehovah’s Witness institutions in the area. You can see them pulling into his driveway a few times a day. I also subscribed to his address to a few free sample websites. So now he gets shipped several boxes a week containing erectile dysfunction pills. He leaves his Wi-Fi network open (for some unexplainable reason), so I accessed the router and changed the maximum transfer speed to 1Kb/s.
The AT&T truck has pulled up to the curb 3 times just this week. You can see him angrily smashing the boxes and leaving them at the curb on garbage day, chasing the Jehovah’s Witnesses off his property, things of that nature.”
46. Bully Thought He Could Knock Me Out But He Was Wrong
“I was a freshman in high school, I was a chubby white kid, hung out the nerds. This one kid, Ernest (because I doubt he would ever see this) would pick on me every day in Math class.
Well, one day I was having a rough day, I had a stress ball that was playing with during Math class.
Ernest decides now would be a good time to step his bullying up a notch and came up smacked me in the back of the head, and stole the ball. I lost it, I stood up and called him out in the middle of class.
We squared off, staring each other down, Ernest told me to sit down or he’ll knock me out. Now I have been in many fights growing up, so hearing this caused me to smirk and I told him to go ahead and try because no one had done it to me yet.
He went quiet and when I thought he was going to back down and he swings and threw a cheap shot hitting me in the face. We tussled, he pinned me against a group of desks and started wailing on me. My arms were pinned so I couldn’t block, when he was done he stood up and said ‘Told ya I’ll knock you out.’ Right as he said this I opened my eyes stood up and said, ‘Now it’s my turn,’ and smiled. He freaked the h**l out yelled ‘**** this, and bolted out of the class.
I then fixed the desks, walked to my seat, looked at the teacher, and said please continue.
He never spoke to me again, or looked in general direction.”
45. Almost Broke A Glass Window With The Bully's Head
“I had a group that would constantly harass me verbally, but their ringleader took it upon himself to do it even at an expense to himself, he memorized my class schedule so he could yell obscenities at me in between every class even ones we didn’t attend together, called me a coward because he was a ‘Blackbelt’ and I wouldn’t fight him, etc. No big deal it annoyed me, but just talk and I had a personal policy of never starting fights.
Freshmen year this dude decides he wants to get physical finally and pushes me down some stairs. Before he has the door open to go inside I’ve climbed the stairs, grabbed him by the back of the head, and started slamming it into the window which was almost an inch thick with wire mesh through it, but I was determined to crack it with his face.
I failed at that because one of our teachers bless her heart tried to pull me off the dude, but only managed to let him bend over and cover his head, I grabbed him and pinned his arms to his head, and started punching him in the face.
Took one of the football players to pull me off of the dude, who also held me back while escorting us with a teacher towards the office.
I let myself relax, and the guy holding me back I guess was thinking I was calming down and relaxed his grip.
Soon as I felt his grip go I shot across the hall and pulled the dude from the teacher’s grip, and began slamming his head into a locker. I did succeed in denting it with his forehead which I took as consolation for not breaking the window with his face.
He was out of school for a while, I only got sent home for the day to cool off. (school was aware of his incessant harassment, but like many didn’t do **** about it. On top of the teacher witnessing the whole thing)
**c**r turned and went the opposite direction anytime he saw me after that.”
44. Finally Got Back At My Bully After Ten Long Years
“During 4th-grade gym class, we were assigned a partner. I got stuck with this ******… let’s call him ‘Chad’.
I was pretty passive back then and didn’t fight back when he’d punch me or in general be a jerk. His parents were jerks too and even though my own parents tried to intervene, the school really didn’t care.
Fast forward many years later to my first semester in Community College with ‘Dr. C’. There, sitting in the front row, is Chad, in my Chem 101 class.
He didn’t recognize me but I sure as **** knew who he was.
I set him up for copyright infringement while ‘editing’ his paper. Automatic F, academic probation, and a trip to the dean of natural sciences. He tried blaming it on me and a few others (it was a group peer edit) but the professor said that the ‘integrity of his final paper was his responsibility’
8 years later, I’m working for the same Chem professor. I was out eating lunch with him and a few others and I told him the story. Dr. C and I had a couple of beers and were reminiscing about work. His only response was ‘huh…well ***.'”
43. Crushed The Bully Until He Cries And Pees Blood
“He jumped me and a friend outside of school with a few more kids. He spent a good year tormenting me before I decided to fight back.
We won the fight. He then ambushed me alone in the locker room in the school and had his friends hold me down while he beat the **** out of me. I recovered, telling adults I got beaned in baseball. Everyone my age knew I got beat up by the bully.
He attacked again while I was with the same friend walking home a few days later.
At some point, he was sitting on top of my friend punching him repeatedly in the face. I kicked him as hard as I could in the ribs and just kept on kicking while he was down. It was pretty ugly. Looking back I worry that I could have actually killed him because I wasn’t stopping. Some old guy chased us away, but I definitely crushed the bully.
The dude was b****y as cheap raw hamburger. The rumor was he would cry and pee b***d when he went to the bathroom. Took him a few months to heal up properly, but he never turned us in. The story spread and my friend and I never got bullied again by anyone. This was the 90s so this sort of thing could happen in a small school.
He left for a new town a few years later, never saw him again. Still hate his guts and hope he stays where he went.”
42. Bossy Groupmate Didn't Know I Was Telling Her Annoying Acts To The Professor This Whole Time
“During my undergrad degree, I had a class with this girl named Sarah. Sarah was an…interesting…person. She’s a pretty decent engineer, her work was of good quality and everything, but she was an absolutely TERRIBLE teammate. We had a group of three, and she would NOT let either of us do any work on the project.
We had to code a standardized robot (every group had one) to do a task. If she found any code she was certain she had not written, she yelled at us, deleted it from the repository, then would write her own version. We’d occasionally get into arguments about this and she would be extremely insulting ‘You smell. You are fat. You are too nerdy to be smart.
Your voice is THE most annoying one on the planet.’ etc, etc.
Anyway, the end of the class comes around and it is time to present our robots’ capabilities to the professors and the rest of the class. Each and every other team not only had the robot finished but had a list of extra features and capabilities. Sarah, to her credit, DID finish the robot and it worked just fine…but no extra features.
Well, she gets angrier and angrier as the other teams list off their stuff. Once the presentation time ends and the professors leave, she turns to the other guy and me and just absolutely screams at us ‘YOU LAZY ******! If you had just DONE something, then we could have had extra features too!’
Now, up to this point I had just shrugged and lived with the insults, I’d long ago learned to not give a *** when people try and insult me…but for some reason, this one got to me.
So I yelled back at her, reminding her of whose fault it was that we had nothing extra. She went silent for a moment, getting red as a strawberry before screaming that she was going to go to the professors and report that I had done nothing, and for them to adjust my grade accordingly. Now, given the way the classes had been functioning in previous years, this was actually a pretty serious threat….except there is something Sarah didn’t know.
You see, given the problems teams had previously had with slackers, the Professors had created a ‘weekly reporting’ system, where each team member wrote what the team had accomplished, and what they thought the distribution of work was (by percent), and any other comments the Professors might need to know. VERY early on, I had gone to them to explain Sarah’s behavior and I was told to just report it in the weekly system and things would be taken care of.
Sarah and the other guy had just been putting the work down as 33.33% for each of the three of us, assuming that I was doing the same. In actuality, I was taking notes about what was going on, sending in copies of the code I had written (because I knew it would be deleted), and comments about Sarah’s behavior.
So when she threatened this, with that massive smirk on her face, I just leaned in with a smile on my face and calmly explained to her what I had done the whole class while I packed up my bag.
I’ve never actually heard someone scream in incoherent rage before, but that sound will be one that I treasure for a long time.
Bonus points, I was given several high fives from people that had been former teammates of hers before.”
41. Dumped A Bowl Of Ketchup On The Guy Who Threw Food At Me During Lunch
“When I was a freshman in high school an older kid used to pick on me verbally and had taken to throwing food at me at lunch; let’s call him Josh. I’m not sure what his problem was, but I was athletic and outweighed him by 60 pounds easily and could have clobbered him without much effort.
We had a mutual friend who I tried to get to tell this kid to back off, but it only emboldened him further. Not wanting to be some guy beating up a smaller (though taller) kid, I made a plan.
At lunch on the first day back from spring break, I went and got a bowl and filled it full of ketchup. A few minutes later when I got hit in the head by a carrot, I had my friends confirm that Josh had thrown it, and I went and dumped the bowl of ketchup on his head.
He raged out and stood up and hit me in the face – a glancing blow. He tried to throw a few more but I easily countered him while laughing nearly uncontrollably at the image of some skinny jerk covered in ketchup flailing about.
Eventually, he gave up and just stood there and had to deal with it until we got sent to the office.
Josh asked me what the **** was wrong with me, and I just laughed at him. We both got suspended for the remainder of the day, but he never said one word to me after that or threw anything. I ran into him 10 years later at a Subway and just laughed when I saw him and he got up and stormed out of the place.”
40. Girl Used To Beat Me Up In Primary School So I Pushed Her Into A 6ft Patch Of Stinging Nettles
“I used to get beat up constantly by a girl in primary school to the point where I would force myself to be sick so that I didn’t have to go in. My mother tried but the school/her parents didn’t give a toss. One day when I was about 7 or 8, she followed me home through the lanes, pulling my hair and hitting me and I had enough.
This girl had tortured me throughout my school life and made me miserable. And I just wanted her to leave me alone. So I pushed her into a 6ft patch of stinging nettles. She went down like a sack of **** and got tangled up and I walked home without even looking back or saying a word. I didn’t feel smug or proud, I didn’t feel anything.
I told my mother when I got home and she wasn’t impressed but didn’t give me a row because of how far I’d been pushed. 5 minutes later this girl’s entire family was outside my house screaming for me to come out so they could push me in, demanding I move schools or they’d have me expelled. Mom told them to go **** themselves and nothing else came of it as far as I know.
**t*h didn’t come near me again.”
39. Friend And I Found A Way To Annoy The Bully Who Assaults Our Classmates
“My best friend and I were born a month apart and our moms were two lawyers who were best friends. We grew up with each other and I think because of our moms we became very logical and debate-oriented kids, to the point where my parents said we were exhausting to have around.
So fast forward to about sixth grade in catholic school, and there was a bully, Devon, in our class who would grab girls’ br*asts and put his hands up to their skirts and try to get them alone and say suggestive **** that made them uncomfortable.
Being good Catholic administrators, the teachers and principal did nothing even after students complained.
Well, I and my friend thought that was the lamest **** ever and hated watching it happen but neither of us was physically domineering enough to stop him. But one day when he was assaulting our classmates when the teachers weren’t in the room we jointly snapped and decided it was time to put Devon’s mind in a pretzel.
There’s something uniquely glorious about two minds in sync against one unsuspecting dim individual in the battle of wits. We started pestering him with unsuspecting questions like if he was going to try out for basketball or what his favorite show was. The questions got increasingly more personal and he got increasingly more agitated until his focus was off the girls and he was telling us to shut up and stop asking things.
Then we hit him with the one-two knockout.
(Let me interject to say that I’m not homophobic but I was in sixth grade, so forgive my young self for using this joke, although it’s a CLASSIC I’m sure everyone knows. My older brother taught it to me and my class had yet to hear it)
Devon tells us he’s going to kick our a*ses if we keep asking one more question and I ask if he can have one more each.
He agrees and my friend asks him ‘Well Devon, is it true that you’re gay?’ Devon grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, fist clumped, and started threatening to punch him and denying that he was gay (catholic school made that a massive accusation). I quickly chimed in ‘But does your mom know you’re gay?’ He let go of my friend and came over to me, ready to swing, and yelled ‘NOOOOO’ at which point everyone in the class burst out laughing and began openly mocking him.
While this incident didn’t cure his predatory urges, it gave everyone in our grade (specifically every girl) a perfect response when he started being handsy. ‘but Devon, your mom told me you were gay!’ would make him freeze up and become extremely awkward and self-conscious.
Good times.”
38. Dad Commends Me For Finally Finding A Good Use For Our Wrench
“Grew up just outside NYC in the 70s. Junior and high school were in a connected building so when I started Jr high, I got mixed in with the older kids on the walk to school, and I was a pretty tiny kid.
A pair of boys that had just advanced to high school started bullying me on the walk. I started riding my bike to avoid them. One day on the way home as I was riding past them, they pushed me over and into traffic. I almost got hit by a car but mostly only bruised. A few days later they tried again but couldn’t get me into the street, but after I fell off the bike one of them threw it directly in the path of a car who managed to swerve and miss it.
They ran off and I explained to the driver what happened. My mom tried to intervene with the school but off school property, there wasn’t much they could do.
That weekend I started scouring the basement and found this cool old (big) pipe wrench. It was fall and I started wearing this sweatshirt where the front pockets were connected and I could (sorta) hide the wrench in there, figuring the next time they gave me trouble I’d pull it out and they’d runoff.
Sure enough, a few days later they push me off the bike, I go down, the wrench comes flying out. I jump up, grab the wrench, and take a swing at one of them. He turns to run and being scared and angry I don’t let him go, I swing again and nail him in the head. He goes down – more swings – just blind rage at this point.
I’m 12 and maybe 95 lbs, 90 of which was adrenaline at that moment. I remember the other kid (there was probably some yelling, but I don’t remember any sound in all of this) and stand up to look for him, and he had backed up it seems but he’s now charging at me and were the first kid wasn’t very tall, but was slow and overweight, this guy is tall and is going to kick my a*s bad.
I start to back up to turn and run and trip over the first kid who it turns out is unconscious on the sidewalk. The tall kid falls on me, I try and squirm away, and manage to, get on my feet and start swinging at the tall kid with the wrench. By this time some stranger pulls me off of him and takes the wrench from me.
He turns to help the boys, I grab my bike and start running home. On the way home I realize my leg really hurts and look down and see it bleeding a lot. I get home, call my mom at work, babble something at her. She comes home (just a few blocks away, thankfully), sees my leg, and packs me up to the hospital.
In the ER waiting room, a police officer comes up to us and starts asking some questions, I can see the stranger who pulled me off there watching.
Were you in a fight? Yes. What happened? I tell him. I’m still really rattled and barely coherent, crying through most of it. He says the two boys are also there getting treated. Ones in bad shape, the other will be okay – broken arm, some stitches. The tall one had admitted that he stabbed me in the leg, at which point I freak the **** out.
I got stabbed?! I had no idea how my leg got hurt – apparently happened when he fell on me. I never saw a knife. My mom is now starting to freak out as well. Somehow getting stabbed is worse than getting an identical injury in an accident. I told her I hit the boys, but never mentioned the pipe wrench. The overweight kid had a fractured skull and a number of broken bones.
He healed up okay, but it took a few days to know that there was no permanent damage.
There were no consequences from this. The existence of the knife mostly got me off the hook, but the stranger had seen them push me into the street the week before and told the officer about that. I got lucky there as well. Probably also lucky he took that wrench from me – I don’t know when I would have stopped swinging.
Thankfully there was no long term harm.
I stayed home for a week. There was a meeting with my mom and the boys’ parents at the police station and at the school. I wasn’t there, but I got the sense that two 15-year-olds beating up a 12-year-old would have legal consequences the next time – perhaps even for the parents. No problems when I went back to school.
My friends thought it was cool, but it was just scary to me, and I felt bad because I didn’t really want to hurt them, just to get them to stop bullying me. We moved a year later. Now and then I’d see them, but they never even acknowledged me, which was just fine by me.
My dad, who lived a few time zones away, got updates from my mom.
When I talked to him, he said he was proud of me for standing up for myself. He too was small and picked on and I think he carried a little bit of that into adulthood. He thought the pipe wrench was a good choice and was happy that I finally found a good use for it. It was handed down to him from his dad.”
37. Teacher Got Put On Probation After Bullying Me For A Long Time
“I was bullied by a math teacher. She told my parent that she sent home a cinch notice (failing class) and that I must have stolen it out of the mail.
Mom knew me to be having trouble with this teacher already, her not meeting me for tutoring, so mom asked me about it. She then called the vice-principal of the school, asked about my file then shared the teacher’s phone call and the additional lies that I did not meet her at lunch nor do my homework. Mom knew I was getting help from the math teacher across the street and the neighbor boy a year ahead.
The teacher got put on probation as I was not the only student over the years that needed help but was literally made fun of in front of other students for not getting it. I stayed the course with another teacher and then took again and passed in summer school.”
Another User Comments:
“Jesus Christ. How **c***g pathetic was this teacher to stoop to that level?
Good on you and your mom for getting that miserable **** in some trouble.” GotAhGurs
36. Got Rid Of My Bullies By Winning A Sprinting Bet Twice
“In elementary school, Loren would bully me and try to beat me up because I would do better than him on tests.
He failed them, everyone did better than him, but I guess **** me in particular. I was small for my age, and extremely thin, but nonetheless a speedy Gonzales. At recess, he’d try to catch me, but I could get away easy. He would always blame me for getting away from having a head start, but I knew better. I was faster.
One day I was tired of looking around for him, so I made him a proposition.
If he could beat me in a race to the fence and back to the blacktop (150 meters each way) I’d let him beat me up (I was lying) if not, he’d quit trying to catch me at recess. Loren unexpectedly told others in my class about my deal. Everyone wanted to see someone get their a*s kicked, so half of my class lined up on the blacktop just to see the race.
This is where I was like oh **** I really better win.
We start the race, and I’m clearly ahead of him. I reach the fence and turn around, but Loren realizing he’ll never catch me, he turns around early. So I’m screaming in my head, but I’m also charging up the hill relatively fast and Loren starts to realize that even with his cut he can’t beat me back to the blacktop.
He turns sideways and tries to cut me off/grab me as I pass. I managed to avoid him and reach the blacktop. As I’m passing I hear all of my classmates start talking **** on Loren ‘he couldn’t even beat Jaredito with a shortcut’, I didn’t stop once I reached the blacktop, and just kept running, leaving an embarrassed Loren with the rest of my snickering classmates behind.
1-2 years later, another bully transferred from another school to ours, and on his 3rd day came to find me. He said, ‘I hear you’re the fastest kid in the school. If I catch you I’m going to beat you up’. I laughed, thinking it was a joke. He then started walking towards me. As he got closer I got more nervous and started pacing away.
He picked up the pace and so did I. He started jogging and I just broke out into a full-on sprint. For the next 10 minutes, I was being chased by this random kid I met with the threat of violence against me. Every time I would look back he was 5-10 meters behind me. For ten minutes.
Every few minutes I would feel exhausted and turn my head to see this guy still on my tail.
That would rev me up enough to keep me going for the next few minutes. Somehow I had a well deep enough to just keep on going, and finally after the 5th or 6th time of looking back he was gone. I didn’t slow down because my logic had been geared towards Loren. He absolutely had to be waiting to surprise me, and if I slowed down he might be able to catch me off guard.
I continued to run around the playground until I spotted him on the blacktop. He was trying to flag me down. I remember distinctly bouncing around and keeping him 25 feet away from me while we spoke.
Turns out he had never been outrun before by anyone and I was his first (aww). He said after that he wanted to be friends. I literally couldn’t understand, but eventually, we became friends.”
35. Guy Tries To Harass Me Again During Prom So I Smacked Him Into Concrete
“When I was in eighth grade, my bullies were a group of friends who would send people over to my table at lunch and say ‘Yeah, Trenton wants to hook up with you.’ and *** like that (Trenton was the only guy in their friend group). I don’t give a *** how old you are, you don’t say that kind of *** to a girl to make fun or even at all.
It’s terrifying. I never trusted anybody at that school after that the entire way through high school, and looking back on that stuff makes me even more scared because I was actually s*xually assaulted later in life every night for 2 years.
Anyway, at the eighth-grade dance, I had a panic attack. I had never been to a dance before (hadn’t even been out with friends before), so the lights, the loud music, and the people were overwhelming.
I stepped outside with my date, and lo and behold, here comes Trenton, hanging off one of his guy friends acting drunk. And he walks up to me and goes ‘Hey, Hey Corona-‘
SLAMMED that ****** **** into the wall by his shoulder and screamed ‘DON’T ****** TOUCH ME!’ at the top of my lungs. Trenton slumps down holding his shoulder going ‘what the ***???’, and the principal swoops in and separates me from the situation, guiding me over to a doorway and separate room asking what was going on.
My date stood there awkwardly as I bawled my eyes out and said sorry and begged the principal not to tell my mom. I had already gotten in enough trouble in middle school, she was used to seeing me regularly. I think she knew what was going on though, because she let me off the hook and it was after we had all graduated anyway, so who cares?”
34. Shot My Bully With Blowgun When He Came To Our House To Taunt Me
“**c**r used to show up at my house and dare me to come outside, or would otherwise try to catch me alone away from home. So after almost a year of hiding at home, what he didn’t realize was my dad had given me a blowgun to shoot at a target in the back yard, and I’d gotten quite good with it. Fast forward to the day I’m sitting on my back steps with the said blowgun and this a*swipe shows up.
He’s standing about 30 feet away leaning against his hand on a telephone pole. He stood there and taunted me a bit, and I calmly put a dart in the gun and shot it into the telephone pole right between his index finger and thumb. He turned to look at that, then looked back to see me loading another dart. I can remember thinking that the next one was going in his left eye.
He turned around and left, and never said another word to me. **** him.”
33. Neighbor Kid Won't Stop Tickling Me So I Day I Threw A Rock At Hiss Forehead
“So in my neighborhood when I was a kid (roughly 6 or 7), I was friends with this girl my age and her older brother. I think her brother may have been like 10 or 11 at the time. Anyhow, he would randomly tackle me to the ground and ‘tickle’ me, except it hurt to hit the ground and his tickling was more so digging into my sides.
He did this CONSTANTLY, no matter how often I told him to stop. One day, I had had enough… I picked up a rock on my way to my friend’s house, and as the guy was charging from behind a trashcan, I threw the rock at him and somehow managed to hit him directly in the forehead. Ended up leaving a huge bump and he was bleeding.
He never tackled me again. His dad, however, was a cop and threatened to put me in juvie even though I was defending myself. Lol, nothing ever came about it though.”
32. Short Kid Won't Stop Bullying Our Schoolmates So One Day He Was Chased By A Mob Of Students
“Wasn’t really my personal revenge, but my entire year kicked the *** out of one kid. Michael ****** Jones.
He bullied us all from about year 5 – year 8. So from about age 10 to age 13. He’d taunt us in the classrooms, bully my friend to the point of crying in lessons over his glasses, and then beat up random kids on the playground, everyone else too terrified to stop him.
I remember just standing there 2 ft away watching him punch my best mate relentlessly on the concrete, and I didn’t do ***. The worst part is my mate was never angry at me for it, he completely understood I was too scared to act.
His older brother was 2 years above us, and he kicked the teeth out of the only kid who ever stood up to Michael.
I think he’s actually in prison now for grievous bodily harm.
We came back after the summer holiday into year 9 at age 14 and immediately notice everyone’s hit puberty, grown about a foot and a half. Except for Michael, who was a good deal shorter and tubbier than anyone else in the year
Except he apparently didn’t notice this because, on day 1 of being back, he starts up bullying again.
S*cker punches a kid in the gut in the hallway starts saying awful things to the shy/nervous kids in classes, etc.
Lunch break rolls around and I’m stood outside the sports hall, suddenly hear a ****** stampede. I have no idea what he did to cause it, but Michael Jones comes flying around the corner at a dead sprint, being chased by every boy in the school year, probably about 50-60 kids.
I still remember the wide-eyed look of sheer terror ****
The fastest sprinter catches up and takes him down like a lion bringing down a gazelle, and the rest mob him on the ground. I don’t think they actually hurt him too badly, and as far as I’m aware there was no punishment.”
31. Stole A Girl From The Guy Who Used To Pick On Me In Primary School
“In primary school, this guy who at the time was twice my size and weight used to pick on me a lot, kick my *** in, make my life s*ck.
Fast forward to university age and I’m at a club in Brixton, and there he is, talking to a girl who’s visibly not interested in what he’s selling. I come over and stand on the other side of the girl, and crack a joke, make her laugh, I buy her a drink, all the while he’s standing there staring. She goes to the toilet and he comes over and starts giving me ***.
‘What the *** are you doing bro you can clearly see I’m talking to her.’ I look down at him, realized he peaked in year 6, and ask if he remembers me. I tell him my name and he starts losing his ***, speechless but red in the face, the girl comes back over and asks if I wanted to go smoke outside, so I turn back to the guy, clink my glass against the one that he’s gripping with white knuckles in front of him, smiled and said ‘cheers fella,’ and walked off with the girl.”
30. Mean Girl Tells A Twisted Story To The Principal After I Shame Her In The Cafeteria
“Back in fifth grade, there was this girl, Kelsey. She was always picking on me with her two other friends (literally out of a scene from a movie). It was just constant, and she always sought me out in order to torment me. I was a new student, and I think this played a part in why she chose to bully me.
One day at lunch, I was just casually eating with my friends when, of course, she chooses to sit directly across from me with her two other friends.
She then proceeds to mock everything I do. Tip-over my juice and just do every little thing to get on my nerves. A little back story, Kelsey’s only friends are the two that follow her around. Everyone else avoids her because she’s so mean to anyone that tries to be friendly. So as she’s picking on me, something inside me snaps. I stood up from the table and told her to knock it off.
She laughed and asked, ‘what are you going to do about it!?’ And I went on this rant about how no one likes her because she’s so mean and how she’s going to be alone forever because she’s just so mean to everyone all the time! The people within earshot were staring at that point, which I noticed, and quickly sat down. I remember my heart racing faster than I’ve ever felt it race at the time.
I went back to eating and avoided eye contact.
I remember tearing up. Not from the anxiety of it all, but because I felt bad. I felt so bad for the words that had come out of my mouth. I kept thinking, you’re just like her.
The next thing I know, Kelsey is crying. She runs up to the principal (who, at our school, always stands in during lunch at the front of the cafeteria).
I have no idea what she said to her, but she proceeds to walk over to me and ask me to follow her to the office. At this point, I’m in panic mode. I don’t know what to do or say. The principal sits me down and explains that Kelsey told her that I’ve been bullying her for weeks and that I just screamed at her in front of everyone!
I tried to explain that no, SHE is the bully, and I was just trying to stand up for myself… But I’m sorry for what I said and I shouldn’t have said it. The principal asks, if that’s true, why didn’t you say something? Kelsey seemed very upset by your words. She’s a sweet girl, and I don’t see her doing these things you said she was.
(Remind you, I am in a new school. I’m the new kid. So this principal doesn’t quite ‘have a feel’ for the type of person I am. It’s a small school where she knows everyone and their parents. I’m the outsider). So I said nothing. I apologized. She sent me back to the lunchroom, but she told me I had to sit at a different table.
Instead, I went into the bathroom and cried for the rest of the period… My friend realized I was in there and held me and told me I ‘did the right thing,’ but d**n it doesn’t feel like I did. Still.
From that day one, every time the principal saw me in the hallway, she glared at me. And the worst part was, Kelsey’s bullying got worse, and I think it’s because she knew she had won… I never spoke up for myself again.
And I blame this incident for it.
In sixth grade I also learned that her parents were very close with the principal, so I’m wondering if that played a role too. Who knows. Its still upsetting when I think about it.”
29. I Sold My Bully's Fortune After He Dies
“Now let me preface this by saying it wasn’t my fault. This bully was your typical filthy rich dude who had NO friends, but lots of people hung out with him to get his scraps.
I was one of those people.
He wanted people to play WOW with, so he not only paid for 4 of his friends (myself included) game discs and 2 years’ worth of game cards, HE BOUGHT US ALIENWARE LAPTOPS!!!!! So that’s about 10 grand for the 4 of us. just to play video games with.
He wanted to live away from mommy and daddy, but he didn’t want to live alone.
So his parents invited me to live with him in a 2 bedroom 2 bathrooms apt that we had for 10 months while going to college. Fully paid for. And he went shopping WEEKLY for really good quality food. Shame that he ended up eating 2 of his 3 meals out. I got really good at cooking Persian and Indian/Pakistani food. Shame he never ate any of it. All he ate when he ate at home was tv dinners.
He ended up drunk driving his Lexus IS300 onto a curb, and instantly his parents bailed him out of that too… Paid his bail and paid a lawyer an INCREDIBLE amount of money to prevent him from getting a DUI. AND THEN THEY BOUGHT HIM A BRAND NEW LS460 because they didn’t want their baby to be driving an unsafe Lexus…
Well, it turns out that my being a remora was about to pay off BIGTIME.
Instead of actually having a job, this guy was dealing hard d***s. Or CLAIMED to be dealing with hard d***s. He had a freezer bag in his bedroom, as well as about 20 grand in 20 dollar bills. Well, he ended up angering someone in San Diego and they kidnapped him and took him across the border, and mailed his body parts back to his family for a ransom.
They ended up paying them off, but then they basically left the country overnight.
All this happened when I was still living in the apt, so when I didn’t hear from him for 2 weeks, I had just assumed that he was off galavanting in another country. When I contacted his sister, she told me what was going on (apparently they cut his head off and sent a photo to his folks) and how they had gone back to UAE or wherever.
So I figured they weren’t coming back ever, so I sold off all the guy’s stuff, grabbed the bag of c*ke, flushed that **** down the toilet, grabbed the money, and put it in my safe deposit box (safely deposited it 500 dollars a week into my savings account) and then packed my **** and left.
But what I didn’t mention was that this guy belittled me EVERY step of the way.
Verbal abuse, he threw **** at me. He found out I was Jewish and went COMPLETELY BONKERS (this was near the end).
Turned out ok for me in the end. joined the military shortly thereafter. Full of a whole bunch of DIFFERENT types of bullies. I told them that story.”
28. Taught My Bully Where His Place Is In The School Bus
“I have two, both in Jr High. The first is pretty simple, at the start of the year bully was messing with me.
I just picked him up and tossed him across the hall. Everyone laughed at him and he never bothered me again.
The second was more satisfying. The year before sat on the bus in front of this idiot that would *** with me by smacking the back of my head or pulling my hair. All with his punk crony laughing it up. The next year, I was late for the first day on the bus and the last seat was in front of this guy.
*** that noise. I asked the other guy in the seat to get up for a sec, he balked at first, but I told him we’d be one row back and he agreed. Next, I moved to the bully and told him he could move up the easy way or the hard way. He just laughed and started to say, ‘What are you going…’ He didn’t get to finish.
I grabbed him, shook him around a bit, then dragged him over the seat back in front of him then under the next bus seat. I then looked at his little crony and told him ‘the easy way or hard way, makes no difference to me.’ He booked it to the new seat like the devil was hot on his trail. My seatmate and I sat down at our new location and the bully finally got himself untangled and tried to come at me.
I grabbed him by the hair (he had shoulder-length hair), pulled him in, then explained to him he was going to turn around, sit down, and not say a ****** word or I was going to kick his a*s every. ******. day. when we got off the bus at the end of the day. He looked me in the eye, then turned around, sat down, and didn’t say a word.
The bus cheered me.”
27. Tricked My Kindergarten Bully Into Playing Lego So I Could Have My Revenge
“Back in kindergarten, some little b*stard had something against me (I don’t remember why) and was always picking on me, ganging up on me with his friends and belittling me as much as a little kindergartener could. Well, one day the kid decides to bring in some treats for the class, enough to have one serving for each person, but he eats two and says ‘oops, I don’t have anymore.
Sorry!’ With a ****** smirk on that little **** face. Mind you, I was one of the more athletic kids back then, but I didn’t do anything at that moment.
Let me preface my revenge by saying this: I was a sadistic kid, so that day when I got back from school, I planned what I would do to him. I eventually figured that I’d have to get him alone so I wouldn’t get caught, and the only time I could do that was during playtime.
That day, everything was normal, and when playtime came I extended an invitation to play Legos with that kid, but little did he know what I had in store for him. So we moved to the room where they keep all the Legos, and it was empty, so I grab the kid by the collar, slam him into the wall and punch him as hard as my toddler self could.
He gags, and pukes into his cupped hands, and runs to the bathroom. I never got caught and he stopped bothering me. My parents never knew a thing and neither did the teachers.”
26. Group Of Bullies Throw Things At Me During Summer Class So I Had Their Leader Kicked Out
“Back between my sophomore and junior years of high school, I had to take a summer class because I’d failed my math class. I’m a pretty short guy so I was an easy target.
There was a group of kids (we’ll call them Bob, Jim, and Steve) who would be constantly berating me because of my height, throwing things at me, and shoving me out of my chair while the teachers weren’t looking.
Well, about halfway through the summer course, we were in a rocketry class (because my high school was awesome and let us take it so we weren’t stuck retaking a failed class all day long during summer) and they were throwing stuff at my head.
It started out small; pieces of candy, spitwads, balled up pieces of paper, etc. I just didn’t really care because I was really into rocketry at the time.
As the class went on, it got worse. A folder was thrown at me, sharpened pencils were thrown like spears, and then the one that tipped the scale was a binder so full of papers that it was bursting at the seams. Mind you, the teacher saw none of this.
I made sure the teacher was turned around at this point and decided to throw the binder back at the ringleader of the three stooges, Bob. Well, he didn’t take it very kindly and decided he would get up with the binder and slam it right against the side of my head which knocked my glasses off and broke them, all while giving me a pretty nasty cut.
Here’s where the fun comes in. When he got up, he made his desk move which caught the teacher’s attention so he saw me get hit in the side of the head. The principal was called and we were both taken to the office.
I was taken in to be asked what happened first, and thankfully I was always the good, quiet kid and told them that I was just trying to hand him his binder back when he suddenly got up and hit me with it.
They knew about Bob’s bullying to others and took my word for it against his.
The next day I was told by the principal that he was no longer a part of the summer class and because of that, he was held back a year.
So, not exactly revenge, but it still felt great.”
25. Success Is Always The Sweetest Revenge
“The dude was a real classic piece of ***. Upper-middle-class SES, spoiled brat, got away with everything. He was also dumb as a brick and ended up in the alternative high school as a last-ditch effort for him to graduate and take his football scholarship to a D2 college.
His favorite thing was randomly just punching me. He’d drive by punching me in the hallway, smack me in the side of the head in the locker room, hit my arm while I was trying to eat at lunch… It was pretty miserable, and the school refused to do anything about it.
So, what I did was say *** it. I graduated high school, also got a football scholarship, became an engineer, doubled my income in the first 7 years of my career, got my master’s degree while working full time, and am getting married to the love of my life.
This guy lost his football scholarship, flunked out of college, and lived in his parent’s basement until he was in his mid-20s, at which point I think he got some ratty a*s 1 bedroom apartment above a hardware store, and never leaves the town he grew up in.
Success is the sweetest revenge. The cherry on top is I know he occasionally hits up my Facebook page, which is just plastered with all of my accomplishments.”
24. Threatened My Bully After He Tries To Mess With My Friends
“Long story short. I had a bully in college who blamed me for a lot of bad things that happened in his life. Mostly him losing the chance to date a girl he liked who was my classmate. There were additional factors to his hatred of me but he decided to make my life miserable. Stalked, taunted me, texted me mean and vile things, threats.
It did not help I was fighting depression, social anxiety, no friends, and low self-esteem. Actually believed I deserved the misery.
At some point I went into counseling provided by the school and would meet my now lifelong friends, they were the counselor’s assistants-students like me and would meet every week at the counseling office to hang. I became happy and actually had to fake being sad and depressing just so to throw off my bully.
Bully did find out later I was being happy and coping well, tried to up the ante of his harassment but what broke the camel’s straw was when he called me during school break threatening to hurt my new friends. Just because it would hurt more if he did it to the ones I love. He also threatened to sl*t-shame me to them and see if my new friends will still love me now.
I snapped. I think my neighbors heard me from a mile away when I counter threatened my bully telling him I don’t mind dying or going to jail to literally kill him if he ever as much comes within a foot of my friends. I literally had a blackout rage and said a lot more that I no longer remember.
After school break, I gave the bully murderous glares when I see him.
He backed down on his threats (maybe realized I could go to the dean and get him expelled – one of my counter threats).
Interesting tidbit: This bully due to his constant stalking and harassment, saved my life. I have vision problems and have a massive blind spot area. So big a car can go completely undetected in my line of vision.
He was following me when he realized I couldn’t see a pickup/van barreling towards a crosswalk I was crossing.
Bully yanked me out so hard we fell backward onto the sidewalk as the car sped by. I was in shock for a min to realize what just happened, while the bully made comments on how stupid or blind I was (he didnt know about my vision prob) before giving me a disgusted look of actually having to save my life.”
23. Showed My Bullies How Good I Am In Karate
I moved around a lot. 23 schools growing up. I was the perpetual new kid, so I caught a lot of **** from people that knew no better.
I ignored them because I’m not a bully.
I moved to a small racist town when I was 14 and things were mostly the same, only now I had groups of white boys that would try to jump me. I ignored them at first because I was taught to avoid all physical fights if possible.
There was one white boy that wanted to be black so bad, he was even on Jenny Jones saying he had a black soul.
Well, finally he and his friends took my docility for weakness and actually put his hands on me.
I had studied Okinawan Kempo Karate for half my life. I was jumped for the first time when I was 5, so I was no stranger to real-world fights.
I didn’t hurt him badly, I simply kneed his face five or six times when a coach pulled me off of him.
Next one of his friends tried to hit me on my way home. I simply punched him in the mouth, busting his lip and knocking him unconscious.
He told everyone I hit him with a rock, so I had to fight literally everyone. Finally after beating the **** out of their football captain people got the hint. By this time I was expelled, however, and had to move.
I still will not tolerate bullying from anyone, on anyone, in my presence.”
22. Left The Bully Bleeding On Football Field
“I was quiet, smart and a bit overweight but without social skills, he was not so smart but he was a football player and everyone liked him. He bullied me for like 3 years with everyone’s help. I would still hang out with everyone cuz some guys were friendly with me even tho they liked him more.
Once we were out, playing football and I got the ball. The bully attacked me, not took the ball but he just attacked me. I somehow got him on the floor and just released my anger stacked up over the years and he ended up getting covered in b***d. Everyone left, so did I, and left him there. Though I will get friends after that people just ignored me.
This happened in a small village, now I’m studying in a city and I have different friends, the bully is now playing in a really good team and we just don’t talk.”
21. Slapped The Boy Who Pretended To Be Friend With The Truth
“There was one guy in my class, who was a pr*ck to me whenever his ‘friends’ were around, and nice again when it was just me. He made my life a misery to make himself look cool. I was a loner, not really affiliated with any group, and disability didn’t really help my popularity, making me an ideal target. He didn’t really fool anyone and wasn’t quite as popular as he thought.
I remember him singing ‘Basket Case’ by Green Day a lot. Well, the only two lines he knew of it anyway.
When we were about 14, we went on a school trip to see a performance of Frankenstein at a theatre. On the school bus, he was sat next to me, being a **** again. Then finally, after the feelings had been bubbling under for years, I basically gave him the treatment that Lisa Simpson gave Ralph Wiggum and told him not only did I not like him, but no one liked him.
He was made fun of just as much, if not even more so than I was. I knew instantly that I shouldn’t have said it, not because of him, but the fact that I’d name-dropped the people who had been nasty about him behind his back. He was deadly silent for the whole rest of the night. It felt good for a moment though. 13 years on, I still remember the song that was playing on the car radio.
‘S*xed Up’ by Robbie Williams.
His sister, also on the trip, set me aside at the theatre and insisted that I gave him an apology. While back on the bus, I apologized reluctantly and he refused to say a word. From then on, his attitude was still visibly temperamental around various people, but he didn’t aim for me as much as before.”
20. Caught My Bully Breaking My Pencils So I Attempted To Break His Too
“In 7th grade, I was one of the biggest kids in class.
I was also fat, quiet, and nerdy. Well, one kid kept picking on me throughout the year. After seeing me crying at home a few times my mom told me it was ok to defend myself. So, not too long after that, we were in class. This guy is taking my pencils and breaking them so I can’t do my work. After he breaks the last one I grab ahold of his arm, take the pencil out of his hand, and hold it like I’m going to break it.
He then says ‘if you break that I’ll kill you,’ or something. The pencil starts to creak and he throws a punch at me. I stand up and he misses, he then lunges at me. Now at this point, I should mention he is much smaller than me. So, I grab him by the throat, lift him off the ground and slam him onto the table.
I stopped choking him when he stopped moving. Never messed with me again.”
19. I Wrist Locked My Bully In The Locker Room And Got The Hottest Girl In School Carry My Books
“I had a bully named Paul (his real name). I had just moved (again) and I was used to being the new person in school. He had a reputation of supposedly beating up one of the other new kids in school the previous year named Tyler (I’m sorry Tyler but you are still awesome).
He relentlessly bullied me in 7th grade because I was new and I was a bit behind in the learning because my previous school (and moving) caused me to be behind in their studies.
So after days of constantly picking on me with the standard name-calling of ‘nerd’ ‘book worm’ (what the *** paul) ‘geek’ ‘gay’ etc. He also liked to close my locker on me (as his locker was like three away from mine) so it’d be slammed closed in my face.
I suspect he was trying to catch my hand in it reaching for something because he seemed to like that little ***.
One day after lunch I was walking back to my locker and he tripped me as I came up to some stairs. I fell down them and wasn’t really hurt (it was like 8 steps) other than feeling embarrassed about tripping in front of people.
Getting back to my locker I stuck my foot in the corner to help prevent the incoming locker slam. Like clockwork, I’m reaching into my locker and he tries to slam it close but instead of it closing on me it hit my foot in the corner and bounced back.
Paul was surprised so I grabbed his arm and put it in a wrist lock behind him trying as hard as I could to hold it back there (I wasn’t very strong but a wrist lock is a wrist lock.
) He starts to cry because I really don’t know what I’m doing but I saw it in a movie once and I didn’t know how bad it would actually hurt. That day – I got to have the hottest girl in the school offer to carry my books for me to/from classes. Felt pretty good and Paul didn’t really bother anyone else especially after the story that went around was that he got beat up by the little ginger kid.”
18. Caused Serious Physical Damage On The Bully During Class
“I’m not proud of it. I put him on a respirator for a day and got a week out of school suspension. I know the only reason I didn’t end up over at Horizons with all the knife-pullers and pyros is that the other kid the bully was tormenting was the son of the gym teacher, and they were vaguely grateful for what I’d done.
But his slapping the back of my head, or throwing erasers, or tripping me in the halls, absolutely did not justify me doing that. The only defense I can offer is that I’d never been in a real fight before, and I hadn’t had a chance to learn the unspoken rules of a fight. The ones like ‘when the other guy goes limp or stops defending himself, you stop hitting him’ and so on.
Final count, I had a few stitches above my eye from the initial headbutt, a scar across my left knuckles, and somehow tore my shirt (that might have been him). He spent 3 days in the hospital and two weeks away from school, including the day on the ventilator. I didn’t exactly get a medical report on him, but I know I broke his right orbital socket, a few teeth, and the fingers of his right hand, and I’m guessing multiple broken ribs and of course the lacerations.
I had to read him an apology (pre-written by the vice principal) in front of the rest of that class and see the school psychologist from that year (7th) until I was a freshman. Dad paid some trivial amount of medical bills, but fortunately, the rest was covered both by insurance and by the school (another reason I wasn’t more severely disciplined; the teacher really wasn’t supposed to leave us all alone in class like that, or it wouldn’t have gone on nearly so long).
And I’ve done my absolute best not to fight again. It’s not worth seeing someone that afraid of you, and feeling that terrible as a person.”
17. Got My Revenge While Playing Kickball
“In elementary school, we were all playing kickball for recess. I was playing the position of second base and the kid who relentlessly bullied me was up to kick. He kicked the ball, tagged first, and was advancing to second. I saw my opportunity in the chaos of elementary school kickball and seized it. I stuck my foot out while the **c**r was running full speed to second and tripped him.
He landed hard on the asphalt and immediately started screaming at the top of his lungs. Turns out his arm snapped when he landed on it. He was kind of a pr*ck and a degenerate kid and I was always a good kid so no one believed him that I tripped him, none of the other kids or even the teachers. Only he and I knew what happened. From that day on, whenever I saw him he would always bring up how I broke his arm.
He knew it. I knew it. And we both know that each other knew it.”
16. Bully Wanted To Act Tough But He Still Got Beat Up In The End
“I grew up studying martial arts in my pre-teens and all through every teen year. This occurred sophomore year of HS. I moved to Texas and some other guy ended up moving to the same area I did, from the same area I came from.
We ended up in the same school and a couple of classes together. We didn’t know each other before Texas. I had been here a few weeks before he came and was pretty chill. Some people were kinda like ‘Oh, California, Cool!’ but I never tried to use it as any kind of manipulative angle.
This guy shows up from the same SUBURBAN area in California and immediately starts acting like he was the single white person to ever survive Compton.
I never really cared, until he made so many issues and just wouldn’t shut up about it. He was always trying to play the tough guy and intimidate everyone, even me, oblivious to the fact that I came from the same area and know nothing he’s claiming about being so tough is true. I called him out on the *** after those few weeks and he wanted to fight me for it.
I can’t really say I was bullied at this point because this guy was really no threat to me. He acted tough but had less than zero chance of doing anything to me. He came around the corner once and tried to throw his shoulder into me, bounced off, and then bounced off the locker and fell on his a*s. I just kinda giggled and walked on and a lot of people laughed at him.
Apparently, he set up some kind of audience to the event thinking he would knock me over and it backfired. He ended up on the football team after I had already landed my starting position and kept trying to hit me from behind and from the sides when I wasn’t looking. He did this a lot and actually screwed up my back and I had to drop sports because of it.
In a later semester, we ended up with 2 classes together. In the first class, he was always making fun of me. One day in that class I had enough of it, so I provoked him.
He reacted as expected, walked over when the teacher wasn’t looking, and hauled his fist back to take a swing at me. I pivoted out of the desk-chair where the tabletop bar went to the seat back and swung it around and hit him with it, then put it back down and sat back in it.
The teacher turned around as he was getting up. Everyone was stunned and he claimed he just fell. He was on the warpath after that. He attempted to provoke me into a fight in the boys’ room during lunch a few weeks later. I had every intention of bouncing his skull off of every flat surface in there until I saw him take 4 of his friends in there ahead of time.
Instead of going in, I told a bunch of people they were having a***********. A bunch of people was outside the restroom laughing when they came out at the end of lunch. Finally, another few weeks later, he wanted to throw down our art class which was the last class of the day. He hauled back to throw a punch at me to which I grabbed his fist and pushed him just a little off-balance backward where he couldn’t do anything but listen.
I’d had enough since he wasn’t getting the hint.
So, I told him to meet me at the gas station across the street after school (about 20 minutes from that point) and we would go out into the field behind the gas station and have at it until someone bleeds. He was all sorts of talkative about me coming alone and not being ‘too scared to show up’.
I was there waiting for him for like 45 minutes and he finally came… with 4 other people… who were actually my friends from the football team… who he thought were his friends there to all jump me. He was a complete piece of *** all the way around and they were planning to put him in the hospital and hurt him real bad for being how he was, hurting me, and treating everyone else in school like ***.
I told them to just enforce the terms, break it up on first ***** so he didn’t get too hurt. He had walked ahead thinking they were forcing me to come with them and didn’t hear the conversation. When we got to the middle of the street, I had passed him to walk into the field. I turned around to set my bag down with my back to the sun and he took the bait.
He tried to s*cker punch me from behind. I side-stepped, jawed him with an upper-cut as I pivoted around, and stuck him with 2 quick jabs. I thought he could at least fight somewhat as I had given him every chance over the year leading up to this since he came to Tx and somehow he hadn’t gotten his a*s kicked by anyone else.
So I figured he must have had some grit. I was completely wrong and he had absolutely no physical skill.
After the jabs I saw his lack of skill and went strictly defensive as the goal was to teach a lesson, not to hurt the guy. We were both 16 at the time. He just didn’t learn. He started trying to kick me in the nuts, which was answered multiple times with a devastating shin-kick to the side of his calf.
After a few of those, he finally started circling a bit and using at least one other dimension of the space. I misstepped and slipped, he seized the opportunity to take a shot that half-landed and then proceeded to act like he was all tough again. I’d had enough of him at that point and landed 3 to the face, pivoting into the 3rd. From my perspective on the 3rd, it was like his face exploded. ***** went everywhere and was coming out of his nose at an alarming rate which is when the friends stepped in, grabbing a hold of him to pull him back.
I stepped back as I didn’t need to be restrained, my point was made.
That guy then started spitting ***** all over me. He wanted to keep fighting and I must admit he had heart, sadly it was a black heart. I never saw him walking again after that. I found out later that his skull was fractured from both eye sockets down, he couldn’t breathe right and from the shin-kicks, he couldn’t walk well without a cane.
I feel no guilt as I made every attempt to avoid the confrontation and he had a bad problem of bullying a lot of people in that school. His family tried to sue me for medical bills. The guys that came over and the store clerk from the gas station served as witnesses. It was flat out thrown out of court mainly on the grounds that he tried to s*cker punch me and it was all self-defense after that as I was not being overly aggressive.
I still feel kind of bad for the guy though. This is how I learned how effective certain martial arts can be and exactly how dangerous fighting is. Never got into another fight again until I was in the ARMY. Everyone thought I was a wuss because I wasn’t aggressive. There was another bully in training too, but he was just young and was a glass jaw.
One hit from a pugil stick and he knew what was up after that.”
15. Shut Up My Vain Bully By Roasting Her Once
“There was this annoying girl in 8th grade. She’d apparently feel a sadistic constant need to try and ‘roast’ me in front of people. She was the kind of girl to dress like she’s ‘so pretty’ (bright lipstick, mascara, blush, etc. It made her look like a party clown.) She was also the kind of girl to get in trouble with authority, namely teachers, because of her need to argue with everyone.
So, my teacher went to use the bathroom, and we were given a 5-minute break to talk, hang out with our friends, stuff like that. I’m sitting with my group of friends (near where the party clown was sitting!) I was fiddling with one of those Bic Cristal ballpoint pens, bending the part of the cap backward. She says to me, ‘when you bend that pen, it makes you look like a r*tard.’ I say back to her, ‘How?
Why would it make me look like a r*tard?’
She says back to me, ‘it doesn’t matter, the square shape of your head proves it enough already.’ That’s when I come up with a comeback on the fly. After months of having to deal with this, I say to her, ‘I think you’re just self-conscious because I made the ballpoint pen as crooked as your fake eyebrows.
I shouldn’t have to take insults from somebody who thinks it would look good.’ She shut up for the rest of the year after that.”
14. Slammed The Bully Into The Wall When He Wouldn't Stop Throwing Paper Balls At Me
“In 8th grade, there was this kid in my reading class who one day decided it would be really awesome to throw crumpled up pieces of paper at the back of my head with his friends.
It took me off guard because usually, we were pretty cool. He does it to me all throughout the class and I’m just trying to ignore him but when we finally get out, he and his friends are walking behind me STILL THROWING paper balls at my head. I had enough at that point and just turned around and slammed my forearm into his neck, pressing him into a wall.
I was like 90lbs back then and this kid was a lot bigger than me. I still remember the look on his face when he went from laughing to very surprised and angry. I had no game plan after that and probably would have got my a*s kicked but one of his friends broke us up and tried to calm him down saying I was ‘cool.’ I just kind of gave him one more look and kept on walking my way to class.
Totally out of character for middle school me. We ended up being decent friends in high school and **c***g around with each other a lot in a similar fashion. One specific time I whipped the **** out of him with a tilt wand that broke off some shades cause he was annoying me. Not a bad dude, he was just kind of ghetto and confrontational.”
13. Threw Several Parties And Invited Everyone Except For My Bully
“There was this violent, smarmy little b*****d at my school. His mum also taught at that school, so he seemed to get away with everything, and people broadly accepted him because of said immunity. I decided to ostracise him as we neared the end of our last years at school.
Spent more than 12 months building or mending bridges with everyone besides this guy and his sh*tty friends in my year group at school.
Did favors, stuck my neck out for them when they needed it, helped them solve their problems.
The end of our school days came. I had a graduation party. I invited everyone from my year group except this guy and his posse. When he had a go at me for not inviting him to the party, people actively defended me, since it was pretty clear I didn’t invite him because he’d been trying to bully me for years.
In the time I’d been working to get people’s attention, he had gotten less and less tolerated each time he tried to put me down as I won over more people.
In the end, he also tried to have a graduation party. I assume it was him and his three underlings – everyone else in our year had been invited and showed up to mine.
I had an awesome party, made a bunch of friends and regretted nothing.”
12. I Snapped And Threw The Girl Bully In The Bin
“Basically this kid (Named Josh like many other bullies) and I never got along and he decided to play the torment game and find out where I live to mess with me. Coincidence happened to be the day I took a beating from my father to keep him away from my sister and mother.
The door was unlocked and he ran in to keep my dad away from me. For once during those tormenting years, I felt like I wasn’t alone. Safe to say we are good friends still.
A girl named Vicki pushed me down the stairs and I was in back pain for months. Then she moved on to a friend of mine and angered him. This friend of mine had finally snapped and stabbed her with a sharpened stick.
It was b****y and violent, But she never bullied anyone again after that.
As for Nick, He kept on putting me down and lowering my confidence to the point I stopped giving a **** about the consequences of harming him. We got into a fight and he was afraid of getting in trouble so he had restrained me from hurting me badly. He ended up angrier and it ended up making him not care about the consequence.
So one day Nick and his friends planned on grabbing me when I went to the toilet and beating me. However, when the time came I was angry since my abusive father had broken things that meant something to me and they ended up running away. They didn’t go near me after that.
The only time I ever hit a girl was when I couldn’t resolve it peacefully.
She would bash me. Make rumors and false accusations on days I was sick and I ended up in detention for things I wasn’t there for. One time she wanted me to retaliate because I wouldn’t, I refused to. To she pushed me around and hit me for a good 15 minutes while everyone was watching screaming hit me. So I looked at her and said a few things but it didn’t get in.
‘Do you want to be known for this? Everyone is watching you try to force a reaction and they won’t forget it.’ She paused for a bit but started pushing me around so I had enough and said ‘No more’ which she paused since she didn’t hear it correctly. I picked her up and threw her in the bin.
I got suspended for it and she got an award for something related to domestic violence.
The principal was watching the whole thing happen too. I left that school only to get chronic headaches after so I’m missing out on the best education I can get and it s*cks.
Although after everything i feel blank, empty even.”
11. Messed With My Dishonest Husband's Life And Family After We Got Divorced
“I was married to my bully. The relationship started out great but the minute we married, I became his possession. A year in and unbeknownst to me, he got another girl pregnant.
I spent the next three years hemorrhaging money because he kept using his check to support his mistress and kid. The whole time he belittled me, gaslighted me, insulted me, had his family bully me into doing what he wanted, and just being a general piece of crap until I was so depressed that I never wanted to leave the house. I made it easy for him to leave because I had nothing left. He took me for all I had, body, soul, and money, and left me high and dry.
Fast forward four years, after much therapy and moving 600 miles away, I find out (from him!) about the baby and the fact that his entire family knew about her and his mistress. I had asked him once point-blank after our divorce if he had had any kids while we were married or had cheated with anyone I knew and he straight up lied about both those things, even after we both agreed to be honest. What did it hurt, to be honest after the divorce proceedings were over?!
For this final act of dishonesty, I am going to watch him and his family burn: he never renewed his work visa, so he is now illegal. His brother and cousin are illegal. I report all three to ICE every single day. His partner is illegal. I report her, too. Best yet, she is from a different country from him, so once they separate, it will be difficult for them to see each other again.
His sister cheated on her husband for five years and had two abortions after he got fixed. I sent him a letter about his job. His older brother doesn’t work and mooches off his wife; I know people where she works and they are slowly driving her out of her job by creating a poisonous atmosphere in which she looks grossly incompetent. All I asked for was a little honesty.
Everything we had gone through would have been water under the bridge if he had just been honest when he had promised to do so. Moral of the story: there is always a straw that breaks the camel’s back. Don’t **** lie to people.”
10. Knocked The Bully To The Ground When He Threw Honey Mustard On Me
“Some ***** in freshman year thought I was being mean to one of his friends. (I’m actually friends with that person) he and his friends thought he could beat me up no problem.
One day I’m eating lunch away from the cafeteria, cuz that **** loud as ***. He and his buddies come along and sit two tables away. He asked me rather rudely to move, even though I was there first. Their logic? More people can force one person to move even if they’re not interfering with their seat. I politely refuse and carry on eating my lunch. Lucky for me I saw him out of the corner of my eye holding an open packet of honey mustard.
I told him I was allergic (I lied, but just to avoid conflict) and carried on eating lunch. I heard a collective gasp. Lo and behold, a long string of honey mustard is on my sleeve. Without saying a word, I got up and slowly walked towards him, and I could see it in his eyes he knew he ***ed up. I knocked him to the ground with one punch and didn’t stop beating him until a teacher came down the hallway.
Hasn’t ***ed with me since. Sorry not sorry, Jacob.”
9. Revenge On The Bully Was A Total Failure But It Was Satisfying
“I went to school in a very small town with a pretty small population school. In Jr. High, I had a serious issue with this guy from Chicago. He was sent down essentially because he couldn’t be trusted to attend a class for more than 5 minutes and generally caused trouble anywhere he went. We will call him Brent because he possessed an equally d*uchey name of that nature.
This guy did it all, tried to choke me out in the gym, threw things at me from crossed the cafeteria. Lit my locker on fire once. He didn’t like me for some reason or another and took every opportunity to make that clear.
I finally had enough one day and noticed he didn’t lock his gym locker. Grabbed his regular clothes and crammed them in a urinal. There was no way he knew I did it, but somehow he decided to take it out on me anyway and ended up tossing me down the bleachers.
The gym coach honestly didn’t care what happened in that place and we ended up having an uneventful time at the gym otherwise. Fast forward to the end of class, I am walking in the hall and he knocks my books out of my hands and trots off. I pick my books up, and upon standing up with the last book, get clubbed upside the head by a book of some sort and immediately end up on the floor.
Turns out, the principal felt the best course of action to a report that I had ‘attacked someone in the gym’ was to hit me upside the head with a book in the hallway while I wasn’t paying attention. Nothing ever came of any of this, I ended up expelled well before I graduated high school, and the principal ended up being fired for s*xual harassment or something a year or so later.
Sometimes revenge is just not worth it when the cards are stacked against you anyway.”
8. It Was An Accident But It Still Felt Great
“Won’t say the name because it would identify me as well, but girl bullied my freshmen year. She got hit in the ear (she did sports) so hard her entire ear was swollen, purple, and had to be drained several times. The end of the year comes and everyone’s done their finals so he’s throwing around a ball in a lacrosse stick.
He threw it at me.
Now I have no aim, but I wanted to whip it at him (high schoolers are stupid). So I throw it as hard as I can like a baseball.
I was in the third row. It went low. Nailed bully right in the ear. I gave a bull **** ‘sorry,’ but it felt so great.
No one I told in my school did anything about the bullying until my math teacher found out.
Councilor didn’t do anything either. She spits on me and got some boys who sat beside me in class to start bullying me every day. I have a very eccentric personality, so I was bullied for that on top of because I had pets, and because I’m not the straightest person in the world.
I also ended up standing up to one of the boys.
I started working out at the gym after my last class during ‘study hall.’ I was using one of those huge balls and he took it and sat on it. Demanded it back. Gave him my death glare. Probably looked like I was going to punch him because I was. His friend told him to give it back and he did. Didn’t really want it anymore, so I put it back and didn’t go back because I’m lazy.
I just wish I would have intentionally punched one of them. It sounds awful and it’s really not like me, but it would have ended lots and lots of issues very quickly.”
7. Broke A Kid's Nose When He Wouldn't Stop Pushing Me
“I was going through a rough patch in school cause my dad just left, so I was missing homework, my classwork was half-done, things were just bad for me, and it sucked.
And Craig took it as an opportunity to be more of a bully than he usually was, spouting *** about it being hilarious that my Dad left and that it was probably because he was ashamed to have me as a son, and so on.
But one day, I was not in the mood for anyone’s ***, and Craig pushed me, literally pushed me. I swiveled on my feet and told him ‘Don’t touch me’ and he pushed again. ‘Push me again and I’ll knock you out, Craig!’ I yelled – little did I know that this alerted one of the teachers, who knew what happened with my dad and knew that Craig was a bully – and Craig pushed again, tripping me up.
Like a flash of lightning, I got back up and threw my fist, hard as I could at Craig’s face, and broke his nose. Craig stumbled to the floor, gripped his nose, and saw that ***** on his hands – at which stage his little posse ran off to the teacher to bring her over – and when she arrived, she asked ‘Boys what happened here?’, of course, Craig spouted out ‘Benbo94 attacked me!
He hit me for no reason!!’,I stood quiet, my fist by my side.
To my surprise, the teacher said ‘Now Craig, I know that’s a lie. I’ve been watching what’s happened these past few minutes after I heard Benbo94 yell. He told you not to touch him and warned that he would hit you, but you didn’t listen Craig.’
Craig got a 3-day suspension after seeing the school nurse, I got detention and a 1-day suspension, and that was the day I stopped getting bullied in that school.”
6. Released All Of My Junior High School Anger The Night Before We Leave Town
“I had a few bullies in high school, but Sean was the one that took it to the next level.
I grew up in a town where the median income was more than my family had ever seen. While other kids were playing sports, I read books. Then I discovered the guitar. By junior high, I wore all black, grew my hair down to my a*s, ( I’m a guy, this was not a popular look in the late ’80s) started carrying my guitar around with me to school…
The abuse I got in school, coupled with the abuse I was getting at home, made for seriously grumpy puberty. Sean was one of the worst. From 7th through 9th grade, he was constantly on my back, hurling insults, occasionally making physical threats.
The summer after my freshman year of high school, I had finally found a group of friends that got me. We were all into heavy metal, riding BMX bikes, drinking, etc. Then my parents told me we were moving, from CT to FL.
I was annoyed. A month into the summer, one night my friends and I were out walking late at night. I was miserable because I knew I’d have to leave them soon. Sean and a couple of his friends were out too, walking on the other side of the street. Sean decided to cross the street and started to *** with me. He started talking ***, being a tough guy, I tried to walk away.
He hit me from behind and… I went blank. The next thing I remember, I was standing over him in the middle of the street and he had a ****** nose. And then I walked away.
I saw him a couple more times that summer, but he never ***ed with me after that.”
5. Three Bullies In My Life Got What They Deserved
“First was when I was in first grade and while she wasn’t my bully she was a bully nonetheless to everyone and everyone hated her.
Well, one day this **** randomly reached into my desk and grabbed my jelly roll pen and claimed I stole it from her. Now, any female who grew up in the 90s knows those things were worth more than gold back in 1995. I kinda snapped and called her out and just about got into a fistfight in the middle of class. She was kinda at her ‘3 strikes’ phase of bullying and got suspended (I got off scot-free, and got my pen back!).
However, people got a little weird when she didn’t come back for like a month. Then when she did she was wearing a big helmet and a completely different personality. Turns out she had a brain tumor.
Third grade this time. Amongst all my regular classes I was also learning three instruments; recorder (of course), piano, and clarinet. I had begun taking up piano the previous summer and loved it but my music teacher demanded I take clarinet lessons.
it was getting overwhelming for me so my parents and I tried to reason with the teacher to let me just take piano lessons at home instead but to no avail. A couple of weeks after I was forced to quit piano the music teacher at school got into a car accident. Oh no! No classes for a few months? Piano back on.
The third time was in 2012.
My now-husband and I were living with a ***y roommate when one day, while he was at work his old highschool friend, messaged him on Facebook asking ‘uh, hey, I know it’s been a while, but did you just sell me (at a GameStop) a DS? Some blonde guy just did and when I turned it on the main screen was a picture of you.’ No is the quick answer.
***** also stole all my games. (I got the Ds and all but 1 game back) he stole a bunch of stuff from us in the few months we lived with him, *** as petty as my Halloween candy I was gonna hand out to kids. He died of cancer at the ripe old age of 32 about year after we moved out.”
4. Two Bullies In High School Faced Their Unfortunate Consequences
“I had two bullies through middle/high school.
The first one was your typical idiot ******…bad grades, poor hygiene, etc. His main problem was that he liked to speak before he thought things through.
He ended up getting the *** beat out of him twice in one week. 1st, he tried to dribble spit over my head while the teacher was out of the room (I had migraine induced seizures and had my head down to try to get a growing headache to go away).
He’d been mocking me all period, and so when his spit hit the back of my head, a flip switched. I hauled off and punched him so hard in the face that he flew back against the wall and slammed his head. He had a broken nose and a huge lump on the back of his head. He cried. The teacher asked what happened and I didn’t get in trouble at all.
A few days later, he told a different classmate that the classmate’s father had deserved to die (the dad had passed away from a heart attack only a few months before…) so the boy decked him straight in his broken nose. The bully got suspended, the classmate did not.
The second bully was just a j*ckass. He was thought he was cool and treated other people like ***.
The kind of guy who makes fun of his own friends beyond what normal joking goes…he was just an a*s to everyone near him. He even made fun of the special ed students. I called him out one day when he was making fun of another kid for being Baptist, and he was embarrassed. I woke up to go to school the next morning and found that all 4 of my tires had nailed in the SIDES of them… The week or so after he thought it would be cool and funny to bring beer to school on the bus (Smirnoff…) He bragged about it, and then put his bottle in the trash can and put ONE piece of paper over it to cover it.
He said that the teacher was too stupid to find it.
I ratted his a*s out to the office. He got suspended, AND he got kicked off all sporting teams and wasn’t eligible to play for an entire year. They also found ‘leaves’ in his bag. So he got double charged for underage possession and consumption of alcohol as well as possession and use of ‘leaves’!
He ended up in probation for two years. It was sweet.”
3. Gave The Younger Bully A Good Beating After He Threw A Basketball At Me
“I was a quiet nerd in the pre-2005 world where being a nerd wasn’t cool.
I was bullied by a large group of kids who were in a ‘gang’ (notably everyone from my town pretty much laughed at the fact that this group thought they were hot ***). One kid in particular who very likely was looking for some validation from his ‘gang peers’ would pick on me constantly as he was on the younger side, a year younger than me.
Now even being a nerd this was a time when neighborhood sports were a thing and as someone with an athletic build I usually joined in on the football and basketball games, I had friends who played, and for the most part, it was an unspoken rule that any serious bully *** was left off the court.
Well, one day after a game I was walking home from the park with 2 friends when this f*ckwad Bruce decides to throw a basketball at me to get a cheap laugh with his friends, by this point I had been dealing with his *** for several months and had had enough.
As of right now, I have 15 years of martial arts teaching under my belt but at the time I hadn’t so much as taken a single karate class so I still laugh and think about how I started this *** – I looked this ****** in the eyes and jump kicked him, which he did not expect, and ended up mounting him right in the street and beating the *** out of him with a barrage of punches.
At some point I realized we were in the middle of the street, which was obviously dangerous, so I let him get up and threw him back down on the ground in the grass where I continued to beat the *** out of him. At some point, he managed to escape, grabbed a hockey stick from a nearby lawn and I laughed at him, called him a **** if he needed a weapon to take me on and I walked away.
That ‘gang’ of kids still gave me *** after that day but at that point it was only the really big ones who were like ‘super seniors’, 6ft 2 and severely overweight. . . That dude Bruce was really really ****** nice to me after that day.”
2. Spread My Bully's Darkest Secrets To The Whole School
“The worst bully I had was somebody I thought was my friend.
If I talked to somebody else, she’d pull me aside and talk **** about them and tell me they didn’t even like me. In a brief amount of time, she managed to convince me that nobody liked me or wanted me around, but she made sure I knew she would always be there.
Her mistake though was thinking we were growing closer and that we were best friends now.
So she got too comfortable, ended up telling me her darkest secrets. I first told the people she talked **** on, but aimed higher and told some of the popular kids I was cool with. In turn, they told their friends and within a week; the entire school knew everything.
She pulled me aside one day, mortified and crying. She asked me why I did it and I only smiled at her before turning around to talk to my new friend who happened to be the girl she hated the most at the time.
She moved schools a few weeks later.”
1. Bully Claims He's Friends With My Buddy So He Could Escape From Shame
“This was in the 9th grade:
He would always taunt me, push me around, **** like that, and one day in Spanish class he’s just stealing paper from my notebook. I don’t know why it annoyed me so much, but it did, especially ’cause it was in front of a girl I liked.
He then tries to do the same thing to my friend, who is of similar stature but is not usually bullied. He grabs the paper out of his notebook, and my friend immediately stands up, follows him, and says ‘Give me my **c***g paper back. Now’.
Bully turns around, gets in his face, and says something like ‘What are you gonna do about it?’, something along those lines.
He fully expected my friend to back down. My friend didn’t budge one bit. After about a minute, the bully suddenly smiles and says ‘I’m just playin’ around, this is my friend!’
All his fellow bullies start roasting the **** out of him, and he’s like ‘Nah he’s my friend, I was just playin’ with him!!’, and my buddy yells ‘We aint friends, man!'”