People Share The Most Spot-On Act Of Revenge They’ve Ever Gotten Away With


It’s crazy how people think they can get away with mistreating other people for no apparent reason. Didn’t their momma ever tell them to treat others how they’d like to be treated or that there would be consequences for their actions? What goes around comes around.

Apparently, some people never get that memo. There are people out there who will steal from strangers, neighbors who act like they’re entitled to chop down someone else’s tree, and even teachers who will bully their quiet first-grade student just ’cause. Although the victims may keep quiet to ensure things don’t escalate further, sometimes these people pick the wrong victim to mess with. And, well, they did in the following stories – and their punishment wasn’t pretty.

The way I think of it is, if you can stoop low enough to treat others like garbage, then prepare for their wrath. They might just be crueler to you than you ever were to them. And if you’re really unlucky, they might just write and submit a story online about getting revenge on you!

14. Steal My Hue Lights? Enjoy Getting Woken Up Hours Earlier Every Morning


“I was going out with a guy [BF] long-distance last summer, and things were going pretty well.

I was in DC and BF was in Chicago. I was about to move to Spain temporarily for a really cool opportunity, and BFand I discussed that after I returned to the U.S., I would move to Chicago and we’d go from being the long distance to a normal couple. My lease was going to end right as I was going to move to Spain; instead of finding a way to store all my things for a year and then subsequently move them to Chicago, I figured that this was a perfect time to downsize.

I got rid of a lot of clothing, sold my furniture, and just decided to keep some essentials, sentimental items, and portable expensive electronics.

I only brought the essentials to Spain (whatever would fit in my luggage), and BF offered to store my sentimental items and electronics.
I didn’t mind him using/borrowing the electronics while I was gone (game console & games, JBL speaker, and my Hue Lights) and he installed the Hue Lights in his condo. I visited him for a week and a half right before moving to Spain and we had a little bit of tension and the visit was a little bit rocky.

I thought we were going to be able to work through things and recover, but right as I move to Spain, BF ghosts me for a month and then breaks up with me over a text message. We briefly text about how I can get my belongings back as well as the ~$400.00 he owes me.

I’m depressed and lacking a support group in Spain, coupled with the language barrier, and I decide to return to the U.S.

sooner than anticipated and I actually end up moving to Chicago anyways because I was over DC and got a nice job offer in Chicago. BF returns my sentimental items on his own accord but doesn’t return my electronics other than my game console. I tried to contact him, but he blocked my number, Instagram, Whatsapp, VENMO, AND SPLITWISE. I tried approaching him in person the couple of times I bumped into him and asked him if we could discuss my electronics and the money he owes me and he completely blows me off and is extremely rude.

Obviously, I conclude that he has no intention to return my electronics or pay me back the money he owes me, and I’m angry.
I try to be patient and diplomatic and attempt to talk to him a few more times whenever I bumped into him but he was acting the same. I finally write him an email saying “don’t worry about the money you owe me, just please return my things” and gave my roommate his phone number so that they could coordinate.

He FINALLY responds to my roommate and says that he’ll send someone over the weekend to return my things. Yay! When the person dropped off my things, they only brought the games and speaker. BF kept my hue lights.

I run into him once more and ask him when I could get my Hue Lights back. He shrugs. I asked him if he planned on returning them.
He shrugs again. I ask him point-blank if he was stealing them from me and he says, “I guess you could call it that.” I finally give up, and decide to order new Hue Lights and cut my losses.

The Revenge:
When I was setting up my new Hue Lights, I noticed that I was still connected to my prior pair that my BF had stolen and that some of them were even on. I think it’s a glitch or something and turn them off and don’t think anything about it – but then they came back on. I was confused and curious, so I turned them off again. A few seconds later, they came back on.

I suddenly realized that I was still connected and had just shut off BF’s lights, twice.
I BEAM with excitement. I don’t turn them off again because I don’t want him to figure out what’s going on.

BF doesn’t work until about noon and likes to sleep in until 11:00 AM. He’s also VERY sensitive to light when he sleeps, so much so that he has blackout curtains so that he can sleep in that long. I personally wake up at 7:00 AM to go to work.

So for the last couple of weeks, I’ve made a habit of turning BF’s light on at the same time that I wake up and watching them go off a few minutes later – giving me the sweet, sweet satisfaction that I’m disturbing his sleep in the morning. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to wake up in the morning.
I do this for a couple of weeks until he reaches out to my roommate and finally returns my lights last night.

I suppose he thought they were defective or something.

Obviously, I didn’t post while I was enacting my petty revenge as I didn’t want my fun to be cut short. But now that my lights have been returned, I’m posting. For just a tad bit more petty revenge, I hope he finds this post; it would be the icing on the cake. I want him to know it was me.” kylik9536

13. You Want Me To Count Again? You Got It Lady


“My first major job was selling fish at a fish store.

It was VERY well known locally, and I got paid 12€/h to work there so heck yes! My boss was an older gentleman, I think he was 60 and he was the one fishing so he wasn’t in the store THAT much, so he gave me free hands when it came to selling the fish, I could give discounts whenever I want.
I could do “buy 2 pay for 1” sales if we had a lot of something and so on.

Well, one Saturday, there were surprisingly few customers, so in comes this lady and her husband (let’s call them OL for Old Lady and NM for Nice Man) and they start looking at what we are selling, we have some whitefish, perch, salmon and some other fishies. They pick out what they want and I weigh it and tell them the price.

Now, I like to give people discounts if the price is like 25.17€ I take it down to 25, cause it’s easier to count cause 90% of the customers paid with cash anyway.

Well, she bought some salmon, I think it was about 2-something kilos, so the price was 37.67, and I thought, “you know what, they have been quite nice to me” so I put it down to 35.
well, here is what happened next

OL: “35?? That’s WAAAY too expensive, it would be cheaper in the supermarket!! Count it again!!!”

ME: “Mrs, I’m sorry you think that, however, our prices are better than the supermarket, cause we actually have better quality fish then they have, so our prices are quite fair!” (we sometimes SOLD our fish that we didn’t sell on the weekend to bigger supermarkets, cause our pride was having fresh fish, so we didn’t want the old fish anyway)


NM: (who realized what I actually did) “Honey…”

OL: (ignores husband) “COUNT…IT…AGAIN!”ME: (gives her the retail worker smile we all know and love) “Right away Mrs!”

NM: (gives me a smile)

OL: (looks proud of what she just did)

ME: (with a sarcastic voice) “Oh no, you were right! I counted it wrong!” (now with a normal voice) “that will be 37.67!”

OL: (turns red out of embarrassment) “NM Pay him!” (snags the plastic bag with the fish and walks out the door)

NM: (pays)

ME: “Thank you, and have a nice day!”

NM: “You too!”

Later, I told my boss what happened, and we had a good laugh about it!” emilzzx

12. Cheat On Me And Keep A Journal About It? You’re Going Down


“So late 2016 I discover my (now) ex-wife was cheating on me.

As you can imagine I was destroyed mentally and I felt like my life was spinning out of control. We had been through a lot together so this really hurt. After the admission that she had cheated, we both figured seeing a professional would help and maybe we could make it work.

Fast forward a month I find a journal she had been keeping detailing EVERYTHING. This was a second hard-hitting blow to my mental well-being. After reading some pages I learn she’s still cheating.

This is my breaking point, I can’t even look at her. I’ve stuck with her through drug addiction, a miscarriage, and a workplace injury that left her unable to hold a job (The injury is what led to a pain pill addiction I thought she had kicked… I was wrong).

I was in total shock and revenge mode. I was going to destroy her!

Day 1

I go to the county courthouse and retrieve a “divorce packet” containing what papers and documents one would need to file without a lawyer.

I also make an appointment with a high profile divorce lawyer in my state – the only downside was my soon-to-be lawyer was across the state roughly six hours away so I had to take some time off work and meet with her ASAP.

Day 2

After ex-wife leaves for a bit to go to the store I locate her journal and proceed to take very good pics of every page. I also decide to go through ex-wife’s other things like finding her pill stash and – I kid you not – found a line of crushed pills on one of our glass drink coasters.

I was livid at this sight and take pics of it as well. After ex-wife returns home I tell her I’m leaving for the city for the night and I’d be home the next day. At this point, she still believes I know nothing and am still trying to work things out.

Day 3

I meet with the mastermind of a lawyer. She was a true shark! I explained everything to her, gave her copies of every photo, the texts of my ex-wife admitting to cheating – any type of dirt I had was laid out on a silver platter for this Shark to salivate over.

SL asks me if I have any laundry to air, I told her no and told her everything I’ve been through, I was d*mn near untouchable when it came to my image as a good husband.

SL was pleased and said she would happily take my case and jokingly said, “this is going to be an easy payday.” We settled on a flat fee of 4000 USD since she was so sure the case would be a slam dunk, warning me though if my ex-wife was dumb enough to take the divorce to trial my fees may go up but not to worry about that.

We drafted a very one-sided divorce decree: One where my ex-wife would waive all claims to my 401k (over 200K USD at the time), she waived all claims to my truck (currently in both our names), and finally dividing up the debt, leaving me to only pay my personal credit card and utilities that were in my name and any debt in my ex-wife’s name was hers and hers alone.

With the documents in hand, I make the long drive back home and begin to set the wheels in motion.

My ex-wife is served the following day and she moves out that night trashing the house at the same time I assume to stay with whatever POS she was sleeping with.

2 Months Later

Our divorce is finalized. I then contact Every Pharmacy, Dr, and physical therapist she used informing them of her drug abuse along with pictures. I contact her new employer and hint that they may want to have her tested (this was her first job in five years since I wasn’t there to support her).

She’s later blacklisted from the Dr, pharmacy, and fired from her job.

On top of all that I start seeing her “Best friend” for casual hooking up – it turns out she loved rubbing it in ex-wife’s face that she was having relations with me.

To this day my EW has never recovered, holds a minimum-wage job at a slum bar, and is still on the pills. I’ve recently learned her Boyfriend is currently cheating on her and I love it.

This woman wasted 8 years in total of my life and I’ve enjoyed watching her suffer.” Brokentide

11. Don’t Want To Pay Your Bills Or Pay Me Back? Let Me Make A Call And Get This Sorted


“2 Months ago I lent some (what I thought were) friends $700. They came to me begging to help them out to catch up on bills, specifically on their car loan. They told me they were 2 months behind on it and didn’t want it repossessed.

So me being the gullible soft touch I am, I lent them the money.
Now they promised to pay me back $233 per month for 3 months until I was fully paid back.

Note I didn’t even charge them any interest.

Well, it came to the first month and guess what? Yep… NO Payment to me. They came up with this really half baked excuse that they were behind on other bills too now. So the next day I take a drive to their apartment to discuss this with them.

What do I see when I walk in, in their living room? A gosh darn brand new 52″ LED Smart TV mounted on the wall. At first, I didn’t say anything about the TV, I asked them why they reneged on our agreement to pay me back and I got the same excuse “We are really backed up on our other bills and have been paying those off too” This is when I pointed to the brand new TV and said, “Well *** is that new TV and last month when I was here, that was not there.” The answer I got floored me.

They told me “IT was none of my ******* business what we spend our money on,” “and they would start paying me back next month.”

I was fuming so much I just walked out and went home. Well, I thought to my self, I will give them to next month and see if they start paying me. Well, next month came and guess what? ANOTHER ******* ******** excuse. This time it was their dog got sick and they had vet bills to pay.

Now I was ******* p*ssed off and in full revenge mode.

I drove over to their place late at night 3:00 am in the morning and wrote down the VIN number to their car and the license plate number. The next day I started calling car repo companies to see if the car was up for repossession.
Well, guess what it WAS!!! Those ******* lying ******** never made a freaking payment on their car on over 5 months I found out.

The woman I spoke to was nice enough to tell me who the lienholder was. I then told her I knew where the car was and I was willing to let them know for a finders fee. They agreed to it $250 finder’s fee. I met with the repo agent 3 days later and showed him where the car was and he handed me $250 dollars and then went and hooked their car up to haul it away.

(Meanwhile, I was sitting in the tow truck the entire time)

The next thing I see is those to lying ******* come flying out of their apartment screaming at the tow truck driver, that he can’t take their car away, that they were all caught up on their payments.
That is when I stepped out of the tow truck and they saw me and I said to them “BULL ******* ****, you’re caught up, I spoke to your lienholder and you’re over 5 months behind and this is what you get for lying to me and ripping me off ****** bags.” MaudeZeetschitt

10. They Stole My Security Deposit, So They Lost Their Staff And Their Reputation


“So…background! Around Thanksgiving 2017, my wife’s company offered her a fantastic promotion, which she accepted even though it meant moving across the state by Jan.


The month of December was insanity – list and sell the house, find a short-term rental which would accept 4 pets, pack, move, etc. A lot of whiskey magically disappeared but I got it all done and we moved into our rental house and all was well!

We bought our new home and moved and the rental lease officially ended on April 1.

The Property Manager followed the state laws correctly so far and we were told we’d get the $1,800 owed for our security deposit back by May.

Spoiler alert: it never came. I spent the next four months going back and forth with the Property Manager and hearing “It’s coming”, “We never got your paperwork”, blah blah. I got sick of this and got two different lawyers involved and sent them official Demand Letters. I also filed a formal complaint with the state Division of Real Estate against their license.

The P.M. kept telling the state investigators that they would pay us back but nothing ever happened.

I didn’t want to formally sue via our lawyer because he charges $300/hour and it’s all up-front.

I was hesitant to go to small claims court because it’s a $5,000 max in our state and the damages we’re legally owed are 3x the $1,800 deposit, which puts us over that cap – so I’d have to give up on some of the damages we’re legally entitled to seek, eat roughly $500 total in fees, and then go through that whole process for the next year, and ***uming we won the judgment, then go through the collection process for another year or two.

An option, one we’d win, but a big pain in my ***.

So this is where the pro revenge comes in. It was initially petty…say their website is “” I bought “” for $12 and posted all of my screenshots and info about their theft and ******** for the world to see, and then I bombed it all over their business Facebook pages as well as the personal pages for the main partners and their Yelp page.

I got a kick out of it, they took their pages down, petty revenge wins, right?

My little website caused a bigger boom than I anticipated. Basically, this P.M. has two principal agents in charge and a broker. One of the agents is married to the broker. Beneath them, they have (HAD…heh) 5 realtors. I sent my new website to them all, everywhere I could. Turns out the partner who isn’t married to the broker had NO idea that the broker and his wife were stealing money from the P.M.

company. Their realtors had no idea, either – two of them quit immediately, and one reached out to me to let me know why she quit and that she was going to a new broker.

But the other principle of the company was mortified. She asked me to leave her name out of it, take the stuff down, etc. and I just politely but coldly replied that hey, your business partners/broker stole my money and I can back everything I’m saying with documents, not my problem.

She promised she’d get things resolved and for the first time in 10 months, the broker started answering my e-mails.

We worked out a deal and they’re now paying us $200/month until December, which will cover the amount owed plus the extra for our legal fees. The first check came last week (it actually BOUNCED but I made them send me a cashier’s check and they have to send cashier’s checks going forward, so we did get our first installment.)

I’ve also learned that the state investigation has been turned over to the state’s legal department and the broker and his wife will likely lose their license – the state investigator said they had multiple complaints against them but I was the most thorough and had the most documentation against them, so our complaint was a big reason they had the ammo to push it to the legal team.

So all told, my *****y little website ended up costing them 40% of their real estate team, resulted in them removing their business FB listings, pushed the investigation into their license over to a state legal team (still ongoing), and resulted in them having to FINALLY start paying us not only the $1,800 we’re owed but the legal fees I spent on top of it.

Oh, and that bounced check? I made them send me a certified check for $12 to cover the bank fee for that, too.” Nascentia

9. She Got Revenge On Her Abusive Ex With His Own Paperwork


“This all started several years ago during my parents’ divorce, but the revenge took place this November.

Backstory: Growing up, my father was an emotionally abusive ********pie*ce of* *** who got off of religious authority and controlling every aspect of our lives.
We were kept so isolated and made to fear the police/CPS to the point where we thought it was normal. After I went off to college, my little brother came out as gay and my father started beating him (unbeknownst to my mother and me). When my brother threatened to tell my mom about this, my father kicked the then 15-year-old out of the house.

My mother was understandably horrified by this and tried to get my father to see sense, at which point he started hitting her. Long story somewhat short, I got my mom out, my brother went to live with friends, and divorce proceedings were started. It was nasty, no one wanted to go to the police (father was friends with the local small-town cops), and thankfully my a*shat sperm donor agreed to a no fault divorce.
While my mom was cleaning out her stuff from the house under the watchful eye of her amazing coworkers, she found my father’s discharge papers.

This is where the plan started. You see, my father spent his entire 25 year marriage telling everyone that he was a Special Forces vet who had been awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star which were both coincidentally destroyed in a house fire along with all his uniforms and paperwork. But here we’re his discharge papers and they clearly stated he was given an Other Than Honorable Discharge after 4 years in the motor pool.

Not wanting to be seen as the vindictive ex-wife, my mom quietly took the papers and didn’t tell anyone for years after my father moved away to a new state to join a militia.
When she finally told me while tipsy this past year, we hatched a plan. Over the next few months we snooped on social media to make a list of his former and current employers, family, major friends that we knew of, and his new church.

She enlisted our extended family and I my college friends from all over the country. In November we each purchased Veteran’s Day cards and wrote out messages such as “stolen valor” “motor pool” “pretender” etc. Everyone attached a photocopy of the page listing his discharge. And then we sent them on the same day from the nearest major cities with the return address listed as his current church. They arrived on or around Veteran’s Day from Atlanta, Orlando, Washington DC, New York, St.

Loius, Kansas City, Seattle, Portland, LA, Houston, Ontario, London, and Edinburgh.

Immediately my mother was inundated with calls/emails from people who “had no idea” and “couldn’t believe he would lie like that” and ” we’re sorry for not believing her/my brother”. My dipsh*t dad sent a nasty email implying horrible things if he ever could prove my mother did this, which she forwarded straight to her lawyer along with the nasty letters from his more vocal supporters.

Now most people in our hometown look at her as the battered spouse who walked out with her head held high rather than “that tramp who divorced such a godly man.” My little brother has no idea we did this (he didn’t want anyone to confront my father), but later told me he got a random call from our old pastor apologizing for kicking him out of the church over my father’s lies.
And I can finally sleep well at night with the knowledge that his reputations is in shambles by our hands.

Revenge truly is a dish best served cold.” bagelsssforlife

Another User Comments:

“I am surprised with what he was claiming even to his employer he didn’t get investigated for impersonation of a military officer (as in the U.S. that is a criminal offense.)” ThurmanatorOmega


“So from what I know, my father never claimed to be ex-Special Forces on official documents (trust me, we were looking to see if we could get him busted) or his resume. He mostly just tells his work buddies, neighbors, church, etc.

He also has a habit of quitting work after just a few months. At one time he may have been investigated for lying to get GI Bill funds, but that was before my parent’s marriage and my grandma does not want to give me details.
If I ever find evidence of his stolen valor on official ***, oh boy, I’m out for *****.” bagelsssforlife

8. I Told The Truth About My Ex-Employer And Accidentally Got Them Federally Investigated


“I am not usually one to take revenge.

I have extreme anxiety and bipolar disorder, so conflict generally comes with panic attacks and severe depression. Generally speaking, I will just shrug it off and avoid the situation again. However, one thing that I will always fight is betrayal. This is the story of how I ruined my ex-bosses business for her stabbing me in the back. (Immediate apologies if I jump around a lot, I’m kind of typing in a “stream of consciousness” way)

I worked for a medical facility, a small privately-owned facility in a small town near my home.

I was hired originally to tend to patients’ daily needs (cooking, cleaning, etc.), but moved up the ladder a bit as positions opened up, taking on whatever duties my boss (the owner) brought my way. At one point, I had even been the medical billing manager (which I had ZERO experience in, but she threw me into because no one else was available for) until her daughter got out of jail (drug charges), at which point I was sent over to data entry.

I didn’t mind the data entry job. I’m good with numbers and organization, type fast, and am pretty computer literate. None of these positions came with any kinds of benefits though. Not once was I offered a raise for the positions I had taken, nor was I offered any extra benefits.
The only raise I had gotten was a $0.50 increase, the standard 6 month raise, once in my almost 2 years at the job.

Let me tell you about the structure of the company.

The owner had started the company a little over 3 years before I had started, and she had absolutely no experience running any kind of company. Her sister was, but she felt like she needed to “spread her wings” and that “this was God’s plan for her” and all that. Hiring was also a joke, as she employed several family members (including her ex-husband somehow) and gave them priority on EVERYTHING. She had several foster children that she roped into the business, and put them all in management positions, no matter how inexperienced and inept they were.

A few of the “managers” were fresh out of prison/jail on drug charges, or on probation for some crime or another.

I started working there to help myself, oddly enough. I had been unemployed for several years, as my anxiety and depression make it very hard to interact with others. I felt like this job was a good start to re-establish my life and build a future for myself and my amazing wife. I have a decent amount of debt due to some bad decisions (depression makes you not really care about what happens to future you), and I was hoping to build up from the ashes and move forward with my life.

Due to this though, I poured my heart and soul into this place, always striving to make it better, and this event killed me inside, as I was trying to put myself out there only to get stabbed in the back by someone I trusted.
Now this company, because of its size and the owner’s inexperience with running a medical facility, had a LOT of problems. Bills not going out on time, unsecured networks, unheard patient complaints, the list goes on.

While I became more ingrained in the fabric of the facility, I started to notice a lot of fixes that needed to take place for organizational and security reasons, including a couple of major HIPAA violations that needed to be fixed.

When I went in that Friday, I did my normal routine data maintenance tasks then went up to the front to see if the office manager (not one of the owner’s relations) had anything that needed to be done.

The owner was up with her, which was strange, since she usually was running around doing things that needed to be done outside the office, but wasn’t unheard of.
When I had come in that morning, my computer had not been working, which wasn’t uncommon, as the IT person was her current husband (not a terrible guy, but look who he married…). When I saw her I gave her the usual pleasant greetings and asked her if IT had been having issues with the network.

She told me yes, so I didn’t think anything was wrong, and I moved back into the workroom to work on some lower-priority tasks that I had to do.

The owner came into the room 15 or so minutes later with the general manager and said that they needed to speak to me privately. This didn’t throw any flags, because she had done that before when she changed up my position, so I just figured I was being moved around again.

When she came into the room, she pulled out one of the company iPads.

These iPads were used for the intake process, specifically for taking pictures of clients and adding them to the electronic health record system for the counselors and floor staff. I had been thrust into the intake process after the administrator handling intakes was terminated. I don’t have much experience with Apple products specifically, so I did exactly what she told me to do to send the images to our system.

She asked me to come around to show me something. She pulled up the screen and showed me that the iPad was registered to a person that was not affiliated with the facility at all (I later found out who it was, that’ll be another reveal a bit later).
“This is not ok. This is a HIPAA violation, and we could get in a lot of trouble for this.”

This was a company iPad. Splash screen and all.

I had no reason to believe that it wasn’t secured for any reason. Besides, that wouldn’t be the employee’s responsibility, especially when the owner herself had told them to use it in the way they were using it.

I didn’t feel that it was my problem in the slightest, as I was not the only one who had used the device for exactly the same thing. I try my best to solve problems when they happen, rather than dwell on the problem, especially when it would be time-sensitive to fix to prevent violations and fines.

I asked “Ok, how can we fix this? I’m willing to help”

She looked me dead in the eyes and said, “We fix this by terminating your employment.”

I just stood there, shocked. I looked up at her, confused, hoping, praying that I had misheard her in some weird way, and asked, “You’re firing me?”

She said yes, and I swear that a small grin flashed over her face as she said it. I looked over to the general manager, who was crying (well, trying to hide that she was crying).

I asked her why I was getting terminated for something I didn’t have control over, and over something she had explicitly asked me to do, but she just fell silent and told me I needed to leave.
I was friends with everyone in the office aside from her spawn, so I said my goodbyes to them, hugged them, cried, all while the owner stood there over my shoulder ushering me out, still with a near smile on her face.

That was the moment I knew this was not going to end well for her.

First, the fallout that she created directly for herself. I was friends with almost every person in the facility, including the counselors. One of them had been contemplating leaving for a long time, and I had repeatedly talked him into staying or to try and tough it out, and maybe next week would be better, etc. I was fired Friday, and I found out later through another ex-employee that he had resigned immediately that Monday.

I don’t know for certain that he left because I got canned, but the timing seems a bit too coincidental to me. After he left, another one left. Then 2 others. By the end of it, the owner was left with 2 counselors to run both residential and day treatment, one who was just coming back from maternity leave (I feel so bad for her, I hope she left, she was a wonderful person to work with), and another who had only been doing day treatment and not the more intensive residential treatment.

I like to think that she created a domino chain, but I can’t confirm for sure.

Now to my part. Since I had been in nearly every position in the business, I knew everything about the inner workings of it.
I knew how much money they still were trying to recuperate from insurance, a lot of the tech issues, and, most importantly, violations. When I took the data entry job, a lot of the security issues became apparent to me, so I brought them directly to her to be fixed immediately.

On the tech side of things: The electronic health record system had no clearance levels for any patient, meaning everyone (right down to maintenance) could see patient’s counselor and vitals notes. The electronic health record system was also easily able to be compromised as it could be logged into from any computer, EVEN HOME COMPUTERS. I brought both of these, as well as a few minor state statute violations that needed to be fixed (stuff like employees not being able to get copies of the correct DHS statutes or employee manuals).

On the procedure side of things: Intakes were originally done in the file room, where client files were everywhere, all in cardboard boxes, with name tabs visible to everyone. If there were more than one or two intakes, they would be taken into the cafeteria to do all of the paperwork (imagine signing up for a residential facility and getting your belongings searched in a cafeteria where people are coming and going). Billing was right next to the Day Treatment room, and the door was frequently left open and client names talked about loudly.

The walls were also paper-thin, so anyone in the Day Treatment room could hear client names while treatment was in session. Food and water temperature logs were frequently not up kept.
The organization was a mess (one I was trying to clean up. 4 years of unkempt client files to sort and scan).

And the most d*mning of all, I found out that: the owner and her daughter had been up charging old client’s insurance, and both the owner and her daughter had been using ***** (I can’t 100% confirm personally that the owner was, but I saw the daughter use a pill bottle of Suboxone (buprenorphine) that was not hers.

The owner had been accused by an ex-coworker who had bolted immediately without warning).

As soon as I got home, I was still in shock, and just sat at my computer and cried. I had given everything up to this place, sacrificed countless hours of my time (overtime was paid but you were reprimanded if you went over, and I was over nearly every week doing extra tasks that needed to be done), and even set back my own mental health recovery a significant amount all in the name of progress.

That sadness slowly turned to rage. I’m not normally a person who gets angry, I have an exceptionally long fuse, but when I get mad I get MAD. So I set my plan into action.

After I signed myself up for unemployment, I started making some calls. I called the Department of Health Services and lodged a complaint against the facility, stating all of the privacy violations I knew. I got the typical, “Ok we will contact you if something changes or if more information is needed” schpeel.

Once I was off the phone with them, I started making calls to insurance companies. BCBS, NetworkHealth, UHC, and Prairie States were all given calls, I gave them the Tax ID and NPI of the facility (information I learned while I was the billing manager) and told them to review their contracts at the time the services were rendered, and check to see what they were billing them for.
After all of that, I just sat there completely numb.

A few weeks passed and I checked my unemployment to see that I was paid, so I wouldn’t get behind on payments, and saw that there was a hold on my account stating that my employer had determined my termination to be negligent and misconduct on my part. I was called by UI and asked a few questions, and they determined on a surface level that I was not at fault and that I would still receive my benefits.

Sigh of relief activated.

I thought it was over and I could start moving on. Nope. I got a letter in the mail stating that my ex-employer was appealing the decision, and that, if the judge determined that I was at fault, not only would my benefits be cut, but I would also get my wages garnished once I did get a job to pay back everything that had been paid out.
A few panic attacks later, and I’m reading everything.

I’m reading up on statutes and reading through all of the “evidence” the owner had submitted, writing notes on my computer about all of the inconsistencies and errors in her statements. 4 pages later, and I start seeking out ex-coworkers who had worked there and left. I contacted the person I stated earlier (the one who bolted without warning) and asked her if she’d be willing to testify. She initially accepted, but then declined as she was actually key in an investigation against them as well (hers had to deal with the counselor side of things.

I’ll try to explain this the best I can without giving away too much: One of the counselors had a specialization, and she was the only one who was qualified to provide that service.
When she left, she was replaced with a counselor who had the in-training qualification, so she was supposed to be supervised by a medical director with that qualification. The owner did not have that, but, the entire time, had been advertising, providing, and billing that qualification’s services).

I hadn’t talked to her in a while, so I caught up, and told her what had happened. She told me it was total BS, that she and several others had used it in the same way, etc. etc. I also asked her if she was familiar with the name that had been on the iPad.

She asked me again for the name and if I was 100% sure that it was correct. I said yes, and immediately asked why.

“That’s an ex-client.”

Ex-coworker had worked there since the very beginning, so I have no reason to doubt her. The owner had either bought (or stolen, who knows) an iPad from an ex-client, had not wiped it, and then gave it to staff to pass confidential health information to the company servers. I was immediately on the phone with DHS again, asking to amend my original complaint to add this to it.

Come the day of the appeal, I’m shaking, on the verge of panicking, and the call comes through.

It takes everything in my being to not start screaming at the owner when I hear her disgusting gravelly voice. I sat there with all of my notes, the DHS manual and statutes, and all the evidence that I had.
This is where the owner started making a lot of mistakes.

I found out after the fact that she was actually headed to court to defend herself against ANOTHER lawsuit (aside from the 2 investigations and this hearing), so she had her daughter, the billing manager, defend the company.

She also didn’t prepare. At all. No notes, no evidence, nothing. She apparently thought so much that she was going to win that she was just going to wing it.

The judge starts asking her daughter questions, to which the owner (who apparently was in the car with her daughter on the way to the courthouse) started coaching her answers. The judge had to ask her multiple times to stop giving answers to the questions asked, as she was not listed as a witness and was not defending the company.

(she didn’t actually stop, but she had to go to court like 15 minutes in, so her daughter was left to defend them).

Now, in my state, if you file an appeal, it is your responsibility to provide a case (burden of proof). Apparently neither the owner nor the daughter knew this, as they simply did not have a case. The judge asked them what happened, and she lied. A lot. To the point where the Judge even pointed out inconsistencies in what was being told to her and had to even remind her that she was under oath and lying could result in a perjury charge.

The absolute nails in the coffin were the questions I asked.

Me: “Was I the only one using that device?”
Daughter: “I don’t know.”
Me: “But you knew enough that I was terminated for it?”
Daughter: “uhhh…”
Me: “How about the device? Was it bought new or was it used?”
Daughter: “It was new”
Me: “How was the device registered to another person?”
Daughter: “ummm…”
Me: “And do you know who the person was that it was registered to?
Daughter: “…no?”
Me: “An ex-client.”

Things went on like that for a bit, then the judge chimed in:

Judge: “Wait, what statute did he specifically violate?”
Daughter: “He violated HIPAA.”
Judge: “Can you give me a specific state statute?”
Daughter: “No, but if you can wait like 30 minutes I could ask my mom.”
Judge: “No, you were given plenty of time to prepare a case.

Once this call ends, it’s over.”

I sat there and smiled. I knew I won before the call even ended. We were told a decision would be mailed to us in 5-7 days, or sooner if the judge came to a verdict sooner. I got a letter 2 days later saying I had won.

All of that was great and all, but the owner’s daughter had accidentally stuck a few more nails in the company. The situation with the iPad was brought up to DHS automatically, as it was a potential HIPAA violation.

I received a call a week or so later from a private investigator, who took a statement about the iPad. I told him I had filed a complaint a few months ago, and I had stated everything else that had been going on.
I got the same “we’ll contact you with any further questions” speech and I thought that was the end of it…

…until I got another letter. I saw DHS and was immediately thinking they had found a way to appeal the appeal and started panicking.

It wasn’t my state’s DHS either. It was FEDERAL. I was about to pass out when I opened it, and the letter stated that my complaint had been investigated and due to the findings, the case was being transferred up to the federal level. I didn’t know how to react. I never intended it to go to the federal level, but I’m not the government, so I don’t know the severity of the trouble she is in.

And that’s where we are now. The owner has now “fallen very ill” and does not come into work anymore (according to a few coworkers who still talk to me). She also did not do well in her other court cases, and it looks like she may be facing prison time for insurance fraud, and the owner’s daughter may be facing time for violating probation by taking *****. I spoke to Ex-coworker and she told me that several other employees have left after finding out what had been happening, with most of them stating that they don’t want to get in trouble for being associated with any wrongdoings (a lot of them have criminal histories).” CrustyMustard

7. Don’t Mess Around With The Security Guard If You Want To Keep Your Job


“I worked as a security guard for a standard security company, but we were contracted with a petrochemical company to do security at their world HQ.

(The company is a Fortune 500 company making billions a year) Therefore the account we had meant that we did security for ALL of their locations inside the US, while other companies handled sites outside the US. This account was worth around 30 million dollars USD a year. I joined the company in March and things seemed great! My shift was very workable. 10:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday. I spent most of my day doing paperwork and signing in other contractors and delivery drivers.

Honestly, it felt like a pretty decent job. It didn’t pay very well but ya can’t complain when you sit on your a** all day.

However soon we began to have a staffing problem. People were leaving and getting fired way to quickly.
We were supposed to have about 15 guards but we got as low as 9. This does not include the 3 veteran guards employed by the client company as they were separate from us, this is very important later.

This caused HORRIBLE schedules. In a 26 hour period, I worked 20 hours, (which I later found out is illegal in our state) and we would EASILY put in 60 hour weeks. Every single guard was working overtime. It caused havoc with our personal lives. My girlfriend even told me she was thinking about leaving me because out of the entire week I would see here maybe an hour a day before I fell asleep, and we LIVED together.

So obviously some compensation was required.
Overtime was decent pay, yes, but we wanted an overall raise. We got paid way to little to be working 70 hour weeks, 12-16 hour shifts, etc.

Each facility has a supervisor through the contractor company, and each set of facilities has a branch manager who supervises specific accounts for the regional manager. While the branch manager was supposed to visit each facility once a month,(there are 3 facilities in his area on the account) I saw him TWICE in my 1 year period with the company.

Apparently the client company had a lot of pull in the state, so the security company was basically their lap dog and they tried to keep their distance as much as legally allowed.

The issues started when one of the guards (We’ll call him Roy) started talking about how his friend who worked at the sister site and all of his fellow guards all got raises because they were short-staffed, and the company wanted to thank them for pulling extra hours.

This got a lot of the guards FURIOUS. We were much worse off with our staff and we worked at the WORLD HQ and none of us had even been suggested raises. This led to the guards being particularly unmotivated and led to people refusing to pick up shifts. So one of the senior guards decided to call the BM and complain, asking why the sister site would get raises and why we would not. Apparently it was more of a rant than an actual conversation, but at the end of it the BM promised he would look at getting our raises, and that he would speak with the regional manager to get the raises going.

When word of this reached the facility, it was one of the ONLY things everyone could talk about.
We would talk about how excited everyone was to get raises, and the BM had also promised that we would be getting new guards to help out, so no more 60+ hour work weeks. Everything was happy in our world. For about 48 hours.

When I get to work early morning on Thursday, I see an email addressed to all the security guards, and our BM is CC’d in it.

(He NEVER gets copied in emails) The email said this;


As you all are aware of, all of the rumors that have been brought to my attention have been addressed. I would like to take this time and remind everyone not to engage in this activity again. Moving forward, bring all concerns to the attention of your immediate supervisor so they may be addressed.
Spreading rumors and causing panic will be looked at as creating an uncomfortable/hostile work environment.

Disciplinary action will be taken. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the matter.

Also make sure that your attention while on site is on our purpose. We should all be focused on the objective of providing the client with outstanding service.”


Basically we were being told that we weren’t getting raises, and the BM claimed that the sister site getting raises was nothing but a rumor. Roy was berated for supposedly causing a panic, and since the senior guard was the one that went over the supervisor and straight to the BM, he was being told his JOB was potentially on the line.

Everyone was absolutely appalled, and one of the older guards quit on the SPOT. The company had basically flat out lied, and made promises they had no intention of keeping, and we legally couldn’t prove anything.

And thus the revenge starts.

We had the phone numbers to the sister site in the directory but didn’t know who the supervisor was over there. I asked Roy who his friend that had worked there was, and if I could get into contact with him.

Unfortunately, he had quit and joined the Air Force just days prior. At this point, I felt stuck, but I didn’t want anyone to be screwed over by a company just because we were the “little people” So I stuck my neck out, and using the phone in my office I called the client of the sister site.
The operator picks up, and I explain that I’m a guard at the HQ, and needed to speak with the supervisor of their site.

The operator gladly puts me through. “Frank” answers the phone and I explain who I am, and why I am calling. I don’t BS with him and just flat out ask the big question, did their site get raises?

They did, and then some.

Turns out not only did all their guards get raises, including himself, but they ALSO received bonus checks for their hard work. I could barely speak. I couldn’t tell if I was furious at how we had been treated, or how thankful I was that Roy and senior guard weren’t lying.

I ask Frank very calmly, “Can I get that in writing?”

The next morning, I ask for a meeting with the BM, the Site Supervisor, the Client, and the 3 guards that were willing to show up.
Me, Roy, a senior guard, a random guard who was willing to be present, he was in the loop most of the time. The BM is annoyed by this meeting and demands to know what is going on. Senior guard and I explain how we are here to address how employees were lied to, and how we were being threatened because we wanted to be compensated just as much as the sister site, and on top of that, how all 4 of us would leave if this issue was not addressed.

Client: What are they talking about?

BM: We have made it clear that the rumors have been addressed, and that no such promises were made! This meeting is over!

OP: Not so fast sir, there is one other person that would like to speak with you.
And in walks the knight in shining armor, Frank.

We watch in amusement as all the color drains from BM’s face. He stands there completely still, not making a sound. Frank smiles in an almost predatory fashion as he knows the slaughter he is about to partake in.

Client: Who is this?

Frank: I am the site supervisor for your other site. I have here documentation that not only did BM lie about my guards getting raises, but also a recorded phone call (being all calls from company phones are monitored) that has BM on record stating that he was going to pursue seeking a raise for this site’s guards.

At this point even I am speechless, I didn’t know how he got a copy of the phone call between senior guard and BM, but he did, and was holding the transcript.

The client goes from confused to angry, glaring at the BM. The BM is still standing there, white as a ghost, and now OUR site supervisor is staring at him in what looks like pure rage. Mostly because he took the flack for the BM’s lies.

BM: How did yo-

Client: You’re right BM, this meeting is over, for you. Get out of my office.

The BM glances at myself and senior guard in what looks like pure defeat and mopes out of the office.

Client: Frank, let me see what you have.

Frank hands over all the evidence and the client looks through it for about 5 minutes. He finished going over it and closes the booklet and looks over at the site supervisor. “Did you know about this?” The site supervisor explains how he was simply doing what he was told and not to ask questions.
He was ex-military so that mindset was believable. After this, the client instructed all of us to go home and we would be given money for the shifts we were supposed to work, but instructed us to come back at 7am sharp the next morning and to meet in the conference room.

We all show up the next day, and we are greeted by the client, and another younger lady who he explains to us is the financial manager of the whole company. The BM is also sitting there, but on the other side of the conference table. We sit down and she starts off by apologizing for the behavior of the BM, and explained how they did not like this sort of thing, however, since he was a contractor, they could not LEGALLY hold him accountable.

The BM seemed somewhat relieved by this, and my heart admittedly sank. She said we could file reports against him and they would confirm them, but they could not partake in any form beyond that.

Then, the financial manager gives the big BUT. She says her offer is that we can work for the client, personally, as in house security and not contractors. They said they would hire all 4 of us on the spot and we could start working tomorrow.

This included full benefits, a HUGE increase in pay (over 20 dollars an hour) and 6 weeks of vacation time a year. However, the offer only stood while we were in the room. The BM is fuming as he has just lost 4 guards.
Of course, we all accept. She makes it CLEAR however that we aren’t hired until the meeting is over.

Then the financial manager’s attention turns to the BM. She explains that since 4 guards had just quit that he was now in SEVERE violation of the contract due to lack of staff and that they were using the break clause to terminate the account effective immediately.

The BM tried to argue saying that stealing contractors with the intent of using a break clause in a contract is illegal, which it is. Her response is something like this.

Financial Manager: You are correct, which is why these men are not currently employed by us, they left on their own accord and are unemployed. Since this is a SEVERE violation of the contract we will be dealing with this here, and now.
The BM is speechless at the perfectly deceptive and well-played loophole that the client company had just exploited, and was also told if they DID decide to pursue a lawsuit, they WOULD be allowed to legally bring the evidence of the contractor company’s deception and blatant lies to its employees.

The client and the financial manager spend the next 4 hours taking phone calls and we can’t leave the room. After they hang up the phone for the last time, the client turns to the BM and explains calmly but firm, “Please step outside with me for a moment.” He also gestures for myself and senior guard to stand up and follow them. We walk outside and the client smiles.

“OP, senior guard, would you please as my security officers escort BM off-site? His company is no longer associated with us.”

We gladly escort him to his car.

3 years after this happened and all 4 of us still work there. We heard from another guard that the BM was fired basically as soon as he got back to his company’s HQ, and FRANK was offered the BM position. He apparently responded by handing them his resignation letter. He went to move on to another security company overseas, as last, I knew he had been in France for almost a year. Our site supervisor was moved to another facility, but still works for the company last I checked.

We love working for the client, and all 4 of us became good friends. We all work similar shifts so every Friday after work we all go to the bar and have a good time.
We also became fairly close to the client, so he invites us over to his house for special occasions. And yes, the security director for a petrochemical company has it BIG. Thanks to my job however, I was able to save my relationship, take great vacations, buy a brand new (at the time) Chevy Silverado, and buy an actual house.

So, to sum things up…

Don’t *** with the security guard.” youmabuddi

Another User Comments:

“This is great. Having worked in security for a while I can honestly all the bm’s I have dealt with are the same sleazy types, not completely their fault but yea all bm’s try to do that to everyone” saintbob21

6. Destroy My Childhood Game Store? Kiss Your Job Goodbye


“I judge card games from local to world championships.
For several games, I was head judge at the World Championships.

The town I grew up in had a game store, it was run by a husband and wife and eventually, their kids joined in on the fun. And it was a lot of fun. Every night there would be no tables open and for bigger tournaments, they would rent out vacant storefronts in the shopping center to fit everyone that would come. Eventually, they moved the store to a bigger store and it would just keep growing.

Some people who grew up in the area and played at the store eventually had kids of their own and they played in the store too. It became a tradition, this is the place that you took your kids to their first role-playing RPG game, or where you buy them their first booster packs.
The only Friday nights that this store would be empty were the nights a big football game was on at the High School.

The reason the store was so popular was because of the couple, they were never flashy and they treated everyone as if they were the best player in the world. They’d give away free snacks, sodas, booster packs for every little occasion and sometimes just because. They were more than patient with players helping them build decks and helping people get better at the games. They also knew and were able to teach EVERY GAME they sold in the store.

I could walk in any day and there would be several RPG groups and rows after rows of people playing all sorts of games.
Didn’t matter if I bought anything or not, I can stay from open to close and not spend a dime and they would still treat me like I dropped a million dollars. It was, Nerdvana! It was also the store where I judged my first event after I got my initial certification. And the husband had me as a judge for almost every event and he would compensate me half a box of booster packs for the smaller events up to 2 boxes for bigger ones.

For one really big release weekend he gave me 6 boxes of booster packs and paid me.

His wife was equally amazing and loved her nerds (as she affectionately calls us) more than he did. She would bake cakes for birthdays.
Every day for the week leading up to Christmas there would be a tin of cookies always stocked and baked the night before. If people got in a jam and needed a last-minute sitter, they could leave the kids at the store and she would warn the parents she’ll watch them but she’ll also teach them collectible card games, I think this is also why the store made so much money.

There was a rumor the store actually belonged to her!

Life happened and eventually, I ended up living in a city about 3 hours away and a few years ago, I heard the wife died and the husband couldn’t bear being in the store because everything reminded him of her so someone else was running the store now.
I planned on visiting the store but being 3 hours away I just couldn’t make a casual trip there as a round trip would be 6 hours.

Around the middle of last year, the store announced they were going to host a major qualifying tournament. This generated a lot of buzz. People from all over the region were making plans to travel to it. I thought this would be a great time to visit the store so I made plans to go to.

About 2 weeks before the event, I got an email from the publisher asking me to judge the event. I thought this was odd as for store-level events, the store fields the judges and the publisher doesn’t get involved at all.

Also, while there are a number of us judges, we’re not so numerous that we don’t know each other. So, I knew there were enough judges in the store’s area who should be able to handle the event.

I wrote back saying, I was hoping to be able to play but shouldn’t there be judges in the area who would be able to do this?

They wrote back saying there should be, but the Store Owner said he couldn’t get anyone even with the list we sent him.

Red flag. They ended with the email with, you should talk to the other judges from the area and see if you can get more of the story. I wrote back asking them to give me a few days to think about it

I immediately started contacting the judges in the area.
They all told me the same story. The store was sold to a guy and he was great, it was the manager who was the problem.

He was a judge as well but he thinks he knows better than everyone else. The Manager says he would override obviously correct ruling because he was buddies with the person the judge ruled against. Apparently, this also happened at a major regional tournament.

Now one of the reasons I judge instead of play is judges are pretty well compensated (now anyways), not just with booster box and our pay, but we also get some pretty sweet exclusive promos and swag.

This ***** manager was hoarding judges’ promos for himself. The Judges found out about this after they went to a major event and another judge was talking about a sweet swag he got.
The area judges put 2 and 2 together and realized what was going on. After this happened, judges who lived in the area, all agreed they wouldn’t judge under him every again.

This wasn’t the worst of it, he would harass players, saying they can’t bring any outside food or drinks.

Tell them they have to buy products if they want to play in the store. He would harass the RPG players telling them they have no life and they’re just wasting valuable time; they could be using to play better games. Needless to say, people tried to avoid him. But as the owner would sometimes run the store himself, no one can be sure when the manager from **** would be around.
I was livid. This was the store I grew up in, this was the store I learned to play and mastered all my favorite games.

And this pr*ck was killing the store. I started to formulate a plan.

I wrote to the publisher and told them I’ll do it. Also, what was the judge’s swag for this event? They wrote back, really grateful as they would have had to pull the event if I didn’t agree to it and told me everything I would get for judging, they even told me they’ll throw something in special for me for helping them out.

I wrote back asking for a specific item. I knew that the a*shat manager would definitely want and I could use to trap him.
The publisher wrote back saying, yes, they would include that in the tournament kit as well.

On the day of the event, I woke up at the ungodly hour of 5 AM, got ready and left the house at 7 AM and made the 3-hour drive to my home store. I got there and there was already a line wrapping around the store.

I said hi to people I knew from the store and those I met at larger events. It was like a mini homecoming.

I walked in and the new owner, the manager and 2 other judges were there and went over the day. The manager started saying that he’s a level mid-tier judge and that was the highest in the area right now so he would be the Head Judge for the event and what he says is final.

I told him that I was a higher tier judge, on top of that, I had several advanced role qualifications.

He said I was *********** him until I showed him my certification. He said he’s still Head Judge because he was the manager of the store and people in the store respect his authority (I had to stifle a laugh). Then I told him before I start, I would like my judge’s swag. Now, normally I get this at the end of the event because I don’t want to carry it around all day.

But given this guy’s record, I wanted to give this guy as little chance as possible to steal what was owed to me. He started hemming and hawing and said he hasn’t pulled the kit yet.
I told him to pull it, open it and give me my swag or I will be walking away and I’d tell the publisher and this tournament will be invalidated.

The owner tried to reason with me, but I was firm, I hated doing this to the owner, he hasn’t done anything wrong.

From what I heard, he was trying to continue the traditions and practices the original owners established. But I knew I need to be an ***** to save this store’s community from the manager. The manager finally came out and gave me my swag. I looked it over and I knew this wasn’t everything that was promised to me. And I said as much, then I pulled the email from the publisher that listed EVERYTHING I was supposed to receive including the special swag.

The manager said he couldn’t find it all and the owner begged me to wait until the end of the event so he can make it right. I stood firm and demanded my stuff. I listed everything and this time I also listed the special item I requested from the publisher. The manager went pale, the owner looked at the manager and said, “You said you got that when you judged that big event a few months ago.” I pulled up the email where I requested the item and where the publisher said it would be included and showed it to the owner.

The owner exploded. He demanded to see the entire packing list for the kit, and sure enough,  my promised item was in there.
Then I told the owner everything the other area judges told me, and the owner got redder and redder. Finally, I told the owner and manager that unless I get the items, I was promised by the publisher, I would call the police and report the theft. Then walk out and make sure everyone outside knew what happened.

The owner demanded the manager give me what was owed to me. He walked back and brought out everything that was listed in the email, plus the special item that was promised to me. The owner then fired the manager and apologized to me profusely for what just happened and asked me to please judge. I agreed started the tournament and apparently it was the best run tournament the store had since the change of ownership.

No one walked away complaining, all the rulings were fair and it even ended early.

When I got home, I sent an email to the publisher, with the tournament report, as well as an explanation as to what happened. I also sent a long email apologizing to the owner for my sh*tty behavior, the owner wrote back saying he understood why I did it and he was actually grateful I was able to help him see the truth.

The ***** manager and was stripped of his judge certification. Also, the guys he tried to help cheat were given bans from the game. The owner hired one of the area judges to manage the store and it’s slowly going back to what it was before the reign of ***** manager.
In the grand scheme of things, this wasn’t some huge injustice that was righted, but this store is like family to me, and you don’t mess with my family.” WhiteOnmyoji

5. Since You Got Me Demoted, You’re Not Getting Promoted


Sounds fair to me.

“This happened a good long while ago.

I was in high school and got a job at one of the big box stores in the computer department. This store chain had an in-house technician department, which was always where I wanted to go. After busting my a** in sales for two years, putting up with rude customers, silly rules and all the other glorious trappings of retail job, I finally got a chance to be “promoted” to the technician department.
It was not as glamorous as I thought it would be – I quickly found out that most of the “repairs” consisted of running the pre-packaged antivirus suite, updating Windows, and doing data backups prior to wiping computers clean and reinstalling them.

I always liked tinkering with hardware more, but since 80% of customers had laptops and those repairs were deemed too complicated by corporate, we would just send the laptops out to get repaired by the third-party vendor.

It was still better than sales by a long shot, and we had a great team working in the technician area, except for one dude – let’s call him Mike. He always behaved like his crap smelled like roses. He was technically a lead technician, and even though that just meant he had a little more authority (he had access to a corporate account to arrange shipments of computers to and from our store), he was acting like he was the manager of the department.

Nevertheless, our actual manager was a splendid dude that took care of us and as such, Mike’s d*uchery did not bother any of us that much.

Fast forward a little and our awesome manager found a much better job – this opened up a spot for the manager, and since the whole store supervision was going through a shake-up (the general manager was fired for embezzlement and all the people he hired (90% of managers) were under review.

This lead to everybody trying their hardest not to *** up and the new GM decided that since our department was one of the best in the district, he would not try to hire an outsider, but will promote from within.

Now Mike was working at this store for almost ten years at that point and a couple of people that started working with him as sales associates were by this point managers and assistant managers.
one of them, Brittney, was an assistant manager in charge of customer services and checkout.

One of the conditions for Mike’s official promotion to the manager was to keep the #1 spot in the district performance-wise. One of the key metrics was the rejection rate from our third-party vendor (if we mistakenly sent them a software problem to fix, they would charge us extra). Mike started obsessing about the numbers, especially when it came to the rejection rate – he insisted that we would spend extra time to confirm issues, even when there were recalls from manufacturers for these items.

I hated this bureaucracy since it meant that people needed to wait almost the maximum allowed time to get their computers back. So a few times I skipped the extra diagnostics when I knew for sure the problem was hardware.
One day, Mike decided to do an audit on all outgoing machines and found out that I’ve sent four units skipping his “extra” checks – he told me that he will write me up for it, but when he tried, GM told him that he is not a manager yet, and I have shown to the GM that I followed the corporate procedure in diagnosing these units.

I thought that was the end of this, but I was sorely mistaken – Mike hated that I showed o GM that Mike’s procedure was inefficient and that he was denied power over me.

About a month later, I got a call from Mike asking if I could come to the store on my day off because there was an issue with a customer.
When I came in, I was greeted by Mike with a s*it-eating grin and he told me to wait in the back and not to work on any computers.

After about an hour, Mike and Brittney come in and ask me to head to the front office. They started an official write-up process and claimed that I have made a mistake creating a backup of customer’s data and have placed a DVD with no data on it into the box that was returned to the customer and then wiped his PC clean. I knew that it was *******, since I always copy the data to an external hard drive, run antivirus to make sure that nothing bad got copied and then burn DVD’s – yet, when I asked to check the external hard drive, Mike said that due to my negligence I was not allowed back in the tech area.

He went to check the hard drive and said there was nothing on it. At that point, I knew he was *******ing, but him and Brittney were hell-bent on completing the write-up. I have asked for senior management to be present, and was shot down again – turns out GM was on vacation. They completed the write-up and told me that due to the egregious error that cost the company tens of thousands of dollars I was not allowed to work in the tech room and I would be relegated back to the sales floor.

I told them to shove it and submitted my resignation on the spot.

I later found out that a week later they gave the customer the data that was on the hard drive all this time – Mike simply erased the DVD’s (I grabbed a DVD-RW by mistake for that backup) and waited for the customer to come back and complain.
I have also called the corporate HR line and told them what happened – they said that since I quit with a letter of resignation, they would not launch an investigation, but they have received and recorded my complaint.

Through luck and the fact that I was a good hardware tech, I landed a job at a shop that did hardware repairs a week later and started in another week. Turns out, this depot was the service center that covered the entire district and they had the master contract with the big box chain where I worked.

Since I have worked as the tech in that store, I was more than familiar with their labeling and ticketing system – for tracking purposes the label included the store and technician number.

After a couple of weeks, I gathered some goodwill at my new job and started trading the units with my colleagues to work on as many units from my old store as possible

Over the next three months, I made sure that every single unit sent in by Mike would come back with an extra charge. Also, it turned out that Mike (since he was in charge of shipping) would sometimes steal other technician’s tickets to boost his personal performance numbers to secure that manager’s promotion.

Well, that bit him in the a*s hard. There was one week in particular when he sent in over 15 units out of 20 to get fixed and 15 units came back with extra software charge.
I have also kept detailed records that “proved” that Mike did not follow his own policy of extra checks.

When the performance figures came out for that quarter, store crashed into fifth place from #1, Mike missed out on his promotion and a BIG bonus that was promised to him.

A good buddy of mine from the store got the manager position a few months after that and I have explained to him how to reduce the number of “software” charges to almost zero – so he looked like a superstar. Mike was first relocated to “lead technician”, then he was either let go or he quit – I’m not sure. Last I heard he started his own mobile technician business that folded after a year.

What I didn’t know is that this whole incident with Mike ****** up lead the GM to review everything Mike did – including my write-up and dismissal. As it turns out, they did not even register the write-up since I quit on the spot, and buried it – the only way GM was able to find it is because of the HR complaint that was filed against both Mike and Brittney. GM was not pleased that they went behind his back to get rid of someone and fired Brittney.

He was a very decent man who called me later that day and apologized and even offered me my old job back. I thanked him but I was making more money at the new place and did not have to deal with customers, so I passed.” peculiar_liar

4. Careful How You Treat The “Little Guys”


“From: “Chris”

To: “Tom”

Subject: Cancelled orders, HELP!

To whom this may concern:

I am inquiring personally about New-Popular-RPG, which was recently released by Big Explosions.

We have placed several orders for large quantities of this title due to high demand, and each time we place it we receive the below-attached message that our order “unfortunately had to be rejected”.

I understand this may be a glitch in your system of some sort, but I would be very appreciative if you could resolve this so we can order this title.



Owner, Big Down Home RPG Game Store


From: “Tom”

To: “Chris”

Cc: Big Explosions Publishing staff, including *****************

Subject: RE: Cancelled orders, HELP!

Hi Chris,

It’s been a long time! I don’t know if you remember me, but I actually grew up in Hometown and frequented your store through middle school and high school.

Your store, and the games we played, made an incredible impression on me and influenced my career path–it made me want to write and develop roleplaying games, which led me to start Small Indie Gaming Co and move out here to Seattle to collaborate with other developers and develop it.

You might recall, back in 2016, that New-Popular-RPG was initially released as an indie title called New-Less-Popular-RPG. We fronted the costs on publishing and marketing and sought out game stores in the Northwest United States to playtest our games.

I, however, never forgot your kindness and those years spent in the backroom of your store playing Magic the Gathering and D&D…so I took a 16-hour road trip to show up at your store and personally ask you if you would be interested in selling it on your shelves upon release.

At that time, you told me that you only had room for big titles and that you couldn’t accept every Indie RPG developer that knocks on your door.

I then offered to send you free copies of the title to sell for 100% profit, because honestly I just wanted to have my own RPG on the shelves in the store that was so important to my youth, but you laughed.

You laughed. Laughed, and told me again that you only had room for big titles. That the RPG industry was really cutthroat and that you didn’t have room for even one copy of my book.

Last year in 2018 I was privileged to merge with and acquire the much larger Big Explosions Publishing and all of its titles. We are sincerely blessed to be able to share the love of RPGs internationally. And this year, we re-released my game as New-Popular-RPG with a half-million-dollar marketing campaign that has been incredibly successful.

In conclusion, Chris, you are free to order absolutely any title from the Big Explosions distribution list. There are many to choose from. However, the distributor has been given strict instruction not to distribute New-Popular-RPG to your store.

I’m sure there are much bigger titles that can fill your shelves.

Yours most sincerely,



Big Explosions Gaming

~~”  *****************

3. Hit My Mom’s Car And Have Your Cop Boyfriend Cover It Up? Now Everybody Knows


“For some background, I live in a predominantly caucasian suburban town in New Jersey and my family is Asian. Although the town is alright for the most part, it is not really a secret that some of the townspeople are pretty racist. One of our neighbors, (let’s call him Anthony) is a retired police captain from another town, but he is friends with my town’s police chief.

My mother is a first-generation immigrant, and although she’s fluent in English, she still has a pretty thick Asian accent.

A couple of years ago, my mom went to visit one of her friends on the other side of town.
My mom had parallel parked directly in front of her friend’s house which is at the bottom of a small hill. As she was leaving, a woman driving a Jeep Wrangler with her children was driving down the small hill, but she was still a decent distance back, so my mom pulled out of her spot.

The road they were on was really wide, with enough space to fit 5 cars next to one another, and about 40 feet ahead was a stop sign.

My mom at this point was already in the middle of the road fully out of the parking spot and had gotten ahead about 10 feet when the woman driving the Jeep suddenly came up from behind my mom’s car and cut directly in front of her, crossing a double yellow line to do so.

Because she cut my mom off on an angle, the Jeep’s rear-wheel ended up ripping off my mom’s front bumper. My mom naturally immediately stopped, and the woman got out of her car after straightening it out on the road.

As soon as she stepped out of her car, this woman (we’ll call her Karen) immediately starts cursing my mom out at the top of her lungs. Karen told my mom to call the police, but my mom told her that her phone had died.

My mom’s friend and her son, as well as the neighbor, came out of the house after hearing the commotion to see what had happened. The neighbor, an elderly man, asked what happened and Karen yelled “Are you ****** blind? A ****** accident happened! Go call the police! I need to call my boyfriend.”

The son had taken a law class in college, so he offered to take a bunch of pictures of the scene of the accident and send them to my mom later (this becomes super important later).

The neighbor calls the police, but Karen’s boyfriend arrives at the scene first. When the cop (let’s call him Kenny) finally arrives, he asked my mom what happened, just as my mom had just started saying her side of the story, the cop says, “Wait just a minute,” and walks over to the boyfriend.

As it turns out, the boyfriend (we’ll call him Sam) was a cop in the town who was pretty popular with the kids in the middle schools since he would occasionally visit to talk about things like DARE and other things in assemblies.

Sam was off duty at the time, so he was able to come over when Karen called him. As soon as Kenny saw his bud Sam, he immediately went to go talk with him rather than with my mom or with Karen.
They discuss for a little while and afterward sent everyone on their way. My mom tried to talk to Kenny before he left, but Kenny just brushed it off and said he got the details he needed and that my mom would be able to get the police report in about a week or two.

When my mom receives the police report, she saw that it said that she pulled out without using her blinkers suddenly and hit Karen’s car. On top of that, Karen was expecting for my mom’s insurance to pay for the damage done to her rear wheel. My mom went to my neighbor Anthony to ask what she should do about the report since it was clearly wrong.
Anthony was furious and told her that she should go to the police station and ask to see the chief and if they ask why she needs to see him she should tell them that it’s because she wants to file an internal complaint.

That day, my mom takes the photographs sent to her by the son and goes to the police station and asks the person working at the front desk to see the chief. The cop says that she could not just walk in and ask for the chief, so my mom responds “Ok, so where should I go to file an internal complaint?” and the cop immediately straightens up and says, “Right here. Come with me.” He leads her into the back.

The Deputy Chief steps into the room and started recording the conversation. Since the chief was out, my mom presented all of the evidence to him instead.

After presenting the evidence to show that it was in fact Karen who hit her instead of the other way around, my mom also says that she would like to file a corruption complaint against both Kenny and Sam. Kenny clearly did not do his job properly since he did not properly ask the actual people involved in the accident and did not even note the fact that there were 2 passengers in Karen’s car in the report (even Karen later admitted to an investigator that Kenny never once spoke to her).

My mom even threw in the racist card for good measure saying maybe Kenny wouldn’t listen to her and brushed her off because of her thick Asian accent.
Sam meanwhile had interfered with the investigation despite not being at the scene of the crime during the time of the accident. The Deputy Chief says he will start an internal investigation and will see if anything needs to be done.

Meanwhile, my mom also filed a claim to her insurance and presented the evidence to them too, and her insurance decides since the accident (in their eyes) was clearly not her fault, they weren’t going to pay Karen a penny and that they would contact Karen’s insurance to pay my mom instead.

A lot of internal bureaucratic investigational bullsh*t happens including interviews with Karen, my mom’s friend, and the friend’s neighbor. About a month passed and an officer comes to our house to tell my mom that Kenny had been punished (but there was not enough evidence to punish Sam) and he just wanted to know if there were any other concerns she had.
Since Karen seemingly had not done anything to further warrant any action and the damage to the car was paid for, my mom said that there was nothing else.

This is the fun part. Three days after the officer came to our door, a letter came in the mail for a court hearing. Turns out, Karen decided to file three tickets about my mom just ONE DAY before the statute of limitations. Apparently, in NJ, citizens are allowed to file complaints about other citizens breaking the law (a thing that our family had never heard of before until this happened) and because of how late she filed these complaints, by the time we received them in the mail, we could not even counter complain and the only options were to pay the fine or to go to court.

We assumed that Karen learned about being able to file a complaint from Sam (because no ***) and that the only reason she was willing to go this far is because she heard my mom had a super thick Asian accent and assumed that my mom wouldn’t know what to do about the tickets and would just pay up. What she didn’t count on was the fact that my mom is actually really aggressive with an absolutely massive network of people she’s connected to.

Within a day, my mom hired a lawyer to fight the case and they immediately asked to change the court from the small court in our town to one of the large courts a couple of towns away.
The logic was that if she fought the case in our town, my mom would be at a disadvantage since her case was essentially going against our town’s beloved police force, but by putting it in a different town, the playing field would be even.

Additionally, while my mom worked from home in her own business, Karen had a full-time job in town, so going to court in a different town would be a huge pain in the a*s for her.

The lawyer had prepared a large amount of evidence against Karen, so there was no way she was actually going to win the case no matter what. Come to the court date, Karen never showed up, so the case was thrown out.

That was a pretty nice win, but what came after was even better. Since my mother and sister have a lot of friends in town, the story of Karen and Sam doing this shady bullcrap got out really fast. Soon, half the town had heard about it, and suddenly Karen and Sam went from two favorites in the town because of Sam’s reputation to two of the most underhanded and nasty people. Sam stopped getting invited to school assemblies and Karen was ostracized in her kids’ school’s PTA.

Anthony also ended up talking to the police chief in private and we found out that although Sam was not officially punished, he was severely reprimanded by the Chief.” alex567890101

2. Make My Adolescence A Nightmare? I’ll Make Your Adulthood Traumatic


“Wayback in 2006 during my first year in high school, I was bullied by this new guy in class.

Let’s call him BB (BigBully). BB was somewhat other people would call “cool”. He’s got the looks, the height, and most importantly the manipulative personality.

This guy tormented my 4 years in high school through daily bullying. Calling names, threatening with physical contact, humiliating me in front of other people, and spreading false rumors about me are just some of the things I went through. Reason being? -I don’t know, probably never had a dog in his life.

Fast forward, we finished high school and I moved to another city to study for college. BB, I don’t know what happened to this guy and I didn’t really care.

I went from shy introvert guy to an outgoing, everyone is my friend type of person during college, where I finished my degree in dental medicine in 2016.

I became really active regarding my profession (through community works and civic actions) and has expanded my connections.

After a year, my high school was about to reach its 50th founding anniversary and the alumni association was planning for a grand reunion. I was added to the group regarding this event in facebook and there I saw BB’s profile.

He didn’t make it great in life. Regularly changing jobs, most of the time unemployed, and a wife engaging in illegal activities in which he takes part of. Now the illegal activities I mentioned here is performing dental work without license for a very cheap price. They do install braces for 3000 Php (around 60$) to curious teenagers and adults alike.

I cannot even describe the feeling I got when I remembered the nightmare I was in high school, and now I have the chance of revenge.

In our country, one law states that if you do dental works without license, you’ll be imprisoned for at least 2-5 years and must pay fines costing Php200k-500k ($4,000-9,000 USD). This guy didn’t attend college. This guy didn’t have any license. This guy is in no position to do dental works. Having sworn to uphold my profession and prevent harm to others, I did what any licensed dentist here would do if they knew someone practicing illegally.

So I called up some people within our local dental chapter so they can connect me to the other chapters and do some kind of entrapment operation within BB’s area. Cop went undercover and had him avail of the dental braces. Other cops went in as BB’s wife was putting the brackets in the cop’s mouth.

Both of them went to prison. BB never knew that it was me behind his imprisonment. He and his wife are still in jail and the verdict is yet to come.

It’s a bailable offense but I doubt BB saved enough for the two of them. Justice system here sucks so it would probably take some happy time in jail while the case is in process.

In our country, people would do stupid things to look rich, hence dental braces since it costs a lot. The price for a dental brace is usually around Php50k ($1,000 USD), while the daily minimum wage of an average citizen is Php512 ($10 UD).

Not sorry for his wife.”


1. Start A “War” Between Neighbors? It’s On


“My best friend of many years (who will be referred to as E) has a wealthy older brother (referred to as B) who owns a beautiful property on a lake in the middle of nowhere.

The lake is huge and it has dozens of streams, creeks, and rivers that flow in and out of it, one of which goes to the ocean. There’s a huge woods, full of critters we can hunt with pellet rifles.

He’s got a very nice boat and some electric dirt bikes. Every summer, B stays there for a few weeks with his family, and he invites me and E to stay there too. B and I are also good friends, I was a groomsman at his wedding and such. Not counting the neighbors, it’s about 5 miles from the nearest other houses, but it’s not too cut off as there’s a large town 14 miles away.

Everything is beautiful there, except for one thing.
The lake isn’t all his, there are a number of properties that all border each other that surrounds it. B’s is the largest and includes about half of the lake’s diameter. There are 6 much smaller properties around the rest of it. They’re pretty little houses with big yards, but some of the people who live there… well, they’re INSUFFERABLE.

There are 2 households that are full of the worst human beings I’ve ever met.

I’ll try to keep this organized as best as I can so you don’t get lost or confused.

  • C is the only cool one. He’s a buff black guy, 22, 6’4″, and 350 pounds of pure muscle. He drives a Shelby GT, lives alone, studded with tattoos, mad patriotic, and has this huge husky named Laika.

    He works at a law office in town.

  • R and L are ex-methhead hicks, probably in their mid-40s, and have a d*ckhead teenage son named P, who is a little older than me, and E (R is the father and L is the mother.

    I’ll refer to the three of them as RLP). R and L always let P do stupid *** and never discipline him for anything, so naturally, he’s a spoiled brat.

  • G is my personal favorite. She’s your stereotypical crazy cat lady-vegan, can’t live without watching CNN, about 30 years old. The type of person to never wash her hands because she doesn’t want to kill innocent bacteria.

I got my first taste of the insanity during my very first summer there.

Me, B, and E were out on the boat, just drifting and casting our fishing rods out to get some dinner. I brought a guitar with me. I’m not good at the guitar at all, but I know how to play Wish You Were Here fairly well. I’d been playing for a few minutes when I heard P scream out his window.


  • R (from inside the house): What’s the matter?

P turned his head and shouted into the house.

  • P: Some *** is playing the guitar outside.

R then began shouting at me.

  • R: Quit the music, boy!

  • L: Yeah, shut the d*mn noise!

He spoke with the most trailer park Southern accent you’d ever heard. That was all it took to make a bad first impression on the RLP family.

I first met G when I found one of her cats in our yard one morning. I gave it some cheese and was able to lure it back to G’s house (E already pointed out the crazy cat lady’s house).

I knocked on the door to return the kitty. G introduced herself and invited me in. I was the only one awake and I wanted to meet the neighbors, so I accepted. She taught me about her cats, offered me some “avocado toast” (which I declined), and asked me about school and whatnot. It was actually going well up until the point she asked me how I got her cat back without carrying her.

  • Me: I gave her a little piece of cheese, she fol-

G interrupted me.

  • G: You gave her… Cheese? How much?!

I was a bit startled to see how concerned she was.

  • Me: Just a tiny nibble, she followed me the rest of the way.

I was getting concerned to, I thought the poor thing had an allergy. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. G seemed to be extremely angry, trying to compose herself but unable to do so.

  • G: Listen, young man, I know you weren’t aware of this at the time, but I, along with all of my little buddies.

    are strictly VEGAN. We do NOT eat cheese, meat, milk, or anything like that. Understood?

  • Me: Yes, ma’am, I apologize.

  • G: Do you know how many cows suffered in order to make that single piece of cheese? You probably can’t even count that high.

  • Me: I’ve done a research paper on factory farms, believe me when I say that I know animals suff-

She cut me off again.

  • G: That makes it even worse. You know what’s going on, but you still support it.

    You know what? I think it’s time for you to leave. I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with this right now. It makes me sick.

At that point, I apologized again, thanked her for her hospitality, and left. I got back to the house and immediately told E what happened, laughing my *** off the whole time. He said that it was a good thing that I never told G who I was staying with, because she HATES them.

Anyway, that’s how G began to hate me.

I guess G talked to the RLP family, and they exchanged information about me. Both of them started to dislike the knights of the B Kingdom (me and E) even more.

Later that day, E wanted to introduce me to C, the coolest guy ever. He showed us his insane pellet rifle, which inspired us to go out hunting. We’d decided to bag a couple of squirrels for lunch.

Note that everything we did was fully legal, and we were compliant with all safety rules too.

We started walking around the edge of the woods, looking for squirrels. I saw one close by, and took the shot at it. I went to go pick it up, and by the time I got back, G was confronting C.

  • G: Why did you just murder that poor thing?!

  • C: We’re hunting for food, not sport. We won’t waste a single part of it.

  • G: You already wasted the whole thing when you killed an innocent creature in cold *****!

  • C: Innocent? These things tore up my attic last year, it’s pest control.

  • G: The only pests are these two kids. You’re the adult here, you’re supposed to set the example. Start acting like it.

  • C: You stomped all the way over to my property to tell us to stop doing something that people have been doing since people existed. At this point, I’m acting as more of an adult than you.

  • G: Oh, is that right? Show some respect!

G picked up the squirrel that I had dropped at my feet and ran away with it.

We all kind of looked at each other, wondering if someone was going to chase after her. We decided not to, as we wanted to see what she would do to the carcass. We hid behind a storage crate in C’s yard and watched G bury the squirrel in her garden. E and I hatched a plan. That night, we’d simply go into her garden, dig up the carcass and put it on her back porch for the cats.

When the sun went down, I and E dressed in all black, and Ocean’s 11-style snuck into her yard and dug up the squirrel carcass. It was literally placed in a wooden box as a casket. We took it out of the box and tossed it up onto her porch.

I originally was going to cover up the hole we dug in her garden but decided not to. That way, we could actually blame it on the cats.

We woke up really early the next morning to watch G crash and burn. Sure enough, she stepped onto her back porch to see her cats crowded around the carcass, enjoying the feast. She screamed so loud that the cats scattered, she even dropped her Bernie Sanders 2016 coffee mug. She ran back inside and came angrily stomping over. Before she knocked, E opened up the second-floor window that overlooks the yard, while I opened the door and stood there.

  • E: Get off the property, now.

  • G: B*stards! I know it was you! How dare you defile my garden!

  • E: You defile the whole gosh darn county just by existing.

  • G: At least I don’t murder poor, innocent little squirrellies! (*****) Both of you ******** need to learn a lesson in respecting your superiors!

  • E: You need to leave right now before we have problems.

  • G: I’m not scared of you kids. Believe me. You’re going to suffer the consequences for this.

    You traumatized my cats, you tore up my entire garden (we didn’t, it was one hole), and you broke my nice coffee mug.

  • Me: You mean your cats did? Just ****** leave already, I’m sick of your ***.

  • G: Watch your tone. You boys must think I’m stupid.

  • E: Yes, dumba*s, that’s exactly what we think.

I don’t remember how the rest of the exchange went, but G stuck around arguing for another few minutes.

She eventually left, and we called C to tell him that we successfully p*ssed her off.

C warned us not to start anything too extreme, and we assured him that it was a one-time deal and that we’d leave her alone if she left us alone. That, however, was far from the end of it.

That night, it rained, and everything was really muddy. The night after that, me and E woke up to the sound of a dirt bike. It wasn’t electric, like the ones B has that we use, it was a gas-powered engine.

I grabbed a flashlight to see none other than P himself, riding around our yard, tearing up the grass and making a mess of the place.

He went up to the dock, put his handbrake on, gunned his engine, and sprayed mud all over the boat. We both ran outside, I had a steel rod and E had a crowbar. P, however, was long gone. E started tearing RLP’s dock apart with the crowbar (their dock is actually on OUR property, so it technically wasn’t vandalism).

He tore off 4 or 5 of the wood panels (the dock was basically unusable now) by the time P had put his bike back in the garage and ran back out to confront us. I was getting ready to hit him with the steel rod, but I realized I might go to jail for causing irreparable brain damage or even killing him.
I told E to use his hands instead of the crowbar so he didn’t do the same.

P took a swing at E, but his form was sh*tty. E was able to step to the side and push P down into the mud. E told me to bolt and started running. I pushed P back down before he could get up for good measure before I started running, too.

We got back to the house and started analyzing the situation. We figured that G must have ******* to RLP, and told P to get back at us for Operation: Squirrel.

We started discussing our options, but we decided to wait until morning so we could talk it over with C.

That morning, we went outside to assess the damage.

The boat’s motor and electronics were f*cked. We could clean out the motor, but the electronic control system that tE and I made was ruined. Luckily, we could fix it fairly easily. As for the yard, there were a bunch of tire marks everywhere, but it wasn’t a problem that a shovel, grass seed, and a few weeks’ time couldn’t solve.

B and M were a little upset, but we promised that we would fix everything and get back at G and RLP.

After that, we immediately went to C to ask him what we should do.

  • C: Remember earlier, when I said not to get too wrapped up in this ***? Yeah, well *** that. They ***ed up your lawn AND your boat, they can’t do that ***.

  • Me: What should we do?

  • C: I suggest you get some supplies.

    I’m talking about paintball guns and ghillie suits. Start planning. Take your time, make them think it’s over, but don’t wait too long. Give it-… hmm. Give it three days.

  • E: I like that, but we gotta go get some *** if we’re gonna do this.

C drove us to a sportsman’s supply store in town. E bought a paintball gun and a parts kit to make it into a sniper rifle. I got an electric airsoft RPK and two magazines.

We both bought ghille suits and plenty of paintballs and airsoft BBs. I ended up spending about $300, but it would be worth every penny.

We made a master plan over dinner with C that night, and it was glorious.

Three days passed, and it was go-time.

A few hours after the sun went down, E and I were ready. We had our supplies in a wooden crate next to our dock. First, we grabbed some shovels. We ran over to G’s yard and started digging small, shallow holes everywhere.

In each one, we put either a small fish, a squirrel, some chicken, a piece of bacon, or a slice of cheese. After each hole had a “treat” in it, we covered them back up lightly. We also put a bowl of milk and a few open cans of tuna on her porch. To top it all off, we killed a rabbit earlier that evening. We cut open its stomach so its innards were exposed and we took the skin off the hindquarters.

We placed it on top of a sign, just for the laughs. It was a little f*cked up, but it was worth it to scare the *** out of G.

When we were finished with G’s yard, we fell back to our little box of fun. We exchanged the shovels for crowbars and headed towards RLP’s dock. They had since fixed it, which simply wouldn’t do. We tore up all the wooden planks and pushed them out into the water, never to be seen again.

Only a few structural pillars remained. We were just about done with phase 2, but E made a quick detour into P’s garage. He slashed and removed the tires from the dirt bike and threw them onto one of the structural pillars from the former dock like a ring-toss as revenge for them ruining the boat.

He also cut the brake lines. The last thing to do was to go to their circuit-breaker and flip all the main switches off.

They’re basically hillbillies, so we knew that they’d have no idea how to fix it. After that was done, it was time for phase 3.

We ran back to our supply crate, ditched the crowbars, and got some garden tools. We used them to draw lines in the mud that represented exactly where our property was. We put the shovels back and grabbed our guns. Then, we crept back into the woods, where we waited until sunrise.

That morning, the cats were digging up their treats and eating them, making a mess of G’s entire yard. P woke up fairly early to ride his bike but was confused when he saw that the tires were gone.

Unfortunately for us, he had two extras. Little did he know that his brakes were useless. He saw that his dock was gone again, and he tried to spray one of our windows with mud. As soon as he slammed the throttle, he unexpectedly started to accelerate.

He tried to brake, but he couldn’t, and ended up going right into the water. P defeatedly dragged his bike back to the garage and went back inside. We could hear RLP’s confusion when the power wasn’t working. Later, they called the power company (apparently their cell phone still had charge) to investigate the problem. They literally had to pay the power company $700 to flip a couple of switches that day. Anyhow, G woke up to find a vegan’s worst nightmare in her yard.

Like clockwork, she came storming up to our house, this time with tears and rage in her eyes. As she was walking right passed us (she couldn’t see us because we had ghillie suits on), we popped up behind her and warned her not to take another step onto our property. I don’t remember this exchange very well, mainly because I wasn’t the one talking and I was too high on my own pride. E, however, knows it word-for-word.

  • G: You b*stards! I can not believe how vile and depraved you are!

  • E: Why’d you tell him to tear up our yard if you couldn’t handle us tearing up yours, *******?

  • G: I told him what you deserved! I can’t control his actions! Don’t blame me for telling him the truth!

  • E: Truth? What truth?! Don’t act like you weren’t the one who started this! You could have avoided all of this if you left us alone while we were trying to get our ****** food for that day.

    Keep your preachy ******* to yourself, and get the *** OFF OF THIS PROPERTY!

  • G: Who are you to tell me what to do? This isn’t your property!

At this point, B came outside. B was p*ssed because G had apparently been messing with him for a while and he was sick of her ***. These words I remember perfectly, and I’ll never forget it as long as I live.

  • B: I’m the ****** owner of this property, and if you don’t step off right this second, I’m going to end you.

    You never ****** know when to drop it, do you? You couldn’t leave these boys alone? Look where it got you. You’re a nightmare of a human being. Nobody will ever ****** marry you.

    I was here long before you came, and back then it was BLISS compared to this.

To make it all better, C came out and convinced B to go back inside and let us boys fight our own battle. He originally tried to play peace police and break up the argument, but G tried to play the victim.

  • G (crying): These people, they’re so barbaric! I just want to live out my own lifestyle with my pets but you people can’t let me! I never interfered with anyone!

  • C: *******! I’ve lived here three months now and I can already tell that you are downright the worst human being I’ve ever interacted with. You never messed with anyone? Tell that to this boy’s squirrel you took from him.

  • G: He murdered it! It’s not his!

  • C: So ****** what? That’s his problem, not yours! Learn to leave people the *** alone, nobody wants anything to do with you.

    Get off of this property now before I call the police.

I should mention here that G, as well as RLP, were terrified of the cops. G thought that they would shoot her for hating RLP probably were in possession of ***** that would land them in jail for a long time. C’s threat was all it took. G walked back to her house, crying her eyes out. RLP were more concerned with their electricity than with our little argument.

I still think we weren’t hard enough on RLP, but they did waste $700 for basically nothing, so I’d call it mission accomplished.

In the end, RLP kept living there, but P got arrested for distribution of weed and some other *****, what a surprise. G ended up moving out just two months ago because her neighbors hated her. We told C to buy the house so he could rent it out and make a lot of money over the summer, he said he’s considering the option.

As for the other two houses on the lake, they heard about what happened and they didn’t really seem to care. One of them sold the house at the end of the summer, the woman who lives there now is basically the Anti-G. She’s literally the queen of barbeque and has two dogs.

Note that we made sure not to do anything illegal that wasn’t blatantly done to us first.

— Me and E are fully responsible for all acts of revenge.

C helped us out for the fun of it. — M and B have since made the house their primary residence, and now look back at these events and laugh. There was no irreparable property damage done, and we fixed everything that we damaged, including the yard that used to be G’s and RLP’s dock. —  I didn’t make those things up just to trash the aforementioned things. — All people mentioned except for G and RLP have allowed me to mention them in this story.

I’m sure that E and C will be reading this and the comments, so say hi to them.” babay_sans

Other people’s mistakes can teach us a lot. In these cases? Be a good and just employee/employer, don’t bully little kids, leave people’s private property alone, own up to your mistakes, and basically just be a decent and kind person all around.

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