People Share Their “Screw It, I Quit!” Moments


Sometimes, finding a job in this day and age can feel like betting in Las Vegas. With countless people going for a single position, you’ll have to step your game up. When you finally get chosen out of a massive pool, there’s excitement in the air.

Upon your first day of work, you’ll be ready to meet your brand new co-workers. More importantly, you’ll be able to meet your new boss. Many bosses will try to bring the best out of you during work. As a new part of their company, they’ll need you to deliver-big time.

Unfortunately, many people find themselves having a boss from ****. Instead of congratulations, they’ll simply berate you for making minor errors. Instead of having decent hours, they’ll intentionally cut hours from you for their friends. Sometimes, they’ll catch flak from their own co-workers or customers. Since jobs are scarce today, very few people try to tough it out for the money. There’s also the thought of possibly letting down those closest to them. Other people will simply put their foot down and utter the words, “I quit.”

When it comes to what made them quit, these individuals have perfect explanations.

From pay cuts to almost having physical confrontations, you’ll agree with their choices. For everyone, they’re simply grateful to escape such a problematic environment. In the end, some of these horrendous bosses and co-workers find themselves joining the unemployment line. Fortunately, the same people they’ve attacked at their previous job are doing fine at their new position.
42. A Boss’ Constant Bickering Led Her To Call It Quits


“After taking a few days off work while my father was having a brain tumor removed (and still checking emails and attending conference calls from the hospital) my boss gave me a new project. On a Thursday afternoon, she gave me a Monday morning deadline for a project that would take 6-8 days to complete.

I worked 16 hours a day to get it done. When we met on Monday she asked how my weekend was: ‘I worked all weekend.’ Then she asked if I got to visit my dad in the hospital. ‘No, I didn’t get a chance because I worked all weekend.’

A couple of weeks later she pulled me into a meeting and said: ‘I feel like you were resentful because you had to work and I feel like I was really good when your dad was sick, maybe you’re just tired. Are you tired?’

She’d also make comments when I would leave the office on time-not early, on time.

‘It’s great that you just get up and go when your day is over like I have to go because I have a daughter, but you don’t have any kids and you just leave at the end of the day.’

Um yeah, ****,* I don’t live here. I don’t go home and sit in a dark room counting the hours until I get to come back here. I’m also not curing cancer, nothing we do here matters to anyone outside of here. I give you 100% when I’m here, but when my day is done, it’s ******* done. I no longer work there” Magnolia_o

41. Leaving Them With A Ton Of Dishes


“Started my first job at 15 as a dishwasher for a friend’s family.

It was a new Korean restaurant. They were my neighbors.

My typical workday was 4 pm-9 pm on the clock. Afterward, I was expected to stay and help close shop and instead of getting paid for those extra 3 hours I was given a meal for compensation. To be fair, there are laws prohibiting minors from working too long or too late and honestly I didn’t mind it as the food was incredible.

After about a year, I’m now 16 and due to the minimal wait staff, I was expected to work as a waiter/busboy in between dishes. Fair enough, I was getting sick of the same old same old anyway.

So I came in during the week to start training and since they knew I was already familiar with the menu and whatnot I wasn’t a shadow, I was just on my own and winging it. I made a mistake (i.e not remembering soup or salad) so I went back upstairs to ask and when I returned with my answer I was insulted by my manager for not taking this seriously enough. Alright.

A couple of months go by and I’m waiting tables and dishwashing all while being micromanaged by my manager. Well, one weekend a Mardi Gras parade was being held downtown where the restaurant is located so it’d easily be one of our busiest days that year.

I was scheduled for 4 pm-10 pm but they asked if I’d come in that morning around 8 or so. About an hour or two into my new shift there was a mountain of dishes I was being expected to maintain while also waiting tables. My manager walks into the back where I am and the dialogue goes like this:

‘Laiphe, what are you doing?’

‘Washing dishes..?’

‘Go ask table 6 if they need refills.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

I walk out the back and to the front of the store while she’s tailgating me and pick up the pitcher of water. As I pick it up she asks, ‘Do you even know what you’re doing?’ At this point I’m pretty fed up and kindly respond with, ‘Yeah, I know how to pour water.; She didn’t like that and told me that I need to LOOK at her with respect and that if I didn’t like it here I should just leave.

So I left them with mountains of dishes and thirsty customers.

Know your worth.” Laiphe

40. Exiting After Constant Berating


“I used to work at a bowling alley in the cafe kitchen when I was like 19. One particular night, I was the only one in the kitchen during a slammed rush. I get everything out (somehow) in a timely manner, clean the kitchen, then go out for a smoke. The GM walks out a minute later and proceeds to ream me, telling me I’m a lazy no good piece of ***,* etc.  I finish my smoke, go back in, pull off my uniform shirt and name tag, set it on the cafe counter and walk out the front door without a word.

**** you, Paul.” SenorDongles
39. They Would Dock Pay Out Of A Salaried Position


“I interviewed for a corporate accounting role because public accounting was much less pay and a lot more hours. Was told in the interview that it was show up between 8-9, leave between 4-5. There’d be no more working late nights or having to work on weekends, which was great.

I took the job, and within 2 months realized they were lying through their teeth. First off, there was absolutely no training on their processes. I was given enough work for three people, with no direction on how to do it.

My manager was so scatterbrained, he could never give me any help when I asked. No one talked for 8 hours a day, and it was just an unbelievably bad work culture.

I’d get to work usually at 8:30, and leave at 4:30 while eating lunch at my desk. I came in one day and was told: ‘Since you’re leaving so early, I can only hope you’re working from home.’ Then the next week, we’re told we have to come in for a full day Saturday because we had New Years Day off that Monday. My final straw was when I left at 2:30 one day for a doctors appointment.

When I came in the next day, my manager pulled me into a room and said that I didn’t have enough accrued PTO (personal time off) to do that, and he was going to dock my pay (in a salaried position). Went in the next day, told him it wasn’t working out and put my two weeks in. On my last day, he told me I could leave at 11:30, so I did. When I got my final paycheck, he docked my pay for the remainder of that day.

Luckily, the recruiter who got me the job followed up to ask what happened, and I was completely open and honest with her.

Apparently, that manager has a very high turnover rate for the position I was in, and the recruiter told me that the CFO is looking into replacing him.” dirtybirds233

38. His Role Went Way Beyond His Position 


“I was working in a particular role for a small charity-it was already a busy role, but then due to changes within the company my role got ridiculous. I was the senior manager looking after the budgets and accounts and acting as an accountant, so suddenly I had to teach myself all about charity tax law (which is not easy). I was managing marketing, media, communications, strategic implementation, a reception and all customer service, a physical and online shop, 10 members of staff, legal compliance including insurance and data protection, health and safety, HR, reporting and end of year audits, preparing papers for and attending trustee meetings, procurement as well as general meetings.

I was at the point where my job had gone way beyond my original job description.

Anyway, despite all the extra responsibilities my boss still expected me to have time to do everything to an extremely high standard and couldn’t possibly understand that there would be any reason that I was overwhelmed apart from me being ****. Strange how everyone in that place also complained about being overworked, and that at one point the staff was going to go to the Trustee board to see if they could get him replaced.

He sat me down at my 12-month probation meeting and said that I wasn’t doing well enough to be given the job permanently so he wanted to extend my probation by another three months in which time he must see improvements; he also asked me what I thought I needed to improve.

I said that I had been telling him for months what I needed to improve (which was for him to take the fact that everyone was overworked and his expectations of what a human being could achieve were ridiculous at best) which was apparently never going to happen. So, I quit. He said he didn’t want that, I said I did, and just quit. It had been on my mind for a while but that pushed me over the edge.

A part of me wanted to stay, to go to the probation hearing and let everyone in HR know exactly what he was like, but I was just so done with the whole thing.

Best decision ever-I now have an amazing job I love for a different charity that actually values what I do and it feels great.” vervenna101

37. Getting Blamed For The Boss’ Mistakes 


“My boss had my crew and I cut corners on a job. I was fairly new to the position and took what he said as the way it was supposed to get done. Inspectors then came and checked the job because of an unrelated mess up by another company and in turn, found out what we had done. Boss then blamed the whole thing on me and denied he ever told me to do it the way it was done.

I spent the next two days replacing all previous work to the way it should have been. Boss then told me that he was not going to pay me for the days of work (14 hours each day) because I was fixing ‘my **** ups.’ All the while during the two days getting called a ‘******* idiot’ and a ‘liar.’ I quit.” DeezSkeez25
36. There Were No Eggs And Hangry Customers 


“I was a new sous chef at a country club. The chef wouldn’t let anyone but himself do the ordering. His ordering method was to go over a sheet of paper hanging on the line where people wrote down what we were out of.

Not what we were nearly out of, but what we were completely out of. Any time I’d try to add items that we were close to out of on the list, he’d lose his ****. We were constantly out of things.

One day, we had a huge Easter breakfast event. The dipsh*t chef didn’t order near enough eggs and we were out of all sorts of other random items. I was out front making omelets for members. Ran out of eggs and stood around for 15 minutes waiting for more while the members became increasingly frustrated and then angry. Went to the back to see the chef yucking it up with the FOH manager.

I handed him my apron and told him to pound sand. Was at that job for less than 2 weeks.” DarthRusty
35. Forced To Give Free Drinks


“Arrived at the bar to work my shift only to discover that the owners had sacked my manager because there was, in their view, too much wastage. At the time, he was recovering from major surgery on his arm, he had 3 young children and an 8-months pregnant wife. They thought they were losing money because not every drop of beer poured went into somebody’s drink (which is just a fact of life in a bar), and not because their idle toerag son/brother (father/son owner duo) kept coming in with his mates and demanding we give them drinks they didn’t have to pay for.

Quit on the spot the day they fired my manager.

A while later, I went to the manager’s son’s christening. A year or two after that I was told the bailiffs had come to visit the bar and left with quite a lot of furniture. Couldn’t have happened to bigger *****.” Chuckles1188
34. He Missed Her Head By An Inch 


“I was expecting when I was waitressing at a small cafe, the owner was also the manager/cook. One day, we were in the weeds, getting thrown around left and right, and finally when it slows down, the other line cook messed up. So the owner, who already had had several screaming meltdowns, picks up a plate and throws it right at the server alley.

It broke on the wall near my head. So, I took off my apron and waddled my pr*******egna*nt *a*s on* home*. *** that. It closed a few weeks ago, which wasn’t surprising.” supercerealthrowaway
33. He Was Written Up For Proving Them Wrong


“I proved to the CIO, using math, that the Help Desk could not lower its abandon rate to an acceptable point without hiring more people. She responded by telling me that my team just ‘didn’t have enough discipline’ and then I got written up. I quit the next day, and told my team ‘They will replace me with a manager whom the CIO will let hire more people.’ I was right.” JimSFV

32. He Got Yelled At In Front Of A Crowd


“Was volunteering in a local charity shop on the weekend.

As it turns out, most of the non-paid ‘volunteers’ were conscripted from job seekers or community service or whatever. They had to turn up to get their welfare payments etc. Anyway, I’d been there about 6 months, was hard graft at times moving sofas around the shop, up and down three floors.

It was a nice sunny day and I was taking my lunch break out the back sitting on a sofa at the loading bay doors in view of a public car park, eating a sandwich with my feet up on the railing. All of a sudden some woman who I’ve never seen before starts waggling her finger at me like I’m a naughty kid, then shouting at me in a disgusting tone: ‘Get up young man, how dare you!’ She kept ranting on.

I’m like who the **** is this. Slowly I get up and move inside.

Turns out she was the area manager. She pissed me off so bad. I didn’t really have an issue with what she was asking, it possibly didn’t give a good impression, it was the way she was speaking to me I had a problem with. I think she thought I was the typical conscript who could be abused without recourse as they had to stay there and take the abuse in order to get their payments. Some customers in the shop heard how she spoke to me and they backed me up so I knew I wasn’t nuts.

I gave her a piece of my mind and got the **** out of there. Never went back. Made me think why should I give up my free time to help this **** on a fat salary hit her targets. I doubt she had a charitable bone in her body. I wrote a two-page letter of complaint to the head office but never did send it. Kind of regret that.” Elec_EngiNero

31. The Boss Didn’t Like Using Soap To Wash Dishes


“Many many years ago I worked at a place called Atomic Burrito. I only worked there for 4 days. I was washing dishes and the manager walked by and started yelling at me for using soap! He said soap cost money and we were just putting the same food back in the pans anyways.

I quit right there. Noped the frig right out the door.” Sqiget
30. Fixing The Owner’s Car Meant A Short Weekend 


“I was at my dream job building high-performance Corvettes. There were a lot of downsides; not W2, no benefits, long hours, you break it you buy it. Then they introduced an efficiency measurement, where if you were not fast enough you had to work Saturday to make up for it. Measuring efficiency in custom work leads to corner cutting, and in general, is impossible, as it’s custom.

Then I had to push the shop owners car in to fix some things. It took me 2 hours to wrap up the car I was working on, push it out, move 2 other cars, get the forklift started, and get the car in (it didn’t have a motor yet).

All not chargeable, all not my fault, all supposed to be made up on Saturday. I quit the next day.” GenerationSam

29. They Were Putting My Safety At Risk Every Winter 


“I worked for a company for over a year that was contracted to make deliveries for Amazon.

The vans they equipped us with were terribly maintained and fully unequipped to handle winter weather. I worked with the company through their first winter, which meant sliding all over the road when it was icy and getting stuck constantly every time we had snow. I never had a major accident, though I did have 2 or 3 close calls where only minor damage was incurred to the van.

I decided to stick it out through the summer when the weather was obviously much better. All summer long they promised us that new and better vans were coming. September rolls around, no vans. October, no vans. November, no vans.

That month we got our first real snow. I got back from my route and immediately put in my notice. My boss told me they would be getting new vans by the end of the year. I told her that was nice and walked.” mgraunk
28. They Didn’t Pay Her The Salary They Promised


“I was 20 and had been working in a call center for just over a year.

I was promoted to an assistant manager with a new compensation structure that was identical to the other assistant manager. Basically, you got your wage, a very small % of the total office revenue, and then 10% of your own revenue from when you worked on the phone. My immediate manager and office supervisor gave me this without confirming it with the regional manager who was on a two-month vacation in the DR.

When I got my first cheque after being promoted there was no bonus, I was told it would be corrected soon. When I got my second cheque after being promoted there was no bonus, I was told it would be corrected soon.

When I got my third cheque after being promoted there was no bonus and I was told we had to wait for the regional manager to come back and authorize it. I was being paid weekly and worked another 4 weeks under the premise that I would get a lump sum when the regional manager returned.

The problem was that I sold significantly more than the other office manager. The back pay had grown to such a large amount that when the regional manager did return he questioned why the office manager had given me this structure as he considered it to be too much money.

On my next cheque, there was no lump sum and I was told that they were figuring out a new structure. My following shift I stayed home and got a frantic call from the Office Manager asking me why I wasn’t at work. I told him I couldn’t afford to go to work. He said why can’t you afford it? Because I have been getting ripped off for two months, call me back when you have my money or don’t call me at all.

Never did get paid.” catch22milo

27. The Manager Lied About Being Sick And Had Him Work All Day


“My first job was working at a little BBQ place with a drive-thru.

My day off. The manager calls me at 8:30 am (30 mins before we open) saying she doesn’t feel good and needs me to open. I rush in and end up working all day. 5 pm rolls around, the manager comes in with the owner of the business, who she’s dating. They were at the fair all day and completely forgot they lied to me about her being sick. I bite my tongue and ask if I can go home, they say no and keep me until close (9 pm). At 9 pm I took my shirt off, handed them my keys, and said ‘today was my last day’ as I walked out the door, shirtless.

The best part: when I got home my dad was pissed that I quit my job. I told him what they did and said I wasn’t making enough money. He looked at my pay stubs and saw they hadn’t been paying me over time the entire time I worked there! He made me go back in and demand my overtime pay. When I came in with the pay stubs the manager started crying and gave me cash out of the register to cover my overtime and then some. They called me the next day making sure I wasn’t going to report them to the BBB.

I didn’t, but my dad did.” TrippyJesus
26. Constantly Being Blocked For Promotions


“Was at a job for 3 years, consistently in the top 3 of my department in terms of performance. Asked my supervisor repeatedly if I could be recommended for advancement/promotion and he always told me he was trying his best to get me new opportunities. Found out from a friend in a different department that I’d been considered a top candidate for 4 different promotions and each time my supervisor had blocked it.

When I confronted him with this information he told me it was true and he did it because ‘I could never find someone who does what you do without paying them a lot more.’ Internally said *** this and found a new job.

Before I left, I took all my PTO and on the day I came back I quit 2 hours into the day leaving him high and dry at a peak time. *** that dude.” Kilen13

25. A Man Almost Peed On His Head 


“Summer job in a downtown (scuzzy part of the city) retail store. Repainting the wooden fence around the parking lot. The fence wood was a pattern so on an angle you could see through it. I was painting the one site and a guy walked up on the other side and started *******. A stream of piss almost on my head.

I yelled and said ‘get the **** out of here!’ He continued to piss and then dropped to a squat for a #2. I got up, packed the paintbrush and paint, and went inside for a break. Boss said ‘what are you doing inside, the fence is not done.’ I said: ‘You don’t pay me enough to get pissed on.’ coffeemate805
24. He Got 4 Out Of 94 Days Off…


“I worked for Dollar General for 94 days as a store manager. It was explained to me that it was a 5 1/2 day work week, and if I was fully staffed I could end up making it a normal 5 day work week.

The only problem is I fixed my store (processes were broken when I arrived) and then they asked me to help set up another store. Well, wasn’t really asked. I helped with the new store set up and since they didn’t have a store manager lined up I was told I had to run it, on top of my normal store.

I was then tapped to do another store set up, and run a third store…I was working 90 hours a week going between 3 stores, would open one up, go check on another and close the third because they were all understaffed.

4 days off, total, in 94 days. I was then sent out of state for a week for training, while still having to run three stores from my phone. All through this I ended up interviewing with a competitor, got the job and when I got back from training I sent my DM a letter of resignation.

My new job is great, I have a small store that is easy to manage, get 2 days off a week. Been there 3 months and already have 2 weeks of vacation, I ended up taking a small hit on salary but it was worth it.”

23. A Man Did His Business On The Floor And Walked Away


“I worked at a movie theater for about 2 years when Star Wars 7 came out, which was hectic enough.

But we also have to work on holidays there. So, I was working on Christmas day, when I was informed via radio that one of the theaters had a mess to be cleaned. When I arrived I found a pile of a grown man’s *** on the ground. I put down my broom and walked out. I never even told them why I left, didn’t feel like I needed to justify that.” Grugger2

22. He Was 5 Minutes Late And Was Written Up


“Worked at a big box office store. On my first week, I got held up by a train and was 5 min late.

By the time I had gotten there the manager had blown up my phone (15 calls), but since it was winter and I had a big wool coat on plus a sweatshirt, I didn’t feel my phone go off. I got a lecture when I walked in and all morning he kept looking at me like I had killed his pet. About two hours later I got called into the office for a write-up. I went in and was very calm about the whole thing, he kept saying I should show more remorse. I told him if 5 min was getting me a write-up and a lecture, plus being told I obviously don’t care since I’m not remorseful enough, he could keep the job.” Indy_Photographer
21. They Wouldn’t Let Him Leave For His Wedding


“I used to work for a big blue home improvement store in the paint department.

Not the worst job in the world, but management was ***. I just so happened to be getting married later in the year, so about 6 months beforehand I put in my request for leave as per the store manager’s instructions. I got no response from them then, and just figured it would be fine, right?

It came down to about a week before I was supposed to get married and go on my honeymoon, and I went to double check that my leave had been approved. I was told that it hadn’t been approved and that I was scheduled to work most days that I had requested off.

I begged my case that I had put in my request for leave and followed all the proper channels, and was informed that they couldn’t give me the time off because the manager of my dept. had requested time off and it goes by seniority.

I asked what would happen if I didn’t show up, since I would be out of the country for my honeymoon, and was told that I would be fired and blacklisted from ever working for the company again. I told them I’d save them the trouble, and walked out right then and there.” Forithan
20. Forced To Work On New Year’s Eve


“Worked nights (10 pm – 6 am) at ASDA (British supermarket) while I had some time off from university a few years back.

I’d been there for 2 and a half months and was just about to finish my probation period. I got pulled into a meeting and was told that my probation period had been extended by six months because of two unauthorized absences (one was through illness and the other was because I was in a car crash 3 hours before my shift started). While obviously annoyed, I let that slide.
The next night, 29th of December, I went in as normal and around 3 am I was cornered by my section leader who told me that I had to work 2-10pm on New Year’s Eve.

This fell on a Saturday which I wasn’t contracted to work, and I was already working until 6 am on the 31st. Section leader said that this was non-negotiable after I told him that I hadn’t been informed that I was required to work NYE prior to that conversation and that I’d already made plans. I finished my shift and just didn’t show up for my shift the next night and refused to answer their calls.” Tonybrazier699
19. They Said They Hired Me As A Favor For My Parents…


“I got a write up for cussing to the air when everyone else did it regularly (supervisor was just mad that the inventory part of my job got him caught doing *******) and when I called HR I was told the only reason I still have a job is because my parents work there and anyone can do my job.

So, I told her I guess you guys don’t need me then. Packed up my *** and left.

A few months later I caught up with a few former co-workers and apparently the company lost two huge contracts because the inventory department couldn’t keep up, had to hire 3 people to cover what I did in 30 hours a week, and the supervisor was fired after he was caught stealing a large amount of product (entire pallets at a time)” CaffineFuledGamer

18. He Left The Job Mid-Delivery


“I was in college with an evening part-time job at a Kroger store. Had what you would call an internship lined up that I was planning on doing simultaneously with the Kroger job and school.

At Kroger, my typical job for an evening would be to keep shelves stocked and make sure the back room was ready for a truck delivery of groceries, which would arrive during the night shift. One evening I was told by my (very incompetent) manager that there was no truck scheduled to arrive that night after I had expressed concern about a back room that was getting ridiculously full of stock. Well, go figure, not one but TWO trucks show up almost simultaneously…during my shift. One frozen foods truck and one dry groceries truck. There was absolutely nowhere to put anything.

I started unloading the trucks, had to put a pallet of ice cream outside of the freezer. I left right then, trucks half empty, and never went back to that store, even as a customer. Guessing that pallet of ice cream was ruined.

It all worked out though because my internship offered me a better, paid position pretty soon after I started.” geobaldur

17. I Was Feuding With A Married Couple


“I was interviewing for a managers job and got it. There was a woman interviewing for the same job and she was hired as an assistant manager under me. Obviously, she didn’t like me.

She was constantly trying to undermine me and I was planning on having her moved to another location or just fire her.

My VP then hired her husband as my district manager. After about a month of constant backstabbing, I was at a managers meeting. Both the VP, the husband/district manager, and about a dozen location managers were all there. District manager starts to lay into me while I’m the guy with the best numbers in the bunch. I stood up and told the VP I couldn’t believe how he would make a hiring decision as he did with the husband that was so stupid and unethical.

I told the husband/district manager that he didn’t know his head from his a*s and walked out of the room.

The location I managed closed about a year later and while I was happy that the wife/husband team couldn’t achieve the success I did there, I felt bad for the employees there. They were good, hard-working people that were suddenly out of a job because of circumstances they had no control over. And it didn’t have to be that way.” CJ74U2NV

16. They Were Working For Free Every Day


“I worked in a restaurant in Christchurch (which, because of the earthquake has limited job opportunities outside of construction).

The owner wanted us to arrive half an hour before the shift in uniform and work until our assigned time and then clock in. It was a split shift, she wanted us to do the same for the second half of the shift. At the end of the day, she gave us until 10 to clean and finish and signed us out at 10 before she left. We got dockets in past 10:30. The next morning I was there 30 mins before my shift and the head chef comes bolting in the door. He asked ME if the owner was here yet.

I was like no. He was relieved that she wouldn’t know. 30 minutes later I see him clock in.

I was like *** this noise and went to her mid shift and said I quit. She was surprised and surprisingly upset. I explained I’m not working two hours for free every day. She said that she knows for a fact that the doors were locked at 10 the night before. So I showed her the receipt of five dockets that came in between 10 and 11.

She said she was shocked and surprised and asked me to stay, I said it hasn’t worked out and in fairness to her, she paid me for the full day, and the day before including the two hours and said she isn’t here to rip anyone off.

But the problem was I think nobody stood up to her, with very few restaurants in CHC I reckon the staff just put up with it and accepted it.” Doogie34

15. They Had Me Stare At A Blank Screen For 15 Minutes 


“Was working 10-12 hours a day at a startup where my official work hours were 10 am to 7 pm. One fine Friday I finished what I was doing and shut down my system all ready to go home at 6:45 pm. It’s then that I was told that I cannot leave because my work hours were 10-7 and I should go back and stare at the blank screen for 15 more minutes.

I started going in at 10 and leaving at 7 every day even if it was release day or the production servers were down. Took me some time to get out of there due to adult life problems but that was the day I unofficially quit.” Gbugs
14. Refusing To Pay Right Away


“Doing some side work on a farm where we would be bailing hay, which is notoriously hot and miserable work. I inquired to the farmer I was working for about when I could expect to be paid for the hours I had already worked-about 40 hours already that week. That’s when he broke the news to me: ‘Well I usually pay all of my help at the end of the season.’  The end of the season was about three months away, and I have bills to pay unlike most of the high school kids that were working on this farm with me.

I then requested that I be paid bi-weekly at the very least or I would no longer be able to work for him. He said that he was not willing to do this. So, I said okay then I will require my pay by the end of the day and that I will not be returning tomorrow. I felt bad leaving him high and dry for the rest of the week but how does he expect an adult with bills to pay to work for months on the promise that I would eventually be paid.” mattryser99
13. The Boss Thought It Was Ok To Insult Me 


“Years ago, I worked at a place right down the street from the United Center in Chicago.

It was before the smoking ban, and I was a server. There was a manager who was a total ***, and she’d run into the bar to smoke. I didn’t smoke and hated working in the bar.

So this Saturday, I’m assigned to be the cocktail server in the bar. At the time, there were no customers. The manager comes in for a smoke, so I slink off and join the rest of the servers in the server area.
**** finished her smoke, and apparently, someone came in and had to talk to the bartender for a drink, so she comes looking for me with vengeance.

She finds me with the others and starts screaming at me. Just irrelevant *******. Three sentences in, I ask her if she’s done. She gives a look of shock. How can someone talk to her like that?

I was over. *** this place.
I just laid into her. Insulted her person, her position, her everything, then I grabbed my apron string, pulled it, let it fall, and ***ed off into the wind.

A month later, my sister was taken here by her date before a Blackhawks game. She mentioned to the server that her brother used to work there. That server told the others, and they all chipped in and bought their meal and told them that the manager ran to the office and cried for hours the day I quit and that I had said everything they all had wanted to say to her, hence why they were buying the meal.

Greatest afterword to a job I’ve ever had.” blodisnut
12. They Stopped Me From Stepping Into A New Position


“I worked for a relatively large transportation company. Was setting myself up to get a promotion. All 3 supervisors and the assistant manager (they all worked with me every day) recommended me for it. I technically had the 3rd lowest seniority at our facility but I talked to all the guys ahead of me, and they all made it clear that they didn’t want the position, and encouraged me to take it.
One day in a meeting, our manager complained about nobody stepping up to fill the position.

I raised my hand and said that I would do it. ‘Oh really? So you think you’re ready for it?’ Keep in mind I’d studied my a$% off for months in preparation for this. ‘Well, everyone is telling me I am, so yes.’ He proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes grilling me, trying to find things I didn’t know/would trip up on. I missed only 2 or 3 of the things he asked. When he was done, he says: ‘Your mouth says things that your brain doesn’t understand. Keep your mouth shut from now on.’
Everyone I worked with told me that his questions were BS, and even the supervisors didn’t know them all.

2 days later, I get a call from an old friend who ended up being a manager for another company, offering me the promotion PLUS extra money. Needless to say, I took it in a heartbeat. When I told my manager, he said: ‘First you whine about us not promoting you, now you leave?’ ‘That’s exactly WHY I left.’ Everyone else was amazing and supportive. Miss them…Not my boss” Smitening
11. I Was Forced To Reopen The Store For My Manager’s Friends


“Was working for a third party cell provider while going to school. After graduation I got a full-time job in the career I went to school for so I put in my two weeks notice as I left that night.

The next day I worked was a holiday so my manager leaves at lunch and doesn’t come back. I get a call from the district manager around 4:30 pm asking why I hadn’t closed at 4 like we were supposed to. Told her my manager neglected to tell us that. I close up and go home. I get a call at home 20 minutes later from my store manager asking why I closed and that a customer was coming in to pick up something they had purchased that morning. I had to drive all the way back in to let a customer in that turns out to be a friend of the manager’s, who by the way lived two minutes away from the store.

Emailed my district manager saying screw my two weeks I’m out. This wasn’t the first time the store manager was a complete *** and she knew it so was completely understanding and offered me a job if I ever wanted to come back.

That manager still works there, 6 years after the fact.” TheEvilDog88

10. Not Even The Officer Manager Wanted To Do Her Job


“I worked for an orthopedic surgeon-the type of guy who, if he wanted to tell me something, would turn to the office manager (standing right next to us): ‘Tell her [me]…’ The office manager was her own brand of crazy.

She would ask for help getting a patient onto the X-ray table, then as we were doing it, would complain and gasp and make all sorts of dramatic noises, practically in the patient’s ear.

We were cutting the cast off of a little girl once, and the kid was crying the whole time because she was afraid; my manager was huffing and rolling her eyes throughout, right in front of the mother. She was also one of the most micromanaging people I’ve ever met, and I just reached a breaking point. When I did, I suddenly went from being a great worker to a total loser, according to her.

Ok.” koookoookachoo
9. I Was Underpaid For The Work


“I was hired as an intern and getting paid $16 and they extended my contract 3 times for 4 months.

Then they called me back and offered me a full-time position, getting paid 45k for a job that I should have been getting paid 75k for. I had a *** this I quit moment when the boss said anyone else doing your job we will have to pay 3 times as more but you were originally hired as an intern so we don’t feel so bad giving you that. Like they were giving me an opportunity.

Next guy came in, demanded 75k plus and refused to do some of the low-level tasks that I was happy to do.” Vanwaq

8. I Was Continuously Dealing With Scheduling Issues


“Boss always made schedules the day before I had to come in at 6 AM. Like I would have to call at 11 PM to figure out if I had to be there in 7 hours. Every week for about a year we have this same discussion because I have to call Wednesday night (had classes and never worked that day) to see if I had to be at work at 6 AM or not.

One Wednesday I just figured *** it, I am not calling. He calls me yelling because I am not there, and they can’t open the store without me. Calling me irresponsible and telling me I was replaceable.

So, I just left the phone sitting there while I got ready and he’s yelling the entire time. I drove to the store, turned in my *** to him, and went back home to go to bed. They opened the store at 11 when the other person in my LP position showed up. He found out what happened and he also quit. It takes 3-4 weeks to train someone for my position, and they had to fly someone in from Florida and pay for his hotel for a month while he trained new staff in that position.

The manager lost his 20k bonus for mishandling that year. I only know because he posted it on Facebook. He got fired for posting salary information publicly. Employees were LOSING THEIR ****** MINDS at how much his bonus was.” naigung

7. A Shocking Accusation From The Boss

Sebastian Herrmann

“Was brought in to help a friend’s dad’s company by doing some warehouse inventory. The pay was low, but good people, so I came in to help out. Turns out the Head of Administration really liked me and offered me a job at a slightly higher wage. I took it because I’d rather work with good people.

I’m sick of being abused at the jobs I’ve had before. Things were going great-it was a long commute but I looked forward to going to work every day. Our team had a big project to do but we did it fast and well.
One day, out of the blue, the Head of Administration calls me into her office. This was not unusual, as she tasked me with various things to do. This time, she shuts the door behind her, sits at her desk, looks at me and says, ‘You don’t listen to a ****** word I say, do you?’ I was floored.

We had an excellent working relationship. Apparently, I ‘waved my arm disrespectfully’ at her the week previously, which undermines her authority and is totally inappropriate behavior. I asked if she was kidding. She said no and then told me not to get upset. She asked if I agreed with her, I told her I did not. That my job was as her assistant, and I respected her and wanted to help her. She said we would just have to ‘agree to disagree on that topic,’ and sent me back to work.
I walked out. There is no sense keeping a job where your hard work is regarded as disrespectful, with no way to predict what will and won’t get you into trouble.

Not for that little money. I still feel bad about my friend and his dad. They were good people to work with.” squirrellyamateur
6. Their Boss Threatened Violence


“I was working for a sh*tty sales job for a call center and they brought in a ‘motivational speaker’ called John. I had only been working in the job for 6 weeks and had one bad sales day where I got 1 sale. I got an email asking me to attend a meeting 1 hour later in the meeting room.

One of the managers was there and also John. I sat down and John took lead in starting the conversation, he questioned why my performance is lacking.

He also said I am been paid £3,000 more than most staff on the sales floor and I need to justify to him why I am ‘worth that much.’ The conversation ended in him saying: ‘If I was the managing director, I’d take you outside and ****** do you in.’

For those that don’t understand, he threatened to beat me up because my sales hadn’t been up to scratch. I demanded a resignation form immediately and handed it in without any notice, the HR woman came running over and did nothing but escort me off the premises.” skudgee

5. She Lost All Her Lunch Hours After Pregnancy


“Worked for a company for a few years and got pregnant, had a baby, etc.

My husband deployed and we have no family around here so I figured it would be pretty tough to work full time with doctors appointments and not wanting to leave our daughter at daycare for 10 hours a day. I was going to quit but was talked into staying with promises from my supervisor and the CEO to work with me on sick days and let me have a reduced schedule for 6 months. After my husband came back, the supervisor and CEO pulled me into an office and told me that because of my reduced schedule and time I took to pump during the day I would no longer have lunches until they deemed that I had earned it again.

I quit immediately.” sneakysneeza
4. Injured By A Kid At The Amusement Park


“I worked at a sh*tty amusement park in ocean city New Jersey. For 13 consecutive shifts, I was on the baby bumper cars (the worst ride to work). I showed up for the thirteenth shift and the girl who was supposed to help me was drinking vodka the whole shift. On our break, she smoked a joint (nothing against it but it was irritating because I was essentially working the ride alone). About 5 hours into this shift I was dragging one of the cars around and a kid takes out my leg.

I fell flat on my back on the greasy floor. Not even five minutes later it happened again but I landed in the car with the kid. I heard a mom yell: ‘Oh my god, are you ok?!’ And I said I was. This woman then responded with, ‘Not you ******! My kid you almost killed!’ I walked off the ride and quit.” kim-kardashian-weast
3. The Manager Refused To Help


“I used to cook at a country club. Very small kitchen but very high volume. You ordered at one window and picked it up at the second window 5 feet away and there were servers that would walk around taking orders at a bar.

Normally there were two people doing the register and drinks and selling orders. It was the 5th of July and the schedule had one register person and three cooks. Fine. This is going to suck but we are going to kill it. My other two cooks didn’t show up. I was cooking my *** off but I was in the weeds and the weeds were on fire. Ticket times were over an hour. The GM of the whole country club comes walking by and I’m like ‘hey wanna hop on the fryer real quick?’ His response was: ‘I’ve got my own problems to deal with’ as he is filling a cone of ice cream.

I responded with ‘Well, now you have another problem’ and walked out.” Hockeyfan_52
2. Dealing With A Kid’s Bathroom Problems


“Worked at an after-school program. Had one kid who was pushing 4 and not potty trained. When he was looking like he had to go, I would always have to coax him into going in the bathroom. One day he just wasn’t having it. I had finally got him in the bathroom, got his pants pulled down and was trying to get him on the toilet. I go to pick him up, he pushes me back a little, looks me in the eyes and starts grunting.

Kid ***** on the floor AND THEN he stomps on the turd all the while keeping eye contact with me.

As if this wasn’t bad enough my co-worker refused to get off her phone and help as I was cleaning up. I put my two weeks notice in the very next day. Not my job to potty train your kid.” deleted
1. I Paid People Instead Of Getting Paid


“Was a server at a restaurant for almost a year. We would tip our the bartenders and staff based on our total sales. But we didn’t have automatic gratuity. So one day a part of 50 came in and sat in my section for my entire shift and then stiffed me on a $1500 tab.

I still had to tip out the staff even though I didn’t make any money. So essentially I paid money to work that day. I said nope and walked out.”  RJCHI
Do you have any “I quit” stories? Tell us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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