People Share Their Most Rewarding Revenge Stories

Andrea Bertozzini

I’d say the majority of us enjoy the idea of revenge, but would we all engage in it? No way. Some us prefer to extinguish the flames rather than to fight fire with fire. Others of us don’t mind leaving the fire burning, but we’ll promptly walk away from it as to not get burned. There’s only so much drama and hurt feelings we all can take.

But, without a doubt, there are instances where getting revenge really is the best course of action, and it’s not always to be spiteful per se. Even without the intent to hurt others, the aftermath of the revenge can definitely be pretty severe, maybe even more than the suspect technically deserved. Although, sometimes major consequences lead to the best outcomes if it means the culprit will learn from their mistakes.

Here are some extra juicy tales that come with the big reward of delicious revenge!

11. She Made Me Do Most Of The Work, Then Her Educational Career Quickly Went South


Easy come and ever easier go.

“I am what you would call a mature student. I’m a mother and this class was 85% fresh out of high school students.

This story takes place in a class that is required in order to get a degree.

At the beginning of the semester, my instructor assigned partners for several large assignments due throughout the semester. This was new to me since my other classes never did this but this professor was new and I figured it was to save time marking. There were four major assignments due.

At first, my partner Sarah was great in the first project.

She did her half and gave it to me in a timely manner so I could add her information to mine. (I’m kind of a perfectionist and she didn’t mind). I thought we were good. But by midway through the term, I kept getting messages she was busy or didn’t have enough time to complete her part.
I’m pretty laid back so while it did irritate me, I figured I could help her and did most of her half.

Side note: I’m friends with the ladies in her dorm and one roommate is my cousin.

I went out to drink with some of them one night and the drinker they got, the more they started talking about Sarah and being annoyed with her. Apparently, Sarah was going out to party almost every night and when she returned, she was loud. She never cleaned up after herself and often brought back random people.

My cousin at this point said that she was bragging about getting a free ride in most of her classes that required partner work. All she had to do was come up with a poor excuse that was all “woe is me” and her partners fell for it.
My cousin pitied them and didn’t think it was fair (she didn’t know we were partners in this class).

This p*ssed me off but didn’t say anything.

The third major project came and sure enough, she made excuses. I have her a lot of ways to make up time, adjusting my schedule to hers, willing to meet at the library in the evenings and weekends, offering tips for time management and nope, still with excuses. The third project received great marks too.

Okay to the revenge. The final project is worth 45% of the grade. It makes up for a final exam and pretty much a make or break assignment for grades.

I was done with her. A week before it was due, I still gave her the benefit of doubt and she pretty much shot me down.
She told me I was “such a big help to a fresh student” and she will do what she can to help but “please don’t expect a miracle.” (By this time, I pretty much had the project done by me 100%)

I scheduled a meeting with the professor with documents to show her how she never helped.

I gave her copies of my email exchanges, text messages, and her admitting she didn’t do anything to contribute but “if I was so kind enough to add her name to the assignment because I am her partner after all. I told the professor that I have been carrying the bulk of the work on projects and while I understand Sarah is adjusting to university life, I don’t find it fair if she got marks on this final project when I’ve done it myself.

In short, I was allowed to hand it in under myself and Sarah received an email stating she had a week to hand in the assignment on her own. I blocked her number and left the email messages unopened. Also, I informed her roommates to keep documented evidence on her skirting her responsibilities to hand in to the office and informed her other partners on her behavior and how she treated me.

In the end, she failed the assignment and pretty much the class, was kicked out of her dorm (surprise inspection by RA found ***** I didn’t know she did) and failed another major assignment in another course (her partner is an acquaintance of mine).

She was later kicked out in the following semester for handing in plagiarized work.” mama_bear_ofthenorth

10. Betray My Friend? I’m Kicking You Out And Setting You Up For Academic Suspension



Last year I started hanging out with this really fun group of girls that I met through my master’s program.

I was in a really bad place, and these girls embraced me right away. There were about 5 of us in this girl group, and I loved all of them! Well, I loved all except one. Let’s call her Egotistical ***** (EB). EB was mean. EB was catty. She was the wildest girl in the group. She always wanted to party. She always showed up late at the University. And she was just so FAKE.

EB and I had the same focus in our master’s program, so I, unfortunately, had to spend A LOT of time with her. That “quality time” together made EB feel very comfortable around me, to the point where she thought she could say anything to me.
In that time, she talked so much **** about every other girl we hung out with. I’m talking really mean stuff. She also continually belittled/talked down to me.

She questioned my intelligence all the time and always tried to undermine me and make me feel less about myself.

Now, I put up with EB because I loved the other girls and they just could not see how toxic she was. EB also rented a room from one of the girls in my group, let’s call her Dolly. Dolly is the sweetest girl I have ever met. I have only known her for a year, and she is already like a sister to me.

She is the typical southern bell type, all bubbly personality, and strong accent, but she would literally give you everything she had if you asked for it.
EB regularly treated Dolly terribly (late on rent, borrowing/ruining her clothes, never cleaning), but Dolly didn’t say anything because she knew EB came from bad home life and wanted her to feel safe in their apartment (Seriously, Dolly is an angel).

The offense:

In my program, all the MA students are also Teaching Assistants (TA’s) or Research Assistants (RA’s).

So one day, after submitting all of our student’s midterm grades, our group decided to go out and have a celebratory drink. Dolly, however, did not accompany us because she was going over to her BF’s house. The rest of us headed to the Irish Pub right off-campus. We all had either classes ourselves or were teaching the next day, so most of us don’t drink that much (my University has a really strict attendance policy even for MA students so we were pretty careful).

Except for EB. She gets drunk. Like–face on sideways, rip-roaring drunk. This was not unusual. EB was known for getting super drunk all the time, but she’d really been struggling with managing her TA’ing and her own classes, so she went for it EXTRA hard. Two hours after we got there the rest of us have had one, maybe two, drinks and eaten to help us stay sober. EB, on the other hand, could barely stand.

Unfortunately, I lived in the same complex as EB, and since Dolly wasn’t there, I had to take her drunk a** home.

On the way home EB starts talking. About Dolly. This jerk was so drunk that she had NO filter. EB starts saying that Dolly is a dumb-inbred- southern-bimbo and the only reason that our faculty advisor liked Dolly so much was that she has big ****.
She also let it slip that she had been sexting Dolly’s BF and was intended on ******* him.

Apparently, they had been sending nudes for some time, and he’d even been sexting EB while Dolly was over at his house THAT NIGHT. After telling me ALL of this, she promptly fell asleep in my passenger seat.

At this point, I am in shock. But I know I can’t let this stand. You can **** with me but don’t **** with my friends.

The revenge:

My first reaction was to kick EB out of my car, but I thought better of it (We live in a pretty big city known for human trafficking crime, and I may hate the girl, but I don’t want her dead/physically hurt).

Instead, I dropped her off at her apartment, tucked her into bed and grabbed her phone. Using her thumb to unlock her phone I first found all of the messages between EB and Dolly’s bf. I took screenshots and sent them to myself, deleting the screenshots/message to myself after. Then I turned off EB’s alarm for the next day. As I mentioned, my university is very strict about the attendance of their students, and I knew for a fact that EB already had at least two warnings regarding missed/late classes.

The next day EB didn’t show up to the Lab she taught as a TA. She called in midway through the day and said she had the flu, but unfortunately for her, an anonymous file was sent to our faculty advisor showing a video of her doing Irish Car Bombs the night before.
The file also came with a short note explaining that the last couple of times EB had called in she’d been hungover/lying as well.

The same day I showed Dolly the messages between EB and Dolly’s now ex-bf. Dolly freaked out. I had never seen someone so mild-mannered lose their **** before, but Dolly snapped. She then told me that EB was two months late on rent and this was the last straw. Dolly went home that night and told EB she had a week to GTFO her apartment and pay Dolly what she owed.

When EB said I was a liar and making **** up to come between them, Dolly showed EB the messages. According to Dolly, the ***** went silent.
What more could she say?

Within the next two weeks, EB was crashing on some friend’s couch, and she was placed on academic suspension. Apparently, her grades sucked as much as her personality. That combined with her lying/attendance problems caused the University to pull her funding.

I still have to see her, but she now knows better than to talk to me or anyone in our group (we pretty much all cut her out of our lives).

Sometimes I feel like I went too far, but then I remember how smug her drunk a** looked telling me she was going to steal my best friend’s boyfriend… and I feel much better.” BlueMax54

Another User Comments:

“And, that’s what friends are for! I’ve been in “Dolly’s” shoes and wasn’t told – had an engaged mutual friend of ours (met her through him) as the perpetrator.

I posted on a public post of her fiancé’s that had several of her family members tagged in, asking if he could please ask his girlfriend to quit sending her and her twin sister’s v*g and t*t pics to my boyfriend and to ask her to quit going to his house to “cuddle” with him. But, in her defense, she would text him and say how amazing of a person I am, how pretty I am, how I have such a good personality, etc.

She was in school for teaching and had just been offered her first teaching position. She felt instead of apologizing to me that she should defend herself by saying that her boyfriend cheated on her when they were IN HIGH SCHOOL, then tried to threaten to press charges on me if I sent her photos to anyone.
Hadn’t thought of it until she mentioned it. So wish I would have. ******* sl*t.

Have a gold for being such an amazing friend and for saving your friend from her POS boyfriend!” wannaseeamoose

9. Threaten My Dogs? You’re Now Evicted


“Years ago, my mother and I had just moved to a new dog-friendly apartment complex. We had 2 dogs, one was a bichon Shih Tzu and the other is a terrier poodle mix. Because of them, we were excited about the community dog park right next to our building.

Also to note, our who building was filled with dog owners, each with dogs ranging from small to huge. Our apartment was on the first floor in the back of the building, all the way in the corner.
It was a nice private area for us with how the apartments were situated.

Since one of our dogs is a terrier, he can be a bit barky when we are not home. Though when we are home we have a clicker to get his attention, which he has been trained to stop barking and come to whoever has the clicker.

Due to our work hours, I was usually home in the morning and mom was home in the afternoon, leaving him alone for a few hours during the day.

After a month of moving to our new apartment, we received a note on our door. It was from one of our neighbors. It stated, “Dear neighbor, I understand that you are new to this complex, but it is rude to allow your dog to bark.

It is ruining my sleep before I go to work, and my job is extremely important. I don’t care how you do it but shut your dog up.”

My mom turned in the note right away to the leasing office as she wasn’t sure what to do with it. That is when the office told us not to worry because he had done this to every dog owner in the building. They did ask us to see if we can find ways to calm him down when we were not home.

So we did. We found out the kids of the neighborhood liked playing with the power station outside our apartment and that is who he had been barking at. So we closed off that area for him when we went out and no one was home.
We started playing calming music as a way to help as well.

Another week goes by and this time we hear a knock at the door. We go outside, and we meet our angry neighbor.

He explains that our dog has kept him up every day and woke him up with his hours of barking. Both of us had been home that day, and our dog had been a good boy and had not had excessive barking. I still remember what he had told us when I explained that. “I know what I heard. If you can’t control your dog, then I am going to call animal control and have them both taken from you.

I did it before and have no problem getting rid of your dogs too.
Then I’ll get you kicked out for not following your lease, and I can do that because I am very rich and the apartment needs my money. So do something to shut your dogs up or else.” After that and my mom apologizing for what had happened, we went back in. A few moments later, I walked out to get the mail and discovered from another neighbor that he had gone to 3 other apartments and made similar threats.

After some convincing, my mom told the apartment what had happened. We were told not to worry, and if he did that again to please contact them. We also found out that the apartment had offered him an apartment way from the dogs, but he had declined since the dogs were the problem and not him.
However, what he had done, my mom began to show signs of anxiety and bought a lemon spray bark collar for our dog.

While I didn’t like this idea, it had put her at ease to go outside our apartment. We did make sure to only put it on him when we both were not home.

A month went by peacefully, then once again we get a knock on our door. This time it was animal control. They had gotten an ‘anonymous’ report of a dog being abused and neglected in our home. They explained that someone has said that our dogs were barking because of neglect.

My mom invited the AC lady inside and explained the situation. We showed her everything we could to prevent our dogs from being taken away.
The nice lady noticed how playful and happy our dogs were and figured it was another false call. She explained that they had gotten a few of those from an anonymous concerned neighbor for other apartments in this building.

The AC lady left, telling us that if they threaten again to try and get it on record.

This event had turned my mom into a paranoid person who became afraid to leave the house, thinking that if she did, then she would lose her pups. Normally I am the calmest person in my family, never really letting anyone get to me, but this neighbor had done this to hurt us. So I did my research and discovered a few things that could legally help us.
With new information on certain laws and leasing terms, I formed a plan.

During the weekend that my mom was visiting my aunt in a different state, I began my plan. I started it by printing out a few things and then sat outside with my phone and a speaker. I began to play a video of a dog barking really loud. I had figured out which apartment was his thanks to a few neighbors who also were tired of being harassed. I sat there looking across the courtyard to where his apartment was.

I waited with a huge smile on my face, and as I hoped for, he stormed out and headed over to where I was. I turned off my video and turned on my recorder without him noticing.
His face is red with anger as he looks at me sitting there with a smile.

“I’m sorry can I help you?” I ask him

“F*** you. I ****** told you what I will do to your family if you ****** didn’t stop your dumba*s mutt from ruining my sleep.

Now, I’m going to get them taken from you and get you kicked out for not doing as I said. I gave you a **** ***********chance. I hope when they take your dogs that they are killed and you and your mom live inside a cardboard box.”

I give him a fake ‘oh dear’ look and say, “So you are saying that I am not allowed to make loud noises including my dogs barking between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm? And that I went against the law by doing so?”

“You know you did.”

“And you are telling me this from my porch? At 2 pm in the afternoon.”

“This won’t be your porch once I tell the leasing office.”

“Oh no.

That is a very serious threat for my dogs and my family, isn’t it.”

“F*** yes it is!”

I give him a huge smile and turn off my recorder from my phone. The neighbor is confused now and I ask him to have a seat, I have a few things to show him. I pull out my papers and hand him the first one. It was the county’s noise ordinance laws. In our county, a dog’s bark was considered the same amount of sound as a loud appliance, so they can bark between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm.

Before he could talk, I pull out another paper. This one states that it is against the leasing terms to threaten another neighbor and after one warning that the apartment complex had the right to revolt their lease.
He looks at me with an understanding of what he had done now. I silence him and pull out one last paper. This one was another leasing term I had found. This face after reading this one had made him turn white.

This last one talked about how it was a complete violation of leasing terms to go onto another renter’s property and threaten them or their property. This includes the renter’s outdoor area. Those found guilty of this violation will have their lease revoked immediately and be forced to leave the apartment within a set time.

The scared look on his face was priceless as I silently got up and walked back into my apartment.

After he finally left, I called my leasing office and explained what had just happened and agreed to email the recording to them right away.
A week later my mom came home with some news that she had learned from the leasing office. The man had been evicted from his apartment and would be leaving later that week. I found out that my actions had caused the other dog owners of the building to come forward and admit what he had been doing to all of them.

After that, there was never another complaint and I threw away the lemon spray collar. My mom still gets anxiety attacks once in a while, but has been getting help to ease those worries. As for me, I don’t regret what I did, I just feel bad that it had to come to this.” Pikatira.

8. Good Luck Finding Another Apartment


“So this happened to me about 10 years ago in a big city on the West Coast.  I had just finished grad school and was looking for a way to cut down on rent in an already expensive rental market.

Now, mind you I was young, desperate, and inexperienced with roommates at the time and this was a huge life lesson for me and hopefully for my roommate too.

I placed an ad for a roommate on Craigslist which in hindsight wasn’t a smart move. Enter Bad Roommate. Bad Roommate was a few years older than me and at first, seemed really cool with a stable job as a licensed masseuse. After interviewing her, hitting it off really well and getting to know each other for about a month, we rented a loft downtown around October with the agreement rent/utilities would be split.

Around the time our first rent was due (November) Bad Roommate said that her work had been slow and she would pay rent in the next two weeks.
Luckily I had enough in savings so I covered rent. Well, the two weeks came and went and still no rent. When I asked her about the rent, she yelled obscenities and accuse me of being abusive and harassing her. No kidding! While claiming she didn’t have money for rent, she would be out of the house from around 9 am until around 2 am “visiting friends.” All of this nonsense continued on as well as other things such as stealing my food and breaking some of my belongings; including a bottle of wine that my recently deceased sister had gifted to me.

Bad Roommate’s excuse was “bad energy in the house” while giving me a little smirk.

Fast forward to the beginning of December and you guessed it, still no rent.
This time in addition to yelling obscenities, accusing me of being abusive, and breaking my stuff, Bad Roommate called the police on me accusing me of making threats. The cops did not do anything as there was no evidence I did anything (for the record I didn’t) but they did give me a “lecture” about making threats and said next time they come out I could be arrested or forced to leave the residence.

By this time I was almost out of savings and was fearing eviction. Bad Roommate had not paid rent since move-in.

The final straw came when I came home from work to find her threatening my two cats who were cowering in the corner. I almost lost it, but due to what happened before with the police I didn’t want to poke the fire.
This is when I remembered the officer saying “I could be forced to leave the residence” and a lightbulb went off in my head.

Now the revenge part:

I called my Best Friend whose father, “Best Friend’s dad/attorney” was an attorney. After a phone consultation with him, he told me to pay up the rent and utilities through December and then simply surrender my key, garage remote, etc with a signed note saying that I surrender possession of the property with a specified date. I snapped a photo of this note and left it with the secretary in the management office.

I then proceeded to sign a new lease with the last of my savings. One week before Christmas while Bad Roommate was out “visiting friends” I packed up all of my belongings and left the house pretty much empty except for a few belongings she had; a little bit of food and her bed.
After about two days of angry voicemails, texts, and missed calls from Bad Roommate telling me what a “horrible and irresponsible person I was to do this,” BOOM….dead silence until April.

In April I was served with a summons for breach of contract for abandoning the lease by the landlord. I contacted the attorney (aka Best Friend’s dad) and filed a response to the court with a hearing date set in late May. I showed up to the hearing with my friend’s dad (attorney) and his two I’m guessing they were assistants. Bad Roommate was also there looking smug (think wine bottle incident smirk).

Next thing I know the other attorney announces they are dismissing me from the lawsuit since I surrendered possession of the property but they were not dismissing it against Bad Roommate.
Bad Roommate’s face went gaunt, the smirk disappeared and it was priceless. After some back and forth with her almost getting held in contempt of court for outbursts, the judge ruled against my roommate with the full judgment awarded to the landlord.

The first cherry on top? Best Friend’s dad represented me Pro-Bono.

The final cherry on top? I came to find out a month later via an angry voicemail from Bad Roommate that after being kicked out of a friend’s house while couch-surfing her credit was trashed, she had an eviction on her record, and subsequently could not get another apartment and that again I was a horrible irresponsible person. I never heard from her again afterward but she was on the news a few months later (mugshot and all) for trashing a convenience store.

Last I heard she moved to Las Vegas.

In the end, my credit did take a small hit. Even though the suit was dismissed the debt was put into collections and reported to the credit bureau. For the next four years, I tried unsuccessfully to have it removed. At the 4 year anniversary of the lawsuit, I petitioned the credit bureau under the advice of my friend’s dad/attorney to clear my record as the statute for filing suit had expired at the 4-year mark.

Failure to comply with the request would result in a lawsuit against the credit bureau for slander of credit. To be honest I just followed his instructions not knowing what I was even talking about. A couple of days later I received a call that my record had been cleared.
Long story but in the end, it was worth it to get back at an otherwise horrible person.” Drumhedd

7. If You Can Pull A Prank, You Better Be Willing To Handle One!


“I spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at a small private school.

For my first two years, I didn’t have a classroom, just a small office I would bring what I needed for each class on a cart and go from room to room, depending on which teacher had a prep at any given time. This was incredibly inconvenient and, not being the most organized of teachers, to begin with, made things difficult to keep track of.

There was a group of 11th-grade boys who decided to make things a little more difficult for me.

They were good kids, we got along well, I coached several of them on the school soccer team, but they decided that since my office would often be empty, it was a great place to prank. It was never anything too serious, things falling over when I opened the door, or things disappearing for a day and then turning up in a different place the next day. Nothing was ever damaged, and I could never prove who it was, even though I knew.

My school had mandatory final exams in each academic course. I didn’t really think they were necessary, so I would generally make them pretty easy with a lot of preparation. I would give out study sheets and play review games for a couple of weeks before the test, and there was no reason the students wouldn’t do well on them.
I had the approval of admin to do this as they weren’t particularly fond of the final exam rule either, it was as school board policy.

A few nights before the offending boys had their exam, I had a brainwave. I created a second exam. Gone were the multiple-choice questions and obvious things from the review sheets. In their place came detailed questions about concepts that were briefly mentioned in class. Essay question after essay question. Ambiguous questions with no clear answers. Definitions of words that there was no way they knew. It took a couple of hours, but I laughed the whole time.

When the test came, I had the special exams at the bottom of the pile and handed them out to each of the four or five boys.
I told my vice-principal what was happening and he insisted on being present. I started the timer and watched as the boys flipped over their papers.

It was all I could do to keep a straight face. Eyes went wide. Heads were shaking. Panic was setting in, especially as they saw all their classmates flying through their exams.

One of the boys raised their hands. “Sorry, no questions during the final. You should be prepared based on your study sheets.” I let them go for about five or ten minutes of terror before I gathered the fake tests and gave them the real ones.

They all passed with flying colors and never pranked my office again. It was glorious.” mike_bwn80

6. My Landlord Refused To Do Repairs, So I Reported Her, And Now She’s Bankrupt


Should have just done the repairs, Karen.

“So here’s the story of my previous living situation which was at best horrendous. I moved into a, what I thought at the time was a lovely 3/4 bedroom house with a nice offset garage and garden, perfect for my family consisting of myself, my partner and my 3 kids.

Well a few weeks into moving in, the problems started to arise. We moved in just before Christmas and the weather was awful, torrential rain in fact, which is when we discovered the horrendous leak in my roof.

I mean water teaming through the roof, into the walls, and down my windows, resulting in all my pots and pans having to sit in my window to collects said rain. We then ended up realizing we had a leak through the roof in my daughter’s room after she was awoken by rain dripping on her whilst she slept, she was 2 at the time.
we discovered over the course of the time we lived there that the electrics had never been checked and often shorted out.

The gas pipes were under-regulated minimum gauge and when the heating was on we couldn’t power the gas cooker or visa versa, the decking out the back was rotten and when stood on it just snapped, there was a 4ft drop underneath this, a gas safety check showed that the combi boiler was broken and condemned but they still refused to replace it, the heating system could never be switched off even on the summer.

All of these were reported and promised to be fixed. Over time the patio door hinge, which was snapped completely fell off and we couldn’t close it properly or lock it, reported and were told it would be fixed, waited months and even though I was still paying full rent it never got fixed.
I eventually got fed up and reported it to the local environmental health team. They came out to inspect the property and raised concerns over the kitchen floor which was warped and a major trip hazard, we also discovered from this visit the 4th bedroom which was in the loft was illegal due to how it had been done, no insulation no heating, bodged electrics.

So the local environmental health team handed an order over to the landlord to repair all these in a 3 month period, it didn’t get done, the council took the landlord to court for breach and she ended up having to pay fines and was given another 6 weeks to rectify. A few of the jobs got sorted when I found my new house to move into.
2 years later I’ve just found out through a close friend the council proceeded to complete the jobs themselves and the landlord has now been declared bankrupt due to this, her house is being put up for auction, she will receive nowhere near what she needs to pay off her debts and has had to give up her other houses due to bankruptcy laws meaning she can’t own equity, not even a decent car.

If only she’d put the rent I was paying into fixing her house it wouldn’t have gone this far.

I’m not sure what’s happened regarding the illegal goings-on, the gas and electrical problems that were never properly upkeep, but I like to hope she got punished in some way or form.” Unl0veddarkness

5. My Mother Abused Me For Years, So I Ruined Her Life Forever


Now it’s her turn to suffer the consequences for her actions.

“After almost 25 years of violent abuse by my mother, I finally got the kind of revenge I’ve always dreamed about as a kid going through the worst of it but it didn’t make me feel the way I expected.

For those who aren’t aware of my life, I’ll try to summarize it all but its not something that’s easily put into a short paragraph or two. Growing up with my mother was worse than ****.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if your worst enemy went back in time to raise you, you’d understand my life. At some point around 9-10, I began to realize how alone I was and how exhausting my life would turn out to be.
I kept hoping “this time” she’d finally just continue wailing on me. Hoping she’d just never stop beating me and finish the job. Either that or I’d be so close to death she’d be forced to take me to the hospital where they would question her and I’d somehow be saved.

It seemed like nobody ever cared enough to look deeper. dislocated my shoulder with a cast iron pipe, beating me every night until I ate things I was slightly allergic to and then beating me more for throwing it up, lit my Christmas presents I got then having to be held back by her boyfriend at the time because she was holding a knife to my neck telling me for the millionth time that I was “worth less than my father” and nobody else would care if she did it.

I could fill pages with all the things she did to me. I remember when she really started digging in and telling me I was worthless nearly every day. I was 13 and it was the first time I started contemplating ******* though I was always too weak to follow through.

My mother tried to kill me 3 or 4 times if you count a ********* poisoning. I say ********* only because I vaguely remember the details but it involved her forcing me to drink something with bleach in it.

It’s kinda funny in a sick way because I didn’t even remember that until now and that’s not as bad as all the things I’ve put a lot of effort into not remembering.
I just have sh*tty memory so I guess it helps. I don’t think I’ve actually gone longer than a few weeks without getting beaten ****** over something trivial like not washing dishes fast enough or “walking away too hard” after just getting beat up by her.

Years of physical and psychological attacks. Did I call the cops? Of course, I did. Can you imagine how hard it was to watch my mother smile and lie to the cops? Telling them I was exaggerating? Then having to watch them get into their cars and drive away knowing I had to go back inside. In the beginning, I had hope things would change, towards my teen years I started drinking and stopped caring, and now here I am after all of it somehow still alive.

My stepdad used to tell me years after his divorce with my mother that he only stayed with her because he was afraid she’d kill me one day. He’s lucky he never saw how much worse it got when he wasn’t there to take the hits for me anymore. It would break his heart. He was also the one who told me about my mothers being ******** abused while growing up in a different country which helped me to gain some perspective in my teens, not that it made a difference by then.

It didn’t matter to me because each and every day she had a choice every time and she’d choose to hurt me every time. Maybe I’m overstating things considering she didn’t ACTUALLY kill me even though she has come close so many times… Maybe that means deep down she secretly cared about me or something? I don’t know.
I don’t think about it. She did go out of her way to buy me new electronics often but she’d end up using those as leverage against me and invading my privacy constantly so It ultimately wasn’t THAT much of anything.

After everything and all the times she kicked me out from 13-17yrs old, I was always on edge. She told me when I was 18 while I was staying with my aunt that if I went to college, I’d always have a place to live. I don’t know why I believed her.. I had gone to go stay with my aunt temporarily for 4-6 months after my mother kicked me out of the house at 17 but my mother would always stop by and buy groceries for me or leave me cash.

She was naturally kind to me while I was there. By this point, she wasn’t hitting me anymore (Not that she could as I’d have snapped and absolutely wrecked her *** at that age but I strongly dislike hurting people in any form so the point is moot) and was more prone to just verbal attacks but since I was never really around her anymore, life seemed to get easier. My mother had learned more than enough ways to *** with me without touching me.

It seemed like she hated me more than I hated myself at times. My aunt couldn’t have me stay with her anymore as she really liked her privacy, I had already been there for a while, and I was an emotionally damaged and rebellious teenager she didn’t have time to help.
So, I went back to my mother’s house for the last time and started attending Community College full time. I didn’t really have any desire or passion, I was just an empty husk going through the motions, but I was still trying my best to keep living even when I didn’t feel the will in the hopes that one day I’d feel something different for once.

My mother, of course, decided to go back to her old habits. Things like dumping all the trash with dirty diapers and old food or dirty dishes filled with water on my bed when I was out if I forgot to do them and sometimes JUST because she was in a mood. Locking me out in the snow for hours because I didn’t respond to a text or something even if I had a class in a few hours.

I wasn’t even allowed to have keys. She’d pretend not to hear me when I rang the doorbell or knocked for hours. She’d also tell my younger sister to ignore it. I’d eventually end up having to sleep on the steps outside or at a friend’s house and get punished for doing it even though I was 18 because it was her house and her rules. It was always nonstop. I had no real direction and I honestly had no plans to exist past 25yrs old.

Despite literally all of that and then some, I was doing well in school (Community College) with a 3.6ish GPA. I finally left my mother’s house for the last time a few days before FInals week.. I came home from drinking with friends and was met with my mother glaring at me when I rang the bell at 9 pm yelling when I’d move out as soon as I walked in.

She followed me to my little closet of a bedroom where I tried to close the door behind me and she half ripped the door off the hinges. I just sat there on my bed and stared at her silently as she kept cursing and screaming questions at me. My mother then walks away and as I’m in the kitchen getting juice I hear her on the phone calling the cops on me claiming she was scared id murder her or my younger siblings.

I just didn’t have the energy to deal with it. This was 3 days before I failed all of my finals because I couldn’t even make it. I was dealing with too much. So, I went and grabbed whatever I had and left 15 minutes later.
My mother and I only ever really communicated via email after though it was very rare and it was very businesslike. I’d tell her what I needed and she’d either tell me to *** off or give it to me.

It was hard to maintain consistency in my life then. I was at rock bottom all the time. I didn’t care about anything, I drank every day, hung out with the worst kind of people who brought out the worst in me. I bounced between cheap rooms and couches. It was early 2016 when I discovered Photography and it COMPLETELY changed the direction of my life. I didn’t hang out with anyone or bother trying to maintain all the pointless relationships.

I just dove headfirst into it. I was able to put the things I didn’t understand about myself into perspective. For the first time in my life, I felt something. Not like a feeling per se… Just like this sense of possibility. For the firsts time, I was seriously wondering just what I could be capable of. I had something to look forward to. I felt like if I pushed myself as hard as possible, I’d be good at something and I’d be a good person.

And so I isolated myself from nearly everyone I knew and spent every single day learning or practicing or being frustrated that I wasn’t getting results. Even though I was drinking heavily, I always held a job and kept doing photoshoots and kept practicing like mad.
I eventually got my first apartment and was functional for a year. Did I have my *** together? **** no but I was figuring my *** out.

Cue one of the worst days of my life (Me getting robbed while I was blacked out drunk for 2 months rent and camera gear by a “friend” which lead to me losing my apartment and job) followed by an email by my mother asking how I been. We ended up talking on the phone and it was civil for like 3 minutes before I mentioned how hard things have really been for me.

She was bragging about some new expensive speaker system she bought and I like a dumba** asked her for money (about $100).
I told her if I could give my landlord ANYTHING, he’d be reasonable and give me time to get more cash together and I’d be fine. Lol, that obviously did not go well at all. It all escalates to her literally laughing and then telling me it was my own fault for being homeless.

She also completely denied ever abusing me when I started I was in the situation because of her. I hung up on her. My thoughts were all over the place and I felt this intense frustration more than anger. Within a few moments my head cleared and I had decided something as I was sitting in my bedroom 5 or so minutes after the call. I decided that was going to completely ruin my mother’s ****** life no matter what.

And so I did. I called CPS on my her and informed them of my history of abuse at her hands. I informed them about the dozens upon dozens of old photos I have of myself all ****** and bruised up. I previously compiled as much evidence as possible in my teens though never did anything with it until that point. That sparked a visit which leads to emergency removal of my 3 younger siblings when they caught my mother “punishing” my little sister coincidentally when they happened to do a visit.

My mother was also arrested but released hours later. I reached out to the job she got years ago with the fake resume she made me write for her and made them aware of her falsehoods.
Because of her field, it was promptly looked into and she was fired as well as blacklisted. She lost nearly 80k+ salary. I then deleted every email in all of the email accounts I made for her because she never changed the passwords.

Afterward, I deleted the email accounts themselves. Within a few weeks, things were definitely going downhill for her. My youngest sister’s dad WAS engaged to my mother and is now trying to file for sole custody of my little sister whos in CPS custody. I’m sure he wasn’t happy finding out what his baby daughter has in store if my mother was given free rein. She’s missed her court appointments and I know she hasn’t been able to pay her mortgage since last year as I’ve heard she had to ask one of her friends for money.

Her life had become a creamy messy *** symphony and I was the fecal splattered conductor. It was all going to ***.

She went radio silent for months and had a warrant after missing another court date. This was all fall/winter of last year that she was off the grid so I went on with my life. Early 2019 I get a random call from her and find out she went to her home country months ago after everything went to ***.

How she was allowed on a plane? I have no clue. So cue another geyser of ******* spewing from my mother’s mouth. She’s telling me I need to tell CPS shes a good mom and that she’s never abused them or me.
It’s unbelievable. So I cut her off and I shut her up. I was a little buzzed when she had called and had always mentally prepared for this moment. I started slowly telling her in graphic detail about all the gross *** I used to do to her food because of *** it.

I told her how I used to p*ss in the pitcher of the Lipton Iced Tea she used to force me to make for her and then not allow me to have. I told her how I’d secretly sabotage her utensils with my ********** before serving her food. She was quiet at first but then began cursing me out, though It didn’t bother me. I’m on a roll and I wasn’t listening.

Her words didn’t matter to me anymore. She’s blaming me for her life turning out so terribly while fully unaware of how true that statement is in terms of the situation she was currently in. She shuts up long enough for me to get one more word in before hanging up and blocking her number. I thought that was the end of it. I expected my last post to be my final update but as I’ve said before, my life is a *** symphony.

My aunt and I recently reconnected about 2 months ago. Prior to last month, I haven’t seen her in years. We met up and had a long conversation about life and everything and then she admitted that she talks to my mother nearly every day.
She had mentioned all the things happening to my mother but didn’t know it was me who started this all. She actually felt really bad for my mother but my aunt was always a really caring person, so I understand I guess.. I told her I was very uncomfortable with the thought of her talking about me to my mother and asked her not to.

My aunt did it anyways. After meeting up with my aunt, I learned through her that my mother was finally coming back to America. She was arriving at the airport in one week. The problem was my aunt told her that I was going with her so the three of us could all talk without telling me.
I didn’t know what the feeling of betrayal really felt like until my aunt told me that.

To be honest, as wrong as it sounds I’d rather my mother just think I died or something our phone call. But my aunt kept insisting that I had to give my mother another chance and I had to learn to be open-minded and that though she wasn’t there all the time my mom did horrible *** to me she loved us both and wanted us to get along. Like I’m supposed to just get along with someone who has tried to murder me? Like my mother has choked me awake for school.

If you don’t know what it’s like to forcefully wake up not being able to breathe and seeing your own mother standing over you at 5 am angrily and tightly gripping your throat, count yourself lucky.
But, as I said at the beginning of this post I’ve already resolved myself to being a bad person and so I lied to one of the only people who were kind to me and I promised my aunt I’d try to have a heart to heart with my mom and her and “talk out” the nearly 20 years of abuse.

Obviously that was not happening. When we got off the phone, I called the detectives who gave me their # months back in case I heard from my mother. I asked them a few leading questions about what would happen if so and so were discovered and then I made my plan. I wasn’t sure if my mother would make it past customs (How is she able to travel to a different country with a warrant, I didn’t know.) but if she did, I’d call the police in the bathroom and wait for them to arrive while I sat with my mother.

Cue my mother making it past ****** customs because she’s my mother. She’s a horrible person but she’s good at what she does, which is being horrible. I digress, my mother calls my aunt when she’s getting off the planes and my aunt says she’s going to meet her. I told my aunt I’d wait for them in the little Starbucks and then we’d all drive somewhere else. My aunt agreed and went off.

I called the detective and told him that my mother was standing a few feet away from me and if they could meet me at our destination we were going to. They told me that was unnecessary and that they’d have officers closer to me come and apprehend her at the airport instead.
And so I waited and waited. And then I finally saw them arriving both at the same time. The 3-4 officers who had convened in those few passing minutes and actively searching around the food court I sat close to.

My mother and my aunt walking down the gate towards me. I felt this overwhelming weight in my chest just kind of settling down deeper and deeper into my gut the closer they got and the more the officers searched. What if they stopped looking when my mother arrived? What if my mother somehow got away with this *** again? Countless thoughts but I just bit them back. I’ve grown very talented at silencing whatever my inner turmoil of the day happened to be.

But my mother and my aunt were animatedly talking as they made their way to where I was sitting. Before they had a chance to say anything, I quickly jumped up and said “I ordered some teas let me go see if they’re ready!” which was the first thing I could think of as they were sitting but it worked and I dashed off PAST the cash register to the Starbucks and to the outer part of the food court.

Looking back, saying I had to go grab some tea probably wasn’t the best thing to say but I digress. I made it a few feet out the door and half jogged over to the officers who were still looking around the food court area.
From where they were, they wouldn’t have seen us sitting. I walked over and asked them if they had gotten a call about a woman who had a warrant or something.

I mentioned that the detectives said officers in or near the airport would arrest her. They said they did and I said told them it was my mother. I told them her first name and they verified her last name. I told them she was sitting right in the Starbucks waiting for jail and one of the cops chuckled. It seemed a bit surprised and judgy that I was pointing them right to my mom.

I told them I’d go make sure she didn’t leave and they followed behind by like 10-15 paces.
I half jogged back inside and up to the little table where they were sitting. My mother had that half scowl she always wore whenever she looked up at me when I popped up out of nowhere and my aunt began asking me where the drinks were before I cut her off and looked dead at my mother and her scowling face which had quickly changed into confusion when I had finished my sentence.

“Mom I know we don’t get along but I wanted to let you know it’s all my fault.” cue my mother starting to ask me with this kind of soft motherly voice “What do you mean it’s your fault? Why do you this-“but of course I cut her off because there’s nothing she hates more than being cut off and I finally have the power in this situation.
“Look, ****. I want you to know EXACTLY whose fault it is and who’s p*ss you ****** drank when you’re sitting in jail wondering why the world did you so wrong!” She sputtered something and slapped the ****** *** out of me.

My aunt’s jaw dropped. People are watching. The cops saw it happen as well as only a few seconds had passed from when I walked in. Into handcuffs, she goes. Now she’s showing her true colors. Cursing and saying all kinds of things you couldn’t imagine a mom saying to her kid. Telling me she’d ****** kill me and so on. Etc. I calmly walked behind them as long as I could until they took her to some room and held her until the detective arrived.

I wasn’t there that long though as the lack of thrill of it all kind of got to me and I went home to break a 2-month sober streak. I was there long enough for my aunt to tell me she was disappointed in me and that she doesn’t know if she can forgive me for doing something “so spiteful and disgusting” to her sister. To be fair, I did it completely out of spite so she isn’t wrong.

I’ve already acknowledged i’m not a good person for what I did. Come to find out, my mother was using MY AUNTS PASSPORT TO LEAVE AND COME BACK TO THE COUNTRY MULTIPLE TIMES since she left. That’s why they never caught her.
Now my aunt has some explaining to do but I wish she didn’t have to get caught up in all of this. She has always been kind to me and doesn’t deserve it.

My mother is facing up to 10 years just for using my aunt’s passport alone and a slew of other charges including one for child endangerment. Her husband left her. Her kids were taken from her. Her friends have seemingly distanced themselves from her from what I know. After 19 years of abuse, I finally get my revenge and none of the charges have anything to do with me which is interesting.

Did it feel good? No. I felt nothing. Just the rise and fall of the situation but nothing really concrete.
I expected to feel something. Not even satisfaction or happiness but SOMETHING. Either way, the only thing for me to do is continue to work towards becoming the person I want to be. She told me constantly that I was worthless and that I’m nothing. I’ve told myself the same consistency as well in the past.

I’ve decided I’m going to become one of the greatest photographers of my time and I’m going to push myself as hard as possible to succeed so that anyone else who has ever suffered how I have, now have no reason to doubt themselves or their ability to be great one day.

As for me right now, I currently live in a homeless shelter. I decided to go to one 6 months ago after realizing all the drinking and inconsistency was making it hard for me to move forward.

I wasn’t saving money and was couch hopping from friends house to friends house. A few weeks ago I got a voucher from the govt and sometime in the next 2 months, I can find a 1 bedroom or a studio apartment. I’ve been aggressively saving my small checks. I’ve been practicing and working on building better habits and just being a better photographer. I don’t make much right now and I know many people will say it’s a stupid dream but I know if I put all of the efforts into making this work, I can not only be a self-sustaining photographer but more than that.

My situation is embarrassing and it’s hard but I know I won’t be here longer than another few months.
It’s not a dream. It’s a plan. I’ll also be going back to school in the Fall and pursuing photography. As for my siblings, that situation is still a bit dicey and I don’t think i’lll give an update about that but they’re all doing very well.

As far as my mother is concerned, as horrible as she was towards me the only part of me that even thinks about her on rare occasions hopes she isn’t having a HORRIBLE time.

I don’t like knowing people are hurting.” howbout_that_lipton

4. Short My Boyfriend $200? No More Husband Or Rich Lifestyle For You


“So this whole debacle started in my freshman year of college. I went to a religious college so there were a lot of really strict rules regarding curfew and punishments for not going to the mandatory worships, this comes into play later.
Background on me: I am not a physically imposing young lady, just under 5 ft and 100 lbs soaking wet and wearing cinderblock shoes.

At this time I had been recently dumped and so I was starting college practically alone as my ex and I were set to go to the same university but he dropped out to join the military school.

As this was a religious school, we had a sort of camp out in a week or two before classes started, it was meant to be a getting to know you kind of thing, and so we had things called “family groups”, I was a little freaked out, but in the group, there was one loud, overly friendly girl named Sam.

Sam was the same ethnicity as me and so we quickly bonded over a shared ethnic background and how similar we were, she had a boyfriend in the army and I lamented my single status and how my ex basically ditched me for the navy. She seemed perfect, sympathetic, social, and fun. I warmed up to our family group with the help of my new best friend. We had a great weekend and got to know others in the group, including Jess.

Jess was more quiet and disinterested, with a classic case of resting **** face but eventually, she warmed up to me and I to her. Sam didn’t really like them but you wouldn’t know it unless she told you.
The first sign of something off with her was during dinner, I was sitting with Jess and her friend from high school Andy. He and I really hit it off, but as my heart was still freshly broken I kept some boundaries up but agreed to go watch a movie when we got back from the trip.

Immediately Sam pulled up a chair and was all over him, asking about his past, how he and Jess met, what he thought about her outfit, and on and on. I was a little miffed but just ate my burrito. For the rest of the trip, Andy and I were hardly apart and Sam got more and more passive-aggressive with me, bringing up my ex and how I was moving on too quickly.

I believed her and canceled my “meeting” with Andy, and said that I didn’t want him to just be a rebound. He was understanding and chill with just being friends which were a blessing for me, but seemingly not good enough for Sam. After the trip was over I decided to show them around the city since I was a local student. While the others put their stuff in their rooms Sam asked me to stay behind because she had to “confess” something to me.

She started spewing some bs about how Andy had cornered her outside the cabin and was being a pervert and telling her how beautiful she was so on and so forth. I was skeptical and made it known, but her response was just “just looking out for ya girly.” By then the others came back and I just decided to ignore what she said and have a good time in the city.

This was incident 1.

A couple of weeks go by, Andy, Jess, and I became a little squad of sorts because all our schedules matched up, whereas finding time to hang out with Sam was more than difficult. This all came to a head when Jess and Andy planned a little trip to the local Benihana place and didn’t invite Sam. She found out via social media and flew off the handle.

I had gone home for the weekend and when I came back on Monday I was greeted with drama, tears, and accusations. The gist of the situation is, the group didn’t invite Sam because she is vegetarian and has a lot of allergies, so it would be dangerous to even step foot in the Benihana, and in retaliation, Sam took her “best friends” aka random girls from the dorm, horseback riding and posted a photo with the caption “better than Benihana”.

(Incident 2)

Once again this is what I came back to and so things were pretty frosty. I asked for some backstory and apparently, it was work friends who invited Andy and Jess so it wasn’t even their place to invite someone else, and it wasn’t like she would be able to eat anything at the Benihana anyways so they literally didn’t even think they were being rude. According to Sam, they were purposefully excluding her and that no one likes her and that this was just like it was in high school.

She didn’t have very many friends and we were just becoming privy to why exactly that was.

Incident 3 was the friendship bracelet. She ordered these semi-expensive bracelets for me and Jess but mysteriously Jess’s broke in the mail and the replacement would “totally come any day now”.
Jess pretended not to be hurt but it obviously stung when she would fawn over our bracelets and how we are such great friends. Spoiler the bracelet never came.

Now I was still trying to smooth things over but it kept getting worse and worse, if I was hanging out with Andy or jess she wouldn’t speak to me, but would only talk *** when we were alone. During all of this Andy and I kept getting closer and eventually started dating but low-key cause the whole situation with Sam and we didn’t want to set her off. I know we were spineless back then.

Now for the catalyst for the revenge. She was a wanna-be YouTuber and wanted to do a holiday video.
Andy is a film major but he doesn’t want anything to do with her after all her lies and petty behavior. But then she made an offer we couldn’t refuse, “I’ll give you $200 and pay for food” and for what should’ve been an hour or two of filming we were sold. I was set to manage the site since that’s my personality is “get it done”, and he was in charge of filming.

He worked so hard on it y’all, he storyboarded, he made a script for her, he got all his equipment together. I was so proud of him. I contacted the diner where we were filming and got everything together and we were set.

Filming Day arrives and we get our hair and makeup was done for the “actors” and “actresses” and we all get to the diner an hour before, at her insistence, and set up.

She says she’ll be 30 minutes late and so we decide to eat after shooting some B-roll. Guess how long it took her and her “entourage” to arrive? 2 whole hours. We finally get filming and if you are counting we have been at the diner for 4 hours, pre-filming. We spend another 2 hours filming and we have to take after pics in our outfits and everything. Did she pay for our food? Nope.

And she tells Andy “You got a big payday coming, you deserve more than 200 for today.” He’s happy cause he wanted to take me out for a nice date for the holiday but spoiler again, she didn’t pay up.

So a week or two goes by and it gets closer and closer to holiday and we already turned over all the footage we are just waiting for payment.
Then came the excuses, “I don’t trust Zelle.”, “I’m waiting for my auntie to pay me.”, “my aunts in the Caribbean right now and she doesn’t trust Zelle either.” We kept hounding her for the money and the holiday came and went, she posted the video and stopped answering texts.

Since we all lived together I confronted her and more excuses then she said give her two more weeks.

During those two weeks, she told everyone who would listen that she already paid us and that we were terrible people to try and extort her for more. Now at this point in the year, we are fed up with her, and Andy is ready to write the 200 off, he b******** to his smoking buddies and the smoking buddies get our side of the story out to the relatively small school and pretty soon she doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

She gets nasty, texting me all this bs about how Andy is cheating on me and that I deserve better and screenshots of their conversations where he supposedly tells her how he’d rather not be committed. Now we had some commitment issues in the beginning, on both sides, but she tried to present these texts as recent, not stuff from months ago. The final straw was when she called me stupid and naive for staying in the relationship despite him being a greedy man wh*re.

Now I was going scorched earth, for some background on Sam. She was a chronic cheater, like get drunk at a party and give a guy a ******* cheater, then go out the next weekend and do it again.
She was also married, she and her husband got married right out of high school, which is typical of army guys in my experience. The ink wasn’t even dry on the marriage certificate, less than a year when she burned us.

But I was someone she chose to confide in since she thought I was too stupid to see through her after all the *** she put us through. So I gathered evidence, all the cheated, the videos of her doing *** at parties, sexts with various guys, the drinking binges, and her *** talking her loving army boyfriend. I gathered all of this information for more than a year, I felt horrible for the guy but I needed a file that would d*mn her to legal ****.

D-day arrived when about a year and a half after I met her she told me that she thought her husband was cheating as when he was deployed she found a video on his phone of him and his buddy dancing on some girls in a club. Sam was livid, she was cursing and swearing she would take him for every cent in court for cheating on her. Never mind that she was blowing guys for fun every other weekend.

I asked her if she had proof, and she said that proof doesn’t matter, they always believe the hurt wife.

I complied with all my evidence and wrote a very long apology letter for waiting this long, and sent it anonymously. Sam didn’t return to school the next year and I kinda lost track of her.
I got reminded when my fiancé showed me that terrible video we did for her, I confessed what I did and we social media stalked her accounts.

She now posts a lot of “single and loving it” memes and she has a few vlogs talking about fake friends and how simple living is the best. I guess that’s a consequence of losing her luxurious “rich girl” lifestyle that her husband’s family provided for her. Looking at her ex-husband’s page he has a beautiful wife and a baby on the way, looking way happier than I’d ever see him.” StraightTrade488

3. Our Roommate Stole Our Stuff, So We Broke His Laptop


“Back in my first year of college, I used to live in a residence on campus with 3 other dudes.

Two of them were cool (shout out to Bdawg and Al) but the third named David had a nasty habit of taking things that weren’t his and mysteriously forgetting that the objects had fallen into his possession.

Of the items he had stolen and were subsequently found in his room included food/snacks, notebooks, vapes, and earbuds (albeit cheap ones). We’d all complained to our RA, but since they were such small items, we were told that we should just have a “house meeting” and talk about it with David to have the problem fixed.

We had two of those, where he claimed: “it all looks so similar, how am I supposed to know which is mine?”. Considering that we all kept our *** in our rooms this was obviously bs but the RA (residence assistant) said unless it was something major, campus police wouldn’t launch an official investigation.
So we instituted a masking tape policy and marked EVERYTHING, but lo and behold he still continued his petty theft.

Knowing nothing would happen unless I took action, I planned my revenge. I shelled out around $80 for something similar to this bad boi. It was a USB device that once plugged into an unsecured USB port, fried the computer by building a charge and dispersing it into the port, pretty much destroying the CPU among other parts. Now obviously I wasn’t going to plant this anywhere, but I had to make it seem like this was a tool and not some sort of set-up.

So I’d roped Bdawg and Al in on my plan and installed this software called Device Lock, which protects USB ports from being used without express permission from the user on all of our devices (also just in case the ***** tried to plug it into our laptops).
I even went as far as taping my name to this silicon time bomb.

With them roped in, the last thing to do was wait and see if David had learned his lesson.

It took all of 3 days, but expectedly David did not learn his lesson. I was at the library when this happened, but David had decided that this **** USB would be the perfect addition to his collection of stolen wares, so he went into my room and took it. Big mistake. I got a Snapchat from Bdawg that David was going postal and I needed to get back asap. I high tailed it and when I got near our residence, I could physically hear David swearing and yelling from the hallway.

When I got inside, he was cussing/screaming that he was gonna sue me for “purposely trying to damage his laptop” by “************* a USB”.

Admittedly I should have held my composure better, but I laughed in that ***** face. I told him that the USB was clearly labeled with my name on my desk in my room and I was using it to test whether my computer ports were secured from devices such as this.

Screaming ensued from him, after which our RA showed up (heard that *** fest from down the hall) and asked what the **** was happening. I stayed quiet to let David attempt to lie his way out of this, but holy *** the dumb*** kept to his story.
After explaining my side, the RA said we are both going to campus police as this was pretty serious (cue me thinking I just ***ed up my whole future for a stupid act of revenge).

When we got there and explained our stories, campus police had none of David’s ***. They told him that 1. He cannot sue me since this was not a trap, but a security tool that was within my own living space, of which he had no right entering to **steal** from and 2. He was being relocated to the ***y single residences on the other side of campus, and if they caught wind of this again he was getting banned for life from res as well as receiving a Non-Academic offense (a nice little chat with the Dean about his misconduct).

His tone immediately flipped to crying and saying he had all his exam notes on there, it was stress that was causing him to do this, and he had paid to live in the nicer dormitory-style housing, but they basically told him “tough *** – this is your one and final warning”.

The three of us enjoyed the rest of the semester with an extra bedroom for storage space (AND BEER PONG) which was definitely a win.

As for David, I’ve only ever seen him in the cafeteria/library on occasion, sitting there studying… without his laptop.” rayrayrex

Another User Comments:

I had this same question.

“I’ve never lived in a dorm before so this might be a stupid question, but don’t you guys get locks to your rooms? Seems like they would as a lot of people seem to get robbed of snacks and stuff.” LatteandWaffles4Ever


Ah, makes sense for those of us who’ve never lived in a dorm (including myself)!

“Our apartment-style dorms had key card access, similar to hotels.

The nice versions had 4 separate bedrooms, a living room, kitchen area and 1 shared bathroom (separate doors for shower and toilet). Our 4 key cards would obviously work on the front door, but would only open the assigned bedroom. If you double swiped on your bedroom, it would leave the door unlocked, which was kinda nice as then you didn’t have to remember your key card everywhere inside your own apartment.

I’m assuming this is a similar setup to OP’s situation.” bracer01

2. Don’t Steal My Cupcakes Or I’ll Mess With Your Head


We had an older Hospital where, over time, we’d been upgrading their CCTV, security, door access, and nurse call/paging systems. I’d been at this company for a few years, but they’d been doing all the sparky work here for over a decade, so we knew the whole place really well.
The buildings, the people, the staff’s positions and job roles.. everything.

I worked there a lot, so I got to know the drama, politics and secret affairs too. (Also, voices carry into ceiling spaces. This has been a Public Service Announcement.)

I got to lead a team in building and maintaining each of the new systems. These systems had been chosen because they could all work together to achieve the client’s needs, and we’re networked. They were also standalone because Gov’t IT didn’t want the 3rd party gear on their networks.

We had to install all the infrastructure and equipment. I had network hubs all over the place where I could access all four of these systems.

Summary: I had admin/installer access to 170+ cameras, over 520 doors/gates, the security system, and the Hospital-wide paging system.
(All names are changed.) (Technical details have been simplified.)

One Tuesday

I was sitting at one of my network hubs, doing regular testing/maintenance. I’d just been checking the CCTV, watching Janine do that lop-sided, stumbling walk she does in high heels.

I believed I’d done enough continuous work at 10 am to deserve a treat.

That morning, Nancy, a nurse in Pediatrics, had brought cupcakes in for the ward staff. Nancy had kept two individually packaged cupcakes aside for me, clearly labeled with my name, in the ward staffroom fridge. I walked the 5 minutes over to the ward, humming my ‘I’m about to have cupcakes’ song. (It’s based on a ‘Proclaimers’ track.)

Open the fridge, no cupcakes.

I mean, there were maybe 20 still there in a big clear Tupperware container, but mine wasn’t.
Not the ones Nancy set aside.
Before I just lose my *** altogether and flip that ****** fridge over, I’d better go check to see if something dire has happened. Maybe one of the kids needed these particular cupcakes to stay alive. Maybe these two cupcakes saved the planet.
Work is forgotten, and the investigation begins.

I speak with Nancy.

First, I ask if she saw that Janine was wearing heels again. We both have a chuckle. Then I bring up the cupcake situation. We go through the whole “they were they before”, and the ‘checking of the fridge so Nancy can confirm my story’. It’s like she doesn’t understand that I wouldn’t joke about this. We begin interviews. No-one in the ward is owning up.
We believe them. Someone ‘not of this ward’ has taken my cupcakes.

The Pediatrics nurses are livid. Myself, and my team, want answers.

(It’s a funny thing. Once cameras and swipe-card doors have been in a while, people forget all about them. Forget that they are always watched. Forget that doors have logs to see who went where, and when. Forget who put them all in.)

Back to the hub I go. A quick audit of door access reveals that Jerry went into the staffroom between the relevant times.

(Not yet, don’t lose your ever-loving *** just yet, do the due diligence.) Checking the CCTV, I see Jerry. Walking out of the staffroom carrying a bag, wiping his mouth. Rewind, pause, zoom in.. frosting.
The hubs’ rack did nothing wrong, so I step back and stare at the wall. The first 8 thoughts get caught by the filter. I calm down a little and head back to my nurses.

They see me coming and gather.

Sick kids are an afterthought in this matter. I tell them I know who did it, don’t want to say who just yet, need some time to think, and ask if we can keep this all hush-hush for now. They say they understand, and immediately ask who it was. (They are, after all, Gov’t staff.) I head back to the hub to continue work, not walking 500 miles to eat cupcakes anymore.

As I’m swiping my card across the reader, in that 1 second it takes the red light to turn green.. a plan starts to play like a cinematic in my head.
It’s like my subconscious has known about this day for ages, and is now premiering its devious feature. It screens the permutations, possible flaws, ramifications.
I’m not sure how long I stared at the door.. rewinding, pausing, fast-forwarding. The plan is beautiful, and I promise my brain a cupcake soon.


Jerry was a General Orderly who was supposed to float around the whole Hospital, helping any ward, and pretty much anyone else when they paged him. He didn’t though, Jerry didn’t like walking around. Jerry was lazy. And did not like patients. He used to work in the wards, but couldn’t find one without close supervision, or patients, so he moved to day-shift general duties. Jerry hated to be made to walk from one end of the Hospital to the other.


Jerry, ******, HATED the swipe cards and the electronic door locks. Some people just don’t get technology. Some people just hate change and love to complain about it, while not taking the effort to learn how to work it. While responding to maintenance tickets, I’d had to listen to Jerry whinge numerous times about doors. For this, and other reasons, I did not like Jerry.

Jerry knew my distinctive name, knew what I did here, saw the other 20 cupcakes, and ate mine anyway


Time to *** with Jerry.

At the hub, I make the necessary improvements to my systems. Select a variety of well-chosen doors. Set auto-paging for different events. Create different calendars. Set some automated conditions so everything swapped and changed around.
Once I’m set-up, with the program on hold, I go see Nancy. I need to give Jerry a chance to own up, even though I’m pretty sure he won’t. I ask Nancy to page Jerry, so she can ask him about the cupcakes.

Nancy isn’t surprised it’s Jerry and is on board. The other nurses gather and ask what’s happening. I tell them that Jerry is about to work off some of the belly. They aren’t surprised it’s Jerry either and swear secrecy. I walk to the Maintenance Managers (Maint Mgr) office while Nancy summons Jerry.

I go into the Maint Mgrs office grinning. All he says is, “What?”, with a smile. He knows me, we’ve worked closely together here for a while.

We’re Mates, and he’s seen that look on my face before. I ask him to just print any maintenance tickets, generated by Jerry, for card/door/gate/pager issues, but not to activate them. I’ll pick them up while I’m here doing other work and deal with them personally. When I tell him about the cupcakes and my plan, he’s not only on board, he laughs so hard he has a coughing fit for about 25 seconds.

I head back to check-in with Nancy and find that Jerry has, ever so accommodatingly, denied all knowledge.

What I’d created in my systems was a randomized, intermittent program, all focussed on Jerry’s card. A program that would send Jerry’s pager a message to go somewhere on the other side of the complex, seemingly at random, based on Jerry swiping his card at particular doors.
Or the gate to the staff carpark wouldn’t work.

Or his card would stop working, making him go to get it revalidated. Or a siren would sound for a few seconds when he entered certain rooms.
I already knew all the staff routines and areas of responsibility. The patients wouldn’t be adversely impacted. And Jerry did f*ck-all anyway.

Back at the hub, I clicked the go buttons.

Week 1

By Friday afternoon, in 4 days, Jerry had raised 18 tickets. I grabbed the stack of paper from Maint Mgr and went to the orderlies office to find Jerry.

While I gently fanned the tickets, he listed all the weird things he’d been experiencing. He was explaining how the Duty Nurses were getting annoyed at his unexpected arrivals when I interrupted him.
To ask if he’d seen anyone take my cupcakes from the Pediatrics fridge on Tuesday.
The puzzled face he put on was a head shorter than mine, and about 1m/3′ away from the embroidered name on my shirt. No confession.

I’d only had 50 specially selected doors active in the program these past 4 days.
That Friday afternoon, at the end of Week One, I clicked the ‘All’ button.. and added the other 470+ doors.

Week 2

By midday Wednesday there were only 6 tickets raised. I checked the systems logs and found out why. In just under 3 days, there’d been a mixture of over 85 events. Jerry didn’t have time to lodge tickets.

When I spoke to Jerry that Wednesday, he demanded that I do my ****** job and fix this stuff, and why hadn’t I done it yet.
No confession, no apology. Time for some head games.
I told him I’d sort it out. When I went to ‘check the systems’ that Wednesday midday, I stopped the program.
On Friday morning, I turned it back on again.

Week 3

I let it run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I almost felt sorry for him this week when I was talking to him, and considered stopping the plan.

Then I remembered why I didn’t like him so much.

The one thing I haven’t mentioned yet is that standing staring at that door, I already knew Jerry was in the final stages of ‘Disciplinary Management.’ This was the lynchpin to the plot of the film that ran through my head.

Remember before when I said:
(I got to know the drama, politics and secret affairs too.)

I knew that one of those Disciplinary Warnings (among other things) was for taking people’s lunches, on four occasions.

And not because he needed to either. That’s the reason the nurses and Maint Mgr weren’t surprised it was Jerry and were on board. They knew too. Everyone did. That was the reason why he didn’t kick up a stink to his manager or confess. I didn’t want to get him fired, just make him apologize. Cupcakes are serious business.

The Final Week

Week 4 the program ran Monday and Tuesday. The plan was only ever going to be for a month, or until Jerry confessed and apologized.

Before this Tuesday, I’d had a chat with Nancy. I’d asked her if she wouldn’t mind a cameo in a little vignette. She understood and agreed.

When I was talking with Jerry in the orderlies office, Nancy arrived and handed me a personalized pair of cupcakes.
That looked and were packaged, the exact same as the missing ones a few weeks earlier.

As Nancy was walking away, now-silent Jerry looked from the package to my shirt, then to me.

I held up the tickets, mustered my best Adam Hills, and said, “Don’t be a *** mate.”

He was silent and very angry. I could see he’d realized that I’d been doing this on purpose. If he made an official complaint, the missing cupcakes would come up, and he’d lose his job. Also, during our chats, he’d heard me say ‘intermittent issues’ many, many times. Jerry was angry because he knew he couldn’t do a ****** thing about it.

I walked off to the Pediatrics Ward, where Nancy and I were going to eat these treats.
I hummed my tune the whole way.

Loose Ends

Unfortunately, Jerry was a *** one more time. He got sacked 2 months later for taking more stuff out of a fridge. I felt bad for him as I helped Security save the footage to a drive.

As I was walking up to Pediatrics on that last Tuesday of the plan, I stopped the program and took Jerrys’ pager number out of it.

I had to scrap the program altogether a while later. Some bright Hospital spark finally convinced Gov’t IT to add the systems to the Hospitals intranet. (Sysadmins are killjoys. Maybe rightfully so. Maybe.)

Janine continued to wear the 4″ heels, on and off, until she sprained her ankle. There is no showreel.

Maint Mgr tried bribing me with Jack Daniels after this episode, to add certain pager numbers to the program.
There’s no way I could’ve done that.

He’s an evil, evil *******. We drank the Jacks as we didn’t watch a non-existent showreel.” OlderSparky

1. Don’t Want To Listen When I Say The Van Needs Repairs? Steak Dinner and Overtime On You!


“So I was a driver for a little company that rhymes with Slamazon. I had been there for several months by this point and had developed a reputation of being very **** about vehicle maintenance. We aren’t talking like washing them or whatnot, but cleaning out urine bottles, fixing broken wiper blades, installing lights to replace the burnt-out ones or other stuff that would indicate you actually remotely care for your driver’s wellbeing.

(Seriously guys, I had a van once with no working lights of any kind, and the passenger side door fell off its hinges right in front of my dispatchers, and they still sent me out).
Needless to say, some trips were better than others, but this particular time, well, it was a doozy.

You see, friends, I was considered a problem driver by some for being obsessed with vehicles being kept road legal.

I had not caused any issues other than this. We had dispatchers that were promoted up after a month, and after hitting mailboxes, cars, and other kinds of insanity, but I was always skipped over. This naturally irked me to no end, and I was looking for better within 6 months of starting. (I was there for nearly 2 years)

Naturally, all my requests for the essential equipment and urine bottle removal was denied, so I’d buy bulbs for my van, and pull them out after my route was done so I could put them into the next one the next day, and I chucked p*ss bottles out on the record.

Kinda gross, but better than smelling it in the hot Georgia sun in the middle of summer in a van with sometimes working AC. This nonsense continued for the entirety of my time there, of course. This event, however, was the first of many times I decided to get back at the dispatchers for messing with my routes and giving me the worst vans, and so on.

You see, this van had the lights that were bad.

Broken AC. Shook like mad. Squeaked. Smelled like p*ss, and musty taco farts. The door didn’t properly lock so anybody could have stolen packages from it, and not much could be done. And to top this all off, 4 bad tires. Like, metal bands exposed, and one bulging out in its death throes.
The whole day, I babied this van as best I could. Putting air in the tire a few times, and just barely finished my route with some daylight to spare.

So, 10 hours on the road down, and an hour and a half back to the distribution center. I get underway and get about halfway before I felt the tell tail shake of a tire going out.

“Well ***, here we go,” I say to myself and scan my surroundings. I am on the interstate, and not very far from an off-ramp. So with what little tire I have left. I limp off the ramp, and to a parking lot which is right next to an Applebees (perfect luck, all things considered).

I call dispatch, and give my exact location, and tell them what happened. The conversation goes like this:

That’s it.

Me- Hey, I got a flat over here at (my location)

Dispatcher- What? How?

Me- Because you sent me out in a van that needed tires?

Dispatcher- Fine, whatever, everyone has gone home, so you are gonna have to wait till I get there.

Me- Sure. That’s fine. I’ll stay clocked in, then.

Dispatcher- Uh-huh. You finished your route, so I don’t see why you would be on the clock.

Me- Because I am still in command of this vehicle, I have the keys, and if you want me to give it back, you are going to keep me on the clock.

I had called the company HR and explained everything before I called dispatcher, and they ensured me that my time would be recorded.
Dispatcher-  …FINE, I have things to do tonight, so we gotta hurry up.

Perfect. Time to screw with this guy.

After giving him extremely vague directions while I enjoy a steak meal, and a large beer (on the clock, and no **** given anymore) he finally finds it. I go out there, and see that he has brought the smallest, saddest, most not suitable for the task jack in the center.

Me- Well get to it, you made me leave with this van, and you can change the tire.


I interject.

Me- Drivers are not allowed, but company policy to perform repairs to the van. (He had yelled at me previously for doing this with the bulbs) only dispatch, management, maintenance, and the repair shop can repair the van.
So I walk away to finish my meal, while he tries to fix this flat with a jack barely able to lift the front of the vehicle and needed bricks, and other items to even go high enough.

In total, I wasted 4 hours of his time, cost him time to smoke up, and he missed the game that he apparently had money on. I got my meal effectively for free with the hefty overtime I got that week.

And as an extra smackdown, corporate came in and fired the manager, assistant manager, and this particular dispatcher for failure to maintain the vehicles to DOT standards, and for mismanaging the DSP (delivery service provider) after my lovely chat with HR during the incident.

I showed them the text messages, and some of the recorded audio I had taken of a dispatcher being a general ***********.

A week later, and we had a temp management comprised of corporate operations that would oversee the vans getting replaced with less sh*tty ones, training new management, and of course, giving training on what to do if you have a vehicle fail like that, and granting drivers some maintenance permissions.” Chucketbucket007

Have you received enough of your daily dose of revenge stories? (I know, I know.

They’re so darn addicting, aren’t they?!) Read part one of our compilation of harsh revenge stories here, or bookmark it for a later read.

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