People Reveal Their Methods Of Petty Revenge

When someone does something to make you angry, it's easy to just shrug it off and let karma take its course. In other instances, it's not so hard to call for pettiness and instant revenge. After all, karma usually takes its time to give someone what they deserve, but there are certain people who just deserve to have that karma smack them in the face right now rather than later. Maybe it's time you take matters into your own hands to make sure they get what's coming to them. Depending on your situation, there are plenty of methods for getting your due diligence. We've compiled the juiciest revenge stories where people share their ways of getting the perfect revenge. Perhaps you can get a few ideas.

34. You Want To Fire Me For No Reason? I'll Just Ruin Easter


“Years ago I worked as the audio engineer for a large church.

I loved my job, loved my boss, didn’t get paid much, but life was good. After a couple of years of working there, the church hired a new worship pastor, he was a great musician, but a terrible manager. Before this position, he had literally never managed a single person in his life.

He certainly wasn’t hired for his leadership skills.

Things were fine for a while. About a year later, the church did a complete overhaul of the audio system. The old sound system has been designed for piano, orchestra, and choir and hadn’t been updated in 30 years.

As an audiophile, I was over the moon. In a couple of weeks, we went from speakers older than I was and a system that had been patched together haphazardly to a system that would make most small concert venues jealous.

Little did I know, this would eventually lead to my termination. It’s important to know that I had practically nothing to do with this upgrade. You would think you’d consult your audio engineer when upgrading your audio system. I tried to help but was told to butt out.

The install company did their work, and it was quickly time for the new system to go live. I had a grand total of 3 hours with live musicians before the first service and every single one of my effect and EQ resets was useless.

I and the lead tech from the install company had to redo everything on the fly. The first week was terrible. Volume spikes too high, balance was bad. I was frankly embarrassed. The second week was okay, but not great.

The third week, I finally had everything sorted. Volume never peaked above set decibel levels, and the music sounded great.

Now the problem with upgrading a 30-year-old system in a room where the same people hear it every week is that the perceived volume can feel much higher even if the actual decibel level was the same.

I tried to bring that up before the install, but what does an audio engineer know about things like that? Unsurprising, the small handful of rich old people who secretly ran the church with their checkbooks, and had been complaining about the volume since long before I was ever hired, redoubled their complaints.

And the worship pastor made me the convenient scapegoat.

A couple of months after the install the worship pastor sat me down and gave me an action plan.

1. Lower decibel range and max db.

2. Bring in the lead tech from the install team to ‘fix’ compressors.

(Both myself and the install tech agreed what the worship pastor wanted to do would actually make the problem worse, but we did make other changes to EQ to help fix the problem).

3. All complaints were to be handled by the worship pastor.

4. Worship pastor would not lead worship one week so he could be in the room and hear what the complainers heard.

We had a follow-up meeting a month later. Worship pastor thanked me for making the changes, told me I did a great job, and complimented how great the music sounded when he listened in the room.

Over the next year, I heard nothing else about volume complaints. I stuck to the updated DB levels and as far as I knew, the problem has been fixed.

A year later, I was called into a meeting with the worship pastor and executive pastor (head of HR).

Executive pastor told me I was being let go for failing to adjust volume levels as directed by the worship pastor. I had not heard one word since the aforementioned meeting where I was told I had done everything worship pastor had asked. Apparently, my shock was evident because the executive pastor said this shouldn’t come as a surprise to me because of the numerous conversations worship pastor had had with me.

I told executive pastor that worship pastor had not said one word to me about volume levels since he told me I did everything he asked a year ago. He showed me a folder full of documentation of ‘verbal warnings’ that worship pastor had documented. Not one of them actually happened. The documentation of the above two meetings was there, with my signature acknowledging both, everything else was an email from worship pastor to executive pastor about conversations that never happened.

Until that moment I thought we had fixed the problem, and if worship pastor had told me there was an issue, I would have fixed it just like I did the first time. Regardless, I was told they would need me to work the next 5 weeks and that Easter would be my last day.

I should have quit on the spot, but I needed the time to find a new job to support my family. I told them I would work until I found a new job, I would give them two weeks’ notice, but if that happened to be before Easter, I wasn’t going to jeopardize my new job for the place that is firing me.

I found a great job in an unrelated industry, gave two and a half weeks’ notice, and the Sunday before Easter was my last day. For those who don’t know, Easter Sunday is the super bowl for churches. It is the single biggest day of the year.

While working out my notice I tried to sit down with the worship leader multiple times to go over things they would need to know before I left. He couldn’t be bothered to speak with me. I tried multiple times to sit down with the new tech director to share this vital information, (my old boss and friend had quit quite a while before) he also couldn’t be bothered. I loved that church, but I was livid.

You fire me for bull reasons, lying to HR about it the whole time. And as I’m trying to be the bigger person, you can’t even find 30 minutes to talk with me about making this a smooth transition. Fine! I’ll ruin Easter.

Over the years I had worked there, I had asked multiple times to upgrade digital plug-ins for the soundboard. That was always denied, so I spent my own dimes to purchase these plug-ins. Every single sound that was heard during a service ran through multiple plug-ins.

EQ, compressors, reverb, etc. that I had purchased with my own funds, and the license was attached to my own account. Every change and tweak I had made was saved to one of these plug-ins. All it took was me logging out of that account, and they were back to day one after the audio install, but without the plug-ins we had used to fix the problem, and they didn’t even know it.

This is one of the problems I wanted to discuss with them before my departure, but they couldn’t find the time. I heard later the sound on Easter was terrible. And many people who loved the new sound complained.

Additionally, the pre and post-service music were saved in my personal Spotify account, including the songs I had timed to go with the countdown timer.

They also had multiple pieces of equipment out for repair at multiple different shops worth thousands of dollars that only I knew where. I tried to give them all this info, but they couldn’t be bothered, so I ruined Easter.”

10 points - Liked by rbleah, RoseGarden76, Jenni1980 and 7 more

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LilacDark 2 years ago
Actually, THEY ruined Easter. The pastoral staff, the big-money parishioners, and their enormous egos wrecked the service.
2 Reply

33. My Ex Was Seeing Someone Else, So I Became Best Friends With The Other Woman


“In my early 20s, I lived with my ex. I was gullible and believed every word that came out of his mouth. I believed him when he said he worked late hours and came back at 4 AM and made up excuses to keep me from meeting his friends and family and let him isolate me and hide me away.

Well, one day his grandmother passes away from natural causes and he was devastated so I asked if he wanted company or to be left alone to grieve. He of course wanted to go alone and so, I let him.

I got a call from someone who knew both me and my ex informing me that he did in fact take his significant other to the funeral but that person was not me. She had been introduced to his family, taken out constantly, and he had played dad to her one year old.

My heart sunk right to my feet that day and so did hers once she found out about me.

My friend got us in contact and we talked for hours. We laughed, cried and in the end decided to dump that man and be friends.

He absolutely hated it. We became extremely close after that. I took her to her 21st and stayed with her after she got sick all over me and even went to a concert that her family got tickets for. To this day, I have her in my phone as ‘the wife’ even though we are both married to wonderful men.”

7 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, Jenni1980 and 4 more

32. The Owner Was A Vicious Bully To Me And My Colleagues, So I Got My Revenge In Court


“I worked in a crappy company for less than 3 months.

The owner was the worst crook who would literally steal wages, defraud customers & love to berate workers, call them thieves & all sorts of crap for no reason besides maybe projecting his crimes.

Everyone was afraid of not being to find a job later due to background checks & usual predatory business tricks.

He fired one of my colleagues just because he was black due to the ‘lack of proper culture.’

Somewhere around the 3 months mark, he verbally attacked a nice colleague who had his wife work in there too, so bad that his wife passed out and we had to call 911 to get her to ER.

The reason? Fixing a customer’s problem so he couldn’t upsell crap!

So I just had it, took that fat jerk aside, shouted as loud as I could, and told him off about all of his crimes, then handed my resignation.

He tried to scam me out of my last paycheck with bogus deductions. So I read the local laws & served him with legal papers. He initially told me he won’t pay me a cent when I told him exact law articles and mentioned I will be his worst nightmare.

I told him I had no jobs besides taking him to court and having him bleed funds while I would self-represent. I ended up not only getting my paycheck but all stolen wages and then some. I then told all my colleagues how to do the same.

Sometimes you need to go after bullies, show them you got nothing to lose and they will back off. They need to know they are not as smart or powerful as they think.”

7 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, 1lwa and 4 more

31. Yell At Me To Get Out Of The Restroom? Enjoy Having No Toilet Paper


“I was meeting a client for lunch at a local hibachi restaurant today, you know, trying to ‘wine and dine’ but kind of casual and fun. I love Japanese food. I love SPICY Japanese food. No, not sushi, but I have a penchant for ramen.

It just happens that this place serves the best ramen I’ve ever eaten. The best spicy ramen, at that. So obviously that’s what I order.

Anyways, all goes well, the client and I enjoy our time, deals are made, and we both set off on our separate ways.

Driving on the highway back to the office and out of nowhere my stomach whispers to me, ‘Hey buddy… what are you doin’? Wanna know what you’re ’bout to be doin’?’

I had no need to guess, but I did let my natural defiance try to take charge, attempting to postpone the further conversation.

Nope. My normally happy little tummy wasn’t so happy, and like a colicky infant in the middle of the night, he was going to get what he wanted. So, I find a local convenience store and pull in. Making haste to the restroom I make eye contact with the worker who silently lets me know, ‘Hey, you better buy something,’ and a mental note was made to do just that on the way out.

I enter the restroom and it’s one stall, one urinal, nobody in here. Cool. So I drop my trousers and if you’ve seen Dumb and Dumber, you know the scene. It was almost like that. After a few minutes, the cramping subsides and I’m trying to make sure there’s nothing left.

Enter Screwface McGee. This dude busts in the restroom (whose door doesn’t have a lock, but the stall does though) and he immediately starts banging on the door saying to hurry up in an overly bossy, rude tone. Perhaps he had spicy hibachi too, I don’t know.

Now normally I’m a nice guy, but the way he talked to me rubbed me wrong so I decided to take the normal amount of time I would have to make sure round two didn’t happen on the road. Another 30 seconds go by, and this dude starts yelling at me.

‘Hey, jerk! Time’s up! Let’s go!’

This moron. Alright, I’ll go. I start reaching for the toilet paper and I happen to notice there isn’t much left (it’s one of those big rolls). Maybe enough for 3-4 people including myself to make use of what’s there.

(Insert evil grin from the Grinch movie, the Christmas stealing kind).

I take what I need and clean myself up. Then, I take the rest and stuff them down my pants since my pockets would have made it more obvious what I had done.

There was none left at this point.

I flush the toilet, walk out and say, ‘All yours, dude!’

He was not amused and barged in past me. Washing my hands I heard a familiar scene from minutes before taking place.

I scurry out of the restroom and revel in what I had just done.

What did I buy before I left, you might be asking? One of those bright red taquitos that you see next to the hot dogs. I love spicy Mexican food too.”

7 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, 1lwa and 4 more

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1lwa 2 years ago
I haven't a square to spare.
1 Reply

30. Our Coworker Is A Misogynist, So We Decided To Mess With Him


“I (22f) work at a kiosk in the mall and ‘A’ (20s M) works at the kiosk right beside ours. I disliked him from the first month I started working there because it was pretty self-explanatory he’s a jerk of a guy and says a lot of misogynistic things.

I usually ignore and don’t partake in the conversation but when it’s a joint conversation with my coworkers (who are all men) and I’m talking, if he gets bored or doesn’t want to wait until I’m done, he’ll face the other guy and stop me halfway so he can talk about whatever he wants.

The other guys don’t pick up on it or are used to doing this as well so I completely stopped engaging if he’s around.

Recently a new girl started working and he tried to do the same to her and she picked up on it.

The very first time itself he tried to interject four times. He actively tried to stop her from talking four times and she would not budge, continued talking to me and our other coworker. At that point, I just decided to mess with him.

So now on whenever he struts over to our kiosk to talk and he tries to talk to anyone, I interrupt him midway and start a new conversation or pull my coworker into doing a task. Every time without fail.

It’s enough to keep me content at work.

We also don’t let him get a word in when it’s just the girl and me, and I full-on ignore him if it’s just me at the kiosk. Mini win.”

7 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, Jenni1980 and 4 more

29. This Cashier Was Rude For No Reason, So I Left Her With My Trash


“I don’t know how it is elsewhere, but here in NYC all of the McDonald’s are to-go only, no dining in.

So under those conditions, I’d normally get my food and drink and find a place outside to sit and eat. But on this day I was pressed for time, so I ate my burgers while I was walking. And since I was walking, I didn’t get a soda—I’d do that afterward.

So once I finished, it was time for me to get my soda. Like I said, I was pressed for time, so instead of walking a couple more blocks to a 7-11 where I could get a Big Gulp for 99 cents, I went into a nearby deli with the intention of buying a 20-ounce soda, which would cost me $2.00.

Again—pressed for time, and the deli was closer to the entrance to the subway.

As I walked into the deli I saw a garbage can, so I used it to toss the McDonald’s wrappers. Normally I wouldn’t have done that, but since I was buying something I thought it would be okay.

So I went to the cooler to get a soda and put it on the counter. As I was taking out my wallet to pay for it, the woman behind the counter got upset because I had used the garbage can.

‘But I’m a customer, I’m buying something!’ I said.

‘Doesn’t matter,’ she said, and she told me to take my garbage out of the trash can.

Petty revenge time: I put my wallet away, left the soda on the counter, and walked out.

So she not only lost the sale, but she still had to deal with my trash anyway. An added petty bonus: she had to come out from behind the counter and put the soda I didn’t buy back in the cooler.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, Jenni1980 and 3 more

28. My Narcissist Brother In Law Tried To Dictate Our Lives, So We Moved Far Away From Him


“I was married to a woman with a family of narcissists, they would intervene on our decisions as a married couple. I was an Expat, and I let her stay in her family house while I’m working abroad.

My brother-in-law (BIL) is in his late 30s, unmarried, very lazy, an entitled brat, and unemployed since birth.

He always tries to brainwash my wife whenever she and I have an argument. It was clear that he didn’t want his little sister (my wife) to leave their home because he didn’t want to take care of their old parents and he wanted to be free of everything—electricity, Wi-Fi, gas, food, etc. (My wife works as a community nurse and has way bigger pay than the private hospital nurses).

He is the type of guy who changes the channel while you’re watching TV, asks for the food you’ve been keeping for a night daddy duty and never replace it, thinks he can use your stuff, eat your food, dictate all your actions because you live in their home.

He even once asked me how much money I had in the bank. And ate all of our food when we were at the hospital because my son got a small operation. That’s how much of a jerk he is.

Whenever my wife and I argued (mostly because she didn’t want to leave their old home), he would get up to my face, shout at me and accuse me of belittling him or their way of living, and so on.

I never engaged in a fight nor talked back to him because I tried to be as professional and polite as I could because I’m on their property. I could easily fold him in half and put him in my side pocket if I wanted to, I’m a former weight lifting varsity athlete, I’m 5’11 and 130kg and BIL is like 5’6″ or 5’7″.

He is a very insecure person, who didn’t want to work his way up to achieve things, things that other people his age would already have gotten—a family, a stable job, and his own home. He didn’t care. He was getting the juice out of his parents’ pension funds.

So in his mind, he thought, ‘Why should I stretch a leg?’

My wife and I ended up in a case with regards to my 1-year-old son’s custody a few years back. They wanted to block any communications I had with my son until he turned 3 years old.

If I got lucky I’d see a glimpse of my child on video and hear BIL screaming in the background to stop talking to me.

They thought they had won her because I filed a divorce after the first custody case but in our country divorce is not that easy, we only had Annulment.

And later last year, 2021, I decided to pick everything up and be a mature person, a father to my son and partner to my wife. Also, my wife is stressed with her older brother dictating her of everything. Note that my wife and I are both 34 years old already.

We got down to an agreement to try to fix things because my son is already growing and has lots of questions, I didn’t want him to grow up in a broken family setup with his narcissist uncle sharing the same house.

Long story short, we decided to give it a go, my wife already told her parents and other older sister of our decision to get our own place away from their home. And BIL was the last person to know.

(He really loved my son like his own because he didn’t have any kids, because who in the right mind would sleep with a parasite whose past time is laying eggs on the couch).

And by the time he was told about it, he was furious and crying because of anger.

He ran crying like a fool, going towards their other sibling who live next to them and trying to convince them that I’m a bad person and help him try to convince my wife to stay. They didn’t interfere, because they saw the result of the 3 years of separation my wife and I had.

I didn’t miss any child support and visit my son regularly whenever I’m in the country.

And the next day, I picked up my wife and my kid, bringing a huge delivery truck. He absolutely looked like an idiot because everyone around him already knew it for over a week.

I was laughing like a devil inside of my head while filling up the delivery truck with my wife’s and son’s things. And he is in the other sister’s house watching and couldn’t do anything. Like a poor puppy who couldn’t get in the house.

Eventually, one day their parents will be gone because of old age (mid-70s) and he’ll be left alone. Dude can’t even cook, let alone know how to connect a hose on the gas tank for the stove.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, RoseGarden76, Jenni1980 and 3 more

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lasm1 3 years ago
What a waste of space.
2 Reply
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27. This Lady Made My Life A Nightmare, So I Got My Petty Revenge


“Many years ago, I got a job on a Military Cargo Ship overseas.

I was a young 3rd Mate (lowest-ranked of the Officers), and naturally, there was plenty of contempt and disrespect thrown my way. It was very much a ‘let’s test the new kid’ scenario. Many of the unlicensed personnel (think Enlisted VS Officers) took out their frustrations with Officers on me, as this was a chance to get back at an Officer for the years of injustices (real and imagined) they had experienced.

While most of the Deck & Engineering sailors kept it up for a month or two until they were satisfied I was pulling my weight, it was the Stewards Dept. I got the most grief from. Of the 3 departments, they have the least amount of power, and of course, are the most likely to abuse it.

For those of you who don’t go to sea, The Stewards Department consists of a Steward, a Chief Cook, and 2 SA’s (Stewards Assistants). SA’s wash the dishes, wipe tables, sweep and mop, do laundry and prepare the staterooms for arriving crew.

Chief Cook does just that—cooks Lunch and Dinner, usually using his or her own recipes. The Steward is the Big Boss. They do the food ordering, plan the meals (in conjunction with the Cook), ensure all of the above is done.

They are also 100% responsible for cooking breakfast for the entire crew.

And let’s be honest, breakfast is the easiest meal. A tray of oatmeal, a tray of grits, throw a dozen hash brown patties in the deep fryer, put out a tray of sliced fruit, and your job is mostly done, minus eggs.

Few sailors want more than a couple over easy, scrambled, or at most, an omelet. One SA can easily handle the serving line, and smarter ones can flip an egg or two. So the Steward job is NOT tough, day-to-day.

Honestly, the hardest part is ordering food, but most sailors wouldn’t notice a week or two without fresh fruit or veg.

Enter Miss VIV. Miss VIV was a Steward about 50 years of age who loved power. She had no power outside of food & laundry but wielded those like it was Mjolnir.

I got on her bad side immediately by asking her to bring her lifejacket back to her cabin after drills. See, ‘Lifeboat Drills’ were generally held at 10:00 AM, when cooking. She didn’t like having to go to her room and grab her stuff like everyone else, so she just kept it easily accessible in the Galley to save her a trip to her room.

This sounds great, unless we actually had to Abandon Ship, in which case her room was devoid of a lifejacket. I made the mistake of asking her to return her lifejacket to her room after drills (after all, if a vessel is going to sink, it’s not going to be at noon and sunny, it’s going to be in the middle of the night, while it’s dark and stormy—Murphy’s Law).

Sadly, this polite suggestion set off the Great Passive-Aggressive War. The fact that a ‘young punk half her age was telling her what to do’ set her off, and the blowback lasted months. Some of the blowback I got:

The Lifejacket.

She began placing it right behind her to ensure I would see it, just to say ‘Screw You.’ Naturally, it was tossed behind the fridge before the Captain ate at his regular time.

At breakfast one time, I asked for a smaller scoop of oatmeal (I was dieting).

From there on in, I always got a triple-scoop of oatmeal. When I asked for a smaller portion, she snapped, ‘Just don’t eat all of it!’ I childishly responded by walking across the passageway and scooping 2/3 of it into the trash, making sure to spill it all over until I realized my pal, Mohammed the S/A, was having to clean it up.

Amazingly, when I would get regular meals, I always got less than everyone else. Buffalo Wings? Everyone got 6. I got 4 or 5. Ask for more? She’d say ‘come back for seconds’, of which there never were. Luckily, the Chief Mate was behind me in line when this happened once, and she got an earful.

This went on for months and months. I was new to the job and wasn’t sure how to correct the situation. I brought it up to the Chief Mate (2nd to the Captain), and he passed along my concerns, but the Captain had brought along Miss VIV from another ship, and as far as he was concerned, she was untouchable.

He spent most of his evenings intoxicated at the local Officers Club, and she always made his favorite meals whenever he wanted. He couldn’t give a crap about yet another Third Mate only there for a year, at most.

For a couple of months, we were part of an 8-ship ‘Breakout’ Exercise that was temporarily docked in the Middle East. As it turns out, her husband was stationed on a ship also involved in the exercise and was docked nearby.

Rumor had it, they’d worked on the same ship together for 5-6 years until they caused enough drama for one of them to get fired.

Anyways, I was on the 1600-2400 (4 PM to midnight) watch with Strict orders to ensure ALL PERSONNEL was aboard before midnight.

Returning crew told me Miss VIV had apparently decided to spend the night with her husband on HIS ship. This was ridiculously insane, and would NEVER have flown, except Miss VIV knew the Captain had her back. I even mentioned it to the intoxicated Captain when he got back at 11:45 PM.

His response? ‘She’ll be back. Don’t worry about her.’

I could have done that. I did not.

As part of the exercise, each ship was required to call in that all crew had returned to the vessel safely, and we were fully manned. I mentioned I was missing a crew member, and she’d never missed a muster, ever.

Well, all heck broke loose. If you know anything about Military Men during exercises, some of them are just waiting for an excuse to go ballistic. And that’s what they did.

Practically locked down the base, called out the cavalry, went to each ship, and did a full muster.

I mean, this was after MIDNIGHT. She was found almost immediately on her husband’s ship and brought by the MP’s back to mine. As she walked up the gangway, I waited until she was 6 feet from me, and clicked my radio, ‘Base Command, Steward Smith has reported aboard.

We are now fully manned.’ She muttered a string of expletives as she passed me.

She was relieved of her position not long after. I was recently made Captain of my vessel and looked her file up after typing this.

She worked one other ship for 2 months after ours, and that’s it. She also got a Do Not Rehire check next to her name. I guess that captain had zero tolerance for her crap.

She hasn’t worked for my company for almost ten years.

Her husband still does. I am guessing they don’t see each other too much anymore.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, 1lwa, Jenni1980 and 3 more

26. Want To Keep Blowing Your Snow Onto The Street? Have Fun Chiseling Your Way Out


“My father owns a decent-sized landscaping business that I work for and we plow snow during the winter months for residential and commercial properties.

I always hook up my plow whenever we have a storm in the forecast and I’ll park the truck at my house so I can head out when needed. I have this jerk of a neighbor who likes to wait until the storm ends to clear his driveway (not a bad thing) but what makes him a jerk is that instead of blowing all the snow into his yard and not clearing the sidewalk which is a law, he blows all the snow directly into the street which then hardens to ice during Jan-Feb.

Now I wouldn’t care if this was a main road or in a city with DPW’s dealing with but this is a neighborhood with kids and old people.

I confronted the guy after my mother fell while having to walk in the street because he doesn’t clear the sidewalk and he basically told me to screw off.


The next storm I left my house at 4 am (Tue) and didn’t get back until 10 pm (Wed) and as you can imagine I was extremely tired and what do I get to come home to? That’s right—the jerk put his snow in the street again.

Cue the Petty Revenge.

When I saw this I was mad so I decided to go down to the cul-de-sac, put my plow down and scrape the road picking up more and more snow along with the snow he put in the road, then push it to the entrance of his driveway making a nice 4ft tall snow wall.

This made it near impossible for a snowblower to cut through and it blocked his car in.

Happy with my work I go back to my house, park the truck, and blissfully fall asleep. I woke up to the sound of a snowblower running and the jerk was trying to blow and shovel his way out.

When I left to go back to the shop an hour and a half later he was still trying to chisel his way out, I just drove by waving with a massive grin on my face.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980, FatMama and 3 more

25. My Supervisor Is A Pain, So I Keep Everything Out Of Her Reach


“So I recently started a new job at a ranch and my duties there range from moving hay bales, feeding the horses and cows, cleaning their water buckets, cleaning the muck out of their pens, and various maintenance duties (fixing fences and equipment).

I only recently started last month and honestly, if it weren’t for the problems I’m about to mention, I would thoroughly enjoy it. First problem: crap pay and no benefits. Second problem: I’m pretty much expected to cram a whole day’s worth of work in about four hours with zero help (I basically have to take care of an entire ranch by myself) which leaves me so drained and hurting that when I get home, I don’t even have enough energy to do anything.

Third problem: my supervisor who I’ll call Kashendra is a real witch who apparently doesn’t get tired of busting my head over the most insignificant of details.

Enough crying about my problems—on to the revenge. So, for reference, I’m a 250 pound 6’2 dude with long arms that allow me to extend my reach (if I go on my tiptoes) up to almost 8 feet and Kashendra is about 5′.

So what I’ve started doing to subtly mess with her while I wait for my two weeks to be up is I’ve started to put away the equipment out of her reach.

You need a hay hook? Well, I guess you need the step ladder.

You need the knife to cut the bale wires? Get the step ladder. You need the socket wrench to fix a gate? Step ladder. You need the duct tape to fix a leaky hose? Step ladder. You need the spare fly mask?

Can you guess? Get the darn step ladder. One time I even managed to put the step ladder out of her reach just out of spite for her witchy attitude.

When she complains over that, I just use my excuse of, ‘We got little kiddies running around during the riding lessons!

We can’t have them grabbing things around the barn and getting hurt! Would YOU like to deal with OSHA, or worse, a soccer mom?’

I know it’s not much, but I get a little chuckle on my drive home imagining her jumping around the barn trying to reach something while looking like Dr. Hartman in that one scene of Family Guy when he tried to jump up to slap a pipe on the ceiling.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, 1lwa, Jenni1980 and 3 more

24. My Step-Son's Dad Wouldn't Pay Child Support, But He Ended Up Paying Everything Back


“My wife’s story.

I played a role.

Her oldest son’s dad paid for child support for about a year. Her son was born with health issues (club foot, lots of surgeries into his teens) and he told her he didn’t want much to do with him until he was ‘fixed.’

They ended up moving out of state with her parents and when her son was 14, she applied for child support in her new state. He actually tried to get custody back to avoid paying (which failed). All in all, it cost her about $3000 in attorney fees.

The old state sent over a $0 balance and she thought that was it.

I met her about a year after this. I told her what I knew to be true from my parents’ divorce: Child support obligations never go away.

The original state had screwed up. So on her behalf and with her blessing, I called up her new state and pointed out that the $0 balance that had been sent over was incorrect and he had not paid for 13 years until they turned it back on.

Cue hold music as new state questions old state and delays and waits.

So about a year and a half later, old state sends her some forms to declare when he had paid and so on. We fill them out and wait.

A few months later, they send an official mail with ALL the missing years that they had actually had record of. About $104,000 in principal and interest. A hearing was set for November 2020. Son’s dad divorced his wife even though they were still together.

She had gotten ill and lived in a care home. November solidified the court hearing before a judge for April 2021. This was old states’ child support services versus him. So no out-of-pocket attorney for the wife.

She gets to attend the April meeting after declining an offer of $60,000 to settle with the added threat of not ever getting the whole amount.

The guy did not disclose all of his assets. He had a retirement account and a house with about $300,000 equity. His lawyer tried to con the judge and say he didn’t know he had to pay. (The original order included a paternity test, so no argument there).

The judge just pointed out that he had paid for the first year. He awarded the whole amount. He then claimed his wife (What about that divorce?) and lack of assets and income as reasons not to be able to pay.

The judge ordered $750 a month.

Well our guy, even though he was probably getting garnished, did not pay the full amount after April. He paid about a third. And in December, it happened. Boom. The whole amount dropped. No idea why.

He would not have done it on his own. Our theory is threat of jail, they emptied his retirement, or he tried to sell his house and got hit with a lien.

So now the wife has funds to play with and her son (now 18) has a new truck.”

6 points - Liked by LilacDark, 1lwa, Jenni1980 and 3 more

23. These Kids Made Fun Of My Friend, So I Made Sure To Embarrass Them Badly


“Back in 2008 I had to regularly take the bus with my best friend—’why’ is not important. What is important to know is that this best friend at the time was weighing around 180 kg (396 pounds according to google) for about 1m80 in height (5’9 according to google again).

So yeah, he was morbidly obese. If you wonder, he had an operation since then and he lost a tremendous amount of weight.

This particular day, I don’t remember why, I got on the bus before him because he had something to do.

So no problems, I go in and place myself near the back (our favorite spot) after paying for my ticket. There were some kids around maybe 10 to 12 years old sitting nearby but I paid no mind to them. I was 21 years old at the time, and my friend, who we will call Frank (obviously fake name), was 20 years old.

Just looking by the window, I don’t notice my friend coming onto the bus, but what I do hear is the kid starting to loudly crap-talk him like crazy. Not word for word but it did go something like this:

Kid 1: ‘Hey, it’s Frank, he’s really a whale.’

Kid 2: ‘Yeah, really a fat piece of poop right? I don’t understand how you can weigh so much and not be ashamed.’

Kid 1: ‘No wonder he has no friends.’

The last part really ticked me off, since he was my best friend. I noticed that Frank was searching for me (I was slumped in my seat so he couldn’t see me immediately) so I got up and said loudly, ‘Hey Frank!

Right here! I reserved you a spot!’

I never saw kids turn white so fast. They knew I heard everything and before my friend could even join me, they quickly left by the rear door that was still open, while I was laughing my butt off.

Frank didn’t get it until I explained it to him. He laughed too and said to me I was harsh on the kid (he was a big softie and literally didn’t care when people mocked him for his weight, I had to defend him so many times).

The petty revenge part was mostly that it was the last bus for the day, there was literally no others until tomorrow, so I’d like to imagine that they had to find a phone booth (remember it was 2008) and call their parents to come search for them, and likely have to find an excuse on why they missed the bus.

I did see them again on the same bus some days later, but they were very quiet and were always afraid when they saw Frank enter the bus. I think it served them well.

If I had to redo it again, I wouldn’t do anything different.

Here you go, that was my story of petty revenge. I can only hope they learned not to crap talk so loudly in public spaces. Maybe they got more respectful even. One can hope.”

5 points - Liked by LilacDark, 1lwa, Jenni1980 and 2 more

22. Want Me To Give You Answers To The Exam? I'll Make You Fail Instead


“For some context, this took place last year.

Chris always bullied me for having bad vision and wearing glasses.

My vision is so bad. I’m blind in one eye and my other eye is really bad. I always need my iPad to help me see text or any other thing that is far away.

Even if the paper has been printed in bigger font, I would still use it.

So it was time for exams. I had Chris in all my classes. I had good grades in the classes, unlike Chris who was failing almost all classes.

He begged everyone to help him copy. I would’ve helped him if he was anyone else. But because he was him and he made my life a nightmare I didn’t. So he asked me to help him pass by giving him the answers.

I thought this was a great idea to get my revenge. I said okay. In all our exams I gave him wrong answers.

Two weeks later we got our grades and he failed all of the exams. Meaning he failed all classes besides one—English where he got 55%.

But I on the other hand got really good grades. Chris was really mad, he tried to fight me. But there were teachers who stopped him. He couldn’t tell any teacher that I was the reason he failed.

What was he going to say?

‘He gave me the wrong answers in the exam.’ If he tried telling anyone he would get in trouble for copying off of me. He and his friend kept calling me a jerk and telling me that I should’ve let him copy me.

He ended up wasting his summer in summer school.”

4 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980, leonard216 and 1 more

21. Want To Be Deliberately Incompetent? Enjoy Drinking Out Of A Dirty Tumbler


“I have three roommates right now. One guy is deliberately incompetent all the time. A couple of weeks ago, he asked me where we keep the dishwasher detergent after I asked him to turn the dishwasher on. We’ve lived together for maybe 10 months.

I stared at him and said, ‘Guess.’ What do you know, he instantly reached for it.

Except for maybe once or twice a week, I am the main person to start the dishwasher and empty the dishwasher. I’m also the only person to clean the dishwasher and the dishwasher filter.

It gets old considering I run the dishwasher 1-2 times a day.

I’ve had to ask, repeatedly, that my roommates rinse out their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Some people think dishes need to be pre-washed, but I’m just trying to get my roommates to not put literal piles of food in the dishwasher.

There’s constantly giant carrot slices or green beans or noodles or spoonfuls of oatmeal at the bottom of the dishwasher that only I bother to fish out. My male roommate seems to be the primary culprit. He’ll apologize and then continue to do it, I assume because he’s never around when I’m the one that has to clean it up.

He hasn’t gotten any real consequences.

Lately, I don’t know what he’s been drinking, but every single tumbler ends up coated in a thick grit. Sometimes it’s hardened not just all over the inside but all over the outside too.

It’s worth noting that we have normal mugs that he doesn’t use, glassware that he doesn’t use, and about eight yeti mugs (all purchased by me) that both he and I favor. Unlike me, he also has the bad habit of taking them to work, so even though I run the dishwasher frequently, we run low on the yeti mugs because he doesn’t bring them back at the end of each workday.

I imagine this is why whatever he’s drinking has a chance to solidify all over the inside.

Dishwashers aren’t magic and so this grit all over the inside of the yeti mugs, having sat like that for however many days, doesn’t come off with one or sometimes even two runs through the dishwasher.

Usually, I’ll pull the tumblers out, fill them with hot soapy water, and either hand scrub until clean or only put them in the dishwasher right when I’m ready to start it after the tumbler has been soaking for a few hours.

I’ve been doing this for a couple of months because I want to be able to use my own yeti tumblers and also because there’s been a couple of instances where the grit ends up transferring to all of the dishes around the originally dirty tumbler in the dishwasher and half the load is ruined.

Well, no more! I started keeping my favorite yeti in my personal cabinet with all of my pantry items. My older yetis I’ve left in the normal drinkware cabinet. For the last week, every time I see a tumbler in the dishwasher covered in that gritty filth, I leave it there, maybe make sure no dishes are very close to it on the rack.

When I empty the dishwasher and see that it is still disgusting inside, I put the lid on it and I pop it right into the drinkware cabinet anyway. I’ve done this about six times and I can see them disappear from the cabinet and reappear in the dishwasher a few days later.

From what I can tell, he is continuing to drink out of these filthy tumblers.

I know a good solution is to have a conversation, but I am sick of having to have conversations with him about every little thing when he is a grown man who is nearly 40.

I’m not his mommy.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

20. Leave Me With All Your Debt? Have Fun Getting Your Wages Garnished


“Decades ago I was engaged to a guy who had poor financial skills. Had tons of student loans, dropped out of multiple universities, never finished a degree, bought a car on a credit card. He filed for bankruptcy in his early 20s before we’d even met.

His credit was so bad he couldn’t get a cellphone. So I cosigned for him. Months go by and he decides he’s going to move 1,000 miles away ‘to find himself’ and maybe he’d be back. Months after that I get a collections notification that he’s never once paid his cellphone bill.

I have to pay for late fees, a broken contract, and the phone itself. $1,500. Which is a TON of money to me in 1996!

Fast forward another few months and I get a call asking if I’m me (I am) and if this guy was available to talk.

I explained, ‘No, he left me. He lives in such and such city now.’

The caller asks if I have his address or phone number. I don’t. I ask the caller what this is about. Says this guy has defaulted on his student loans and they can’t find him.

I panic, thinking somehow he’s made me responsible for this as well. Nope, they’re just trying to find him.

I tell him the name of the guy I know he’s living with in this new city. The caller thanks me and goes to hang up.

I say, ‘Wait!’

He says, ‘Yes ma’am?’

I reply, ‘Hunt him down like a dog.’

He laughs and says, ‘Yes ma’am, we will.’

The very next year I run into the ex at a bar near his new city.

He tells me how his wages are being garnished because of his unpaid student loans. Awww. Wonder how they found him? It’s not much, but it makes me smile.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

19. Construction Workers Teased Me And My Dog, So I Let It Rip On Them


“I’m an adult now and this happened way back when I was about four years old.

My family and I moved overseas to Europe, and at the time we lived in my dad’s old family house, and a couple of meters away there was a construction site for our new house.

Because my dad was a builder I was always very interested in everything, so I spent a lot of time with him and the other workers.

My parents also got us a dog and I loved her so much. Because there weren’t other kids in our village and my brothers were quite older than me and had business of their own, that dog was my playmate.

Two of the workers always messed around with me and said how they are going to take my dog away, and at one point they put her in the trunk of their truck. I cried when I saw her in the trunk and ran into the house to tell my mum.

When someone made me angry I would find a way to ‘avenge’ them if you could call it that. Flipping the bird was a very common one back then, along with wetting their shoes.

Fast forward to their coffee break, I walk out of the house and see them on the field down the road sipping their coffee.

I found the perfect moment for my revenge. I snuck behind them unnoticed, pulled down my pants, and let it rip. They were shocked when they realized I was peeing on them. I was petrified when I realized what my parents would do to me, so I went to hide in my room.

My parents couldn’t believe what I’d done, and at the same time not surprised. The workers came up to them and said not to punish me because they had it coming and they deserved it. Nevertheless, I still got punished.

So the moral of the story is: don’t mess with a kid and their dog. Am I proud of what I did? Meh. I was a four-year-old that didn’t know the local language well, and I had a temper.

But this is a story that will forever stay in my family because it’s inconceivable that a little kid was that spiteful.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

18. This Lady Threatened Me With Lawyers So I Put Myself First And Got Revenge


“I had bought my house from a lovely 87-year-old woman named Doris. I was previously renting from Doris. She proposed some weird ‘seller financed’ deal. Basically, she was the bank and I paid the mortgage to her. And boy, oh, boy Doris is a great negotiator because at the end of negotiations I was paying something like 5.75% interest even though my credit score is over 700.

So Fast Forward to 2020. A friend refinances his house and he tells me interest rates are super duper low and you can save a ton. So I look around, call a lot of different mortgage companies, settle on one and it looks like I can go from the current payment of 1495 to 1150, and the cost of refinancing would be recouped from the savings in about 14 months.

I call Doris and she cries. Saying I’m sending her to the poor house, that I’m awful. I will admit I started crying because this woman would say things like, ‘I wish you were my son,’ and drop off black-eyed peas for new years.

I really liked her. So I offered her a deal, I’ll just refinance through her, and she will honor the rate of the refinance company.

And then I did some digging. I was NOT sending her to the poor house.

Turns out she owns 4 houses in my city, and she owns the house she is living in about an hour away. That kind of burned me up inside. And more digging: if you pay your mortgage on time to a bank it’s good, it builds up your credit but seller-financed deals are super ‘dark market’ and my credit agencies wouldn’t know, and then there’s the whole question of Doris’ age and what happens if she expires within 30 years.

Armed with knowledge (and a pep talk from my brother who is really good at not being manipulated by others) I called Doris and before I can say anything she goes on and on about, ‘I don’t like this deal, but I’ll let it happen because I like you.

I hate this and it’s really going to hurt me.’

I finally just said, ‘Doris if you hate this so much, I’ll just refinance with a real bank.’

It took about 4 months because she wouldn’t disclose anything to the bankers, hang up on their phone calls, and claim she didn’t have an e-mail address but it finally got refinanced. The last text I got from her was threatening me with lawyers.

Funny how people say, ‘I wish you were my son,’ but once you finally put yourself first, they forget all the high Christian morals and will swear and threaten like a jezebel.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

17. Manager Screamed At Me For Taking A Sick Day, So I Left Her Scrambling


“When I was in my early 20s I worked in retail.

I’d put myself down for a load of overtime as back then I had no kids and was still living at home so had the time and just liked the extra income. I was probably doing 40+ hours when my contracted hours were 24 per week as full-time contracts weren’t available.

Well I came in one day and a colleague wasn’t well and she’d returned after having a 24-hour bug which she hadn’t fully recovered from. I happen to catch this bug so ring into work early hours the next morning, still throwing up, to tell them I won’t be in.

My manager then decides to have a screaming fit down the phone at me being completely horrible, telling me it’s unacceptable and how I always pull a sickie when I put myself down for overtime (hadn’t had a sick day in 2 years by then) and to ring back later to confirm whether I’d do an afternoon shift instead.

I ring back and totally different attitude telling me she hopes I feel better soon, all because other managers were in the room with her. So 2 days later I find out I’m pregnant just before I go in to work.

Request a meeting with my manager, tell her I have good news and I’m pregnant to which she congratulates me. Then tell her I have even better news to which she looks slightly confused at. I then say she can take me off every single shift I have put myself down for overtime (there were a lot of shifts at that point) and to find someone else to do it as I now have to think about the health of my baby and myself.

Basically left her struggling to find someone to cover those shifts as I’d put myself down for the overtime weeks in advance.

Moral of the story is treat your employees with some respect and maybe they won’t crap on you!”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

16. Coworker Decided It Was Funny To Prank Me, So I Left Him A Ransom Note


“To start I will clarify no human was held hostage or hurt!

About 10 years ago I had gotten my first job out of college in my field. I am very particular about how I set up my workspace. I use many tools and supplies through a large area and like to have the needed items in arm’s reach of the machine they require.

As the only female and youngest by at least 15 years, many of my co-workers found it funny to ‘prank’ me. This usually consisted of moving my things or swapping them for other random things such as lipstick and nail polish.

If I asked if someone had or moved the tool it was met with me being forgetful, flighty, and such. Not true as I admit I’m very particular with how I organize my workspace and don’t even own lipstick so it would have never been in my area to begin with.

One sales rep was very keen on doing this. It was very distracting to be in the middle of one task and need a tool only to have to go looking for said tool I knew was right next to the machine not 10 minutes earlier.

I even went as far as to have the maintenance team drill holes to add metal cables to latch tools to the machine so they couldn’t wander off.

One morning as soon as I turned on the lights to my area (first person in the building but also first to finish my 8 hour day) I noticed one of my most used tools was missing and the cable had a note hanging from it that just said, ‘Ha, ha.’

I knew the handwriting and I get all my job orders in written form directly from the sales reps.

I went to his office, took every picture of his beloved granddaughter, and left a ransom note. I don’t remember the exact wording but it was written in the largest sharpie marker I could find on plain white printer paper.

The message was clear, however—’your granddaughter will be returned after said tool was replaced and any future pranks here on out will have similar pranks in return.’

After that day I never did have another tool, pen, or piece of equipment tampered with.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, Haywire, LilacDark and 1 more

15. My Art Teacher Criticized My Work So I Became President And Criticized Him Back


“I went to a high school that had a specialized fine arts program. For most of my life, I loved drawing and painting and was ecstatic when I was accepted into the program.

The first year was great, and then in the second semester of second year, Mr. Donkey became my art teacher. Because another teacher went on mat leave, Mr. D ended up teaching my class for 2 whole years. They were horrible.

It wasn’t too bad at first—he clearly had favorites which was fine, but he started actively disliking me after a presentation where I said despite his mostly negative feedback, I was still pleased with how my piece turned out.

After that, he just became mean. For reference, I had the third-highest grade in the class before he began teaching, but after, I barely scraped a pass. When my painting didn’t sell, he snidely told me, ‘I guess only you could like this.’

But the main plot begins here.

I had finished my work early and was chatting with a few friends when he started yelling at us to get back to work. It was stupid since his favorites were currently playing cards and clearly weren’t finished their work.

I told him I was done and he made me bring my work to the front of the room. He proceeded to criticize the crap out of it and I was so embarrassed since everyone was watching.

He then said, ‘If you have time, you should deep-clean the classroom.’

I was just so angry at that moment, close to tears, and just didn’t want to draw anymore. So I cleaned the entire classroom, including moving huge boxes onto shelves, and even stayed after school to make sure the classroom was clean (yeah, I’m kind of stubborn).

One of the assistant principals walked by and saw me. I was a student council rep at the time so I knew the office staff pretty well and when he asked me what I was doing, I said, ‘Mr. D told me to clean.’

She looked angry. Looking back, I guess she was thinking about how moving those boxes was a health and safety hazard.

Anyways, I’m guessing she said something to Mr. D because the next day onwards, Mr. D made sure to criticize my work any chance he got, he refused to display any of my paintings in the school gallery (which was a big deal) and on one occasion when I was so miserable that I wanted to drop out of the program, I had to get his approval to drop and sign the form and he told me how much more of a disappointment I’d be if I dropped. He also said his wife would never hire me at her business (now that I think of it—what the heck?) and as a high schooler, that scared me.

My revenge? I was elected president of the Arts Council at the end of my sophomore year. The council worked closely with the arts department and was in charge of organizing many of the more important school events (which were arts-related of course).

I had to find a teacher supervisor, and luckily during the summer, I found out that the department head was retiring, and I reached out to her replacement, Mr. Cool-Dude, and he agreed to be my supervisor. We got along amazingly and my friends and I had suspicions that he and Mr. D didn’t like each other.

So here’s how things changed: in the past, Mr. D had a lot of say in how these arts events are run, he had the final say in the theme, whose pieces were displayed, whose isn’t, and stomped around like he was the boss.

But with me as president?

‘I love your idea Mr. D but don’t you think XYZ would be better? I think so. Sorry Mr. D, guess we’re not gonna do your idea!’ Basically, I shot down every single idea he had.

You bet I smiled wide and did that every single time he wanted to contribute anything. When he got mad, I’d tell him that Mr. C (his boss) was happy with my plan. When he refused to sign off on something that needed teacher approval, I had Mr. C sign it.

When I spoke/MC’d at the events, I made sure to credit Mr. C for everything possible and Mr. D was angry since he used to get thanked at these events. Mr. D made thinly veiled threats about my grades but joke’s on him, he’d effectively killed my love for art and Mr. C gladly signed my drop-out form for my senior year.

To this day, I still can’t find his wife’s business online.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

14. My Aunt Was Being A Royal Pain At Applebee's, But The Waiter's Revenge Was Hilarious


“I was not the perpetrator of this petty revenge, only a witness.

Preface: I love my family. Every member of my family is incredibly intelligent and has the capacity for great kindness.

With that said, I do have one family member (my aunt) who is… well, a full-blown Karen (haircut and all).

I was staying with my grandma for a weekend and we decided to go visit my Aunt, Uncle, and my cousin.

Uncle was out at work, so Aunt, Grandma, my younger cousin, and I decide to go out for lunch.

We decide on AppleBee’s (For you non-Americans, Applebee’s serves neither apples nor bees. They are an American restaurant and regular bar that has many TVs that show sports but is DEFINITELY not a Sports Bar).

When we arrive we are seated at a table near the very crowded bar.

We’ve recently been handed our menus when my Aunt notices what’s on the TV is attracting the large crowd—a wrestling match.

Aunt: ‘Waiter! Could I grab you for a second, please?’

Waiter: ‘Sure! Are you ready to order?’

Aunt: ‘In a minute. Could you change the channel on the TV?’

Waiter: ‘Uh, we have quite a few patrons watching that. If you want we could try to reseat you?’

Aunt: ‘No, we’ve already gotten our drinks and taken off our coats. Now, please, my daughter is 10 and she doesn’t need to be seeing that.’

The waiter was speechless. He changes the channel to golf, and immediately every patron around that particular TV is glaring at us from the bar.

At this time my Grandma and I were firmly horrified, as my Aunt had managed to not only anger the restaurant staff but a bunch of patrons.

Shortly after we order our food, which is delivered in a longer but not unreasonable amount of time.

Grandma, cousin, and I dig in—enjoying our normal dinner fare.

Aunt then takes a bite of her food, then spits it out. ‘Ugh!’ she says. ‘What the heck? Taste this!’

Sure enough—Aunt’s food is about 90% salt and tastes like a big ol’ mouthful of chewy ocean water.

‘Wow,’ I said, ‘I can’t believe that happened!’ (Meanwhile we understood immediately why our food tastes completely normal).

‘Does YOUR food taste like that?’ asked my aunt.

‘Nope, definitely not quite THAT salty. Must’ve been a mistake from the kitchen.’

Aunt wastes no time in flagging down a waiter and complaining at length about the salt. She ends up returning it to the kitchen while angrily glaring at us eating our food. Her food returns, she goes to take another bite, it’s just as salty.

Her rage inflamed even more, she flags down a waiter.

‘Hey, this is still salty!’ she says.

‘If the dish is not to your taste, then I guess you don’t like that dish,’ said the waiter.

At this point, Aunt is absolutely fuming and demands that we all leave.

Grandma, cousin, and I all quickly wolf down the little remaining on our plates as Aunt tells grandma not to pay for (aunt’s) meal shortly before storming out of the restaurant.

Grandma pays the bill and tips heavily.”

4 points - Liked by Twise, LilacDark, Jenni1980 and 1 more

13. Don't Want To Listen To Your Big Sister? Maybe Next Time You Should


“We got some snow last night and it’s at least two to three inches. We had to bundle up pretty well since it said we’ll get frostbite in less than ten minutes. So my dog, or LS’s (little sister) dog is an incredibly spastic ball of annoyance.

She’ll be lazy one second, but if you open the fridge door, a can of food, or even shake a takeout bag, she’ll come running like a fat, furry bullet with legs.

LS is also incredibly stubborn when it comes to the mutt.

She cares deeply for her health even though she’s been constantly enabling the mutt’s actions about 80%. We told her no, but she would sometimes go behind our backs and let her while saying, ‘She needed it!’ or ‘She’s lonely!’

Now her dog loves the cold! And loves to spontaneously freak out while playing outside. On. A. Leash. You have no idea how hard it is to wrangle an annoying, rowdy 100 lb puppy. Well, I’m sure you would, but it’s very hard and exhausting!

One of the reasons why I’m a cat person.

So after going out since it snowed, she flipped out and started jumping, and running around both me, mom, and LS. Both Mom and I freaked out at her for doing that, but LS didn’t, of course.

I fell to the ground after one freak-out from the darn dog and scraped my knee. With snow, it’s a softer landing, but remember the annoying, whiny baby-kid from the Christmas movie that was all bundled up in a heavy, red coat and couldn’t get up after falling to the ground?

That would’ve been the tougher part than getting a scraped knee now. So I told LS to hold onto the dog’s vest (She wears a vest than a collar, but we sometimes put said collar on her at times).

The mutt would usually calm herself if being held by the vest cause there’s a handle on the back of it. After she was excited about the snow, I grabbed the handle and held her while pulling her inside, and she immediately stopped her rowdy actions.

LS said she wouldn’t be able to cause the dog would be running and wouldn’t catch her. But from what I’m getting, she’s really saying, ‘I won’t because it’ll hurt her and she’s a good puppy.

She’ll listen.’

The first couple of take-outs went fine, but I could see her struggling to stop the rowdy puppy several times. Heck, she’ll come in angry about it. But I did see that the dog stopped in front of her several times after she told her no, having an opportunity to grab the handle.

The next takeout, I told her again to hold onto the handle if she was freaking out. She said no. Well, can you guess what happened?

Yep… I left to my room to grab my phone. I left before they left, but I suddenly heard the door immediately open after a minute, or two (paper-thin walls and floor…) I ran to the door and saw LS angrily yelling at the mutt to get inside.

I asked what happened and she said, ‘She pulled me down!’ I saw some bits of snow on the sleeves of her heavy coat and pant leg. And I think a bit on the side of the hood.

You have no idea how hard it was to not say, ‘I told you so’ and ‘You should’ve listened to me.’ But I did make a small, sly smile when she wasn’t looking.

I highly doubt this changed her mind on how to wrangle the mutt, but it was funny to imagine my stubborn sister falling to the snow after allowing the dog to run around her. I’m glad she didn’t get hurt like I did, but this should be a wake-up call to her.

She even tried to counter back saying, ‘I didn’t fall, I was pulled down.’ True, but you still fell.

Next time, listen to your big sister for once when she’s giving you good advice.”

3 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980 and Niffer

12. Spread Rumors About Me? I'll Get You Kicked Out Of A Bar


“So way back in freshman year of high school, I was seeing a girl who we’ll call G. When we were going out I was absolutely in love with her. A mutual acquaintance of ours, who we’ll call A, had a crush on her.

His friend, J, caught wind of this and began to spread rumors (as far as I can tell without A’s consent) that I was two-timing G in order to get her to break up with me. She believed those rumors.

Fast forward to now (Almost 10 years later, in a happy relationship in another city several states away, yadda yadda). I’ve come back to my hometown to visit family and friends for the holidays. I’m at a bar with one of my old friends, and who else do I see but J.

After a quick conversation with my old friend, I learn that J is a regular at this bar. According to my observations, J is also very intoxicated. After about a half-hour of drinking with my friend, another group of guys comes in.

Right off the bat, these guys seem like unsavory types. (One almost immediately tried to start a fight with me because I told him that the seat next to me had been taken by my friend, who was in the bathroom at the time).

After some time, I hear J talking to this group, and this is where the fun begins.

J, again by this point very intoxicated, was loudly challenging a member of the group to a game of pool, going so far as to bet a not-insignificant amount on said game of pool.

Now, I’m not quite sure what was said, but the next time I turned back to them, the conversation had become a confrontation. Apparently, someone had made fun of J’s height. (I don’t know for sure, but I make him out to be about 5’4″) and J didn’t like that.

The bartender came and diffused the situation by chatting up the group and offering drinks.

The situation died down for a while. In fact, the group even invited J out to the patio of the bar to smoke with them.

I can’t tell you exactly what happened next, but after some time, the group plus J came back in, and J was infuriated. He claimed that one of the group grabbed his hat and threw it over the fence dividing the bar patio from public property, and J was having none of it.

He threatened the member of the group, shouting obscenities and threats, one of which was, ‘I will literally execute you.’ It was here that I had an idea.

Now, to be completely honest, I have no idea who started the whole thing.

Maybe they did chuck his hat over the fence, maybe not. But that’s not what I told the bouncer. The bouncer had been eyeing the situation for a few minutes and was just about to step in when I told him that I knew what had happened. I told him that J had dropped his hat, and proceeded to blame the group, thus starting the confrontation.

The bouncer, normally hesitant to throw out a regular, proceeded to throw J out of the bar.

Even though I’m in a happy relationship now and living a thousand miles away, and it’s been almost 10 years, screw you J. I hope you get banned from the bar you were a regular at, you lying piece of dog doodoo.”

3 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980 and Niffer

11. Reckless Driver Nearly Hit Us, So We Let Some Air Out Of His Tires


“One morning about six years ago, my father and I are heading to the local mall and he’s looking for a parking spot. Where we are, there’s a twin-tiered carpark with multiple ramps leading up to the top tier. So my old man’s driving carefully towards an intersection in the carpark—where the horizontal lane goes down a ramp on the left side and towards a row of spots on the right.

As he’s preparing to cross over said lane, another car ZOOMS up the ramp at 35-40 KPH, nearly hitting us as it goes down the horizontal lane.

My dad, predictably, sees red.

He proceeds to chase the car around a third of the carpark, swearing a blue streak as I hang onto the handle for dear life, until the two meatheads within the offending car believed themselves safe and parked near where the near-miss happened. When they’d moved out of earshot, we parked nearby them and got out to do our shopping.

My dad, however, approached the car’s rear right tire and knelt down. Having found a rusty nail in the glove box, I walk over to hand it to him—only for the man to suddenly stand up and declare that revenge had been served already.

What he’d done was let some air out of the tire—not enough for the moron driver to notice, but enough to make him consume more petrol to compensate. To this day, it’s still the pettiest thing I’ve personally witnessed.”

3 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980 and Niffer

10. Some Teens Were Causing Trouble, So I Had Revenge Up My Sleeve


“So I live at an apartment. Our building has had a lot of trouble with substance dealing and k************s hanging around our (unmanned) lobby making it a mess and causing trouble for our residents. The last 2 years have been better and most people only get lost because of the parking lot underneath our building that has a separate door next to ours.

Today I got back from doing groceries and went out to throw away some trash. There were two teens lurking about and I kind of had my suspicions. I pretended to be reading the news while I saw them passing by our front door and the one towards the parking lots underneath.

Trying to open them one by one but neither was budging.

I hear the girl say, ‘Ah, you need a parking ticket to get in probably.’ The boy looks at the machine next to the door, tries the door again, and starts looking next to it.

I fill in my code to enter my building but hover around the door for a minute until it starts closing. I start to walk away but then hear the door get stuck. I turn around and see the girl push the door back and throw something between the door and its doorpost. She sees me standing there and then rushes back outside.

I walk back to the door while they linger at the square in front and pretend to take a look around. I say ‘pretend’ because there is nothing else around here but empty store spaces.

She had actually thrown a pair of scissors in the doorpost to stop it from closing and locking itself again.

I open it completely again and yell at them, ‘Excuse me but may I ask why you did that?’

She, very sassy, answers back with a, ‘NO, YOU CAN’T! Ha, ha, ha, ha!’

Now I could’ve just thrown the thing out and left it at that.

But I decided to be petty enough and have some revenge and take it with me. I stayed with the door to make sure she couldn’t use anything else to block it and after making sure they couldn’t get in I left with the scissors still in my hands.

I threw it away at my apartment. If they needed to get to the parking lot they’re out of luck now and if they were looking to stay at our lobby they’re sure crap out of luck now.

And she has one less item to block the door if one of my neighbors comes back.”

3 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980 and Niffer

9. My Neighbor's Dog Wouldn't Stop Barking At Night, So I Ruined Their Movie Night


“So the neighbor behind me has 3 dogs. For three years I’ve been listening to them bark, driving me nuts in the summer. Now I get that dogs bark and play, blah blah. I’m talking about at night, constant barking here.

Each fall he sets up a big screen for a couples’ night and they all have their own little bonfire kettle and snuggle under blankets and watch a movie. I think it’s nice. The movie is usually loud, but it’s once a year and they are always done by 10:30.

No big deal.

On this particular night, they are all cuddled up watching away, I’m in my basement and can hear the dogs barking OVER the movie. I started fuming again. Ticked off, I walked outside, went to the fence screaming at him asking if he can hear his dogs over the movie.

I stayed away from the fence because this guy is huge and no doubt could kick my butt. He dared me to come to the fence line and say it to his face—needless to say, words were exchanged.

I had just gotten done cleaning up my yard that day, so I grabbed my leaf blower and a roll of tape.

Started that baby up, taped the trigger down, and went back inside.

5 minutes later there’s a knock at the door. It’s the cops, he called the cops on me. They wanted to ticket me for making nuisance noise if I wouldn’t shut it off.

I told them it’s a tool and that I had until 10 PM to run it. While explaining the situation to them, the blower ran out of gas and they said they were glad the situation was over. But not for me, I was really mad.

When I went back to get the blower I grabbed my chainsaw and the tape. He saw me and was equally angry as I ruined the movie for, like, 4 couples and him. More words were exchanged, much harsher than before but I didn’t care.

The chainsaw gas needed to be emptied for the winter. I can only imagine his thoughts when he heard the first couple of pulls on the saw.

This was a couple of years ago, and I haven’t spoken with him, or heard his dogs bark at night either.”

3 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980 and Niffer

8. My Boss Was Horrible Toward Me, So I Called Up A Lawyer And Screwed Him Over


“This happened not that long ago.

I worked a horrible job for a horrible boss that treated all of his employees badly. Disrespecting their times and efforts. Refusing to pay for working overtime and even getting physical with male coworkers.

He always looked to find ways to scam us into taking even a little bit of funds from us even though we worked minimum wage and he was loaded.

I didn’t receive proper training because they didn’t have enough staff, I had a shift alone on my second day there and he tried to punish me for any mistakes I made because I worked with money.

For all my time there I wasn’t allowed any off days and I had to work Monday to Sunday and repeat without being paid for the 10 hours on top of my 40 a week.

I decide that it is time to quit and right as I pick the date for my grand exit the world shuts down.

We have no idea for how long. This would be a stupid time to quit since we would still be getting paid.

After 2 months of staying home our workplace opens up again and I get called back to work. In those 2 months, I found out I was pregnant.

Now during this time, pregnant women were allowed to not work and the government would pay for the expenses. My boss begs me to keep going to work because he needs employees until he figures it out. I accept only because I was bored. Keep in mind that my working there is illegal because he is taking funds from the government to pay me but is still forcing me to work.

I am at work one day and I get extremely sick. I call him to ask him if I can leave and he tells me to******* up and this isn’t his problem. And because pregnancy brain is an actual thing I get lost and I make a mistake which means now I have to pay for it.

I call him and let him know that when I get paid I will pay for it thinking it’s no big deal but he loses his mind on me. Starts calling me names and telling me that I need to give back the funds right away.

At this point, I am sick of him and this stupid job so I tell him that the payment will be given to him in about 30 minutes and to not expect me at work tomorrow. He tells me fine I am fired. I go home and call a lawyer right away.

I am told that I am 100% right and that this, if taken to court, is the easiest case to win. Lawyer warns me that my boss might try to get me to sign documents saying that I quit myself.

And that is what happened-he tried to get me to sign it and I told him no, I want him to fire me.

He threatened to sue me for making a mistake and I just asked him how was he going to explain that I made that mistake because he forced me to work pregnant WHILE lying to the government and getting funds from them.

He called later that day, I assume after he spoke to a lawyer, and found out that if taken to court he will lose a huge amount of money. He asked me to come back to work because he thought I was unaware of my rights.

I told him that I am not coming to work and they can fire me if they want to. Legally they aren’t allowed to fire me because I was pregnant. So this is how I got months of paid leave.

And then months of maternity leave while also being paid. The company had to pay for me for about a year and a half until I quit.

If he didn’t treat me the way he did I would have kept working and helping him but he decided to go there so I took what he loves the most. His paycheck.

Don’t be a waste of human being and treat the people that make you your money with respect and maybe you won’t get played. Toodles.”

3 points - Liked by Haywire, LilacDark and Niffer

7. Want To Negotiate Lower Prices? I'll Make You Pay Even More Than The Initial Price


“Years ago I was moving cross country and was selling large or heavy items I didn’t want to move.

I listed stuff on Craigslist at fire-sale prices. I guessed at what I thought each item would normally move for and priced it at 25-50% just to make the process quick. I wanted everything gone by nightfall.

Most items went smooth and quick, but as you might imagine, some people are going to try to take advantage of this situation.

I put up a 300-pound weight set with a stand, Olympic bar, and curl bar for $50. I got an insane amount of calls even after taking the ad down and immediately knew I had priced too low. The later callers offered much more than $50 to sell to them instead.

I told him I would abide by the 1st caller’s deal as long as 1st caller does.

1st caller shows up and tries to immediately load the items. ‘Nah man, pay first then I will help you load.’

He pauses and says, ‘I only have $45.

Can you do it for that?’ It is pretty obvious he wanted to pull this after it was loaded so he could save $5. After a day of dealing with Craigslist people, I was in no mood for these shenanigans.

I explained to him the number of phone calls and that I have a standing offer of $150 (small embellishment) and I was planning to do the $50 if he came correct. Since he re-opened negotiations, we no longer have a deal and he would now have to beat the $150 offer.

He thinks and offers $151, to which I reply that bid increments are $5 and he needs $155 and he needs the funds now because the other offer is ready to go. Wouldn’t you know it? He pulls out $155 that he had on him the whole time.

I take the payment and sit on my couch and turn on the TV. He says, ‘I thought you were gonna help me load.’

I replied, ‘That was part of the first deal. Our re-negotiation didn’t include any help.’

He huffed and puffed but started loading, huffing and puffing more with each trip. I did end up moving the weights just outside my front door so I could get him out of my sight.”

2 points - Liked by Jenni1980 and Niffer

6. My Aunt Re-Gifted My Parents' Wedding Gift, So My Dad Took Decade-Long Revenge


“A little set-up: My dad is one of 9 children to my grandparents. When the oldest sister (my aunty)—let’s call her Margaret—got married, one of the gifts she received was four very poorly-made clay pots from one of her friends who wasn’t super close to the family.

They were all very different from each other and didn’t match at all. I assume they came out of a first-timer’s pottery class or something.

Anyway, fast forward 15 years and my parents are getting married. Margaret shows up at the wedding.

As does everyone else. The ceremony and reception pass with no drama and everyone goes home.

The following week my parents begin to sort through all their wedding gifts. Unwrap Margaret’s to find a very old worn-looking cardboard box with the old tape still underneath the new tape put on there by Margaret to hold the lid closed. Dad opens the box to see the 4 pots that had been given to Margaret 15 years prior.

My parents knew this was a gift to Margaret originally because at the bottom of the box was a cord of congratulations on your wedding… addressed to Margaret. She hadn’t even bothered to take the pots out of the box when she was gifted them or check the condition when rewrapping them.

This thoroughly ticked off my dad.

Then his anger turned to determination as he started to develop a plan that would stretch almost a decade.

With Christmas fast approaching my dad rewrapped the pots in the same box with the same wedding card addressed to Margaret, essentially in the same condition he had received it in.

He then wrote another card addressed to another of his siblings explaining his plan. He gave the present to the youngest of his siblings, and the newer card explained that she was to hold on to the pots until the next Christmas, making sure to unwrap it and make sure that everyone could see the pots in one way or another.

The card then explained to leave the wedding card in the box and to not let anyone see it. My aunty would then hold on to the box, pots, and card until next Christmas. She would then gift them and my dad’s note to the next sibling above her in age (my uncle).

This cycle would repeat another 8 times until it reached the oldest sibling. Margaret. In my dad’s letter, it instructed the last sibling before Margaret to not give her the letter written by him regarding the plan.

9 years after giving the gift away.

My dad and all his siblings watched as she pulled out the pots that she had seen being passed around from sister to brother to sister for the last decade. She then noticed the note still in the box. She opened it and a category 4.2 earthquake was registered as her jaw hit the floor.

Now, most people would expect her to erupt in rage but Australians have some of the best senses of humor on the planet. The family all had a good chuckle about it and moved on to Christmas lunch. The pots are now separated. One going to my dad, Margaret, my grandparents, and the last being the trophy of the annual cricket game.

It was sadly destroyed by a rouge ball in that very same yearly tournament and is now only half a trophy.”

2 points - Liked by LilacDark and Niffer

5. Threaten To Fail Me? I'll Put On The Best Presentation You've Ever Seen


“When I was about 16 my parents dragged me with them to another city and I had to leave the private high school where I had a full scholarship. Because it was late in the year, my parents could only enter me in this tiny, hole-in-the-wall school.

The only thing that worked was the AC. If it rained, the teachers would chat to the principal instead of going into class. If they did go into class, they’d be on their phones the whole time, and no one paid them any attention anyway.

At my previous school, geography had been my favorite subject. My teacher was amazing and I just loved her class. So I was excited for geography class at this new school.

I should not have been.

The teacher was one of the worst. At the time, I didn’t have a way of really getting around, as my parents didn’t like to take me places, so I was the only one who couldn’t get their essay covered in plastic.

BUT mine was the only one actually written by the person turning it in. I kid you not, the other kids’ essays were copy-pasted from Wikipedia, word-for-word. Not only that, but they literally did not remove the hyperlink underlining either, or the notes, it was all there!

But the teacher threatened to fail ME because theirs was covered in plastic and mine wasn’t.

Game on.

My parents by now wanted to pull me from this school, for obvious reasons. But when this teacher said we were going to give a presentation on different geographical features (I got volcanoes) I knew what I had to do.

So I asked to stay, but only until the day of this presentation. And I went ALL OUT. Fancy PowerPoint presentation, copious notes to speak from, even twenty-some copies of a custom crossword puzzle about volcanoes to hand out to classmates.

I already knew the subject matter, but I made sure to study it to where I didn’t even really need my notes.

On presentation day, the teacher’s face was a sight to behold when she saw my level of preparedness.

I warned the class to pay attention so they would know the answers to the crossword puzzle, then breezed through the subject, explained what a volcano is, the different types of volcano and how they are formed, and handed out the crosswords at the end.

Now, here is where the petty revenge part comes in. After class, the teacher approached me and said that was the best presentation she’d seen. I looked her square in the eye with a smirk and said, ‘Thanks, Teacher. It’s my last day here, by the way.

I won’t be in tomorrow anymore.’

Then I sashayed off leaving her staring after me. It was glorious.

Teachers, treat your students right, do your jobs instead of being on your phones all class, and maybe people will put more effort into your class and not want to leave.”

2 points - Liked by LilacDark, Jenni1980, Cylestea and 1 more

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ryha 3 years ago
How did this story even get in here?
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4. My Roommate Never Pitched In To Help, So I Hid All The Toilet Paper


“I had a roommate in college who believed that ‘loving your neighbor’ meant sharing consumables like snacks and toilet paper. ‘Sharing’ apparently meant he could take whatever he wanted from me and our other roommates while providing nothing himself in return.

We caught him on several occasions sneaking snacks from our desk drawers and watching YouTube videos about how to lie effectively (presumably to trick us). He was really into alpha male content and definitely had some weird idea that he was the ‘alpha’ of the dorm room.

On top of this, he was a slob. He didn’t own any shower products outside of a large brush. I checked, he wasn’t using mine. He once told me he only washes his clothes and doesn’t dry them because drying is expensive.

Yes, the room often smelled of mildew.

Never once did he ever offer to pitch in for shared items like dish soap or toilet paper, so I decided to hide all the toilet paper as a funny prank. I told myself that if he just asked where the toilet paper went, I would bring it back.

A week later I realized he was using the paper towels under the bathroom sink. This was bad for the plumbing, so naturally, I hid all the paper towels. He then migrated to a stack of dinner napkins under our shared kitchenette sink.

Once I had hidden the napkins, the unthinkable happened. I was sitting on the couch with my partner watching TV and this roommate was in the bathroom.

He came out of the bathroom, grabbed a Clorox wipe, rinsed it, went back into the bathroom, and moments later I heard a flush.

My partner and I were mortified, but the Clorox wipes were his and I couldn’t hide them. This went on for three whole months, he never once asked where the toilet paper went or what I was using. To this day I often wonder what three months of Clorox wipes does to a man’s butt.”

2 points - Liked by LilacDark and Niffer

3. My Manager Was Ridiculous, So I Put In My Two Weeks' Notice To Spite Him


“Years ago, around 2006, I was laid off from a job in my field of choice.

Being a kid (23ish) I was happy collecting and playing video games for a while (I had Gamefly). Eventually, rent, utilities, and partying started cutting into my very limited savings so I started looking for a new job. Back in the before times, there wasn’t a ton of openings in my field in my location, so I got a gig as a dispatcher for a pest control company.

It was more than unemployment but much less than what I was used to, plus it had benefits (which I didn’t take advantage of anyway because I was a 23-year-old man child). All the while I was still looking for a job in my field.

Job description was to answer calls, direct techs, order supplies as needed. We had separate pricing for common bugs, bees/wasps, animals, bed bugs, and termites which I could summarize for callers, but the techs did their own ‘sales’ and the paperwork would be faxed to headquarters and the carbon copy left in our office for filing.

Anyway, I was trained by someone from another market a state away who essentially taught me that the job was bull and just answer the phone, then send whoever was available to the gig. My market was tiny so my office was empty for 90% of the day.

Mostly techs coming and going for supplies. The previous dispatcher did no filing and the trainer didn’t tell me anything about paperwork anyway so in between calls I just watched DVDs or brought in Netflix on the desktop. Techs would just throw their paperwork in whatever filing cabinet had room.

After about 2 and a half months the regional manager came for the first time since he hired me. He was furious about the lack of organization. He told me I needed to clean up the last 5 years of paperwork for a company audit by the end of the week.

Obviously, I didn’t do any of that.

Lucky for me I was interviewing for a couple of jobs around this time and I got an offer, so I was about to give my two weeks anyway but I wanted to see how this played out.

So Friday comes, in walks the Manager, sees nothing was done, and chews me out. Tells me to work the weekend because the audit is Monday. I reply with my written two weeks’ notice. He instead says I was fired. So I tell him I had already given my two weeks, so you need to pay me for those two weeks.

He said, ‘No freaking way.’

We call HR together, and I tell them to pay me for two weeks or I’ll just file unemployment for those two weeks. They decide it looks better and it’s easier to just pay me.

So I got a paid two-week vacation before my new job.

The person from the other market (we were friends on Myspace) told me they tried to get them to come in to file but they refused, so the Manager spent all weekend filing.

Auditor nailed that office pretty good, too, I guess.

I found out, too, that they turned over managers like people change clothes. He was only there for like a year. Think he’s a realtor now when I saw him on LinkedIn.”

2 points - Liked by LilacDark and Niffer

2. Furniture Store Gave Us The Wrong Couch, So We Left Them With A Cardboard Slushy


“So, my mom (61, f) and I (39, m) bought a new couch from a popular Swedish furniture chain store— one of those cheap 2.5 seaters. They were going to deliver it on Saturday so mom waited all day but no one came.

Come Sunday and the couch arrives on the sidewalk outside her apartment complex.

Now, my mom has health issues and is not about to move couches. The furniture company said that they wouldn’t move furniture into peoples’ homes. I’d made arrangements so I could help on Saturday but I had plans for Sunday.

Mom calls me to come help, so I need to drop my plans and come help with the moving—which I do with a friend.

When we arrive it turns out she got the wrong color couch! Now we call them up and they said they couldn’t pick the wrong couch up, but that the correct couch would probably be arriving later that day.

Now I’m kind of ticked off from driving multiple trips around town to cover multiple mistakes of some chain store, so I start thinking about revenge. I tell my mom to make sure the store knows the wrong couch would be resting overnight in the wet snowy weather.

My buddy and I proceed to assemble the new couch. But instead of taking the cardboard boxes to the recycler, we opened the box of the wrong couch and stuffed all the packaging in there.

Enjoy the cardboard slushy, Swedish furniture store!”

2 points - Liked by LilacDark and Niffer

1. I Had To Clean Up After This Guy, So I Removed The Shower Rings


“I moved into a nice place with decent rent at the start of October 2021. Only two guys were living in the place at the time, one of them having their own bathroom. The other used the common bathroom that three of us would share (him, another roommate, and me).

Well, the guy that used the common bathroom left it a mess before going to EU for a month. The first night I was there I cleaned up his disgusting mucus from the sink (mostly because I had to use the bathroom and didn’t feel like asking) as well as f****l hair.

There was a stain inside of the toilet, the tub had scum, the trash was full-all of these things.

1-2 weeks into me staying, the roaches decided they liked me and wanted to reveal themselves. I saw not just one, but 3 or 4 at a time on clean dishes.

I notified the landlord immediately and her solution was bait traps. I saw them two days in a row, then later in the bathroom.

The other new tenant moves in and we go over some stuff in the kitchen to see where the roaches would be coming from.

Well in this process we discovered mice feces and a serious lack of deep cleaning.

After letting the landlord know, I ended up being harassed by the guy who showed the room to me, who moved out. The landlord sent emails basically saying that if the house wasn’t in the state that it should be she was going to terminate the lease.

I decided to leave next month because it wasn’t and it was clear that they covered everything up from her. On one of my last days, EU guy (yes, the one who left the toilet stain) asked if I was okay.

I said, ‘Considering what’s happening, no.’

He started this conversation clearly to antagonize me. When I realized this I ended it and started going upstairs. He ended up using something that I confided in him against me.

Well, I decided to take the non-rusty shower rings and inner shower lining that I bought to replace the rusty, super hard-to-open shower rings plus lack of shower lining that was there prior.

When EU guy came upstairs, you could hear him mumbling to himself about the situation, clearly trying to get a response out of me and putting the rusty rings back on.

Happy I did it.”

1 points - Liked by LilacDark and Niffer

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