Couple Stops Traffic To Help Young Boy Biking Alone On Highway

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

A toddler peddling his bike toward oncoming traffic is a rare sight on a highway.

A Crazy Encounter


A couple from Las Vegas was driving along the Boulder Highway when they had an encounter with a small kid.

“Is that a little kid?”

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

When they saw a child peddling his bike on a highway, the couple wasn’t sure if they could actually trust their senses. The husband exclaimed, “Is that a little kid?”

Confused And Shocked

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

The couple pulled over to the side of the road and put their flashers on and the man scooped up the boy as he rode past.

Stopping The Traffic

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

Another driver in a Honda pulled over and called the police to help find the child’s parents.

Fetching Him Home

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

The driver of the Honda asked the boy if he lives in the nearby housing complex. The boy nodded and the couple then went door-to-door in the neighborhood asking people if they knew whose child he was.

Someone Agreed To Help

YouTube, FOX5 Las Vegas

The couple knocked on the door of Matthew Eskridge who did not know the toddler but agreed to help find the parents.

She Saw The Cars


Matthew said in an interview, “As I came out the mom was running down the street and she ran out the gate cause she seen the cars parked on the side of the road.”

How He Got There


It turns out the boy was riding his bike when he got outside a gate that was left open. He rode across the highway and was peddling on the side of the road toward oncoming traffic.

Watch the story of the unusual incident in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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Kirbya2z71 3 years ago
HOW in the H*** does a mother NOT keep constant watch on a toddler on a bike?????? Can she be sited for something regarding this situation?
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