People Share The Most Hardcore Revenge They’ve Ever Gotten On Somebody

Camille Ralston

In some people’s books, getting revenge on someone cruel is a big no-no. People will tell you to just let Karma take the wheel. Others will tell you that you’re just as bad of a person as your enemy if you wish harm on them. Some will even say that the guilt that your nemesis will have to live with forever for hurting you is revenge enough.

The point is, we all seem to have our own opinions about taking revenge. We all don’t like to receive it, but being the one in control of carrying out? Some of us hate the idea of it, others feel warm and tingly thinking about it, and others prefer to sit back and read about others’ intriguing stories of revenge.

I personally fall into the latter category, and I assume you do too. Destroying a business completely because you were wrongfully terminated from the company, using a hot iron and boiling water to punish someone’s criminalistic behavior, leaving an ex to pay all the bills after she cheated on you… These are some of the best revenge stories yet!

16. See Ya Wouldn’t Wanna Be Ya? Right Back At Ya, Buddy!


“It was the early 1990’s and I worked for a telemarketing company with the initials “SMC” in Logan, UT.

I was employed for two full days when I came to the conclusion that we were just scamming old people out of their money using grossly unethical methods.

I quit after my second day of work and when I received my paycheck I noticed that I was paid minimum wage instead of the $10.00 per hour I was promised when they hired me so I went back to complain. The office manager told me, “You didn’t finish the 90-day probationary period so you only get minimum wage.”


They never said anything about a probationary period in training and I know it wasn’t in the contract I signed upon hire. (Yeah, I actually read it before signing it.) As the office manager opened the door to have me leave he said, “See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.”

I was fuming. I called the city offices and discovered that SMC didn’t have a business license and reported them. Less than an hour later I watched as the police showed up and told them they would have to shut down operations until they had a business license.

(It took ’em two weeks.)

When they were back in business I used an elaborate scheme to get myself on their call list and recorded several of their employee’s efforts to sell me their crap (it was Utah and legal to record the calls).
I knew what they were doing wasn’t just unethical, it was illegal.

Not only did I report it to a local news station who had their consumer reporter (Debbie Dujanovic) do a two-part story on the scummy company but I also reported them to the FBI.

The owner of the company was one of the 200+ people that was arrested by the FBI in a nationwide sting of dishonest telemarketing companies. The FBI called it, “Operation Disconnect.”

“See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.” Ha!” NewNameNoah

15. You Wanna Smoke Indoors? Get Ready to FREEZE


“In college, my two friends and I decided to find a place together off-campus. We found a beautiful three-bedroom house with surprisingly affordable rent.

The basement of the house was listed as a separate apartment, but as it had a separate entrance and the indoor stairwell had been blocked off, we weren’t worried.

And the thermostat was upstairs.

Then the demon neighbor moved in. From upstairs, we could hear everything. This adult woman would call her mother and scream at her to pay for her cellphone bills and give her “grocery” money (aka Taco Bell and cheap tequila), she would scream at whatever guy she was sleeping with to bring her meth, and one day, she brought home three puppies to scream at, too.
We were terrified of this woman, and the noise was ****.

Also, we’d been idiotic enough to sign a lease stating we were responsible for all utilities, period, meaning we were now financing her gas, water, and electricity. But with only two months left on the lease, we thought we could just ride it out.

But then she started smoking. Constantly. According to the landlord, she’d “quit for good” when she’d signed the lease, but “for good” only lasted two days. Since it was winter, the heat was running nearly 24/7, and the smoke was wafting up from the vents.

Our apartment and all our belongings began to reek with smoke.

We contacted the landlord because we’d signed for a ****** non-smoking apartment. He told us we lived in a state where you could technically call an apartment non-smoking even if it shared ventilation with a smoking apartment. (**** you, leasing laws).

At this point, my two roommates were heading out for a two-week vacation (they were online students, while I was residential), leaving me alone in the apartment with the demon smoker in the basement.

I couldn’t sleep or eat, because my idiotic stomach decided to react to all the secondhand smoke by aching and cramping constantly.
After three days, I was a little insane. I made a plan.

I checked the forecast: lows in the 20s all week. I borrowed a friend’s ultra-insulated sleeping bag. I bought one of those ski masks with the holes for your eyes and mouth. I got out my stocking cap, my silk long underwear, my woolen socks, and my down parka.

I bought tea, hot cocoa, and ramen, and prepared to live off a diet of hot liquids.

And I turned off the ******* heat.

Day 1: She’s screaming at her mother for forcing her to move into this frozen sh*t-hole of an apartment.

Day 2: She’s screaming at her partner (meth-dealer?) because he won’t let her move in with him.

Day 3: She’s screaming at the landlord about how she’s ******* freezing.

Day 4: The landlord is at my door.

I greet him in full ski mask/parka/stocking cap array, looking like I’m heading out to rob Santa Claus at the North Pole. He asks me if I don’t find it a little chilly in the house. I reply I’d found all the cigarette smoke a little warm.

Day 5: She’s screaming about “THE B************************ UPSTAIRS” to anyone who will listen, and I’m sitting upstairs clutching my car keys and my pepper spray with 911 typed into my phone.

She finally decides she’s ****** leaving and moving in with Greg, “even though he just got out for stabbing Travis, and he lives in that ****** creepy house in the woods with all those ******* biting dogs.”

Day 6: She’s GONE. I silently bless Greg.

Moral of the story: There’s a ****** reason the rent seems too good to be true.

Ps. For those wondering, I did have a friend who worked plumbing stop by to give me some advice about how low I could go before I burst the water pipes to **** and back.” YouMightKnowMeMate

14. Won’t Pick Up After Your Dog? OK, I’ll Fling It On You Roof


“This is a story about my uncle’s vengeance.

My uncle is chill and friendly, but he once had the misfortune of living next to an awful neighbor. The guy actually didn’t have a ton of bad habits, but he did exactly what he wanted to do and he didn’t care who was affected. And one of the things he wanted to do was take his big dog on a daily morning walk and let the dog do his doggy business on my uncle’s lawn.

The first time my uncle caught him, he calmly confronted him and politely requested that the neighbor stop using his lawn as a dog toilet.
The neighbor calmly told my uncle to get ***ed: He didn’t care what my uncle thought, there was nothing my uncle could do about it, and nothing would change.

This being 1970s southern California, my uncle couldn’t record the neighbor and shame him online or report him to the police for some litter violation, and although he is a cool uncle, he was in no way physically intimidating enough to get this guy to back down.

Every day for a week he went outside to confront the ***y neighbor and his ***ing dog, and every day he got the exact same answer: *** off, I don’t care, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

On the eighth morning, my uncle stayed inside, watching as the neighbor yet again allowed his dog to leave a fudgy dump on his lawn. Then, after the neighbor and his dog had continued on their walk, my uncle grabbed a shovel and went outside.

He scooped up the dog *** and, with masterful accuracy, flung it onto the roof of the neighbor’s house. As mentioned before, this being 1970s California, the neighbor’s roof (like all of the houses in that area) had a very shallow slope, and once he saw that the poop didn’t roll off, my uncle headed back inside.
He repeated the exact same procedure every morning… for the next eight months.

Not once did the neighbor notice the steadily growing pile of dog *** on his roof, baking and dehydrating in the California sun.

Not once did he smell anything off, nor did he find it suspicious that my uncle still greeted him in a friendly manner after having his lawn used as a dog loo every single morning.

Finally, after eight months, the hot and sunny weather gave way to a massive rainstorm. Within minutes, the entire crusty layer of dog poop shingles rehydrated and broke free, a reeking mudslide from **** that sloshed down onto the neighbor’s property, splattering his lawn, his house, and his car with literal pounds of dog ***.

Over the next few days, the neighbor’s grass succumbed to the poison and died, the paint began to flake off his car, and the neighbor himself had to finally clean up after his dog once the sunny weather returned and the remnants of the dog poop began to dry up while still stubbornly stuck to every stinking corner of his house. Tragically, my uncle didn’t take any pictures of the poo-house (I would have loved to have seen that).

From the day after the rainstorm to the day my uncle moved out of that house, he never spoke to that neighbor again… but the dog poop stopped appearing on his lawn for good.” Source

13. Careful What You Say – Words Can Come Back To Haunt You!


“Two years ago, I met a guy, Hans, during a holiday in Europe. He’s the prototype of the ‘Arian’ german, blonde hair, blue eyes, taller than me (I barely touch the 2 meters) and so on, but has struggled with being overweight for most of his life (imagine notorious BIG big) and had little success with girls because of it.

He’s a fun guy, spirited, graduated as a chemist with the highest honors, etc. Ever since our meeting, we’ve been guy friends, shared stories, played games and kept contact, even though we were in completely different countries at the time.

One of the stories he told me during our conversations is that he tried finding a partner on the web. He met this one German girl, Helga, online, who, despite his physical appearance, seemed nice and genuine.

She was blonde, perky, pretty and interested. He met up with her a couple of times, took her to dinner like a gent, the whole shebang.
All seemed well until one day he wanted to kiss her and she ‘recoiled’. By his account, she was suddenly cold and mean to him, despite being friendly before. When he asked if she liked him, the verbatim online reply was ‘Ugh, you’re so ugly, how could I?’.

This crushed him and that was the end of that. We’d still hang out, but the experience put a big damper on him. That sentence came up in chats a lot.

About three months ago, he moved back to Germany, having finished his chemist degree. Couple of other friends and I all came together to his town and went to a local bar. The first night we couldn’t even spot him in the bar until he approached us.

While not model-fit, the guy lost a ton of weight and was sporting some serious musculature. He said he’d been working out during his time abroad because he was tired of being ridiculed. Cue increased confidence, more girl attention, etc. Cheering, lots of beer and bad card games were had.

A couple of nights later we go to the same bar, for some of us it’s the last night in this quaint town, so we drink some more and (unsuccessfully) hit on many girls at the bar.

Hans’ doing fine though, getting eyed up and even chatted up sometimes. At some point, he comes back to the table with shock on his face.

“It’s her!”

After explaining to a few of us what he was talking about, we get the picture: there’s a group of girls at the bar, and one of them is Helga. They’ve been checking Hans out tonight, and Helga doesn’t seem to recognize him and was apparently even eyeing him up.

We wouldn’t be friends if we didn’t start to poke him to pay her back for what she did to him(we were in a mean mood, and from what we heard, she was basically Satan). A good number of beers later we do a little recon and hush out the details. About five girls, all good looking, have a direct view of our table and are obviously staring at the german giant sitting at it(not that the rest of us were ugly, it’s hard to compete with a mix of Dolph Lundgren and a Viking).

Hans is now more pliable to our peer pressure, so we just push him to say exactly what he thinks to her.

He liked the look of one of the other girls in the group, let’s call her Anna, the most, so that’s who he goes to chat up, two pulls of beer in hand and slightly tipsy.
He’s standing in the middle of the girl group, making jokes, being his usual self and before long, has them in stitches.

We’re watching this happening from our table, just close enough to be able to overhear the gist of the conversation in what is now a late evening bar.

Helga is obviously interested and is all over him, still having no idea who he is. Anna didn’t stand much of a chance either, so he’s the life of the party. Still seems uncomfortable every time he looks at Helga.

When it’s time to go, it’s clear Anna and Helga are both pining for him and fighting for his attention.

We’re standing nearby, chatting with the rest of the hen club, but obviously paying attention to the transpiring events. Anna clearly holds Hans’ favor and Helga, after being ignored for too long, pouts and goes:

‘Hans, don’t you like me?’

The bar’s quieter since it’s almost closing time, so we all hear this. Hans stops talking to Anna, turns around to look at Helga and, slightly swaying, angrily responds:

‘No, and you don’t like me!’

Both Helga and Anna are looking at him like ‘***’, until he catches his breath, calms down, and says the following in the most sneering sarcastic tone I have ever heard from the guy:

‘I’m so ugly, how could you?’ and breaks down.

Anna, still not sure what’s going on, grabs him by the arm and they walk out of the bar, followed by the rest of the girls and us.

Helga is left standing there, eyes the size of teacups. I’m not sure if she remembered it at the time or was simply shocked by just being yelled at by a guy twice her size. Outside, Hans is crying manly tears, Anna is sitting on him trying to comfort him and the rest of the girls are all around him, presumably providing moral support.

He tells them why he said what he did(a short version) and all we hear is ‘oh you poor thing’ in german. We’re containing the ‘oh ***’ reaction, trying not to either laugh or cheer for Hans.

Finally, Helga recuperated from her shock, comes out of the bar, and is now faced with some absolutely disgusting stares from her own girl friends, and a maniacally grinning group of guys(us). You can see the seething hate in how she could have turned down this hunk and hurt him so much.

She tries to go to Hans to presumably apologize, but can’t even get close to him as the girls protect him like he’s their cub.
She leaves, presumably crying or mad.

Hans finally composes himself and says he wants to go home, but Anna is having none of it and basically drags him over to her place, supported by the other girls. We say our goodbyes and part ways, as do the girls, leaving Hans and Anna to themselves.

I don’t know what happened that night. I won’t speculate. What I do know is that he still lives there, is working as a chemist for a large company, is happily going out with Anna and that Helga has been permanently removed from that girl club since that night. From what Hans told us, Anna chewed out Helga so badly that she had no friends left on the campus(the girls mentioned are all students there).

Yesterday I received a call from Hans telling me he’s planning to move in with Anna. According to him, he knows Anna is the girl because Helga somehow found his number and sent him a text to apologize for what she did. He showed Anna and she replied: ‘You’re so ugly, how could he?’

They never got an answer.” DMZ_Dragon

12. My Goal Was Just To Get Him Fired, But I Got Him Blacklisted Too


“In my teens, I had to have numerous operations.

Therefore, I always ended up at one particular hospital that specialized in my condition. Now, the hospital was high quality, with staff that was very caring, and looked out for the patients they had. They gave you essentially the 5-star treatment. After all, they were charging our insurance an INCREDIBLE amount of money, so that probably had something to do with it.

But one particular operation I had…… all went to heck…….

It wasn’t like this type of procedure wasn’t something I had not done in the past, it was about the third time I needed to have it done.

No pressure whatsoever. Essentially it entailed breaking both your legs, placing rods into them to put them back into the “proper place” so they would end up growing correctly. They would be in for a few months to heal, and then they were taken out. During that time, I would have to turn small little handles to “reposition” my bones according to a preprinted out schedule given to me by my doctor.

It hurt like ****, but it was worth it in the end.

Despite how often I had done it, it was still extremely painful, especially for the first few weeks after the procedure was done.
ANY vibrations would send shockwaves of pain throughout your entire body regardless on how doped up you were on pain killers. So the doctors took extra care to ensure that ANY trip back home was as smooth as possible.

Literally. They all understood that without a jet back to your home city (for anyone more than 40 minutes away from the hospital), it was MEDICALLY REQUIRED that you travel back home in a med jet. Imagine every single bump you experience when driving for any period of time, now imagine being sent into shockwaves of 10/10 pain every single time you went over that bump….you get the idea.

Now, MOST hospitals offer individuals a liaison to individuals within the hospital to deal with their insurance.

Just have that individual talk to the doctor, and right away they would work out what the doctor wanted with the company, no hassle. We didn’t take UP that offer because we understood how everything worked, and it was never an issue. But, the hospital always offered us one anyway. And yes, these Liaisons were not employees of the insurance company, but of the HOSPITAL. They were designed to look after the best interests of the PATIENTS, and justify it to the insurance company.

Then……our “designated liaison” decided that our request to not have one was unacceptable, and thus he would intentionally intervene at every chance he could. He even went as far as to deny our nurse requests for extra pillows, because, “the hospital only allows X number of pillows her person”, despite the nurse literally stating it was fine. But nope, since he was at a “higher level” he apparently had the final say.

When it was nearing our time to leave the hospital, like always, the doctor wanted to bill the insurance for the medical jet, because it was medically required. Same old same old. However……our jacka*s Liaison disagreed with the doctor’s assessment that it was “medically required”, justifying his opinion based upon our insurance company’s “definition” of medically required. Naturally, the doctor flipped his lid, and verbally curb-stomped the idiot.

Liaison: “Listen, simply avoiding pain isn’t something that the insurance will cover.

It’s not medically required to avoid pain”.

Dr: “Are you kidding me? You realize this patient would have to drive 12 hours in a cramped ambulance, with two broken legs, in excruciating pain if they didn’t fly? It’s absolutely unheard of. You literally would have to have two EMTs escort them back home just in case anything happened.
The cost is only marginally smaller than the dam jet. . Plus, there is a small chance the rods could become disrupted if anything happens in the car, that’s the justification”.

Liaison: “The odds of any crash happening are not high enough for the company to justify it. This would hurt the company if they keep doing this.

Dr: “Listen, I don’t know why on gods green earth you are even arguing with me. This isn’t ****** up to you. You are not a doctor, you have no medical training. You were given a godd*mn list of the insurance company’s policies, and now you think you can properly diagnose what is or is not medically required? I’ve done this for thousands of patients with this very company.

Now get your a** back to your office, bill the ****** insurance company properly, and shut the **** up. You work for us, not for them.”(I was in earshot of this entire conversion)

A week later……on the day of departure….we learned what happened when he went back to his office…….

He had called the insurance company, and began going through the proper channels to get the jet approved….However…..he began dropping small hints to the rep that in his opinion…..driving would also be fine….So naturally, on the day before our departure….we got a call from the insurance company DENYING the request.

I was FURIOUS. There wasn’t TIME to appeal the decision. There wasn’t ANYTHING ANY OF US could do. Even my DOCTOR was stuck, because the Liaison worked for a different department, and he couldn’t even fire the guy. He apologized time and time again, and ensured the 12 HOUR AMBULANCE RIDE would be as comfortable as possible, and even told the driver to keep me as medicated as possible to ensure it went well.

Naturally….it did NOTHING, and it was the most hellish 12-hour EXPERIENCE of my life. I was screaming, THE.ENTIRE.12.HOURS. The ambulance wasn’t even outfitted with a bed, it only had some type of “hammock” type thing. Two EMTs had to endure nonstop screaming from someone who didn’t even belong in the ambulance in the first place. EVERYONE was furious. EVERYONE blamed that one man. EVERYONE wanted him fired, but they had no medical reason to fire him because according to the union’s policies, he technically did what he was supposed to do.

The only way for him to be let go was for him to have caused the patient some type of harm that the doctor warned about.

So days after my trip, my doctor insisted that I see a medical professional in my home town.
You know, ensure nothing happened on the trip. This was like the 3rd time I had this done, so it was a pretty common request I was familiar with.

As I was still fuming….this is when I hatched my plan….

I knew….I was the only one with control over the rods’ proper position. I knew…..having the rods not properly “dialed in” for a few days wouldn’t do any long term harm….and would only result in a lot of pain to dial it back in afterward….I knew…my doctor would be furious if anything happened out of the ordinary (his reputation is on the line and such)….. and I knew… no medical professional had checked my rods to confirm their current setting after the trip …..


I popped three pain pills, waited for them to kick in….and unscrewed every single rod to the lowest setting possible.

(Just for reference, after the procedure, they end up setting the “starting point” for these rods somewhere in the mid-range of their settings)

Worst pain of my ****** life…

I was wheeled into my local doctor with the “adjustment” notebook in hand. I kept playing dumb, saying I believed everything was going fine! But my legs just felt AWFUL!!!! And If it was possible he could make sure everything was going okay.
He began his inspection….and his face went white when he realized where the screws were set.

He asked me what setting they had been on when I left the hospital, and I told him. Again…he did not look happy……

He told me that something must have happened on the trip….and he would need to properly adjust them back into place…and it would hurt like ****….but it needed to be done……..

The screaming at that appointment was…. let’s just say……..disruptive……I didn’t even have to fake it, it was genuinely one of the most painful things I have ever experience in my life.

My doctor was FURIOUS, as he was up to date on the entire “liaison” situation. He excused himself after the “readjustment” of the rods to a back room. I assume he thought it was out of earshot. He was wrong.

He phoned my doctor out of state, and he had a few choice words for him.

“How could you ****** let this happen, do you know how dangerous this could have been? If he hadn’t got an appointment with me this fast, his ****** bones would have permanently grown in the wrong place, and he would need ANOTHER surgery to fix this ****** mess.

I don’t know what kind of ****** operation you have over there, but there is 0 chance I will EVER refer ANYONE in my clinic to you.
Do you hear me? How hard is it to control your ****** insurance handlers?

*Fast forward to my operation to remove my rods, back in that specialist hospital out of state*

The liaison was not just terminated. Oh no. The liaison got accused of INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO ENDANGER THE LIFE OF A PATIENT + LYING TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY + LYING ABOUT A DOCTORS MEDICAL ASSESSMENT FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT (no idea where this last accusation came from.

Maybe it was lodged as additional justification to fire him?)

I Don’t quite know ALL the consequences of his actions. I only could muster up a few details from my doctor.

From what my doctor described, the hospital put out a notice to every hospital in the STATE, to not hire this man. THOSE HOSPITALS, apparently ALSO sent out a notice to all The hospitals in THEIR surrounding areas to not hire this man.

This ended up resulting in a domino effect that barred him from working in almost EVERY HOSPITAL IN THE COUNTRY.

I wanted him fired…..I didn’t plan on getting him blacklisted

Nevertheless, I was ****** giddy. Especially after my doctor informed me that there was no lasting damage to the “mistake” he caused.

Fast forward about 4 years, and I hear through the ********* that he ended up having to change professions because of the accusations.

Ended up doing some waste management job or something (No idea if its literal garbage man status, or working in a waste management company in a desk job).

Note: There are certain parts of my medical condition I had to leave out to stay anonymous. But its extremely rare and extremely difficult to treat. Most of my doctors need to walk on eggshells to ensure I get properly treated. One of the main reasons my doctors are so passionate/ concerned about my treatments.” illtellyouwhatbobby

11. This Bully Messed With The Wrong Teacher And Kid


I was bullied a lot in junior high.

There was this one time in eighth grade where I was in Science class, and we were doing an assignment where we were supposed to take plastic bowls and fill them with water. Afterward, we had to take a piece of tin foil and fold them into boats so small that they were 1.5 to 2 times the size of a golf ball. We put these boats in the water of our own bowls, and we were assigned to keep putting pennies (a penny, or cent, is a U.S.

coin that is worth 1% of a U.S. 1 dollar bill, for those who are from another country and aren’t familiar with U.S.
currency) in the boats until the boats could not hold any more pennies. Each student did this with their own boats. We were doing this assignment at the back of the classroom near the sinks.

Anyway, as I was doing this, I, of course, was scared that someone was going to interfere with me in this assignment because I got bullied in almost everything I did in Junior High.

I just knew because of how common it was for me to be bullied that someone was going to mess with me while I was doing my part of the assignment.

Surely enough, a girl came up and started using her pencil and pushed on my boat to make it sink; I told her to stop. But every time I took the boat out, and I dumped the water out and placed it back on the water, she would not stop doing that to my boat; she kept pushing it down with her pencil constantly.

I eventually couldn’t take it anymore, and so I snatched her pencil from her and chucked it into someone else’s sink, but she still wouldn’t stop and started using her finger. Whenever I grabbed her hand and pushed it away, she would start hitting and kicking me (didn’t hurt but was really annoying).
I couldn’t concentrate on the assignment, which was my biggest worry and I was afraid of getting a bad grade all because of the distraction from this girl.

I looked behind me though, and saw our science teacher, Mr. LeStarge, looking over every student while standing on a desk’s chair (chairs were connected to desks) and I asked him, “Do you see what is going on here?” and Mr. LeStarge said, “Yeah, I do. The class is almost over. I will take care of it once the class gets out. I’ll take her to the office. Don’t worry about your grade, Austin.

This won’t be counted against you.” The girl then said, “You are a tattle-tell now Austin?!” I, however, didn’t respond.

Mr. LeStarge and I noticed that the whole time this was going on, two boys named Gene and Marley were laughing. Marley was one of my biggest bullies I despised at the time, as he had been a bully to me since sixth grade, making the whole of two years of having bullied me at this time.

It was obvious that this girl was just trying to impress him, as she knew that he was such a nasty bully to me.
He and Gene were laughing the whole time, until after Mr. LeStarge told me that he was aware and that he’d take care of it.

Anyway, this girl would not leave me alone, even though I stopped doing the boat assignment, which I stopped doing because she’d just keep sinking my boat.

Instead, she kept punching me, and even kicked me, even stamped my foot with her foot hard trying to hurt me. It didn’t hurt and it no longer bothered me, and I just ignored from here on out, knowing that Mr. LeStarge was going to take care of it. What she was doing though really started to infuriate Mr. LeStarge that he started screaming at her to stop, as what she was doing could be taken as assault, since she was punching and kicking.

She was just trying to make me angry – that’s all she cared about, in trying to impress Marley. Marley and Gene were not laughing as much as they were in the beginning because they could see that I was not reacting anymore. Because she could see that I was no longer getting irritated, she said, “How can I make you mad?” and after she asked me that I thought to myself saying, “Wow! Did she really just ask me that? That is very pathetic!” She asked me that because she was starting to get humiliated by failing to upset me, and I think not only was LeStarge telling her to stop, but I think some students were too (I think, not sure because this was in March of 2009 when this happened, so I can’t remember exactly, even though I do remember LeStarge backing me up).

The whole time of ignoring her, I had my eyes closed and focused on blocking her out while she kept doing that to me. She wouldn’t stop, but I guess I had to sacrifice my opportunity to take part in the assignment to show what I was going through.

When class was over, I heard Mr. LeStarge saying to her, “I’m taking you to the principal’s office for what you were doing that whole time.” She then said “I didn’t do anything” which then I thought, “Is she really going to try that one on him? She is dumb if she thinks he’s that stupid!” LeStarge then exclaimed, “Oh, *******! I saw what you were doing! You were trying to impress Marley by picking on Austin! I’m not stupid! You are in big trouble for this!” Then she replied, “Oh yeah m***********? What are you going to do?! You can’t do *** to me! I’ll take you on, f*****!” LeStarge got pretty angry with how serious of a nerve she had to address him like that, and treat me the way she treated me.

I also felt boiling rage where I wanted to go all out on her into knocking her into the next week for saying that, but I knew that I would just get in trouble also if I did that.
This was the last class of the day. Even though I got revenge on her, and somewhat on Marley, I was still extremely angry for how she approached and addressed LeStarge as I was walking home from school that day.

I respect Mr. LeStarge big time because he taught my brother and my two sisters before me, and he never would let anyone pick on me. He was also very well aware of when someone was being picked on, and he’d put a stop to it to back up that student being bullied. He wasn’t just a great science teacher but protected as many students he could.

Because of what happened, and also because this girl had caused trouble before with the school and with other students in times before that, she was expelled.

Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was arrested also, which would have been the second time being arrested at that school if she was.” Source

10. Tell Everyone I’m The Highest Paid Employee? Pay Me While I Go On Medical Leave


“My story starts off as mundane as anybody’s: Five years into working for an enormous corporation, my group was “reorg’ ed”. This particular reorg was, like most efforts, a half-baked idea ginned up by a suit in a corner office, questionably planned, poorly executed and terribly communicated.

Nonetheless, I was sent from my old group to a brand new (to me) group managed by Jim. Jim seemed an okay fellow, with a dry sense of humor and a British accent that lulled me into thinking he was a decent guy.

Working for Jim was … okay. He was never available and when we did meet maybe once a month he’d bark off a list of things for me to do, then say he had a conflict and had to go to another call.

I was floundering a little but felt I had a handle on things.

During my first annual review via phone, Jim offered up vanilla platitudes about how things were going well, while I heard him distractedly typing away at IMs from people pinging him. He paused when he got to my salary and hedged a bit.

“Ahhh… so I got you a small increase, I couldn’t get you much. To be frank, I’m not going to question how anyone arrives at their salary level, but you make way more than the other people on my team.”

It was awkward, but not the first time I’ve had such a pointed salary discussion with a male manager.

It’s never been a talking point with any of the women who managed me, and I wondered if he would have made those comments to me if I were a man.
I’ve managed teams over the years and noticed the women on my teams seemed to make less than their male counterparts, so I get I’m an anomaly. But, I’m a high performer in a 25-year uninterrupted career, as I never chose to have children.

I’ve worked hard for my salary and I’m proud of it. I could get hired elsewhere at this salary in my market easily given my experience, qualifications, and certifications.

Shortly after our review, Jim moved on to work with my primary group of business partners, leaving me with no manager, just a 2-up manager I’d never met or spoken to.

And that’s when the *** hit the fan.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, my salary was brought up in a discussion with his new team, the fine ladies who were managers of the teams I worked within my business partner group.

As it’s been relayed to me, Jim didn’t blurt out the specific details of course, but when one of the women complained about something I’d done, Jim said he was surprised there were issues because I was the highest-paid person on his (now former) team. He poisoned the well quite nicely for me.

Going back through my emails I could pinpoint the date and time the remark was said because the tone of EVERY SINGLE ONE of those managers changed as if on a dime.

If I asked a question, I was berated because “You’re our most senior analyst! You should know that!” Documentation that had sufficed before was suddenly “all wrong.”

There were two particularly hostile culprits: Pat, who managed to report on the systems we were migrating and her underling PM, Wanda.

Pat came at me quick, fangs bared, with a demand that I put together a plan to get us to the next generation of reporting which wasn’t due to be released until 2021.

The 2021 plan Wanda, her PM had put together, looked like notes on a greasy cocktail napkin, so Pat decided that since I was the SME, I should do Wanda’s work for her instead.

Pat wanted a plan from today, in 2019 through to the date of release in May 2021. According to her, it had to include ALL the tasks needed for delivery right from the start, which is not how planning works.

I can’t predict the future, so my plans usually start out detailed in the near term, with increasingly wider swaths of more generalized tasks to be elaborated in detail as we get further along. This is an industry-standard approach, and was never a problem, right up until it was.
Pat started hounding me relentlessly to get this full plan done for her in 5 days, which would have been an impossible task under the best of circumstances.

Nonetheless, I put together a 2000-line long plan, working evenings and over the weekend, because my arms had been in pain for several months from typing at my home office and I had to take frequent breaks from the pain.

Note: I had been made a remote employee against my will, and when I was reorg’ed I started asking for a desk back at work. Jim always dismissed my request, saying there was “no space”, so I spent over $1500 on an ergonomic chair and desk for my home to make typing easier, but my arms still hurt anytime I sat at the keyboard for more than a half-hour.

I had to back-burner my more immediate, pressing work for upcoming releases in the next couple of months because Pat told me I had to prioritize her work over everything else. I had no manager to help redirect my priorities back to my other work and when I tried to say it would have to wait until I finished my more pressing work, Pat sighed and bitterly said in front of a half-dozen people including Wanda, “So you’re our most SENIOR SME and you’re telling me you can’t do the work?”

Pat then decided to up the ante by insisting I run every element of the plan I was creating FOR Wanda BY Wanda, a junior level PM who not only didn’t understand the systems we were using – I had to tell her how to create her own status reports – but wrote at a third-grade level.

Even the subject/verb agreement is out of Wanda’s grasp. But she had a chip on her shoulder and now she believed she could tell me what to do and how to do it. It was like a teacup poodle trying to guide a Rottweiler.

Wanda was immediately and clearly out of her element, and obviously so. As a result, every single time she was caught ****** up, she threw me right under the bus.

She’d preemptively throw me under the bus too. Wanda’s only talent was deflecting blame and painting herself as the victim.

I didn’t know what to do, I was having anxiety attacks. My heart would start racing to 145bpm on the couch at night when I started thinking about work. I was overwhelmed and my arms were killing me and then the unthinkable happened… My mom suddenly died.

When I told the team, they were not only completely unsympathetic.

They were p*ssed. I had to take a week of bereavement and this, too, p*ssed them off as I was leaving the day before the deadline Pat had given me to finish Wanda’s plan for the 2021 project. Instead of packing for the funeral or connecting with my family, I spent the 3 days before my leave working late nights trying to finish the plan.
We met at 5 PM the day before I was to go on leave, where Pat and Wanda ripped into my plan, and said they would work with another team member to fix all of my “mistakes” in the week I was gone.

Finally free of the evil twins, I went on leave. And while on leave, my arms stopped hurting. After 6 weeks of physical therapy for my arm problems, just not typing for awhile helped immensely.

I had two days left before I had to go back to the hellhole, and I was dreading it. When the heart palpitations started up again, I knew I couldn’t go back.

At first, I decided I would just quit the day I was supposed to return.

I didn’t want to even give them two weeks notice, I hated them so much. They had been so cruel about me taking bereavement leave. I wanted to *** them over, good and proper. No two weeks notice meant I’d leave them hanging for their near-term releases that I’d not been allowed to finish up my work for, as well as for the 2021 plan.

And if I burned a bridge or my reputation, so what? I’m nearing the age where people usually retire or have a major career change.

I don’t need to keep that bridge any longer. I have saved up enough, and ****** my health was more important to me than these toxic people OR my paycheck. The night I decided to quit I went to sleep relieved and not anxious, for the first time in six months. I felt the anxiety leaving me, knowing I wouldn’t have to work with those people ever again.

It felt like a solid plan.

Then the next morning I woke up with a plan even more brilliant. It checked ALL my boxes:

• I wouldn’t have to go back to work

• I wouldn’t have to give two weeks notice, so they’d still be ***ed

• I would still get paid

• AND I would be able to take care of my arms that had been in pain for so long! AND while I’m at it, manage the anxiety that had spiraled out of control because of my hostile coworkers

My new and improved plan was simple: Take medical leave.

I needed protected medical leave in the form of FMLA, which for those not in the US, provides up to 12 weeks of leave where my specific job role and salary must be protected and available to me upon my return.
And because it was medical leave, I was automatically enrolled in Short Term Disability, for which my company will pay 100% of my salary for 8 weeks and then 65% of my salary for the remaining weeks I’m out.

The best part of this plan is it **** over all the people I want to f*ck over AND IT’S ALL 100% LEGIT! I had been having problems keeping up at work because of all the doctor’s visits I had for my arms, physical therapy, regular therapy for my anxiety that had gotten out of control, and a psychiatrist. My health issues were eating into my workday, causing me to have to work early mornings, nights and weekends more than ever, and no doubt p*ssing off these people who thought I was making too much money to be deserving of any time off for doctor’s appointments.

My team got a new manager after 6 weeks, coincidentally just the day before I was to come back from bereavement. I was sneakily logged onto work every day to catch his name and I stealthily dialed into the conference call where he was introduced to the team. The 2-up manager that I’ve never spoken to even said at the outset: “I think we have everyone on the bridge.
Thisjobisgonnakillme won’t be here, she’s on bereavement.”

I called up the administrators of our FMLA and Short Term Disability plans to file my claim.

I got the forms and figured out which of my half-dozen doctors had to fill what out. My orthopedist signed me off for 12 weeks of absence straight away because she noted I’d been in pain since May so it would likely take a while to heal. After talking with her, my PT and my psychiatrist, I will likely do physical therapy for 6 weeks and then enroll in a program for anxiety and stress management for the remaining 6 weeks before returning.

All covered by my insurance and all FREE because I met my out of pocket maximum halfway through the year due to a hospital stay for a different medical issue.

The night before I was due back, I sat there grinning while looking at the next morning’s 8:00 AM calendar invite from Wanda. In her illiterate fashion, she had written, “It is IMPOTANT all crucial partners makes every effort to attend this call!!”

Like most of Wanda’s obnoxiously illiterate declarations, it was a dig at me because I’d said in my last call with her and Pat that I might not be able to log on until 9 AM on the day I returned from leave.

I opened a new window and typed out to my new manager, “Dear Phil, I hate that this is our first introduction to each other, but while I was attending my mother’s funeral an ongoing medical issue resurfaced and I need to take medical leave immediately.”

I went on to inform him I’d been hospitalized a couple of months back and there were other issues that were preventing me from returning to work, and he could get the details from my prior manager Jim.

Not that Jim paid a **** bit of attention to the emails I sent him detailing my doctor’s visits, etc. even as he had moved on from being my manager because I still had to let him know about all my absences until I got a new manager. As things got worse at work, I became more clear in my details about my pain with typing getting worse, hoping it might make Jim realize the situation was getting worse, but he never listened.

So here I sit on a beautiful fall Friday morning, getting paid 100% of my salary to write this. Jim wasn’t happy about my salary when I was working for him. I wonder how happy he is about my salary knowing I’m not having to work for it right now.
When I return, I won’t be on the two projects with upcoming releases. One will have already released. The other will release less than 4 weeks after I come back.

So they’re f*cked on that. I wonder if they’ve figured out the test documents for November haven’t been signed off yet. I was supposed to finalize them for signoff, but Pat forced me to prioritize Wanda’s 2021 project over the November work, so the test documents are still sitting locally on my work desktop, untouched.

I will also be returning with a requirement for “accommodations”, which I am now entitled to as I’ve learned I qualify for them under the ADA.

No more telling me I have to work from home or hunch over a table in the breakroom if I want to be in the office. I’m working with an occupational therapist to draft up what those accommodations will be, but a height-adjustable desk, two large monitors, and a “distraction-free workspace” are the top line requirements.

Meanwhile, my treatment plans include exercise, trail walks, both regular therapy, and physical therapy, and a weekly massage as well! I’ve added in long visits to the library to read all the books I’ve been wanting to catch up on, and nice lunches a couple times a week to the mix.

Several times throughout the day I’ll look at my watch while walking the trails with my dog, or just relaxing, and I smile broadly thinking about Pat and Wanda and Wanda’s “IMPOTANT” project plan for 2021. Wonder what poor sod they’ve roped in to help her finish it now.

I still may just quit right after I return, or they can just fire me, I’d be indifferent about that. But at least this way I’ll have milked 12 more weeks of payout of these ******, while benefiting from all the free medical and emotional assistance my insurance plan can buy.

They say living well is the best revenge, and I can’t think of a company or a group of people who deserve my pro revenge more.” thisjobisgonnakillme

9. Fire Us After We Collect Evidence Of Your Illegal Activity? We’ll Kill Your Business

Ai Nhan

“This happened to me back in 2012 when I had my first real “grown-up” job at University.

I was a clerical assistant for a firm in my city, the firm was a small one of nine employees that also had clerks who would intern from time to time.

I worked there part-time during my junior and senior year then full time after I graduated.
I made it about four months after before I was told to resign.

This was my first ever business formal job as we had lots of clients face to face. The clients were big. The fire department, police department, etc. I was brought on by work-study from my Uni and at first, really enjoyed working for the firm.

I had an amazing mentor who taught me all there is to know about this side of the business. He pretty much kept the firm running and put in so much effort that when he interviewed me I thought he was the owner of the firm and not just the staff member above me.

Anyways, as this was my first job, I wasn’t keen on office politics or good at recognizing my surroundings with peers.

After I started working full time I began to catch on and see what was going on behind the scenes. The partners of the firm were scumbags, they treated all of the staff like monkeys and showed no appreciation. They were both male and constantly harassed the female staff and interns. So often that the turn-over rate was so high that there were new interns every few weeks. There were cliques inside of the firm.

The attorneys banded together with the office manager and HR manager – the interns stuck together and I was with my mentor.

For the most part, we were able to stick together and get our work done and turn out good work products. But, it was hard to watch the harassment of the interns, the social gossip circles of the clicks and blatant disregard for the staff. Soon after an intern complained to HR that one of the partners slapped her a** and called her vulgar names.

The HR manager, attorneys, and office manager gaslighted this poor intern so bad that she was an emotional wreck when she just walked out and quit that was the point my mentor and I had enough. After seeing this we started to take pictures, notes and gather statements of everything we could see that was going on inside the firm that was illegal.

After a huge firm event that involved many hours of overtime, close quarters and pressure – a breaking point was hit and the staff was exploded upon by the attorneys and managers.

After the event, all of the employees went out to a local club to relax and throw back a few drinks and cool off.
This was not something that you would think people in this field would do, especially when the average age of the employees in the firm was over 45.

After the attorneys started getting sh*tty drunk, the interns and my mentor took off to go home for the night. I stayed but went to a party with my friend group that was also out for the night at the same club.

I bounced back a few times between groups and dancing but near the end of the night I came back to check on my co-workers and what I saw was shocking. They rented out a VIP stage and had bottle service all night – when I walked up to the stage I saw the two partners grinding on associate attorneys, fondling them and taking turns making out with them. I was disgusted and started to hatch my plan.

Not only is that a conflict of interest in my state/type of law, but both partners were married with kids and so were three out of the four other female attorneys/staff. I got one of the promoters that were my roommate at the time to get the club rep to take photos of them doing this but to also send them to me.
I snapped a few on my phone and left the club.

Before we went out we all stopped at a hotel room close by that was rented out by the partners of the firm. I went back after I left the club and since I was an employee of the firm I was able to convince the front desk to let me back into the room as I was there a few hours earlier and was working with them to pick up/drop things off for the event.

After I was let in I started to take pictures of everything that I could find. I emptied drawers, bags, and closets and was able to take pictures of many-many *****, naughty toys and things like IDs that were left behind earlier.

The following Monday I go into the HR office and tell the manager that I was uncomfortable with what I saw the partners doing, what they have done in the office and how everyone exploding on me and my mentor at the event was unacceptable.

Immediately after I left the HR office, the manager ran into the partner’s offices and closed the door. I could hear screaming coming through the door and booked it over to my mentor’s office to fill him in.
After I blurted out what happened and what kind of pictures I got, the partners and HR manager run into my mentor’s office and overhear us talking about what happened nights before. They immediately tell us to resign and to pack our things as they were “worried about our hostile work environment and what it’s doing to the firm.”

I am on the verge of tears and don’t know what to do next.

My mentor quietly asks for our termination letters, all of our paystubs, all of our billable hour entries from when we started and my University work-study paperwork. The HR manager was shocked by this but legally had to produce all of these things for us upon request. After two hours of data compiling my mentor and I walked out with all of our things. We ended up going to a bar with all of the paperwork we just got and started to plan our revenge.

We compiled all of our timesheets, billed hours and all my work-study paperwork. Not only did I upload all the pictures to separate email accounts to send to the respective spouses of the attorneys, but we found out that the partners/managers muddled with our billable hours to change them to a higher rate to bill our clients more even though a clerical assistant and paralegal were drafting and filing pleadings.
Through my work-study, they reported that they were paying me $18 an hour total while paying me $6 an hour from their pockets and my school was fronting the other $12 as reimbursement.

Not only on my paystubs was my hourly rate $12 I nor the firm was being taxed for the other $6 – instead, it was being pocketed straight by the firm.

After a complete and thorough compilation of documents, my mentor and I set out the next day to complain to the state bar association to show that the attorneys at the firm committed malpractice, misrepresentation of funds, harassment and conflicts of interest.

Their spouses were emailed all of the photos of the night out clubbing and what was found in the hotel rooms. My University was informed of the misuse of funds. I applied for unemployment based on their false misconduct firings.

After two weeks of job searching my mentor and I got picked up at another firm as a package deal. We became close after and we constantly see each other every other week on a personal basis.

Months into working the new job did we decide to snoop on the old firm that we set out to destroy.
Not only did four of the attorneys lose their legal license, but they were also sued by the bar association and L&I for fraud, their spouses were all involved with divorce proceedings and the manager’s reputations were ruined by what was brought to light and what they covered up.

My mentor and I ended up pulling all of the Superior court submissions to read over what documents were submitted in court and they were caught lying in Declarations they submitted.

It felt really nice to be vindicated by ruining their relationships, jobs and business. Thanks for reading.” roIey

8. Stop Me From Getting Promoted? I’ll Destroy Your Career


“Let’s call the person in question Tom and the supporting cast of ****** Mary and Tony.

I started working here in 2015. It is a hard job and the camaraderie of the team made it easier to handle. Tom, Mary, Tony and I became fast friends as we worked so closely together doing this very emotionally and physically draining work.

We would celebrate birthdays together, plan trips together, help each other move, have dinner at each other’s home, confide in each other, etc.

After a year, we were all getting restless and were becoming a bit sour due to the lack of upward mobility.
A management position finally opened up and Tony and I applied for it.

In the application process, Tom kept trying to dissuade me from pursuing the position, saying I will be bored with it soon and it wouldn’t be a good fit for me.

I told him thanks for the advice but I am capable of making my own decisions for my career. This was strange since he, himself was not applying for it but for some reason didn’t want me to have it. First red flag this guy is on some other ish.

I am a couple of years older than the others so I have more experience in the work, including a long history of managing staff and leading projects… something Tony did not have.

After 3 interviews, I beat out Tony and was the new Manager. I was also the first of my team to be promoted after months of all of us complaining.

Before I even began the new position, Tom told me that some of the people on the team that I will be supervising were mad that I was going to be their new supervisor. He refused to give me any names.

“What the ***? I haven’t even started, and they barely even know me.” I thought to myself.

Regardless, I started the position, introduced myself to the team and did not let this impact my relationship with my staff. I take being a good supervisor very seriously and I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I promise this will be relevant later.

About a month goes by and my former supervisor, the head of my old team, resigns. Senior leadership is scrambling for a replacement and doesn’t have much of a clue what to look for.

As my former supervisor left, he told everyone what a shame it was that I was given this other management position because I would have been the perfect replacement.

Next thing you know, I get sat down by the Senior Director and our Chief of staff. They essentially tell me that they want to take my current role and combine it with the role of my former supervisor, give me a Director title and a **** of a lot more money.

As flattered as I was, I felt a bit guilty as this management position can go to one of my colleagues who desperately wanted a promotion. I also wasn’t sure I wanted to do that job as I’ve done it in the past and my current role was something new and challenging.
Finally, I know enough that doing both roles at the same time well would be impossible and I didn’t want to be hated and suck at my job.

I am very passionate about what I do and I couldn’t live with myself if I was bad at it.

For these reasons, I was gearing towards turning it down.

I made the terrible mistake in confiding in Tom and Mary about this, including the part where I was leaning towards not accepting it. Mary became very upset, exclaimed that the position should go to Tony and it’s not fair because I already got a promotion.

I told her I didn’t want the position anyway but there were probably going to hire some outsider because, to be frank, Tony didn’t have any of the management or supervising experience they are looking for.

She became irate saying how unfair that was and how he deserves the position because he was rejected for the other role I got. That’s not exactly how promotions work, but okay.

It got personal when she said that she wouldn’t want to be managed by me anyway.

I asked her why and just gave me a word salad of an answer. I asked again, adding that wouldn’t it be better to be managed by someone who knows this work inside and out, cares about this team, than some outsider who could be complete *** and indifferent to our work?

She said no, anyone but me.
No reason, just not me… And That was the end of our friendship.

A few days later, the offer was rescinded with no explanation.

I found it rather strange and shady but whatever. Then I started getting the cold shoulder from not just Tom but from Tony and Mary too. I found my texts getting ignored, my calls screened and no longer getting invitations to hang out. I started to suspect that Tom said some *** to poison these people against me but why would he do that? That’s crazy, right?

By this time, a new colleague had joined their team who I got on with.

Let’s call him Andy. Andy was also becoming close to the dastardly trio, in particular, Mary.

All of my suspicions were finally realized this one evening Andy and I were drinking at a bar late one Friday night. We were laughing having a good time when he changed his mood suddenly to tell me he has something very difficult to say.

He unloads everything. That Tom had been telling everyone on my former team that I was going to be their new supervisor, that I purposely screwed Tony over twice, and told them all that my current staff hates me because I am a terrible boss, and fearmongered the *** out of everyone… Hence the rescinded offer.

Mary who Andy had a crush on, knew how he felt about her and tried to use that to turn him against me which failed and he told me as much.

Andy said that he felt like the way Tom, Mary, and Tony were portraying me to others and the person he himself knew me to be was so mismatched that he decided to investigate these claims for himself. And found out that my staff really respected me and enjoyed working for me.

Everything Tom was espousing couldn’t be further away from the truth.

Tom, from the moment I was offered my initial promotion, calculated this entire rumor from the beginning to undermine me and added fuel to it when I was offered the second promotion, successfully turning Tony and Mary against me, successfully costing me a promotion I was going to turn down anyway, all out of sheer spite and jealousy.

I was heartbroken not so much about the promotion but more so that it was so easy to turn these people I once called friends against me and for what? Absolutely nothing aside from nonsense espoused by some jealous pr*ck.

From this moment, I vowed to make sure that he will never get the promotion he so desperately wants.
Two can play at this game, except what I had against him, was very much true. I made Andy promise not to tell anyone we had this conversation and he obliged.

Tom was completely unaware that I knew what he had done and still thought we were friends. So anytime we would speak, I would indulge his indignation and egg on his frustration.

It was a lot of “Really man? They have you doing what? I would be insulted if I were you… you need to push back man! Not cool!”

Fed his ego constantly…

“Dude, you are so much better than this…” “Why are you letting them do this to you?” “You’re too smart for this”

And boy did he…

He soon started becoming that annoying dude who complains all the time, soon people were getting sick of his whining and advised him to just quit already.

By this point, I had several loyal allies that were close to him and would unknowingly report back to me any terrible *** he would say about senior management.

I gathered all of this intel and sat patiently on it and waited for the right moment.

Finally, another management position that I knew he would want became available. I took this as an opportunity to speak to our senior director about the concerns I was having regarding staff morale.

She agreed with the concern and we spoke on the phone on a Saturday I remember.

I told her that I am concerned that these negative attitudes will impact my team and wanted to brainstorm some ways we can address these problems. She asked me to describe to her what were these negative attitudes per se…


I told her that there is a lack of trust in senior leadership and resentment due to the lack of upward mobility, I told her that this negativity is coming from a particular person and infecting the other junior staff members.

Without having to say much more, she knew I was talking about Tom given the attitude I’ve egged out of him in the last year. I then proceeded to tell her in detail, all the trash he says about her and the other senior staff members when he gets drunk.

We spoke a bit more about how we can isolate his attitude and think of ways to highlight people with positive attitudes.

He didn’t get the promotion. A few months later, another position opened up and I did the same song and dance. This time I learned that he had been bad-mouthing our work to outside partners… sat on that loaded weapon until the time was right and “let it slip” in a meeting.
He was scolded and again passed over for this promotion.

I kept doing this until he eventually quit. I still see his punk a** everywhere, *********** even tried apologizing to me at one point but it was too late, the damage had been done from both ends.

I have no regrets and if that makes me a vindictive person, so be it.” insanecancer28

7. He Slept With My Partner, So I Slept With His Wife


“I have had an on-again-off-again relationship with this girl since jr high, we’ve constantly been in each other’s lives even to this day we still talk. I thought I was in love with her (shocker I wasn’t) but in high school, things got pretty serious between us and the more serious we got the worse we treated each other when we fought.

It was the most toxic relationship I have ever been in but we’re actually great friends now.

At the time I was working for the stock crew at the mall toy store, sometimes it was an early morning shift, sometimes it was overnight so my sleep schedule was all messed up.

We were seeing each other and sleeping together pretty regularly my entire senior year. She had her circle of friends I had mine and they rarely intersected.

Enter d*ckhead Kyle. Now D*ckhead Kyle gave a bad name to all other Monster-chugging, drywall assaulting Kyles. He was physically and mentally abusive to the girl he was seeing (later wife), he manipulated his friends into letting him walk all over them, got one girl hooked on pills after he got her pregnant so she would be forced to give the baby up, just a next-level scumbag. Kyle was a part of both our circles.

He was friends with a few acquaintances I had, and the girl was pretty close to his partner.
The girl and I had just had a really bad fight a few days before and had made up in our usual way. As I was getting ready to go to bed for work the next morning my phone went off, it was a text from Kyle followed by 3 pictures. One nude of my partner, one of my partners and his, and the last one only half loaded but it was clearly a picture of my partner giving him a bl**ob.

I was furious but as I was already graduated I wouldn’t run into him again to take my rage out the traditional way so I just said forget it and moved on with my life.
I was still mad at the girl for cheating on me again (this happened multiple times on both ends so it was forgiven pretty quickly) so we fought it out a few times and eventually made up when she told me the whole story.

Kyle had told her I was sleeping with his partner’s sister or something and that this was how she should get back at me. Now was it petty and dumb? Absolutely. But he wasn’t so bright and the story wasn’t so far fetched that she didn’t believe him. She told me that since it was ******* on his end she was done with both of them and we went on with our lives.

The start of the long game: A few years go by, the girl has moved to another state but we still keep in touch and out of the blue Kyle’s wife hits me up on Facebook. We talk about how life has been and whatnot, where we live and such. Turns out shes just down the street from me. We keep talking every so often when she texts one day asking for a favor.

I’m not working that day and bored out of my mind so I oblige and run a pack of smokes down to her since she’s out and can’t get more because of her kid.
I get to her apartment and we hang out for a bit talking. We head out to the patio for a cigarette and in the daylight, her shirt is almost completely see-thru. I make an offhand comment about it and without a second thought, she pulls her shirt off.

We go back inside and go to town on each other on her and Kyle’s bed, we keep the affair going a few weeks then just kinda stop. At this point I felt my revenge was complete, I had this guys wife on his bed and he won’t know till they get into another huge fight. I wipe my hands of the drama and go about my day.

Fast forward another few years, my band had just finished a huge show before we went on tour and as I’m doing the meet and greet thing at our merch booth I get a Facebook message from Kyle (before the quarantined non-friend messages).

Kyle was in the hospital, he said it was serious and had a question. “Did you ever spend time with Hannah?” I’m looking at this text thinking of all the ways I could mess with his head but decided to probe a little by saying “I think that’s something you should ask her first.” He replies, “I did and she told me something happened at our apartment.
I need to know if it’s true.”

So I think for a second and send him 2 pictures we took one of her going to third base on me and one of the aftermath.

He just replies “Thx” and blocked me. I think, ‘Good, now the *** knows what it feels like” and I go about my merry way. But this story isn’t done yet friends, not by a long shot. See unbeknownst to me Hannah and Kyle had another kid around 9 months after our affair and it wasn’t Kyle’s. From the pictures, it was obvious that we didn’t use protection so he immediately suspected it was mine.

Hannah knew better since she was already pregnant when we started but just barely. Kyle viewed me as his enemy ever since high school because I “stole” all of his friends. So knowing that he was raising the child of someone he hated just burned him up inside. He turned to hard ***** and became a raging substance abuser tried to get information on where I lived and kept trying to get revenge on me for all of this but failed miserably, lost his job, his family, what few long time friends he had, basically his life just crashed around him.

About two years ago I reconnected with another ex from high school and she told me the aftermath, what Kyle tried to do, what ended up happening to his life. Hannah took him for everything in their divorce. Last I heard he’s locked up for robbing a liquor store while carrying ***** and a loaded pistol which landed him in for about 12 years.” Fredchrisaa

6. Raise My Rent? I’m Outta Here And So Is My Clientele


“The best revenge I ever heard of was not mine, but a friend of my father’s.

There was a bar owner in Astoria who received an enormous rent increase after the landlord noticed how profitable his bar was. The landlord was certain that he would not want to move such an established and profitable business and start over again in a new location.

After giving him the bad news, the landlord demanded to know again and again whether he would renew the lease. The bar owner kept mum.

On the very last day of the lease, with a bar full of patrons, the bartender announced to all that he had rented the spot across the street from his old place and offered everyone free drinks on the house in exchange for helping him move.
They all grabbed tables and chairs and equipment and moved it across the street, piece by piece. Before the day was out, he was moved and without losing a single customer.

The landlord got an empty space and the loss of a few month’s rent.” Source

5. Can’t Keep The Answers To Yourself? Ok, Get Ready For A Mega Spoiler


“This happened in NYC, on the subway. Russell, in his early 30s, is sitting on a fairly crowded subway doing the crossword puzzle, minding his own business. Much of the puzzle is filled in, but Russell is struggling with a few of the answers.

“Do you want to know what 15 Across is?”

Russell looks up and sees a man smiling down at him – a snobby professorial type – tweed coat, khakis, sensible shoes. The smug look on the guy’s face tells Russell that the guy clearly knows the answer to 15 Across and wants to tell him.

“No thanks,” Russell answers and looks away – as the guy tells him the answer anyway.

Russell gives him a withering look – but I guess that’s just the reaction the professorial ********* wanted.

“How about 20 Down? I can tell you what that is too,” he says to Russell, who is pretending not to hear him.
But the ********* gives Russell the answer anyway – and at this point, Russell is p*ssed. He calls the guy an ****** and puts away the paper. His beloved morning crossword puzzle has now been ruined for him.
That’s the end of that. Except…

Russell is fuming – wishing he could ruin the guy’s day – when he notices that the ********* is reading a book.

It is a book by Richard Yates – and Russell has read it.
AND THEN IT HAPPENS. Something pops into Russell’s head and he smiles.

Now it’s Russell’s stop, time to get off, and he passes by the ********* reading the book to exit the subway.
Russell asks him, “Do you want to know how the book ends?

The man looks up, alarmed to see Russell, exiting the subway.
“Of course not,” he says.

“She tries to give herself an abortion with a coat hanger and dies.” And the doors shut.” Source

4. Think You Can Pick On Me Because You’re Old? Think Again


“A few weeks ago, I was just casually browsing my local grocery store’s fine selection of steak, when an old lady caned her way up to the counter.

“What the (bleep) is this?!” she shouts, pointing at some salmon. “Uhh, it looks like fish, ma’am.” I casually state.
She then picks up the package, pokes a hole in it and sniffs it. “(bleep)!! This crap is spoiled!” the lady screams. She drops the now ripped open raw salmon onto my sandals and canes away. Well, now I’m standing here dumbfounded as to what just happened, and my foot is covered in raw fish.

The manager walks up and asks what happened, I explained the situation, and he apologizes, gives me a towel and sends me on my way.

I grab some bratwursts and make my way to check out. Guess who’s there? The old lady! She was berating the cashier for not being able to count her cans of cat food properly and was leaning on the counter. She had this hybrid cane thing with three legs on the bottom, so it was self-standing.

I gently kicked the cane with my foot as she reached for it. The hag fell to the ground and cursed like a sailor. Nobody saw me do it, I even helped her up as she hit me calling me a “darn dirty (racial slur)!” even though I’m not even what she called me! I felt bad when I got to my car, she could have broken a hip.” J_Dogg_of_RS

3. Flaunt Your Wealth As A Spoiled Little Rich Girl? I’ll Just Have To Be Petty Right Back


“When I was in elementary-middle school, there was this girl named Alyssa M.

My name is Marissa M, so our names already sounded similar and we were alphabetically right next to each other, me after her.

Her birthday was a DAY before mine, too. So in every way, she’s above me, by elementary school standards. She got to line up first, called first in attendance, and her birthday was before mine. People always compared us, since our names were so similar. To top it off, she was super spoiled, always showing off new gifts she got.

We went to the same elementary and middle school, so this was a multi-year thing.

For her birthday EVERY year, she’d bring in a TON of stuff for a party; cupcakes, cute napkins, party hats, etc. I grew up super poor, so whatever I did (if anything) always looked lame compared to hers. One day in class she was showing off a bracelet made of those color-changing moon beads from the 90s to everyone in the class.

She wasn’t mean, just unaware that others weren’t as privileged as her. Regardless, I hated her and was jealous as *** and I wanted that bracelet.

An hour later, I spotted it on the floor. I pocketed it, naturally, while no one was looking.
Five minutes later, she’s at the front of the class, crying next to the teacher, who then demands to know who stole it. We shut the lights off and everything, with the teacher telling us, “Whoever took it, just give it back.” I didn’t say anything.

Kept that bracelet hidden in my jewelry box for like 5 years. We ended up in the same high school, and she was actually pretty nice. I always kinda wanted to tell her.” ColorTimesTen

2. You Want To Stab Me In The Back? Just Kill Me Next Time


“In 2007, I was working as an IT Operations Manager on the company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. I had brought on-board a contractor, Randy, to act as the ERP Architect and a technical consultant.

He was working out well, so I made him an offer to come on full-time. What I didn’t know at the time was that he was a high-functioning alcoholic. Once he became an employee, he was no longer on his best behavior. As a contractor, he had perfect attendance and his work assignments were always completed on time and with a smile. Once his 90-day probation ended, it was like a light switch.

He was often tardy to work, missed scheduled meetings.
His assignments were often late and the work quality degraded. He had gotten on as an employee and now was just coasting. I noticed alcohol on Randy’s breath a few times after lunch and I counseled him on company policy for substance use and fit-for-work requirements. This did not sit well with him and he started a campaign to undermine my department and me.

Admittedly, he was better at playing company politics than I was and he was able to get a few people on the customer side convinced that I shouldn’t be in the position I was in and they, in turn, started poking my management with questions they didn’t like hearing. Once his actions were apparent to me, I was able to neutralize the majority of the ongoing damage he was inflicting, but it didn’t make the job very fun.

I was always having to defend against his maneuvers and he was very good at not getting caught crossing the line, so I couldn’t move forward to terminate him. This went on for over a year.

A job posting came up in another department that I was qualified for, so I posted for it and got the job. My revenge was now ready to be served.
I set the trap. As the departing manager, I was expected to help find and train my replacement.

I very confidently stated that Randy was the obvious choice to replace me. He had been on the team for long enough, was the architect, and he was known for being a favorite of the customer. He was a lock and got the promotion to the manager. His own hubris sprung the trap. He jumped at the promotion and the transition couldn’t have been easier. He thought he knew it all and was more than happy to sign off on my transition plan that I had provided him all of the knowledge he needed to have to take over the job.

He gloated to a few co-workers about getting the job when he knew that I fought it and he didn’t even have to apply for it. How it must really hurt me that he would be my replacement and how much he’d show me up. The reality was he was not willing to put in the hours nor was he used to the intolerance of poor attendance from upper management or late delivery from the customer.

The customer turned on him first when his team started missing delivery deadlines.
Second, his team turned on him because instead of shielding them from the customer sh*tstorm on late deliveries, he threw them under the bus. Finally, upper management turned on him because of the complaints from both the customer and the employees. He was on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) after the 2nd quarter. On the last working day of the year, I ran into him in the break room and asked him how the job was going.

He was miserable. Deliveries were late and he had a couple of people transfer off his team so he had to cancel a trip to the Caribbean over the holidays. The hours were longer than he had ever imagined and year-end close in January was going to be 60+ hour weeks. He was concerned that even with the long hours they would miss that deadline. He told me he never wanted my job and I could have the ****** thing back any time I wanted it.

I replied, “I know, that’s why I made sure you got it.” The blank stare on his face turned to red fury when at that moment, realized that I had slipped the knife in so delicately that he never felt it.
He resigned on January 2nd with no notice and just walked out. He is now permanently non-hireable with one of the largest global energy companies and all of their affiliates.

The icing on the cake came just about a year ago.

I left the energy company in 2014 and went to work for a global consultancy. Part of my job includes business development and talent acquisition. I was handed Randy’s resume for review to fill a position with one of our clients as it showed that we had worked together at the energy firm years ago. I marveled at the resume as it showed a large employment gap after his walk-out and a string of short term jobs.

I approved the resume and had the recruiter set up a panel interview with the hiring director and the client. I checked in with the recruiter a few days later to see if he had accepted, he had. The day before the interview I sent Randy a LinkedIn connect request with a message saying that I was looking forward to the interview and catching up on old times. Randy never called in for the interview and the hiring director was furious.

Randy is now persona non grata with one of the largest global consultancies too.

1. Pretend To Be A Nice Lady? We’ll Reveal The Truth


“This happened when I was 19, so about 5 years ago.

I was walking home from a friend’s house one morning and had my headphones in. He lived a bit out of town (we lived in a small town of 4,000 people).

As I was walking, I turned the corner to get onto the main road.

I had a big ditch to the left of me, and a row of rundown houses to the right.

Then I see two dogs running towards me. I’m used to dogs running around here and looking for treats or to get pet.

Anyways, one dog quits running while the other, a boxer breed, runs towards me, he bites my ankle. He latches down ****** hard. I scream out in pain, he drags me down into the ditch.

I fall on my back, look up and see this dog dive at my face. I kick him in the face and jump up. There is a car honking at me that is trying to get me to get in.

I crawl up the ditch, dog bites my leg again. Kick it, then get to the car. Dog jumps up at me, I block it with my arm.
Now I have one ****** leg and one scratched up arm that is bleeding profusely.

I get into the car and land in the lap of two women.

I’m apologizing for asking to be taken to the hospital. I’m a ****** mess. One woman says my name and says we were classmates. I apologize that I don’t recognize her. They are coming home from church. I jumped into a car of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The driver says he’s going to drive slowly past the place. We see the boxer dog run up to a house, a woman looking outside, checking to see if the coast is clear, and lets him inside.

F*K THAT ****.

I call my mom and explain to her I’m heading to the hospital. She laughs but then realizes I’m serious.

We get there, I apologize for the ***** on their car and get wheelchaired into the hospital. I have a nurse working on my arm and a doctor working on my leg.

The wound wasn’t deep enough for stitches, but the tooth got wiggled around when I tried getting him off.

The bite mark is pouring out *****. It takes about 10 of those iodine needle things to clean it out. Then they do the other side of my leg.
My mom gets there seeing tons of ****** bandages and stuff around me. She freaks out and calls the cops.

After I’m cleaned up and on some good pain meds, I talk to an officer. After he takes some pics of my wounds for the case, I talk him through what happened.

We then decided to go to the owner’s place and check it out.

We get there, cop knocks on the door. The woman opens it.

“Excuse me, ma’am. I have a gentleman here who was knocked into that ditch by a dog living here, supposedly.”

The woman goes “No, my dog Hannibal (Literally he’s name. Couldn’t make that up) is an old dog who only has a couple of teeth. No way he would hurt someone.”

Hannibal looks out and starts barking and snapping towards me.

The woman drags him back.

Policeman: “Well I’ve seen enough.”

Woman: “Are they pressing charges?”

Police: “Not sure yet.”

So I go home, think about it and decide that I want my hospital costs to be paid for. And then a little bit for the pain. I think the total was like $2,000. The hospital was about $1,250 of it. My mom’s friend who was a lawyer said I could sue for up to $5,000.

I decline and then get asked if I want the dog put down.

I have a dog of my own. I love dogs. I couldn’t put the dog down. I decline on that also. Knowing I don’t want to have someone’s animal put down if they love him.

So fast forward a month. I am told the owner is wanting to go to court to argue against the charges.

Excuse me…what? This is a clear cut case.

I have eyewitnesses, doctors that saw my injuries, pictures, a policeman who saw your dog go after me on sight. What the heck?

So I go to the courthouse, and even though the woman was not supposed to talk to me until we were in the courtroom, she comes over to me and says “I can’t afford this. I’m so sorry. I have to fight it.”

Now I feel bad. I stay quiet and we go into the courtroom.

I tell my side of it, the witnesses do too. I feel bad the whole time thinking this woman is about to lose everything. The policeman will show his findings the next day.

I don’t sleep all night, next morning policeman comes by my place and asks to talk with me.

I sit outside with him and tell him I think I’m going to drop most of the charges because I feel bad for this old lady.

The policeman says, “Not so quick. I did some digging.”

He shows me pictures of the house and a small backyard in the back. There are literally 6 dogs, all boxers, stuffed inside this tiny backyard.

Oh *** no. It gets worse. She owns them and keeps them for a wealthy guy in New York City. He sells them to people, not telling them that they are cooped up and aggressive as ***.

I instantly think they are going to be put in dogfighting rings and such.

I research the price of a pure-blood boxer. They can go from $500-$3,000. She has 6 of them. ******* she can’t afford it. I’m sure she’s had some other dogs before too.

So I’m ready to do what needs to be done.

Back to the courtroom.

Judge: “Yesterday, I was told you were thinking about dropping the charges or at least lowering them?”

Me: “Yes, your Honor.”

The woman gets really excited.

Me: “That is, until this morning. I found out some unsettling news about animal neglect and animal abuse.”

The woman’s face gets shocked and then glares at me.

Policeman goes and explains to the judge how the woman had never let the dogs out in the 3 days he watched the house. Fed them very little, and ignored them completely.
Hannibal had gotten through the fence and bit me.

Judge is obviously an animal lover.

Gets furious at the woman. I end up getting hospital bills covered, plus an additional $3,000.

Woman loses all dogs to the animal shelter. I heard a couple had to be put down because they were so violent.

The dude in New York got investigated, but I think he paid something that made it go away.

The woman moved out of town after local paper heard the news of it.” save_us_g2j

Moral of the story? If you stab me in the back, you better **** well make sure you kill me.” Source

It’s hard to imagine how some of these acts of revenge could be carried out with such ease and with no guilt after the fact.

I’d be terrified! Which story from above you do find the most hardcore?

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