Hardworking Widow Goes Back To College To Fulfill Last Promise She Made To Late Husband

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Going to college requires a lot of motivation, and this woman has something special to hold on to as she faces the challenges college life has in store for her.

Meet Tiffany

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Tiffany Eckert is a 41-year-old mother of 3 who’s finally about to fulfill her final promise to her husband.

Their Story

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Just a few months after they got married, her husband, Andy Eckert, got sent into an active war zone, which caused him to miss some special moments in their family.

Their First Child


Before Andy left, they managed to get pregnant with their first daughter, Marlee, but he missed her birth. However, Tiffany wanted to honor her husband and his service to the country so she gave their daughter the middle name of “Freedom.”

Their Second Child


Marlee was 11 months old when Andy met her for the first time, and before he went back for his second deployment, they got pregnant again, and he was able to come back on leave for his son’s birth, but he had to go back immediately.

Tiffany’s Promise


On Mother’s Day, Tiffany was on the phone with Andy, and he made her promise that she would go back to school to get a college degree. That was their final conversation before Tiffany received the bad news.

How His Life Ended

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A few hours after their last call, Tiffany got another call. She was informed that Andy had died from an IED going off beside his Humvee.

18 Years Later

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Tiffany worked hard for her family as a single mom of three, and after 18 years, her kids had already grown up and were all going to college, so she figured it was the perfect time for her to fulfill her last promise to her late husband.

She Enjoyed College

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She took the Human Development and Family Studies program, which is normally done in 4 years, but Tiffany managed to get through it in 3. She also joined the Sigma Kappa sorority to make the most out of her college life, and her “sisters” loved her.

Her Graduation Day


Tiffany is about to graduate next month, and she’s thinking of either continuing on to an undergraduate program or finding a job in her field. Either way, we’re sure that Andy is immensely proud of her and all her achievements.

Watch how Tiffany successfully fulfilled her final promise to her late husband, Andy, in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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