67-Year-Old Widow Spends Quality Time With Her 17-Year-Old Dog

Life is best spent with the people (or dogs) you love the most.

Meet Jana

Jana is a 67-year-old semi-retired woman who decided to dedicate her life to caring for her dog, Chewie.

Jana And Chewie’s Story

Chewie came into Jana’s life in 2004 when she was going through a difficult time in her life after losing her husband. Her coworker offered to give her one of the puppies she took to work and that’s how her and Chewie’s story began.

Senior Dog

The two of them literally grew old together. Chewie is now 17 years old but Jana refused to give her up and decided to give her the best life now that she is semi-retired and can spend a lot of time with her.

Her Favorite Activity

Jana and Chewie loved going to Rummy’s Beach Club almost every day during the summer because the senior dog enjoyed warm water swimming.

Special Treatment

The staff at Rummy’s even noticed that Chewie has light sensitivity so they suggested dog goggles to protect her eyes from the sun.

Her Emotional Support

Jana describes Chewie as a “Velcro dog” as she had been her emotional anchor since the loss of her husband. Because of that, she always made sure to shower her with love and attention by always telling her, “I love you.”

Giving Back

Despite Chewie’s old age, Jana refused to give up on her as she didn’t give up on her during her tough times as well. Chewie took care of her during her hard times, and now she wanted to return the favor by taking care of her too.

Goodbye, Chewie

Sadly, after all the wonderful years they spent together, Chewie peacefully passed away, and Jana adopted a new pup named Keeper. They visit Chewie’s footbridge together to honor her memory.

Watch the wonderful story of Jana and Chewie’s eternal friendship in the video below.

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