People Share Their Super Sneaky Revenge Stories

26. Greedy Neighbors Took Up All The Washers To I Made Them Watch As I Took My Secret Revenge
“So I used to live in an apartment building that has shared laundry in the basement.
There are 10 washers and 10 dryers. I had a single load of laundry to do before a flight the next morning. So I headed downstairs with my basket.
Two machines are running when I get down there. There’s also a single couple taking up EIGHT washers to sort their laundry.
I asked politely if they could divide one of them up into 1/7ths and put it in with their others so I can use a machine.
They decline (apparently they have a system…) and tell me to wait however long it takes for the next person to claim their stuff to get the next machine.
At this point, I realize it’s time to get petty.
I wait until they leave and then go hit the pause button on all of their machines. I need to stall. Then I wait for the next washer to free up.
I transfer these innocent bystanders’ ratty old towels immediately, pay for their dryer, and leave a note to which dryer it’s in. Then I start my washer, and I hit ‘run’ on my machine. I wait a few more minutes and then resume all of their washers.
They come back down in the 40mins it takes to run and they are mildly confused by why their machines are taking longer than usual. They suspect no foul play.
By this point, my washer is finishing up, so I grab a laundry cart and empty it out. I then proceed to take my laundry and divide it into 8 different dryers (like 2 shirts and a couple of socks per dryer lol) and set them all running, one by one, as they watch in bitter disbelief.
And then I settle down in a chair to watch my $12.50 of petty revenge spin.”
25. I Pushed My Boss Over The Edge So He Would Stop Being A Jerk
“A few years back. I was working for a video store back when those were still a thing. I was close with my coworkers and my supervisors. We all hung out when not working and it was great. We would all hang out after close waiting for the others to get off to hang out. One day my shift leader, Bob, got dumped by his trashy ex.
We all hated her and thought it was a blessing she was gone and wouldn’t be around. The downside was Bob did not take the break up well. He became an uber d*ckhead constantly and made our lives h**l because he wasn’t happy. We all felt for him but enough was enough. I had decided that if Bob was gonna stayed p*ssed at us for nothing I should at least give him a reason.
It was a Friday night and a little before closing I went to the safe and exchanged every dollar from all of the tills with rolled coins. Then because that wasn’t the plan, I unwrapped every roll. My coworkers thought it was funny as h**l so we all took our heavy as **** tills to the office for him to do the final count for the night and quickly ran back up front to let the drama ensue.
It was a perfect storm. Bob walks to the office as we all watch with pregnant silence. Less than a minute later we hear the cursing started. We all bust up laughing. Bob is boiling angry and storms out of the office and begins to curse at all of us. I man up and tell him it was me. Bob sidearms a DVD and it barely misses my head.
I am in tears because I am laughing so hard. We help him finish the count and we all head out. Bob refuses to talk to me for about a week and apologizes finally about trying to ninja star me with a DVD case. I told him that my thought process was to get him so p*ssed that he would finally get over his post break up hump.
I actually was thanked by him. Petty acts can be used for the greater good.”
24. Rude Woman Messed With The Shoes So I Made Her Help Me Arrange Them Back
“I work in retail, and I mainly work in the shoe department at my store. One day, I’m going through the aisle’s recovering, picking stuff up, and sizing. I get to the girl’s shoe aisle and almost start crying because of the mess. There are shoes literally thrown up and down the aisle, like random singles, no matches. It was all shoes from one end of the aisle.
There was a woman at the end of it, where the shoes go, and as I was turning the corner I saw her throw one of the shoes down the aisle, toward me, so I knew directly who the culprit was. So.
She spots me and shamelessly asks me for help. I have to ****** wade through the giant mess she made to even get to her.
I mean there were easily 20 shoe singles just thrown on the ground everywhere. We just don’t do stuff like that at my store.
She wants a pair of shoes, but she can’t seem to find the one in the size she needs. She’s rude throughout the entire interaction, and I decided I was going to be a **** right back. I told her I would help her, but that I needed to pick up this awful mess that ‘someone’ had made, before I was able to do that, for better chances of finding the shoes of course.
So I get to work on picking everything up and taking my sweet *ss time doing it, too. She was getting super impatient and even more ****y (if possible) and decided she would actually help me. She started putting things away where they actually went, and we made some good time too.
Finally, we finished. I told her that unfortunately through all of that, I wasn’t able to find the shoes that she needed, so she would have to go to another store if she wanted them.
She was so ****** mad, it was glorious. She definitely knew what I had done, but didn’t say anything. We have cameras, so if she would have complained I would have just shown my manager what she had done because surely the camera had caught it. She left, cursing the whole way. I felt a lot better after that.”
23. Coworker Stole My Lunchbox So I Ate His Lunch While Looking At Him In The Eye
“Someone stole my food and my lunchbox out of the refrigerator at work, a nice decent size green cooler, I could spot it anywhere, my wife bought it for me and it had a slight tear on the side where the strap connected. My wife drew a little face so the tear looked like its mouth.
A month or so goes by after that fateful day and as I’m walking through the parking lot what do I see… a male coworker getting out of their car with my lunchbox. My whole body went numb with a cold fury.
I pursued. He put his lunch in the fridge and went to his desk, I logged into my supervisor’s scheduling system to see what time his lunch was, and went on my lunch about ten minutes before he did.
He came into the cafe to see me with lunchbox on the table, sitting right in front of the doors eating his homemade chicken and yellow rice never breaking eye contact.
He came over sat across and said jokingly at first
‘Hey um, I think you’re eating my lunch haha?’
— ‘No this is mine it was in my lunchbox’
‘But that’s my…’
— ‘No it isn’t ‘
‘Bro I can’t believe you would eat someone else’s food’
The nerve of this jerk!
I lost my cool at this and slammed my hands down and monologued in a half to yell my months of frustration and dislike towards this individual.
The whole room went silent and our HR manager happened to be at the table behind me took us both to her office and asked us to prove who the owner was, I called my wife right there on speaker and had her describe it which, she nailed to every last detail, I don’t even remember what his lame a*s excuse was but they have a 0 tolerance policy for theft so they walked him out right then, and there.”
22. I Messed With My Commander's Pringles Can To Ruin His Career
“I had a Filipino superior in the military that didn’t like white people. I am very white. He was even vocal about it and once told me ‘I’m gonna take you down.’ It was the last year of my 8yrs of service, I was one the most highly decorated people in my command and in 7 years had never even had an evaluation where I didn’t get an EP (stands for early promote, the highest mark you can get).
He takes over our shop and I start getting constantly written up, like everyday counseling chits. You get 3 of those in a short time and they send you to a Disciplinary Review Board. Where the E-7 to E-9’s of your command spend a few hours calling you a piece of *** and then come up with a plan to rectify your ‘problems.’
I went to 4 DRB’s before I found myself in NJP standing in front of my commanding officer.
This is where they dock your pay, send you to the brig, etc. Before I went to Captain’s Mast, I recorded this guy saying some racist *** among other things like he ‘wished I had been shot overseas and never returned,’ in our shop. Then I requested counsel with my CO (private meeting) but was denied because I had been made to look like a d*rtbag.
On the day of my NJP, my CO read my charges, sighed, and asked ‘I understand you wi***o speak to me in private,’ almost in tears I replied ‘Yes sir I would.’ He looked this guy dead in the eye but spoke to the room “Get the *** out.’ We sat down and talked about the situation, I offered the recording but he already knew.
He removed me from the shop and had me work in a different area and I thought it was the end of it. Shortly thereafter we had a change of command (new CO) and I was placed right back under this guy’s thumb. I only had 2 months left in the service and I made the best of it. I would do things like go to magazine racks at the base store, take all the subscription slips, fill out his info, and check the ‘bill me later’ box.
He would get piles of magazines and freak out. I did other things like taking reports he had done and slipped them in the trash and watching him look like an idiot when asked for the said report. But the best one and my favorite. I showed up really early one day before the start of my last week in the military, ate some god awful things, and took a *** in a Pringles can.
He loved Pringles. I poked a few holes in it and hid it in the back of the bottom drawer of his desk. Every day he’d come in and say in his very Asian accent ‘WHY’S IT ALWAYS SMELL LIKE P*CKING *** IN HERE!?!?’ I guess I kinda got the last laugh though as it was a tradition at our on your last day to sit down with the CO to discuss your time, what you think they might make the place more enjoyable for others etc. I spent my time with CO discussing this guy.
Handing over recording after recording of his racist tirades, laughing about how poorly he treated some people and ‘got away with it’ etc. This new CO was understandably a little shocked and the last I heard his orders were changed, he was punished and was sent to a new command early.”
21. I Deleted My Lazy Supervisor's Beloved Solitaire Game On Her Computer
“Every year I go away for 2 to 3 weeks to work in a different location. One summer when I rotated through my usual supervisor took some time off. To cover the three weeks they brought in a person from outside of our group to supervise.
I was working my a*s off, doing my work and what should have been the supervisor’s work. We were set up in a temporary office, with no connections to the outside world. We had plenty of work to keep us quite busy though. The supervisor’s day consisted of playing solitaire all day on the computer and then yell for an hour at the end of every day that work wasn’t getting done fast enough.
Two and a half weeks in and I had enough. I deleted the shortcut for solitaire off of her desktop. Pandemonium breaks out, she lost her **c***g mind. I had to swear that I did not delete any programs from her computer, which was completely accurate. I watched her over the next few days I was there, do any and everything to get a connection so she could download solitaire.
She even tried to get AOL working on the machine so she could dial-up and get it.”
20. Genius Buddy Paged His Bully Non-Stop, Even The Phone Company Couldn't Trace Him
“In high school in the mid-’90s when pagers were still a thing, I had a genius buddy who was sort of a mad scientist. We both did a lot of programming and he and I had a lot of fun with computers.
He wrote a program called a War Dialer (yes, like in the movie ‘War Games’). His version would not only dial around town looking for modems to talk to, but it would also find strings of pager numbers to use for a nasty prank called a Pager Bomb.
He would take random pager numbers out of the want ads, and use the war dialer to find out how many numbers in that same exchange were part of the block leased by the pager company.
He would find these large blocks of hundreds, even thousands of pagers.
Then whenever someone p*ssed him off, he would set his War Dialer to dial every number in that block of pagers, and page every user in that block of numbers to the phone number of the house where the kid that p*ssed him off lived. Each of the pager users would get one random ‘wrong number’, while the target would get hundreds of random ‘I just got paged to this number’ phone calls.
Basically a human-powered DDoS attack on the target’s home phone.
One guy that picked on him in school got bombed so bad, his mom unplugged the phone from the wall because it wouldn’t stop ringing overnight. She plugged it back in the next day – still ringing. Shut down their phone for three days.
They called the phone company, but my friend had set up a wireless transmitter tapped into a payphone nearby.
He used the electronics to send the pulse codes that activate the payphone so that he could make free untraceable calls, so the phone company never figured out who it was. Did I mention the guy is a genius?”
19. Got In Trouble For My Attitude So I Sent Myself Mystery "Thank You" Gifts
“It was nurses’ week and I’d been on mandatory overtime for the past 13 weeks. I was burned out and completely over EVERYTHING when I was written up for ‘having a bad attitude’ and complaining about the food a rep brought in for us (who brings fish?! It **c***g stinks up the entire break room!). I was so annoyed I was either going to quit on the spot or plot something magnificent.
And so I plotted.
My hospital offers ‘parking tokens’ if you park off-site and ride a shuttle, thereby opening more spots for visitors and patients in the parking garages. These tokens are worth $2 each and I’d been saving them for a while. I had near $300 worth of these things that could only be used at the gift shop, cafeteria, or employee store. I grabbed my satchel of tokens and headed to the gift shop to begin my master plan of revenge.
A half-hour later I was paged to the front desk. There was a big balloon bouquet there with a gift tag thanking me for always having the BEST ATTITUDE! I feigned surprise and snapped a selfie with my mystery gifts! ‘Who are they from? I was asked. ‘It doesn’t say!’ I replied. Lololol.
An hour later, more balloons and another ‘winning attitude’ thank you tag shows up.
And again an hour later, more! Every hour for the duration of my shift! Imagine my surprise! All with beautiful little thank you tags proclaiming my amazing attitude during nurses’ week!”
18. Kid Snitched On Me So I Messed With His Head Every Night Using Speakers
“So I had a neighbor lets just call him Chris.
Chris wasn’t the worst kid I knew, but if this were Myspace he wouldn’t be on my top 8. Now for the most part Chris and I got along well and we would always talk on the way home from school about video games and music and stuff that freshman talk about.
Well one day on the way home from school Chris asked me if I wanted to go to church with him and his family that weekend, to which I replied something along the lines of ‘no thanks man I don’t really believe in God.’ This must have struck a chord with Chris because after that day Chris never spoke to me or acknowledged me.
That was until Chris overheard a conversation I was having at school about smoking the green plant. Chris, like the righteous young pr*ck he was, took it upon himself to tell his very religious parents my plans, who then took it upon themselves to tell my parents.
This left me grounded for two weeks. During my time in the hole, AKA my bedroom, I devised a plan to put the fear of God in Chris.
My bedroom window faced Chris’s bedroom and I thought about just throwing rocks at it throughout the night, but decided that wasn’t enough, because snitches get stitches. So I ended up taking a fishing line and tying it to my wireless Bluetooth speaker. I made sure there was enough line to reach from my window to the bushes under Chris’s window. I then downloaded a bunch of satanic chants and satanic ritual-like the chant to summon kathulu onto my iPod.
Every night when Chris went to bed at 9 pm I would slowly open my window and lob my Bluetooth speaker over to the bushes under Chris’s window and start playing satanic chants.
This went on every night for the two weeks I was grounded, but it didn’t stop there. I saw the toll it was taking on Chris he would look dead tired at school, and I knew he was tired because I sat there most nights watching him turn his lights back on and look out the window, and sometimes he even got his parents to go take a peek, but to no avail.
I tasted b***d and I was going to push Chris as far as I could.
For 3 months I continued this and each day I would watch Chris turn his lights on/off 4 to 5 times a night. I would set alarms on my phone throughout the night so I could wake up and mess with him, and one final alarm so I could reel in my satanic grenade before the sun came up.
It got so bad there were nights I refused to go out with friends so I could stay home and **** with Chris.
I eventually got bored of **c***g with Chris, so on the last night I put the rickroll song on the speaker long enough for him to hear it, but short enough not to wake anyone up besides Chris. Apparently, this prank took a toll on Chris, because his grades dropped significantly that semester, and the next year his parents put him into a private catholic school.
I never really spoke to him after that despite being neighbors.”
17. Customer Refuses To Pay His Bill So I Sneaked A Note In The System To Deny His Request
“I was working as a retail sales rep for Comcast. One day this guy and his wife come in requesting to switch service to her name so they can get better pricing. I look up the location and they’ve been switching back and forth for the past 6 years.
Not a problem. As a rep, I’m not allowed to explicitly tell customers to do this, but if they ask I can’t deny them
So I go over the procedure with him. In order to do the switch, the old account has to be closed clean. That means the equipment needs to be returned and the final balance paid. Normally I’ll let the equipment slide as long as they return it within a week, but the final bill needs to be paid before the switch.
There are no exceptions.
He throws a fit. The bill is about $200 but he’s disputing half of it. ‘I’ll pay you $100 and that’s it’. Yeah no, this is not a negotiation. $200 or no switch, you can dispute the transaction later. I explain to him that this is our policy for account switches and if I do what he’s asking I’ll get in a lot of trouble.
I outright tell him ‘You’re asking me to do something that will get me fired’. He doesn’t care. He insists I take the $100. Finally after 15 minutes more of wasting my time he gives up and yells ‘Fine! I’ll call in and put it under my son Robert’s name’.
Dude came back a few days later tail between his legs, with a bunch of DVRs (the old heavy ones) and paid the bill in full to restart service.”
16. Ex-Roommates Had Crazy Moth Infestation After I Moved Out
“I once lived with two roommates, one of which who bullied me (she’d give me the silent treatment, comment on my weight, pretending she didn’t know I was around, listened to tv/music on blast while I was sleeping on her days off, tried to get one of the guys I was seeing to sleep with her and spread rumors about him when he didn’t, and never paid me in time for any of our bills, among other things) while we lived together.
It got so bad for me that I would cry on my way commute home, too broke to move and too anxious to spend another night in that apartment.
She worked at 9-5 while I worked nights. When I FINALLY was able to move out I crafted my revenge.
Her bedroom door had no lock. The morning I moved was a weekday and she worked- I got several shrimp and taped a few to the inside of the air vents in her room.
With some help, we lifted her bed and I removed the footpads of her metal-tubing bed frame and put several shrimp in before closing them back up.
Lastly, my (then) significant other surprised me with a box with some moth larvae. She was TERRIFIED of moths. After she spread rumors about him, I’m not surprised he wanted to get revenge also. He placed them in her closet, hidden in some sweaters.
Petty? You bet.
But after trying to fix our relationship several times, and over a year of stress, I don’t regret it one bit.
Years later, I saw our other roommate. Upon catching up, he told me- ‘you picked a great time to move out: shortly after you left we were dealing with this crazy moth infestation.'”
15. I Made My Selfish Roommate Take Cold Showers For Months
“I had a roommate who would always turn the AC down to like 60° overnight, just way too cold for most folks.
I tried getting up in the middle of the night and setting it to something more reasonable like 65°. He’d always set it back. I tried to talk to him about it multiple times. He would never compromise.
We all had private bathrooms in this house. My other roommate would always wake up early and shower before me. My bad roommate was the type to sleep in as late as possible and shower at the last minute before jetting out the door for work.
One morning, I realized that if I left my bathroom door open into my bedroom the heat from our super-hot water would actually heat my entire room and make the temperature tolerable.
Once I figured that out, I would run my shower at max-hot for like 30 minutes to heat my room, turning it off right before I left for work, leaving my roommate with ice-cold water for his showers.
I did this for months and he never could bother to just wake up earlier.”
14. Abusive Ex Told Bad Things About Me To My Mom So I Tore A Page From Each Of His Books
“When I broke up with my abusive ex, he left a bin full of books at my house. The thing weighed about 50lbs and he didn’t understand why I wouldn’t pay to mail it. I told him that I would keep it safe in the garage until he could pick it up.
He then texted my mom saying nasty things about me and how I was ‘refusing’ to give him his things back. That was the last straw of trying to be civil post-breakup. He had arranged a day to swing by and pick up the bin. I could have taken the easy way out and left it out in the rain or threw them all away but I decided to get creative and sneaky.
The day before he was supposed to pick it up I went through every. single. book and tore out just one page from the middle. I made sure to tear them out as cleanly as possible so you wouldn’t notice until you got to that page in the book. He also had a couple of book series (like Harry Potter and stuff) so I took the third book out of every series and donated it to goodwill as an extra **** you.
Don’t know if he ever found out or noticed but it felt GREAT to do.”
13. Messy Roommate Won't Leave Me Alone So I Emptied Our House And Blackmailed Her
“In college, I lived with the same girl for all three years after moving out of the dorms. I knew the third year was going to be a mistake before signing the lease, but I really didn’t want to move just to move again in a year. Right before graduating, we had been getting in a lot of arguments and the living situation was pretty hostile.
My roommate was an on and off stripper all through college and always had st*pid **** laying around the house. A lot of d***s. Graduation rolls up and I am cleaning the house like a madwoman since I will have a lot of family and friends out throughout the weekend. So, I ask her to keep the house clean. A reasonable request I felt.
Well, the night of my ceremony I came home pretty blitzed, luckily not with the family members who were to sleep on our couch. There was **** everywhere. The vacuum was unraveled all over the place, lamps tipped over, and best of all, her d***s mirror and hard d***s sitting on the coffee table. In about of rage, I threw said d***s mirror out the front door which shattered on our sidewalk.
The d*mb **t*h called the police on me at 3 am. After explaining that it was D***S I threw out, they still arrested ME for the destruction of property. Great balls of fury, I was livid.
Rest of the graduation weekend I stay with friends and try to keep my **** together so my family doesn’t find out what happened. The week after, I get a group of people together and they come over to help me out during a three-hour block I knew for sure she wouldn’t be home and I moved out.
Mind you, everything in the apartment was mine. Our kitchen table, couches, bowls, silverware, the WiFi router. Even the **c***g shower curtain. All mine. And I packed every bit of it up, called the landlord to return my keys and I was out. It looked like the house had been robbed.
A few hours later I get texts of her freaking out on me.
I don’t respond to anything because at this point I am already walking on thin ice legally with the arrest. She texts me every day for weeks telling me I owe her this and that and utility money, yada yada. I finally get the clear from the city that I am clear and the way the police handled the situation was ridiculous and they’re not going to press charges.
Conveniently this same day, my ex-roommate texts me threatening to take me to small claims court. Little back story, her parents are psycho controlling and know nothing about her. No idea she’s been stripping all through school and sleeping around doing and selling d***s. If they ever found out they would quit paying for her school which is ironic in this case because she was about to go to a very expensive out-of-state law school.
Well, when I get this text I collect every single blackmail picture I have of her stripping, doing d***s, crazy spring breaks, the works. I obtain her mother’s phone number through her sister. Sister tells roommate this. I respond to my roommate with a simple, ‘If you don’t do the smart thing, and leave me alone, I will 100% ruin your **c***g life.’
Haven’t heard from her since.”
12. Loud Neighbors Won't Let Me Get My Job Done So I Played Loud Noises For 10 Hours Everyday
“I used to make music more or less like a part-time job. I moved into a new apartment that had downstairs neighbors.
I did absolutely everything I could to be a good neighbor, but every time I would sit down to make music, after about 10 minutes, no matter what time of the day, I would get a banging on the floor/ceiling. This was annoying, but I tried to respect their living space, not wanting noise, etc… Until football season started. Every day a football game was on, they would scream and shout at the TV.
This was my breaking point. I had enough. I went downstairs and tried to talk with the neighbors to ask them why it was fair for them to more or less shut down my work days but think it’s ok to scream at the TV when a football game is on. Well, needless to say, the neighbors were c*cky, redneck idiots, and tried to fight me so I had enough.
I looked up the sound regulations in the neighborhood and made sure I was in the clear. Being a musician, naturally, I had some great speakers that could push some serious volume. For the next 3 months, every single day I would leave for work, I would put on the 10 -hour YouTube videos of Trolololololo, Nyan Cat, and bacon pancakes at full volume. They did everything they could to complain, but since I was keeping within the sound regulations, I was in the clear.
They tried to fight with me after this, they ended up getting arrested, and moved out shortly afterward.
All ya had to do was let me get my work done dude.”
11. Company Poorly Treated My Significant Other So I Poached One Of Their Top-Ranked Managers
“A few years ago my then- worked for Dollar General. She was a great worker and often took on additional shifts whenever they asked and in return, they treated her like garbage. Well, I don’t appreciate companies that treat their hard-working employees like that and began plotting my revenge on DG. There are a number of stores in our area and pretty much all are in some sort of disarray, but there was one store that always stayed clean and organized, the workers were happy, and the manager was extremely happy.
I made it a point to go to this Dollar General as often as possible, sometimes driving across town just to shop there.
After I became a regular, I started chatting with the store manager and offered her a position at my mattress store. Turns out she was one of the top-ranked managers with the company and had won numerous awards for reducing shrink and beating sales goals on a regular basis.
It took about a year to convince her to come join my company in an entirely different industry, but I promised her she would be making as much as she currently was and would only work 40 hours a week instead of the 70-80 she currently worked. What really convinced her was all the time she would have with her granddaughter. She eventually went back to DG after about a year with me, but they had to give her a hefty raise to win her back.
In the meantime, the store she had been running fell to the bottom of the company and they will probably shut it down soon. Oh Well!”
10. Uncle Made The Grumpy Delivery Guy Load Heavy Boxes Without A Forklift
“My uncle took revenge on the FedEx guy who regularly picks up deliveries from his stone working business. He produces things like headstones, address stones, name brick, etc. Single order address stones are about 18×4 inch blocks of limestone. Usually, we individually box stones, load them onto a palette, and bring it to the back of the FedEx truck with a forklift. The delivery man just slides the boxes into his truck.
One day, FedEx showed up early and grumpy and took off in a bit of a fit before we could finish boxing all of the stones. We missed delivery dates and my uncle was annoyed about it. Before FedEx showed up the next day (always the same guy) my uncle flipped open whatever a forklift’s equivalent its hood is and told us to act like the lift was broken.
He also told us not to help the delivery man load boxes.
I can’t remember how many boxed stones the guy had to deal with, but I know that by the time he was done lugging stones across the warehouse and into his truck he was out of breath and drenched in sweat.”
Another User Comments:
“I used to work receiving at a warehouse. We had two doors and sometimes there would be a line of 2 or 3 trucks waiting to get unloaded. One guy came in running his mouth about his schedule and how we were making him late by unloading so slow.
He had a shipment of about 10 pallets with cases of paper goods (toilet paper, towels wipes of different styles). I guess in a wild turn the shrink wrap busted so they were just scattered in the trailer. He said something like ‘I need you to help me with this so I can get out of here I got somewhere to be.’ and I said, ‘Yeah that’s on you.
Let me know when you’re ready for me to come to get them.’ 30 minutes of unloading boxes in a trailer in Tx heat. He was drenched and exhausted.” T-RUNTHOUSAND
9. Annoying Classmate Threw A Book And Got Sent Out Of The Classroom
“Back in junior year of high school I️ was sent to AEP (it’s technically out of school suspension in an alternative school), and I️ ended up meeting a super cool chick and we became fast friends. I️ decided to take a sick day and received a text from her saying that some dude was just sent there, and started getting a little creepy.
Nothing too bad, just sat next to her and wouldn’t shut up. All she wanted me to do, was sit by her and act kinda sweet on her so he’d get the message and leave her alone.
Flash forward to the last period of the next day. I️ went into class and sat next to my friend and purposefully got a little comfy with her.
This dude comes in and sits next to me. He was at least 6’2 and pretty ***** shredded. (I’m only like 5’7 lol) He chatted me up for a bit, and I️ decided he was annoying, but not too bad. The teacher passed us our work, and everyone gets quiet.
Everyone, except for this *****. He keeps going on, and on about nonsensical things, and is progressively getting louder and louder.
He’s told to shut up by the teacher and other students multiple times, but just keeps going. He eventually made some snide comment about my female friend, so I️ decided to *** his day up. I️ began by making small comments and started instigating him into doing something stupid. Eventually, ignorance won out. He threw a book across the room, got up, and came over to my desk.
He was almost screaming at this point, and I️ started laughing uncontrollably. Balls up his fist to hit me, so the teacher comes to intervene. The teacher was like 6’4 and had another hundred pounds of fat-a*s against this guy. He grabbed him and took him into the office.
But it doesn’t end there.
In AEP, leaving school is much the same as kindergarten.
They call your names, and you don’t leave your seat to leave until you’re called. My friend thanks me, and leaves. My name is called, so I️ get up and walk out. The office was surrounded by plexiglass and was positioned directly to the right of the entrance/exit. I️ walked by and happened to see sh*t-for-brains sitting in a chair with a serious scowl on his face.
He looks up and mouthed something to me that I️ couldn’t hear. I️ flipped him off with both hands and sauntered out into my mom’s car.
This guy hauled *ss out of the school, screaming about how he was gonna *** my *ss up and ended up getting into a fight with the police that ran out to stop him. I️ asked later, and he was banned from the entire district and sent to juvie for several months.
All for being a jerk. Not especially proud of it, but I️ certainly got results.”
8. Warehouse Worker Caused A $15K Damage Because Of A Delay In His $36 Salary
“We had a warehouse worker who was extremely hot-headed. He just went nuclear over every little thing. He had forgotten to clock back in after his break so his check was 2 hours short. He went to the payroll girl and she saw the error and told him it would be corrected and that he would get the two hours to pay on his next check.
He blew up, and basically said ‘**** you, and **** this company… I quit.’ and threw his badge at her and walked out.
Late that night, he came back to the warehouse (we had him on camera) and cut the wires to the electronic gate, and filled the manual lock with a compound like JB Weld (can’t be removed).
Employees showed up the next morning and couldn’t get in.
They called maintenance and they guys couldn’t get inside to get tools because there is barbed wire on the fence. Some people left to get their personal tools and came back about 45 minutes later. By that time, trucks were backed up down the street. It took about 30 minutes to get the gate open and people scrambled in to get the business going.
They have a vacuum tube for drivers to send in their paperwork as you see at bank drive-thrus.
The dispatcher who receives the paperwork and tells the driver what dock door to go to, gets inside and scrambles to get everything ready. The trucks came in, but the dispatcher couldn’t send the tube carrier thing through. And the vacuum system burned out.
We later discovered that he had cut the barbed wire on the back of the warehouse fence and poured an 80lb bag of quick concrete into the tube, then poured water in.
So the tube was blocked with concrete. So they had employees running to all of the trucks to get the paperwork. All said and done, he caused about $15k in damage and put the operation about 4 hours behind.
In the lawsuit, he ended up being on the hook for about $25k. All because of two hours of payment being delayed by a week due to his own mistake.
He probably made about $18/hr…so about $36. Probably not his wisest decision. But if he wanted to cause disruption, he certainly accomplished that.”
7. Friend And I Got Into A Firehose Fight That Almost Lost Me My Job
“When I was in high school in the late 1990s, I worked at a pretty nice golf course on the edge of town. All of the staffers (myself included) were a very rowdy group of kids, all ages 14-20, overseen by maybe a 28-year-old who we all loved as a boss.
It was Caddy Shack times Van Wilder, and the shenanigans were real. We would set fire to boxes out in the cart shed to trigger the sprinklers, or hose down the garage floor so we could see who could do the most three sixties parking golf carts (you had to slide them in sideways to win). There was a wall out of sight from the customers that we just threw things through to be destructive; rebar, tire irons, knives.
We would over shock the pool to see if we could bleach our hair, or drive golf carts across greens to scare the geese away.
So anyway, for some reason one year we got into water gun fights. My friend Carter squirted me or hit me with a water balloon or something while I was wearing my nice golf clothes that we had to work in.
I wasn’t mad but I guess I was just a little too excitable at that age, maybe 16.
I ran out on the back porch and got the high-volume water hose we used to fill the horse troughs with beer and water for the nightly meal events. I turned it on full blast, pinched the end over, then walked into the clubhouse and literally fire-hosed Carter and more or less the entire snack bar all at once.
I then chased him down the hallway toward the golf shop, hosing him, the walls, the couches, the ugly paintings, the carpet, the ceiling, everything.
My boss, who was like 6’8″ tall and built like a drive-in movie screen, came running out of his office just in time to get a few splashes himself as Carter streaked by. I got fired on the spot. I walked out, turned the water off, walked back into my boss’s office, and said, ‘C’mon bro, you don’t want to fire me.
I’ll be in tomorrow.’
The next day I walked in, clocked in and got to work. Worked there another three or four years.”
6. Demanding Roommate Gets On My Nerves So I Pester His Online Gaming
“I used to live with 2 other guys that I went to high school with. It was the middle of winter and one of my roommates, let’s call him MB for short (he was a huge momma’s boy, and his mom pretty much fought all battles for him even in college), went back home over Christmas.
While he was gone I used our underground parking spot, which was included in our rent.
A week or so later MB comes back and says ‘hey can you move your car from the underground spot’ I told him I suppose so, not really thinking much of it, but I didn’t really hurry to do it. Roughly 5 minutes later MB comes back into my room and demands I move it or he’s going to call a tow truck, even though I pay for it as well AND had my own parking pass.
So whatever, I eventually did it just to make him happy, but our relationship there was pretty strained afterward.
Also, at the time he was big into LoL. So every time I knew he was at home and playing LoL I would go over to my PC and delete one of my largest game files, and then start to redownload it, thus giving him a decent amount of lag.
It was great to listen to his outbursts of frustration from the lag he was getting.”
5. Petty Customer Didn't Accept Food Delivery So I Left It Literally On Her Door
“I used to deliver Chinese food for this sketchy place back home, they didn’t give a *** what you did. Either way, this lady placed an order and it was one of my first free deliveries of the day.
When she ordered she specified that she wanted exactly 1 egg roll, not a whole order, and she was being a **** about it, getting angry with the waitress on the phone and whatnot. So either way, her food is ready and I drive straight to her place, which happens to be a duplex. I knock on the door and nobody answers, knock a few more times and her neighbor comes out.
She opens with ‘What the *** do you want?’ And I explain I have food for her neighbor, so she just straight up opens her door and walks up the stairs, I hear a little bit of arguing and she comes back down and says ‘She won’t pay because you took too long’. I drove there first thing from the restaurant on a slow a*s day.
I probably got there within 20 mins of order. It wasn’t late, after more arguing, she simply refused to talk to me. So I got in my car and started to drive away, but before I left I got out, grabbed that ****’s egg roll, and threw it as hard as I could. Made a big juicy splat of cabbage and oil on her door, super nasty.
She likes peeked out the door as I sped off and I flipped her off. Definitely a bad move on my part but I never got caught so *** it.”
4. Friend And I Exchanged Pranks Up To The Point He Thought He Was Losing His Mind
“My friend was being a **** to me one night. So I grab a dry erase marker from the hostess and go out to his white creeper van (no windows, beat up, work van) and write on the passenger side in big block letters “FREE CANDY”.
He drove around for a week because I knew his passenger side door didn’t work so he never even looked at that side.
He got me back by putting a for sale sign on my boat at the marina with my number and a super low price. Finally convinced someone to take the sign-off.
This one’s not really revenge…but it’s a funny story about that van.
We also later found out that he left the key in the ignition because it was different than the door key, so he’d lock the doors and leave the key. We also found out my neighbor’s Ford key would open his doors…so I’d be out drinking with him and text my neighbor, and he’d come to move his van. Not completely obvious moved, but enough that he’d have to stop and look and walk around a bit.
He swore I was **c***g with him but one day I wasn’t out of his sight and it happened. We let him think he was losing his mind for a couple of months before telling him. Wasn’t even mad, just relived he wasn’t crazy.”
3. Preteen Made Fun Of My Looks So I Scared Him To Death While Loading Their Groceries
“Back in high school I worked at a local grocery store, I cashiered/stocked/collected carts, the whole nine yards. Well, I was HEAVILY involved in the punk and metal scene and dressed as such, combat boots, plaid pants, band shirts, dyed Mohawk, huge gauged ears, etc.
One day I’m out collecting carts and this d*uchey preteen kid is going into the store with his mom, as he passes by me he points and laughs and calls me some cliche derogatory name under his breath. I flip him the bird which turned his sheepish smile into a look of fear.
I finish getting the carts put up and start stocking one of the aisles and hear my name called on the intercom to come bag a customer’s groceries.
I go to the front of the store and guess who it is? That’s right it was the d*uchey preteen and his mom. I proceed to bag the groceries and muster up the evilest look I can and proceed to give the death glare to this kid who’s doing his best not to look at me because he can obviously see it in his peripherals.
I walk the cart out to this lady’s car and start loading groceries in the very back. I run out of room so she tells me to put the rest in the back seat next to her son. I open the door and he has a look of absolute terror on his face, so as I’m putting groceries next to him I roll my eyes back so the whites are exposed and start gnashing and grinding my teeth like I’m a ravenous cannibal and he starts to cry and sob.
His mother never saw any of this and was very kind to me, she even gave me a few bucks for helping her with the groceries. I hope he learned his lesson.”
2. Friend Poops In A Box And Wraps It Up As A Present Because Of A Bad Grade
“So back in college, a few years ago my friend gets us to think that this other group hated us. Now, he had been insinuating this over the course of months while we got drunk, so after a while, and with no evidence to the contrary, we had started to believe him.
This group then buys a Christmas tree, decorates it, and puts it in the lounge across from one of their rooms. So he tries to convince us to (collectively) poop in a shoebox, wrap it up as a Christmas present, and put it under the tree.
Only one person did it, the rest of us taking a step back. Granted, we didn’t stop it, but still.
Dead of night, 3 am on a snow day, they put it under the tree.
Apparently, they open it, thinking that someone was giving them props for their tree. Nah. It stank up the whole hallway up to the elevators for the rest of the semester.
Then we get back for the next semester, the guy comes clean that he instigated this because one of the kids got him a bad grade in a group project a year ago.”
1. I Ditched My Ex When She Wanted To Get Back Together After Cheating On Me
“She knew. KNEW! That I had many friends who lived in the same neighborhood as her ex that she had left a couple of months before dating me.
She always told me she was going over to a GF’s house to study, and I had no reason not to believe her. ‘Til one day she wouldn’t answer a single text. Now I’m not the kind of guy to text a billion times. I’ll text you, then if you don’t reply, MAAAYYBE I’ll text you 2-3 hours later to make sure you got my last message, and if you still don’t answer, then, ‘Meh’, I’ll talk to you when you feel like you want to talk.
So anyway, I’m at my friend’s house later that night having not gotten a reply from her since maybe 12 hours ago. I and the group of friends decide to go outside in his back yard to make a pit fire when I notice her car in the driveway of the house behind us. I didn’t know it was her ex’s house but it was the waaaaaay wrong neighborhood for friend’s house.
I call her sister up and say ‘Where is your sister’, and she says ‘Oh she’s at [girl’s names house].’
‘Well, I’m going **c***g nuts then because I’m looking at her car now and this isn’t [girls name]’s neighborhood.’
Her response to that was ‘Uh…’. So I hang up and ask my friend who lives in the house we were all hanging out at, who owns the house behind him.
‘Oh, that’s [her ex-bf’s name]’s house.’
I called her phone to find it was off. So I just chilled the rest of my time there, and paid it no more attention, no sense in worrying at this point it’s a done deal. About 2 hours later I get a call from her saying the phone was on silent for ‘Study purposes’ and if I wanted to come over.
‘Sure,’ I told her.
I arrive at the house a little bit after and she hops in the car, and as soon as she shuts the door I ask ‘How was studying with [girl friend’s name]’ and she gives me some bull answer like I didn’t know. After she’s done spewing her lie I say ‘Weird. Must have been a long walk from [ex-bf’s] house’.
I made sure to look at her face as I said it so that I could see any expression. She knew I knew but wouldn’t let it go.
”We were just talking things out.’
‘Why would it be ok to just go over there to do that if you’re with another guy ? Talk things out? What needs to be talked out?’
‘We’ve been friends for a very long time before being significant others.
I can’t just stop talking to him.’
‘So to get around that, you feel it’s logical to lie to me about going to [girl friend’s] house? It’s 11 pm, You’ve been ‘talking it out’ since 10 am. I’ve tried getting a hold of you a couple of times too. Silence for a bit… So what did you guys do?’
She wouldn’t answer or look at me.
I told her to get out of the car and just pulled off.
She broke up with him the first time because he was physically abusive. And about a year after I drove off she calls me asking if we could try to make it work again and if I’d like to get together over dinner. So I said ‘yes’ and arranged a date for a fairly upscale place for Saturday at 8 pm.
Told her the dress code and all, since it was a snazzy joint.
I’m not sure how long she sat there, because I didn’t **c***g go.”