People Share Their Most Justified Revenge Stories

Frank Busch

I’m not one to wish harm onto others, but if we must be real for a minute, sometimes people do deserve the bad that’s coming for them. As much as it’d be nice if everyone could simply learn from their wrongdoings and strive to be better people going forward, many people don’t work like that. If anything, most people probably need to face the consequences to truly understand that what they did or said was wrong.

Let me give you an example. If a child in daycare keeps stealing other kids’ toys, he or she won’t stop what they’re doing until 1) the babysitter punishes them or tells them to stop or 2) the kid they’re stealing from stands up for themselves. But if neither of these two situations occurs, the toy thief is going to continue doing bad things if they know they can get away with it and/or don’t believe that what they’re doing is bad.

Of course, we’re not kids anymore, but we’re still not perfect, and we still do bad things. And in these stories, that becomes very clear. The best part is that someone takes revenge on each of the following preparators, whether it be a boss that broke the law or an old bully from high school a decade prior.

12. Try To Dine And Dash On A $1,200 Bill? I’m One Step Ahead Of You


“I worked at a really expensive French restaurant, the kind that I could never afford to eat at. I waited tables and am in school for a business degree. Despite my restaurant being very pricey, I earned minimum wage and relied on tips to pay the bills. The restaurant is next to a university and even though my boss didn’t pay us a lot he still donated huge amounts to the school.

One night the restaurant is really busy and this couple comes in. They’re young and act as the “rich kids of Instagram” stereotype. I’m assigned their table along with two others. Right away they start loudly complaining about how I’m too slow, the music is **** (we have a four-piece chamber orchestra), the menu is hard to understand (it’s in French but the English translations are right underneath).

Then they order a $600 bottle of wine. The boss told me that if a person looks young to ask for their ID. I see both their IDs and notice when they have their wallets open that they both have student IDs from the college. They insult me and call me uneducated for not inferring that only adults would be such wine experts. The girl said to her date, “she’s trying to flatter you by saying you look young.

Look sweetie [turning to me], it won’t get you a bigger tip so save the a*s kissing.”

LOL calling me sweetie? You’re like 21 and look like you’re an orange failed spray tan high school freshman poseur that just discovered Hot Topic as a shortcut for having any style.

I bring them their wine and while they’re ordering, they decide to start making personal remarks to me. Why am I a table attendant instead of having a “real job,” is my husband a failure (no, he isn’t, he was killed in action in Afghanistan) or do I even have a husband, how much do waitresses earn, why don’t I speak French if I work in a French restaurant, is that my beat-up Dodge Neon in the parking lot (it wasn’t; I don’t have a car).

I’m used to all kinds of customers so I try to jus*******************t******* up and do my job.

They order all the most expensive things on the menu. I notice they take tons of duckface selfies, even the guy makes duckface selfies and I feel like smacking him in the face but instead I just refill his water and “fetch him another item off the menu” (he actually used the word fetch).

I serve my other two tables and thankfully they’re nice and friendly. There’s a small nook behind where the snooty couple was sitting where I grab extra cloth napkins. I was back there and neither of the two people heard me, they thought I was on the other side of the restaurant.

I heard the guy calling me a loser and a pathetic waste, and the girl was saying that they ought to just dine and dash, and make my boss stick me with their bill and get me fired.

I have no idea why these two were picking on me so much tonight but who knows why anyone does what they do. They were going on and on about how neither of them would waste their life being a waitress, that they would have careers and would be something in life, not just being people’s step and fetch it.

I was angry, of course, but you know how people are, talk is one thing, and action is another.

Still, I ought to be ready for anything.

I could tell the couple was near the end of their dinner. Their tab was nearly $1,200. Sure enough the boy says he needs the bill, looking all smug.

I knew how “dine and dashers” operate and as expected the girl excuses herself to the restroom, then a minute later just goes out into the parking lot, calls the valet and he goes off to get their car even though she doesn’t have their ticket.

I text the valet and tell him what I think is happening, and tell him not to give the car to the girl unless I text him that the boy paid. He goes off to the corner lot where he parks all the cars and waits.

The boy waits until it looks like I’m occupied with the other customers but he doesn’t know I told the maître d what’s going on, and the maitre d deadbolts the front door from the inside.

He lets new customers in and old customers out, but he locks the door each time and keeps an eye on the boy.

We are all working together here because we know that if the boy gets away d*ckhead boss will fire me and take as much of the bill off of my pay as possible, leaving me only minimum wage on my final check and no tips.

At the same time, the boss is such a kissa** that he won’t help servers out if they come to him regarding customers who act too entitled. He just lets them treat us like crap and then fires us if we get cheated.

So as I predicted the boy sits around and then gets up like he’s going to the bathroom because he sees that his car (convertible BMW) has pulled up outside.

The valet says to the girl that he can only hand over the keys to the ticket holder, and that’s the boy. It’s not actually our policy, he’d normally hand over the keys if he were given ten dollars by the obvious owner or one of the owner’s party, but the cheapskate girl wasn’t even going to give him his ten dollars, let alone a tip on top.

The boy thought he had an opening and made for the door but OOOF! It wouldn’t open for him! Then he starts trying to look around if there’s another way out but the only other exit is the delivery entrance in the kitchen.

He turns around like he’s going back to the table, but the maître d is in front of him, and I’m next to the maître d holding the boy’s unpaid check.

The maître d says, “forgetting something?”

And by this time I can see the boy’s totally disloyal girlfriend try to pay the valet so she can get away, but OOOF! The valet pulls the key and parks the car and won’t give it to her even though she’s saying that she’ll call the police. We can hear her through the door.

The maître d says that’s a good idea and he calls the police.

The boy tries to bluff like he’s going to get us all in trouble or get tough but the maître d moonlights as a taekwondo teacher and invites him to try to get past him.

Finally, the manager comes out and as expected he takes the boy’s side at first but by this time several other customers noticed what was going on and said the boy was a total ***** and a dine and dasher and if the manager didn’t do something about it they would never eat there again.

They stood up for me and said I put up with the two jerks’ abuse and shouldn’t be punished by their unpaid bill.

So the manager filled out a police report and the boy was telling the policeman that his dad could pay and we were making a big deal out of nothing. Then my boss noticed the boy attended the school he donated a lot of money to, and got p*ssed off and told the school about what thieves the little ratboy and his loser girlfriend were.

We learned later that they got expelled, and that both now have a police record because they tried to steal and commit fraud for more than $1,000 which I guess is a big deal legally. I think their rich parents got them to avoid jail like normal people but they still have a record, because it’s only a misdemeanor if you steal less than $500 and they tried to steal more than twice that in goods and services.

Within three months I got a better job working as a teller in a bank. Within another year, I’ll finish my business degree and hopefully do what I want to do in life. Regardless though whatever your job as long as you’re earning an honest living no one can shame you. There’s nothing wrong with being a server and those two kids were *****s for thinking like that.

Everyone has a different path in life. These twos’ path involves checking the box “yes” next to “ever been convicted of a felony?”

They tried to get me fired. Nah, B. You don’t get me fired. I made sure you and your NOT ride or die chick can never get the career you want now. Better just wait for that inheritance then, jerks. Keep making that duckface you basic **** weirdos.” TenDollarHaircut

11. Bully Accused Me Of “Stalking” Her, Then I Ruined Her Life With What She Told Me


“When I was in seventh grade, I moved to a new town.

My father was killed in a military accident, and my mom wanted to start fresh in a new place. We came from a small town and our new apartment was in a huge city. My mom grieved my dad for over two years, but after that got back into meeting people and eventually married my now-stepdad, with whom she is still happily married. He’s always treated us well, and I love and respect him.

They have their own daughter together, my half-sister.

I didn’t adjust very well. I was active and happy in my old town, but in my new town, I was depressed and a loner. I entered school in the middle of the year when all the friend groups were already formed. I missed my dad a lot so just stayed home and ate and played video games.

I got fat.

Never obese, but I was chunky and out of shape compared to how I used to be.

I liked this one girl who was in a few of my classes. I’ll call her “Lindsay.” Lindsay was pretty and popular and she was the first girl I really had a crush on. Being shy, I never tried to talk to her.

As time went on, I made what I thought were friends with these two boys, who I will call Allan and Joey.

All of us, including Lindsay, were in the seventh grade. I didn’t hang out with Allan and Joey outside of school, but they’d let me hang out with them on campus. At least I didn’t have to sit alone anymore.

Allan and Joey were talking about which girls were cute, and who they had a crush on. I eventually admitted that I liked Lindsay, but told them not to tell her.

Later that day, in math class which I shared with Lindsay, a note was passed to me.

It was from Lindsay!

My heart leaped, although I was nervous: did Allan and Joey tell her I liked her?

When I opened the note, my heart fell to my feet.

I get red when I’m nervous or sad.

I was never more red than that day.

Inside the note, Lindsay had written in block capital letters:


There was a little bit of giggling in the room.

I was so embarrassed I asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse.

There was loud laughter as I left.

The nurse let me stay in her office until the end of the day, which was good since my mom couldn’t leave work unless I was dying, and I wasn’t allowed at that point to walk home the three-quarter-mile to our apartment, due to a recent spate of kidnapping stories in the news.

I took the school bus home as usual.

Kids laughed at me on the bus, too.

Not two days later I get called into the principal’s office and get lectured by the principal how a student complained that I was stalking her.

I, of course, had no idea what happened, but eventually, I figured out that Allan and Joey told Lindsay, and Lindsay decided to make a big production about getting me into trouble.

Soon everyone on campus started to call me the creepy stalker, the hillbilly, the white trash redneck, things like that. Lindsay got all sorts of positive attention for being brave enough to tell adults about kids who harassed her.

Thing was, I was never officially reprimanded and my mom was never actually called in to talk to any adults about what I supposedly did. The principal just told me that stalking was bad and to leave Lindsay alone.

I didn’t really know what more I could do to leave her alone. I never even said one thing to her or tried to send any notes to her or stare at her. All I did was tell someone I thought was a friend that I liked her, and please don’t tell her.

I didn’t tell my mom about it.

But after Allan and Joey’s betrayal, it was back to sitting by myself.

In eighth grade, I still went to the same school, and it was more of the same. I was still known as the uneducated redneck creeper. Lindsay was still really popular and went out with the cool guys from our class. Allan and Joey were never in the cool kid group and I suspect that they both liked Lindsay too, and were trying to suck up to her.

On Valentine’s Day, I got one of those candygrams that students send to one another that they buy from student leadership at their school during holidays. Like, two dollars will get you a card and a candy bar, and a student aide will deliver it to the intended recipient, along with a sealed message.

I at least got a candy bar out of it.

The message wasn’t so nice.

It said,


Thanks, Lindsay.

By high school, I really hit my growth spurt and eventually grew to be 6’5.” I eventually got quite skinny so I began pumping a lot of iron starting in tenth grade. I became really ripped.

Allan grew up to be a b*tchy little runt and he never messed with me again. Especially after Allan, the one who asked me who I had a crush on in seventh grade, was whispering something to someone in a class we had together in eleventh grade, and looking at me and laughing.

I said really loud, “Yo, Allan you little ****, you have something to say you say it to my face like a man, don’t go whispering like a little ****.”

Everyone laughed and even the teacher didn’t call me out or send me to the office. I think she was sick of the little punk, too.

I didn’t really care to date in high school because, even though I was big and strong now, I was still awkward around girls.

Joey actually came around, though.

In eleventh grade, he approached me and apologized for how he treated me in middle school. He said that Allan was the one who told Lindsay that I liked her. He told me that Allan had a crush on Lindsay, too, and was trying to score points with her. I thanked him, and although we were never really friends after that in school, I wasn’t mean to him, and he wasn’t mean to me.

We were “fist bump” acquaintances.

Lindsay was still really popular in high school. Not quite as popular as in middle school, because in high school there was more “hot girl” competition. But she still held her own.

I didn’t lack for attention from other girls, but more often than not the girl would tell me that Lindsay told them I was a stalker and harassed her in middle school.

Lots of girls accused me of that in high school, especially the ones I rejected.

Eventually, since I was rejecting a lot of girls, some of whom were in the popular group (and Lindsay was still in the cool kid group at this time) people spread rumors saying I was homosexual.

I don’t happen to be gay.

Nothing wrong with being gay, but the way these people were throwing it around, it was as if being gay was an insult.

Really disappointing, considering this was a huge, progressive city. I might have thought such attitudes were common in my old home town, but it was surprising, here.

I’d sometimes find notes in my locker calling me [homophobic expletive]. Of course, no one, especially any guys would own up to it, because by this time I was huge, not just in height but I was also really jacked. Side note about that.

I asked the custodian, a really chill dude especially if you slip him a twenty, if I could look at the surveillance videos of the halls that he had on his office computer. It actually pinpointed who was putting notes in my locker.

It wasn’t Allan.

I would have loved if it was Allan because I would cave his face in.

It was actually this wannabe gangbanger who walked around in sunglasses and baggy pants and flannel shirts buttoned to the top.

Looked like a total toolbag.

So I caught him in the parking lot one day with his girlfriend and said he forgot something.

Then I showed him six or seven notes that he had put in my locker.

He tried to act like he didn’t know what I was talking about but I slapped him in front of his girlfriend and said next time I find a note in my locker I’m going to make you look like a weak **** in front of the whole school, not just your ****.

I never got a note from him after that.

But before he drove off like a deflated White cholo balloon, he admitted that Lindsay and her crew were behind it.

Nowadays, and especially if my kid was the victim, I’d want him or her to tell an adult, but back then I had this “snitches get stitches” mentality, and decided to just******* up.

Right around this time, social media was really starting to take off, especially that website where you had your own personal space and could have a “top five friend” row, could use HTLM to switch out music and have personalized wallpaper.

Looking back, I think I preferred this space of mine to that boring book of faces.

Most of my online friends were older than me and from all over the place. I liked having online friends because at least you could delete them, just like that, if you decided they suck.

Unlike high school, where people you’ve mentally canceled were still on campus every day.

Joey was my online friend (still is) and he pointed me to a page he found on that website.

It was a bogus one, that had stolen pictures from my real account, and was using my whole name.

It was full of hateful, homophobic slurs and accusing me of being a stalker.

By tracing this fake profile’s “friends,” I could tell it had originated from the Lindsay group.

I flagged the account and it was soon taken down.

To this day, I don’t get why Lindsay found it so necessary to hate me so much that she had to try to ruin my middle and high school years, just because I happened to like her a little bit in seventh grade.

Anyway, in high school, I wasn’t a loner anymore. I was on the basketball team and track team and swim team, so I had friends, but I was never in the very top-tier popularity group. Lindsay was in that top group, though she was mostly one of the hangers-on of the most popular girls in school. Like, she was in that group but was never Beyonce.

And though I had my share of fun with girls in high school (never dated, just hooked up), I could never shake the reputation that I had “stalked” Lindsay.

Well, I graduated and moved on.

I went to college for accounting and eventually became a CPA. I still work out every day, and so I stayed in really good shape. I also continued to play sports in college, though I never had the desire (or talent, really) to make it my profession.

With the help of my awesome stepdad, who’s an accountant, too, we opened our own small financial service with a dozen employees.

We’re doing alright!

Eventually, a man comes in, looking for a job as an accountant.

Lo and behold, it’s Joey!

I haven’t seen him in years. Still looks the same, maybe a little balder but otherwise pretty good. We catch up, and since he’s gone to school for accounting himself and has a good resume, we hire him.

He does fine for a couple of years, and we’ve actually become good friends. We’ve put the past behind us. I went to his wedding. He went to mine. I went to his son’s baptism, and he went to my daughter’s.

We’re friends on social media, and neither of us keep in touch with people from middle and high school.

Bygones are bygones.

And time passes.

One day Joey asks me if I got a letter in the mail inviting us to our ten-year high school reunion.

I tell him, no, and remember that the school doesn’t have any of my updated addresses since my mom and stepdad moved a couple of times since I graduated, and anyway I don’t live with them anymore. Joey is taking care of his sick mother, so his wife and child moved in with his mom in his childhood home.

He shows me the letter. Typical stuff, except hey now! Lindsay is on the reunion committee.

It has her email address and everything.

I haven’t thought about her in years.

Since I’m in front of my computer, I look up her email address and it leads right to her since her privacy settings are minimal.

Her current photos don’t do her any favors.

She’s aged badly.

It looks like she had a couple of kids and was married once, but is now a single mom, and sharing custody with her ex-husband.

She gained a lot of weight and doesn’t look like she used to.

Really, I wonder if it’s even her. But the name matches up, and the school history matches up.

I was thinking how LOL it would be if her ex-husband was Allan, but it wasn’t.

Allan WAS on her friend’s list, though.

Clicking on him, it doesn’t look like he amounted to anything. He never attended college, but that’s okay if he does other productive things.

But he doesn’t. It seems he washed out of the army, and has worked a series of menial jobs and now lives in another state far away. It seems like he’s obsessed with just smoking weed and trying to date teenagers these days.

Per Lindsay, from her updates, it looks like she is big on meeting new people, but hasn’t found Mr. Right, and it’s frustrating her because she has “so much to offer.”

Like the crushing student debt that she complains about in one post for her super cool and useful almost-degree in fashion design, that she never quite earned because she “fell in love” and got married to some loser from high school.

Or how her children don’t respect her in another post.

Or how she has several go-gimme-funds just to raise the rent on her crap studio apartment.

Or her amazing, exciting career as a junior shift supervisor at that popular coffee shop, Galacticbucks.

Holy cow.

I think life got my revenge on her, for me.

But I think this **** needs a little nudge.

I tell Joey no, I’m not going to the reunion, are you?

He says he will because he wants to see if any of his favorite teachers are still around.

And he tells me, “Don’t you want to show off to people how successful you are now?”

LoL. We’re boring accountants, not Navy SEALS or hedge funders over here.

So, I tell him, no, but if you’re going, say hi to people for me.

Will do!

The reunion is still a couple of months away.

For what I’m going to do, I need my wife’s permission.

After I explain how Lindsay treated me in middle and high school, about all the stalker and anti-gay stuff, my wife tells me, mid breast-feed, to destroy, with prejudice, and in detail.

Thanks, dear.

I look completely different in the face compared to high school.

Still, I don’t want to use my own photos.

So, instead, I gather lots of stock photos of a particular male model.

Sorry dude, I hope you don’t mind! Anyway I’m sure lots of catfish use you as their hook, Mr. Inoffensive, Conventionally Handsome Buff German Guy.

And then I make a profile on that place, AcceptableCupid, after I learn on the Libro de Face that Lindsay is on there.

The idiot actually doxes her own username, she’s that thirsty for attention.

Right when I launch my profile I get a few spam emails and desperate catcalls from lonely women.

I ignore those and go right for the kill.

I send a message to Lindsay telling her how amazing and interesting she is.

Since she’s such an unattractive person in every way, I don’t think there’s a long line of suitors vying for her attention, and I’m right.

Within minutes, I get her reply.

We begin a message-exchange on the site, and I gradually gain her confidence, mostly by flattering her.

She doesn’t tell me she’s a mom, even after several days of messaging, which is odd. She implies strongly that she’s a career person and artist. Haha okay, relax there, Lindsay.

Eventually, I share a pic with her, and she fawns over how gorgeous I am (thanks, innocent German model!)

I am glad she can’t hear me laughing when I type that she is beautiful.

As days pass, she begs me to give her permission to share my photos with her book of the face, where she is bragging about me.

I tell her that there is a time for that. Soon she can share my pic and I will share hers.

I lull her into thinking I’m respectful and want to take time in figuring out “us.”

Throughout this whole time, I keep giving her opportunities to tell me she’s a mom.

I get her to say that, “for the right guy, I’ll make my existence only about him and me. Everything else is second place.”

I also get her to say that she “can’t stand” kids.

This is already a long story, so I’ll try to at least shorten it a little here.

Eventually, she invites me to her high school reunion.

I tell her how much I’d love to go, but that I live in another state and can’t get time off from my highly paid executive job (LOL) until a date a few days after.

But I promise her that we will have a date at a VERY expensive restaurant.

She’s bragging all over her social media that she has a new hot guy online, and has a date with him. Of course, her friends are begging her to share his pics, but she doesn’t, to her credit.

She does brag about how this will teach her ex a lesson, that she can still pull the hottest dudes.

Everyone online in her friend group (I was not shocked to see that most of her friends were other losers from school, and how she never seemed to grow up) was cheerleading her, telling her how much she deserved this.

You sure do, Lindsay!

I don’t tell Joey what I’m doing a few desks away from him at work. Every spare moment I have from my job, I devote myself to messing with Lindsay.

Sending her messages about how beautiful she is, how I will take her on trips. Eventually, I learn her phone number.

I hit the convenience store, let’s call it “seven hundred and eleven,” and buy a cheap cellphone with a minutes-card. I begin texting Lindsay about how I think she’s so amazing, refreshing, so real.

Just to see if she’s still a hateful B-word, I tell her about how while seeing people, sometimes guys will try to chat with me.

She immediately laments how [homophobic expletives] need to stay away from straights.

Okay, Lindsay, you’re trash.

I text her back that I don’t mind when guys message me because I have my acceptable cupid account set for “friends” in addition to romantic partners.

She immediately backpedals when she sees that gay guys don’t offend me.

Whatever, Lindsay, I know what you are.

Anyway, Joey goes to the reunion with his wife. His mother is ill, but well enough to watch his son for a few hours.

The high school is about twenty miles from our place of business.

Joey tells me that all the expected people were there.

He was sad to learn that one of the popular teachers had passed away, but most of the others were still working there.

He saw a lot of the former popular kids.

He texted me some of their selfies together.

Too bad Allan didn’t make it. Probably still chasing a statutory charge in his new home state.

With few exceptions, most of our former classmates looked like they peaked in high school.

Sad, considering we’re all still under thirty.

I didn’t ask him about her or try to coach him on anything to say, but Joey told me that Lindsay, one of the officers in charge of the reunion committee, was bragging to everyone about this hot guy she was talking to on the web, and how she was going to meet him.

According to Joey, people were marveling about how unbelievably handsome the guy was, “like a model!”

I’m glad that Lindsay was never the sharpest tool in the shed, otherwise, a simple reverse image search would reveal that the photos were of a very famous European model.

Joey told me that Lindsay was bragging about how the guy online was in love with her, and how they were going to meet next week, and how he was a rich CEO of some mysterious, never named company.

Joey told me that a lot of the girls were encouraging Lindsay to “marry him and his money!”

Although I appreciated Joey’s updates, they weren’t actually necessary since Lindsay flooded her book of the face with tons of photos from that night, as did her crappy friends.

Eventually, I spoke to Lindsay on the phone.


In middle school and high school, I never once really talked to her.

I only told one d*ckbag in seventh grade that I liked Lindsay, and after that, it was all just gossip and rumors that she started.

This was the first time I really heard her voice, and I wasn’t even me, I was “Herr Deutsche Model.”

She told me how “****” my voice was.

Really, Lindsay? Because I was pinching my nose and trying to sound different, not that she knew what I sounded like for real anyway.

I told her I couldn’t wait to meet and told her which restaurant it would be. I also told her I was staying at a certain five-star hotel.

I said that we could go there after dinner, which is, of course, polite talk for “we will *** on number one.”

I made sure this particular exchange was on the acceptable cupid site.

I could tell she was falling hard for me, especially the way she plastered her social media with updates on her dreamboat.

Hey, Lindsay, you’ve got two kids and you never post ANYTHING about them on social media.

Are you ashamed of your children?

Meanwhile ,she’s telling the world she’s going to *** some stranger she’s never met.

Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay…

A truly trash human.

Over the following few days she never did own up to having kids, but she did admit she worked at Spacebucks Coffee as a “side thing,” for fun in addition to all of the art she said she did, and having her own business.

I assume she’s talking about her online store at 3tsy that she brags about on the book of mugshots where she sells really crappy beaded jewelry that only drunk ravers might find appealing.

By this time she’s given me her full name and I’ve given her my made-up name.

She says that her job at LunarBucks is a total joke, her coworkers are idiots, her manager is mentally deficient, and that she often takes home pastries at the end of the night, supposedly to give to the poor (Nah, Lindsay.

I’ve seen your pics. You clearly be eating them scones personally). According to Lindsay, she’s supposed to “mark out” expired pastries and dispose of them for various city code reasons.

But she goes all SJW with me and tells me that “why should all that perfectly good food go to waste? It’s truly an evil company.”

Yeah, whatever Lindsay, you racist, elitist homophobe.

Anyway, fast forward to our date.

The restaurant is only a couple of miles from my business, and I scheduled our date for shortly after we closed for the evening.

I scheduled everything in such a way that I wouldn’t miss my wife’s famous lasagna later for dinner.

I parked not far from the window, in a parking lot adjacent to the restaurant. I couldn’t park at the restaurant itself, as it was an extremely expensive place that had valet parking only.

As scheduled, I see Lindsay waddle into the front door, coming out of her rideshare. I had instructed her to give her name to the host and be seated at a specific table.

I happen to know, because she said so on the libro of the face, that she was ashamed of her beat-up 2001 Chevy Cavalier.

I assume she expected her hot date to drive her home after an amazing night of what I can only assume is–with her–vomit-inducing and malodorous love-making.

I told her I would be arriving in a Maserati.

I see her sit at the table I arranged earlier. I see her playing with her phone. Probably bragging about our date to whoever.

After twenty minutes of stringing her along, I see my courrier arrive on a red Vespa, just as he told me he would. The courier I scheduled to arrive at a certain time, twenty minutes after Lindsay’s arrival.

He wouldn’t bring the item unless I texted the go-ahead, which I did. He texted me, “here!”

And I saw him take the bear out of his backpack.

His task was to ride to a certain gift store I never really frequented, and pick up a small, stuffed bear whose arms could surround anything from a bouquet of roses to a box of candy to an envelope with a million-dollar check in it.

The courier was then supposed to bring the bear to the restaurant host. The host would then, of course, bring the bear to Lindsay.

The courrier handed the bear to the host. I didn’t see the handoff because that part of the restaurant was out of my vision, but I did see the courrier ride away after I received a text saying “done!”

I DID see the host give the bear to Lindsay, which was the important part.

I was parked close enough to see her face as she read the note I had typed and placed inside the envelope I had the bear holding, next to a fancy chocolate bar.


Her face.



She looked like she was going to die, right there.

I received a ***? Text from her.

I started driving home.

Text after confusing text.

Twenty or more.

She never knows when to drop it.

Finally, I pull into my driveway.

Wife and daughter at home.

I hear their laughter.

The good kind.

I smell the lasagna, and my wife kisses me.

She asks me if I had a good day.

I tell her yes, most definitely!

And then, before I take the phone’s battery out and break the cellphone into a hundred pieces before throwing it in the garbage, I send Lindsay one more text:


The next day, I couldn’t help it.

I looked at Lindsay’s social media.

Set to private!

I’m wondering if her narcissistic a** knew that it was ME that played her. Especially since the mascot for our middle and high schools was a bear that didn’t look too different from the stuffed one I had given her.

I don’t really care.

All I know is that now I have closure.

Especially after I sent the screen captures of our alrighty-cupid messages (my own user name and fake photo blocked out) to CPS, where Lindsay bragged about hating kids and told me what she thought about being a mom.

And said she was going to be screwing a strange man on the first day meeting him.

Maybe ex-hubby will get full custody, and give those children the attention they deserve.

Her boss at Galaxybucks was certainly interested in my recording of her calling him “a retard” and that she stole pastries that she was supposed to mark out at the end of the night and that her company was an evil corporation and that they were a “joke.”

Random call to her store a few weeks later.

“Is Lindsay there?”

“Oh, she no longer works here.”

**** right she doesn’t, ****!

Go to ****, Lindsay.

Hey, at least you got a candy bar out of it.

Thanks for reading!

PS: A few days ago, my wife asked me whatever happened to that revenge I had planned on that mean girl from middle school. I told her I’ve moved on, that it was too long ago, and that I needn’t be petty.

She told me how much she admired me for my restraint. “If it were me, I would have cut a ****.”

One day, I think I’ll confess. Maybe one of those deathbed things. About how I kicked a loser when she was already down and laughed while doing so. Oh well.” OpenFaceClubSammich

Another User Comments:

“Honestly, the only thing missing was OP going to the reunion where all the hot girls who didn’t give him the time of day in HS all fawn over him and how amazing he is now and admitting they were wrong about him all along.

The organized fawning turns into a “catfight” over who gets to bang him first. Then they begin wresting in a pool of jello that’s suddenly there for reasons as a slow clap breaks out in OPs honor while naming him reunion prom king. And that pool of jellos name? Albert *****’ Einstein.” RogueKitteh

10. Steal My Security Deposit? Your Business Is Gone 


“I rented a little house from a man who owned a painting business.

The power was off when we came to see the property but he assured us everything worked, even put it in the contract. The place was dirty and poorly maintained so we negotiated the security deposit down to $300.

Turned out the heat/air didn’t work, along with the refrigerator and dishwasher. I asked him to have someone look at them. He cursed me up and down. He called and left threatening voicemails.

He would show up unannounced and let himself in. On one of the visits, I showed him that the crawlspace was flooded and was a breeding ground for thousands if not millions of cockroaches and mosquitos that would come up through the floor vents. There was absolutely no ductwork even though he claimed the heat/air worked fine. He accused me of causing the flood myself even though I showed him the source was a pipe that had rusted through.

He refused to address any problems and said, “If you don’t like it then you can move. You can’t pay for a bargain and expect to live in the Ritz.” This man was a terrible man in general. Once he hired someone off Craigslist to cut down a tree in the rental property’s yard. The man worked literally all day for the agreed $150, cut up and hauled off the tree.

He came back that evening, just standing in the yard. I asked if I could help him. He said he was waiting for the owner to get paid. The owner kept replying saying he was on the way but never showed up. Our neighbor told us he had punched the previous renter in the face and refused to pay him for a day’s work for his company.

He had bragged about renting to illegal immigrants and not having to do anything because they wouldn’t sue.

We had a newborn baby so we called his bluff and agreed to find a new place to live. We left the home in much better shape than we found it. He said he would mail us the security deposit but never did. He dodged my phone calls until one day he called to say, “You aren’t getting it back.

You broke the contract when you left early, so go f*** yourself.” I was really upset because we were new parents and had very little money. That $300 was a big deal to us and a drop in the bucket for this man. He owned an upscale painting business and had 15 rental properties.

The next week, I was online leaving negative reviews for his business when I clicked a link and noticed his website’s domain had just lapsed.

I knew what I had to do. I immediately bought it, then created a homepage with contact info for his biggest competitor. I emailed him from his old domain, asking him if he wanted to buy the website for $320 (the cost of the security deposit plus the price I paid for the domain).

He was irate! He started calling my work, threatening to sue my employer.

He even contacted my parents and threatened to sue them. He left a bunch of threatening voicemails for me, saying he was going to beat me up and he knows where I live and he has my social security number.

I received emails from several review sites asking if I was trying to update the contact info for the business. He must have used his old domain’s email as his contact email.

I didn’t want to get in trouble for impersonating his business so I did not respond. The contact info was never changed.

I received a few emails from potential clients. I called him and told him about the painting job requests. I gave him the contact info for one of the clients to prove I wasn’t just making it up. I told him it was the last time I was going to do that for him, and suggested he buy the website back in order to not miss out on any other jobs.

He told me he was taking me to court. I told him I had recorded his threatening phone calls and saved all his texts and voicemails. He said he was going to sue me for illegally recording him (not illegal in my state). I said, “I look forward to seeing you in court where I countersue and press charges for harassing me,” and I hung up.

He called back and cussed me out for hanging up on him. I said, “Call me back when you can speak respectfully to me,” and hung up again. We repeated this about 5 times, each time he was angrier until the last time. He spoke respectfully and explained he hadn’t got a single job in months. I suggested he focus more on creating a website to find business.

He lost it and cussed me out again.

6 months passed and he still hadn’t bought the website from me. I get a call from him, begging me to “do the right thing” and give him the website back. I told him the current price was $350. 6 months later, I get another phone call. I told him the current price is $380.

Eventually, he texted me to say, “I went out of business.

I hope you’re happy.” I responded, “I hear having a website really helps your business. $380 and it’s yours.” He told me what a terrible person I am and said, “Karma’s a ****.” I responded, “Maybe if you stop trying to rip people off, your karma wouldn’t be so bad.” That was the last time I ever heard from him. The major business listing sites confirmed his business did indeed close.

I renewed the domain for another two years just in case he was bluffing.

A few months later, I drove by his office to see if it was still there. It was empty with a “for rent” signposted. I never got that $300 back and spent money on domain registrations but it was totally worth it.” RK9J

9. Try To Wrongfully Charge Me $4,000 For Torn Carpet? It’s Your Bill Now


“I’m a college student and I desperately needed to find a sublease for this past spring and summer.

So I ended up finding one at a pretty nice apartment complex in my city. The guy, we will call him Bob, seemed cool, we had a mutual friend. Everything went great. However, Bob wants to do the sublease under the table, without the office getting involved. Okay, no worries, I’ve done this before.

It’s a 4/4 with 3 other male roommates, this is important for later.

I have a two-year hound mix. She’s a great dog but she gets terrible anxiety during thunderstorms. One day, I’m at work and we have probably the biggest thunderstorm we’ve had this year. She flips out and tears up the edges of the carpet to my room.

My dad has a guy who came and did an estimate of the damages. He told me it would cost between 200-400$ to re-carpet the room.

Cool, no problem. I can afford that. Bob sees the damages and I tell him I’ll cover all the damages caused by her.

Anyways, I move out in July. A month passes. I’m on vacation with my family. And this *********** Bob decides to call my dad and mom repeatedly. Then his mom calls them. I have no idea how they even got my parent’s numbers.

They tell my parents that the apartment complex is charging them FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS to carpet a 10×10 room.

That I have until the end of September to pay it or they will take me to court.

My dad is p*ssed because he knows the damages shouldn’t cost that much. He contacts the leasing offices and asks them for a breakdown of the damages. I don’t know but he managed to get them to tell him. The carpet damage in my room only cost 273$. All the other charges were for damages the original tenant and his roommates did.

So we contact Bob and he is saying that the other three roommates were supporting his claim that my dog had caused all the damages in the house. Firstly, can someone please explain to me how it’s my dog’s fault that they caused a bottle of wine to explode on the ceiling of the kitchen? Or how she managed to destroy the dishwasher? Or one of the guy’s bathtubs?

My mom calls her lawyer.

My parents, the lawyer, and I have a little pow-wow. I never signed any document making me an official resident of the apartment. Therefore, I wasn’t liable for any damages whatsoever. However, because I’m not an *****, I was still willing to pay for the carpet damage.

We contact Bob and he refuses the offer of payment. His mom says that she wants me to pay for everything.

But no, I’m not going to.

Because I am petty though, I contacted the leasing office. I gave them all the documentation (agreement for me to live there, payment history to him, all of it) of me living there. And now, the office is not only charging Bob and the other roommates the 4,000$, but they are also suing for a breach of contract because he had an illegal tenant.

Should’ve just taken the 273$, dude.” Reddit user

Another User Comments:

“I work for an apartment complex. $4,000 in damages sounds outrageous. How in the world does someone destroy an apartment to that extent.” KelsasaurusRex21

8. Tell Me I’m A Lazy Employee? Here, Have My Workload


Think before you disrespect your higher-ups.

“I work at a small company that primarily works in e-commerce as sort of a jack of all trades.

One of those roles includes me overseeing a lot of advertising budgets through a bunch of different mediums. While I manage these passively on a daily basis, I dive into each of these platforms intensively on a month to month basis to see where we can be a little more effective  – than data along with sales also informs another aspect of my job, which is breaking down unit sales to give my boss a clearer picture when he places reorders.

Since we’re a company with only a handful of people and most have their own specialized roles, we work as a team in an environment that mostly leaves you responsible for your own time. If something lags behind, it is super obvious as to who is at fault. In my work with advertising and analytics, the situation is a little more opaque as there are ups and downs during weeks; and some of this is fulfilled through other parties.

(Think FBA on Amazon)

My co-worker who works in logistics is, without a doubt, a solid gold idiot. He often drinks when he begins a shift – think a 40 or a tallboy (or two) – and it occasionally causes orders to be misplaced, wrong, or sent to the wrong address. As a treat, sometimes the warehouse will smell faintly of stale beer. On top of this, he’s entitled and confrontational because he’s the only one that does a “real man’s” job – i.e.

not primarily computer-based, and doesn’t like the fact that I have a flexible schedule wherein I can arrive/leave when I please – just so long as the work is done. Because of this confluence of factors, we’ll go through phases where I don’t interact with him much – at all – over stretches of time that can go through months. He’s kept around because it’s not easy to find someone who’s familiar with specific logistic platforms and can take over the job on day 1, and if it happened it would require me switching my job duties almost entirely to shipping to keep up with the demand.

Still, with the work required and in combination with the fact that a good chunk of this is the third party fulfilled, he got to enjoy a decent amount of downtime, and there were days when an hour-long phone call, or a two-hour lunch, or coming in for a half-day wasn’t that uncommon.

Earlier in the year, we had a semi-trailer full of product come in that I helped him unload along with the rest of the team – extra hands were welcome, but not entirely necessary.

But I came in on a day where I wasn’t in a great mood. During the unloading, he chided me for being slow and told me to pick up the pace. “Put your back into it, bro.” After years of snide comments like this and just being generally fed up with his ***, I wasn’t having it today.

Me: “Sorry dude, I haven’t had my morning beers to give me that extra pep in my step.”

Him: “The *** you just say? You wanna ****** go, bro?”

Me: “*** off, keep your comments to yourself or you can unload the trailer alone.”

Him: “You’re a disrespectful ***, what the *** do you even do here all day locked up in your office? Lazy ***********.”

Lazy? Ohhhh boy.

At this point, my boss told us both to **** and get back to work. I threw on my headphones and quietly did the rest of the unload without incident. But as I mulled over the exchange, I decided that this slight on me was going to be repaid, in full.

A few days later, I felt that it was time for a response, and decided to move up my reviewing processes for advertising.

As part of these duties, I can move a lot of money around. And in fact, after a long review, I decided that we were just spending a little too much on third-party fulfillment – maybe I can even scrape a few hundred extra dollars in sales and savings if I move a few more orders in house. A new module I was working on that would drive sales to our website instead of focusing on other channels? Let’s double the budget and finish that up a few weeks ahead of schedule! And, because I decided to let curiosity get the best of me, let’s move a few hundred dollars from an adequate but middling campaign that used 3P fulfillment and move that towards a different platform that would require us fulfilling the packages in-house.

I told my boss that I was going to be experimenting with the advertising budgets a little more than usual to see if I could get some extra business, and warned him sufficiently that it might result in losses or additional money burn to get the data I needed. I have a stellar track record, so he was, of course, fine with it.

Over the next few weeks, this money was slowly moved over to ramp up the experiment.

At first, it resulted in a net of about 8 extra orders a day out of a typical day of 70 or 80. A small profit margin was realized as while a few of these were new orders, some were simply moving the orders from 3P fulfillment to in-house.

Fast-forward to the present, months later, and the changes that I’ve made have been fully realized. There is now, on average, an additional 40 to 60 orders that my coworker now has to manually fulfill by himself due to the shift in advertising budgets.

On top of that, it has resulted in a not-insignificant amount of money in both savings and profit due to the orders being fulfilled in-house. My boss is pleased and has signaled that a raise is possibly forthcoming.

Since the raise is currently unrealized, I’m enjoying my revenge in the meantime wholeheartedly. That downtime I previously mentioned that he enjoyed? That’s all gone, now. One of the few metrics he has to deal with is getting orders out on time, or it will affect his pay.

As a result, beer time has all but disappeared because there just simply isn’t enough time in the day, and he now averages a 30-minute lunch break instead of the hour he was accustomed to. Half-days are now a thing of the past. He now complains fairly regularly to my other coworker that the work “just doesn’t stop.”

Far be it from me to gloat. I haven’t said ***.

I’ll let the extra work gloat for me.

Don’t call me lazy.” billiondollarham

7. Screw Me Out Of $1,500? Good Luck Finding Someone Else To Do The Work


“I got hosed by a residential construction contractor years ago. We’ll call him Mark. I’d done three projects for Mark prior to this one and had no issues. For this project, Mark wanted plans for a remodel and add on based off some photos and hand sketches.

It was about $1500 in work which was a lot at the time. I delivered the first draft. Mark was quite happy with the result and would be consulting with the client over revisions or acceptance. He said he would get back to me as soon as he had some news about the project. Typically I would just run a tab on something like this as there is no limit on revisions and updates until the project is finalized.

Everyone understood that the meter is running when I’m working. In nearly a decade of this line of work, I’d never had any problem with anyone paying.

So after delivering the first draft to Mark, I waited on the revisions. It was a pretty decent sized project for me at that time and I was looking forward to it. I waited. And waited. And waited. 3 weeks went by.

He wasn’t returning my calls so I sent him a bill.

Two days later Mark called and said he didn’t get the job so he wouldn’t be paying. Whoa, we didn’t have an agreement of me getting paid if he gets paid. I get paid for my time regardless and never work on a bid arrangement. He still refused so I told him to take a hike.

Also, I let some other freelance CAD guys know about him. We were competitors but there was so much work we would refer projects to each other if we were overloaded.

I resigned myself to losing that money. It wasn’t actual money lost as all I have invested is my time. But that’s time I could have spent working on another project that actually paid. My time is where I make my money.

I didn’t have materials I would mark up or subs I managed. I was a one guy operation. So, yeah, it sucked.

6 months later Mark calls, all buddy-buddy like with me. He has a big project with a tight deadline and knows I’m the man for it. He’s laying it on thick with me, too. Like I’m a great friend he hadn’t talked to in a while, telling me I’m the best at my job, and so on.

I knew exactly where this was headed. So I played nice with him and I’m sure Mark thought it was all water under the bridge. The next day I sent Mark a bid that was high (about 50% more than my typical rate), tacked $1500 on to it and told him I wanted it all upfront.

Mark called 10 minutes later and wanted to know why the price was so high and payment required upfront.

Those were not the terms of our previous projects. So I explained it to him as he seemed to be suffering from selective amnesia.

Mark starts begging me to do the project. This isn’t a bid, he claims, he actually has this project in hand. Mark also is apparently having trouble finding someone to take on this project. Apparently, he’d managed to stiff all the good operators in the area so he worked his way back to me.

I told him I’d be more than happy to take on any project he had once the $1500 was paid and all further projects would be paid upfront. I never heard from him again. He didn’t get that project, either, even though he claimed it was locked up.

Mark’s wife actually owned their business. It had an effeminate name and they used this “female-owned construction business” as a selling point in ads and at trade shows.

I’d guess 2/3 of their clients were landed just on that piece of deception. The wife was mainly just the face of the company and a marketing point. She wasn’t involved in the business beyond that. So when Mark started complaining about difficulty getting subs to work with she started calling around. I heard through the ********* that she was told off several times. Anyone who has worked with a construction subcontractor knows they can be rather blunt, to say the least.

They weren’t just screwing the CAD guys. Subs in every category had been stiffed.

A year later Mark and his wife were sued by multiple subs and customers. Mark really screwed up a few houses, putting in the wrong flooring, getting paint schemes wrong, and so on. They lost these court cases and tried to get out of it by filing bankruptcy. They got a few dismissed but not all of them.

Last I heard they got divorced and he was stuck with a lot of the debt because she was able to prove she wasn’t involved in some of the decisions. But she had some debt too. I like to think I got the ball rolling when I let some other subs know about their shady practices.” *************

6. The Narcissistic School Principal Was Forced To Leave


What kind of principal acts like this anyways?

“First, some background.

The principal of my school (we’ll call him Matt) had been with the school since it started up in the early 2000s. He worked his way up from a regular teacher to the principal, and then assistant superintendent, although he spent most of his time at the high school. His immediate superior, who we’ll call Katie, was pretty much a figurehead while he did all the administrative stuff for not just the high school but the rest of the district.

The thing was that Matt was a narcissist. He constantly belittled and berated students. He once publicly told an entire graduating class that he would make sure that none of them graduated and they were all the worst the school had ever had. There were also numerous other instances of him doing this stuff to students in private, especially with the kids who did the school announcements which he also ran.

I had two friends on there. One was dismissed (student volunteer) out of nowhere for literally no reason. The other was fired (she chose to work for the school after graduating) after calling him out for saying she was worthless.

Despite this, all of our teachers assured us that Matt wasn’t as bad as we thought he was. We never believed them because we thought they were just covering for him.

After we graduated, we discovered that he was indeed not as bad as we thought.

He was worse.

Matt frequently told the teachers that they were worthless, dumb, that he could fire them, and that anyone could do their jobs. From what we saw over the years, it didn’t take a lot for him to fire anyone.

Now, at this point, you may wonder why Katie didn’t step in and at least try and tell him to knock his *** off.

Well, again, he did all the admin stuff. They also were friends from back in the day. So while she heard numerous complaints about him, she never acted on them.

Now onto the revenge:

Like everywhere else, the state mandates that we take their standardized test. The state was always VERY clear about when the deadlines for the tests were, what portions were to be taken by each grade, and what the penalties were for not making the deadlines.

A few weeks prior to the deadline, the school gets issued all parts of the test except for the science portion. Matt says he’ll talk to the Department of Education and get it squared away. After a couple of weeks, they still don’t have the portion they need, and Katie asks where it is. Matt informs everyone that the State said they didn’t have to take it.

Some of you might be wondering why the State would say they didn’t need to take it after making a big deal about it. The answer is simple: they didn’t.

Matt, in his infinite narcissistic wisdom, decided not to get them. Because of this, the State opened an investigation and held meetings about revoking the charter for the entire district, essentially shutting them down. But Matt didn’t get in trouble.

Since Katie was superintendent, it was her job to make sure those tests were ordered. The story ended up going public and Katie took full responsibility for the *******. Matt also berated her in private as he did with everyone else. She later steps down from her position as superintendent but maintained her positions on the school board and the corporate board (remember this for later).

Matt takes over as superintendent of the entire district.

Matt could have stopped there, but, being a narcissist and a dictator, he doesn’t. He publishes a scathing open letter on the school’s website blaming her for the whole ordeal and the fallout. He then has the principals of the other schools do the same. As far as the media, the public, and the Department of Education are concerned, the whole affair was due entirely to Katie’s utter incompetence.

Matt also continues berating her in private.

After two months, the State decides that they aren’t going to shut down the district, much to everyone’s relief. Some months later, they go back to not giving two **** what a small charter district does. Now that there are no eyes on them, Katie starts making moves. She wanted to get control of the district back from Matt now that she knew that all the claims that students, parents, and employees made over the years were true.

As I mentioned earlier, she did maintain her position on the school board and they could theoretically remove him. The problem was that the other two people on there were put on there by Matt, so she’d always be on the minority on any vote. But also as I mentioned earlier, she had a position on the corporate board; a body whose decisions and authority superseded that of the school board.

She goes about gradually restaffing the corporate board. When Matt asks her why she says it’s to make sure that a similar mistake would never occur again. Matt believes her and thinks nothing of it. After about a month, she added seven people, including her husband, onto the corporate board. They hold their first meeting and then call in Matt to inform him of their first order of business:

He was being given the option to resign.

And if he didn’t resign, he’d be fired.

Matt, not really having a choice, resigns. The next day, the high school’s principal, a friend of his, also resigned. The day after that, the athletics director for the high school, Matt’s son, followed suit. Katie then takes over in the interim and begins looking around for people to fill all the positions that Matt had consolidated (I think that there was seven or eight total).

The teachers and faculty all breathed a sigh of relief knowing that they didn’t need to be afraid of being fired at the drop of a hat anymore. As for the students, they hardly noticed. My old English teacher put it as “not even a ripple”. Outside of those differences, the only thing anyone noticed after Matt and his cronies left was that a lot of really nice furniture went missing.” poizunman206

5. Shaft Me Out Of Hundreds Of Dollars? Hope You’re Ready For Court


“Last year I lived with my then-girlfriend (this turned out to be a huge mistake).

Soon after moving in it became clear that she expected me to cover her rent from time to time. As she was between jobs I let this slide expecting to be paid back in due course. It was a similar story with household bills. Whilst she paid her share to begin with, she eventually refused to contribute. I asked her if she could just open an overdraft with her bank till she got more work (which would have been free of charge) but she refused.

Within the first few months of living together, she got quite behind on rent and bills. When she finally got a job, she began to catch up on arrears but was always reluctant to pay. I thought she might be reluctant because it left her with little money, which would be fair enough. But things continued this way even after she got a better job. When she refused to pay rent one month I explained that this wasn’t fair and insisted that she pay up.

After the considerable outburst she paid, but not without making it clear that this wasn’t what she wanted to do. During this argument, I was in a different town working and a few days later she let me know that she’d moved out, and broken up with me.

I was upset with the breakup, and further upset that she insisted she didn’t still owe rent or bills, which left me in a dire financial position.

To cut a long story short she realized her mistake and came back a few weeks later, but with a renewed conviction that she didn’t owe me anything because her returning was payment enough.

The next few months consisted of her threatening to leave at multiple points for not supporting her enough, despite me buying most of our food, letting her pay late, and bringing her lunch every day.

She even repeatedly threatened to kill me one night after coming home drunk, I thought this was especially rude considering i’d stayed up late to make sure she got home safe. Other notable events were her and her mother having a deep discussion on how to leave me high and dry on rent (her mother was a classy lady), and her getting verbally abusive that I wouldn’t drop her name from the tenancy agreement (must’ve thought I was stupid).

Needless to say, the relationship wasn’t meant to be and didn’t last into the new year (Ex-girlfriend ended it). She eventually moved home but agreed to meet her obligations and pay her the remaining half of the rent.

Sometime after this had boiled over I met a fantastic girl and we eventually got together. Happy days I thought. Not quite. Ex-girlfriend discovered I had met someone else and absolutely lost her ***, calling me all names under the sun, calling me out for betrayal, etc.

She didn’t consider that breaking up with someone might make them not want you anymore. Incensed, Ex-girlfriend stopped paying.

At the time I hadn’t been keeping track and thought she owed me around £300. After she calmed down she agreed to pay. A few days passed with no payment when I got a message from her mother claiming everything was paid and to stop asking her daughter for monies already paid to you.

She went on to say that any further requests for money could be treated as harassment.

At this point, I was irritated by the entitlement and rudeness of the pair and went back through my bank statements to check exactly how behind on payments she was. It turned out the shortfall was more than double what I initially thought. So I prepared a formal letter of demand for payment and posted it to Ex-girlfriend’s address.

Several days later I got a call from the police saying that a harassment report had been made against me, I explained the situation and the police confirmed that no harassment was made. I was surprised that ex-girlfriend would waste police time to try to get out of paying the debt and decided to take pro revenge to obtain justice.

I discovered that for the entire period of our tenancy, ex-girlfriend hadn’t been paying council tax.

Essentially she hadn’t told the council she lived there. I took it upon myself to inform the council that there was a second person living at the property avoiding tax. They were appreciative of this information and further appreciated me furnishing them with an up to date home address for tax dodger ex-girlfriend.

In parallel, I took ex-girlfriend to court over the unpaid rent and bills using the tenancy agreement we signed and got the majority of it back.” drgeorgeb

4. Jerk Boss Commits Tax Fraud, Gets A Hefty Fine


“This happened in the year 2018.

Me being your typical 18-year-old, I was now going to be an independent man. So I searched for jobs and finally found one advertising the need for an account with a 100$ monthly play. (I’m from a 3rd world country so this amount was huge). So I went to the place and apparently I was to stay in a warehouse keeping stock of what household appliances we sold, what we ordered from our factory.

The owner had his own factory and a retail shop too but I was in the warehouse which would occasionally sell small household stuff to customers too. So needless to say, I got the job and it was going great for the first few months. The boss was too nice to be true. Even letting me go home early sometimes.

Then he revealed his true colors. Slowly he started to be more violent to me.

He never physically harmed me but he used to keep on scolding and ranting for hours. Even if I hadn’t committed any mistake I would be scolded every day. I was just sucking it in every day. He’d come to the warehouse after a fight with his wife and then I would be the one who he would take out his anger on. Eventually, he would order me around for more things rather than just accounting.

He’d make me work along with the labors and give no extra pay, make me go buy anything he needed. Be it his medications or even just candies for him to take home to his kids. But one day I just had enough when he asked me to clean the toilet because it was stinking and dirty.

I just straight up said it’s not my job, I’m only here for the account.

From that day, he would torture me even more, and now I just had to do something.

So the revenge:

During my 8 months or so of working there, I had figured out a lot of things about his business. He had a dummy industry registered and if he had any stock of goods left, he would just order me to make it look like we sold the goods to the dummy industry.

He claimed to be at a loss when we were to pay income taxes.

(He’d show he was in loss with fake documents of his employees and labors being paid more salary, factory and warehouse rent even if the whole place was his and he had to not pay rent. Show that he sold goods at an extremely low price. I could go on and on but you understand what I mean).

I had a lot of dirt on this guy’s company so now I thought of the easiest way to *** him up. I called the IRS and let them know of an anonymous tip of my boss’s company who was committing fraud and evading taxes. **** broke loose after this. The IRS came to investigate and since my boss didn’t want to get into even more trouble with having me as an accountant with not enough qualifications, I was sent home and the manager posed as the one who handled the account as well.

I was told from my labor friends that the company was investigated and all the secrets were revealed.

My boss wasn’t going to get jail time (typical 3rd world country), but he was to pay a hefty fine of about 10,000$. I quit without ever returning to work after the investigation. Last I’ve heard, the boss did pay the fine and hired a new accountant but he’s now an honest man.” come_ride_mike_hawk

3. Sociopath Manager Gets Jail Time


“Do not *** with me. I’m blunt and stubborn.

Also I’m better at my job than you will ever so just get over that now. Also, I hate my career field. I work in tech but I’m not going to be more specific than that.

A note on the stubborn-ness: I am the most stubborn, and blunt (rude if you push me) person you will ever meet. I expect everyone (Doubly so for management) to do the right thing even when no one is looking.

One of the things I have learned is that narcissists and sociopaths cannot ****** stand me. They will actively meltdown if they work with people like myself. Those people thrive when people have to ‘be nice.’ The exception to my stubborn bluntness? If you work under me. I help everyone working under me with everything they need 100% of the time and am super friendly unless they give me a reason not to be.

I treat people under me (in terms of technical position and in the companies hierarchy) like royalty and the people beside and above me like, “You should be at least as competent as myself, no excuses.”

Example: If you lie about me/to me? Well, I had better be getting an open, and public apology (to the people who you lied to) with the admission of guilt or I’m going to make you ****** regret it.

Best not be treating anyone else below you bad either. Lots of managers have a problem with this for some reason. Don’t want this to happen? Don’t lie.

Now with that said I have a constant wave of job opportunities. Every company I’ve ever worked for (including the one that fired me) begging to have me back at a higher pay rate than what I made when I worked there.

Actually about 25% more than the highest pay in the country I live in. So I’m not in any position to care if someone is going to fire me.

Now that’s out of the way, at my current job I’ve worked here for about 2.5 years. I took this job because it was going to allow me to have the time off I wanted: About 35 days of PTO, and 10 weeks (first 2 unpaid) of vacation time.

Its a long story but basically I need the time off. I was hired in at about 50% of the standard rate of pay for this reason. Contractually I can take this time off any time I want. I could, if I so desired, leave work mid-day and go on vacation.

When I first started the company laid off every other “IT Guy” after about a year aside from two.

Those guys are mostly there to cover me leaving suddenly and if someone needs to pull something while I work on something else.

My previous manager actually recommended me to manage the department but I didn’t want to take it so the company gave me an open door to take a said position any time I wanted and they would just demote anyone in said position. This is where Sociopath comes in: To manage.

The first day he pulls us all (My team + one more) into a meeting and talks about how he’s a ‘nice guy’ but is going to drive us to work extra hard. This is where the first altercation occurs, “Yeah how is that the case? [Other team] is purely reactionary and our team has literally no issues inside the company and 100% of our work is completed at nearly 3 times the rate of any other business in the area?” “We will hold questions for private meetings.” “Ok fair enough.”

He pulls me in and the first thing out of his mouth is to yell at me: “I never want you to question me ever again!” I was honestly stunned.

“Excuse me?” “You will do what I say when I say! NOW GET OUT!”

He wraps up the ‘meeting’ by saying, “I’m really glad to have gotten this job because I cannot leave this town due to the fact that I am obligated to watch my kids half of the year. So I can’t wait to get to know all of you!”

I immediately went to HR as soon as the meeting was over and explained the situation.

Thing is HR is the guy who hired me, and we like each other a lot. He tells me, “Ok, well, unfortunately, it would be against company policy to fire him this quickly. Also, I have to take his side of the story first.”

He didn’t ‘yell’ at me after I went and spoke to HR but called me in and said “Listen, they are telling me to apologize to you, and that’s just not going to happen.

I’m your boss it’s my right to treat you how I see fit. I didn’t realize you were a rat, but now that I know that I’m afraid that I am going to be extra hard on you. Better do what I say or it’s your job!”

I replied, “It’s not your job to yell at people and maybe you should understand that. If you were half as competent as you want to seem, I don’t think you would ever have a reason to yell at anyone.

Also if reporting behavior that is against company policy makes me a rat, then being a rat must be a good thing.” He just yelled “GET THE *** OUT!” and pointed at the door. I replied, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to go to HR again about your behavior if you don’t apologize now,” which I did.

The issue? Well, I live in a one-party state for recording conversations.

So I recorded said conversation.

Three weeks later and HR has decided to keep him on because we are still way ahead of everyone in terms of metrics. Since then my team and the other team have gone from loving their job to hating it. Everyone is reporting to me that he is screaming at them constantly but only in private. He doesn’t even speak to me.

The way he is treating the guys under me is what was really getting to me. They are HIS EMPLOYEES. He SHOULD NOT be treating them this way. I hate to use a quote from the office here but Micheal Scott is 100% correct: “A manager is not here to hire and fire, but to lead and inspire.”

Now we are supposed to have certain metrics passed down to us by management but he has ‘decided against that’ to ‘keep morale up.’ However, I knew what he was up to.

So I went to my friend in HR and didn’t tell him that he wasn’t sending me the metrics (which he is required to do as per company policy) and had him send me a copy of everyone’s metrics early “but keep it on the down-low!”So he did.

For several months I told my team and the people under me “Just hold out on quitting he won’t be here for long, trust me.”

Slowly things between myself and him escalate.

I make decisions that he doesn’t like because “You didn’t run that past me first.” In reference to my vacations and days off. Contractually, I don’t have to do this and to be blunt I can’t ****** stand him, so he’s just SOL when it comes to me not being there. This leads to several times of him trying to scream at me while I sat there and was 100% calm and patient but blunt and moving in my position that I can take leave whenever I want contractually and he is just going to have to get over that.

One of the things I specifically remember him yelling at me the last time: “You will do whatever I tell you whenever I tell you. If I throw a ball and say fetch you will ****** retrieve it. Do you understand?”

At this point, I lost my patience and said, “Are you done yet? Ok great you are going to listen to me now! You are hands down the worst manager I have ever worked under.

You are unproductive, and the least competent. The other two guys metrics have been falling since you have been hired…”

Him: “Because your dumba** never listens to me. You are the problem here not me get out NNNNNNOOOOOOWWWW!”

Me: “Are you done? Because I think you are going to want to hear what I have to tell you! Your absolute childish behavior is unacceptable and I don’t think that your supervisors or HR are going to appreciate how you have treated myself or this…”

At this point he gets up, grabs the chair in which I’m sitting, and literally rolls it towards his door screaming “I DON’T HAVE TO ****** LISTEN TO A DIP *** LIKE YOU! I’M THE BOSS.


I replied: “I hope you know this can be considered assault and battery.”

Him: “SHUT THE *** UP!” and he promptly rolls me out of the office.

Now here is the thing: Before that meeting, I said I wanted an HR rep to sit outside of the office and listen in. They said they couldn’t do that but would place one in the meeting.

He was late. He overheard he last SHUT THE *** UP! Just as he rolls me out into the hall. He then proceeded to look up, see HR and start sweating bullets.

Him: “Oh…huhuh, I was… we were just joking around.”

Looking up at him: “No we weren’t. He was just screaming at me and insulting me for no apparent reason.”

He looks down at me hard and says: “This team always jokes around! I mean it was just a joke!”

I then pull out a small recorder and looked at HR and said “Well given that you missed the meeting I think you should just review it here on this tape as this is “just a joke” apparently performance reviews are ‘just a joke’ around here now.”

HR insists we go over the performance review.

He pulls his copy out and begins going over the metrics on it talking about how bad of an employee I am. As soon as he finishes I look at the sheet of paper he is going over I pull the metrics that my buddy in HR sent me. “No…No I’m afraid this is all wrong.”

He looks at me “I…I’m sorry.”

Me: “Oh yeah, [buddy in HR] sent me my metrics independent of what you sent me.

In fact, and I can’t believe you didn’t know this, all of the metrics are review-able by any employee at any time if they make an inquiry. Actually you have failed to send us any metrics at all as is your job to do weekly.”

The HR rep then looks at me “Is that all?”

Me: “Yes.”

HR Rep: “Ok I think we are done here.”

He requests that I stay, I look at him and reply: “No, I’m afraid I’m done listening to anything you have to tell me.

Afraid I have an appointment to review your behavior with HR.”

So HR and I review the tape and their jaws are on the floor. HR Buddy apologizes to me. They ask me what I think should happen as I was the one who was originally up for promotion. I explain that he should not only have to write a letter apologizing for his behavior in email form, but also apologize to all the teams under him in person at one time.

Just after they send an email to him I drop by his office and say “Hey man, don’t worry. I didn’t let them review that tape.”

He sends an apology letter and tells me that “You are on my good side now!”

A few moments later HR comes down and tells him that it’s not enough and to have all the teams gather in front of him. In the meantime, I rig up the conference room to have a typed letter of all the times he has yelled at every single person which took me all night to do.

He comes in and makes some ******* apology that’s a non-apology “I’m sorry I was so hard on you guys. I just know your potential and….”

I cut him off (HR isn’t in the room) “Excuse me? That’s not good enough! I’m afraid you are going to need to apologize for your actual behavior and not give an apology that sounds like “I’m sorry I was trying to help you and you didn’t like it.” No, I’m afraid you are going to need to actually apologize and admit to wrongdoing and tell the actual truth!”

At which point he visibly starts to get angry “I…I AM APOLOGIZING!”

Me: “Ok go on”

Him: [More nonapology with him being obviously fake upset.]

I press play on the slide show.

“Ok since you didn’t get the message the first time we are going to go through these individually. On December 11, 2001, you screamed at Robert Robbington wherein you failed to give him a review and simply called him a dumba**.” I continue: “You need to repeat these words exactly if you want to keep your job: “Dear Mr. Rob, I apologize for being overtly hostile and rude.

I apologize for failing at my responsibilities as a manager to both you and the team. I understand I have a problem with anger and am willing to seek help with my clear lack of empathy for other people. As such I will be signing a document admitting fault, under the circumstances that I ever hit you again I want everyone to know that I would be 100% at fault and you would not be, and proof of my misbehavior towards you as proof of my honesty in apologizing two witnesses will be signing this document.”

As soon as I finish speaking he stands there and starts turning angrily red and says “MrBurington, we need to speak alone.


I reply “No, I’m afraid we don’t. If you do not wish to apologize to Robert Robbington then you can apologize to me for this!”

At which point I play the audio of him talking to me “I really hope your [family member] dies. I mean really. I’m your boss and this is your job and you care about [family member]? You think I give a *** about them or you? You could die for all I ****** care.

When [family] dies if you mourn I’ll be mocking you. I just want you to know that. Now *** off.” (You see after that little incident I couldn’t have given a *** if I did get fired I just wanted to ruin this guy’s life.)

He immediately starts howling at me that I ‘edited’ the audio and runs to get HR. Shortly thereafter HR comes back and the entire room denies that any of this happened.

We all instead go through with a plan I had from the beginning: I was going to expose him for the POS he was/is IF he does not honestly apologize and admit to actual wrongdoing.

HR then tells him he’s fired. He storms off.

Now, this is where the hardcore revenge part comes in. I used to work for every single IT Company in this town, or have connections to them somehow.

****, I trained at least half of the management at the last company I worked for. My words have weight. So I make calls to all of the places I have ins at which is literally everywhere in town telling them to blacklist this guy. However, at two companies, I request that if he applies I would like to show up and help them interview him.

He applied to both jobs and I was sitting there in the meeting room “Oh hey! Just wanted you to know that I knew Mr. Meet for years.” Middle of the interview I bring up his behavior with the audio from him telling me that he hopes my family member dies.

I then tell my ex-manager: “Also just note, you may want to write this down, all the tech jobs in our area will have a copy of this audio.

So you can go ahead and explain to them why you told me this and they can relay that to me.”

As soon as we get out into the parking lot he swings on me and starts screaming “I WILL ****** KILL YOU. *** YOU, *** YOU.” I run back into the building and security detains him and calls the police (My buddy recorded this on his phone, as well as obtained a copy of the video from security)

After a quick court case and going to jail he shows up at my house with a knife screaming, “I’M GOING TO ****** KILL YOU! RUIN MY CAREER JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A ****.” (I think he had the address from working at the company with me)

I called the police, got my gun, and explained the situation while I waited on the cops to show up.

He proceeded to be detained and got sentenced to a 2-year stint in prison.

When you get out I hope you read this you see this you stupid ***.” MrBurington

2. Be A Dishonest Boss, Get A $1,000,000 Fine


He totally did it to himself.

“I was working for a local computer build company back in the 90s. The owner (let’s call him George) was a bit of a d*uche that liked to party.

He struggled to get his business off the ground and took the lion’s share of the profits made once it did. All that is to be expected. You take the risk you take the rewards.

I came on and ended up the best tech he ever had in the shop. He paid me fairly well but not enough for what I was doing. I finally started doing on-site work for a substantial amount more and we were both happy.

I got 30% of the on-site fee per hour and he got 70%.

Now, during this time the computer industry was tightening up and profit margins had shrunk. The owner decided to do some shady things. One time George replaced name-brand motherboards in the computers I sold to a customer for a network with generic crap. Half of them failed during install. Since I had listed a name brand motherboard on the invoice I took them all back and forced him to replace them! Otherwise, it would have been a fraud.

All he had to say was, “But I make another $40 per workstation if I use the cheaper part.”

The next thing that happened was I made a ten computer plus server sale for a new network. I hadn’t worked in the build shop for a few months and noticed that they were cloning drives to speed up the build process. Not a big deal normally but I lost a client due to the owner’s shady practices.

He cloned the drives then failed to put the certificate in the customer package for the OS and Office! He couldn’t get around the server license so at least the client had that. Every time the client called about the key codes he’d tell them they were on backorder. He was cloning pre-loaded and pre-ACTIVATED drives with Windows and Office!

I finally got tired of it and walked over to where the software was kept and took the licenses to the client.

I had noticed the cabinet was unlocked so took matters into my own hand. The client was still so p*ssed off that he refused to do business with me while I still worked for that company. George saw me and accused me of stealing. I looked at him and said, “I’m getting what the CLIENT paid for and taking it to them. I’ll make sure I have them sign a receipt for the software you seem to have forgotten to include in their purchase.” After that, I started to pay attention to what was going on in the shop.

I insisted on software before I even left the building with a client’s systems. Piracy got worse and worse.

Now during this time, I was making about $50K a year from that 30% so George was clearing at least that much off his 70% even after taxes, etc. One day he comes to me and says, “I think I have to start charging you for your cell phone.” This was back in the day when if you really needed a cell phone most companies paid for it.

I said, “That’s fine George but I’ll want 35% of the on-site fees.” To which he replied, “I was going to lower it to 25% and make you an independent contractor.”

I was honestly left speechless! I just walked over to the bar in the shopping center and sat down and drank beer for the better part of two hours. It was the end of the day and I didn’t have a late client so no worries there.

I sat for another two hours after that just drinking water and thinking. I made the decision to go my own way. If I was going to have to pay both sides of my social security then *** George! I’d do it ALL myself

The next day I drove around to several of my clients. I didn’t want to call them on my soon to be former company phone.

I secured a dozen that said they would stay with me. After all, as one of my clients told me, George wasn’t the one that showed up at 5 AM before the restaurant opened when their point of sale system crashed, I was.

When George’s shop opened I walked in with my phone, charger, etc. found George, placed it all in his hands, said, “I quit,” and walked out.

I went and got a phone and called the clients I had spoken with and gave them my new number.

Payday came around the next day and I was expecting a bit over $2K in the check. George had called payroll in several days earlier as always. Well, low and behold, no check. When I confronted him he cussed me out and told me he owed me nothing.

I used the same type of line that I used with the guy at the ski manufacturer (my first ProRevenge post). I calmly told him, “Are you sure? I’ll cost you a **** of a lot more than $2K if you refuse to pay me what I earned.” He just told me to get out and I did.

Well, I knew I had just cost him at least $5K a month because nobody in the shop had a clue what to do with networks.

I started my own company and grew my client base. Even after having to pay all my taxes, self-employment tax, and expenses I was clearing about $45K a year! I was going to leave George alone until I got word he was badmouthing me around the city. He was saying I used pirated software and cheap parts. Things I knew he had done and was still doing.

I would have let it all go. When he badmouthed me I went scorched earth on his a**!


I contacted BSA: The Software Alliance. I gave names, dates, processes, practices, and more. Everything I could remember about clients that had cloned drives and withheld software. About a year later I was reading my local news when George’s company was in an article. It seems secret shoppers went in from Microsoft and bought some of his computers.

In the end, they hit him with charges that he made hundreds of illegal copies of Office by cloning hard drives. This was back when once activated Office stayed activated and didn’t check again.

The end result was he had three stores and ended up with only one store along with having to pay a $1,000,000 fine.” cds8745

1. Refuse To Pay Him For His Work? You Owe Him Your Brand 


“This happened some years ago to my father, he is the owner of a prestigious law firm in my country.

He did a job for a very well known company in my country, and he was owed about $2,000,000 USD. (Seems like much, but it was well worth it as he defended the company for many times that in fines, and they would have gone bankrupt.) After he finishes his work, the company doesn’t want to pay him at that moment but politely tells him to wait.

A year passes by, and none of his calls gets a response, but he being a smart man and a lawyer, he knows what can he do.

The setup.

My father sends one of his associates that is undercover to befriend the company owner (important later), then my dad calculates how much will they owe him with interest. Then, my dad waits a few years to make the interest grow.

The associate he sent befriended the owner and tells him that he is a lawyer and has friends in the government. The associate tells the company owner that he should deposit money into the company’s bank account as the associate knew there was going to be an investigation for tax evasion in the country the company owner had his personal bank account in (the associate had worked in that country in the tax-collecting branch some years back and were already investigating the associate).

And so foolishly, the company owner actually deposited ALL (and I mean ALL) of his personal accounts into the company’s account.

The revenge!!

The associate informs my father where the money is and then tries to contact them one last time. No contacts from the company, nor the company owner responds.

In my country, if someone doesn’t pay after some time they can do an embargo which is basically taking whatever money he is owed either in assets, furniture, money in the bank, etc., plus interest.

The company owner is able to embargo the majority of company stores and as the embargo is happening, he can’t use his bank account as it is frozen. He can’t get a lawyer because of the bad word that had spread around about him not paying. And so with the majority of their stores now in my dad’s name, their stock prices fell dramatically and with the money my father got from the owner’s bank account, he basically bought the rest of the company about 70% off.

The aftermath.

The owner:

Now the owner couldn’t take his money from the company as that would be embezzlement and if he told anyone that that was his money, he would get arrested for tax fraud and part of it was used to try to keep the company afloat while they weren’t getting any sales so he basically became homeless.

My dad:

He now owned a famous brand and got it working normally after a few years and his associate who helped him was now the CEO of the brand.

So remember kids always pay your lawyers because they know better.” TheLizardPalace

As much as I hate to say it, each of these folks deserved the revenge that was taken on them. It’s just amazing how much people think they can get away with without getting thinking they will have to face consequences for it in the future. An important lesson these people should have learned is, just be genuine, truthful, and respectful.

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