People Share The Longest They’ve Waited For Karma To Kick In


They say what goes around comes around-and well, Justin Timberlake says the same thing. All jokes aside, this thing that comes back around is what we call karma. Let’s just say karma has a not-so-nice way of “evening things out.” That big high school bully is going to get the treatment he deserves in time. And that abusive ex of yours might just go through a major life event that completely transforms their behavior once and for all. You probably have a good idea of what karma can do.

If we’ve got to be honest here, sometimes we attempt to play the role of karma. Sometimes we want so badly for a terrible person to finally face the consequences, and we’re too impatient for nature to take its course. At first, it may seem like that person we hate has everything going for them, which we blatantly believe they don’t deserve. So in response, we become vengeful and attempt to take things into our own hands. In reality, we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Yet, we still often wish ill of them, you know, to put them in their place.

As cruel as it might be to wish karma would come back to bite someone in the butt, sometimes karma can truly help shape a person for the better and put them on track for a more positive life.

Surely there was a time where getting what you deserved was for the best. Maybe you tripped and broke your ankle after slugging your sister in the stomach for no reason. Or, maybe you stole a video game from the store, and then the following week, had all your video games stolen from your home. That’s karma for you!

But we aren’t here to talk about the time that you faced karma. Rather, let’s focus our interest on the following stories where people finally witnessed their worst enemy receiving karma, sometimes decades later! The ‘k’ word can really be a beautiful thing after all.

30. I Ripped My Old Manager’s Resume Up When He Applied At My New Workplace

Andrea Piacquadio

I guess moving onto a new job was the right choice in the end! Not only did this Reddit user get a better position at a greater establishment, but they also got to stop their awful ex-general manager from getting a job they didn’t deserve.

“I used to work as a cook at a fine dining establishment in town. My general manager was a huge d*uche. ******** every day. Well, I moved on and became an assistant kitchen manager in another restaurant in town. He came in the other day and filled out an application to cook at the restaurant I work at now.

I gave him time to fill out his application and get his resume together and come to the server. She brought me the application and a huge smile came over my face. I calmly explained to him that if we needed him, we would call, and then ripped all his **** in half…D*ckhead shouldn’t have tried to give me a $.21 raise.” fattyt
29. He Rejected Me In High School, Then I Started Modeling And He Asked Me Out


“I’m was one of the least popular kids in my high school by far. I was too nerdy for even the nerds to hang out with.

I spent most of my time with the outcasts.

I knew it was bad, but I had a crush on a football player. (Can you blame me? What nerd didn’t?) I decided for once to take charge and do something for myself. I asked him out.

He laughed in my face and told me I was too ugly for anyone to ever date. Called me ‘crow face,’ which was a lovely nickname that caught on for a long time. Because of this, I had such awful self-esteem that went well into my 20s. I still couldn’t ask anyone out and even now still get too embarrassed sometimes.

He ruined my self-esteem completely.
After high school, I began doing modeling gigs and cosplay events. I felt great and looked amazing.

Not too long after these shoots started popping up online, he messaged me on Facebook telling me how gorgeous I looked and that he should have never said no to me at all. I then got to calmly explain to him the years of self-esteem issues I’d suffered from him and how I always pictured him humiliating me in front of our high school any time I wanted to ask someone out.” optimusxrae
28. He Stole From Me, 20 Years Later, Someone Stole From His Son…


Funny how when karma struck him for stealing, he brought up how karma is going to get the person who stole from his son.

Practice what you preach!

“A guy I went to high-school with ‘friended’ me on Facebook. He was caught stealing from my house once back then, bragging about it to mutual friends (whom he thought would not tell me). After the incident we never spoke, although we had the same circle of friends, I kept my distance, and he kept his.

Flash forward 20 years to now, and we were ‘friends’ on Facebook. I have a pretty cool job in the music industry, good money and I travel the world. I usually add these former ‘friends’ just so they can see my life turned out pretty awesome while most of them are in our old hometown working **** jobs…anyway.

He updated his status saying that he was devastated that someone stole something from his son and karma this, blah blah blah. Amongst all the posts from his friends being sorry for him, I simply wrote something like, ‘Yeah, it’s really terrible when someone steals from you, eh? That must really suck. Karma does have its way of evening things out though.’

I immediately started getting PMs from mutual friends congratulating me, who remembered the incident in school. He ‘un-friended’ me after that to my extreme pleasure.” MiikeNUFC
27. My Bully Asked For A Job At My Successful Restaurant…I Told Her No


“A girl used to bully me and my brother in elementary and middle school.

I HATED her. Well, time has passed, and I now co-own a fairly successful, up and coming restaurant/cafe/wine bar. About this time last year, this same girl comes into my place after about 10 years of not seeing each other, recognizes me, and strikes up a friendly conversation. (It seemed she had forgotten all about the torment, but I hadn’t.) She then tells me that she has fallen on hard times and needs a job. NOPE!

In retrospect though, I should have hired and made her life a living ****. But whatever, seeing her face when I said no was incredible. That’s what you get for spreading that rumor that me and my twin brother were in an ********** relationship, ****.”* Skyler_Vaughn
26. He Threw Away His $500 Dojo Membership When He Found Out I Worked There…


“A few years back I was the assistant manager at my karate studio.

It was a slow, quiet day, when in walked Paul, my old bully from public school. I wasn’t sure at first, it had been a long time, and it was hard to tell.

I didn’t say anything. Paul was interested in joining the dojo, and I showed him around, discussed pricing, etc. I didn’t treat him any differently than I would any other potential client.

At the end of the tour, Paul decided to join our dojo. We sat down in the office and he filled out the paperwork. When he wrote his name out on the application, I knew for sure that this was, indeed, my old bully.

The guy who used to torment me every single weekday. Who made me kneel in dog ***.
I* still didn’t say anything until after he pre-paid me for an entire year’s membership. As I walked him to the door, I smiled.

‘I’m really looking forward to training with you,’ I smiled.

‘Thanks, me too,’ Paul said.

‘You don’t recognize me, do you?’

‘No, should I?’

‘Yes. We went to school together, Grade 3 through 8. You bullied me every day and made my life miserable. Can’t wait to see you in class.’

Paul went white and walked out without another word. And never walked back in. He willingly threw away a year’s membership payment, almost $500, rather than have to be in the same class as me.” Unknown Reddit user
25. He Made Fun Of My Brain Tumor Surgery Scar, Then He Died From Brain Tumors


Not going to lie, this story broke my heart.

“At age four, I got brain tumors that almost killed me. For the next 10 years, a kid I started in kindergarten with through sophomore year in high school teased me regularly about the massive scar/bald spot on the back of my head. One day, he didn’t come to school, and none of his buds knew where he was. A day turned into months, and finally, the school notified that he was in the hospital getting chemo treatment for…malignant brain tumors. He died before the end of summer.” Unknown Reddit user
24. He Bullied Me For My Body. 5 Years Later, I Was In Shape, And He Gained Weight…


“When I was in the 7th grade, I was a pretty awkward child.

I was overweight, liked to read much more than the average 7th grader, and didn’t exactly enjoy changing my clothes. My school being the nice one that it was, there weren’t any bullies, except one boy. This kid would laugh at me nonstop whenever he saw me for everything about me, from my body to my clothes to my books, and none of the other kids would stop him. The teachers would notice and say something, but no real action was ever taken.
Fast forward to five years. I am now going into my senior year of high school. I’m 6’4″, into sports, have a girlfriend, and now change my clothes every day.

(I still read a **** ton though.) The kid? He’s now 5’7″, fat, and neglects to wash his hair. I don’t laugh at him, but I certainly don’t go out of my way to be nice to him either. Five years may not be that long, but karma is indeed a ****.”* Somewhat_interesting
23. He Called Me A Homophobic Slur, Then He Got Beat Up When He Came Out As Gay


Not quite sure if he was projecting his true ********* or genuinely had no idea what his ********* really was until later on. Regardless, there’s no excuse for calling someone homophobic slurs.

“When I was a lot younger, I lived in a small town, and the people there were awfully ***y. I ************got picked on a LOT, especially since I didn’t play hockey (small-town Canada; you either play hockey, or you wish you were dead).
Instead, I was in Ukrainian Dancing, which wasn’t as bad as it sounds. There were 8 guys and 8 girls in my group, but they ALL picked on me. One guy in particular; he would make fun of me and call me a f*ggot and incite others to be violent towards me. I hated that guy, and I will always hate him.

A few years ago, I heard that he came out of the closet, and a few months after that he got beaten severely (hospitalized) by some homophobes because he was gay.

Now, I hate homophobia, I am all for gay rights and equality, but man, there is no one on Earth more deserving and getting his a** kicked for a stupid reason than this ***.” Coziestpigeon2
22. He Called Me A Loser For Not Having A Job, I Now Make More Than Him…


Success is the best revenge!

“I dated this girl for a year or so. She broke up with me and immediately started dating another guy.

I went to talk to her, and her new boyfriend basically told me, ‘Look, she wants to be with me. I have a job, and she needs someone stable in her life. You’re a loser.’…His job was as a line cook, and he was in a band part-time…real career prospects.
About a week ago, I went to a friend’s house to play poker; my ex’s boyfriend was also there. We acted like men and just pretending as nothing happened. He got kinda drunk and asked me what I do. I graduated from college and make very good money as a consultant for a very large and well-known company.

I ask him the same. He is going to truck driving school…and she is pregnant with his baby (2nd baby of his by 2nd girl).

The type of job is not the point; it’s that he can’t hold a single job down for longer than a year or so. ALSO, they aren’t together anymore. She already has a kid; she is pregnant with his kid, and he has a kid. They were engaged, and she left him because he actually is a loser who can’t keep a job.” randumnumber
21. My Mom Let Everyone Borrow The Car But Me, Then She Got Into An Accident…


“My mom treats me worse than my younger brothers, and it eventually always bites her in the ***.

My favorite is the time she saw it coming.

See, when we were teens, my brothers were always allowed to borrow my mother’s car, but I wasn’t. My grandmother even warned my mother that she would need me one day and I’d tell her no. Mom blew her off because why would she need me, and it’s not in my nature to say no.

Fast forward a few years later when I have a car and my mom gets into an accident that leaves her temporarily car-less. Mom never asked to borrow my car even though she wanted to because she knew I had every right to say no, and she admitted it and apologized because she screwed herself over not being nicer to me as a teen.

The thing is, it’s not in my nature to say no. If she had asked, I would have said yes. Her guilt was the karma.” Freakazette
20. He Bullied Me Relentlessly, Years Later, He Envied My Hot Girlfriend


“This is the simplest of satisfactions, but when I was in third grade, my parents were going through a divorce, and I was getting bullied like crazy by this dude named Joe. I was so stressed out that it physically made me ill. I would have to miss school because the pain from stomach aches due to stress made it impossible to focus.

Fast forward many years, I had quite a growth spurt.

I’m 6’2″ and fairly built. I’m visiting my old high school with my girlfriend at the time who was considerably out of my league. She had huge knockers and a holy *** body. We run into Joe and his girlfriend. She’s fat. She has a mustache. He looks at my girlfriend clearly checking her out and then looks at me with jealousy.

I don’t think he recognized me, but I had the biggest smirk on my face when we walked by. Felt good man.” bbeony540
19. He Dumped Me For Being Too Clingy. Later, He Got Dumped For The Same…


In this era, I’ll take too emotional and clingy any day…Just sayin’.

“My ex, the guy I dated before I started dating my now-husband, broke up with me because I was too emotional and clingy, which I will admit to. If Overly Attached Girlfriend was toned down a couple of notches, that would be me.

Anyway, a couple of weeks later, I found out he had actually cheated on me with one of my best friends. Needless to say, I was very upset. Fast forward a few years later, and just recently I found out that the girl my ex was dating broke up with him because he was too clingy and controlling. Thanks, Karma.

The girl that he cheated on me with came and talked to me about it after I found out. She apologized and seemed sincere enough, so I forgave her.” bemusedButterfly
18. She Slept With My Boyfriend And Got Engaged To Him. Then He Cheated On Her…


“My college roommate secretly slept with my boyfriend while I was in class, for a year. (I routinely took more than a full course load and was in math/science classes or study groups every morning.) One day, I walked in on them in bed when class was canceled. Moved out. More angry at her than heartbroken. Lost most of my friends through the breakup.

Fast forward 5 years later: those 2 throw a crazy expensive engagement party at the guy’s parents’ beach house (attended by some still-mutual friends). She caught him ‘with’ one of the waitresses for the catering company in a bathroom before the toasts. They still got married.” whalesharkbite
17. My Ex-Fiancé Punched My Pregnant Belly. Then He Got Hit By A Truck…


Okay, so it only took three days for karma to get him, but hey, that’s a pretty long time given the situation.

“I once got punched in the pregnant stomach by my ex-fiancé (not the father of my baby). I told him that I hope he got hit by a car.

Three days later, I found out that he had gotten hit by a truck while riding his bicycle to a friend’s house. He survived but had to have extensive surgery to correct his broken bones and save his life. He was uninsured, so now he’s stuck with crippling hospital debt from being in ICU and having surgery. I did not have to wait very long for that one.” Unknown Reddit user
16. The “Cool Kids” Became Overweight And Balding While I Got Hotter


“I moved out of state when I was about 17. I still go back to visit my few close friends from elementary school.

On my most recent visit, we went to a bar where some of the ‘cool kids’ were hanging out.

To my surprise, the ‘cool guys’ were all fat and partially balding. I walked by looking **** as *** with all the smugness I could muster as they watched. So many of those kids used to torment me all day at school and surround me at my locker at the end of the day, telling me how short and ugly I was. Well, ugly ducklings grow into **** ****** SWANS, b********.” dogandcatinlove
15. Years Later, She Was Working At The Grocery Store While I Worked At Microsoft


“A few years back, I went home to visit my mother, and she asked me to go to the convenience store to pick up some milk.

While I’m there, I see one of the local popular chicks from high school behind the counter. I was, of course, a nerd in high school, and while she knew me, she would never have talked to me then.

She asked me how I was doing nowadays: ‘Well, I live in Dallas and work at Microsoft. How are you?’

Best feeling ever.” Mischif07
14. She Bullied Me In Middle School, Then She Started Getting Bullied Years Later


Kudos to this Reddit user for still being there for her ex-bully.

“I befriended a larger, red-headed girl when I was in grade 3 or 4. She was new to the school.

Everyone had their own friends, and no one accepted her. I didn’t have many friends, so I gladly accepted her. We became best friends.

Fast forward to middle school, she was still large but her body developed and she wore makeup, so she became popular. I was still a way too tall and too thin awkward girl with a lisp. Everyone made fun of me, and she joined in, so she could be cool. It got worse and worse until she started instigating it, would circle beat me with other girls and egg my house.

Fast forward again to high school. I filled out a bit and got better friends.

About halfway through grade 11, people started realizing how mean and fake she had become and started turning on her. She was crying in the hall one day, and I went up to her, asked if she was ok and offered my phone to her if she needed to call her mom. She transferred schools for grade 12 because she was being bullied. Funny thing is, I still feel bad for her. Bullying sucks.” superfreakeh
13. I’ll Soon Be Making Twice As Much As The Teacher Who Hated Me…


“I had a teacher that had a serious distaste for me. I don’t claim to be an honor student, pretty much the same as everyone else.

Talking occasionally, no more than any other students in the class. She would kick me out of class for the most ridiculous reasons. Mainly in the lead up to important exams when we were learning stuff that was going to be in the exams (still scored 2nd in the class), told me I would never amount to anything. In 6 months’ time, I complete my trade and will be making twice her salary. Feels good man.” ThatLambchopGuy
12. She Slept With My Boyfriend, So I Convinced Her Fiancé To Leave Her


“I waited for karma to kick in for 7 years. There was this girl I worked with that was sleeping with my boyfriend.

They thought I didn’t know, but it was so obvious. She hated me just as much as I hated her. We had this mutual group of friends, and she ended up engaged to another guy in the group I had dated for a few years. Anyway, over the course of a few months, I convinced him to break up with her. It was very satisfying, especially hearing about the complete emotional break down she had.” Unknown Reddit user
11. She Tried To Steal My Boyfriend, Then Her Ex Tried To Get With Me


“When I was in high school, there was this girl I was ‘friends’ with, but she was a huge **** to me behind my back for no reason what-so-ever.

One time she even had the audacity to tell my boyfriend of 3 years that I was lucky to have him because I ‘couldn’t get anyone else’ whereas she could have any boy she wanted, including him. Now, mind you that this all was said while she was going through this on again off again thing with one of my guy friends.
Fast forward a few months, and they seem to be broken up for good. He and I start hanging out again (she wouldn’t let him hang out with me when they were dating for who knows what reason), and that boy is like, begging to get with me.

Which I found hilarious since she was sitting and crying over him and so d*mn mad that she couldn’t get him back. Guess I can get boys, huh ****?

Being a decent person and not wanting to stoop to her level (coupled with the fact I wasn’t into the guy like that), I rejected him. He got mad and slept with her and bragged to me about it. I obviously didn’t care. Now they’re married, and of course, he’s now allowed to talk to me again. You’re welcome.” no-strings-attached
10. She Told Me I’d Never Become A Doctor Or Lawyer…I Proved Her Wrong


This is the perfect example of why you should never listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t follow your passion.

Shame on this Reddit user’s guidance counselor for telling them that they may never be very successful!

“I had a 1.8 GPA in high school, and my guidance counselor sarcastically told me ‘You can still potentially be successful; you’ll just never be able to become a doctor or a lawyer.’ I went to law school 7 years later. Felt good.” Carbatrol
9. Years After Bullying Me, He Asked Me How To Get Into College…


That’s kind of…awkward.

“I was the nerdy picked on kid in school. Almost 10 years after graduating from high school, one of the guys who used to give me *** contacted me on Facebook.

He apologized for being an a**hat, then asked for advice on going to college for the thing I have a Bachelor of Science in.

Also, This is not a Billy Madison rip. I have never seen that movie and only found out about its existence from people replying to this comment. I generally don’t like Adam Sandler.” Kazan
8. He Was Working A Crappy Job While I Had A Nice Car, Great Job, And A Girlfriend


“When I was 12, my dad left my mom and 3 kids…left the country…no word and no dime. My mom raised us on just over minimum wage. But nope, not about him.

(Dad’s outcome story is even better!)

Wearing the same clothes from age 12-15, I quickly went from being a regular kid to the poor kid, add on the fact that I communicated with my dad via email at school…in Swedish and addressing him as ‘papa’ led to 4 years of horrible treatment in middle school. Some days at lunch, I only had some carrots…Some d*uche name Sean called me carrot kid, and for the next 3 years, that became my name…(I was also skinny as all heck and easily picked on.)
Fast forward to my sophomore year of college. I got a full ride (academic scholarship), and while in school, I worked full time as a software developer making bank, and 3 years in the gym helped me put on 50 pounds of muscle.

I bought a new Eclipse (2005) and installed Lambo doors myself.

I was picking up my girlfriend for our one-year anniversary wearing my nice suit. I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some flowers. As I walk up to my car and swing open the door, I hear the word, ‘Alex?’ behind me. I turn around, and there is Sean…pushing carts. I look him up and down slowly, snicker and say, ‘Hi Sean.” He stared…jaw dropped…and dropped the little remote for the cart pusher. I turn around and drive off.

Some people might feel bad about some horrible thing that happened to their abuser/harasser… Karma is a ****!” Bodegus
7. I Got My Ph.D. While He Was Trying To Get Back Into College After Flunking


“The kid that bullied me through late elementary and junior high ended up in a university freshman introductory class that I was teaching.

Turns out, he went to a party school right out of high school and flunked out. He messed around after that. He was working at a Subway when he was in my class. It gave me a great deal of satisfaction that I managed to get a Ph.D. in the time it took him to get his life together enough to start college again.” manova
6. He Bullied Those With Learning Difficulties, Now He Has Brain Damage


Another sad story… However, the irony of this one is what’s interesting.

“There was a kid at my secondary school who used to mercilessly bully the kids in Learning Support.

Being a small school, they converted the old caretaker’s house into a safe environment for the people with learning difficulties to take certain lessons and receive support. It allowed a sort of half-mainstream, half-specialist school environment for them.

Anyways, this guy dropped out of school at 16 after five or so years of smoking around the back of this house and bullying the kids in LS.

Three years go by, and he ends up being shot in the head by a modified air rifle. He now has some brain damage, memory and dexterity issues…and the only place he can retake GCSE’s is the same old house he spent years prowling outside to bully disabled kids.” Unknown Reddit user
5. My Conceited Friend Got Deported


“I’m Indian-American. Due to family situations, we had to move to India right before I joined high school.

I had a very conceited friend, also Indian, who made fun of me to no end for having to move to such a sh*tty country.

Fast-forward two years and his family runs into some status trouble and gets deported. (They weren’t American citizens while my family is.) And due to the nature of the problem, it’s unlikely they’ll ever return to America. And due to the fact that he came to India after grade 10, 11 and 12, it was absolutely horrible for him, socially but especially academically.

So, the kid, who was admittedly a great and hard-working student ends up going to a no-name med school in some random locale when, had he stayed in America, he could’ve gone to a really good school there.

Whereas I had a ‘*** yeah’ experience in Bangalore.

Justice. And holy ***, that sounded much more vengeful than it was.” Unknown Reddit user
4. He Hit Me Really Hard, Later, He Broke His Neck In A Diving Accident


“I had a good friend in high school with an older brother. The older brother was your run of the mill d*uche bag older bro. He’d *** with us constantly.

One day we were playing tackle football, and I was getting the best of his older brother. A few plays I blew him away with jukes and what not. Well, one play where I wasn’t even really involved, he just runs full speed and blindsides me.

I saw blue and heard ringing for several minutes. I was ****** livid when I got my wits about me and then all he had was more threats rather than apologies.

He got into a diving accident trying to show off to his friends. They were seeing who could dive the furthest out from the diving board. He went the furthest alright. Right into the shallow end and broke his neck. Now he’s in a wheelchair. I don’t feel bad about it. Won’t apologize because of how he hit me that day; it could be me.” 3rdiopenToo
3. They Bragged About Getting Into Fancy Colleges, I’m The One Without Student Debt


Let’s be real here, expensive colleges are overrated anyways.

“In high school, most of my friends insisted on going to big, fancy 4-year colleges and bragging about it to my face. They all went off, forgot about me, drank themselves silly and made plenty of friends while I spent several years at home, alone, working and going to community college.

Now, 5 years later, we’re all living with our parents, working sh*tty jobs, and trying to find any decent work. The only difference is that I don’t have $80,000 in student debt. Feels great, even when my situation isn’t so desirable.” mowgles
2. She Bashed My Body For Being Undeveloped, Now My Body Is Better Than Hers


Some people are late bloomers.

Some people are early bloomers. Either way, why make fun of someone for something they can’t control?

“In 6th grade, I was ‘friends’ with a girl who developed early while I was a late bloomer. She would frequently brag about how she gets so many older guys giving her attention and would make fun of my flat-chestedness. A few years later when she was about 16, I ran into her at a store and got to meet her new baby.” Goldmoon
1. She Shattered My Heart, Then Her Next Boyfriend Ruined Her

Kelly Sikkema

As a mental health advocate, I feel bad for his ex-girlfriend’s mental wellbeing.

However, hopefully, she learned the importance of being an honest, loyal girlfriend.

“A girl completely broke my heart without a shred of remorse whilst still telling me she cared about me. She lied and lied and lied to me, only admitting the truth AFTER I’d confronted her about it. I kept catching her in her lies.

A few months later, she’s been f*cked over by the guy she ran away to, has to take three different anti-depression medications and is a broken soul. I feel terrible for her, but out of this whole situation, you learn to love the people who stood by you.

I still care about her a lot, but my brother won’t let me go near her.” Naynae
I have to say, sometimes karma was a little too harsh in the latter situations, but boy does life throw curveballs! After reading these stories, I’m sure you’re feeling a little guilty about the bad things you’ve done in the past. (Cross your fingers that karma doesn’t step in years down the road.) In the end, reading these stories still probably felt pretty good as it made you realize that bad things really can happen to bad people, even if it doesn’t seem that way most of the time.

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