Determined Middle Schooler Walks Over Two Hours To Get His Diploma

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Every child has a unique dream, but no matter what those dreams are, what’s important is to what extent they’re willing to go for the sake of reaching them.

Meet Xavier

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Xavier Jones is a 14-year-old student from Missouri who just graduated from middle school.

Smart Kid

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He is a straight-A student at Yeatman-Liddell Middle School who’s got a 4.0 GPA and tons of awards on his graduation day.

A Big Problem


However, his grandfather’s car broke down a few days before the graduation ceremony, so Xavier was faced with a big problem of how to get to the venue.

A Long Walk

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The graduation ceremony was set to take place at Harris Stowe State University, which was a 6.5-mile, 2.5-hour trek from his house.

But He Didn’t Lose Heart

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Xavier was determined to walk the stage on his graduation day, so he looked up the route on Google Maps and when he figured that the walk was doable, he put on his “holey shoes” and started walking.

Tiresome Journey

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Good thing his brother and another friend were at his side that day. They walked together and only stopped once to get a drink of water.

Mission Success

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Finally, Xavier was able to reach the venue on time and walk across the stage and accept his diploma and multiple academic awards.

He’s Got A Scholarship


Right before the end of the event, the Dean of Harris Stowe, Dr. Latonia Collins-Smith, learned about what Xavier had to go through that day and decided to call him to the stage and presented him with a full-ride scholarship to the school.

More Blessings


While he still has 4 years of high school to finish, Xavier already has a place at the University waiting for him, and when he’s finally graduated from high school, all his tuition, books, and other university fees will be paid for.

Watch how Xavier’s perseverance and determination paid off in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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