Vietnam Veteran’s Final Wish Was To Say Goodbye To His Beloved Dog


A person in his final days wants nothing more than to spend his remaining time with beloved friends and family.

Meet John


John Vincent is a New Mexico resident and Vietnam war veteran who lived an awesome life of service to the country and had an incredible time with his dog after his retirement.

His Story


John was born in Montana and spent most of his childhood on a ranch. He then enlisted in the Marines and ended up serving the force for three years, including the Vietnam war.

Meeting Patch


When he has already retired, a kind neighbor who had a dog that gave birth to a litter of adorable puppies gave him Patch, a Yorkshire terrier.

The Patch Brothers

Facebook, Albuquerque Animal Welfare

John adored the pup so much. He said, “He was the smallest, and I wanted one that could ride on my bike. The only hair I had was on my chin, which was called a patch… And he had a little white patch, so we were the patch brothers.”

They Formed A Bond


John and Patch spent a lot of time riding his motorcycle, and Patch even had a pair of mini goggles. When John retired in New Mexico, they would often take a walk outside.

Declining Health


Sadly, due to his age and deteriorating health, John was admitted to a hospice center and had to surrender Patch to Albuquerque Animal Welfare.

His Final Request


Later on, when he was told he didn’t have much time left, John made a special request to see his beloved dog for the last time.

Emotional Goodbye


Upon getting the request, the animal shelter brought Patch to the hospice center at Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center so John could say goodbye to his dog. Even Patch started crying when he saw his previous owner, as if he was sensing that something was wrong.

A New Family


Eventually, Patch got adopted by a new family, and we know John would be happy to know that his beloved dog is with a new loving family.

Watch John and Patch’s emotional reunion in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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