People Recount The Time They Got A Taste Of Revenge

34. Your Charger Doesn't Work? That's Weird, I Swapped Them Before You Got Back
“My partner is amazing but we are opposites. He’s a little messy and unorganized and I’m more of a planner and much neater.
He was racing around the night before a flight for work. He’s complaining that he didn’t have enough time to iron his clothes and pack everything because he had to drop by a baby shower for his sister. He asks me to take care of it.
I remind him to buy a new phone charger on his way back home. (His is unreliable because he yanks it out by the cord so it has a sloppy connection.)
Of course, he didn’t do it because he forgot.
The next morning, very early, he is shuffling around and I hear him unplug my phone from the charger, connect his cable to my phone, and put mine in his briefcase.
He wanders off in the shower, so I switch them back and go to bed.
He acts baffled that his charger doesn’t work when he gets home the next day, so I said, ‘That’s weird. I knew you’d forget to buy a new charger so I swapped them so you’d have the good one.’
The look of realization on his face almost made me give myself away because I was trying not to laugh.”
33. You Thought I Was A Failure? Look Who's Laughing Now
“I have a close family friend who I grew up alongside. We had an intense rivalry when we were kids, and he loved to make fun of me. One of his favorite insults was to call me stupid and make me feel super incompetent.
I remember a particular gathering when I was in year 7 when I jokingly confessed that I messed up a math test. He then spent the rest of the evening telling everyone at this gathering that he was a straight-A student and that I ‘was a failure.’ (Verbatim).
He made digs about me being an idiot routinely for years and at one point it genuinely affected my self-esteem.
ANYWAY, our families grew apart, I got older and stopped seeing him for several years. Last week though, I went to his sister’s wedding and our families were talking.
His mother mentioned that he applied for clerkships at the top-tier law firms in our city (We’re both law students by the way) and he was rejected by them all. Everyone else then tried to console him (he was visibly irritated by this) and commented things like, ‘Oh it’s really competitive, hardly anyone gets in these days.’
I didn’t say anything but then his mother asked me if I was working and I said yes and then she asked where. At first, I contemplated saying something like ‘Oh just a place in the city’ but then I decided it was too good an opportunity to pass up so instead I chose to look him straight in the face and name one of the firms he was rejected from.
Everyone went silent for a minute and I can’t explain how satisfying it was to see the astonished look on his face. (Just to clarify though—I don’t think grades or a fancy job are a measure of intelligence or a person’s worth at all, but he definitely does and it was just a really petty win for me because the guy was a total jerk).”
32. Think You Know How We Make Our Drinks? I'll Play Along
“I used to bartend at wedding receptions when I was in my early to mid-20s. All our booze had the caps that stop the flow after pouring out exactly 1 shot. My head bartender trained me to always give a little extra pour with a wink because it cost us almost nothing and people would tip us better.
This wedding had a paid bar. Pretty inexpensive (less than $10 a drink) but if you’re drinking all night it adds up. A middle-aged guy is ordering a lot of Captain and soda. Every time he comes back I take his glass, dump it, fill it with fresh ice and soda, and give it a little extra pour of rum.
I probably served him 5-6 drinks in the first couple of hours.
After the last drink, my head bartender pulled me aside and said the guy was talking crap about me. What? I’ve been nothing but nice! Apparently, he was one of those dudes who thinks the booze is stored in the ice and I was dumping his precious melting ice cubes.
Never mind the generous pour.
So when he comes back, I start making his drink right away. I don’t dump the ice, I pour the soda, and I pour exactly one shot of rum.
He looks at me and says condescendingly, ‘Can I get some rum with that soda?’
I look him dead in the eye and say, ‘I’m sure there’s plenty in your ice, sir.’
Dude looked crestfallen. Didn’t complain about me the rest of the night though.”
31. Cut Through My Yard? My Muddy Dog Will Be All Over You
“This happened years ago when I was 13 years old. A little background: my dog Lovable, a Labrador retriever was amazing. Out of all the dogs I’ve ever had she was my favorite and had saved my life twice. We didn’t have a fenced-in yard but she never left it.
She was fiercely protective of me and she shared my sense of humor. Her favorite thing to do was ambush me or my parents. Not when we were leaving but coming back home and if there was a muddy patch even better.
Now onto the story.
A guy started cutting through our yard to get to the other street. I hated it, my parents hated it and yelled at him several times. So I dug a hole and started watering it daily making it really muddy. Lovable loved to submerge her entire body in it.
(She had 2 big dog houses outside and stayed outside. My dad didn’t allow indoor pets, especially big animals). Well, this guy comes walking through our yard again and I unleashed my muddy dog on him. She silently ran up and tackled the guy. May have knocked the air out of him.
He managed to turn over. This was a mistake on his part and very very funny. Lovable was very friendly and never hurt anyone much. She started licking this guy’s face and slobbering on him. There was a lot of gagging and sputtering going on before he managed to get up.
My dog kept jumping up to lick his face.
I just walked up to him and told him she loves doing that to everyone. He was covered in mud. He told me he just wanted to get to the other street and I told him that my parents had said no. He didn’t care.
He turned around to continue thru and got tackled again, licked, and slobbered on. I told him the only way to stop her was to leave the way he came in. He wasn’t too smart and unsuccessfully tried it twice more. Before giving up.
He also tried to cut through our yard twice more.
My dog somehow got the impression that this guy was a free for all. She wouldn’t get yelled at for tackling him and getting him all muddy in fact she got extra treats for doing it even when he was trying to leave. We never saw him again.
I still laugh at this funny memory and still miss my dog.”
30. I'm Not Pretty Enough For This Job? At Least I'm Pretty Enough To Waste Your Time
“So, a few years ago my friend was pretty desperately looking for a job whilst in university. She was in a shopping center and went to Victoria’s Secret and saw that they were hiring from a poster outside the store. She went in and tried to speak to the sales assistant who ignored her until she got right in her face.
My friend asked how she could apply to work there and the sales assistant looked her up and down and said, ‘Look hun, I don’t think you’re pretty enough for this job but if you want you can apply online.’
My friend was upset and left the store.
After about five minutes she marched back in and started asking the sales assistant to pull their most expensive pieces for her. She kept asking for different sizes, colors, if the sales assistant could check the back for her, etc. After about an hour of wasting the sales assistant’s time, it’s time for her to pay.
She goes to the counter, pulls out her wallet but then asks the sales assistant if she can look at the pieces AGAIN.
After inspecting them for another five minutes, she puts her wallet away and says, ‘Hm, I don’t think these are pretty enough for me.’
And walks straight out of the store.”
29. My Coworker Kept Coming Into My Office For No Reason, So I Started Sending Her Endless Reminders
“Everyone has a story about a horrible Karen that they work with. Me? I had a Vicky. Vicky was one of four project managers. But where the other three managed about six projects at a time Vicky only had one.
The project wasn’t very demanding and could have been taken over by one of the other three but for some reason, they kept Vicky around.
Now when I first joined the company I didn’t work with her, but as one of the other devs gave his notice, I inherited the work he did for Vicky.
She came in just before noon asking for a report that was run from the database. It was a simple script the last dev wrote to pull the data and then he would email a CSV file to her. So I ran the script (which took about 30 seconds) and emailed it.
The next day she came in at the same time and asked for the report again, so I ran the script and emailed when done. Next day same time, same process.
On the fourth day, I asked, ‘Do you come every day at the same time to get this report?’
‘Yes I need it before 1:00 to send it to the client,’ she replied.
‘Ok well, I will set it up to email you automatically.’
After about 5 min of setting up the script to run and add the email functionality, I moved on to other work.
Next day at noon Vicky comes in at 11:58 asking for the report. I told her that it was not noon and to wait. Next day she comes in again at 11:59 asking for the report. This time I told her to only come in if it’s 12:05 and you haven’t gotten the report.
She comes back the next day before noon asking for it again. Now I’m getting mad and tell her not to bother me as this is now interrupting my other work. Next day sure enough she came in asking me for the report.
Getting frustrated I came up with a plan that could preempt her from asking about the report.
I modified the script to run every minute and if it wasn’t noon, the email it sends would just say how long it is until noon or how long it’s been since noon. It also included the previous report, picked a random subject line and body so she couldn’t easily set up email filters (not that she was technically savvy enough to figure out how to do that).
I turned on the changes Friday afternoon before a long weekend. On Tuesday, one of the IT guys came to me about a ticket that came in asking to empty her inbox because it was so full she couldn’t find anything. He checked her inbox and saw 1000’s of emails from the script and just wanted to know why the script sent her so many emails.
I told him that the script is behaving as expected and why, so he should not clear out the inbox. She clearly needed these reminder emails to let her know what time of the day noon was going to happen since she keeps bothering me.
He laughed and did not clear out her inbox for her. After that, she never bothered to ask me about the report again.
Ps. After about two weeks I had to change it back to just run at noon because the hard drive on the mail server filled up and no one could get emails.”
28. Won't Serve The Expensive Wine? Good Luck Impressing That Important Person
“So not my story, but my parents’ friend.
Jack has owned his winery for a number of years. He loves wine and knows what makes a good wine.
He is a regular wine drinker, even if not from his own winery. He will spend a fair bit of money buying good wine.
Jack has this one friend Richard who would often invite him over for dinner. He would bring a bottle of wine every time and being who he is, it was always a good bottle, often costing a pretty penny.
Well, Richard had a habit of taking that bottle out the back, then serving a DIFFERENT bottle during dinner. He would pour everyone a glass of whatever household brand was on sale at the supermarket that week and save the expensive bottle for a special occasion at another time.
Understandably, this really annoyed Jack. After a few times, he decided he wasn’t going to stand by and let this happen any longer.
The next time Richard extended the oh so generous invitation of a cooked dinner, Jack went to the cheapest, nastiest back alley store he could possibly find.
He asked the clerk to get the worst bottle of wine he could muster. The clerk said they had this one bottle for $3.50 ($8 is a standard cheap bottle), but he advised against it because it was so old and sour it wouldn’t even be good for cooking.
As you can guess from the price tag, this was not a wine that aged well. Jack bought that bottle of wine, dunked it in a pile of dust to make it look like a high-quality wine that had been saved on a rack and collected dust over the years.
Richard’s dinner never tasted so good, with the taste of very petty revenge on the side. Well a couple of weeks later, Richard called Jack up in a fury. He ranted into the phone and cussed him out, saying he was dishonest and a terrible friend, giving him wine so sour it was almost rotten.
Apparently, when he had finally deemed someone worthy enough of a decent bottle of wine, it was actually some really important person who he needed to impress and that wine didn’t make quite the statement he hoped it would. Jack got a very satisfying chuckle.”
27. We Don't Eat Or Drink On The Sales Floor? Then You Shouldn't Do It Either
“In college, and for a few years after, I worked summers/winters at my local auto parts store. The General Manager (GM) has been one of my best friends for a long time and is a very fair boss.
This is a national auto parts chain so the next level of management above the GM is the District Manager (DM) who might show up at the store a few times a year. This happened in my first few months on the job.
It was a slow day for customers because of the weather, so every employee was restocking shelves in the front and back of the store.
The DM shows up with a bunch of Dunkin boxes of coffee, cups, donuts, as well as a helium tank and some balloons. He tells us it’s a random ‘customer appreciation day’ and we put up some balloons around the store. Because it was so slow, almost none of the coffee had been taken.
Also for some context, this was the first time I had ever seen or met our DM. He seemed kind of smug.
After a while, our GM tells us we can all help ourselves to some coffee. I pour a cup and set it on the cupholder on my stock cart.
It needed time to cool so I wasn’t drinking it, just had it on my cart and went back to stocking shelves.
About 2 minutes later, the DM walks over and says ‘Excuse me, we don’t eat or drink on the sales floor’ and points to my coffee.
Keep in mind there was not a single customer in the store. I opened my mouth to say that I wasn’t even drinking it, but my GM was behind him and gave me the ‘Please just put it away so I don’t have to deal with him’ look, so I went and set it on a back shelf.
Went back to stocking shelves.
About 15 minutes later, there’s a handful of customers at the store and the DM is loudly distracting the GM as he is trying to ring out a customer. The DM is also GUZZLING a Dunkin iced coffee. I smiled, walked right over to him in front of everyone, and said ‘Excuse me, we don’t eat or drink on the sales floor.’
He looked at me, stunned, and in total disbelief. Then the GM looked at him and said ‘He’s right, you can go set it on that shelf where he set his coffee earlier.’
Not only did he look like a fool, but his was iced coffee so it was ruined (watered down) by the time he got to drink it.
I just popped my cup in the microwave and went about my day!”
26. My Coworker Thought He Knew Better Than I Did But It Backfired On Him
“I have now been working with this new company for just over a month.
I am a heavy appliance repair person. And when you start in a new place you’re always going to clash with someone who thinks they know your job better than you do. And yeah that’s where this story starts with a know-it-all foreman, who I am going to call Foreman Frank, FF for short.
This guy’s job is to make sure his workers are on task and staying safe. FF has no relationship with me. I work on the machines, my friend is the property manager and has his own company.
All the machines are in a state of disrepair.
They had a crappy contractor doing the work. Since I have been here the downtime has drastically dropped and I get a huge bonus at the end of the month that reflects it. Last night just so happened to be one of those nights where I was called in early because one of the dryers went down I got it fixed no problem, took less than an hour.
Unfortunately, as I had finished working on it another one went down.
The thing you need to know about the way I work is my safety comes first. I have all 10 fingers 10 toes and that’s a source of pride for me. I know too many mechanics in the field missing a finger a toe or who have nice big scars running up and down their arms.
Well, the dryer that went down is an industrial dryer-it stands about 15ft tall the dryer door weighs at least 200lbs.
Just at a simple look, I could tell it was an easy fix. I would have to go inside the drum and open a panel.
There was lint clogging up one of the heating coil intakes. The machine will stop if the sensor is tripped so it doesn’t go up in a ball of fire.
So I did what I do-disconnect all the power and grab my hand Crain to remove the door (I will not ever go in a machine if there is any power and without removing the door).
Well FF sees this and stomps over to me, the guy is in a huff because the machine is down and I tell him what I am about to do it won’t take long. (Oh on a side note the place can run at **ll capacity if they have 13 of the 14 dryers up and running).
Well, my answer wasn’t good enough for him. In his words, the old mechanic never removed the doors. And I responded that yeah well the old mechanic was an idiot and that’s one of the many reasons he no longer has the contract. The guy flips out on me saying he needs the machine up and running that he could easily get it up and running, he goes in all the time to pull lint out.
(That will sometimes work but none of the machines have had a proper cleaning in years so the panels need to be removed and cleaned).
The guy is flipping out on me and says I am ruining his production time and tells me he will just do it himself.
There’s no point in wasting time removing something like a door.
Well, I radio to the office and say I am having an issue with FF and I am coming to talk to them.
FF climbs in the dryer and calls me an idiot (I almost punched him but had a better idea).
I bump the machine as I walk past and head to the office. I hear a big thump as I am halfway across the floor.
I look back and in the corner of my eye, I see the door of the dryer had slammed shut.
These dryers are at least 40 years old there’s no way to open them from the inside. Well, you can if you have a screwdriver.
I walked away, went to the office, and talked to them for a half-hour. They decided to come down and have a chat with FF.
No one on the floor knows where he is and he’s not answering the radio. Because all the copper is in the dryer the radio signals don’t get out.
I say oh shoot the dryer’s door is shut. The office manager is like what?
I said, ‘Come with me, he’s stuck in the dryer.’
We get to it and the guy’s face is white as a ghost and hiding the front of his pants. FF got reprimanded by the office and had to do a walk of shame to his locker… He had peed himself.
I don’t think he’s going to nag at me for doing my job properly anymore.”
25. My Supervisor Tried To Make Me Work When I Couldn't, So I Quit Out Of Spite
“During my last few high school years and early university years, I worked part-time in a supermarket at the checkout department. Of course, you would see your fair share of Karens, Richards, and Kevins along with entitled parents, entitled kids, etc. But no one in that store was more infuriating to deal with than the most recently hired supervisor.
She was the kind of supervisor that would deny POT if you did not give four weeks’ notice, despite all of our contracts stating we only needed to give two weeks’ notice. But then when you tried to give four weeks’ notice, she would say, ‘It was too long ago, I do not remember you asking me.’
At the time of this story, I had worked at this store for quite a few years and every Christmas season I would say the same things to the supervisors: ‘I don’t have any plans, I’m not leaving town, so if you need me for extra shifts just put me down whenever you need me, just as long as I finished by 9:30 pm.’
They knew I would not care if it was any day of the week, just a four-hour shift or eleven-hour shift. I was completely free with no plans, totally flexible, and able to work mostly whenever. My ONLY condition was that I had to be done by 9:30 pm.
This was because I had not yet gotten my full driver’s license and it was illegal for me to drive by myself without some kind of supervisor between the hours of 10 pm-5 am. The store was open from 8 am-10 pm, so out of those 14 hours I could not work 0.5 of them.
It was a good system between and led to me doing a lot of extra shifts, with a lot of them being last-minute.
Early November, the new supervisor asked me about my December and January availability and I said the same old song: ‘You can put me down for extra shifts as much as you like, whenever for any day, as long as I’m done by 9:30 pm.’
She asked, ‘Why 9:30 pm?’ and then I explained to her about my driver’s license. She just nodded and walked away.
Mid-November rolls around and the December schedule was released. I was given plenty of extra shifts—as per usual—but you might have seen this coming.
I was scheduled for six days a week, which would have been all good with me… except for the fact that five of them ended at 10 pm.
I found the supervisor as soon as I saw the schedule and re-iterated that I cannot work past 9:30 pm.
The conversation went something like this:
SV: ‘But, you can still work until 10 pm.’
Me: ‘I can’t, or else I’ll be driving illegally, and I’m not going to do that.’
SV: ‘Yes, but there are plenty of other ways you can get yourself home.’
Me: ‘Like what?’
SV: ‘Have your family pick you up.’
Me: ‘No, they’re in and out of town on business.’
SV: ‘You can take the bus.’
Me: ‘No, it arrives every hour, 10-to the hour. I’m not working until 10 then waiting outside in the dark alone until 10:50 pm.’ (I was 19F at the time).
SV: ‘What about Uber?’
Me: ‘I’m not working all day just to spend it all on an Uber to get home.’
SV: ‘Well then, you will need to find someone to fill in those shifts for you.’
Me: ‘Nope. According to my contract, I don’t—’
Then she just walks away. I’m left there speechless. Later that same shift when she was the only supervisor around, she completely left me out to dry with a horrid customer who could not use the self-service checkouts to save his life and took it all out on me.
We’ve all seen horrible people like that but this guy, in particular, was so bad, co-workers—even those from different departments—kept coming up to me asking if I was okay after dealing with that guy. Not my supervisor, though.
After I got home that day, I was done.
I sent out CV after CV on job websites. My mentality was: ‘If I’m gonna get paid minimum wage, I might as well do it somewhere better.’ Within a few days, I had a retail store asking me to come in for an interview.
Within the next week, I had that new job lined up and ready to go, so I went back to the supermarket on my next shift and handed my two weeks notice. All my other supervisors were gutted that I was leaving (I’m not saying I’m some star employee, but I was always keen on extra shifts, barely took sick leave off, was so chill, and willing to do a lot of the side tasks that no one else wants to do, like collect the shopping carts in the rain or empty the rubbish bins, and I just knew a lot of stuff about the checkouts in general) and I was gutted I wouldn’t be working with them anymore, but working with that one, bad supervisor hurt more than working without others.
The day I handed in my notice, the bad supervisor wasn’t working. I didn’t see her until a few days later when she stopped me near the back of the store around a few other co-workers. I’m guessing that she’s wasn’t too happy she just lost a de facto full-timer just before the Christmas rush.
She seemed a bit flustered but still had that fake smile of hers on.
SV: ‘So, I heard you’re leaving soon.’
Me: (cheerfully) ‘Yup, in just under two weeks.’
SV: ‘But you’ve worked here for quite some time, any particular reason why you’re leaving so quickly?’
Me: (with the biggest grin I have ever had on my face) ‘I already told you why. I’m not working those 10 pm shifts.’
It was beautiful—within a split second of me saying that, her smile dropped and she just stared at me, speechless.
This time, it was my turn to just walk away.
24. My Installer Tried To Get Revenge On Me So I Got Him Back
“In the construction industry, there are several known quantities. One of these is that elevator installers are ALWAYS divas! Nothing is ever good enough, prepared enough, or up to their high and mighty standards.
Our installer, we’ll call him John, is no exception.
Last week John threatened to send the company I work for a back charge for 3 full days’ worth of man-hours because he lost his ladder. I responded with pictures of his trash-strewn work areas and a potential back charge for my cleaning services.
(My work doesn’t come cheap.) He was irate!!! He launched into a cleaning frenzy, stacking multiple pallets as high as he could with cardboard, plywood, all-thread, metal strutting, and anything else he could find on the ground in an effort to avoid incurred costs.
He even piled scrap drywall and steel studs on top ‘in good faith.’
Quick elevator installation lesson: elevator pallets are HUGE!!! 4 feet wide, almost 8 feet long, usually constructed out of solid hardwood (in our case oak) and they require a very long pallet jack to move them.
John’s crew only has one such pallet jack and since all of his product comes on those huge pallets, he is very dependent on that piece of equipment.
Another thing to note, John and his crew don’t work Fridays. This means that every Thursday they are in the habit of hounding me to borrow our forklift to set up the next week’s gear and take their trash-filled pallets to the dumpsters.
Unfortunately, for me, John used this against me. He staged his trash train of 4 pallets all along a busy hallway, poked the end of the last one about a foot outside the door, and went home an hour early for his nice 3-day weekend. As 4:30 pm Thursday afternoon rolled around and I’m locking down the building I find his petty revenge!
I can’t lock the door until I move his pallets out of the way. 15 minutes later I was done and had formulated my own petty revenge.
Remember when I said there are known quantities in construction? One of them is the undebatable fact that garbage attracts garbage.
One piece of trash becomes two, becomes three, eventually leading to an uncontrollable pile of garbage that nobody wants to clean up. Happens every job! I used this to my advantage.
The next morning I moved all of John’s pallets into a corner on the other side of the floor and strategically backed the pallet jack with the heaviest/tallest pile of trash into the corner of the room.
I pushed the handle of the pallet jack tight up against the framing and squeezed the handle. Without completely emptying the pallet and dragging it away from the wall there was no way to pump the handle and lift the pallet off the ground. So, I had my revenge, now it was time to get petty.
I took John’s lightest pallet and shoved it in front of the one in the corner. Then, I let nature take its course. By Monday his pallets were completely buried under all forms of construction debris. You couldn’t really even see that it was his stuff under there.
The only giveaway was the oak pallets peeking out.
Now, I wish I could tell you I saw the look on his face when he discovered what I had done. Sadly, I was in a meeting when his crew arrived. But, I did have to stifle roaring fits of laughter every time I walked by him and his crew dismantling a 10 foot wide, 9 foot long, 6-foot tall pile of trash just so they can start their workday.”
23. Won't Give Me My Funds Back? I'll Get Everyone To Boycott Your Store
“A couple of years back I stopped to grab fuel for my truck at the same gas station I filled up at once a week.
I put my card in and start to pump. I realize immediately that something is wrong. The nozzle starts making a weird noise, fumes are coming out and the counter runs up to $5 immediately. Ok, the pump is empty. No problem. I’ll just run inside and get a refund… or so I thought.
I walk into the store and politely tell the clerk what is going on and that I’d like a refund. She has a crappy attitude immediately. She says I need to show her, so she follows me out. I still had the nozzle in my truck, so I pull the handle for half a second and it does the same thing and the counter runs up to $7.
‘Ok, you’ve seen it. Can you please refund my card for the $7?’
She gives me a dirty look and tells me she’s the only one working and can’t do a refund without a manager. At this point, I’m getting annoyed. I’ve already wasted 10 minutes.
I’m like what are you talking about? You can just give me a few bucks if you can’t refund the card. She just says that it’s not going to happen. I suggest calling her manager. Nope, he’ll be here later and you can come back and just walks back inside to her bulletproof room.
Now I’m really mad. It’s not the funds, it’s the principal. At this point, they’ve stolen from me. I call the non-emergency line for the sheriff’s department and they send a deputy. I tell the cop what is going on. He speaks to the attendant and tells me there’s nothing that he can do and that it’s a civil matter, and the attendant told him the manager will be there in 2 hours and I can come back.
I return to the store 2 hours later… guess what? No manager. Attendant is sitting behind her bulletproof glass laughing at me. Actually laughing. No idea when the manager will be there and no she’s not going to give me my bucks back. Or so she thought.
For the next 45 minutes, I stood in front of the checkout window and turned every customer that walked in away. I probably told the story of what happened to 20 people. Some were mad that I would not allow them to buy what they needed, but most completely understood and went on their way.
At this point, the attendant is SCREAMING at me. Calling me every name she can think of. Telling me I’m poor because I want that $7 so bad. Throwing stuff at the window. Just losing her mind. And now I’m laughing my butt off. She finally calls the manager and he tells her to give me my funds.
She crumples up the $7 (in $1s) and shoves it through the slot. What sweet victory that was. Not only did they lose the customers while I was there, but they no longer get to sell me $150 worth of fuel each week and I’ve told every family member and friend I know about this and they all boycotted the store.”
22. My Niece's Coworker Blasted Music On His Speakers, So She Had The Greatest Idea
“Got this one from my niece. She shares an office with a guy who is a big fan of heavy metal music. As soon as he gets to the office he runs a streaming app on his phone and blasts the music on his Bluetooth speakers.
She asked him to use headphones but he refused, claiming that you can’t really appreciate the subtle nuances of the music on headphones. So she puts on her own noise-canceling headphones and listens to jazz on her iPhone.
When she was working from home she said it was heaven not having to listen to his music all day.
But now they are back in the office.
He showed up the first day with a brand new phone and expensive speakers. When he comes in each morning he puts his phone on the wireless charger, connects to his speakers, and fires up his favorite streaming app.
Then he goes for coffee.
As soon as he leaves the room, she nudges the phone just enough so it stops charging. By the end of the day, he is wondering why his phone hasn’t charged.
After a few days, he mentioned it to her.
She told him she saw something online about battery problems with his particular brand of phone and some models of Bluetooth speakers. It is likely those speakers are causing irreparable harm to his phone. She loaned him an old set of earbuds she wasn’t using.
Like magic, the problem went away and at the end of the day, his phone was fully charged. He thanked her and went right out and dropped $200 on a set of earbuds and now he is bragging to one and all about how great they sound.”
21. My Bank Didn't Want To Waive A Fee, So I Sign Up Every 7 Months Like Clockwork
“I had my mortgage from 2014 with M&T Bank to the tune of 211,000 dollars. 30-year loan.
Never a late payment always made extra payment.
In the interim, they offered me a checking account with a $200 dollar sign-up bonus so I said what the heck, I’ll take it to keep an account with them open since I have a mortgage through them. Fast forward to late 2019—I have a car loan through a local credit union who sadly doesn’t take online payments from another bank (that’s a whole other annoyance, I dumped them.
never would have used them if I knew that upfront)—anyways, they did allow you to call in with Debit Cards.
So I called in with my M&T bank debit card, went through fine. M&T charged me an advance fee of, I don’t know, like $6.95 or something.
I called and explained I was not getting funds, this was a loan payment. They blamed the CU for the way they coded it and said it would always happen. (Meanwhile, I’ve never been charged this fee using my BOFA, Ally, or Capital one Debit Cards for payments to them)—I asked for a one-time courtesy credit.
They said no. I said ok, thanks. (The CU actually credited me for it as a courtesy which they didn’t have to do).
So, 3 months later, with rates at historic lows and my equity in my house up almost 175% from when I bought it—plus my credit in way better shape (620 originally now 800)—I refinanced for a lower rate, dropped PMI, shaved 5 years of my loan and got rid of them—all for the same payment monthly.
A manager at a local branch reached out to follow up via email to ‘thank me for my business’ and see if everything was ok, if they could do anything further or if I had any issues during the time they serviced my loan (and also asked why I didn’t consider them for a refi).
My response? On X date (whatever the date was)—I called for a one-time courtesy for M&T to waive a 6.95 fee. They told me no. So, from that day forth I said, well, I’m going to pull my mortgage. Kiss the next 20+ years of interest goodbye!
Needless to say, I never got a response.
Consequently, I sign up every 7 months like clockwork for their new checking bonuses, deposit the minimum, get the bonus, close it in 6 months. Jerks.
Call me Petty Patty.”
20. You're Confused At What I'm Saying? I'll Just Make You Wait Longer
“I know this is just a little bit petty but it made me smile. I was trying to get gas from one of the big club stores. It’s a tight little area. There are at least 10 cars waiting to get gas from each pump.
There are 2 pumps at each station. Ok… so if people move forward in pairs then everyone can get through faster.
The smallish car in front of the truck in front of me got gas and moved out of the little area. Welp, this guy in front of me didn’t wait the few extra seconds for the guy in front of him to finish up the last of his getting gas, he already had cards out and was typing in his info.
As he was doing that, truck in front of him finished. Since he had not started getting his gas yet I asked him to pull forward so I could have that spot and we could both get gas. He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about so I asked him again and he still made a face at me and acted very confused.
So I drove my little car around him to the empty spot and got my gas. Well since I started after him it took me longer. But he was in a big truck and ready to go. But it was a tight little area and he could not get his truck out.
So he had to wait for me to finish getting my gas before he could leave.
If he would just move forward so we all could get gas at the same time this could’ve been avoided!”
19. These Owners Thought They Were Entitled So My Dad Bought Their House For Cheap
“Years ago we decided to move closer to my parents. The housing choices were slim but we found a dilapidated house close by. It looked like it needed lots of work and seemed overpriced for the area (say 200k).
We organized a viewing to decide on it and brought my very practical dad with us for a second opinion.
The viewing was conducted by the owners and from the very beginning, they were… ‘off’. They’d never sold a house before, we were the first people to view it and they actually said to us during the viewing they were doing us a favor for offering us their (hoarder’s paradise) house at such a great price.
We told them we wanted to move closer to my parents and I think they assumed we were desperate.
We got home, had a think and the next day offered the agent a price below the asking price which we believed to be suitable for its condition.
Hours later the agent calls back and says that ‘the owners are going to pray on it for a week’ then give us an answer. (FYI—this timespan is unheard of in my country. An answer is usually given in a day).
A week later they decline our offer.
We offered the agent another 2k. The agent calls back and apologetically tells us the sellers refuse to give us an answer yet because a) they haven’t even started looking for a house yet and b) the owners believe they can sell it for more than the asking price now… so they will get back to us when they are ready and we’d have to wait.
We rescinded our offer.
A month later we find a house in the same area with a lot less work needed and at only 180k. Our offer (through the same agent) was accepted and we moved in 4 months later. During this time the agent calls us and says the entitled sellers have found a house now and would like to offer us their house at the original asking price.
We declined.
I was interested in the progress of the old house (the sale sign had not moved) so I chatted to the agent. He told me we were the only offer in 6 months and these people had been an absolute nightmare from the start.
They expected THE AGENT to pay for cleaners ready for the viewings and wouldn’t take any advice to help with the sale (remember, hoarder’s house). He also said that they’d recently put a deposit on a house (against his advice) before selling theirs so now the old house is going up for auction because they needed the funds.
I instantly called my dad. He was looking for a property for my sister and had already seen the house. He was interested.
So off we pop to the auction house on the day and bid for it. The owners were in the room but hadn’t noticed us.
When the hammer went down, dad owned the house for 110k. He signed off the sale and paid the deposit just as the previous owners came to the office. Their faces were a picture. I gave them a grin and left.”
18. This Guy Lost Out On Tons Of Business By Being A Jerk
“This isn’t my story, but this happened yesterday to one of the people I work with.
I have a customer that recycles scrap. Sometimes the scrap has oil in it that’s technically hazmat. Normally it pops as hot (hazmat) once it goes over 5 PPM (parts per million).
Over the last several days he had brought 6 out of 7 loads of breakers that previously had oil. The oil had been drained, and it was tested. It came out to 2 PPM, so it wasn’t ‘hot’. This particular scrap yard decided that while he was bringing in the 7th load that everything was no longer allowed to be there.
The scrap guy then forced them to remove everything that they had brought over the last several days back to their job site.
My customer argued with the guy and asked him if that was going to be his final decision. Scrap guy doubled back down and kicked my guy off the site forcing him to remove 6 full truckloads representing well over 250,000lbs of scrap.
Ole scrap guy must have thought my customer was just some dumb redneck, but on the way out my customer told scrap would regret that decision. What scrap guy didn’t know is that my customer has been in this industry for over 25 years, and he is very well connected through the industry.
He made 2 phone calls after being kicked off that scrap yard. One was to the owner of his company, and the next was to a big wig at one of the largest companies in this industry in the nation.
Needless to say, his company will no longer be using that scrap yard, but what we learned was that Scrap Guy had been trying desperately to get Big Business’ business.
He had recently submitted a massive bid that was being taken into consideration. After that second phone call, big business said that guy will never see one ounce of their product. We’re talking millions and millions of pounds of scrap business that scrap guy lost by being a jerk.
He’ll probably be out of business within the next 1-2 years, and he will only have one terrible decision to blame that downfall upon.
Cheers scrap guy! I hope it was worth it!”
17. My Brother Would Take My Toys, So Little Me Had A Plan For Revenge
“Very important bit of context for this story, I was about a year old at the time and my brother is 20 months my senior (so quite a bit older compared to a 1-year-old). Because of this, I was obviously too young to remember what happened and as such this story is as it was told to me by my mom who witnessed it.
I couldn’t speak yet at the time (I was a late bloomer with speech anyway) and I had just about started independently walking/standing.
So my brother had, according to my mom, been a thieving little crap ever since I was born. He would steal my bottles and (most importantly for this story) he would steal my toys.
But not only would he steal my toys, but he would also take my favorite ones from me while I was playing with them just so that I wouldn’t have them. I was a very passive baby and (according to my mom) would just watch him do it with a sad look on my face.
Until one day I apparently just had enough and I slapped him. Now, I can guess what some of you might be thinking. ‘So, you slapped him, so what, that’s not a big deal’ and yeah sure if that was the whole story then I wouldn’t be telling it here.
The petty revenge aspect comes in not in what I did, but in how I did it.
According to my mom, she was watching me and my brother play one day when she noticed I pulled over one of our little kiddy chairs into our play area.
She watched, curious, as I climbed up onto the little chair and stood on it facing my brother. With me being a small baby, the added height of the chair made me just about as high up as my brother would be when he stood.
Then, she watched as I held out my favorite toy towards my brother, and beckoned him with my free hand to come closer. Then, as soon as he was right up close to me, ready to take my toy, I slapped him as hard as my little 1 y/o arms could muster, hard enough to knock him to the ground (more out of shock/surprise than force).
My mom instinctively rushed over and scooped me up (worried that he’d retaliate and push me off the chair, which could have hurt me bad). My brother wasn’t really hurt, but the experience did evidently punish him enough that he never tried to take my toys right out of my hands again.
I consider this to fit in petty revenge because we were little kids and no one really got hurt.”
16. A Guy I Worked With Was Incompetent, So I Made Sure He Knew That
“I work in the movie industry in the set decorating department. My job is usually the on-set dresser which means I’m set police. I have to monitor the set to make sure it gets shot the way it’s supposed to be and do an eye sweep to make sure no crew coffee cups and crap are left on set before we roll.
First day of a new season on a show, I still hadn’t met everyone. This was a high-end, immaculate, all-white lab set. It’s a standard rule you don’t bring ANY food or drink on set so that a) food or drink isn’t spilled onto the set and b) that garbage isn’t left behind when we roll.
So, being Day 1, all the heads of state were there on the new set for when they bring in the actors for blocking, in case the Director, DP, camera operator, or actors wanted any major changes before we blocked. I saw this skinny, poodle-haired dude come walking onto set with a plate full of breakfast food from the catering truck, scarfing it down.
I whispered to my boss, ‘Who’s the idiot with the plate of food?’
‘That’s the Art Director.’ So, one of my bosses in the art department chain.
Oh, yeah? I thought. So, I walk up to him because we’ve not met and I treat him like some newbie day call and said, ‘Sorry.
No food or drink on set. Please take it off set now.’
The brat looked at me like I’d slapped him in the face. But, with a look around that he’s the only one amongst the whole crew who had food, he sheepishly walked off set with his food.
Got a HUGE smile and an ‘atta boy’ pat on the back from my boss.
We were NOT friends after that. He tended to avoid me as much as possible and sent his assistants to give me his messages which I largely ignored unless they were valid and needed to be addressed.
Didn’t stop there. The guy was a hack dweeb. NOT good at his job, at all. So a couple of months later, we’re shooting nights on a set in a dusty warehouse and he rushes up to me in a panic saying, ‘I need you to mop the floors!
They were supposed to be mopped so we can see the wood grain on the floor but it never got done so can you do it right now?’ I read it straight off. HE failed to make the request so it didn’t happen.
I looked at him square in the eye and said, ‘No.’
‘What do you mean, no?! You need to mop the floor right now before they roll!’
Again, glared at him and said, ‘No. If I start mopping right now, all this dust is going to turn to mud. And there’s no such thing as keeping a shooting crew from walking across a freshly mopped floor while they’re setting up the shot.
If I mop right now, it will only cement the footprints into the floor, making it worse. You needed this mopped? Should have happened at the top of the day before the shooting crew showed up.’
‘But, the Designer is going to get really mad if it’s not mopped!’ He was sweating.
‘Then you should have had it done earlier.’
The poodle was such a hack at his job, I got to burn him a few more times during the run of the show.
Bottom line, if you suck at your job, don’t even TRY to slough off your ineptitude onto me!
Loved it!”
15. If You Ruin My Dream, I'll Ruin Yours, Too
“When I was in nursing school, my dream was to become a nurse anesthetist (CRNA). In order to get accepted into anesthesia school, you (almost always) have to have a couple of years of ICU experience first. My first job was in mental health for a year, and then I was fortunate enough to be hired into an ICU.
My preceptor was NASTY to me. Just very condescending, would berate me to the point where other nurses were like ‘maybe you should bring this into one of the rooms,’ etc. She would send long emails to the nurse manager of everything I was doing wrong.
Made me feel stupid for asking questions. It was just not a good experience. She was also very arrogant, saying how when she was a new nurse in the ICU she got taken off of orientation early because she was just so good. She would also brag about her fancy expensive wedding that was going to be featured in a magazine.
I hated her.
Her fiancé was a CRNA, and it was also her dream to become a CRNA. She was in the process of applying to schools when she was precepting me and would tell us how her fiancé would help her take the knowledge quizzes that were part of the admissions process at some of the schools.
So, I left that job after a month or so because I was so stressed, and ended up transferring to a different hospital. I harbored deep resentment for this chick, and would occasionally stalk her online. I learned she had started CRNA school at a college in Texas.
They had uprooted their lives (they were married by this point) and moved from Florida to Texas so she could go to this school. So I sent the school an email, explaining how she had faked her admissions tests and that her husband helped her, and that this type of behavior is contrary to the values held by the school.
She got kicked out.
Ruin my dream, I’ll ruin yours.”
14. Don't Want To Pay Me What I'm Worth? That Big Company Certainly Will
“This happened within the past 2 years. I’m an independent contractor in a creative/artistic field. I run my own business and have for over a decade now.
8 years ago a friend of a friend recommended me to someone who basically does what I do but also hires out other creatives to his clients.
Let’s call him Kevin. I submitted a sample of my work and he put me in his database. I landed a job through him for a very very large corporation. A very well-known excellent company. Of course, I was super thankful.
I went on my first few jobs, which took place at the big company’s local offices.
It was fun. They were great. Kevin was the one who would submit the invoice. Big company paid him, then he paid me. However, I immediately noticed that I was getting paid like 3, 4, and sometimes 5 months later! I would inquire to Kevin and he blamed the big company.
I took his word for it, but it was really annoying and it disrupted income flow for me quite a bit. I couldn’t say anything to big company because technically, they weren’t my client. They were his client. And it’s unprofessional.
After a few sessions, he stopped arranging the schedule and left that to be between myself and big company.
Fine. No biggie. Actually easier that way. I knew he was being paid for each of my sessions. I made $100 per working hour. I assumed he made maybe like $25 or $50, considering he wasn’t even coordinating the sessions, and literally didn’t even know when they were occurring.
He literally did nothing but invoice them. I’d sent him session sheets afterward, so he could send invoices. He hardly ever responded. In order to get paid, I’d have to email him several times. It took up to 5 months to send me a check sometimes.
One time, I had threatened to not attend sessions anymore, because things were getting so bad. He promptly replied and paid me.
I dealt with this for years.
One day, someone from big company forwarded me an email chain that had some info on it that I wasn’t supposed to see.
I found out that for every one hour I worked, Kevin made $200 and I made $100. THIS TICKED ME OFF SO BAD. Here I was doing all the work, even coordinating the sessions and he was literally contributing nothing other than sitting back and not paying me on time.
I found out many times that company actually did pay him, and he would delay sending me my cut…by MONTHS.
Fast forward to 2020, I could no longer go into big company. I could still work for them, but like everyone else, I had to work from home and we’d use ZOOM.
But this meant I had to use my own studio, as well as my own very expensive equipment. This is what I do with most clients, and I usually charge more. So, I reached out to Kevin and asked him if I could at least get paid $150 per hour, instead of $100, considering I was now using my resources which are expensive.
He replied that ‘it just wasn’t in the budget. Sorry.’
He didn’t know that I knew he was making $200 for every $100 I made, while he didn’t do a thing except pay me late. And now I’m using MY resources. He always spoke to me like I was some little kid.
Like I’m getting paid to mow his lawn or something. Very patronizing. Like I’m a girl scout selling cookies. I don’t know. It was weird.
Next zoom session with my client, project manager Scott and I have a discussion about Kevin. I tell him the issues I’ve had.
I never spoke with this client about the issues before because it’s unprofessional to speak with the end client about income matters, but this had gone too far.
They said they’d received similar complaints from other creatives. They offered me a direct contract! We negotiated and I asked for $200 an hour.
This saved them $100, and I made $100 more. (Remember, they were originally paying $300 an hour. $100 for me, $200 to worthless Kevin). It was a win-win! Since Kevin never had me sign a contract, there were no legal issues in doing this. We didn’t tell Kevin, and I officially began working directly with them.
Every single creative followed suit. Kevin thought they just didn’t have work coming in.
Kevin lost the contract with this enormous company. When he came in to pick up some things at big company, he saw my name on a session sheet. He was like ‘You have a collaborative project meeting with xxx today?
She didn’t tell me.’
They broke the news to him and told him all of his creative partners are now working directly with big company. I asked Scott what Kevin’s reaction was. He said he just stood there with a very confused shocked looked on his face.
There was an awkward 10 seconds of silence and then he just walked out.
In the meantime, I’m making way more income, I get paid ON TIME (imagine that) and my workload has increased. I had my best year financially in 2021.
Kevin lost because of greed. Bye Kevin!”
13. When Our Landlords Make Too Much Noise, We Leave The Lights On To Spite Them
“So I live in a basement apartment with my partner and our landlords live above us (a couple in their 60/70s).
For context, there is ZERO soundproofing between the floors, and when the wife laughs, holy heck it’s like we’re standing beside her it’s so loud.
Also, my partner and I don’t pay for utilities.
For the past month, their son and his family (wife and kid) have been staying with them. THE NOISE is insane, the kid stomps all over our heads, squeals, the son amps the kid up by scream playing, the son wakes me up every day at 5:30 am (I work late nights so I’ve lost a lot of sleep over this) and ANY time we’ve politely asked them to be considerate of the fact we live below them they give us a look of UTTER contempt and dismiss us.
The revenge: the basement entrance is a shared space so there are 2 light switches for one light, one on the upper floor and one on the basement floor. They always have that light off if no one is in the shared space… so I started leaving it on once I enter or leave my apartment.
Every. Single. Time. And sometimes, after I enter my apartment and they turn the light off, I will go turn it back on.
It’s been like a game of tag back and forth. I snicker to my partner every time they turn it off because that means it’s bugging them.
Well, today landlord comes up to me as I’m leaving for work and says, ‘Can you start turning off the light, you’re wasting electricity and I’ve seen it on many times now.’ Mind you he also has that look of contempt on his face again.
I feel so vindicated because my petty revenge is getting to them! I’ll put a pause on it as though I listened to him, but if the family is still there next week I’m starting up again.
Side note: here’s an extra bit of petty revenge—when they REALLY tick us off, we leave the shower running for a bit.”
12. Be A Child And Ghost Me? I Can Deal With That
“This guy I was seeing, started off super nice and super sweet. We went out a couple of times and all was well. Got along amazingly, I picked him up from the airport after his shift up in Fort MacMurray. Let him stay at my house, bought him beer, cooked him food.
Then on our third meet, I asked him a couple of questions regarding past relationships, what he wants in the future, and if he would potentially want to pursue a relationship with me. He freaked out, accused me of wanting to play head games, and said he wasn’t interested in mental gymnastics.
Within his panic I asked him what was wrong and tried to calm him down, he pushed me off of him and ran out of my front door. We were both drinking so I came after him, opened his car door and said ‘Please please don’t drive.
It’s not safe.’
He responded by starting his vehicle, saying ‘Let go of my car you psycho’ and sped off almost running over my foot.
He blocked me on almost everything. Two days later I messaged him and asked if he was alright.
He apologized thoroughly and said it was his past trauma and not my fault at all and that he wanted to pursue something with me.
Valentine’s Day rolls around and he suggested watching a movie over FaceTime (he works up north). I go and call him, he hangs up.
I call again, hangs up. I message him and say ‘Do you want to do this or not? I wish you would show a bit of interest in this, if you’re too tired we can always talk tomorrow.’
Finally, he picks up and screams at me WHAT’S UP WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS.
Alright, he’s a 30-year-old man and I don’t deserve to be treated this way. So I posted an ad on Kijiji selling my game boy color with 14 games including Pokémon yellow, Kirby, Pokémon pinball, and Donkey Kong for $25 OBO.
Naturally, I listed his number as the contact.
If anybody wants to ‘buy a game boy color’ let me know.”
11. This Guy Was A Total Show-Off, So The Class Humiliated Him
“This is petty as heck and I STILL feel awesome about it.
So a bit of context, I have a quote-unquote ‘friend’ who just brags about how great he is. He acts like he’s God’s gift to the world. Here are a few examples:
For sake of the story, I’ll call him ‘God’s Perfect Idiot’ or GPI.
- He got a new car, everybody at college and work heard about it for over a month. He bragged about how his dad bought him a cherry red Lamborghini.
- He got a cute significant other.
He went to guys who couldn’t land anyone and rubbed it in.
- Got a professor to sign off on an assignment. He acted like he was the favorite for ALL staff and just blew it out of proportion. Note: the professor signed him off because the guy had to go to the dentist the same day.
So yeah, he got a write-off because of a doctor’s note…
I could go on FOREVER!!! So I got petty. I have a period with him, it’s just an elective. Now I LOVE music, I want to write my own original piece one day.
So we have a professor who teaches instruments. I got piano, he said that if I learn the piano, I’ll be able to read the notes and that will help BIG TIME.
Our professor didn’t like ‘God’s Perfect Idiot’ either. GPI CONSTANTLY spoke over the professor and told the professor that he was WRONG.
Yes, this 21-year-old moron was telling a 61-year-old professor, who has been directing plays, composing pieces, coaching marching bands for 32 years, and has won countless awards, how to do his job…
Professor didn’t like him at ALL. Now the professor had a Bluetooth subwoofer that could be loud enough to shake the room, and quiet enough that you could barely hear it with your ear pressed up to it.
So I showed the professor a Beethoven parody song called: ‘Nobody Cares’ By Octopimp.
Now I told the professor my plan with this and he was IN! So I set up my phone to be connected to it and we set it at a volume where it was loud enough to be heard.
Now here comes GPI, he strutted into class with his air of importance. He pulled out his ‘new’ electric guitar that his dad bought him. Bragging that it cost $50,000. Now I’ve been to the shop that he claims he got it from. The most expensive thing there was a DIY soundproof recording box, it was $12,000.
So unless that guitar was used by COUNTLESS musicians, made of gold, and autographed by KISS, I don’t see it…
He IMMEDIATELY started in and I played some of the song;
GPI: ‘So I got this new guitar an—’
I stopped it. He got flustered and some of my classmates stared to hold in laughter. He tried to brag more, but I played the next verse:
GPI: ‘This was a guitar tha—’
Speaker: (the vocalist was speaking rather quickly) ‘Nobody cares, nobody cares, Nobody cares, (chorus too) Nobody cares, Nobody cares, Nobody cares, Nobody cares, NOBODY CARES, (chorus too) NOBODY FREAKING CARES!’
GPI looked like he was gonna cry. I did feel bad, for like a second. The class was bout to lose it. Then he started on about how his dad was SO important, we know what I did though…
GPI: ‘My dad will get you all expe—’
Speaker: ‘I’m just trying to tell you, that no one gives a crap. (Chorus: it’s true) But if you keep on talking well then I will just ignore you, oh my GOD you are still going. How many times do I have to inform you that no one’s listening, WHY CAN’T YOU TAKE A HINT?!’
GPI ran out the door crying like a little girl. Like full-on tears and blubbering like a toddler. It was pathetic. The professor jokingly walked over to the speaker and said, ‘I knew I needed a reason to get this thing fixed.’
Everybody started to LOSE their minds laughing.
There were laughing fits for over half an HOUR.
Well wouldn’t you know it, GPI reported the WHOLE class as bullies, yes this 21-year-old moron was going to the Dean to report EVERYONE. The Dean knew that he was INSUFFERABLE. And promptly told him to deal with it.”
10. Screwed Me Over? I'll Cost You A Few Bucks
“Many years ago, I opened new savings and checking accounts at a bank near my work. I arranged to have a couple of periodical payments (bike loan and rent) automatically deducted from the savings account.
About two months later I went shopping and wrote half a dozen checks, knowing that there was enough in the account to cover them.
As you can probably guess, that wasn’t the case. Three days after my shopping spree I got mail from all six places I had shopped, telling me the checks had bounced.
I visited the bank the next day to find out what had happened and was told that the checks had bounced due to insufficient funds.
I assured them that that wasn’t possible and showed them my bankbook showing the total deposits and lack of withdrawals. It turned out that they’d been taking my periodical payments out of my checking account. After I told them that wasn’t what was arranged, the annoyed and smarmy branch manager checked the forms and discovered that I was correct.
They’d screwed up, and in my mind possibly damaged my credit rating by bouncing the checks.
Surprisingly, to me anyway, he then insisted the fault was mine because I didn’t check my balance before writing the checks on the account. There were six $15 bounce fees plus a $20 fee for putting my account in the red.
I told him I’d sort it out. Cue the petty revenge. I went to a teller, topped up my check account to 1¢, and withdrew everything, but 1¢ from my savings account, then I told the manager I wouldn’t be paying the fees and left to open accounts at a different bank.
I then wrote and posted new checks for each of the stores from my new bank.
The bank sent me individual monthly statements for each account for the next seven years until they eventually introduced a minimum balance requirement. Once both accounts accrued enough fees to have their balances hit $10 in the red, the accounts were automatically closed.
If I remember correctly, postage only cost 30¢ back then, but I’m certain that the hundred and seventy-odd statements, envelopes, and franking stamps cost them quite a few dollars.
Obviously, a major bank isn’t going to be overly concerned about that cost, but my petty revenge made me smile anyway.”
9. The Maintenance Team Did A Terrible Job, So I Sent Them A Very Professional Email
“I used to work as a housing inspector for a government body.
One day I received a complaint from Mr. X. Mr. X stated that his housing provider, a giant housing corporation that employed thousands of people, was ignoring the tickets he was lodging with their maintenance department.
I conducted an inspection of his property. Mr. X stated that the maintenance team had inspected and deduced that the damp was condensation arising from his poor upkeep of their property. All of the rooms appeared clean and tidy.
In the corner of one of the rooms, I found clear evidence of damp penetrating in through the wall and across the flooring.
On the exterior, I found damage to the masonry that was clearly allowing rainwater to enter the structure.
As per our standard procedure, I sent an email to the company outlining the issues identified and gave them 28 days to resolve the matter. This type of housing company signs up to best practice standards for all their properties and is meant to operate far above the legal minimum for rentals.
After a few days, I received an email from the head of their maintenance department stating that the issue would be investigated, but also, in so many words, asking if I was confident in my findings. I scrolled down to find a long email chain that had gone from pillar to post around their maintenance team, everyone that had ever visited the property, stating that there was no damp and implying that I didn’t know what I was talking about.
One after another, all disputing my competence. Some managers will forward email chains like this as a non-confrontational way of saying what they’re thinking.
As someone that could take legal action due to the state of this property, I found this lack of respect indicative of their attitude towards their housing standards and wanted to take some action, but I’d already granted them a time period that needed to expire before I would take action in relation to this case.
I forgot entirely about this incident and carried on with my busy workload. That was until several weeks later when one of my colleagues called across the office to me asking if I could take a phone call in relation to housing disrepair. I said that I was snowed under with cases and asked her what it involved.
She said that it was another tenant from the same housing company, complaining about the standard of their repair work. She said that another officer could deal with it if I didn’t have the capacity.
It was like she’d handed 8 year old me my main Christmas present.
I told her ‘I guess I’m not so busy after all, send it over.’
My colleague transferred the call over. It was a very distressed man stating over and over ‘They’ve put guttering in my living room and the water is still coming in.’
I asked if he meant on the outside of the building from his living room. He said ‘No’ and then repeated the statement over and over.
I said, ‘Are you available right now for me to come take a look?’ I moved around my other appointments and was there within 30 minutes.
I entered a spotless top-floor apartment, only to find the following: A hole in the ceiling with water pouring through, a bucket, guttering across the roof of his flat, emptying into the bucket.
It seemed that the roof had a leak which had caused the ceiling to collapse.
Instead of repairing the leak and the damaged ceiling, the company’s maintenance team had run guttering along the length of the leak, and a drain pipe that emptied into a bucket.
It rains constantly where I was working. The man had been in a state of limbo for several days, having to empty the bucket every few hours as not to let the apartment flood.
He was severely sleep-deprived and stated that he was afraid to venture away from the bucket for too long. The repair had been conducted several days prior, and he was on his last legs. His significant other had also accused him of lying over the phone, with her stating that he couldn’t be at home, as she could hear heavy rain in the background.
At that moment, many questions went through my mind.
I wondered why the company thought it was okay to not repair the defective roofing.
I wondered why the roof hadn’t at least been patched prior to a full repair.
I wondered why the repairman hadn’t run the down-pipe out of the window to avoid the need for a bucket.
I wondered why the tenant had not been temporarily rehoused with his roof collapsing.
I wondered how this maintenance team would ever have the stones to question anyone else’s judgment.
I was a mixture of utterly perplexed, astonished, and delighted, all at the same time.
I decided to write an email as professionally as I possibly could, with no reference to terrible repair works.
‘I can see that your maintenance team has already conducted repairs to try and remediate the damp. It doesn’t appear that these works have been sufficient in resolving the issue.
Please find enclosed a notice requiring works to be undertaken.’
However, I sent the email complete with pictures of the room, with the new water feature as the centerpiece, and a legal notice attached referring specifically to issues arising from ‘internal rainwater goods’.
I’m aware that legal notices are viewed by higher-ups in the company and permanently stay on the property file.
I could just imagine the maintenance team, their higher-ups, and their legal department, all sitting around appreciating the repair works.
This was deeply satisfying by itself, but even more so when they completed the repairs to both properties within weeks.”
8. My Classmate Tried To Copy My Homework So I Gave Her All The Wrong Answers
“So, when I was in the second or third grade I was classmates with one of those really snippy, self-centered, higher than thou type of girls, let’s call her Cindy. Now, I can’t attest for what she’s like today since I left that school in the 7th grade, but back then we really didn’t get along, mostly because I was the shy socially awkward autistic kid and she would generally just be mean or dismissive to me whenever I tried to talk to her.
I wouldn’t say she picked on me or anything like that, but we just had a mutual understanding that we didn’t like each other and we usually left it at that. But the one thing that irked me, and which led to this petty revenge, was when I started noticing that she would copy my homework.
Now, I was the type of kid who would do my homework in class after I finished whatever task the teacher had given us to do. This was partially because as I mentioned I was that autistic kid who didn’t have many friends and who didn’t do well talking to/playing with the other kids once my work was done, and also partially because my parents were very strict when it came to our studies so I was just generally better off finishing my homework as soon as possible.
Cindy, at some point, had noticed that I’d do my homework in class and she began copying off me. How do I know she was doing this? Because she was sitting right behind me in class and would lean all the way over her desk and even over my shoulder very obviously looking at what I’d written down each time I finished another problem I was working on (this was math at the time).
This ticked me off immensely, but I never was the confrontational type. So it was at that point in my life I discovered that I had a very cold, petty, and vindictive side to me.
The revenge itself wasn’t all that complicated, really. I simply intentionally filled in all my answers wrong on my homework sheet in class the day I noticed her copying me, using a formula that would be easy for me to decipher when I get home so that I wouldn’t have to redo the whole paper (think something like, each answer was exactly 1 less than the correct answer, 2 instead of 3, 8 instead of 9, etc.).
When I got home that day, I was very proud of myself, smiling as I fixed up my homework sheet and proudly telling my mom what I had done (she was mildly impressed).
What I couldn’t have planned for, however, was the aftermath. See, our teacher would gather up our homework sheets early at the beginning of class, mark them and then hand them back to us by the end of class.
I watched with barely suppressed anticipation when the teacher handed us back our homework, hoping beyond all hopes that Cindy hadn’t double-checked the math she copied, or that her parents had checked, etc.
It was beautiful. Not only had she not double-checked her work, but when she noticed her glorious mark of zero, she started screeching and crying and yelling the way only little kids can.
She cried, she ranted, she looked at my homework sheet and noticed I’d gotten a different mark than she did, and then she screeched and ranted some more. At some point during her tantrum, she had yelled at the teacher that it was unfair that she got a zero and I didn’t when we did the same work.
It didn’t take long for the teacher to figure out what was going on. At the end of the day, not only did she get a zero on that homework, but she was also made to stay in during recess to work on her math (and to presumably have a talk about how it’s not okay to copy off of other students).
The peanut butter and jam sandwich I ate that day as I watched her through our classroom glass door doing math while the other kids played outside was the best sandwich I’ve ever had.”
7. You Want To Squish Those Poor Bugs? Have Fun Getting Hit With Rocks
“So, to preface this, this happened in elementary school. I was a weird kid.
One thing I really liked was love bugs. I was always taught growing up that it doesn’t matter how big or small a creature is killing it for no reason is wrong. As a kid, I had a very… strong sense of justice.
So one day I’m on the playground and it was the middle of love bug season so, they were everywhere and there were a lot of them.
I was having fun watching them land on flowers or crawl up my arm. I started hearing shouting which piqued my interest so I go to see what’s up. There’s this little boy being yelled at by these two girls. They’re very upset.
Apparently, he was killing the love bugs and laughing at the girls getting upset because he was squishing them.
Little me tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. At first, I tried approaching them and talking him out of killing the bugs. This kid looks me dead in the eye and squishes another one right in front of me.
He then gives me this mischievous grin like what are you gonna do about it. I tried telling the teachers but they didn’t care and brushed me off.
Little me got really mad so I walked away to scheme. In my eyes, he needed to be punished and the punishment had to fit the crime.
I happened to be friends with some of the younger kids at recess so, I convinced a lot of the younger kids to throw rocks at the bug squisher. I rounded them up with a friend and filled them in on the plan. So I led a small militia of little kids to where he was, rocks in hand.
Then I shouted fire and we all started throwing rocks. I managed to get that little crap in the knee and apparently I got him good.
He cried. He told the teachers. I made a tactical retreat to under the playground structure and hid. I regretted nothing.
Vigilante justice was served that day.”
6. You Want To Play Unfairly? I'll Just Stay In Front Of You The Whole Time
“In the winter season, my high school gym class had a few different activities going in different parts of the gym, and one of them was half-court basketball.
I was an unathletic kid in middle school but found I was starting to enjoy sports more, and wanted to participate in said basketball game. The problem was that the game was organized by the kids playing, rather than any teachers, and the ‘good’ players insisted on playing all of them vs.
all the other kids, like me, every day. As you could imagine, this was a very one-sided game. It seemed to stroke the egos of the good players to mess around with trick shots and still wipe the floor with the rest of us over and over.
One kid, we’ll call him ‘Shelton’, seemed to particularly delight in the imbalance.
One time I did suggest if we changed up the teams sometimes, it might make for a more fun game, but I was summarily shot down. I continued to play anyhow. With little opportunity to practice shooting under pressure (since my team rarely had the ball that long) I never got any good at it.
However, I was afforded lots of practice playing defense.
After a while, I realized that I’d never get the satisfaction of a competitive game, but I could find other ways to amuse myself. Shelton was good when he got the ball and really liked dribbling around people, using picks to fluster the other team, and so on.
But he was about 4 inches shorter than I was, and I was pretty fast on my feet. I made it my mission to play man defense right in front of Shelton, and cover him so tight his team would never even try to pass him the ball.
It worked. I was constantly between him and whichever team member of his might consider passing to him. We spent most of gym class just running around the court, neither of us interacting with the ball.
I wish I could say he learned his lesson and we played mixed teams, but from my recollection, this just went on a few weeks until we moved to a new unit in gym class.
His disappointed pleas for pa***s were enough for me to consider it a success though.”
5. You Think I'm Asking For Something Unreasonable? I'll Get More Reimbursement This Year
“It’s taken 2 years… but I finally got my petty revenge.
I started at a new position a few years ago. In early 2020, I had some conference travel and my employer has an allowance of $75/day. What I wasn’t told was there is a specific per diem per meal: $15 breakfast, $20 lunch, $40 dinner.
When I travel for conferences, I tend to skip breakfast, having an in-room coffee and some breakfast bars I bring from home.
Lunch is usually something light on the run. Dinner is my only sit-down meal. So, unknowing of the meal per diem, for two dinners, I went over by the meal per diem but was well under the $75/day. I was even treated to dinner one night, so my meal total was under $20 that day.
(No drinks are reimbursed, so can’t count that in).
But, because of the unknown meal per diem, I was reimbursed at exactly the max allowed per meal. When I ask for clarification (and learned about the meal per diem), I received a sigh and eye roll… as if I was asking for something unreasonable.
THIS year, finally, I traveled again. And I bought a coffee and yogurt and why not, a snack for later (kept it under $15), and made sure I stayed just under the max amounts for lunch & dinner—tips generally rounded up to exactly the meal per diem.
(I would also add tip as needed… I’ve done this job in my past—I am a generous tipper).
Looking at my records, the 2020 5 days reimbursement total = $227.
This year, the 5 days reimbursement = $375.
Petty, yes, and I probably won’t do it again. Although the in-coffee coffee isn’t great, I’ll bring some creamers from home to avoid standing in lines at 8 am in a conference hall.”
4. My Family Lets The Kids Eat Second, So I Plan To Throw A Reversed Party
“This is petty revenge in making, I have a plan.
So all my childhood I’ve been told I’m selfish for taking seconds on something sweet. 5-year-old me taking another cookie at my grandma’s home? How greedy of me. Another slice of cake? Not a chance. The same cake was sometimes thrown away a week later for growing mold, cause nobody wanted it.
Interesting perspective after telling children not to take seconds. As a tween, I started baking myself and made sure not to cut costs. I did have gigs to make money and later part-time jobs, so I used my own money.
I loved cream, frosting, jelly, fruits, you name it.
Only thing I didn’t like was chocolate. Later we found out that just like my mom I was slightly allergic to cocoa. I don’t remember anymore if it could be true, but my not liking chocolate could be of the fact it made my throat feel numb, and it kind of hurt in my mouth.
As an adult, my allergy has gotten worse and now I avoid cocoa. White chocolate I can eat, though.
Back to my revenge. I’ve noticed that my relatives are a bit cheap. There’s just barely enough frosting to hide the cake, a minimalistic layer of cream or jelly, definitely no brand cookies (no need to, but the cheapest crap tastes bad) or bought cakes.
As I’ve tried to tone down my excess filling or totally cream-covered sweet buns to make my baked goods easier to handle and eat, I have been learning more fancy baking. I mean, if it’s too easy why bother… I can’t seem to master Japanese jiggly cheesecake, but I found it fascinating to make Russian honey cake.
It took me the whole day, but it was so much fun! I took a piece to my grandma and even though she doesn’t really like sweets, she loved it! I’m now a 34 female and there are lots of children in my extended and immediate family.
I’m childfree by choice but have 8 nibblings. There are 9 cousins of us and from the generation above us, there are my grandma, my nice but naïve uncle, nice vocal aunt, nice silent aunt, and entitled aunt. I don’t count others in this plan.
Several months ago I had a nightmare.
Yes, I’m planning revenge over a very realistic nightmare! And my childhood of course. In the dream, I had baked Russian honey cake, vanilla coffee cake with toffee frosting, and cupcakes with pear filling and green lemonade flavored frosting. I can remember the taste from the dream!
There was a family reunion at my grandma’s and I took all of my hard work in there. As I put them on the table I was taken to another room, where was that cheap homemade cake with almost no frosting on it. Fortunately, no mold involved. There were my siblings and cousins and all of their children.
I asked when we can eat my cakes and was told they were only for the better guests, not for kids. Older generations went to the main room where I had taken my cakes. This is when I woke up in rage.
So I’m planning to make it all.
Russian honey cake as a mega cake, toffee frosted vanilla coffee cake, and the darn pear buttercream filled cupcakes with that green lemonade flavored frosting. Lots of them! I plan to throw a party for the family, after everything’s back to normal of course, at my grandma’s and just as the OLDER generation is about to sit down to take a slice I tell them ‘The cakes are for the children, you know.
Grown adults can wait until the kids have eaten their FAIR share and go play.’
I just want to see their faces, as even as an adult I’ve heard that ‘These aren’t for you!’ when there’s been fresh sweet buns on the table.
If I’m right my grandma will exhaust herself with laughter. She loves to prank people. Maybe I have more of her personality than I’ve thought. I’m just an overly sensitive version. And I really love cake. If you haven’t tried and find it, try the Russian honey cake!
It’s just so good!”
3. You Want To Be Entitled? Enjoy Your Gross Mushrooms
“This isn’t the wildest of my family stories, but just a foolish one. I had been no contact with my entitled aunt’s whole family a few years when this happened. This story is about the oldest child. Let’s call her… EC as Entitled Cousin.
I (adult female) lived in my late mom’s house, was renovating, and was always tired. I mostly kept by myself and wasn’t sure who to believe in what matters.
I had lots to do and door-to-door strangers kept bugging me, sometimes I forgot to leave my tools when opening the door so that certain religious group probably never wanted to visit after I opened the door holding a small ax. Not gonna miss them, but it was an accident.
One day I had a knock on my door. My mom had removed the doorbell years ago to avoid annoyance on beggars and door-to-door scammers. I opened it and there was my entitled cousin with a total stranger, a girl of her age (four years younger than me).
EC: ‘We were picking mushrooms and I was sure you would want some!’
She was in a happily pushy mood, spoke with a harsh ordering tone as always, and tried to give me a plastic shopping bag full of mushrooms. I peeked in the bag without reaching to take it and said I don’t have a freezer, so sorry but no thanks.
She has said some very toxic things to me and is somewhat greedy of attention, so I think her visit had more to do with the girl she was with. She said something along the line that they will enjoy them by themselves then. I closed the door and was annoyed. But at least she was about to eat the mushrooms by herself.
A notice I made when peeking into the bag was giddy though. Don’t take me wrong, had I seen anything dangerous I would have said so. If she had said she’ll take the bag to our grandma, I would have said something. But if she really wants to eat mushrooms with so much bug protein that I would have left them in the forest without looking, she can do that.
I used to go pick mushrooms with my mom and later in life by myself. I knew mushrooms I took were edible and never picked something if I wasn’t sure it was the one I thought it was. I knew lots of mushrooms, especially this one.
She had mixed up two very similar mushrooms, one is tasty as heck that bruises yellowish after picking, the other tastes like vomit and bruises reddish after picking, both safe to eat and almost identical otherwise. They bruise easily, even from a slight touch. You could tell them apart by the bruise coloration and environment you found them from.
Seeing all those reddish bruises on the mushrooms, I know the two had quite an interesting meal ahead.”
2. The Gas Station Overworked Me, So I Took My Paid Vacation And Left
“Worked at a gas station, ‘we’re-family-here’ type. Huge red flag but whatever. Worked all the holidays by myself, got hurt towards Halloween and they took advantage of me being near crippled. Slowly got better but got blamed for everything despite them knowing my condition.
I worked second shift, almost no one would show up on time for third. I mean if I worked 100 shifts, 90 of them were late or no show.
Our main third shift guy worked 5 days a week, my boss would work the other 2. She’s old and we’d close at 2 am so I volunteered to cover.
Then his significant other died suddenly and was understandably out for a long time so I became third shift person. I didn’t wanna work third, to begin with. Then our district manager needed help at another store. I said yes to a couple of shifts but no more.
Cut to a month later, I’m working every shift there and working 10 pm-6 am. I told both my boss and the district manager I wouldn’t be working this shift much longer.
I took my week paid vacation (that I had JUST earned), worked one more shift, handed the store key to the relief, and quit.
Blocked everyone on everything. The store went to even more shift after and I have no remorse.”
1. My Boss Did Nothing To Help So I Took Matters Into My Own Hands
“A few years ago, I (28F) worked at a job where I was being harassed by a coworker.
A (20F) began working there a few months after I started. I was friendly to her since our desks were nearby. I’d say hello or ask basic questions but it seemed like she had an attitude with her answers or she would ignore me, so I stopped the small talk and only would say Hello.
Most of the time I wouldn’t get a Hello back, but I would say hi to everyone so I didn’t want to exclude her.
A couple of months of her working there, she was screwing up her work and other coworkers would complain about how lazy she was.
I found it weird that my boss didn’t do anything with people’s complaints, usually, he is very professional and doesn’t like slackers. One day, I was asked to train her on a computer program. She didn’t write anything down, was on her phone, would walk away while I was mid-sentence.
I went to my boss and told him he needed to do something and I said ‘I know I’m not the first person to come to you about her.’
And my boss says to me ‘Well her parents are great friends of mine and I know she will do better.’
Well, she didn’t. Her attitude became worse. She began referring to people with nicknames. I was ‘fake fatty,’ one woman was ‘fat witch’ and I heard her refer to a respected employee as ‘twitch’ since he has minor Tourette’s. She would roll her eyes at me, mumble under her breath.
My ‘Hellos’ were now met with eye rolls. She was just a snotty, spoiled brat.
After weeks of this behavior, one day I was in the bathroom and she came in, looked at me, and said ‘Ugh of course you’re in here when I just want a minute to myself.’
So I said back, ‘Don’t you have enough time for yourself at your desk doing nothing?’
Her jaw dropped. I said ‘You’re gonna catch flies with your mouth open like that. Don’t you need to use the bathroom?’
Again, nothing. And I left. Oh boy did my boss throw a fit!
He screamed at me for my ‘unprofessional comment.’ He didn’t care what she said to me. Didn’t care she’s been calling employees rude names. He really stood up for his friends’ kid instead of the multiple employees who have complained about her attitude.
That’s when I began job hunting and plotting my revenge. When she came in one day bragging about the new car her ‘Dad helped buy her’ that SUV became my target. Daily I would park next to her and swing my car door open as hard as I could and would ding her doors.
If there were no spots next to her, I would walk past where she was parked, take a sip of my coffee and spit it on her SUV. I eventually quit that job and went on to work elsewhere.
I quit a year ago and recently I heard she still acted the same way and my old boss still took her side.”