Elephant Celebrates After Being Rescued

Rumble, WildCreatures

Slavery is one of the worst things in the world. It happens not only to humans but to innocent animals as well.

Elephant Abuse


Elephants are one of the most captivating animals on earth, but sadly, they are also one of the most abused.

For Entertainment


A lot of elephants are enslaved in different countries where they are seen as entertainment in circuses.

Unhealthy Environment


The Animal Welfare Board in India claims that all of the enslaved elephants in Jaipur suffer from serious foot conditions when they are forced to walk on hot pavements while carrying tourists on their backs.

Their Tusks Are Removed


In 2018, the Animal Welfare Board in India said that there are 103 captive elephants in the city of Jaipur alone, and a lot of them have had their tusks illegally cut to be sold for money.

Saving Them

Rumble, WildCreatures

The Animal Welfare Board aims to end this cruelty by rescuing elephants in India, and Maya is one of the now-happy elephants who were set free.

A Reason To Celebrate

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After suffering under the hands of cruel people, Maya couldn’t help but express her joy now that she’s free.

They Cannot Go Back


Since the rescued elephants cannot be returned to the wild anymore because they have been captured since they were calves and they didn’t learn any survival skills, keeping them safe in a sanctuary is the next best thing for them.

Support The Sanctuaries


Refusing to ride elephants that are being used for business and supporting sanctuaries that are doing things ethically is a great help to wild animals who cannot fight for their freedom all by themselves.

Watch how joyful Maya is in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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