Sharp-Shooting Wildlife Officer Saves Two Bucks With Just One Shot

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Fascinating and amazing things happen in the wild that humans do not always get a chance to experience. Make sure to read up until the end to see how a wildlife officer saved the lives of two bucks.

The Beautiful Province Of Alberta


The event happened in February 2020 just outside the city of Calgary when Russ Wright, a foothills resident, was on his way home and saw two deer wrestling. He stopped and noticed something odd about the situation.

It Was Not Mating Season


Usually, during mating season, the buck stays by the doe’s side to protect her from other bucks by wrestling them. Russ knew that the two bucks’ situation was not normal because it was not their mating season yet.

Sgt. Kallweit To The Rescue

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Sgt. Scott Kallweit from Alberta Fish and Wildlife came to the scene where they found out that the bucks’ antlers had been intertwined. So he pulled out his shotgun, got into position, and waited for the perfect moment to shoot the single shot that set the two bucks free.

Russ Was Amazed At The Officer’s Shooting Skill

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He said, “Just one shot, the deer got up, took off, it was such a cool scene. I’ve never witnessed that in my life, probably never will. It was a once in a lifetime thing.”

The Deers Went Their Separate Ways

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After being set free, the deer ran freely and according to Wright, he has not seen them since.

The Broken Antlers Serve As A Reminder


Many bucks shed their antlers anyway, so it was really not a big deal that Sgt. Kallweit shot off a part of the antlers. While it’s all in a day’s work for him, he did keep the broken antler.

People Are In Awe Of The Officer’s Shooting Skills

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Having such an accurate shot does not happen overnight, and many people commended Sgt. Kallweit for having such excellent patience and precision which ultimately gave the bucks the chance to live another day.

The Wonders Of Wildlife


Like humans, wild animals also get into unfortunate situations, but it is a good thing that there are trained individuals who come to their rescue when such a thing happens.

See how the Sgt. Kallweit skillfully saved two bucks with just a single shot on the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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