Delivery Driver Shovels Man’s Wheelchair Ramp

Beyond the help that he provided, what was important was seeing that goodwill can still be found in unexpected places.

Meet Don

Don Wheeler is a Mentor resident who has been using a wheelchair for 20 years.

His Struggles

For him, shoveling snow is a difficult task that can take hours or even days to complete and hiring help for this activity is frequently out of his financial reach because he lives on a fixed income because of his disability.

Unexpected Help

As Don was getting ready to begin the difficult process of shoveling his ramp on a snowy day, an unexpected help suddenly showed up.

No Package

An Amazon driver, whose name is unknown, brought Don something far more meaningful than a package – he brought an act of compassion that would soon make Don’s day.

What’s That Noise?

Curious at the sound of shoveling, Don looked out the window and saw the Amazon driver clearing his ramp.

Simple Act Of Kindness

This small but meaningful deed was done with no thought of reward or praise. After finishing his act of generosity, the driver only smiled and drove away, leaving Don moved and grateful.

His Reaction

Don found this act incredibly touching because he had been used to being ignored by strangers, even those who could have helped.

He’s Grateful

This act of kindness had an effect that extended beyond the cleared ramp. Don felt delighted and emotionally relieved about it, and he was overcome with gratitude.

Watch the story of how a random delivery guy helped Don on a snowy day in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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