66-Year-Old Woman Volunteers As A Lifeguard To Save Public Pool From Closure

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This woman is proof that saving lives is timeless.

Meet Gail

Gail Rodgers is a 66-year-old woman from Ohio who just saved her community pool from being shut down.

Lifeguard Shortage


The public pool in her community had been unable to open because of a shortage of lifeguards but Gail decided to step in and do something about it.

She Was Trained


Gail had undergone training for being a lifeguard over 50 years ago but she never worked as one, and now she’s found an opportunity to make use of the skills and learnings she got from her training before.

A More Challenging Training


Gail underwent pre-certification and full training, including learning CPR and how to use an AED, to make sure she was ready to take on the role. However, passing the physical exam was quite challenging for her now because of her age.

But She Made It

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After a series of tests like swimming a 300-yard length, treading water for a specific duration, and retrieving a 10-pound brick from the pool’s bottom, Gail was finally qualified to become a lifeguard.

Another Achievement

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Gail became a part-time lifeguard on May 27 and she was excited to serve her community once more after her retirement.

The Best Part


When asked what the best part of her job is, Gail said it was watching her community enjoy the pool. Indeed, for her, nothing brings her more joy than seeing the enjoyment and happiness on people’s faces as they enjoy the pool, knowing that she’s the one who makes them feel safe.

A Valuable Part Of The Team

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Jeff Blume, president of Cincinnati Pool Management and Gail’s boss, sees the importance of Gail’s contribution to their community. He said, “These individuals don’t walk in your door that often, so you cherish when they do walk in the door and what they bring to the table.”

Watch how Gail became a lifeguard after retirement in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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