Unloved Stray Dog With Dirty Fur Gets A Total Makeover

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Desperate situations demand desperate responses. It’s a good thing there are kind-hearted people who are willing to come to the rescue of poor animals.

On The Way Home


A couple was on their way home, driving along Oviedo, Florida when they noticed something on the side of the road.

Messy Dog


When they got out of the car to check, they saw a dog whose fur was so matted and tangled that he could barely move.

The Dog Needs Some Grooming


Since it was already late, the couple decided to take the dog to the shelter the following day, but when they got home and discovered that the poor dog had fleas, they knew they needed to do something ASAP.

Asking For Help


The couple posted about the dog on their social media pages and, luckily, a dog groomer named Kari Falla who happens to live in the nearby area saw one of the posts and offered to help the poor dog.

Total Makeover

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The couple and the dog went to the salon and Kari started shaving the canine’s fur off. The dog would flinch whenever the shearer touched his skin because it was his first time experiencing human kindness.

His First Bath

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Kari had to stop a few times during the grooming because she couldn’t believe the dog’s situation. The grooming was done after three hours. She then gave the dog the first bath of his life.

He Can’t See And Hear

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The next day, Kari took the dog to the shelter. They arranged the dog an appointment with a vet, and after some tests, they discovered that the dog was blind and deaf.

Finally Safe

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Eventually, the dog got happier when he realized that he was finally safe. The shelter named the dog Lucky, and they’ve found a loving owner to take Lucky in permanently.

Kari’s Offer

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Those people who got moved by Lucky’s story donated money to Kari for helping him in his time of need but she didn’t accept the money. Instead, she permitted the shelter to use it to cover some of Lucky’s medical bills and even offered to groom Lucky for free forever.

Watch how Lucky got “lucky” after crossing paths with kind-hearted people in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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famoki7945 2 years ago
Hello America
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