People Share Their Most Satisfying Stories Of Petty Revenge

Alex Mihai C

When we think of revenge, all sorts of intense drama and tragedy of epic Shakespearean proportions come to mind! We’ve covered stories of significant others pouring bleach on clothing; injecting tampons with hot sauce; plotting calculated professional divorce – all sorts of brutal schemes. Revenge has a sharp edge and a sweet taste, but don’t be fooled. A sound act of revenge doesn’t have to be a grand gesture with a rippling effect. In fact, it can be small and insidious, and go undetected until it’s ready to unfurl. A good petty revenge, no matter how unseen or seemingly small, still has the power to hit home, hit hard and hit with intention!

Petty revenge can transpire between friends, and roommates seem to be a popular dynamic too. Married couples, the jerk who stole a parking spot, the parent who hung a coat on a child’s coat hanger, the woman who cut off the teen, the lazy classmate who can’t be bothered to do their part of the presentation… no one is safe! The following stories are a broad collection of all kinds of small-time and very petty revenge that works out to be hilarious, and, well… petty! Let’s just say you probably wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end, but come on! Don’t be a jerk in the first place like the lady in her BMW who thinks ALL teens are terrible drivers.

Or the roommate who complains about ice cream. Or the kid who flips the middle finger. Read on for some extra funny – and realllllly petty – revenge that’ll have you snorting with laughter.
43. They Tried To Convince The Teacher They Already Presented – She Had A Plan


“My mom had a fantastic one. She was a language teacher at my high school and years after I had graduated, she called me kind of upset because a group of guys was trying to make her look dumb. The class was supposed to write one of those team dialogues in Spanish, and had a week or so to prepare it, then had to perform it in front of the class.

When she called for them to do theirs, they said, ‘But we already did ours, we’re not doing it again.’ She said, ‘You definitely didn’t do it, I don’t have any record of it here and I would remember it if you had.’ They refused to do it, insisting they already performed it and that it was her fault she didn’t take notes/scores down. She was feeling puzzled and questioning herself, when one of the good kids came and said, ‘They didn’t do it – they were bragging about making you look stupid and threatened the whole class if they told you anything.
But please don’t tell them I told you this, I don’t want any problems with them.’ (These were those stereotypical dumb jock types who everyone was scared of for whatever reason).

My mom was really into yoga at the time and got a great idea while meditating. She went in the next day and said, ‘Boys, I owe you an apology. I found my notes on your presentation and I do remember it, I don’t know how I forgot!’ She went on to describe all the grammatical mistakes they made, that their dialogue hadn’t been as long as required, that they didn’t include the necessary vocabulary, etc.
All made up. She failed them all on the project and they couldn’t do a thing about it without admitting they’d made it all up.” a-dizzle-dizzle
42. He Took The Vaseline And Took Care Of The Problem Indeed


“Had a Chief Warrant Officer in Iraq throw a bottle of petroleum jelly at me after I got done ranting about something I’ve long since forgotten.

Told me to go ‘take care of it, and come back when I feel better.’ During his afternoon siesta I spent an hour covering everything on his desk with it in the most inconspicuous spots (e.g. inside the handle of a coffee mug, underneath the handle of the Keurig pod loader, behind the canister holding Keurig coffee pods, anywhere he could grab something and not see it without first inspecting it).
He came back and proceeded to curse at a rate never witnessed before as he had to continuously wipe all the jelly off his hands every 3 minutes. He caught the jelly on the inside rims of his over-the-ear headphones before he rimmed his ears with it, but the best came after I let him calm down and get back to work.

Everyone else in the office watched me do it, no one said a thing, but they all had their eyes on me as I waited five minutes before picking up my phone on my desk and slowly dialed the number at his desk.
It rings, everyone turns to look at him, he’s on the computer, picks up the phone, slaps it to his ear, ‘Radio Battalion SIMOSONOFAB*TCH!!!’ Turns his head, ear was caked full of the petroleum jelly I had dumped all over the ear piece of the phone. Master Guns and Major told me these antics and pranks made that deployment.” sjmiller85
41. The Strange Loophole That Doesn’t Fit The Crime Until It Was Made To Fit The Crime


“So I was an advanced placement kid, and had a bunch of advanced placement friends, and also was in sports and theater.

I had a large bunch of friends in nearly every clique.
Anyway. One day, one of my friends gets sucker punched in the halls by some jerk. Becuase of the school’s zero-tolerance policy, getting sucker punched carries the same punishment as sucker punching. So my friend and the jerk both got in school suspension, but only one of them was punched on the face.

I thought that was a litte bit unfair.

So I got my friends together, and they got their friends together, and every week, one of us would sucker punch jerk face. Every week, one of us would have detention, and so would jerk face, but since we are many, none of us went to detention twice.

Jerk face, on the other hand, missed so much class, that he had to retake the grade.” whoshereforthemoney
40. Got A Moldy Fridge? Get 4 Months Rent Free!


“Year 5 Townhouse (yeah, 5 year plan….) our lease start on July 1st, but both my roomie and I had internships and couldn’t get there until around Labor Day. I drove to the apt. to drop off a load of my stuff for the year and pickup the keys. I sign for the keys and go on my way, within 10 seconds of walking into the apartment, an overwhelming stink overwhelms my nose. Someone had closed up the fridge, then unplugged it and the mold was out of control.

I call them and explain what’s going on and they tell me that is my problem since I didn’t report it within 48 hours of July 1st (lease start date). I kindly reminded them I picked up the keys 15 minutes ago, and had not been there – no luck from them. 15 minutes on Google leads me to the State Health Dept (which my mother works for) requirements for apartments …. there is a blurb that said something along the lines of, ‘If mold is found in X unit, all adjoining units must be tested and be giving full remediation.’
I called one more time and said I need a new fridge, or could clean it myself but would be withholding the portion of rent for my time and cleaning materials…. I was denied.

I copied all the managers at XYZ Property Management and my mother/her boss who had health dept .gov email addresses; basics of the email was what I found, photos, and a snapshot of the state statute I mentioned. Within 60 seconds of the email going out I had a call from XYZ, an angry call. We ended up not having to pay rent for the July, August, Sept, and October.” Sidekicknicholas
39. He Thought His Computer Was Possessed


“I once had a colleague I hated (he was very condescending and really arrogant), so I put an extra Bluetooth receiver in his computer for a computer mouse and kept the mouse in my drawer.

I would just open my drawer and it would mess his **** right up. Kept it going for 2 months. He was about to murder the world when I thought I better stop.” [deleted]
38. And Another Person Pulled The Same Bluetooth And Receiver Trick:


“I once pulled this same trick on a coworker over the course of six months (we pulled pranks on each other a lot and I would never mess with it when he was busy).

One day, he gets fed up and throws his mouse and keyboard on the ground, stomping on them and yelling. Then he looks at me, beet red, and asks if I had anything to do with it.

I stare at him shocked and after a few seconds he breaks down laughing.

Turns out he recently found the receiver and so he went and got a broken keyboard and mouse from recycling so that he could prank me back. I guess you could say he sure did get his petty revenge on me cause he really freaked me out.”
37. Lazy Student Gets Called Out By Tutor And Fails Miserably


“This happened to my significant other when he was at university – another comment here reminded me of it. His class was doing presentations in pairs, and he got paired with some girl who didn’t bother to bring notes or research information for their presentation.

She instead let him do all the work, and any slides she did were made from his notes and research. He complained to his tutor and she told him, ‘Don’t worry, leave it to me.’ And then the day of the presentation comes.
They present, and then at the end the tutor asks the girl a question. If I remember correctly the question was something like, ‘Is there any evidence to suggest that some cultures are more prone to mental health problems?’ And the girl answered no.

The tutor then asked my SO the exact same question, and because he’d actually read the research on the topic, he was able to list of several studies that showed some cultures are in fact more prone to mental health issues, why, how, etc.

The girl glared at him the entire time he answered the tutor’s question. Pretty sure she ended up with a D, while he got an A or B.” Lil-Night
36. Patient Thought He Was Being Clever Until The Nurse Gave Him What He Needed


“As a nurse, we had this god awful patient, who made all our lives living ****. Needed pain meds on the dot, needed to smoke every half hour, sat on the call light all **** day. This person was possibly the rudest human being I’ve ever met. Treated us like slaves, and was drug seeking.

It finally came time for discharge, and this patient decided to come up with a whole bunch of new medical problems.

‘I have chest pain! I have nausea! One side of my body feels numb!’
So, being the very skilled and rational nurse I am, I asked the doctor for a whole new set of orders. First, I asked for lab draws every 3 hrs (meaning needles every three hours) to check cardiac markers. Then I asked that the patient be placed on NPO status (nothing by mouth) for the nausea. This person couldn’t go an hour without eating something. For the numbness, I requested the patient be placed on strict bedrest for 24 hrs, and then have a physical therapy evaluation ordered (which meant no more going downstairs to smoke).
I explained all this to the patient, and he says ‘***!* I Just wanted to stay another night.

I ain’t doing any of that! I feel fine, just give me my **** papers!’ Talked it over with the doctor on call, he gave me the all clear to discharge, and I had him out the door in an hour.” andybent25
35.  Bath Time With A Sprinkle Of *****


“Ok this one is pretty gross, but growing up in a house of only girls, personal space does not exist. We used to bathe in front of each other, and even use the bathroom in front of each other.
There are no boundaries. My younger sister was notorious for shaving in the tub and not rinsing it out when she was done. *****. Everywhere.

One day she was taking a bath and I asked her to rinse when she was done, because I planned on taking a bath afterwards. She told me to **** off. So I reached in my pants, snipped off a chunk of *****, tossed them in the tub with her, and walked out.” hollypopasaurus
34. He Doesn’t Know What “*****” Means


“This dude in my accounting class in high school used to ask me for answers to questions, only to spout them to the teacher like he’d worked them out, thereby looking like a genius and getting credit for my work.
One day, our teacher comes in to class with a pierced tongue and is talking sort of funny.

Terry, as his name is, proceeds to use it as a point of conversation. ‘Hey miss, do you have any other piercings, like your ear?’ ‘No,’ she responds, thinking he’s making inane conversation. ‘Would you get your nose pierced?’ He keeps asking, just to prolong the time before class starts.
As usual, he leans over asking for help. ‘What are some other good things to ask her?’ I was annoyed that he always asked for my help to benefit him, so I thought I’d have some fun.
‘*****, ask if she’s going to get her ***** pierced.’ ‘The **** is a *****?’ he says. ‘Oh, sorry, it means eyebrow, that’s like the piercing name for it.

Like how a tragus is that nose piercing, yeah?’ ‘Oh cool! Hey miss, are you going to get your ***** pierced next?’

Every girl, and especially the teacher, in the class looked at him like he was trash, and he tried blaming me, but I brushed it off gracefully.” aidyfarman
33. Be Careful What You Study When You Haven’t Studied


“I had a guy in school who would always skip class and then ask for my notes.
We had a group project worth almost 40% of our grade and he did zero work, and the prof told me tough luck. Instead of just saying no the next time he asked for notes, I took the low road and began giving him edited versions.

I would leave items out of lists, incorrectly define things or just straight up write stuff that makes no sense.

An example of the crap I would put in: To calculate return on investment, subtract your yearly earnings from your current bank balance, then multiply by Echer’s factorial (4.22).

If he had even once bothered to crack the text he would have figured it out, but that apparently would have been too much effort for him.
He retook that class.” failing_forwards
32. She Didn’t Want Him To Freeload Anymore So She Wrote Her Notes In Another Language


“This reminds me of two people I knew at university. Both were taking Maths. One was a Belgian student, the other one was English and got in on a scholarship, so he got a LOT of money to study there, on the condition he didn’t have to retake any semesters.

In the first year they were flatmates and the Belgian girl would often complain about having to more or less drag the lad to lectures. The second year they were housemates with the lad’s alcoholic friends and the lad spent all of his time drinking and going out.
Instead of attending lectures he would just pester the girl to go over what he had missed with him.
Needless to say, they had a falling out. She stopped even trying to drag him to lectures and refused to help him. Near the end of the year, with the exams approaching, he was called in by the staff over his complete lack of attendance and reminded of the circumstances of his scholarship.

He panicked and begged the girl for help. She refused and he went berserk, forcing her to lock herself in her room.

I later got a phone call from her in a complete state saying her notes had vanished, two days before the exams.
Clearly, it was the lad who had done it. Through a series of acquaintances, we were able to get him to leave the house and I stood watch whilst she went into his room. Lo and behold there were the notes.

From the few fresh scribbles on the first few sheets it was obvious that the lad had not realized that the girl had written all her notes in French before taking them and had tried to use Google translate to decipher them.

Too bad she also had terrible handwriting.” reverendmalerik
31. He Didn’t Get The Group Presentation Memo And Made Himself Look Bad


“Girlfriend had to do a group presentation for one of her classes that was worth like 30% of total grade.
Of course there’s one guy who never does anything, never shows up for meetings, and contributes nothing. After a while of arguing with the guy they give up and let the professor know he didn’t contribute via ‘group member evaluations’ and write his part for him.
They told the lazy guy that the professor was going to give them an extension and they could turn in an extended written project rather than present. You had to dress up business formal as a group for the presentation, and cut to presentation day, lazy guy shows up in a hoodie and jeans looking smug cuz he thinks they don’t have to present anymore, and everyone else in the group comes in dressed to the 9’s.

He tried to awkwardly stand next to them during it waiting for his turn to speak and pretend he knew what was going on, but the presentation ends before he gets a turn. He fails and it’s completely obvious to everyone in the class exactly what had happened.” Drunk_Lahey
30. Old Colleague Can’t Do His Job So He Steals Other People’s Work


“For a while, I worked as a web designer in a small ad agency serving a very niche industry. Previously, the design team had no creative lead, and were all sort of operating independently across varying clients. We decided to hire a creative director to fill that gap, and I was given the task of sorting through and giving first round interviews to find the person who would later become my supervisor.

Two candidates in particular stood out from the rest for very different reasons. One was exceptionally talented, an all around nice guy, and somebody who generally would have been great for the role. The other, let’s call him John, had mediocre talent, came across as an insufferable, arrogant pr*ck, but had previous experience working within the niche industry that we serviced. He also had contacts within that industry that could lead to new business. Despite my strong recommendation to not hire John, his relationships in the industry were too compelling to our agency’s leadership to pass up, and they hired him.
It didn’t take long before the entire company started to realize John was a huge burden.

He had virtually zero experience in anything related to digital design. Design for apps, websites, mobile, etc., were all completely and utterly beyond his grasp, but he used his position of relative power to make decisions on those projects that the entire design team refused to support, most of which came back to bite the company in the *** later. The design team hated him, because fixing and working around his screw-ups became part of our daily routine. The sales team hated him, because he’d claim it took him unbelievably exaggerated amounts of time to complete even the most trivial of tasks (ex: 4 days to design a business card template), so they wouldn’t even ***ign him projects anymore.

Work that was clearly his responsibility started to rapidly trickle down to the rest of the design team. We’d be working late nights 4 out of 5 days a week, because all of his projects that were in danger of missing deadlines would be re-***igned to us. Meanwhile he’d be the first to walk out the door every day, right at 5PM, without fail. On top of all that, the guy was absolutely, without a doubt, the biggest tool I’ve ever met. Always right about everything, completely unbending on his idiotic opinions, and completely clueless that literally every person in the building wished he would get hit by a truck.
I genuinely tried to work with him for about a year, until I decided that the job had become intolerable because of him, and wasn’t going to change any time soon, so I turned in my two week notice.

About a month after I left, I heard that he had been let go from the job. Shortly after that, I noticed that he had changed his LinkedIn status to show that he was working for a new agency I had never heard of, also servicing that same niche industry. I looked them up, and quickly figured out that he had started his own agency… a primarily digital agency… when he had NO experience in digital or interactive design, and had literally effed up every digital/interactive project he’d ever been on (I know, because most of them were reassigned to me when he proved incapable of doing them himself).
I looked at the portfolio on his website, and found literally project after project of my work.

He was using my work from the ad agency as examples of the work his agency could produce.
I briefly considered contacting him and requesting he remove my work from his portfolio for ethical reasons. But I could already hear his reply in my head. ‘As creative lead, all work done by my team is an extension of my creative direction.’ He’d used similar lines in the past to insert himself into receiving credit on successful projects he’d had zero involvement on.

So instead I sent an email to one of the partners of the agency we had both worked for, saying something along the lines of, ‘Hey, not sure if you’ve noticed this, but it looks like John is using your company’s intellectual property to directly compete against you.

If I had to guess, I’d assume his next step would be to make a move at your client list.’

The reply was short and sweet: ‘Thanks for bringing this to my attention. He’ll be hearing from our attorney in the morning.’ John’s website was brought down less than 24 hours later.” dr_tantis_moboggan
29. The “Party” Washing Machine Gone Wild


“I put glitter in my friend’s laundry in university. He had pranked me the week before, and a week later was doing all his laundry at once. I went and got some glitter from the craft store, and put half a vial into each of his loads of laundry.
He was fabulous for months afterwards.” MenudoMenudo 
28. While You Were Sleeping, I Cranked Up The AC…


“Went on holiday with friend and her family when we were in our early teens and had to share the room.

It was a hot climate and, since we came from a relatively cold climate, we found the heat unbearable. Friend called dibs on the bed by the air con, then proceeds to take complete control of it. The room was a ******* sauna and obviously I couldn’t sleep, but she refused to turn up the AC because since she was right next to it she would get cold.
By the third night in, after refusing my request to swap beds, I am beyond irritable due to sleep deprivation and she’s inadvertently mocking me by sleeping soundly next to the barely functioning AC. So I turned it up full pelt while she was snoring away and had the best night’s sleep thereafter.

Woke up before her and turned it back down so when she finally woke with a sore throat and the sniffles she agreed to swap beds with me, and I only slightly felt bad that she had a bit of a sore throat for the rest of the trip.” Monsterra
27. Cheat On Me? Play Russian Roulette With Canned Food


“Not me, but my aunt once found out that a boyfriend was cheating on her.
Instead of confronting him, she wanted to get petty revenge. She knew where he kept his hide-a-key, so one day while he was at work she spent the whole day at his house. She rearranged all the furniture (brought the upstairs furniture downstairs and vice versa).

She also took all the canned goods in his pantry, steamed off the labels, shuffled them, and put them back in at random. This included the canned dog food. ************ would think he was opening some soup and NOPE! Dog food. When she left she locked up, put the key back, and never spoke to him again.” MammerJam
26. She’s Playing Water Torture With Her Annoying Colleague


“A woman I work with literally stole this great story that I tell about me being in the same hospital at the same time that my niece was born.
She tells it as if it was her husband and she was in the hospital giving birth. She’s a known one-upper, everything you do she did it better, faster, it was worse for her etc etc so it didn’t surprise me when a coworker told me she regularly tells clients that story.

So now, every single day when I get in, I pour a tiny bit of my water bottle out on her desk, chair or on the carpet somewhere in her office.

In my mind, mold is slowly growing in her office, her skirt gets wet when she sits down or any fresh documents she sits on her desk get sat right in the small puddle of water.” xb8le
25. He Won’t Use The Designated Pooping Area


“We had a guy in our office take a crap in the bathroom every day after lunch and it would stink up the whole office.
The manager asked everyone who needed to vacate their bowels to please use the lobby bathroom since our office was small and we only had the one bathroom.

He didn’t listen. Fortunately, he was like clockwork so 5 minutes before he went in I took all the toilet paper…. that’s right. I forced the man to live with a dirty ***.” Link-to-the-Pastiche
24. She Smeared Her Designer Lipstick All Over His Face


“A drunk guy har***ed me on the tube one night on my way home. About two mins after his last rude comment, said out loud for everyone to her, he fell asleep.
Deeply asleep. So I took out my lipstick (gorgeous coral colour) and drew all over his face. Yes, I may also have been drunk. I think I was trying to read my book with one eye closed to help me focus… yep.

So I got off at Acton, and watched him snooze away down the Heathrow branch. ********. I hope he woke up with lipstick all over his pillowcase and a pissed off missus.” RipleysB*tch
23. The Way Tow Truck Drivers Mess Around With Each Other:


“When I was in college back in the 90s, I used to dispatch tow truck drivers part time to help pay tuition.
It was an easy job. Someone broke down, they called Triple A, Triple A called whichever tow company was nearest. If we were nearest, I would get on the radio and tell the driver where to go and what to expect. Pretty easy and most drivers were laid back friendly guys.

Sometimes we would get new drivers though as the tow industry has a healthy turnover especially in the winter time. If the new guys ever got uppity, or were ***** to the other drivers or we just felt like messing with the new guy, we had a trick we would pull on them.
We would wait for the ‘Driver’ to be helping a girl. Then once they had gotten the girl’s car on the flat bed or strung up on the stinger we would go over the radio and ask if they were available.

Dispatcher: ‘Hey Driver, you have to customer with you en route back to the garage?’

Driver: ‘Yeah dispatch we are heading back to the garage.’

Dispatcher: ‘OK, good.

Oh, BTW, the Dr. called, he said something about your ******* rash cream is in and you can pick it up whenever you have the time.’

Of course, all of the other drivers would be standing by on their radios and then they would all chime in laughing to bust the target drivers chops.
It was a great laugh and the drivers never messed with the other drivers or dispatch again.” ronglangren
22. She Wanted A Quality-Written Paper But She Wasn’t Willing To Pay For It


“Back in college, I used to write papers on the side. I charged $50 a pop. I wrote the paper, they paid me then I gave it to them.

This one chick needed me to write a quick research essay due in a week. No problem.

She gave me the paper she had started, so I could match writing styles. And we went our separate ways. Over the week, she kept asking for the price to be dropped.
She was a friend and I’m a nice person. No problem. $30. Then $20. Fine. Easy 3 page paper. It’s cool.
She tells a buddy of ours that she wasn’t going to pay my dumb *** at all but was going to fake a, ‘running late, I’ll pay you after class’ deal so I’d give her the paper. Now, I’m not one to believe a rumor, but this is a source of income for me.

So I wrote a 2nd paper just in case.

Sure enough, next morning, two minutes before class, she comes running into class and is all ‘I’ll pay you after.’ So I handed her the second paper.
First page and the work cited page was 100%. 2nd and 3rd page? Sheer gibberish of paragraphs clearly lifted out of random Internet sites that I so helpfully added a work cited page with the links to the sites I lifted them from. You get what you pay for.” mabsmadhouse
21. He Insists His Child’s Coat Hanger Is Only For His Child


“My daughter’s school has their names on pegs to hang coats up. Sometimes when I drop her off another parent or carer hangs their coat and bag on her peg.

I could tell the teacher, but I’m a grown *** man.
Being a grown *** man and having endured people hiding my stuff through my school life and not particularly liking it, I drop that crap on the floor and hang my kids stuff where it belongs. It’s not mature and I’m not proud of it but if the parents have a problem they can tell whoever wants to listen. Hang your **** on the right peg, don’t touch my kid’s space.” bow_down_whelp
20. Whine About Ice Cream? Get 25 Pints Of The Stuff


“I had a roommate once who owned virtually nothing and used all of my stuff. I owned the TV, the Xbox, bought pizza every night for both of us, and let him use my computer because he didn’t own one.

So one day, I open the freezer and see ice cream, so I eat some, operating under the assumption that we had a more or less shared space and shared belongings.

The next day, I get on my computer, and he had left his Skype open and I find him whining on my computer about how I ate his ice cream. So I bought twenty five pints of ice cream, filled the freezer with them, locked him out of my computer, stole all the cords to the electronics I owned so only I could use them, and only ordered personal pan pizzas.
Hope he enjoyed the ice cream.” [deleted]
19. Cooked Eggs Do Not Come In Cartons From The Farm


“My roommate eats fried eggs everyday for breakfast.

He buys the big 4.5 dozen pack and puts them in the back of the fridge. I like to pull 4 or 5 random eggs, boil them, then place them back in their spots. I have been doing it so long that he thinks the packaging process of the eggs is causing it. His parents think he is stupid for claiming the farm sometimes cooks an egg, so when I visit them I do the same thing to them and now they also think the farms somehow cook an egg in the packaging process.
His mother even called Hiland and asked them to be more careful when packaging eggs because they keep cooking them.

It’s nothing major but I think it’s funny.” Source
18. Got A Landlord Who Does What He Wants? Call An Escort Service


“I had a landlord that I didn’t much care for. Where our previous landlord had been super laid-back and friendly, this new guy was condescending and SOOOO OCD and made a habit of just walking into our apartment uninvited (which is illegal) to yell at us to clean up. No matter how clean we kept the place.

So one night I called an escort service to his apartment.
I asked for a brunette, but got two homely looking blondes instead. Even better! I was watching from the roof of the adjacent building, with a bottle of cheap bourbon.

They knocked on the door and my landlord’s fiance answered, and an argument broke out, and it was glorious.” nickfinnftw
17. He Literally Drove His Teacher Crazy For 2 Weeks By Ghosting Her Books


“My 7th grade English teacher hated me, but I made her think she was crazy for two weeks. So, in 7th grade, I missed a lot of school due to medical and mental issues. That being said, all of my teachers were understanding… Except one.
We’ll call her Ms. Bitter (MB), my 7th grade English teacher.

The school gave all students a test to see what reading level they are on, what book ranges they can read and how many points one would need to get to pass English.

They would tell you to check out books and each book had a point system on it. This was the amount of points you receive after finishing the book and then taking a 10 question quiz to make sure you read it. I always scored 12+ so I could read anything I wanted.
Well, every English class was required to allow students 30 minutes to read their accelerated reading (AR) books.
They HAD to be AR books specifically. If it had no points, you couldn’t read it during that time block. They were also required to take the class to the library once a week to check out new books or take quizzes.

Being sick and absent so much, I didn’t get to go to the library often. So, I was always having to go to the library before or after school to do my stuff. I didn’t have the best home life, so it was hard for me to go early or stay later. Well, many times I went to class, I either didn’t have a book or I had a book, but it wasn’t an AR book.
MB would go around and check every **** book every day to make sure we were doing what we were supposed to. If you didn’t have it, she’d give you a warning… 3 warnings and you get detention.

Needless to say, this happened to me. I was furious because MB literally had a bookshelf full of AR books in her class that no one was allowed to read if we forgot our book or didn’t have it because reasons, like me. MB chastised me in front of the class and even scolded me for being absent too much. She made me cry more than once.
(Note: I don’t understand two things- 1. Why she hated me and 2. Why she wouldn’t let anyone use her god forsaken books on her bookshelf. Your guess is as good as mine.)
After months of this, I decided to be petty because I was sick of her picking on me.

At this point, she basically just expected me to not have my approved book. So, I went into her room one morning while she wasn’t there, she had bus duty, and wrote down about 5-10 AR books on her personal bookshelf that she wouldn’t let us use (again, still not sure why).
Then I hid them behind all the other books. After that, I went to the library during that precious hour lunch period to start my revenge. I checked out about 4 or 5 copies of the books on that shelf. I couldn’t check out anymore than that.

Next day, I come in and we get to the point of silent reading.

Here we go. I pull out one of the books I had “duplicated” and began to read. MB starts making her rounds to check the books. I was sitting there hoping so badly that she would do what I thought she’d do.
She gets to me, I don’t look at her and I can see in my peripheral vision she is looking very hard at my book. Silently, I observed her walk directly over to her bookshelf and begin to look for, what I assume, was the book she thought I took so I wouldn’t get in trouble again. I could see the anger in her face when she couldn’t find it.

MB walks over to me, fast, and with her everlasting need to torture and embarrass me, she grabs my book, pretty forcibly and starts accusing me of taking a book without permission and that I would be getting another warning and detention for ‘stealing from her.’ I just sat there calmly letting her finish.
Then I said, ‘MB, that book is from the library. Not your bookshelf. You are mistaken.; She disagrees again and starts to head to her desk for the write up. I turn and I say, ‘Would you please look on the inside? It clearly shows where it belongs to the library with the checkout list and everything. Has my name right on it.’
She did, thinking she would get me for lying too.

Well, I saw her face get bright red and slowly comes over to give it back. She didn’t apologize or anything. In fact, I think it made her hate me more.
I was vindicated, but this wasn’t enough for me. Day after day, I’d bring another duplicate book and each time she would stomp over to her shelf, not finding her copy, looking at me with 7 ***** fury. Each time, I’d show her the library stamp when she’d approach to accuse again. This went on for about 2 weeks. I honestly think I made her feel crazy and SO irritated that she couldn’t pin anything on me.

I also came in again one day, in the morning, and put all her books back in place as if they were there all along.

I got my AR points by just reading the duplicate books and passed with an A. I still don’t know why she hated me so much, but for about two weeks, I enjoyed watching her crumble everyday and not being able to punish me for anything. Not the most elaborate of petty revenges, but I loved it.” Source
16. It’s Not Every Day Your Socks Get Nailed To The Floor


“When I was young, maybe only a few years old, my dad was a forrester and my mom was a house wife. She loved us, all four of us, but she loathed the constant cleaning.
The thing that annoyed her the most, however, was cleaning up after my dad.

He would come home after an eight hour shift, covered in sawdust that had solidified into a heavy paste, and sweat. He would pull off his heavy boots and peel off his socks, and toss them on the floor. And my mom hated it.

She eventually got tired of it, and threatened to nail them to the floor. And my dad would promise to do better but would inevitably go back to the same routine. My mom devised a plan.

She waited until he went to change and she nailed his socks to the floor and waited.
My dad eventually attempted to pick the disgusting socks up. He laughed so hard when he realized.

I’d like to say that he never did it again, but he’s not perfect, however all that changed when he had an accident at work and he had to stay home. My mom got a job as a contractor and would come home sweaty and exhausted… And throw her socks on the floor.

Dad nailed them to the floor. My mom still roars with laughter when she tells this story. It’s been over 20 years, and I think that’s what a **** good marriage is all about.” JustStardustXO
15. She Is One Beepin’ Fast Check-Out Cashier


“So my first real job in high school was as a cashier at a grocery store.
For the most part, I liked my job and made customers happy.

One of the things I would do to keep myself motivated was track my ranking of ringing speed. (Lame, I know). Each week, the department manager would post a sheet with each cashier’s ID number that was sorted by rings per minute (RPMs). I was usually in the top three for the week and would often be assigned the express lane because I was fast (side note: it KILLS me when the slowest cashier is assigned the express lane. Why?! Just why?).
Enter entitled corporate woman. This particular day, I am ringing on a regular register at peak business of the day.
Lines everywhere. This woman dressed very nicely in a suit comes through my lane with an overflowing cart that I already know is going to take two carts once it is loaded with her bagged items.

She has her cell phone glued to her ear and is talking to someone clearly more important than me because when I greet her not realizing she is on the phone, she shushes me. And then tells me she is in a hurry. Oh, and she wants paper in plastic. All of these instructions delivered in a way to suggest that I am beneath her.
She then dials a new number while I am speeding through her order. And again, high RPMs, so the nice ‘beep’ sound is going and going. The customer begins to leave a detailed message about wanting to partner with this potential client and what a great asset she will be to their company.

Enter petty revenge. Each register had a volume button for the beeps. The range went from so quiet did that even scan? to ooh, my ears are ringing a little. Now my register volume was somewhere in the midrange. But I must have ‘accidentally’ bumped it because oops that is loud.
This woman is a few sentences into leaving this important message when she realizes that each of those beeps are not only very audible to her but will also be to the person she is voicemailing. And remember, fastest RPMs here. There was a moment where she hesitates and I can tell is debating ending the call. But she presses on, and so did the ringing and beeping.

She soldiers through this phone call, and I can see the resignation on her face as she discusses her high level of professionalism. At the end of the transaction, I smile and wish her a good rest of her day too when I hand her the receipt.
Her response is some muttered phrase about it being too loud in grocery stores. Oopsie.” Mopani22
14. Parking Spot Is Reserved For One, Not Two


“The elementary school that my kids attended had serious parking issues. There were very few available parking spots so the school decided they would put 2 front row spots up for auction. The winner would have a reserved parking spot for the entire school year.

I won a spot and the school even put up a ‘RESERVED for KarizmaWithaK’ sign.

One day, I arrived to pick up my kids and someone was parked in MY spot. They were sitting in their car so I got out of mine and knocked on their window and told them they were parked in my reserved spot and could they please move.
They refused.
So I blocked them in and went to get my kids and we took our sweet time gathering coats and lunchboxes and of course I needed to discuss things with their teachers and the whole time, I could see the ******* in my spot getting angrier and angrier but there was nothing they could do and no way for them to exit the parking spot.

Other parents kept going up to them to tell them they were parked in someone’s reserved spot and just about every kid who went by yelled,’That’s not your parking spot!’ and now the parking offender was the center of a lot of unwanted attention which made them pretty pissy and they got out and complained to the principal who read them the riot act.
I still kept them trapped for about another 15 minutes as I wasn’t in a hurry to be anywhere and there wasn’t anything they could do about it.” KarizmaWithaK
13. The Mother-In-Law Who Doesn’t Listen Gets Locked Outside All Day


“My mother-in-law has a habit of showing up a day earlier than agreed upon.

We’ve had to cancel plans because of her shenanigans.

When our kids were younger one day my husband made plans with MIL and told her repeatedly that he and I were busy the day before. Two days before the agreed visit, she messages saying she’s excited to see us ‘tomorrow,’ hubby reminds her ‘Saturday, we’re busy tomorrow.’

Anyway Friday happens.
Hubby goes to a work event and is unable to be contacted most of the day. My plans are cancelled due to one of the kids throwing up. Nap time rolls around, I settle the kids down and go to enjoy some quiet internet time when there’s a knock at the door. We don’t open the lounge blinds a lot because of nosy apartment neighbours, so I was safe from sight.

I checked the peephole in case it was the postie, but nah, MIL I’m all her annoying glory.
I silently deadbolt the door, sneak to the back door and check the locks.
Then I snuggled into my bed with my kids, to keep them calm in case the knocking woke then. I checked the peephole after an hour and saw her sulking on the front step clearly trying to reach hubby on the phone.

Except I had messaged him, ‘your mum is here, I’m ignoring her.’ So he knew why she was calling and ignored her completely. She finally left just before the kids woke from their nap.

The next day when she arrived, she asked what I did the day before and I said, ‘Nothing.

I was home all day.'” maybebabyg
12. If You’re Going To Steal, Don’t Get Caught


“An uncle of mine was a serious drug addict and an all around *******.
When I was a kid, it was pretty common for him to steal from my grandparents, including a lot of things they intended to give me when I was older (a coin collection, things like that). There’s a long list of things he did over the course of my life to piss me off, but I’ll skip to the petty revenge.

I was browsing the local county website and noticed there was a section for active warrants. I wondered if any familiar names were listed so I browsed it and to my complete lack of surprise, I saw my uncle’s name listed for something minor.

Then I saw the Crime Stoppers number at the top of the page. I knew where he was living at the time and it was anonymous, so what the ****? I called, described him and told them where he was. They gave me a reference number and told me to call back in two weeks.
For the sake of being thorough, I called a relative from the other side of the family who, funny enough, was not only a cop but also in charge of following up on these things. I told him the situation and he said he’d prioritize it.

Two weeks later, I call Crime Stoppers for an update and they said the tip did indeed lead to an arrest and asked which post office I preferred.

I was confused but I named one. They gave me an alias, told me to give that name to the clerk and there would be a general delivery envelope with $200 cash inside. That part was unexpected but a sweet bonus for sure.

Easiest $200 I ever made.” thelivinlegend
11. Mark What’s Yours With A Really Hot Pepper


“My friend’s Sprite kept getting stolen even though she wrote her name all over the can. Finally, after the 5th time it happened she got a habanero, cut it open and rubbed it all over the top of the can and left it in the fridge.
We found out who the thief was when that afternoon we hear the office drama queen shriek in her cubicle and run to the water cooler.

She never stole anything again.” dustbunnee
10. Take Up Two Spots? I’ll Leave 3/4 Of An Inch


“There’s a new truck in my apartment’s parking lot. Always taking up multiple spots, ALWAYS. Weird angles, close to the stairs, all over the place (no assigned parking unfortunately). Months of this.

I drive a much smaller car than that, and I’m petty/passive aggressive, so I’ve been waiting for my chance. A few days ago was my shot.

I got home quite late and there were zero spots open in my lot.
Big truck is double parked again, but there’s juuust enough room on their driver side for me to sneak in there with my little clown car. I carefully pull in, making sure not to touch anything, no damage, no nothing.

My passenger side mirror is half an inch from their driver side door. I giggled to myself all the way back to my apartment and set an alarm and waited. The following morning I wake up before the alarm to loud door slamming and stomping around I check out my window and I see the culprit walking around both vehicles, taking pictures, texting someone, taking more pictures, I’m shaking with glee.
They then swallow their pride, let out a visual sigh, and climb in the passenger side, clamber over the center console, and Austin Powers 20 point turn their butts out of the spot.

I’ve never been so proud of myself and my sh*tty, petty, passive aggressive ways.” Here2Lol
9. 5 Years Of Petty Revenge Dad Will Never Know


“Grounded yet again by my Angry Dad for breathing whilst his ballgame was on, I was stuck in my bedroom bored witless.

For something to do, I flicked the light switches on and off (pre-mobile era folks, we had to make our own fun…). It was then I discovered that this made a loud buzzing static interference on the TV in the lounge.
Cue the next 5 years of petty revenge…

Angry Dad never figured out why we had such a bad TV signal at game time, he never connected it with me being sent to my room and flicking the light switch every few minutes, revelling as he yelled futilely at the static dancing across the TV.” Bigfoothobbit
8. 10 Years Of Cleaning The Bathroom With Toothbrushes – Evidence Included


“I moved to America to be with this guy (let’s call him ****).

**** happened to work at the same big box store as my friend J, and one day when I came to meet J from work, a coworker innocently said, ‘Are you looking for ****? He’s staying with his girlfriend.’


Now another thing you should know about **** is he bought his toothbrushes wholesale and lived in the grungiest apartment ever.
I cleaned every inch of that bathroom, toilet included, with each and every one of those remaining toothbrushes, documenting every step with photographs. Then, I rinsed them in the toilet, and put them back in the box. And I packed my stuff and left.

Ten years later, when I’d calculated he was on the last brush, I sent him the pictures.” AliceMorgon
7. Bratty Kid Gives Teacher An Unrivalled Opportunity To Flip The Finger Back


“I’m late to this thread so I know this will be buried, but oh well, here goes…

I was driving home from work and about a block away from the house, I see a family getting out of their minivan.

Mum, exasperated from I expect is the usual day-to-day, plunges foot to the ground as the two boys explode from the sliding doors. One of the boys (I assume around 10), catches my eye and instantly flips me off. The moment felt like it was in slow motion. His finger raised as his chin stuck forward, half scowl/half grin from ear-to-ear. I slam on the breaks and reverse back along beside the house. I follow suit and explode out of my car.
The young man is now a school uniform clad statue. I’m now at a brisk stride when the mother greets me.
I respond, ‘Hi I’m Spengebab, I live up the road.

Listen, I don’t mean for this to sound weird or abrupt or whatever, but your son just stuck his finger up at me.’ The mother breathes his name through gritted teeth and demands he apologizes. He does. I say, ‘All good mate, just be careful who you do that to. It’s not nice bud.’ She apologizes on his behalf a thousand times before grabbing him by his school bag and dragging his little piss ant body inside.

As I drive away, he leans back over his shoulder and catches my gaze. I roll down the window and look him dead in the eye and flip him off with a sense of satisfaction unrivaled by any meal, thrill, ****** encounter or anything in my entire life.

I’m a primary school teacher. So this was a win for me.” Spengebab
6. He Can’t Stand The Bedside Table And Lamp Askew, So He Called The City


“Ok this is REALLY petty. My husband is insane about lamps and side tables matching and being symmetrical. Like annoying about it. So whenever we have an unrelated argument, even after we’ve made up, I slightly shift a table lamp askew, or I’ll tilt a picture frame. For years he thought it was the city bus driving over a manhole cover. He even called the city about it. I considered telling him IF the city got involved with rerouting the manhole.
They didn’t. PHEW!

Edit to let you know that this has been going on for 11 years now and he still does not know.

So if he reads this, ‘Hi honey, you’re not crazy. I love you!’ zepoopsmith
5. Where Water Comes From When You’re An Unpleasant Customer


“I worked in restaurants during college in various roles from 2003-06. Server, bartender, in the kitchen, etc.

I once picked up a catering shift for an event of a few hundred people. We had a few bars set up and a handful of food stations with people at each location to serve the guests.

The rest of us were to keep the place clean by walking around and picking up glasses, plates, and trash.
We were NOT supposed to serve drinks or food as that was handled by the people at their respective stations.

As I was walking around tidying up, a man physically grabbed me by my arm (I’m a tall male) and proceeded to demand a glass of water. I calmly told him that I wasn’t allowed to serve guests food or drink. He squeezed my arm harder and told me to get him water and said , ‘Why don’t you understand what I’m asking? It’s quite simple.’
The bartender at the bar, 10 feet away, was watching this happen. I loudly asked the bartender if he had any water for the man and he said, ‘nope, no water.’ I told the man there wasn’t any water and I’m sorry.
He wouldn’t accept this and told me ‘you can go find water and I will stand here and wait.’

I went to the bar, grabbed a glass of ice, had another server watch my back as I scooped water out of the toilet.

I put the glass on a tray, added a paper napkin, lime slice and a straw before going back to the man. I handed him the water and apologized for the inconvenience.

I watched as he drank the glass of water. He handed me the empty glass and told me, ‘see, that wasn’t so hard?!’ I told him I know where to get him water if he wanted more later on.

Turns out he was the man that paid for us to be at the event and owned the venue. Eff that guy.”  elstatusquo

4. She Chose A Bad Place To Park And The Wrong Tenant To Mess With


“Had someone park in my assigned covered space at midnight on a Saturday.

This has happened more than once.

One time, I called the management to have them towed. Management tells me they don’t tow anymore because the management would have to pay because it was private property so, ‘tough ****.’

I parked behind the car and blocked them in. There was a block wall in front. I left the neighbors each a note on their door letting them know if they needed to leave, knock on my door.
At 10 am, there’s a frantic pounding on my door, me in pajamas, some girl hysterical that she had to go to work and was going to lose her job. I asked her if she knew it was reserved parking, she said yes, it was midnight and there was no other parking spaces and she didn’t want to street park and walk because it wasn’t safe.

I asked her why she was ok with making me park on the street and walk after midnight?

She told me she was going to have me towed. I laughed and went back to bed.
Management calls to tell me I am blocking someone in and if I don’t move, they will have me towed.
I relate the conversation from middle of the night, the ****’tough* ***’ part, and tell them if they tow me instead of the violator in my spot, I am going to sue them for failing to enforce the rules, endangering my safety because the reason I parked that way was because it was after midnight and ‘everyone knows it is not safe to park on the street and walk.’

I offer to wait for the tow truck then move so they can tow the ‘parking violator.’ Management tells girl, ‘tough ***.’
She is back pounding on my door and screaming.

People are now calling management about the lunatic ‘trying to break into someone’s apartment.’

The guy she was with the night before shows up to my door.
Girl is at the bottom of the stairs crying so hard she has the hiccups. Guy apologizes profusely, said he didn’t know she parked in my spot and the management was threatening to evict him. He had other run ins. He apologized again and offered me money for my trouble.

I told him that wasn’t necessary, I was just waiting for the girl to apologize. He nodded, went downstairs, yelled at her and pointed up to me. She came upstairs and apologized and I moved my car.” Hypetents
3. Call Me A Bad Driver, Get A Slurpee Smashed In Your Car

Greg Rosenke

“Back when I was a senior in high school around Christmas time my parents allowed me to skip school to go buy Christmas gifts and say off it for the day.

I had my license so I was excited to just do my own thing that day. I head out to the mall in the other town and am having one of those really good days. You know, where for no particular reason you are just happy and floating through the day. It was sunny out and not too cold. Just a perfect day. After I finished up at the mall I figured I would treat myself. I got one of those big gulp slurpies from 7/11. The almost gallon looking cup that barely fits into any of your cup holders with the red shovel end straw of Mountain Dew Code Red.

**** yes, this was continuing to be an awesome day.
I needed to cross a bridge to get over the big river in our area and onto the highway I needed. The bridge had the outside lane closed midway through. Im in the inside lane and need to get to the right turn lane at the end of the bridge. Before the closure this lady in a nice BMW tries to speed up and cut in front of me before the lane closed. I was like ***? This was dangerous as it is being all tight and everyone following close so I don’t let her in and she slides in behind of me cutting off the person behind me.

Whatever. I can see in my mirror she is waiving her arms around and upset. As I pull into the right turn lane she pulls up next to me and rolls down her window. All I see is animated movements and someone yelling.
So I roll down my window. This old **** isn’t going to ruin my day. My initial plan is to just be overly nice to her. ****y people in a fit hate when you are super nice to them. But after I roll down my window I hear her breaking into a tirade against teenage drivers. ‘You kids should learn manners.’ ‘You kids shouldn’t be driving.’ ‘I’ll have you arrested!’ and just being a mean woman because I wouldn’t let her break the rules and cut everyone in line.

So I had a moment of brilliance. I reach over, grab my fully filled and bright red slurpie and with my right arm I sorta chucked it across my body. My initial plan was that it would hit her door or something and spill everywhere on her paint causing her to have to go to a car wash. What actually happened turned out better than I could have imagined. Now, remember she was leaning over into the passenger seat to yell at me. So as I chucked this tank of red sticky slushie out my window it didn’t hit her car door or any part of the outside.
Instead it sailed perfectly into her open window and exploded when it hit the head rest of her passenger seat.

I’m talking bright red slushie exploding all over the nice tan leather interior, windshield, and best of all on the woman’s face.
The look of utter shock and awe on her face was absolutely incredible. She went from one moment being rude, mean, and authoritative to suddenly shocked and trying to process her situation. I simply said, ‘Merry ****** Christmas’ and drove away. Those were the only words I spoke to her. Afterwards I felt kinda bad. I mean I didn’t mean to throw it IN her car but rather on it.
That mess must have been a pain to get cleaned up. But after thinking about it a little more I was very happy that it turned out the way it did.” BeachBum09
2. He Puts A Special Ingredient Into The Dish


“Former BBQ restaurant worker here.

I’m talking a tiny, mom and pop BBQ joint (shack) with a drive-thru window and a kitchen barely big enough for three workers to move around in type of place.

But this place was packed every day, as are most of the well-reknowned southern BBQ restaurants.

We had this one guy that came through our drive through a lot.

Our nickname for this guy was ‘Fudd.’ He was nearly completely deaf and would place orders through a deaf assistance service.
Fudd ate our BBQ every single day and would pull up to the drive-thru window at around 11 am every morning to get his food.

He expected everything to be ready the second he arrived at the window.

He was generally a jerk about everything. So, I’m working one morning and I receive a call from his ordering service with his typical order, which included a pint of Brunswick stew.

I am one of two working that day, so I immediately begin preparing Fudd’s food so it would be ready for him.

45 seconds after hanging up the phone, one of our better regulars comes in and orders two full-size pans of banana pudding.
I look in the cooler and see that there’s only one. Right as I begin to delegate the banana pudding-making task to my coworker, I hear the ding of the drive-thru window and glance to see Fudd knocking on the window from the front seat of his decrepit van.

I run over, give him his food, and think that’s the end of him. No tip of course.

I come back to finish ringing up nice regular’s banana pudding, and I hear the front door of the restaurant open and Fudd’s 280-pound, 5’8″ frame walking in.
He immediately begins screaming unintelligible things to me (he is deaf and cannot properly create word sounds, it was actually kind of hilarious).
As I try to decipher what this thing is saying to me, I remember that I hadn’t yet scooped out his Brunswick stew. It was an honest mistake.

As I go back to get his stew, I make out what I believe is the phrase ‘wimpy frigging kid.’

Note that this isn’t my first run-in with Fudd.

This is a daily occurrence, and I was nearing my wits end with him. And one thing I am not is a ‘wimpy frigging kid.’

I am a wrestler, and one of the negatives about wrestling is that sometimes you develop some nasty skin conditions. Unfortunately for me, I was dealing with some herpes gladiatorum (wrestler’s herpes) which had broken out on my face a few days prior.
As I’m scooping out Fudd’s Brunswick stew in the back of the kitchen which is out of the customer’s view, I reach up and give my face a nice scratch, watching gleefully as herpes scabs fall into Fudd’s pint of stew. I walked back to the front and gave him his stew and wished him a good day.” Source
1. She Doesn’t Care He Found Her Phone, But She Might Care She Has To Drive 6 Hours


“About 5 years ago, I saw someone lose their smartphone in real-time.

I was driving behind her and saw it fly off the top of her car on a busy 1-lane highway.
It was a little dangerous, but I pulled over, waited for a break in traffic, and darted out to grab the phone. It was miraculously unharmed. Her background pic showed a 20-ish redhead and a boyfriend who looked like a less attractive version of Faze Banks.
I kept driving around doing my errands until her phone rang, about 30 minutes later. I told her where the phone had flown off the roof, how I retrieved it, and mentioned she must have put it up there while getting gas or something.

Her response?

‘Ok. Could you bring it here to me in [Her Town] please? I work at [Pizza Joint].’

‘Uhhhh…That’s nowhere near me.

I’m in [My Town]. You can pick it up here. I’ll meet you at the Dunkin Donuts.’

‘(Annoyed) I can’t drive all the way to [Your Town], I don’t know [your Town]. Let’s meet halfway at [Popular Restaurant].’

‘That’s not even remotely halfway. [Popular Restaurant] is still in your town. Want to just pick it up later?’

‘I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!!’ (Puts boyfriend on phone)

BF- ‘Dude, what’s your #@$% problem. Give her back her phone, already.’
This went on for a few minutes, BF getting ‘tougher and tougher’. I have zero tolerance for sh*tty behavior, so I hung up on them and shut off the phone. I was going to visit my grandfather the next day, so I kept the phone on me until then.

When I got to granddad’s town (2 hours away), I turned the phone on, called the girl’s father, and told him everything. He was very apologetic, and I’m guessing it wasn’t his first rodeo.

I told him due to her rudeness (and boyfriend’s thinly veiled threats), the phone could now be picked up at the local police station in my grandad’s hometown.

Dad’s response? ‘Looks like she’ll have a 3-hour drive both ways this weekend. Sorry again.’ Mistress-Horror
Not bad, right? These aren’t big, huge elaborate schemes, but they still involved a degree petty finesse, that’s for sure!! Have you ever pulled something off like this? Tell us all the details!

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