Volunteer Pilots Send Stolen Dog Back Home

YouTube, WMAR-2 News

Finding your way back home is one of the best feelings after getting lost for a long time.

Meet Sheila

YouTube, WMAR-2 News

Sheila Salazar from Fayetteville, North Carolina, took Nigel, a pit bull mix into her home on May 27.

He’s Been Through A Lot


Nigel used to be a bait dog until he made it to a local shelter before Sheila took him home.

He Got Stolen

YouTube, WMAR-2 News

Just a few months after his adoption, poor Nigel was allegedly stolen, which made his mom worry.

Someone Found Him

Metairie Small Animal Hospital

On September 1, a woman found Nigel after he followed her son home. She contacted Leah Biddinger, a local rescuer, who scanned the dog for a chip the next morning.

Getting Connected


Leah texted the number the chip company gave her. Sheila called her back, but as they talked, they realized that returning Nigel was going to be tricky.

Distance Is A Problem


Leah posted on Facebook, “I assure her he is safe and tell her to give me her address and I will bring him home. She responds I live in NC. I said ohhhh honey, I can’t bring him home. She said why not and I replied with because I live (in) MD.”

Jumping In To Help

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Amelia Air, a group that flies at-risk dogs to places where they can be adopted, heard Nigel’s story and volunteered to help.

Volunteer Pilots

YouTube, WMAR-2 News

Pilots Jordan Mccarthy and Jared Miller from Virginia stepped in to fly Nigel home.

Saying Goodbye

YouTube, WMAR-2 News

Leah said, “When they showed up at the airport to meet us, Nigel instantly gave his seal of approval. He loved them both. Soon it was time to say goodbye to Nigel as he boarded the plane and headed back home to NC.”

Watch how kind-hearted people stepped in to send Nigel home in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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