People Share The Glorious Moment They Got Revenge On A Bully

54. Stood Up For The Girl Being Bullied In The Middle Of The Class And Made Her Bully Cry
I was not the one being bullied, probably because I have zero tolerance for their b******t, but this was one of my favorite high school memories.
There was a girl who was not considered attractive in my algebra class. She didn’t wear the right clothes, didn’t have the right hair, talked a little funny, very introverted. Every day, when she came into class, the football jock who sat behind me would mutter, under his breath, “God, she’s so ugly. She’ll never have kids, who could bring themselves to f**k that b***h.” Every day, I turned around, looked him in the eye and told him to shut up.
But being the nice girl I used to be, I didn’t curse or threaten. He’d just laugh.
Since he was all sotto voce about it, it stayed like that a while, because I thought she couldn’t hear him. But it pissed me off. And every day he did it, it pissed me off more. The teacher heard us, and never did a d**n thing about it.
Every day. For weeks.
She came in late one day, breathing hard from running to beat the bell in Florida spring, sweaty and dropped her books a**she came in the door. Jock boy starts yelling, “Good God, you ugly cow, you can’t even get your fat a*s in through the door without dropping all your s**t!” Everyone heard him. Teacher heard him.
Did nothing, as usual. The girl teared up, picked up her books.
I turned around for the fiftieth time, stood up this time, leaned over his desk and into his face and told him to call me an ugly cow and see what happens. He turned red, started stuttering and told me to sit my a*s down. I leaned over more and yelled it again into his face, “Come on, big man, tell me I’m an ugly cow!
Do it!”
Teacher was slightly concerned at this point, says, “Scarlettjax, just sit down and let’s get on with class.” I looked at the teacher and said, “H**l no, if you ain’t gonna do nothing about this a*****e I am. I’m sick of his b******t.” Teacher then yells for me to get out of the class and go to the dean. I said I would when this d*****s failing mo*********r tells me I’m an ugly cow.
By this time the class is joining in, half telling him to tell me I’m an ugly cow and the other half telling me to knock him out.
Football boy has tears in his eyes too by now. His original victim has quit crying and is just staring at the show. I leaned right into his face one last time, and said, “Didn’t think so.” He said he was sorry.
I told him, “Tell her.” He glanced in her general direction and murmured an apology.
I gathered up my crap and went the dean. Got a week’s worth of detention for cussing in class. Totally worth it. Got moved to the back row of the class away from j***********e and met an exchange student from Columbia who changed my life. Totally worth it.
53. Mean Girl In School Walks Around With An Embarrassing Note On Her Jacket
“I grew up in a small town. We had one girl everyone thought was “the prettiest girl in the whole wide school”
She was a mean, petty ****. Truly awful.
For example, my cat died when I was in 5th grade. She sat behind me muttering about how funny it was that my cat died, that he was a stupid cat, that he died because my mom was too poor to take him to the vet, and urging me to cry.
‘Are you gonna cry? Are you gonna cry about it? Like a big baby? Big baby cry over your st*pid cat? Everyone’s gonna see you cry. You’re about to cry aren’t you..’ – and so on.
This wasn’t even the meanest thing she did. And she was mean to everyone.
One day in 6th grade, I’d had enough. She didn’t even do anything truly awful I was just like ‘*** Jennifer G’ and decided to do something about her.
I stole one of my mom’s little index/recipe cards and meticulously wrote: ‘I STUFF MY BRA’ in big bold letters. I stuffed that and a little gold safety pin in my jacket pocket.
The next day I carefully affixed this to the back of her pink Members Only jacket just before the first bell rang.
She walked around with this d*mn note on all day.
Confused as to why people were laughing at her.
She screamed and screamed when she found it. And she cried. Everyone saw her cry.”
52. Navy Recruits Bully My Roommates So I Started A Riot Between The Two Groups
“In England, I’m aged 15 and I’m on a week-long course with the naval cadets (CCF) in Portsmouth. The group has around 20 school kids from various schools. In the ship we’re staying on we have our own bunk space. Around the corner is a group of actual navy recruits – aged a few years older than us.
So one night a bunch of the recruits invades our bunk space.
They grab the three youngest looking kids, which includes me. Their leader takes out a padlock and starts hitting my buddy with it. Then he asks ‘Does that hurt?’ and my buddy says ‘Yes’, to which the bully says ‘Good I’ll do it some more!’. After a few more whacks, he starts on another kid, asks the same question to which the reply is ‘No!’ and his answer is ‘I’ll have to do it harder then!’.
I’m next in line and I know what’s coming. So when he turned to look at me I punched him in the face as hard as I could (I was small at 15 and he was ~2 years older).
And all **** broke loose.
The first thing that happened was his mate shoved me off the bunk onto the floor and started jumping on me. The rest of my group laid into the recruits.
They were smaller but outnumbered the recruits. Someone pulled the guy off me and I was just about to start kicking the **** out of him when the MPs/security/Petty Officers came in and broke up the fight.
We all got dragged into the commander’s office and ordered (as in actual military orders) to stay out of each other’s bunk space.
The next day I saw the guy I punched and he had what I assume was a broken nose.
I found I had acquired a bit of reputation at school. Sometime later as I’m walking across the schoolyard a younger (but bigger) kid bumped into me. I say something along the lines of ‘hey! watch it!’ and he says ‘Make me!’. His buddy comes up and drags him off saying ‘Don’t **** with him, he’s crazy.'”
51. Verbal Bully Now Has To Respect Me As Part Of His Faculty
“In high school, I had a verbal bully. He never got physical but I would always hear about how fat I was or what I was reading (this was early/the mid-90s, so manga wasn’t as mainstream as it is now). He lived a few streets down and his parents knew he did it; they just didn’t care.
So in my Junior year, a new high school opened and I transferred over.
He stayed at the old school. I help set up all the new computers and networks at the new school and graduate. The school then hires me as a computer tech, which was great because it was awesome paying for an 18-year-old!
So my first year as a computer tech and who do I see?!? That’s right! He did something in his senior year at my old school that got him kicked out and had to repeat his junior year.
So he was now a year behind me.
So I am walking through the hallways with an Assistant Principal (d*mn I miss him; I would’ve followed him to a school in H**l itself) talking about what computers I was going to move, etc. The Bully sees me and just starts up again as no time had passed. I just stare at him and then at the AP.
He lays into my bully about showing proper respect for the faculty and staff while my bully just has this d*mbfounded look on his face.
It was amazing!”
50. Boy Harassed Me During Lunch So I Turned His Pleasure Into Pain
“As a short Asian girl, I have been bullied a lot. People think I’m weak or a pushover. Well, I may not be the greatest fighter but I am by no means a pushover. I have gotten revenge on plenty of bullies, but the one I remember the most was in middle school.
There was this guy, Todd, (*** you Todd if you’re reading this) who thought that he was hot ***. Basketball team and was fairly attractive, he even wore a leather jacket because he thought he was all that).
Anyway, he used to constantly harass me, shoving me, insulting me, he even spat on me sometimes. I just ignored it because I just didn’t give a ***. But all my friends thought he had a crush on me because ‘if a guy bullies you or is rude to you he must like you’ and all that stupid stuff.
Eventually, it starts getting creepy. I noticed him in my peripheral vision as I’m walking home obviously trying, and failing, to hide and stalk me. Starts touching me more and more. I just kept ignoring him and dodging him. All the while my ‘friends’ keep saying that they’re sooooo sure he has a crush on me. Day after day I keep making compliments to my mom and dad.
Keep getting the same response from my mom ‘You’re a girl, just sit still, look pretty, and ignore it’ and things like that. My dad just says to ‘deal with it’.
One day during lunch he just straight up groped me. Ran behind me and started playing with my b*obs. All sorts of ‘Oooooo’s’ and giggles from the cafeteria. Teachers outside dealing with a kid who just puked so no one help there.
I go from shocked to annoyed as I realize he’s still ****** playing with my chest! And I can feel his “hardness” against my back. So I rip his hands off me, get up, and punch him square in the nose. Then I stomp on his c crotch. Hard. Yeah, he was in a lot of pain.
Get called into the principal’s office, who calls my dad.
Without even listening to the principal he asks me what happened. I explain that I was groped and I dealt with the problem by punching him in the face and stomping on his ***. Dad has the proudest grin and pats my shoulder while fighting the principal because this principal wanted to expel me. Ended up not getting punished, and I got ice cream!
Moral of the story: Don’t sit still and take it if you’re getting bullied. Fight the **** back.
Even if you can’t win, fight anyway. Bullies like easy targets”
49. Kid Pushed Me Into The Pool So I Ruined His Soccer Career
“**s***e kid was the biggest **s***e in the third grade and lived right up the street from me. Would always try and make me look bad in front of anybody short of my parents.
Fast forward three years of him picking on me and a hot middle schooler (6th grade is considered elementary for us) in the neighborhood invites both of us to a birthday party. Little **c**r keeps pushing me in the pool, getting his friends to lift me up and throw me in the pool, anything to try and embarrass me. Probably 10-15 times. Finally, I had enough, I waited until he was near the edge to push him into the pool.
Felt so satisfying. Until I heard that snap. His leg got caught in between the deck and pool and was still up there while his body was in the pool.
Not really sure what happened next, kinda dipped cause there were firearms at the party (middle schoolers older brother was a future army nut) and his friends were saying they’d get me back. Pretty sure he was in a cast for close to a year, also ruining his soccer career.
Because he was the best player, most of the school didn’t like me for ruining that. Fast forward through a somewhat depressing 4 years and ever since then through now, his best friends are now mine, and the whole school realized he is and was a complete and utter d*uche.
Would I do it again? Never. Breaking his leg kinda f*cked me up in the head for a while, but at least he got what was coming to him.”
48. Got My Revenge Using A "Red Hot Chili Peppers" Song
“When I was in middle school, I was always picked on in Catholic school by one bad kid and his gang of ‘fans.’ Incidentally, they all used to be my friends.
They jumped ship when he showed up at the school. That one hurt. A lot.
The reason was that I loved to sing, which they thought was the dumbest thing anyone could ever want to do. We had a mandatory music class (shocking, right?) every other day. The teacher loved me too because I was the only boy in the class who actually tried. He wasn’t helping my situation at all, and eventually, I couldn’t handle it.
I asked him one day after class if he could stop. I guess he had thought about my situation, over the next couple of days. Next class, the teacher tried to stand up for me in front of the class to the bullies. That was the worst thing he could have done, and it got worse over the next couple of months.
Okay, so one last bit of setup.
I was a singer for the house band in an after-school program called School of Rock (check it out, it saves lives.) and we had a big show coming up where I would get to sing a ton of hard rock music. Notably, Suck My Kiss by Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
So I invite this bully to the show, and he immediately starts to make fun of me.
He laughs and says that he’ll be there. One of his friends, who used to be my best friend for years growing up, comes up and tells me ‘you know he’s just gonna make all of us make fun of you, right?’ Which I knew, but I had also seen a lot of movies. It was worth a shot.
The day of the show came, and I saw them walk in, laughing and hitting each other on the shoulder as they took a table.
I took special note of where it was. I got up there and sang the first couple of songs. I was doing well enough apparently for a few of the gang to get closer to the stage. By the time Suck My Kiss came up, the bully was reluctantly standing by his friends who were all upfront having a blast. He stared me down as the song started, and we made direct eye contact.
I started the song and made points to regain that eye contact at the chorus. Every. Single. Time. The first time it happened, his friends couldn’t believe it. He stood there wide-eyed. He continued to get more and more embarrassed as the song went on, and his friends laughed at him harder. I gave him every bit of aggressive physicality and **** that he gave me over the years, and all he could do was sit there and take it.
After the show, all his friends came up to me and told me how awesome that was, and for a second, they were my friends again. The bully left right away.
I didn’t get all my friends back, and they all still didn’t talk to me, but I had made my point. I never heard another thing about my singing or music or anything after then.
Oh, so sweet.”
47. More Proof That Succeeding In Life Is The Best Revenge
“It wasn’t physical revenge, more like my brains against his brawn. He had been tormenting me since fifth grade when he beat the crap out of me with a bass drum mallet because I wouldn’t date him.
He never got into serious trouble as his parents were both teachers at our school, and his father had a lot of weight he could throw around if he wanted.
Thus, my tormentor was able to not only harass me but a lot of my other female classmates as well. One of my friends was forced to go to a Christmas dance with him by her parents, and she went home in someone else’s car because he kept trying to get his hands under her dress.
No punishment for that either.
During our junior year in high school, he would shove me against lockers, try to shove coins down my pants, and told everyone my lady bits smelled like fish. I started eating my lunch in the bathroom as the door had a deadbolt on the inside, and I could lock myself in and be safe.
By the time we were seniors I was very depressed, but I knew if I could make it to graduation and college, I would be ok.
I had always been a smart kid; he had been held back in pre-K by his mother, the teacher, and we all knew she did his homework for him, especially essays.
On the first day of my senior year, I decided to take the leap into the rest of my life. I applied to my dream school and wrote an essay about my tormentor and how my struggles shaped me into the person I was today.
I made a 27 on the ACT, I was in the top 15% of my class, I volunteered at the nursing home and my church; in short, I was my college’s dream student, and I got my acceptance letter before Thanksgiving.
My tormentor had a rougher time. His highest score on the ACT was a laughable 19, a bit short of the minimum 21-22. Maybe his score was so bad because he utterly failed the English section and couldn’t write the essays without his mommy’s help.
Maybe it was because his daddy was a big alum of my dream school and thought he could just shove some money at the admissions office and get him in that way. But alas, he was rejected and was handed off to a satellite campus of another big uni that was put in the middle of nowhere.
The day I graduated high school is still one of the best days of my life.
I may not have beat the **** out of him, but knowing the rest of his life was essentially screwed made everything that much sweeter.
Present day: I’m a grad student, set to graduate in the fall. He barely got through his bachelor’s and is back home with his parents, scraping by as a measly substitute teacher. Does it still feel good when I run into him and see his miserable fat face?
You betcha!”
46. Guy Embarrassed Me On-Air, Slapped Him At A Party Four Years After
“In high school, I was a total nerd and harassed every single day. The only thing that made me not completely hate my life was my nerdy friends from other high schools who put on a live cable access TV show every Friday.
All the cool kids went to football games, and we went to cable access. It was a live call-in show, and one **c**r would repeatedly call-in and call me out on the air and say nasty **** specifically directed toward me. I knew who this person was, but I was way too timid and demure to actually say anything to him in real life.
Four years later, I was in college, way hotter, at a party and he came up to me and said, ‘Do you remember me?’ I said yes and slapped him as hard as I could across the face.
He was in such shock, his head stayed in the position I had slapped it with his mouth wide open as I walked away. My friend standing next to me said he had never seen anything so bad a*s. The icing on the cake is I actually moved to Los Angeles and worked in Hollywood film production for five years. I have no idea where those high school **s****s are but can’t imagine all of them are making their wildest dreams come true.”
45. Neighbor Who Poisoned My Dog Ends Up With A House That Reeks With Rotten Fish
“I hate the term bully in this context, but a former man-child neighbor had issues understanding that it wasn’t okay to throw his garbage in my yard, or let his drunk friends pee on my house. When the county cops didn’t do anything about numerous calls, I started bagging the garbage and throwing it on his porch.
He escalated to putting rat poison in hot dogs and throwing them to my german shepherd mix.
I saw her convulsing, and found three packages worth of hot dogs studded with pellets right along the fence. She pulled through, no worse for wear. Cops said I couldn’t prove who did it.
So the next time he threw garbage in my yard, which usually contained the guts/waste from his hunting and fishing, I gathered fish guts into a bag, waited until he left, and put them in the rafters of his porch, under the hedges in his yard, and finally inside his air conditioner unit.
About three days later he had all the doors and windows open.
The following week he was having the carpet replaced throughout the house.
Eventually, the guts rotted away and the smell faded, but I think he knew I did it because I never found trash in my yard again.
Do not **** with my dogs.”
44. Uncle Vandalized Annoying Neighbors' Lawn While They Were On Vacation
“My Great Uncle had neighbors that would throw their dog *** into his yard with a shovel.
First, he talked to them about it but they denied it and told him to *** off. Next, he bagged up a week’s worth of *** and put it on their doorstep, but they kept up with the shoveling.
This goes on all winter, he’s had to stew on this not knowing what to do, because even though my great uncle is an ******, he’s not going to poison the dogs.
So spring rolls around and the neighbors rip out their lawn, landscape it, and truck in all-new soil before laying turf. During this time he got a nice break from the dog *** since they couldn’t let the dogs walk on the new grass as it was setting and had to take them on walks to do their business. For about a month he got used to not having dog *** in his yard again, so when it came back he remembered how annoyed it made him.
He’s trying to figure out what to do about all this dog *** when he realizes that there isn’t any more coming over the fence.. maybe they started being more considerate? Nope, the cars are gone it looks like they’re out of town. So he heads down to the gas station and fills a couple of Jerry cans up with diesel. He goes into their newly finished back yard and uses the fuel to write “DOG ***” in big huge letters that filled the yard.
They came back from vacation to a few new dead spots on their lawn. About a week later the words had really taken shape and my great uncle was confronted about the vandalism. He denied it and told them to *** off, none of the other neighbors said they saw anything because for the time their yard was being redone they let the dogs *** all over the neighborhood and never cleaned it up.
In the end, they had to rip up their new lawn and put in new again and they still threw *** in his yard.”
43. Guy Who Picked On Us Delivered An Embarrassing Debate Speech In Class
“My buddy and I pulled a prank on a bully (Adam) during the last two weeks of high school. We were hanging out at home playing video games and Adam surprised us by stopping by (under the guise of wanting to ‘be friends,’ despite having picked on us for the better part of four years, and one time, stabbing me with a pencil.) Within about 5 minutes, he was pressuring me to write his final assignment for him.
A speech for Debate class. At first, I said no (I mean, what is this, some comic book cliché? What will he demand next, my milk money too?) But my buddy kept winking at me, putting the pressure on, and convinced me that we should do it.
After some ‘negotiation’ we agreed to put together a speech for him, but only if Adam would pay us $25, and also pick up a (rather elaborate) dinner order from Wendy’s for us to eat that night.
He agreed. My buddy and I ate well that night. And we had a plan.
What we actually gave Adam was a quickly and pretty poorly written (and somewhat incendiary) speech about the ‘silliness of Martin Luther King Day’ and how, ‘if America really wanted to celebrate a true hero, it would instead be Joe Namath Day.’
I’m serious. That’s what we wrote. We honestly believed Adam would read this at home, realize he’d been had, and be forced to re-write and memorize a new speech in the wee hours of the night.
Except it didn’t go down that way. Imagine my surprise when Adam actually delivered that very speech in class the next day. He didn’t have the memorization down, he kept referencing his papers, but he marched on. And the look on our teacher’s face was just priceless. I think I peed my pants, I was giggling so hard. The other kids in the classroom were in shock.
As I recall, the teacher made Adam stop his presentation. She told him to leave the classroom and she yelled at him in the hallway. As far as I know, Adam never fessed up that he hadn’t actually written that paper, and I’m still not quite sure he ever really figured out just how brilliantly he’d been played.”
Another User Comments:
“I did something similar, but not as intense as your story when I was in high school!
A kid sitting next to me when we were doing a history test was blatantly copying my work– as in, waiting for me to start writing, staring at me as I write said answers, then writing the same answers word for word. It was a short test and I had enough time, so I went through and wrote all the wrong answers to each question, things like adding ‘Japan invades Germany and the United States during WW2, leading them to victory’ and ‘Adolf H****r escaped to Antarctica at the end of the war and still lives there to this day’.
Things that were SO clearly fake that I was in shock while I watched him copy down my answers. When I got to the last question, he copied down the last question then went and turned it in. I then erased all of my tests and redid them with the right answers. Soooo worth it when we got the papers back since he didn’t say anything to me about his F and my A since he’d have to admit he was copying my answers, hahaha.” emily447
42. Boy Who Harassed Girls In My School Gets A Slap Across His Face
“There was a kid named Matt in my school who, in eighth grade, had developed a rating system for the girls based on the size of their br*asts and kept getting away with saying gross things to them. He had been reported to the guidance counselor and faculty repeatedly, but they kept saying ‘We can’t do anything about it if we don’t personally see it happening,’ which is like — do you think he’s st*pid enough to do it in front of you?
He also kept calling me Mimi, after the Drew Carey Show character. I was getting sick of it after a few months and fruitlessly talking to the guidance counselor about that, as well.
I finally realized that none of the adults were going to do anything about it. One day at lunch, he called me Mimi, and I turned around and told him, ‘If you call me that again, you’re not going to like my reaction.
I don’t know what I’m going to do, but you’re not going to like it.’ Which was true, I just figured I’d react at the moment. Thirty minutes later he called me Mimi in the hallway and I turned around and gave him a big, open-palm roundhouse slap across his face. He was completely taken aback. All I had to say was, ‘I told you you weren’t going to like it.’
I got suspended for a week. My parents were furious at me. However, Matt never harassed anyone again. He was totally polite from that day forward. I don’t generally advocate violence but I still feel like it was a proportional response to months and months of gross behavior on his part, especially in the absence of adults who were willing to hold him accountable. I told the administration and my parents as much when I received my suspension.
big shrug.”
41. Girl In Party Who Stole My Fry Coupon Lost Her Job Interview
“I was working at my university in the Division of Student Life as a GA and had worked myself into a great position where people trusted me and relied on my advice.
One night at a big party at a local university bar, I had the craving for a cigarette.
I asked this group of girls if they had one, and being one to not bum straight up, I offered a coupon I had for free McDonald’s fries if someone would give me one. One of the cuter girls there with a pink stripe in her hair said yes, pulled out her cigs, and I gave her the coupon. She then put her cigs back in her pocket and told me to ‘**** off’ after stealing my fry coupon.
I was annoyed at this point and tried reasoning with her (seriously, over one cigarette?). She then called over a couple of guy friends and said that I was falsely accusing her of stealing from me, and her friends all backed her up. She looked me in the eyes and said ‘you shouldn’t be so trusting.’
Fast forward to Monday – we had job interviews for the division and I happened to be passing through replacing a computer.
I also happened to see the same pink-stripe-in-hair individual that had stolen the McDonald’s coupon from me the week before in line. I went to the person conducting the interviews and told him that she was a thief and a liar. On my way out, I smiled and waved. She didn’t recognize me.
She didn’t get the job, and the interviewer thanked me for my contribution to the interview process.”
Another User Comments:
“I had a similar situation once before, but it wasn’t as sweet for me. I lived with my older sister, who constantly had friends over. One night after work, I came home and saw two of her new friends outside my house. They were looking into an opened backpack, I thought nothing of it, even though they bolted when they saw me.
I got inside, my sister was passed out, and my Wii was gone, this being 2 months after release. Went to the cops, told them who it was, and they basically told me that my Wii has already likely been sold for d***s.
The ‘revenge’, if you could call it that, came about a year later. The same guy came into my work for an interview.
When he left, I told my boss who he was, and he never got the job. I also had a chance to c*ckblock him at the bar a few years later. All petty revenge, but I’ll take what I can get.” Derf314
40. Guy Who Bullied My Friend Got Beaten Up By Fifth-Grade Girls
“I had a friend who had a bully. He had a locker above my friend and would intentionally drop books on her head, push her around, insult her throughout the year, and we all had a class together where he was generally a **** to anyone that he could.
Before class started and anyone else was in class yet, the teacher had to step out for a bit, and it was just us three in the room. My friend was and still is very tiny but that day, it didn’t matter. She snapped and had enough of his **** and went on the attack. I don’t think she could have done much damage on her own, but I stepped in.
Puberty was swift for me and I was one of the largest kids in school; by 5th grade, I was already the size of an adult woman. I pinned him to the wall and let my friend kick the **** out of him and punch him in the b*lls. He didn’t speak to either of us after that, and we never got into any trouble.
I don’t think he wanted to tell anyone that he got beat up by a couple of girls.”
39. Guys Who Used To Get My Lunch Money Got Beaten Up After I Hit Puberty
“I used to get bullied for my lunch money in middle school by 2 guys for a year. One of which used to be my friend in elementary school. They would s*cker slap me across the face from behind, push me against lockers, spear me (this was when Goldberg was popular in WCW).
It got worse because this girl who I am still friends with would stick up for me. What made it worse was because of the fact she was a girl sticking up for a boy which in their words made me a ‘**** a*s ****.’ Well as time progressed, I started growing pretty rapidly in height towering over them, while the 2 guys were pretty much the same height or only grew a couple of inches.
They stopped picking on me physically obviously but verbally kept at it. I guess I just snapped because they were picking on one of my other friends for lunch money and I kneed the guy in the solar plexus and just rammed the other guy’s head to a water fountain as hard as I could. The feeling I got after doing that made me so violently hyped and surprised at how light they were.
All 3 of us got ISS for a week. They avoided my presence ever since that incident. I did have to watch my back though because their friends threatened to jump me. Nothing came of it, just a bunch of scared loud hyenas with hurt egos.”
38. Boy Who Calls Me Fat Gets Beaten Up Inside The School Bus
“As a child, I was always much bigger than the other students in my class-both height and weight wise (5′ by the time I reached 3rd grade, stopped growing forever at 5’6 by 5th grade) which made me an easy target as the ‘fat girl’ by the popular boys.
Weirdly, the girls never were mean to me.
Anyway, in 6th grade, it reached its peak because I admittedly was this very weird socially awkward girl, which made me an easy target. This boy (let’s say Dan) called me some variation of ‘fat’ on the bus every single day. ‘Why didn’t you just move seats’ you may ask? Well, my brain was not that bright.
One day I had enough. Dan called me a f*tass and I almost moved forward to hit him. That made him and his friends amp it up, even more, the next day. That day, I lost it. Keep in mind that at this age most boys haven’t even started puberty so Dan was a measly 4’something while I was adult-sized at age 11. I choked him out and threw him around the back of the bus a few times until his friends pulled me off him.
The next day I was called into the office and I immediately broke down, because even though I felt vindicated I still was afraid of getting in trouble. The principal just looked at me and said ‘ok, you can go.’ I was still so afraid of getting in trouble that the next day I came in and asked her if she had called my mom.
‘No, if you were in trouble I would have made you call her yourself!’ Turns out Dan was being ‘investigated’ for pushing another boy off the bus steps and breaking his nose so they were trying to build a case for his aggression. I didn’t even get talked to.
Luckily, that fight gave me a ‘don’t **** with her’ reputation that carried on until high school, at which point the bullies kind of became normal humans.
Wow, that felt good to write.”
37. Guarded My Self From Bullies By Head-On Teaching Them A Lesson
“This was in Kindergarten. Used to get pushed around by a kid.
Told my dad about it and he told me to smack him around if he touches me.
Fast forward to lining up at the water fountain a few days later. This kid is behind me, he gives me a shove while in line, whatever. I start taking a drink, he pushes me into the wall. I turn around and punch him in the face. He drops crying.
Luck would have it the vice principal would see me punching this kid, but not the kid smashing my head against the wall/fountain. So I get called into the office, and my dad is called for a meeting.
And this is where it goes south for the vice principal.
Dad comes in, all annoyed (he works nights, was woken up mid-sleep), and wants to know why I was called to the office.
Vice-principal tells him of what he saw, and I tell my dad what happened. My dad then proceeds to ask the vice principal ‘How in the *** (*** echoed down the K-3 hallway) do you decide to discipline my kid but not the other kid who has a history of violence in the school?’
That conversation got progressively heated, and as it was 20 years ago I don’t remember much else of it, but I do know as the more the vice principal tried to explain himself in vain the worse his argument became to my dad.
At the end of it I wasn’t disciplined, the kid never ***ed with me again and moved away in grade 6, and the vice-principal took a conveniently timed 2 week holiday beginning the day after this occurred, and transferred at the end of the year.
Violence solves nothing they tell you. For me, violence is the only way to keep people from taking advantage of me.
Second story, this kid in my grade 9 year liked to pick on me because I was short and stocky.
I let him chirp all he wanted until he put his hands on me. One-shot to the chicklets and the kid started bleeding from the mouth. This happened in front of a good number of his buddies.
Suffice to say people didn’t *** with me anymore after that in high school. I kind of felt bad for him though, he got some teeth chipped and his parents didn’t have benefits for dental care to get them fixed, so he was kind of f*cked in that regard.”
36. Avenged My Friend From Her Bully While Waiting At A Bus Stop
“Here’s the thing: technically it was my best mate’s bully, but it was my revenge. She was half-caste and the only Asian-looking girl in the area. This one c*ck-sucker had learned some vile names and delighted in calling her them until she cried. He always did it at the bus stop because we couldn’t walk away. I got angry, but she always told me not to do anything because she was worried about it escalating.
I promised not to do anything that would make it worse.
I like loopholes. I’m also from what some would call an aggressive family. We’ve play-fought with each other for as long as I can remember, so the desire to beat the **** out of him was strong.
One time he was singing a song that basically was just the P-word to a tune with a few uninventive insults thrown in that didn’t scan.
He was playing up particularly because there was a crowd of largely disinterested older kids also waiting for the bus. I figured a way to **** him over and ensure it wouldn’t get worse.
I punched him hard in the nose. No warning just turned around and lamped him. Now I was a big girl even at 7, so when I put my full force behind the punch, it was nasty (and yes, I hurt my hand because I was a d*mb kid who didn’t know how to punch properly)
He staggered back and started crying as his nose began to bleed. The disinterested crowd noted that he’d been made to cry by a girl, and ripped the **** out of him. He ran away, they continued laughing, I and my mate eventually caught our bus and he left us the **** alone forevermore.
Oh and I didn’t get into trouble because 1) he had no idea where I lived and 2) rumor had it his dad was more annoyed that he’d not fought back.
Charming man.”
35. Wrestled My Bully Until He Cried
“I was bullied heavily in middle school. I wrestled in high school. At a competition, I found I had to wrestle Josh. He was one of those bullies. I knew I could pin him (auto-win). Told my coach about him, and my goal wasn’t to pin him but to hurt him as long as possible.
Wrestling match starts, I do every move I can think of that hurts. Didn’t try to get him on his back, just kept ‘trying’ to and jacking up his arms, shoulders. Took a couple of shots and checked his crotch with my shoulder since he wasn’t wearing a cup.
I did the full 6 minutes and won 12-1 on points. He cried.
The entire team went ballistic.
The coach had told them he used to bully me and they were cheering me on so hard. Felt like the **c***g king of the world.
I walked off to my team. He limped off to the athletic trainer.”
Another User Comments:
“I did the same thing. The first couple of years of high school this kid just kept bullying me. Senior year comes around and he joins the wrestling team.
I kicked his a*s all day, he was in a heavier weight class and was going to the states. I would put his chest in a leg scissor and just squeeze while driving his back into the mat. Over and over for about 2 hours, I did this to him. It was a little revenge but I also wanted him to be ready for states.
(The other guy in my weight had the states spot) After practice he decided to punch me in the face, splitting my brow. I just stood there and said, ‘Are you done?’ B***d pouring down my face. After the rest of the team kicked him out of the locker room, they all cheered and said that was the worst a*s thing they have ever seen.
Earned a lot of respect from the rest of the team by not punching back. I also got his spot at states. Took 5th.” Th3bigM00se
34. 7th-Grader Bullied Me For Playing The Trumpet So I Showed Him What My Instrument Can Do To Him
“There was a boy who picked on pretty much every girl in his grade when we were in grade 7. He and his friends started getting fairly s****l and started grabbing girls’ butts and crotches in the hallway between classes.
No one ever stood up to him because he was the very tall ‘cool’ athletic popular kid, and pretty much everyone was intimidated by him. I played trumpet in band class, and I was the only girl who did, in a big group of boys including him, so he picked on me a lot. Calling me ‘butch girl’ and ‘lesbian’ or ‘d**e’ simply because I played trumpet instead of flute or clarinet.
I wasn’t even a tomboy, I was a pretty feminine girl so he was really reaching. One day he came up behind me in the hallway after school was out, and of course, he grabbed me sort of under my butt almost to the front of my crotch so hard that it really hurt. Luckily I was carrying my trumpet case, so I spun around and smashed him in the balls with it.
He crumpled down to the ground with tears in his eyes and never bothered me again after that day. Sometimes I feel a little bad though because I wonder if I may have caused him permanent damage.”
33. Kid Who Steals My Soda Gets A Taste Of A Different Flavor
“In the third grade, I had a kid who always used to steal my soda from me at lunch. He would chug the soda really fast and I was pretty passive back in the day so he was always able to get away with it.
One day the kid took my soda and lunch, drank the soda, and smooshed the rest. I went home that day thinking of ways I could get him to stop.
What I ended up doing was taking a can of soda from the fridge and punctured a tiny hole in the bottom. Slowly I let all the soda drip into a cup (so I could drink it) and then stuck the empty can in a bowl that was soaking in the sink.
If I recall the bowl was used to make peanut butter cookies so it had soap and some greasy peanut water type stuff in it. Once the can be full like a regular soda can I cleaned it off and put just a drop of super glue over the hole.
Well, that next day the kid stole my drink as usual. Chugged the soda like usual…
Then proceeded to vomit all over himself. It was glorious. That, my friends, was the last stolen soda.”
32. Parents And Lawyers Got Involved Because Of A Pair Of Scissors
“My first college roommate was a huge d*uche. I, on the other hand, was chubby, shy, and used to being bullied. *Sigh… not a good combination.
He and his friends would constantly pick on me. Hide my ***, dump my desk/dresser drawers, insult me, etc. When they got going, that’s all they’d do, just insult me until I left the room.
I’d try putting on headphones, but they’d just rip them off. Sometimes they wouldn’t let me leave.
One day they were squirting me with a water bottle. I snapped and threw a pair of scissors at my roommate. Of course, they stick in his arm, and of course one of his D-bag friends was recording it.
Long story short, parents and lawyers got involved. The roommate, et al stuck to the story that they hadn’t done anything.
During a meeting with everyone and the Dean of Students, they showed the video… just the 1 minute or so surrounding the event, and smugly sat there as if they had won. My lawyer, thank god, asked about the rest of the video, and if we could watch it all. D-bag’s lawyer stopped that idea immediately. After a quick conversation among just D-bag’s people, the whole incident was dropped five minutes later.
A few years later the video showed up on the internet. It’s still probably out there.”
31. Guy Whispers Horrible Things To Me During Class So I Returned The Favor To Him
“In junior high, I was bullied by a kid named Marcus who, oddly enough, used to be a very sweet kid and even a childhood friend of mine. He would constantly harass me during our science class by whispering horrible things under his breath. We had assigned seats, so I was pretty much always within harassment range.
I’ve always been rather thin, so his favorite insult was ‘anorexic ****’. I knew the school wouldn’t do anything without substantial evidence (his bullying was entirely verbal and under the table, but he never laid a hand on me), so I was on my own. One day, as class was letting out, he called me a ****. Normally I’m very passive, so I just kind of brushed him off most of the time, but not that day.
I’d had enough. I can’t remember what I said exactly, but I ripped him a new one. His face was beet red, but he left me alone after that.
He failed a year of junior high, and later got expelled because he brought a weapon to school and threatened someone. He also got addicted to hard ***** at some point and overdosed on the side of the road.
I think he’s clean now and has a decent job, but he’s 21 and has a kid with a teenage girl he’s no longer with. I haven’t spoken to him in years, but I really do hope he got his life together.”
30. Accidentally Found Out That Bullies Don't Like Being Manhandled By Skinny Persons
“In high school, I was a staff member at the local Y. During the school year I was assigned to the after-school program, so basically a babysitter. Now I have a very small frame, but I was a runner and had very strong legs.
We had a kid named Josh who was the bully. He was always yelling at someone and threatening kids. The parents had been talked to numerous times but the kid clearly was never punished.
One day, the kid was yelling at a set of 3 brothers. I had had a bad day and I was done with this kid’s bullcrap. I told Josh to sit down in a specific chair as it was timeout time. My boss watched this and looked rather amused. Josh was a big boy easily weighing almost twice what I did. Josh looked at me and said, ‘Make me.’ My boss just watches wondering what will happen.
So I ask Josh if he is sure if that is what he wants and tells him he would be better off just sitting down. Josh insists that I make him. OK. I walk up and quickly bend at my waist, hitting Josh at his waist with my shoulder. I easily pick him up, walking with him over my shoulder, and nicely place him in the chair.
I tell him he needs to sit quietly for 10 minutes and then he can play again.
The mother of the 3 brothers had been just coming down the hall and had seen me pick up Josh so she was quite concerned. My boss first talked to her and then took me to his office.
I sat down and told me with the best straight face he could muster to just nod occasionally and look serious.
The mother was watching so we had to make this look good. He said that as long as I never hurt Josh, I was free to put Josh in timeout. He was just flabbergasted that my waifish frame was capable of such an action. He continued to ramble for a bit until he felt like it had been enough time, then told me to look as if I had just been admonished, and go back to the kids.
Josh started laughing as soon as I came out of the office. The mother had left the room at this point and that was all my boss cared about. Bossman told Josh to shut up or he would have me pick him up again.
From then on, I was always assigned to the activities that Josh picked. He only needed a timeout once more in the time I worked there.
He went willingly and without complaint. Turns out bullies don’t like being manhandled by waifs. Go figure.”
29. Childhood Bully Got Beaten Up Right In Front Of The Principal
“In the late 70s and early 80s, I went through elementary and middle school in a small west TX town. I was the socially awkward kid with only a few friends so I pretty well kept to myself. I remember my bullies well … all of them but this one **s***e in particular … Larry.
Larry thought he was some world-class TV wrestler and loved to try his moves on me. I got my a*s beat at least once a day. My step-dad only told me to carry an equalizer … teachers and such only told me to report the incident. I opted for the less violent and reported the beatings. Instead of being vindicated I was ridiculed and punished for fighting even though I never threw a punch.
When I told my step-dad he simply said … ‘I told you to walk tall and carry a big stick’ At the end of my 8th-grade year we moved to a larger city … all new people in new schools … this was my chance to change the way the world saw me. I refused to play the victim any longer.
Things went well that summer and into the start of my 9th-grade year.
I had friends … lots of friends … and I am sure I made a few enemies as well but mostly good times with good friends. Then it happened! I was sitting in my TX History class when the new kid was brought in and was seated directly behind me. There he was … with his pig nose, fat a*s, messed up hair, and body odor … wearing his favorite t-shirt with some st*pid **c***g wrestling crap on it … Larry **c***g Garrett.
At first, I decided to just ignore him but he had the crazy idea that we small towners needed to stick together … I gave him the benefit of the doubt and we became ‘friends’ for a brief moment.
The tensions started to appear pretty quickly and he started his same old played out b*ll again. The teacher had to leave class for a few minutes and he thought that was a perfect opportunity to start **c***g with me.
First, he hit me in the arm … then the gut … then he sat down feeling satisfied that he had just shown our classmates how much of a p*ssy I really was. That was his mistake … I remember flipping his desk with him in it causing him to hit his head on the wall. The last thing I remember was kicking the **** out of him and that is when the teacher walked back into class.
We were sent to the office for punishment … he was behind me as we were walking and at one point he got close enough to kick one of my legs in an effort to trip me. It was about that moment in time that the head principal walked around the corner towards us and saw what happened … I didn’t see him though … as I caught my balance in one smooth move turned and knocked that mother **c**r out … right in front of the principal.
Obviously, we have escorted the rest of the way and parents called. The biggest thing that upset the principal was that I was smiling the entire time I got paddled while Larry cried like the little **t*h he was (and presumably still is). His parents moved him to a private school and I never saw him again.”
28. Guy Who Beats Up Women Wakes Up With A Bike Lock Around His Neck
“I wouldn’t say it was my bully personally, but when I was 21 I dated this girl who told me she’d been beaten up a bunch of times by the guy she was with before me.
So anyway we were at a house party once and he was there. The whole time I really just wanted to maybe punch him in the throat, but the fates had another plan for me: before we left late into the night I found him passed out downstairs in a bedroom near the back door. I locked a bike-lock around his neck and threw the keys in the bush about a block or two from the house when we left. It was one of those u-locks.
I’m sure he had a great time having it cut off with an angle grinder, sparks, and all shooting in his face, or he had to go to the fire department and have them cut it off with the jaws of life, which must have been fun. Either way, he had to wake up and then walk around with a U-lock around his neck for a while.
I hope he enjoyed it.”
27. Slammed A Chair On The Bully's Head When He Locked Me In A Locker
“I was your typical looking nerd – scotch tape on my glasses, very high grades, smallish size, building radios in the bus, etc. People tried bullying me more than once, but turns out I got a temper and always fought back. Once a much bigger kid (you know those guys who failed twice in primary school and started puberty before everyone) tried his luck at bullying me by locking me in a locker… (how **c***g cliche I know, I think I’m claustrophobic today because of it).
The second I got out, I went into the classroom, walked straight up to him (he was sitting down) grabbed a chair on my way, and slammed it on his head. I don’t remember much of what happened next because I was in that red state of rage. He never bothered me again and I didn’t get in trouble, the teachers loved me and he was a regular bully.”
26. Released My 13 Years Of Anger On An Open-Field Tackle
“In eighth grade, he tried to push me into the girls’ bathroom but slammed my head into the brick corner of the door. Knocked me out, bled everywhere broke the cartilage in my ear. I couldn’t play football for a week. When I finally got back onto the field, the coaches asked me how I wanted to handle it shake hands and move on or nutcracker until one of us quits.
(Nutcracker is a drill where you line up across from the other guy and you tackle each other).
I went full-on water boy. Knocked his a*s to the grass, threw him to the left, threw him to the right, stood his a*s up and drive him back until I got tired then dropped him with my shoulder pad into his stomach. Then we switched sides where I was the defensive player and I got by him every time.
The coaches got bored and handed him a ball and put 10 yards between us for open-field tackles. That poor kid. I had never had an outlet for my anger so he got all 13 years of anger. I lit his a*s up. He had no way of defending himself. In hindsight, it’s kinda f*cked up that the coaches did it. He got up, took off his helmet, he was crying, and started walking back to the locker room.
He and his little gangster friends didn’t mess with the chubby white kid again. I heard he died a couple of years ago. Something tragic but I didn’t care to remember.”
25. Got Free From A Headlock Then Scribbled On My Bully's Forehead
“I went to a boys-only secondary school and was THE kid to pick on. Even the nerds who had a good day in the computer lab felt it was acceptable. All because my history of Absence Epilepsy made me look like an idiot nearly every day.
I’d had enough, and was moving schools for numerous reasons, including the bullying. This meathead Alex (**** you Alex) got me in a headlock and started rubbing my scalp and trying to poke my eyes out. This was it, last day at this piece of **** school. No punishments for anything…
From the headlock, I grabbed his waist and stood up to bring him upside down (we were on a small steep slope at the edge of our school sports field) and **c***g pile-dived him to the mud.
Got him in a leg choke and scribbled the word Bully into his forehead. Let him go, grabbed my backpack, and walked out of school, never to be seen again.
OR SO I THOUGHT. I was a season ticket holder at my local football team (soccer) and saw him on the bus to the grounds. I looked him dead in the eye the entire ride, still imagining the scribble on his forehead.
He could barely look at me. Bullies are just cowards with a thick shell. Break it and they will leave you alone.”
24. Beat Up My Bully With My New Binder Until The Lunch Lady Took Him To The Principal
“I was never popular as a child, but generally nobody bothered me. Then I moved to a much smaller town, where I had a ‘city’ accent and was not the right religion, and it got pretty bad. I got beat up every day by the boys and verbally harassed about my religion by the girls, and it was craptacular.
The school had middle and high school joined, so in 5th grade, I had kids as old as 14 beating me up and harassing me. (The older high school kids weren’t **** at least.)
Anyhow, there was this one 8th grader who always pushed me, slapped my books out of my hands, tore up unsubmitted homework, called me a sl*t, etc, in the lunch line, and sometimes he would follow me to a table so he could tell me more about what a blasphemous pr*stitute I was.
(Yeah getting called a sl*t and an actual wh*re at age 10 for no ****** reason is THE BEST! by the way.) I hated this son of a ****, truly. I wanted to bash his head in on the concrete, honest to god, but no adults ever saw him do anything to me and I’d been warned not to be a ‘whiny tattletale’ last time I told a teacher about the relentless bullying by the other kids, so… I just took it, and I didn’t complain because I didn’t want my pariah status to affect my grades.
Then one day he slapped my brand d*mn new binder out of my hands, and that was it. I picked up my binder and started hitting him with the edge of it in the face and neck as hard as I could. I know I was yelling stuff, but I don’t even know what. I was d*mn near senseless with rage. I do remember he started making this kind of terrifying yelp every time I hit him, but that’s about it.
The lunch lady pulled me off of him, asked what the ***. The older kid behind him in line said something to the effect of ‘he’s been bullying her for the past 2 months, and I guess she got tired of it’ before I could make a sound. The lunch lady took the little b*stard kid to the principal because it annoyed her that a male teenager was bullying a little girl.
After that very public flip out, I was generally avoided for the rest of the semester, a nice reprieve. However, that kid was eternally the guy who got beat by a 10 year old nerd girl everyone hated, and that thought sustained me through some dark years at that school.”
23. Dad Teams Up With The Principal To Find Out Who My Bullies Are
“My father had always told me that if I was ever being picked on or made fun of to not tell the teachers but to tell him because he promised me he would get it handled. Now, my dad was once a bodybuilder so he is known for having a short temper as well as being very intimidating if aggravated.
So, I had told him that these groups of kids were making fun of me due to me not having a nice house like them and living in an apartment (I was in a school where upper-class kids were the majority and people like me were in the minority). I had told dad about this and he just told me to let him handle it.
It wasn’t until a few years later that this topic had been brought up and he told me what happened. He found out who the kids were by asking the principal, who he helped train at the gym a few times, to keep watch over me and to see who kept making fun of me and to let him know. He ended up finding out who the kids were.
Went to their houses, and proceeded to, and I quote, ‘strike fear into their hearts, and to show them what happens when you mess with my son’. I had found a new love for my father and learned that violence isn’t necessary if you’re shredded.
We also finally have a very nice house now, and honestly, I don’t really see the difference between living in an apartment to living in a house as long as I have a roof over my head I’m happy.”
22. Mean Girl Bullied Me From Kinder To High School, Gets Stuck In A Dead-End Job
“I took revenge by being a responsible person. My babysitter’s daughter was my age and lived on the next street so I saw her every school day from kindergarten until we graduated high school.
The things this girl did to me psychologically are insane. It was a culmination of things – she was controlling, bossy, manipulative, mean, and had this way of pinching you that would make you cry (she would pick just a tiny piece of skin and twist it until it almost ripped open).
She always used me to get ahead and made no secret that she was clearly the popular one and she was only nice because she pitied me. It finally ended after my freshman year of college when she told me in a text message to **** off and she was never going to talk to me again, all, because I was working 70 hours a week, that summer and wasn’t awake at 3 am to take her phone calls so she could complain about everything.
I worked hard in school and got a job when I was 15. I went off to college, accumulated a lot of student debt, graduated with honors, and have spent 5 years working my way up in life slowly but surely. I did all of this without being an **s***e to other people. Meanwhile, she dropped out of college to date a guy who has been cheating on her the 10 years they’ve been together, she has two kids with him, her parents won’t speak to her because of him, and she is stuck in a dead-end job and absolutely miserable.
I’ve seen her at her job a few times recently and am always nice to her (I just can’t help myself). I’ve never said anything mean to her but I feel a little bit better knowing that she willingly screwed up her entire life because of a guy. I didn’t have to do a thing but I got my revenge anyway.”
21. Group Of Mean Girls Go Home With Red Paint On Their Shorts
“My bullies were a group of 4 girls who were the stereotypical ‘popular girls’ in middle school. I was more of a tomboy/introvert. I was primarily focused on school and soccer. One day, in art class, my bullies had pushed me to the edge.
They made my best friend cry. She was pretty overweight and they severely embarrassed her in front of the whole class. This annoyed the **** out of me. As a 7th grader, I was surprisingly vindictive and I took *** from nobody. I could handle my own bullying, but not the bullying of my few friends. Luckily, today’s art class project involved paint.
My group was called first to grab the paint we needed. With tears streaming down my friend’s face, I looked her dead in the face and said, ‘Don’t worry.
I got this.’ She was terribly confused. I grabbed red and brown paint. I mixed the two colors at my table while the rest of the students were waiting for their groups to be called up to get paint for their projects. When the bully b******** got up to grab their supplies, I put a dab of the red and brown paint mixture on the center of each of their chairs.
Unbeknownst to them, when they sat down, they smeared their a*ses into what appeared to be a nasty menstrual mess. Every single one of those girls looked like Mother Nature had paid them a visit unexpectedly. The boys threw pads and tampons at them in the hallway. They had no idea what the *** was going on until the principal called them into the office and told them to either change into their gym clothes or go home.
They all changed into their gym shorts, which were deemed too short for class by the principal, and they were all sent home to dwell in their embarrassment.
The best part? The art teacher watched me do it. And when I noticed her eyes on me, I froze. She noticed my fear and just nodded her head once as a signal for me to proceed. EVERYONE hated these girls.
I was just serving up justice my way.
The principal eventually found out it was me because someone who saw me does it snitched (probably for the chance at popularity). I proudly admitted to the offense with a smile on my face. I was not reprimanded. Didn’t even receive a detention. The principal loved me because I was a good student and I was super friendly to anyone who approached me, despite my social anxiety.
When I said I did it, he was like, ‘Oh..hmm…well, uh…stop…stop screwing with your classmates. And tell your mom I said hello!’ And then he simply sent me on my way back to class.”
20. Lost A Tooth To My Bully In 5th Grade
“When I was in liken 5th grade I had a loose tooth and a bully named Lauren. Lauren had a couple of friends but she hated me so much, probably because I’m a brat that is super socially awkward and came off as a young toity ****.
Anyway, one day during orchestra practice (public school funded. That’s how poor we all were) she was starting *** with me and after almost an entire school year of it, I was annoyed. So I stood there locked eyes with her and said something along the lines of ‘You think you’re so big just punch me.
Right here!’ (Honestly, I was like what, 10? It probably was just super blubbery and full of false bravado) and I pointed to the cheek over my loose tooth. And she punched me. The tooth came out, with the usual amount of ***** and I said, ‘Thanks that been killing me! Be right back!’ (once again I was 10 and bullied so it probably was whiney, not to mention I did just lose a tooth so I’m not entirely sure anyone understood me.)
Anyway, I walked over to the assistant principal and started bawling and tattled on her like there was no tomorrow. The assistant principal happened to be the only person in power that was also my color (laws amiright?!) And she immediately overreacted.
Lauren got suspended from school, kicked out of the orchestra, and her mom was angry. At the stupid parent meeting, her mom made her apologize and invite me for a sleepover and be VERY nice to me through the end of the year.
I did not go to the sleepover as I was 90% convinced I was going to be tortured and bullied. I was not a mentally healthy child.”
19. Broke The Bully's Arm Over A Quarter
“Back in 1st grade, there was this kid who didn’t quite fit the typical bully trope but was still an obnoxious little ******. We’ll call him Rick. Every now and then, I would let my guard down and try to get along with Rick, but without fail he’d always end up doing something selfish or mean and I’d go back to avoiding him.
Anyway, this was during one of the streaks when we were kind of getting along. It was recess and we were playing on the jungle gym.
I was going down the slide, and when I got to the bottom, something in the sand caught my eye. It was a shiny new quarter, just lying there waiting to be picked up. This was a lot of money in my 6-ish-year-old mind so I picked it up and was rather absent-mindedly admiring it while I walked away from the slide landing.
As the initial excitement wore off and I made a move to put the quarter in my pocket, I heard a thud in the sand behind me and then was violently shoved to the ground. The quarter flew out of my hand and skidded back into the sand, only to be picked up by Rick as he chanted ‘Finders keepers, losers weepers.’ I was sick of his *** and was determined to get my money back.
A high-speed chase ensued as I followed him all over the playground. He finally made a fatal error by climbing back up the jungle gym, only to end up caught on the very top between me and 6ft drop. I could tell he was crouching, getting ready to jump down, but I wasn’t about to give him that chance. I ran up behind him and pushed him off, then hopped down after him.
He fell flat on the ground and there was a slight delay before he started screaming. I kept demanding my quarter back until he threw it at me and ran off to tell the teacher. I followed close behind, knowing that his version of what happened would be severely warped, but when we found the teacher on duty, Rick was crying too much to get a word out.
The teacher listened to what I had to say and then promptly turned to Rick, saying, ‘Well it sounds like you deserved some of this,’ before taking him to see the nurse. My vindication was complete.
Unfortunately, the feeling of my righteous success didn’t last long, as when I got back to class our teacher made it clear (in front of the whole class) that Rick had been sent to the hospital with a broken arm, and that I should be very ashamed of behavior.
It wasn’t until I was in highschool and I found out my parents actually had to cover his medical bills that the actually feelings of regret set in.”
18. Guy Who Picked On Wheelchair Kid Got Knocked Down By Books In My Backpack
“Not a bully to me, but generally a *** overall to people, especially a kid in a wheelchair. Not sure why he thought it was okay to do this but whatever. Anyway, I had seen it happen more than once and got fed up, so I backed the kid up and the dude turned his attention to me but backed down. I thought that was the end of it.
I was wrong.
Later that day I and my buddy went to lunch, and I had the window rolled down when we came back. We had 15 mins till class started so we just chilled in the truck. Meanwhile, the d*uchebag parked a few spots away and came running around the truck. Never saw him and he cold clocked me in the face through the open window.
I was stunned and got a nice little bruise from it, but no worse for wear. A security officer came and pulled him off. Both got sent to the office and I got looked at by the nurse before being told to go to the hospital. Apparently, my sinus opened up and was bleeding down the back of my throat. He got suspended for a few days after that.
Fast forward a few weeks and bully bad a*s decided he wanted to brag about how he kicked my a*s. My friend had already told everyone how the ‘fight’ had gone down so no one paid him any mind but I kind of snapped. Called him out. He called me a ****. Told him to come to me then and he did.
Now my backpack had those heavy-a*s textbooks in them.
He came within range and I swung as hard as I could, got him right in the skull and he hit the ground, and then I kept swinging until my arms went numb. I stayed away from his face after the first hit because I didn’t want to cave his skull in. Well, I did want to but I was cognizant enough to realize that was a bad idea.
Left him on the ground outside crying. Pretty sure the security officer turned a blind eye to it because he knew the kid was a ***. Never had any issues after that and neither did the wheelchair kid.”
17. Group Of Kids Who Mugged My Brother Bought Him A New Bike
“My little brother (middle school at the time) got mugged by a group of his classmates at the park at knifepoint by his classmates. They took his bike or something.
So one of my buddies and I hop in my car and drive around trying to find these punk a*ses. Could not find a trace of them for the life of us so we did the next best thing. We went to each of their houses individually and explained to their mothers what their angel boys were up to. I explained that not only was I looking for them to ‘have a chat,’ but that if my brother’s property wasn’t returned by that evening we had already contacted the police, and would divulge the mugger’s identities.
One of the kids showed up that night with his mother holding his collar and gave my brother a brand new whatever he had taken (I think a new bike). I remember the look on that little punk’s face, priceless.”
16. Bad Kid Broke His Hand When He Tried To Punch Me From Behind
“In elementary school, I had made friends with a kid who was notoriously really bad. I wasn’t a bad kid, I can’t explain why we became friends.
We were friends for a month or so and then one day he decided to start **c***g with me. Humiliating me, pushing me around, and trying to get me to be mean to other people. After a bit of this, I can’t quite remember what I said, but I told him off really badly and in front of people. I just shamed the **** out of him.
When we were walking back in from recess, I just had a feeling he was going to come up behind me and try to s*cker punch me. Then I heard the quick pitter-patter of a young boy running up on tile floors sneakily and saw in the reflection of the wall in front of me exactly when he was gonna be on me. I ducked down last second and he broke his hand on the wall.
It was the absolute most bad a*s thing I had ever done lol. He didn’t come back to school after he went to the hospital. I hope he is well and happy and good to people though.”
15. Skinny Kid In Pool Starts Hitting Me Out Of Nowhere
“I was at a water park with my best friend, Steve. I think we were 12. Our favorite park attraction was the wave pool where each person grabs a big inner-tube and heads out to bob on the waves.
It was mid-summer and sweltering hot, so the pool was packed. Steve and I were both pretty overweight at the time and being slathered with sunscreen, I can see that we may have looked like easy targets.
Anywho, we bob our way to the very middle and wait for the next volley of waves. At this point, this skinny kid just floats up to me from out of this mass of human soup.
I noticed this guy right away because he had this angry look in his eye, and he would not stop staring at me. I decide to ignore him. I’m probably imagining it, right?
The wave alarm sounds and I’m all pumped up, and just as the first wave comes up this angry kid jumps up with the wave and slams his tube down on my head.
I’m shocked. Figure it’s an accident, but, wait! He does it again, and again.
Now I’m annoyed. I decided (surprisingly) right there that the next time this creep goes up to hit me, I’m kicking him as hard as I can right in the stomach.
The next wave comes, creep goes up…and I landed a kick right in his stomach. As hard as I could.
All the pop-tarts, the peanut butter jellies, the pizza buffets, they had made me heavy, and strong. That kick was true. I swear, I watched that kid bust backward through the next wave, like a jerky torpedo.
I bobbed there, waiting. The kid comes up. He looks hurt. Not so much physically, but personally. I could see his ego draining from his nose and ears with the tepid human soup water.
He sputtered, ‘don’t come back here.’ And then turned and bobbed away.
I never figured out what I did to make him start hitting me.”
14. Sister's Friend Won't Stop Touching My Hair Until I Show Her How Long My Fingernails Are
“Not so much a personal bully (and I’ve been bullied quite a bit), but she had a bully personality.
I was in a theatre camp with my little sister and brother. There was a girl my sister’s age who was a huge spoiled brat.
I’ll call her Victoria. She was an only child and had no concept of not getting her own way, so she walked over everyone and acted like she was the best. She was friends with my sister but also treated her poorly.
One day, she decides to turn her sights on me. This is mistake number one. We’re in a scene that requires us to be on the floor and pretends to be dead, and I happen to be in front of her, facing away from her.
While we’re lying down, she grabs my ponytail (which is within reach) and pulls very quickly, so as not to break the illusion that she’s playing dead.
I’m very sensitive about my hair and hate people touching it. So after the scene ends and we’re resetting, I say, ‘Victoria, don’t touch my hair.’
She doesn’t listen. The next time we practice the scene, she does it again.
This is mistake number two. ‘Victoria,’ I say, ‘don’t touch my hair.’
Of course, she doesn’t listen. We get up from the stage and start walking back to the green room. This time she pulls my hair while we’re walking. And this time, instead of having to roll over (and break character) to tell her to stop, I’m standing up and faster than her.
And I happen to have very long fingernails, which are strong enough to break the seals on bottles of Tylenol.
Without turning around, I reach up, sink my nails into her wrist, and twist. She lets go and looks at me in shock; I don’t think anyone had ever stood up to her before.
‘Victoria,’ I say, ‘I told you not to touch my hair.’
(My sister inexplicably remained friends with her for years despite her general unpleasantness, but she never messed with me again.)”
13. Guy Bullies Me For Being Colorblind So I Punch Him In The Jaw On My Last Day In School
“I had a lot of fights throughout elementary school since I had anger issues and was an easy target, being a weird kid. But this story stands out to me because it felt right even after the fight was over.
Anyway, this happened back in 5th grade.
There was a guy named Jack who was always a **** to me, we had a few little altercations but never any real fights.
I ended up transferring from that school to a new one, and in P.E., on my last day there, Jack decides to start **** with me, and I was fed up with it so I told him to **** off and that he was a pathetic bully.
He says back to me ‘at least I’m not colorblind!’ (Nowadays that wouldn’t bother me but I was insecure about it in elementary school because people would use it to make fun of me.) This remark sends me over the edge and I punch him square in the jaw and walk out of that school for the last time.
That on its own was plenty of revenge for me, but to put the icing on the cake, I saw him at a town fair about a year ago.
He gained a lot of weight and seemed pretty unhappy.”
12. Skinny White Kid Squared A Bully On The Forehead
“‘Lived in a crappy apartment complex on the bad side of town after mom and dad split.
I was the only white kid around. Got along with pretty well everyone. Except for one d*uchebag. He decided to get his 4-5 friends and jump me. All my buddies boned out when they saw it coming. Luckily I am a smooth talker, and while I was trying to talk my way out of a royal a*s-whooping, I got closer and closer to the house.
He finally took a swing so I turned and ran. Made it to the house with a bruise on my cheek. Weeks go by, ran into him and his brother. I was on my way to go skating. He starts talking **** again, try telling him I don’t have any beef with him and he keeps on. I see him start to square up (mind you he’s got 6″ and 40 lbs on my skinny b*tt) before I knew it I swung my board at him.
Oh boy did it connect. Square in the forehead with the truck. He got knocked the smooth out, hits the ground. His brother and I look at each other. I’m still shocked so is he, with my chest, puffed up ‘you want some’. He nopped the **** out and I left that sorry sob slobbering on his self. Saw him a few times afterward and he made every effort to stay the **** away from that skinny white kid.”
11. Smacked The Mean Girl In The Face With A Kayak Paddle
“I was friends with a really manipulative girl for a few years at primary school. On the outside, she was funny and charming but her modus operandi seemed to be nothing other than getting people in trouble or breaking up friendships.
I finally felt foul of her ways in high school when she decided I’d be her next victim. The bullying that followed made me want to kill myself.
It didn’t help that my parents divorced around the same time.
She encouraged other girls to walk up to me and call me ugly and make fun of my clothes. School was h**l.
Sometime around the last two years of school, she decided that she had ‘forgiven’ me (for **** knows what!) and tried really hard to be my friend. I was really confused but went along with it.
Turned out she was going through some personal stuff and realized I was probably the only person she knew who would be ok with it. While she was fine with me in person she’d still try and humiliate me in front of others. It wasn’t a mutual consolidation but went along with it to see how it panned out.
One day our class took an outing to go kayaking, we had a tone of fun and at the end, I was paddling my kayak up to the dock when said girl reached down to pull me in.
I lifted my paddle and accidentally hit her the way I’d always dreamed about hitting her right across the face. She was floored and I felt good. Of course, I apologized but I never meant a word of it.
A few months later we were compiling our yearbook and one of the questions we were asked was ‘What was your best high school memory?’.
This **t*h was first on the register alphabetically and I was next. My opportunity arose.
She was a very popular girl (hence her minions) and she was overjoyed at being the first page of the yearbook. I suggested that we should put ‘reconnecting with each other’ would look really good on our pages. This cow used to make me afraid of being alone as I found the horror of reliving what she has done that day so hard to deal with.
For instance, she would call my house and swear at me down the line if I answered. One day when the hospital was calling my parents to say my grandad was dying they couldn’t get through because this **t*h was blocking our line with abusive calls. When I stood up to her about it in school she got most of her ‘gang’ to scream in my face about how ugly I was.
We wrote out our submission for the yearbook together. She wrote ‘realizing your friends are right in front of you’, I wrote ‘finding old friends’.
When the yearbook was published her quote was there, on the next page mine said ‘Smacking XXXXX in the face with a kayak paddle, I couldn’t have paid for that experience! She was right in front of me!’ Accompanied by the photo of me winking.
No much but it made me happy.”
10. Planned A Revenge On My Bully And Ended Up Being The Bully
“I had a kid who was 2 years older than me in middle school relentlessly pick on me for about 3 weeks. Every time he saw me he would shove me against the wall, take my backpack, or any number of ty little things to up my day. It all started because he had it in his head that I stole something of his.
One day, after enduring enough of his , I had my friends wait for him in the field across from the school that he walked across to go home. They were supposed to hold him while I “beat him up” because he was twice my size and I couldn’t do it by myself. Right as school ended, He walked up to me and apologized for the way he had been treating me.
He explained that he found his “stolen” item (I think it was a hat), and he was wrong to do those things to me. I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t know what to say. He walked away and headed home.
I realized that I would not be able to catch up to him by the time he got to where my friends would be waiting because I had to unlock my bike first. You can guess where this is going, right?
Yeah, my friends didn’t just hold him. They laid into him. I got there after the kid had gotten away and run home. When I told my friends what happened, they felt pretty bad and I felt absolutely horrible. It was 2 days before I saw him again and, being a small town, everyone knew what had transpired. I was the bully that had this kid beaten up.
He took it well though. I ended up hanging out with him quite a bit a year later because his mom married my friend’s dad. No hard feelings. Now, 20 years later, he is still my friend and we laugh about the time I had my friends beat him up because I was too scared to do it myself.”
9. Guy Punched A Girl Right In The Face So Everyone In The Cafeteria Swarmed At Him
“Not my bully, but in high school (which was very large, ~2600ish people split about 75%-25% mostly minority kids from a bad area and mostly white kids from the suburbs who got bused in for the gifted program.
This is relevant.) I was sitting in the cafeteria when a guy hit a girl about halfway across the cafeteria.
When I say ‘hit’, I mean he **c***g s*cker-punched her in the face as hard as he could to the point that she was prone on the ground. No idea what it was about.
It got really quiet for about five seconds, and then you just heard various people screaming obscenities as they rushed him.
People from very different social situations were united in beating this dude’s a*s. The last thing I saw before he disappeared in the swarm of dudes trying to kick his a*s was one of the rich white lacrosse players pinning his arms so that one of the gangster dudes could punch him unimpeded. It was beautiful, in its way. Almost every dude within 30 or so feet of him, regardless of their social position, cliques, etc. had made the impulse decision to just **** this guy’s world cup.
The school resource officer had to drag him out of the scrum.
I don’t know what happened to the people involved, but I never saw the guy who punched the girl again, but I did see some of the people who beat his a*s, so presumably they weren’t expelled.”
8. Got My Revenge On A Bully While Standing Up For Another Bullied Kid
“This was in 6th grade. My parents happened to see me in the bathroom one day with my shirt off and totally flipped **** about how many bruises I had all over my upper arms and torso. My bully was punching me repeatedly every day, sometimes in class when the teachers had their backs turned. It hurt, but not so much that I would cry or shout out.
I was a very quiet kid.
After they saw my bruises they went to visit the principal. And not a **c***g thing happened. So my dad taught me how to fight. My parents also had another meeting with the principal to tell him that they told me it was OK to defend myself, and to at some point expect it.
It was a rather uneventful few weeks after that since my bully had inexplicably switched from physical to verbal assault.
So I just waited. Eventually, the fated encounter began. It was during our history period, and the teacher had run out of material for the day so he was supervising us on the playground for the last 15 minutes of class. A group of us were playing wall-ball when my bully came up and shoved the kid with Asperger Syndrome to the ground and kicked him.
I called my bully some name I can’t remember which caused him to turn on me and begin punching my arm.
I gave him a quick right uppercut and sent him to the ground. He was more confused than hurt, and got right back up and began wailing on me with a vengeance. I mostly just kept shoving him back until he hit me in the side of the face.
That was when enough was enough. I punched him in the eye, and then the nose, and then with a really big wind-up right in the gut. He went back down and was bleeding pretty good from the nose. I turned around and went to get the teacher since he was still somehow oblivious to what was occurring. I was almost to the teacher when I heard really loud yelling and swearing, which also caught the teacher’s attention.
I got socked in the back of the head which surely hurt his hand more than my head, but it was also the only part of the fight the teacher saw.
Everyone was sent back to the classroom while the teacher literally dragged the kid to the principal’s office. Immediately after this, it was lunchtime. The history teacher came to speak with me briefly to ask if I had started the fight (which is what the other kid had accused me of).
I told him no, I did not start the fight and he nodded his head and told me that was what he had been thinking.
I literally never saw my bully again, so I can only assume he had been expelled.”
7. Shoved My Success Right On The Face Of My 5th Grade Bully
“There was a guy who bullied me in 4th and 5th grade. He was much older than most of the students, so he was bigger and all that.
He used it to his fullest advantage to bullied everybody. But I was his main squeeze.
Anyway, my family moved out of the city. I was never able to really have any payback.
However, a few years ago, I landed a good job as a firefighter and was fighting in kickboxing and MMA as well. So I was doing good in life and having a great time.
I decided to visit the city I grew up in. I end up going to an event where a few of my old friends were at.
Sure enough, I spotted this guy. I walked up to him and pretend to be friendly. We end up chat for a bit. Then I start to get him to talk about how ***y his life is (divorce, unemployment, two kids, chronically homeless, etc…) I then talk about my life with a smug look on my face.
I basically make him feel even more of a worthless piece of *** without directly insulting him. I do it gradually until he was fuming. I then dropped the last bombshell. I ask him how did he think the world feels about him and what his kids think of such a loser deadbeat father.
This strikes a sensitive nerve. He stood up and tried to look imposing and threatening.
I didn’t move a muscle and just sat there all relaxed and confident as I grinned at him.
Knowing my reputation as a fighter and fitness maniac, he was too afraid to try to make any moves and few people eventually stepped in to escort him away from me.
I’m sure he thinks about this everyday.”
6. Punched My Bus-mate In The Stomach Because He Was Cheering For The Other Kickball Team
“My little sister and I are three years apart.
When we were both in elementary school, two brothers moved to the area and rode the bus with us. They decided they liked to pick on my sister all the time. I took to sitting with her to protect her as best I could by sitting on the outside of the seat and having her sit by the window. I hated their guts, but my sister and I were quiet kids and mostly just took the bullying.
I happened to have gym class with the older brother and one day I just snapped. He was cheering for the other team in kickball and I punched him in the stomach. The teacher flipped a **** and I got sent to the principal, had a letter written home to mom.
I found that letter and my mom’s letter back a couple of years ago when I was cleaning out the garage with dad since I’d moved out a while ago.
Mom basically told the school she was proud of me for finally standing up to myself and the could go pound sand.”
5. Cub Scout Bully Ends Up Being An Older, Fatter Version Of Himself
“I remember in cub scouts there was a kid who used to bully me. I hated it so much I quit. A few years later when I was in high school and much more muscular, I saw this kid at a Giants game. I was a couple of rows up, I had a tank top on and he looked up at me and I looked at him hoping he’d say something, he knew who I was and that I was now bigger than him and he just looked away and I could tell he was hoping I wouldn’t say anything.
When I was a freshman in high school there was this huge guy who used to go around knocking all the freshmen on the head, anytime he was near. I couldn’t stand it, one of my friends actually ended up fighting him and losing.
A year ago I was thinking about this piece of **** and looked up him. I saw he lived not too far and was just an older, fatter version of himself.
I considered reminding him of how it was when I was a freshman and wanted to see if he was still the tough guy he was back then to people smaller than him and finally realized he’s a fat piece of **** and his life probably sucks and beating the cr*p of him wouldn’t really do anything except probably get me in trouble now. So it’s all good.”
Another User Comments:
“There was a Cub Scouts story from me, too. I had just packed up for the camp that was supposed to be a ‘fun, wilderness adventure!’ turns out what they meant was ‘wake up at 2 am to move tent then try and go back to sleep and you also get hypothermia’. So I get to the camp, unpack, then see there’s this group of people playing cricket by the mudslide, being the ‘cricket fan’ I am I walk up to them and say, “Hey, can I play?” and then the ring leader, 1 year older than me walks up to me, puts his slimy finger on my neck and says, “Look, , I’m the big guy here (he was 11) and you better respect me” and I was just smiling, because I had no idea what the was going on.
This guy then proceeds to shove me into the mudslide, then I say, “Heh, ok then” and then burst out laughing. I just literally couldn’t stop and he was like “Oh are you dissing me? Well taste this, er!” and then HIT ME WITH THE ING BAT. His cronies then hit me with the ball in the chest, and then that was it. I say “…” then walk away.
I had injuries involving a huge bruise and clumps of hair missing. I went to the leader, a friend of the family, and then showed her the injuries. I told her he was also swearing (big win) and then she told me to go in my tent. What do you know? The guy got sent home, bigger win! Then I got hypothermia (from intense rain and wind, and a stylish jacket and not a raincoat) at dinner and had to leave.” Dubstep4Dayz
4. Fought My Bully At The Bus Stop, He Ended Up On Someone's New Fence
“He wasn’t originally my bully, but as a goth kid who wore clothes big enough to drown in, I still fit the bill.
He would try to get a laugh from his friends on the bus by repeatedly slapping this one kid who wouldn’t stand up for himself. This went on for about a week when, on Friday, I told him that wasn’t cool and that he should stop it.
We both became targets and he slapped me as hard as he could while he walked down the aisle to get off the bus. I let it slide.
It happened again Monday, but I didn’t let it slide. After he slapped me and kept walking, I came up behind him, slapped him upside the head and put him in a chokehold, stood on the bus seats so his feet would dangle, told him never to touch either one of us again and to ‘Get off the bus, ****.’
He talked *** all that week, telling everyone he could that he was going to fight me on Friday. Friday came around, extra students rode our bus to watch the fight when we got off.
His stop was 1 before mine, with about a quarter-mile between them. He got off on his then sprinted down to mine and squared up. I asked, ‘Before we do this, why are we fighting?’
‘Because I’m a ***.’
‘Well, you got that right.’
He pushed me. I pushed back. He swung at me. I dodged right because I’d been planning to dodge the first punch all week. Turns out he was left-handed and he almost knocked me the *** out right then and there.
The hit cracked my jaw, scrambled my brains, and made my eyes roll back for a couple of seconds while I fought to stay standing, but as soon as I had my wits about me I squared right back up.
We fought, threw some punches, tore some clothing, scraped some skin on the sidewalk for about 30 seconds until I went low and he tried to pick me up for a piledriver. I lifted him up over my shoulder and ran full force into a wooden fence, literally putting him through it. I felt kind of bad because it was someone’s new fence but I also didn’t feel like I’d just been body-slammed on cement so I was ok with it.
He sat there, dazed and trying to catch his breath and I saw an opportunity to knee him in the face. Instead, I said, ‘Don’t start *** you can’t finish’ and I picked up my backpack to walk home.
I found out my class ring came in the mail that day and got annoyed that I didn’t have an opportunity to imprint my name in his face but he approached me in the hallways at school almost a week later and sincerely apologized.
We never really became friends, but we respected each other from then on out.”
3. Bully Didn't Expect I Was Great In Taekwondo
“I was a first-degree black belt in Taekwondo, had worked for it for nearly 6 years at that point, and was overweight my Freshman year.
In my freshman year of high school, I was being picked on by this c*cky black kid who thought he was all that. He got in fights all of the time, never lost one.
He would repeatedly tease me about my ‘black belt’ due to him overhearing me conversing about it previously. He would always provoke me and attempt to start a fight with me. I’m walking down the hallway one day, he comes up beside me and tries to shove me into the locker, but I moved out of the way and he hit the locker instead. This was within the last 6 weeks of school, he had been trying to fight me for nearly the entire Semester.
Needless to say, he didn’t like slamming himself into a locker. He swings at me, I sidestep, he gets super enraged. He keeps trying to swing at me and I keep blocking/avoiding said punches to try and reduce a suspension. (Zero tolerance policy, regardless if you don’t swing back you still get punished.) I told him 3 times after he kept swinging. ‘You can stop this right now, I don’t wanna hit you, just stop, it doesn’t have to be this way.’ This angers him even more and he keeps swinging.
I told him this was his last chance, didn’t faze him. At this point, there was a circle of other students surrounding us, if I had tried to walk away from this fight, they wouldn’t have let me. Right before I fought back I said, ‘Just remember, you wanted this.’ The next time he swung at me, he ended up in an elbow lock on the ground, now I could’ve broken his elbow, but I didn’t really want to get a worse punishment.
The Dean came, I got said suspension that I was trying to avoid this entire time. However, I got off scot-free at home due to the whole ‘I didn’t start it, just finished it’ sorta deal. Nobody ever f*cked with me after that.”
2. Took A Self-Defense Class To Get Back At My Elementary Bullies
“I was bullied by anyone and everyone in school from elementary school on up. In 8th grade, I quietly started taking self-defense classes. No one in school knew until 11th grade when my secret got out. The wonder of wonders, the bullying all but stopped. There were a couple of idiots who didn’t get the memo though. One day, I was walking the halls going to class when #1 walked around the corner.
He saw me and all he got out of his mouth was, ‘You pu’, before I dropped him. I assumed that he was going for ‘You ****’. Didn’t matter. We agreed to meet after school for a proper beat down.
An hour later, he was back begging to call it off. Never saw him again. Idiot #2 was one of those big tough jock types on the football team that was so popular he smoked leaf in the parking lot by himself.
Well, he screamed something at me from a car as I was walking down the street one night. I demonstrated the number of IQ points he had digitally. The next day at school, I heard from several people how badly he was going to kick my a*s when he found me. The funny thing was when I started hunting him, he disappeared. Never saw him ever again.
That was the last time I was bullied in school.”
1. Bully Hid My Pizza So I Smashed His Cold Pizza On His Face
“I had a bully when I was in grade four.
He was a fifth-grader in my 4/5 split class. We’ll call him Butch because it sounds like a movie bully name and probably someone will tell me it is one. So anyway Butch constantly would beat the *** out of me in the playground, but he wouldn’t hit my face because he didn’t want to get in trouble and also I made fun of Butch a lot while he beat me up so maybe it wasn’t all that bad.
Anyways we had a thing called ‘hot lunch’ at school where for like 3 bucks a student could get pizza and pop once a month during the school year. On one particular hot lunch day, my mom had given me said 3 bucks, and Butch’s mom gave him cold, ***y yesterday pizza in Saran Wrap. So I went to the washroom before my meal and when I returned it was gone and Butch’s nasty pizza had replaced it.
I got so fed up and so mad I picked up the pizza and punched it into his face as hard as I could, hoping the teacher would break things up before I got destroyed.
Instead, she started laughing her a*s off about it and Butch started chasing me around the classroom in a blind rage. I threw a couple of chairs behind me and booked it outside into the schoolyard.
Butch chased me for about 5 more minutes before slipping on some ice and hurting his arm really bad. The best part was I went inside and found out he hadn’t really eaten my pizza he just hid it so I would think he had. So I still got my lunch, he didn’t, and since the guy already beat me up all the time it wasn’t like it got worse, he actually just f*cked off and found a different kid to terrorize.”