People Confess Their Jubilant Moments Of Revenge

29. Grandpa Buys One-Way Ticket For Jerk Uncle
“My aunt married a piece of trash heavy-drinker. An incredibly long story short he was a terrible husband, couldn’t hold down a job, would hit and beat on my aunt and my cousins, and eventually, my Aunt took my Grandpa’s offer to pay for her divorce and buy her a new house.
Several years after the divorce my now ex-uncle was still hanging around, jumping from job to job, and just being a complete piece of trash for all intents and purposes right. Well, you could tell this annoyed my Grandpa, he didn’t think very highly of my ex-uncle.
Well, one night I had an exchange with my ex-uncle in which he threw change at me, and told me to go buy something nice. This really rubbed me the wrong way. I was 16, I had a job, and I’m sure if we compared bank statements I most likely had more money than he did.
I never bothered to pick up the change, it couldn’t have been much, maybe around 20 cents.
The next day I’m helping my Grandpa in his shop and I go ‘Hey Grandpa you know ex-uncle has a girl out in Oregon he’s been talking about.’
And my Grandpa is like ‘Yea, and why would I care about that?’ and I go ‘I heard he’s been promising her that he’s going save up enough funds to buy a plane ticket to come to visit her.’ Oregon was several states away, and a ticket would have been at most $200-$300.
My Grandpa chuckles and goes ‘Yeah well he’s never going be able to save up enough funds to buy that ticket so that gal is out of luck’ and I go ‘Yea, she’s probably better off that way.’ We are still working and I go, ‘You know you don’t really like ex-uncle,’ and my Grandpa goes ‘Well, he’s still the father to my grandchildren,’ and I go ‘True, you should buy him that plane ticket to go see that girl.’
And my Grandpa stops and looks at me. I think it’s important to note I always felt that I was one of my Grandpa’s favorite grandkids, I used to love watching history documentaries with him, talking to him about his different business dealings, and so forth and I think he liked that I took an interest in topics far beyond my age and because of that would listen to what I had to say more than the other Grand Children.
Also, my Grandpa was fairly well off.
And he says ‘Now why on earth would I spend a lot on ex-uncle so he can go see some gal I don’t even know?’ and I go ‘Well Grandpa you and I both know, he’s never going be able to save up enough to fly out and see her, and if he does ever manage to get out to Oregon he ain’t never going be able to save up enough funds to come back here.’
And my Grandpa is staring at me, and he gives me a little smirk and tells me to go grab a tool for him and that was the end of that conversation.
That evening I’m sitting in my Grandparents’ living room, with my Grandma and Grandpa, when my Grandpa calls up my Aunt and says ‘Hey Sweetie, I need to speak to ex-uncle and I seemed to have lost his number.’ He gets the number and calls up ex-uncle.
‘Hey ex-uncle, I’d like to talk to you privately, would you be able to come on over?’ He assures ex-uncle that he’s not going to do anything bad, he just wants to have a little chat, and he’s confident ex-uncle will be happy with what he has to say.
Now my Grandma is hearing all this and she gives me and Grandpa a dirty look and says ‘You better not be up to anything naughty,’ and he goes ‘Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.’
Ex-uncle comes on over, and my Grandpa and he are out on the front porch having conservation.
My Grandma is staring out the window wondering what in the world is going on because from the body language it appears like ex-uncle is happy as a pig in the mud, and my Grandpa and ex-uncle hug it out, and I’m smirking and my Grandma goes ‘Now PJ what have you put your Grandpa up to?’ and I smile and go ‘Nothing, honest to god nothing at all.’ And she doesn’t believe me.
She knows I don’t like ex-uncle and she knows I was working with Grandpa out in the shop and she’s not stupid.
Grandpa comes back in, ex-uncle leaves, and my Grandpa tells her not to worry he’s not going hurt ex-uncle or anything.
A few days later my Grandpa gets up and tells my Grandma he needs me to help drive ex-uncle to the airport. My Grandma goes ‘Why are you driving ex-uncle to the airport?’ and my Grandpa says ‘Well apparently ex-uncle has a girl he’s been talking to out in Oregon, and I haven’t gotten him anything for the past few holidays so I decided I would buy him a ticket so he can go visit her.’ My Grandma is mad and goes ‘You better not be lying’ and my Grandpa assures her he’s not lying, he tells me to come on and I’m going to go with them to the airport and help with his bags.
We pick up ex-uncle and we drive 3 hours to the airport, ex-uncle is happy as a pig in the mud, talking about how special this new girl is, how much in love he is, and how grateful he is for my Grandpa’s generosity. We drop him off and I get back in the car, and I look at my Grandpa and go ‘That ticket is a one-way ticket ain’t it?’ and my Grandpa said ‘I promised him I’d fly him out to see his girl, how he gets back is on him.’
That was 15 years ago, my ex-uncle is still in Oregon and hasn’t managed to save up enough funds to come back home. Apparently, he’s been promising to come back for the better part of a decade, but something always seems to go wrong.”
28. Try To Take Me Home? I'm Not Who You Think I Am
“I am a 19-year-old guy. Bi, with a male partner. I’m often told I have a very feminine body.
I was out a few weeks ago with my SO, who I’ll refer to as Alex (20). For storytelling sake, I’ll go by Liam.
We had just finished a movie and decided to roam the dark streets of nightly NYC afterward, just to chat and spend time together, as we don’t live together. It’s important to note that I was dressed up. Like a girl. I’m talking a crop top and skirt, plus some thigh highs.
Come for me all you want, I like to feel pretty lol.
I was waiting outside the convenience store while Alex grabbed some snacks when a tall man, early 20s and dressed like your local dealer, walked up to me and tried to act hot.
I’ll refer to him as Creep.
Creep: ‘What’s up, baby. Y’know you shouldn’t be out here so late, all alone.’
I said nothing.
Creep: ‘Now, come on, babe. When a man speaks to you, you respond. How about we go back to my place?’
Now, here’s something I haven’t mentioned. I have a high-ish voice. Still masculine, but high enough to where, if I try, I can muster up a good female voice. So I do.
Me: ‘Mmm.. no. Not interested.’
Creep: ‘C’mon, I don’t bite.
I just want to have a little fun~’ He got closer.
I shook my head. At this point, Alex comes out with a bag of our snacks and notices the scene.
Alex: ‘Everything alright, babe?’
Creep: ‘Babe? What, you’re with this loser?
Come on, let me show you what a real man can do for you.’
He put his hand on my hip. Alex started to walk forward but I signaled for him to stay back. I had a plan.
I put my hand on Creep’s, then wrapped his arm around me and cuddled into his chest. He smelled like smoke, disappointed parents, and failed dreams.
I look up at him, still in my girl’s voice. ‘Oh, him? Don’t mind him… if you want me…’
Then I switch to my normal voice.
‘Then you can have me.’
Immediately he pushed me into Alex’s arms and stormed off, yelling obscenities mixed with a few homophobic slurs here and there, plus some transphobia tossed in for good measure.
Alex and I both go into hysterical laughter, nearly falling over each other. Once we calm down, he looks at me. ‘You’re really a jerk. You gotta stop doing that to guys.’ He chuckled
‘Hey, they all approached me.'”
27. Steal My Phone After My Accident? Get Fired
“Was hit by a car while riding my bicycle. My backpack exploded and stuff was thrown everywhere.
Witnesses helped me gather everything and police showed up. Someone took a bunch of pictures of the scene on their phone while Ems and police did their thing.
Not a bad accident, only bumps, and scrapes. The bike was messed up tho.
When they asked for my phone number so they could text the pics to me, I realized I didn’t have my phone. In fact, it was nowhere.
I call my wife (using a witness’s phone) and she is hysterical.
Someone stole my phone and was texting her saying
‘I found this guy’s phone at a car accident and he has a lot of calls and texts to you so I’m trying to get his phone back to him, but I need $50. Looks like he buys a lot of stuff on Amazon so he can afford $50.
Now I was at the accident site for over an hour and these texts were all sent during this time.
So after calming my wife down, we play along and find that the idiot who is extorting me for my phone works at some burger place downtown.
She gave us the address and said I can come in to make the exchange (she can’t afford to miss work but needs the funds asap or the phone gets pawned?).
Yeah, I showed up with the police who responded to the accident.
The girl was furious, yelling about how she deserved a reward for finding my phone, etc.
I pressed charges (I was beyond annoyed at the whole situation) but eventually dropped them when I found out that she was fired for her conduct.
So yeah, screw YOLO. Also, I now lock my phone.”
26. I Got My Revenge Through Ice Hockey
“I was relentlessly bullied when I was a kid, I had moderate scoliosis (curvature of the spine) that made me look kinda goofy when I was younger.
This one kid in particular who I will refer to as ‘Chad’ was awful to me and really made it so I had next to no friends at school.
Eventually, my family moved and I went from a catholic school to a public one where I made friends pretty quickly.
I started playing ice hockey and the physical activity helped my spine straighten out a good bit. I became the starting goaltender for my team and by the point of the ‘revenge’, I had been playing for many years.
Fate had it that I was starting in a game against the catholic school’s team that I had previously attended. Chad was one of the better players on this team.
If you are not familiar with ice hockey, a breakaway is when a single skater essentially breaks away from the rest of the players with the puck and has a one-on-one with the goalie (me).
Chad stole the puck off of one of our players and it was just me and him.
He kept coming in and I decided to do something quite unorthodox (but completely legal). I started collapsing back as he got closer, at the moment I saw him look down to the puck I shifted my momentum forward and landed a solid body check that sent him off his feet and on his butt.
Chad did not take kindly to this and came up behind me and slashed his stick over my back. He was ejected from the game, we scored 3 goals on the major penalty and won the game 3-2.
The best part was that I still went to that church, his mom made him call me after the game and apologize and then made him apologize again in person.”
25. Petty Woman In Line Is Scared Of Blood
“I had just had my wisdom teeth out and was waiting for my prescription to be filled at the pharmacy. The anesthetic was wearing off and the pain was already intense. I had a mouth full of b****y gauze that I had to change often.
I waited for fifteen minutes until finally, they called my name.
As I’m about to get in line, a small Asian woman RUNS to get in front of me in the line that clearly says ‘Prescriptions Only’. She then attempts to get a refund on a bottle of salad dressing.
The pharmacist tells her that she is in the wrong place, and directs her to the customer service desk at the front of the store. She is having none of it. She pounds her fist on the counter. He is going to give her a refund and she’s not going anywhere until she gets it.
After a few more futile attempts to explain that she will get a refund – just not here at the Prescription Only counter – the pharmacist writes something down on a post-it, gives it to the woman, and tells her to take it to the customer service desk.
This is something she seems to understand.
And then she turns around, and there I am, b****y haggard mess, in excruciating pain, staring her right in the eye. I reach into my mouth and pull out two saliva-covered, b****y wads of gauze, and offer them to her with a meek smile.
She screamed like a little girl and ran away.
The look on the pharmacist’s face was priceless.”
24. Construction Workers Showed The Jerk His Greatest Nightmare
“I am a teacher, and when I was younger, I would take summer jobs to supplement my income.
One summer, I worked for a bricklayer named Jerry and heard an amazing story! I worked for Jerry in the mid-’90s, so the story either happened in the early ’90s or the ’80s. Here goes:
The setting for the story was a community of small rural towns which had only one brick contractor.
Jerry began his career as a bricklayer working for this contractor, a real jerk. Jerk and Jerk’s son (an adult working the business with his father) would harass, belittle, and humiliate all their employees on a regular basis. No work was ever good enough and employees were told they weren’t worth what they were paid.
Not only did Jerk mistreat his employees; but, he was equally rude to other subcontractors and to the general contractors who hired him. Since he was the only bricklayer in the community, there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Needless to say, the turnover rate for the brick business was very high.
The only person that stuck with Jerk and Company was Jerry. Jerry told me that his father had instilled self-confidence in him that Jerry could do anything he set his mind to do and that he should not evaluate himself according to what others said; but, rather by the facts.
Although Jerry was belittled by Jerk and Son as were all other employees; Jerry was becoming a very good bricklayer. Jerry knew he was good; Jerk knew Jerry was good; but, Jerk didn’t know that Jerry knew he was good. Not only was Jerry a good bricklayer; he was very respectful to the boss who disrespected him.
Jerk thought that Jerry was a naive pushover who was buying his head games. That would prove to be a HUGE mistake on his part.
One day, Jerry was doing an exceptionally good job of laying brick. Not only was his craftsmanship amazing, but he was also laying brick at a high rate of speed so that he was making his boss a lot of income.
Of course, Jerk and Son were belittling his work as though he was doing the very opposite. This scenario was being observed by the general contractor of the project. After work that day, the general contractor asked Jerry to stay behind so he could talk to him.
As did every other construction worker in the community, General Contractor hated working with Jerk. General Contractor told Jerry that he had heard Jerk and Son belittling him, and told him that he disagreed with everything Jerk was saying. He asked Jerry if he had ever considered going into business for himself.
Jerry said that he would like to do that someday. General Contractor then said that he would loan Jerry the funds to buy a mixer (the most expensive piece of equipment needed to start a brick business) if Jerry would indeed start said business. The only hitch was that Jerry would need to pay for the mixer whenever he could and that he would subcontract under General Contractor.
Jerry agreed to those terms and prepared to begin his new venture.
Jerry respectfully told Jerk and Son his plans and gave his notice. The two mocked Jerry ruthlessly and laughed him to scorn. Jerk told Jerry, ‘You’ll be back in two months begging to return to your job—you’ll never make it as a subcontractor!’ Two months later, rather than collapsing as Jerk predicted, Jerry was still in business and going strong.
One year later, Jerry’s business was booming and a wasted Jerk showed up at Jerry’s house and begged him to come back to work with Jerk and Son. ‘Jerry, you’re the best employee I ever had.’ Jerry replied, ‘Why didn’t you ever tell me that when I was working for you?’ Jerk couldn’t answer the question; and, Jerry obviously didn’t accept the offer for employment.
Two years after beginning his entrepreneurial adventure, Jerry heard that Jerk and Son went out of business.
Jerry said that he never intended to harm Jerk and Son when he accepted General Contractor’s offer. He said that looking back on things he realized that he had become Jerk’s greatest nightmare.
I can’t say that General Contractor intended no harm!
I thought the most amazing thing about the story was how that Jerry maintained his self-esteem in spite of all the ridicule. I also gained respect for Jerry’s father who instilled an unshakable self-confidence in Jerry!
I contacted Jerry today (after 20 years) to let him know how highly people thought of him. He reminded me that his father was wheelchair-bound and accomplished so much in spite of his handicap. It was his father’s overcoming huge obstacles that made Jerk’s words seem to be such a minor obstacle to overcome.”
23. 5-Year-Old Kid Knows How To Get Revenge
“My 5 and 3-year-olds are in the bath, on hearing screams of anger and violence I don’t react cause having two boys is pretty much a constant scenario.
After things go quiet I decide I will go and assess the situation, check if everyone is ok. I walk in the room to find 5-yr-old peeing on the face of 3-yr-old. I lose it slightly and talk to 5y old about why this is not really acceptable and a fresh bath is run for 3y.
All is forgotten about said incident or so I thought.
The lads are now 7 and 5, and the constant fighting still carries on at full force. So a few weeks ago while having dinner 5y offers to pour everyone a drink. He heads off to the kitchen and after a fairly long time returns and gives everyone their drink.
5y sits down to continue his meal showing no change in his demeanor. The meal is almost finished and 7y takes a very large gulp of his juice then proceeds to get upset and tell us ‘It’s pee! It’s pee!’
At first, we really didn’t know what he meant until he started to retch and ran to the sink.
At this point, I picked up the glass and it was obvious 5y had peed in 7y’s glass and disguised it like apple juice. Trying my hardest not to break down into a laughing wreck I sat down with 5y to explain why this was not an acceptable thing to do to someone.
He told me he knew it was a bad thing to do but he wanted to get his brother back for peeing all over him… The look of accomplishment showed that vengeance is a dish best served warm in a glass….
I know this is not up there with some of the pro revenge stories but at 5 years old he’s getting a good start in his life of vengeance.
To have held on to the memory for over 2 years having planned and executing the idea shows I will think twice about crossing him..”
22. Mess With My Brother? I'll Ruin Your Career
“My brother is 3 years older than me and had been working at his first job for about a year before I started working at the same place as my first job. He has the mindset of a 15-16 year-old and does not understand jokes. He’s not autistic, but he’s on the spectrum.
So my brother was working at this grocery store. I believe it’s only an east coast type of store because no one I’ve met from places towards the west seems to know what it is. Anyways the store is called Kroger. So my brother, who has issues, has been working at this place for a year now as a bagger.
He has supervisors over him who are: Skylar, Brandy, Reba, and John. All these supervisors made the same $8.75 as my brother did despite being in a higher position.
So before long, I had started working at this grocery store too and the same people were my supervisors.
It didn’t take long to notice the obvious disrespect they were showing my brother and it didn’t take long for it to rub off on me because he’s my brother. They had him doing stupid stuff just to get him off the front floor because they found him annoying.
They would send him outside to bring in carts when it wasn’t his turn because he didn’t do a good job when it was his turn. Okay, my brother is like 6’2, 120 pounds. He’s a stick. And this place didn’t have a machine to carry in carts, you’re literally out there for 30 mins pushing these things back inside.
So it came to be that he realized these people suck, other than John, and he wanted to be put in a different department. Kevin was in charge of production, didn’t want him because of how the front end talked about him. Screw you, Kevin, you could’ve made this whole issue disappear.
(Seriously, for any of you like Kevin, don’t judge people before you get to know them, my brother isn’t a bad guy, he’s just not society’s version of normal.)
So then he tried to go to the baking department, screw you Margie.
So he went to HR. So this place was part of the Union and they couldn’t just fire him despite the nasty attitudes they had towards him. HR had sat up in the office with my brother and one of the main managers, whose name I can’t remember but he left that store anyways so it doesn’t matter.
My brother basically told them about the constant disrespect he gets from the supervisors and how it’s really making work life miserable for him. He goes into details about the tasks they make him do that aren’t even in his department of stuff to do.
HR is kind of playing the manager’s side because of course like everyone else, she’s heard about him. And of course like everyone else, she actually doesn’t know him, just knows the stories about him.
So HR brings up Skylar, Brandy and Reba.
Skylar and Brandy got a strike (which means nothing because they reset like every month anyways) and Reba didn’t get anything because she’s head of the floor and gets away with everything.
So, after that, Skylar and Brandy were on a mission to make my brother’s life miserable.
Constantly just up in his business about stupid things. Constantly makes jokes that he doesn’t understand. Everyone else would be laughing and he’d be confused as to why they were saying those things about him. So I had enough.
I finally quit that job after being there for 10 months whenever I had another job lined up.
After that, I made it a mission to get all of those people in trouble. I called up the main support line for the stores. It’s usually where customers go to complain but there wasn’t an option for employees to complain so I talked to customer support.
I informed them of everything that my brother has been through and the struggles he’s been dealing with there. I informed them of the stupid tasks they have him do just to keep him away from the main floor, and I told them of his disabilities that they are all well aware of.
They told me that they would launch an investigation and gave me a case number so I could stay updated.
Well, come to find out that all of those people were banned from working at Kroger and anywhere that Kroger is affiliated with.
BONUS: they did a deeper investigation into the manager and found out that he’s leaving the store a mess and not properly documenting stuff, so he got the boot as well.
I soon got him hired at the place where I found a new job and he likes it a lot more. Still, some typical jerk heads he deals with still, but not nearly on the same scale as it was.”
21. Sell Me A Broken Console? Let's Meet
“I bought a Nintendo 3DS from a guy after seeing his listing on Letgo. When we met at a mall parking lot, I walked up to his car and paid him $25 for it. But after he drove off, I realized it wouldn’t turn on, then when I messaged him asking why it wouldn’t work he said, ‘Yeah it’s dead.’ Then he blocked me on Letgo.
I didn’t want him to get away with it so I made another Letgo profile, messaged him about another product he was selling, and told him I’d pay him to double his asking price if he drove out half an hour to meet me. He actually drove there and waited for me, messaging me ‘I’m here where are you?’ for about half an hour.
I ignored all his messages and didn’t meet him there.
Eventually, he said ‘You’re a jerk. I’m leaving,’ and proceeded to make threats, so I told him ‘That’s what you get for selling me a broken 3DS haha.’ Petty revenge never tasted so sweet.
I ended up selling the 3DS for parts on eBay for $45 so it all worked out in the end. To top it all off, I got his Letgo account banned. I’m the last person you ever want to rip off.”
20. Steal My Credit Card Info? I'll Ruin You
“Around Christmas time I bought myself a new motorcycle, I figured I would use one of my unused CCs for gear, gas, etc… I made a few online charges from reputable retailers in preparation for a 900 mile trip in a week.
After my trip and about 30 CC charges later I get an alert from Bank of America and the texts detail the last 5 charges, all gas stations. No biggie, I made them. The next day I get a call from the fraud dept asking about $2100 in charges.
I flipped, they refunded, they contacted the 2 retailers, new CC, but was told: ‘It’s been handled.’ I was pretty sure I hit a skimmer.
Fast forward a month later I get another charge. Turns out there’s some visa agreement that retailers can force charges through even with old numbers.
So I call up retailer #1 and the automated system recognizes my number and greets me. I’ve never even heard of this company, it wasn’t my name, and I’ve had my phone number for about 12 years. So I say yes and have the nice robot give me an order history.
Surely, the date and purchase amount match. So I get an operator and ask to verify the address because ‘I never got it.’ The address turns out to be a specific country importer. I figured it was bogus.
Then it hit me, skimmers won’t get a phone number off a mag strip.
That narrowed it down to two transactions I did over the phone. One was Geico, the other was a motorcycle parts company. Now the company we’ll call MPC, was based out of NJ, coincidentally that’s the shipping address.
So I call retailer #2, give the CC number used, the shipping address and he pulls up the order.
I’m pretty blunt with him about why I’m calling and I was able to squeeze out the phone number. NJ area code, so I do a reverse lookup of the number, I have a name to my thief! So after more digging, I found her on LinkedIn and she listed MPC as her employer.
The next step is I call MPC and guess who answers? I ask for a manager, he’s conveniently out of town, she left a note and my call back number on his desk. Next week I call again, guess who answers again? Guess who’s also in a meeting?
I give it one more shot the next day at 2 pm or so, plenty of time for lunch, meetings should be done, surely he’s there. Nope, wasn’t there all day. At this point I know she’s recognizing my phone number and screening my calls.
So I grab a google voice # and put myself in Alabama, call back around 4 pm, in my deepest most southern accent I asked for the manager (he was helping me and we got disconnected or some sob story) sure thing! I finally get ahold of him.
So I lay out my case and evidence. He’s shaking and feels betrayed, it was the name of the CSM. He let her go the next morning after she confessed to it.
So next I stroll down to the local PD, file a report, give them everything I have, detective giggles and looks surprised I’m pretty much handing her on a silver platter, forwards it to whatever NJ precinct so they can file charges.”
19. Don't Want To Turn Down Your Music? I Won't Either
“Flashback to 2014… or so.
I moved out on my own in 2013 and moved into an old house converted into a two-floor apartment, directly across from my future in-laws. The downstairs neighbors were loud. BLARING music at all hours (yes, all hours), wouldn’t cut the grass or take out the trash on our shared schedule.
Crappy neighbors, but never bothered me directly.
The guy was pretty chill when sober and would turn the music down a little when I texted him. He was okay until his partner moved in. Now add shouting matches to the mix, and all of the sudden my requests to turn down the music makes him turn it up.
I can barely walk on my super-thin floor without her hitting on the ceiling with a broom. I was okay since I am a heavy sleeper and could sleep through anything.
My wife moved in, and I quickly found out that she is quite the opposite.
Fan on turned at a certain angle in the doorway of the bathroom, door closed halfway, blackout curtains with them taped to the wall so zero light comes through, zero sounds other than the fan, you get the idea. I told her that we can’t expect them to remain silent when she’s ready for bed, we need to be reasonable, but the wall rattling music needs to stop during the night.
She hated it during the day, but I told her there was nothing we can do then, so she would go to her parent’s house a lot during the day. I talked to neighbor-guy, and he said ‘yeah man that’s cool,’ but it turns out the girl wasn’t having it and his attitude then changed to, ‘Yeah well it’s our house so you can go screw yourself if you think you can tell us what to do and you can move out if you don’t like it.’
Something definitely had to change at some point. So I did the only thing I could do. I fought fire with fire and maliciously complied with the law to the T. I could only report them for noise after 11:00 PM. I now forget the morning hour when the noise could start, but I believe it was 9:00 AM.
My dad has these huge old concert speakers in his garage.
Professional grade, black leather-bound, 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide, and a pretty nice, vintage stereo/amp. He has two, but my apartment was so small I sadly only had room for one. We replaced our coffee table with this thing, laid face down onto our thin, office carpet.
Tired of his tunes, I tested this Geneva Convention-breaking device when they weren’t home. Holy cow.
I had to take everything down from tables, counters, and shelves because they would shake off. I prepared audio files to feed the stereo. I was giddy like a kid with a new Christmas toy.
I turned it on when I left for work and got my wife up to send her to her parents. I came home from work and hung out with her parents until it was close to bedtime.
They resisted for three days. On day two, I found a pile of manure on my doorstep, but it didn’t faze me.
I cycled between sine/saw/square waves in clashing chords, marching music (Washington Post March on loop), preaching clips (they weren’t just atheist, but outspoken anti-Christian, so it was a must), the most stupid songs you could think of (Captain Planet theme song, Chicken dance, etc).
This poor old house rattled in ways I didn’t think possible. The vibrations from the sine wave would make your vision blur. I eventually got a text from him that read, ‘sorry man you can stop now.’ I did not. He needed a few more days to let it sink in.
Plus I had so much fun putting it together. They complained to the authorities and the landlord.
There was nothing they could do since I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I didn’t even hear music during the time of peace to follow. It was so quiet.
They would build up their courage and try again every few weeks when I wasn’t home, but my wife was. I then showed her how to tame the beast so she could let it loose while I was away. I had to give them a spanking every now and then, but they learned. They were so happy when we moved out.”
18. Incompetent Biology Teacher Got Fired
“I was super into biology, as I was planning on going into healthcare for my career. It was a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. When I was in grade 11, I was in a biology class with about 25 other students. My teacher was the worst – whatever she spoke to us about in class never came up on the exams, and she was generally just very aloof and never answered any questions that we had.
She reached out to my parents and told them that I wasn’t going to pass the course and I wouldn’t get into healthcare. I clearly remember one instance where we had a practice exam the day before the actual exam, and I aced it, but somehow I failed the actual exam.
This is where I became suspicious and began looking into details on where I actually lost marks and noticed that she was taking off marks for things that would not even be called errors in university. The girl next to me was also failing the course (let’s call her Ariel) and she and I would often compare notes and study together.
When Ariel and I both began failing exams, we gave our exams to her parents – two professors of biology at our local university.
When Ariel’s parents saw that our biology teacher was taking marks off for unnecessary things, they were livid. They knew that Ariel and I were both very hard working and they themselves would help us with anything that we had issues with.
Ariel’s parents went straight to the principal and complained about the teacher, saying that they were shocked to see that Ariel and I were failing when they knew that we knew our stuff for the course. The principal called us down and tested us on our knowledge on a few questions to see if it was true.
Once the principal realized that we did know our content, we were sent back to our class.
A few weeks later, Ariel’s mom told me that she followed up with the principal since she was worried about how many children this was happening to, especially since these marks do go to university.
The principal audited one of the biology teacher’s biology classes and audited the exams after the biology teacher finished marking it, as per Ariel’s parents’ request. It was found that the biology teacher had favoritism towards individuals of her own race, and was purposely reducing marks for those who were not of her own race.
Racial discrimination is a huge no-no, and she was promptly fired.
I ran into the biology teacher a year after (when I was in grade 12), and asked her what she was doing now. She said she was ‘finding herself’. As for me – I ended up finishing a Master’s degree in Public Health, and am super involved in research, just like Ariel’s parents.”
17. Crooked Attorney Gets Busted
“My partner (SO) moved to NYC from a state in the South. Freshly out of law school and riddled with student debt, he found a low-paying personal injury firm and settled in. Since money was tight, he found a roommate on Craigslist named ‘Julie.’
Julie is a feisty Latina, and my SO is pretty much Wonder Bread, but they hit it off very well. My SO would go to Julie’s job after work (she was a bartender) and they developed a very strong friendship.
During this time, Julie meets a server, ‘Luis.’ They hit it off and begin going out.
My SO clicks with Luis, and they become a trio. Wasted tequila nights, peeing on the Subway platform, my SO being taken to Latin clubs… they become the best of friends.
Something that will play a role in this tale is that both Julie and Luis (and their families) are in the USA undocumented.
So, Julie and Luis are getting serious, but don’t have a lot of money, so they move in with Luis’ elderly parents. My SO finds another place to live and they all still keep in touch.
During all of this, Luis’ dad had suffered an injury at work.
He lost part of his finger and had hired a personal injury attorney (aka Jerk). Apparently, he was supposed to receive a $100k settlement but some time had passed, and still no update.
Julie (since neither Luis nor his dad spoke English) called Luis’ father’s insurance and asked about the status of the settlement.
The insurance said, ‘Oh, the settlement’s already been paid out…?’
That’s when Julie called my SO, freaking out. Apparently, this ‘personal injury’ attorney had a history of being an ambulance chaser and sought out clients here illegally. He held that over them and took their settlement funds by forging documents.
While there had been reports, the guy had been getting away with fraud for years.
So, my SO tells Julie to tell the jerk that she knows what’s up. Apparently, this guy thought his clients were too stupid to seek retribution.
Jerk told Julie that he would return the funds if she dropped her complaint against him.
My SO was livid at this jerk taking advantage of immigrants and decided to get payback. He told Julie to record all of her conversations with him and keep records of any type of contact. Apparently, Jerk was using other embezzled funds to hush clients like Julie.
Julie met up with him a few times, always recording interactions and ‘getting funds from him.’
With evidence in place, my SO took all the evidence to the NYS Supreme Court to investigate and told them that he was representing Luis’ dad.
Apparently, reports had happened for years but nobody ever cared until an attorney became involved. It turned out that Jerk had stolen over $400,000 from clients for years.
It was a long trial, with my SO representing Luis’ dad and he had to testify. Jerk knew my SO had reported him and would glare at him from the stand.
Long story short, Jerk pleaded guilty to charges of identity theft, fraud, grand larceny, etc. He was stripped of his ability to practice law and was sentenced to seven years in jail.
Luis’ dad gave my SO $1,000 (he worked pro bono for them) and now my SO is the Godfather to Julie and Luis’ son. Luis’ dad moved back to his native country and bought a beautiful house. All of Jerk’s victims got their funds back through the Lawyer’s Fund for Client Protection.”
16. Think You Can Just Skip The Line And Get Away With It? Not On My Watch
“This year I graduated high school and got accepted to a good uni in the capital. My SO, my friend from middle school, and I (we all study in the capital) moved into a small apartment that was the property of my friend’s parents.
One day my SO and I decided to go to a shopping mall to get some kitchen stuff (a spatula, a grater, etc.) and buy ourselves city cards (basically a card that lets you use all of the city transit: buses, trams, and subway). We chose a specific mall that had both a city transit office and a small IKEA.
When we arrived the queue to said office was massive (at least an hour of waiting) and so we decided that I’ll wait in line while my SO does the shopping. After half an hour, my SO comes back and we still have to wait at least another 30 minutes.
Fifteen minutes later and we are fourth in line. Then Entitled Man (an average 40-something balding male) comes onto the scene. He notices the queue, (I already knew he wasn’t having it by the look on his face) and simply stands in front of Assertive Woman who is the first in line.
We had at least 1-meter long gaps between each other, and he just stands there like it’s nothing.
The Assertive Woman calmly asked him to go to the end of the line to which he replied, ‘I just have one thing I need to pick up, it won’t take longer than 5 minutes.’ A small argument between the two continued for a while and it ended up with the lady gaining back her first spot in line and Entitled Man occupying the second spot.
Now, standing behind Entitled Man was Shy Man. He tried to get in front of Entitled Man but just couldn’t do so. After Entitled Man started being aggressive, Shy Man backed out.
Seeing that Shy Man was not able to stand his ground, I decided to give him a helping hand.
I came close to Entitled Man and started a conversation that went somewhere along these lines:
‘Excuse me, Sir, there is a line here, please respect others and move to the end of the line.’
‘No, it’ll be three to five minutes and I’m gone, what do you not understand?’
‘Sir, do you not realize everyone in this line is waiting for a five-minute service? I was standing here for forty minutes and I doubt it will take longer than five minutes for me as well.’
‘I don’t care, I’ve got things to do.’
Then, he faces away from me, so I come right in front of his face.
‘So, you just come here not caring, waiting for an opportunity to skip the line?’
‘Yes. Get lost.’
He faces away from me once again. At this point I knew the conversation was going nowhere so I just stood in front of him, being the 1st in the line now.
‘So now you are skipping too, you little idiot?’
I didn’t reply and just waited for Assertive Woman to finish her business. When she finishes Entitled Man and I literally race to the counter. I won and said to the lady behind the counter, ‘Excuse me, this man is skipping the line and is generally disrespectful to others.
Could you please not serve him?’ The worker nods and asks who is next in the line, to which I point at Shy Man. Then I came back to my spot in line where my SO was standing. Entitled Man tried his luck skipping the line once more.
Thankfully, the worker knew what was the right thing to do and ignored Entitled Man like he wasn’t even there.
Entitled Man realized his defeat, looked at me and said, ‘See you outside you little idiot’, and gave me a middle finger. I won, it felt so good sending that guy home with nothing, but after a little while I realized he might be serious with the ‘see you outside’.
I actually felt scared for a second, as a 177cm, 75kg guy, (5″10’, 165lbs for fellow Americans) I’m not much of a fighter, to say the least.
Looking for a way to protect myself and my SO, I went and bought a little pepper spray (legal to carry without any permission where I live) as well as notified a guard that a man had told me he will be waiting for me outside, possibly to hurt me.
I made my way to the exit with the guard following me, unlocked the pepper spray in my pocket. If Entitled Man really wanted to settle this, I was ready. I exited the building, the guard stayed inside but was watching me through the glass doors.
Lo and behold, Entitled Man is standing around the corner, with his cap on, approaching me.
I was so frightened that I couldn’t think straight. With my right hand already grasping the pepper spray, I took it out and sprayed him. Entitled Man started screaming in pain and tried to retreat.
I yelled at my SO to stay away and then proceeded to spray some more for good measure, but this time I was spraying his hoodie so it didn’t do much. The next thing I notice, the guard is tackling Entitled Man to the ground and calling for support over his walkie-talkie.
He also ordered me to stay where I was.
After what felt like an eternity, three other guards come out of the mall. Two of them help strangle Entitled Man, who was refusing to forfeit, and one of them asks me to come with him.
We were taken to the guards’ office, police were called. By that point Entitled Man had surrendered; he was sitting restrained in cuffs. The police arrived extremely quickly – less than five minutes – and questioned the guards, examining both my and Entitled Man’s ID cards.
They went on to review surveillance footage, came back, and told me they would no longer need my assistance. One officer also warned me that if I’m threatened again I should call the police first and that I’m not exactly allowed to pepper spray people who haven’t even touched me.
I agreed, thanked them, and left the room. I then called my SO because she was nowhere to be seen. It turns out she went to the toilet. As I was waiting for her, Entitled Man comes out of the guard’s room, handcuffed, with two police officers grasping each of his arms and leading him outside.
Oh man, did that sight put a smile on my face.
I then went on with my day.”
15. This Is Why You Should Not Mess With Dentists
“My dad was in dental studies at the time and his thesis director was a rugby prop forward (this will be important later).
So one night, my dad went to go out with his friends, and on the way back one racketeer stole his phone and wallet. My dad was shocked as it was the first time that had happened to him but he eventually got on with his life.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later my dad was working in the university hospital and, what a surprise, the racketeer was here to get a tooth fixed. My dad was livid! He went to get his thesis director (let’s call him Prop) and explained the whole story.
Prop, like a mama bear told him that he was going to take care of that and that he should call the police. This is where the fun begins.
Prop went to see the racketeer and quickly asked what tooth was in pain and proceeded to give some very rough care: – He gave him anesthesia (just for the gesture cause he actually didn’t inject enough for it to have any effect) – Without waiting he stuck his huge fingers in the racketeer’s mouth (I bet that he couldn’t have closed his mouth even if he tried) and pulled his tooth like it was a beer cap.
The racketeer screamed so hard the whole hospital could have heard him. When he was done the conversation went like this:
R: Why did you do that?
P: Remember him? (Prop was pointing at my dad who was watching the whole thing)
The racketeer (if he could) got even more livid.
P: Now you’re going to wait for the cops!
The cops took the racketeer and my dad got the sweetest revenge. The racketeer didn’t press charges against Prop cause technically he did all the medical procedures he had to and as these cares are always a little bit painful the racketeer couldn’t anything about it!”
14. Dumb Driver Owes Me A $600 Apology
“A couple of days ago I went out to the store to get something I needed. I was checking on my phone exactly what it was I needed to get when I heard a slam that I knew came from my car.
I looked to the side and saw some older guy and his door embedded into mine, I opened my window and he said ‘I hit your door.’ Gave me a shrug of the shoulders and proceeded to get in his car. I yelled for him to wait so I can assess the damage as the hit felt pretty significant.
As I expected, there was a scratch dug into the paint down to the metal and scratched beyond that as if he had pushed it further after the initial hit, as well as a big dent to go with it. I noticed he was driving off so I ran out to him and signaled him to roll the window down.
Me- Hey man that was a pretty significant hit and you’re just driving off without even an apology or anything.
Jerk- It’s just a scratch, it’s nothing.
Me- No it’s not, the paint came off down to the metal and it’s a pretty big dent.
Jerk- You were parked too close to me.
Me- The heck I was! I am parked perfectly within the lines, look!
Jerk- Well so am I!!
Me- Then you had no excuse to hit it!!! You know what? Give me your insurance info.
Jerk proceeds to slam on the gas and leave.
I manage to snap a picture of his plates.
I called the sheriff’s department as we do a lot of work for them and know everyone at the department well, but unfortunately, they told me they could not do absolutely anything because it was just a door ding, and could not provide me any info from his tags.
We live in a tiny town, so I go into the store and ask for his name. I get his first name. From his first name, I was able to find his social media, not a lot of people named Jerk in my town. From his social media, I found we had mutual friends.
From those mutual friends, I found out where he lived. From where he lived and his name I found his phone number online. I found out everything there is to know about this guy. His family, where he likes to hang out on Saturdays, where and who he works for, what kind of beer he drinks, literally everything except what he wears to bed. From his tags, I got the VIN online.
I messaged him to give him a chance to do the right thing. That went over as I expected.
It was Friday night so I could not call anywhere to get more info, so I message him. To make it short he kept saying ‘meet me in the morning if it’s so important,’ and making fun of me saying how his car door has a red mark and how I can do whatever I want and he’ll get away with it.
Come Monday I called the local DMV as my investigations said they can give me the name of his insurance company and nothing else with the info I had.
I was right.
I called in the claim yesterday, and I got the email with the estimate totaling almost $600.
Here is the kicker.
I work at a body shop and could have fixed it myself for free, not even a dime.
The only reason I went through with it was sweet revenge.
Thanks for messing up and being a bad person causing me to get some much-needed funds, dummy.”
13. I Think You Deserve Your Back Problems
“So a few years ago my mom had passed away and my brother and I were practically homeless. It was thankfully the summer so I didn’t have to worry about school, but we had nowhere to go.
My brother’s SO, now ex, offered to let us stay with her and her mum. Graciously, we accepted.
Let’s call the ex B, and the mom M. I hated B, and I hated living with her, but being without a mom I had taken a quick liking to M.
The first week or two living with B and M were ok. Things soon went south quickly.
M would constantly berate me about my sister, whom I had looked up to and adored. She just went on and on about how she was such a bad influence, and how she really was a disgrace.
M was the kind of person who just had to be right. So every time I’d try to defend my sister she’d tell me that ‘I didn’t understand life because I was only 12.’ She had the audacity to tell me, a person who had watched their parents, grandparents, and a fair share of pets die, that I didn’t understand life.
And when she found out that my sister smoked, M completely overlooked the fact that my sister did it to get off of the medicine that was harming her, and went on a tangent about how much of an addict she was.
She also complained that my brother and I ate all of her food, despite not letting us have access to the kitchen or fridge.
Oh yes, completely forget that you have an older teenage son and a husband who eat quite a substantial amount of food as is, why don’t you. She complained that my brother and I dirtied the house, and made us clean it, despite the fact that we stayed in B’s room the whole time.
In fact, my brother slept on B’s small bed while B and I stayed on an air mattress on the floor. We did everything for her. I would walk her great Dane around the block every day, and I would feed it and wash it too.
My brother would fix their house for them and go on grocery shopping sprees for them too. In fact, she still had half of our savings when we were saving up for a house too. And even on top of that, she made us pay every month for living there, in one room, at her house.
The last straw was when she insulted my late mother in front of me, then accused me of being mentally unstable when I accidentally cut myself on the nail, very obviously, hanging out from her door. I was livid, and I had to live with it for two months.
Here comes my revenge. Now, keep in mind that I was only 12 at the time, so there was not much that I could do. But, I did pretty much everything for her, and she had mild back problems. So when the time for school came, I would use the excuse that I had homework to get out of helping her.
With my brother conveniently away all day at work, she had to do everything herself. For a while I watched her struggle to do things like walking the dog and doing the dishes. It came to a point where she had to go to the hospital for her back problems. At that point, she had lost her cushy job at a Disney resort for all the times that she was late or missing from work.
Now, of course, there were other reasons for her being fired, but almost all of them stemmed from her worsening back problems.
On top of that, I had started talking with her husband. He took a liking to me; I became an ear for him to listen to his problems, and he realized how awful she was.
In fact, he even started filing for divorce. Once my brother and I saved up enough we ditched that popsicle stand quickly and we never looked back. From what I hear she still struggling with her teenage son and dog. They had moved out of their nice house, and she is still fired from her Disney job.”
12. Out Me To My Family? You Won't Graduate
“I’m a woman raised in a very Catholic Latino family and, god forbid, I’m a lesbian. Keep this in mind for it is going to be relevant.
Also, at the time of this story, I was with this girl that we’ll call ‘Traidora’ (traitor in Spanish) from now on.
I met Traidora back in high school but we started going out in our second year of college when we were both 19 years old.
Being barely young adults and in love, we got ourselves into this intense relationship that everyone thought would last forever.
Turns out, everlasting love lasts about one-two years before falling to pieces.
Aside from very obvious differences between us, things turned downhill the moment she started hanging with some classmates that happened to like smoking; don’t get me wrong, I am not against smoking or whatever but it’s just not my thing.
Eventually, she started neglecting every aspect of her life, including school, friends outside that circle, and, well, me.
Fast forward, we were 21 years old and had no time to waste. When I noticed she wasn’t interested in graduating – or anything at all – I decided I wasn’t up for it and broke up with her.
I loved her and it hurt but that wasn’t a life I wanted to live.
I’ll have to admit that before breaking up with her, I met my actual SO. Whether it counted as infidelity or not, I will never know but the moment Traidora found out, things went down.
Thinking of my Catholic Latino conservative family? Yes, it goes exactly as you think.
Traidora shot some photos of me and my SO at school and sent them to my house. Nothing too crazy, just us holding hands and maybe kissing but shots got fired. She knew my mother would kick me out right away and I ended up living in my car for months until SO convinced her parents to help me (that’s another story).
I had fire in my b***d and no interest in being the best person so I thought of appropriate revenge.
I won’t get into many details but in our University, in order to get classes, you need to sign up online a week before classes begin.
If you miss this step, you’ll have no classes and school will do nothing to save you from a void semester.
Also, there are some classes that take 2 whole years to complete; they can take more time but never less. We’ll call them ‘Laboratorios’ (not really lab classes, just naming them for the sake of it)
I don’t know how this may work in other countries but right here, you have limited time to graduate. For example, if your minor is 8 semesters long, you might take 4 years to pass every single class, plus 2 more years for whatever reason that could get you behind; if your minor is 6 semesters long, you get only 3 extra semesters to graduate and so on.
Let’s do some math: Traidora’s minor lasts 8 semesters and at the time, she was about to begin her ninth semester, meaning she had 4 extra semesters to graduate.
Remember Laboratorios? She was too lazy to get them done so she waited until she had no time left. As mentioned above, those classes are at least 4 semesters long so she had to sign up for them.
Sometimes, while trying to sleep in my car I remembered I had her ID and password because she had asked me to sign up for her when we were together. I tried to log in and guess what? Full and unlimited access.
Sign-up day came and surprisingly, Traidora logged in early and signed up for Laboratorios and other irrelevant classes without knowing I was snooping around.
I could reverse her check-in and she’d be in huge trouble… Or I could forgive and forget. I stalked her on social media and saw some posts making fun of me for being kicked out and, guess what? Yes, I waited until 23:55 to erase her Laboratorios.
About two weeks later, a friend told me that she had complained but our school is notorious for not caring at all. She ended up dropping out that year.
And that’s what happens when you unleash the rage of a woman with back issues caused by car seat naps.”
11. Don't Pay Us? Get Divorced
“So this whole debacle started in my freshman year of college.
I went to a religious college so there were a lot of really strict rules regarding curfew and punishments for not going to the mandatory worships, this comes into play later. Background on me: I am not a physically imposing young lady, just under 5 ft and 100 lbs soaking wet and wearing cinderblock shoes.
At this time I had been recently dumped and so I was starting college practically alone as my ex and I were set to go to the same university but he dropped out to join military school.
As this was a religious school, we had a sort of camp out in a week or two before classes started, it was meant to be a getting to know you kind of thing, and so we had things called ‘family groups’, I was a little freaked out, but in the group, there was one loud, overly friendly girl named Sam.
Sam was of the same ethnicity as me and so we quickly bonded over a shared ethnic background and how similar we were, she had a partner in the army and I lamented my single status and how my ex basically ditched me for the navy.
She seemed perfect, sympathetic, social, and fun. I warmed up to our family group with the help of my new best friend. We had a great weekend and got to know others in the group, including Jess. Jess was more quiet and disinterested, with a classic case of an angry face but eventually, she warmed up to me and I to her.
Sam didn’t really like them but you wouldn’t know it unless she told you.
The first sign of something off with Sam was during dinner, I was sitting with Jess and her friend from high school Andy. He and I really hit it off, but as my heart was still freshly broken I kept some boundaries up but agreed to go watch a movie when we got back from the trip.
Immediately Sam pulled up a chair and was all over him, asking about his past, how he and Jess met, what he thought about her outfit, and on and on. I was a little miffed but just ate my burrito. For the rest of the trip, Andy and I were hardly apart and Sam got more and more passive-aggressive with me, bringing up my ex and how I was moving on too quickly.
I believed her and canceled my plans with Andy, and said that I didn’t want him to just be a rebound. He was understanding and chill with just being friends which was a blessing for me, but seemingly not good enough for Sam.
After the trip was over I decided to show them around the city since I was a local student.
While the others put their stuff in their rooms Sam asked me to stay behind because she had to ‘confess’ something to me. She started spewing some nonsense about how Andy had cornered her outside the cabin and was being creepy and telling her how beautiful she was so on and so forth.
I was skeptical and made it known, but her response was just ‘just looking out for ya girly.’ By then the others came back and I just decided to ignore what she said and have a good time in the city. This was incident 1.
A couple of weeks go by, Andy, Jess, and I became a little squad of sorts because all our schedules matched up, whereas finding time to hang out with Sam was more than difficult. This all came to a head when Jess and Andy planned a little trip to the local Benihana place and didn’t invite Sam.
She found out via social media and flew off the handle. I had gone home for the weekend and when I came back on Monday I was greeted with drama, tears, and accusations. The gist of the situation is, the group didn’t invite Sam because she is vegetarian and has a lot of allergies, so it would be dangerous to even step foot in the Benihana, and in retaliation, Sam took her ‘best friends’ aka random girls from the dorm, horseback riding and posted a photo with the caption ‘better than Benihana’.
(Incident 2)
Once again this is what I came back to and so things were pretty frosty. I asked for some backstory and apparently, it was work friends who invited Andy and Jess so it wasn’t even their place to invite someone else, and it wasn’t like she would be able to eat anything at the Benihana anyways so they literally didn’t even think they were being rude.
According to Sam, they were purposefully excluding her and that no one likes her, and that this was just like it was in high school. She didn’t have very many friends and we were just becoming privy to why exactly that was.
Incident 3 was the friendship bracelets.
She ordered these semi-expensive bracelets for me and Jess but mysteriously Jess’s broke in the mail and the replacement would ‘totally come any day now.’ Jess pretended not to be hurt but it obviously stung when she would fawn over our bracelets and how we are such great friends.
Spoiler the bracelet never came.
Now I was still trying to smooth things over but it kept getting worse and worse, if I was hanging out with Andy or Jess she wouldn’t speak to me, but would only talk trash when we were alone.
During all of this Andy and I kept getting closer and eventually started going out but low-key because of the whole situation with Sam and we didn’t want to set her off. I know we were spineless back then.
Now for the catalyst for the revenge.
She was a wanna-be YouTuber and wanted to do a holiday video. Andy is a film major but he doesn’t want anything to do with her after all her lies and petty behavior. But then she made an offer we couldn’t refuse, ‘I’ll give you $200 and pay for food’ and for what should’ve been an hour or two of filming we were sold.
I was set to manage the site since my personality is ‘get it done’, and he was in charge of filming. He worked so hard on it y’all, he storyboarded, he made a script for her, he got all his equipment together. I was so proud of him.
I contacted the diner where we were filming and got everything together and we were set.
Filming Day arrives and we get our hair and makeup done for the ‘actors’ and ‘actresses’ and we all get to the diner an hour before, at her insistence, and set up.
She says she’ll be 30 minutes late and so we decide to eat after shooting some B-roll. Guess how long it took her and her ‘entourage’ to arrive? 2 whole hours. We finally get filming and if you are counting we have been at the diner for 4 hours, pre-filming.
We spend another 2 hours filming and we have to take after pics of our outfits and everything. Did she pay for our food? Nope. And she tells Andy ‘You got a big payday coming, you deserve more than 200 for today.’ He’s happy cause he wanted to take me out for the holiday but spoiler again, she didn’t pay up.
So a week or two goes by and it gets closer and closer to the holiday and we already turned over all the footage we are just waiting for payment. Then came the excuses, ‘I don’t trust Zelle.’, ‘I’m waiting for my auntie to pay me.’, ‘My aunt’s in the Caribbean right now and she doesn’t trust Zelle either.’ We kept hounding her for the funds and the holiday came and went, she posted the video and stopped answering texts.
Since we all lived together I confronted her and more excuses, then she said give her two more weeks.
During those two weeks, she told everyone who would listen that she already paid us and that we were terrible people to try and extort her for more.
Now at this point in the year, we are fed up with her, and Andy is ready to write the 200 off, he rants to his smoking buddies and the smoking buddies get our side of the story out to the relatively small school and pretty soon she doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
She gets nasty, texting me all this crap about how Andy is having an affair, that I deserve better, and screenshots of their conversations where he supposedly tells her how he’d rather not be committed. Now we had some commitment issues in the beginning, on both sides, but she tried to present these texts as recent, not stuff from months ago.
The final straw was when she called me stupid and naive for staying in the relationship despite him being a greedy flirty man.
Now I was going scorched earth, for some background on Sam. She was a chronic two-timer. She was also married, she and her husband got married right out of high school, which is typical of army guys in my experience.
The ink wasn’t even dry on the marriage certificate, less than a year when she burned us. But I was someone she chose to confide in since she thought I was too stupid to see through her after all the stuff she put us through.
So I gathered evidence, all the lies, the videos of her doing stuff at parties, inappropriate texts with various guys, the drinking binges, and her trash-talking her loving army partner. I gathered all of this information for more than a year, I felt horrible for the guy but I needed a file that would condemn her to a legal nightmare.
D-day arrived when about a year and a half after I met her she told me that she thought her husband was having an affair as when he was deployed she found a video on his phone of him and his buddy dancing on some girls in a club.
Sam was livid, she was cursing and swearing she would take him for every cent in court for lying to her. Never mind that she was hooking up with guys for fun every other weekend. I asked her if she had proof, and she said that proof doesn’t matter, they always believe the hurt wife.
I complied with all my evidence and wrote a very long apology letter for waiting this long, and sent it anonymously. Sam didn’t return to school the next year and I kinda lost track of her. I got reminded when Andy, now my fiancé, showed me that terrible video we did for her, I confessed what I did and we social media stalked her accounts.
She now posts a lot of ‘single and loving it’ memes and she has a few vlogs talking about fake friends and how simple living is the best. I guess that’s a consequence of losing the luxurious ‘rich girl’ lifestyle that her husband’s family provided for her.
Looking at her ex-husband’s page he has a beautiful wife and a baby on the way, looking way happier than I’d ever seen him.”
10. Try To Question My Job? Leave The Company
“I once had an assistant store manager who was a proper jerk. Just someone who hated me and I couldn’t figure out why or what I’d done to make him dislike me so much.
Constantly asking me what I was doing or why I hadn’t done this or done that. Never using the official company policy of praise-critique-praise just always on the critique.
So one day I start my night shift and get told all I have to do is sort the backstock out as we have an audit on Friday.
I smash out 12 of the 13 cages and think to myself: I’ve done a good job. The assistant manager comes over to speak to me at 0700 (my finishing time) to ask me what I’ve done. Told him yeah done this and that. He asks me when I pulled out the cages, did I sweep under them?
I was blown away that he would ask me such a random thing. Naturally, I tell him sorry I didn’t. He then pulls me up for about 20mins for not doing various jobs (that aren’t jobs or jobs for the cleaners).
So the following day I do my work, go and find him at 0650, and tell him I did the delivery, faced up and that was all.
He then asked me why that’s all I did (I knew he would because I set him up to ask me). I turn around and tell him, oh wait what I also did was date check all the DVDs. He looks at me super puzzled so I elaborate that I didn’t find any DVD about to be going out of date.
He walks away and didn’t speak to me for 3 months and that was to say bye as he left the company.
There is CCTV footage of me at that store picking up each DVD and looking at the back case.”
9. Principal's Reputation Got Ruined
“Our history class teacher in high school really sucked. Sometimes she rambled around reminiscing in the past and not really teaching us anything useful, while other times she would grill people with questions until they got something wrong. Grading was somewhat arbitrary with two girls always getting good grades without doing anything, one guy getting constantly grilled and always receiving bad grades, and another dude whose German wasn’t as good as the others constantly getting corrected in a demeaning way.
It got so bad that we had an arms race with history books. Since it was the advanced history course we already had four books, but one student had recently transferred from another school which had THE perfect book. Perfect for surviving the grilling sessions.
Everyone else also got the book to be able to answer her questions as quickly and accurately as the transfer student could as to not look unprepared in comparison.
Fed up with that kind of treatment we created the jerk card rewarded to the student that became her victim of the day.
I created elaborate statistics for who got it when and how bad they got grilled and we always had a good laugh. Come graduation and the final yearbook: TIME FOR REVENGE. The entire two pages for the advanced history course class of 2008 consisted of comedically mocking her bad teaching skills, the chaotic lessons, stupid things people said, and of course the detailed version of my jerk card statics, honoring the Ukrainian guy and the other dude for their insane collection of jerk cards.
After submitting our page my phone rings a week later and it’s the student layout editor for the book. The principal, which was also our advanced history teacher, wants the jerk card statics removed. She deemed them hurtful and disrespectful for the people getting the most cards.
I am furious, how can she not understand that they wanted that statistic because they felt so mistreated. In my anger, I just put a huge black box where the jerk card article would have been with a white text rambling about how we are being censored by the school and how authorities censoring the free speech of an advanced history class is spitting in the face of what teaching history in Germany is all about.
My class all sign off on the text, the Ukrainian dude even sharpens the wording and we send it back to the layout guy.
The next day the phone rings and it’s my teacher/principal on the line, in tears, crying. She said how stressful the last year was being announced temporary principal, being one year away from retirement, and teaching history being her life, she was devastated by what she read and didn’t want her entire legacy tarnished by what we wrote.
I felt incredibly bad and broke the news to the rest of the class. We all agreed that while the course was a nightmare, we weren’t bad enough people to pull through with the whole thing. The article was changed and everyone was fine with the way we changed it.
I still have the original and censored version on my computer for old times’ sake. Jerk card champions your hardships will never be forgotten!”
8. Steal My Book? Get Suspended
“In school, I had this ‘friend’, I’m calling him JH for Jerk Head. So JH and I for the most part were friends, copied homework from each other, and shared lunch. About a month before our breaks for our exams a textbook of mine went missing.
I looked everywhere for that book, and 3 weeks before I decided to get a photocopy of the lessons, I asked JH for his book. He wasn’t in class so I went through his bag, and found the book. I was looking through it and realized a) His index was torn out and b) there was Tipp-Ex on the margins which covered writing, and c) the jerk had scribbled on my writing to write his name.
I took the book and confronted JH. The guy begged and pleaded to me to not tell our teacher because that would probably get him suspended or something, I was seething but I thought I got my book back, and he’s sorry about it so no harm was done.
I told him I wouldn’t tell our teacher.
Back at home, I was thinking about the whole situation and realized that the jerk was going to let me fail. That enraged me and so I cooked up a plan. The next day, I took our class topper’s social studies notebook and snuck it inside JH’s bag before we left for the bus.
Few days before the break, during our lunch break, I see our class topper freaking out, so I ask her what’s wrong. She says she lost her notebook and I tell her what happened with me and that it’s probably with JH.
It was beautiful, she stormed to his bench, took his bag, and went through it before finding her copy, slapped him, and called him a bunch of creative names all in front of a full class.
This much I counted on happening, what I didn’t count on was the DI (disciplinary in charge) patrolling the halls and seeing the whole thing. He walks in just as the lunch break gets over, calls JH and our class topper, they leave. 15 minutes later I get called to the principal’s office, I know why, I take my book and leave.
In the principal’s office I see, our class teacher, the DI, the Principal, and Vice-principal. ‘Did JH take your book?’ the DI asked me, ‘yes sir’ I reply and show him the book. ‘He tore out my index page, wrote over my notes, and put Tipp-Ex on my book so I wouldn’t recognize it.’ ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone?’ ‘Because I found it in his bag and he said he was sorry.
I didn’t think he’d have taken someone else’s notebook too’. They told me to leave with the CT and return to class.
The next day, I find out that JH has been suspended for the rest of the week and would not be able to take his exams. It gets worse, this was a term exam which counts towards the final grade, because he had to miss it, he ended up repeating the grade.”
7. I Spent $68 To Get Revenge
“After a co-worker’s wedding reception many of the attendees continued the celebration at a nearby bar.
At closing time a random patron had lost their college ring – just so happened it was the same college I attended and love – and I said: ‘oh, well that’s not a great school so it’s not that big of a loss.’ That didn’t sit well with one individual, who shoved me from behind and wanted to fight.
I didn’t oblige him given the silliness of it all.
Fast forward to me and some friends ending up in a packed pizza parlor after the bar and while waiting in line, the dude who wanted to fight was in line a few people back of me.
I overheard him talking about which pizza he wanted to get – bear in mind this is the type of pizza joint that at this hour when they’re out of pizza they’re done making pizza – so it was my turn to order, and after hearing him say which slices he wanted, I told the cashier I wanted every single slice of pizza that was available for purchase.
Seeing the look on that jerk’s face after I walked by him was well worth the 68 bucks I just shelled out.”
6. She Moved Out Of State Because I Broke Her Heart
“We were freshmen in HS in gym class. This girl, we’ll call her J (because I don’t actually remember her name), obviously had a crush on me and wouldn’t leave me alone. Some days it was fine, I would do something she wouldn’t do, like play basketball or whatever, but some days she’d go running around the track with me and the guys or hang out and read/do hw by the bleachers.
But the gym was the only time I really saw J.
One day J had just pushed me too far. She asked me a lot of personal questions and wanted to know what I was looking for in a girl. So I developed a story to tell her on the spot.
We walked over to the racquetball court, where nobody went for some reason, and began ‘pouring my heart out’ to her.
I told her about this girl I’ve been dreaming about, how I feel like I see her all the time, between classes, across the cafeteria at lunch, but how I always have very little time to talk to her.
I told her how beautiful this girl is and vaguely described her to the point where I knew J thought I was talking about her. I told her how I planned to ask this girl out, but I was too shy, too afraid of rejection.
She spoke for the first time during this encounter, asking if there was any way she could help and maybe the feeling was mutual. As I saw her confidence building, I knew I should end this charade. I said something to the effect of, Nah you wouldn’t know her; besides she’s not at school today.
She pushed me away and took off crying. One of her friends came running to me asking what happened. I said how should I know? The next few days were weird. Groups of girls who knew J would stop and stare as I walked past. The few times I saw J she was with a group of her friends who would basically block her out of my view.
The few times we locked eyes, she looked terrible.
This all happened towards the end of the school year. Out of the last month, she maybe attended class 4 or 5 times, that I saw. Eventually, the year ended and I asked a mutual friend about J.
They told me she was really depressed and convinced her parents to move, and ended up going out of the state.
That was over 10 years ago and I haven’t heard anything since. The times I’ve told the story, less so now, I just feel like a total jerk.”
5. I Resigned And Left Without Any Trace
“I was the assistant to a chef in a major city. She was tech-illiterate and a tyrant to boot. I was the never-thanked defacto computer person, copier fixer, tech trainer, etc. and I knew she didn’t know her way around a printer let alone the brand new Macs purchased for the office.
My birthday is in November and fell on a Saturday. The restaurant staff used to go APE for peoples’ birthdays but mine came and went without a peep, including through a weekly meeting where much time was devoted to calling out birthdays, anniversaries, etc. So the next day as I was on my way to have birthday dinner with friends, I got a text from them asking me to call so I could help them fix the copier.
I didn’t respond. On Monday I came in to find a cookie and a hasty note wishing me a happy birthday. Four of the office staff went to lunch that day and brought me back two rolls of sushi and half a pile of salad, leftover.
In addition to other trifling nonsense, stress, and insults that lasted over a year, I gave my notice that week.
I left weeks later and took a laptop with me as well as a hard drive that contained 10 years of menus, recipes, and photos. All of that exists on the chef’s computer too, but that hard drive was my way of buying my silence that I did not go to the press with all the juice and dirt on that place they could handle.
They never knew where any of the tech supplies were at any given moment and I am sure, to this day, they think someone just lost it.
It was an amicable parting and they gave me unemployment ‘which we’ve never done before, ever’ then one month later, after I was still not working, started to fight it.
They tried to have it stopped twice and both times screwed up the phone hearing. I rode that unemployment for six months until it ran out.”
4. Drink-Stealer Learns His Lesson
“Had a teammate on my middle school football team that liked to take drinks left in the locker room. This was the summer between 7th and 8th grade, and he was the biggest, strongest player on our team.
He was also the best player on our team by a long shot, so our coaches just turned a blind eye to his behavior. After watching two of my friends confront him about stealing their drinks and watching him kick their butts, I decided that a different strategy was in order.
So one day after practice I told my grandmother about the situation and that I didn’t want to have her or my parents get involved, and that I wanted to teach him a lesson. This was the mid-90s when the small Gatorade still came in glass bottles, so she took me to the store and picked up a grape flavor, went home and emptied half of it, and replaced the space with part castor oil and part liquid ex-lax.
The next day I left the drink out on a vacant locker when we did the first round of conditioning drills, and he snatched it as soon as we came back. Fast forward 2 hours and we are finishing up the end of conditioning, which is 40 40 yard wind sprints on the practice field.
He was complaining about an upset stomach about 1/2 way into the sprints, and it hit him about 2 laps before the finish. The field was about 200 yards from the field house, and we all laughed while watching him r******p himself the entire way back.
From that day forward you could leave drinks anywhere and he would go out of his way to avoid them.”
3. Resident Director's Plans Were Spoiled
“One of my roommates in college didn’t get along particularly well with the dorm RD. They weren’t actively hostile or anything, but my roommate thought that the RD was kind of a smarmy moralist with no sense of humor. I wouldn’t have said so at the time, but he was completely right about that.
Anyway, my roommate grew increasingly annoyed at the way the RD would handle various alleged infractions, so when he saw an opportunity to throw a gigantic monkey wrench in the RD’s smarmy plans, he took it.
I lived on the ground floor of our dorm.
One morning, we woke up to a rather confused ruckus coming from the floor above us, a ruckus that seemed to rapidly spread outside. Turns out somebody had released about half a dozen live chickens in the hall. So that was exciting for them, I guess.
Anyway, it was ascertained pretty quickly who the perpetrators were. Some guys from another dorm. My roommate thought that this justified a revenge prank in kind, but as it hadn’t happened to us, it wasn’t really our place, you know? And the guys upstairs weren’t of the sort to take that kind of initiative.
But what really did it was that the RD got everyone directly involved to agree to a meeting at which donuts and hugs would be exchanged and everybody would make nice. There were vague threats about disciplinary action if the boys didn’t play nice. My roommate considered this to be a horrific violation of pretty much everybody’s dignity, and we weren’t even part of it.
He was definitely right about that one. But as soon as he heard about it, he pretty much vowed to do what was necessary to prevent everybody from humiliating themselves in this fashion.
So. Around 3:00 AM the morning before this ‘exchange’ was to take place, he ganked a microwave from a different dorm, grabbed something from our hall fridge that had been in there so long it was practically a biohazard, hauled both over to the perpetrator’s dorm, and ran the leftovers on ‘High’ for five minutes right in the middle of the hall.
And he left a note taped to the microwave that read ‘Thanks for the chickens.’
Well, the perps wound up throwing the microwave out the window (they were not on the ground floor), but even so, they had to around with their sleeves over their mouths for the next few days.
Needless to say, my RD’s plans were foiled, but I’m pretty sure he was the only one at all sorry about that.”
2. I Got Revenge On The Wrong Person
“Back when I was young, sometime in early high school, there was this kid, let’s call him Brad, who would try to get two boys to fight each other in a boxing match in the upstairs of his parents’ spare garage (just now realizing how wealthy the kid’s family was).
He would goad the two into being mad at each other by lying to them about mean stuff the other one had said about the other, then get them to put on boxing gloves while he and his friends watched. Weird, sick amusement over the suffering of other people.
I had grown up with Brad but never ended up very close with him. Still, I was around enough in this small town/school that even I had heard of this boxing thing. One day, Brad invites me over and he hadn’t invited me over in what felt like years.
I declined thinking it was related to this boxing thing and I didn’t want to fight anybody nor watch anyone fight, so I told him. He called me stupid and threatened me if I told anyone about it. Of course, he was a buff wrestling jock (who we later found out was using steroids) and I was a small sad art kid; so the threat took and I didn’t tell anyone about the boxing matches.
Oddly enough, the next week another kid approached me, let’s call him Matt. Now, I didn’t have a lot of friends (being a quiet boy who cries at sad moments in High School doesn’t make you very popular) but I got along with Matt.
Well, strangely Matt is angry at me without explanation. I put two and two together and tell him Brad is a liar who is just trying to get us to fight for his amusement. He doesn’t believe me, of course, and continues trying to start things with me in gym class.
He shoves me and I fail one last time to diffuse the situation.
At this point, I’m fed up. Tired of dealing with all my family stuff just to come to school and deal with some manipulative jerk’s mindless minions, while trying to get good enough grades so I can leave this small town behind permanently and never see these people again.
Matt shoves me again and I snap. I’m about six inches shorter than this guy, so I grab his neck, throw a foot behind him, knock him down and start kicking him. I kick and kick and kick while screaming at him until someone pulls me off and the teacher intervenes.
I think eventually Brad got in trouble, but Matt was hurt and wasn’t in school for a while. I always felt bad, kinda still do, that I got revenge on the wrong person, someone who was just another victim to the school bully.”
1. Fought For My Parking Spot For 3 Years
“In my apartment building, we have a wide variety of people living. We have retired folk, grandparents living out their golden years, people from out of state, people of different races, cultures, and backgrounds…
..and we also have a ‘resident neckbeard.’ Late 20s, NEET, mooches off his brother…
..and has a 2012 sports car, paid for by his parents, that he doesn’t take care of. The tail light lenses are cracking, the paint is fading and getting weird streaks from years of rain runoff w/o being washed, rotors are perma-rusty, etc. For comparison (and what it’s worth), I drive a beat-up 90s-model Honda.
For some reason, he absolutely HAS to have the first parking spot. He doesn’t care who else isn’t home yet – old people, people with a ton of groceries, etc – that first spot is ‘his’ (even though we do not have assigned parking). He will park in it and leave his vehicle sitting for weeks, sometimes months, at a time just to keep others from having it.
If by some chance, someone else manages to take it, he will wait and move his car to it IMMEDIATELY after it becomes open. I know this because I watched him do this one morning as I left for a grocery store run (having parked in the afore-mentioned space the evening prior).
While I was sitting at the red light in front of the apartment building, I saw him ‘run’ out to his car and reclaim ‘his’ spot.
Now, I’m normally a fairly chill guy. Real live and let live type. It’s not that I particularly care about what spot I park in, but rather the fact that someone will go out of their way to claim it – even if they are literally parked right next to it.
That evening, as I was wiling away my hours on the internet, I kept my blinds cracked open to observe if the RN (resident neckbeard) would move his car again. Once he was gone, I moved my car to the recently open space, leaving the only next available spot to be my former one – at the other end of the lot.
But, my friends, the story does not end there. When the work week started, and I left to be a productive member of society, I once again witnessed the spectacle of the neckbeard moving his vehicle. Alright, it’s on now.
I end up biding my time, waiting for the spot to open again.
As soon as it does, I make it a point to get to my car so this person can watch me take his spot, hoping that the message I’m trying to send of ‘I’m calling you out on your nonsense, now stop it’ comes across clearly.
It does not.
Weeks of this back-and-forth turn into months, during the time I’m trying to make a further point of this person’s shenanigans by not moving my vehicle when it becomes available after a 3rd party claims it. His brother parks there and then leaves again?
Cool, w/e. Other neighbors park there and move? No big deal. Neckbeard moves there and leaves? I’m on it (and vice-versa).
It has now been three years since this started. I’ve tried leaving friendly notes (since I do not know which apt is his & his bro’s) politely asking if he’s not going to be driving his vehicle on the regular to move it to a lesser-used parking spot so that those of us who work regular gigs, guests, and our elderly neighbors can make use of it.
To this day, if his car is in it and later leaves, I will take it with all due haste. If it is open when I get home and his car is nowhere to be found, I will take it until I see him parked in another space and then move for others.
If it is taken by a 3rd party or if it’s open and he’s home, I’ll leave it be. It’s just.. I mean, it’s been over 3 years of this stuff. I very well can’t relent now, it’s gone on too far.
The only option is for him to admit defeat.”