People Share The Most Horrific Things They’ve Seen In Stranger’s Homes


While many of us hold down tame office jobs where the only people we see every day are our colleagues and bosses, other folks have slightly more varied workplaces that take them all over town and into a different home every day.

These workers – electricians, builders, home care assistants and more – get to meet some pretty interesting people on a day-to-day basis. Going into so many different homes, though? Well, there are bound to be wild cards. For every nice old lady they visit, there’s a mustachioed dude in a Hello Kitty robe just waiting to make their workday weird. Below we take a look at some of the craziest things and encounters contractors have seen in other people’s homes. From alpacas to political shrines and boxes of seeping b***d, you won’t believe what some people encounter in their daily work.

Some are funny, some are creepy, and some are downright bizarre. Have you seen weirder? Read through these wacky stories and let us know in the comments below!

28. There Should Be An Age Limit For Hello Kitty Robes…

Hello Kitty, Stuffed Animal, Sweet, Cute, Soft ToyPixabay

“I used to deliver groceries and saw a lot of weird things. One time I delivered to a house in the middle of June.

The man who answered the door was probably about 40 and no joke was trying to squeeze into a child’s Hello Kitty bathrobe with his hairy legs sticking out the bottom and his privates barely covered. He was sucking on a lollipop and looked all sweaty (not like he had showered, he just looked sweaty).
I looked past him and saw that every room had a Christmas tree with unopened presents under it, some dusty, some brand new. I obviously felt scared for my life so I turned to look back to my van only to see that an elderly man had pulled in the driveway and parked me in.

I unloaded the groceries as quickly as I could, and mercifully the old man moved his car without me needing to ask, but I was straight up sure I was about to be strapped down in a Hello Kitty dungeon.” atorin3

27. Keep The Devil Out – Don’t Flush!


“I work as a maintenance guy in a 500+ unit community. Let me tell you,  I’ve been working here for 7 yrs and have seen it all from someone’s house being COMPLETELY INFESTED with roaches to a person whose house was floor to ceiling hoarded with old newspapers. The one house I will never ever forget belonged to a lady who had a lot of mental health issues.

I went over to her unit to check for damages after Hurricane Florence. When I went in, I was overcome with the smell of pure sewage, I asked her if her toilet was acting up. She said she didn’t know, I was like, “Ok, I’ll check it for you.” When I stepped in the bathroom there was poop piled above the rim of the toilet. I asked her how long has her toilet been non-functioning, she said she didn’t know she doesn’t flush the toilet because that’s how the devil gets in her house.” KingSean910
26. The Spider Story Of My Nightmares

Cobweb, Dewdrop, Web, Insect, Case, SpiderPixabay

This poor guy has another work war story to tell …

“For reference, I’m 6’5” 280lbs.

This story begins with a warning. If you are scared of spiders you might want to avoid this one.

Crawling. Ask any plumber worth his salt. Crawling under houses can be the best and worst part of your job. Sure it’s cold and dark, but no one is going to disturb you. Sometimes it’s extremely tight and moving around can make you flip out if you don’t know how to calm yourself down.

And sometimes you see things you never wanted to see. I’ve crawled into all sorts of stuff under houses with my dad. Possums, wasps nests, poo, b***d, urine, dead animals.

But nothing compares to the time I solo crawled under a house to find myself in a scene from arachnophobia.
It was summertime in Los Angeles and it was HOT. I put my crawl suit on and grab my tool tray. It has various tools in it, pliers, screwdrivers, pipe cutter, blowtorch etc…

I begin shoving my large body into a hole not made for me. I worm my way into the hole feet first and finally slip into the sweet cool darkness.

My dad hands me the crawl light and I take a look around. I have about 5 inches of space between me and the floor above.

The ground is dry and cool. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary and begin to shimmy my massive frame as fast as I can over to the spot I’m supposed to work on.
I get to the pipe and start taking a look to see if I can spot a leak. Now have you ever walked through a spider web and felt like you had a bunch of spiders all over you but didn’t? I feel that as I’m rolling over trying to check this pipe out. I think nothing of it, I’m under a house.

I start digging through my tool tray to look for some soap to test the pipe.

The feeling of crawly skin becomes more and more intense. I grab my crawl light and bring it closer to me.

That’s when I see them. Thousands upon thousands of them. A literal wave of baby black widows washing over my legs. Now, normally I’m not scared of spiders. But being covered in baby black widows invoked a fear, unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I screamed. I screamed like a ten-year-old boy.
I started thrashing my body all over the ground. Trying to get them off me. My legs and hands slamming into the ceiling. I start to go into this trance of the walls closing in.

The spiders crawling all over me coupled with the tight space make me hyperventilate and panic.

I moved faster than I’ve ever moved before. I crawled like a baby on speed toward the entrance. I could still feel them all over me. In my crawl suit, trying to find my soft flesh. I can see the light about 20 feet in front of me. The light is like the tunnel people see when they die. I begin to feel small p****s on my hands and neck.
I make it to the crawl space hole and feel my dad’s iron grip grab me by the shirt.

He summons all of his dad powers to yank me out of the hole and toss me onto the ground. I’m rolling around swearing and yelling trying to get the 8 legged a******s off me when I hear my dad shout, ‘STOP MOVING!!!’ I finally look up to see him standing over me with the fire extinguisher from our truck and he says, ‘Close your eyes and mouth’ and then he blasts me with it.

I stand up and look down to see hundreds of little spiders freaking out from the fire extinguisher chemicals. I peel off the crawl suit and start to inspect myself.

All in all, I only had 4 bites. I’m not allergic to black widow venom but man, did they hurt.
We never did finish that job, the owner refused to pay for pest control.” InsertCleverName79

25. Buckets And Buckets Of Cigarette Butts And A Burning House

Jen Theodore

“Long ago, I did estimates for fire and water damage repairs for a restoration company. This couple had a smallish fire in their bedroom. When I enter the home it’s seemingly normal, smells like smoke (there was a fire, makes sense). They take me to the bedroom and it was the mattress that had endured the majority of the fire, along with some of the wall above the head of the bed and smoke damage to the ceiling.

Next to each side of the bed are 10-gallon buckets FILLED TO THE BRIM with cigarette butts, and hundreds of spilled over butts all over the floor. I was just in awe how they could live like this in their bedroom, especially since the rest of their home seemed tidy and normal. Also completely beyond me why they wouldn’t clean that mess up after the fire if for no other reason than insurance adjusters being able to blame them (rightly) and possibly not payout.

‘How did the fire start?’ I asked. (required to ask)

‘No idea’ the husband replied.” Living_Kumquat

24. This Is So Disturbing I Can’t Even…


“I used to be a mover in Vancouver.

Got sent out to a job, looked completely normal in the work order – pack + move the same day.

We get to the customers’ apartment and knock on the door and hear a faint, ‘JUST WALK IN!’ I open the door and immediately feel resistance. I then push the door open to find newspaper stacks as high as the ceiling, and beside it, opened cases of Pepsi cans that were leaking through the boxes into the carpet….disgusting hoarder alert. We then walk through the apartment and see a woman sitting in a chair, in her late 30s. She looked actually pretty normal.

We go through the procedures and warn her it may take more than one day, do up the contract and begin packing.
This is where it gets extra weird. I will note in her mess of random stuff she had about 20-25 white boxes. When I started moving the boxes I immediately saw a biohazard symbol on the boxes. After a quick investigation, I found b***d seeping through the boxes and into the carpet. Like A LOT of b***d. I then asked the customer about it, and she began to laugh and said not to worry, that she used to be a b***d analyst for the hospital and she used to take home ‘unusable b***d samples.’

I immediately told my crew to follow me to the truck and I called my boss.

I told him the situation, we got in the truck and got the heck out of there. I never asked what followed up with it, as I didn’t end up staying very much longer after that. But it was definitely one of the grossest things I have ever seen in my life regardless of it being in a customer’s house on a job or not.” MGoodacre
23. This Former NFL Player Wasn’t Shy About His “Touchdown”

Professional Football Player, Game, AmericanPixabay

“I’m an electrician and I was troubleshooting a bad outlet in the bathroom of a former NFL player. I was taking all the outlets apart following them to see if I could trace out the home runs when he comes in and starts talking football.

We are in the middle of talking when he just walks over to the toilet and starts taking a dump. I couldn’t see him but there was just a little pony wall between us. He didn’t even stop telling his story, it was crazy. I walked out because of the smell, he came out a little later and it was like nothing ever happened.” thatsLife12345
22. This Homeowner Was Harboring Plastic Tubes Full Of Guinea Pigs


“I’m a face painter who does children’s birthday parties. I’ve never had any super sketchy experiences, just a few run-down homes but the kids always have fun.

I went to one house, kinda messy and smelly, but no big deal. I started setting up my supplies and I heard a weird ‘peep’ sound above me. I look up to see a guinea pig running through a clear plastic tube attached to the ceiling. Then I take a good look around the house and notice the whole place is covered with a network of guinea pig tubes. The mom noticed me looking around and nonchalantly told me they have like 10 guinea pigs.” toxik0n
21. When You Share A House With 200 “Ladies”

Chicken, Hen, Poultry, Rump, Butt, Free RangePixabay

“Used to deliver oxygen to people’s homes. Saw plenty of weird things.

Lots of hoarders, but this one took the cake. He didn’t want to let us into his house, but I had to do a home safety assessment before I could set up the equipment. He was anxious about letting me in because his house was a mess. He kept telling me about his messy house.

Come to find out, it wasn’t just messy. It was filled with 200 chickens. He was proud of his show chickens and wouldn’t let them live in a barn or coop. The smell was unbearable. Other than that, he was a super nice guy.” Good_Looking_Carl
20. This Creepy Guy In Tight Jeans And A Tank Top Would Have Had Me Running


“Was a Carrier for the post office.

When you first start, you only have 1 route 1 day a week. Every other day you cover for someone who calls in sick or is on vacation or something like that. So one day I covered for a different carrier who was sick. I get to one house and they have 4 packages. On the front door, there was a sign that said ‘Please don’t knock or ring just open door and leave the packages behind the door.’ So I’m like ok this is weird but whatever it must happen a lot because the sign was old and dusty.
So I open the door and go in.

The house is normal. I bend over to put the packages down neatly. As I rise back up there is this old dude had to be like 60 to 70 just standing there in tight jeans tight and a tank top with a clearly dyed jet black mustache drinking beer out of a can with a straw. I naturally got scared for a second so I tell him, ‘Sorry you scared me I didn’t see you there.’ And he just says ‘That’s cause I wasn’t here.’ So I just say ‘Well I’m sorry’ and start to leave and he says, ‘Hold up where is so in so?’ I say, ‘Oh she is sick so I will be covering for her today and possibly tomorrow,’ and his words verbatim were, ‘Nice.

Maybe she should stay sick a while… I’ll make sure to wear something cute tomorrow.’ I fake laugh and got the heck out of there.” sorryarty
Another User Comments:

“The most disturbing part about this is the fact that he was drinking beer with a straw, that guy probably has a few postal workers buried in his backyard.” gritsandgravy94

19. This Couple Finds An Abandoned House Full Of  Dolls


“My boyfriend is a locksmith. During the 2008 recession, Las Vegas had hundreds, if not thousands of homes that were getting repossessed or abandoned. The company he worked for would have him go and change the locks to keep people out, and usually, this happened in the middle of the night to limit the possibilities of running into (ex)owners of the properties.

I sometimes tagged along, mostly to explore some of the ridiculously big houses that people had just left, but helped some of the time.
This one house looked totally normal from the outside, you couldn’t tell the difference from any of the other cookie-cutter, planned development homes. But inside, in every room, there were those ‘time out’ dolls. If you have never seen one, they are the dolls that stand against the wall with its hands up to its face (and even more creepy usually they have no face) but they look like a kid hiding their face or pouting after being put in a time out.

When I say they were in every room, I mean EVERY SINGLE ROOM. And not just one, but dozens, lining the walls. Not laying down, but standing up against every wall of the house. The house’s electricity had been shut off so all we had was flashlights. Walking into each room it did not get less creepy seeing doll after doll. He is already afraid of dolls and this made it so much worse. Altogether we counted 63, but there might have been more.” Narwheggie
18. This Girl Hoards The Weirdest Thing…

Luggage, Packaging, Travel, Vacations, HolidaysPixabay

“I’ve posted this before a while back, but… used to work pest control, went into student accommodation to deal with insects… can’t remember what type.

Carpet moths or bedbugs, maybe? Anyway, that’s not the point of the story.

This one room is fairly clean, but we have to spray all fabrics with the chemical in question to prevent any eggs from having a safe space to gestate, so open up suitcases, wardrobes, that sorta thing. One suitcase is full of used tampons that she was saving for… who knows what reason, actually, and I don’t want to know. Nasty stuff, that.
Didn’t mention it, just did the job and tried to avoid eye contact at the end.” RTa98

Another User Comments:

“I know a guy who dated a girl who collected hers, as well as tissues she had used, hair, fingers & toenails, scabs, just like almost anything that came off or out of her body.

It would’ve been cool to know WHY she did all this, but the bigger question was why he stayed with her after knowing about this.” SaintVada

17. An Oven Full To The Brim With Fat

Stove, Oven, Bed Bottle, Copper, Old, NostalgiaPixabay

“Inspecting an oven a tenant had complained was smoking. Yup, it definitely was. Tenant thought an oven could be used like an outdoor grill. Had been cooking meat directly on the oven racks and all that glorious fat and grease just … accumulated in the bottom of the oven and the little drawer underneath. For months. How he didn’t burn down the whole building is beyond me.
I also patched a bullet hole in a shared wall/ceiling between apartments.

One tenant let his girlfriend play with his loaded gun, she stupidly and accidentally fires it into the next-door neighbor’s apartment. The neighbor was playing video games and didn’t notice the bullet come through his wall into the ceiling. Had no clue until the gun-owning boyfriend knocked at his door in a panic and was relieved to see him alive. Whoopsie.” twostepsfrombutter

16. This Stinky Story Will Make You Appreciate Your Job!

Kot, Pile, Poop, Funny, Ceramic, ShitPixabay

“My dad has been a plumber for about 30 years. I’ve worked with him on and off since I was 12. The stories and things we’ve seen are beyond count.
We get a service call to this house in Inglewood, California.

It’s an older house probably built in the 50s. We arrive to a smell that is hard to describe. Imagine a monster made of diarrhea that has been baking in the desert sun for weeks.

I grab my trusty Vicks vapor rub and basically shove it all up my nose. We knock on the door and are greeted by a yell to come in. As soon as the door opens a wave of smell so foul that even a porta-potty would find offensive smacks us in our nervous system. I push through it and enter the house.
To say this person was a hoarder is an understatement.

Piles upon piles of pizza boxes. Mountains of diet soda cans. Jars of what I can only assume are urine sprinkled all over the house. The carpet squishing under our feet we made our way through the neckbeard museum to the hallway.

The owner of this hentai hideaway finally appears. The first thing I notice is the shirt. I’m assuming at some point it was a white shirt, but time and gluttony have not been kind to it. It’s a mix of colors and stains. His shorts look stiff to the touch. His hair is greasy and black, a scraggly ‘beard’ adorned his skinny face.

He says that his water has been shut off for 8 months, but he finally paid the bill and wants us to make sure his shower and toilet are working ok.
I already know what’s coming. I can see a picture in my mind of the horror that awaits us in the bathroom. We walk over to the bathroom door and open it.

My virgin eyes fall upon a sight I will never forget. This bathroom is a war crime. The United Nations would put sanctions against it if they knew it existed. Entire nations would weep at its sight and smell. T*******t organizations would consider it cruel for such a place to even exist.

Guantanamo Bay is a 5-star resort compared to this sin against nature.

Every surface is covered in poop and urine and paper. The toilet, the sink, the bathtub, the floor, the walls, the ceiling. All of it covered in a layer of human feces. I’ve literally swum in poo before in a hazmat dive suit, but this….. This is a declaration of war on humanity. This is a crime against God and man. This is a holy war, it’s the seventh seal opening and showing us the face of death. I turn to my dad and just say ‘no.’ He looks at me with a face I can only describe as a mixture of fear, pain, sadness, and rage.

He looks over at the owner of this hate crime and says
‘May God have mercy on you, good luck.’

We walk out to our truck and never speak of this day. The darkest day humanity has ever faced. But we saved you all, to unleash this plague into the world is something we could never live with.” InsertCleverName79

15. The Terrifying Tooth Tray

Nhia Moua

“I delivered pizza, but for older customers I’d always go into their homes to bring it inside for those who were severely handicapped or just didn’t have the strength to bring their food inside; One time I delivered to this lady who was COVERED in cat hair, head to toe and the inside of her house was rancid.

I mean I couldn’t go in there without holding my breath every time.
One time, I went and she had in her kitchen on a table, a paper plate with what looked like teeth, and I mean A LOT of teeth, different colors and shapes and just horrifically repulsive. Don’t know who’s teeth they were, from what I could tell she had all if not most. of her own in her mouth. Haven’t heard any stories about her since so I’m guessing she moved or something else. Never will forget that smell though. Ugh.” ohfman

14. This Figurine Frenzy Sounds Nerve-Wracking


“Handyman here. I was called to a blocked sink at a lady’s house.

So I get to the door, she opens it and the house was like Delores Umbridge’s office.
Every wall, shelf and horizontal surface was covered in decorative plates, figurines, teapots and stuff. The hallway was exactly me and one plumbing toolbox wide between occasional tables and shelves with more stuff on them. That was the most nervous, slowest walk I have ever made through anyone’s house trying not to knock anything over. She was friendly enough and made tea, but even then I had to turn around slowly and be careful not bump anything or knock anything over.” Stooby2

13. These Intimidating Clients Are Actually Harmless

Shallow Focus Photography of Brown LlamaPexels

“Once had a lady call for a basic maintenance job (plumbing).

Upon arrival the house was filled with clutter stacked up on every wall. Seemed like a nice lady, nothing out of the ordinary just a bit of hoarder.
After a brief introduction, the apprentice and I round the corner to see two giant alpacas standing in her living staring into our souls. After a little bit of a ‘w*f’ moment the lady simply ‘oh don’t mind these fellas they’re completely harmless’.

Pretty cool dudes if you ask me (the alpacas), but my goodness they’re a bit intimidating to see in such close proximity.” systemdcm

12. This Wall-To-Wall Collage Sounds Bizarre

Magazine, Colors, Media, Page, Colorful, Read, ArtsPixabay

“Not my story, but a journeyman I worked with told me a good one.

We’re commercial sparkies, but being a smaller company we occasionally take residential jobs when there’s not a lot of other work.
So they were doing some work at an apartment complex and they were inside one unit that this weird lady lived in. Apparently she was really friendly and talkative–but just kind of gave off a vibe like she wasn’t all there. My journeyman asked to use her bathroom at one point and apparently it was covered wall to wall, ceiling to floor with magazine cutouts–nothing graphic or s**********t random pictures from random magazines cut and pasted everywhere. Even in the shower which was totally filthy.

Like the tub had a layer of grime and obviously hadn’t been used or cleaned in ages.
He said he just waited for lunch or until he got home to pee for the rest of his time there.” TheTrilogy182

11. A Scientologist’s Secret Stash


“Spent a year shopping for a house to buy. After a while you really see some dark reaches of humanity, so here’s the most applicable house for this thread:

We visit a house for sale, and it’s occupied by two young teenagers, no adults, and they just say, ‘have at it’ and leave, as we enter to check it out. All the rooms upstairs have been converted into a series of desks and small beds bolted to the floor.

It looked like some kind of… school?? Then we get to the basement. A nice large carpeted basement with stacks upon stacks, floor to ceiling everywhere, of thousands of various advanced volumes of Scientology books. Wife and I just went ooooooooooooo-kkkkaayyyyyyyyyyyyy………… most of the books were huge, hard covered, and several inches thick, and ‘locked’ with a weird plastic casing that you cannot open without a key or something.” Cubosh

10. When The Homeowner Has Human Tattoos … Without The Humans

People, Man, Woman, Body, Tattoo, Art, Couple, BackPixabay

“Did home security install. Walked in saw the old South African Nationalist flags (vier kleur and union flags) followed by the collection of tattoos.

Not his tattoos, other people’s tattoos, cut off, tanned and mounted in frames as pictures. One was an entire back piece.

And did I mention the ceiling was painted black? A pure black ceiling with his wife’s’ ‘artworks’ sculptures and paintings hanging from the ceiling.” Cayowin

Another User Comments:

“Disembodied tattoos sounds like a very illegal and possibly murderer-y sort of thing to collect.” Hero238

9. Doesn’t Everyone Have a Secret Orthodox Shrine With Illegally Trafficked Relics?

Book, Bible, Scripture, Religion, Religious, Open BiblePixabay

“Quite a while back, I used to install high-end entertainment systems, home theaters and distributed audio for people who didn’t know what to do with their money… the Smallest house we ever worked on was 7,500 square feet.

My boss called me in to do a distributed audio and cascade lighting system in a new construction. We spent about an hour with the client, nice guy, building a 14k square foot house.

The first floor is your typical rich person place, library, study, game room, great room (labeled ‘ballroom’), and a dining room. Up the hill slightly, was the second level, kind of stair-ed up the slope with 3 suites and a 6 bedroom attached guest house.

Down the slope on the way to the shore of the lake it was on, was a gym, kitchen, a theater, and then a room labeled ‘Special.’ I’m like, eh? He had very specific requirements for ‘Special’, very, very high end hidden speakers, a screen that came out of a hidden ceiling pocket, multimedia projector in a hidden pocket in the rear…. Mind you, this was a while ago, so this stuff was very, very expensive.

We do the job, things work. In my mind, ‘Special’ is a kinky room or something.
About six months after he’s moved into the place, I get a call for tech support. Since the hidden pockets were a custom job, I figured it was that.

Turns out it was a burnt bulb on the projector, and I discovered what ‘Special’ was… It was a chapel, with a one-person pew in front of an absolute shrine, Orthodox icons on every surface of the walls, shelves around the room with relics… Like, illegal relics, like human-remains-transported-internationally relics. Christian antiques, by my Master’s in Religion, no less than 500 to 1300 years old.

‘I’m very secret about this, please don’t let anyone know I have it.’ Oh, I told people but I didn’t tell anyone his name, and I won’t, because outwardly he’s a nice, giving, charitable man… but that room weirded me out massively.” wjescott
8. When You’re Trying To Make Art In A Snake Pit

Green Tree Python, Python, Tree Python, Green, TreePixabay

“I was doing a mural on a wall for the apartment of one of my best friends’ brothers. This was my first time going to his place after knowing him for a little over 15 years. To my surprise, he had maybe 10 of those Rubbermaid bins just with snakes in them.

Just laying in the living room. All kinds of snakes different breeds or whatever. Different colors, sizes. Completely threw me off guard. When I asked him about it he says oh that’s nothing. He takes me into this other room where there were glass tanks all-around, covering maybe 3 walls of the room. There had to be d**n near 40 snakes total in his apartment. I’m like how do you feed these things dude, don’t you ever wake up in the middle of the night scared for your life? We live in New York City, so something like that isn’t something you see or hear about every day.

And I don’t think his neighbors knew what’s going on in that place lol.” UptownUchiha
7. Her Client Thought He Was A Wolf

Wolf, Concerns, Forest, Predator, Canine, IsegrimPixabay

“I am a social worker and visit people in their homes. Most of my clients are mentally ill and need help in their day to day life. So I had one client who had a psychotic break and was sitting or crouching on top of his wardrobe making wolf sounds. Scared me to death! I really thought he would jump down on me or something. Another time I had to call the police to open the door of a client’s flat because I could not reach him for days.

Yes, the guy was dead. I still remember the police officer say,’Oh yes that one is gone.'” LolaLiggett
6. This Farmyard Family Had A Bit Of An Odor

Goat, Livestock, Farm, Horns, Domestic Goat, HornedPixabay

“My father is a chimney sweep, and from time to time I work with him when he needs me. Till this day the weirdest thing that I’ve ever seen on the job happened two years ago. It started as a normal day. Weather was great for working inside/on the roof. We pull into the driveway to this farm, nothing weird so far, but once we get out and go inside to check out the fireplace and all, we see that the house is filled with farm animals.

Chickens, pigs, a small calf, you name it, all inside the house. It was rather interesting seeing them live that close to their farm animals. Their reasoning was that they were just really comfortable with the animals. Everything else was completely fine, nice folks, successful farm it seemed. It smelled so bad though, I could never do that, but to each their own I guess lol.” jasongraham_
5. A Mysterious Garbage Bag


“I used to do flooring and when we had to get up the sub-flooring due to water damage. Underneath it there was a black garbage bag. When I opened said bag it had a bunch of women’s clothes in it.

Didn’t think anything about it until we dumped it out and found b****y ripped underwear and torn dresses. Told the owner we had forgot some stuff at work and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. Called the police and never went back. The house was soon up for sale a month or so later. It was a crazy moment for sure. Guy tried to say he didn’t know anything about it, but he certainly got panicked/nervous when we dumped it out. It was an out of town job so not sure whatever happened to him, but it was definitely some of the wildest **** I’ve ever seen.” [deleted]

4. A Scientology Lair With Obligatory Tom Cruise Movies

Star, Tom Cruise, Actor, Gold, Golden, DecorationPixabay

“So I have a work order in a remote area.

It’s about an hour drive from the town I was in so I always call first for directions as there’s absolutely no cell service out there. I get a hold of the guy and he gives me very detailed directions. I don’t think anything of it and start my drive.
I get to this very small village and turn down the road he said. Like most ranch roads, it’s pretty bad. I keep driving and the road keeps getting worse and worse like literally driving through creeks. He had told me to stay on this road until I come to a really large gate and he’ll let me in.

At this point, I’m certain I’m lost with no service so I just keep driving.

After what seems like an eternity,  the road suddenly goes from bad dirt and rock to paved. I’m like oh, I guess I’m good. After about another 1/4 mile, I drive up to this huge gate with lights and video cameras everywhere. I’m like holy heck what is this place in the middle of nowhere. I hit the intercom and he lets me in and tells me to keep left and drive up to the big house. I go through the gates and stay on this perfectly paved road.

I go around a bend and I see this huge 3-story house on the side of a mountain. I’m like wth where am I..? Then I notice to the right off in the distance another house but for some reason, this one looks a little familiar. After a few minutes, it finally comes to me. OMG I’M AT A SCIENTOLOGY BASE CAMP!!! I’ve always heard it was out in these parts and had seen some stuff on YouTube but I’m actually here.
Now keep in mind it’s already getting dark so it was a bit creepy at the same time. I go to the house and they introduce themselves.

I notice the man and woman have very heavy accents, possibly German. They tell me to drive to the back. So I do and by this time it’s completely dark but as I drive back there’s a long driveway behind the house that leads directly into the mountain. I turn on my brights and I can see a very large door it almost looked like some military shelter.

During the entire install, the gentleman follows me. The lady said he’s there to help but I can tell he’s just observing me. So I go to replace the receiver but the cables are stuck.

So I tell the guy to help me out and clear the cabinet so I can get to the cable. He pulls out like 3 or 4 DVD cases and puts them on the table. I look and wouldn’t you know they were all Tom Cruise movies. I chuckled hard on the inside. At the end of the install, she asked me some very weird questions like who I’ve worked for in the past. If I told anybody I was coming out there. She said they needed work done on the other house and that they will request me next time since they are familiar with me.

I was paranoid for weeks after that someone would show up at my house lol.” sajoser17
3. This Family Built A Hilarious Anti-Squirrel Fort

Squirrel, Young Animal, Small, Young, Cute, RodentPixabay

“Animal control here. People had a baby squirrel in their bedroom and they had lined up every single piece of furniture in a corridor along the hallway with the hopes of ‘guiding’ the baby squirrel out of the house.

Obviously the poor thing wasn’t budging from under the bureau in the bedroom but seeing the house in such a state was hilarious. I safely brought the little dude back in the woods.” JSaltsea

2. A Sad And Disturbing Shrine

Tea Lights, Candles, Candlelight, Faith, ReligionPixabay

“My mom and dad were both house cleaners, as was my stepmom.

I got dragged to a LOT of houses, offices, and vacation rentals from age 6 to age 24 or so.
Most of the unusual stuff wasn’t really that weird. Things like very bad practice pieces stored by a client learning taxidermy, or a client who just never threw old shoes away and had an entire closet full of hundreds and hundreds of worn-out running shoes and the like. But the one that genuinely counted as odd was a client who was an OB/GYN, who kept the pictures of every miscarriage of every patient she had ever had, in these huge photo albums.

Some were ultrasounds, and some were what looked like x-rays but probably weren’t, and some were photos (mostly polaroids) of the stillborn babies and fetuses. All stored neatly in a sort of little…shrine…type space in their spare bedroom.
12-year-old me was weirded the heck out by it, but adult me thinks it’s a little sad and wonders if that was her way of coping.” Whistleridge< 1. A Sweet Ending To An Odd Encounter

Ghost, Halloween, Horror, Bride, White, DeathPixabay

“I go into people’s homes to sample their water. The focus area of the program I’m a part of is the poorer part of the city where they are currently struggling with some major drug issues.

I’ve seen a lot of hoarder homes that were run down and well… stunk really badly. Regardless everyone has been really nice. By far the strangest occurrence I’ve come across was when a lady who thought I was the reincarnation of her dead sister. Long story short; my eyes reminded her of her younger sister that she raised, and she spoke about how she died alone in British Columbia. Then when we were about to leave she asked if she could give her sister a hug. I of course obliged and gave her a hug.” Hoods_77

Naww, that last one was actually quite sweet.

The poor lady must have been so happy to hug her sister again, even if it wasn’t really her! Most of these were less heart-warming though – and some were pretty disturbing. Let’s just say I’m glad I have a cozy office job! Do you ever go into strangers’ homes for your job? What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen? Comment below and let us know!

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