People Spill Their Most Refreshing Story Of Revenge

19. Block An Entrance With Your Parking? Pay The Fines
“This incident happened in the summer of 2018. I took a small part, but the real star was my landlord.
A short background. It’s common in my country to have apartment buildings next to houses (yard and all). I live in one such building. It has ten apartments. Two on each of the first four floors, one on the ground floor, and one on the top floor. The top floor is used by the landlord when he and his family come for vacations (he lives abroad).
The rest are rentals. We also have a small backyard with a side entrance (important for later). Next to the building is an empty lot, also belonging to the landlord. We use it as a private parking space, with signs visibly saying it’s private. It takes ten cars (one per apartment) and features a side entrance.
Also, I was the longest tenant, so I was the superintendent. My job was to be the liaison between the tenants and the landlord and communicate any problems and concerns to him.
The problem started when the house across the street from us was sold. A lovely old lady used to live there, but when she passed away, the house fell into disarray, especially the large yard.
The new owners were Ken and Karen (fake names but lived up to the meme). They immediately began major renovations, which was acceptable. But they also started to park their cars in our two empty spots (one for the landlord and one for the lady on the ground floor that didn’t own a car).
At first, we would tell them they were reserved spots, and they would move their cars. But when they noticed the spots remained empty, they parked there permanently. I had notified the landlord, and he told me to take pictures, log every incident, and always notify the police. We started doing that every day.
Ken is a hotshot local businessman, and every time we called the cops, he would cause a scene about us being jerks. He always got a fine, but he very blatantly proclaimed he would not pay.
The worst part came about a month before the landlord’s annual visit. They stopped using one of their cars and left it permanently in front of the side entrance, blocking it.
That was a huge issue. You see, the lady living on the ground floor is a renal dialysis patient and three times a week goes for a session in the local hospital. The ambulance brings her back and usually parks next to the side entrance because she is exhausted after a session.
With Karen’s car parked there, that wasn’t doable anymore. They don’t move it even when the police are called. I notify the landlord and try to hold our own hothead from doing anything foolish (the “calmer” thing he proposed was slashing their tires).
Finally, our landlord arrives. I hand him the photos and the logs, and he calls Ken over.
Tony (the landlord) calmly explains that they are not allowed to park in our space and to move the cars. Ken’s response was, “Who do you think you are? I can park anywhere I want!”
Now, Ken thinks of himself as a “big fish” in our small town. But Tony is a “big fish” in a major foreign city.
And he is very creative when somebody angers him. He tells us to leave the spot next to the side entrance open for the weekend, and he will take care of things.
We do that, and Ken parks his car next to his partner’s. Sunday evening, a tow truck arrives and unloads an old Citroen DS (also known as “the Frog”), blocking both of their cars.
Monday morning, I wake by the buzzer, and when I go downstairs, Ken and Karen are there. They are both livid. They can’t move either car. Tony joins me, all smiles. Ken sees him and blows a casket. He starts shouting and cursing. Tony, still smiling, replies, “I don’t see a problem.
My car is legally parked. What are YOU going to do about it?”
Ken angrily gets into his car and reverses on the DS, crushing them both. Tony’s smile became one of a shark. He immediately called the police. He pressed charges against Ken.
Tony had legally bought the DS from his cousin that owns a car repair and restoration shop.
The car was a restoration project and was insured. The court found Ken liable for the damage done. They also found out he was true to his word and hadn’t paid any of the tickets. The fines for the tickets alone were almost $2,400. He also leased both his cars, and they dropped him as a client immediately for purposefully causing an accident and damaging the leased car.
They’re sued for damages. Ken got another car but learned his lesson and hasn’t parked in our spots ever since.”
18. Store Manager Won't Get Away With Making My Life Miserable
“I work for a property management company, and we were recently hired on for managing a plaza in a city near Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was put in lead of this management and was absolutely thrilled because this was the first real lead position at the company.
The plaza had 17 tenants, but the main one was a farm equipment store (by far the biggest store in the plaza).
Almost immediately, I knew the manager of this farm equipment store would be a problem. Let’s call him Tom. He called me the day we sent out bill statements and questioned me about everything, even though the bill was the exact same as the months prior (he didn’t understand why they were paying so much for utilities as compared to some other tenants he had talked to, even though he knew their store was four times bigger than the next biggest store).
And then came the snow. Our agreement with the plaza is that we hire an outside company to come and plow the parking lots every time there is 2 inches of new snow. The company also cleans all sidewalks, storefronts, salts everything, etc. I think everyone who lives in a cold climate knows how expensive these services are, but that’s what the lease agreement between the property owner and the tenants was (tenants don’t pay triple net, so these services generally aren’t provided at no cost).
We cleaned the entire lot the first day it snowed. The next morning, I get a call from Tom, saying that he checked the forecast, and they were expecting more snow in an hour. I told him that we were monitoring the snow and would send out the company if more than 2 inches accumulated. He got angry with me and told me that I should call the company and send them out immediately because the snow was coming.
This went on for two weeks. Every time we started getting flurries, I would get a call from Tom, complaining that snow was coming and he needed a clean parking lot. He called me 8 times within two weeks, even though it only snowed 3 times during that span.
Then he started calling and saying we needed to clean the sidewalks daily just in case it did snow, and we needed to be preventative.
I told him there was no need for that, and again, he got angry and started calling me names.
A few days later, he called me and told me I needed to send the company out to plow, even though there was less than an inch of accumulation, and we weren’t expecting more snow all day.
I told him the agreement was 2 inches or more, so I would not be calling the company out (I live in the same city, so all I need to do to see the accumulation is go outside). He called the owner of the property to complain about me and make up lies that we weren’t doing our job.
The owner is a pretty good guy, so he didn’t say anything other than just stay on top of the situation. I started having nightmares about the snow; I kept imagining waking up to 10 inches of snow outside and cops waiting at my door ready to hand me lawsuit notices.
The breaking point came the following Sunday when Tom called me at 6 in the morning. He was especially angry this morning and said that I needed to send the company out to clean, even though we had no new snow overnight, and there was absolutely no need to. He said that he was going to cancel the lease because we weren’t doing our jobs (he doesn’t own the farm equipment store, so he has zero power over that).
The worst part about it is the farm equipment store is closed on Sundays, so I don’t even know what he was going on about. I told him that, and he said, “That doesn’t matter. We might have a customer still come up to the front door and slip. I am going to be calling our lawyers because you obviously aren’t doing your job.
We will be canceling our lease!”
I knew he was just on one of his power trips, but I decided to start checking the lease agreements just in case. It was at this time that I found that the farm equipment store never even had an agreement for the free sidewalk services that we provide others.
Neither the property owner nor our management team had noticed this so this was a new revelation.
For those that aren’t aware, snow plowing costs thousands of dollars per year; most companies charge anywhere from $25,000-40,000 for yearly agreements to plow just one plaza. Bags of salt are $10 per, and you need multiple bags per time.
That’s not mentioning the labor costs.
I drew up all the costs incurred by the farm equipment store (I had logs of every time Tom had called and made us come out there) and sent it to the owner of the farm equipment store. He called me within an hour basically in panic and stressed out.
He didn’t know how this could happen and how the lease didn’t have agreements in place. It was then that I told him that the bill was higher than it should be because his store manager had been abusing the service and making us call the company to come clean and plow far more times than ever needed. I told the owner that we would be willing to work with them and cut the costs down and sign a new lease agreement as long as I wouldn’t have to deal with his store manager anymore.
I never heard from Tom again. I called the farm equipment store a month or so later to get some clarity on a couple of issues, and there was a new manager who spoke to me. I asked them what happened to Tom, and she said he hadn’t worked there for over a month.”
17. Karen Wants Her Special Windows, But She Doesn't Get Them
“I used to live in an awful place: high crime, substance abuse. There were regular fights, robberies, and it was a really rough notorious street and quite unsafe.
But if you went out of the street and turned either left or right, it was completely normal, just families living their lives. It existed in a bubble of its own in an otherwise nice area. I found myself in a spot of bother a number of years ago (abusive situation) and was fortunate enough that I was given a flat by the local authority landlord (who owned 99% of the property there), so I would not be homeless.
It was there. I kept to myself and didn’t get involved.
The flat above me was privately owned rather than being owned by the local authority landlord (my landlord) and was up for sale. In comes an older ‘Karen.’ She knocked on my front door and announced I had to give her permission to use my back garden for her and her visiting family because the estate agents told her my garden was hers as well.
I informed her this was not true as I was a local authority landlord-tenant, and it was a garden for my own sole use. I urged her to check with my landlord and address it with the estate agent. She argued for a bit then stomped off in a huff, and this unfortunately set a precedent.
After this, ‘Karen’ went out of her way to cause problems. She would stomp across the floor at all hours, jump up and down, bang, slam doors, play music, she bought a motorized running machine and would run on it at 6 in the morning for half an hour, she’d throw things out of the windows overlooking my back garden (like food, rubbish, anything she fancied), she squirted PVA glue out the window at my dog (she missed, and it hit my window), tipped bleach out the window at the dog (missed again), threw medication out the window (I found little tablets all over the garden), bread stained a dark blue with a chemical of some kind, and even encouraged the visiting children to spit out the back window at us and kick my front door (I actually stood and watched a child kicking my front door, and ‘Karen’ was standing there laughing.
Another time the same child threw Pepsi all over my windows, and ‘Karen’ was laughing).
She would generally spread lies about me to the neighbors, and she knew how to turn on the tears to get people to believe her. I just ignored them all and kept to myself. I reported her to my landlord, but this just made things worse.
She would then go to all the neighbors and tell them what I’D done to HER and how she was a victim of me. After several years of this behavior, it had gotten to the point where I was no longer able to go out of my front door because of her and her friend neighbors (she’d give money and food to) congregating there and being threatening towards me and so I was using my back gate to come and go.
I wore a camera discreetly for my own safety. I had security cameras up in my flat, and all instances of harassment and things being thrown out the windows and were caught on camera were sent to the police and my landlord which they noted and did not act at my request. Unfortunately, it was now at the point where speaking to her did nothing, and I was in this awful position.
In the beginning, I had tried to speak to ‘Karen’ about things and she’d said that she could do whatever she liked in her own home, and then it would escalate, and the other neighbors who were her friends would join in.
Then one day, I had a note pushed through my door – from ‘Karen.’ She wants to get her windows replaced. There’s nothing wrong with them; she just wants special windows that open wider and reverse, so she can clean them because they overlook my back garden, and she has no access.
The thing is that even though she had bought her flat, the outside of the building belonged to the local authority landlord which she ‘leased’ from them, so she needed their permission to make changes, and they were jerks about permissions, like literally every ‘I’ dotted and ‘T’ crossed. The note stated that ‘Karen’ had their written permission to replace the windows but needed access via my back garden to erect scaffolding to replace them!
I thought this didn’t sound right as this was the first I’d heard about it, and I was sure my landlord would have spoken to me before giving ‘Karen’ permission.
So. I rang my landlord. ‘Karen’ did not have permission, hadn’t even applied for permission but had gone ahead and paid and had these new windows measured. She was asking for access to my garden for three days – she wanted my gate unlocked and open for all these people to come into my garden as they pleased to replace her windows.
After my landlord ringing her to say she’d been found out, ‘Karen’ ended up having to fill in all the paperwork for my landlord. ‘Karen’ actually thought she was going to go ahead without having to get permission and I’d let her do it without checking, which I COULD have done.
I hate bureaucracy at the best of times and know from experience at how anally retentive my landlord is, and had she been a nicer person, I would have just agreed to it on the quiet, and then if it ever came up with my landlord, I would have said ‘Karen’ told me she had permission, and she can take the consequences of it.
However, I’d spent years living like a prisoner, living with all this stress. Upset and anxiety had really taken a toll on me, and now ‘Karen’ wanted something from me. Absolutely not. As I now used my back door and back gate as my primary entrance, and I had been subjected to years of maltreatment from this woman and her friends (with a good paper and video trail), I did the proper thing and voiced my concerns to my landlord and asked my landlord to do a risk assessment.
It was determined that because I needed unrestricted access to the primary entrance myself at all times, that any scaffolding could be a hazard to myself, and anyone coming onto my property, I had recently paid for patio gravel and grass and had the garden landscaped, so any scaffolding and resulting tradespeople could cause damage to my property, and given the fact that ‘Karen’ had previously broken something of mine outside that she laughed in my face when she was asked to replace it, we knew that it would be unlikely anything broken would get replaced by her.
Because I had all this evidence of ‘Karen’s’ behavior, I was able to state that my having the gate unlocked would be detrimental to my welfare, that it would encourage antisocial behavior from her and the neighbors who were her friends (who would just have to come into my garden to look at the windows), and that having my gate unlocked could potentially mean that the security of my property would be compromised – I had a seven-foot-high fence all around my garden, so someone could be there for as long as they needed undisturbed to gain entry to my flat.
We also decided that ‘Karen’ having windows that open wider would exacerbate the antisocial behavior I was already subjected to as who knows what she would throw out next if she had a bigger gap to do so. The list literally went on and was more than enough to nail the coffin shut and have some extra nails.
So Karen didn’t get her windows replaced and lost a few thousand dollars in the process, and it was all my fault. Yep, it was petty. Cue more terror from ‘Karen’ and her friends. Then my landlord moved me to another one of their properties in the countryside which is much nicer, and my neighbors are amazing.”
Another User Comments:
“You should have nailed her windows shut from the outside.” AccidentalGirlToy
16. Don't Have The Decency To Turn Down The Volume? Here, Let Me Do It For You
“Back in the Eighties, I lived in a flat in South-East London. The flat was located in a small tower block ten stories high with four flats per floor, one per corner as it were. The flat overlooked a local park and afforded very nice views of the area. The neighbors were generally very amenable but everybody tended to keep to themselves, so no one had any problems with anyone.
That all changed when a new family moved into a flat down on the second floor on the same corner of the building where we lived (we lived on the eighth). They were not the most gracious of individuals, frequently leaving rubbish bags strewn around their floor’s lobby for days, rather than depositing them in the communal bins, and parking their cars in other residents’ allocated parking spots.
Complaints to the local council invariably weren’t dealt with.
They soon developed a reputation for hosting loud parties at the weekends which tended to go past midnight.
This was pretty annoying for us and the other residents, but we were somewhat less affected due to the distance between our respective flats.
One particular Friday evening, however, proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
At around 10:00 pm we heard the music start back up, but it now appeared that the hosts had recently purchased a new sound system because the bass was now intolerably loud. I can only surmise that a peculiarity of the building’s design, coupled with what sounded like much larger bass speakers, appeared to magnify the effect in our bedroom to the point where it made it quite impossible to sleep.
At about 11:30 pm, I trotted downstairs and knocked on their door. It was flung open by what I could only assume to have been the male resident, looking somewhat the worse for wear. I politely asked him if he’d mind turning the music down as it was very loud, rattling the furniture in my flat and making it difficult to sleep.
“Screw off!”
Charming, I thought.
So I go back upstairs and call the non-emergency police number and explained the situation. They assured me that someone would be around in due course—being a Friday night, I reckoned it might take an hour or two.
So, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, we sat there waiting for the cops to rock up.
Sure enough, about an hour later, I saw a patrol car pull up and a couple of London’s finest enter our building. A few moments later, the music gets turned down and the police leave.
No sooner had the car disappeared up the street than the music went back up to its previous level.
We endure it for another half hour—no change, so once again I call the cops. This time it takes closer to two hours for them to turn up—yep, definitely a busy Friday night.
They finally arrive around 3 am and once again the music is reduced to a sensible level.
Unfortunately, shortly after they depart, back up goes the volume to its previous furniture-shaking intensity.
As you might imagine, by now I was royally angry. ‘Er indoors too (someone not normally prone to displays of anger) was positively foaming at the mouth, and looked like she was single-handedly going to re-enact the Battle of Austerlitz in glorious Technicolor, together with full orchestral accompaniment.
It was then that I had a Dazzling Idea: one so fiendishly cunning and yet devilishly simple—a guaranteed cast-iron, 100% pure, 24-carat stonker of an idea so brilliant that I felt certain that within a few minutes, I could stop this once and for all, and execute my plan in such a way as to make it impossible to trace back to me.
Grabbing my toolkit, I crept down the stairwell to the second floor, just to double-check the actual flat number. Having confirmed the number, I went back up to the fourth floor. In the stairwell just next to the exit door to the fourth-floor lobby was a wooden access door that concealed one of the two electrical distribution panels for the entire building.
The door was only secured by dint of a simple square-key fitting, and the application of a large flat-blade screwdriver would pop the latch no problem. Thus I opened the door to reveal the distro itself. Pulling the cover open I was presented with a large panel containing twenty large 80 amp fuses, one each for the lower set of flats.
Each one was neatly labeled with the flat’s number and t’was but a moment to locate the appropriate one.
Now by one of those happy coincidences that usually only occur in the more egregious examples of the Hollywood B-movie, I just happened to have in my toolkit a dead fuse of exactly the same type and capacity.
A few weeks previously I’d had to replace a similar fuse in the theatre where I worked, and I’d tossed the dead fuse in my toolbox where I’d promptly forgotten about it—until now.
Now, with all my ducks in a neat row, I pulled the fuse carrier for the miscreant’s flat out…
Blessed. Silence.
I rapidly swapped the live fuse for the dead one and reinserted the carrier. Securing everything back up again, I casually strolled back upstairs to enjoy a few hours in the hallowed arms of Morpheus. Some weeks later, the troublesome family was moved out of their flat.
It transpired that the local council had received so many noise complaints over the previous six months that they were obliged to rehouse them elsewhere.”
15. Getting Back At A Bully And An Enabler
“The bully will be named Alexa, and the enabler will be named Lisa.
This took place in high school. Alexa and Lisa were in 11th grade; I was in 9th.
Alexa is the most awful person I’ve ever met. And I’ve met some pretty messed up people, but she definitely is #1. Most people would say she’s the sweetest, kindest girl you’ll meet. She’s actually the opposite.
It would take forever to list everything she’s done to me, but here are some of the worst:
- Constantly bullied me when nobody was watching. When others were around, she was sweet and kind as ever. When it was me and her, there was constant, relentless bullying.
- Read through my phone without my permission and found out I was a closeted transgender person.
She then FORCED me out as trans without my consent. Before this, she harassed me multiple times and tried to coerce me to come out as being LGBTQ+.
- Attempted to blackmail me.
Nobody would expect a girl who seems so nice to do so many awful things. As for Lisa?
She was a key witness to all of the above. Most people would’ve stopped associating with Alexa a long time ago after it being made VERY clear that Alexa is an awful person. Lisa still continued to follow Alexa around like a cheerleader. Lisa did NOTHING to stop it and NOTHING to help me get justice.
Lisa just swept it all under the rug and let everyone believe that Alexa was a nice person.
Do not tell me to get over being bullied. Do NOT tell me to let it go. There’s a certain point where a person MUST face consequences for their actions.
Alexa, you’re first.
Have you ever seen those exposing racists accounts? Those accounts that post screenshots of offensive things being said and start a witch hunt? With some basic Photoshop skills, I whipped up some fake screenshots of some VERY messed up things, took extra security measures needed, and submitted those screenshots to one of the biggest accounts I could find.
Boom. Alexa’s social media went private in minutes. Lost a good amount of followers too. You can fill in the blank on everything else that happened.
Yes, this was a lie. But was it wrong? Alexa is clearly not a good person, and I exposed her. This took place at the beginning of her senior year (not mine), and you know what else?
Alexa did not get into college that year. Or the years after. She’s in community college right now. And this girl had pretty good grades and extracurriculars too.
Lisa, your turn.
Lisa obviously deserves less. She wasn’t directly responsible for the maltreatment, but she allowed it to happen. And she continued to support the bully afterward.
Which is also really bad. So what was her consequence? A simple rumor. Once again, I turned to social media for this. I found a gossip page for our high school and submitted a “confession.”
Lisa and a guy named Zack had been seeing each other for a few years before they broke up.
The breakup was big, and nobody ever found out the real reason for it. Lisa, however, viewed me as timid and cowardly. During the breakup, she used me as an outlet to vent and shared private messages showing the truth. The truth? They broke up because Lisa wasn’t faithful to Zack.
Lisa thought I was gonna be quiet and not tell anyone the truth. I was going to keep it private. Until Alexa outed to others that I was trans, which is also private, and Lisa did nothing about it. Along with all the other nonsense Alexa did. The backlash for Lisa wasn’t as big, but there was some mass unfollowing once that gossip page leaked the screenshots.
Side note: The reason I used fake rumors and not the truth is because I had no solid evidence of the maltreatment from Alexa. And even if I did, Alexa would surely hunt me down and threaten me if she knew I was exposing her. With the method I used, it was anonymous, and nobody knew it was me.
And for Lisa’s screenshots, it could’ve been me or Zack from her perspective. Anyways, Lisa is less aggressive than Alexa and is less likely to come after me.
Was it petty? Probably. I made up some fake rumors to harm them. But let’s be clear, they honestly deserved worse. All I ask is that you be a decent human and not do what Alexa did.
And if you come across people like Alexa, don’t enable them like Lisa did.”
14. Think You Can Talk To Me Like That? Say Goodbye To Your Job
“Context: I am a black teenage girl, and when these comments happened, I had turned 15 not even a week prior.
In September 2017, I was admitted to the psych ward. For anyone who doesn’t know, psych wards aren’t good at best, and a living nightmare at worst.
When you come in, they do an exam. They sent me to the in-ward doctor.
I was nervous, and obviously in a bad space, so I tried to just go along with it and not do anything crazy. Just a quick in and out.
He started asking me about who I was, and when he asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said that I wanted to be an ER doctor, because of how fascinating medicine was and still is to me.
He looked at me dumbfounded, rolled his eyes again, and said, ‘Please. Black girls can’t handle the sight of ******.’
I was in complete shock and didn’t respond. He went on a spiel about how I would never make it as a doctor and how I should give up on that dream.
I stayed silent until the exam was done, and ran out and started bawling.
It hurt me so much, and I was extremely broken up. That was my only hope and dream and it had just been shattered.
About a day later, I’m asked to take a survey about my stay.
I had been there for about 3 days and I was like sure, whatever. The nurses and everyone else I had met were amazing and treated me like a human, not a patient. I sat in front of the computer and took the survey. I’m giving 5 stars, saying how the food is decent (except for some stray bits of plastic), etc. Then it asks me about the doctor.
I did what I do best and wrote about the experience and how awful it was.
About 3 hours later, a nurse calls me out and leads me to a side room. Inside, there are three people who are introduced to me as the directors of the adolescent mental health program.
They said they had some concerns about my review, so I went ahead and told them everything. They were shocked and apologized for the experience and said he would be dealt with.
About two days later, a bag of Panera bagels was sent in. I got 2 cinnamon crunch bagels, my all-time favorite!
I never saw the doctor again and found out he had been fired.”
13. Can't Stand Your Flatmate? We'll Make Your Life A Nightmare
“I agreed to move in with three girls who I thought were my friends one year when I was at university.
I have ASD+ADHD P-I which was undiagnosed at the time, so I didn’t really do much except study and go to a couple of student societies. Once I’d done a large share of the legwork to secure them a nice flat, the three came out with a nonsense story to justify kicking me out before we’d even moved in.
They’d decided they didn’t want me living with them because I was “too quiet too weird” and invented a fake story to justify kicking me out.
Finding out the real reason they needed my room was very hurtful, but I secured a room shortly after in a really nice flat that was nearer the university.
I was sharing with a friend who had been unable to continue being friends with the girl she was originally going to be sharing with. We got on great.
The actions left them with a problem though – a spare room at a time when most students had already found flatmates.
Eventually, they found a girl who happened to be the ex-friend of my flatmate. Had we still been speaking, either of us would have warned them that she had (I think professionally diagnosed) borderline personality disorder that she absolutely refused to treat.
There then unfolded a complete nightmare. Over the course of the year, their flatmate
Trashed the place. And I mean trashed. Holes through plaster. This happened more than once.
Stole their possessions and sold kitchen appliances.
Did All The substances All The Time.
Brought home random men to sleep with, including addicts and men who tried to assault the other flatmates.
Had the police at the door a few times.
Screaming at people for even the tiniest noise.
Was screaming at them for things they apparently did to her in past lives and other nonsensical stuff.
There’s probably more I’ve forgotten. I don’t know.
They lived with her for most of the academic year until her family found out what was going on.
By then, she’d endangered and traumatized all three, destroyed them academically, and cost them a small fortune in repairs. Decent rentals within walking distance of the university were scarce, and the crazy escalated over time, so they had to keep peace with the landlord.”
Another User Comments:
“As someone who lives that big-city apartment life, I can say that if there’s one thing I would never have complained about in a roommate it’s them being too quiet.
That’s like someone complaining the air they’re breathing is too clean, the food they’re eating is too delicious, or the coins in their pocket are too valuable.” Rob_T_Firefly
12. Make Us Leave Town? We'll Damage Your Career
“Susan is my fiance’s adoptive mother, and she was my lecturer when I was at university.
Susan hated that I was seeing her adopted son (biological nephew) since she found out about us.
When we first told her we were together, she tried to harm me via allergy (another story for another day) and after she found out I was pregnant she stalked us, impersonated me, and broke into our flat, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
She made our lives a nightmare, to the extent where we no longer felt safe in our own home, and my fiance and I had to move across the country to escape her.
We’ve been living in our new place for a little under a week. The baby is due in a couple of months and everything is mostly ready.
We’ve deactivated our social media, created new emails, and changed our numbers. Only a few friends and relatives from the town she lives in (which we left) have our new numbers. We had to leave our entire lives, and everyone we knew and loved behind, while I was 7 months pregnant, because we couldn’t trust her around our baby.
On Monday, an email was sent from the dean to Susan’s graduating students saying Susan was being considered for a promotion, from lecturer to head of department, and they wanted to hear from her students first. The aim of this was to receive glowing recommendations to give to the board.
This was not the result.
As I changed my email, I hadn’t seen this. One of my friends who had my new number and was on the course with me did see the email, and on Tuesday he gave my new number to the dean, saying that he would only give her the number in person, on paper, and only if she agreed to ring when she was alone and throw out the paper and erase it from the logs after (if she was calling from a university phone then the number would go on the call logs that were accessible by all members of staff), but he assured her that this was something she’d want to hear before promoting Susan.
So I got this call from the dean on Tuesday. She told me what was going on (my friend hadn’t had time to get in touch before she rang), and she asked me why my friend thought I should speak to her.
I told her everything.
I started 2 years ago when I met Susan’s son, the man who would become my fiance and the father of my child.
I told her about Susan poisoning me via allergy after finding out about me and her son, and the epi-pen incident.
I told her about the outside-of-class harassment I received post-pregnancy announcement (impersonating me, crashing GP appointments, breaking in, etc).
I told her about the in-class harassment (telling me to break up with my fiance, stopping lectures until I left, throwing out my food and drink, trying to reschedule exams, and more).
I told her about the last time I saw Susan in person when she tried to hit me while I was 7 months pregnant with her grandchild.
I told her about having to move away (I was careful not to give a location or distance) and filing a restraining order to escape Susan (I thought the uni was made aware of the RO but apparently not).
Fiance then arrived home from work and when I told him what was happening, he was all too eager to chime in with stuff I forgot (copying keys, punching the landlord, canceling orders, going through our things).
He also told the dean about the maltreatment he got from her growing up.
We also gave the dean the names of people willing to support our story, as well as some dates, times, and locations of on-campus incidents (I’d made a note of a few of them) so she could pull CCTV from the campus security recordings.
Fiance also told her the story of one of his cousins (Susan’s biological kid) who got close with a guy in Susan’s course, but the guy was told to break up with her by Susan with a thinly veiled threat against his academic career.
We also told the dean about Susan telling me to break up with my fiance and vice versa so she could ‘better maintain professionalism.’
The dean was horrified.
She had me and my fiance record a video, where we said everything all over again, from the top. We made sure the video had nothing to identify the location, and we were assured Susan would never see it.
We also sent her all the proof we had alongside it. This was all forwarded to the board on Wednesday and Thursday. She asked my friend for the number again and just called me for the second time, telling me that the board unanimously agreed this was grounds for Susan’s dismissal.
They said that while the outside of uni events wasn’t really their business, they go towards her character and the fact that as department head, she would represent the department, whether she was on the clock or not.
They said even without this, the events that happened inside of uni alone (stopping lectures, telling me to dump my fiance, telling that other guy to leave her daughter alone, throwing out my stuff, seeking special treatment on grounds of nepotism) were all abuses of power and enough to justify Susan’s dismissal.
They asked me why I hadn’t filed charges, and I said all I’d gain from filing charges is Susan staying away from me, and the RO and moving away has the same effect. Plus as it’s exams season, my tutor work is really taking off and I don’t have the time to go through a whole court case, and I’ll have even less time once the baby arrives.
The baby is due in about 8 weeks and Susan has already caused me enough stress.
Tomorrow, in the meeting where Susan is fully expecting to be told she got her promotion, the dean is now going to give her a week to hand in her resignation. If she refuses, she will be fired. If she does not hand in her resignation, she will be fired. She will not be getting a reference.
The only reason she is being given the option to resign is that she has worked at this university for nearly a decade, but if she so much as raises her voice in the meeting tomorrow, she will be fired.
Security will be present for the meeting, in case she tries anything.
Meanwhile, the friends we left behind aren’t hesitating to tell anyone who will listen all about what Susan did during the course of my and my fiance’s relationship. There’s not a single soul left in that town who trusts her or will take her side if she tries to fight back, not even her man, who told us that now all their kids are over 18, he will be initiating divorce proceedings.
I don’t feel even a little bit bad. I know there’s a chance I went too far but I didn’t lie, or embellish anything, I just gave the dean the facts as they are.
Everything is 100% true and while it was me who told the dean, I see this as Susan’s actions having consequences.
Susan has more than enough to pay for herself for the foreseeable future, she owns her home (her man’s name is not on the deed and she bought it before they got married so she will get the house in the divorce as it’s not technically a shared asset or one acquired during their marriage), she will have a roof over her head and plenty of dollars in her bank account, and if she wanted to she could get another job, just probably not one as a lecturer.”
11. Take What I Own? Not On My Watch
“This was about 2 years ago while I was living at my buddy’s place. His place wasn’t in the best part of town, so theft happened all the time and for the large part, most of these crimes are met with a ‘sucks to be you’ attitude from the police who then create a report and forget anything happened entirely.
OK, so I wake up early on Thursday morning with a call from my roommate who was running to work at 5 AM and he explains the detached garage has been broken into. The thief broke in through the window and stole a bunch of stuff – the highlights being Milwaukee drills, motorcycle jackets, and the receiver and the sub from one of those ‘surround sound systems in a box’ packages deals but leaves the speakers around the rest of the place.
To say I was livid is an understatement, I work hard for my things and have no intention of replacing them so some lowlife can sell them for a very small profit.
So for roughly the next 4 days, my focus is entirely on this and you’ll see why shortly.
So, I know the chances are slim that I will ever find my stuff but hey it can’t hurt to look for it on the common online sales places. I used eBay searching local sellers only and I put alerts on Craigslist (an extremely handy feature) and I tell my roommate to keep an eye on Craigslist since he has a little time.
So fast forward to Friday, and my roommate calls me up and tells me he thinks he found our stuff on Craigslist.
I pull up the ad and there it is. This beautiful not too bright gentleman had taken all the stuff he took from us and put it into a single ad in the barter section of Craigslist. He even added the model numbers (not serial numbers) making things very easy to identify.
The giveaway was this cheap surround sound system for which he only had the receiver and the sub and after a quick search reveals this particular system is only sold as a package. You can’t buy the single components, so this was definitely our stuff!
I call the police, thinking case closed but guess what, they don’t care that I found this stuff on Craigslist, and after about 20 minutes of complaining on the phone with non-emergency they ask me what I want them to do.
I say, ‘Send a car over here I want to speak with someone directly!’ So they reluctantly send a car with a very nice officer (she was nice I’m sarcastic but she was really nice) who runs the number associated with the Craigslist ad and guess what! He’s got a rap sheet a mile long and has been arrested 10 times for theft. With the break in the case, I think I’m home free!
But nope. The cop can’t do anything, ‘The investigator needs to take care of this,’ she says and leaves. So I call the investigator who doesn’t work on Fridays.
I ask who I can speak with so they send me up to the investigator’s team line to which no one answers at all.
I try again on Saturday and learn investigators don’t work weekends at all and I’d have to wait until Monday before I can talk to my investigator.
Good thing crime doesn’t happen on weekends otherwise cops’ weekends would be in trouble! So I call on Monday and sergeant drags-his-feet is out sick.
It was at that point I was done trying to call them. I drove to the police station and demanded to speak with an investigator. I mention to this new investigator the situation and the name of the guy who put up the Craigslist ad and the cop knows him very well and has arrested him on a couple of occasions.
The cop is confident the police can now help me since I’ve already done all the dang work here.
Finally, the cops tell me to make a meeting with this guy and let him know when and where. So again the work is on me…. and to meet this guy… thanks police.
So I text him a few times with no response, then I call him and joke around and express interest in a variety of items most of which are mine but a few that aren’t. Since simply asking for the things from one of the victims is suspicious in my mind.
So I tell him I’m Christmas shopping. I then say I’m from out of the area and ask him to pick the location and he lists off a few places one of which is a grocery store within eyesight of the police station so I pick that and laugh to myself at how this is turning out.
I call the cops and let them know the deal is on and when and where it is. They say they’ll be in an unmarked car and that I should take my wallet out as a sign to swoop in to make the arrest.
So I pull into the parking lot.
I see no cops and I stop and wait, I think the guy is a no-show when he finally shows 10 minutes late. My heart’s pounding at this point. I get out meet the mastermind criminal and shake his hand. He proceeds to pull out my stereo, then my drills, and a few other odds and ends.
Before I can get my wallet out, a gold Taurus speeds in and out pop 3 cops with guns drawn, ready to cuff the guy. When this happened I just turned around and walked away for a second while they put him in the car.
The lead cop asks me if this is my stuff and I say yes it matches with the previously provided, very detailed, description I gave the police.
All the while the guy in cuffs is yelling, ‘That’s my stuff!’
Finally, the cops get the warrant for his apartment, find the rest of all of our stuff and a few other peoples’ things. I have all my stuff back by Wednesday the following week. He received 1.5 years in a state penitentiary for his efforts.
I kind of fixate sometimes and he got unlucky by stealing from someone who didn’t just claim renters insurance.
Pro-tip: Record the serial numbers on everything you own. Cell phone, computer, tv, router, stereo, etc. If you can give that to the police you have a stronger chance to get your stuff back.
Pawnshops need to report all serial numbers that come through.”
10. Hide Your Double Life From Your Partner? She'll Get You To Confess
“This story is about my dad and happened in the mid to late 70s. My dad taught shop in a very tough part of town. He was highly respected by ALL of his students because they knew he wouldn’t tolerate their nonsense.
Summers were a tough time for our family because teachers do not get paid for summers, so they have to find jobs. One year there was a perfect job at the school that was tailor-made for my dad.
The group funding the summer class actually wrote the job description with my dad in mind.
The school principal chose to hire his mistress to teach this vocational class instead. The woman had absolutely no clue about the subject matter (she was an English teacher), but she got the job instead. My dad was quite angry, and so was the group funding the job, but hiring was solely the principal’s decision.
The principal was married to a rich woman and he did NOT want her to know about his mistress. My dad helped the janitor with a LOT of maintenance for the school and was good friends with him.
My dad had keys to the entire school because of this. He also had a lot of experience with all sorts of locks (a hobby of his).
Dad knew that making friends with the janitor and secretary would help him around the school and he made a point of doing this at every school. He knew where the combination to open the giant safe in the office was. For some reason, the school had been built with a HUGE old-fashioned safe (think bank safe type) and the principal kept the combination written down inside a desk drawer.
Yes, that WAS an idiot move, but this man was very arrogant and refused to ever change the combination or memorize it.
Who would dare to get into his things?
My dad never threw things out and often pulled things out of the dumpster if he thought they might be useful.
One of the things he rescued from the dumpster was a life-size skeleton that was discarded when a biology teacher suddenly left. The principal was freaked out by it and ordered it tossed because the teacher left. The skeleton was not school property and the principal had no idea that my father had rescued it from the dumpster.
The principal gave his mistress very expensive status symbol-type things. This included a mink coat, jewelry, and expensive trips.
Both principal and mistress told their spouses that the trips were to educational conferences. Being friends with the secretary meant he heard all the gossip, and knew that the principal kept these items in the big safe in the office so that his partner would not know about them (and neither would the mistress’s man).
Being really irate about the job (because he had to find something else and because the kids would learn NOTHING from this job training course), my dad decided to set up revenge. He took the skeleton to the safe and dressed it in the mink coat and fancy jewelry. He put the skeleton on a stand that held it upright inside this big safe.
Then he left for the summer.
On the last day of the summer course, the principal and his mistress were getting ready to take a week-long trip together. They told their spouses it was for a conference. Then they went to get the coat and jewelry so the mistress would have a chance to wear them.
The mistress didn’t care that it was summer, she wanted to wear the coat. Yes, this makes no sense but she was super status-conscious and wanted to show it off. She was that kind of person.
When the principal opened the safe, he saw the skeleton in the coat and jewelry.
He had a panic attack (he had no history of heart trouble) that he and mistress thought was a heart attack. They called an ambulance. Mistress went to the hospital wearing the jewelry that she grabbed while waiting for the ambulance. The coat was left on the skeleton in the safe.
The woman showed up at the hospital and met the mistress wearing expensive jewelry. It was very distinctive and a style the partner had asked her hubby for on several occasions. The woman knew a teacher could NEVER afford it.
When the principal and mistress left in the ambulance, no one thought to lock the safe.
The door was just pushed shut, but it had a big wheel that had to be turned to lock it. The woman went to the school to see what was in her man’s office about the mistress and she saw her dream coat in the safe. The partner never saw the skeleton because the janitor took it out of the safe after the ambulance left.
The principal knew he was in a lot of trouble with his woman AND the school board. He kept ranting about a skeleton but it wasn’t there and he was the only one who saw it other than mistress.
The school board thought he was delusional AND had violated a morality clause in his employment contract.
He got divorced and couldn’t take any dough from his woman because she proved his adultery. The mistress wouldn’t talk to him or say anything about the situation because she didn’t want to incriminate herself. After the principal was fired, his secretary testified about his mistress and the funds spent on her at the divorce proceedings.
He literally lost everything including his pension. His woman got it all. The mistress tried to lie to her man about why she was there and said the jewelry was from a contest for best teacher.
Her man divorced her and got custody of their kids (NOT common in divorce at that time) because of her infidelity being a bad influence on the kids.
She got fired and had to give the jewelry to the principal’s woman. The school board did an audit of the school budget. The principal got arrested for fraud and embezzling because he used school tuition for the coat and for trips that he and his mistress took that were supposedly for educational training.
My dad thought this was all exactly what the principal and his mistress deserved. He would not have said anything about this matter if they didn’t take a really good-paying summer job away AND they didn’t leave a bunch of kids stuck in a class where they would learn nothing because all the teacher could do was tell them to read the book.
She couldn’t do any of the projects that were part of the course because she was an English teacher and NOT a shop teacher. To be honest, I think depriving the kids of solid job skills that the class was designed to teach upset him even more than having to find a different summer job.
He did, however, enjoy having a different principal the next year!”
9. Doing To Neighbors What They've Done To Others
“To start, I bought a house with the intention of doing a flip. When I moved in the self-appointed “block captain” let me know who they were the first day. Sadly, they were my next-door neighbors.
I tried to be friendly, but listening to them, I realized how horrible they were and tried to still be civil. My significant other kept saying, “Just wait for it to be our turn.”
They bragged about, through, their contacts with the city, forcing people to make improvements on their houses, getting undesirable renters out of the houses, and just harassing people in general. I worked on flipping my house, the partner became a worse thorn in my side.
To start, she demanded I put up a fence, so people would quit cutting through my yard and scaring her. Then, she and the man demanded I take care of the stuff in the yard, or they will do it and bill me. After that, a storm, a tree scraped their shingles, and they asked for $1,200 to replace them.
The tree was there before I moved in, and by code, they are responsible to cut back the branches to the property line. When I wouldn’t pay, they had a relative jump my fence and cut the trees down.
Needless to say, I began to ignore them, so she became a constant gnat and moved onto another target.
Then one day as I was tearing down my deck for a patio, I realized she put a feral cat colony on a section of my property, I had wondered why all the stray cats were around, and I finally found out. I reached out to the city and demanded it be removed, but they said she followed the law on getting it in place.
As I tried to get it shut down, she began unhinged behavior from standing in her windows staring at me, yelling out the window at me to hitting the fence with items to scare my dog.
Here my revenge started.
I started by filing an HRO/Harassment Restraining Order against the partner and had it granted ex parte with the evidence I provided, and of course, she contested as it was ‘defamatory to her character.’ Before the hearing, her man tried to physically intimidate me.
So, I filed one against him, and it was also granted ex parte. In the hearing, it came up that there was an HRO against her man as well, and they dogged being served until I had it published as a means of service.
I started to make complaints about them and their house.
Also, I made police calls when necessary. As I did this, the other neighbors began to realize they could do to them what they had done to them and others.
For example, as I was having my front door replaced, needing a building work permit. I knew they were doing internal remodeling, so I called a city inspector, and they were fined for not a having permit.
As she ranted at the inspector, he looked at my window and saw I had mine displayed. Their back porch became hoarded, so I made another call to a city inspector, and they had to clear it out. Then they had a broken window on the porch door, so I called an inspector, and they had to replace the door.
Next, the paint on their house was peeling, so I called an inspector, and they had to repaint. The inspector also found the wood underneath was rotted along with their front porch was sloping. So, they needed to fix the front porch, sections of wood, and repaint.
Through all this, they had up cameras to prove they were not doing the things I said, i.e. hitting the fence.
They also pointed a camera at my backyard. As it was legal to point a camera into my yard and a part of my HRO was her intrusive watching behaviors I gave the camera the middle finger on my way to and from my garage. When she complained, with the city tiring of her, their response was she was admitting to intrusively watching me.
The fight over the cat colony came to an end when I realized one of the cats had a serious disease, and I began to capture them and turn them in to animal control. Don’t worry, animal control was part of the feral cat program, so they would not be put down, but the neighbor would have to pay a fine to get each cat out or have the colony closed. Finally, I caught the sick one, and it had rabies.
Part of the program was for her to capture each new cat. Something she admitted to not doing on her GoFundMe for the colony. I soon had the GoFundMe shut down when I provided the evidence she was not using the funds as she stated they were going to be used.
The city now had to act to close the colony, and the person at animal control who wouldn’t respond to my complaints was fired. The neighbors called in a city mediator who we met with presented all the evidence and said we would not meet with them, and provided extremely racist tweets they made about neighbors.
The city cut ties with them as “community leaders.”
With their power to bully gone and having spent what I can only imagine in fines and repairs, like they did to numerous other neighbors. After fourteen years, they sold their house and moved out, way out to the suburbs where they only have one neighbor about fifty yards away.
They knew I was wrapping up my flip and would be out in less than a year. Without being able to bully their neighbors, with people having their back, they seemed to have no further reason to stay. Needless to say, I did several more things to wear them down.
Finally, when I listed my house, it was sold while theirs was still on the market. As a final screw you to them, I reported to the county they had both the new and old house listed as their homestead, meaning they were paying less in property taxes, so they got hit in with more fines on my way out.”
8. Mess With My Girl? Enjoy This Hot Platter Of Food
“Back in the late ’80s, I got a vacation job at a small hotel/restaurant/pub while I was at Uni. I’d do everything from pot wash through to night clerk but mainly was either on bar shift or waitering.
The restaurant was pretty high-end and was very popular for functions.
This story is set in a function of about 50 over 7 or 8 tables. The guests were all from a small company that had had an amazing year financially, and the owner was taking everyone out to celebrate their success. Unfortunately, time and booze have worked their wonders on my brain so exact details like numbers, names, and exactly what they did have become like dust blowing in the wind.
I do remember that the guests were a very varied group of ages and that even the janitor was there.
At the time, I had started seeing one of the waitresses, and we were both working this function. It was a silver-serve affair with an open bar and unlimited bottles of drinks on the table.
I’d been assigned to a table that consisted of a bunch of older ladies, and they were a delight to serve. My girl, on the other hand, had drawn the short straw metaphorically and had ended up with a bunch of jerks from the sales team. Young, dumb, and full of… arrogance and booze!
They were giving her quite a bit of verbal grief with inappropriate comments and were making her life hard serving and clearing by constantly moving about. I’d offered a couple of times to swap tables, but she’d refused.
They were really making the most of the free drinks and were getting very intoxicated and boisterous and it was becoming quite obvious the owner was not that happy with their behavior.
Starters had finished and we were clearing and setting up for mains when my girl came up to me and told me one of them had grabbed her butt and asked her to go to the toilets with him! Not surprisingly, she agreed to swap tables this time. I carried on clearing and setting their table and was treated to some wonderful conversation about what they would all like to do to my girl.
Professional server face slammed into place, but I was seething inside!
Mains were being served, and I was taking out a very hot platter of meat to silver serve. I’d just started serving the guy to the right of the jerk that harrassed my girl when I enacted my revenge!
He was not paying attention to me and was moving about quite a bit, so it was really easy to “accidentally” touch the side of his head with a very hot platter!
Of course, this caused him to yelp and start to stand up, which “unintentionally” made me drop the entire platter of meat and juices all over him.
Of course, as a good server, I was very humble and apologetic while he started shouting and getting quite aggressive until his boss turned up and told him in no uncertain terms to shut up, said it was entirely his own fault, and that he was an embarrassment. The boss made him leave the function and actually apologized to me!
I’d exacted my revenge and gotten away with it, and not even my girl realized at the time that it was deliberate, although she was most amused and “appreciative” after I told her.”
7. Refuse To Fix Your Brakes? I'll Get The Police Involved
“I’m an ASE-certified mechanic.
I’ve been wrenching for 22 years. This story happened way back when I was still an oil change tech and learning my way.
This customer comes in one day and wants us to look at his brakes and put some pads on the car that he brought. The shop manager had me bring the car in to look at. I pull the car into the shop and it is grinding real bad when I hit the brakes.
I know it’s more than a pad job. So the car goes up, the tires come off, and sure enough. He let his brakes go for so long there is no more brake surface on the rotors.
He had worn them down to the cooling fins in the middle of the rotor.
I, of course, tell my manager. Well, he told the customer, a crotchety old man, the situation and explains he needs new rotors. We even took him out and showed him there is really no rotor left at all. Naturally, guy gets super angry. Says we are just trying to get more out of him.
We better just do what he wants or he is going somewhere else, blah, blah, blah. My manager takes it all in as cool as a cucumber. When dude was finished. My manager did the neatest thing I had ever seen at the time.
He very calmly explained that the vehicle needed to be repaired correctly or he would red flag the car as it was unsafe to drive.
Old boy looked like he was going to explode. Threatened to call the cops if we didn’t return his vehicle, we were just crooks whole nine yards. My boss said it’s cool I’ll call them for you. Called in the state highway patrol. Showed them the car in front of the customer.
They looked at him and said this car is unsafe for the road.
He either fixes it correctly or has to tow it out of our shop if he wants to go somewhere else cause they will not let it on the road. The sad thing is he ended up paying to have it towed out a few days later, which I’m sure cost more than the $40 for new rotors.
Idk if he got it fixed right or not.
Most wrenches out there just want your car to be safe. We run on the same roads. I didn’t know at the time, but I do now, that we do have authority to lock your car down, if it is completely unsafe for the road, until it is fixed correctly or towed somewhere else to get fixed correctly.
I love what I do cause I make the roads safer. I also work in a field where the customer is not always right. Old man learned the hard way. A few others in my career have as well.”
6. Try To Find Reasons To Fire Me And Then Say My Work Isn't Professional Enough? That's It
“During the last year of my career as a cop, I spent the majority of it on light duty due to medical issues that hit me out of nowhere. I knew the sheriff was gunning for me anyway, so I decided to have some fun.
See, I was the chief of the court division of the sheriff’s office. Also, I was assigned as our member investigator to our regional internet crimes task force. As part of my work for the department, I volunteered to be the webmaster for their site. I put a lot of work into it, but I finally had it working.
Then they wanted me to add a new set of features to it that would allow deputies to log in and post events occurring during their shift so that supervisors had an up-to-date record of all that was going on. There was a similar system in a neighboring county they wanted it modeled after.
There were some slight issues, though; the code base for the other county’s site was written in C# and operated on a Windows-based server, while ours was a Linux server. Take a guess at who qualified as an expert in the courts regarding computer forensics of Linux-based file systems and operations.
Why, yours truly, of course.
The sheriff of the other county was all too willing to provide me with the complete codebase their designers had used. He knew we couldn’t use it right off, so he had no problems with it. Now, for what they wanted, I could have done nothing but coding from dawn to dusk for 3 months solid, but I did it in 3 weeks and not only had matched what the other system could do, but I also built in a feature where a deputy could alert people on other shifts of events that happened, so they could be in the know, as well as a fully compliant email interface with MS Exchange allowing staff to send emails back and forth without having to leave the system.
A great deal of the work I put into coding that site I did from home, off the clock. I told them I could get it done in less than 3 months, and I wasn’t going to disappoint them. The day came, ta-da! Oh, wait, they didn’t really think I could do it.
They were hoping for me to fail to give them a reason to fire me.
The next day, my LT comes up to my workstation and told me to “come with me.” I had gotten so tired of him trying to find a way to get me fired, I actually said, “What did I do wrong this time?” He responded with, “You’ll see.” When we got to the door to enter the non-public area of the SO, we soon passed his office and instead went straight to the sheriff’s office.
He asked me for the web hosting details (I was hosting it for free on my server) as well as the ownership of the domain names. Obviously, even though I had control of both, both were the property of the SO. My sheriff, who only a couple of months earlier was praising my name because I developed a site using the colors and fonts chosen for the designs on the patrol cars, said, “We’re going to switch to a different webmaster.
We want someone more professional.”
Obviously, I could not see my face, but the way I felt, I think my head did a complete 360 like in The Exorcist. I was so offended by his statement that I kind of went into a trance. I had owned and operated a web hosting and design company for at least 8 to 10 years before I took over the department’s site.
I WAS a professional website developer. No one could have built them the custom site they requested as quickly as I did. I worked at least 40 hours at home off the clock on the project and was highly praised by the sheriff for the work. Yet, only a few weeks later, he wanted someone more “professional?” He wasn’t fooling me.
Fine, cue my revenge.
Not long before I was asked to build the new features for the website, one of my staff came to me, eyes down, to confess something he had done. He wasn’t tech-savvy, but one day he did a search and found a domain name was available for purchase.
It just so happened to be the domain name the sheriff had used for his first campaign less than 4 years earlier. Apparently, no one thought to check to see the status of the domain as the new election approached. Once he told me, I promised him I’d take care of it, so I got access to the registrant account to change the nameservers to an anonymous host. I learned from my computer crimes contacts, the Sheriff was trying to use federal officers to try to trace me to find out who was doing what with his domain.
Well, good luck with that. I was proxied from nightmare and back, using 7 hops through 3 providers and on the TOR network. Every time I logged into the website I was building, there was no way to trace who was doing it. The sheriff knew my co-worker had purchased the domain, but that was the limit of his involvement.
So, it’s important to note, the Sheriff had to resign in disgrace and accepted a plea deal to plead guilty to a couple of federal felonies. Who blew the first whistle of issues going on in the department…, we did. Even better, without realizing it, for most of his second campaign, all of his signs still had the original website listed. The website listed all the factual things the Sheriff or his minions were doing that were unlawful, immoral, or unethical. I only listed the stuff I could independently verify through two other sources.
My staff and I were the first people to contact the state, and the FBI regarding illegal activities being perpetrated in the SO. The command staff resigned and ran like roaches once the news came out that the sheriff had been charged. I guess he should have hired someone “more professional” to handle his PR.
In the end, he still won the second election but wasn’t able to carry out his full term due to the crisis he was facing from his own past. Here I am, a retired law enforcement officer, still developing modern websites as a professional website designer. He could have gotten away with it all if he hadn’t decided to try and screw me over with the whole internal web system.
Speaking of that system, even though they pleaded with me to make it for them, it was never implemented. For the record, I often checked to see if the website had been changed. Even years after I retired, my website was still up, in its entirety, without a single modification.
This meant it still showed my name and photo on it for details on the court division.
I’ve had people tell me being assigned to the courts does not amount to much. Obviously, they never walked a mile in my shoes.”
5. Steal My Cake? Get Pee-Flavored Food Next Time
“I was in my teenage years, working a teenage job at a grocery store. Things were fine, doing the whole school, sports, work thing. I grew up in a somewhat small town somewhere in between the suburbs and the stix.
One evening, I noticed Entenmann’s (a baked goods brand) was on sale for $2.50 for a square cake.
Not a huge fan, but for the right price, I’ll take it. I bought it, took a maybe 15% rectangle out of it, and put it into my unlocked locker square.
It was a somewhat small group of employees, and one of my close friends share a locker, so more people could have their locker.
I had never considered that someone would straight-up steal from our locker.
A couple of days later, I’ve had a particularly rough day of double practice, sandwiching school and work after. I was so excited to remember that I had that cake waiting for me in that locker on break.
I make it to that break and go to my locker, and 90% of the cake is gone, just a small square is left. Needless to say, I’m not happy. I guess I learned my lesson.
That is that… Whatever. Then without going into specifics, not sure how long, but maybe a few weeks later, I’m having a particularly bad day.
My friends pick me up to hang out and raise my spirits and a plan is born.
Apparently, I was still stewing over the stolen cake, and the plan is for me to re-create the enticing cake. Except this time, I took it into the bathroom and peed on it.
I took a similar rectangle out of it which also left some nice surface area for pee to soak in. I put it into the locker and made sure my friend was well aware to stay away.
Side note: I took the un-urinated rectangle out to my friends, but nobody wanted it.
A few days later, guess what? 90% of the cake is gone. I don’t care who it was; my teenage life is complete. Totally satisfied.
…but then came the icing on the cake… Several weeks later, I was entering the break room around the same time as another employee. I pulled something out of our locker, and they said “What you got in there?
Last time, (another employee) and I ate something out of there, we felt sick.” I’m not a fan of talking trash about people, but I’ll just say that it was no surprise that was the person.”
4. Try To Ruin My Fun? Let's Kick This Laser Tag Up A Notch
“I was a big fan of laser tag way back when since there was one open right by my town.
That laser tag building housed at least three of my birthday parties when I was young(er) as well as the parties of some of my friends. The place itself was pretty amazing; right outside the dimly lit laser tag maze room was an arcade with a decent amount of fun stuff to look at.
It was basically the break time area that would distract our child minds as other laser tag games waged on in the one maze room. Once the game was done, a “gamemaster” took us through the laser tag doors into a small room that separated the laser tag zone and the arcade.
It was there that a small tutorial played that explained the basics of laser tag. It explained everything, like how to use the laser guns, how the laser vests worked, and our goal of shooting down a marker at the center of each of the four bases.
Unsurprisingly, I and anyone at my birthday party would fill up a single team.
There were four teams, but every now and again, there would be some lone wolf on their own team that basically fought whoever they wanted.
On this particular birthday, I noticed there were some older boys that were talking it up near the corner of the tutorial room. My child self immediately pegged them as not to be trusted, since they had purposefully worn the darkest clothing possible and were all wearing dark hats.
I didn’t think much of it after that until we started the game.
Our main objective was to shoot as many players from the other team as possible while trying to protect our base. The sheer space that they gave us to do so was staggering. The laser tag area was a dark maze that had many sweet spots for perching at high ground.
It really felt like I was immersed in some top-secret mission instead of being inside a large room.
At the sound of the starting bell, the doors for each of the teams opened on different parts of the map as we all rushed out. So far, we were doing pretty decently against the other teams. And then those boys with the darker clothing caught us off guard.
I and my best friend (we’ll call him BFF) had to book it the second they began firing at us. They got some good shots in as our laser vests signified we got shot, and our laser gun temporarily stopped working. Normally, this would mean we get to cover and rejoin the fighting soon after, but these guys were following us like bloodhounds.
We would barely have our guns active before they’d shoot our vests down again. They were basically spawn-killing us over and over, and we were starting to get angry. Luckily, a good portion of my team rounded the corner and scared the kids off, but BFF and I had already gone on the warpath.
The kids that chased us, who I’ll refer to from now on as Annoying Nuisances 1-3 (or AN1-AN3), were on the red team, which thus far had not lost their base’s beacon. The beacon was what players were protecting at the bases, and shooting one of them netted a huge score for the team that did it.
My team planned to storm the base and destroy the beacon as some of us provided cover from one of the sniping perches I mentioned earlier. One quick nod between BFF and me signaled that would be our job. We scampered up the tower while miraculously not running into other teams and positioning ourselves right towards the red base.
My green team beat down the red team’s beacon as well as anyone guarding it as we made many a child wonder why their guns stopped working. Everything was going fine, but soon, it was going to get much, MUCH better…
Enter AN1 and AN2 trying to sneak up on us from our perch.
Now while I pride myself on being a nice guy, I have a nasty habit of wanting to get back at others who wronged or defeated me. This usually puts me in this hypersensitive state that detects even the slightest of movement, like AN1’s shoe making a small squeak behind me.
I swung around immediately and fired desperately in one direction, and to my surprise, I managed to down both AN1 and AN2. Shocked that I knew they were there all along and frustrated and losing access to the laser guns, the boys shot us glares as they made their way down the tower… only to find BFF blocking their path, smiling devilishly.
That’s the one thing I love about BFF. He shared my love of getting revenge.
AN1 and AN2 were chased across the entire map as the two of us kept firing into their vests mercilessly. Their guns would not even activate we were deactivating the laser vests so quickly!
At one point, AN3 jumped in and nearly deactivated one of our guns, but a bunch of players from the other teams interrupted his rescue mission and ended with him going on cooldown.
We were now chasing the three of them across the entire map, laughing like lunatics. The AN squad eventually had the sense to call the gamemaster to try and get us to stop firing at them over and over (seems like they couldn’t take it like we did).
BFF and I slipped into the shadows at that exact moment and the gamemaster never saw our face. When we regrouped with the rest of green team, I told them all about the three AN’s and asked them to fire mercilessly at them on sight. They accepted, and we continued to fight our laser war, hoping for victory.
Once the laser tag game was finished, I and my birthday teammates walked out into the arcade with wide smiles on our faces. I scanned the leaderboards that got posted afterward and was surprised that green team was first! Not only that, but those three kids that chased us earlier were dead last on the leaderboard and so was their red team!
I had one final laugh as I saw AN1-3 sulking their way out of the arcade. You should have known that when you mess with me, this means war. Maybe I went a little over the top, or perhaps I should have formulated a better revenge plan, but nevertheless, I got my vengeance, and my birthday cake had never felt more deserved!”
3. Call Me A Liar? Your Rudeness Will Get Us Free Tickets For A Year
“Two things you should know before I start is that: 1) I am very tall for my age and could easily look 3-6 older than I actually am at any point, and 2) I get really bad anxiety, and back when this story happened, I was not a confrontational person.
So my town had a botanical garden that hosts a Christmas celebration every year where you can go through their property that is absolutely covered from head to toe and back again with Christmas lights.
Now, I live in the Midwest, so during the winter months, it can get extremely cold, especially at night, which is when the event took place. So, by this fact, most of my family decided to stay at home that day, and just myself (11-year-old female at the time) and my brother (19-year-old male at the time) were the only ones going.
How this place works is you walk in, and you go to one of two lines if you paid for tickets online or if you were buying them right then. My brother and I went to the right-then ticket line and quickly made it to the front. At this garden, there were two options, 13 and above (which I believe was 15 dollar tickets, but don’t quote me on that) and 12 and below (which was only 6 dollars if I remember correctly.) My brother went up to the guy, and the following conversation happened. Brother will be B, the guy will be G, and I’ll be Me.
B – “Hi! Could we have one 13 and above and one 12 and below ticket please?”
G – (Just staring at my brother) “Who’s that 12 and below ticket for?”
B – (Getting really confused, pointed to me, who has been standing next to him the whole time.) “Umm, her.”
G – (Smugly) “Oh really, how old is she?”
B – “She’s 11, what’s the problem?”
G – “There’s no way she’s 11. I will ring you up for two 13 and up tickets.”
My brother got kinda upset, then I remembered I kept my student ID in the back of my phone case, as we needed it for lunch at school.
Me – (Pulling my student ID out of the back of my phone.) “Here, I am 11. My student ID shows I’m in 6th grade.”
G – “Nope, that’s old. You’re not 11.” (Note: I don’t know how this guy thought it was an old one; it has the school year in the bottom left corner.)
I started getting really anxious at this, and my hands started shaking. My brother noticed this, and basically said, screw it, and had the dude ring us up for the two older tickets.
The rest of the night was better. We got hot chocolate and went through the attraction, still an awesome sight to see.
My brother and I got home about an hour and a half to 2 hours later, and my brother told my mom the story of the jerk at the ticket thing. While my brother and I were just gonna forget about it, my mother would not.
The next morning, she called the garden, and once she was speaking to a real human (they have one of those impossibly long answering machines), she explained the situation and how it made me really upset.
The person on the other end of the phone apologized profusely and offered her and her family (who were my mom, me, my older brother, and my older sister) free passes to the garden for a year. My mother happily said yes as their gardens are beautiful. The person on the phone also said he would have a little talking to with the guy.
We made use of the year pass, and I never did see that guy again.”
2. Think You Can Two-Time Me? I'll Let Everyone Know About You
“Late 2016, I discover my (now) ex was two-timing me.
As you can imagine, I was destroyed mentally and I felt like my life was spinning out of control. We had been through a lot together so this really hurt.
After the admission that she had been unfaithful, we both figured seeing a professional would help and maybe we could make it work.
Fast forward a month and I find a journal she had been keeping detailing EVERYTHING. This was a second hard-hitting blow to my mental well-being. After reading some pages, I learn she’s still lying.
This is my breaking point, I can’t even look at her. I’ve stuck with her through addiction, a miscarriage, and a workplace injury that left her unable to hold a job (the injury is what led to a pain pill addiction I thought she had kicked… I was wrong).
I was in total shock and in revenge mode. I was going to destroy her.
Day 1
I go to the county courthouse and retrieve a ‘divorce packet’ containing what papers and documents one would need to file without a lawyer. I also make an appointment with a high-profile divorce lawyer in my state.
The only downside was my soon-to-be lawyer was across the state roughly six hours away so I had to take some time off work and meet with her ASAP.
Day 2
After my ex leaves for a bit to go to the store, I locate her journal and proceed to take very good pics of every page.
I also decide to go through a few other things like finding her pill stash and – I kid you not – found a line of crushed pills on one of our glass drink coasters.
I was livid at this sight and take pics of it as well. After she returns home, I tell her I’m leaving for the city for the night and I’d be home the next day.
At this point, she still believes I know nothing, thinking we’re still trying to work things out.
Day 3
I meet with the mastermind of a lawyer. She was a true shark! I explained everything to her, gave her copies of every photo, the texts of my ex admitting to deceiving me –any type of dirt I had was laid out on a silver platter for this shark of a lawyer to salivate over.
My lawyer asks me if I have any laundry to air, I told her no and told her everything I’ve been through, I was near untouchable when it came to my image as a good partner. My lawyer was pleased and said she would happily take my case and jokingly said, ‘this is going to be an easy payday.’ We settled on a flat fee of 4,000 USD since she was so sure the case would be a slam dunk, warning me though if my ex was dumb enough to take the divorce to trial, my fees may go up but not to worry about that.
We drafted a very one-sided divorce decree: One where my ex would waive all claims to my 401k (over 200K USD at the time), to my truck (currently in both our names), and finally divide up the debt, leaving me to only pay my personal credit card and utilities that were in my name and any debt in my ex’s name was hers and hers alone.
With the documents in hand, I make the long drive back home and begin to set the wheels in motion.
My ex is served the following day and she moves out that night trashing the house at the same time I assume to stay with whatever lowlife she was sleeping with.
2 Months Later
Our divorce is finalized. I then contact every pharmacy, Dr, and physical therapist she used informing them of her substance abuse along with pictures. I contact her new employer and hint that they may want to have her tested (this was her first job in five years since I wasn’t there to support her).
She’s later blacklisted from her doctors, and pharmacy and fired from her job.
On top of all that, I start seeing her ‘best friend’ for casual hookups. Turns out she loved rubbing it in my ex’s face that she was having relations with me. To this day my ex has never recovered, holds a minimum-wage job at a slum bar, and is still on the pills.
I’ve recently learned her man is currently unfaithful to her too. This woman wasted 8 years of my life in total.”
1. Act Out For Attention? Here's The Cold, Hard Truth
“There’s this kid who was in my high school who we will call Joe. Joe is usually known for sulking around and acting out for attention. He wants people to feel sorry for him, basically.
We were all given partners on this class trip to the aquarium. It was randomly assigned, and I was partnered up with Joe.
The teacher told us to always stay by our partner, all that. Regardless, I was pretty excited about the field trip. While looking at an exhibit, 5 minutes later, Joe ran off to go sulk in a corner. The teacher noticed that he ran off and got angry at me; she thought I had bullied him or something.
This happened multiple times; he ran off, and I would have to go find him. I glared angrily at him and told him in the coldest tone possible to come with me. Seriously, this kid was a nightmare to deal with.
This was a field trip that my family paid for.
This was a really famous aquarium, and instead of enjoying the exhibit, I had to spend the whole time chasing him around.
After the field trip was over, on the bus ride home, I told him about what a burden he was. I told him that he was an attention seeker who expected others to drop everything for him.
I told him about how he ruined the entire field trip. It was supposed to be fun. He asked me if I was going to be angry, and I said, “This is why you’re always last when people pick partners, because the rest of us have better people to work with,” and it’s true.
So, I hope you can see why I’m frustrated after that whole episode.
He somehow was still totally oblivious to the hint that I didn’t like him and nobody else did. I wanted to make it extra crystal clear that Joe wasn’t liked. Every time during the math class we had together, I held the door for others coming in.
When Joe walked along, I glared at him and closed the door. Another thing: during that math class, if somebody else did well on a quiz, I smiled and congratulated them. If Joe did the same, I glared at him in a hateful way. My classmates agree that they hate him too.
Our math class had a group chat together, which Joe was, unfortunately, a part of. He always texted us stupid stuff for attention. We actually had a second group chat with everyone except for Joe, in case we felt like chatting without him. Joe texted me separately, asking to be my friend.
He begged and said that he was really lonely. I told him that if he stopped bothering us, I’d let him have a chance.
A few days later, Joe trolled on the group chat. I then went to our chat and confronted him.
I told Joe that I wasn’t going to let him trick me into pitying him.
Joe apologized for trolling. I told him I wasn’t going to accept that as others hated him too. I showed him a screenshot of the separate chat mentioned above that excluded him. I told him, “This is how much they hate you. We literally have a separate group chat just so that we won’t have to talk with you.” I went back to what he said about being lonely and explained that the reason he has no friends is that he’s a pathetic, attention-craving jerk who ruins everything he’s a part of.
Joe asked if we were talking about him behind his back; I told him we have better things to talk about. I pointed out how he sat at lunch alone, how he was always alone during group projects and asked him if he really thought that anyone wanted him around.
Joe said, “Ok then” and stopped texting.
Joe sent screenshots to my friend, Kara, who texted me. Kara told me that what I said to Joe was really hurtful. I told her that everything I said was true, and I asked her if she liked him at all. Kara just told me not to say things like that in the future, and we decided I’d just ignore him from then on.
No, I didn’t apologize to Joe for telling the truth. Joe was less annoying after all that. Not many people liked him still, but he was less of a pain in the butt. After graduation, I thankfully never saw Joe again.”