Playful Otters Have Hilarious Reactions To Hearing Themselves In Voice Changer Mic


More than them being a loving part of our family, pets can be a great source of entertainment sometimes.

Unusual Pets


While most people have either dogs or cats as pets, some have a more unique taste in selecting animals they want to take care of. There are those people who have snakes, tigers, scorpions, or tarantulas for pets.

Japanese Pet


In Japan, it’s quite normal to have otters as pets, but of course, they still have strict regulations in terms of allowing their residents to keep otters in their homes.

Playful Animals


Otters have a playful personality. They love making waterslides and sliding into the water, and playing with small stones and other tiny objects.

Meet Kotaro And Hana


5-year-old Kotaro and 4-year-old Hana are lovable otters owned by a Japanese family.

A Parcel Came In


One day, their owner bought a voice changer mic on Amazon and the two otters were intrigued about what it can do.

They Were Puzzled


The mic has eight different sound effects so their owner started checking Hana and Kotaro’s reactions first by trying the mic on, and their reactions were hilarious as they were both confused as to what they were hearing.

ASMR Moment


Later on, their owner tried feeding them and activated voice effects on their sounds while eating. However, there wasn’t much sound from Kotaro as he is always quiet while eating.

Hana’s Got The Spotlight

YouTube, YouTube, KOTSUMET

On the other hand, Hana, the noisy one, kept on talking while eating so she had the most use of their owner’s new mic.

Watch Kotaro and Hana’s funny reactions to hearing themselves in their owner’s mic in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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