People Disclose The Gut-Wrenching Lies They Got Caught Up In

Breach of trust is probably one of the reasons why some relationships fail, and cheating is one of its causes. While some people may justify that it's part of a normal relationship, others will argue that cheating is and will never be acceptable. Here are some of the most iconic events where people caught their partners telling the most despicable lies there are.

33. It Came Out Of Her Own Mouth


“I was separating from the Army after sustaining injuries in an airborne operation. The wife led me to believe that she was moving back home a month early to get things set up for our new life. Her mom flies out to drive back to California with my ex and our daughter. They leave the next day, and they intend to drive as far as they can.

I get a call 5 hours after they left saying they were tired and done for the night. I thought it was odd they drove south, when they should have gone west, but didn’t read into it. She finally gets back home, and I’m still uneasy about things so I ask her about it, to which she just strings more lies. I put all the clues together and finally realize why she went south instead of west. She drove out of the way to hook up with one of my former army buds who got out a month before I did.

This is how I caught her, ‘So when were you going to tell me that you went and stayed at Jake’s house?’ Her response, which one of your friends told you about us? My reply, ‘No one did, you just told on yourself you stupid woman, it’s over.’ She still hates me to this day, for her cheating on me. I’ve since remarried years later, but my faith in women will never be the same after my ex did that to me.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

32. I Was Getting In The Way Of Her Cheating On Me


“First was a girl I went out with in my late teens, early 20’s. We were together for about a year and a half, maybe longer. She worked in the mall at some clothing store, and one Friday afternoon I dropped her off at work, and as she walked into the store she walked back out a few seconds later and was tearing up and said ‘I just wanted to see you again and say goodbye.’ Thought it was really weird, but she had to get to work so there was no time to go over anything.

She was going to Disney with a friend (I think it was Disney, she was going somewhere) that weekend so I just told her to give me a call when she got there.

This is before cell phones (1997 or so), so I tried paging her that night but she never called back. I really had no way of getting in touch with her, so I just figured they were in a park somewhere and she couldn’t get to a payphone.

Flash forward to Saturday around 10 or 11 AM, and I am sitting at my parents’ house when the phone rings. It is my mom’s best friend, and she asks me to speak to her on the phone, which I thought was a bit weird. She proceeds to ask me ‘Doesn’t your significant other drive a red Nissan Sentra with so and so stickers on the back?’.

I said, ‘yea, she does’. ‘Well I don’t know what’s going on, but I saw her pull up to my next-door neighbor’s house yesterday, and she ended up leaving with some guy in a car and they looked pretty chummy.’

Cue the heart-dropping, because right away things are starting to click. I ask for more information about her neighbor and come to find out that her neighbor’s family’s son was her ex of like 5 years that had gone away to the Navy.

Talk about a small world and the chances of her ending up right next to my mom’s best friend.

So I page her more, paging emergency, and I never hear anything back. Obviously, Saturday night was pretty much sleepless, and finally on Sunday around 2 PM she calls. She asks what was the emergency, I act dumb and just ask her how Disney was. She just starts talking all normal, and when I confronted her about my mom’s best friend seeing her.

She admits to everything and starts to apologize profusely and I really don’t remember the details but it pretty much was over. I honestly thought this girl was the love of my life, we had a lot in common and were actually pretty d**n close, this totally came out of nowhere.

I come to find out that she actually cheated on her ex with me while he was in the Navy, I never knew that the entire year and a half we were together.

She had continued to write to him, and when he got back she basically started up with him again.

With all that being said, about 6 months later she came crawling back, and stupidly, she and I continued on and off for another 5 years. We would break up, get back together, as far as I know, she never cheated on me again, but who knows. The last year we were together was horrible, hardly any intimacy, I have to admit I was a weak person back then and I guess I was hanging onto a dream of how we were the first year we were together.

She was/is the spitting image of Kate Winslet, and this is during the whole Titanic craze, I can’t tell you how many times we would get stopped and people would ask her for an autograph, I swear they were twins that were separated at birth. It would happen at least a few times a week, and a lot if we were out downtown partying it up.

The second time I was cheated on was with another girl I had been going out with for about a year, little did I know that this girl ALSO cheated on her man at the time to get with me. We actually were living together, I had gone through a layoff and to be honest, had gotten pretty pathetic, but still treated her like a queen (but also did some really stupid things).

Anyways, I start to think something is going on, and I put a keylogger on the computer. Ended up getting her email password and read her email, and found the emails to her best friend where she says things like ‘It sucks I really like so and so at work but I have this stupid partner to deal with’. Can’t tell you how depressing it was seeing the girl I love talking about how I was getting in the way of her cheating on me.

Come to find out she had just made out with this guy, nothing more, but I broke up with her right then. What sucks is that we had to live together for another 3 or 4 months, ugh.

So basically what I have learned is what they say is true, if a girl cheats on someone to be with you, they will cheat on you as well.

Sadly I didn’t know either of my exes had actually cheated to be with me.

And now I’ve been married for 9 years with two wonderful kids to a woman that is 100x better in every single way. Just hope she didn’t cheat on someone to be with me.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

31. She Cheated On Me With Someone Who Cooks Undercooked Hamburgers


“My wife of 6 years was ‘out with friends for dinner on a girl’s ‘night out.’ I was at home with our two daughters 2 and 4 years old at the time.

She said to call if I needed anything. So I called after about an hour, she didn’t pick up. I called after another hour, didn’t pick up. I called her friend, we will say, Sara, who she was supposed to be with. I said ‘hi is (my wife) where she said she was out with you tonight at (restaurant) with the girls,’ She said ‘no…’ I said ‘wow…’ She then knew immediately what was up and said ‘I am so sorry’.

So I finally got through to my wife and she said ‘sorry I didn’t hear my phone, How are the girls?’ They had been rough to deal with that night. Emotional and wouldn’t get to bed… So I said, ‘They have been ok, so how is dinner going… you are with Sara right?’ ‘She said ‘yeah, the girls were nice to pitch in and get me dinner,’ I said ‘I just talked with Sara… and you aren’t with her…’ She said ‘What?’ then a long pause… ‘I am so sorry.’ Then I said we need to talk.

So she gets back and tells me it is a guy at her school. Well, later I found out it was her married boss. He has 2 kids as well. I went to dinner at his house once and he made an undercooked hamburger which made me sick which was awesome and his wife mentioned how much he talked about my wife. This was weird because she was always talking about him.

So anyway yeah, they went on some work trips overseas and I remember her crying over pictures on Facebook where he was hiking with his wife, heaven forbid.

It was a mess and we are now divorced and I am much happier.

Well, their affair ended yet they still work together and she remarried another guy and just had a baby.

Nuts… But yeah these things happen.

I have met some awesome women and there are other great people out there. If life sucks.. take some time and then get moving again. It will work out. Don’t let yourself get bitter and give up though.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

30. Realized I Am No Match With The Guy She's Cheating On Me With


“So, going out with a Japanese girl, friends for 10 years first since college, I was the typical ‘nice guy’ who stuck around being her friend while she had a jerk significant other after jerk abusive partner. She finally has a ‘moment of clarity’ as she put it, realized I’m going to be a good husband, so she asks me out and we go out and eventually get married. I’m like ‘a giant nerd like me get the Asian girl?

Dreams do come truuuuuee!’

Time goes on, this is 1999, and things are going from blah to bad – no intimacy, she’s doing less and less around the house. She has a part-time job. She tells me a guy is flirting with her at the part-time job and jokingly asks what she should do. I tell her I don’t have a jealous bone in my body; I don’t really believe people pair up romantically for life anyway; and if she wants to hook up with this guy, then she should  go for it as long as she tells me about it, lets me know where she is, etc., and to go have a good time.

She’s flummoxed and insists it was just a joke. Whatever.

Meanwhile, she and I are taking Kung ** classes. We’re both taking Shaolin Long Fist and I’m doing some Tai Chi. The martial arts assistant seems like a cool guy and becomes friends with us.

At some point, months later, I catch her in a fib about what she was doing when I was on a business trip, which leads to me questioning about her nights in general, and lo and behold I find out she’s cheating.

Cheating on me with the guy I told her she could hook up with! I confront her and she’s sorry, crying, please forgive me. She doesn’t understand why if I was ok with it why I get so mad. I explain that I don’t care about her with another man; but ‘I won’t tolerate rudeness. That’s where I draw the line!’

Okay, so she stops.

I don’t trust her. I tell her to build up the trust she needs to start accounting for her whereabouts. She doesn’t. Finally one night she is out, not answering my calls,  I’m getting annoyed. I call a few friends and a friend from the Dojo says he just saw her car there. I get in my car and start heading over. I am incredibly angry, but on some level, I am stoked because I have been studying Kung-** for like 5 years now, competed even (well competed in Push Hands which is like ‘advanced shoving’), and I’m going to beat up some guy with my kung ** skills.

I get a call from my friend asking if I’m going over. ‘Yes, I am!’ He says her car is still there. I can see she’s with  a dude. Awesome, I’m going to beat that dude up!’. Maybe I’m not my friend says. The guy banging her is the martial arts assistant. He’s second in command, the guy who trained me.

Oh well.

I went home and played Diablo instead.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

29. "It Just Happened" Was The Only Explanation I Got


“I walked in on my first significant other and recently engaged fiance gettiing it on with another guy as soon as I got back after visiting my brother in the general hospital when we just found out he had congestive heart failure. I took my mother to the hospital cause she was distressed, so I took her to a military hospital (I was a dependent) to make sure she was okay cause she had symptoms of a stroke.

I dropped her back off with my brother and went to visit my fiance. My phone was dead the whole day just about because I neglected to charge it in the work van or at the hospital. The door was unlocked, so I just opened the door and walked in like I normally did to see her.

They were having intercourse on the love seat.

I sat down on the couch in silence and it took them a few minutes to notice. Knowing that I’d lose it if I opened my mouth I just walked out once they took notice. I was 21 and we’d been together for 4 years. I couldn’t think and do what I normally do when I’m annoyed and started cleaning once I got back to the house.

I was also picking up things for my brother. She blew up my phone trying to explain herself. Instead of going the mature route and just ignoring it, I listened cause rage was better than depression. ‘It just happened’ was the only real explanation I got it and I exploded.

I vaguely remember in detail the words I used, but I remember strings of ‘worthless’ and other profane words/names.

I wanted to hurt her and him and I remember thinking that if I did I’d sleep peacefully. Instead, I went back to the hospital and spent the remainder back and forth from my brother’s bedside and stuff and didn’t say a word about it. I stayed every day at the hospital for about 2 weeks (He’s okay, by the way).

The aftermath sucked because her name happened to be the name of the month it all happened, so I couldn’t just be peaceful at heart about it.

It was like a knife every time her name was mentioned. Not to mention the one coworker/friend I opened up after coming back after 2 weeks later said ‘send her my way’ and turned it into a joke.

Now I’m 26 and think it was exactly what I needed for the future with crazy cheating baby’s momma (3 years). I have sole custody of my son.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

28. She Knew I Had A 2nd-Degree Black Belt In Jiu-Jitsu


“I worked nights. I typically left before she got home from work. I was sick so I stayed home one night. My vehicle at the time was a motorcycle which I parked in the garage so she had no idea I was home.

I stayed in bed most of the day and into the night. I woke up around midnight and realized she hadn’t been home yet.

I walked out of our bedroom to see if she was in the den watching TV and I heard talking from outside. I peeked out a window and saw her and some dude on the front porch making out like teenagers on prom night on second base! He was trying to convince her to let him in so they could continue in the bedroom like before.

My heart sank. I leaned back from the window and thought about my next steps. We had been together for about a year and a half and living together for a year of it. She knew I had a 2nd-degree black belt in jiu-jitsu and had a very punk rock attitude towards, well… everything.

I decided violence was not the answer as I was already on probation.

If I violated my probation I was going to jail for sure. I knew they were going to be a while on the front porch so I calmly walked into our room, gathered up all of her stuff, and walked over to the front door. By the time I got to the door the guy had left and she was fumbling for her keys to get in the house.

As she opened the door I bumped her backward with her stuff and dropped everything she had in the house on the front porch, looked her straight in the face and said ‘You don’t live here anymore’, slammed the door shut, and locked it.

She went through all 7 stages of a breakup right there on the porch that night. I downed a bottle of NyQuil and went back to bed drifting in and out of sleep listening to her freak out.

When I woke up the next morning she was gone.

I heard through some mutual friends that she walked to a gas station (This was before mobile phones were generally available) and called the guy back to come to get her. Turns out he was in a relationship with another girl and he told my girl to get lost. From there, my girl walked about 5 miles to the mutual friend’s house and they both went back to my place and picked up her things.

I saw her a few years later and she had not aged well. She was in her mid to late ’20s by then and her party-girl lifestyle really weighed heavy on her looks. Nothing was really said beyond the polite ‘I haven’t seen you in ages’ conversation. I just stood there while she was talking to me about her messy little life and thought how I had dodged a bullet both with not overreacting and getting sent to jail, but also by not trying to work it out with her.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

27. She Cheated On Me With Her Chemo Doctor


“I was in a 6-year relationship. We met our senior year of high school, and about three years in of our relationship she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She was cured in just over 2 years and went through 2 chemo cycles. I stood by her the entire time and worked two jobs to help pay extra medical expenses and support us.

At work one day one of our CNC lathes caught fire.

The operator forgot to empty some chips and some titanium caught fire. The shop was smoked out and we closed for the day. I drove home, immediately when I entered the apartment I heard moans and knew. I will never forget that feeling, it exists in the chest and stomach, it just can’t be replicated. I slowly walked to the bedroom, the door wasn’t even closed. When they realized I was there they both just stopped. She didn’t even say anything.

I just lost it, I wasn’t even me. I beat the kid up (later found out he was only 17). I had been in Shaolin Kempo my entire life so it wasn’t even a competition. I was arrested. Absolutely nothing happened to her for harassing a minor. The kid took me to civil and won, but decided not to press criminal charges. The prosecution then decided to be lenient and give me an adjudication withheld.

Come to find out from family and friends (thanks guys for giving me a heads up) that she had cheated on me her entire chemo with her doctor. She also had slept with a couple of other guys from the high school. I forgot to mention she was an assistant to a high school teacher. In total, she was with 4 guys in our relationship, 3 of them being under 18.

We of course broke up and I haven’t talked to her since. I am trying to make a life for myself in Texas now. I have a hard time trusting women. The woman I went out with after she wasn’t much better, and now I just stick to myself. The gym, my job, my dog, and the outdoors keep me happy.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

26. I Made Her Pay For The Wedding Where I Spilled Her Dirty Secrets


“About a year into my relationship with her I started to get a little suspicious.

At the time I was starting my own business and was out of town a lot, I knew she couldn’t have been cheating while I was there since we pretty much spent all our time together. I set up a camera to see if my suspicions were correct, and when I got back from my business trip, I had video evidence of her unfaithfulness. I was heartbroken but decided not to confront her.

The next day, I told her I had to go away on business again, but that I only came back because I needed to ask her something. I proceeded to propose, and she said yes. I went away for 10 days and told her that we should get married sooner rather than later. We set the schedule for less than 3 months later. I told her that I didn’t want to raise kids in an ugly apartment and that we should buy a house.

We found a house that she really liked, but the down payment was pretty much all my savings. I told her we should find something less expensive, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to afford the wedding (the wedding she was planning was going to cost like $30k). She said she would get her parents to pay for whatever we were short, as she had some savings as well.

We bought the house (in my name obviously) and proceeded with the wedding as planned. On the night before the wedding, we had a reception for our friends and family, as the wedding was at a resort in Mexico and all the guests had flown in, we wanted to give all the guests a chance to meet and mingle.

About an hour in, I stood up to address the guests.

‘So, I guess you’re wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today’ (crowd chuckles) ‘although there was some talk of a wedding, the truth is, I could never marry this woman’ (mumbling and whispers from the crowd) ‘you see, this woman is a shameless witch, who while I was away on business, working tirelessly for our future, cheated on me with not one, or two, but three different men!’

At this point she stands up, faces red, looking nothing short of demonic, and begins to shout about how I’m a liar (I had a mic, she did not), in response to which I played a carefully produced video on all 6 TVs in the hall, depicting what was undoubtedly her with three different guys. At this point, she was sitting on the floor sobbing uncontrollably.

At this point, there was so much unrest from the crowd I needed to almost shout into the mic to be heard. ‘I’m going to leave now, I ask that my friends and family please enjoy the 2 nights at the resort here, and I ask that all the guests please give this worthless witch the presents you brought, as she is the one that paid for this event.

I then proceeded to exit, and never spoke to her again.”

1 points - Liked by BluebeardTheZombie

25. I Ended Up Hooking Up With Her Aunt


“I was with her for a year.

We lived around the block from each other both in our late teens.

She stayed with her aunt’s kid and a friend.

One day I stop by the house to bring her a surprise as I’ve done many many times and her aunt answers the door and says she’s not here but you better wait.

Thought this is weird but okay we were all close.

So I stayed and had dinner while I waited.

We hear a car pulling into the driveway, her aunt turns to me and says go greet her in the driveway. As I walk up to the car I notice she’s with some guy and gets out rather quickly as he speeds away.

Now my curiosity is at its peak. Why did her aunt ask me to stay that day?

I honestly think she wanted me to find out. We go into the house to the basement to have a private conversation. She admits she’s been cheating on me for a while. To try and make it better she calls the dude and says you know what we did was nothing serious right while on speaker, he laughs and says fine by me. I literally said I don’t think you understand to me that’s even worse.

I tell her we are done. At this point, we are yelling. On the way out of the house, the aunt pulls me aside and says I’m truly sorry about all of this I hugged her and said I hold no grudge against you or your family.

The next day I’m still scorned by the event I make a poster to put up around her school letting all possible future partners know about her actions.

The weekend comes around and I get a text from the aunt. ‘Please come over we need to talk’. I think well I know I shouldn’t have done that but out of respect to her, I went there.

Turns out the whole time we had gone at it she would tell her aunt about it and it piqued her curiosity. She flat out said want some tea?

I was so confused thought maybe it meant something else to her and said what do you think that means?

Well didn’t take long for me to take her up on the offer. As we are getting into the nitty-gritty, my now ex comes home. The door was closed. I ask if we should we stop. Her reply, oh no.

She walks out of the room, I hear my ex say, wow that sounded great.

I couldn’t wait I ran out of the room grabbed onto her aunt from behind kissing the back of her neck.

She broke down in tears ran out the door. I went home, and the aunt and I became friends with benefits. I’m a 19-year-old male her a 29-year-old super hot woman. I felt like a king. The ex later moved back up north with her family as she had come to the city to try and pursue a career in modeling/commercial actor as that’s what her aunt did, but could no longer stay in the house listening to us.

The aunt later found a 50-year-old rich guy hooked up and got married I’m happy for her we haven’t spoken since hope she’s well.”

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24. I Said "Sorry" When I Walked In On Them


“I was about 20 and in college. And my live-in partner was at a good friend’s house party and I ended up passed out on his couch. I was pretty hungover when I woke up at I’m guessing 6 or 7 in the morning and looking for the bathroom.

Our friend had just moved in so I did not know the layout of the house very well. I opened a door and there was a guy with a girl, both were completely without clothing on, I apologized and closed the door very quickly. I stood there for a moment because although I did not see their faces I thought I recognized the guy’s legs as my man’s.

I very slowly opened the door and said so and so is that you?

As I looked at the room he was putting his pants on and the girl was getting dressed on the bed. I think I screamed and started to walk out of the house. He caught up to me and tried to explain, I guess. I wouldn’t listen and began screaming ‘how could you do this to me’ or something like that.

By that point, all our friends were up because they all crashed there too. It was so surreal, the worst moment of my life, up to that point, was being played out in front of all our good friends. I again tried to leave but he grabbed my arm so I turned around and slapped him so hard that one of his contacts flew out of his eye.

I called him every name in the book and then for some reason the girl tried talking to me, I can honestly say I have no idea what this random flirt was trying to say because I punched her in the face before she could get two words out. She looked like she was about to hit me back, and she could have easily taken me out because she was much bigger than me, but to her credit, she just backed down and walked away.

Although I put all the blame on him, he was the one in a serious relationship, she was not completely blameless. We had met her the night before and she knew we were together and that I was asleep only a few feet away. I left and walked home feeling a mixture of devastation, embarrassment, and rage. I am not proud of how I handled myself in that situation, though my friends thought it was perfectly appropriate, I did not.

But, I don’t think anyone will know how they will react when put in a situation where you were publicly betrayed. It’s been over 10 years now and I still have a hard time dealing with it. My friends recently brought it up and began joking about the incident and how ‘awesomely’ I handled it. I was unable to laugh with them.”

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23. The Guy's Wife And I Teamed Up To Get Evidence


“My significant other and I had been together for almost a year at this point after some flings in high school.

This was shortly after my dad died. I was looking for distractions… We went out and did a little swinging with a guy and his wife. Well, the guy and his wife started going a little wayward, and he started talking to my significant other about his problems. It was cool, my significant other lived with me and they chilled in my room and we’d blaze a bit and go about it.

We were all chill. One day I get a call from the guy’s wife talking about how I should question my significant other about things. I had already had an uneasy feeling about this. I mean my significant other and my dad were close and when my significant other didn’t want to participate in planning his memorial and would rather console what’s his face, I started to guess.

So I came home after work and I gave my significant other some talking to. My significant other came clean so I thought, and  told me yeah they fooled around a little bit. I was upset but willing to work around it. The guy’s wife and I had been texting at this point, turns out I should continue digging. After a little angry talk and showing the texts my significant other broke down and told me they banged while I was at work.

In my room. With my grandmother in the next room.

Needless to say, I was heated. But I was willing to make it work for some stupid reason that we’ll call love or loneliness. My significant other stole my car and went to his house, I couldn’t get a ride or else I would have been there. After talking to my significant other’s parents I get the car back, and I start to process what’s happening with some help from a friend and alcohol.

My ex and the guy start going out. I let it go, they start getting from my dealer at this point.

One day when they were on their way, I happened to be there. I grew up as best friends with my dealer so he let me know, so I could avoid the awkward moment. I told him ‘Nah, I’ll be chill.’ So ‘Mary Jane’ and I had a long talk before they arrived. They got there and saw me and the look on their face was priceless.

I died laughing inside. Well at this point I was already looking for others, that November I found who would later end up my wife. Right as she and I started going out, they broke up. Good times were had. I was becoming happier and my significant other was depressed, I consoled and whatnot and tried to be friends but it was just too awkward.

I consider myself a good person for doing things the way I did.”

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22. He Said He's Just Going To Take A Nap


“We were on a weekend away, a large group of us, staying at a nice hotel, what have you. My significant other at the time told me he was going to go upstairs to have a nap as he wasn’t feeling too good. He headed off and about half an hour later, our friend asks if he could borrow my key card for our (mine and the ex’s) room as he had left his jacket in there earlier while we were all chilling in there.

He was going to go for a walk, and wanted his jacket so I toss him the key.

He comes down five minutes later, hands me the key card, but without his jacket, before I could say anything he goes ‘I think you need to go into your room, right now. He’s there with someone.’ I ask him to come with me, and he explains he heard the telltale sounds and thought that he should come to get me so that I could see for myself and not allow any doubt get in the way (like to ex saying the mutual friend was lying if he caught them and not me).

So I go into the room and sure enough, there he is shamelessly with one of our friends’ sisters who I had met once before and had come along so that she could get to know the rest of us more. Turns out she knew my ex quite a bit.

He stops and approaches me and the friend fully in his birthday suit, apologizing. I just tell him to collect his things and that it was probably better for him to leave, as in leave the hotel and go home.

The woman he was getting it on with had dressed at this time and ran off to her own room.

My ex leaves, but not without the mutual friend that accompanied me making sure he went down to everybody at the bar and made him tell them what he had done. They were all disgusted, and the brother of the one he was cheating on me with told his sister to also find a way back home.

I am now in a wonderful relationship with someone new and my ex and I do still talk, but it’s really only for the sake of our group of friends. He knows he did wrong and I’ll regularly get an intoxicated ‘I messed up’ text 3 years later. But whatever, he was a jerk and he knows it.

The girl is at university now with her own friends, she doesn’t really talk to any of us.”

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21. I Probably Spaced Out While She's Explaining Over The Phone


“I was returning a day early from a week-long trip home to celebrate my brother’s graduation.

She wasn’t expecting my return because the house was in disarray. There had obviously been a party at my house as pizza boxes and empty cans adorned the various tables of the main floor. Since she had previously said on the phone that she was calling it an early night I was confused, but really didn’t think much of it. I headed up to the bedroom and found the bed disheveled and a box of condoms that normally were in the medicine cabinet left out.

A little further investigation revealed an empty wrapper on the floor. At this point, I gave her a call and told her I had gotten home early.

After a few moments, where I’m sure she visualized the condition of the house, she began to tell me about how her niece and friends had come over. I interrupted her halfway through the elaborate explanation of how she had gone to bed early in the guest bedroom with a simple question.

I asked her if she had given them the condoms. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you what she said after that… I’m not sure if she was making any sense or if I had simply stopped listening. I eventually hung up knowing that she had been lying. She called back a few minutes later crying and apologizing. I only said that she would have to spend the night with her parents.

I was more than a little upset that evening.

So much so, that after talking to my brother he convinced me to ship my hunting rifles to him the night. In the morning, I called a friend and told him I would take him up on that contract job in another state, and proceeded to call moving companies. Over the next two days, I put the house (that was in my name) up for sale, and with the help of her father, packed all of my belongings.

I left the engagement ring that she had helped me pick out on the banister.

The best thing that ever happened to me…I never really thought about her after that, except one time. Two years later I received a notice from the blockbuster we used to use that I had an outstanding charge for a movie that was not returned… The Bridges of Madison County.

I laughed out loud.”

0 points (0 votes)

20. I Think They Have A Thing For Church Parking Lots


“Partner of 4 years (engaged for 2) starts mentioning a new guy at work. She brings him up often but it doesn’t seem unusual as she talks about new therapy aids frequently. (She worked at a home for developmentally disabled children). Weeks go by and she makes me get rid of my dog after one too many chewing accidents. Ends up giving it to the new coworker.

Over the next week, I notice a lot of text messages coming from someone named ‘Zack’ and that she was getting home later than usual. She didn’t have many friends and not a single guy friend that I was aware of. I ended up breaking the rule of being overly curious and checked her text messages while she napped one day. The guy was sending her racy photos and texts throughout the day over the course of a week with her reciprocating his advances.

When I confronted her she said nothing was going on. This went on for a week or so; me making accusations and her denying it. In reality, I knew what I saw and what was going on but I couldn’t accept it because I was ‘in love.’

We started to work things out or rather, I built a wall of false security. She stayed with her sister one night and posted a peculiar status on Facebook.

Something along the lines of, ‘Met a really cool cop, had a great night.’ A few days later her sister called me and confessed to me that my partner was not only cheating on me but also gloating about it. She had been waiting on her to confess but she resorted to bragging and her sister couldn’t stand it any longer. I rush home, tell her to pack her things, get out of my apartment, and leave the key.

I pick up the iPhone I’d bought her and jump in the car to drive off. She jumps on me through the open car door, struggling to get the phone back. I toss it across the parking lot and drive off. I call her dad a few minutes later (I was pretty close with her family) to inform him that the engagement was off and to see if he could come to help her move her stuff out.

He responds with, ‘I’m coming for you.’ and hangs up. I go back to the apartment to make sure she’s not doing anything crazy.

As I walk in she starts crying, telling me how sorry she is and that I should leave because she told her dad I beat her up and he was on his way there. She says she didn’t know what to do and was so upset that I kicked her out and threw her phone.

I leave and come back a few hours later, she’s gone. Days later we try to work things out until she fills me in on the whole story. She as with Zack on 3 separate occasions. Once when she dropped my dog off to him in a park, once in a church parking lot after work, and in another church parking lot close to her sister’s house where a cop caught them in the act and let them go.

Sadly, I clung desperately to the idea that we could work things out but the damage had been done. After another week or so we stopped talking. This all occurred in early September of 2012. We were supposed to be married on September 25th, 2012. I fell into depression, drank heavily, and gained a lot of weight. I’ve removed her from all aspects of my life but my mom still has her on Facebook and mentions how messy she seems to be doing.

4 or 5 partners since, moved in with a ‘friend’ of hers who has been featured on the news for bath salts and drug addiction. I’m preparing to leave for the Air Force, dropped 70+ pounds, in the best shape of my life, and have a fantastic significant other now.”

0 points (0 votes)

19. She Had A Lot Of "Online Friends"


“Didn’t physically catch her cheating but she would be glued to her phone all the time and would guard it like a hawk.

Since we were always together, I would ask who she was texting back and forth with for the last hour and she would make up something. Wouldn’t have thought anything about it except we were together for over 9 years and it was a sudden behavior change so it was obvious. She would also be on the laptop I bought her and slam it closed when I came near her.

At that point, I didn’t really need any more proof to know what was going on but for some reason, I felt I needed closure. I snooped on her laptop and phone one time when she was gone and found everything. Erotic texts back and forth (all sent when I was at work, she didn’t work), and chat records with her alleged ‘online friends’ who she said she never met before.

After confronting her about this all she did was deny it even after explaining how I had proof. At that point, didn’t really matter since I was checked out emotionally from her. The only messy part is that after all these years of mutual friends, she lied to our friends and said nothing happened, she wasn’t cheating and somehow this guy she met online had nothing to do with it.

Some of my friends took her side, some took mine. I don’t really give a d**n anymore. I have nothing to do with her now and I’m a lot happier because of it.

My only advice for people is to not do what I did and try to find some kind of physical proof in a situation where something in your relationship is off.

You know your gut instincts and just go with it. Explain how you feel about what’s making you feel uneasy and go from there. It will probably work itself out, one way or another, at that point.”

0 points (0 votes)

18. She Went From Being Cute To Gross


“I was going out with a girl for half a year and we had been on several small trips together. It was definitely not a fling, but a serious relationship.

One night we had plans to hang out but she canceled because of a sudden family dinner that came up. She called me from the bathroom of the restaurant where she was supposedly eating dinner with her family (because it’s rude to talk on the phone at a restaurant anywhere other than inside the women’s bathroom.. ????). She said she’s really sorry and she’ll call me later that night after she gets home from dinner.

Late that night, still no call from her so I called her up and she didn’t answer.

The next morning, I got a call early in the morning from her phone, so I picked up. It’s a guy asking who I am. I was like, no, who are you? and he said he’s ______’s significant other and he had just learned that she was seeing some other guy (me).

He said he had been her man for a year but he had been ‘busy with business’ and wasn’t able to see her for the past few months.

Apparently, he had taken her out to dinner the night before, and they went to a hotel directly afterward. When she was showering that night, he saw the phone ring and saw it was a guy’s name so he snooped in her phone and saw all the pictures of us together and all the emails back and forth.

Then he held it in and waited till the morning when she was still asleep to call me and confront me.

I was so shocked that I told him he can keep her and that she was trash. He was like, ok good, I just want to make sure you’re done with her.

She came on the phone crying to me and saying sorry and that she’s gonna call me later to explain.

I told her to shut up and die and all kinds of other terrible things. I have never been so brutal to anybody before or since in my life, with the things I said. It felt awesome and felt even more awesome when she started really breaking down.

I felt really bad for the next few days and I realized that this guy was definitely nowhere near the level of significant other that I had been, and he was a moron.

I felt like I deserved her more (…) and she was telling me she had broken it off with him already and to take her back. I made her show me proof that she really ended it with him.

She did, and we got back together… The guy then started stalking her and sending threatening emails and texts to her. The police got involved and he backed off.

A few months later she moved to another country to ‘study abroad’ but it was actually to hang out with some guy she had been chatting with on MySpace. I finally broke up with her then.

Very rough year for me, but I learned a lot. I will never be that naive again. I still cringe when I think about the time I wasted with her, particularly the time I wasted trying to reform her after I got back together with her.

She had a partner from before she met me and I was being taken for a fool. According to her, at some point along the way she had realized she liked me more. But then that begs the question, why’d she go out with the guy again anyway? The answer is, she was a no-good, cheating piece of trash.

Since then, she has gotten fat, ugly, and generally gone from being cute to gross.

I definitely feel like I won in the end.”

0 points (0 votes)

17. They Finished Off Without Noticing I've Been Moving Around


“I work the night shift, and my significant other gets off at midnight from her job. I decided to call out one night to surprise her and even went through the trouble of parking my truck behind my house, cutting all the lights off, and waiting. She arrives at my place with another car behind her.

A guy gets out as they approach my door. Before they enter my house, I leave the window I’m spying out of and slip into the spare bedroom. They enter and immediately hook up on the couch. Luckily my tripod and digital camcorder are in the spare bedroom with me. I quietly set them up in the doorway, record the event, grab my firearm which was LAYING OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT ON THE COFFEE TABLE, and manage to grab two beers from my fridge without being noticed. With the room being fairly dark and spaced out, moving around wasn’t too hard especially on the carpet and the couch is facing opposite of the areas I’m moving around.

After they finish, they sit up and discuss their performance. I twist open a bottle, followed by the instantaneous head spinning and jaw-dropping. I take a swig, toss the other bottle to the strange gentlemen, and tell him he earned it. As they notice the camera beside me, their eyes slowly float to starring at the 50 caliber hand cannon sticking out of my pants, frozen in fear.

I ask them to state their names, first and last, and what naughty action they had just performed. I continue to drink my beer, he still hasn’t opened his, I walk over, twist his cap off, and remind him I’d be annoyed if he let it get warm. I walk towards my tv, grab my Xbox 360 controller, and power the system on. Still frozen on the couch, I sit between the two as I launch call of duty and begin playing team deathmatches.

After 20 minutes, I finally tell them they can leave, after pointing out my 4:1 K/D ratio to the now known man named Chad. They basically run out the door, no clothes on, and I’ve given up calling her to come to get her stuff out of my house. Finally had a curbside alert on Craigslist for her things, or else it was going to the garbage men.”

0 points (0 votes)

16. I Tried To Play It Like I Didn't Know


“My first experience with a cheating partner was when I was 15. We had been on a break (we’ve done this often through the 2-year relationship) and have just gotten back together. About a month before the break I had introduced her to a good friend of mine (first mistake). She was bi-polar I swear she was all over the map of emotions all the time and I never saw it until after.

We had a little group of friends (6 of us) and we used to hang out in each other’s basement smoking and drinking and other things we shouldn’t have been doing at that age. One of my buddies called and told me to come to hang out. I think he wanted me to catch them and realize what a dumb person I’ve been. I got there and walked into the basement to see them wrapped up in a blanket.

She was kissing him. My other ‘friend’ was sitting on the couch across from them smiling. I felt my heart hit the floor I knew with the looks on their faces. I tried to play it like I didn’t know. I wanted to watch them scramble and figure out an excuse.

I sat down on the floor and sparked up a smoke. She got up and sat next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

That was it! I got up told her to shut up and went home. I was a mess for weeks or months I don’t know it all blended.

They got together ‘officially’ after that and I was invited to his 16th birthday party a few months later to mend things between us. I decided to go which resulted in me having a few drinks and knocking him to the floor and getting escorted off the property by his mom and dad.

After explaining the situation to them they were on my side.

They broke up a few months later. She phoned me every day for two weeks wanting to get back together. HAH!

She met another one of my friends from high school and they ended up having a kid together. That poor baby died 3 weeks into life due to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). What a mix of emotions I had about that.

Call me sick but I was almost happy they had that happen.

She now works at McDonald’s, I’m not certain he works. They live in the basement of his parent’s house with a 2-yr-old (another kid).

The crazy thing is, I never go a week without thinking about her. That question always comes up, what if? What would’ve happened? Would I be that guy living in my parents’ basement with a newborn and a partner that works at McDonald’s?

I told my wife when we first met if I ever find out she is or has cheated on me I would never forgive her and would never be able to look at her the same. We’ve been together 7 happy years.”

0 points (0 votes)

15. I Invited Her Husband For A Beer


“So I was going out with this girl for about six months, and she was awesome. Cute, smart, great sense of humor, liked the same things, it was great.

I was getting ready to go to Washington for some training so I thought I would surprise her before I left. Texted her around 5 to see what she was up to and she told me she was out at her friend’s birthday that night. Cool.

I pick up a few things that evening, her favorite tea, some other little things, and a stuffed bear in an army uniform that I even put an extra set of my dog tags on.

Head to her place and let me in (had a key from when I fed her fish a few weeks prior.) Head back to her room to tuck in the bear and when I open the door, I see a fairly big dude ball deep in her. The only thing I could say was ‘oh no’.

She screams, says ‘oh no, no.’ I turn to walk out.

The dude gets out of her and rushes me when I’m just a few feet down the hall. He grabs me, we struggle and my brain says ‘wait, kapu_Koa, maybe this dude was harassing her!’ So, yeah, I fought an unclothed man in a hallway. No big. She’s still screaming and then he yells for her to call the police.

He says this and I jump back yell ‘(her name), what is going on?’ He stops, turns to look at her, I back toward the door a little, and he asks her ‘are you banging him too?

Again? Are you kidding me?’

She runs to the bathroom, he puts on some shorts and I go for my car. He caught me just before I left, explained that he’s her husband, works out of state-building oil derricks for months at a time, and flew in for some time off. We stood in his yard smoking, he apologized for punching me in the head, I apologized for banging his wife, offered him a ride to a hotel.

He said ‘it’s my money that bought this house. You can give her a ride if you want.’ I laughed, invited him out for a beer the next day, and got out of there.”

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14. The Ground Rules Were Disregarded


“My ex and I had agreed to go into a ‘Hall pass’ type of situation. She had brought it up because she was inexperienced in terms of intercourse and wanted to know what other dudes are like.

I’m not amazingly endowed but I’m bigger than average so I have no problem letting her get it on with other guys cuz I know I’ll probably be bigger. Bad logic, I know. And I wanted other girls as well so it seemed like a good idea. Ground rules were set. 3 total. No going back for more. No emotions. One-night stand type. I’m in the military and while I was in the most stressful part of my training for my next rank, she told me to flat out that she had ‘found another man.’

The dude turned out to be 17 years older than her, we were 24 at the time, with a ponytail and a dead-end job. I immediately started snooping. We had a sprint at the time and they have this fantastic feature where you can seamlessly link your phone number to Google Voice and every call, text, and voicemail goes through GVoice. This made it really easy to snoop on every facet of her communications because she pretty much only used text.

She claimed over and over that she did not sleep with him and that he was not her man but there were lots and lots of texts from her saying that she slept with him, even one that explicitly stated, ‘we had intercourse first.’ I had received orders to go overseas months back so I promptly went to outbound assignments and elected to go unaccompanied and got out of there without her.

I’m not terribly mad at it though. She was a fat dependapotamus who would do nothing but drain my bank account every month. I’m very happy to get out of that marriage.

I have an amazing significant other now and we’re waiting on the divorce judgment before we can scream to the world that we love each other! I couldn’t be happier!”

0 points (0 votes)

13. She Had The Guts To Ask Me For Bus Fare


“My wife and I had a fairly large house in a decent neighborhood.

We were good friends with the family that lived a few doors down from us until the wife/mother died of cancer. The father/husband was sent into a massive depression, he couldn’t even look after the kids because they reminded him too much of his wife, so the kids were staying with their grandparents for a while.

He started to get better after 3 or 4 months, he started coming over more often, and my wife and I became very close with him.

He’d come over every other day for a quick chat and a coffee. I kinda started to notice my wife getting a little bit more friendly than I would have liked (hugging him for a bit too long when she answered the door, even some subtle flirting, that sort of stuff), but I told myself I was being stupid. This guy was almost like family to us, and I trusted him.

I was sure nothing would happen.

Okay, now here’s where it gets interesting. I work for a large security company that’s about a 20-minute drive from our house. Because of this, I usually spent my lunch break at a restaurant with a couple of friends from work as opposed to having lunch at home. On our fifth anniversary, I decided to surprise her by coming home early from work with flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear, and this sappy letter I wrote.

I asked my boss if I could leave 20 minutes early so my wife and I could have lunch together. My boss is a pretty cool guy, so he agreed after I explained it was our anniversary.

I left early and picked up the flowers and teddy bear (I’d already bought the chocolates that morning, I decided on buying the other stuff later) and drove to our place.

I bought this cheap basket to put everything in, so I piled everything in the basket with the letter on top and went inside.

I immediately knew something was up.

My wife usually calls out to me when I come through the door (Big, heavy door. When it’s opened or closed you can hear it through the whole house). I saw her car in the driveway, so I knew she had to be home.

When I looked down to take my shoes off, I noticed a large pair of boots. I never specifically noticed my neighbor’s shoes before but seeing the boots triggered a faint memory of it. I tried to listen out, to see if I could hear them chatting. I couldn’t hear any voices, but that’s when I noticed the bump bump bump coming from upstairs. I knew the sound of that bedframe hitting the wall anywhere.

I put 2 and 2 together and just stood there. I hadn’t even moved since I walked in the door. I didn’t cry, I didn’t scream, I didn’t even blink. I don’t know why, but I guess when I’m just overloaded with sadness or shock, I just shut down.

I couldn’t even attempt to try to put to words how messed up it felt. In the space of 5 seconds, the entire 16 years I spent with this woman, our plans to start a family, all the plans and changes I made for her, everything.

Gone. Just gone.

But I’m the last guy to ever go down without a fight. If she was going to tear my heart out of my chest, then she was going to suffer with me. I put the basket on the table and got a couple of rubbish bags from the kitchen. I went through the entire house, dumping all of her things, her decorations, her pictures, everything into this bag.

We had a small bedroom, so we kept a lot of our clothes in this downstairs room. I went in and poured all her clothes into a separate bag. I got a marker from the study and sat down on the couch and started writing and drawing on all the pictures. Lots of profane words and names and stuff like that. I tossed the pictures into the bag and quietly dragged them to the outside of our bedroom.

I wish I had put earbuds in or blocked my ears or something. This woman that I had been with since university, that lost her virginity to me, that I was going to spend the rest of my life with… was talking negative things about me. In between her moans and sharp breaths, she told our neighbor how much bigger his wang was, how he could last so much longer, how she wished they could do this every day…

I quickly grabbed the marker off the couch and a sheet of paper and wrote ‘Happy anniversary’ on it, grabbed a small piece of tape from the kitchen, and taped the sign to one of the bags. While I was there, I grabbed her car keys from the top of the fridge. It was once my old car, so it was technically mine. No way I was letting her have it.

I walked back to the bedroom door and got ready to run through and bring her world crashing down… when I had a thought. I could just forget everything. I could pretend I never saw or heard anything, and just go back to work and we could live like normal. I’d pretend I didn’t know anything, and maybe we could make it work… but screw that.

She had already broken my heart, so I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.

I casually walked through the door. The foot of the bed is closest to the door, and my wife was getting banged by this chubby piece of work, pushing her against the wall. I walked to the chair on the corner and sat down. I took my wedding ring off and threw it at this jerk’s head.

If there’s anything I wish I had a picture of, it would be my neighbor’s face as he realized I was watching him bang my wife. It almost made me laugh. He quickly got off the bed and tried to find his pants. My wife said ‘Wha..?’ and turned around to see why her lover had stopped when we made eye contact. I gave her the most menacing grin I could muster as she screamed. She started babbling about how she thought my neighbor was me, and she just mistook him or something?

I couldn’t even tell. I’m fairly sure she didn’t even form a single proper word as she cried and tried to make up excuses at the same time. All I said was ‘Happy anniversary, baby. You’ve got 5 minutes to get your cheating face out of my house’. She realized she couldn’t win, so she put her shirt and shorts on and walked out the door.

When she saw the bags of her things, complete with the sign I made, she started crying even harder. At this point, my fat neighbor still couldn’t find his pants and was wearing nothing except his XXXL wife beater.

My wife walked back through into the room, and looked up into my eyes, and said ‘But… /u/Baydude98… how am I going to get to my parents’ house?’ She must have figured out I wouldn’t let her take the car.

I shrugged and said, ‘Not my problem’. She sobbed a little more before asking ‘Could you please give me a little bit of money for the bus fare..?'”

0 points (0 votes)

12. Proved The Jerk Guy That I'm Not The Coward Here


“I had been with this girl for about 2 years at this point. We’d broken up once or twice in this time and every time she would go off and get a bit of fun and not think anything was wrong with that.

Even though she’d call me daily with how we were meant to be and she really wanted me back. My reasoning that if she wanted me back she should act as she loved me and not such every d**g pointed her way ALWAYS fell on deaf ears.

Anyway. We had recently got back together after a cooling down period of about a week after a pretty mental argument over who she spends time with and what she does in that time (too many guys who want to bang her and d***s).

But. As always. I wipe the slate clean and try and start a new one.

It’s a Thursday night and I’ve gone to this club called Fan Club with two of my friends for a bit of a midweek fun. The nights a great laugh and we’re hanging out next to the bar when my mate Dan says that that girl over there looks just like my girl.

Now, she had told me she was staying in that evening and getting an early night. So I glanced over to where Dan said and saw a girl all over this guy. I didn’t think it was my girl though as a) it was quite dark in the club, b) the girl was at her folks tonight, and c) I was a naive fool. So I opted to go back to my pint.

Not ten seconds later did I have Dan say that it definitely was my girl as she had clocked him looking at her, and then she kind of recoiled. At this point, my heart kinda started to race in an angry yet heartbroken kind of way. It actually feels like that as of writing this to tell you the truth. Ah… memories.

In a split second, I had put down my drink and walked straight over to her.

Thankfully she must have told the guy to get gone cos he wasn’t there when I got to her. I asked what was going on and she said she was just having a drink with some friends. I told her I saw the dude and what they were up to and she said they were just dancing. I kinda entered argument mode right now and can’t remember exactly what I was saying, but low and behold the guy she was practically snagging on the dance floor comes over and tried starting to speak to her.

I tell this dude to shut up as I’m trying to talk to my girl, but he carries on trying to get her to come away with him. I turned to him and said shush, I’m trying to talk to my girl. He was having none of it and tried to grab her wrist to pull her away. This annoyed me right then and there.

So I turned to him and slapped his hand away from her and said I’m trying to sort things out with my girl here. So scoot.

At this point, the guy turns to me and starts trying to be all in my face, which really wasn’t working for the unfortunate’s sake. Especially considering my buds had come over to see what’s what.

Dan, being the patient man he is, sidestepped me and pushed this guy away with a classic ‘SHUT UP!!!’.

The guy bounced back and lunged for Dan but I got in the way and kept him at bay. One of the bouncers had obviously seen all of this and was there in a flash to chuck my mate Dan out and give me and this jerk a tongue lashing. I tried to explain the situation but he didn’t want to know. The idiot guy now started mouthing off to me while I’m talking to the bouncer, which really didn’t go down well, as he saw fit to take the guy downstairs with him and chuck him out.

I lol’d.

I took this now free moment (bar my mate Lee nervously hanging around behind me and every other person in the club) to sort things out with the misses. I think I had about a minute or two or back and forth ‘he’s a friend’ ‘I don’t like him’ ‘I didn’t think we were properly back together yet’ before three of these nobs pals come over to me and start mouthing off.

My girl at this point turned to them and said please don’t do anything to him. As though I was the one in the wrong!?! I told them I was her man, but they had no care to give. One guy shoved me while another step up beside me ready to more than likely jump me. So I thought screw it and just pushed the guy back as hard as I could.

He went quite far which caused a bit of a ‘wooaaahh’ from other revelers. Such is the mating call of the bouncers, that one appeared, the same one in fact as before, to turn to me and tell me I’m gone.

I said to the guy through an anxious laughter that chucking me out to where this other guy is is like handing me a fight.

Bouncer didn’t care as long as it wasn’t in his club. I still doubt his club ownership credentials…

So me and Lee head down the stairs and into the street. I couldn’t see the idiot, but Dan was waiting next to the road beside a load of bollards. We smoke and ranted a ton about what happened before I notice the girl coming down the stairs with custom somehow in tow!

He must have got back in somehow. Either way, it didn’t matter as he was headed my way.

What happened next was pretty funny. He came right up to me and got as close to my face as he could, and said in an attempted menacing tone ‘If you ever tell me to scoot again I’ll ‘av ya pansies.’ And then pushed me as hard as he could into the bollard.

Now that bollard really hurt my back. Got me just below the center of my back right on the spine. Ouch.

Jerk must have thought of himself as hot stuff as he just walked away and back towards his friends, where unsurprisingly, my girl had aligned herself with.

I kinda just looked at the ground and did a quick ‘heh’ then lunged at the guy.

I got a good 3 clean rights into the left side of his face before the masses of smokers and hangers-on outside the club tried to get in my way. These guys only helped really as I was able to use their shoulders as leverage to continue to pound this guy in the mouth/face/head. Eventually, I was pushed back enough / nob head fallen enough / my rage subsided enough for it to stop.

My girl is now hysterically crying saying no please no don’t. All I could muster at this point was to shout how all of this (with an ‘are you not entertained?’ Style arms open spin) was her fault. I then turned to Dan and Lee and just motioned to leave.

I’d like to say that I then walked home regaling moments of how I hit him and how much of a coward he was while chowing down on a kebab.

But no.

The coward decided to run around the corner to me and hit me around the head while my back was turned. Got me right in the eye as well. Really hurt. He got me in a headlock and tried to tackle me to the ground. Thankfully I was able to push his arms off me and we kinda just had each other locked up at arm’s length.

Weirdly he asked me if I even wanted a fight. Supposedly in the question of the fact that I wasn’t going scitz again. But frankly, my anger had wound down and I was more worried about not being able to see anything out of my right eye. So I just kinda said, ‘well obviously not’. So then he spat in my hair, called me a coward, and walked off.

Now. I don’t see what made me a coward over his blindsiding me really. But it didn’t matter. What I thought would be saliva in my hair turned out to just be b***d. So I kinda laughed at that. Probably busted a tooth of his. Oh well.

My girl, who at this point I’d kinda thought to myself was now my ex again, was crying into one of the guy’s pals’ shoulders, occasionally looking over to me.

I think she mouthed I’m sorry. But I didn’t care. I kinda just sarcastically leaned down and did a big wave and said ‘Bye then!’ to her.

Randomly at this point, Dan decided to spear one of this guy’s friends to the ground and then run off with Lee somewhat turning to run after him in an odd jog. So I was left to just take a nice long walk home wondering whether I’d have a nice black eye in the morning.

I got back together with that girl about a fortnight after that happened. Love can do crazy things to you. We were together for another 3 years before finally calling it a day with her. I can say I’m happily engaged now expecting a child with a fantastic, and not a lying flirty woman!”

0 points (0 votes)

11. He Didn't Make A Good Career Choice


“I didn’t walk in on my ex cheating. He was in the shower getting ready for work, and his phone had gone off.

His phone was always locked, but you could see the content of the text flash across the screen when it came through. He assumed I didn’t know his password, hence him leaving his phone out. Lo and behold, I did, because it was his bank card pin and I handled all the finances. So when I saw the text saying something along the lines of ‘I really need you back here in my arms’, I decided to investigate.

So he’s clearly been sleeping with a coworker for like, 3 months. Anyway, he comes out of the shower, and I just casually inquire who Stephanie is. When he says she’s just a friend, I calmly ask again, who’s Stephanie. When I didn’t get the answer I wanted, I told him I know what he’s been doing and that I know because she’s told all of her friends, who are also my friends, that she’s been seeing this guy from work named Brian.

He was working as a makeup artist, and the city we live in has a really small, tight-knit group of them working together. Well, I knew most of them and was much closer than he was to them so the second he thought this whole situation got around he panicked. He quit his job to avoid the embarrassment, cut off all ties with the company and any connections he’d made while there.

It put a huge damper on his career and financial stability, to say the least. While she hadn’t been the one to initially spill the beans, word spread like wildfire when he suddenly stopped seeing her, and of course, I wasn’t keeping my mouth shut. Eventually, all his fears came to fruition and he’d been totally ostracized from the ‘community’, severely limiting his work opportunity.

Last I heard he was working for a theme park seasonally.”

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10. Her Expression Had No Remorse For What She Did


“Happened to me about a year ago… My wife of 2 years left her Facebook open on my personal computer to message a friend. She was having a convo with a guy about 3 weeks before who I had first met at school and I would have considered him a friend (and if this accident didn’t happen he could have been a very close friend of mine).

The conversation didn’t outright say they were intimate but it did say that she (my wife) was going to tell me a lie so that she would be able to spend the night at his house that night.

Well the time came, she told me that she was going out to run some errands, I looked her straight in the eyes and told her that I loved her, I cared about her, and not to do anything that she would regret.

She left… I swung by a couple of hours later and knocked on the door and for some reason, he answered, half-dressed and alarmed, I just kind of yelled out into his house that I know that she was there she came out of his room looked me in the eyes and said ‘we weren’t having intercourse I was just chatting with him!’ I think that’s what still to this day hurts, her expression was a ‘well whatever, you caught me’ no remorse, no crying on her end just a ‘so what are you going to do about it now.’

I walked out, she didn’t try and come after me or anything I remember him being hesitant and just closing the door on me as she walked back into his bedroom I sat in my car for about an hour just crying and screaming a mix of emotions. At that time I didn’t hear from her or see her walk out. I went home grabbed our 5-year-old daughter packed some things and left.

It’s been a year, she gave me sole custody of our daughter and I haven’t kept in contact with her at all, she lied to her friends and her family to make me out as the bad person, and the only time I have heard from my ex-in-laws is for them to say that I was a horrible person for forcing there daughter to be with another man… yeah okay.

He called me about a week after it happened and apologized to me I half accepted it, he also told me that she was lying to me that night and that they were intimate together As for them, they are not together and after that night he has cut off everything from her. I also haven’t heard from him since the apology. Currently I am just focusing on raising my daughter and I am actually pretty content with being on my own.”

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9. I Got The Dog So I Win


“We had gone out and met up with some friends one night. We had taken the train into the city since we were drinking, but stayed out a bit too late and missed the last one back. One of our friends offered to let us crash at her place overnight. Awesome! We got there and drank a little more. I went to sleep first because I’m tiny and drank a wee bit too much.

However many hours after that I woke up and all is silent. The lights are on, the husband is not in the bed with me. I quietly walk into the lounge room and see them both on the floor entangled in a kiss. They look up in shock as I stood in the hallway, jaw dropped in disbelief. He exclaims ‘It was just a friendly kiss!’ WHAT?

I swiftly walk towards them full of rage. I reach out to slap him across the face, but I am still feeling the effects of the alcohol. I missed him completely and fell. I am so grateful.

Yeah, it was just a kiss, or so I thought. Later he admitted it was much more than that, but I walked in before they could be intimate.

Our marriage went downhill after that. She was not the only one, but the only one that I actually caught him with. They were all my friends. I was in denial for a long time, trying to hold on to something dead. We are in the process of divorce, which he asked for a mere week after my dad’s death. He was cheating on me while I had to take an emergency trip home due to my dad’s health.

He’s with her still. The only reason we haven’t gotten it yet is that I can’t afford half of the fee.

On the bright side, I’m with a wonderful man now, who I’d been friends with for nearly 10 years. My soon-to-be ex-husband is pretty annoyed about that because he was the photographer at our wedding. He hates me for it, but whatever. Also, I got the dog.


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8. She Can't Take That My New Girl Is Prettier Than Her


“I chased this girl for some time. I was absolutely smitten by her the first saw her. Even though she was far out of my league and interested in someone else. I just knew that I would end up with this girl. I know how this sounds, but it’s true. And it ended up happening.

We were together for almost 5 years, lived together most of the time (except for one stint for school), and planned on marrying after grad school.

Well, one day I called her and after quite a few rings she finally answered, but she sounded ‘off.’ I immediately knew that something was up and insisted on pushing the issue. Eventually, she told me that, ‘she did not love me anymore,’ and that she had met someone the night before when she went out with some friends. She was at the guy’s house at that moment, so he hung up and would not answer any further calls.

So, after almost 5 years, all I got was a phone call telling me things were over. I was, obviously, devastated, and this was exacerbated since she would absolutely not speak with me. The state in which I was in led me to use some very manipulating/underhanded tactics to get her to have intercourse with me one more time. I filmed the entire session on a hidden camera with the intention of future blackmail or something along those lines.

I think we ended up hooking up 2 more times after that night, but, eventually, I had to let her go completely.

So I did and I met someone else a year and a half after. At this time, the ex decided she wanted to be back in each other’s lives, and I had to deal with a few crazy phone calls stemming (admittedly by her) from how annoyed she was that I ended up with someone considerably more attractive than she was.

(and she was quite gorgeous)

I eventually got her to stop all contact, and, to this day, she has no idea that I recorded that encounter.”

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7. Torn Between Staying Or Leaving


“He was vet with PTSD. He had a ton of problems when we first met and I almost never even considered him. He had a lot of issues and I helped him through a lot of them. I was told I was a great person and was cool for helping him.

He was mentally unstable and drank a lot. He only played WOW. Basically, I was with him for 4 years, he was an amazing father to my son and took care of us financially for the most part… towards the end anyway. He was never really emotional… Not happy, not sad, not anything. There seem to be a sort of plateau with my feelings. I didn’t love him like a significant other, I tried and tried though.

I just kind of took care of him and helped the best I could with his demons.

After 3 years I tried over and over to break up, he either refused to listen or (when he thought I might be serious) cried and begged. I hate seeing him like that, he was such a big, strong, smart man… It would kill me to see him like that.

I reasoned he just needed someone there to help take care of him (he was never emotional towards me so how could I believe anything else?) so I stayed. I went looking for someone to take care of the emotional/fun side that I needed and I found him. After a few months I saw I was falling in love, and so was the new guy.

I didn’t know what to do… Make him happy by staying? Or make me happy by leaving?

I left. He found out after I left about my cheating. I broke his heart and I’ll never forgive myself. I feel like garbage every day. I left a year ago. In the year since I’ve been gone I’ve started drinking heavily (previously I’d never even been intoxicated) I take meds for severe depression, and I was in a coma for 2 days.

I hate myself. I feel disgusting. Want to know the worst part that absolutely tore me to pieces? He begged after I left to still see my son.

He, on the other hand, is doing awesome. That’s the only thing I’m truly happy about honestly is the fact that he’s doing so awesome. He’s got another girl that isn’t quite so needy for attention. She’s also completely fine with having my son over every other weekend.

He has ADHD and she’s a teacher for autistic kids so she’s amazing with him.

I knew the relationship was over long before I got the courage to leave, I’m glad I left. It was definitely time. But how I did it was so underhanded and dirty. We totally switched places… I have all the problems he used to have (depression, drinking, s*****e, anti social…)

Life is funny sometimes.”

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6. She Gave Me What I Wanted For Her One Last Night In My House


“So I was on the couch on a Friday night with my significant other on my lap. We had only been going out for a few months and, while I didn’t really want a partner, I succumbed to her relentless pursuit of defining the relationship.

Anyway, we were on the couch, watching The X-Files on Netflix when I see her texting away. It’s around 1 AM, and ask her whom she’s texting since I’m here. She says it’s her gay friend Michael, who I’ve met and is certifiably gay. She continues to text, and Fox Mulder fights off that dude that can turn into a bug that’s killing people in the office (or is it a bug that can turn into a dude, either way), and I catch a peek at the name on the text.

‘John Mason’ or something like that.

I asked her what’s going on in the conversation. She starts going on about how Michael is doing this and that with his Broadway show and blah, blah, blah. I sat up, told her to shut up and listen closely. She has two options: either get out of my apartment and never talk to me again or hand over her phone so I can see what’s going on because I know she’s lying to me.

She starts stammering and deleting content off of her phone before handing it over. I laugh at her because she’s obviously deleted the worst content. I scroll through the phone and there’s nothing there that’s bad anymore. She had an old flip phone and I was rocking an iPhone 3gs at the time so I wasn’t familiar at all with the OS of her flippy.

When I was about to hand her her phone back, I accidentally accessed her ‘Sent’ messages and there was a treasure trove of goodies there. I read some of the choicest bits back to her. Handed the phone back and asked her to leave. Normally, it would not have been an issue to force her out, but the week before I received a double whammy of bad luck.

I was informed by my boss that my contract would not be renewed and, (more relevant to the story) later the same day, I blew out my ACL playing soccer. She begged and begged to say she’ll do anything to stay. So I told her okay, I want to hook up right now.  She asked ‘How do I know you won’t throw me out as soon as I’m done,’ to which I replied, ‘I guess you’ll just have to trust me.’

I ended up letting her stay the night as it was really late and I didn’t live in the safest neighborhood. She stayed in the bedroom while I played Fifa with my best friend over the Playstation Network talking to him about the whole thing. He gave me a lot of friendly support over the hour or so that we played and then I went to bed. The next morning, bright and early, told her it was time to go.

We ended up hanging out a bit after that but never got back together. I couldn’t prove she cheated or anything, but all trust was lost. The guy she was texting was like 5 hours away and she never left our neighborhood. In the end, I got an awesome job a few months later making way more money than I did at my previous job, and I started going out with a girl who was like her nemesis in high school.

We’re still together now.

I don’t harbor any ill-will to this person. In my heart, I forgave her shortly after I moved on. Whether or not everyone deserves forgiveness is a question for a higher intellectual and moral power than myself, but as they say, the best revenge is living well!”

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5. I Stretch My Limbs And They Panic


“8 years of marriage, 10 years of being together ended. I didn’t catch them, he walked in on us at home. We were sitting on the couch just talking, and the door lock clicks. I was confused because we were both home and no one else that I knew of had a key to our home.

He walks in, sees us both, then zeros in on me like I was the one intruding on his home. ‘Who are you?’ ‘I’m her husband.’ He looked at me with a bewildered look, followed by disbelief, then anger, then pure rage. I look at her, with the same sequence of facial expressions after seeing his. I trusted her, so much so that I often told our friends that I would believe my mother was an alien from outer space before I’d believe she would ever be unfaithful to me.

She didn’t say a thing, just looked at the ground in front of her feet.

I snapped. I was a retired professional MMA fighter, before UFC, before the octagon, before all the prizes. I could leg press 750lb on my right leg at 40 reps a minute even after my retirement, so a punch or kick from me would instantly disable any human being that’s not a cyborg.

He saw my actions and saw me begin to stretch my limbs. She realized by this point what was going to happen next, and jumped up from the couch to run for the door. I was the furthest to the door, she was to the left of me, he was right inside the door. As she was getting close to the door, I leap to stop her but was a bit too late.

The door was still open, he had his hand on it the whole time, and they make it out of the door. I can hear her yell to him ‘HE CAN KILL US BOTH WITH HIS HANDS! HE’S NUMBER SIX IN THE WORLD!’. I opened the door, ran after them, but they had gotten away in his car.

She came back and got her stuff while I was at work, and kept the Cartier watch my mother got her for our wedding anniversary that my mother saved 6 years to buy.

She returned my house keys and my family’s heirloom ruby earrings that were 600 years old. I never heard from her again.

I bought 2 apartments for us, I got into almost a million dollars worth of debt for us, I was planning to have a baby with her the year that it happened. Our boy was going to be named Dante, our daughter was going to be named Selene.

I’ve been relying on alcohol to get to sleep every night ever since. I now work in IT at a financial firm, after 12 years of IT experience, I finally made it to AVP and manager last year. I have not had time to break down, or properly unwind after the divorce, so I’m still waiting for the time when I lose my mind and get fired. Meanwhile, I’ve lost both my grandfathers and my grandmother on my father’s side, it just keeps building up.

She was pregnant with my child, I have no idea what happened to him/her, but I’m working 11 hours a day and every weekend to pay for the home I bought for us. This has been the last 3 years of my life.”

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4. I Played Along With His Lies


“About 10 years ago I had dumped my partner at the time then moved 5 hours away from where my family lives. He said he loved me blah blah blah and actually moved out there, hoping I’d get back together with him.

I thought that was romantic and I was stupid and fell for it. About a year later, on Christmas Eve, he said he didn’t want to hang out. I had gifts for him and was going to be busy on Christmas, so I decided to go to his apartment (which I had recently moved out of because it was just too far from work, and other reasons).

His apartment was over a garage. He worked with the guy that owned the house. Anyway, I walked into the garage and there was a girl there. I had never met her, but I knew right away she was this girl he’d mentioned a few times that was friends with his other friend. The girl looked absolutely furious and disgusted. I was like haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa she was expecting intercourse, and he was making her watch him fix his car.

The guy was acting really shocked that I showed up, and the girl just stood there with her arms crossed, making the face of someone who was beyond annoyed.

I had tried to break up with this guy multiple times and he kept convincing me not to. I wasn’t really that upset, but glad that I finally proved I was right about all my suspicions.

He was stupid and his cell phone was under my name. Of course, I had access to all the records and saw ridiculous amounts of calls and texts to a number I didn’t recognize. He said it was a guy. I didn’t believe him for a second, and that was when I tried to break up with him one of the times.

So there I was, knowing full well what the two were up to.

I decided to play along with his lies and was like, ‘ok, bye! love you!’ right in front of her then walked out of there smiling, knowing the relationship was finally over. For some reason being right makes me feel awesome and powerful.

I talked to his best friend who said he had been debating telling me the man was cheating. It had only been a couple of months, but he had also cheated on me with his ex when he said he was visiting his mom.

I definitely have no regrets about that situation because that guy ended up with the huge girl with a massive gap in her buck teeth, and she was like 18 with 2 kids and no job.

Also, he had a small package. No loss.”

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3. She Didn't Recognize Me With Shaved Head


“So I meet this girl in high school who I end up going out with for 6 months. She works at Shoprite, the local grocery store, and I noticed that she was starting to spend some time hanging out with one of her male coworkers.

Now, I don’t want to be a jealous jerk and cause drama, I mean, what reason did I have? He was dropping her off at my house occasionally, but it was right after she got out of ‘work’. I did feel a bit worried at one point. ‘Are you sure you and so and so are ‘just friends’?’…She starts laughing. ‘Honey, don’t be silly.

I would never do that to you. Besides, so and so, is gay.’ LOL and here I was worrying… Fast forward a few weeks, I get my head shaved for this fundraising event for children with cancer (St. Baldricks).

Apparently, I look completely different. I go to surprise her at work and apparently, I look so different that she doesn’t see me 5 feet in front of her on her checkout line when this jerk walks by and exchanges a flirtatious wink to her.

I just turn around, walk away. Never talk to her again, don’t respond to anything. I think she figured it out.

Next week, I walk into the same store, see this guy working, proceed to fill my cart with random things, get on his line for checkout, once he rings up the 200 dollars of groceries I pick out, ‘Oops, forgot my wallet in my car.’ ‘are you serious?’ ‘Yea, sorry man, Ill be right back.’ Proceeded to jog out of the store.

start laughing hysterically as I get in my car and drive away, wishing I could see the confused look on his face until the split second he realizes that I’m gone.”

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2. Dad Has An Agenda In Germany


“I was about 15 and started wondering what my dad was doing on the computer all the time. When I’d walk up I’d always hear the mouse click to a different tab. So I decided to put a key logger on the computer.

I’d check it every night after he went to bed or in the morning. I found some pretty weird naughty content and figured that’s what it was, but as I kept looking I’d always find emails written in German, my father’s from Germany so I figured it was him writing to some family member back there. I’d always translate them with Babelfish and read through, but the translation wasn’t very good.

I kept doing this for about 3 months until one night I read something about intercourse, that’s when I got freaked out. This person couldn’t be a family member if he’s talking about being intimate with them. So after a few more nights, the emails were getting worse. As soon as I figured out what I had been reading all these months I didn’t know what to do with myself.

My parents were asleep upstairs and I couldn’t face my mom and tell her what I found, so I decided to call my sister and tell her that she needed to tell my mom. She called the house shortly after our conversation and I answered and gave it to my mom and went into my room. That was a long night and an even longer year.

Turns out he had been going over there to see her every few months and he would tell my mom that if my uncle called while he was in Germany to not mention that he was there because he didn’t want them to expect a visit. Long before this, we had always joked that maybe he was really in the CIA or something because he had a high-level clearance at an aerospace company and would pull something like this.

Nope turns out he was just seeing a woman over there.”

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1. She Wanted To Go Out For A Walk In The Woods


“I never actually caught my ex-wife cheating but I knew she was interested in a mutual friend. My ex-wife had a lot of psych problems and I wasn’t mature enough back then to be as helpful as I could have been. I didn’t rant and rave at her but I certainly could have been more supportive so I can’t say I entirely blame her.

Still, we were trying to make it work and here she was lusting after this other guy.

At the worst, our entire collective group of friends went camping. She had her own tent but was completely intoxicated and talking about going for a walk (she could barely stand) in the woods when it was nearly freezing out. Sure, we weren’t entirely sure about our marriage at that point but I wasn’t about to let her stumble off into the woods to fall unconscious and freeze to death.

I slept on the floor of her tent in front of the door so she’d step on me if she tried to stumble out later. No other intent but her safety. She was furious at me because ‘what would people think?!’ when the answer is ‘we’re still married, who cares what they think.’ I knew her well enough to know she was really concerned about what this other guy would think.

I knew then the relationship was basically over. There was lots more to it than that and I still made an effort to fix things but that was the tipping point that made it clear my efforts were doomed.

It still ripped my heart out going through the rest of the legal and emotional process of separation. Most of our friends were surprised and confused by how it all played out and one actually wrote me off and won’t talk to me because I didn’t try to ‘scare her back into a relationship’, whatever that meant.

(I think he secretly had a thing for her and couldn’t accept me giving her up since he was now with someone else).

It all has a happy ending for me though. A few years later I met someone else and we are madly in love. Got married 14 years ago. We have three lovely children and are all quite happy.

My ex-wife hooked up with the guy she was interested in.

He left her and then got caught, arrested, and jailed for knowingly hitting on underage girls. Last I heard my ex-wife hooked up with someone she met playing an MMO and moved to another state to be with him. I sometimes wonder where she is now. I still care about her and worry about her safety but there’s little I can do. She/we made our choices and my family comes first.

Had I actually caught them together (they may have been doing things before we actually separated, I don’t really know) I don’t know what I would have done. I think I’d have been stunned and mad, probably punched the wall and put a hole or two in it, then left. Who knows it might actually have sped the process up but it sure wouldn’t have made it any easier or better.

I’m mostly glad it never came to that.”

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Maintaining a happy relationship is hard, yes. But isn't it harder to keep a big lie while trying to convince your partner that nothing fishy is going on? What are your thoughts? We'd love to hear them in the comments section below. Sign up at to upvote and downvote your favorite stories! (Note: Some stories have been shortened and modified for our audiences.)