People Share Their Heartless Revenge Stories

11. Frame My Mother For Misconduct? We'll Get You Shut Down Even If It Takes Years
“My mother worked for a hotel chain in which usually has a chain of restaurants right next to them, so they were all under an umbrella company.
My mother worked in the hotel and my sister worked in the restaurant next door.
My sister ended up going out with her boss, the manager of the restaurant for a while until he started cheating on her. We found this out as my mother, as the head of the hotel, monitored the CCTV in the hotel AND the restaurant and saw other workers going up to his apartment above the hotel that he lived in regularly and the worker not coming out until the morning after…
My mother broke it to my sister who immediately resigned and worked elsewhere.
But the manager ended up finding out that it was my mother who had told her daughter about him cheating, so, he resented her for it. During that time the hotel and restaurant split and my mother was made redundant but was offered an immediate start in the restaurant next door as an assistant manager. Good pay rise, working with familiar people, and the agreement that the manager who cheated on my sister would have to be on separate shifts so there is no conflict of interest. She accepted the job.
The manager ended up making my mother’s life h**l in subtle ways, by always putting her on 12-hour shifts, not paying overtime on-time etc. My mother is a hard worker, so she never complained and got the work done. The manager didn’t like this as most of the workers would supplement her workload and helped her out when it was needed.
The manager decided to bring out the big guns and ended up plotting for my mother to get fired. He put my mother on the night shift and she proceeded to go through the normal processes of emptying the tills and putting everything in the safe behind the kitchen, which only the assistant manager (my mother) and the manager had access to based on company policies.
My mother went through her night shift and put everything in the safe as usual, locked it and went home. She gets a call the next morning requesting her to come in on her day off. She was accused of leaving the safe door open, which by policy, is gross misconduct. But there was no money missing.
The company investigated this but the CCTV only covered the hallway leading up to the saferoom and caught a figure wearing a black hoodie and go into the saferoom, it then became a police matter who couldn’t confirm nor deny that it was the manager (who lived in the apartment upstairs) as the CCTV was apparently down on that night overlooking his apartment entrance!
All of this blew over and my mother got a final warning and the manager was ordered to manage a different restaurant in another city. He moved out and another manager came in. The new manager loved my mother, reemployed my sister and it was smooth for a few years. Until the previous manager got transferred back. Obviously, my mother was anxious that something would happen again, and the same subtle torture came back, 12-hour shifts, etc.
As my mother predicted, she was called up another morning asking her to in on her day off and they had HR waiting there for her. They accused her of stealing from the tills. On the night in question, she was the manager of the night, but the CCTV recording had been deleted in some bizarre data loss event. She got fired for gross misconduct. The house was nearly repossessed and I as the youngest sometimes had to go to school without a meal. As I’ve gotten older, I understood what this manager did and obviously, I’d want to rip his head off.
My partner ended up getting a job at the hotel next to the restaurant and she told me about the smoking area and that it mixes with the restaurant. She said that they had a big problem with mice in the kitchen. I saw the chance for my mother’s redemption and I reported it to the council. The hotel my partner worked at got shut down for 2 weeks while an exterminator came in, but as it was the restaurant’s responsibility as they owned the land, they faced HUGE fines and ended up putting that restaurant into negative profit and it looks like the restaurant chain decided to shut the building down as the local residents stopped eating there.
The building is currently up for sale, the hotel’s customers are still a bit disappointed that there isn’t a restaurant close by, but my partner still has the job. My mother is working as a manager of a different hotel for a different hotel chain.
I never told my mother what I did, I just know she was happy when she heard the manager who did all this to her got fired for gross misconduct for not reporting the mice.”
10. Pick On Me When I Can't Defend Myself? I'll Set You Up To Fail
“I got very sick with what we now know is a life-threatening illness when I was 12. I was never great at making friends due to family issues, and so I had a small gathering of friends who I didn’t realize weren’t really my friends and just kept me around to poke fun at. Because I was so ill and doctors were trying to figure out why, I missed a lot of schools, and at first, doctors didn’t think I’d pull through.
But after missing a decent amount of school, I got a bit more stable and began being tutored from home to make up for the work I missed. I worked my a*s off so I could move to the next grade with all my “friends” and it paid off, I made it. But when I was doing well enough to be able to go to school for a couple of days a week, I realized one of my so-called friends had begun really tearing into my reputation at school hard.
This girl, let’s call her Sarah, told everyone I was out because I was pregnant and had a contagious disease. Everyone in school was laughing and making fun of me. I was being called horrible things and she even told me to kill myself. I was only 13, and it was very hard emotionally and physically for me to deal with all this, especially after she began physically bullying me as well. When I told the school, they brought her in and we spoke together.
It just made it worse. They started brushing off when I’d come in and tell them she was getting worse, causing me to be more depressed than before.
After months of dealing with this, I heard about our annual class field trip. It was a glammed-up version of camping, heated cabins, carnival rides and equipment, a lake for boating, and even horse stables. It was the talk of the year and everyone was going. It took weeks of begging my parents for them to agree I could go.
The conditions were that I had to have the school nurse as my chaperone, and I could only stay one night- whereas everyone else stayed two nights and three days. I was so excited to finally be able to do something normal that didn’t involve hospitals and tests and treatments.
Everyone in school chose their groups quickly. My friend group filled their cabin so Sarah and I were the odd ones out. We got placed in a cabin with a bunch of other girls who were also extras in their friend groups.
I absolutely dreaded being in a cabin with her but I did my best to enjoy my day at the camp before having to get into the cabin at night. Most of the girls were eating and sitting in front of the fireplace joking around, along with Sarah. Everyone was complaining about how this large group of popular girls got the boat cabin. The boat cabin was the best cabin, the only one with two stories and overlooking the lake.
They had better beds, more room, a full kitchen, more showers, and a balcony. These popular girls had convinced the principal via their parents to let them stay there. Everyone was jealous. Right then and there, I formed my revenge plan on Sarah.
I began to tell the other girls that we should totally prank those boat cabin girls. They all eagerly listened as I told them to grab rolls of toilet paper, baby soap one had brought for showering, and toothpaste.
Sitting in front of this all, I told them that only one person should go so no one would see. Everyone fought over who got to be the one to go and stick it to those boat cabin girls. Seeing as it was my idea, I suggested Sarah go. I hyped her up, telling her she was the fastest in gym class and she’d be done quickly and quietly. The girls nodded in agreement.
After waiting until it was early in the morning, around 2 am, we opened a window and sent Sarah on her way to the cabin with the supplies.
She came back thirty minutes later. She boasted to everyone how it was her idea first and how she did it. She took credit for it, making it even better. They all played music and celebrated our accomplishments before going to bed.
The next morning, the boat cabin girls were p*ssed. I have to give it to Sarah, she did an amazing job. I rushed to the boat cabin before my parents came to see what she had done.
The entire place was coated in damp, mushy toilet paper. It had rained a bit overnight. The toilet paper was stuck on the roof and deck, and couldn’t easily be taken off. It was going to have to be scrapped off. Some had flittered into some bushes and on the lakeside before it had rained where it now sat in piles mush. The door to the cabin had been unlocked, so on top of putting some toothpaste all over the porch, she had put some baby oil on all the door knobs and floor inside.
She put toothpaste on the girl’s pillows as they slept so they’d roll into it.
The girls from that cabin were livid. They all had to shower that morning to get the toothpaste out of their hair, some in cold water. Most had fallen upon getting out of bed thanks to the baby soap on the tiled floor. They had to clean the mess inside before even realizing the mess outside.
Sarah was boasting about it, telling everyone from other cabins how she pranked those girls.
People all sat in front of her as she told the story of how she did it all. I knew what was coming.
I left early, my parents came to pick me up and I got in the car and left, sadly missing out on what would happen next. Before I left I mentioned to a teacher that Sarah had done something bad the night before and that she wouldn’t listen to me when I told her to stay in the cabin.
The next week in school, I heard Sarah got suspended. The camp owners were p*ssed and originally blamed the boat cabin for the mess before finding out it was Sarah. They forced her to clean the wet toilet paper and wash the floors and doorknobs. She cried the whole time and ended up getting suspended after the camp owners claimed she littered and caused chaos. Sarah tried to tell the school it was my fault but they had never had an issue with me before so it was a bit unbelievable, plus she had already told everyone she did it.
The girls in my cabin that night kept their mouths shut about it being my idea. Whether they just forgot, weren’t believed, didn’t want to be involved, or didn’t care, I don’t know but I was off the hook.
Sarah called me angrily and I told her I was done being bullied by her. Had she just left me alone I never would have done all this. She stopped speaking to me and continued to bully me behind my back, but nowhere near to the degree she had been.
There were times I felt bad about it all, but after the school did nothing to help when I was being picked on so severely. In my opinion, we were even.”
9. Can't Keep It Down? Ok, I'll Turn You Off
“A little bit of background: I live in the Netherlands. I own an apartment in an older building. There are six apartments on three floors that share a stairwell and we all have private storage in the basement as well as a larger shared space where most people put their bicycle. I live on the top floor.
This happened a few years ago.
The apartment below me was rented out to an Eastern European lady.
She was a migration worker. She had lived there for almost a year with no problems whatsoever.
In this period, I worked full time during weekdays, and on a Saturday every few weeks. On Friday night and Saturday night, I had a side gig as a bouncer at a music venue. So basically, I worked a lot and definitely didn’t make the recommended eight hours of sleep during weekends.
One Friday, as I come home at 3 am from my bouncer gig, my downstairs neighbor is playing her music really, really loud.
As in, I couldn’t have a normal conversation in my living room without raising my voice. I figure she’s having a party and think nothing of it, it happens from time to time and she had never caused any sort of problems, so I try to go to sleep. The music continues until 6 am.
The next Saturday, as I come home at 3.30 am, the same story. I figure, well, maybe she had people over from her country and they party all weekend.
A bit annoying, but I shrug it off. The music continues until 6 am again.
Nothing happens during the week.
Friday, I get home around 3.30 again. Loud music, louder than the week before. I rang the doorbell, knock on the door, but get no response. I start getting annoyed and decide to file a complaint with the local police. The lady at dispatch tells me it’s a really busy night and they can’t spare a unit to handle it.
Annoyed, I try to get some sleep, but I can only fall asleep around 7 am, after the music has died down.
Saturday, I get home around 4 am. Loud music. No response to doorbell or knocking, so another call to the police. Busy night, yada yada, no units available. Music continues until 6.30 or so.
During the week, nothing happens.
Friday, loud music. No response to doorbells, no police available. Hardly any sleep. Getting annoyed to the point of being willing to kick the door in and destroying their sound system but I manage to restrain myself.
Saturday, loud music. I start ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door for maybe 20 minutes and finally, I get a response. Not the one I expected though. My neighbor yelled at me that she called the police (!). I say, “Fine- that saves me the trouble of doing it.” I move to the door at street level to await the police.
They arrive in minutes. Eight of them, which I found a bit absurd. Turns out that my neighbor told the police that I kicked her door in (which I obviously didn’t).
The police agree with me 100% that the volume is completely unacceptable. Two officers go upstairs to set a maximum acceptable volume. My neighbor is completely wasted on alcohol and skunk, so the story is clear. Of course, as soon as the police leave, the volume goes up to the max again until early in the morning.
Fast forward to next weekend.
I get home on Friday around 3 am and I have to work the next day.
The music is loud, as I expected. By now, I am frustrated to no end, but I decide against kicking in the door just yet. I know that the police won’t show up for a “minor” complaint so I think of another plan.
Earlier that week, I had my electricity meter replaced due to a malfunction. The electrician did a nifty thing: he shut down the power supply to my apartment from the main fuse box, which is in the basement.
I saw him remove the seals, shut down power, and later switch the power back on and reseal the fuse box. He only used one seal though… So I managed to screw open the central fuse box and shut down the power to the apartment below me by removing the fuse…
The silence was a feast to my ears. I went back upstairs and slept like a baby. I had every intention to place the fuse back the next day, but something came up and I forgot.
I worked the door until late that Saturday and I just wanted to get some sleep, as I wanted to go to an event on Sunday and had to leave early. I came home, looked up, and saw the flickering of the candles they had lit because their light no longer worked… I felt a sense of accomplishment come over me as I went to sleep.
Sunday morning I left early and came home late.
In front of the door below me, there was a trash bag filled with stuff from the freezer that obviously didn’t work anymore either. I went to sleep, thinking I’d put the fuse back Monday morning before I left for work. I forgot, and eventually placed the fuse back Monday evening.
I never heard them again, not even a slamming door.
For clarification: the apartments below hers and the one to the left were empty at the moment.
To the right lived an elderly couple (both of them late 80s/ early 90s) who simply removed their hearing aids before going to sleep. Down and to the left was someone who spent weekends at his girlfriend’s, down and to the right was someone who spent most days at her boyfriend’s. I live alone, so no, no one other than myself ever had any reason to complain.”
8. Don't Want To Pay Me After All The Changes You Made? See You In Court!
“About two or three years back, I got in touch with someone who wanted me to do some work for him. I’m a designer, I do contract work, but up until now, I’d never had a contract I asked people to sign. Mistake #1.
Anyway, I worked with this person over the course of 6 months or so. I initially quoted him an amount for what he asked for – he didn’t want to pay that much, so we agreed on a smaller scope.
Afterward, he started asking for constant changes. I did that, tacking on time to the project as we went. Mistake #2.
The entire time the project is going on, he’s telling me how much he loves my work. Everything looks great, it looks spectacular, exactly what he wanted. The end of the project rolls around, and I’ve made a small tweak to see what he thinks (it would make things easier to build, cheaper, etc.).
I send him the bill for my work, which was for about $1,500.
He *freaks* at me, telling me that I’ve been purposefully doing things wrong the entire time to pad the time required – seemingly forgetting the constant stream of praise he’s been sending me. Tells me he refuses to pay and that I’ve been untrustworthy the entire time. Says that the last tweak I made was wholly un-asked for, and completely away from the project specs – again saying that I’d been doing this on purpose.
Flabbergasted, I offered to change it back for free, and apologize for the confusion. No response. I talk with a lawyer friend of mine and he advises me to offer an olive branch if I want to take it to court, so I offer to cut the bill from $1,500ish to about $500 and give him everything I’d made so far as a peace offering. No response.
After about 6 months, I go to small claims and file a report.
I spent weeks agonizing over my case. I collected everything – discussions, images, etc., and laid it into a timeline. I go to the hearing and…he doesn’t show.
The court says there needs to be another hearing, to give him another chance. Another month goes by and he’s a no-show. Now he’s officially in contempt of court and I have won the case. But in order to get him into court, I need to get a constable to bring him in.
That’s like $400 and I didn’t have the money at the time.
About 6 months pass, I get a new job and can afford the constable. I ring one up and give him the guy’s address that was on his business card and what was registered for his company. The first week, they stake it out, “Does he drive a BMW?” “I’m not sure.”Turns out he does, but they weren’t sure if the guy was there or not.
Two weeks pass, and I get the phone call “we’ve got him, come in.”
I show up to the court and text the constable. I spot them through the doors to another room and see the dude is sitting there. Nice. The constable comes out, tells me how things are going to go down. He takes me and the guy into a side room and basically explains how since I won the judgment, he has to pay me.
He gets the guy to write a check to me, hands it to the constable. Then he goes “You know, on second thought – no, I don’t want to pay him. I want to talk to the judge first.”
Constable says ok, we go into the courtroom. First case up. We stand in front of the judge. The guy starts trying to say, “I don’t think he deserves the money, didn’t do the work, I don’t want to pay him.” The judge basically says, “Yea but you didn’t show up to the case, you lost.” Guy tries to argue with the judge and gets immediately shut down.
Constable walks over to hand me the check. Case dismissed.
On the way out, the constable jokes with the guy, “Well I guess you can go back to your birthday now.” Guy says “Yea, even have a cake and everything.” Trying to make light of it, but he’s p*ssed. We leave, not even looking at one another, though he held the door for me as I stepped out.”
7. There's No Room For Prejudice In The Classroom
“So, my friend Adam and I went to a small, country school. He would later get a scholarship into Yale and Harvard but he decided to go to a college closer to home. Anyway. He had this English teacher, Ms.Deborah, who I swear, taught the dinosaurs.
She also has been described by other students as a **** and ****** and those were some of the nicer things she was described as.
Adam got her for a term and they didn’t exactly get off on the right foot. She clearly just didn’t like him. Adam thinks it was because was born in Saudi Arabia and is Muslim. She would find things about him to nitpick and be extremely critical of his work. He didn’t know exactly why she hated him but it didn’t deter him from putting his best effort into every piece of work he submitted.
On one fateful day, Adam was assigned a project from Ms. Deborah. He told me that he put extra effort into this project because it was part of his end of the term exam grade. He showed me the project, I have to say, Shakespeare’s jaw would have been on the floor. Anyway, he showed it to Ms. Deborah and she went off on him. According to Adam, these were some quotes from her tirade.
“I know for a fact that you didn’t put any effort into this.” “This work will be used as an example for future students on poor work.” “I can’t say I’m surprised because your work was always ***” and a lot of slurs and ignorance about Adam’s culture. But then she said this, “By tomorrow I want three of these projects from you.”
Adam decided that he wanted to give her some good old malicious compliance to that ****.
Adam was obviously annoyed that the project he put so much effort into was punished and of how racist she was. So, he typed the project out printed it out three times. I laughed so hard when he told me what he did. Ms. Deborah however, was not amused. She wanted him to write it out. She went on another tirade. She ended it this time by saying, “Enjoy your last day in this school because I will personally make sure you’re expelled for this.”
In my school. Getting expelled was a very long and hard process. It involved a meeting with the parents, principal, vice-principal, teacher, and offending students. Other students got interviewed as witnesses and it was up to the principal and vice-principal to decide whether or not to expel the student.
So, the process started with a meeting with Ms. Deborah. Apparently, she wanted to expel him because he clearly wasn’t putting his all into his work and the work he did present was extremely poor.
Then the principal & vice principal interviewed parents, then Adam, then other students (me included). Adam, the parents, and all of the other students defended Adam. The principal asked five other English teachers to grade five of Adam’s assignments. They all gave him an A while Ms. Deborah gave him a D.
The principal and vice-principal decided that there was enough evidence to fire Ms. Deborah for “Racially Motivated Grade Sabotage.” Apparently, that’s very illegal in my country and Adam was able to press charges.
He decided not to. Adam did get one lunchtime detention for ‘not completing homework’ which he gladly took over being expelled.
I’ll always remember that moment when I was talking with Adam at lunchtime and Ms. Deborah walked out of the principal’s office crying, saw Adam and spent 5 minutes verbally attacking him and blaming him for getting her fired until she was escorted off school grounds by security.
When everyone in the school found out what Adam did, for a week, all the students were singing “Ding ****.
That **** is dead,” every time Adam passed them.”
6. Don't Poop In A Floor Cone Or We'll Come For You
“Not my story but my close friend’s! The first time she told me this I was cackling like a cartoon villain.
My friend works in a fast food place near a motorway, often used by truckers who leave the toilets notoriously dirty by eating their food on the bog. It’s some nasty s**t. This morning she had a trucker try to use the disabled loo but couldn’t open the door properly (it’s a sliding one) and kept trying to rip the door open by pulling it like a regular door despite the signs on it that day “slide left”.
This dude seems pretty angry and ends up breaking the lock due to not opening the door as intended, so my friend tells him off and sends him to the men’s loos. She notes that he has crazy wild white hair and is really tall.
Anyways, a few minutes later that morning she gets asked by another customer to clean the men’s toilets as they are disgusting, despite having cleaned them around an hour ago.
What she walked into was basically just a poo explosion. Poo all over the floor, poo on the toilet and poo in the toilet, unflushed. So she gets to cleaning it up, and she’s cleaned everything but the pooey smell still seems to be stifling the air. Which is when she notices the wet floor cone from when she had cleaned the toilets earlier looked a little… lopsided. Cue further inspection. Inside the wet floor cone was a poop-laden pair of tighty whities.
So my friend asks the customer if they saw anyone in there, and they confirmed the sighting of a wild-haired giant leaving the bathroom. Coincidence?
My friend asks other coworkers if they know the guy we think to be the culprit. One of the cashiers said they saw only him enter and leave the toilet before it was disgraced, and confirmed his “pooey” smell. My friend tells her boss about the ordeal and the boss must love this sub because she says, “put the pants in a clear bag.
He can have those back.”
Unfortunately, he was long gone, and put on an unofficial “banned” list for the store. But a week or so later, a familiar face pops in. POOEY PANT MAN!
My friend quickly asks that same cashier if it’s definitely him, and he confirms it. So she dashed to her boss’s office and proclaims his arrival, and the pants (now stewing for a week in a clear bag) are collected. As he is waiting to collect his food, my friend walks straight up to him and yells, “I BELIEVE THESE ARE YOURS, SIR!” And shoves the bag of poop and pants at him, in front of around 15 other customers.
He tries to throw them in the store bin and her boss quickly says “I don’t think so mate!” Boss tells the cashier to refund his order and she gives him his money back and yells, “Don’t you EVER come back here again!”
He ended up throwing the pooey pants in the lorry car park, but they haven’t seen him since. Let this be a warning if you ever have an accident in a public bathroom- inform the staff of the mess and offer to clean it yourself.
And certainly don’t leave your s********n pants in a wet floor cone.”
5. Harass Me And Others? Get Expelled, Bucko
“A little back story: I broke up with my boyfriend a 5 months ago for a bunch of reasons.
One of them being the fact that he would act like an entitled pr*ck when he had the chance. Why did I date him in the first place you ask? Well since we were good friends, had a bunch of interests in common (like art and gaming) and he was the first person to ask me out ever so I said yes. We dated for a while but after realizing how insufferable his true colors were I left him.
Now onto the story:
So he wasn’t taking our breakup well. At all. He would leave nasty notes in my locker, bag, or even mailbox since he knew where I lived. But oh, that was only the tip of the iceberg. He would come up to me at school and loudly proclaim how much of a (and I quote) “Blind and stupid ****” I was for “Breaking the heart of someone as nice and good looking” as himself.
(I WISH I was kidding). Safe to say me and my friends got sick of it pretty quickly, especially since he would interrupt us whenever we were talking so we could all listen to his high and mighty speeches. He would also ask everyone, out loud, at lunch, if they would want to see my nudes (which he didn’t have since I never sent him any).
This went on for a while.
One time, when I was about to head home, I saw his dad waiting by his fancy sports car (not big on cars, so I don’t what brand it was, but it did look really expensive) waiting to pick him up.
So I tried talking to him about what’s been happening, hoping he would help me out. (Spoiler Alert he didn’t) He instead ignored everything I said and started going on a tirade about how sad I made his son and that I’m the reason he has “depression.” I was fuming but said nothing.
Here comes the petty revenge part of this story.
After months of putting up with his ***, since going to the faculty of the school wouldn’t solve anything (I did try, trust me, but they said they couldn’t do anything about it), Zane, my best friend, came up to me one day saying that he did something pretty stupid that would help my situation.
Apparently, Ex had hit on Zane’s sister, Heaven, saying that he has ‘always loved her’ and how he ‘wants her as his girlfriend’. Heaven turned him down and Ex went full out nice guy on her. Zane, being the stereotypical overprotective older brother that he is, came up with a plan.
The day after this had happened we had a gym class. Now since Ex is a super trashy person and leaves his *** everywhere, even when he’s in the guy’s locker room, it was pretty easy for Zane to find Ex’s jacket, which was thrown onto the floor (mind you that jacket was probably worth more than my whole closet), so Zane had taken a small pouch that was filled with god knows what, but had a terrible smell (Zane has a cat so I assumed it was some rotting cat food or something like that, but he never told me what it actually was).
He placed that into the pocket of Ex’s jacket along with a note saying, ‘Stay away from my sister and [Me], good luck with the smell,’ which explained the fact that both Zane and Ex smelled like death for a week, but Zane said it was worth it.
However, it only kept Ex off mine and Heaven’s back for a couple of weeks. Ather the smell of death was gone he continued his routine.
But worse, mostly for Heaven. He would keep up the normal bullying for me, but he would now try to grope her and sent her a bunch of disgusting messages.
Now onto the actual revenge part of this story:
Me, Heaven and Zane came up with a revenge plan. Zane noticed that Ex would say lots of horrible things about me and Heaven even when he was in the boy’s locker room, so he recorded it.
Not only that but he also recorded when Ex had his tirades about our break up. Heaven managed to film him trying to grope her with the help of one of her friends and also screenshotted the messages he sent her. And I talked to his parents, or more like getting yelled at and cussed out by them, when they told me and I quote, “He justified to do those things” which I also recorded. Now with all the proof we had, we went to the principal and managed to get a meeting with me the principal, me, Heaven, Zane and Ex.
The principal presented the issue and Ex denied everything, but when it was our turn to talk. Oh boy, when it was our turn to talk.
Zane and Heaven showed the recordings they had of him, but as we were doing that, the door burst open incoming Ex’s mom and dad. Ex’s mom was shouting about how the principal didn’t have the right to hold her son for this, and that they had to go somewhere or something like that, I couldn’t care really.
But when they went on a rant about how ‘they did so much for this school’ and how ‘they are such nice people and all the proof we had was (somehow) fake.’ I showed the recordings of them cussing me out and saying how their son was ‘justified’. Now I wish I could have stayed around to see the faces of the parents when the principal called them out on their ***, but he told me, Heaven and Zane to get out.
However, as we were laughing to ourselves in the hall we heard some stuff along the lines of “You were lying to me about these events” and “Ex will be suspended until I figure out everything else you’ve been lying about.”
Later though I found out that Ex’s parents actually donated a big amount to the school which was pretty much saying ‘let my son pass his classes even though he has bad grades’ but was officially deemed as a “donation.” Since the principal didn’t want to take any more of this, he decided to suspend Ex from coming to school for the rest of the year and him having to stay back a year.
Now since my school is separated into two campuses, my class will be moving to that other campus next year while he will be staying at this one, but knowing his parents, they would probably have him move schools, however, I won’t have to deal with him anymore (or at least a long time).
This happened a month ago and ever since then I haven’t heard anything from Ex. Heaven got a boyfriend, which Zane did an FBI style check on.
And Zane also confessed to me, which was nice, but since I just got out of that, I decided to take things slow and not put a label on it yet. So things ended up pretty great. But I learned that you never know someone’s true colors unless you are really close friends, date, and then break up…I guess.”
4. Blame Me For Your Mistakes? I'll Make Your Department Redundant
“I was a contract programmer brought in to solve a failed software initiative to bridge the gap between an old banking system and a new type of business dealing with trading accounts in the 1990s.
I successfully replaced their stopgap of complicated spreadsheets (that lost trades and created a nightmare) and created a robust system to allow the data input and trades to follow a rule set. This rule set allowed for adjustments as needed but followed a standardized way of processing that met regulatory and accounting requirements.
The work flowed in from data input sourced from printed reports from the mainframe, went to a QC queue, flowed to the correct traders, and etc. The endpoint would generate a series of reports, spreadsheets, emails, and hand entered back into the main system.
The receiving department could even import a file but insisted on re-entering the data. Everyone in my projects department was thrilled because there were no more mishandled/missing trades and everything was on time. Since emails were automated everyone got the reports on distribution which ended the ‘I didn’t get it’ excuse.
The Issue
All was well until we needed new information added into the system. My adjustments took a little over a week and I thought all was well until we had a department meeting to review.
The data entry people (4 persons) complained that it would throw them behind because they memorized keystrokes and the number of tab keys to skip to the next field etc. Yes indeed – they did not look at the screen. Suddenly it became clear that a ton of previous issues could be traced back to them and because they would keep keying away it would clear any warnings on the screen. They completely stopped the sign off of the project completion – thus starting to cost me money.
The Fallout
I made sure that their manager typed up the concerns and forward them to the supervising team that included the department supervisor. They eagerly outlined all their gripes and threw me under the bus for their errors – blaming the system. They went on to say how the new changes would put them behind and over their allotted hours. Interestingly enough they also stated how the four persons were contracted and could not add additional contractors without another approval etc.
While this was going on I added additional reporting to allow management to view all of the data entry that I logged because I am used to this sort of thing. I then tracked down a number of hot button issues – one of which resulted in a lawsuit. I was able to show where the mistake happened and clearly sourced it to data entry. I shared all this with my reporting manager who was absolutely delighted. It seems another department manager, who supervised the data entry people, also wanted his department.
The revenge
Quickly a management meeting was called and became heated. My poor manager took a beating but sat there with a smile. Once everyone else had exhausted themselves and were sure they had ended my manager’s career.
He started by pointing out that the new information was not optional and driven by regulations. He moved on to include that a new report had been created to send the new data. When asked about the “problems” the new system caused with “missing” reports and errors we produced the reports showing the data entry errors and email logs showing that the emails did indeed get sent out.
The other department manager and data entry supervisor were very red-faced.
I was then asked by the director if I could make any changes to make this transition easier. I cheerfully explained that once I had the new data entry reporting implemented I had then created a program that would scrape the data from the report they were printing – but instead printed to a file. By simply printing to a file they could avoid the need to manually enter the data and would forever banish the data entry errors.
The director and supervisors were ecstatic – they could potentially earn bonuses for cutting labor costs. They enthusiastically tasked my manager with implementing the data import. They then instructed that the data entry contractors could be released after a few weeks of implementation.
It could have ended there but I was not done. I also pointed out that I could automate the information from the completed process getting imported back into the mainframe, automate the cross-checking with reporting, and eliminate the data entry tasks.
It was a priceless moment. The sheer joy on the face of the director contrasted by the terror of the opposing department managers realizing that in one meeting their department had disappeared.
I gained another contract to automate the other department. The data entry supervisor was then tasked with managing the reporting from the new process and her manager was then shifted to another department into his previous role. The department I worked for flourished and went on to win a company award.
My direct manager won a great promotion within a year. I could have just eliminated the data entry contractors but felt the need to remove a middleman department.”
3. Won't Let Me Empty My Bladder? K, I'll Walk Out
“So this happened when I was in grade ten age 15/16 (2006) so a while ago now.
I went to a very expensive private school in Australia which was basically a cookie-cutter for accountants, lawyers and surgeons. I wasn’t that type of student, I was an artistic outcast of sorts.
At that stage, I only had a small handful of friends. We had six 55 minute periods; 2 in the morning, recess, 2 in the middle of the day, lunch, and then 2 more before home time.
This particular day was a warm day, and in Australia, warm means 32*C and it was 5th period, we had Religion class. I am the opposite of religous so I didn’t particularly like this class, nor the teacher that much, but I knew it was important to try my best. In the 4th period, I got dry and thirsty, so I made it my priority to drink a stomach full as soon as it became lunchtime (this is important)
Fast forward to 5th period and religion class with Entitled Teacher (ET). I was working with a partner very close to the front of the class and my teacher”s desk. I was fairly involved in my work and wasn’t concentrating on much else other than trying to finish the prescribed work. I notice as time goes on that a big drink was working its way to my bladder, I tried to put it off and just concentrate on my work.
I didn’t notice the commotion developing towards the back of the class (not many students took religion seriously, neither did I but I wanted to try). My teacher was getting annoyed with the trouble makers and I knew she was known to double down on the class as a whole for bad kids so I raised my hand before things got too bad and asked, “Ms. May I please go to the toilet?” She replied, “you had all lunch to go so no, you can wait till the end of class.” I didn’t want to push it so I just let it go, and thought that if I got to busting id ask again.
The class often got noisy and she would condemn us all and tell us t stop talking, mind you, I was only talking quietly with my partner. I started really busting to go, I was jittery in my seat, and developing sweat on my forehead. I whispered to my partner “man I am busting” and he said, “ask again?” So I did. Big mistake. She glared at me and said “NO”.
So at this point, I couldn’t concentrate on my work, that full belly of water was now in my bladder.
I decided to ask one more time “Ms. I can’t even concentrate anymore, ill be 2 minutes max” (we were right above the toilets and had the stainless next to the classroom. “I DON’T CARE” she said. Hmm, I’m pretty pissed off, because I’m not sure what type of lesson this is trying to teach me for my professional life post-schooling.
Enter trouble maker kid: He starts acting up and starts a mini scuffle with another student.
ET screams at him. “If you don’t want to be in this class you can leave!” he looked blankly at her and said nothing. The class went silent. I saw my chance…
I stood up in class and yelled at her “oh you won’t leave? Fine I WILL!” And I turned to walk out. ET reels around and said, “if you are going to leave you can march yourself over to the year level Co-rdinators office and tell him what’s you’ve done!”
Ohhh wrong thing to say Ms ET…
I was halfway out the door at this point with my back turned to her. I turned on my heel with a massive smile on my face and said to her “yes id be happy to, I’ll tell him all about you.” I walked out and the silence was broken by a roar of testosterone-filled teenage boys like that you would hear at a boxing match.
That piss was in my top 3 enjoyable of my entire life even to this date.
I stood there at the urinal knowing I had a cool 30 minutes to burn.
I then went to the Co-ordinators office beaming but shaking with nerves, and proceeded to tell him the story. I’m so glad the school is very careful to put level headed people in these positions. Shortly after I finished explaining I got the mandatory “you shouldn’t have done that” speech and was told to go to my next class.
The next day my homeroom teacher told me I wouldn’t be going to that class but instead would have to go to some other English enrichment class or something like that.
Also, my friends had told me what happened in the class after I left. There was a huge uproar even from the kids who didn’t like me about my treatment, and everyone hates her guts now.
It was 2 days at least and I’m at my locker, which is very close to the Co-ordinator’s office and I see her sitting out the front in a student’s chair! Oh my, that’s a step down for a teacher at my school.
She was absolutely balling her eyes out. I didn’t see her at school for a whole year, and only saw her teach one class the year after. A lot of people told me she lost her job after that.
Sometimes Karma needs a little push.”
2. Just Like I Made It Work, I Will Make It Unwork
“This is my high school best friend who I spent countless hours playing Tetris with, told me any time I had a problem, to “Use basic Tetris skills.” In truth, this guy could not only organize, but he could also optimize. When is this ever a bad skill set?
He went to college. I joined the Navy, and 3 years later, neither worked out for both of us. We moved in with each other and got as many jobs as we could work. I had 2, he had 3 and we helped each other get these jobs. I finally landed full-time work at the local college but kept a weekend job. When another full-time job opened up, I was in a position to vouch for him and he got it.
A warehouse delivery driver. His only job was to pull orders from the stock and deliver them to the building or room that needed them. He started doing things like taking inventory and reorganizing the warehouse. Simple things like alphabetizing the books, putting the toner cartridges in numerical order, and other “common sense” optimizations.
I didn’t work in that department, but I did deal with it quite a bit. When he was hired there were 3 drivers.
After 6 months he was the only one left. They didn’t replace the other guys who quit because they were also students and they moved on.
He had no problem handling the whole campus. His supervisor loved him, by the way.
Then came some cutbacks. I was all that was left in my department and his hours got cut in half. No problem for him he just worked more at his night job by going in earlier.
Then people weren’t getting their deliveries. They asked him to work longer hours, but not full time and not on a schedule. They really only wanted him to work longer on days that people complained. He declined as, “basic organization needs a schedule.”
About 3 months into this bad situation, he had resolved it to get each department a weekly instead of on-call delivery and everyone was happy. Also, his supervisor was retiring. My buddy applied of course.
He felt the interview went well but when the time came, they hired an outside applicant. His supervisor in his last 2 weeks was supposed to train the new guy. His training was probably really good on ordering and supplies but nothing on the rest of the operation.
My buddy turned into an instant idiot. “Where do you want me to stock these?” And basic stuff like he was a new hire too. Any time the new boss said, “You should know,” my buddy just kept saying the old supervisor ran a tight ship and never allowed outside the box thinking.
Fast forward a month and the new supervisor found out there used to be 3 full-time drivers. So he seeks permission to hire a new one. Mind you no departments were complaining about deliveries. He gets approved for one and hires a full-time guy. But, left my buddy on part-time.
My buddy goes around and tells all departments they will have daily on-call deliveries again. They’re happy. Then he shows the new hire the route, the stock sequence, and goes with him during his half days for two weeks.
Then my buddy quits. He actually had another job lined up, but he’d been planning this a while.
I was still there and man did the **** hut the fan. My department came to a halt as we didn’t get a warehouse delivery for six weeks. My buddy used to report low stock on items to the old supervisor but stopped when the new guy came. He told me paper products were practically clockwork. White was delivered everywhere but the color papers were different from each place and in different quantities.
He figured out the ratios and stored them by department use rather than, all copy paper here, all goldenrod here, etc. He said he did that with all kinds of supplies that were common across departments. Also the manager didn’t even order color paper as the boxes of copy paper faced out and didn’t order copy because it looked like they had so much.
By the time my department got a delivery, they were back up to 3 drivers.
At one point the head pencil pusher asked if I could get my buddy to come back once he found out I recommended him. I said he got a full-time job, he didn’t quit because he hated it here.”
1. Fire Me For Doing What's Right? Enjoy Your Fines!
“I was released from my job on Friday, not because I violated company policy, not because I was bad at my job, nor did I have a history of being tardy, substance abuse or anything of the sort.
The company I work for has been committing C***D related violations to our local mandates for months now since I’ve been employed. I attempted to correct that but was screamed at and sent home without pay.
Since then I have been documenting each individual instance, to include a timestamp, of the violations.
The manager was the type of person who needed to be right no matter what, and when he was proven wrong, he would deny me work or put me on tasks that were seriously below not only my pay level but skill level as well, as a means to spite me for his ego.
They hired a new person two weeks ago and I immediately confronted them, asking if they meant to fire me and have me train the new person. They lied and of course said, “Noooo, we wouldn’t do that. We’ve never fired anyone before!” which I didn’t buy at all.
Well, I was fired for standing up for myself one too many times on Friday and turned in all of my evidence of C***D violations just hours before that.
So today I come into work to gather my tools. And while waiting for a tool truck vendor to arrive, to conduct my own private business with them (I had to return some financed tools I am no longer able to make the payments on) was approached and questioned while sitting in my own vehicle by a local municipal police officer. She informed me the business had called the police on me because they “weren’t sure what I was doing” (I was listening to the SCOTUS confirmation on NPR).
I invoked my 5th amendment right, mentioned she had no business conducting this interview on private property (the business is in the parking lot of another business I had already patronized that day, a grocery store, for breakfast) and that I would not be answering any further questions.
The tool vendor arrived and I conducted my business, then I sent a text to my former employer confirming the report I had made with the health department.
The fine currently sits at around $10,000 if I am not mistaken, and that’s per infraction. There is 24/7 CCTV on the building.”