Officer Adopts Two Children From A Couple Who Got Sent To Jail

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It’s amazing how some people go the extra mile to be a blessing to another person’s life.

Meet Officer Thompson

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Jody Thompson is an officer in the state of Oklahoma who made a heroic decision that changed a boy’s life.

Responding To A Call


Thompson entered a home after receiving a call and when he found a young boy in the midst of the chaotic household, he knew right then that his life was about to change.

Meet John

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John was starving and abused when he was found by officer Thompson but it all changed after a year.

A Long Process

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Thompson and his wife began the process of adopting John, and after a year, the boy was finally a Thompson.

John Thrived

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After receiving the love and care every child deserves, John became a confident kid. He also ended up getting straight A’s, and belonging in the gifted and talented program.

Their Growing Family

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The Thompsons then found out that John’s biological mother had been pregnant when she went to prison and gave birth to a baby girl who Jody and his wife gladly took into their family as well.

A Real-Life Hero

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People on the internet commend officer Jody Thompson’s big heart for the children. For everyone, he is indeed a hero.

A Dysfunctional Foster System


Aside from John, there are still a lot of abused children who are in dire need of a permanent home and family that will give them the life they deserve, but that will only become possible if the foster system in every country will become better.

Be inspired by officer Thompson and John’s story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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