Famous NFL Player Helps Grandma In Wheelchair

Twitter, Momica; Teresa Lingg Knuth

Kindness is something that we look forward to seeing everywhere. It’s something all of us must have at heart.

Solo Flight


82-year-old Nancee Lingg just got off an exhausting flight and was struggling to get her heavy luggage.

She Needed Assistance


Nancee was promised a wheelchair and someone to help her out of the airport but upon leaving the airplane, there was no assistance and the wheelchairs were not ready to be used.

A Kind Stranger

Twitter, Momica

Fortunately, a kind stranger stepped in to help her with her stuff. He unfolded a wheelchair and volunteered himself to help guide her through the airport.

She Was Clueless


Nancee and the man had a good talk as he was assisting her. She didn’t know she was being helped by a celebrity until she noticed the Greenbay Packers tags on the man’s luggage halfway through the airport.

Meeting Aaron

YouTube, Packer Report

Nancee asked if he played for the national team. The kind man confirmed he was a team player and identified himself as running back Aaron Jones.

Admiring Aaron

Twitter, Teresa Lingg Knuth

A random fan snapped Aaron’s photo with Nancee at the airport and posted it on Twitter to which her granddaughter Teresa Lingg Knuth replied with her own pictures and the proud comment “That’s my grandma!”

A Normal Event


Packers coach Mike McCarthy wasn’t particularly surprised at Aaron’s kind gesture. He said, “I’m thankful that everybody else is getting to see what I get to see pretty much every day.”

A Lifestyle Of Humility


It’s undeniable that random acts of kindness like this are something Aaron does often, for his Instagram is covered with pictures of him doing charity work and posing for photos with fans.

Watch Aaron’s story with Nancee in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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