Foal Born With Large Body And Twisted Legs Learns How To Run

Despite the discouraging and upsetting things that we hear about the world, there are still lots of inspiring stories all around us.

Meet Revelation

Revelation is a foal that was introduced into the world with lots of struggles a newborn shouldn’t have to face right away.

His Condition

He was born with an abnormally large body and twisted limbs so his tiny legs weren’t able to bear his weight.

What Caused It

Revelation’s inborn condition was caused by his mother’s situation when he was still in her womb. She was constrained by space so she wasn’t able to provide the necessary room for her baby to develop normally within her belly.

No To Negativity

Revelation’s owner, Stine, heard a lot of negative comments about Revelation that said he wasn’t going to grow into a healthy horse and that she should just put him down.

But She Didn’t

Stine refused to give up on Revelation. She decided to shower him with lots of love and attention and gave him everything he needed to live a normal life.

A Long Process

Revelation underwent lots of therapies that involved injections and physical manipulations, but Stine was by his side all throughout the long process.

Persistent Spirit

Seeing how his beloved owner didn’t give up on him, Revelation showed persistence in getting better as well. He faced each day with a brave face and tried his best to literally stand up on his feet.

Big Progress

Through time and with hard work and perseverance, Revelation learned how to walk and eventually run around with his four healthy feet.

A Story Of Hope

His story is a testimony of the unexpected results of relentless hand work and the undying support of his owner. She didn’t give up on him so he didn’t give up on himself as well, and now they’re here.

Watch how Revelation turned from a weak foal into an energetic galloping horse in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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