People Share Their Most Pleasing Story Of Revenge
14. Evil Stepmom Thinks She Can Give Away My Playstation? Time To Rent Her House Out
“I’m an only son. My mom died of ovarian cancer at only 55 five years ago.
It broke my dad’s heart. They had been together since college and were the same age, with my dad being a month older.
I’m 22 and am about to graduate college with my degree in chemistry when the main events start to occur. I went to college on a full-ride scholarship. This is important later.
My dad met my now stepmom when she was my mom’s nurse at the hospital where she spent her final days. My stepmom ‘Grace’ played all the right notes to gain my dad’s trust. She was empathetic to him, nurturing, comforting after my mom passed. I was seventeen and old enough to sense that she was just trying to weasel her way into getting my dad’s resources, but it was up to my dad if he wanted to be in a relationship with her.
I was in my final year of public school and had just won a scholarship to attend college out of the country the following year.
My dad mourned my mom for a year and that whole time Grace would check in on him by phone every month or so, in my opinion, to scope out the possibility of sinking her hooks in him.
After a year passed Grace took the gloves off and went hard after my dad.
Grace was only 40 when she and my dad started seeing each other. I didn’t like her but at the same time my dad at least didn’t seem so depressed anymore, so I tried to be less pessimistic about her and give her the benefit of the doubt.
In my gut, I didn’t trust her, though. But we are Scandinavian and at least in my family, the son does not tell his father what to do or even offer any opinion.
Grace is from the Czech Republic if you’re wondering.
My father was a very successful banker during his career and amassed quite a portfolio of wealth. I’ll spare you the details, but after six months of seeing each other, Grace and my father are married. My dad never really got over my mom though, and he was getting weaker and weaker even though he was only 57. Since his health was fading he called me to him and asked me point blank, ‘Boy, what do you need to set you up in this life?’ I told him I don’t need anything, I’m a man and can take care of myself, but what are you even talking about dad, you’re going to be around for decades yet.
I did remind him that he had living sisters with children (my aunts and cousins). I also reminded him that I had a full scholarship to college so don’t worry about giving me any cash. He was dead only a year later at 59.
I, of course, have seen lots of Hollywood movies so I consider the conspiracy theory that maybe my dad’s nurse wife poisoned him and made him sign over all his money to her, but I really honestly do not think that’s what happened. Other relatives didn’t like Grace either, but they knew my dad was totally in love with my mom and that her death utterly broke him.
Well, long story short, my dad bequeathed his five-bedroom house to me even though I wasn’t expecting it and didn’t ask for it. He gave a small endowment to each of his sisters and their children.
He left about 80% of all his existing money to Grace, which amounted to several hundreds of thousands of dollars. My dad ignored me because he’s generous to a fault and still gave me several tens of thousands of dollars, which were of course very useful to me.
Grace tried to put on a friendly front but I could tell she was angry as h**l that she didn’t get my dad’s house, too.
That belonged to me, and I had the legal papers to prove it. She was especially mad because we live in an extremely upscale and trendy location, and houses are hard to come by and easily sold for massive profit.
During the first few months after my dad’s death, I had the nauseating, creepy experience of knowing that Grace was trying to feel me out to see if I might be into a little relationship with her.
She still stayed at the house though because over the last three years she had gotten used to living there and acting as though she owned it.
And, even though I officially owned it, I was always away at college and only visited my dad’s old house once every couple of months, and even then it wasn’t to see Grace but to see my cousins who lived just a few miles away. I downplayed the fact that it was really my house, and over the months I think Grace gradually forgot that she really had no legal right to the house.
She probably believed that sooner or later, because I never asked her for any of the hundreds of thousands of my dad’s dollars that she now had, that I was somehow independently wealthy and would just give up my house to her.
I knew I’d eventually hydrogen bomb this **t*h when she started dating some new guy only five months after my dad was in the ground, and one time when I came home from college after graduating she and her new boyfriend (some sleazy looking D-bag named “Ivan” who was only a few years older than me) were acting like I was a guest in my own house and that they owned it.
I played along.
Grace told me she gave away my Playstation 4 to Ivan’s cousin because “I’m too old to play with video games.” I don’t even know this m*****f*c**r and you give him my PS4 to give away to some other **** who I also don’t know? I quickly changed all my network passwords that same day.
I smiled but I knew what I had to do eventually. She also said that she and Ivan were getting married because ‘I just can’t mourn your father forever.
I have to move on with life.’ I tell her that I graduated from college and already secured employment with a local firm, and ‘will soon find a new place to live.’ She looks thrilled. Especially the part where it looks like I’ll soon have a new place to live. Then in a patronizing way she tells me, “you always have a place in our house though, you are welcome to stay whenever you please.”
Thanks, Grace, really generous of you.
What I really say is that I will probably have a new place in three months. She says that is wonderful because she intends to go to her homeland to have a wedding with Ivan and afterward have her honeymoon. She assures me it’s a local affair ‘otherwise I’d invite you, honey. And anyway I know you’re so busy.’ I congratulate her. She asks me if I can watch the house for her.
Watch my own house? Sure. What I really say is, of course, I will take care of the house. I am careful to not say ‘your house.’
She and her D-bag fiance (who I am 100% sure is only there for Grace’s money) go on their trip and I immediately put out advertisements in rental websites offering to lease my house.
I hire movers and have all of Grace’s furniture and possessions boxed up and put into a storage rental facility.
I retain all of my parents’ furniture that they had before my dad met Grace. Locks? Changed. All of them.
Within days, I am inundated with dozens of inquiries regarding my amazing, furnished house with fantastic views. I rent it to a wonderful young family. A barrister and his schoolteacher wife and their two preteen children. They pay me their first and last month’s rent and sign a lease for a year. I warn them about my crazy stepmom who thinks this is her house, but I present them with contact information to my lawyer (the same lawyer my dad retained) in case they need any assurance that I’m on the level.
I also give my lawyer the information about the storage facility, including the fact that I generously paid four months of storage in advance, which is a whole month longer than Grace’s Czech honeymoon adventure. I then found a great apartment in the city near my new place of work. There I met a woman in a restaurant I frequent at night after a long workday. We have been dating six months now and are engaged to be married.
Grace, of course, tried to shriek and cause trouble when she realized she got kicked out of MY house but my lawyer quickly shut her mouth without my having to ever speak to her garbage face again.
From what I hear, she and her trash husband left the country and I assume they’re blowing through my dad’s money and will soon be broke like Chavs usually become when they taste a little bit of what they think is a good life.
So maybe Grace will go and try to exploit some other lonely man into giving her his money.
Speaking of money, the house that I rent out is generating so much money that I not only am able to help pay for my cousins’ college, but I moved into a larger apartment of my own, together with my fiancee.
I love my job but really, I could survive solely on renting my dad’s old house.
And to think. If Grace had only been cooler and nicer I might have let her stay at the house, just to be a good sport. And definitely, if she stayed the h**l out of my room. But no, she had to act all proprietary, so I had to make her homeless as a wedding gift.
Postscript. I bought another PS4, even though I didn’t even use my old one that much. It didn’t matter.
It wasn’t for Grace to give away. You don’t give away other people’s things.
You give away your OWN things. Which is why I chose to kick Grace out of my house. Because it’s mine, and I decide who stays there.”
13. Get You Some Water? You Didn't Say What Temperature
Smart move.
“Years ago, my roommate’s (let’s call him Pete) girlfriend’s little brother (let’s call him Jon) would tag along to when his sister was hanging out with my roommate at my apartment. Yeah, it was weird, but let’s ignore why he was there for this story.
He was there so often that he got comfortable going and getting things out of the kitchen for himself: little snacks, glasses of water/soda, etc. I confess that I didn’t tolerate him all that well.
One night all the roommates were home, we all had friends over; it was a full house. We decided to watch a movie.
Halfway through the movie, Jon starts complaining about being thirsty, and then asks, “Moose, can you get me a glass of water?”
I looked over, annoyed, and snapped, “Jon, you know where the cups are. You know where the kitchen is. Go get your own water.”
You would think this would be the end of it, and he would have just done it himself.
No, he was determined to have someone wait on him. Turning to my roommate, he asked again, “Pete, can you get me a glass of water?”
Pete stood up, said “Sure!” and walked into the kitchen. I called after him and said to make the guy get his own water. Pete called back that it was okay, and he didn’t mind doing it. He returned a moment late and set a glass of water on the coffee table next to Jon.
Jon went to take a drink, yelped, turned to glare at Pete, and in a very nasty tone, said “I didn’t ask for hot water!”
Pete calmly looked over and said “You didn’t ask for cold water either. You heard what Moose said: get your own water next time.””
12. Take My Best Friend? Time To Publicize Your Affair
“So a few years ago I worked at a Fortune 100 company.
I was there on a contract. Everything was great. Really liked the team, boss (Paul) was great. He and I could talk about anything honestly as two guys. He’s been to my house. I’ve been to his. His wife is funny and a stay-at-home mom. If it wasn’t for the boss/contractor thing, we could be bros outside of work. At some point, there is a new woman contractor (Mary) that starts on the team.
She sits in the cube next to me.
She’s married, pretty hot, a little bit flirty, just generally great to talk to. She and I hit it off right away.
We become pretty close. We become friends, texting each other at night about work and family and just general stuff. Every now and then she throws some random comments out there about me coming over to her place. Which, from a self-esteem point of view, was just a big plus in my book.
Never took her up on it, but could have.
We have our normal disagreements about how to run stuff, complete tasks, etc. and while those got heated, it was just two strong-willed people having different opinions. No big deal. She becomes a family friend. Our kids play together, families go to events together, etc.
Fast forward to about 4 months later, I am chatting with my boss late at night (project cutover), he mentions that he is jealous how Mary and I can ‘fight and clear the air and just move on.’
I thank him for the compliment and didn’t think anything of it. Well, within a couple of weeks boss-man and Mary are doing lunch together constantly. I ask him if I should ‘move out of the way’ as it is obvious that he likes her (Remember, I am there on a contract, so my boss can fire me without a reason – that’s why I treated him with deference).
He says no.
Life goes on for another couple of weeks this way.
Then he puts her on his pet project.
All of her time is now allocated to his stuff. He doesn’t have time for the rest of the team as ‘all of his attention is focused on his project.’ I am sure you can see where this is heading. It was quite obvious to the entire group that they were having an affair. The entire group was up in arms about this because this ‘new’ girl is getting all of the boss’s attention, getting perks, etc. The same old story that you have heard about before.
Needless to say, I too am upset. I am losing Mary, my BFF. I figured we were friends enough to keep being friends even through her affair. Obviously not.
What bugged me about the entire thing is that I told my boss (who was also a friend) that his affair with her was ruining my work relationship and my personal relationship with Mary. He denied to my face that they were having an affair, which was such BS, because I overheard him talking to her on the phone saying how he wanted to come over to her place for one of their ‘status meetings’ and make out with her (Side note: There were also a couple of photos of them that were taken by people on the team – One was taken in the office at a group celebration for someone’s birthday.
In the background, you can see them in his office with his hands on her a*s, and another one where the team was out to a concert where everyone was drinking. People finally noticed that they disappeared. One of the women in the group took a pic of them kissing in his car). Of course, I didn’t tell them about these pictures during our talk. Eff him and her.
Less than a month later, we do a shuffling of cube locations, ‘to better align the people who work on projects together.’ I am moved to a ‘deserted island’ – no one around me.
Handwriting is on the wall. One month after that I am cc’d on an email to my contracting firm informing them that my last day will be 2 weeks from that email.
So through this whole thing, my ‘friend’ just quit hanging out (and I get why) and stopped caring. Mary pretty much just dumped me as a friend. I didn’t like it. I tried to ask her why to see if she would say anything at all- no dice.
Her allegiance was to Paul now.
I told her that I was upset. She told me she didn’t care and didn’t have time for me.
If you want to have an affair go for it.
The whole affair part didn’t bother me (too much). I will admit to some envy there, but I am not going to sacrifice everything I have for some a*s. Just not worth it to me. What bothered me was the lack of respect that they both showed me.
I was pretty honest with both of them about what the team was saying, how everyone was feeling, etc.
What they did was take my honesty and use it so that they could cover up their affair better. For example, when I said people were noticing that she would leave and then Paul would get his coat on and leave within 5 min, he started leaving his coat in the office and leaving about 15 min after her.When I said that people noticed he was giving gifts to her and not to the group then all of a sudden the group started getting stuff too.
Stuff like that.
What was funny (in a messed up way) is that about 4 months after I was gone, she started being friendly again, random, ‘How are you?’, ‘My day sucked’ texts. Anyway, I moved on work-wise. Still texted her every few days after she started texting me. Again, nothing major. Just pleasantries. But that anger was still inside me because of how vulnerable I made myself to her and how I felt I was used.
So I resolved to get even.
I waited a full year (and heard that she had accepted a full-time position with my former boss). I then sent an anonymous email to his wife letting her know about the affair and giving her details and the proof (the pictures) too.
Mary, of course, called me, so did my former boss. He was p*ssed! I told both of them that I did not do anything (‘How could I, I have been gone for more than a year.
I don’t know anything about your life anymore!’)
I heard that both of them got tossed out of their homes and are getting divorced.
They deserve each other.
Moral of the story, if you are going to have an affair be discreet and keep your friends close. Or have the nerve to say, ‘I don’t want to be friends anymore,’ and not be a passive-aggressive d*******g. Because if not, they may become your enemy and might be even more passive-aggressive and look for revenge.
Did it make me feel better that I did it? H**L yes.”
11. Think You Can Cheat? I Hope You Like Staying In A Jail Cell
“This happened years ago when I was around 18 and going out with a girl I had gone to high school with.
We had been together for about a year and towards the last month of our relationship things started to die out, we wouldn’t talk as much and she never had time for me. She claimed she was always working at her family’s grocery store. Her family had their own business for years. It was a small grocery store that at one point while I was in between jobs I even worked at for a short time.
Her family was lovely, and her father and I got along great and still chat every now and then because I was always working or studying, didn’t party and had set goals for myself early in life which her father thought was awesome.
So anyway, back to our relationship. Because we both worked we only had the weekends free so usually, we would do our best to spend time with each other, but she had grown distant and I hadn’t thought anything of it.
But one weekend I receive a call from a friend of mine who tells me she had seen my girlfriend out with another guy. I didn’t want to believe it, I was devastated. But I thought before I throw any accusations I would get my own proof first. It took me almost 3 weeks to convince her to spend time with me
When she agreed and came over for a night after work, I had planned on confronting her to find out for myself.
she arrived shortly after dark and told me she was going to have a shower. She went into the bathroom but had left her phone with her bag and keys on the table. So I did what anyone who has been told they were being cheated on would do, I went through to see for myself. And what do you know, she was cheating on me with her ex-boyfriend who was a dirtbag.
You see he was one of the kids at school that messed around, never came to school.
Was out smoking and drinking instead. I never really interacted with him outside of being asked for a lighter for a cigarette.
But he was also selling d***s at school. I’ve always thought people who sell d***s to kids are dirtbags. Not cool at all bro
I found out she had been going to see him on the weekends to do d***s and drink as well as sleeping with him. There were messages talking about how I was “too nice” or focused on work too much.
How she’s only with me because her family loves me and I can handle that if you tell me that, not cheat on me because of it I would rather leave a relationship freely. This hit me really hard and messed with my perception of women afterward.
I had never been cheated on before and didn’t know how to handle the feeling
But I wasn’t going to let her do me like that. Here comes the sweet revenge.
You see in those messages they had been talking about needing money for alcohol or d***s and not having enough, this conversation led to him convincing her to steal it from her family business. She had been getting away with almost 800 dollars or so every weekend as well as stealing items from their shop. So I thought fast, screenshot all the messages, and sent them to her father from her phone.
I told him it was me, and that this is what I had found on his daughter’s phone.
Shortly after she had finished up in the shower. I told her we were finished and I knew everything. I told her to leave and I had a surprise for her when she got home to which she was confused. She left after that and I received a call from her dad who was apologized to me for his daughter’s actions and sounded almost as devastated as I was. He told me he had already called the police and they were waiting for her to get back home as well as collecting her ex-boyfriend as an accomplice.
I was shocked but thankful that I had cut the dead weight from my life in a just fashion considering she cheated on me.
She got to spend the night in a cell with her ex and was ordered to pay back the amount by a judge and given community service. He on the other had happened to have previous warrants out and I don’t know what happened to him after. I wiped my hands clean of her and moved forward.
But man, that felt so much better that she at least got some punishment as a result.”
10. Be A Sucky Supervisor? Let Me Get You Fired
“So I’m about to start a new job, and it made me remember this story from my former job which took place about a year ago. First, the background.
Around May 2019, I was hired by a nonprofit organization, and our focus would be to offer medical assistance to children with mobility problems and people with economic difficulties. Basically, the organization had three parts: a clinic for giving treatment, a gym which not only gave therapy but was also open to the general public and with that money we would pay all therapies and whatnot, and in the same building of the gym, there was this area where we have all these tvs and videogame consoles for the children to play once they finished therapy.
I was in charge of this area as well as making videos and streamings to get funds.
Now enter my jerk supervisor, the director of the gym… Since my area was inside the gym, we always thought we were in charge of that. On the corporate ladder, we were both at the same level as our boss. The CEO had told us only I was in charge of my area and he was only like a supervisor who I was to address regarding any major problems or maintenance issues, but still, he would constantly interrupt me to tell me how to do things or make me do something that wasn’t my responsibility.
The first few weeks were fine, but after 2 months, the problems started since my supervisor was good friends with the CEO and we still didn’t have all the employees’ information to deposit their payments. So, he was in charge of paying us in cash and this particular time, not only was he 3 days late, which had a couple of considering not coming to work until we get paid, but also paid us less than what we were supposed to get.
In my case, it was about 30% less.
When we confronted him about this, he just said there were some problems and some adjustments had to be made. This, of course, p*ssed a lot of people, and a few of them quit on the spot, and, also, this created a conflict between us. Any chance he got, he would ignore me or check everything I did, hoping to find something he could complain about to the CEO and get me fired.
Fast Forward a month and a new swimming instructor gets hired. She was a friend of our jerk supervisor, but unlike him, she was actually a very nice person and with time, we got closer and went on a few dates. Nothing serious, but everyone else knew we were seeing each other, especially the supervisor who didn’t like that and clearly had his own intentions even though he had a girlfriend.
Now’s the sad part of the story… For one week, I had to travel to another state for some conference, and when I got back, I noticed my supervisor and the swimming instructor were much closer than before I left. That week, we had an event and when I was doing some audio checks for the mics, I heard my supervisor talking on the phone with someone else telling them how he and the swimming instructor were now hooking up behind my back.
The moron was telling all this thing in front of the mics not realizing they were open. I was on the other side hearing everything through the headphones. Naturally, I wanted my revenge and I was going to make sure he would lose everything.
The revenge: first I was able to one day gain access to his laptop and look at all the conversations he had with this girl, so I could send them to his actual girlfriend, and once I had them, it was about the timing to send them to cause max damage.
Then I went to the CEO and talk with him about how several people was angry at the gym because of how the supervisor was handling things, like how some people were being paid less and others were being paid more depending on whether they were friends with the supervisor or not. This along with his poor performance was the last straw in a long line of problems he had caused, so the CEO was forced to really look at things without the friendship glasses and 24 hours later, the supervisor was fired.
Later that day, the supervisor sent all of us a message telling us he was no longer going to be working with us and thanking all those who believed in him. This was my cue to send the cheating texts. I made a fake account and sent all the information to his girlfriend who I later heard from someone else dumped him and kicked him out of the house.
I’m pretty sure he knows I was behind all and I hope that’s the case and he learned his lesson.
You mess with me, and I will destroy you.”
9. Try To Make Me Pay Over $2,000 In Fees? I'll Make You Pay Double That Amount
This story proves that contracts are very important
“So, when I was in college, I bought an old 1974 Mercury Comet with the intent of fixing it up because I loved older cars. However, due to being a broke college kid, I eventually realized that I bit off more than I could chew and started looking to sell the car.
My apartment had one street where everybody could park if they didn’t pay extra for a private parking space, and I couldn’t afford to have a private spot, so this is where I parked. Since the street was a public street, they had a rule where you couldn’t leave your car parked in the same spot for more than 72 hours or else the car was technically abandoned, and they had the right to tow it.
Now I had problems with this rule since I had gotten the car. Most of the time, this rule is pretty much ignored, as everyone parking here either lives in the apartment complex or they were parked there because it was the closest free parking area to my university, and all the cars just blend in with each other. The problem with my car was that it stuck out like a sore thumb being from 1974 and, admittingly, looked like it couldn’t even start.
So I had gotten a decent amount of fines and tickets from them but was always able to contest and win because I could prove I lived on the street and I always made sure I moved it to the other side of the street every 2-3 days so they legally couldn’t tow it. Safe to say, every time the cars on my street were checked, they kept an eye out for mine to give some BS reason as to why they could ticket or fine me.
They really didn’t like me. Fast forward to selling my car.
It took a while to find somebody to sell the car to, but after a couple of months, I finally found a buyer. He was a little older than me but not by much. I was only getting $1,500, which sucked because I paid closer to $2,500 for the car but thought I got my money’s worth of driving around and was just glad to get something for it.
He told me he couldn’t pay all at once and “wanted to know if we could do a payment plan for the car,” which I agreed to because I just wanted the car gone, and so I wrote up a contract with everything detailing the sale in it, which he signed, I signed, and a witness (his friend who happened to come help him with the car) also signed. I got $500 in cash, and then a few days later, the car was gone, so that was the end of it…or so I thought.
Fast forward a few weeks later, and I got a letter about the car. The car had been towed and was still in my name (because I completely forgot to do a title transfer when I sold the car) and had how much I owed at the bottom for the storage in the tow yard? ALMOST $2,000. I checked the date it was towed and it had been towed a couple of days after I made the sale because the buyer NEVER TOOK THE CAR??
What also confused me was that it had been weeks, and the buyer never said anything to me asking about the car and where it was.
So I messaged him and tried to call him letting him know what happened. He didn’t get back to me until 6 days later, asking where it got towed to, and if the car was still there. I gave him the information and he called the company to ask how much the total cost for the car was now.
It had gone well over $3,000 now. I then get a short message back that says, “Yeah, bro. It’s too much; it’s already at over $3,000, I’d rather just get my $500 back.” …I’m sorry, the f$%&???
I get a hold of him and basically tell him he’s not getting his money back and that this is on him, he shouldn’t have left the car there for days, which I warned him about before he bought the car.
He proceeds to tell me, “Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” to which I tell him he’s not getting his money back and he needs to pay the towing company to get the car back. He immediately hangs up and sends me a message that says, “I’ll see you soon.”
I, a 20-year-old college student who has never dealt with anything regarding the law, is now freaking out because the new buyer basically said “F$%& you” while I’m sitting here with an ever-increasing bill of over $3,000 dollars in my name.
Then I remember something: the signed contract that 3 people signed.
The Revenge:
So I find the contract in a folder in my closet and immediately take pictures of it, just in case I’d need them and then call the towing company to explain everything. The guy is super nice and at first and tells me I might be completely screwed as I never sent in a title transfer to the DMV. However, once I bring up the contract, he says, “Oh, you have a signed contract from before the car was towed?
That’s great, you should be fine as long as you send a title transfer indicating the sale date with the contract as proof to the DMV.” I found out you can do one completely online, and once I sent it in, I didn’t get any more messages from the towing company. However, I did end up calling the towing company a few weeks later to make sure I was in the clear, and what he told me was glorious.
So the buyer didn’t pick up the car for a while, so it continued to accrue more and more in fees until it reached over $4,000. But that’s not the best part. The best part was him telling me that after a certain amount of days, the car gets auctioned off if it hasn’t been picked up, AND the owner of the car still has to pay all of the fees for the car for storage.
By the time the guy who tried screwing me $2,000 finally called to pick up his car, the towing company made sure to get all his information (name, address, etc.) first and then let him know that the car was already auctioned off, and then slapped him with around $4,500 in storage and towing fees. I couldn’t be happier!
Oh, and if the buyer who tried to screw me is reading this, go f$%& yourself.”
8. Kick Me Out To Live With Your Boyfriend? You'll Be Living In An Empty Home
“This was 12 years ago, but my friends still have a laugh when I tell this story.
My best friend of 5 years and I were 18 years old and decided to go live on our own and rent an apartment together. The apartment was small and cheap but in a great location. We only had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. Decided to not split costs for furniture so that when either one of us moves out, they can just take the stuff they paid for. Like, she bought the dining table and chairs, and I bought the microwave.
Over time, smaller things like a bookshelf and some door handles (the landlord was very flexible with stuff like this) and other knickknacks we paid 50/50 for. I also decided to put another floor in my room as did she.
Cue 6 months later, and our relationship deteriorated. She was blowing off hanging with (mutual) friends just to be with her boyfriend and kept buying him stuff. He was a total *****, the type to believe that women should do all the household chores.
I often found him in the shared kitchen in his underwear. But she was head over heels and had only eyes for him. He still lived with his parents, so he was keen to move out and wanted to live with her. The apartment would have definitely been too small for the 3 of us (and I wouldn’t want to be the 3rd wheel anyway). We weren’t talking much at one point and I didn’t think too much about it.
Think it would just blow over and the relationship would end.
After 8 months, she told me she wanted to live together with her boyfriend, and she wanted me to give me time to find a new place. I wasn’t surprised as they have grown even closer together and I wasn’t feeling comfortable anymore in the apartment anyway. Also, the landlord that lived in the same building was becoming very hostile and racist towards me (I’m white but come from an immigrant background).
I had a look at some rooms to rent but no luck; it was either too expensive or I didn’t like the location so was thinking about going back to my parents.
One month after she told me she wanted to give me time, she sent me a text she was done with me (don’t know what set it off) and that I needed to be moved out this weekend (it was Friday). I told her my rent was paid off till the end of the month, so no, to which she transferred the money for my rent and told me to be moved out.
I called my family to help me move to my parents, and luckily, I didn’t own much stuff. My mom was so angry, she brought spray cans to spray on the walls, which I talked her out of. But we did decide to take everything I paid for. I took the flooring I put in with me, the linoleum was easy cut out, and we left the scraps that we were unable to get out.
Remember the door handles and bookshelf that I paid half for? My dad sawed the bookshelf in half and we put half of it in the trash. We disassembled all the door handles I paid for and took the same halves of the handles so that they wouldn’t work anymore. She had like 3-4 door handles which were incomplete.
I forgot (no lie) to give the keys to the landlord when I moved out. She called me really angry telling me I have to give them back or she would put new locks in.
Remembering she was a racist *****, I told her to put new locks in then.
In the end, I never heard from the roommate again. Her boyfriend moved in with her and the landlord started terrorizing her. She eventually moved and what I heard her relationship ended after about a year. So remember, chicks before **** and bros before h*es.”
7. Don't Really Care About Your Staff? Well How Do You Like This?
“Backstory: I was an idiot growing up and ended up in a rehabilitation program for people under 18 to avoid jail time and eventually got given a place at a large charity agency that sources workers for anything from retail to gardening.
The person directly in control of my position at said charity was one of those “I’m too nice for anyone to notice me doing wrong” people and he put me, someone who literally couldn’t (and still can’t years later) talk to a stranger without panicking, into a job in retail speaking to upwards of 35+ customers a day. May not sound like a lot, but I struggled to make it through a day without going into the back room and crying.
Story: So, I get assigned to work in a (unsure of the right word here but, privately owned?) retail place that sells “upcycled” furniture. I had previously worked at the site actually doing the upcycling and knew this stuff was a scam, barely had a thing changed, and the people doing the work spent most of the day drinking coffee and smoking while playing games on their phone.
The boss of this site (Kevin) showed just what kind of person he was from day 1 by threatening to fire me for telling him I can’t handle strangers and shouting in my face.
God, I wish he had fired me. This never got better and over the months of working there and I eventually started recording it all without his knowledge. Among the things he did is this list:
Shouting at staff for not putting toilet paper on the holder (there was a pile of it on the back of the toilet)
Calling the person in charge of my placement and reporting me for “lack of workplace enthusiasm” in front of me while I was having a panic attack
Telling a 70+ year old woman who I worked with that she needs to “grow up and handle confrontation like a man” after having 2 large men shout and swear at her for refusing to sell an already sold item to them
Throwing his phone (told by another employee) after I called in sick for a day due to crippling stomach pains brought on by Crohn’s
After being told at 11 am that I won’t make it to my shift (due to being in hospital), proceeded to call me at 3 am the next morning and yell at me (he seemed VERY drunk) demanding I have a doctor prove I was in the hospital because I didn’t give 2 weeks notice
And back to the story. All of this was recorded in the space of only 3 weeks and I gave it all to my placement manager who proceeded to organize a meeting between himself, Kevin, and me to try and put things right. During this meeting, however, instead of calmly talking about the issue and what can be done to solve it, all the evidence was shown to Kevin who then yelled at me for recording him then throwing a full-on tantrum that I would dare question his style of management while I sat there scared as h**l and my placement manager just did nothing.
Back we go to work with a final warning strike issued to me for gross misconduct and told that I should do as stated in my contract and anything else that is asked of me or I would be fired. I do everything I can to follow my contract and anything else asked of me including cleaning a **c***g toilet and see a broken window above it. That’s when I finally get a plan together.
The revenge: The plan I came up with meant I had to stay in everyone’s good books, deal with a****e customers, go to work even in crippling pain and dose up on meds to control my panicking, but in exchange, my belief was I could get Kevin replaced or at least get myself removed from the situation.
I should have clarified earlier, being fired from any site ALSO gets you taken off the charity’s payroll.
I started informing Kevin of every little safety violation the site managed to break from broken windows in the female toilets, loose light fixtures, and broken locks on doors all the way up to a giant glass panel going across the front of the shop that was barely hanging in by a few bits of rubber and could easily kill a small child or less than strong adult if it were to fall out. I emailed him and texted him about each one individually and brought it up to other staff in hopes they would do the same, while also making sure to take photos of each of these issues so I could use them again later.
Another month and a half of working there, and at this point, I felt I may have a little too many minor details saved up but decided it’s best to go overkill than underkill and sent a huge email to the UK HSE (health and safety executive) detailing every risk and danger with photos attached to show what the place was doing wrong and requesting an inspection. Of course, they obliged.
1 week later, I get a phone call from Kevin.
He tells me how the shop is closing down, how a safety inspection was carried out, and how it had been failed so badly that he lost his contract with the charity and that nobody would be able to use the building for weeks while everything gets brought back up to code, but he couldn’t run the place anymore due to money issues while it was closed because he had no savings for this. I never heard from him again.
A year later: After this happened, I moved on and began working from home doing image editing for quick cash and around a year later I get a call from the placement manager who hadn’t heard from me the whole time and I got asked in the coldest, most passive-aggressive tone “why didn’t you tell me the store closed?”
Turns out, they had been apparently paying me $390 a DAY for a job I didn’t have, hours I didn’t work, and this was all apparently being reported on the charity’s income as someone else’s account.
They got me confused with another person and reporting their hard work on my files and it took them a year to notice because of how badly they handled everything.
Just clearing the confusion- they had my name on another person’s paperwork and though they paid the right person, they were using my name. As for the numbers being so high, going off the comments on my previous posting, it is likely some type of fraud was happening on one side or the other.
To those who may assume this was Sports Direct, no it wasn’t.”
6. Fire My Mother? Time To Expose The Mice Problem
Someone else just lost their job.
“Hi all, this story is about my mother.
My mother worked for a hotel chain in which usually has a chain of restaurants right next to them, so they were all under an umbrella company.
My mother worked in the hotel and my sister worked in the restaurant next door. My sister ended up going out with her boss, the manager of the restaurant, for a while until he started cheating on her.
We found this out as my mother, as the head of the hotel, monitored the CCTV in the hotel AND the restaurant and saw other workers going up to his apartment above the hotel that he lived in regularly and the worker not coming out until the morning after…
My mother broke it to my sister who immediately resigned and worked elsewhere. But the manager ended up finding out that it was my mother who had told her daughter about him cheating, so he resented her for it.
During that time, the hotel and restaurant split, and my mother was made redundant but was offered an immediate start in the restaurant next door as an assistant manager. Good pay rise, working with familiar people, and the agreement that the manager who cheated on my sister would have to be on separate shifts, so there is no conflict of interest. She accepted the job.
The manager ended up making my mother’s life h**l in subtle ways by always putting her on 12-hour shifts, not paying overtime on-time, etc. My mother is a hard worker, so she never complained and got the work done.
The manager didn’t like this as most of the workers would supplement her workload and helped her out when it was needed.
The manager decided to bring out the big guns and ended up plotting for my mother to get fired. He put my mother on the night shift and she proceeded to go through the normal processes of emptying the registers and putting everything in the safe behind the kitchen, which only the assistant manager (my mother) and the manager had access to based on company policies.
My mother went through her night shift and put everything in the safe as usual, locked it, and went home. She gets a call the next morning requesting her to come in on her day off. She was accused of leaving the safe door open, which by policy, is gross misconduct. But there was no money missing.
The company investigated this, but the CCTV only covered the hallway leading up to the saferoom and caught a figure wearing a black hoodie and go into the saferoom.
It then became a police matter who couldn’t confirm nor deny that it was the manager (who lived in the apartment upstairs) as the CCTV was apparently down on that night overlooking his apartment entrance!
All of this blew over and my mother got a final warning and the manager was ordered to manage a different restaurant in another city. He moved out and another manager came in. The new manager loved my mother, reemployed my sister, and it was smooth for a few years until the previous manager got transferred back.
Obviously, my mother was anxious that something would happen again, and the same subtle torture came back, 12-hour shifts, etc.
As my mother predicted, she was called up another morning asking her to come in on her day off and they had HR waiting there for her. They accused her of stealing from the registers. On the night in question, she was manager of the night, but the CCTV recording had been deleted in some bizarre data loss event.
She got fired for gross misconduct. The house was nearly repossessed and I, as the youngest, sometimes had to go to school without a meal. As I’ve gotten older, I understood what this manager did and obviously, I’d want to rip his head off.
My partner ended up getting a job at the hotel next to the restaurant and she told me about the smoking area and that it mixes with the restaurant. She said that they had a big problem with mice in the kitchen.
I saw the chance for my mother’s redemption and I reported it to the council. The hotel my partner worked at got shut down for 2 weeks while an exterminator came in, but as it was the restaurant’s responsibility as they owned the land, they faced HUGE fines and ended up putting that restaurant into negative profit and it looks like the restaurant chain decided to shut the building down as the local residents stopped eating there.
The building is currently up for sale, and the hotel’s customers are still a bit disappointed that there isn’t a restaurant close by, but my partner still has the job. My mother is working as a manager of a different hotel for a different hotel chain.
I never told my mother what I did; I just know she was happy when she heard the manager that did all this to her getting fired for gross misconduct for not reporting the mice.
Thanks for reading.”
Another User Comments:
“It’s awfully convenient that the “missing money” and “open safe” incidents happened years apart and only when a**hat manager was around… and if he had a well-known grudge against your mom, HR should have taken that into consideration.
Also, firing her without proof that it was her doing those things was rather shaky… probably could have sued over that.”
5. Change Our Expenditure Accounts? I'll Make You Lose More Money
This happened about 10 years ago when I worked for a company doing community nursing.
We were provided with company cars and a prepaid card for expenditure (fuel and food). The card had a limit of $470 per week. The card resetting to the $470 limit every Monday morning.
Despite the $470 limit, the usual amount any of us spent each week was around $170 to $235, depending on travel. The usual was to get a full tank once a week, which was around $65 to $70, and the rest was coffee and lunch.
Enter Chad. He was the financial officer and had some pretty “unique” ideas about changing the finances of the company.
One of the ideas he instituted was a change to our prepaid cards. He dropped the limit to $58 a day with the card resetting every day.
As you can understand, this was a problem, especially if you consider that a full tank cost $65 minimum. If you used the card for fuel, then the rest was paid out of pocket. We couldn’t be reimbursed for the money because “you have a company card; learn to use it more efficiently.”
Initially, most coworkers were spending $25 on fuel and refueled two or three times a week. But not me. While my malicious compliance tendencies were natural, during my Navy service were honed to perfection by a couple of Master Chiefs.
So, enter Malicious Compliance.
I decided to spent each day $23 for fuel (somedays less), pay for my own coffee out of pocket, and spend the rest at lunch. I used to patron a grill and bbq place that had a catering side.
They also volunteered for a local food bank and kitchen (the owner had grown up dirt poor and liked to help). A lot of clients would buy something and add a little extra to an open tab for the food bank. Then, the catering would go each Sunday and provide food for the homeless and the poor using the tab and funds from the owner. So I went there every day, got something to eat, and the rest of the amount until $58 would go to the tab.
I started raising at least $100 a week for the food bank. I hit the limit every day, costing the company about $300 a week (from $180). Chad was furious. He was trying to save money and I was costing him more. He asked me to explain my expenses. Food and fuel. He asked for receipts. I provided them (the receipt said food, nothing else). He finally said I should eat cheaper. I told him the company couldn’t force me to not eat what I wanted.
After that meeting, a couple of coworkers saw me coming out smiling and inquired about it. I explained what I was doing. The smiles on their faces…. Soon afterward, six nurses spent all their expenses the same way.
The Aftermath:
This went on for two months. Chad was livid because now he was losing even more money. The solution came unexpectedly. Unbeknownst to all of us, the owner of the company was a major contributor to the food bank.
He knew about the restaurant helping out and had seen the richer buffets. He asked the owner of the restaurant about it and he said a few nurses had started coming, raising the tab (at that point $700 minimum). The owner put two and two together.
I was called in for a meeting with the owner. I was anxious because I didn’t know what it was about. When I got there, Chad was there also. During the meeting, Chad explained how he was losing money, but he couldn’t do anything about it.
I explained what our grievance was and how we took advantage of it. Chad replied we shouldn’t game the system for something SO stupid as a food bank.
The owner stopped the meeting right there. He reinstated the old system for expenditure. He reprimanded both of us for the whole mess (me a bit less) and informed me, that if I make a donation for the food bank to notify him and he will match it!
The final result was getting our old system back (which we didn’t abuse), a weekly donation to the food bank, and a major Easter Sunday BBQ for the food bank sponsored by our company. Chad lasted only another three months because his penny-saving ways dropped the quality of care we could provide. I stayed with the company until it was sold to new owners who were more like Chad. But that’s a story for another time.”
4. Just Have The Students Build It? I'll Select The Most Unqualified Students
“I am a Technology Education teacher who always went above and beyond for my school, students, and administrators. I spent countless hours designing and building things for the school; I.e. signs, murals, wall art, games, etc. I really didn’t mind because I enjoy the design challenges that go along with these builds.
That was until I received a pink slip. For those of you who are not aware, a pink slip basically means that I may be losing my job the following school year.
This really pi*sed me off because I had received great observations, became a role model for my students, and put in dozens of unpaid hours to create these side projects for the school.
I had a meeting with my assistant superintendent who basically told me that she appreciated all of my hard work but didn’t see much value in my program and with budget cuts coming down the pike I would most likely be losing my job.
Now it needs to be mentioned that Tech Ed is not like the traditional shop classes of the 70s where students would build birdhouses and ashtrays. My curriculum focused primarily on STEM with heavily involved hands-on applications. I related otherwise dry material to awesome projects that all students enjoyed (kids actually liked their school work) and she knew it. It’s also worth noting that both the valedictorian and salutatorian were going to Ivy League colleges to pursue STEM degrees.
Needless to say I was beyond livid.
The week following the meeting my principal asked me if I was interested in building some new games for the cafeteria that students could play when they finished eating. Easy table games like mini knock hockey, checkerboards, etc. to alleviate students from getting out of control. I explained that I could not complete the project and that was that.
Until…the assistant superintendent caught me in the hallway and told me, “just have the students build it.” So that is exactly what I did.
I tasked my laziest & most unqualified students for a “special project”, the result of which was glorious. Checker boards that didn’t have squares, knock hockey boards with splinters and uneven goals, laser engraved puzzles that did not fit together.
I thanked the students and asked the assistant superintendent to come on down to my lab because the student projects were done and they were excited to show them off.
In she walks and upon seeing the projects looks me dead in the eye.
She now has a decision to make, 1- ask me what the h**l happened or 2-tell the students to their faces what a great job they did. She opted for choice 2, going on and on about how great everything looks and how proud she was of the students while I had the biggest smile on my face knowing how crappy they turned out.
I thanked her for suggesting to “have the students build it” as she left with essentially a pile of scrap wood.
The projects never made it to the cafeteria…
I resigned from that school and took a job that paid $12,000 more at a place where I was valued. They ended up keeping the position and begged me to stay on board.
I realized resigning was my best option because I could get an early jump on all of the new openings as opposed to being let go at the end of summer which would leave me with the worst schools that could not find a teacher.”
3. Think You're Always Right Because You're The Client? We'll Prove You Wrong
It’s about time someone stood up to the customer.
“The client is not always right.
I work at a big ad agency with large companies as our clients. We expect to work in partnership with our clients; we fire clients that treat us poorly. Usually, we treat each other with respect.
Our biggest client has 5 different teams we work with, and one of them was led by Baseball Dad.
BD was the type of neckless marshmallow who gets wasted at his kid’s baseball games and starts heckling the other kids. Just a boorish ******. He never approved any of our work, putting out awful stuff that his internal team made even though he is literally paying us millions of dollars to make ads for him. His product was struggling to sell, and he blamed us, even though we were killing it with the other 4 teams. He didn’t know this, which comes back to bite him later.
Furthermore, he crossed several lines:
He was extremely sexist. He used to call my female coworkers ‘sweetheart’ in the most condescending voice, comment on their clothes/bodies, and wink/smirk at me while they were talking because we are both men, I guess.
These women are highly accomplished, serious people and they are like family to me; huge misplay on his part.
BD was abusive to us. He would constantly interrupt us, tell us to shut up, call us ‘vendors’ and remind us he could fire us at any time.
BD would lie. He would tell his boss (actual nice guy but too busy to check closely) that we missed deadlines or forgot deliverables because he never checked his email. We would then have to awkwardly struggle to prove BD wrong without calling him a liar so we could keep the business. He never owned up to anything he said to us on the phone.
The final straw took place on a call between BD and one of my project managers.
I saw her run out of a room crying. She told me what BD said to her, in a 1 on 1 call, that she should worry less about budgets and more about wearing ‘that nice top’ she wore at our last presentation. Gross.
Revenge time.
I told my cool boss that our team had enough of BD; we were at our wits end with his ***. Several of my coworkers were looking for new jobs. It’s hard to hire good people, so my boss asked me to give her a day to figure this out; she wanted to lose BD without the entire business.
The next day, she showed up with our IT guy, who set up a voice recording on our conference line. It’s illegal to record people without consent in my state, but BD was late to every call. Too bad, because if he ever had shown up on time, he would have heard the new message kicking off every call: ‘this call is being recorded.’ His team heard it and had no problem with it.
I suspect they hated him, too.
For the next two weeks, we recorded everything. Every word of it. One of my audio engineers made a supercut of every terrible thing BD said – every ‘sweetheart,’ ‘shut up,’ ‘no one cares what you think.’ My project manager even baited him into repeating what he said about her clothes on a budget call; this time, he literally said, ‘you’re much better at flirting than budgets, sweetheart.
That’s why I like you.’
The supercut sounded insane when played all together; it was an incredible piece of evidence. We sent it to his boss and his vice president and threatened to walk away from the work 2 weeks before product launch if BD wasn’t disciplined. They immediately apologized and begged us not to leave; they said it would be handled by Monday.
My one sweet project manager he had been so gross to got the best part of the revenge; she anonymously sent the supercut to his wife using the email address she had posted on LinkedIn.
I don’t know what became of that but I imagine it wasn’t good.
On Monday, BD wasn’t on the call. My boss snooped and found out that he had a few complaints prior, and got immediately ***canned after we sent it through. He didn’t see vendors as people, so he was shocked that his words towards us ‘counted’ against his 3 strike policy. Apparently, he melted down completely as he was being fired. He said it was all because we were incompetent, but the other 4 team leads had all put in their numbers and said that it wasn’t on our end; their products were slaying.
Wish I could have seen it. I imagine he came home to a very angry wife as well.
We all hit the bar at the end of the day in his honor. Eff you Baseball Dad!”
2. Be A Scumbag Landlord? Enjoy The Stench Of Fish
“A couple of years ago, I participated in a student exchange program in Belgium and obviously I had to quickly find an apartment after my arrival.
I was very lucky and found an incredible offer: a nice big loft with a roof garden, reasonably cheap and very close to my university.
The only downside was that current occupier was not the official landlord: he had a long-term lease but was forbidden by contract to sublet the apartment himself. He was himself going on a student exchange program and had to quickly find someone to rent his apartment (which is how he explained the rent was so cheap).
He seemed like a wealthy, trustworthy guy so I didn’t mind having an ‘off the books’ deal with him.
This ended up being my demise.
When I moved in, the apartment was not in excellent condition. All the utilities were included in the rent, which was a big plus for me considering that it was January and electricity prices in Belgium are pretty high. The central heating was broken, but the landlord was ‘kind enough’ to buy me two small electric heaters that I could use in the living room and in my bedroom.
Strangely enough, my landlord had some kind of defect/disease which stopped him from having a sense of smell (he warned me his girlfriend would be able to smell if I had smoked in the apartment).
I never smoked in the apartment (although I am a big smoker) because the landlord told me he was very opposed to smoking. As is customary in many European countries, he had asked for a deposit of around 1,600 euros (2 months’ rent) to be paid back in full on the condition that there were no damages.
Although not in a written contract, I still give him the deposit because he left all his appliances (including CD / DVD collection and speakers, furniture, television, consoles, etc.) which I considered to be collateral.
As months went by, I paid my rent to his mother (still in Belgium) on time, had a great time and did no damage to the apartment.
I had a minimal but courteous email relationship to the landlord, who never complained about anything I might have done.
The landlord came back a couple of days before I was preparing to move out.
He came to visit the apartment and check for damages and I was expecting him to hand me a brown envelope with the 1,600 euros he owed me after he had noticed there were no damages whatsoever. When he entered, he had a clearly fake and exaggerated disgusted look on his face. He explained that the apartment was dirty and that I needed to clean it before I received the money (which was not part of our verbal agreement).
I had cleaned the apartment entirely to the best of my ability and to an extent any landlord would have found more than reasonable.
He proceeded to show me all the wall-stains (almost all of them already there), dust under the oven (yes, under the oven), rust on some pipes under the sink, etc. Basically, he wanted me to clean the apartment as if he was about to sell it and, remember, the apartment was definitely not cleaned when I moved in.
He offered to pay and go get some cleaning products for me, which he would bring back shortly.
I assumed he would also help me clean with his girlfriend, but nope.
He came back and basically ordered my girlfriend and me around like maids while he and his girlfriend were doing nothing.
This was, still to date, the most humiliating and frustrating experience of my life. I knew that I had to obey his commands because I would never get my 1,600 euros back if I didn’t.
I probably could have legally challenged him somehow but I was leaving the country a few days later and I preferred to swallow my pride and move on with my life.
Scumbag landlord, after 2-3 hours, seemed pleased with my work and instructed me to meet him at a café the next day to hand over the cash.
I arrived at the meeting early the next day, hungover as h**l, ready to get my cash and get the h**l out of Belgium (my flight was the next day).
He did not have the cash with him. After I left the day before, he had called the utility company and realized that he had an outstanding statement of around 2,000 euros.
Apparently, those little electric heaters consumed a h**l of a lot of energy. I could/should have anticipated this, but as the utilities were ‘included’ and I had never thought of checking the evolution of my electricity consumption on the meter (which I had to unscrew a plank of wood to access anyways).
Scumbag landlord, after having made me clean his apartment from top to bottom, was asking for the 400 euros I owed him. He was even threatening to show up at the airport the next day and stop me from leaving if I didn’t! After calling the utility company myself, we went together to their offices and realized the balance was actually something around 1,400 euros (not the landlord’s mistake).
I only received 200 euros in return.
I had never been so furious in my life and could barely stop shaking for the next hours.
I wanted so much to get revenge, but I only had one night left in the apartment.
I was also legitimately scared that he would show up at the airport (I should mention that he was a big guy and a Muay Thai fighter). I had to somehow delay the effects of the revenge so that they would be only noticeable after I was gone.
This excluded the obvious damages to the property, which was my initial idea.
That’s when all the pieces fit together in my mind and my evil plot was hatched.
After sharing the idea with my girlfriend, we went to the nearest fish store and bought something like 10 euros worth of fish leftovers usually purchased to make fish stock or soup (my best estimate is something like 2-3 kilos of fish bones, and fish gunk).
For the next couple of hours, I blended the fish with a lot of water, cived out the chunks, and filled up spray bottles with a murky but very liquid fish mixture.
I sprayed that fishy water everywhere, but I really mean everywhere. Under the oven, behind the furniture, on the floor, the walls, the ceiling, between the drawers of his desk, under his mattress, and even on the clothing he had originally left in storage when I moved in. There is no way he could smell the fish, and he probably would not have received complaints from the neighbors until they were rotten and stinking out the whole building.
To this day, I do not know how my fishy revenge turned out.
I can only imagine that his friends told him he smelled like **** and/or that his apartment smelled of rotting sea creatures, by which time it would have been too late to reverse anyway. It probably cost him a whack of money to professionally clean his house and I sincerely hope he is still paranoid about smelling like fish but nobody wants to admit it to him.”
1. Can't Work With My Cast On? Fine, I'll Take 6 Weeks Off
“Back in the early 80s, dad hurt his ankle (I think it turned out to be Gout), but the doctors were running all sorts of tests etc, and he ended up with his ankle in a plaster cast. Part of dad’s job was to go out in the field, which required walking, the rest of the time he was at a desk, writing reports etc.
Dad realized that he had enough work to do for the time that the cast was on, so he went back to work. His co-workers all wanted to know what happened, he happily told them, and said he was OK to work in the office.
The boss saw him and advised that he would need to be 100% capable of working his duties, which included fieldwork. Dad told the boss that he had enough work to stay in the office while the cast was on.
Boss said no.
Malicious Compliance: Dad went to the doctors and got sick leave (paid) for the entire time he had the cast on (approx. 6 weeks). His co-workers then had to complete their work, as well as dad’s.”
Another User Comments:
“I had the same thing. I shattered my foot and needed multiple surgeries. I worked within a doctor’s office. I had a cast and pins in my foot but two days later tried to return back to work (I got unpaid leave) and was told not while my foot is broken.
Ok, no problem.
5 weeks later, my cast is off, but I still need 2 more surgeries. I was cleared to walk and drive fine just take it easy. Asked my boss if I could come back. He says not until fully healed. Had this in writing. I then took the proof to my GP for a sick note, first o got 12 weeks, then another 12 weeks. And the surgery was postponed, and all in all, I had 14 months off work.” noncarb0rundum15