Troublesome Student Gets Adopted By School Principal

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact one person can have on a child’s life.

Meet Jason

Jason Smith is a dedicated principal at a school in Kentucky.

Troublesome Student

On the other hand, Raven Whitaker-Smith, then an 11-year-old student, was a frequent guest at Jason’s office because of her mischievousness.

Cafeteria Scene

One day, Raven picked a fight at the school cafeteria and threw a yogurt at one of her classmates.

She Was Suspended

Raven got sent to the principal’s office that day, but instead of looking at her as a rebellious kid, Jason realized the things Raven must have gone through in life that caused her to behave in such ways.

Her Story

Jason learned that Raven has gone from one foster family to another as she’s been stuck in the foster system for years, and this struck a chord with him.

His Story

Jason and his wife, Marybeth have struggled with infertility for years and they had almost given up hope of having a child.

New Home

After learning about Raven’s story, Jason and Marybeth decided to foster her, but she had a hard time adjusting in her new home as she was skeptical of how things were finally going well in her life so she tried to test the waters by causing lots of trouble in her first months with them.

They Didn’t Waver

After seeing that the couple truly loved her, Raven finally put down her walls, and on November 3, 2017, the Smiths formally adopted her.

Giving Back

They lived a happy and content life as a family. Eventually, Raven got into the University of Kentucky and majored in social work – a field inspired by her personal experiences.

Watch how a simple act of compassion changed Raven’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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