Sweet Granddaughter Asks Grandpa To Come With Her To The Valentine’s Day Dance

YouTube, Good Morning America

Kids are honest, so when they tell you something, you can be sure that they’re sincere and telling the truth.

Meet Austyn


Austyn is a sweet five-year-old girl who’s loved by everyone in her family.

Dad Is Gone


Sadly, her dad passed away four years ago so her grandpa, Steve Guenther, played the role of a father in her life.

Their Bond

YouTube, Good Morning America

Steve and Austyn have an amazing bond. They love cooking and watching football games together, and Austyn’s mom, Kelsey Woolverton, is just happy that she has a male figure in her life.

A Daddy-Daughter Dance


There’s an upcoming Daddy-Daughter Valentine’s Day dance at Austyn’s school, and she wanted her grandpa to come with her.

The Proposal

YouTube, Good Morning America

Austyn drew a picture for her grandpa before popping the question. She said, “There’s a Valentine’s Day dance. We need our dad to go there. My dad is not going to go. Will you go with me?”

He Said Yes

YouTube, Good Morning America

Of course, who could say no to such a sweet little girl? Steve agreed to come with his granddaughter and they gave each other a sweet hug.

An Emotional Moment


Kelsey said that everyone in the room was emotional while listening to Austyn talk to her grandpa, especially when she still honored her dad’s memory by mentioning him when she asked Steve to be his proxy.

His Little Princess


Grandpas have different ways of expressing their love for their family, especially for their grandchildren. But no matter how they express that affection, they cannot deny that they can be overprotective toward their little princesses at times.

Watch how Austyn asked her grandpa to come with her to the dance in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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