Former UFC Heavyweight Champ Saves Parents From Burning Home

Pexels/YouTube, WBNS 10TV

He proved that he’s a champ outside the octagon too.

Meet Mark

Mark Coleman is a 59-year-old UFC legend who was also the first-ever UFC heavyweight champion.

Tragic Night

Earlier this March, Mark was in a home with his parents when his dog, a Rottweiler named Hammer, woke him up to alert him of a housefire.

Things Happened Too Fast

It was 4 AM when the fire broke out. Mark bolted up from his bed, braved the thick smoke and the increasing heat, and ran through the house to get both his parents.

He Was Injured

Smoke started to fill his lungs as he tried to get his mom and dad out. He succeeded, but he eventually suffered smoke inhalation and ended up in the hospital.

Thank You, Hammer

Sadly, Mark’s beloved dog, Hammer, didn’t make it. He tried to run back into the house for the third time to save him but the flames had gotten too intense by then.

He’s Recovering

Mark has been recovering in a hospital bed, hooked up to several tubes to help his lungs recover, but he’s very much thankful that he got to save his parents from the housefire. He said, “My lungs are sore. My eyes are burned, but I’m very much alive and well.”

People Helped

His daughters set up a GoFundMe to help with hospital fees, and they’ve gathered $122,000 so far.

Emotional Moment

Mark broke down and cried upon seeing his parents safe. They, together with his daughters, surrounded him in the hospital room, and they all shared an emotional moment of gratitude and relief that they were all safe and alive.

Watch how Mark became his parents’ hero in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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