People Share The Most Intense Revenge They’ve Successfully Executed


Looking back, can you say you’ve ever carried out pro-level revenge on someone? After thinking long and hard, you probably can’t recall any instances. I think most of us probably don’t want to exert the time and energy it takes to get revenge on someone when it’s often easier to simply let it go and physically and mentally move on from it. Other times, though, it’s hard to move on when you feel like you need to teach a person a little lesson.

In some cases, taking action is good, if not, necessary. An HOA president that’s illegally charging fees and fines? A cruel sister who permanently damages your romantic relationship with a person you wanted to spend forever with? A landlord who keeps ghosting you every time you kindly as for your deposit back, which you are entitled to? A woman who thinks she can get $1,000 out of your company just because you mistakenly sent a freaking $10 coupon to an address she no longer resides at? Yes, please, bring on the revenge!

15. Want $1,000 Because We Sent $10 Coupons To The Wrong Address? Have Fun Paying Your Legal Fees


Is this lady for real?

“This story is from a few years ago when I worked in the legal department of a 1,000+ store national retailer.

As part of my job, I handled customer complaints that elevated when the customer threatened legal action.

Our customer service call center forwarded Karen’s call to me after she threatened legal action. Karen left a message claiming that she was not provided $10 in customer reward coupons (spend $200, receive a $10 coupon in the mail sort of thing… This was before apps) based on her purchase of clothing for her son and daughter for back to school.

I looked into it and called Karen back. It turned out, we had an old address associated with her rewards account. No big deal, right?

I spoke with Karen and offered to send her the original $10 coupon and an additional $25 for her trouble to the correct address.
That did not satisfy Karen. She claimed we should have known her address and threatened to sue us if we didn’t pay her $1,000 in cash.

Her rationale was that it would cost us at least $1,000 to defend the suit. She was in a state in which our company did not have any offices, so we should just pay it to her.

I declined but still forwarded her the $10 coupon she was entitled to pursuant to our rewards program. Sure enough, she sued us for breach of contract, fraud, and any other conceivable charge.

I went to my boss, the COO, and told him the story. He asked what I wanted to do? I said I’d rather pay legal fees to a defense attorney than pay Karen, and he agreed.
I contacted outside counsel, our awesome attorney, explained the situation to him, and I **** you not, he said (in a Southern drawl): “I get to sue Karen? I should be paying you guys.

There are a lot of lawyers in this legal community who would love to sue her as she is reckless, unpleasant, and a total pain in the a*s to deal with. I’ll gladly take your case.” He agreed to defend us at a reduced rate.

Part of our defense strategy was to counter-sue her under the state’s frivolous lawsuit statute, which would move the suit from small claims court to the larger civil court.

Awesome Attorney filed our answer and counterclaim. Although Karen was an attorney, she was not a defense attorney, so she had to engage her own attorney to defend against the counter-claim.
After a couple of hearings, she offered to settle for no more money exchanged. She didn’t even get the extra $25 coupon I offered her) and the dismissal of both suits.

I talked with Awesome Attorney about continuing our claim, but he advised it would probably be worth settling and being done with it rather than being vindictive.

Although vindictive would have been fun, courts tend not to like that, so I agreed.

My company ended up paying Awesome Attorney $900 in attorneys’ fees. Awesome Attorney later called and told us that the attorney Karen engaged charged her $1,700 to defend the suit. Although I would have liked to continue with our suit, I think her having to pay $1,700 over a $10 coupon sent to the wrong address is sufficient justice.” TheBreakUp2013

14. Thief Tries To Get Me To Pay Finder’s Fee, But I Help Him Get A Felony Instead


“I had just moved to a new city for work and had been working here for about 3 months, so I am still pretty new to the area.

My apartment complex I would say is in a nicer part of the city and is pretty well kept, so I didn’t really expect anyone to go and try breaking into cars. I was set to travel and had a pretty early drive, so I had packed everything for my week-long trip the night before so that I could get up and just get on the road.

The next morning I walk out to my car, and I see clothes off to the side of my car and thinking it was weird, I started to look around the car. Turns out, my car had been broken into and was cleaned out. Out of the trunk, they took my laptop bag, which had both my personal computer and a government computer, 2 gyms bags (one that had my work clothes and the other had my workout clothes and personal hygiene stuff), and a backpack that had my Nintendo switch and office supplies in it.

They also took ~$50 out of the console where I keep change and random bills for parking.

This obviously throws a wrench into my work travel, so I call my supervisor, explain the situation, and come back into work. It’s my fault I left all that stuff in my car, so I had to go to our security/IT office and explain what had happened and see what the next steps were to get a new work computer.

During this meeting with the Physical Security Manager, which was 3 hours after I found my car broken into, I get a call from a local number, and it turns out, this guy had “found” my laptops on the side of the road when he was coming home from visiting his mom.
My bag had a, ‘Contact me if found ### ### ####.’

The conversation goes as follows:

Guy: “Hey man, I found your laptops on the side of the road.

I figured you would want them back. They look pretty important.” (Government laptops are plastered with stickers with official jargon and returning instructions.)

Me: “For sure! I am currently at work now, but I can come to meet you or whatever works.”

Guy: “Yeah, man. I’m just coming back from visiting my mom, so I am trying to get home, so I can relax.”

Me: “Cool, I can make it work.

Can you text me your address and everything, so I can just come to you?”

Guy: “I’ll send it to you here in a second. It’s also my birthday, so if I could get some money for like a finder’s fee or whatever, I think that would be cool.”

Me: “Yeah, man, whatever you need.
See you in a bit.”

As soon as I get off the phone, I call the local police in that area and explain that this guy is trying to extort money from me to get stolen goods back.

They instruct me to meet them a few blocks away from the residence, and they will send a plainclothes cop and officers to act on my behalf, so I am not in direct contact with the guy just in case since the situation sounds sketchy.

I go and meet them where they go to the residence. The guy is hesitant to see the cop cars and takes a few minutes to return the bag.

With the laptops in it. They bring the bag to me to identify the laptops, and everything’s still there.
I accept the bag and got my laptops and bag back. Easy enough…

On the drive back to work, no more than 15 minutes, later this guy still had my number and starts going off… bad unreadable spelling and all is seething through text messages on how I could get the police involved, he was trying to be a ‘good samaritan,’ and he should have thrown my **** in the ‘grabig.’ So, I did the normal thing and blocked the number.

Now, I’m still missing everything else including the Nintendo Switch, which was in a case with 7 games (important). I was originally going to take the loss on it and take it as a “stupidity” tax since it was almost impossible to get back.
However, something didn’t sit right with me with this guy and thinking if he did have it, he was going to try to sell it fast and cheap.

I went onto Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist searching for a switch for cheap around the same location as his house.


The ad read “$200 – Nintendo Switch with 7 games and case lightly used, no charger or dock. Must be gone today.” The location was enabled and was within 2 miles of his address, the phone number was the same, and the dock and charger were in my apartment.

So, I had a buddy of mine who lived in the next city over contact him asking if he could hold onto it until tomorrow since he wouldn’t be in town until the next day, and he would pay him $300 instead.
The dude agrees and also gets him to read off all 7 games that were there. This was to buy us more time, so I can go coordinate with the police.

The next morning, I get everything together to go make a case to police to assist me with this: police report, the craigslist ad, the serial number from Nintendo, the screenshots of the text messages between him and my buddy. I make my case and the police agree to do the same thing as the day before and meet me somewhere else to go over what the plan was.

I meet them and go over his address and what all I had missing. These are different officers than the day before, and they recognize the address and the name.
We found out this guy is known for this stuff and is currently on probation. So, we come up with a plan where my buddy will call us on his work phone, so we can hear the conversation and call him on his regular phone to see what’s going on.

The police use a plain car to go to this meetup spot, acting like my buddy, to scoop the guy up and get him to cough up the rest of the stolen goods.

They were able to recover all my items including all my clothes and bags. He ends up going to jail and earns a new felony on his record for receiving stolen property.

I think I would have lost the rest of it if I didn’t do the digging on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist.” D0ugieFresh

13. Treat Me Like Trash During A Tech Call? Get Kicked Out Of Our Hotel


A little respect would have been nice.

“Some background:

I work at a company that primarily supports hotel wifi, and taking calls from guests needing help connecting is part of that. Part of my job at the time of this happening was being an escalation point for unresolved guest problems.

One time, roughly 2 years ago, there was some huge hurricane going through Florida, so a lot of our hotels in Alabama and northern Florida were packed with people evacuating their homes.

Most people staying at these hotels were bringing most of their possessions as well.

Anyways, I got a message from the guest support team asking me to take a call from one of these guests from Florida, so I could help them connect the dozen or so devices they had to the wifi.
For some reason, they were refusing to connect, and tier 1 support couldn’t resolve it.

I start talking to the guy, and he is immediately hostile towards me and gave the whole, “I know what I’m doing; I’m tech-savvy” ***ick.

I shrugged it off, and after about 30 minutes, I was able to get every single one of his devices connected. After that, he was still incredibly p*ssed off and started ranting about how incompetent the employees he had been previously talking to were and being upset at me that I took so long to get his sh*t connected too.

I forget most of the profanity he was spewing at me, but I’ll never forget him saying, “Your techs are worthless. You should hang them from their ******* intestines.”

At this point, I should’ve just hung up on him, but I froze up a little and let him continue.
He ended up insisting that I help him set up his plex server, which is against the hotels TOS since he could potentially be using it to stream movies illegally.

I finally got my manager involved, and we called the GM of the hotel and brought her up to speed while the guest was on hold.

I got her conferenced into the call and immediately she began chewing him out and telling him he cannot talk to their support staff this way and that we had other more considerate guests to be assisting. He tried defending himself, telling her how long we took, but she was not having it and told him he had 2 hours to get all of his belongings and leave, or she would call the police.

I’m not sure why she let me stay on the call for this long, but this guy BEGGED her to let him stay since he had just finished lugging everything he owned into his room and every other hotel around was booked. She didn’t budge, however, and after scolding the guy some more, she told me I could disconnect.

Never in my life had I seen justice delivered so swiftly.

This is the story I always tell people when talking about crazy support calls. Please remember this the next time you consider blowing up at tech support staff.” leantofu

Another User Comments:

“As a tech support person, I give a lot of grace to people because I know they’re just frustrated, and they don’t like having to call for help.
I get it. But when you’re just personal and horrible like this guy, he got what he deserved.” troubleschute

12. Destroy My Relationship? I’ll Destroy Your Life


“First, a little backstory.

I’m a 24-year-old male with OCD who’s somewhere in the middle of the autistic spectrum, so I had to deal with my fair share of crap and bad luck while I was a kid. I also can’t read body language and can be extremely socially awkward, so needless to say, I didn’t have much luck with women once I was old enough to want to start seeing people.

I was only ever in one relationship while I was in college, and it ended so badly that I swore off of them completely for several years.
However, once I got out of school and moved away from my home state to start at a new job, I decided to try my luck again. I didn’t have any real expectations of success, but you never know, right? So, I joined a site and, what do you know, I started talking to a sweet young woman who lived less than a mile away from my apartment.

Let’s call her Jessica.

We went on a date, and to my surprise, it went really well. Soon, we began regularly seeing each other, and I began to have very strong feelings for her. I even thought she might be the one. Maybe I was right.

My revenge was not directed against her.
I know there are a lot of stories about people getting back at cheating, manipulative exes, but this isn’t one of them.

No, my revenge story is about my twin sister Julie.

Of the two of us, Julie was used to being the “normal” one, and early on in my life, she appointed herself as her brother’s keeper. She looked out for me when we were kids and even protected me from bullies, but as we grew older and I became more independent, I didn’t need her hovering over me as much as I once did.

I was always grateful for everything she did for me, but I began to resent the fact that she kept treating me like I was perpetually five-years-old.
Things got even worse once Julie was in college, for reasons she still refuses to share with anyone. She had a nervous breakdown, nearly flunked out, and graduated with a C average. She soon got a job in Texas that paid barely more than minimum wage, working under a boss she hated.

I, on the other hand, excelled in school, graduated summa cum laude, and landed a cushy job with the federal government. I never tried to rub this in her face or make her feel bad about herself. More than anyone, I could sympathize with some of the issues she was having to deal with, but Julie began to act as though my accomplishments were an affront to the natural order of the things.

Growing up, I had always been the one who struggled, and she had been the one who succeeded. It had been that way for more than twenty years, but now things were different, and she couldn’t stand it. I never saw us as being in competition with each other, but she did, and my dear sister always hated to lose.

However, there was one “competition” where Julie had me beat, and that was in romance.

She met and married her husband several years ago, and although I was happy for both of them, she began to rub it in my face when I returned home on vacation to visit my parents and relatives. Her jibes about my perpetual singularity really hurt, and when I confronted her and asked her to stop, she laughed and brushed me off.
She became really passive-aggressive and spiteful when she thought she could get away with it, so it wasn’t long before we fell out of touch.

That was my mistake. Maybe if I’d tried to communicate with her more often, I’d have realized just how much her jealousy and spite had poisoned her.

This continued until I met my girlfriend, and by the time I invited her to visit my family for the holidays, I was convinced that Jessica and I really had something good going. I was so excited for her to meet my parents and grandmother that I could barely sit still on the flight home.

When we landed and got to the house, everyone received her warmly. I was certain this was going to be the best Christmas of my life.
Julie was determined to make it the worst. Like I said earlier, I think she saw love as just another competition, one that she could smugly say she’d beaten me at until now. So, to her, Jessica was a threat to what was left of our old sibling hierarchy, which meant she had to go.

At first, my Christmas vacation seemed like a dream come true. Everyone loved Jessica, and the two of us were having a fantastic time. We threw snowballs, went Christmas shopping, the whole nine yards. Even Julie seemed to be acting nicer toward me. I felt like I was on top of the world.

But then it all came crashing down. See, I have a personal laptop that I play games and stuff on, and Jessica was into that kind of thing as well, so of course, I brought my laptop with me on the trip.

I got some new games as a Christmas gift from my grandmother, so the day after Christmas, Jessica and I stayed up late playing together. Eventually, she got tired and went to bed, but I wanted to stay up and play a little more. That was a mistake because when I finally crashed at 2 am in the morning, I was so tired that I forgot to shut my computer off.

Jessica was still sleeping when I woke up, so I went downstairs to have a late breakfast. Julie was already at the table, but she didn’t say much until my girlfriend got out of bed about an hour later. Once she’d eaten, Jessica asked if she could use my laptop to play for a bit, and of course, I said yes.
My laptop was sitting on a folding card table in the living, so I heard her go and sit down.

But almost as soon as she did, Jessica yelled a string of expletives and stood up so fast that she nearly knocked the chair over. I asked her what was wrong, but she said nothing. Instead, she marched over to me, lifted her hand, and slapped me across the face. Tears were running down her cheeks. I was so shocked that I couldn’t say anything, and while I was trying to wrap my head around the situation, Jessica began packing her things.

I tried asking her, begging her to tell me what was wrong, but she refused to say anything.

So, I went over to my laptop to investigate, and when I did, I saw that all the tabs on my internet browser had been replaced with naughty sites.
I felt the bottom drop out of my stomach and thought I was going to be sick. I grew up in a very puritanical household, and Jessica and I had both agreed to be abstinent until and if we got married, so there’s no way I would betray her by looking at stuff like that.

But judging from what was on the screen, you’d think I was a secret addict.

That’s when I realized that Julie must have snuck onto my laptop after I’d gone to bed and done this. I even thought I saw a smug grin tugging at one corner of her mouth, but she quashed it when she realized I was looking. I was absolutely devastated and desperate to explain the situation, but Jessica wouldn’t hear any of it.

She dumped me right then and there, bought a ticket on the next flight out of town, and went to stay in a hotel.

I tried calling and texting her, but she quickly blocked me. My relationship was ruined, and if my parents and grandma had seen what Julie had done, I might have lost them too. Thankfully my parents had left in a hurry that morning to run some errands in town, and my grandmother was still asleep.

I knew what Julie had done, and she knew that I knew. Both of us also knew that I’d never be able to prove it. I felt heartbroken, destroyed, and utterly betrayed. And as I stood in the smoldering ashes of my romance with Jessica, I promised myself that I would make my sister suffer for what she’d done.
But Julie was no fool. She’d be expecting retaliation.

So, as difficult as it was, I made myself do nothing. I acted as though I were utterly defeated. I played the part of a broken, miserable young man in the throes of heartache, and all the while, I bided my time. I began to study Julie when she wasn’t looking, found excuses to be close by when she was logging on to her computer and cell phone.

My vacation was almost over at that point, so I wasn’t able to learn more than one or two numbers/letters of her password and passcode, but it was a start. I knew that in time, Julie would let her guard down. When she did, I would be ready.
For the next year and a half, every time I went home to visit my family, I dedicated myself to learning a few more parts of her computer and cellphone password and passcode.

Julie never seemed to change either of them, and I made sure not to breathe so much as a word to anyone of what happened with Jessica. Step by step, I pieced her login information together, one letter or number at a time, until finally, only a day before flying back from my most recent visit home, I had everything I needed.

I’d had a lot of time since Jessica left me to think about what I was going to do to Julie once I’d gotten into her phone and computer, and I didn’t waste any time.

That same night, when everyone else was asleep, I put on a pair of gloves, crept into Julie’s room and snagged her phone from her bedside table. Then I snuck downstairs, sat down at her laptop, and logged into both. I’ll never be able to describe the dark joy I felt as I saw her whole life laid bare at my fingertips.

A few experimental searches on her laptop confirmed what I’d long suspected: Julie kept all her passwords cached, so she didn’t have to remember them.

She’d always had trouble remembering things like that, especially after her nervous breakdown, so she relied on the computer to remember everything for her. Her Amazon account, her computer games, her email, you name it.
She’d clicked the “remember password” option for each and every one of them.

I happily set myself to the task of destroying it all. I went full scorched-earth, burning everything on her phone and laptop to cinders and salting the digital soil in my wake.

Her iTunes account? Gone. Her Amazon account, with its expansive Kindle books collection? Gone. Her Steam and Origin accounts, with their libraries of all Julie’s computer games? Gone.

Then I turned to her social media. Julie was big into Tumblr and didn’t have many friends in real life, so I sent a bunch of vile messages to all her web friends and posted a bunch of hateful, racist garbage on her page, thereby ensuring that she’d be permanently shunned by everyone in her digital social life.

I then spent a few minutes deleting everything she’d ever written in Microsoft word, including all the crappy short stories and fanfiction she’d written, cleared the recycle bin to ensure nothing could be recovered and used her work email to send a vicious letter to Julie’s boss, telling her exactly what Julie thought of her in the most colorful terms I could think of. I made sure to cover my tracks and erase all traces of having sent it, then blocked the boss’s email and her number from Julie’s phone.

When she returned to work, she’d be in for a nasty surprise. Finally, I changed the passcodes she used to unlock her phone and laptop, just to rub salt in her wounds.
By the time she was able to create new ones, it would be far, far too late. The only thing I didn’t screw with was her bank account, not that there was a whole lot in it.

I took a moment to survey my work, nodded, then crept back upstairs. Once I’d put Julie’s phone back where I’d found it, I crawled into bed and slept like a baby.

My flight left early the next morning, and although I wasn’t there to personally witness the fallout, I heard about it later and it was glorious. Julie took her phone and laptop into Best Buy and the Apple store to be looked at and nearly had another nervous breakdown when she was finally able to log in and saw what I had done.

Julie’s boss fired her as soon as she returned to work, and from what I hear, she went out of her way to personally make sure my sister couldn’t find work again. Her Tumblr friends all blocked her and wrote to all their friends about what a terrible person she was, and when she logged back in, she discovered that she was now a complete pariah on the site.

She was soon forced to move in with her husband, whom she’s now completely dependent on. She’s now an unemployed stay-at-home wife as a result of what I did to her, and that’s been an absolutely crushing blow to her pride and whatever was left of her self-esteem. To someone who always prided herself on being a “strong and independent woman,” it’s almost a fate worse than death.

She called me up a few days after I left and screamed at me, but I said nothing and blocked her. She knows it was me, but I covered my tracks too well, and she can’t even tell our parents or make a big stink about it because that would mean revealing to the whole family just what an awful person she really is.

I feel absolutely no remorse, and I sleep soundly at night knowing that I made her pay for what she did to me and Jessica.

If anything, I still don’t think she’s suffered enough, and whenever I have another opportunity to make her suffer, I’m going to take it. She will weep a river of tears before I’m through with her, and I will drink it dry.
Oh, and after she lost her job, Julie also got fat.” Throway9591

11. Refuse To Give Me My Deposit Back? Fine, We’ll Play Dirty


Ignoring your previous tenant won’t work, dude.

“Back in 2018, I had a temporary internship in California at {insert large tech company}, so I took a recommendation from a friend about a room for rent. It would be living with 5 other people, but otherwise, it looked fantastic with spacious common areas, multiple huge TVs, full amenities, community rec center with pool, short drive times to multiple places of interest, all for $650/month, utilities included.

I contacted the landlord, whom I will refer to as Sh*ttyLandlord. He seemed fine on the phone, so I sent him my security deposit to move in a month later.
When it came time to move in, I discover a few caveats that came with this low rent price. The common areas were all dusty; none of the 3 large TVs worked properly; if we wanted access to the rec center and pool, we’d need to pay the $80/mo membership fee; and all of the ‘short drives’ time estimates were exaggerated unless you were speeding at 2x the speed limit.

Whatever, it’s not the end of the world, especially at the relatively low price. I’ll survive.

But then it got worse in the coming months. Sh*ttyLandlord decided to charge us an extra $20/month for ‘paper towels and public cleaning supplies.’ Sh*ttyLandlord only checked the community mailbox once a week when he was in town and refused to trust anybody with the mailbox key.
As it starts to roll into the summer, in June, Sh*ttyLandlord decided that A/C costs too much and we were using too much, so he removed the thermostat from the wall.

Um, ok. One day, some of us tenants confronted him when he was at the house (since Sh*ttyLandlord also slept at the house about <1 day/week), and I'll never forget his words as he rushed out of the house: "It's legal for me to do it, and I don't care since I don't have to live here." Well, sir, f*ck you. I'm tilted as f*ck at this guy's obvious money grab from 6 tenants.

Well, it turns out he’s right; he legally doesn’t need to provide air conditioning. So, the next day, I purchase a high BTU free-standing portable air conditioner that exhausts out the window.
Holy sh*t, this thing was luxury. Of course, I pump my room to 65°F, the lowest setting.

We have a couple of other minor disagreements that wind up with Sh*ttyLandlord texting me that it’s fine if I wanted to break my lease and move out early.


When Sh*ttyLandlord finally gets a whiff of my A/C setup, he comes to my room to complain about my A/C unit. I reply curtly:

“It’s legal for me to do it, and I don’t care since I don’t have to pay for electricity.”

He leaves and later sends me a text. Yea, ok. Unbeknownst to Sh*ttyLandlord, I’m taking his move-out offer seriously, and this whole time, I’ve been rallying the troops.

All the tenants have been upset about everyone’s living situation, so with some minor encouragement, I manage to convince two of the other 6 tenants to move out at the same time as me.
(They were on a month-to-month arrangement.)

I finally submit all our ‘Notices of Intent to Vacate’ at the same time, barely a week after my previous conversation with Sh*ttyLandlord. He’s p*ssed. He was just trying to get me out of the house, but now he has 3 rooms to fill instead of just 1.

I ask about my legally mandated pre-moveout inspection. In no uncertain terms, he told me to go **** myself. He said he’s too busy to perform an inspection. Hm, well, that’s illegal, but ok.

Time comes to move out. I found another room for rent much closer to the office for only $100 a month more. We all move out, and I text Sh*ttyLandlord about my security deposit.

No response.
I text again.

No response. Ok, I see where this is going.

I spend days and days reading the law, compiling evidence/screenshots, and listing the laws that were broken. The smoking gun was the statute that requires a pre-move-out inspection and a list of things to fix and itemized list of deductions within 21 days or else Sh*ttyLandlord loses the right to withhold any of my deposit.

In addition, he would be subject to treble damages if he’s found to be acting in bad faith.

I text again and again. I give him plenty of leniencies, and I even cite the laws, so I can prove in court that I’m acting ‘In Good Faith,’ and Sh*ttyLandlord intentionally ignored the laws that I made him aware about.
Sh*ttyLandlord probably thinks I’m a young, push-over college student who won’t follow through with legal threats.

Well, sir, we’re going to court because I’m petty as **** when it comes to people trying to **** me over.

I file in small claims for $650 plus treble damages, plus court costs. Sh*ttyLandlord files a counterclaim of $2,000 for ‘damages to the property’ claiming I caused flooding, and I broke the microwave. Ok, buddy.

In response, I gather testimonies from 3 of the other tenants, and I build my case into a 40-page packet of evidence, complete with page numbers, a table of contents, and descriptions for every screenshot and photo.

I make 3 copies of everything and submit it to the court and the defendant Sh*ttyLandlord.
The court date is set for November, and I leave the state just before Christmas, just in time to appear in person since my internship ends, and I fly home in December.

He starts filing requests to postpone the trial. He cites a doctor’s appointment, and the motion is granted. The court date is rescheduled for a month later in December but still before I fly home.

New court date approaches, and he files another request to postpone, citing another doctor’s appointment. Somehow, that motion is granted as well, and we’re rescheduled yet again to January. Darn.

January rolls around, and surprise, surprise, guess who’s got another doctor’s appointment conveniently on the same exact day of the trial? Denied. The court finally got off his ******** and denied the motion because he can’t prove he scheduled the doctor’s appointment prior to the court date being moved.

Welp. I’m not in CA anymore; I’m across the country on the east coast. Sh*ttyLandlord thinks if I’m no longer in the state, he’ll automatically win since I’m not willing to fly back to CA. Well, unbeknownst to Sh*ttyLandlord, California courts offer an option to appear by telephone. Haha.

Court day comes, and I get the call. I’m sworn in and then connected to the court. I’m given time to present my case.

Unfortunately, I didn’t prepare a script, so I kinda summarize the events and explain why I deserve money. Then Sh*ttyLandlord gets time to defend himself and explain his counterclaim. He doesn’t prepare anything either, and he ends up rambling about random **** that doesn’t help his case at all.
For example, he spends a lot of time explaining how another one of the tenants was ***y** and so his behavior was justified.

He doesn’t even have a sliver of evidence for his counterclaim when the judge asks for it. The judge asks a few more questions and announces that he’ll review the evidence, and we’ll get the decision in the mail.

A couple of weeks later, I get the judgment saying I’m owed $650, and ***yLandlord** gets nothing. Well, d*mn, no treble damages for me. However, it’s just my luck that ***yLandlord** is a piece of **** that won’t accept defeat.

He files an appeal for who-knows-what. It’s granted. The re-do trial is scheduled for May.

This time, I’m 10x more prepared. Once again, I’m sworn in and then they connect me to the courtroom speaker.
This time, I have a hashed out script that I read, making sure to emphasize how often I informed ***yLandlord** of the law, how often ***yLandlord** knowingly broke the law, and how I offered so much leniency and so many opportunities to do the right thing.

Once again, ***yLandlord* doesn’t prepare anything but instead rambles on so much that even the judge tells him to get back on track multiple times. ***yLandlord claims I caused water damage and had to replace all the carpets. The judge asks for an invoice or receipt. He has none. ***yLandlord claims I broke the microwave, so the judge reads him the 3 witness statements that all state I didn’t break the microwave.

***yLandlord says they’re all lying.
He still has no evidence whatsoever. At this point, the judge clearly sounds done with his *** and says we’ll get his decision in the mail, and the call ends.

A couple of weeks later, I get the judgment. I’m owed $1,800, and ***yLandlord still gets nothing. Well, d*mn, would you look at that? His appeal did not quite work out for him.

He goes from owing $650 to owing me $1,800. Being the *** head that he is, he files for a mistrial, claiming I was not sworn in and that I lied in my testimony. Denied.

Outside of court, ***yLandlord offers a payment plan of $20 per month which will take 7.5 years to pay back, or otherwise, he refuses to pay up.
Ok, I see how collecting my money is going to be.

I figure out he banks at BoA by looking up the checks I gave him for rent and seeing where they got cashed. I file for a writ of execution that will allow me to perform a bank levy. It’s granted, so I prepare a packet for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to go to BoA and take his money. LACSD serves him with papers and orders BoA to freeze his account.

After his allotted time (30d) to contest the seizure, LACSD seizes his money, plus 10% APY interest, plus Sheriff fees.

I finally get the glorious check in the mail 20 months after moving out. I’ll probably frame it.

Total: $1,893.91

Don’t expect the process to be quick.
It’ll take a while for your landlord to get their comeuppance, but it’ll be worth it. At the end of the day, the courts want you to win; it’ll just take a while.” cyberchief

10. Assault Me? Lose Your Business And Face Potential Eviction


“I spent two years working for a particular boss, who I’ll call Dan.

Dan was (and almost certainly still is) the most unacceptable human being I have ever had the displeasure of encountering. He was a compulsive liar, a narcissist, short-tempered, unethical, unreasonable, unintelligent, and abusive.

I once witnessed him spend half an hour shouting at a salesman for wearing shoes that Dan didn’t approve of. Not inappropriate shoes, mind you, but just ones that Dan didn’t like. The salesman in question could have gone home and changed his shoes in the time that Dan spent cursing him out and belittling him.

He also sold a client secondhand computers, claiming they were new and priced as new ones.

This man not only assaulted me but verbally and emotionally abused me for the better part of two years and did everything in his power to keep me under his thumb. He constantly micromanaged me, to the point of just dictating to me what I should write in an email to a client.

If it wasn’t done exactly his way, it wasn’t correct. I had to argue with him just to get a godd*mn sick day, even though I’m legally entitled to it. I was woefully underpaid and on-call 24/7. This made it difficult for me to find other employment and is one of the reasons I stayed as long as I did.
He made my life absolutely miserable, and I developed a bit of a drinking problem as a result.

I recently watched a presentation on domestic violence, and his behavior is a textbook case of what domestic violence abusers do.

I could go on and on about the things that this man did to be the biggest ***** he could be, but this is pro revenge, not bad bosses, so I’ll get to the story.

One day, Dan and I had a disagreement regarding something I was right about.

I had the emails to prove it, and I was frankly fed up with his *******. I told him I wouldn’t be going to work because I was taking a sick day.

He proceeded to shove me down to the ground (he’s a big guy, probably one of the reasons he’s gotten away with being the human garbage he is for so long) and starts trying to strangle me.

I was able to fend him off and escape, and after I did, I filed a police report. (There were no witnesses, so that was going to go nowhere. He actually had one of his other subordinates make a claim that the alleged assault didn’t happen. Said subordinate wasn’t there at the time, so false report.)

I naturally told everyone I knew and all his clients that contacted me afterward (I was their primary IT support, so quite a few of them had my personal number) that I had filed a police report against him for assault.

I specifically said it that way because, unlike simply claiming that he assaulted me, telling people I filed a report was unarguably true and not slanderous.
A lot of his clients were already not happy with the services he provided (internet and PBX), so that certainly turned a lot of them off of renewing their contracts.

A very close family friend of mine, Carol, was naturally one of the first to hear about the assault.

I left the country about a month later in search of better opportunities, but my friend remained and became the chairman of the board of trustees for the body corporate of the neighborhood where Dan lived. (A body corporate is basically like a Home Owner’s Association but with different laws governing them.)

She set her sights on making his life ****. Dan had a broken down car (that had been broken down for over a year at that point; he never had the money to fix it because he’s a sh*tty businessman who never seemed to realize that his business model had really tiny profit margins), and the rules of the neighborhood were changed to force broken down cars to be towed away.

If the owner didn’t tow it, the body corporate would and charge the owner. And fine them.

So, Dan was fined a few times (not small amounts either), and when he was fined, he did what he always does when things don’t go his way: throw a ****** tantrum while having no leg to stand on. The tantrum, in this case, was several expletive-filled emails to the body corporate (which is just such a great way to endear yourself to someone who already hates you), which got him fined again for breaking the conduct code.

This, combined with the loss of revenue for his business, has led to him not having any substantial income for over half a year now. He has no car, nor the money to buy one, and several of his big clients are definitely not going to renew contracts with him, and he appears to no longer have any staff in his employ.
Nobody’s seen anyone coming to his house in months now, and the body corporate is pressuring his landlord to evict him.

He’s well and truly f*cked.

I’m living happily in another country now and got an awesome job that pays 20 times what working for him did. (Yes, really. 20 times more money. That’s how little I made under him).” concussedalbatross

9. Silence Me After Assault That Ruined Me? Today’s The Day I’m Calling My Abuser Out Publicly


“So, some backstory:

My freshman year of high school, I was ******** assaulted by a peer and so was another girl.

I kept it to myself because we had a lot of mutual friends, and I didn’t want them to be uncomfortable or feel like they had to choose a side.
I also felt like I was responsible, and it made me feel really guilty. I also suffered a lot of psychological repercussions- an eating disorder, I began cutting, and I developed severe anxiety and depression.

Finally, it peaked, and I forced myself to tell my English teacher.

The police were called; I was interviewed. Already, I could tell the detective was not taking me seriously. He also blatantly misquoted me in the statement and used words like “misunderstanding,” and “He went in for a kiss…” even though I made it very clear I struggled and tried to push him away, and he had me pinned to the wall with his hand around my throat.

He confessed after 10 minutes of being interviewed by the police, but the charges got dropped by the prosecutor because he felt the case would never go to trial.
He was a star student and was very well respected. After this, he was banned from speaking at school-sanctioned events. I was still quiet because I’m not a rock-the-boat type of person. Eventually, I found out he was planning on going to the same college I was going to.

I wrote him a letter, asking him to please reconsider. He had said he was very sorry about earlier. I told him in the letter to put his money where his mouth is and prove it. He never replied.

A few weeks later, I find out he’s planning to speak at a baccalaureate event put on by a local interfaith community. I emailed the teacher in charge and told her what happened and politely asked her to not allow him to speak.

She emailed back and essentially said, “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. We’re still going to let him speak, though. Feel better.”

I’m livid at this point. I’ve been dismissed, belittled, ignored, and unheard for years despite my efforts to get justice. He’s still incredibly popular, and everyone loves him. I decide I’ve done all I can- I tried to take care of things on the down-low, talk to him privately to come to an agreement, and even talk to the organizer to try and come to an agreement, but they both ignored me just like the police did.

So, I decide I’m not going to be quiet anymore.

I attend the baccalaureate event, and while he’s giving his speech (ironically about treating others with respect, lol), I hold up a sign that says “[redacted] has assaulted two women. Is this the face of the class of 2020? Stop giving assaulters and abusers a platform to speak! Stop silencing women!”

By the time the event is over, everyone is talking about it, and everyone is p*ssed at both him and the organizers for letting him speak.

Many of the girls there are victims of ****** assault themselves, and they are all furious that the organization knowingly let a predator speak.

I feel incredible. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The last thing he told me after he’d finished violating me was, “Don’t tell anyone.” And even after years had passed, and I felt comfortable speaking about it to a select few, and the police knew, and all the teachers knew- he was still praised.

And every time I heard someone talk about him fondly, I heard that little voice from deep inside me, saying, “You’re letting him win.”

Now that everyone knows, and everyone hates him, I know that finally, finally, I can lay this matter to bed.
I can finally let go.” nadaste

8. Scam Me Because I’m White? We’ll Make Sure To Bring Up The Policy, Which Will Only Kill Your Business


Technically, the guy was setting himself up for it, so is it really revenge?

“Back story: I’m 34, and both my parents are college professors.

In 1998, my dad was offered tenure if he went to teach overseas. He agreed, and we had a family meeting.

The family meeting went as follows.

“Hey kids, guess what? What? We are going to Malaysia.”

“Cool, what’s that?”

Before we knew it, our midwest American family was crammed onto a Malaysian airlines plane.

We landed and got settled in, homeschooling for us. My mom didn’t have to work, and my dad was getting paid in American money, so, for the first time ever, we were considered wealthy.

We took lots of vacations, and I got my own allowance, which I mostly spent on food and cool electronics. One of these vacations was to the island of Langkawi. While there, we did the usual tourist things.

On the very last day, my brothers and I wanted to rent a jet ski as we had seen the renter next to the hotel every day and just didn’t have time.

Our boat was leaving far later in the day, so we knew we had time.

We walked to the renter and started to talk to him. While he was talking to us, he was also talking to his counterpart in Malay, a language I had picked up because I was the only one of my family to make friends with the people in my town and went exploring on my own.

He told his counterpart to cover the price sign, and he did so with a towel. We knew the price was 25 Ringgit per half hour, but the guy was saying, no, it was 50.

We haggled back and forth, and he said that 25 was the local price only. Both my older brothers looked at me like I could change his mind. So, in Malay, I told him that we weren’t tourists and that we lived on the mainland for quite some time and that we couldn’t afford an hour and a half at 50.

He said, “You’re white; you can pay.” I said, “What does the double price gain us?” He said insurance. The insurance covers any damage no matter what and includes free gas refills.
We damage jet ski, no problem.

That wasn’t fair at all, but we had, in fact, lived there for a while and knew there was nothing we could do about it. I called him “bodoh seperti babi,” which directly means “stupid like a pig,” but depending on the religion and class of the person, it’s actually a grave insult.

However, I called him that as we offered him money, giving him to chance to take the insult and the money or send us away. He took the money.

My oldest brother went first. He went out and played in the waves jumping and diving, just having fun in general. Then my middle brother did much the same. When he came back, he said he thought it was running low on gas because the engine would die sometimes.

Now it was my turn. I told the renter he should put gas in, and he said, “No, you be fine, boy. You be fine.” I took his word for it because I had never ridden a jetski and knew my parents wouldn’t let me do it alone if they were there.

I headed out and felt like a God. It was awesome, and I got the idea to see if I could reach the neighboring island, which didn’t seem too far off.

I got about halfway there, and the engine started to die. As I hit waves at different angles, it would sputter back up and die, then back up as the next wave hit.

If any of you have had the chance to see that place, it’s absolutely beautiful.
The water is clear, and you can see everything. By everything, I mean all the fish, jellyfish, and everything else that wants to eat you or just ruin your day.

To add to that, I had no sunscreen, and though, I’m a very good swimmer, at age 12, I still had a phobia of swimming in ponds, lakes, and the sea. Kind of the creepy, omg, something touched me, type of phobia.

Anyway, as I was forced to take note of the beauty and quiet of the sea due to not having gas, I noticed I had drifted south around the island and could no longer see the hotel.

Over an hour goes by and nothing. I’m past tears and start to notice how thirsty I am.
I start rocking forward and backward to get some sort of motion. Eventually, I spot a boat, and it’s getting late in the day hours have passed. I start screaming and yelling to get the attention of the boat. It sees me and comes to check on me.

I tell them I’m out of gas and need help.

They ask if I’m American. Automatically, I remember my parents teaching me to say I’m Canadian because Americans and the British are not well-liked. They toss me a rope and pull me in. I’m hysterical and going between English, French, and Malay on a rant about how I was going to die. Note, I didn’t do well in French class, but it sure came back quickly and was no help but to confuse my new friends.

The captain of the boat went inside and brought out food and water as well as his son who spoke English and Malay.

Time goes by, and I watch the guys on the boat jump off. Others toss them wood cages, and they swim to set them up. The kid’s father comes out with a jar and a gas can. He says he has the wrong fuel for my jet ski but knows a trick.

He pours the clear liquid into the jetski followed by green fuel. He offers me the jar and does the drinking motion. I took a swig. It was fire; it was the strongest rice liquor I had ever seen and even now at 34 have never drunk anything that harsh or strong.
He tried starting the jetski, and nothing happens.

We do this a few more times, and then he takes a spray can and tries again while spraying the can into the engine.

His son says to get on and go fast because it won’t last long. I take off and can feel the jetski protesting and lagging. But I come into the site of the hotel and see my family, police, and the renter on the beach. I gun the thing and crash it on rocks on the beach sending me flying into the sand and ripping the jet ski apart.

I run to my mom as the renter runs to his wreckage. I tell them everything that happened, and the medical team from the hotel looks over me.
I had been stung on the foot by a jellyfish, had second degree burns all over my body, except where my life vest covered and had soiled myself. We had already missed the boat to go home, so the hotel let us stay another night.

As we were wrapping up on the beach, the renter comes back in perfect English saying that we must pay repairs. That was his only jet ski, and he would now starve. My brother said that we paid for the insurance. The renter said no insurance for this, and I said you charged us 50 instead of 25 and said damage was covered no matter what.

The hotel staff heard this and asked what he charged. Apparently, he had been warned not to gouge guests in the past, and they told the police to remove him and ban him from their beach.
We went back to the room, and my mom gave me the most painful shower I ever had.

The next morning, we had a quick visit with the medical team and left.

The jet ski rental was crossed off the board of activities, and his whole set up was gone from the beach.

I have never ridden a jet ski since.” Tilok360

7. Cheat On Him? Live On The Streets


“This is not my story but my great-grandpa’s story that was passed down the generations to show what not to do…

Bit of a backstory:

It’s 1912 in British India, and Great-grandpa and Wife were just married and moved to a city.

Great-grandpa was in the navy while the Wife wasn’t employed.

In 1915 (the middle of World War 1), Great-grandpa was sent to the Ottoman Empire with many others to fight them.
It was around this time where another man (we’ll call him “Lover”) started loving my great-grandpa’s wife. Now, this is India in 1915, so cheating on a husband was straight-up unacceptable. The lover would live with Wife in the home that was rightfully Great-grandpa’s until he came back from the war.


As World War 1 came to a close, many Indians were sent back home, including Great-grandpa. The foolish Wife and Lover thought Great-grandpa would return on a much slower boat ride instead of a plane. So, there they are making love almost every day while Great-grandpa was returning home by plane. Now what Lover and Wife planned was that Lover would leave the home days before Great-grandpa was going to come, but they would get to meet occasionally, and well, you know…

Great-grandpa was at Delhi (about 20 days before they thought he would come) and got on a long train back to home…

Great-grandpa finally got home a couple of days before World War 1 ended, and Lover still hadn’t left.

He took out his keys and unlocked his door quietly to surprise Wife (not to catch her cheating; he obviously didn’t know at this point). He searched the first floor of the house, and nobody was there, so he went to their bedroom and opened the door… It was Lover and Wife both naked…

Great-grandpa was furious; he took Lover naked outside and threw him onto the stone road, breaking his jaw in the process.

He then started beating and kicking him until someone came to stop him. He then made an announcement about what Lover and Wife were doing, and everyone was disgusted. He then dragged the now-clothed Wife out from the house to see everyone furious at her…

Some said to kill her.
Others said to drown her, but one young man had an amazing idea… Tell her family what she did.

They dragged her to her family’s house not too far away, and they told them what they saw… But Lover was now furious with Wife because she thought she lied to him, so then Lover told the family the whole thing… Everyone was shocked.

The family didn’t believe it at first, but after Lover told his side, it was basically everyone against Wife. Because of what she did, the family told her to get out of their house.

Wife begged to them to let her stay, but nope; the father proclaimed that she shamed the family. No one allowed her to stay at their house, and she was left to rot on the streets.
She was used as an example by many people in the neighborhood of what you shouldn’t do.

She often came to Great-grandpa’s house to beg to let her in, but all Great-grandpa did was smile.

In December of 1918, he married another woman, which is my great-grandma. After dozens of encounters with her begging him to let her back, Great-grandpa let her in, and she saw his new wife, and she cried all the way out the gates of what used to be her home. She was seen begging for money, but it never worked since everyone knew what she did…” MUHNAMEISADDY

Another User Comments:

I never thought of it like that.

Great insight.

“Another perspective:

Wife was forced into an arranged marriage she didn’t consent to with a man she didn’t love.
Eventually, after years of living in an unhappy, loveless marriage, she fell in love with another man, but her only option was to keep the relationship a secret. (Divorcing was probably considered scandalous back then.) For the first time in her life, she felt happy and in love.

Until one day, she gets caught. Boom, she ends up homeless, her life is ruined, and she was lucky not to have her face sprayed with acid.

I don’t know if that was actually the case, but it very easily could have been. This is early 20th century India, and context makes all the difference. Maybe she was a bad wife, or maybe she was just a victim of an intolerant, sexist society.

We will never know for sure.” unable2cease_

6. Refuse To Resolve The Rat Problem? Good Luck Finding Another Tenant, Jerk


Even if you want to believe you don’t have an infestation, it’s still going to persist regardless.
“When I was in university, I’d heard stories about horrible landlords of student housing but hadn’t experienced it myself… until the third year when it felt like we got 3 years worth of sh*tty landlords all in one go.

It began when I heard noises in the wall behind my bed at night. I brushed it off for a while until I realized that it was an animal in the wall.

I told the landlords the next day, and they immediately played dumb, acting as if I was stupid in front of my housemates for suggesting that something could fit inside of a wall. That was the first alarm bell.

Why immediately try to embarrass me into dropping it? After explaining that I know what a cavity wall is, she asked if we’d seen anything in the kitchen (oddly specific… We didn’t think about it until later).
From then on, her husband dealt with us. We weren’t aware that he was our landlord too.

A little time passes, still nothing done about the noise in my wall, not that it was a surprise.

I’d worked out by then that it was probably something like a mouse and that it could run through the terrace of houses. As long as it didn’t chew its way through my wall or die in there, I put the whole thing on the backburner.

…until we were all sat in the sitting room and heard a thud in the kitchen.

Then I heard squeaking.

There was a giant rat in our kitchen.

The rat disappeared into a hole in the (completely crumbling) kitchen wall, and the landlord claimed that we made it up and that they’d never had a rodent problem.
(I contacted the previous tenants through Facebooking names, and I found on letters for them that had been posted to us by mistake; the property had had a rat problem for the last 3 years before we moved in at least.) I set a rat trap and caught one, took photos, and sent them to the landlord to tell him to sort the problem out.

He told us that because there was a line in our contract about the landlord not paying for pest control (the contract specified wasps nests, etc. We didn’t even think about rats when we signed it) that we’d have to pay hundreds of dollars to fix it. He’d knowingly written that into our contract, so he wouldn’t have to pay out instead of fixing the kitchen wall and the exterior wall where the rats were getting in.

To cut the rest of the setting the scene part of the story short, we called the council, who sent a pest control team. While on their visit, one of the men took my housemate to one side and told her that our landlord is evil and that he is known for getting nasty. They told him that it wasn’t our fault that there were rats; it was his, and he screamed in my face until he was bright red about how I was a terrible person and was trying to take him down for no reason (one of my housemates had to leave because she was scared.

I wasn’t; we were in a room full of men – who were backing us up – making himself look worse for screaming in my face like that.
And I’m a female and was 22 at the time, about half his size). He tried to sue us for slander. (It isn’t slander if it’s true so swing and a miss.)

Now, for the revenge:

It was written in our contract that we had to be notified 24 hours in advance if anyone needed access to the house, which included house viewings.

I began my mission: stop any other students from getting stuck in this hellhole.

The house was being shown by agents, so it made it fairly easy. I left the rat traps in prominent places, casually explaining why we needed them if asked, and if I felt I was being too subtle, making a fake show of, “Oh gosh, please ignore the rat traps! The landlord said he’d fix the kitchen wall where they get in but hasn’t gotten around to it, so we have to catch them.” I was honest about the mold problem in the bathroom.

When I found out they were planning on increasing the rent by $125 a month(!), I made a point of saying something like, “Well, it’s just about worth the [rent I was paying].” I made sure to say his name, so they wouldn’t get away with using his wife’s name as a front while his reputation for aggression stayed hidden.

The agents never said anything to me directly, and because we had to be notified, I could always make sure I was home when there was a viewing.

(My housemates fully supported my revenge, but I was the woman of action in the house. When I’m sure I’m in the right, I will do what’s necessary to make things right.)

That was until they tried to turn up unannounced one day, not even knocking, just unlocked our front door and walked in.
Luckily, I was in the house and kicked them out for not informing us and told them that they were in breach of our contract.

(If the sh*tty landlord could use it to beat us with, two can play at that game.)

No new tenants had signed for the house by the time we were free of that **** hole. It’s been two years now, though, so I have no idea what happened to the rat house.” ArizonaAvenue

5. All She Wanted Was The Dog Back, But Now He’ll Be Doing Up To 8 Years In Prison


“To preface, the scenario involves my roommate (let’s call her Callie), her ex (let’s call him Tweakie McGee), myself, Tweakies fling, Nikki, and my roommate’s dog, an adorable bluenose pittie (let’s go with Derpy).

Keep in mind, I myself am 25, Callie is 25 as well, but Tweakie McGee is 19. This will be relevant later.

Now, this story begins with my roommate. She had just gotten out of an exhausting, but not necessarily an abusive relationship, and she was on the lookout for something casual while she regained her independence and reclaimed her life. Unfortunately, Tweakie McGee came around and made himself at home in our house.

At first, it wasn’t too bad. We’re all moderate stoners, and he knew the right people, so it seemed like a fair give and take considering we didn’t pay for much smoke throughout the time he was essentially squatting, but he put forth nothing when it came to groceries and bills.
Now my roommate was far enough removed from her previous relationship at this point to be fiercely protective of her independence, but given the age difference, she chalked up some glaringly obvious red flags when they began to present.

Tweakie got his pet name for a number of reasons, but the main one was this: he had an Adderall prescription (20mg). As he was prescribed the meds, he chomped on quite a few, but it quickly spiraled into a 10 pill per day habit. At first, he was just chomping but began to snort them off our living room table after about 2 weeks.

As his habit progressed, Callie also partook as she has a very demanding job, and the extra energy helped her through her 70-hour weeks.

I believe that this is another reason why she put up with it as long as she did.

As their ‘relationship’ progressed, the oh so common side effects of stimulant abuse began to creep onto both of them (irritability, poor short term memory, inability to accurately communicate emotions/thoughts). Since I did my best to stay out of their relationship, (as it’s not my place to interfere in something I know her to be smart and mature enough to handle), I never really got involved, but she and I had many deep conversations while he was out on runs.

I felt like our talks were making headway, until one day, Tweakie McGee got a bug in his a** and started impetuously bringing up the idea of getting a dog.
Keep in mind, we live in a college town, and while we’re both out of school. We work full time in a very small 2 bedroom house. She was apprehensive at first since she was already going through the motions of cutting him off, but she had also wanted a dog for years at this point.

After 2 weeks of Callie and Tweakie visiting various shelters, they decided on Derpy.

Derpy was an absolutely adorable 6-month-old bluenose pitbull with one of the most prominent personalities I have ever seen in a dog. (My family used to train dogs professionally.) Incredibly playful, super smart, and the perfect demeanor for a small house with a bigger backyard.

Now, only being your friendly neighborhood stoner and not partaking in the speedy delights, I saw it for what it was, but she was blinded by the adorable pup.

Tweakie knew that Callie was setting the stage to kick his a** to the curb and thought that a dog was the perfect ball and chain for the situation, but his age (and addiction) caught up with him.

All the paperwork and payments were made in Callie’s name, including the registration paperwork, initial vet visits, professional pet sitters, toys, ect… Since she works incredibly long hours, and Tweakie was essentially being a bum, he got the thought in his head that the dog was his, and when push came to shove, he could keep him.

Well, the day of reckoning came after about 3 weeks of escalating early morning arguments and general irritation, and while I was at work, the breakup finally happened.
Cops ended up being called, but no blows were thrown. Tweakie packed all his *** up and drove it back to his mother’s, then came back – told Callie he was leaving and took Derpy with him. At this time, the cops that showed up had no idea what had been transpiring and let him walk off with the dog.

Less than 24 hours later, Callie had made so many calls to the police department/lawers/pet advocacy groups that she had her course of action laid out. After the filing was complete, she was beyond paranoid because of the threat of retaliation. (I’m a pretty big dude 6’4″, 235, so I knew I could stand my ground, but she’s a tiny lil’ thing, and I have a fulltime job.)

In my state, any disputes regarding animals are to be settled in civil court, and the pets are treated as property.

Now, I don’t know about y’all, but pets are family and do not deserve to be treated on the same base as property.

The next day, she had filed a civil suit in an attempt to get Derpy back. At her first court date, she presented all the evidence of her ownership of Derpy, as well as the resources she has available to her in order to provide the best level of care for the pup.

Tweakie countered with a slew of baseless accusations essentially claiming that she had been abusive to Derpy (false) and that she doesn’t have the time nor resources to properly take care of him (also false).

Unfortunately, the civil court system tends to draw these things out. The court eventually ruled in her favor and ordered Tweakie to return Derpy, but when the cops turned up, apparently Derpy had “ran away.” Before this, she was only trying to get Derpy back and not really seeking any financial compensation/punishment.

By this time (approx. 2 months after the breakup, which is ******* on its own), he had already been in and out of a relationship with another woman, Nikki.

Nikki had been around and heard about the court *** but didn’t know the other party. Once she found out it was Callie who Tweakie had f*cked over, she started messaging Callie, telling her a bunch of info about Derpy, as they were friends back in the day.

It turns out that in the time since the breakup, Tweakie had been staying with his mother, an honest to goodness hoarder with about 10 square feet of usable space in her apartment. Tweakie was also unable to take Derpy out on walks or on pup playdates due to the fact that there was still a return order for Derpy.
One day, he took Derpy to his dealer’s house who also has 2 pitties of his own; however, Derpy is in his teenage stage, and began.. uh.. getting fresh with one of the other pits and ended up getting pretty brutally attacked.

Since the return order was still in effect, and the info about him and the dog was given to every vet within 50 miles, he couldn’t take him to get treatment.

Tweakie also made a deal with this dealer to essentially **** out Nikki, which was one of the many reasons she was on our side.

Upon hearing this, Callie (now off the uppers and much more clearheaded) absolutely ****** lost it.

She went to her lawyer to see if there was anything she could do to expedite the return of Derpy.
Turns out, she had a few options.

Cut to today. Tweakie has officially been charged with felony theft and animal abuse/neglect charges, and they’re wrapping up the legal process with pleas and other legal whatnot. He faces up to 8 years in prison, and if he doesn’t return Derpy within 1 week from today, he will receive the maximum sentence.

There is also a separate case in the works from Nikki regarding the whole shady ****ing *** he tried to pull, as well as (unsurprisingly) charges for possession/manufacturing with intent to distribute hard *****.

Part of me feels bad for him because he absolutely nuked the rest of his life at such a young age, but Callie and I both know that he wasn’t going to get any better regardless.

He had his chance, and he squandered it.” suicidal_ideation_

4. Thief Boss Accuses Me Of Stealing, Then He Loses His Job, House, Wife, And Kids


“About a year ago, I was working part-time as a server and needed to look for some extra work as the busy season had slowed down, and I needed to make more consistent money. I wasn’t looking incredibly seriously my girlfriend and I lived in a condo owned by her parents, and I had virtually no bills.

One night, my girlfriend and I go to get dinner from a relatively well-known pizza chain near us. Inside, they had “help wanted” flyers practically spilling onto the floor. As I had multiple years of foodservice under my belt, I figured I wouldn’t be an awful choice for some extra part-time hours.
I mentioned to the manager that I was interested and would drop off an application the next day as I was dressed to go pick up a pizza, which means a dirty t-shirt with my dog’s hair on it, sweatpants, and flip flops, obviously not interview attire.

We take our pizza and leave, and the manager actually follows me into the parking lot practically begging for me to just do the interview with him then. I thought it was weird but didn’t think anything else of it and ended up getting hired.

Now to give some backstory, when I say I have food service experience, I mean I have years of management experience all the way up to Assistant Store Manager for multiple fast-food restaurants.

The reason I didn’t apply for a higher level job was because, as I said, money wasn’t really a huge issue for me, and at the time, I was just coasting and saving money to move out of state.

After starting, it became very clear that my boss, who we will call Howard, had absolutely zero idea what he was doing. It started off with the restaurant having zero daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning duties, which if you worked fast food, you know is an absolute necessity.

He would consistently not have the answers to questions I had and direct me to other employees — simple questions, like which side of the oven a specific pizza goes in. And he would smoke a cigarette every 20 minutes.
The fact that the store had been open less than a year and was already in disarray speaks to how things were being run.

I would come to find out he was a janitor (or custodial engineer as he liked to say) previously and had ZERO foodservice experience and somehow got hired to be the General Manager.

I saw this as an opportunity for me to get paid a little bit more for doing the same work I would inevitably end up doing. I offered to be his assistant manager as he had no one in his store who wanted to do it, and he had already asked me previously, on the condition that it stay part-time because I really liked my serving job and didn’t want to give it up.

I told him that I would spend the time teaching him the behind the scenes stuff that fast food training doesn’t put in manuals or online tests such as how to effectively make schedules, how to make weekly cleaning charts, weekly build to orders for shipments, things like that. Then when the busy season at the other job started, he could hire a full-time assistant. He delightfully agreed.

Me and Howard were the only two managers at that store with 2 drivers and 5 employees other than that. He would schedule me two open to close shifts in a row on his two days off, so he could keep them every week and would justify it by saying he worked open to closes on the days I wasn’t there since a manager has to be there to handle any of the cash from the safe.

He never worked a single double shift. I worked this for a couple of weeks, and within that time, literally EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE except for me, Howard and a driver who we will call Jeff had quit, and we had hired new people.

Me and Jeff got along swimmingly as we both were stoners into the same music and fairly laid back. We also loved to talk *** about Howard.

He was also Howard’s next-door neighbor and sold him some “green” on occasion. So, he had all the dirt all the time.

It became clear to me that there was some money issue going on somewhere as we were getting way more tips at the front counter from credit cards on reports than cash going into the tip bag for employees.
This wasn’t the easiest catch since he would save the tips up for two weeks to distribute them to employees on the weeks opposite of payday.

However, with the store being an unorganized mess, it was hard to know if it was money being stolen or just simply numbers being put into the system incorrectly.

One particular night, I was closing the store and was having some issues balancing the drawers, and the numbers weren’t adding up. I called Howard, who picked up with a hiccup and a slew of slurred words. I explained to him the problem I was having, and he tried to walk me through it but was either too drunk or more likely just didn’t know the answer to my question.

I told him I would call his boss who I had met a couple of times and had mentioned if I ever had questions to call him.

Howard immediately freaked out and said, “don’t do that; they don’t want anyone to know how to work the numbers on the POS (point of sale, not a piece of ***). Otherwise, they will try and steal money.” Knowing that was an asinine response, I said that makes zero sense and how am I supposed to fix the problem if I don’t know how it works.

Then he said the words that started the snowball that would come crashing down on his whole life. He told me, “Listen, you are asking too many questions about the cash.
It makes you look really suspicious like you’re the one stealing money.” I told him, “Whatever, I would leave everything the way it was, and he could fix it the next morning. Or try, at least.”

I had to be careful because in food service if stealing money even comes into question, most places will just fire you since they can hire any zit-covered kid to replace you.

Because of this and just my morals really being called a thief is the one thing I do not stand for.

So, I hatched a plan with Jeff who sided completely with me and had his suspicions for a while about him. Jeff knew that he was an alcoholic who could never turn down a night at the karaoke bar.
Now, Howard was interesting because with how incompetent he was, he still tried to be the biggest people pleaser I’ve ever met.

But in like a lonely and desperate way. He had practically begged me multiple times for us to go drinking together or to come smoke with me at my house. Keep in mind, I am 24, and he was 32 with a wife and two kids at home.

We decided to both invite him out to a night of karaoke the night before he had a big meeting with his boss and the VP of training for the whole company.

Of course, since Jeff and I both invited him, he couldn’t say no. I actually ended up having a good time that night, not because Howard was good company but because my plan involved me buying Howard at least 7 jäger bombs, a double shot of patron, and a lot of hops and I had to drink a fair share to not look suspicious.
What a burden, I know.

My girlfriend, who was DDing for us, dropped him off at home around 5:30 in the morning after a rather long smoke session at my house, suggested by me, of course.

Needless to say, he did not show up to work the next day. He called and told his boss who was already at the store that his kid needed to go to the hospital the night before and that he was still in the ER.

They called me around 11 am to come in and cover his shift. When I got there, I asked Howard’s boss why he called out, and when he told me the reason, I said, “Really? Well, I stopped by that karaoke bar last night for a few hours, and he was there.
I wonder why he took him in and not his wife?” And showed him a picture of an obviously f*cked up Howard and myself.

They ended up firing Howard within 30 minutes and had offered me his position as I had more experience than him anyway, and was already practically running the store and had completely taken over training new employees. I would have been perfectly content with him getting fired, but I never imagined having been offered his job; I was blown away; however, I still didn’t accept the job as I didn’t want stress level the job came with.

They say the best gifts keep giving. Well, so do the best revenge plots. Howard had his wife kick him out, ask for a divorce, and get full custody of his kids.
He went over to Jeff’s house and sobbed and cried cursing me for ruining his life just so I could take his job from him. I would have given anything to have been a fly on the wall to see the look on his face when Jeff told him that I didn’t take it and quit the job shortly after.” Reddit user

3. We Got A Police Chief Fired 10 Years After An Incident


“July of 2002, when I was 16, our neighbor who was a brat with a capital B decided she wanted to have satellite TV installed.

The house she lived in had a very small yard in back, smaller in front, and the fence that my mother had installed a couple of years ago was only about 5 yards from her side door.
The only place the satellite could be installed was on the back of the house, but there was no way the vehicles could make it to her back yard. So, in her infinite wisdom, Brat decided to have them tear down our fence and drive over our property to get to her back yard.

This starts a huge fight between her and my mother. Brat tries to claim that my mom built the fence too close to her house anyway, and mom produced the land description to prove the fence was in the right spot. Turns out, they were both wrong. We knew the woman had built her house too close to the property line, but it seems it was closer than we thought.

She was only feet from the line. That fence should have been almost touching the side of her house.

Her uncle was the deputy mayor of our small (~2,000 pop.) town, and she tried to get him involved. Nothing came of it, so we thought it was over.

Late September or early October that same year while I was in school, my mom was taking a shower when our two dogs alerted her to someone at our door.

She put on a bathrobe and went to see the police chief and about a dozen officers on our lawn, claiming they had been tipped off to a drug lab on the property and demanded to be allowed to search. Mom realized that Brat had to have been the one to call them as the chief of police was known to be a personal friend to her family.

Mom demanded a search warrant, and they didn’t have one, which triggered several hours of them refusing to leave until they searched the property. This all started around 9 or 10 in the morning. Nearing 3 pm, mom tells them she needs to pick me up from school and take me to her mother’s house because I couldn’t drive yet. They refused to move their vehicles to let her leave and say that it’s fine and that they’ll send a squad car to pick me up, which would have just humiliated me.

Mom calls her lawyer who informs her that if they don’t produce a warrant to tell them to leave.

So, the chief tells her if he goes for a warrant, he’ll tell whoever issues them that he can smell homemade hard ***** wafting on the property and will be given a warrant for ANYTHING he asks for.
He will then return, kick our door out of the frame, and if our dogs even LOOK at him for that, he’ll shoot both of them in the head and kill them both.

Yes. He actually said that to my mother.

Mom called my grandma to pick me up from school nearly an hour after it let out and let the police search the house. They find my mom’s gun safe. This safe was one of those made of steel with a circular lock, kind of like on a soda machine, and had the key sitting on top of it.

Before anyone says how ‘unsafe’ it is, it was just my mom and step-dad in the house most of the time. I was an only child and lived with my grandparents and only visited on weekends, and mom kept the door to her room locked with a key.
There was no way anyone under 18 was getting near her guns.

The cops proceed to take a crowbar and pry the safe open, even though the key is right there, and it’s clearly the key to the safe.

They then take the guns outside and divide them up. They even take my mom’s handgun, which she had a concealed carry permit for.

This continued for HOURS until mom relented and opened my step-dad’s shop building. He was using it to house his motorcycle while he slowly restored it from a wreck about 15 years before. They barely got over the threshold of the door before screaming ‘DRUG LAB!’ and pointed at the cleaning agents and bottles that were all scooted together.

Nothing else.
No other signs of homemade hard ***** other than some cleaning agents and empty mason jars sitting near one another.

They brought out heavy spot lamps and more cops. By 1 in the morning, my mother had been sitting outside in the cool, fall weather in nothing but a bathrobe this entire time – they claimed to have found a green “special” plant behind our 6-foot tall privacy fence that kept people from seeing us in our hot tub.

When I found out about this, I was upset. I was 16 and went to school in a small town. EVERYONE would know about it. The next day, Saturday, I was piddling around on the internet when a friend messaged me to ask what had happened and asking why was my mother in jail.
My mother was NOT in jail.

Friend: “My mom said it’s on the news right now.

[Mom] and [Step-Dad][Last Name] are sitting in jail this weekend without bond for running the largest drug den in your town’s history.”

When mom called the news to ask them why they’d run that story without checking, they apologized and said they’d been contacted by [Town] police and were told to run the story. The next night they issued a public apology for it.

I refused to go to school that Monday.

It’s very important to note that I had not been to school since Friday. On Tuesday when my grandpa dropped me off, the ************ dog was at the school. However, as it was close to ‘Drug-Free Week’, I thought nothing of it.
My business teacher told me she’d seen the article in the local paper but that it looked like it had been staged, and if I caught any *** for it, to let her know.

I went to my locker as the officer walked out of the same hallway, but since that was the hall the principal’s office was on, I didn’t think anything of it. I noticed a locker standing completely open, and when I got to it, I realized it was MY locker. I blew up on the principal. I understand now that it’s not my property, and the school can authorize it being searched, but it was just *******.

Why was I being searched?

Principal: “No, you weren’t searched. You must have left your locker open last night.”

Me: “[Friend 1] and [Friend 2] have their lockers next to mine, and they have basketball practice until 4! They shut my locker if I leave it open! I haven’t been here since FRIDAY! Are you telling me that EVERYONE in this school left a locker STANDING OPEN for ALL OF MONDAY?”

I called my mom and was pulled out of school for Tuesday, as well.

Ultimately, all the charges were thrown out because of that tall, special plant. The chief of police put in his official report that it had been 8 feet tall, and when questioned about it when they tried to press drug charges on my mom, he clearly said, ‘Yes, your honor, it was 8 feet tall.’ The judge asked him when he found it, and he said about 1 in the morning.

The judge then said if there really had been a tall, special plant that was 8 feet tall behind a 6-foot-tall fence, he would not have needed to demand permission to search the property. The charges were thrown out.

And that’s where it stood for ten years.

Mom waited and played the long game because she wanted to make fully sure the statute of limitations ran out.
She didn’t want to give him any legal reason to retaliate against her.

She waited and waited. Then, on the first town council meeting after the statute ran out, she made contact with one of the council members.

In a small town, you don’t *** with the council members. Everyone knows them, and everyone listens to them. Or, they do here at least. This was the head of the council, too, and at the time his grandson was my coworker, so he knew of me and he liked me well enough since I worked for the largest business in our area.

He listened to mom’s story and told her that the last he’d heard, there was nothing in the evidence locker at the station at the moment, meaning none of the guns they had confiscated had been entered.
When she told him most of them belonged to me and were basically family heirlooms (they were), he nodded and asked her that if he could produce those guns and could she prove they belonged to us.

Mom said she had a notebook of descriptions of the guns, their serial numbers, serial numbers on the hunting rifles that had scopes, and that two of them had distinguishing marks that were hidden from sight but she could find them and show them off because my mom loves having a paper trail on everything.

He told her she would get them back that Monday.

We found out that he went to the station and told the same police chief that because they had never successfully charged us with any crime and that now the statute of limitations had run out, all the confiscated property had to be turned back over to us, but there was a rumor that the guns weren’t in evidence.

He would be in on Monday to have it checked. The police chief went pale, and on Monday, they were all in the evidence locker. However, one of them was missing a scope.

It came out somehow that the chief of police had never intended to enter them into evidence and had sold them to his friends. He’d been thinking he got away with it for a decade until mom turned back up with proof that they belonged to her and legally had to now be returned.

He had to go and buy back every one of them, sometimes paying more than twice what he’d been paid because some of these ‘friends’ had not been speaking to him for some time, and one of them had taken the scope off a while back.
He was immediately fired and arrested for it.

We got our guns back.” TerahNightwind

2. She Built Her Base Too Close To Mine, But I Had A Plan


“Here’s a bit of a different one.

In a video game called Ark: Survival Evolved, I got a bit of fairly professional revenge. You don’t need to know the game itself or games, in general, to enjoy the story as I will attempt to explain everything for laymen, so here goes.

Ark is an open world sandbox game, set on a ****** huge map (Ragnarok in our case, for those interested), where you explore, build bases, and try to survive in a world of brutal dinosaurs (which can be tamed).

It was my first time properly playing, and I was really into it and still am, although, I have long left that server.
It’s probably my favorite game to play with a friend, and I highly recommend it. Anyway, it was just me and a good real-life friend, and we had a beautiful base built inside a cave that we worked very hard on and we’re very proud of.

Then one day, out the blue, someone starts and builds a base right above the mouth of the cave, and puts some ugly water pipes, not even attempting to do so subtly, right over the mouth and into the stream that exits the cave in a beautiful waterfall, a major feature of our base. They did this for no good reason, simply to enable them to take a drink without having to walk the 30 seconds to the stream.

A good reason might have been to water crops, but this player was just starting out, was not even close to crops, and it was all a bit of a bummer.

Bear in mind that this is bad etiquette for Ark PvE servers (PvE means player versus environment, as opposed to PvP, player vs player; in PvE, you can’t attack other players or their bases and tames).

You generally don’t build too near other peoples’ bases as everyone puts in a LOT of effort into their bases (it easily runs into the hundreds of hours), might wish to expand, and in general, working on your base is kind of the main thing to do on a PvE server, so people are generally respectful.
To deal with the less respectful, you can put pillars down around your base, as it prevents people from building in a large radius around the pillars.

In this case, we didn’t really have many pillars, and this person had managed to find a way to build there.

No big deal, I thought. I will wait until I see them, explain that we have a base that they are kind of ruining, and I’m sure we can definitely come to an arrangement. The area they were building in was a good wood farming spot for me, but I would have even been willing to give that up if they were polite and found another solution to their pipes.

Heck, it might have been nice to have a neighbor, and I would have gladly done what I always try to do: be helpful in every way I can to get them started.
I would have even considered inviting them to my tribe. It could have been so good.

Of course, this wonderful conversation I had been looking forward to never materialized. At all, in fact. When this person (who played a female avatar) came online, I approached her, full of neighborly excitement, and said hello.

And, she, well, she blanked me. Completely. At first, I thought maybe she didn’t have a keyboard, was playing from a couch or something, or was very busy and simply didn’t notice me or the chat. She wasn’t doing much, so after 5 minutes of trying every means to get her to talk, I gave up. I had, or did at this point, leave a very polite sign explaining the situation for her to read even if I am offline near her base.

Soon, the pipes got even worse, and it was becoming quite annoying. I saw her online again, and this time she was definitely there, moving around, building, gathering. So, I tried again. Absolutely blanked me. Saying “hello” over and over, waving, flying past with big dinos, physically getting in her way, “Why are you ignoring me,” “If you are here but don’t have a keyboard, just jump 3 times,” etc.. I begged and pleaded.

Nothing, she just acted as if I wasn’t there AT ALL. Yet, she did take the time to move around me when I blocked her, so she knew I was there. My character has a speech bubble when I talk, so she knew I was talking. I had even left that sign nearby explaining the situation that she had definitely seen by this point.
I don’t know, it just really annoyed me.

It felt so entitled and rude and unnecessary. She hadn’t even given me a chance to explain anything when she first blanked me. It was almost as if she knew exactly who I was and didn’t care and knew that because it’s PvE. I can’t actually do anything about it. Who knows, really, but this is where I enter revenge mode.

There ARE some things you can do in PvE to annoy someone.

The first thing I did was to take a whole bunch of my dinosaurs and just park them on her base. I made sure to block every single door and make things very inconvenient. She was probably stuck in her base and would have had to break it to get out.
THIS made her acknowledge my existence. But not by talking to me but by getting back at me.

She took her pipes and extended them into the cave and made sure to pass them right through my entire base, making a huge ugly mess. Not sure if you can still do this. They probably patched it out, but pipes were the one thing you could build anywhere, even others’ bases back then. As you can imagine, this was really upsetting. Why not just talk? How did we get here? And I know she won’t talk, so I won’t be able to get out of this.

I needed to do something bigger.

So, by this point, her start in the game was moving along quite nicely.
She had a few tames, her base was slowly expanding, and she was clearly invested in things. It was time to give her no choice but to give up or talk.

As I said, in PvE, you can’t build near someone else’s base. Quite a big radius around their base becomes unbuildable for others.

Well, I didn’t care. When she wasn’t online, I spent about 4 to 5 hours building a 3-story wall all the way around her base. And I was THOROUGH. This huge wall, probably the real-life equivalent of 1/2 to 1 mile long, had zero gaps. In Ark, you put down a fence foundation on the terrain, then you can put a wall on it. The fence foundation is at the height of the terrain at that point, and the terrain around there was very rolling and hilly, so it’s tricky to get this right.

Everything aligned and without gaps. I was able to make use of some natural walls, but mostly it was a very thorough wall that had zero gaps. I am sure she probably spent a long time looking all the way around for the tiniest gap to take advantage of, some way to jump, or even glitch over the wall, but as I said, I was thorough.

I also put pillars down to effectively stop her base growing further and prevent her from coming up with some ramp system to get in and out.

So, she was trapped. Completely trapped. If she did manage to find a way out, she wouldn’t be able to get back in, and she certainly wasn’t going to be able to use any of her tamed creatures going forward.

She had no flyer, so this was effectively the end of the road for this base of hers. She had plenty of space but couldn’t expand further or, well, ESCAPE.

I put a sign up saying if she wanted the walls removed, she needed to remove her pipes, that’s all I ask. Would you know it, when I logged in next, all the pipes were gone, even the original ones.

And she spoke to me. Her first words were, “Why are you doing this,” as if I am some nasty ***** hell-bent on ruining her life. Those words did actually give me a tinge of guilt in my heart and brought to mind the fact that most world religions forbid revenge. I didn’t feel very good, and of course, as agreed: I immediately removed all the walls.

She wasn’t planning on staying, anyway, I found out; it was just a temporary base. I can’t remember what excuse she used for ignoring me, or if we even bothered to speak much beyond that point on the subject, but she was gone soon, and the whole matter was forgotten.

I did feel proud over how I managed to solve a problem with nothing but the tools the game gives you and some good old fashioned elbow grease (a common theme in Ark) and get a stubborn person doing something unreasonable to stop.

I did see her a lot after that. She joined a tribe I knew well, and it turns out, she does know how to talk to people in the normal way of humans.
It was always a bit awkward, but nothing further was learned about the incident in my time playing on that server. We stayed on friendly terms.” dr-kaii

Another User Comments:

“Hahaha, brilliant! I was playing on a PVE server on Conan Exiles with friends.

We built a nice base around some other abandoned bases. We don’t block space for anyone, but soon, a new clan joined, and they just took up almost all the other space. They even caused a world boss to despawn and blocked away for traveling. Sure, we can go around, but it takes longer. Sometimes people are really frustrating.” rchBerry

1. Cranky Home Association President Gets Sued


Going against the law or not, he was crazy anyway.

“This happened when my wife and I got first got married.
My grandfather had passed just a couple of months before and left me a very sizeable inheritance with a note to make sure I use it smartly to start a good life for my wife and me.

My father in law down is a real estate company that buys foreclosed houses and rehabs them, and he knew of a great starter home for my wife and I and agreed to pay to have it rehabbed with the understanding that we would pay him back when we were better established or after two years when we sold the house.

So, we bought the house, and it took about 90 days to rehab it before we moved in. (This is an important fact later on.)

So, we finally move into our house and had been there about 2 weeks when someone came and knocked on our door stating that they were the Homeowners Association (HOA) President and asked for my landlord’s contact information.
I explained that we didn’t rent the home and that we were the owners, and then they followed that up by asking to speak with my parents.

I reiterated again that I was the homeowner and asked them what they wanted.

They explained that there was an HOA for the neighborhood and that I needed to sign the HOA Rules and that I owed $90 pro-rated for my dues but that they would give me 30 days to pay as a courtesy; however, they needed me to sign the rules right then.

I told them I wanted to read and review them first before I agreed to sign anything, and they were extremely pushy about signing them right then.

I refused, and they told me that I had 7 days to sign them and explained that they have the legal power to fine me if I do not turn in a signed copy in that time.
I called my in-laws because I didn’t know anything about HOAs and asked them for their advice, My father in law got p*ssed saying that it should have been disclosed prior to the sale, but sometimes with HUD houses, that gets missed.

We agreed that the $30 a month fee wasn’t horrible especially because they did provide a really nice playground for the neighborhood. So, I agreed and signed the rules, there were a couple that seemed a little over the top to me, but I agreed anyway because, from my understanding at the time, I really didn’t have any choice.

It seemed fine enough until about a month passed, and we had a small house warming party with a couple of friends.

Literally, there were less than 8 people there including my wife and I. The house was small, but it had a nice deck, so we were out back having a small fire using a fire pit one of our friends had just given us when I heard someone knocking at the door. No… pounding like a freaking cop.

I just went around the house, and there was the HOA President with his car in front of my house with a yellow police light on top.

Yes, I’m serious.

I asked him how I could help him, and he very sternly told me that I was in violation of the HOA rules by throwing a party outside of approved hours (10 pm curfew) and that I needed to send my friends home or quietly take it inside.
I checked my watch and it was 10:05 pm. I was amazed, but we took it inside regardless.

The next day, THE VERY NEXT DAY, I had a letter from the HOA stating that it was my official warning for violation of the HOA rules by throwing a, and I quote, “wild bonfire,” that was a safety hazard while drinking. (I literally hadn’t drunk at all.) Whatever, I brush it off and figured it was no big deal.

Flash forward 6 to 9 months, we were hosting a teen group devotional for our church one afternoon, and we were playing a game of football in the street.

We lived on a connecting street that got virtually no traffic and only had two houses on it: ours and the family across from us whose kids were also playing in the game.
All of a sudden, I hear a police siren and see the yellow light flashing. HOA President gets out and tells us that we have to break it up immediately as it’s a safety hazard because one of the kids could run over.

I was fed up with him and told him that they were fine and that we’ve been watching for cars and that he was literally the first car we’ve seen, and we had been playing for over an hour at that point.

He insists and asks what would happen if an ambulance or police officer needed to come down that street to save someone’s life. (This was stupid because literally both streets we were connected to have entrances from the main road.)

I gave in, and we went inside.

The next day, I get a letter explaining that I was being fined $60 (the maximum fine allowed for a 1st offense) and that if I wanted to protest it, I could attend the next HOA meeting. I decide that I want to protest the fine but noticed that the fine was due in 30 days, and the next HOA meeting wasn’t for 35 days. I opted not to pay until after the hearing and wrote a letter back to the HOA president stating as such.

I go to the meeting, and it’s literally myself, the HOA President, the HOA Secretary (President’s wife), Vice President (President’s neighbor), and Treasurer (Vice President’s wife). My protest was immediately overruled, and I was also charged a $30 late fee for not paying on time, despite notifying him.
I was fed up, I couldn’t take it any longer, but realized I really didn’t have any recourse.

About 4 to 5 months later, we gave birth to our first child, and about a month after that, I was driving home one night (I was working a second job in retail at the time).

and my buddy in the military called me. He had been deployed when my daughter was born and was calling to congratulate me. When I got home, I didn’t want to risk waking up my sleeping newborn daughter, so I just sat in my car with the engine running as it was a little chilly outside.

I sat there for about half an hour when I heard the police siren and saw the yellow lights.

Now keep in mind, police sirens aren’t quiet, and this was right in front of my house. His stupid yellow light was flashing everywhere including into my daughter’s bedroom. I got out of the car, and rather rudely told him to turn off the light as to not wake my daughter. He explained that I “looked suspicious” sitting in my car with it running outside of my house.

I explained the situation, and he told me I had to go inside and that my “history of being a trouble maker” wouldn’t grant me any leniency.

I basically told him where I thought he could go and proceeded to sit on the hood of my car. He sat there for another 15 minutes telling me I needed to go in, and at one point, touched my shoulder.

I explained to him that if he touched me again, I would take it as a sign of aggression and defend myself, which he responded by getting in his car and leaving. He circled the block about 4 times the next thirty minutes, which was when I got too cold to stay out and finally went inside.

The next day, I get a hand-delivered letter from him and the vice president, and he also asks me to step outside to “talk about last night’s incident.” He explains that he was “being nice” by not calling the police on me after I “threatened” him, at which point I cut him off and told him that he needed to get off my property before I called the police on him for trespassing.

I read the letter and saw that he was giving me 2 different fines for $180 each which were the maximum amounts: one for violating curfew and one for “disobeying the night watchman.”

I was done, I had reached my breaking point.

This is where the revenge comes in. I start looking into HOA laws and regulations regarding fines and how to protest them because I felt like this was clearly abuse.

I find that the law states that you must be notified of an HOA 10 days prior to closing on a house and must be served with the HOA rules within 45 days of PURCHASE or you are not subject to being forced to participate in the HOA. I remember that we weren’t served until after we moved in, which was close to 90 days after we closed.

So, I called my real estate agent, who is a very close family friend (my in-laws have bought literally thousands of houses from her over the past 35 years), and asked if she had the paperwork still, and she said she can get me a copy. I looked and it was over 90 days after purchase that we were notified AND there was no disclosure statement at closing.

The realtor says she must have misplaced it because it’s required by law to be provided prior to the sale and basically that she wouldn’t miss something like that because it comes to her when they do a title inspect on the house whether or not there is a registered HOA.

She does a little digging and calls me back two days later and says that my neighborhood doesn’t have an HOA registered with the city or county, which is required.

I end up calling the county office in charge of registering and give them the neighborhood name, and she says that our neighborhood is registered in the other city and not in our city and that if we wanted to start an HOA, we would have to follow these certain steps, and that without those, the HOA wouldn’t be allowed to collect any money or have any authority.

Apparently what had happened was our neighborhood was originally all in one city, but when the city lines changed, the neighborhood was split in half. The other neighborhood kept the HOA that was registered, and our “HOA president” was supposed to register with the state but didn’t feel like jumping through all of the hoops that it required.
I was ready to walk down to the president’s house and rip into him but decided to be smart for a minute.

I talked to my neighbor across the street, who also hated the HOA, and told him what I found out. He was furious about it as well. We talked to a few more and get a group of about 10 of us together that agree we need to show up at the next HOA meeting. Word had apparently spread because there ended up being more people than the library meeting room could host.

I had specifically asked to be the speaker for the group, which they were nice enough to let me do, but the president tried to prevent me from speaking due to being overdue on my fines.
(At this point, I’m about 3 weeks late on my last set of fines with a $30 a week penalty on each fine, so my current bill is set to about $540.) But I spoke anyway.

I explained to them that I had contacted my in-laws’ attorney (also a family friend) who had drafted together a lawsuit regarding the fact they were impersonating a registered HOA in order to collect money from us, which was a fraud.

The president dismissed me and said I had no idea what I was talking about and that he had “had enough of my antics.” The staff members all left immediately while the rest of us stayed and talked.

A month later, we served them formally, myself and 20 other homeowners, suing them for all fines and HOA dues we had paid, to the tune of approximately $50k as some of these families had been there over 10 years.
The president and vice president got their own attorney who attempted to legitimatize the HOA, but it required the signature of like 90% of the homeowners. They got 3 signatures, including the two of themselves.

(Some other old, bitter hag signed.)

After that failed, they tried to settle by agreeing to abolish the HOA and showed that they hadn’t financially gained from it and that all funds had been used for the park upkeep, snow removal, and other neighborhood events. We took a vote, and this was turned down in overwhelming fashion. (I was surprised; I actually voted to accept this.)

Then about a week later, one of the other families calls and mentions something about the park maintenance and snow removal.

Apparently, he had given a quote to do the landscaping for the park (cutting the grass, mulching, etc.), and his quote had been a couple of hundred bucks cheaper than what they were paying and that it had always bothered him because the person that did those jobs was the vice president’s son and that what they were paying him was pretty outrageous in terms of what’s standard.

Eventually, it went to court where the judge looked at everything and mandated that they pay $21,000 ($1,000 per homeowner), plus attorney and court fees which were like another $2,000 for a total of $23,000 in damages. Additionally, they were fined by the city’s governing body after it was reported. I don’t know how much that fine was, though.

We ended up selling the house that following summer, but I talked to a couple of friends that still lived there about a year after it, and they said that the president and vice president both sold their houses and moved away because they were pretty much hated by everyone in the neighborhood and that they had an informal HOA that people donated to for upkeep of the park.” GFTRGC

There are a lot of great things on this planet – “raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens…” – but there are few things greater than carrying out revenge on someone who deserves it! Would you agree?

If you had a blast reading these, you can read more exhilarating revenge stories here.

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