Little Girl Tells Dad He Doesn’t Understand Weddings At All

YouTube, Lomelino Family

Little children giving their parents a lecture is sometimes a wonder to see.

A Memorable Event


A wedding is one of the most special events in a person’s life, and it’s best celebrated with people who are close to the couple’s lives.

Completing The Entourage


The wedding ceremony is usually made more beautiful with little children as flower girls and ring bearers to complete the entourage.

What They Hate


Little children are more adorable in their gowns and tuxedos but sometimes, they hate it when their proud parents embarrass them in front of a big crowd.

A little flower girl named JoJo had a serious talk with her dad before she walked down the aisle. She lectured him about what her role is in the wedding and why he better not call out her name or say anything to her when she’s marching.

An Attempt To Negotiate


The dad tried to negotiate by asking, “What if I just yell ‘Princess!’?” but JoJo was stern in refusing to be called any names.

A Young Lady

YouTube, Lomelino Family

JoJo acts as if she’s an old lady while she exasperatingly explains the wedding scenario with her hands waving and making all those gestures that signal her seriousness with the topic.

After a series of explanations, little JoJo got fed up and finally said “You do NOT understand weddings. AT ALL. Okay?”.

Watch the little flower girl’s hilarious conversation with her dad in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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